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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 4

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

As-' The Enquirer. JOHK'B. MLEAK. JDsczaon x. imt, V.

BATHES. For Ohio Pair weather, slowly rising tem-' jwiliit, light to (ntk wlsda, Shirans to Tiiinon-anshuy wemcr. gaaersily letr VMtbW, light to frash M.ihl. wlnrfs. i rot TeBncseee--Falg weather, light eeeterly HBptnUra, mmh la too cestxal BorUoa.

allgbliy warmer. wlOT nsy 1 ru la Fair weather, slowly rising Waptnlon, llcht to frmh easterly 1 I Light mil sre lndlsated, for Arkansas, Xsaaae, Ksbr ka, Mlaosrt ana Iowa, sad Bacord of TtftMfai'i Local Obeer sals sc. sea wwmuf vr "aVl iuio ot -loi at Mites le ileal Ban Notnt at Claalasoel aa Meiianei H. 1BT. a n.m es eg XUlB.

S3 11 ciaeianua MB Cli riii bib t4 iui Casus as rClear PUWIM a cray tCi'ar Mifon'i was rair LmTI1mI rX5 laepe I toJaauiH 1H( stg 1 Itlkmnwi jut Ictey ICl. i vet ff.miiB-1-. i cie Ciiu itVKUrl'dv tin. MS Cray ci'r rMfnvLW 1111 ssts re kutHW.1 iss OHtp. In kuiuutiAts fit.

Past Aawrcsse a Devee 'B a laeaorriM Part Huroa;) LTae TWUI ray M. Vlaeaau WCy C1T jrt. BafordT wm rt. Oaaiar la -ox ZMadwaaaH ISkbb Ictaar 'la Plait KtaiT Senegf'SJi at Lasts Pair taavtv tji) ew Yera 52 Claar ICIvarl For Vatlipl rfelk Claart Ctaan ran Bin. a Fart Davis.

kIhw 1 1 Ka ar CarUsteaJ UUMU.J rTar Oiaar ri Ctaar, Claar1 Ctaar- alt UM.ultK VaieaUaa iia Cor.CBrlaU.iai nesssr'sJts Cfdr -I44lt 'Clear ci'ajr P. T. JssrKisra. kargst, caal Corpa. Vaitaa atataa Ariar.

atoVBT mi aa oloaa as avar yaaUrdar. and bonooors vera loollDa4 to raruui tbatr VOkkj to smali proporitoaa. Ditooaat boat Ctvaiasd Tslsee Beeanao. a Uarnr ncsa irair in he n'v J-ar glt Idrar Mk Claar Mo'w CI oar IC'irar faJr Bin. la bank was, tbaratora, light.

Ruling- rata war fj(T Mr eoBV, bat tbara vara ax- apMona vkara lf par oast, was charged. Co tba opoa markat oall loans wars negotiated Mtta par aotaalolj at ha latter rata, and tlM tap aa plaaad a eT per eeot. Tbs tnarkat for Etatara omebanfa waa steady, with solas between banks at 60a. per tLQOU dle- Tkara waa Tory little demand for for-- olgo esebaoga. Government bonds were vaaknjale, lioeal aeon ri ilea ware doll.

taolatrtiloso( merebandlte eontluoe to 1 Operations In prorUloos were okeeked my tba fall prices asked, tba farther strength being doe to the advanoe lo tba waloa of bogs. Floor Urn and In fair de mand. Wheal scares and blgbar. Corn troncar and asttra. Rys held blgber.

Oats la good deal and at higher prices. Barley and dnlk Cottoa strong; middling. ajo, Codje etaadjr and dolt. Hogar qolat. 'Whisky in good demand and Arm.

Kkirp ih oold wtrt off, Mr. Clerk. 'Giro ua a aoaainfr thaw. iRDiAHapOLre pU tbo ngxt Ifktlonkl Convention. It will be held In Jane, .1888.

Evert if the BopnbHoaoa end erata eboaid overlook the claims of Cin-cinnktL, the Prohibitionists oufcht surely to eome here with their National Con-ontion. There ie no better place in which to crush the rum power. 'Thh Is the day when. If the announced programme ie followed. President Gbxvt'i resignation will be sent to the Chamber.

To-morrow the Senate end Chamber will meet to choose hia successor. Both Fkrry and Fbkyciket ere talked of, and both are good men. The latter is the more aaKaolong polltl-'e)lan. Tan annnal report of the Postmaster i General la out. Wo note an oxeeaa -'ot expenditure, over revenue for the year ending Jane 80, 18S7, of nearlv S00t000.

Thle is, of course, to be ex-eueedon the basis of a paternal Oovern--xnent. Onoe, and once only, since the war, oar Poet-offioe report showed a profit to the Government, and then all the Statesmen of both parties "set to work to see that bo such mistake as that should ever ooonr again. la the day when Cincinnati seeks to do honor to one who was President of the United States, to one who was a great itlxan of Ohio, to one who was a good oldien and who fell on tbo field of duty through the bullet of a eraay asaaaai n. A grand statue haa been erected here to assist In perpetuating hie memory; and, today, with due honors, we unveil It. The Mayor of the city has lent every assistance within, his power toward making the oocaaion a moat impressive one.

The parade Is under tbs charge of Captain Mattox, whVoh insures prompt and intelligent management. Altogether there la every promise that the proceedings will -be worthy of the occasion, and worthy ot Cincinnati. Mock talk is made In the press of the starting from Kew Tork harbor of the urvey party which is to lay out the course ot tbo alleged NIcaraguan Canal. It seems as if it might be worthwhile to speak frankly about what la being done, ana sought to bo done, with that isthmus. lot ua try it, There is a wast 1 trade between Europe, oa the one hand, and China, Japan, India and Australasia on the other.

The globe, which we call the earth, it so constituted that the distance ie very much shorter going westward, across or around, the Western ITemiephere, )han it is going eastward, cross or around tbs Eastern Hemisphere. Originally the option waa to sail to the south-west and doable Cape Horn, orto the south-east and double the Cape of Good Bops. This long southern detour Vss made necessary by that little strip ot land called the Isthmus of Sues, on the one band, and that narrow strip of rooky back-bone, called the Isthmus of Darlen, noon the other. The Bue Isthmus has been eat through yet even with that assistance the shorter eonrao is still across 27orth America, and onr Ferine railroads have been getting the benefit of lu Nov Canada has Paeiflo road and a fine Ilneof Pacific steamers at lu western terminus to compete with. as.

The American isthmus would have been cat through long since save for the powerful influence ot our Paclflo'roeds. They were anxious to keep the transcontinental carrying traffic, and, naturally, opposed to permitting European vessels to pass through without breaking bulk. It is this which fata eo long prevented ns from building canal ourselves, for the Goversmente of the locality have long (fared ne every opportunity to do eo, Then Xbsskps, the builder ot the Sues Canal, undertook bis Tebuantepec scheme. It has cost far mors than hs expected. Every obstacle that this country could throw in his way was thrown, and mostot our pres articles predioUug Inevitable failure had their origin in onr dsalre that he AatUJ fall.

The ship rail. 1 i ttrasM mi af rl way echeme, the Kloararuan scheme, sre both empty nothings, pat on paper with the view of embarrassing bis money-borrowing; power. We believe that, despite all this opposition, be wtll get through. and that hie canal will be a sneoeaa. Then will come tbs Important question of who is to control It, Will Great Britain steal it, aa she did the Sues Canal, or will tbs United States take possession ana bold it as her own The las! will not be difficult.

It seems to ns the solution ot the wbols problem. Tars comprehensive table of Ohio's new Legislature, printed la yestsrdsy's Ej-tjcuu, has attracted great attention, and no point has called forth such general in terest se the occupation of tbs new members. Since the publication we have analysed this branch of tbs information, with the following results Taking tbs two Bouses ss whole, there will be in them thirty-nine lawyers, tbs legal pro- leeeion lesding all other occupations bv most decided plurality. Next eome tbs farmers, with twenty-six. The merchants of various kinds.

In eludlnt- a' couple of druggists snd two or three lumbermen, reach to sn sven twenty. The doctors sre next with twelve, quite enough to keep the Assembly in bad health. There axe tea editors, who ought to bo st boms attending to the wants of their readers. Best estate agents to ths number of nine have broken in, and there are five who call themselves manufacturers. There are four bankers and three school-teachers.

There are four day-laborers who mention their especial fields of labor and ons more who simply says that he is a laborer. Of clerks there are two, and also two printers. One aln- gls member has ths hardihood to declare himself "a politician," snd one other vsye be "County Auditor." The list closes with one miller, one railroader, one eur-veyorandone market-master. It la an interacting showing. Grant In Peace.

GKA3T IN PKaCK. jrmn Appomattox te Mao at McGregor- A Pereaaal Memoir. Aoam Ba-dcau. Octave, pp. tot.

S. s. Sereaton a Ce Bartford, laC Jtoben CUrke a UaolawaU. General BadkaCS sketches of "Grant In Peaca" have at last been thrown Into boos form, la a sbspe worthy of their merit. They form an octavo volume ot nearly six band red pages, profusely 111 net rated, and wltb a beauilfalljr clear type and handsome arrangement throughout.

It la the bot and clearest contribution to the Gxavt literature which has been made outside of tbe great General's own work, and ths fao-rtmiU of tbe dead bero's letter, at tbe outset, shows that the work met with hie approval. Excepting, perhaps, tbe dead General Rawlxss, no one was ever cloaer to Gbart than General Badeap, bis Ald-de-Cemn and Military Secretary, and be haa exhibited both great literary ability and sonndjadgment In selecting, oat of tbo vast material at his disposal, that wblob the pabllo ought to know and bad a right to know. It is a ebarmlng work. In its pages tbe great snd silent end strong man lives sgaln. and comes before ns sa be was Known to bis cloaast friends In tbe days wnea the cruel war waa over.

