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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 8

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I r. LIKE A ROMANCE. 'I A Bit; of History of a Bygone 'l Century. Strange Story of the Adrentorei of a Boble Englith Family. 1 American Claimants for the Posses sion of a Vart Estate, Peseendacfs of Sir BIchard Townelej AsLic? for Their Patrimony.

i Interesting- Story Concerning" tn Entailed Estate With Claimants All Over tbe World. 1 Hearty a centtiry aod a balf baa elapsed since Sir Richard Francis Towneley dwelt In lb manor boui of the broad Towneley do- main In ttie cuaotleaof Lancaster and York In England. It was a magnificent estate, park, forests and farm, stretctitng in all direction for ml lea, wblle countless tenants owoed tne possessor aa their lord, be reigning supreme In till little com mo nil. The old manse tout bad been the neat of the Towoeieys aince tbe extabllibment of tbeir bouse was a. broad.

apHCioue building, wnb wide, spreading balls and carved oaken chambers, the out-houses rambling away toward tbe surrounding treea until toe pile resembled a palace. And such It was, for tbe estate was one of the first In England, and tbe wealth of tbe owner was to be computed In tbe millions. nobleman wbo enjoyed tbe estate bad two sons, toe younger, Richard, named for blmwif. and Cearlee Effingham, the oldest. and consequently the belr, aa the K8TATB WAS, Or COUMlt, IXTAItED.

Richard was a roving lad, and when be bad attained bis majority left tbe ball of bis father and undertook tbe perilous voyage, crowing tbe Atlsntlo, coming to tbis country. Tbe trip was made in safety, and years before tbe Revolution he settled as a business man In tbe tben thriving village of ElUabetn-town, In New Jersey. Since tben tbe town dropped the lal syllable, and Is now the 'thriving City or Elizabeth. He met In bis, to blm. foreign land a maiden wbo reciprocated bla proffered affections, and secured ber band In marriage.

From tbis union of love sprang two sons, tbe same number that bad ble.sed Sir Richard a generation before. In remembrenoe of the dear old home, and of tbe aitlt dearer elder brother, tbese youths wars christened with "3 names of CHAKZ.C3 AND KFriMQH ASf. In tbe same year tbat witnessed tbe Colonies rise and declare tbeir Independence a black-bordered en velone brought the lldlnca from over the aea that flr KicUxrd bad died una vulnd avy in the torn of the Towneleys. The elder brother, too. bad Ix-conK Mr diaries KrbDgbam Towneley, as was his right by birth.

Youth passed away and sober middle age was ereeolng on lowanl advanolnit vi-ars when the brother in tula country received another missive. It bar ill tidings Sir C'bariee wan deud and luue. Tins made blm the lawful belr to bis ancestors' estate snd conferred on him the proud lltl-af tlr Rlchnrd Towneley. Uut be whs old, and tbe vorace rci-oks Die waters wne fraught vriih dangers untold. Fortune bad been good to blm, a ntrr In a slranee country, and be waa counted paaelne wealthy among" hie townsmen.

He had no need of hla father's money, aa he enjoyed all that weallb could five bun. Bo be resigned tbe trust to bla sons, Wbo HAD TOOTH AND AMBITION. Jnt tn tbe years of strife that followed In the Treat strncirle or an infant nation against a roei parrnt tbe family was scattered and tbe fortune In distant lands wa placed in tbe history of tbe pt generation. In the mean time the old iate bad passed from tbe direct line into the bands of kinsmen, tue yoonaer brother In disloyal America beloK iteemed dead, and Instead of the children of Itiebard enjoying the Jri'lta of tbe broad aerea of tbe family, strangers, although blood relations sat in the balls and lorded It over tbe tenants. Here in America In tbe years that have followed tbe transplanted bran oh has flourished and grown into snreading tree, the slesoenaan is of the younger son, now tn the, sixth generation, being numbered In the hundred, most of whom are settled about Boston and New York.

Connected by tbe tie of blood were the I-awrence and Cbase Dames, tbese codescendanta making A VAST ABRAY OF HEIRS Totbaold English estate. As Is nsnal with mailed, property in that country. It oame to pass tbat warring kinsmen brought it into tbe Court of Chancery, where for many years. Ilka the mythical Jarndyce estate. It re-snatned entangled In tbe meshes of the ponderous law of that country.

Tbis brought out tbe pact history rf tbe family and the disappearance of the rightful heir of a century ago vraa discovered, rinding there were people In this country who bad legal rights In the division of tbe acres, persons began to investigate tbe line of descent on tbis aide, aa had been done ou the other. One of these was K. Alden Hill, an attorney, of Boston. blmself an heir through marriage. He went to England and snent several years searching tb rough tbe dusty files of tbe Chancery Coi rt.

canning tbe record of tbe ancient family and collecting such evidence an was necessary to prove tbe existence of a ris-bt, aa next succeeding beir, on tbe part of Klobard. to bla father's possessions. In tbis CLAISfDTO BIT! BUJt BPCC8VUt, And, armed with tb doenmente. be returned borne. Patiently searching out the heirs bere be secured their names to a document in which tbey agreed to relga one-bait of their Interest in the estate to bins In consideration of bis efforts to establish tbeir tights to tbe earns.

In tbis ha was entirely aucoeasfol. and a year ago visited tbe city on that errand. Here na called upon Mr. John Townley, President of the Commercial Insurance Company, and Chaa. Effl ogham Towneley, of tbe Oswego Ktareb Company, wbo live on Aubnrn ana Highland avenues.

Mount Anbnrn. To thesa be unfolded tbe result of hla work 'of vaa re. and secured tbeir slgnatoree to the document. 1 bare was no fee to be paid as Is euatnraary in tn naual swindles of a kiad that have a similarly constructed plot. Wblle bera be called an Dr.

Alfred Bhep-pard, of Olendsle, Ohio. After a abort Slav be departed with tbe Intention 'Of going to England to make tbe demand oa tbe occupants of the estate for the possession of the same. Btnoe tben nothing bas been beard from blm, a tact tbat gave the Messrs. Town. ley and Towneley some uneasiness.

In November last tbe latter stat a letter to England, and, as be wss unacquainted In tbat country, addressed It to tbe "President of Parliament." It asked for Information eon-eernlng the Towuelev eatstes end their position as to ownersblp. Tbe following letter explains itself and was received a month later In answer: A X.YTTBB FROM KNQX.AND. IiISsTlOK or THI Ukitid KTsTI. Los dow, Peem ber 1-1, 1S87.JT Mr. Chablks KmsauAg Tuwxiur, 169 Mam Mtreet, Cincinnati Air.

On tbe 7th ot November you addressed a letter to The President of tbe Parliament, London." and, as there Is no sucb person nr functionary In this country. It was sent to the Hneaker of iha Houm of Commona, wbo presides over one of toe unamoers composing tne parliament of Kngland, and be forwarded It to this Ixga tlon. Tbe Inclosed printed clroular will show to what extent you bave been doped, like thousands of our countrymen, by designing rascals wbo. tn the hone of obtaining money (root onr credulous citizens, lead Ibem to believe in the existence of tuytbloai "estates" awaiting beira. ifnt I bad supposed tbat tbe particular myth knovfn as the "Lawrenoe Towneley- Estate" bad era this exploded.

