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Estherville Daily News from Estherville, Iowa • Page 5

Estherville, Iowa
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2 AGE I Editor Pinch Supertor, do business in Estherville Wednesday, -Dr. Birney reporta girl baby born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Olson March 31. -0.

0. Amundson was at Sheldon' 8 few days this week. Miss Gaarde, of Graettinger, visited a few days with Mrs. Hanson last week. -Miss Florence Binford is visiting relatives and friends at Spencer this week.

--J, B. Binford started Tuesday for Hot Springs, Arkansas, for a few weeks stay at that place. -Miss Lulu Williams went to Ack ley Wednesday to take a eourse in the Aokley high school. Archibald have mover their livery outfit to the barn next to Byfeld's livery barn. Board of Supervisors are.

in session this week looking after the interesta of the county. A. Brown, of Hanley Falls, visited with his old friends, Messrs. Hanson Olson, a few days last week. -S.

H. Williams, the efficient clerk in Amundson Anderson's drug store, has been sick with the mumps the past week. Willie Halvorson is about the happiest boy in town now, he having received a new bicycle last night, a gift from his father. -The supreme court has handed down a decision sustaining the constitutionality of the mulct law. Judge Kinne dissented.

-George Bailey has moved into a house in the north part of town and John Godden occupies his own house vacated by Mr. Bailey. -Frank Bullis has new ad in this Issue of the DEMOORAT. He does a general repairing and blacksmith business and will give satisfaction. -Miss Anna Drizhal moved her mil-, linery and dressmaking establishment to the west side of the square in.

the Whalen building Wednesday. -There will be Sunday school at the Wallingford Chapel next Sunday at 2:30 p. m. and preaching by Rev. Evans at 3:30.

All are cordially invited. -Mr. L. R. Bingham, accompanied by his daughter Miss Lizzie, returned home from Washington, D.

Saturday. Mr. B. is much improved in health. -The Roberts-Martin, Theatre Company arrived hore Tuesday and put up at the Burlington' Hotel and will take a lay off till after the grand opera opening April 16th and 17th: -Mr.

J. H. Graaf, of Luverne, visited his brother here over Sunday and went to Chicago Monday in company with H. G. Graaf.

Both gentlemen will buy goods before returning. -Stanhope Brothers, the get-up-andget-there grocery and dry goods men, have a new ad in this week's paper. This Arm has never yet failed to please their customers, both in prices -and quality of goods. -Dick Barnhart is in the hospital at Ann Arbor, Miohigan; as it is not known just what can be done for him or how long he will remain under treatment. We hope to see Dick back in Estherville at no distant day fully recovered.

-Miss Mae Birney arrived here last, Friday from Nora Springs and is ing house for her brother, Dr. C. E. Birney, on 8th street in the north part of town, where the doctor will always found after offloe hours when not professionally engaged. -April 16th and 17th will ocour the grand opening of the Opera House.

Everybody should purchase a ticket early so as to get a choice in seats. company: is one of the best theatre companies traveling and the will be first-class. -The young people of the Free Will Baptist Church will give an "Easter Sociable" in the Mattson building east side of the square Friday April 5th, 1805. Supper will be served for fifteen cents. Extras: Ice Cream and Cake, home-made candies, flowers Easter eggs.

Come and enjoy yourselves. -We call especial attention to the new ad of U. P. Solberg in this issue of the DEMOURAT. Mr.

Solberg has done business in Estherville for many years and is widely known as straightforward business man, He has fine assortment of new hardware and invites the public to call and see him in his new quarters. -The patrons of Dr. Wilson will be to know that he is able to attend to his professional duties again. The doctor is thoroughly educated and trained in his profession. Few Veterinarian surgeons have had the college training that he has had and he" is always prompt and reliable in his business transactions.

-The ad of Reaney Wilson on our local page and reading notices will attract the attention of our readers this week. Their big sttock of ready mode clothing, all of latest up-to-date styles, will meet with ready sales, and when it becomes known that they are selling at free trade prices there will be a rush for the Reaney Wilson clothing store. -Last Thursday was the 25th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ledahl, of Ellsworth township, and a large number of neighbors made it the occasion of a social gathering at the home of the worthy couple and a grand good time is reported.

RES -W. E. Foote was a passenger on the south bound train Tuesday. -To Mr. and Mrs.

C. O. Nelson, April 2nd, a girl. -F. E.

Sherman and family have moved into 'the Cavin dwelling. -Mrs. Witherell is visiting relatives and friends at Iowa Falls this week. --Dr. Carson is doing some work the line of profession in Dows this week, -Osar Quinell, of the Burlington Hotel, visited his folks at Sheffield, Iowa last week.

