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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 4

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I.I s- M- I. f0 THEE JOHN, MelUKAN-. SIXTEEN PAGES. tfU-TDAY. Rala Cl-dy ttaia Baia ClttT Kmia Hal a crar ciiy ttaw Clear CTdr Clear 'CI ay aa-w aam Clear cl'oy fia'a Clear nam IHn'w utvy Cl'dy ci 'a Cl'or Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear I- -J-JTVABY UM, THE VEATBEB.

Ohio ud Iadln-SMV, followed ly fair weather, colder, fresh to briafc north Westerly winds, with a cold wtT ta Onto. For Western Pennsylvania aad West VI r- (lata Rata, turning Into now, followed by fair weather, colder. light to fresh aortb- weeteriy winds, fresh to brisk on tba lakes, withaeold wave Fcr Illinois Fair weather, colder, fraab to brisk north-westerly win da, dlmlnisblbg la force. lor Tannaaaao and Kentucky Bala, fol-. lowad by eoldar fair weatbar, fraab to briafc north-westerly win da.

witb a cold wave. a cord ef Yesterday's Local Observations. afeea Baroeaeter. js.m Mean at Mesa tenneretare 41 Direction of wind ni tea-pr-Mura Ma ThKlir ta4. -anoary ist is fcatimom 43 Mlaim-m 40 Pt-ca OF OaasjiTA- TlOJt.

55 1 AUaata lrS itaaacolale2K Paleatlna Hontfora'x at I 7oiB S. Orlaaaa. aeii luhravaport. 14 lt I fan bmlttt. to LlMle Mock 4N raes Ha Anc'n-o 114: Brewow Leareown-i 4 Omaha.

Port Heron. Van too Xsorebead Vlneeut ft. Raford aaafkl ft. Boiaa C1ty I)eawooa tn Platte Dtar. I Anlaaa.

uatlsa City. fort KUlot- yon PaTla. Paeo alt LaKe ValeDtlae.J Cor.Ckrlatl. SiW SW asi 4i St' Bar i TV 6 WW 0 o.vr NIC 44: NW SiXK It Is a wonderful year for Buncombe. 09 S3.

Ham CI'dy rair craw CI'dy cray Clear CI'dy JtWitVdy Clear Ha'w' Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Fair Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear cray Clear Mtlear Clear Below sere. T. T. Jsnzins. eargesat, Btgasl Corps.

United states Army. MHCHAwum markets bavent expert-onoed tba lull daring tba past week wbleb is ninsUy Incident to tba beginning of a saw yaar and which was go confidently expected. For the period easiness was very fair. Tbara waa no further decline In pig-Iran and there was a fair volume of salea. Dry goods remained firm and quiet.

Wheat weakened and eloaad quiet, Corn became aaaiar and on Saturday waa rather quiet, Bye declined, but oats advaaeed and oa -Saturday were strong and scarce. Tbo movement In barley baa bean light, owing to tba scarcity and firmness. Flour became stronger, but at tba close waa aomawbat easier. Tba market lor provisions was easy and dull, but on Saturday a better feeling prevailed. Cotton an- abanged; middling, Coffee declined, but sugar advanced.

Whisky active and nrm. Wbat little closeness exhibited In money early In tba week disappeared later, and on Saturday tba demand waa active, with 67 per cent, tba ruling rates, call ioana were negotiated by brokere at 6(98 per cent. Eastern exchange adjaaeed to Sae. per 1.000 premium between banks. Foreign exchange firm.

Government bonds strong. xmcu aecurities active and firm. beijator Kichakdson is a good man; bat, like many other good man before him, be did not realize that it was loaded. That lonz-advertlsed oold vrave got tangled up witb itself on tbe way. But It is coming.

Cold waves can not be considered phenomenal iu the middle of January. It is always better to be on tbe safe side, and the safe aide con templates the possibility tbat the February rise in tbe Ohio River may tbla year take place in January, It is wsll understood in the market tbat tbe cold wave might bave reacbed here sooner but for a personal disturbance witb tbe dam wickets. Thh latest news irons, abroad is tbat tbo beir-apparent to the German throne la gettintr. and that bis father, the lumparor, is glng very sick. It is quite safe to await further developments on either proposition.

If tba nomination of Air. Lamas to the Supreme Bench ia to be mad one of tbe great, issues of tbe impending Presidential campaign, then every thing which is said and done In tbe United States Senate when bla name ia reported for confirmation should be given to tbe public Little sneaks on either side should not be permitted to hid behind tbe solemn secrecy of the executive session. Is tbat charming effort of Stkmns, denominated "The (Sentimental It is somewhere or other declared, that ilysterles which Death alone can solve are not worth the loss of time wasted upon a conjecture." One begins to feel In that way about tbe United States Sen ate and the Lamas ease. If It is to be settled in the present generation it might be aa well to bave more aetlon and less talk. TUB BUCKEYE CLUB.

Iadepeadenta Win at tha Aaanal JUectloa et Officers. Tba Buckeye Club held lis annua! election of officers at the club-rooms laat night. There were two tickets in the field tbe independ ent and the Regular constituting in all 103 Aa Offiser Kheets Himself. '--Offleer Wldasaeyer about 11 laat night, waile panning a man be eaagbt break lag late a grocery at the corner of State avenue i ed Gest street, discharged bla revolves while pvuiBi itiroio tne rneoer poucn. The bail baeeed througb tbe fleshy part of the palm, of sawa staktiH aiasiss pausuot WOOno.

The WMlew Thent4Mbersaadampioyea ef James Ortf- lith Co. made ap a parse ot s7 yaatarday aad gave it to the widow ot Anthony Valla, an am ploy ef tae lira, eke receaUy fell xrotn tae esanussr ouiiaing on I as Inn aveana aad broke hia neck. Tae Wswsva; atf. Pea Lsswaaateia. of UsUtaaood, is not ths maa who had a fight In Wade-street Marks! a few days age Mr.

Loewensteia is net thai kind at bay Cossa, tSC Louie Catebe PoanooraLI Fob Feesadaat la 28fia ataacea Coakllna, of xrew Torkj for Yloe-Presldeat, 3. Feraker, I oa vaM a 1 otmi preclptisttea a 71 ninrr.m rtua Keteoroloelral Beport received at Clnelanati oo Jan aery 7. WbS. at t-3 p. in-, local time.

p. Ttta merltUaa time Observations taken at taa mom mement at tima at all statioss: F-ACS 1 t. Faal ueroaaa i 1IHMI1IIH.I CacomiajJ acaaaaft K'Kln'rJia aw orr Ua4aio'a. Waahlactti Jackaanr'e. e2 Coeieaati 1 haitea It in phla.

Naavllle.pti Loo llllK-'i lad'naptMla aojNW JotaBaaaaWl PllubBH.Hl Buffmio 130 Si tOTICO CTima MttroM JtarqaaMa MUwaaa'a. Imiatb I sw aw IjNW 5 5 SiMWjciaar 1 401 4t HW TJhale John Blmpklnson, tba Traaanrer of tba Harrison Monument eelved yesterday 00 frem County Treeenrer I Frank Battetmann aa tba Brat tba appropriation ior work to proga-aing. too UM 111 Custom House eiqoare fifth street. a b. Al 11141 BM men i.

Tba eoiamltiee la hurrying op, aad Iiaui'Ia Ha ah la ia dedicate It during tba P.M1M having Mlla lui tha aa-tvetatloa MB BOW present tbaot to treasurer biaipfclaaoa for psymsnt. Tba ona obatacla that stood to tba war of Si. Klrtley aa Fraaldant of tba Qaaon City Katumal tiaa bean retnoTed. bad no atoek.bat ha boaUad aroond Friday aad boccht a block of It. Taa Hrr Patd la not known.

Coebnowar ocared bint all ba wantod at 8a, bat ba wouldn't tana tba atoek. at taat price. It la said that Jobn VT. Bartwall will ratlra front tbo Praaideney of tba Entarprlao In- aaraaea Company, aad tbat Vwl Ooodalo will ba alec tad fill tb Tacancy. Tbara Is a belief tbat tbara will ba several consolida tions In Insarancs companies.