Perhaps a timely warning of it being till In existence by- toe Insertion of the loeloeed circular (and, It you cboone, this letter) In one ot tbs newspapora In yonr neighborhood may serve to pro tect the pockets of soma of our coantry. Cnaa wbo nave not been wise anoogb to make Inquiries as you have dona before paying oat tbetr money to the aforesaid scoundrels. Your obedaeat servant. Hekkt WaiTs, Secretary of Legation. wafd iir thi KNvrira 'Wtta this letter, wblob la written on stont, rough oaner.

bearing toe words at tbe begia. gtlag in raised Uothie loitering, was a badly-printed elrcolar. Tne sBeet was evidently the work of tyro at the tvpograohloal art. and was aa oadly eompoaed aa regards to laa-guace aa It waa prtnteo. It Is tbe production of the present owners, and seta forth-tbat trie aetata, "which la a landed property of acres, is now and baa Weea.or a Ions time la toe psaaeeslon of lta lawful owners." The title.

"It avera," is completely proteotad By the law of Englana. Thero era no on. known or American owners afaaypartef the properly, and oe ground whatever for aa aueh claim. It further recite that aa act of Parliament passed last August was the reaultQf aa amioabte suit" la Chancery now la procrsM, sod waa pased to -adjust tbe aqutMee artslna onder certain successive mar-" riage aettiensenla, aad other coavevauces oxecuttKl various times between IS and 177. It does not.

as assarted, aCord aa op portunity to prosecute Amerteaa alalma. "Ihe olreolar further states taat tna naaiea Tuawrenoo or Cbaaa dh not oooar In tbe not aa passed. -th axscntAXTa i raia cotttbt, And It seema crettr slearly siUbllibed that tbey are lawful descendsata, account for the latter statement by slating the fact that tbe iawrenee and Cbaaa famtllea are tha Aanert. branches, aad bave aever. made atalaa lor their rlsbla.

aonimornilT DO sntle hat ever been received by tbe English Courts. Tha xnysterioas aoaeneo ana sitenoe mv wr bsy. F. Alden HUL has oeoasloned much anmiMIt SISOBI thou tntareated. '1 no very aireular admits the existence of litni II tl nation, wbleh baa ao far advanced that an aet of Parliament was aeeeseary to oulet tne aiaims or the various eiaimanvs.

'Iha exceed i or slmllarltv of namss. wuioa 1 iti been banded Sown for generations to mis cty, is in itself strarre, oovnmg ctss. If attorn baa a good rspauuoa la Boston. Ha neither obta Ined nor asked any compensation for his Uor. Jlr was It a acheme to obtain mJ? to concealed notes, as there no snbaaqoent developments aB Z22z jnstlfr any such belief.

As It now PPrs, the descendants of Hlr K-icT rZ2ltIi who crossed tbe aeaa a century and a quarter ago to become a mam bar of in America, will never enu-r opon the enjoy, ment of tna usufruct of what la theirs by very law, nomaa aad Irivina, Mr. Hill oaa Soatb. The? EsrQCiBkn made an effort to procure Mr. Bill's' side of tha story. A telegram to tbat effect brought tna following special dispatch: Boston.

Mass January It Mr. T. Aides TTIlf tWA dsn BgO for tbO MOUtH, and In all probability now In JscksonviUe. Ha bas for many years been working np tba ease of tba LawreDce-Townlsy estate. Investi gating genealogies, records, 4c Ha movas In tbemost exclusive circles.

EAILBOAD EVANGELISTS. Tbey Will Open a Revival Waatinaj em BOSdsf aicni. wium inni Knith and Adelaide Bherman are two pleasant-featured lsdies who will begin a series of revival meetings to-morrow. Tbese meetings will be open to the public, v. MTiMtiillv for railroad men.

Miss finlth will speak In tbe morning and evening at Bu John's M. E. Cnnrcb. and Miss Sherman will be at Trinity M. Jt Cburch.

weea. i neii lame mim i I atlnn.l LvaDreiui. juiaa superlutenaent oi tue iwu" of the W. T. and Mias Mberman tbe k.

national Mecremry. ium.i tne two laaies nave ifiiu dred thousand miles, reaching every part or the United fetaws. Excepting a salary of iluU per an nam from the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, entitling tbein, as employes. A ml, thus ui I rr psii 7 Af Ma lnla r-Xl LA tommerce law. the ladies receive no stated a hniv aAn varta pay I Or l(iir wura.

rio from ftinoog railroader ra bow mlDlstara. HE HAD HIS NERVE. So Think the Som of Veterans Regard ing Charles Grapes. Rumored Cbararea To Ba Praferraa Ag-alnst Commander-ln-Cblef Abbott, of Cblcag-o. There Is an undercurrent of great dissatis faction among tbemembersof tbe Order of Sons of Veterans.

This dissatisfaction Is doe entirely to tbe recent visit to this city from bis borne at Chicago of Commander-in-Chief of tbe Veterans A. B. Abbott. Mr. Abbott arrived here on last Tuesday.

and so quietly did be drop into tbe city tbat but few, even among tbe eta," knew of bis presence here. W'ben at last It did become known tbat Mr. Abbott bad arrived in the city, and that, too. upon an Invitation purporting to have been extended blm by tbe different camps of tbis city, the greatest sur prise was expressed, wmii the THUS VACTS LEAKED OUT Keeardlnr the Invitation this surprise turned to indignation, and there promises to be some lively tines before tbe matter la sst- tled. There are annmber of rumors regarding tbe atlnlr, and members of tbe organization are laming rainer ireejy.

rrom wuai cm am luarucd it appears that Mr. Abbott's presence here is due entirely to one person, wbo took it upon bimself to extend an invitatiou tn the name of all tbe Hons of Veterans, and tben failed to acquaint his feliow-raembers with what ba bad done. The man who la accused of extendlnz thle Invitation UL'Dai. Cirapes. member of McPbarson Lamp, no.

o. xne commander waa to bave a grand racention qnd iradoupon bis arrival in this city, lie reached bere, and at the depot there was NO roXUITTtS TO KkCXITB HIK. Silently and alone he wended bis way to tbe Walnut street tiouse. his reception waa a cold one. In fact, there waa none tll au I ii formal affair at Covington and on rnursdav morning be departed, lndlcnant and vowing, it is said, never again to set foot in Cincinnati.

The rumors do not ston here, however. It ems to be quite certain tbat charges will be preivrrea against urapea. lemmiBafr a o-oott is also belne bauled ever, and it Is ssld that he. too, will ba charged wltn unknlghtly conduct In not ranking bis presence bere known. hat be should bave done to bave proclaimed bis arrival is not given.

It Is also talked about that it tbe intention to over-naul him for using the funds of tbe society for Improper purposes. The contemplated charges against Grapes are on account of his siding in a scheme by whleb be ana coinmandsr Abbott enjoyed the fends of tne aanocialion. Grapes la a dealer In military goods, and the members assert that be bad some otner objeot In view. MRS. CRANE'S RECEPTION.

