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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 2

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

7 ELLIS CRAFT Jives a History- of His Case, And HI Whereabouts on the Mg-M of the Ashland -r'- He Compares the Testimony as Giren fcy Eli ud And Polnta Oat th XHsrpaaoiM to Craft' Altered Participation In tha Xarder. LrxTiTox, September 18, 1883. mm nacnu. A few line to the. puMie to show ray whw-about on the night of December 23, 11 1 On that night I took tapper at Mr.

House's, where I boarded. After ttppr Olive Hons mat I went to town. I left Ollrer at the Foat-offlee about 6:00 p. m. I then went to Olger Tow ell's store.

I there purchased an overcoat-From there I went to Joe Burdett's to keep an ngag ement with Miss Harsh Wallace, a young lady that I was keeping company with. We left Bardett'a a few minute after 7 p. m. for William Rlgels', my cousl n. We spent the evening at Mr.

Rlgels' nntii 11:30 p. m. I then left forNhome, at Honse's. I went the aoaln road beck to Ashland by the way of the depot, striking the main street, called Winchester, leading directly to where I boarded. I went directly tip that street home, and on entering I immediately retired, and lust as I laid down the clock struck the hour of twelve.

Oliver and I oectjpled the same bed, and when 1 arrived he had already retired. I went to sleep and slept sodndly until I was awakened, utiout flee o'clock In the morning. I was awakened by Air. House rushing npstairs and crying that the Gibbous house was ou That was the first I knew of the Are. At the cry of fire Stiver and I hastily dressed and run to wh era the Bra was to render what alstanrc was In onr power, and I was In such linstel put on'OllrtrN coat in place of my own.

After arriving- there I rendered all the assistance I could in carrying water, and when we found there was no hopes of saving the house we broke In the doors to save all the household furniture we could. We saved moilt of the furniture, also most of the fence. There were about fifteen persons present when I Brt arrived. Oliver and I stayed about the fire until about half-pant seven. liver audi then left for breaafuMt, leaving Oliver's father to watch the remains of the hildren until we had our breakfast.

After breukfssit Olivier and I went back to the ruins, and Mr. House, railed tny attention to marks ou Hie children, and said be believed they had lin murdered. The Coroner held a post mortem, and pronounced the boy was mur dered. I whs present. The children were then taken to Mr.

House's, where boarded, and the night of December 21, 1381, I sat up with the remains. In company with Mr. House's family, John Von, Frank Butler, Mary Von and Annie TJuroaett. Just before m.v Frank Butler and I laid down and slept until Mrs. House got break list ready, which was eight o'clock Chrlsuuas morning.

We ate breakfast and then I went upstairs to shave and dress, and had commenced when Mrs. House asked me If I would not help Oliver kill a turkey. We killed the turkey. I then vreot back upstairs and finished sharing and dressed. I then went down stairs ud atked Oliver and hi brother Floyd if they would not go down town with me; they did not eare about going, so I wen t.

I left the bonse about m. When 1 left there were about five hundred people gathered around, and I went direct to Khaw's store. In Ashland, and pur chased cigar and candy from Richard Rows, cleric In Hhaw's store. I went direct from there across the street to Tom Newman's clothing store. I purchased a cravat there, and r.

Newman trut It on naek. I the left the store and started for home. On the way I met Kiohard traits. I left htm, and on my way home I stopped In at rolored woman's house and paid her the aruuuat due for waehiag she bad done for me; 1 then went on, home to Mr. House's.

1 ar rived there a fens ralnntes before eleven o'clock. I asked Mrs. House where Oliver and Floyd were; she told me tbey had gone over to the ruin. I left the house to go wueretbey were, and as I was going through the yard. Mis Mary Von wished me a merry mrutaiia, and asked for a Christmas gift.

asked her to come to the gate; she did. and I gave her some confectionery. I then went to the rnlns to see Oliver and Floyd. When I arrived there we went to the stables, fed and watered our horses; we then went back to the ruins. We saw Charles Mead, George Fort- iner, John Olger, WIIHam Olger and others.

The chimney was standing without any sup port, and we pushed the chimney down for rear that It would fall on some one, getting permission to do so from John Olger, the owner oi the property, If was then a few minutes after twelve, so we wen tooinner. j. was at the house the re mainder of the day. Now, reader, the above are facts; the tnrtrn the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The above was given in testimony and sworn jr i ne aoove-uaroea persons.

I proves to you that I ran. account and show to the pubtle jroou witnesses where I was on the 23d, Mth and 11.1 days of December, IKBI. Now, bear with me until I give you the evidence of one t.em-ge Kills, one that was considered a crank. a perfect liar, and one that could be fright ened into doing or saying most any thing. To think that the lies that man told should drown out a score of truthful witnesses, men aud women who have been known truthfulness and veracity.

This same Ueerge Jllis worked at the Fayette Coke Works, la Vir-gtuia. lie was considered a lunatic at that time, and there could he bo dependence placed in blm la referenre to what I write (Alt Barnett, Virginia). Oeorge Ellin cam to Ashland In the spring of WW. He passed himself as a good brick-setter and burner, but It was soon proven thst he Med, but not nntU be had mined sboot two hundred thousand brick, and all the time be was about the yard A was considered sneaking to House Powell, Asblaad BHrk Company.) Alter House dt Powell found oat that George Kills was not capable vf doing the work be claimed he could do they engaged Wm. Jfeal and suyself to So It, aad it caused Kills to think bard of us, aud he made tbe remark to Criah Lambert that he wished Keel and Craft were dead.

From Christmas, issi. ap to tbe flrst day of January, ISst, I was driving a team tor sir. House. On tbe second dsy of Jauuary, 1W3, about midnight, I was asleep at Mr. Mouse's, when Richard C'arr aad MlUer Bail came there and asked if I was there.

Mr. House Informed tbein that I was upstair asleep. He awakened me aud told me that there were a couple of gentlemen wauted tusee me. 1 went down St sin and they told sue tbey wanted me to go dawn town with there a few minutes. I told them all right.

We went dewa tuwa tbe AUUne Ratal, at Ashland. We went to a room ou the second door aud we sat down for about Lali au hour, and, up tu that time, during oor con- aroaii tbarv wat nothing said ia regard te tbe I a.urder or what tbey wanted with lus. Ab Campbell raiue tu, and the tlrat wordbiid to me was: "K1IU, you are a pit-try fellow, aln your 1 aWed what be meant, and heaaid for mnr-dering those children, and told him It was a lie and tbe niaa a liar that charged me mltti such a crtrao. arwiuirtii was a man In tke hotel that would swear U. i tol.i biui tbat It was Imaosalhl for blm tu 11 a Ulan thai wonld nr to any aiu-b lie.