-Algona has completed hor cencus and is found to have a population of A little over 2,400. Algona is a very nice small town. -A new ad of Lucas Brothers appears in this week's DEMOCRAT. They will deliver plastering sand to any part of the city. -Henkens Rose have an ad in this week's DEMOCRAT.

They are reliable and good blacksmiths ap? do a No. 1 job of horse shoeing. -Owing to the generosity of Attorney Crim, the DEMOCRAT outfit has been provided for until we can get into our new Brother Crim has our sincore thanks. -Reaney Wilson mailed. a beautiful little souvenir in shape of a neatly bound kid covered pocket account book to each of their patrons last week which no doubt will be duly appreciated.

German committed suicide last week by hanging himself with a clothes line wire from the rafter in the barn. Domestic trouble is said to be the cause of his committing the act. -Mrs. P. Johnston started Tuesday for Greenfield, to see a brother, who has been in feeble health for some imo.

She was accompained by George Merrill, another brother, of Webster City. -A private letter from Christ Reed, who left here about a year ago, locates himsolf at Yorktown, Manatoba; he has taken up a claim there and and is doing a little farming and stock raising. He seems to be in good spirits and enjoying good health. -The recommendations of Mayor Dawson in regard to general cleaning up of the city and taking steps to they improvement of our City Park should be a matter to eugage the attention all property owners. We hopo that something will be done in that direction.

-Mayor Dawson's report makes a very satisfactory showing of the financial condition of the city. There is an indebtedness over and above cash 011 hand of 820,000 in round numbers. The most of this debt is made in constructing water works, olectric light and in Are department supplies, all of which we have on hand. The license obtained from saloons and billard balls will without doubt more than pay the running expenses of the city from now on there will be a handsome balance to apply on debt each year. The reports, of the several city officers show that the affairs of the city are under excellent management.

-Rescue Fire Compuny No. 1 held their annual election last Monday evoning and elected the following officers for the ensuing year. President L. E. White; Secretary Fred Anderson; Treas, H.

O. Sillge; Chief Jim Callahan; First assistant Chief W. J. Pullen; Second. assistant Chief Fred Anderson; Captain Foreman of Hose Carts H.

O. Sillge; Foreman of -Hose Cart No: 1 L. Littell; Foreman Hose Cart No. 2 Winte; ForeHook and Ladder Rock Rose. It will seem that the company will be well officered the same gain the past and our citizens can look for the bost of service and we hope to see the fire boys receive all possible encouragement and support from the property owners of Estherville -The marringe of Miss Mary Lordall and Gunder Winterton will take place at the Center township Luthern church Thursday, Ayril 4th.

Rev. Engh will perform the marriage ceremony. A large number of invited guests will be presont and at the conclusion of the ceremonies all will repair to the residence of the bride's parents where an elegant dinner will be served. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

T. T. Lerdall, oneof the well-to-do and prominent farmers of Swan Lake township, and is a lady of rare intelligence and high standing in her community. The groom is one of the energetic young farmers, of Swan Lake township, who has the good opinion of all his neighbors. They will move to the farm of 0.

Solomons which will be under, the Mr. Winterton the present season, -Arrangements are about complete for extending the water mains further north in the city. The main is to be tapped at the turn north of the school house on Sixth street and continued north to the residence of Chas. Barber, thence east to 'Seventh street, thence south to connect with the large main. The citizens residing on the streets where the mains are to be have agreed to cash enough city warrants to furnish the necessary money to do the work.

This certainly speaks well for the enterprise of these people who appreciated the necessity of Are protection and have faith enough in the town to invest their mquey in a public enterprise instead of sitting down and finding fault with the public officials, as people in other towns are in the habit of doing. Let the good work continue. -April 16th is the date. at the Opera House April 16th. -George Lyman has been sick with quinsy for the past week.

the opening of the Op. ora House dates April 16th and 17th. -The Racket Store will sell all goods regardless of cost for the next 30 days. --Earl Trousdale is learning the printers trade at the Republican office. Maria Pengrey, who is teochNing school at Swan Lake, visited friends in town.

K. Hawk has received a carload cement and is prepared to do all kinds of cement work. --E. J. Breen will be in Illinois the last of this week on business connected with his land agency.

-Dell Davis has gone into the insurance business and has taken the agency of one of the solid life companies. H. Davis; Graaf's baker, leaves today for a ten days business and pleas. ure trip to Jefferson, Iowa his old liome. gentleman has been here this week rating up the town with a view establishing a uniform rate of insur.

ance. Mr. Peter Hanson, an artistic tailor of Worthington, 1 has accepted a position in the tailoring establishment A. O. Hauge.

-Attorneys A. J. Penn and Morling. of Emmetsburg, have been at. Armstrong nearly all the week engaged an important law case.

-Mr. John Howe has been confined to his room for the past few months. He is one of Estherville's most highly respected citizens and all will hope see his around again. Read E. H.