A Delightful Event on Mount Auburn Yesterday. An elegant reception, was given yesterday afternoon from two to five o'clock at the residence of Mrs. J. Crane, on Aubnrn avenue, Mount Auburn. It waa in honor of Mrs.

Reuben II. Crane, nee Miss Kate Wbltaker. The aflair one of the most pleasant ladies receptions which bas occurred In this locality for a long time. Tbe handsome home of tbe genial hostess was prettily decorated with plants ana nowera. A choice collation waa served by Broker, and dnrlna tee hours of the reception several hundred prominent laaiee cauea nt tne nospu oie some.

Among tbe many la attendance were noticed i Mrs. R. A. Uolden. Mrs.

Will Crana and Mrs.K.A.Holden, Jan. daughter. Mrs. John Allen, Mrs. beseiaine and Mr.

Hlnkle. Mrs. M. M. White.

daughter. Mrs. Resor. Tbe Misses Bradford. Miss Ittle Pubme.

Tbe Misses Wayne. Miss Mattle Alltsoa. Miss Neva Weir. Mrs. Lawrence.

Miss iielle Jelke. Miss Ella Foer.tSr. Mrs. Frank Phlppe. Miss Alice Tnompson.

Mrs. Matthew Addy. Mrs. E. Uoehorn, Mrs.

as. Whlttakefl Mrs. Dr. Miles. The Misses hi taker.

Mias Ktrobridge. Mrs. Davia. Mrs. Kinney.

Mlsa Llpptneott, Tbe Misses Kesor. Misses Meaden. Mlsa Wade. Mra. Tatuoa.

Mrs. Dudley Rhodes. Miss atessle Ludlow. Mrs. 8.

r. Cart. lun. Mrs. John R.

resales. Mrs. IJpoincolt. Mrs. M.

Thompson. Mrs. Cbaa. Johnson. Mrs.

Arthur Stem. Mrs. Jiious. Mrs. K.

C. Rochester. Mrs. Dr. Carson.

Mrs. Ooodman. of Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs.

Dr. Battler. Mrs. Frank; Tailtdge. CUBIAL PERMITS ISSUED YESTERDAY.

Henry Termeth, fifty-two, pneumonia. Cummlnsvllie; Henry Walkenhorst, fifteen daya, exhaustion, S3 Hughes sir set; Mary Clark, seventy-three, exhaustion, 19 Pendle ton street: William Droege. forty-two, apoplexy, 18 Mansfield street; Wen, Knblman, ten month, noma. 7 Flndiay street; Joseph Hormekamp. six months, asphyxia, Mooat ioukoui; Infant Heaee.

twelve daya, asphyxia. 863 Weat Fifth street: Ella White, twenty-five, puerperal fever. Crawfish road; wort tieaen. lonraaya, pneumonia. otf eatern avenue; Winner, three, tubercular meningitis, 146 Calhoun street! Elisabeth Cannon, seven tv-elsbt, bronchitis, 117 Mound street Kreanan.

thirty-two, consumption, H03 West Beoond street; Mary Rob-luson. forty-five, accidental poisoning, 1W John street: Julia Vcblmpf. eleven months. Inanition. 26 Cook street: Edward Dietrich, eleven months, croon.

CI Haiuer streett Alio. ale Bonnie, tnlrty days, marasmus. Chestnut street, wsinat mils. "Why tha New Ctrl VTealda Stay. ITsxaa Sittings.) Wife Well, our new girl is going to leave.

John. Husband Why? t)he says your manner toward ber aa tha street la entirely too cool; tbat we haven't oar family arms aa tha kitchen stove lids aad broom-handles, and that, ontbe whole. wa stos ox or Btdaess Telegraph Tails. Tba Postal and United Lines Telegraph Company baa made aaather red nation In rates 6W Paul. Minneapolis.

-Sotnth and Wlaoaa, from alxtv to fiftv cants, tmm words, dsv; Newcastle. Bradford and Titue- viile, rBt- from thtrlr-avecaata to twin lr five ceats, ten words, nay, besides numerous reaucuous on otner points. Calastss; tha Wars, i a Weekly.l Phwat la tba aame camman-dnaa air yaadoln wlddaktroaana.Dlnnla.w -AB'aianiyejtst read, tbat lie poorsdan ana waves was eeiam inimT "1 Old that "Pnweii. stm tbryln tbe lxnarlaaant tha nviv sua suwiw ivnini TheloiparlaJ Baalal ClaW Tha Imperial Beolal Clab ot Fries Hill are about to Issue stock far the purpose of erx tag a targa aaa aiegant oiao-Beuaa, This organisation la making active arrangtmanU aa-a eeawaa a wv-iysewsa xu rm Cslia tn i -4 aUadwlaat Captain Lod wiekw friends will ba pained to iaara tbat ba It vary 111 at hla home la River side, and tbat deaau are entertained af bla reeoTary. RESCUED FROM THE SEA.

FoTirDaya ud Three lfiglita in the Gig. ATalaof SaffariBft? A BarnlnT Bblpin tb Midst of laniflo Ban Half tb Ora Drowned. (Ban Francisco Examlner.1 It does not matter what tha cargo at tha British bark Cane ton consisted of when sba dropped anchor In this port on Friday evening. Zt was apparent that a part I bar mission was that of mercy. Tha fact of Us being Incidental does not detract from tha praise which should attach to Captain Charles Uwe, in command of tha bark.

Many stories of suffering at aea are dally purveyed to tba public through tba medium of tbe press, bat possibly tbe most remarkable escape from death is that whleb bas bean brooebt into port by the vessel referred to. Tbe British bark Carleton was lust 12S days from Mary port, England, laden with 2,000 tons of steel rails, when she landod bare. When a considerable disuaca off tba Horn and on tnls side It happened that First Mate John Hunter sighted a boat. It was on October 80th. and in the morning, but before daylight hsd occurred.

The position was latitude S6M Booth and longitude 7420 West. Tna wind wss blowing from west-north-west, and snow squalls prevailed at Intervals. A half gale waa on. Tba mate called below to tbe captain, who was on deok half clad. UA boat! a boat!" was yelled by Mats Hunter.

"Where away?" demanded tbe captain. "Just off the lee bow," shouted tbe mate. Sure enough the boat wss seen, but tbe ship was running at such a rate of speed, making elgbt knots' an hour, tbat It was impossible to bring her about In time, bence tbaJsoat was lost sight of. All bands were ordered on deck and tbe bark pot about, feeling ber way gradually back. It waa early morning, and soon the little, buffeted shell was again seen.

The vessel came down as gently as the rough sea would allow, and finally succeeded In getting the little dingy alongside with ber freight of elebt men. THI JOBsSXAl JST7SVTVOK9. Tbey bad to be dragged on board, being el- moat unable to move In consequence of the cold. After being placed on ooard, the Insignificant boat, wbicn bad sustained tbe men for three nlgbta and four days, was scuttled, and allowed to drop to tbe bottom of tbe aea. Tbe men were taken on board and tba ten- derest re given tnem.

