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The Marshall News Messenger du lieu suivant : Marshall, Texas • 8

Marshall, Texas
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rACE EIGHT TIIE MARSHALL EVENING MESSENGER. MARSHALL. TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1934 DIAL: N1NE-ONE-FOUR crop a1 votes when alectlona coma around la November. It differs quarter-mller and low-hurdler, and Jack Torrance man-mountain who NUDIST UTOPIA SEEN AT ONE EIANY RECORDS DUE TO FALL throws tha shot and hurls tha dis from most magsstnts In that it has cus. bo pictures, although Sen.

George THOUSAND DOLLARS PER NUDE Hardin, won both of hit events as orris almost persuaded tha edit years among the Ulands, which art under French protectorate, and it convinced af tha scheme's practicability. Temperatures run from from 80 to 84 degrees, "generally, be said. And ia their spare momenta, tlit colonistt will work up a mother of pearl trade, he explained, to get a little pocket money. He did not explain, ors one time to shoot the works and Ms team triumphed over Southern California by a narrow 88 to 84 AT NCAA MEET print a map. Soma people conUnd there la eon Sad Francisco, June 13 margin at the NCAA meet In Chi Even the proapocUve little nu disU are being provided for.

(IP). -Utopia, a naked, langorooa cago last year and Torrance placed slderalla fiction ill tha Congressional Record, but technically it it pared tie en a tropical isle, beckon The little nudlsU, Allard explain tint in the shot. Louisiana State, Southern ed today Available to all good nu- ed, enter the picture quite defl Hardin will have tougher compe all Bon-fietlon. The closest it over earn to carrying sexy stuff was diaU for 11,000 per nude. what they'd do for pockets.

ntuly, Inasmuch at all members tition thlt year in tha Quarter, Cal and Stanford to Stage Track Battle And as soon at they have raised when Sen. Pat Harrison made a of the eolony must be married, In termarrlage between the succeed which, majny track followers believe, msy turn into one of the sufficient funds to purchase the is speech on The Love Ufa of tne Bullfrog" and got it printed in the MAN. HITCH HIKING. St (LP) Hale land, and a small tUamer at least Ing generations la part of the greatest of history. His chief op- 180 San Francisco nudists will be Botitlon will coma from Jimmy Lu scheme, to ultimately tha (aland will be peopled with a race of au- and hearty at 98, John New passed on their one-way trip to Paradise, valle, U.

C. L. A. negro, who never loe Anialeer June 80. (IFf.

A thrillinr race for the team through here oa a hitch-hiking trek per-nudisU, according to Maurice Allard, president of the Nature'! Recreative As hss been besUn in collegiate com petition, and Ivan Fuqua, of Indl to Oklahoma, where he taid he Record. Tha Record earrlee plenty of advertising, but not tha kind that appear in moat magatinee, If you get what we mean. Today the Record suspends publication until congress returns in 'title, wtUi Louiatana SUU, South' California an4 Stanford fjnlih But Vanna Vannant don't InUnd would "search for work." sociation. to discard civilised wayt altogeth ana, who finished second to Hardin last year but hat beaten Hardin Allard disclosed the group In er. inf within a ftw points of each other, Uaxpected at world records fall Friday and -Saturday in tha since.

Recognising that even In Utopia Unds to tale for their tropical retreat the royal Island of Vanna A half-dosen hurdlers, Including there may be divorces, alimony, NCAA championship meet hart. Vanna, In the Gambler group. BLACK DRAUGHT For CONSTIPATION "I am 71 years old and have used Stanford's brilliatot Sam Xlopstock, January, and there hat been quits a ruth on the part of congressmen to extend their rtmarka, That noisy parties and other matters re 1 I yx wilt furnish Hardin opposition over quiring judicial decisions, the nu Experts hart bean unanimous in arrtainf that any of tha thrao mar talcs tha honor that the-Louisiana tha low sticks. The verdant island, 250 miles southeast of Tahiti, is nine miles square and abounds with, coconuts. means yon write a speech and give disU will elect a board of govern- ThedlortTs Black-Draught about "Torrance, too, will fact great op- it 4.

the Reeord which astara into Urv -consisting of chalnnscu. vice- school won last year at ChicafO. lorvr wnioa tor. w. J.

van position In Johnny Lyman, of Stan' mangos, guava, pineapples and tha conspiracy of kidding tha voUrs chairman leader and eecretary-treasurer. It la the latUr who will ford. Lyman and Torrance have breadfruit Allard aald. He taid No othar taam la fivsn a chanca Into thinking you made tha speecn in eoneress. It saves wear and been alternating in setting i over, of Rama, Ky.