These quiet, peaceful, bat brilliant sketches add a new luster to his fame, sud will endear blm more than ever to our people. They show him as a statesman. Insisting, against partisan fnry. tbat bis generous terms to tbe Booth should be carried oak They sbow him ss a President, knowing little and earing less of practical politics, but determined tbat the country sbould oome to no harm. Tbey sbow blm as a man, qaiet, gentle and true, faithful to tbnae whom be loved, often even to bte own Injury, and.

finally, tbey sbow htm a dying hero, with a whole world hanging anxious over bis deatb-bed and sobbing at bis grave. It Is a fasolnatlng work, and will always rank aa a great contribution to American history. ORDERED TO LEAVE. The Eollpse Sewing-machine Company Sued by tbe City for Non-Payment of Bene In accordance with a resolution passed by tbe Work-bonss Directors recently. City Solicitor Horstmsnn yeateraav Issued a writ of vaeat Ion against Leo Brigel and tbe Eel: pee Bewlng-Machlne Company before "Squire An-tbony.

Tbe writ directs tba sewing-machine company to Vacate tbe old foondry building of the City Work-bnoae. now uaed by tbe defendants a a stnre-bouae. within tbe nest Bee days. Tne facts of the ease, so far as liiuwn, are about a. loiiowe: Tbs Eclipse Mewlng-Machtne Company Is behind time tn Its rent for buildings.

Ths building ordered to be vscsted was not Included In their contract wltb tbe city, but npon the promise to employ more men they were slvea the prlvlieee of leasing what Is known ss the old foundry build Ins. Tbe defend an la failed Id their prom lee to employ more hand, and they also fulled to psy tbs rent for several months. Hence tne suit. THE eoODSPKED JCRT. It Falls to Agree as to the Condition of V.

Bis Mind. After being In their room twenty-eight hours, the Jury In tbe cas of Major Good- speed failed to agree and were discharged yeeterday afternoon about four o'rlocr. From tne ttrat ballot they etood about the same to tbe end. Tbe laat ballot was seven Ib.t be waa sane and five that be was Insane. There Is snmstblng extraordinary In (tie faot tbat Madlaonvll furnished tbree-fourtbs ol tbe Goodapeed Jury.

Tbeir oplnloosdlf-fereomewbat also. Mesrs.K.9L Hedman, J. tK Moore. Edward Leonard. J.

H.C Smith and James King tboucbt tbe defendant me: and L. K. XIapliet. W. U.

Mean, Kll Much- more ana ieu. ttaaer mougni mm insane. The reeling at Gvodspaed's Boasa. xAi. suuaTca to xs autosiaxa.

Athkks, uaio. November sx The result of the Goodspeed trial evidently gives general satisfaction to the friends Of the defendant la Athens, as It Is regarded as a practical fore-stallmsnt of any farther legal proceedings In tbe case. Bon. Emmltt Tompkins, slues hie return to Athene to-day. has been the suhjeot oi warm eonaraiuiauoos on every nana for tbe dlettnaulsbed and affective part he took Is tbe trial.

Cincinnati sad the Conventions. ICInolnnstl Special to New Tork Cincinnati is making a vigorous effort to secure the Republican. Democratic and fro. btbltlon National Conventions. Tbla city la particularly anxlons to obtain tba conventions because next year tbe centennial of Cincinnati ana tne onto Valley will be celebrated here with a great International Exposition, which win best a July 4ih and end October 77th.

If tbe conventions eome here their areatone will nadanhtxtlv lis hi tn efu.te Hall, which baa a seating capacity of wiiu rwim idtsb, tnouaaaa more on tne stage. Tbe ball on several oeeaelone has contained seven thousand people. The only drawback la Hhermaas candidacy for tne Presidency, which may caoae tbe friends of tuv uw craaiaetes to oppose Clneinnati. Died rraas a cratch oa the Thnmhw INew York Tribona.1 John J. Klersted.

one of the best-known Is Ptwren, K. yesterday from the eSeota of a aerate on tba thumb received several weeks ago. Tbe lajary was considered trivial at the time, hat lsflammatloa est is and then blood-poisoning. a IVest Flva ChUdreei In BUeeeet Days. Newark 8 pedal to the New Tork Sua.

Five children ot John Hrnaanar at living ea the meadows, have escesmbea to diphtheria tn eleven days, the last being buried oa Wednesday. Both parents are ana trated with grief. Another Xattoaai Cent ntltte Sana's Frafee. VnaHWVW S.

wm TX 2 .1., ti. eel ll answer to your inquiry, my prefers ace for the National Democratic Convention would be Sew York or Chicago. A. W. (clloVaT.

Blrak raat as Bar RaabaaePs Teaaa. INew York World. Gaaeral Grant's widow vial La tba tnmb la Riverside Park every Henday. Thanksgtvihg Osyaheplaosdaawersenthecasksv Yields the raise to Voaa. IJaekeoa (Ohio) Herald-t -Far usi ban la, m.t.

ie, earth the asstaaaU wjw A CROOKED ATTORNEY. Lawyer J. L. Proves To lfc Tiiaf Bad rorjtx. His Clients Bobbed of Between Seven Tton-sand gad Eight Thtnuani Dollars.

Ths Kathode of Charles A. Xebler XspU eavtod-He Ze aUemiaa- sad Zs Thought So Bars Metaed. Detectives were oat laeU direetloae yesterday and last sight searching forJ.UEkhaV bargee. Mr. Klehelberger Is a prominent young at torney of this el ty who enjoyed a laeratlve prseUoe.

Els business wee almost entirely that of looking op titles and abstract work. sad kls client were quite assserosa. Be te wasted epos several charges, among which figure forgery sad theft. Hie ie ease very similar to that of tbe late Charles A. Kebler.

sad the aorprlee which will greet tbe publication ot his crookedness will also be very great. Tbe first In cling of there seise say thing wrong with tbe young attorney came with the laatltatlag of a salt by A. XL Bassos a exxax: tmu roerr-orncs A few days sgo. This salt was brought to recover fl44 6 In the petition Bled at the bringing of the salt Elebelberger was charged with forgery and with having perjured hi Ba se If. Bis troubles at that time originated in a peculiar way.

About three months ago a man want to Elebelberser and wanted blm to get eome security to give to eteamboat owners on wboee boat he had obtained the privilege of reusing a bar. The boat was about to start on a trip Sows tba river. Tbe owners of steamboats always require a bond from tbe owner of the bar. Tbe man did not have time to get bondsmen. Elcbelberger knowing Basso who had bees client of his and a personal friend, and knowing tbat Basson had acme bonds of the Hamilton Water-Works, went to him and gotoneof the bonds of tba par value of tMUO, bat worth IL14 o.

This was glvsn to tbe steamboat owners as security for tbe bar owner for tbe trio. When the boat returned tbe bar owner returned tbe bond to Elcbelberger. TBI SLICK IKDIVIDOAI. Did not gtvs it back to Its owner, but pledged It wltb ooe ot tbe banxs tn the eity to secure money wbteb he bad borrowed. Basson asked lor It a number ot times, bat was always pat XX SICEILStBSIS, off with one excuse or another until his Ustinov wae exhausted.

He then put tbe matter In tbe bands of an attorney for collection. For some time It was difficult to find ElohelberKsr. Finally, however, be was seen snd gave a mortgage on real estate la Norwood to seeure tbe money due Baseon. Ho also cave two for tb'iJ and the other for tz Uo, datsd beptembar lStb. snd doe In specinea time.

ins note tor uv was maorsea witn tne name of r'hlllo Krug. When the paper was oue it was wot rain. Pblllp Krug was tbsn called upon to pay the note. He at onoe pronounced tbe indorse ment a forgery. i.lebelberger.

wheneekrd ohout this, said tbat Mr. Krug did Indorse tbe note. However, a suit wss niea to reoover on tbe notes and foreclose tbe mortgage. At-taebmenta were le.ued. and real eatate In Llmviod, all blsotTJce fixtures and bis booae-bold coode seised.

Elcbeloercer promised to settle tbe matter last Thursday, but failed to do so. But tbls is only one of tbe many little crooked transactions lo which Eicbeiberaer figured. Another lorgery on a mortgage was norma in on tne Cincinnati jiusiract company to the amount of about tl.5M0. Adolod Dracb waa caught on a forged cbecK calling lor out tn- eneck wae mnae good aud Dolph loses notblog. Willi Beck, tbe eos-lumer, gave him a bill of ST00 to collect, it us upon partie lu tbe mate, and Klcbel-ercer collected tbe wealth and kept It.

Another friend, Fritz, the bartender at Eoer-c I iik's saloon snd rotauraot, at Ninth snd Elm streeta, also got causbt on a forged check for fcfti. '1 bese are only a few of those who were worked by tne smooth young man. and It can safely be etated tbat Elcbelberger hsa made away wltb at LEAST SSVKH Ok EI8HT TBOITSAnn His moat despicable trick was tbat by which an entlmabls young lady loaes a valuabls gold watch and chain. Etcuelberger bad for sotns time been paying attentlone to Miss Kline Oe Rulter. who resides wltb her parents at No.

136 Linn street, Tbey were engaged to be married on last Thanksgiving Day. A week previous, howsver. he called to see Miss De rlulter. and after a consultation with her. parents tbe ceremony was put off until tbe hoi Ida) a.