It was found tbat their feet and lees were swollen out of all pro-Dortlon. and tbat they had suffered severely. although tnelr provisions bad not given out. Kor four weeks tbe unfortunates suffered all manner of agony before being able to tread the deck. Captain Riehsrd Bnrgwardt, who com manded tbe Ill-fated bark Johanna, was seen at tha otlloe of the tierman Consul yesterday mordlag.

Tbe Consul abruptly and brusquely told tbe reporter tbat he bad no time to talk to newspaper men. The reporter then weut on board lte veo.el, which waa lying In the stream. There It was found tbat tbe rescued crew bad Just landed. Tbey were inter found at Ueorgo Koeben's boarding-bouse, at 87 snd 89 Paolfle street. Tbey were all men of immense beard, aavo one, and over six feet in height on mn average, being eplendid physical types.

From tuem it waa learned that tbe email boat's company consisted of Captain Richard Burg. wardt. rirst diaie reter Thompson, neoona Mate Frederick Eddier. Carpenter E. Schaoht.

Hall-maker Herman Crondabl and Sailors Ernest tlundel, I Peter Cbrislienson and U. HMgedorn. Tne story of the captain and mate are Iden tical, and tbey may both tell It together, although First Mate Thompson was more graphic. riRS OX BOARD SHIP. At the boarding-house he called np tbe sur vivor of the crew, and, easily telling his storv, remarked: "I've been at sea for many years, but I do not went any more suck experiences as we had durlnr tha last trio, Wa ware eiarhtv.alx davs out front Hbieids, England, laden with i.t-ui tons oi coai lor a toi cm port, wnen we were first apprised of our imminent danger.

It waa about live o'clock In tbe morning of October 'Join. Smoke waa Issuing from the torward hstcb. aad general alarm was tbe result. We battened down tbe hatches, placed canvas about them and lasbed tnem fast, in tbe hope tbat it might smother, tbe names until vr could make -land In a. or reaoh a Very little etleet waa produced.

Oae was created by tbe burning coat. Tbe wind was terrific, and we were In a cross sea. Tbe course wss changed to tbe north-west, so aa to meet some other vessel. It might have been a pretty sight," continued the mate. to bave witscKied the panorama, but.

aa erand as It waa. It waa awful. You can a.carcely imagine a huge snip which baa been' converted into a furnace plowing tbrougb tbe wildest sea In tba most deserted latitudes." The survivors then Joined In singing ont: "You should bave beard that gas. It whistled like eteam, alarted every tning, and we listened to It with oor hands over our mouths." From tbe further facts gathered, tba craw prepared the boats for a launch when the critical moment should come. When tbe accumulated gas asaerted it-elf and madly blew the batches to tbe winds, tben, as last resort, tbe boats were lowered.

John John- sen, at Bwede, was tbe man to tsks the first large life-boat, but fierce billow smashed the boat nnd drowned tbe sole occupant. The aocond boat waa launched in command of First Male feter Thompson. He discovered that be bad no water on board and put back for a cask. Tbe boat's crew, wbo were all young fellows, became rattled and pushed off without him and without water. They were all young men Otto Miller.

Arick Lescheeg, Carl Bragg. Adolpb Behrens. Albert Janeen, E. Anderson. Berghahn and an unknown called 11 helm.

It is quite Impossible that tbey coo Id have been saved. AT TBI Jf IBCT or THB WAVKS. The dingy or the captain's gig was then manned ana twelve days' provisions and elgbt days' water placed on board. Tbe cap tain ana eight naroy sailors stepped into ber. una was so small that the crew placed a buoket forward to break the force of tbe waves, sad one man waa keot constantly balling.

i De nisnt oetore we were pieaea np we tw a ship. We endeavored to make for her In every possible way. Hope arose high, and we worked with extra strength, it waa no use. The ohantom dlsanoeared. and then we gased at each other like men who were doomed te die.

The last hope bad fled, bnt while life lasted we continued to keen oor hhead to the eea. 1 henext night the veeaeltbat savea na came in signk we yelled. The wlad waa howling and aba was acuddlug before It. fche ran by oa Use a ghost. Ureat baaveas! We could not possibly last aaotUer hour In suoh weather.

Tha orew of the boat was on tbe verge of breaking down when tbey discovered tbat the bark was returning. Tben tbe firmament of tbe southern seas was lurid with glory. Onr stiffened and swollen jolata seemed to looaea themselves, and as tbe abip oame down we threw our painter, and tbey naoiea naon noara ana pot us to bed, from wblob none of na arose In four Capiain Uwi refused at first to believe tbat so many men could bavo lived for such a length or time in captain's gig, but ha now believes It. He declares tbat It is one of the most remarkable eases on record, snd beats bis experiencev me uermn consul nas taken charge of the i en, who are being well cared for. SHOW GOSSIP.

raorxaaiexAi. tmu-un. We shall eeaUnne ta pobUsh every asTcaaara list ef letters reaaatntag la the Dramatic Fosvofflce of Thi KKCiOinxa addreaeed to professionals, wha by forwarding tkeir addresses can have their mall seat to tnem at ear expense. fee profession- aia sboald be sent la care at the Dramatis Kdlcor The following letteis ramala naoalied foe: Alaoo. M.

T. Holland a MoMahoa. Black. Af las O. Hadley.Joha W.

(Tt. Bradley aad Curtis. lu-adly. John. Kunoo, Mis CI are ace.

Bradley. WUt si. Klxby, John. Brown. Loria H.

Baird. Ollie. B'Joa Theatrical Co. -Hru, Cnaa. Bennett at St.

Opera Oa. Brews, A.M. HrySon, V. a. trroll.

J. W. Ouatelle. Dss. Colenaaa.

T. A- Cabo. Bertha. Cromwell, Prof. -Csrietoa.

Will. Carl tea. Harry. Cove. Jotia O.

Dakla. i. A. Pavenport. Oeorgs.

Fairfax. Vlrsriala. Fullar. Fraea. Purlenr.

J. R. rfounaen, bus Klna.t. M. IJord.

Henry. JLainbert. lottos. Nora. a La Hue feroa.

Lovell. laa. Si anaaer A Rlaht ot" alaoasrvr Trapeae Co. Is ikade On. No.

Maa. Frevw Oeaeart Oa. Mourae, Charles IC Uanager Bella Moore. Morria.

Oars. uk Cora VasTasaaL. XcCenaeb. J. w.

iTxler. Aavite. Preacott, Marie. Bath. J.

A. 1-iirl. Fatlly. Kayatond. Sats Itiilv.

rait. Itoeay. rat. Itloo. IMS.

HohMae. aftas XC 7 eieopp. Albert. aMdona. ISa.

Flodgate. trau. Joll Stabblemtre. Bert, Unaaalel HmvDaxastvacsnlaa. W.

J. Holtes Frank. Wetheretl. K. J.

Matey. JJ. Vr Ullams. Jlmials. Htf biters Oe, Jobs J.