"We are never without It take It aa a purgative when am bilious, dizzy and have shimming In my hed. Black collect, safeguard and disburse the it la owned by a South Seat prince, who hat Indicated an inclination to Uar on tho vocal cords. althourh victorias and points in individual avtnts will be scattarad libarally among tha 88 universities $1,000 membership fees. world records lit the, shot put this spring and they seem certain to sell It Some of tha subjects choaen in SUamert wilt touch the dreamy Draught relievea UUa, and hclpa finish one-two. The Vanna Vanna group have It tha last three days for extension and colleges that already hava an' terad man in tha annual meet.

In. many wars." Keep a pack -ago of this old, reliable, purely Isle only twice a month. Consequently, the Vanna Vannant will At Louisiana SUte, SUnford and of remarks are wondrous to be hold. Rep. Carl Vinson of Georgia Southern California fight down to figured out that there will be twice the number of persona necessary to work pineapple and coconut plan-Utlona, producU of 40 -year't cul set up a radio aUtlon to keep in touch with their friends.

vegetable laxative la your home, and take It for prompt relief at the first alga of ooaaUpaUoa, For its sisa, tha Louisiana SUU outfit, apparently bat tha most strength. At tha same time It must says it's a mittake to wait until a man diet to make a speech about the finish, records are expected to fall on every hand tinea tha field Allard aaid he once lived seven tivation. him. Accordingly, he chose as his recognized as tha classiest In tha history of tha 13-year old fioplc "Malcolm Tarver." It devel Consequently, they'll beggar (he NCAA championships, oped that Malcolm Tarver la also NRA by requiring only four hours' work a dsy from the inhablUnU. Excepting only tha 1932 Olym pie games," Tad Gomley, coach of congressman from Georgia, in burden of Vinson's speech is that Malcolm Tarver la a little bit of MopeyT Allard remarked.

"We Over a Half Century of Dependable Ioauranee Service R. P. LITTLEJOHN INSURANCE AGENCY EsUbUshed 1881 108 East Austin Telephone 2208 "Sound Inaarance la as Necessary te the Credit of the Nation as Sound Banking." i Loyola of tha touth, has said In win or place high In all tha events in which It has men because only seven Tigers were brought waat to defend the title. SUnford could win easily If each member of IU squad came up to his best Individual performance of seaion, SouthrnCalifornla's chief strength rests in numbers. It has 27 man entered and should pick up many polnU through placemenU Tt'GWtlX QUIZZED BY 8EXATORS ProfftMor Rexford O.

Tugwell, considered tha central flgura of tha Roosevelt "brain as ha appeared before tha Senate Agriculture Committee In Washington to answer a barrage of questions at tha stormy hearlni held to consider approval of hit promotion from Assistant Secretary Under-Secretary. all right echoing a belief held by many, won't need any. The clothing will be eliminated. There'll be no butcher bills to fret about Fish, crabs, turtle and' ihrimpt abound." 1 Son. Arthur Capper or Kansas This is going to bo tha greatest preferr 'not to shackle -himself -to trsck" and Tield'meet'iVer hln America.

Every event hat man one specific subject so ne exienas apablt of breaking existing away for two columns on the all-embracing topic of "Problems of world's recordi. along tha line. the" Day." FINAL ISSUE OF CONGRESSIONAL Louisiana SUU'a hopes team to Rep. Lawrence Lewis or. uio- rest with Glenn Hardin, tha slim Hello; Dollars! Your Days Are RECORD PROVES TO BE "WHOPPER" TREASURE HUNT IS ABANDONED r4do geU right down to butinets on "The necessity of itquipping for night flying tha direct air mall route between Denver and Kansas POLITICAL Announcements By HASRY-FFBGWtfaV CTIFrTiTTOUCHT- efctaaaeaa eaaWW efliaTa 0 0 titMsaailsaP I'nIM Tnm Staff CTfwuniiM SHOWERS.

Stockton. June 20. (IP), to print the Congressional Record, which makes Saturday' issue 'Washington, June 20. (LP). That skinny, ahemic publication called A group of eighty Stockton real-denU have abandoned hope of find Belton.

June 20. (LP). worth $15,000 f. o. b.

Washington. the Congressional Record, which It was no rsinmaker that ing the Jalbi.Cai- Wetoore a scanty jroughf TJeMTe ShowerrioBeI- Italy has a milk surplus, problem. six ounces, has become a whopping, it was tha sheriff. 300-page baby with a net displacement of one pound, three ounces. Showers, a negro farmer, was tharged with burglary and theft Ivy Poisoning THURSDAY, FRDAY AND SATURDAY Credit goes to members of con cade Mountain! of the "Lost Race of Lemuria." They gave up their plan to sesrch for the treasure caves when J.