Tbs evening before Tbenksglvlng Kichelbercer spent with tue yonng lady. Bhe bad tbat day broken tbe glaaa face on a valuable watcb wblcb sbe wore. Elcbelberger noticed tbe breakage, and informed MissDe Kntter tbat if she would let himtsgetbe watch be would have It repaired. This she did, snd tbe time-piece Is now among the asset witn which Elcbelberger made away. Elcbelberger lived wltb but three sisters In good style at No.

S5S Ohio avenue. A gentleman residing neat door, at No. Stutlsaisoa big loser, but to what extent or In what manner be refuaea tossy; Nothing ess be learned of him at his home, and bis family are plnnged Into tbe deepest sorrow over tne distract which haa fallen upon them. He was last at ROMS Ol THURSDAY KtSHT, And from soma things said at that time his family fear that be baa taken bis own life. Tbls opinion Is also Shared by others of his friends, who are Urn in their belief tbat the youna attorney, through lack of eonrare to face tbe slo, baa committed suicide.

Tbey are much exercised in regard to tbe matter. 1 be detectives bavs been enable to learn any thing tn regard lo his wnereabouta. Lant Wed uesdsy evening Eiebelbergstepned Into tne Jewelry establishment of J. O. Hi in-per.

No. leg West F'oortb street. He and sir. Simper were friends, and Elohelberger stated tbat he desired to look at eome diamond rings. BI BSLXCTkn A COSTI.T 05C And In payment offered a cheek which called for considerable more than tbe price of tbe ring.

It wss after banking boors, and tbe Jeweler was unable to cash toe beck. Eich-eiberger then said that be would take tbe ring with bitn.aod thstif It suited the young lady fur whom he wealed It ho would call tbe next morning and pay for It. It most not have suited, aa ne neverealled: nsltber Old he return tbe ring, iest Monday night, while chatting with several friends on Fount street, Mr. blooper thought be caught eight of Elcbelberger, but If It wss tbe young men he managed to get away before the jeweler vuuiv caws' eo witn mm. Tbe afternoon of Thanksa-lvlne- ruv and tbat night be spent with his fr.eod '-Krlm," the saloon man referred to.

Tbat nignt tbey were across tbe Rhine together bavtng a Jollv time. It was eleven o'clock when they separated at tbe corner of Ninth and Vine streeta. Elcbeibercee took a cable car to his home. bat before tbey parted he gave Frits three mortgages which were to be delivered to a friend named Jake Leoebtenberger. Jaae called for the papers on tne following day.

ana liter were turuea over to Dim. gachSl' berger slated to his friend that he had sot autssxr ta tsoosls Ob soma snoasy matters, and that the more- eagee were gives on some property in LAn-woed. eo tbat be miens "atnit, kiauf. Notniag eould be learned la regard to these mortgsgea yeeterday. Jt la also known tbat toere are a nam ner 01 ethers out, ait or Which are outright forserlea.

Elebel berger waa not known to be mneb on tbe hilarity order, and what little eeoapodea be indebted in were oa tbe extremely quiet oraer. ne ie anowa to aeve spent eonxldera-bleof bis good wealth and nut of hia time in tne company or a trail oamaei called Blanche, in (radio Seotfs boose ot lli-fame. oa George street. A year or eo ago he wag mixes no la some transactions that flavored strongly of being erooked. Tbe matter was nasaeo as, however, and ant Utile heard of but wrong-doing.

Restltnttea After Tweaty.Two Yeara. Glass boro (J. Ppedal to New York World. William C. Hanson, of Sonth Oarollna.

west to Philadelphia ta Ube and resided with hie family at a hotel. White there tnelr rooms were robbed ot avslesble gold watch, air. Healoa came to thu place eooa after, sad bee since resides here. Te-terday, twsaty-twe years after the theft, be found a package oa the Boor of a shed adjoining sua boose. Inside wee costly gold waach and a card bearing this Inscription "In this box you will Bad a gold watch, to tat recognised ne a eubstitnte for tbe one takes from your room ta Patlae delphta ta lsaa." atedern fVaUlaha, i Toe kers Sta teaman.

-It la said that men halrreasere are being sspnlaaisd ay vsatea, THE ESTQUIIlirrt, CIKCINITAIX THUBSD AY; B0 lOSCY, 10 GKOOXSXAJL Ce teste! wiraetas Bat Its strikes the Mill. tsnahre Ovhssteet few Oave ati Vtoholae Baatth, the prlaeo of aad the eon-ln-lew of Horace Oreeteygsla Bgares la arpeesllar man ner before tbe pablla Tax Zxvnmn. a week or eo ago. eoatalaed a lengthy letter alvlsg aa aeeoonl of one el ths Colossi sees pad es la tale etty. It wee la reference to hie proesr-tageevavsthsndredsoilsrs from Dr.

JBaek-aer. of East FoarUfc street, by Indorsing a worthless draft oa Sew York for that aasoonu. It waa stated at the time that the Cotonel bad just left Loowllia, where he had sated ee gToomsmes for tao Fsrletsa million aim. E. J.

Ovlngton. who wedded one of LonisvUle's meet ebarmleg sod weslthloM yoeag ladles. Idles Georgie Malta. Beveral Constables had endeavored to a uses Colonel Smiths baggage, end tbla bad the effect of harrying him oat of Louisville long before he la tended to leave that etty. The sequel now coses.

A few Says ago r. Ovtagtoa received a letter from tne Co lone. Is tbat letter Bnslth stated that be bad neea pat to mneb expense In getting to Louisville, and wound ap by requesting tils) la payment of the trosble Incurred by him while acting as a groomsman. Mr. Ovtagtoa paid no attention to tbe claim, bat the Colonel wee so persietent that be at laat eeot OB to tbo Aetor Hones la New York, where the Colonel stops is that etty.

check fortius. Thle tbe Colonel would not accept and returned to air. Ovlngton. Then eome pointed correspondence followed, daring wblen Mr. Ci.

intimated tbat Colonel H. was a dead-beat, and Colonel 8. retaliated by naylng tbat Mr. O. waa a blackguard.

Too wedding present gives by the Colonel was also ablpped to him. Mr. Ovlng ton elaima that oa tbe nignt ot tne weaaing tne Colonel endeavored to borrow from him, but that he would sot save tb WAS IT FOR LOVE? The Sad Suicide of Young Strobe! Snrmleee That It Waa Due to a Quarrel Wltb a Dayton-B treat Sweetheart. Coroner Bendlgs yesterday began the Inquest in tbe ease of Charles BtrobeL the youth who shot off the top of hie head Tuesday at his home on Wae tern avenue. It will be remembered tbat Btrobal adopted heroic methods to end hie existence.

First he took a dose of "Rough on It la" and then, as if fearful that would not kill. Bred tbe fatal shot. Tba mysterious part of tbe affair was tbatnocaaseeoold be assigned for the terrible ecu Young Btrobel recently lost bis place as a traveling salesman for Berlngbaus A Co dealers In barbers' supplies, hut that fact did not seem to depress him mneb, aad beside bis parents were well to do. tbs oslt vmmn Before tbe Coroner yea tarda) were his father snd sister. Tbelr testimony re sled entirely to tbe ssd facts regarding tbe finding of the body wltb the fatal pistol at Its side end a box of tbe deadly polaon near by.

Both were eloeely questioned by tbe Coroner, and declared that they could eugsest no possible ree-oo for the self-murder. Strobe! bad been uniformly la good spirits, and had never ottered any expressions tbat would lead bis relatives to fear tbat he contemplated suicide. Ir. Keodlgs adjourned tbe inquest until Ibis mornlog. wben otber witnesses will be esstntned and an ettort be made to find an explanation of Btrobel'e rash deed.

a lovb a rr AIB. The young man's intimate friends bint that bis suicide wss due lo dlsappolutment In a love affair witn a respectable girl living somewhere on Dayton street. Tbey say that be frequently referred lo tbla aweetheart, and seemed to be completely Infatnated witb ber. Not an evening passed wben work was over that he did not write her a bote or -end a message by postal card. He carefully guarded the secret as to ber name sod address.

It Is snrmlssd tbat tnere waa a lovera'qnarrel, and lu a fit of sodden despondency and desperation Btrobel took his life. SHE FOOLED THEM. Mrs. Donavan Deserts Her Husband and Deceives the Polios. Tbe officers st the Central Police Station who, on last Monday night, were affected by tbe sorrowful story of the uOerlngs of a woman who presented herself as an object of charity, are now of the opinion tbat tbey are not tbe Judges of human nature they supposed.

Bbe gsve ber name as Mrs. Klawltter. and told a touching tale of desertion and destitution tbat won tbe aympatby of all wbo beard ber. Tuesdsv morning sbe wss glvsn free ticket to Part-, Ky where sbe expressed a desire to go, and was escorted to tue aepot oy an omcer. Yesterday a gentleman besting all the marks of an injured man entered tbe station snd.

giving bis name as Donavan, asked for tee arrest ot nis wile, whom ne claimed bed left bla bed and board at No. 123 John street on Monday morning, taking bla clothes and eternal hatred at the same time. His description of the vanished lady fitted tbat of tbe heart-broken woman of Monday mgbt. snd whsn be ox pressed bis belief tbst she bad gone to Paris. Kj.

to ber relatives tbe climax wss reached, snd tbe flood-gatee of wratb wers opened. Nothing waa done, however. except to console him with tbe paradox tbst bis loss waa nis gain, endbe left Borrowing and swearing. HISSING WITH HOWEY. Kentucktaa Leaves Bis Friend for a Moment and Can Net Be Fetus, Tueedsy evening about seven o'clock Cap tain Jamea Bewgs, of tbe Health Office, went Into Harff A Cramer's wltb his friend, (Sam Maxfield.

of DonaldavUle. Ky on a visit to tbe city. Tbe two had supper, at tbe conclu sion of which Usxfield excused himself and went back to the toilet-room. Captain Beggs waited some time for his friend to return, and finally stepped beck to the toilet-room himself. He could find no trace of Maxfield.

aad further search in tbe neighborhood was equally fu tile. Yesterday be reported Alaxfteld's mys terious dissppearanee to tbe police. Tbe luleemg Ksniucklan Is described aa a Chunky, beavy-eet man. fifty-five or sixty yea re of ace. with short gray ebia Whiskers, and about five feet eight tnones In beiebt.