Beary.ast. WUllsst Una. v. FATT1 COJfCEKT TICKKT aTTISDULR J7sw Yoax. January 1A After eladlng da.

taetlvea tor a year, tha man who. repraseaUag himself aa a brother of Marcus Mayer, ao eueoessfuily swindled tha resideata of tba City of Mexloooot of nearly by as parlous advance aate of Ucaeta tor a aartee of ooaeerta by Mad. FsiM. has been arrested, aad ta naw looked op at Police Headquarters. He la.

aa baa bean boorton. who livesVta this eity lor a short time and claimed Prntativ, af the Lonaen He feres and tha Oil Bias, ot Paris. Mr. Abbey was Informed af tha arreat yeaterdar aad eaw Meatifled tha ewineUeVT Mr. Abbev Present of the tt of Mexloo, to saeeruuh If Hour ton was wanted there to answer fur tha tftl K--l mi n.

MaTJTJ. ha adla in tha City r. waa f.1'1? or wbtah be JmZ 51Zm oaeof tha moat aaoceeatai aad dangerous of eoafidsaoa men. and has operated soeeeasfnliy all ov.r What iTLi inspector Byrnes yesterday ta. 57 wha or where Boorton, wjU a French Jew.

about tarty ysaraof 'V Oapiared. ll ta kiaes7kannr taat aa naa bean is ot any, bnt If- tha Mexican authorities do not want bin, or If bla crime Is not one of aa extraditable ehsrscter. ba will ba hakt to answer to noma otoor of bin many gen sea XOTKSL- aATTjr kxs at all of the th esters tbis afternoon. Tats 'ndvanoe aala for tba Wllbor Opars Com Dsn which opena to-morrow afternoon at la tba largest aver had by aay company at tbia bouse. Tbia encasement will bo tbs largeet ever played by them here.

Tna attraction for next week will ba aa follows Com mencing to-morrow nsllaes, Henek's. "Lights London:" Ha Vila's. Skipped by tba Light ot tha Moon:" Harris'. Wllonr Opera Company; People's. Keata-BanUey Company; Caaino, JSallla Free; Monday, Qrand, Lotta.

That the first performance of "Roans' by the Queen City Opars Company la attracting wide-spread attention la evidenced ay tha fact, that other cities (among these Chicago-UL. Dayton. Ohio, and Indianapolis. Ind.) will have repreaentativee bera to report npon tha recaption ot this new American opera. entertainment to ba given by tba Elite Combination on Jsaaary 33tb la progressing with tba utmost aausfactles.

Tha talent en-geared for the ooeaeioa is tha best, and eom-prteaa the following well-known people: Klngeley, Gorman snd Foster, musical team; Criterion Qaartet. vocal Is Zlg-Zaa Four, break-neck eong-and-daaoe; the Hose Sisters, aharseter change artists: B. J. Brans, banjo com 1 que; Messrs. Clements and Walbanb and Mr.

Fanl Felne. mnaical director. A voKDismt week at Kohl and Middle-ton's Vine-street Dime Museum Is drawing to a close. One of the moat interesting aad instructive features of this week's exhibition In the curio halls ta Prof. Hermes' big stere-optieon exhibition.

Tbe magnified representations of Insects, fibrous growth snd eellular sapstaQcea are delightful revelations of science wnicn plessa and educate. Tbe other -attractions this week are arrest. Msny nnlqns features are Included In next week's bill of attractions. Tbs following, from tha Kew York Clipper, will be read wltn interest by theatrical people: "Macagerr Aug. Daly and A.

M. Palmer. Edwin Booth, Lawrence Barrett. James Lewis, John Drew, Horry Edwards, General W. T.

Bberman. Lawrence Hut ton. T. B. Al-drleb, H.

L. Clemens, Brander Matthews, Jndge J. F. Daly. Wm.

Bispbem and 8. H. Olin met In tbe Red Room at Delmonloo's, afternoon of January tn, and, after partaking of luncheon st Mr. Daly's invitation, adopted resolution to Incorporate onder tbe title of the Players' Clob. those oreaentto be charter members.

Joseph Jefferson. Manager Tompkins and John A. Laue sent letters Indorsing tbe movement. Committees were appointed on organisation, constitution and bar- lawa and membership. Mr.

Palmer is Chairman of the first-named. The newolob's objects sre thus outlined by Mr. Daly: First, to provide for social iatsreourse among the members of the dramatic profession, artists and tbe patrons of art: second, the formation or a dramatic library and a house for dramatic records; third, to collect historical data of tbe stage In genersl and tbe American stage In particular. It la proposed to purchase fine building In a anltable location, and aU the steps necessary to tbe success of the scheme will be pushed with energy." TOPP'S AMENDMENTS, Wblob Ha Will Try to Oat Incorpo rated in tba Propoaed Police Bill. VColonsl.

what do yon ear to tbe charges In the paper tbat yon were np In Columbus lob bying for the Police blllT" asked Mr. Dodds, at the meeting of tbe Police Commissioners yesterday, of Superintendent Deitsch. "You most not believe all yon see In tbe papers. Mr. Dodds." replied tba Superin tendent, with broad Cnmmlnsvllle smile.

"Whenever tbere Is any legislation to be pro- nosed 1 leave It tor other persons, ills Honor, tbe Mavor. for Instance." -I shall go to Columbus myself in a day or two." interrupted president lopp. "sna i have three araendmenta In mv mind wblob I will makes stronn effort to have looorpo rated In tbe pending bill. One will be fur tbe relief of tbe Kelief loud, another will move the restriction which prohibits tbe expenditure by tbe Board of more than 1.000 without the approval of council. Tbe third will increase tbe pay of tbe luspector of Police.

I think if any official deserves mors pay he aoei." "Quite right," commented Colonel Deitsob on all three propositions. Tbe Board want into executive session witb Representative Wydman present by Invita tion, IMPROVEMENTS As Asked For by the People af tba Twenty. Fourth and Twenty-Fifth Wards. Tha Imarovement Association of tbe Twenty-fourth and Twenty-firth Warda held regular meeting st Relcbrath's Hall last evening, President Dlrr In tba chair. After routine business.

Councilman McCarthy said tbat the work of paving Coleraln pike with sranlte wonld probably be completed about April next, in tbe roeau time the bridge over Mllloreekat Coleraln avenue waa in a dau- gerous condition and liable to fall down at any time. He thought that steps should be taken at once to get money to build a viaduct over tbs earns. Mr. McHngb concurred in what Mr. McCarthy bad said, and moved tbat a committee ot three ba appointed to prepare a bill to bo presented to tbe Legislature providing money for the construction of the viaduct.

After considerable discussion tbe resolution waa ao amended aa to tbe aame committee lay tbe matter before tne Board of Public Affairs this tnoruiug. Tne Chair appointed aa the committee Messrs. J. U. Washburn.

E. 8. Haveus snd A. K. uulow.

On moilon of Mr. Waabburn, President Dlrr waa added to tbe committee. A petition from K. College Hill, asked the aaaoclation to take soma action looklna to the improvement of Hamilton pike above Bpriog Grove avenue. The communication waa received and referred to the committee appointed to wall on tbe Board or fuoiie A airs.