A. O. Corra baa been bnsy for aararal days showing his prlTsta offioa In tbo Gibson Hotua, wbleb Is pronoaaesd tba ntott alecant apartibsnt of tba kind in tba wasU It Is lax rioasly fornlsbed and decorated with tba richest and moat attraotla taste. George Dock worth la a great ball onDistU lars'and CatUa-Feedera' Trusu Ee claims tbat ba was bid 44 for It, bat perhaps ba wouldn't lake 144 lor it. AN ILL-FATED LIFE.

The Sad Career of Lizzie differ. Horribly Mutilated in the Great Chi She Lirea for cago Fire, Yean on the Charity of, Cincinnati. Frightfnily Maimed Last Night by a Vine-Street Cable Car. Tba moat familiar sight oo Vine street tor years has been that of a woman playing an accord loa, who waa moat generally to be found standing in tba shelter of the Publle Library Building. ana waa always dressed neatly la soma dark, coarae fabric, and wore an old-faabloned Aa aha ground out tba wearisome tunea ona band at tba end of tba Instrument bald a small tin cap to receive tba peonies or nlekela tbat the cbarltably-dlsposed might drop In It.

As tha throng surged by abe would turn un ber face. It waa a mute appeal for aid and synv patby tbat few could resist, Her affliction was a terrible one. Indeed, ona look at tbat face caused a feeling of horror. It had tha appearance of having been seared over the entire surface WITH BKD-HOT IBOIT. jaer eyea naa been burned out, ber nose mashed out of shape, and her wbola features been burned out.

changed frightfully from their natural appearance. Her face waa an animated repre sentation of tbe grinning skull of death. Such wsa IJxxle differ, oua of tha victims of tba great fire in Chicago in 1871. Than aha made a miraculous escape wltb ber life, aad aurvlved with a disfigurement so terrible as nui oeain welcome. rrooaDiy no mor- tal waa ever ao horribly marked.

unc came to Cincinnati after her recovery from the efrecta of the fire, end waa forced by oruel circumstances to sol lot ebartty from tna world. There la no doubt but that tba response to those appealing but sightless uro, waa noerai, lor sne nas managed to live comfortably on the contributions to tha little win cup. -he rarely. If ever, moved off Vine street. auu cuu.u at hut aonr in ids anernnAn or evening be found somewhere between tha ruoiic tJiurary ana Jignth street.

vsccuaionaiiy, soma months age a young aeasaaaV vui't v0! 8KK2T TO APPROACH BIS When she was ready to go borne. This would be about ten o'clock at night. Airs of tbe wheexyold accordion seemed togrow quloker aa tbe familiar tread fell upon her eara, and a smile, or hut would be taken aa meant for asmiic lighted up her mutilated features. Tbe young man, who was her ton and not quite out of his teens, would escort her home Last July tbla sea. tben nineteen years of age, died in tbe Betts-street Hospital.

It was but another of the misfortunes in tbe woman's career, although tbe son had been en in-grate and actea badly toward his afflialed mot Her. Me was a ne'er-do-well, and It is said X.IVXO TJPOW TBI CHARITT Tbe poor woman solicited from the public Yet the woman wss devoted to him and alwaya hoped tbat be would reform and support bsr. Mra. miner, wno ia fifty-eight years of age. nas been living la cheap lodgings at No.

60 nest eixin street. Last nigbt about ten o'clock she started borne. She tried to cross Vine st the corner of (sixth on tbe way to her room, only half a square distant. Just men vaoie car ao. zoo oaine along.

i Kripman rank Die neii. but tha warn, Ing waa unheeded. The woman continued on our wy ana waa siruck by tne car and sswiw uowa. a spa leu ner right arm VKLb IISSIB THE WHKBL, wnien passed over It. Tbe car wsa stopped vr, men me gnpman.

John Weaver, wanton wltn the car. while vuuuur juui niniiDta io una out the ex tent of the woman's inlurlea. Patrol No. 1 waa called ana took her to tbe Belle-street Hospital, where aba was attanded by Dr. Helghway.

The wbeel bad paaaed along tbe arm from tha elbow to the tipa of tba noser, mangliua It frightfully and tear- iub iu, unu iruui tna Donas. Tbe doctor decided tbat amputation at tha elbow would be absolutely necessary. The shock mar cause the woman's death, and if sne recovers ear last and only method of LIFTED HIS BUNDLE. B. J.

Campbell, a Traveling Man, Sobbed of One Hundred and Seventy-Five. TJollara by a Woman and Her Pals. Robert. J. Campbell, a traveling aaleaman for the J.

1. Case Tbreshlng.Mschlne Col pany, reported at tba Palace Hotel at an early bour this morning tbst he had been robbed of I17j by a nymph du pave, with whom he -had been spending tbe evening. The robbery waa committed on Sixth street near College, and the woman waa as- slated by two male confederates, who ware couvenlently at hand. Campbell had been drinking heavily, and waa aa easy victim. He met the woman la a concert ball, wblob one he does not know, and spent uv.i.

ner company itx various viue-sirect saloons. About one o'clock be quick) and "h's and AM far the Afflicted. been wateh- rushed la and skoon; street-a i.i. 3 I thre, got away with tt before the stnpafled iCarapbeil knew what be waa After ne Deata Mrs. McFaddaa.

Last Friday moratng Mrs. Eauai dan, wife ot our well-known elUsen. W. after a lingering illnese at her late residence. No.

W. Ninth street. Tbe deeeaaed lady will be fondly be red by a large circle of her acqualntaaces, admired her. many aeod ouallUaeaaa wife aad mother, and was the possessor of a most lovely disposition. Mr.

MeFaddea has see earaeat aympetay ef kit mbwwu frlaaas avnd social circles tarougboot tbe city. The funeral will take place to-morrow alter- sv ua a its oioca. bsd discovered his loss ha raised a ruuiuua sau inn to mir. not tii.t h. h.n uavuaiwu via money witn tne hotel clerk before be went out, but it waa a plalu case of wibb uaiw ussBarvflBto.

lis uiiofti Hivaui tstw wwiBts. What They Rave Deee IXaw York World. It dee to Mr. Arbaekleand Mtaa Campbell to say taat they have enriched amatory epis tolary ii inra ure at a time wnen It yearned for a bracing up. Such endearing eplthau aa -Buaale" aad "Baby Bunting'" were very ahorthand notes as M.

QJ' ik.aa BUpfortuoate little Emit MUler. the newsboy who was hart by a cable ear lass Man. day, la no better, and will probably be troca bl horns leueri van Knrroa or 1x1 nogiira. ntsai WICK, Hart wall, Obia. i Celeaet Nelsea Daalee Colonel Jt.

W.N.iaoayeatardav talarnh-d -w n-tsw vaniaie tnat so fsr as he waa mn. eemed there waa ao truth in tba atetemeat that he had attend ikklaw frland. I lVr.IT Car- 7 .1 w.a.wiH Friendly Seas et St. Fatrlek. Owlaa ta tbe bad weather tbe tisa.i.1-.

awsi wie sTienaiy 0001 or BV Fn trick, which was to bave been held last nlgbt, wsa noei. Faed Usui asxt aUturday aigat, pou ElZlt Birds! Kglitii JPit J-ear Law V. xwcetars. Hi Pint Was Betweei. Ohio and Sea- iiirds.

Then Two BUoUes Hawo a BattlInT Tb'o Short Tight. Ifbol Affitir End TTltU Victory tor thm Blrle of tbo Bnckayo State. Lastnlcbt tbara were four rattling cock fights between aa gamy birds as aver entered a pit, not far from laiwrenceburg. There were over fifty cocks oa band, most of them baring foagbt before. They were carried, to tbe rsndexvons in sacks and slung over tbe shoulders of tba handlers, so as a of whom carried aa many aa four.

Tbe time was set for eight o'clock, but nine o'clock came and passed before texk waa otowD asocon To Justify going ahead. Tbara were then about a hundred people present, nnd by ten o'clock tbara were fully three hundred lovers of the sport, most of whom came wall beeled to back their favorites. Tba fights ware all under cover in a large warehouse, in ona corner of which tba pit bad been constructed. Roend thia wara a atnglerowot benches, so that at least a hundred bad comfortable aeata. TB PIT.