He wore a blue shirt and far cap and a welt-worn black overcoat. Hs had on bla neraan Is Rawer Gas Harmless After Allt INew York Medical Journal It haa been a matter of knowledge for eome years certainly since Letbeby a report oa the subject. In ISfiS tbat tbe air of sewers (sewer la not of Itself usually deleterious that no poisonous gas is ordinarily eonteined In sewers la enfflcleat amoent to Injurs the health of eny person who la hales 1k Ecav eugera aad men work la sawera sre generally healthy snd long-lived; plumbers seldom die of symotle dtsesse, unless pneu monic can be classed as such; and sewer rata grow gray la their eabterranean quarters. Hanltary omolale can re nail many tnatnneee in lour experience woere eoDtust expoeare to tbe nlr iMDIsr from HtnnnMl and basins has been followed by no bad consequence. In a recent paper on "The Air of t-ewers." by irof.

1 bom as Carnelly and 1. hV Haldane, 14. B. of the Koynl It waa shown tbnt sewer air Ie comparatively free from noxoas contains proportionately fewer microoraanisms than the outer air of tbe same locality. Tbs authors' experiments were made In large sewers (large enough for a man to enter) through wblcb air waa constantly circulating by mesas of ventilated manholes nod ooeu girds at the street corners.

Under tbeclrcamstanoea It la not surprising that they should have satisfied themselves tbat moat of tbe mlcro-orgsatsms found were not developed In the sewer Itself, bat drawn la trom tbe enter air. It has been noticed tbnt lllnees traced to defective drainace is more frequent In honaee where tbe.v ere holes la tbe wlpee. open Joints or nnaaed fixture, man where) there la simply aa absence of traps under fixtures in constant use. Holes ta vertical or branch pipe, and opea Joints, will often be found covered about tbe edge with slims deposited from fluids that bava spurtea eugntiy tbrongb tbe boles during their Tbe oater border of tola depoell le arten drr and eraaanltae. nod from that point to the edge of tbe opening will be found all a agrees ot motatare.

ilay not each eepoette aroaad holes and lining dry a uaed pipes be the real breediag-piaees of the micro-organisms believed to be productive of so mneo sick sees In honaee. every outward current of air paee. tng Into tne room being loaded with tbenm 7 The dangerous qualities of sewer air naav be doe to gaseous ptomaines, as ogres led by tbeee gentlemen, though their experiments to determine tbla ware teasons stated by them. iv. Fawuaee ClnelnnnUan Pats.

eraci.t amrsres to ran sciax WiLMMteToa, Ohio, November ax K. Snook, sa sged dtlxoa of Clarksvllls, this county, died tbla morning of typhoid fever after a two days tllmaa Ha was for a quarter of a eeotary sugared la tba livery bast-neea at the eooih-weat corner of Fifth and Bvoamore streets, Cincinnati, front which point ae moved two years sgo. VTaat GedT lOaUlpolte (Ohio) fielletla. Pity the noor of ClaatnaaU. who are having to nay trom tweaty-elx to tweary-eeven cenu a bushel for coal bat whet good, after all.

la pity tkel eaa sot saprses IUaU la aid STARTLING STORIES. light Shed on the Kebler For- Sid Sa Seeorn CrimI 6ild Another Crimi-xlf geTiBmtional Statement Made by tbe 8ui cida to a. W. lattrwdarev That Ceitlc-min, However, PUcea le Credeaee la Bis CB-tfca-sa. Diipats by Yariou Creditors as ta Yao Shall Ea diirtator.

Astiach CoBefi Objects ta Aay Uwytr, aad Wasta a BssIbsss bUb. Pors-ed Doods. ortc-agwS aad Votss Turainc Up la Tbla Btraags Cass Svery Day. Gossip bee been going the rounds la assist way ta the laat few days which plaoaa the Kebler suicide and forgeries la stlli more startling light. It indicates that the yonng lawyer wee led Into his wrong-doing by desire to cover the shortcomings of oae who wss very dear to blm.

If each was the case be martyred him self by becoming a criminal aad committing anielda ta order to protect the sood name of another. it fa scenmed tbat this te whst be meeat whea bo said eo mysteriously In hie last letter addressed to bis partner, Mr. Boelker, that what be bed dose bad aot affected the final result. It has leaked ont that la hia consultation with Mr. E.

W. Ktttredge two days before his death, be made a statement himself to this effect: Hs swamped himself, according to bis story. In paying out la tercet ssd moneys due through TBI DSLIKQUXWCT OF AIOTBU. Ia order to make up one shortage, be used the money of other people, and tana created another. It la known positively tbst this statement waa made to Mr.

Klttredge. and that tbat gentleman has expressed bis belief that tbe statement wss aot true. After hie eonseltstlon with Probate Jndge Goebel and attorneys interested in the case last evening, an Eaa dim an reporter met Mr. Klttredge st the Courvhonae and naked blm about If. "I dout believe the report," said ha "Did Cbas.

A. Kebler, la bis statement to yon. give, ae a reason for bis forgeries, that he had assumed the harden of another? "Wnst he said to me I am not at liberty to divulge." -I have seen a gentleman wbo says that be knows tbls wss told to you. and tbat you had stated to blm you did aot believe It." TACIT ACXKOVUMUin ST XrTTBKDO "If you have beard that, yon can eay so. All 1 beve to say about It Is tbat I do not be lieve It," Thus It will be seen there Is a tacit acknowledgement on tbe part, of Mr.

Klttredge that the statement was "made to him, and be did not believe It at the time. Be was not willing, even In his thoughts, to east a refleotloa on A. Kebleris dead father. Tbe more people think about the ease the mors tbey are mystified. A very large sum of money has been swallowed up.

Where has It gone? Mr. Kebler did not gem bis. He did not speculate. No plsoe can be found where be spent large sums of money. In only one wsy wss beextrsvegant, and tbat was In providing for bis own borne.

Wben a little figuring on this Is done It Is found that, Inoludlng every thing, he eould not have ovxb 140,000 On it, and his Income from his law business was estimated at 110.000 peryear. Tblssora of monev. witn a boms slready handsomely furniabed, would enable htm to live In mag-nillcent atyle. hat. then, did he do with tbe tlfAOOO.

which seems to have disappeared There Is no thought or desire to smirch anyone else, but this is the sort of talk tbat Is now going tbe rounds, and Thb Ekqcikkk desires only to gl vs the news. A reporter called at tbe office of Messrs. Roelksr A Jelke yesterday to Inquire further about tbe matter. Mr. Jelke was present, and wss questioned oa the sub- Joou MB.

JBLXX HKSrTATXS. When esked directly If be bad bssrd that Kebler had gone wrong to shield another, he aid: bavc heard such a report." "1 want to ask you. Mr. Jelke. If you have any psfsonal anowlsdge tbat such la the faetT" Mr.

Jelke did not answer for a long time. He studied a few moments, tben passed his banda over his face snd finally said have beard it intimated." Mr. Jelke evidently knew a great deal more than he eared to aay, and the subject Waa painful to blm- Appointing the Administrator. Hon. John H.

Little, tbe Congressman from Xenia. Greene County, Ohio, was In the city yesterday as counsel for Antloob College, which haa wet from fSO.uOO to SuO.000 wltb Kebler, who waa one of tba Trustees of the Institution. General Little, on behalf of tbe college an-iborUiee, entered his protest yesterday egalnst the appointment of Hon. W. J.

Cop pock ss administrator. He said he had notnlng against Mr. Coppock personally. He considered bim an honest and an able man. bnt his olienta did not want aa administrator a lawyer or a man so Xktibatxlt cohbfxtxd With tbe deeeasea.

Mr. Coppock office was nsxt door to Ksbler's, In the same building, and he must necessarily have entanglements as a lawyer and personal friend, wbtea would render blm unsatisfactory as an unbiased administrator. Tbe same wonld be true of nearly nny other lawyer and be would prefer eumeone wbo bad no eneb entanglements. An intellegent and thorough buartieae man, la hia opinion, would be tbe proper party to have charge ot the estate end administer upon iu At five o'clock last evening a number of lawyers In is rested as KsrsasKWTrxo cxiairra Met Probate Judge Goebel in hia private ottos to discuss with bim tbe propriety ol appointing an administrator now. i nere were present Isaae M.

Jordan, representing Keblar'a mother and hia two orphan children W. Klttredge, representing Messrs. Jelke end Moelker: Chart ea Wliby, representing Mum C. E. Noorse and some societies A.

Champion- representing Antloch College and other creditors, and J. I. Bran nan, representing two Msmschnsetts creditors. Jndge Goebel said that nnder tbe statutes he sbonrd appoint ner iitor aa administrator, bnt wben a majority ot toe eredltore esked for eome one elas be could accommodate tnem. Messrs.

Jordan, Klttredge, WHby aad Braunaa asked for tbe appointment of Coppock, and Mr. Champion objected. He said he had the highest personal regard for Mr. Coppock. ahd believed ta hie honesty and in tegrity, ont ate eiients ssxtniB a nustjrass sta, -Who wae not entangled In anyway.