Mr. J. E. Cormany, of the Twenty-fourth Ward, was duly elected a member of the association. Tbe condemnation of Spring Grove avenue coininr up, tbe following resolution was adopted: Hesolved, That it Is tbe sense of tba Ira-nrovetneut Association of the Twenty-fourth and Iweuty-flfth Warda tbat Boring urove avenue ouant to oe cuuuenrnsu miu nsrri-son avenue nnd tbe east corporation line, and tne Hamilton county delegation tn the Legis lature are bereb.v earnestly reqoeated to sup port tbe bill Introduced into tbe General As- cmoiy loosing to tna consummation.

Te Sappy'a Disgraceful Appearance. IPlttsburg Chronlcle-1 "Hello, De Sappy! What makes you look so sahd this morning?" "Usbd a terwibie blundah yestiddy. doncber know.ole fel, and haven't wecovered yet." "What wae UT "Why. I didn't have the any ot my scarf. pla exposed except Just tbe bead, and tbe cowed thing is to show about an loch of tne pin." "Nevsb mind.

Bwaoe up, cbspple, and aon't no it again." Baa Hsgsa Drawlag Grant Crowds. Bsa Hogan, the evangelist. Is drawing: im mense crowds to Wesley Chapel, where be lectures every night, Last evening ha delivered oae of bis best discourses to a largv audience. His efforts are meeting with great success. His address last night waa on "Tbe Leprosy of Kin," and this subject was welt handled.

He speaks again on Baaday night. JEqnal ta tha Occasion, New Tork Bun. "He (J net Introduced) What a vary homely man that gentleman near tba piano Is, Mrs. Hnbeon. Mrs.

HoeooB Isn't bet Tbat Is Mr. Hobaon. He (equal to tbeoccsaionr Ob, lsdeedl How tros It is, Mrs. Hobson, that ths homely men always get the prettiest wives. Leeturs oa Pbatocraphy Mr.

George Bullock delivered aa Interesting lecture last svenlng on the "Modern and Orthoebronsatle Photography Applied to aturai History," is the leotore-room. of tbe Natural History Society. ur. a. mu xueketu win lecture January aVtb.

XikXAirB Horn-, Chicago. CELERY COlsTOTJllTJ. For The Nervous The Debilitated 'V-e Age Medical and achnufla akm has st bat solved' fits 1 problem of the lona sanded -tt for ths aar. vows, dabOiastsd, aad the as-ad. by i ilil tbs mtn waslca.

Ceiery and Ooca. wah othar eaTeo. tivs Tasnemes. wMob. aclaasr aastty bnt asVeaanttr is the kxineTm.

ass bowels, men illi ea7 vitality. sT oiiiljouM It napUeahsretufursi new era tn the treatment eg yvvsworg, anxiety, anas, lay tbs toanoaboa of memflMm aold he I aw KiCMARDSON CO, Prcpriatefj mlZZ oy lasaadtasaa snS sisnil ths awnta andaaraiyaas ot wasaross syasam. MBN'Sv'FIH Til fFP (T (Til ATT JD- LlJlllt! iyjn The above CAPTION covers values offered before in this CITY at the PRICES, and are UNSURPASSED FOR.QUAIJTY. 76 and 78 West A f-Fnp "WILSOIT. TEA AND COFTEE.

GKKTJLNB JDIAMONM FOUND IK TJCA AMD COrFBE, Below will ba found a partial list of tha names ot fortunate parsons finding valuable arttoies in their cans of tea and eofiss purchased yesterday at tbe store ot tba Import, era' Tea Company, No. 170 Wast Fifth street, this city: Dr. J. Y. Hltt, Greensburg.

got genome diamond ring: Mrs. L. B. ttervls. iuebmoad.

eentclub order of 2U or 27 cane and found gent's soiia goia nnniingcsao watch. Klgin movement, stem wind snd set, also genuine diamond, ruby and sapphire ring: T. T. Markland. 79 Oil ber got venulns diamond rlna: Mrs.

Frank Banker. 178 W. Fifth su. found solid gold cbaaed band ring; a. ixbinstein.

traveling asieainavu, Loniavilla. Kr sot ladVs solid gold hunting esse wstcb, stem wind snd set, and pair gen uine aoiitaire mamonu cuu oukwua; w. x. Ewlnr. canvasser.

Coleraln got gent's solid gold bunting esse wstcb. Elgin move ment, stem-winder; It- s. cox, ary gooas. snnuiruL Ohio, rot sennlns diamond ring: Miss M. BlaiaaelL.

seamstress. Saeu ern svenne, found genuine aoiitaire diamond ring; F. N. Ward, locomotive engineer, Kansas City, got gsnulne diamond collar button; Mrs. Mollis Cblpley.

128 Hopkins su. found solid gold chased band ring; Mrs. A. B. heever.

Ureansburc. Indsent dob order of 16 for 20 cans, and found lady's solid gold bunting ease watch, atem-wlnder, also genuine solitaire diamond aairt-etuQ; Mrs. IX E. Allen. 4M Coleraln found genuine diamond ring; W.

B. Arnold, Cinclnnstl outn-ern K. fC got geat's tolid gold hunting case watch. Elgin movement, atem-wlnder: Mlsa Jennie beer. Fifth and Plum found genuine diamond ring: J.

L. Elliott, Uwlnca villa, got genuine diamond ring, also solid gold band ring; Mias M. D. Oakes, saleslady, Fifth au found pair genuine solitaire diamond ear-drops; as K. Tempest, Chateau vk, got genuine diamond rlnaf Mlsa K.

K. Htnrgls. Wilmingtou. sent clou order of tJO for 27 cans, and round gent'a solid gold hunting case watch, Elgin movement, stem wind snd net, and lady's chatelaine watch: C. M.

r-teven. traveling salesman, Chicago, got genuine soli I aire diamond lace-pin Mias Kittle Campbell. 407 Elm aU. found solid gold baud ring; J.Levy, Wlnifrede Coal resides 48-Nlntb IL, got genuine diamond ring; Jdrs. ti.

u. Crane, Newport. Ky, aent ciuoorderof fJ0for27 cans and found gent's solid gold bunting case watch, stem wind and set. pair genulce diamond ear drops, and diamond, ruby aod sapphire lace-pin: Mrs. E.

Reed, Birmingham. visiting in Cincinnati, found solid gold obased band ring; ra. J. P. bom oaer.

224 Walnut iU foond-gea-ulne diamond ring; a. H. Harvey, clerk. Eighth su, got lady's solid gold bunting case wstcb, stem-winder; John Clark, nook-keeper. 74 Look st-.

got genuine diamond ring; Mrs. E. Collins, 89 Monroe street. Newport, Ky-. found solid gold rlnr: Mias J.

K. Wtorey. Aurora. Ind-. aent clob order of tJU for 27 cana, and fouad gent's solid gold hunting esse watch, Elgin movement, ilem-wisdar, and genuine oll-Uiire diamond ring; W.

H. Kennedy, trader, Feeaborg, got genuine dlsmood ring: B. A. Philllpa. U.

C. C. and I. R. got lady's solid gold bunting esse watch, stem wind and est.

Orders by mall promptly forwarded to all parte ot the United Statee ns receipt of cash or order. Terms: slnglecan. 11:0 cans, 13 cans. (20. Parties getting up club orders of $10 or -on 1 ti I a article.