C. Brown, 78, self-styled geologist, mystic and their leader, failed to return aa ha promised in a glass-bottomed boat, which if a large quantity of threshed sts. Soothe, burning itching torment The Newt il asienger is authorized to announce the candidacy of "tha following etttMM forthe "nf-ficea hereunder listed, subject to the action of tha Democratic Pri mary in July: For 8Uta Senate (2nd District) WALTEB C. HOLLOWAY (of Gregg County) E. H.

LASSETES (Of Rusk Co.) JOE L. HILL Bask County SaMeet-io thtCitlzni JParty. gress, who, for the last week, have fed the Record a liberal diet of "extension of remarks." Lacking 1500 bond, Gentle quickly snd nelp future clear xras jailed. 32 inch CHECK TISSUE wii aiid, actiTe en mild, ttKtm ej The Congressional Record is the Bell countians hope the sher GINGHAM. M.

Rwiik was to hava carried the expedition to the northern mounUlns. 36 and 40 Inch printed BATISTE and VOILES. All guaranteed att colors. Beautiful range of colors and patterns. msgazlne in which members of congress plant the seeds of their hoping, to harvest a bumper iff will ba able to scare op a general rain next: the cotton 5 yd, for.

ft colored IRISH II 9. When tha group had waited for crop needa one. 36 Inch 12 hours, police were a'aked to DRESS LINEN. INFM wsreh-f or Browm-The-partyr THE U0UJ THAT FLIT SPRAYS 6yds. for.

2jyclir for 77T laUd his Ules of an ancient, giant race and its buried riches. esJssaw It was -revealed Primary of Harrison County. For Representative, SUU Legis Jatore, District JOE BIBB, Jr. ROBERT Hr WOOD For Flotorlal Renresentstlve, ENGINE STEAM-TO COOLCARS than tix weeks, Stockton men and women had been growing increasingly more enthusiastic over 36 Inch printed CORDED AND WAFFLE WEAVE CLOTH 40 inch printed, all SILK CREPE) classr patterns and stripes. Grerr and Harrison Counties: Drown's weird Ule.

Many left THIS-SUMMER iER Ri TT-Hi-CI TO ni to juiii i no nana ot OSCAR B. JONES seekers Brown organized. Others 2i ydi. for. li yds.

for. Railroad To Use System Patented Back In1855 About 200 Ladies' COT' sold their household furniture and personal belongings to raise funds for their part In the expedition. Brown first told his story to Stockton newspapermen, who Introduced him to Harry Noyes Pratt, curator of the Haggln Memorial Museum and. Art Gallery here. Later he was Introduced to John Root, retired printerand the 10 inch washable ALL TON DRESSES, in voiles, I ul I organdies, and piques.

WHY NOT TRY THIS MODERN METHOD SILK FLAT CREPE Ranging in values up to Chicago, June 20. (LP). Steam generated by the locomotive will 1.95. M. H.


For County Clerk: DEE MULLIKIN N. A. (Bud) GREEN H. P. (Henry) WATSON For Assessor and Collector Taxea: JOE M'GILVRAY J.

A. (Joe) RILEY R. A. (BOB) HOPE OF SOLVING THE INSECT PROBLEM? bemused to cool raHroad cars this Root homo became the menng 2 yds. for.

for summer-on the Chicago, Milwau place for the growing band. kee St. Paul road. Thousands of housewives use Flit not only beeauae it Brown told his eager listeners The road's fleet of cars Is being equipped with a method of air-con Ladies' Printed Sheer Ba. ol Udies' White and Colored UNIFORMS for all around that while working for the Lord Cowdray Mining of London In 1904 he discovered a tunnel in the Cascade MounUlns.

The side of the tunnel were lined wih tem ditioning that does not require the use of a refrigerant gim or ice. In keeps their honMt free of dirty, annoying bogs and insects, but because it saves them JTheir homes are free from moths which ruin expensive clothes and free from ants and roaches which spoil costly food. They spray each room from attie to cellar, keep it shut tight for" five minute and all insert vests are cone. Not only that, but Flit onicklv disocJa tiate DRESSES. Sizes 52.

stead, it is based on the principle purposes. that the higher altitude the lower pered Copper and relics of gold, he said, and opened into gold-filled the temperature at which water. cooking odors. Remember, Flit Is sold with a money will boil. Price back guarantee.

2 for. rooms. For County Treaauref TOM AGNOR JACK C. FTJRRHw Steam JeU at high velocity pro- Cat a an flit rW The tunnel floors, Brown aver- red, were strewn with the skele-lduce the effect of high altitude by alar, loo. Shmkmit inf ermcha mnd hmrd-U-wmehoammn.

itktlU tons of the giant race of "Le-. creating a vacuum, causing water muna.T in a cnamoer to dou at aa degrees, mvmrr bug it eomaa in contort eith. it un im to rid your dog oj Jlwi. The start for the fabled land was thereby cooling it to that temper- Plit a I tlOIIO I Infants' and Children' DRESSES in a wide range of sheer materials and organdies. set for Tuesday.