If Mr. Klttredge would same any respectable baal-nesa man be woo la accede. Mr. Klttredge frankly aald he didn't know one aunldat same one la town. Mr.

Wltby went on to aay tbat there would be questions of law constantly com tng np that a basin eaa man wonld know nothing whatever about, and hs would not be able to cope with. Ma Wllbydid not want It sold lb le bar ooald not be trueted. iir. Jordan said he reomaeateel the two lis. tie enildren nnd Mm.

Leonard, sa wonld claim a Mil of nale. Any business m-n- be said, who undertook the task would be la lawyer's orBoe all tbo time, aad theCoert would be compelled to appoint tats legal Why nut save the double expense by appointing a lawyer Is tbe erst place. air. nuance aaia that aU books, papers and sees is were tvorxka ta tntn'a sasb And desks, and that the appointment should ansae as soon es aoaeioie. odee Goebel I urged lo make It tmmedlatalv.

Tbe Judge ss Id he believed a majority of creditors ware represented In tbs counsel present, not hn wooJd wait day, ae new ones seemed to torn np every day. la esse ao-further ob jection wae maae ae wo aid appoint Mr. Coppock. imrlngtbe Informal discussion It was developed tbat Bev. ueore-e A Tnaver ta a aead.

Iter, tkt kin Kesm erasiior mum of tne lorgeo Oeede and morta-agee. and tbat XI mi-1. Moaaman. Hoelker. tbe Jelkea snd jaslor,) Jaeger, Usee, AaUoea College snd numerous others sre Ceng hi.

from other sources it is learned that Sennits, tne queens. ware man. Is a creditor for (Sue; i shell, the Jeweler, for ktOud, nnd Ties Hastingten, tne eaeena ware aw, tor Sua. la epeaklog of assets. Mr.

Klttredge anld be knew al twnty foor railroad ooodn, some personal property, the homo in Avondaln. nroBertv on Oak street and odds and ends here nad there. He was, he said, largely indebted to bis mother's estate. Mr. Champion eras ut aa Immitail la the eases of Logan vs.

Core and Tharnaaer wu-er. wnics as mixes Bp ta too came i TBS XeaAIICB OS CS XBsV Ose ot the first easss beard by Judge Win Tart waa that of Jewett a Adams vs. Jaaver treaieo, liberies A. Kebier and E. W.

aUUredge repress a tod Jaeger, aad A. DECEIBEB 1 Caamaloa tbs other aide. The legal eons pit-em Uon was broncet about ss follows: Jewett a tao aeasst. rases ws a a eommiantoa Seal sees aa a large scale nt too corner of Water and Vina streets, nnd failed. A.

T. Annan. tao Ira. It ascmoa. wae also later.

oied la emianeMBSUf. A nee tave tail are a kls nalt waa krone-bl by es Sltoea, nnd Mr. inn bewame Itmu. eg Adams' Te eiedltere sews tne carriage peny for the mosey dee th sm, aad a paper was IS trod news ns eviasnos itirtame TO BB BIBB SI ta. aa vui la tno carnage cam pa ay.

Tale neper. It wee eiaimed, wae a forgery, aad Keble la aa eio-qoeetepeeeb pronounced It neencb. Hado-xoaaoad farcers as laatdtoeo wretches aot aotd esoags to rob sees oa too highway, bat waa aa aaa u.hi tn the dark- They were com pared to the thief whoetoes nte aeigaeore nocset seek is eaercn. a ot all ertmianm. He eoodnesee tno cane eo sarnwaiy tha be orrtra xa rMAaarrras.

Kebler shaved at tbe barber-ehop oa tbe eontk aide of Fourth street, between Walaat and Mala. Tbe barbers there reesembar something very Peculiar a boot Keaier. He weald corns la to get shaved, aad before taking hie seat la tha chair won id take eon pie of whins from cigarette. Hn would then go abend to sleep, nad it was with difficulty tbey eoa Id a roues aim after the barbers had fiaisbed their work. Tbey arrived st tneeoa-oiumoa he was smoking sotsas ta aw etgar-euaav sXoalofs Mr.

aUtttwdgs, is spesklag to parties st tbe Coart-bosse ymterdsy af Kebmra call aa hist, said tbat ta the light nt anbaeqaeat eveaU he was aaUsflsd that the deceased had called oa blm ae friead. booing that whea be made the statement of bis enetdlUoa Ma Klttredge would help him oak If each ware hie bopee he wss doomed to disappointment, He made verbal abatement of bat affairs, aad then gsve eome figures showing his assets, tbe names of sredltors and tne amoaata dee them. He meaUoaed ths Antloch College end Mam Nourae affair. Mr. Klttredge mid Kebler that be waste have to do one of two things: Make a all atatemeat of hie affaire and take tbe consequences or at oace make fall aad complete restttatioa If It waa la hie power to do ao.

Kebler made a statement and committed suicide. Tbe ngaree will be turned over by Mr. Klttredge to the administrator. What tbs Administrator Wilt Da. Ae tbe majority ot tbe creditors prefer Mr.

Coppock aa assignee, the Probata CO art will, doubtless, la a day or two appoiat blm. Mr. Coppock Brat doty will be lo examine Keb lar'a books aad papers to ascertain bis assets. He will then call meeting of ell creditors In order to find out bow much be le short, a schedule of his liabilities will be furnished at tbe earliest possible data. Hometblng baa been aald about the probable life in.ur.noe he left- Mr.

Klttredge, to whom be maae a etatemenf. a. ye toat It amount lo about (12.UU0, aad tbat bis two children are named aa oeneuelarlea. in tbe vaat amount of evidence turning np la another forged paper. In which tbe asms of Charles Webber la used aa Special Master lomra teetooer in tne nale of some property.

1 be deceased left four letters. One of them, addressed to F. G. Boelker. baa been pob-ll-oed In the Equiaka.

Of the otber three, one le addressed to bis brother. Abbott Kebler. another lo bla mother-in-law. Mrs. E.

G. Leonnrd, and tbe third to bis own mother, Mrs, Jonn Keoler. These letters will all go to the administrator. Ths Aatleeh College Mortgages. Amoag tbe mortgages sold to the treasurer of Aotloco College by Keoler waa one alleged to have been algned by Leo M.

Frank and wife, for gOOO, on property oa blgelow avenue, it Is dated Novsmber ta. I88S, Another is alleged to have been executed by James F. Khodee asd wife to Kebler, for TiUXJ. Tbla was transferred by Kebler to Frank Evans. Treasorsr of Aatloeb College, it le dated October i.

lseg. Another Is tbe mortgage a boat which publication has heretofore been made, ft Is slier ed to have been signed by Barbara Hesse. It le for and Is on property on Race street, near Fourth. It Is dated October xs, IBM. On all tbeee mortgagee tbe date of receipt by tbe Recorder end tne date of record aad the name of tbe beoorder were all forged.

Bow Miss Nearse Is Involved. The story ot Cbas. A. Keblar'a doings in reference to the property of Ctara E. Nourae has been published.

In brief, be made a deed to blmself for ber property for en alleged consideration of Tbsn be mede a lease to her of tbe same property. Thee he sold the property to Herman L. Beaaden for IJHuou. Tbe Indorsement of the recorrllac of ihe-e loetrnments waa forged. lea Kourse has ail along claimed tbat abedid not sign a deed for ber properly, and did not sell It to Mr.

Kebler. Neither did sbe lease It from bltn. Yet tnere is ber name signed to the deed end lease, and It Is witnessed by two men well now a la this city. But she denies It, and yesterday PILKO A SCIT Against Herman L. Beeuden, tne two Kebler children and tbe County reorder, to enjoin tne Recorder from recording tbe two deeds sndtbelesse.

In her petition sbe sets out tbe purported documents, snd tben says tbat see was not aware of tbe existence of such tapers until the 251b lnsu further al-eges tbat sae never signed nny of them; never requested soy one to sign them ber: never acknowledged the signatures totbsm before tbe persona purporting to have wit neaeed the signing, and never tWOSt TO TUB BIODATCkk Before a notary, as she Is purported to bavs done, bbe asks tbst tbe recording of tbe ps-pers be enjoined, and tbat Besuden and tbe Keblera be enjoined from asserting aay elalm or ile to tba property described la the deeds and lease. udce Peck lesaed a temporary restraining order. ARRESTED ON A SERIOUS CHARGE. TV. Lee ver Before 'itqnlro Bright far Obtaining Geeds Under ffslee Pretenses.

Yesterday afternoon T. E. Mooney, Presi dent of tbe Bradford Belting Company, ap peared before "Sqoire Bright sod swore out a warrant for tbe arrest of W. Leaver oa the charge of obtaining 1117 worth of goods nnder falsa pretenses. Leever waa arrested by Constable Frank Johnson snd taken before 'Squire Bright, who relessed him on fcXX) bond, with Zeke Hbott as surety.

Before tha Crsne A Co. fire Leever purchased a lot of belting from the plaintiffs and opened small factory at 7S9 and 117 Eastern avenue. He Instructed the firm to send tbe bill to Crane Co. and tbey would nettle. After the fire, wblcb censed the total destruction of Crana Co.

place of business, tbe bill was presented, but tbey refused to psy lu Leever clxtms tbat Crane A Co. agreed to atart blm In business, and tbat tbey gavs blm ordera to go to tbe Bradford Belting Company and parenase want netting ne neeaea ana that they would pay for If. AX EXTRAORDINARY ACCIDE5T. ktlss Mary Meyers Iijnred Throagu Cot. lleiea With a Dos.