He said tiiat be bad a aworn Maleraent from iiitiuiu), out. ue uniIiellj would not tell me who the nin bin be read the statement aw. men read what be-claimed te lie lh worti 4steniet of en l.eurg Kills, the bom ttar anu craut. Th statement read as lot lva "'That Wm. 'el and KiUs Craft came bis lUeo.

i liw. kuuw Ueieeeu the hours ot nine and ten ckN-fc' at night. Drember, last, and called him iroiu bit sale, aud thai he wat adeep with hlawife aud taut be was awakened by their tailing. and dine out in ilia nliiht-clot lies, and that I hey walitvd lorn lo go tbe HIMmiim houaeand baveaonie fun. Me tla-n kral back lata Ui botwr, dresaed btmaetf.and catnexut lu the gate, aad that Craft snapped a pis- un ia ni iai, aud forced blm te go to the Olbaons' Low at lu puts! of a weapon.

TtueaasahatCainnoell read to me that night at tlie Aiillue Hotel, claiming thai it Was a twra stale- metit. I luld him that every word it was a lie. auu mat tieorge Kills wemd not dare tefl aie so. 1 aked blm where Ueorge Kills was, he said he was iu ttiv next room. I told him I wanted tease him.

eui ne muaen. and declared I should aot see blm. I Mm why, and he said tbe door was larked. I thl kirn I should see blm, If I bad to break tbe door clou n. if he swore to that ha said I ooald see him If 1 would not bother Mm.

then went Inle the room where Oenrge FJUs was. aad before they would 7 to t.nn jlm Herrlls. woo claims up to osorge p-Satad bis revolver at hi. yea stick to what yeu said or I wlij nmwn aoacampbeti a.eojt betweea vtevcae KJlisaod myself; then be lei 1 ZL UU'C such a he on me. aud he mur- no one in sne room eouM w'1 a living man and He'nila would noluTow We Ir la" tC TJS' was drat ta.

there aiamt ilrseea miautea when llr John KUrl came In. aad be Said amobell want to keep bunker tnaible off of ouii! Zl I.e.! better turn Seal and raft tooee- for you can see that Oeor. Kills Ih-a," and Camp-l-tl euid. "It me see Oeorge 11s ftrsi. ,1 L'ni.

lime a uua ae SH Stepped basM in the room. fampSell ssid te llr. Rasaell thst George ijllnsafd be was miiftaketi when ha swore thai II was iKnwcen nine sni ten o'clock when Keml snd Crait eacie to his house' that it was twelve o'clock. Mr. itumrii said: -That won't do yet, for he says Ncsl was at nor mill until ten mine ics after twelve o'clock, and It was liux-llle forfiettl te Wave Imww away rttai tlie mill at that hoar, for allot the mllt-bands know that be was there st my mill at work." said: "Weil, 1 wilt see Oergc agsin.

He came right beck, and ssid: "Howell, tieorge sayw he does not know what time of nlglil It wits." ij Campiiell ami MefMin said, "We will hold them overr" and 1 told them: 'gentlemen, if you hold me over en such, a charge It will be tnedescst bojd over yon e-erhad." I told JieOtln If be held me over be would be holding over aa innocent mau. made the remark that It dtdnt make a of difl'creace, he would hold us over any bow. Jim Heiflln, Abe Campbell, John Calender, MliierUell. Klchard Can. Judge Havage and Marshal Whiten took Oeorge sad myself lo Cstlettsburg Jail.

hen we left the Ailiue Hotel we walked aar above town. There by overtook us with a suri ng-wsgou. We got In tlie wagon, aud between tuere and Catlettshurg Oeorge LIlls said 'It muKt have teea nearlr a hundred times) that bis head was all out of lis, snd that the whisky be drsuk Inuat hsve been drugged. We arrived at Cat let ta-burg Jail about three o'clock in tbe morning of tbe I of January li' At about dsyhroak Oeorge Kills awokeaud asked me where be was. I told him be was in Jail, and be wanted to know what we were ttiere for.

1 tiiea told him what statement Campbell and Hernia said he m'nrte. Me arooe from bis bed snd threw lite arms around ny neck pud My FMIn.Lace 1 And be said if he had ati that be fieri, and ne would acknoa leugu that be lied when be went on lbs wit-fieart-stand. he prisoners that were then eon fined In Jail ran testify that Oeore Milts followed nie herever I went in thejati. and would throw his arms around me, klaaed me, and bagged me to forgive hjm for wliat he bad done. 1 he name of the nun who wlf neseMl thih are lioc Haiiuiious and Hailard Kortner They swore the aiaive at my trial.

1 ben Campbell and Hernia cauie ani toik tieorge Kills out lo an adjoining rKiiu. There wan a bole tu the partition between the room tbey had Ceorse Kills in and the one that I was In, no that I ct Id bear every word that wasepoKen in the other room. anifiovll and HeiHIn told Ueorge Kills to stick to what they lad told him; thst Neal had slresily and that they i Cam pipe II and llerrlini bad eviden-e enougii to hang and Cralt, and thut if be Hieo. Kliis. would Kwear to iiat thor it ampbell and Hethinj bad "told him they would see that he got clear.

1 his is the truth, and Just as faniphel! and HelHin spoke it. iieorae Kllia was then brought back In Jail, and In a lew ailitatvs (ilivvr Hampton, thn iK-iHity Sheri.T. cauie and look hiui out. After the lieputy h.herlfl'tO(,k Ovorge Kills otit Keorsa ms'le ihe remarks to litni. Jle "'Mr.

lUmiib.y. if I twore to what and Jfefflfn aays 1 did, then 1 swore toa lie, or the whisky I drank el AHhiend must have been poixine.1 or drugged, for lay head all out of llx. and I do not collrct what I did say, for eal and Craft are Iniiocent as far as I know." This was te-iilrtid to by Mr. Hampton, IieputT )n the third day or January. tHti, tbe f-hertlf of Boyd County.

Juhu Mamplen and Pnlllp Montague, attorneys at law, tooa Ueorse Kill to the llreenupCoiinty Jail. Jle wm kept there until next morning. He ana then brought back the 4tli tine next aioruiiiSi. As they brought htm back on the host Oenrge Ellis coninn DPeil to Wring his hands ami roll hi.n eyes, and acted lige a era Try man, and John Hampton told him that if be went buck to Catlettsbiirg acting crazy that ten devils out of hell could mil save hi as it a aa aworu to on tlie stand by Jlarupiou. He then caiuii-d down, aud acted rational, tieorge Kills was then brought on to catleirs-hurg.

but was nut hidged lu Jail. At noon on the ttu day of January, liv2. lay attorney and County Judge came to he fall and wanted me to waive examination, hut I refuaed. as wsa innocent of tbe charge, and wanted my trial, as I could prove niv innocence. They told me there was a mob on the roud, and that I could not get a fair trial, mid if I would waive an exmiilnulion I could get protection, sud I 1 hen done they requested toe to do.

Wf wefe then, ail three of n. taken away, 3ieal, KHis nnd mrwlf, hy tbe Sheriff and bis ixjrfse to Mavsvllle, Kentncky. In leaving Catlettsbtirg; we got on the stesnier Mountain tiiri, when an armed uioh of annul five hundred men came up wit the hank lu pnrsuit of as, and as the Monntuiu ir! wa sot rfady lo start we were coinpetled to take the ferry-lmat. We stsrtel down ihehhhi. The ninb cut the steamer Mountain iiii hKie and started arter na.

and puraticd ns down thefiblo Itlver for about three milea until we met the Btcstuer Mouiilaln ifciv couJi.g up tlie river, when the ebeiin hailed her, and sue turned siiout and took ns aboard, and we Ktsrtwd for MaroviHe. Tbe steamer Mouutaiu Oirl was about three hundred yards behind ti4. We then met the guards coming up the river on a steamer. They girt on tbe boat we Were mi. Tbe military theu took us in chsrge.