Tba nit waa fifteen feat aoaare. tbe bottom Banded wltb four Inebaa of fine Band, cioaely packed, while eight coal-oil lamps, wltb re-flee to ra, and two lights aospended from tall beams above furnished Dlantv of lllnniins. Hon. When all waa reedy the handlers enured tbe pit wltb tbelr birds under their arms and made up tba monev. Tben the galls ware put on and the word was given.

ioin Diraa were snake-bags, ona a blue-red. tba other an Itisbgray cook, evenly matched, weighing about alx ponnda. tor 125. It waa Ohio against Keatoeky. The Irian gray had lo.ught three fights before.

THB VIMST FIGHT. They both ran at each other, and neither had the advantage. toeeond The blue eoeJC nit into tha Irian cock 'a wins. Third The red cot Irish on bla back and into tba wing again. Fourth The gray got gaff la tha red one's neck.

Fifth The blue cock got tha beat. In tba aame old bole. Wxtb The Irish hung back, both cocks panting. Seventh This ended in a tangle, and la the eighth tba blue cock got In tba otber'a neck. In the ninth both were dead game.

Blue struck In gray one's bead, same ol 1 bole. In tbe tenth the owner of red eoek said: win this firnt for a dollar." Red ona had gaff under other's wing. In tba eleventh tba gray want down, and tha other stood ever him. (Suddenly ha got an and entered In a tangle. Twelfth Tbe owner of red one said MI believe mine's role a to die." both nuhui.

Blue had tbe gray fastened in the gills. in toe tnirteentn gray ona cut tha red and fell down. Both got an eye out. Fourteenth "Two to ona on tha hlna mu i Ending with gray cook fastened on the ground. Fifteenth Tha Kentucky cock on top, the Irish gray on hia back and gasping.

Tha red ona fastened In gray 'a neck. In tbe six teenth both rushed and fell aide bv aide, and in the seventeenth tbe gray cock'a bead waa oiaapina Tea. naving oulu gana in Dim. The gaff of tha red waa fast ened in the gray's bead. In tbe nineteenth tbe red rushed to the gray's corner.

The gray waa thrown on bla back, and tna red bad hia gatf in the grey'a neck. "The srrav la licked." some one shouted. iwtBiieia ue raa lasienea again in tba gray. "Five la two on blut niiwi. wai wu fee Dolcb Arreatad en Suspicion, of Rob bing Paillppt's Restaurant.

Joe Dolch. a member of the notorious Joe I Duteh-a fur tsf eonnar votes, ftuly two-thlroVpreeeaUag thamaslves VStSllLSil9 WhTS he sTss CBtr1 OB personaJty. xne inaepenaents elected tbalrl near iu eiAtn-atreet entrance the woman ticket, H. Franek leading by loavotee east nn1br11e and dur-forblm. Aa per vote, tbe result and otnoete i followed tbe two for tbe ensuing year are President.

Jonn v. I Who bad Waaaar: Vlee-Praaldent. Jaha Wnan I ii I ws ivaiucua, auaai orai uiie stui Wm. Ueorgea, an opportunity. He waa arreatad by Detective Frieda born of tba Cincinnati Private Police Bureau, For some time alnce Pblllpol'a reatanrant- .1 Third and Walnut, has been pilfered ot wines and other articlee 1 no proprietor was nnsble to discover ths tbtef.

Doleb waa tbe norter In ta. suspicion -fell upon aim. He was finally taxea into custody, and a bottle of champagne waa found upon him. Tbe prisoner explains tbe matter by say, ing that tba wines aad liqaois were given to Variona wnm.n Tb. I of tae various thefts of tna will reach aeveral hundred doll arm.

It la be. lleved tbat Dolcb is wanted by the city aa-tnoritlea on the charge of houaebreaklng. He le supposed have aosrsua wita a oung rougha who entered atores anddweU. ngs aeveral months ago. FIFTY-TWO BELOW; Celdeet VTsather la Ksstaaa kiaaa tha I 2- feae SMS "CZ ZUavgbae, Mosu.

Jaaaary 7. At seven o'clock this morning the spirit thermometer registered 2 degrees below aero, which Beamed to be the coldest night alnce 18-3. The stock; is snffering severely, and should the present cold snap continue- th loasea will be heavy. AU freight trains are abandoned, The passenger tralna going Weat are from twenty-four Ulrty-Vx qars Uta ae t-syat triehlag ClaK At the regular meet! ng of tbe Loyal Fishing ctua, taat weoneaday night, the following memoera were elected omcers for the enaulng term: ii o-wrotary; atoii- roan. Financial Uroasurer.

J. Avrusemeier, i Xba la4tree CUb Rail. caique vcxets nave been Issued far the grand aaaaciaerade bejl to be alvwa by the xm-s treat uid at Turner Hall February 7th. every body ia ream red to bain mask, and I ka tiaii 1 a -mi see mi wi grauia asalr. wa Knee aatd Vaz.

Said tbe IXnSTILLS. xrxzxzzt xiixcx at co. 6eafa freae the Tails CaajR. nwiics To txi aaranxaaas. Lornsyuxc.

January T. Major Isaac P. Smith, one the oldest dilxeas vf JSew Albany, died there this aaoralaa. He went through the Cjvll War aa Qaamrntaater an Uanerai MePberaoaa ataflV Ha will be boriad to-morrow. Tbe win rr t.

ty. Alabama, waa probated today. He lbie property to hU wife, aUrgarel t-la. and appoinu net exeentiix. H- Geraoo, the dude forger, waa aentenead je aia years' confinement tn tae neaUeatlary OTnlBt- A motion for a new trtai waa overruled.

Aeaepa Johnson, bonae-braavker. was seat oe three years thiamoralag. Mra. Peonfaa. with miiHm peered la Coart to-day, and.

thronsrn attor-neya, aaade application foe bail. The case was psukBedautil Monday. o.ovwara,Mtter-arner.waaaasDanded poatponed on account of preset oc buain AUtneBiabODaln the world vlait Pn once every ten years. Key. Irwlgbt I Moody, the evangelist, arrived here tbie afternooa froaa bte noma at Kortbfleld.

Ataea. Commencing tn tbe aervtceawlil benaldat the new Xabernacle oa Broadway. Kay. Moody will n.30er thirty dayg and than goea direct to Ban Franciseow tneaUnnwea held at the Board of Trade to-day to take action upon the proposed new charter of tbe Use Company. It waa resolved to opoose 1 ae now eoaatraeted.

Tbe report of tae meeting will be published In pamphlet form and aent to each member of tbe Legialature. where a alrong fight will be made thla winter for and against tha charter aa It now stands. August Oubda waa tried tbla morning on a energo of attempted rape oa the peraoa of a ten-year-eid emid named Fanny Oekman. wwsnmnrauii coarge. nut fined taoand placed under tUOOO bonds for a year for expos are of person.

Colonel John B. Castlsman says to-day that be will announce bla deelaloa nun t)ia an. dar to httn of the office of Chief of Folios next iiniooBgnttsti colonel Vaatlemaa Will finally accept. John Scott, aged thirteen, who was seriously stabbed by Chariea Steward laat night, you In Bai Bank mj ui, bwHiaj irom sua mj uriea. RELIEF ASKED By a New York Banker to the Money Market, Interesting" Corroapondone Between Mr.