Smith's now ad this week and then buy the little pamphlet advertises. It is the best educator on finance that has ever been written. Buy it! The cost is but a trifle. -J. P.

Anderson is having his resience, occupied by, L. Oransky in the north part of town, newly papered and painted and will shortly begin 8 large addition to the building. DEMOCRAT editor will start for. Chicago Monday or Tuesday of next week to buy new presses and hopes to be able to issue the DEMOCRAT from its own office the following week. -The insurance company that had insuranco on the Tosdal building had their adjusting agent her this week.

He allowed 8370 to repair the building. We hardly think that amount make the damage good. -Mr. Tobey did not come out very well in his settlement with tho insurance company. The agent proved to be.a good figurer for the company and Mr.

Tobby only got 8160 when his actual loss must have been 8500. Mrs. Finley, who has has been on a visit to friends in Illinois, arrived home Saturday evening. We are informed she met with a mishap while on her way to take the train for Itseoms the team ran away and threw her from sevorly. the carriage, injuring hor number of our young men were invited to take supper at the Ellertson residence by the young ladies of the Cooking Club Monday night; the young men here hungry and took seats around, table in unticipation of a hearty meal, but the cooking club slipped out kitchen door and went home.

The boys grow weary in waiting and finally rememberod it was the first day of April and concluded the girls had put "it on them," and they did. -The recent rains and snow came in good time and furnished sufficient moisture for starting the crop. The rain was goneral over the western states and people of Nebraska and the Dakogot their full share. The outlook now for a full crop is excellent and a large acreage will be planted: Emmet county are pleused and are working with their accustomed energy their farms, Another good feature the matter is that farm products of kinds are slowly advancing and prices promise to be good. The farmer abundant reasons to feel encourag- Presbyterian Church Notices.

All regular evening services hereafter, until further notice, at 8 o'clock. Pastor's assistants will meet Saturday, April 6th, rt 3 p. m. Full attendance is desired. Westminister Circle Monday, April 8th.

Music Hermann Graaf, paper "Harriett Beecher Stowe" Valentine Weir, reading, Mattie Tollifson, recitations Miss Emma Tesky, Mrs. C. A. Perry and Miss Mae Birney. The Presbytery of Fort Dodge will meet at Armstrong, Iowa, Tuesday, April 9th, at 7:30 p.

m. Call at the hardware store of U. P. Solberg and see the splendid oil stoves. Something new and safe.

If you want anything the line of hardware, wire, nails, etc, call at Solberg's and get prices and be they are as low as the lowest. Boiled ham constantly on band at the Hints meat market. Call and see our new spring stock of dry goods, at Stanhope Bros. Prices on harness goods the lowest ever seen in Estherville at Wilson Bros J. T.

Johnston carries dry goods and notions. Call. Don't forget that Bingham John; 'ston have Centerville coal in stock and selling it for 84.00 per ton: OUR NEW OPERA HOUSE. To be Opened April 16th and 17th. Manager Lough has secured the Roberts-Martin "Faust" Company in their sterling production of Goethe's immortal poom "Faust" for the opening performance at our beautiful opera house.

It is not necessary to comment upon the merits of this excellent company AS they won such universal favor at. their appearance in Estherville some months ago. Suffice to say, that no better choico of a company could have been made and our citizens are to be congratulated upon having an opportunity of witnessing such A dramatic treat, Their second night's performance will be a piece equally as strong scening effects and dramaticstrengthas "Faust" entitled "Venecian Business Maunger Edward Nichole was in our city Monday in the interests of Mr. Lough and his company. Mr.

Nichols will arraugo excursions from Emmetsburg and Spirit Lake which will afford an opportunity for our neighboring towns to attend the opening performances. Everyone should assist in making thisevent a grand suecess financially as Mr. Lough is at great. expense in erecting such aL structure. and in securing this exceedingly strong company of players.

The company carriesa special car of beautiful scenery. calcium and electrical effects. You cannot afford to miss the event. of the season. Program of Missionary Campaign.

To be held at Estherville April 8th and 9th. 1:00 Rev. Song service and Missionary address by F. E. Day.

SECOND DAY. 10:00 Missionary Prayer Meeting conducted 0A the Lender does the Missionary Prayer Meeting on his own charge by Rev. F. K. Day.

10:30 to 12 m. "My Attitude Toward the Reuevolent Apportionments" by Rev. Bristow. "My Attitude as by Mrs. Josie Bradley.

"How Facts Regarding the Benevolent Apportionments" by Reva. Buckwalter and Day. "A Layman's Opinion as to How his Pastor Should be Posted on Benevoolence" by Mrs. Sharp. "My Method of Taking Benevolent Collectiona.