We arrived at Maysvflie shout II oVloufc p. the tin ot Jauuarr. 1kl We toyed until tne b'ln ot January. We le'f I ahout mhlnlsht vu the linh of Januarv under the 1miectlon of the Ma.vsvllie. Jlntiii "and Frank-ort Unurdit for We arrived at 'at let la-urg at0t roar o'clock Januarv 11.

lbxt. We were tbea Indiused by the uvrand Jury. AS-tbe law savs It reoulres sisteeu uw to Dud an Jndictineut, we bad but fifteen for an Indictment, while the other one emphatically declares that he refused to find an Indictment, and also one was not a lawful juryman, as be was not a houaekenuer. I then went Into trial. Oeorge KUia was uie lim witness nn the stand, and he was caught in twsutv-ulne different lice.

After tbey ware through wltb him hi wife wa brought on the stand. ebe swore that ieurg Kills was not out of the bouse that night. Tney Went lu bed about pine, o'clock that night, she awoke at twelve o'clock and sh fuuud Oeorge in bed. He was sleeping on tbe back of the bed with his face tarned tow ard the wall she then went to sleep and awoke about three o'clock: still tieorge was there. In the same aoKifloo tbe laid there but did not go tosieep.bat waited for the furnace which blowed four o'clock lu tne snorntne.

as Ueorae worked at tbe furnace and had to be there at si o'clock ery morning; at baif'past tour she woke tieorge up. Oeorg hutit a bra in the grate hile she buiu a Ure In the kltcben stove: tieorge sat before the grate '1th bis boots on" until his wife bad breakrast ready she called him to breakfast aUer washing bltuseir be anised the sash and threw toe-water out of the window they saadowa to breakfast, and when tbey were about half Sniffled ee'rUig IheV hoard the alarm of life: Oeovgs tbea ran to the fire. Sum, reader, tbe above is Mrs. Kills' testlmonv. fine swears that George did not leave the Louae from nine o'clock t.

tbe time thee went to bed. until he started for the fire Lhe ne'xt nuiraiiii fores fact time, neiihl not even go out to throw away blewssb-water. but threw It out of the win-dow. and she poMttveiy swore that it was inipnwd-bie for George to leave the house during the night without her knowing it. as she was easily awak ened.

CJRMETXaT SltTlSS TUIY TfiigD TO fOT 17 POX Jg. Tewtlmonj- of tteorge Kills Iiefense Where 10 you tlrst hear of this ceruetcTr meeting, or wbo told yen about Itt A. 'anipuel'i first told blm ou the boat when he cauie uu rum iiefeBse la the name of Obd. are von am-aae. Ing lo what Camphell told youf W'uh there, auy such meeilog at the cemetery? Was you there; A- Answer declinel.

uun answer toe tuiesiiuii, witness. A. 1 was lere. lieense What about this meetfne. riaoraree a Fills Craft met me at the burned bnnac at seven o'clock Christmas morning, issi we then took the main coo my roaa tnsr leaas nest EDhraim lluki- oaru runer anu m.

PimmoiiH ann nen met Neal ahout ode hundred yards past binim-una' bouse, aud there sl and Craft tried to nnske me sign a pledge never to tell, but I would not do II. we then came back tbe same road to the cemetery poud, and there we separated. 1 came ou through tbe brick-yard and went borne, went in at the back door. Mr wife had dlnuer readv ana I uidmn aodale my dinner. stout at lis' wires Tnmuosr.

8he swears thst Ueonre did not leave the hnnse Chrltnia morning until nine o'clock, and that be went out ths front doer and went to the bamed house, as she could see the rains from her house, aud she saw Oeorke there ODtll shout twelve o'clock, when she called and became 10 her aud came in tha front way, andshe positively declare she did not get din ner luat day. but ne went to tbo aafe and aia a luocb. Now. dear reader, please examine carefnllr bit testimony above. You "have trie names, and they are men ot gooa sraamng.

It will prove to von that 1 cau show bv suod witnesses where 1 w-aa and m.l with every hour of the time that ChrLitniaa fore- norm and the whole dav arid following ni.hi i'hi evidence of Oeorge Kills is tbe only evidence, aud this evidence is what 1 a convicted on. di This evidence was eiven to the Inrv and thav brought la a verdiol of death and sentenced me to be hanged on April 14. IXk I was then bmnght to Keainston under suard of the soldiers and niaiMi in Jail. In March Ex-iovernor Blackburn gave ns a respite, in Meptember the court of Appeal granted us a new trial. In this mate a Ounvkction can not be bad noon tbe testimony of an ax-coinoilie o- iess corroborated by other evldenep tending to con-Dect the defendant with the commission of the offanse; and the corroboration is not suthcient If it merely shows that the offense was commit ted and eircunisiances thereof.

Jn sll cane where hy law two witnesses or use wt- nee with corroborating i Irv-iniMaao re reqnislte to warrant a conviction, if the reiiuhiiiton he not fulfilled the Court shall Instruct the Jurv to render a verdict of ax'ouitlai. by which instruction ibav are bound. We left Lexlnrton Mf for fatlotfa. bnrgwItJi the guards: arrived at Catlettibarc about five o'clock ou the evening of the axh. We were ar.

raigned before the Court and got a change ot venue. We tried to get It from that judicial district. We proved by good responsible wilaeauis that we ceuid not get a fair and impartial trial In that Judicial ex. junir Kri.n aave ua a enarn. nr from Boyd to Carter County, the adioiulng counlr iu bis district.

On that nisht the mob was flrine anna anrf avew moment the soldiers looked for trouble A n1 ta'a started to leave Cstlettsburg. en route for Lexington, and when we arrived at the wharf-bout at Catletituurg there were about Ave hundred men, arrived fioui Ashland on the train, to mob ua. Two men of the mob came to Major Allan and demanded him tu give us up. ilia au er was that be Dad men tuere. and when iliev killed them ti.

roald have ns. and not before: that hedldutcome there to bull-doze any body, but that be cams there to prmect ana rati, cud would do If ir be had lo wade In blood. The mob than miroa im a land and said they would get us I here; so the Major hail better give us up. as th.ySiad three cannon with them. We then sol Olitlle steamer tiranlta Mlale and started dew the river.

After we bad gone down tiie river about a mile. Just onaosite bandy 1ty, tbe mob fired on us from tbe train. AismiI one hundred ami tlfty snots were fired, but as ther did no hsnn it was not returned. We went down ths river until we came lu A inland. Awawra oppuKite Avblaiul the (eriy-lioat ot A-hinnd steamed out toward He with aixsn "vnl five nieiioii board.