Jobn Tbonipson avnd Mr. John Sherman on tha Vvw Yosr, January 7. The following cor respondence ia published here: Taa Chasi National Bavk. VMlimU STATU USPOUTORT Kxw York, January 6. 1888.

col leet a per capita tax from tbe poor totniks pro-rata distribution to tbe nob. Ha would take tba taa off tobacco altogether and woald put even a higher tax on liquor, and woild relieve from duty aaltand ether nnmaaaho. tared materials of general nee" Colonel W. H. Clifford, of Pnrtlawd.

whA agalnat Tom Reed for Coatresa, waa Inro- a bob 01 jucifra vtinord. one ot ne moat noted nf Jaefcaonian Demoorste 1r. Clifford delivered a rattling apeeon. full of wit and sarcasm aimed at Mr. Blaine and tla nteeeage from Pane Down la Maine, be aad.

tnay resara. niaine-a proeUmaUon aa tie worst blow to protection for many yesvre By vaaaaL Hox. Joair Bhiman, United States Senate, Washington, IX ClMar Bin By giving to tha banks par instead of ninety oa tbe bonds deposited will give an additloa to tba volume of currency of and by removing the tax of I per can on National Bank no tea will enaourage the bank a to enlarge their Issues, I think, to the extent of 2U.OU01000 more during the coming six months. 1 can sea no reason why these amendments to tbe law should not be granted promptly. Some relief to the money market must be bad aoon.

or tbe cry for an unlimited or enlarged coinage of aiiver will be successfully raised. Sliver notes are satisfactory currency, despite all tba arguments agalnat tha Maaddy dollar." Except for a abort period prior to and daring a panto there la always money enough, for depreciation and liquidation will qnlokly bring about an adjustment of prices to tbe volume of money usable in making prices. I have tha Impression that von era onnoaed tograuUng the Issue of mora National Bank notes, and I feel that I am not trespassing on apprising you that every National 1 wenty-nrst The red rushed savagely to I la deslrons to get tbat extra 10 per cent, to gray 'a corner and got bis gaff in hia back. I on tbelr deposits of bonds and certainly the wenty-secooa ine rea pushed to gray 'a I uaemesa community, even me farming nopa-corner and gray laid down. The red through I latlon of our country, will be gratified in a tbe gray'a rorub.

I better and more adequate Issue of currency. t. wenty-tnird Ked In gray'a neck. iioritis tne prevailing opinion that more Twenty-fourth Red recovered and mihul I money ia necessary to a ton danrHUuan. to gray's corner, who laid down.

I I therefore ask you to take tbe Initiative Twenty-fifth The a-rav waa held tin Its I not so much aa a favor to tha ba.nka. hnt. aa bead all bloody and drooped, and In thelD advantage to tbe publto at large. In se-twenty-sixth the red cock waa counted one I curing to the banka the two ad van teres ln-The money waa speedily paid over. 25 oar I dleaied.

Plaasa exeuse my nolnted brevity. cent. This flsbt waa tht laniut naa nf m. I Very resneotf ullv vonra. evening, lasting over half ao hour.

I Joss Thompson. mi 8icosd tight. I DoenBn maas itne roiiowing reply: Both were Ohio chickens, one welrhlne five I SgKATk pounds and was a blinker, the other one ashiiibtok, ix. January 0, laS. weigning lour pounds fourteen ounces, and I MT dear sir: Your letter of the 6th la was also a blinker.

It waa for S2o. jruiiv I received. I agree Wltb you entirely aa in tha thirty mlnutea paitaed before arrangements I Propriety ei Increasing the currency to were completed. One waa a blue-red and tba i national iianks in tbe mode auesested. and other a black-red.

I you are mistaken In supposing that I had Ibe blue red had a tall comb. Thu hinil. I been opposed to such Issue. lers shook them togeitier. On the first fly I I introduced a bill thieeor four years aro the blue red cut the black red in tha iiair 1 allowing an iasna of bank-notes tnnnurniii.

In tba second tha red cock fastened himself. I within 10 per cent, of the market value of the The bine cook tn the third got tbe best, and I bonds deposited. Thia was defeated 'In tha killed tha red SO Quickly that It waa acareelv noticed. Thia fiabt waa a BDlandld ona. far tha haa of blrda they were.

It waa blood aealnst blood: ret tt was short and deciaiva. In nna of the rounds one of the birds raa clear around himself trying to find tba other bird. TUX Til IBS TIOHT. This fight was between Ohio and Kentucky. A duck-winged gray waa from onto, and welgned five pounds thirteen ounces, and a blsck red.

the Kentucky bird, weighed five pounds twelve ounces. Both wara wall matched, and nsver fought before. Tha stray Was tba favorlta. Tw.ntw.a- dollars was up. Tbe blood-red was a clean.

iianoea, prooa looking fellow, who dance ca arouna tne pit aa gracefully aaadanci master. Jtvery body said be wss an alegan bird. Hia tail stood straight up at least tour awvo III. guuiui -I've got a bloody heart-breaker here," ssld tbe handler of tha red. "1 bis is going to be a fight," waa beard oa all aides.

la tba fight both blrda rushed together viciously, Tne red one waa rattled Tbe red one got the best In the second round, and In the third the red coca drooped, ana was dead. His second held him up, but the head drooped. Tbe gray one waa an eaay winner, and came oat without a scratch. THn FOURTH FIOHT. Thia waa between two conks, ana fmn clonal), the ether from Lawrence burg.

Eaoh weighed five pounds seven ounces. One wss a dark red tail comb, the other a grey dusty miller witb a low comb. Tbe fight was for 116. Tbe red was the favorite; both bad been fought once. The red bird was tne Indiana bird, and was a comb and gill cock, two years old.

Tha gray dirty miller waa two ve.rl om with comb and sill off. Half a unu, shouted at onoa, -Dollar oa the there were no taaera. Neither cot any edvantae-e in tha In tha second tba gray ona got tangled In tha red oum feather. In tbe third tha m. gotln tbe red one'a wing.

Jn the fourth, tba gray cue's bead swellee. Tbe gray ona In red 'a Tba gray cock sot tha beat of tha arth the sixth the red one got a gaff In the gray'a Wins. Tbat settles him! never fight another lick 1" waa haard aides. But be came ap In tbe seventh. In tbe eighth the gray one never left his corner and the red one lumped oa top of him end held him "I'll give said tha handle nf tha and tbe red waa given tbe battle At two v.uva tun uiuruiug IQI Sport WBS Still Q.

with every prosneet that dav would find ik. gay revelers atill amusing tbsmselves. OXE OF DUTCH'S PALS. Committee on finance and a proposition to give them circulation to tha face of tbe bonds was reported and passed tha Senate, but waa never acted upon in tbe House. I would most heartily vote for a bill authorising tbe lasue of bank notee equal to the par value of the bonds deposited.

Very truly JOBS TBOXNOX, ESQ. ST. JACKSON'S DAY. DRESS Louisiana, secretary ox male cook, and Ex. aiayor vooper.

Governor Hill, In response to the toast. "ibe state or new xork," reviewed briefly the history of tba city, and tben passing on to National affaire spoke aa follows: Hi respects National mattera, you believe with the Lemoe ratio party in tba sovereignty of the otataa. uu atrict construction Ol tne constitution. You do not advocate free trade, bat yoa desire revenue reform. In ee eornpllBhing that reform you propose no injury to tba industry or labor of the country, oometnplale the exerolte of wise discrimina tion favorable to such interests tn the adjust.

meat ot the details of all legists tlou relating to taxatwu. jay ere every indnstry wblcn gives employment to honest laboring men. and I am opposed to unreason a by or any policy which win GatheriDX of Massachusetts Democracy legitimately and properly at BostPQ Yesterday. them. I believettshouTd be any policy which will ure Big1 Banquet and a Dlaoueslon of the Outlook, and the Campaign Outlined.

rrroTAL cisPATcasTO ran srsatTiaxa. BosTOJt, Mass, January 7 "St Jackson's Day" was fittingly celebrated by tbe Mtssa-ohusetu Democraoy as for past yeara. There waa a big banquet at tbe Revere House, where tbe outlook waa discussed and the eamoalgn outlined. Before the banquet ths new Demo. ratio state Central Committee organise! by the choice or Congressman Collins aa Chair man.