A most peculiar accident occurred to Miss Mary Meyers, young lady residing at Mo-Mlekea avenue and Main street, while walking along Fourth, near Sycamore street, yeeterday afternoon, shortly before throe o'clock. As she passed aa opea door a large Newfoundland dog ran ont lo pursuit of a smaller member of threonine tribe. Tbe dog ran directly agelnat ber. throwing ber off ber balance nnd causing ber to fall witn considerable violence on tne ley walk- Tbe force of tbe fall stanned ber. nnd ebe lay suable to move for some moments.

A couple of gentlemen aasleled her to rtae. and took ber to the drag store on tbe corner, where her head, which had been slightly cot, was dressed. After sh-rt rest sbe was able to walk to the street-cars snd go home. taaysa INew Tors Tribunal Tbe whirligig of time brings mssy changes of prosperity. It Is twee ty-tb res years ago tbat Hhayne began his Career aa a minor employe la a fur bonne at Ctaelaastk A few years after be was twenty -ons years of age he became a Junior partner there.

To-day be ranks aa leading merchant of New Tork. gathering tbe furs of the whole world here to dietrtbete among tDe wealthy people of to ts and otner cities, in tnose asys tne is rge iur honsen warn wnst of tbe A lies ban lea. 1 ne great trade In nenleklns was not Ibea Initialed, snd tbe successful fur-trader were located nearer tne trapping grosaoa oi toe Weak where they eould come In etoeer con-tact with tae Santera wbo trooped tha beaver, eatnknnd bear. Now dlstanee ta nothing. nnd tne far trade eompreheade tbe pnrrhnee of ektns I roam every etimn tea tana- Among tbeee chances tbe men for whom Mr.

Bbayne as an employe In IsVS Bads himself to-dey oaeof Mr. haynes oe-ente. It te the remorse-lees fata of fortune, which lifts sea Saaa Bp aad puts another down. Heary rVa gMrtaony. Mr.

Henry Gerke. of ths Worse Brewing Company, celebrated his tweoty-eeveats birthday yeeterday. Last evealag bis friends, ta tha number of 150, called st his residence tela blm celebrate, watch thev did Ins most nearly manner. The Glee Inn of the Elm-street use rnraioaes exquisite masto, and a samntnone repeal was served. Hnt friends of tbe brewery presented blm with aa elegaat watch abarm.

la tha design of a gold barrel. THek Cseey1 Fesaa, "Dick Casey, who ssdaealy dhutppeored last Thursday from his boms oa Richmond street, near Cutter, wee fosad about tea o'clock last sight at the Indiana Howes by Detective Will Hanen nnd restored to Sle relatives. Casey has been aBtietea with brain trouble for a Tear or mors, ana ieit tne shops wane laboring nnder tear. pwrary aberration et naiad. la tbo Handing; CrowsV -i' ntew York BaaJ H- H.

(to Prlaoer Yea are wary late. Albert. Yoa mast bavs made quite a call npoa Mr. avullt van. prince (wearily) No, I saw blm en'y a few ss.

xt was a itoiag aa ta a lute taat A TOTAL LOSS. The Stnbrldge lJOiopltinS Wer-e Destpoje-- Terrible Fir on the Canal Bask! Near Elm Street, tapaxtw Talaed at Orer Oaea Up ia 8ms A Suspicion Tikt the CoBiptIoi'rYru taa Work taXaaeztouji HslstMa'a NtecklBg Factary and Br-, clay's Mating Warts Gatted. Jack Soauslar, a Brave Krsraaa, Hailed Fro a Ladder asd Irolmbly Fatally IsJuarL Tha nwBiiiii BaUiBf la tUiaa la aa Hsbt and a Oaartar Aftartto Flra Starts. Several Dwellln' Houses In tbo Vicinity Sorioosly Damaged by tha Plaaaa. At half-peat oae Coloek tats morning fire was dlseovered la the large five story brick building oa tbs aorth side at Canal street, lost west of Baca.

Tbe building is occupied by the Strobrtdge LithogTapbing Company. Tbe arc axarted ea ths eeoond floor. Is ths north-west onraar of the building, la what te known as tbe stock sad sblpplsg room. Hers it wss avaaxao at a utbxt batb Whea Mcrcbsnu' Polloamsa Keller dtaeov. sred It.

He ran to Twelfth aad Base streets and turned la aa alarm from ox TX By tae time the fire-engines arrived tbe fire bad takes such a hold that the tea-stroke- was cent is Immediately. 1 be fire by tbls time bed made considerable heed wsy. A age elevetor shaft, boat where the firs started, furnished a flue for tbe flam, sad It took bat very few minutes for them to as acs tbi urrsB rxoona. On tbs second floor there la nothing but lithographs. All of these ere highly colored.

and tbey furnished excellent food for the flames. Five mlnuteaafiartae fire waadleeov sred it had reached tbe third floor, which le known as the srUstg room. Here thousands ot Cue stones all reedy for the presses wereJ totally destroyed. Tbe Bremen worked bard, hot the water supply was very poor and there waa aot stream tbat could reach further thas the second floor. Tbe fire ell this time bad been confined to the rear or north side of the building.

There waa nothing to prevent It from spreading, consequently it was aot long before TBI VLAMSS HAS TaUl PIMSgSBiOB Of almost tbe entire building. It was nothing more than a furnace, with paper snd print era' ink aa fuel. The fourth floor Is knows se tba pastlng-room. Here large stands of lithographs ere prepared for ebipmsnr. This floor wse heavily stocked, and only added more fuel to tbe flames.

On the north side of the bonding Barclay's priming-office la located. Tba varnish. Inks sad papers la thle room snd tbe stock of HAIATkABa aroCXISIO PACTOBT Thatooeupled tbe front part of this floor, were exoellent material for the flames to feed on. The building Itself wss a very weak one. Twenty minutes after tha fire started, smoke eould be sees Issuing from between the brloks, and mortar aad bricks began to fall.

It was wltb difficulty that the firemen dodged the falling glass, bricks end mortar. At two o'clock this mornlog the Hemes bad spread to every portion of tbe building. Tbe press-room, which la oa the first floor, had. up to this hour, escaped. It bad aot touched that room, bat, before a stream eould be put on It, the Inks end OTHBB IltrtAkXlBLI MATkBIATA Ignited end the floor waa one mass ot flames.

This floor contains a large number of the finest and latest Improved lithographing presses, wblcb will be totally de stroyed. A large aum bar of atreama were soon pleylng on tbe burning build. lug from four eldea No 'amount of water seemed to do any good, ss flames Larger than ever, and vuldmee of smoke, thicker and blacker thaa before, rolled from tbe meny windows. Tbe scene Itself wss a beaatlf ul one, notwithstanding tbat It will cost over a naif million dollars to furnish It, At exactly ten minutes after twoo'elook the great lithographing stones on the third floor of the building commenced falling through tbe floors. One after another followed, making a aosT nxArsinao bsfobt.

And resembling In its terrible neea the guns of a number ot great batteries. Tbe smoke bad been puffing out between tbe brick walla svsr since the Bra got under headway, aad with the falling of tbe first stone a great cry went up. "Tbe walls are falling was heard on all sides. and testae Uy tbe great crowd a sred back sad forth, pre Ing and pulling la their efforts to get oat of aangera we v. Tbo Immense stones went straight through each Boor like toe snot from a cannon, tbe little reetetenee ottered them by tbe burning floors serving only to add to their Impetnoelty and reaoer more Intense tbe notes of the fait.

As tbey passed dowa throngs the building, crashing and burning ae It Waa, tbey sent np a volume of flame, white ssd son lb Leg. A perfect body of sparks, BVBHISS TIMBXa AtTB at UBS Shot heavenward snd lighted sa Ibe locality for squares about wttb tne fierce urigbloess of a summer's aoondsy son. Tn sparks spread, tbe strong wind carrying them In nil directlona. Burronnsing tbe ballding to tbe south side area nam of large tenement bouses, which are themselvee sarronnded by tbe same sort of boildings. These were covered with enow, which tbe beat soon el led.

and streams of water poured down. Tba fly lag sparks also slighted npoa tbeouand ot ons time a Oosea fires seemed imminent. At the same tlm ta trxsxt csoaasB vara srsssr To the west elde of Elm. and two cottages staBdlsg near the corner biased np. The bos was turned ims all these, and they were exilngolsbed.

Within a few momenta efter ths 11 tbo. graphs commenced failing, th aorth wail ehowed signs oigt vice nwsy. it sepnrAtea at the corner, asd for few fbo meats almost BUBO IS TBI AIB. A Use of boatmen ware playing st a) moat every window, ail onoooeclou af their dan ger, ano sera yeiie toe wo, ass sot any too soon. For.

with crash. Sows came a great part of the wall: ibea la on the weel followed. Hook snd Ladder Company No. 1 wore pars ling al tbe eon th-east corner af the bul idlog and along tha eontb front. At the ex i rem corner Jack Heb seller was ap oa a leader at a tblrd-etory window.

Jack bearing a report of la failing wniia at-taiaatad to aalfl bla soUUoa. Hia iuor. slipped snd down fcseema, all fa a heap, to tne grooua neiow. i ner ne lay uncos loos. beveral firemen ran to bte asa islaneer, and a patrol wagoa Waa eel left.

Ho waa earned nwny. With bat ell chaneee tbat be wookt not die from the eOecte of hia Injuries. Then the souta wall comm. a cad ta totter, aarmoanung the frost we a tower most artistically constructed. This swayed bees and forth, sat at last all let go, snd almost tn entire wall west witn It.