They got within eue hundred y.rvle of us and thea toey iwpeiitu nre, anu tne people on tlie banks nred on tbe soldiers, and, aa (he soldiers were niaced in readiness, ibey returned the lire, killing and woued-iug about twenty-tbive ersoua. We I lie came on to staysvllle. and frirtn there iii to l.eiito,n Jii and staid there until lhe Kebruary term ot Court uf arter County, lsL We wire then taken to Carter County for trial; gaarded by about Sv hundred aoi tilers and three oleoMi of artillery, the weather beiua so had It was impossible for me to get my witneases there, and bv the time a part uf witiweaes arrived tne term Court had si most expired. 1 was then taken Into Conn at the lag. of the dram, and wa compelled iu take some ideu ou the jury that were uot capable uf an Ing as Jurymen, but men thac were Intelligent had exniarsipd an opinion, and some men that i bail to take rook their oath thai tbey bad aot beard uf lhe Ashland fight, and were but twenty-thiee mils frunx Ashland at the time.

Jury being select then went into trial. ave uot halloa lair trial, fiuod evidence 1 had there at tbe time, but tbey would not allow me to here them on the stand, but was overruled. I will now lve you the teatimon of Kills, ss I now stand convicted on h(s ui ne save in ou lay nrsi trial. When we wre brat brought Bare tolxlngton Jail George Kills was placed npstairs and Neal and myself down stairs; we had no opportunity of currexuondlna or talking to h'la. Ceorire Kills, lie, Ueorge HiU a leiiev to janire Hrown.

or Knvrf rami. stating In the letter thai he wauled him te send lbs preper officials, ee be wanted le make a aworn con- "-wipii uiii wuat neaworeluontheaest trial rursint 1 1 i i i.i i waa anil In IV. Judge Hruwh sent his ram Thomas Brown, attorney at Us. He came here and got Watch Parker, attorney at law; Judge kingkade, of Fayette tnnnty: Judge and Doctor O'Mabony; aleo. the deputy Jailer at lyexlngtoa, PauUlialon.

They all r.f.'.". i- O-orge Kllis was eonMneii. nd tbey said to blm. "Xow tieorge, If you hsve hi inn eiica is it; if aet. then tell the truth sad do not iu i aurler." He.

Oeorge Ulis, said ne had lieu, and wonld soeuergu out a lid be hanged than tee tbo Bien sufler. (, cores Kills was thea sworn. anA kiii ilia all he had aworn to couvlct ua Was a lie auS that Campbeu had made aim do It. tesorxv Ellis Hfe. as Campbell and 11 em in forcxi wnm did say at lae point of weasoos: that a theai that a Ivn at I ngbl uiemuruer was committed 1 wu on( 0f house, and I did not see Neal a rsr ou aadea Christmas dav timi the cemetery I was not there; I was at the furnaM al one o'clock." Mr.

SI Wilson saw him "here ana ffo a ma a by the aaraa yt MiUer saw him these. Tats evidence was refused me at me oi.r V.T- they trled me, and the testimony given In bv wv ieorge r. is agv- ng been hanged by a lawleas mob to keep him from leiirng the truth and proving te the werid that a hat he swore mat tbe first rr he was frightened luto it by Campbell aud Heftlln. talilals WIsul John nuj I a JTlm Heffln, men that were in this aub that hanged Oeorge Ellis, took It upon themselves te give Oevrre Kilts' testimony la his place, as they had put hi hi out of the Wav. aud thev knew- ha die! it.

They di.J i not tell a atralaht alory. bat contradicted ene a aot bar. aad the Judge would ue let hariee Cnaulx'a testimony go to the iare tttel but after the Court set the next aay he finally let It go tu the Jury, as he remarked, tor what It was una, and after Jiai ii sdlal iett Uts siaud aad waa I TUXE 1 1SS3. lea-riiia" tow nsn-r-oom tne rwmnrm auuvis him tii; be gH his aat en tne tniuri'i ttand. lteftim mill be get etr.

hut tbe tkiurt didn't know it. When the Cummonvresith was through bmnght on good, responainle witue-wee aud proved every thing false that tbe Commonweulto's witneases brought against me, and if toe Jury bad laid aside prejudice ami gene by the eeideaee produced they would have brought In a rerdl-t of sr-qolttsL After the jury hetrie iuatructed to salt the Judge and a few others they rolired. aud the next morning broujrht In a verdict id death. The same dav eeie tem-v was paseed on me, and the Judge fixed the dor of execution the snth day of Mgy. ue-at.

i was then allowed to sfieak a few nwuments la own behalf. I told tbe Court that I was baaigbt there an Innocent man, charged with a crime that I kaew auMblng of that fust what witnesses certain parties bought would help their aide wasadmilled as Cood evidence; I hsd to contradict bat tbey rougat forward, bnt it was excluded, aad that 1 did not have a fair aud impartial trial, aa a host of good and Intelligent men win declare. 1 inid them they bad not only done me a great wrong, hut also my relatives and friends, and that one dur it ill he proved to the Worn. Let Campbell. Hefflln, Knewll and others try te smotiier it If tbee will, the truth will out.

You will then see wbo was In lhe rtlit- 1 was then ordered from there to Lexington. AVe left Grayaoa about three o'clock en route to Biverton by railroad. The steamer Louisa was waiting for us at Kiverton. Wo left for Uuysvllie about elevea that night, and from Hays vilieae Lexington. My counsel tried for a new trial before Jodge-Brows, but was overruled.

It was then taJcsa to the Court of Appeals and was affirmed. Then my counsel filed new grounds for a rehearing. Court of Appeals set In Peptemher 4th and It was and on lae HnU dav of September the Governor eel the 17th day of October aa lhe day I should be hanred. Tbe order changing the venue to Carter, one of the object ed counties, was excepted to. If shows thst I am errextiH late at night on the 24 nt Jan-Vary, arraigned before an exatninliig Court on tlie 3d and the case continued to the itli.when tbe pop-oisce was so ititenscly excited thst all hope of a 1 trml much leas a fair and impartial trial was gone, sudtesnve my lire from the howling moo it was liecensan- to waive examination In Jail and for the I Circuit Jiii'ge totend all the accused lo the Kawu County Jail, pursued for several miles by merrthirst-liig for my blood.

I Wsa returned from tbe Alaaen Ct.anty Jail on the lltb, protected ay the Third rtattnllon of the Kentucky Mtste fJusrd, in-dii-tei on tbe ith. poetpoued from dsy to dsy, aud the trial began on tne amid hundreds and thousands rf excited people, with conviction a foregone conclusion. It appears that because the Owvcmor deemed It bis duty to protect tlie Court and its irrisoner, snd revent me from-belng wrested from the custody et the law aud unlawfully hanged, was George Kills, that he, the Governor sf the Commonwealth, Was banged In effigy, the officers denounced anfftlie Court broken uu. The rnliltla were arslu present at the term when the venue was changed to Carter, and It is a mnu of public history tluu the troops were attacked by an unlawful organisation, and much Innocent blood shed. When my trial was had.

only about twenty- tnree miles distant nmi tno scene of tne tragedies. It as sgaln deemed necessary by the Circuit Judge aud Governor, of the volition uf the former front his knowledge, and without proof or application, to have prervnt a still more imimsing display of military to overawe the tuoh. And lus result of this trtul, consiflering the evidence, shows that the tieeifle-guu and caution only secured the form of a trial. How can a fair and luipurtial trial, which is the abu I uf tbe law, be bad under such cfrcauistances There has never beu. and never will be, a suggestion that all this display of military power, this pomp and panoply of.