At ibe dinner nearly two band red of tbe representative Democrats of the State sat down, with bait a dosen of tbe leaden of Other New England Slstes aa guests. Tbe first speaker was Govsraor John W. Davis, of Rhode Island, the first Demoerttls Governor of that State In many years. Mr. Davis Is not aa orator, so ha read bla a patch, wbleb waa both logical and ooaservave Like every other speaker of the evening be emphasised tbe reeemblaaoe between Cttve.

land and Jackson in respect to boldness of conviction aad pertinacity of purpose ens apigrammatieal sentence that pleased bis hearers was spoken In reference to Blalm'S ill GOODS! t-Fre Ttlth Eaek bresg PattcniHSa 5' Tarda'cambrie and 2 YanU Silesia. Double-fold KorUsb Cashmeraav all sniora and Mnlaok: regular price now lDHa. 40-lneb Frenab Caabmerea, alt colors aad black recolar nrtee KhCo: new lSe. eO-lnch All-Wool Ladiaa' Cloth, all colors and black; regular price 50c; now 29c -S4-lneb All-Weol Habit Cloths, all colors and mack rerotar pnee coe; now 4aa 40-lnch All-Wool ri I biaeat rea-alar price 75o: now 87)e. now STe.

wisen aii-wooi rieota (la Urays); regular 64-lnch AD-Vool Checks; regular price now wm. reach Foul a. nil eoloreand SILK DEPARTMEfT! Bpeelala tbat will make this week memorable, 23-lnch Fine Quality Black Drees Silks (every jiu -MriaKui: last weea's price at aw; now 23-lneb Evening SUka In Moire Fraacaiae (entirely new): aelling price tbla week SSc 19-incb i.ynna Dress BeUns. ft! dlsUnct colors to select from selling price 60o; thia week 25c Beat Uaallty Marble lied Bilk Flash, complete ime or coiors; seiung price si; mis week edc 24-1 on Quilted Satin Linings, all colors and o'asa reiuisr price at: iota weea oec Also, 2.000 Drees Patterns and Hem a ants of Fine All-Wool Drees ioodg. In oolors and black, at ball oost and leas.

UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS Oar 75o Unlaundrled Shirts reduced to for II 45. Our (0o Unlaundrled 8blrta reduced to 3 for TL These two lota are tbe best values ever offered to tha Cincinnati trade. BB ill wares Surveyor of thelPort Campbell: Captain Henry B. Plumb, U. H.

Navy; Fostroaater ciarrity and controller Bobert P. Decheru New York Jaekfonlaaa. New York, January 7 The Democratic business men of tbla etty bald a banquet at the Hoffman Bouse in honor of Andrew Jackson to-night. Tbe first toast waa "Tbe President of tbe United States." A letter of regret waa read from President Cleveland. In which ba saldt "The anniversary of tbe bat- tie wnicn illustrates tne eourace and military skill or Anarew jaosson snouid be ntungiy celebrated by an association whose namein-a lea taa a belief In tbe political Principles which be steadfastly maintained.

Tbe lesson of his rugged honesty and bla vigorous insistence upon rights can not in these days ba toooften studied and enforoed. It la especially encouraging to find business men associated together for tbe purpose of contemplating these things and advanolng aueh political Interests as seam to tha practical judgment necessary to tbe prosperity of tha country. No political theory la valuable unless it benefits In Its application the business of tbe people, and when our bualaeaa men engage more generally lu political affaire we ahall have aafe and better politics." Letters of regret were received from the roiiowing gentlemen hi on. a. H.

cox. lienrsra i Kalnea, becxetary or tbe treasury Secretary Whitney, Hon. A. H. Gi retkry Kndlcott.

Daniel Lamont. Secretary Vilas. Filxbugh Lee, Governor MeEnery, of or aeairoy seen oovernment can aid and foster dona. We are all agreed In behalf of the abolition of war taxes In wbola or part, la tbe reduction of tbe sur plus, in tba correction of the ineonalltlee and absurdities of tbe present, tariff and In tbe lust diminution of all unnecessary burdens now imposed opon tbe people too deaire tbe continuance of the fraternal feeling wblcn now prevails between all aeetlona of tba country and are opposed to atlrrlngap sectional strife for political parposee This country wants peace, low taxes, fair wages, wider markets, freer commerce and good government every. where, admin Isle red by honest men." Tbe Governor concluded aa follows: "With regard to State matters, ae Democrate, we believe in Utel eelf-government for cities.

equal taxation. Just excise laws, the greatest personal ireeoom, ana aemana in era rar. W. it. inaienapoiis; noaro 01 Direetera.

w.a wu IHKg UUI ut BH "H' SB. ATOTter. Vi. ft. tnepnoalvable horror ot delirium tremela I Spenser, C.W.

LeCer and R. S. Walaep, after va. tt A.ii,r U1U XV tt. a Henry O.

Kent, ef New Hampaalre Nav 1 Offioecof tbe Port of Boston, declared It a be one pf tbe iubereot rights of mankind a btty where he can buy cheapest and a I be can eell beat, tbe only legitime 9 (ut oving rrom tne nt- eeaeltyof supporUng the GovernmenC I judge Rodmea. wbe ran for Governor Maine declared tt net impossible that tC next Electoral vote east by bte Stan should be for rover devetand. "I foronei' beeald. "am clad to h. iT' el PJs 1 l' as about PreBldeatii jwo-tniraa 01 the labor tn jmrro tnn ta toe BO' airaia to to Wbat la rlgt ki.

aoBaaoi aome ynesrraaee ei the at Phlladelphl a lumber li- Cos try. Is Imported from the Provtnees. are7 ii r-D heoAt to tbe Provisoes, avid that Is bow Maine taoor Is protectee, le "IT I though one of the etgnty latlmaS tated to redoee tbe expeaaea of Interna Revenaecoliection. leglad have a Prw rtHiAiiiiKni. January 7.

Tha Tons Men's Democratic Battalion annual "Jeekacn dlnner- waa held to-night In St. 'Georges Hall, Fraaldant Cad waHdcr presiding. Senator Yoorhees, who was to ba the prist el pal guest, sent Word that at the last momer ae ioana ne was unable to be nruam ti eaai waa very enoics and the decoratloi nasasome xns toasts were aa follows; "Tl Memory or Jsckton," John ti Bullitt: eoerat Aa ministration. Hon. Charles raircoiio.

eecreury 01 ta Treat urr; -Tla La.oora-a Oeorga A. Allen: "Cou inuiiuuai uroitaiKMia. Hon. li. Kertiard "Tha State of Pennsylvania.

"Boa. WUiian fwi( "a iuuik A.enaocracr.u Wliiiars wnicb the convention aajonrned. D1TT0X. f-. suit for XHvarea PrUoeera Arrained MUeeliataeewa Kewsv Dattob, Obio, January 7.

William H. nnitier to-day brought salt against Sadie for dlvoroe He chargsa her with intimacy with another men. Tbe prisoners now on ball and In Jail ta de- real of bait were arraigned Oaf ore Jadge Dwyer to-day to plead to the ebergea' brooabt agalaat India. Tbere waa sjulte a batco ef tnem. ablet among whom waae Edward Conway, for murder iu the second d-frre.

Me la the young mea so a few yeara ago was seat te tae penitentiary for arson. J. A. AvilUaa. charged with burglary and larceny, waa tbe only man able to giva bond.

Tbe rest of the culprlta want to Jail, witn the exospUoa of Jobn Cata. who lumped his ball. Tbe Dayton Board of Trade will alaot nn. eera and In rectors Monday eveaing. 1L tne Pre-ldeak vefuaea ta serve longer.

Mr. Weakley nas ne tne head eod front of the Board, and wUl prove a groat loea to tbe organ Isa Uon. Tbe Jeiieraoo Club open their new stub rooms en Moadsy avenluc Tba new rooms are located lo the Dickey Building, and are a great improvement oa the old quar-erc I WasUSatddar Lu wnUe a gentlemsa was passing over the Newport ana Covington Bridge, be 10 una a Drown net ta the middle of the bHdre A man apparently nnder tbe InAneae of lioeor was eeen rasa mm thebrtdfe, end iuoiped ova r. 1 li a ii.iens.ii, Olosr prominent people praaaul hat la at ta celiac Um 'a orioc i. tnat ne EE $125 $1 75 $246 S3 39 98c 96c $1 25 98c i iqiinDWCDCTXiaDXTg INDIANAPOLIS.

Divorce Case of an Unusual Character. Tbe Democratic Calif Attracting: Con siderable Interest from Abroad. Two Old Enemies Meet and a Slashing Affray Occurs 'Squire Cattereon Found Dead Aooldent, Indianapolis, January 7. There Is a divorce salt pending in one ot the Courts. oouudeof theosual ken.

it Is entitled Mary E- Dlttemore ve Jobn W. Dlttemorc and re Is both a complaint and a cress complaint. Theae parties were originally married In 1875. It was not the first of either Into matrimony, aa Mrs. Dtaentore had been divorced from her flrat hssaatnd aad Mr.