Lsekllyso Bremen wereeaasbV. The son tlx one earner was as Immense tower. Tbla soon followed, asa Mining sat tae lower part of the wait were en to teit the tela All had bees swallowed np la ths flames, The Btroarloae Company lo or the kind la tne worm, and has foe stood at the hews of tae iitb ogn pains pro tea. -Ion. inn company ana an oioc is JuOodon.

Eogland.aod ato one is New York, eiloouga the most of tae work le Sons here. it employs fifty or snore of tbe finest artists la in eoes-rr- lb company formerly did bsetnans at Be asd Baker streets, bat thee yeare ago tbelr business became eo extended tbat taa elegeat bail a log os too canal waa erected. Jl was Ova Stories high, of pressed brick, end qatte art le tie is destgs. it is unoerstoud thai tbo building was heavily stocked wits eapeaaave work, sock sa fancy calendars, sd-ves-tsiag cards nod snow paper, and van tons oa twsst oca Atoas. To say nothing of Valuable pr--sss and macs leery, will epproaea tiin.u.M.

There wae also ea bead a large ak of very vaioebt litnograpaatoaee. ne company was Joet la taa salti at st ua heavies se on. sad the miun i iaows doobtles evr- v-a aadaaAT te gotsed. nad WBSS ntx aa mladT fUBsT will be totally fieatroyed nTwater espcUy as mneb of the pa per and CaTnt T-aa stored ta tbo enlmra. And othor machinery will spproalmees aTai aaiT ts oahor by Mr.

Mines SO. aw aia otner. Brer. KK it. aaild Taa total tOSB.

tsnnrai las ssd toe toes of HsisteodS etocking vofy asd I 'T PV" TTTT- betTteWx. bat itr. sal. to aay that Wae tbs BnUdlng sot an rrrot proprietor at the shooting em Tlaa street, was ass at tbe Brat gallery' a tbs ansae. Ia tae.

aa was tbars alarm had been tarsed In. steiaa to the rear, where the fire wnn. yast ns be tarsed la to tbs vaoant lot is tbs aa raw where tbs Bra waa. Tbs rest af tba balldi nc was dark. 8ddsaly a Bam re from the window st th far east wall at Ua balldlag.

Jest ee It did Be saw tbe agare et a man standing by tbs window. Wbea tbe flame lighted ap tbls nsxt or taa betiding tbe figure darted aroaad tbs corner sad disappeared la tbs darkaeee. From tbs bead way th Br wss aooosot work af aa tacsadlary. earner te positive tbst tbe mas waa diaaoeaarnd whan the flra brake aat is the nest skIs of the ballding. was the oae wbo set fire to ths mtahllasaeeat.

15 0LD-T1XE Harry Wllsam Prwvwa Ta Bs Marks, a Day-tig Ss aaaa--T-tax. -It was ysatarday dlecovered that tba man Barry Wllsoa. srreeiad few algbta ago by ns Ti ick. of the Cestral Police at lion. le as ald-Ums orook.

who bee nerved bte a.w aa a an Ttet fog wartOOS offsBSIS He was sr sated, it will be remembered, lor steal- log sa orevat. bat was bald over ee asos-peot tor a few days la order to aeoertala hi. ideality. Oompenvon of hvia feature wttb in poo log raphe la ths Rogue's Gaitery develooed that be wae th man who was convicted ta the Police Court oa July Ws for petit larceny coder the seme of berry Marks. He wae arrested a few day previous to hie conviction by Officer Joe Pearl alreel and teutral avenue, for anntebing a gold watcb and ebata from th vaat of Mr.

r. A. Beoceat hotel la the vicinity. For tau ease ne was given a flee of ffB nod sentenced to thirty days In tbe Work-bouse. He bad joal come from ot, Louie a abort time rev to as to his -fall." and had done lime there for day Ugh aaeak work.

A dsscrip-tioa takes nt tna ume file klm perfectly. He will be arraigned la tbe Police Court this morning for th Teeny for which be wae sr TWO SUCK MEN. Prominent. Firm Worked With Worthies Chexik, Tha Penalty a Clark Paid to a Dia -njr- Boons Aoqasixt Two checks were returned to It sbley A Ca-rew yesterday morning marked "no good." Both were algned -William Fleklen." nad drawn against on or th local National Banks Oa wee for IS end the other for Ul One of tbe clerks in the establishment te a youag man named Bailers. He boards at tbe ClBclonall Hotel, st th corner of Ninth sad sycamore streeta Recently be baa noli oed at oss st tne adjoining hotel tables smooth-faced.

Tbey were never Introduced, bulbed a SIB ISO-BOOM ACUVAXBTASCB. Tneeday two men celled at MabieyAOa-rews. Oae latrodaeed himself as William Ficklea. and gave the name ot his' companion ss John Kottger. Tbey purchased TS worth of goods, sad, when the ertlelee were wrapped up, Fleklen took ont blank check, and, filling In the amount, signed bis Berne.

Tbe salesman wbo bad walled aa them took the check, looked at It, aad reminded ble customers that the house did not do badness tbst wsy. "0, 1 all tight, responded Fleklen. "I can refer to one of the clerks la year store. Mr. BeUers," Sellers wee called ever.

aad. aat under-standing tbe Import of the matter, promptly said that be kuew Mr. Fleklen, wbo boarded at tbe same hotel with blm. Tbe check was accepted, ssd Fleklen sad bis companion walked over to another department. Here their purchases amounted to tia, AOAIS A CBBCg Wee tendered, end the same doalous remark mads br the salesman.

JtckUa smiled and remarked that on of bis checks had Joal been accepted by the firm, and referred the salesman to tbe easbters desk. It was found tbat Fleklen Bad spoken truthfully, and wttuonl ndo tbe check was takeo In payment, end tbe two men deported with 8 76 worth of goods. The checks took the regular course of bust neea, aud yeeterday came back to tbe firm. Tbe police were notified, and are oa the lookout for Messrs. Files-leu snd Bottger.

CniN ASIAN" ARRESTED. Csptare of Oaa of a Gang of Pickpockets. Something la evidently" attracting the crooks toward Cincinnati, as Is evidenced by a number of arreem recently mads of tboee unfortunate enough to fall into ths clutches of the detectives. A few daya ago it beoani known ta st gang of four smart peopl war cated ta th third story ot th tenement boo-e No. tl West Sixth street, fe w-doors from Wslsnt.

The place was shadowed acta rdsy afternoon, snd shortly after four o'clock DetecUvcaKcbnuck a. Crawford, Mosee and Gal tanas made a raid oa the room whore the crooks were supposed to be. Tbey found baton man to reward them for their troabM, but bs proved to be a good oeieb, for a was recognised ee Joe Lee, alias tbe "Chiaamaa," a good pickpocket and change racket worker. A thorough search failed to reveel tbe presence ot nay one elee save Frank bklnner. tae "pip fiend," from whom las claimed to have rented tbe room.

Both were takeo to Police Head-quarter and oehered into tbe presence wf Colonel Deitaeb. Hero Lee waa questioned, bat re-faeed to give any information regarding blmself or bis com radea. He waa readily identified by a photograph Is th Rogare' Gallery tbat bad been received trom Columbos. together wita tbstof Lee's partner, Tnomna Woods, ails "Frog-eva." Both arc slick worker, lb -co Ins aa'' excelling In tbe "flim-flam" dodge. Kkiauer slated that Lea had secured tke room about five wee KB sgo, snd that bed known blm by the name of George.

He pro-feaeed attar lgaoreaa of Lee's comrades, aad denied ever having even tbeea. It aeveioped In the that Lee waa aa opium fiend also, and tbst had a nine ta the room. In his pockets wers found couple of notes from woman demanding money at one. A charge of saapicioa waa placed against both moa. Lee gave the name of Joeepn Goriselle.

Mexican by birth, aged twenty-two years, and a cigar-maker by oa-c pat ion. del ma to have eome from Chicago. From his appearance be bad been "bluing tbe alps" during the af lernooa. la atsmsrw of a Follow SI edeas. Tbs professors ssd students of tbs Ohio Medical College Bsssmbled yesterday afternoon la large Bombers st ths BSDsramnht.

theater of tae col lags to aotd a use oriel meeting ta honor of Fred Haskell, aate of the most talented and Promising member of tbe graduating rlsm Voaeg Haskell cook sles with fvaAAot a west home, to Ashland. Ky. where a died jr wra asa susy rwyws srs. gei bjmjcajjb1 ajn-evf-tl ay nad tao of too CoUega. Borglaxs eariy yesterday momlag gained sa entrance lata Dacya saloon, corner of George sau nam streets, and stole SU la cash.

A boat taeasass urns taey mad a raid oa thoGold Bar, eorner of Tnxwor eteaat eaa r-. avasue, end got Last nignt shortly after ten o'clock tbey pried pnea a side soor of Pnetaa's grocery, south-west Comer of Coert end Piam streets, cad got ta amaii easaos Irom tae drawer. age aUh-d Bis Wtfs. x- s. Faaalng, aa ex-poJIoemaa, went ta hie omo as -ssi iM centrai aveass la a drunken eosaittora last sight st half-past sieves oewa ss sisns nis th lrta.y aar-oM danghter.

nad vim Mi wtf 1 alerter, knocked ner down end kicked her. itewS on i h. rirn waa -7 i.ooeiiy. and Settle Steady tar tao at a. lJCw York Ban.

I Old Lady (oa bar way to eherchV-. Doa yoa baa oa SasdsyT I.lttl ttna .1.1, pracuaia tor tr-mrV. (a-sl a1' DIED AT L0XGYIEW. Chtrles E. Chesley'a Scddea D- rroB a Pseii oaia.