war, was to prevent a rescue, if It an necessary to enable the Court to lie held, and the furms of the law tu be observed for Its spirit is a atranger to the camp that a strong dc-tachuietituf troops, not a iMoate, should be present, dic this state of eflairs evidence the auhstantial injustice of a chauit of vemie to a virinHae where it set ma contemplau-d thai a sheriffs posse could Uot he had joe it not evidence the iinposdblllly of a fair and Impartial i rial 7 Iff had to be protected from the people wbenie the Jury If the people hud to be restrained hv bayonets and cannon from lyuubiug tue. would thev not Ivnch him in the Jury-box? If tbe people were permeated by the lynching spirit, now could the jury he free from lhe contagion With tbe people, whence tlie Jury came aud to bum thy must return retrainef at the point of tbe sword, how could a Jury iifvest themselves el the feeling, on tbe One hand, or of the fear of their fellows, on the mherr Granting them lo be men gord ami true, stilt the)' were men, ami iurluenced by the same epidemic that dethroned the reason of their neighbors and frteuda. If a change of venue mar le granted at all from fhe judieiM ll-trlct and it may it ahouM have been in my rase. All I bat to ask of the readers of your valuable paper i. that thev read the above through esrefully, as what have written la the truth.

I now si arid condemned tu be banged on the testimony of one Geeree Kills, a noted liar, of wlili Ii every word against me. Implicating nie with the murder of those children, is a lie; tbere ia not a word of troth In It. 1 did not see those children. George P.liis or William Craft that night, aottber was 1 tn thai part of the town thai uighl. And.

now. If I am to be executed on the IMh dav of Of fber next. I kindly and respectfully desire the proseiii-e of Jainss HefMln, Abe Campbell. John Rus- seii. jouu caieuier, apiain wise sua cnsries Counts.

But remember that one dav tbe really guilty parti will be brought forward, and. although too late to bcucnt me on this earth, their detection Will prove to rou that what said was true an.l will be sorry for hat you have done. cnarr. LOUISVILLE. Inter-State Educational Convention.

I'ylliian Prize Drills Attempt at Sulfide l'ic-k pockets Arreatetl Notes. 1 SrfCTAL DISPATCH TO 'TBR SVQtTiagR, September IV. Fourteen States were represented and over one hundred delegated reported to tbe Inter-rotate Educational Convent Ion, which began Its session at the Fourth and Walnut street Baptist Church to day. Prof. Cheuault called the meeting to or der, and A.

A. Minor delivered prayer, after which Judge Beckuer was ehuseu Chair man, and then Mayor Jacob delivered an ad dreas of welcome, which waa responded to by General Eaton, Vnited tttatea comtulssioner on taucsiion. neuncrt, of 1 enneasee; Waltc, i irsHiunKum, ami neatfuii, or xveiilucay, Were made a Committee ou and lengthy Ulscuasiona arose, occupying, much time, as to who IJie committee had the right to reoori aa uvicvaws. W. J.

Iiavls was made Kecretarv. with ltetiuett uud Reynolds as assistants, and Vice-rresl dents were mudu of the following fentlemen: J. B. Shearer, Tennessee; 8. B.

siwea. Missouri; M. p. Lytle, Pennsylvania; B. Northup, ConriecUciit; J.

R. Baodall, iiiuu hi. i. h-uui, iow i. nuit'iier.

West Virginia; Henry Robb, Illinois; H. lZ Morey, Mississippi; WK. Bullock. Kentucky; As bury Coward, Houtii Carolina; E. K.

Foster, Florida; J. V. tM-arborough, North- Carollua; hi. Ii.Moreland, Louisiana, and W. Dickenson, MoasachusetU.

Various committees were then appointed and resolutions to appoint a committee to prepare nn address to the county at large were Offered but not acted upon. The Programme Committee reported topics for future discussion an follows: The Educational liesaons of the Census; The Education of the Colored Racet Federal Aid to Education; The West fcvtcm of Common Schools Under State Control; The Beet Means of Awakening Popuinr Interest In Common Schools. Wo suggest that the question of Federal aid lo KUucallon be made the order of the day for Thursday at 10 a. in. We recommend Unit Ir.

Henry Randall requested to open the discussion of the first question; Prof. W. J. Hiuiuions, of Kentucky, the second; l)r. J.

S. M. Curry, of Virginia, the third; Or. A. A.

Minor, of Mas-iachnseUs, the fourth, and iiperinludeiit Henry Kuab, of illlnols, the fifth. The Orand Tydge of Kenttickv, Knights of Pythliis. resumed Its work to-day, resolving that the next meeting be held at Ilopklnsvllle the second Tuesday- in Kepteniber. 14, after which it adjourned to take part lu the Pythian street parade and witness the display drill at Central Park, it Is estimated that one thousand plumed Knights were in the parade, and they showed op immensely. Only Tancred Pirision, ot Columbus.

Kaunas, and Kpringfleld (Ohio) Division purtlcipated la the drills, and they contested for the first prlee, which was tntMetash aud a beautiful silk banner. Both divisions did remarkably well, but Tancred was awarded the laurels. The nig six Hnnd, of Springfield-Ohio, won the prixo for bunds. Dayton, Ohio, division only hud nineteen men and did not drill. They left for home to-night.

Atlantic division, of PtirtKTitrmth, was entered for the contest, but found confusion In not being uu to the Indies used, aud ithdrew. JoiTe- sunvilie division was the onlv entry for the second prize of hut declined to drill. Springfield won the favorite with the public, I and the decision against them was com men ted upon sarcastically every-wnere to-nigiit. "The wife of Colonel Wlllinm Johnston, 227 Fjiat Jeft'erKon street, died to-nlgh'of au unknown stomach disease, and au autopsy will be held lo-morrow. She lias beeu au invalid sometime.

Al (iruinger. a snioonlst, assaulted I. J. fiavls at Muse slyer' dry goods hnuac Ur-dayl and in the skirmish fired a harm leas shot. A woman livlogou Jelteraop street, lietweeu Floyd aud Preston, leaped off a coal Boat at the foot of Floyd street iw-uight with suicidal Intent, but Was rescued by Charles GUI, a rolling-mill tniiii.

She said her name was eWind, and wanted tu die on account of nnaucial misery. Kdwurd Powell, of Richmond, Kvi, was robbed last night at the First A venue fi old of $17 and a gold watch worth eVu. Tw men, r-U ot aud Blair, accompanied by a mysterious womxii. wlm refuses tell her liaioe, were arrested by the detect! ves at tlie Kxposltion to-day for attempting, to piek pockets, it Is said they II veat Cincinnati. Want Their Mchoal-Hanses.

srrciAt msrATt'H to rag KNv.t-iBga. Plymouth, Mcptember 1. A complaint was tiled In the Circuit Court to-day for a writ of mandate against John A. Johnson, Trustee of North Township, this county, to compel him to replace certain school-houses which It Isal- leged.he has willfully and eanseleasly moved. lo the great annoyance and tncsin venleocenf the ax-pnyers oi trie township.