Dlttemore bad bean separated from his first wife By his first marriage Mr. Dlttemore bad a daughter, whose eustody fee re tains, iu 1885 re Dlttemore sued lor di from her second husband, setting up 111 nl ment, and he followed with a eros plaint, aad in time tba divorce was gran tad to him, there being an agreement, however. oy wnicn Mrs. Dlttemore received S7.09S 1st real estate and 11.000 cash as alimony. January, one year age tbe partlee remarried, and all was thought to be serene recently, wnen toe lady again came wllb application for divorce and 116.000 alimony, alleging that Mr.

Dlttemore waa cruel and profane in bla conduct toward her, and bad Tailed to provide for ber In accordance wltb bla meane To tbla Mr. Dltte- repuea in enotner erass-comnlalnt. In wbleb be alleges that instead of the plalnt-. vlng any tbtng ef wbleb to complain, it is be wno baa tbe burden of i grievances war. ia aiiegaa tnat ber course baa be- come so outrageously croel and exasperating tbat it ta impossible to longer endure tna same: and tnat "her marvelous and Inordinate caplalty and bar love of saonay Induce ferfcdo questionable things." He also details st lengtb tbe circumstance attend- and be allecea tbat after tbla san.

ra tion had beau leaallaad. aha aat I k. to work to bring about their reunion. claiming to be nenltant. and that, aha MnM tloaoftne inbabitenu as guaranteeed by I i pawned upon the croaa-complalo- tbe eooalituttoa a reapportionment byi naa cpnceeied ber which tbe majority aad not tba minority tne people or tne mate win be reoreaea also, that the emigration and quaraa rinsra oe onitn up ana tne aoaaee bave ao long characterised their manag snMM mens correcisc MERCHANT.

TRAVELERS. Tbe Hoosler Branch of the Institution tn Aannal Seeef on at Ev'svosville--A Healthy Showlnc. sr ecza ti ntsr area so ana cxanxia. EYimvuLt, icix. January 7.

The Thlr- aehama n.l.t.i.i.. I. I wjhwsts tae tsawil ivom. Travelers AssodsUon met at tha JL -rrr-" hV 1Ma Opera House and wss called to order by Preal- uuu, twill darn, fl After prayer by Rev. Chariea Morris, the Fraaldant Introduced Mayor J.

H. DaunetteL who delivered an ad. areas 01 welcome to which Mr. George Webster, inn, responded. Tne Secretary next read tbe report of tbe Board of Directors, which shows a meinbershlD of t7S.

an tn. crease nr over nwaoring tne year. Five death loasea of H.OuO each were reported aa having Fa. 4 ua uuauai oeing oatcea oa tbe aombor of members of tbe organisation, the amount wnicb will be paid 10 event of a men ner oymg taia year will be tXUUQ. An interesting report of the delegates to tbe National Convention waa then read, after I woiou toe louowiBs omeere were elected for WOICO IQS IOllOWlna eannetaMag aucb a proposition Blaine aa I enealaa yeeri Prawldent.

v. Cooper, of snowu np completely ths utter absurdity of I Indianapolis: Viee-Preaident, W.J. Brown. 1 I ,4 i nl tw yiiuuiHoaj jut apeaxer goi a I 1 a 1 1. owawtar aaa xrvasu 01 hie comparison of I tar.

urea ot ner temper I W. Pa almnlw a led a iu, uu sios'extin- tine I winiu a ve.y ison Time alter Sllcll 1 17. ataan auasnes from taat time erose-oom-I P'atnaat life bas been made a burden end bta home 'a beiL" And i i i-r i I rv rr XOO We expect to lose some money lor the next three weeks. Our stock is very by AaslsLan ihi. I i5iTn fTtl -If: Iia svtit: wSlSS "Bain HdoSn before stock-taking at svfe, bsco uioeaaitety thelst ol February, i i iTi, Cfo: For Ladies' Oil Pebble Goat Button Boote.everystseand width; actual value 1 7i For Ladies American French Kid Button idty Made) veal value ti au.

For ladles' Cnracoa Kid. Opera and Com moe-aenaa Last, every else and width; made toaeUates. For Ladles' Best French Kid. Haad made, Kx tension Hole; made to sell atK 60; an actual saving of 12, SCHOOL SHOES! For Misses' Grain Button Boots; former price (1 60. For Childrena Spring HeeL Hole Leather Tips; reduced from II so.

For Misses' Fine Rid Button Boots; actually worth 32 For Tooths' Grain Solar Tips; shoe stores ask fl M. it ia patneuealiv added: "Her treatmentlaeimply 1 ne eroeeveompialnaat also alleaea that Mrs. uni.uiui, uaa treatea nia aaognter. wb uvw a ior.1T n. aaieea.

of moat excellent breedine. wMtrmgeoosiy, ana naa applied to terme ana tnat ana ta unwilling tbat aay portion of his means shall beexnanead far h. rt-. w. wu U.

a are aieo atner gneveneea alleged In tbe Croaa-COm Dlaln t. amona ciairuiujj that Mra. Dlttemore baa the anginal alfmony Intact, aad ia simply bringing tbls suit lo wrest still more from him. when he ueen very oonatuuily with It expected tbat a trial of tbe ease will ae reached la a few weeks. tnt th.ra 1.

log aenaatloaal connected witb the aame save tha exhibition of temper which may be la a 7V-i7r JIT? aiwi aaaatsa. iyg DK OOQa WUB o( whoteeaie booeea of eaissj asv, BXBU SS SB am aa saj-a an. mam AW and he lives as baeomee a gentleman ef mod. erate wealth. Both ,.71 a 1 BAPLY BLASBXn, lonn lerklna and Abraham ml.

Ya-awst, not having eeen eacn otber for aeveraU months, and Psrklna -SZfrt r. sacciellan In terposed obieetiona with a Imifa siasaed Perkins over tbe bead and m.m hit f.l.kll.l j. bvid wara biimi.i r-raio. oiaima tnat McCiellan broke In tbe beck of bla bead wltn a. a -m-u 1 in,

AACdeiiaa ad-miu tbeassaul and alleges that tt was dons e-at ibhsb a ajir auavw iuv atiamaiatT -a sa a a on bla alai-. Hs-B ros A051TIIT. Mre Annia K. ner kit a igao eignt moatha ace, and Cbarlae Grabam. a painter, and a plalaVordi-narr. ona at ihttaaM rk" for living together aa man and wife they having paaaed as sack foe several on tba la tbe block which tbey tanaauT A nere oeiaa doabt tn emrina m. ICflSiiaiUBn araa h. n.tu arrixniwa xxjvumb. The East St. Loula Llraaaeil ttaaS whlie pecking lee la their building in tale rtty, attached the pulley througi.

hii! nearly one tbouaaad brick, vbicti fairi boriad John Taylor. h.TIV TharVi in. Ta. and danc-roealy eroab-d aim iUST 1 ae building waa but reeeatly erected, and tha rrann ths -un roc. sBAn.

a a x. 1 uil. nnn. 1 a. i slre Catteraoh.

waa found dead in bed tola -mora mar. tha. 1. "vi icsmi oa tne Orel a. He waa a resident ef India a years, daring fifteen ot wbica he su sod.

aaV-TTi aervee several tbsis aa a. ra, WtrM and aavraidu. THE DkatOCSATIO BAUT XtXT ntr ta attracting outside attention, for aeveral rooma bave beau engaged at tbe Hotel tfAtee tor Democratic pollu-Aane from New lore ay wiii iivm rit. rtna. Among the latter is understood ta 1..

scott. of Pennsylvania, whu. I to bold eioao rtlalioat wl tha 7 v. x-etiuua, i.BtBWlB 14 I itSllr bas ays'ai been revived, and next i a laavD in a 11 a liir.ri fn. eatdonbt ladisnapoUs has lae hai in tuca rcE OUR ANNUAL CLEARING SALES TO-MOIJEOiy, 1TOIJDAX, Jan.