FoaVKortena Seasesary to Ascsrui, Direct Cause Kls Lif aad story. Charles B. Caesley. ane cf ta tag aad most favorably known msn ia Stsasti, died et Loagvlew Aaylam morning ox a cat rw ni it tn sick only three daya andnatU a post-corv- waa bald tbs saws of bla death was a of doubt. Drs.

Harmon snd lUdcai tbs exsmlnatloa. and proaounccd tbe ream of death oaea mon la. Mr. Cbealey wss fifty-five years oil. a Ll A BESIPgjrr OB TUB ClTT All ble life.

For thirty -fis year, be aoclated wltb the Consolidsted btre-t iu. reed Company, wss lu snpertnieoaeai nam ber of years, sad Is Its earlier per a. Urove bo rem for the com peer. H. employ Is 11 snd tor a long time tbere.

be coadaeted a bone market 00 Er-t etreet. When tailector Jaisnop w.s too oe Cbenivy went In as ane of hi. keepers, and remained there until ia.t ronry. About this time ne scoaed mental tree ble. wbica was prunouqrru enlng of the brat a.

He tailed to 1 raptor, under tbemedtcal attenuon receiver Lrrr and be waa aent to Lynn, liwa, for eil ment. He remained there about montba during waiea giaUVllNBlTTOttt, Aad be was finally brought bark to tb-s r. He waa never violent, and aaowed ca of Insanity aav at nis memury ws. Cf. tl and be waa weak and helplesa as a be cob li need i grow worse, nad on whea to cold saaa came oa 11 is sapp, 1 tbnt he toos eoid.

Hie weak and trbta. dowa consututlon could aot stand the tbocs. ssd bdid with little or noearjering After th post-mortem ex. minaiva st Longvlew yssterday. th body was rxb.ahl aao oro agist in ta tbo residence of mot bar-la-law, Mr.

Henry Weaixei. at Ids tinytoa etreet. from whence tt-e Iult wtll take place at two o'clock lo-morrug arteraon Ha leave a wtf and an fera. year-old bob. air.

rwoeetey, ia saiuiies to oeicri sown through hieeonnectloa siu tisrsu. rood company, waa vru-xiovx fact oa is roLtn -v Hie asms waa placed before a aun.brr et Democratic oooveunona for ttiiiit.v;ili. Uon. bnt he never was eiected lool.f. was a candidate tor member of in ri of PabUc Works st tbe eonvsatioo st wMn Charles Hereon waa nominated.

nd itirre are maav pleaaant recolleclionKaf bis 1 ouLer daya tbat will be recalled by the ten st nis aaaapeciso aeain. DICkE-XS BREAKFASTED. Tao Bander Meat th Member af a tiah Bearing Bla Name la Avendai. Tbs Dickens Clou, of A voBdals.breitrjiifd Mr. Charms Dickens, Job, bis mU.

tar yesterday st tbo res.denoe of Mr. a. a. Fields, The affair waa moat elegant ana purely Cngllaa. tae breakfast beins given st high noon and the Englisa ectio-a oa such eceeelona prevailing, Mrs.

D.rkeas st st one end af the ta hie an did the r.ouora is reptnolshlng th del lea ta rone rem. Th remainder of the meal was pssard sbout oa silver salvers. Ths breakfast ws one of Beckers choicest, Tbe fable waa at u. fatly decorated, the fleet being bn.bteu.4 bv the table-ware, wbica wa. of the antique order, having been selected In an of Enrope dunag Mr.

end Mrs. Fields- travels th roagbont tbsleousiry. 1 boa present were Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. Mr. end Mis. Judge Huston, Air. an Mrs.

Albert MltCbclL Mrs, Howard Ecaert, Mr. and Mrs Robert Mitchell. Mr. and Hi ll.r-y Barton. Mr.

aad Mrs. C. U. Hcrton, Mrs. i.

u. Burton. Mrs. A. Ol Tyler.

Mrs. H. Keii.u. Miss Clara Hsrtahorn. Mr.

and sirs. A. Red wsy aad Mr. ana Mrs W. H.

Fields. Mr. Dick ens, wife end daughter left fur Ham 11 Ion daring ths afternoon. Tbe Rev. Dr.

Forrest will meet tbe mem ber of bis congregation. Calvary Cnun-h. at bte rssldeace Is Clifton this evening. Then will he a luncheon furnished by lieixcr. sal aa evealag spent la social reunion.

Another elegant affair will be the fair gives tbls evening at Christ Church, on rouna street, by Ibe mem hem of that SONS OF SCOTLAND. They Calebwato The! Sixtieth Aaetversary tho Kexery. Tbs sixtieth eanlvereary of th Caledonian Society of Cincinnati was celebraisd by dlener lest night el the Hotel Emery. About seventy-five members at the soolety ssldoes to an excellent mean served ta royal tla.

There wore apeeen-meklag and singing. Mu sic Was farnlsbed by Colla MeLeod on tii bag. Dip. Tbev bad Highland broth, tale- donlaa punch snd Scotch wotsky. Every tning snout tne anair would remind tnues present of tbelr native ooe try.

'loeaia wers responded lu by President Cbarlee 8twart, John Wll-on. Colonsl n. A. wnitneld. Hon.

Amor etoittn. in. lion. IX. W.

McCinnrx. Lonta and otnera. Tbe voeai seieatious weie rendered In an excellent manner by Thom-t Gibson. Devtd George L. Lie via Miner.

William cauolugbem. j. mita and Thomas lulllnsn. One of tne most en joyable features of tne evening was a seel dance ana tiigniano nmg. executed oy it.

w. Health, on a small stage erected In tbe cornet of the dining-room. In all It waa a very en Joyable sUalr. and oaa that will always be re msmocrou oy tn us present- P0I.NTS AB0LT PE0PLS. Prtta Paragraphs, fsoth Plaasaat aad Personal.

Mr. Elehard Mansfield was dined by Mrs, Al hart Keller yesterday. Joeeph favage? of Anthalla. Ohio, prices of good fallows. Is la the city.

Captain Char lea Ulillland. J. A. Hays and Hon- J. H.

Dow ling, of Dayton, arc In the city celebrating the faet th et something tn eased from the wreck la Moatgoraery Coanty. Cinelsaatlsne registered st New York hotels yssterdsy are as follows: J. Pows.i. Astor Hoaas; F. Barker, Bweesye Hotel; Mrs-Cbapln.

Cnstlaental Hotel; H- Euosk-lag. G. F. Ot tiral Cantral; A. -laro.

Gliaey Honaa. Chans Vial tors: W. T. Borland, Baldwin. Ohio; George W.

lea ley. Lynn. C. Mefft, Pekln. IU.

Meyer H. Lebmas. New Yora G. H- Welsh. Athene- A.

1- Charleston. W. Vaj utile racoewtn. Aurora, Thomas Traiaor. Zaneavtll, Ohio; s.

P. Biebey, Goorgatowo. Ohio. A5 LSAXE eiEL. Bmolla perry Foand Raamlag Abeat the Streeta.

For some weeks the police in tbe Bremea- trust Dlstriel bsve bad great deal of trouble with sa Inssnc girl named Amelia -perry. boss pare ale reaids at No. 1S7 Calhoun atraoa Mb waa constantly alodtng her guard sad sowing down Into the city, where see salad much axeitemact by ber lassos aatlea, la every case sbe was found by the officers and returned to her borne. Yesterday the again eeeapod and reached tbe corner ot Liberty aad Eim streeta before being ee au 1st 11 me Patrol Bqnad No. waa aumnmnvd and removed her to the Hot of Detention, where enargs of lunacy wse placed ber.

See Hi be takes to tbe Probate irl ISt morning nad an non mad to eave aer committed Longvlew Asylam. 1 be aalort-nnsis girl Is but sigh teen years ef age. A Lttr Froaa taa rrptrta Warid. Cnt cibwatx, Jfo ember Bu, 1 P. I waa bout pleased and pox led by tbe pleasing obi Mary of myself which nspeared la yosr editloa ot last Sunday.

I nave for Ibe last few neon tha been as decided as to whetaor 1 was allvs ceased, brat your decisioa ha mad It etssr, aad from taat dcoa tnere wtu he no errs I Having ot late played la extremely bad lacs. A Bad any now tbat ta gam has slaved, witnowt too necessary banal fond, and sm thereby forced to appeal to my friend. TBS EaqctMSs. for a Bfty for that perpoe. Yes will plsoe xuo meter P'-T-ing tne Urn It, for.

having la BcsB time become eo aecustonaed to piayleg nine eaecka. i Bad tk Impossible to eome dewe to wuiue SOW. 1 wonld call for the stake myarif. were 11 aot that I fear a visit from a dead 01-a mu-nl ba an Yes cam eeve tne office tsal nnpiaaenainesa by aadiag the deatb ataxe te F.ra.rtoet eld place. No.

tat eat tuxth trrel. Is car of Jaae acott, wbo Is aa friend, wbo will so tbat th sisks is properly acksowiedgs Its receipt- xeal rs spirit. Gue BAtSa. A Keartaeky ttmart BVaeea. Odoers Km and Gibbons, about ha'f-past nine oVlooa last Bight, to ad ah old farmer making the rasadaof ths dives ea Ue river frank, He wae taken ta Ham outad -street Station, wbers be gavs ale asm as J.

A. I arrived from Lews. Count Ky wltb east nf 1 caul which a disposed of. Theanveos-1 ciaoed to go on a spree. VM1 scare aed st thestation-ooos bad a roll eootaiaieg o.oiei.

waa toe aruaa to -w loach bs had spent OT lost, WSS said far I o-aesping,.

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