A suit on his bond for damages svstal tied by the township will follow the proceedings for a mandate. The action of thn Trustee In the matter lias created a great amount of feeling against him. e. i Oeeaa Voyagers. Bortox, September 19, Arrived: Kansas, front LJverpool.

BALTttroKK, Hepbsmbar li. Arrived berg, from Bremen. Vlogrwrrrowa, September 19. Arrived Bona, from New York. Nr-wYoag, September Monarh, front London.

Pit I la i fcptember Lord Uougb, front Liverpool. Kura- Ari- Arrlved: Grecian Ml Arrived: Baslaess Failures. BoSTOX. Rsnisinher ia Hew A Iasi i- m. on, of Walpole, oottotj-waate and cardboard manufacturers, have failed, iaahlll Ilea.

assets noiniually the aama. BAI.TIMORK, tseptember 19. II. A. Ramsay, of the Vulcan Irva Works, made an assignment to-day for the benefit ef his creditors.

Ha had large contracts at Ht. Louie, and monev dne him for work- dona Iltw.tgg) was attached la that city by his laud-lord here. At boarding school one of tbstnLsaes RntSL Jacobs Oil to her frixges; Tba happy mistake Cured tba headache; bhs laughs at her beau, who auigtea. THJLMPED OX. Champions Sirock Bradley's Eye Out Cincinnati Sluggert ive Another Lessoa Id BaH-Piaying ta the Athietlca.

A Tie Qama the New Yorks and fjlevelands. Boston MOTct Vp Another Peg In the RaceXotes, News, Ac Bradley wore Ma grin la a net of crape last He had boasted before tbegame wlththeeoming Champions that tbe Ctnctnnatis would be compelled to yield ta bis prowess as a twiiieg. Tbe fact Is tits Champions dldnt feel likeyleldiug much yesterday, so they knocked ''tveorge Washingloa" out Instead. It was a game which .500 spectators enjoyed hugely. Tbe Cincinnati bad won eight games from tbe visitors, and tbey clinched their claim on tbe series by nalbsg another victory their stake.

Six teen bluwltb a total of thirty-oneand tea earned runs out of twelve, shows how well Mr. Bradley kept bis word-. But thea George tried to even things up by killing two or three players, and when be bad paralysed several of tbe borne team tbe gang In tbe bleaching boards were aarrencreas mowrA to try and thwart bis desire by yelling out, "Hit tbe Christmas gift wltb a bat Reliable Charley Fulmer, the best short-stop in the country, was In bis accustomed field, and no scratch hits got past blm. White was In better form than on the previous day, and he held the big batters of the visitors dow to six hits, while he himself tcxik a band In the batting business. The were first to the bat, aud after Carpenter had gone out on a stroke to Mover tielliy got to third on a beautiful hittoleft.

ami came home on a wild pitch of ilradli-ys. Neither Jones uor soinmer did any thing, aud so the Inning ended. Tbe Athletics failed to get In a hit, and went out iu order to the "mnslc" uf the shouters In tne ataou. i nc eeennn tor tne iticinnatls was opened by Strieker's fine stop of CnrX hill's bard hit, and ended by another remarkable play of ths same baseman on a hit of Mcl'liee's. The visitors were ssalo blacked, rinyih-r making a splendid one-iianded catch uf afoul fly from Moynahan's bat.

close to tbe fehce, and bile he was leaning thereon with tbe other. Strieker marred his former good work by fumbling Kulmer'n opening hit in inn third. White In a lilt to right, and hoi be and Palmer sored on "Hick" Carpenter's terrtlile drive to letl center for a home run. Bradley then tried to maim Jones, but I harley was too lively for him. Th tricky pitcber succeeded tn bitting Honimer with the ball, and tlie game had to be called to allow Joe to have- his arm palled back into shape, and no more runs wvra tbea scored.

The Athletic got In twe tallies In ibesauie lanltig. Biakliton got to first On poor balls. and was brought home hy Bradley on bis ran te right field Itir a home run. fiirchall afterward sot In a hit, hut was i-aught trying to steal second. Though Mrl'ln reached ttrst In the fourth ou MtoveVs turahle, he got no further than second.

A phenomenal catch of a line fly, hich Mel'hec made by a run and Jump. Spoiled a bit for night In the same inning, which closad by Fu I merit rattling running culch of O'Brien's fly. Roth "Mi'" and t'ulmer were loudly cheered as they came in from the held. Though White and Reiliy both mnde hit in the fifth, no mnswere snored. White letng inincht at the piste uu Jones' force, snd trie others being left nu bases.

A blank was also ull the Athletics drew. After two out in the sixth Mrpbee got in a daisy three-bagger lo right, bnt was left there. Strieker opeueu ior nie wiin a beauty betweeu third and short, hui was doubled up after Mcfbee's great Caleb of Htrciisli's line fly his second fine blay ot tlie same. Tiiough rstover followed with a hit ta hot for ''Hick" Carpenter to handle, he was left at first ou Knighfsoiu to forkhlli. Tbe I 'iuclnnsfls chances to score In the seventh, when Carpenter got in a hit te ieft afier White's nut.

Then Long oho thought he was due for a home riiD. and be made a dandv, shooting tbe hall clear to the carriages in center Jone4 got in a clean hit tn right, stele aeouad, but was left there. O'llrlen just aaved his bacon by a scratch hit lu this inning, but on the last man's out was boosted lo second. A blauk for the home nine and ene run for the Athletics was ths result of the eighth Inn-big. Hradley made the circuit ana bit, a wild toruw of Snyder, and a wild pilch.

The grin which had adorned the face of "fleOTge Washington" left him in the ninth, and was suc ceeded by a look must ghastly as tbe red-legxed is'ii jiiioiieu 'iiiu mm. one nnu I arpenier imiiu got in singles, aud then came i-ouu John with his record of a single, a triple and a home run. lie wanted another, and he got It a two-bagger to left center, oa which White suureil. Jones next lifted the sphere ever Into lhe same territory lor three bags and cleared tbe bases. After Honitnerl out Curkhill sent Jones bouts by his two-bagger to right, stuyder kept lhe racket up by a single To right, and then McPkse got all the boys lo bowling by his single past Bradley's ears, which again cleared the nags.

Hut be was destined to lie left, for tbe next two batsmen were pat out. t'ulmer on a long 8 te center and White on a bit toCorev, ulcely slopped and finely fluid ed. Ten men at bat. seven bits with a total of eleveu had six runs, every one of them ear nod. was the record af thelnuiug.

'or lhe Athletics Moynaban got to his first on called balls, and was fureed out by O'Brien, who succeeded iu getting au fart her than ft rat base. The soore was aa follow iiyvixxATin. a. a. arpenter, 3b ftetily, lb 5 Jones, c.

I rtommer. I. Corkhlll, r. Snyder, i jicr'nee, zi ulmer, s. White, Totals ai l.arics.