Brown left his ature. This cooled water is pump. SPRAY AND POWDER Children's and Misses' DRESSES in organdies, Seersuckers and silks. Sizes up to 14. iWfEaaaaiejkeBtVeaal II credulous followers and promised led into cooling coils overhead -in the RUTH HENLEY MRS.


H. (CHIEF) WILSON ALLEN ELLIS HENRY W. TILL CHAS. E. M'NEILL For Superintendent of Public In-n traction: to return with a surprise.

The cars to absorb heat and return to the water chamber where the heat group waited in vain. 2 for JPoIicewerpuzzled at the mo absorbed causes-it-te-boil-againrj CO I i IT-DOIS fo- MUCH -t- A motor-operated blower forces tivefor-Brown-'t story. He collected no money from his followers. He first appeared here at a fresh air through the cooling coils to be chilled mnd then into ducts lllllllllillilllllHIIIHiiniitlllillllllll.lllfHltillillllHHillllHIIHHIIHH J. W.

CYPHERS MORTON SMITH federal shelter two months ago. opening in the body of the car, thus maintaining a low temperature. The system it controlled thermosUtically to maintain uni- For County Coniinissioner, Pre Ladies' Porto il'e GOWNS. Hand embroidered nainsook. Full size.

2 for Udies' SLIPS. Bias and straight cut. Sizes up to 50. 2 LITTLE RELIEF SEEN cinct No. 1: A.

E. (BUD) LACY B. H. TIMMINS FR0RT JUNE HEAT WAVE ,0 temperature. vreait lor ine air-conai(ioning invention is given to J.

R. Barry THE MARSHALL For County Commissioner, Pre Dallas. Tex.i June 20. (LP). East pf Philadelphia, who obUined a Texas today continued in the grip patent on it in 1855.

The inven-of the season's worst heat wave, tion was not used until recently einct Na. 2: FRED W. FLEMING HENRY J. LONG. W.

P. SCOTT HIRAM S. POST Dr. Joseph L. Cline, meteorolo- because for mafcy years comfort gist taid the temperature would ana speed of travel were not the NATIONAL One lot of ladies' HATS straws, linens and piques.

AH shapea and colors. Values up to $1.95,, Choice 2 for. Ladies' HATS -felts, straw and silks. Medium and large shapes. All of these hats are this sea-son's best sellers.

Values up to $2.95. Choice of the house, JAMES H. (Barney) BURNETT reach 100-plus today and would beentiaia. aarety waa tne goal, nearly as-high "i VtrnttrAtv't tnarimnm nf 99 9 da. SEA LION ONLY SEAL, grees here was a aeason record.

-tk. hnttaat Juna 19 on record was dei alonfc the lake thore when it BANK that of 1918, when the mercury hit Jd out that the "monster sea IIiAtT wVitH haH KtvA aif aaa I in ra Tioin itivu rruivii aseava v-ia hviui a7ss- relief from baa was fore- ennen'l bait was really a naoy MARSH ALL TEXAS For County Commissioner, Prect I' D. MILSTEAD P. TUCKER DRUE M. MOORE P.

A. DORSEY. For County Coaaiasionar. Precinct W. McGEE Jr.

For Constable, Prect Na. It J. G. BARKER M. (STUDIE) HAZELIP cast for the Panhandle tonight with' "aL just three feet long and named mA Oscar, when Ted Barron of the n.jl weather.

8 Udies' All Silk Full Fash-ioned 45 Guage CHIFFON HOSE. AH the newest -'shades. 2 pair for Udies' Nudist SANDALS in white and red. Three styles to select from. All sizes, $1.95 values -i-lL PcrPair Shedd aquarium was ordered to kill the seal because It waa ill, he Capital $100,000.00 couldn't do It and dropped it in the lake, where it seems to be thriv EVERTONE SOCKED.

$100,000.00 "$100,000.00 Profits-- ing. JaaingrTa, ILPJLbuiaTicar-l relli, objecting to the city inspect StndcnU Pick Hubby aa Boss. Oxford, Ohio. (LP). Both men or condemning the meat in his shop aa Uinted.

socked the inspector on and women students of Miami Uni- Solicits Your- Business DEPENDABLE SINCE 18S 'T JvtUcijt Peace, Frecinct PUee 1: J. T. (Tom) RABUN CHESLET F. ADAMS For- Jaatlce of Peace, Freeivct Place No. W.


SULFUZKD the mouth and locked him in a re-1 varsity agree that the huaband See Our Windows Bargains Galore frigerator IS minutes. Dr. E. K. should be "boss" of the home and Bomberger, objecting to such abuse, that a course in preparation for had Picarelll locked in jail 10 days marriage would be desirable as an and socked for $300 fine.

I addition to the curriculum..

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