Why I Use it" by Revs. Barnes and Day, "A Lasman's Idea of Proper Method" by A. "Objections I Meet in Toking Benevolence and How I Answer Them' Rev. Pendall. "How as a Layman, Would Answer Them" Rev.

Wilcox. 1:00 Bible Reading "The Promise of God in the Conversion of the World" Rev. G. W. Barnes, 2:15 "Gods Claim on Me for the Salvation of the Rev.

Bristow. 2:35 "American Methodism. A- Fruit of Foreign Missionary Work" Rev. Barnes. 2:50 Missionary Work in our own Country" by Rev.

Pendell. 3:25 "What Would be a Fair Amount Per Capita Church for the Sheldon Members District of to the M. F. A Layman's Opinion pay by on to Rev. Palmer.

Pastors Rov. Trimble. 3:15 General Discussion. 4:00 "Woman's Missionary Work in M. E.

Church." Foreign Mra C. E. Carter. 7:00 Song Service. 1:30 Has Reen Accomplished by our Missionery Efforts." In Africa Rev.

F. W. Ginn. In China Rev. Trimble.

In India Rev. F. L. Day. -The school board met Wodnesday and pad under consideration the matter of hiring a professor for the onsuing year.

Action was postponed till the next We believe the new members are in favor of a change and it is claimed they were elected on that issue. A majority of the patrons of the school best, not because Prof. Davidson is not competent or liked as a man but it is said a feeling exists younger man of the right kind would be better suited to the present. condition of things than Mr. Davidson.

It is true that the pooplo expressed a desire for a chango at the last election, thoir wishes should be taken notice of. On the othor hand it might not be just to Mr. Davidson to make this change without. sufficent notice. He has purchased property here and probably has made no arrangements for the future.

In view of this fact, why would it not be well to engage him for the coming year with the understanding that a change would be made next your. Mr. Davidson is an excellent man and has done his best to please all the patrons of the school and we believe the course' suggested above would be just to him and the intorests of the school will not suffor in consequence of his another year. Look out for our fire sale ad next week at the Racket Store. MONEY.

-A few hundred dollars, to loan to the right parties. G. W. ADAMS. Just received a carload of barb wire and nails at Solberg's, One trial will do more to convince you of the morits of Dr.

Sawyer's Pus. tilles than all we cau say. try a sample packuge at the Wilson drug store. The largest stock of harness goods ever received in Estherville at Wilson Brothers. Dr.

Sawyer's Pastilles used in time will cure any caso of female weakness. Get a free sample package of the following named Wilson. Call and see our big stock of harness colars, saddles, whips, halters and everything in the harness line at Wilson, Brothers. One trial package of Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles will prove to any lady that the remedy is what she wauts and will cure her, try a sample at the Wilson drug store.

Don't forget weare still in the market with the best grades of coal, which are prepared to sell at the lowest living -L. R. Bingham, Co. Money, skill and experience cannot improve Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles for diseases peculiar to women.

Send to your druggist for free sample, Wilson is the one. (1 The best cigar in town is the Blue Bird. Go to. Buckman's for it. All that money, experience, skill and perseverance can do has been done in the preparation and manufacture of Dr Sawyer's Pastillesfor ladies.

Sold by Wilson, the druggist. tan Best black $1.00. Oxford shoe Bros. in the city, or at Stauhope READ THIS! Fresh Confectionery and Fruits at Fullinweider's. Tobacco and Cigars; a choice line of Groceries, Ice Cream served to order.

The very best grades of fresh spices and extracts of every variety constantly on hand. Try our "Club House" coffee. P. R. FULLINWEIDER.

Talk About Wall Paper 7,000 Rolls in Stock. At Prices the LOWEST. We are still selling the PAINTS. We do not have to change paints like some of our competitors do, because we have the best paint in the market and guarantee it to be go. Call and Get Prices.

J. J. KLOPP. For Wall Paper, GO TO M. G.

WILSON'S. New patterns of the very best grades just received. Paints, Oils and a fine lected stock of paint brushes. 0 Our Stationary and Toilet Department. Is complete and all lines of goods kept in a first class drug store constantly hand.

Call and see our wall puper before you purchase. Spring Opening! We are pleased to be able to announce to our trade and the public at large that we are better prepared to meet the wants of the Clothing AND Furnishing Goods Trade than ever. We have taken special care to select from the eastern markets the right goods at the right prices. The fact that our business has increased 50 per cent in the past two years through the hard, close times, proves that we are up-to-date in the clothing business. This year we intend to excell the parst in every way with a larger stock to select from and at 25 per cent lower prices.

tar We carry the finest line of men's clothing, shirts, neckwear, hats, under wear and shoes in Emmet county. Come in and be convinced that are the men's and boys up-to-date outfitters. REANEY WILSON..

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