Bin-bail. I. f. imoi ev, lb. Knight, r.

i. Movuahan, a. Brim 'orey 'Alt Biakistou, c. Bradley, Hirivker, xh Totals Wood, Farreii, Sb owell. lb ilanloii, Bennett, r.

otfek. Trott, s. Welrtmsn. c. haw, i a.

a. IB. P.O. A. K.

1 4-'S 6 I i 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 116 1 i 1 3 2 i i a il "i 7 a. ia. r.o. a. t.

it 1 il t) I 17 1 -i 4 0 4 1 1 1 0 1 i i .12 2 a CH '4 o-: I 0 3 0 a a a Rons Karoed-a-Ctneinnaiia. Mr Atbiettna i rwo-uaac Ourkhlil. A.a. a. a 0 1 1 a 1 3 1 0 0 0 I 8 in.

1 a i 0 a P.O. I 0 1.1 :0 8 1 S7 13 1 I 0 Totals js t. "a Innluss a BiHiions i i a Bel rolls 1 0 0 i Hines hit by batted ball. Ken Karned Bostons, I. Two-Base Hlts-Morrlll, Sutton.

Struck Out -Bostons, 4: Det rolls, 10. Base on CaUsd Balls Hornnng. First Base on Errors BostouH, Passed Bull Tmtt. Wild Pitches Whitney 2. Vmpire McLean.

toxmtixo or a srapaii-n. SPCCIAL DSHTAIVM To TUK EXIil'lxtli. 0 S-12 1 Home Buna Carpeater, Bradley, teilly. Total Bases ou Clean Alia-Cincinnati. Ji; Athletics, Double Play-McPhee and Belily.

lefton Bases Cinclniuttis Athletics, 3. "truck Out-Jones. Corkhlfl. Corev. rtuvder.

Buses on Called Hulls Blaklston. Moyoahan. First Base en Krrors- Cliicinnatis, 2. Wild Throws O'Brien. Hnvder.

Fumbled Grounders-atneksr. CHovey. Wild Pitches Biadier, White. Time of name -Two hours. t'aiplfe John Kelly.

MOVfVO HP. SPECIAL SISPATISX TUTU BN'ul'IRBB. Bowroa-. September In. The Bostons ad-" vauced another peg toward tbe top to-day by defeating the Iietroits ia a close game.

The pitching was magnificent and tbe fielding sharp, especially oa the part of Sutton. Houck and Farreii. The fullowlus Is the score: SUHTOSS. a a Hornuni. I.

Sotton.Xb Burdock, ib 4 Whitney, n. 4 Vlorrill, lb ia. s. Biiltingtou, r. f.

3 Hlnei, e. Bad ford, c. Totals i nkTBOITS. I in 1 0 0 1 tl 3 r. I I 3 1 pRiLABKLrHiA, September W.

The Phlladelphias out-played the Buffalo giants at all points at Bccreatloii Park, aud won a creditable vic tory by a score of 14 to s. (Iaivln.was hit hard, the bMiie nine bnnchlng their hi la In three Innings, when all tbe runs Were made, rolsmaa pitched an etlecUve game, but was uot supported. Ferguson made two good calchss. but these heroic redeemed hl bod play on second base. Rourke.

at shortstop tor tbe Buffalo, was also a miserable failure, and made four very nu) errors. A great Jumping by Ltllle. a good slop by Warner and lhe cat. h-Ing by tiros aud were the features of the 8 iioe- lhe audleui-e numbered about sSveu faitu-rel. Tbe follnwing Is the score: ias.

a. ia. r.a. Manning, r. I 3 3 0 Coleman, 1,1 Purcell.

1. smi Uross, 1- 4 Farrar. Warner, Keiguson, 3b hingo. Oaiiugher c. Totals-.

iiriuiit While, 30 Bow e. Brouliiars, lb. Shairer, r. Force, -jb. Ltllle.

I. rglel rgi. er. o. In.

Betirke, a. Buffalo. ITT i 1 i ..14 1 1 0 0 1 1 3 3 a it 4 I a. 3 3 1- 2 1 lo I 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 10 14 4 6 4 i Buns Earned rhllsdeiBhtas s- Ttusratna 14 X. a i I 1 i 4 ft 14 3 3- mi rw, 1, llllffr, ViBlVia.

1 liree Base ilil Bingo. Secriflce II It -Ferguson. Itt on Bases Phlladelphias, Buffalo. 7. struck ut -ilroaa.

Uallagher. Lillle. Oalvin Base on Called Balls coiemau. First Base on Furors-Phlladelphias. Bu ffaros, T.

Pitchers' Assists oa Fouls aud Blrl kes Cohtmaa, MufTed Balls Warner, Manning 2, Llliie, I'kmiI Ball tiros. Time of Oame-Two hoars and fifteen minutes. -1 uipira Chipmaa. xrrxs tss mxtb nsitiox. ar-BxtAt, niaPATvM to hi BKQt-iaaa.

C'ntrsxrs, Ohio, September IS. Tbe borne club Baited Keagle for three home ruas and two three-ao hits to-day, winning aa easy victory from tbe Allegbenys. Mountain received aa" Injury to his right band la the fourth iaalng. after which He was baited uulie freely. But the rial tors ooald aot bunch their hi la.

and exhibited very poor Judgment In running bases. The Columbus men did maanlfl-ceatwork la the Held aa wall as at the he bat. Smith's fumble ia the seventh being the onlv oosilv error. It ie thought that to-day's victory wiU give Columbus the sixth glare la the championship Bare. The weather was chilly and the attendance light lu comveuaeaoe.

The fwslow lag is the score: wartwuud. in A a i Dickarsua, a. I 1 5 ManselLLf 4 1 1 1 "-j" reamer. Battin, 3b. 3 0 1 i 3 Murgaa, r.

i 11 a 4 3 Totals. Jti is ss cotrsi Frown vs. Bicbmnwd, a neeier, 1. 1 nmiih.Sb Mann. e.

i-tenia. Kemmler, e. Mountain, Totals InniBgs Allegbenys. Culuuihus FHOVIBKKCK. Ifioes, lb Farrefl.

-Jb Richmond, c. miiKMinvi, Irwin, a. k. Carroll, Kf uennv, l.lUigiOf c. Totals.

C'BIAie. Balryruple, re. e. Kelly, r. A nson, Williamson, Bu rns, If i-fler, 2b Klini, Corcoran, Totals Tnnlnga Chicagos i.

a. --Je. 4 I :5 3 0 0 1 a 1 3 2 a 4 a i i a I to la. 1 1 1 I I I a 10 i 1 1 P.O. A.

i -a a I I II 4 1 P.O. 4 41 1 7 0 Kuns Karned Providence, Chicagos, X. Two-base Hit-Kelly. Three-base Hit Flint. Rome Runs Farreii.

Radbotirn. Total Bases ou Clean Hits-providence, IS; Cagor, IS. tla tl I s.dwll 4- 2 a 14 0 Rone Earned Alleghenvs.t; Twe-Baae Hits UajfW. Idckerson. Tbree-Base Hits itaneell.

Msnn. Richmond. -Home Rons Brown, rmlth. Fields. left oa Hates Allegheny.