Ad. Vreas IMPORT 15 Its' TEA CXX, 170 Weat Filth street. Clnolaoatl. Ohio. Store open from 8 A.

M. to 9 P. M. REMEDIES. VITIATED BLOOD Scrofulona, Inherited and.

Contagions Humors Cared bj Cntlcara. Through the medium of one of yonr books. received tbrougb Mr. frank ray. Drag gist, Apollo, Penn I became acquainted with yon Cntioora Remedies, and take this opportunity to testify to you tbat their use bas permanently cored me of one of the wo rat cases of blood poisoning, in connection with ery sipelas, that have ever seen, and this after naviaa oeen pronounced lucuraoie uj sumo of the best physicians in our county.

'I take ni nlaasure in forwarding to yon this testl monlaU unsolicited as it is by yon, to order that others suffering from similar maladies msy be encoursged to give yoar Cullcara Remedies a trial. P. H. HITLI NOER, Leecnburg, Penn. Reference: Frank T.W ray.

druggist, Apollo, Pa. SCROFULOUS ULCERS. James E. Richardson. Co torn House.

New Orleans: on oatb says: -In ItSTO Scrofulous Clears broke out on my body until i was a mass of corruntioa. Every thing: known to the medical faculty waa tried In vain. I became a were wreck. At times could not lift my bande to my bead, could not torn In bed; was tn constant pain, ana looaea npon iiieaa senrse. No relief or core in ten years.

In 1180 1 beard of tbe Cutieura Remedies, need tbem. and waa peneotiy enreo." aworn to before U. H. Com. J.

IX Crawford, ONE OP THE WORST CASES. We bsvs been selling your Cntlonra Remedies for years, and have tbe Brat complaint yet to resolve rrom pareaaser. una oi tne worst cases of Sarnfu la I ever saw was cared by the use of Ave bottles ef Cutionra Resolvent, Cntlcora and Cutieura Heap. The Soap takes tbe cake" nere aa rneuiotnai aoap. TAYLOR A TAVLOR.

Urugajsta. Frankfort, Kan. SCROFULOUS, INHERITED, And Contagiosa Homora. with Loea of Hair, snd EruDtione ef the Bkln. are poeitlvely oured ay Cntlcora and Cutieura Boap externally, and Cutieura Resolvent internally, when all sthr mediclnee fail.

Boldevery-wbere. Prion SO cents; Cutictjbv. Boar, 25 osnts; Cuticosa Kksolv-' I5T. ti. Prenared by the I'ortuDxusAss CaixiCALCa, Boston, Mass.

ay-ttend tor -now to core nam msaaaea," 64 pages, aOlHaatrattana. and lau testimonials. DlllPLia. Blackheads, Chapped and Ollv I lial 8kln. prevented.

tea. ny CxjxiccrnA Mam- OATBS HOIK UTERINE PAING A.nd Weakness lastaatly relieved by '-OH ths CsUssrs Aatt-Paun Plaatsr. a I 'rrhfV Perfect Antidote to Pain. Inflsm-WaasU matloa aad Weakness. A new.

in. iuuiomui and Infallible psin-kllling pLaa- aes. aa wbisi Constitutional Catarrh. No Slncle aiseasa has sntelladl sua asvaw lag or hastened ths bresklng op of the constitution thaa Catarrh. The seaea of small, of taste, ot slab of hearing, the hamaa voice, the mind one or mora, aad sometimes ail, yield to its destructive lnfluenoe.

Tba poison it distributee throughout the system attacks every vital lores, and breaks np tbs mast ro- ousa as oosauiuiiona. ifnorrn. nenaiiss rial lltUe understood, by most pbysiclana. Irapo-teatly aaealled by ooacka and ebarlatana, thoaa nffering froat It have UtUa hope to ha relieved ot It this aide at the grave. It i a Lima- then, that tha popalar treatmeat of this terrible dlseass by remedies within ths reach ac all paaaed Into baadast ones corn potest aad trustworthy.

Ths aew sad hitherto satrted method adopted by Dr. Ban ford in the prepay ration of bis Rabicai, Itu has wan tbe hearty approval of thousands. Itls Instantaneous In affording relief tn all head colds, aaeeslag. snaffling aad obatroetad brosthtaa, sod rapidly removes tbs most oppreeslvs symptoaaa. tearing tba bead, eweetealng tbe breath, restoring tbs senses of smell, taste aad hearing, aad neutralising tha constitutional tendency of tha rtlssssa toward tha liver sad kidneys.

Baa rose's RaniCAT-'Ctmn aonsistaot one bottlo of tba RantcAT. Crraa, oo box Ca-taiihal BoLVxotT and latraovavo iat: price, ti. rOTTIl VKVm AWP fHrnTTTQAt. CO-, Boston. IstUFais flsater relieves Rbsv e-r mZ aa tic, Seiatia.

Bnddsn. Vtsrp Lm. and ervaue Pals a. etralns aad as an esses, ikeiint asdftslvh.ia.kini A. aew sad tafalliaie antidote to OSlB- ISflSSllMllaa mmtrnt mmmm I osliks ssd vseuy asoerlor te all eHhsr plasters.

At all drua-afata. Ka.t Swa si: noatin Tr Ae -a "aauou ym, 1IODIXS, i wia.autMaik WwassnfSJ snro co. i III fi Fourth Street. A TTAOEB. TIIVAKCIAIa national Lafayette Bank, Saa.

18 aad 20 West Third Streets CXNCUTNATI, OHIO. BUYS and SELLS U. S. BONDS. CINCINNATI BONDS, And baroes Commercial and Travelers Credits in sterling throngh BROWN, BHIPLKVaCO.

LONDOIST Available in any part of the world FOR SALE-JWELRY HOUSE. a The good will, stock, fixtures and three-year lease of our old Jewelry House, Xo. 5 Arcade (established 1875), la Tor wale to a responsible party. Apply to AMEHICAN JE.VELKI cor ner Sixth and Haco Streets. ill lllte ii? PIANOS.

atatohless la Tone, Aetloa, DaraWllty aad rialtb. High Class and Baaaoaabla Price. D. H-. BALDWTfiVl S2 CO.

158 West Fourth Street (Fourth and Elm). CIGARROS. EXIT Paper Cigarettes 'Social Whiff' Eigarros. t. Absolutely pure, han-made and all tobacco of choicest quality.

For sale everywhere. Five in a package for 5 cents. Try them. INCUS CIGARRO CO. Swvsxz.

ClaelnnalUOblo. RYE AND ROCK. A MEDICINE (AND MOT Jk. BKTEBAOK.) Can ba eeld wltboat a lleeaea. Coagba aad Colds era At.

WATS CrmjED by Vaa Sell -Rre aad and more sufferers from eonsaaspUoD bave been relieved and saved by Ittoaa by all otber raised las earn-bleed. Tba bsppy aoatblastloa of tba PHOSPHATES OF LIME AND 80DA la tbis agreeable preparatloa baa gained for Vaa Hell's -Kye and Bock" tba aporovsl ot tba meat celebrated pbyalelaae, waa pro. oosDoe It a TOM IC of tbe Hie REST CLAaa. Call for Vaa Bell's -Bye aad Roes." sad so. eept ao sabatltata.