Oth. Reductions of 50 Per Cent, in Every Department. GREAT SHOE SALE! GEE1T T0B COMFORT! GHEaT FOR BTALTHl GREAT FOB SERTICEl RUBBEROVEiuSHOES GiVEM AWAt FREE OF CHARGE. UATGHLESS VALUES flonselice 600 pieces Turkey Red Damask, warranted fast colors, eoia teat week at aoc; thla week Zoo. SO pteeee Plata aad Colored Border Damaak.

all It naa, last week's price 60c; thla week cents. v- ISO pieces Fall Bleached Damaak. pure Irish li aen. never aold nnder fiOcr now 36c 1.000 dosea German Damaak Towels. Six 50 Inches, never aold by aa nnder dOo; reduced to Sao, Two cases Fine Toilet QnUts, 13 sixe; usual pries fl; cat price So, COO Mareelilee Qaitta.

extra else and Veantlful pa i terns, soul Dy aa all aeaaoa at ai now LOPOaOieoee Bleached aad Cnbleacbed Mus- ii wnoieaaie case prion Sc; for this week tiio, 6 boxes New Sprlag Draaa and Apron Gl bs aama. menu lactnrera price aoxlnsT thu week ejic Best American Indigo Bias Prints, tbe only blue that is fast, sold by all houses In the trade at 8b; now 6ic 10 easea Unbieacbed Canton Flannel, heavy nap, ease price leo; our prloa 6c HOSIERY AND FANCY GOODS. 200doen Ladles' All-wool Cashmere Hose, discs and colors, aold readily at cue: cat down to gjc 190 dozen Ladles Fleeced Hose, solid colore end bleak, full regular, with split feet, pairs for eOo. Ladles' Fancy Border Hsm-et itched Hand. kerchleie, never mads for leas than lire; reduced to 4c Gentlemen's Fancy Border Hem-eUtflbed Handkerchiefs, selling 4jc; out price 10c to meet, no finer one to be foend in the Weat, and there is a belief, that as there will be no contest over the nominations to amount to much, tbe hotels wUl be found sufflolent to accommodate ail ns may attend.

xissixo took Bona rraneis K. Hall, for aeveral yeara manager nui? Hnnuiiiiiu taa atuiatone ana corn Miller, baa been rayaterloaalv miaalna- for .1 weeke andallefToru ot hia family and friends to get any trace of hia whereaboula bave proved fru i tlese He waa laat beard from In Washington, where be went on bustnsee and it uetivvea tost irom tnare ne naa rnn, to oine oioer oiiy in a a amen lea state. was in isiusi bssiib at tne time ae left home His domestic relstloos were of tha banoiaat nsiirs. Aue. position ne nam yielded him an income oi oetwaen and gcuoo a yaar.

ana, eitnoegn ne waa temporarily embar- nsaa nnanoiauy, ne oould have aoon bridged MV UliMVIUVl jvnoa atxrs assiova JUdffS A. C. Avers to-day aaat hia Malva a. iuu duuiiui iu, jnirinn ana hiiui ri. County Circuit Court to Governor Grey, to take effect on next Wednesday.

Hia reason for retiring from tbe Bencb ta that be can do uvvter, out oib Plans are nnanowst. Hia nation ia a great surprise to lawyers, and there Is aucn epeculailon aa le who will be hia aacoeasor. HEAVY LOSSES. DisastroRs Fira In Chicago Business nouses Last Evening. Property to tha Extent of a Quarter of a MI llion Dollars Destroyed.

Ckxoaoo. January 7. Tbe new seven-story brick building, Nde S38, and Fourth avenue owned by John Dale of Chleagc and E. Hart, ot Marietta, Ohlc burned thla evanlag. causing a loss of S330.000.

Pataut medicine, book-binding and printing firms were tbe principal occupants, and tbelr In an mm able stock fired ao easily that nothing coaia ne done except try to save adjoining tructurse The building waa worth 1115.000, and is nearly a total loss. It StO.uoa Tbe Em mart Proprietary Compear waa tbe heavieal sufferer asjde from tba owners of the building. Tbe Emmerta' loss Is estimated at 110.000. and la said to be wall insured, sixteen nrms near tbe brant ot the remaining dam- asre ambi k. i oe ae para tea rrom tosir cnlld.

a I no insurance Tney are the Mcintosh Gal boy. which baa been left In tbe custody of 1 vanlo Company; MeUlllBroc. rallroed-puooti Km. MllM.ll.lltl.Ah tne father. But ahortly after tae aecond n.7Bi?u,rr'! ii-Cushlng, printer; Cemp- Thatehar- nrl m.Mi r.

nion Type-foundry; National Haraeea Re-View; Pbotograpbto Eye; Co pal In, Pbotog-rapber; Beal Electrie Mechanical Company; wooa-oinoere; Mart ace. book-bind ant tnmia Uaira. .1 .7 wi Mut, pnntere Ferfeite Hie Mead. When tbe esse of Geo. A.

Oraen waa called In the Police Coart yosterdsy mornlnc the aeienaant, who charged with burglary, did not answer. His bond was ordered forfaited aad a capias issued for hie arrest. Greeo was v-puirea a lew weexa ago by Officer Croatn in ao( o( breaking into tbe bouse. No. xo.

AAngworta stA-eek He wee caught In the -w, w. 111, wisvsaiens eecapsH. Tbe Bemaina of John W. Gerke. IV.

itoubibi tne iste joan w. Gerke ar rived front Lea Vegas. N. M- laat evening, la fuoerai will take place Monday. w-XAdles' and Cbildraaw Halr-Cnttlne Shampooing aad Cnrllng.

the latest and most arustlo styles. Pbulxix nAIt-Dlin-lxa PABLoBa, ta W. Bevsnto street. TFor Coughs. Asthma and Throat IMaos- dera use "brown's Jirsmchial TrocAxa." I a pox.

arBBQ bxab lirxxxi. to 7 P. M. -Sc Boa O'BkJKK'e. x5c vQld Whisky.

Parmertoa. XS W. Sixth 1 "sraaLaix notices. aAUcBrsisssa. riavoring Extracta aad Perfumery; long eetahUahed, prwapereas aad paying; ewaer haa ether bwlneas; rare opportunity So In-vast about ao bonos asked.

Apply at Nc 4 East Foarth SL laS-2tSa SFCHI1F vvrRRtinm en TbeMtaaoert PeeiSe -all way will -a. ia I leaving im. Ioula Janav- nJ 36111 mua Februery Stnat aboat half fare Tkitutwi. sbui i. i r.iil.

.1 1 11 Br I vwa- -BkOUW Die IE Btaaaar. fa1, tnecnvler. wisbaa ata friends and aenaau tnoM to tits hits a Mil at Thaiiu. fiJCaat lit tiha 7. TauS street.

Iiri-IGIOTJS. T3ROF. LYON will Bold two JL Ml-visaiaii', isattlngs daily. M. at Walhes jaaA-t n.

B-ioo- oeweiopiBg circles every Baa. day aad Theredav at a P. rrx si. (M urea's Halls cutis seaneaa iiwia. aa tvesnosa st.

UNION SPlRlTCAUSTa, st ball. Vi Sixth 11 A. IU, free; Td VSV lie issiineui meciarae Howell aad aos. foil stmaa aad ar uy snxiout batun-u t.m Lieturea Morntns. -Klai 1.

t-ptrit Even ins. "The of 1 deaana the Lrama lnacted Th.ra aai. iaw.iea. -IWM SSU. t.lOl-ea-ie-iC- Most be add even thougrh at a rreat loss.

We arlll, therefore, comrfaenco To-morrow (Monday) Morn in? a Genuine Clearing Sale tn ererj department; and will sell regrardle of eost or value. CLOAKS! ITaat WC1 Happen To-Morrow: ALL CUB CLOAKS WILL EE UXRKED HALF PRICE! HO Jackets now IS. tli Newmarkets now 17 60. tJJ Raglaaa now tia Seal Plush Wraps now 115. VjO Seal Flash Sacquea now All our Finest Imported Children's Cloaks.

formerly sold at 113 SO aad 016, take your cboloa Monday for SO, Blankgts and Bsi Ccnfcrtablss I 75o A PAIR. OTATID ViTAXgp 52 PAIR. $3 50 PAIR. For Wbltejtd Gray Wool Blanketa. forth gl For Whits and Gray Wool Blanks worth St.