Sold by Drorctate and Qroeera very-wk ere ta COo. and bottlaa. Bead elreslar aod be eoa vtoeed. Trade stappiled by JsB Put Sobs ui Jas. ft.

tttWn HOT 0PR1NC0, M. C. caarmlaar mart, aastlO sasssg aa abeltere4 Sta a etad Moonsaiaa. OsB Sll fill

af an MrlM a i mm class Is evsrjr asrtieslsr, stasaa hear persio rv. nr mraa sin. s.wa' waut fiuwujwor ai isssry. nnlmii tesilaBee.

For faxvaav IsfwaUes addrvaa Jaie-utTsTaaa CL JVbD. FLORIDA. pifcABsSrTJOW HOT KL.O rssai Cora Springs. seaoosmodstaaSflO? aim mi.h...ri.r Ta deg i ees. floerl sg aObO miau aarn.r...I' All ktads of batblag sell I Use.

Send for elr eoisr. UslJMtj HARKJ3 at AFPLKUATaS. rORSAUC PotUc Sale of Saw-2IilL TTTX will aeU at pabns eatery at rard. xCy, WJ large elroular sawstll piaat sad toeX of lumber at Ford. Fabra.Ti ISA Tbia Is tba asat nnlat u.

aad Ksa tacky Ceatrat Railroad for tbe oak, arsis st aad poplar ml sll Ksstsra Ksa. picked. er vat d4f VQSli CO, XUehmosd. aeaa-tt FBAmtUIf XC3 rUse Hsi iif, AZXISOlf A SaiTlL t-e saj eleb -ia r-e is rrtctal hi i ii a i. i a.

i. raited te tela pot at: vbe bast eawed aad ablppsd ta Claeissaii. tsrk aadau Eastsrs aaarkais. Kna.i. I Hi ted a arv sew ssA flm-ai T-lif JP JZ "17 DEPARTLIENT.

No Humbug, but an Absolute Reduction of 40 to 60 per cent, on Every Garment. To-TJar we win offer ISO Isadlea Blacfc Diagonal ew-markets, wltlt IMnatx Triminlxiss 91.23 eacli; cost $3.50, $4.50 and 93 to make. 75 Terr atjUah Xewmavrltets to. Cneeks, price To-Day only 91.73 eacli; worti SO. ISO Isadlea Check: Xewmarkets, with Capes, price To-tay only t3J50; worth $7.

83 Imported English Xewmarkets in Checks and Stripes, with Hoods and Capes, price To-Eray only JfrCso; worth LADIES PLUSH VJRAPS! Three Gpeclal Bargains for To-Day. Prices 811.CO, H13.SO and 91G.SO, same as sold at $18.50, and $25. 25 Toadies Plash Sacques, 40 inches price only 916.75; worth $27.50. iaiiiTRA-nfl pic oil ,9 UUUI Bace and mmmm Ja-tf mm riRLOB GR1XD, M1H0QAXT, BlUf tiRASD. OAK, WALSCT, rAHIXF.r ORATD, EB0XIZED, SQCABE GRAXD, KOSEYVOOD PIANO-FORTES.

RTJBBUR GOODS. Formerly Witb BART HICICCOX Rubber Clotbing! Warranted Water. proof. Horse Coxers, Aprons for Baggies ladWagons. Rubber Store.

RUBBER BOOTS AND SHOES. Babber Shoes, wlti Crescent" Heel Plate. THE "CRfSCEXT" PATETT METAL HEEL PLATE la a positlre mt-lag, and prerenta cutting at tha heel. We hare the errlnstre airenry, and pat them oa Bobber Shoes. Call and see them.

Rubber Goods repaired fQi 161 Half-soIIiis Us) patcis- Ins Mia Boots i LiflAIN i uwZzLa" STREET Second Bollding CO. ABOVE FOUBTH. BREWEIU, CELEBRATED PILSENER. CAXirORJTIA WDTT, S0N02IA. COUNTY CAllFOMIA vWINE CO.

Olars ssd effleav msyeaaaara Telephone and very iarve stock of Cantors la Wmss aad BrsndyTlt aoisssla prtess to tba aoaaaassr. Oar -riumm arealao oa aale st tbe groosry ktoaaeaof R. J. asaCombs. H.

Haaaka A Co. aad A. W. rrsit, CAJ2S. TELEPHONE rar3 Cents.

tn cuaxitn ub cs. uimus.) Viurt stjutl ael.ia2teod GENUINE LAC Sixth Streets. GRANITE. GEO. XOEHlia President.

JOH com, JL, Yiee-President. J. I. EEEKHAEBT, Scc'j-TrejL. and Gen'l acnager.

THE Owners of the Celebrated Lithonia Granite Quarries. MICROSCOPIC, CRUSHINGand 1 Ik va ft5V CORflPANY POROSITY TESTS, made by the Bureau cf I hi uranance, iavy ue-partment, and the Geo-logical Survey Department of the U. S. Gov-ern ment, conclusively prove that the Granite from ourquarries is not excelled by any in the country. Estimates for archi tectural, monumental and street pavingwork promptly furnished enj application.

OFFICES: No. 20 Kimball House, Atlanta, Georgia. If os. 19 and 20 TTIgins' Elock. Cinciiiiiati, OlilOi PROPOSALS.

SEALEDPROPOSALS Brick-masons, Carpenters and Freestone Cutters ot Newport, Kj WILL. BE RECEIVED AT MY OFFIC a Jaaaary SS. A anUl 12 O'clock noon, tor tba errcitoa Brsa-sry. oa tba breery premises oa Co a bta atraat. aeeordlag to tbe plana and sp Beattoae oa aia at aay efflee.

I reserve tba right to rajeet amy or Bidden tnost vrila their names aal sl oa tha oataida at tba aavalopea contain tbeir bids or ibex will ateltber as spaDJ eoaaloeraa. -Kaea bid mast ba stnaj by tsro dts sW asled sarsUea. GEO. WIEDtilA- JNoace to Contractors, SEAMED PKOrOMALS vrtll ba reoeivrd tba Clerk ot tba Village of at aaKt Village, aatu 11 o'eioca nvo'i 8AICRDAY. roraary A 1S.

for ta. provsaasat of Poplar strsst. statala Mats etraet, alala us (u.ui 'a aakt Vlllsss. sseoraisc to plana sad sc-arsuoae aa file st tas antea of eaM lr-kJ-) biaUers must ass priated forms, as 'j. will as reeeived, aad aseb bid mas ompaatad by tsosarsUea.

Tbacpoasil resarvea tba rlga ta rsjec or au af tbe bias. Bpaeiaoauons esa ba aeaa and for ana blank aids oMalaed of K. K. tavll Kottaeer, Weat Third aireev Oa nail. Ohio, with whom bids may be lett er bebraary is: to te forwarded tossta o1 hy ortie ot CooaoU.

JAbirs OU laJHU-a, VUlage Ciat' i.

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