For the Finest Scarlet and White Ail-Wool California Blaakeu, 1,000 Bea Oosnfbrtnbles, 4to, esc, 75o, OSo and eLSS. ITCSLIN UNDERGARMENTS One Hundred Thousand Pieces, la all grades, from tha lowest to the finest, and will comprise every article mads for Ladles tn tas shape of aaltn Underwear, at 23a, tVa, Soe, 48c 750 and tc mm sr. SOCIETY NOTICES. A LODOB OP PAST MASTERS WILL BS XX opened TCSSDAT, janaary lotn. at a 'clock 1 sneer tha ansnlcaa of Lafavaita I 1 k.

SI. F. and A. M. Past afastee eV.

H. Marklaad will preside All Psat Masters are Invited to aitead. W. a MtXUU. Master.

CXAttis iMti Bnoww. aec'y. latstuiaTa O.H. Board of Directors. ImDortaet saeetlae i THIS ArTKHNOU o'clock prosnpt.

at vi tmntna waiast. Alt members must aueno, JDWAjti aWgJLNlvV.C.D. A TTRNTIOJ. KfflOHW OF ST. JAM EM! XV.

MeetlSg VO-bAY at fl P. M. at baaeoaent of Cathedral. A 11 aeaBera are iMiMUduka tma. eat.

klaotloa ef offleera. P. AtuBAN.CaBtalu. MAST1M Hkaaoa. BeCy.

ne AO-H. I IV 1 8 IO a-aegeiar meeting a TCmDaY HVkSlMO. tna leta last, avery m.mber la reuaaied to at lend. Vr ortfarot tbe Division. JOHM WAUfl.

atcrsun. CA6TLB AJAX, tt. O. parsesnt te special call of members, met ftnnd.r. Ut eerea ebaner.

and reevlvee te fwlaaura in Mataal Meeerve e'and oi York. Aatuarnad atna Alas Uoctal Club Mutual Heeerve will meet at Isfl auiau eeui win gueet at ivs esl tlftb. WIUNHDAT plete orgaalsatlou aaJ recelva Fall aiieoaaaee Sealrec wS.triklD.I ail pollcls aUclse CK. OF BRA5CH HO. sa-Aaseaament Ne XI as ot res ta-a leht.

sn.M I Uth. iBBlallattoa of eaeera te-algnt. IO. O. LODOB, NO.

omcers ana msmbers are reqocsted te meet at fifs "ari ea4 Heme atxeeta. at I clack M.THI DaY, te attend tba Bnecai ear 4e-ceaaea Brother, George W. Palmar. tadeslreo. jus.

u. rn. tscT, Io. o. r.

eagle lodqb. no. hs, meets to- MORROW lcmT. IStallatloo ol omcinv payraaat of Sees and otber buslaea. JUttS At.

aslUAAtoua(. Fey. aecy. IO. O.

LODOB. NO. Ill Instalia-. Uoa ot officers eoSlmportaal aaslDess TllL'tvet- tmuiu, deanery iztn. Alalia Tt tAJOIIO.

Special meettBa- et JLVA MUSUAY JJo'cloek fA0ia-tid meeUag of Lafsret Insured for 31 tuaujaiay. Tat" I'-- wm. BVMgxiau a a sa aaiB Swiss, aae'y. CASONla Boeclal oX Laxtge. Ne its.

F. Work M. M. It ttennaso TKMPLAR. etated conclave ef Oo- Im.

St Bt St ft erVkBBuSBnas.ti.Ba aVA i. a s-v saw CM LXO, January s. li at 7 o'clock. Visitors lavued. Ua-tl JAOl A. V. AiecerUar. ASTIR PAINTERS' ASSOCIATION will aold m.5,,,U" at tke Waabloatee Platlorm oa MONDAY. Jeaaary V. M.

klaetlue ut oSlcera aad baoqnet. Every member Is earnestly reqasstea ta etienc rstAI. aCHAKSTklJtjBec Vattler Lodge .1 Vlaitora lnvliat. HkNHTll.ltlUUeW.lf' nan. jaaaTawsraiat.

Bec'y. rette Lodte i -i eoiocx III Jat-Tiaala meeting of Golden Jtule and A. J.n..r. ca Vial tors cordially weicotne J. t.


January at 1M P. M. to Sj-Aat aad A.M, TULnU Y. Action on amendtneata aeu UA A avsv'y. SOCIETY MEJt all wear fan la ana UCHIKHS All-Wool raaia watt than the baet.

ad at RCNTEB-S, Broadway aad agscstea avenue UNION VETEBAIf KEHtTBUCAN CLCB wlU meat at Tarnar f4.ll ruin h. y. lur tueolioo eg oincera for to eaaoiea yeac. M.LOBsuX.rTallaat. BUIaPTQ ASSOCIATIOMx.

CINCINNATI BUILDING AND DEPOSIT CXX A sale of money fouO to wul beheld NXT FRIDAY KvkjaixiA at a- o'clock, at Uandolfo Hall. n. w. cor. Fifth at.

and Broadway, snares tSul. Weekly does aOc per share A new scries opens Febru ary SO. OW KN SMITH. Pre. uio.

tr. MITIM, Secretary. Tt rONEYI MONEY I MONEY I sntie Bnlldinar AuohIiHab r. Atlantis i.X Tbe haa S500 to SU1UOO to loan. lnntura uinaiioaikauJiiAI IMi otaw ume A ermi low.

or aay charge of Mr. and Mra B. M. Kosrxe Ths I "WBTf FAIBMOUNT Building and Sav 1 -a- to be voted -oa lttllAY. January lUtO.

lUmunhaaara expected, to be present. ALE OF MONET ia F. KLEKMAN, Secy. -BY- SAMPSON BUILDXNU ASSOCIATlOj vbry wxnvBsnAY aiear. Boath-wsst corner Fifth ana MUX From 3U0 to tlCUM.

Does too and ti. W. A. MARKS, Frasldent, 470 Waal Fifth street. H.

A. SkiBSBBiBBB, Secretary. rpHE Banner Loea aad Bnlldlng Assode. JL tion meets every WEDNEbUAY EVEN. I 1a1 at Flftatreet tJerdwn.

Ttils sum luiue As now beelnalne Its tan th -ear ami naa declared iaaa than a per cent, dividend, and baa in Ita reeerve fund nearly a new class is iust startlnsL. and mimuui marafar ere soil 01 tea. Cluriirsa-r et iw? THE aannal meetlog of tae Lorraine Building and Loan Company will be beid SATURDAY EVENING. JVsi-ir- Si 10J lo.TiJ. election of Directors and amending the con.

BtttuUon. H. R. SCH UU DEB. V.

P. v-sria j. iutcsub, See'y. THE election of Directors of tba Grand National Building Association Company will take o-aee ksivteo and vf. xn -T a Jatntutry lotn.

et Nc SM Vine street. Ail naera- ajare tao-ia oe treaen CHAN KUCHENBCCH. Prec Locis Riga, See'y. rpflK Marxst Bolldlag and Loan. Co-, a.

JL sof. (wtesth aa4 Ceatral tta, will meet fur permanent onto laju-oa THUKauAi' EVEAXNU, January Litn, at e'oiocA, e. UNION Trust Loan aad Building Aaaocia-UoVA meetlae of the naanai-ara of ahla Association will be held THURSDAY EVEN. January litn. to take action on amead-aaeat to the sonalltwttoa.

Mnnav wait a onered foraala, from fie to -TTFTL1CHER If BUILDING ut. ki a mrr STERN LOAN 1MB AiOl-i ATKl.M PlaKtioa 1 aad aale ef money TUESDAY KVEM.Nti.1 5 "a TUCRS DAY EV fcS. 1NU. o'clock, at J. Hall.

FUag SireeL RoTLRT. Waat APAM WCBST. See'y. Building Aseociatioa oO.UUtJ tor sale aext TCESDAT 1,1 af.l0..,fc h'awtb'uder. at their weetiajr JoPiiCAJfc.Presv a.

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