Colo robes, t. Iiortble plsys Creamer, riwanwood aad Mack, Richmond. Smith and Fields, i. ftrack Out By Jfeagle, by Mountain, a. Bases oa Called BallsBy beagle, by Mountain.

4. Passed Bella Haves, s. Wild Pitches eagle. i Time of Osme Two hours. Vmpire Walsh.

novivigrg wnti rr. -segcfsL atsPATca ra tbb Kxauiaaa PxoTinrscx, B. September ML Proviflgncs pulled tbe victory away from the Cbicagos le-day In tbe latter part of tbe game by sharp batting sad costly errors by Flint, Bums sad Williamson on poor throwing. Cp-to the sixth inning tbe Chicagos led easily, tbe grays tm trenderlDg to Corcoran slow deilvery; but borne runs by Farreil and Badbourne and three singles did the business. Tbe Chicagos scored four innings on six sincles.

a two-bagger and errors by Caandy. Uilliaaa and Mines. Parrel I baiting and base play were remarkably fine, aad Pfeffer and Tialrymnle did some tine work. One thousand patrons. The following is the score: a.

a. a. is. r.o. a.

a. a. a 4 4 4 IS A. 0 a 14 Totals I 7 Innings lttttSTSt New orks 30DO0OQSS-I Cleveland A 0 1 Si 0 0 0 Bun Barsed Cleveland. Two-Base Rite Uankinson and Dorgrm.

Three-Base Its-Troy, Hotaltng and Glasscock. Total Buses on Clean Mils-New Yorks, 10; Cleve- lti on Bases New Vorks, Clevelauds, 4. Struck Out- Clerelands i. f'tie on Called Halls New Yorks. I Base on Errors! 'ievelands, g.

Time uf Game Twe hours. I mpire Jiecker. IVUUSAfOLU DtrtATIB. SPKllAL 1IFTV It TU TUB gXtll'ISEK. Indianapolis.

September IS. The second of the l.outsvllle-Indlauapulls series was a Very loosely prayed, although hotly contested, game ot ball. Weaver and Mulllvau were tbe Louisville barterv, and the former was iwuuded fur sixteen hsse-hits. while only nine were made off Veach, the pitcher of tbe home team. Downing made a heme run.

Pelts a three-bagger, and Keeaaa and teach each a two-bagger, while Browning's triple-baser was the beet above a single atede by tbe Louisville batters. Indianapolis lost the gsme at the close of the tenth iurdug as the resnU ef the loose work of Uorgan behind the bai. He madefoar of a total of thirteen errors, every mau of the nine except Veach assisting in tbesame direction. Tbe game wss tied at the seventh lanlag, the eighth snd ninth were played without another ruu being scored, but In the tenth Louisville gut In three and Indlan- apeus oniv iwo runs, leaving toe score 10 to t. The coucluuing game will be played to-morrow.

noottrxt VICTOR V. SI-EClAt. lirsPATCK TO tag K.XQl'lBKB. N'gw Yoftg, September 1. About one thousand people witnessed the Inter-State game at Washington Park, Brooklyn, to-day, between the Quickstep soil Brooklyn C'lnbs.

Notwithstanding that the visitors led off in a fine manner hv m-oring three runs in the inning, tbe Brooklvns soon took the fr-ad from them and wou easily by the following score: Innings Quicksteps 4 0 1 7 3 0 a September is. Sprlngfleids, Toledos. 4: ten innings. Uanie called on aucouut oi uarsiu im. cotcascs' saw1 mux.

wb'ul MKfttcH To tbr SMQriaga. CoLVHRi-M. September HI. Mortis, pitcher, and Carroll, catcher, late of ths Actives. Heading, Penn have I sued wltb ibe uolumbas Club as change bet? tery for next year.

to-day's a am a. Tbe Champions meet tbe Baltimore this afternoon, and tbeitthe first of tbe last throe games of be series will be plsyed. The contest Will be ene of no little interest, for tbe Balrlmores, though they are accredited the weakest club in the Americsn Association, hsve always played a strous same against the Champions. KOTrA. Bo ior remark "Long John" ReiUy a record Whit a was not rapped quite so extensively yesterday.

Das Stmix, the old Cincinnati favorite, appears ith the Baltimore to-day. Rkn Dkaoi.r yesterday signed with the Clnctn-nalis for nextaeaaua Macitlar has asked for his release. It is understood thai Barnie wants him for the Baltimore team next year. McPnsr played a great game at second vester-day. and at the bat one of his raps came Just In time to earu two runs.

Or the aixty-three games won by tbe Athletics this season, thirty-one are from Western and thirty-t we from Eastern clubs. Thb Kentons returned from the trip up the river yesterday morning. They will play in Bayton.Ouio. to-morrow and Saturday. Tiik list of the eleveu men te be reserved by each of lhe different association clubs niiiu be In the bands of secretary Williams hy to-day.

Nsr Rsaaic, of the Bait I mores, returned to hlsheiiie yesterday on aveoual of sickness. L'sve Kuwe will avl an mauager during tbe seat ef the trip. Bkr.DK a and Miller will be tbe Shstnrocks- battery limhelr gsme against the Clippers next Sunday moruing. Ibe game will be fur the championship of he State. rlEVKXii nf the Cincinnati plavers and members I of the prei are indclxed lo Xianagar Chaa.

aiason 'i of the Athletics, fora splendid photograph at the 5 I members vf his team. C'inii will try hard to knock Ksefe out I next week. Tbere will he some satisfaction In puoiid-j log the life nut of tbe ma a who has kept them from 5 again laaiug lhe banner. I Fi-ijsab played at his oldime pace at abert yes- I terday. Charley tbo liest iu lhe American Asso- i eianun.ana ine Cincinnati Club luaes him I her lose a treasure hard lu replace. Filmkb bas uot yet signed for next season, an.i rays be will not play la Cincinnati. If alB a tne reserve list, he will look after his work as Constable in the Quaker City next summer. Cixnsiif ati has now won the series from every rliih in the association with the exception of the Hctropolitaru. With a few more victories from that club la their errttt they Would have had a good chance to again lake hrat place. But thea are idle IUWIXUM.

Tiik managers of tbe Athletic snd Allegheny Clubs liave not yet signed a player for next season. They think tbe reserve rule covers the ground sum-cieinly, snd that it Is time enough to draw up contracts for next year hy he 1st of October, I he end of the season. Jtrfsm Visng, ef the One of the most genial aud competent men iu the profession. He is very much pleased with tbe reception given his men by the Cincinnati audiences, anu said he uever visited a city where the applause was more evenly bestowed, without referent- partisan faeiiug. Thk Athletic managers bav reserved tbe following players: stovey Knight, O'Brien, Bowen, Corev, st rioker.

Bradley. Moynahaa, Blaklstea, Bin-hail and Matthews. Jo addition ta these men reserved, Jones. Hubbard. Mlliigaa, and two others yet to be feigned, will make ap the team for aext season.

As far aa cau be ascertained. Manager Reach, ot tbe Philadelphia Club, reserves Puree" Manrdng, Me-Clellaii, McKiuaoa. Ornea. Coleman. Warner, Farrar.

Bingo and Hartiidre. Ia addition to these, at least Ave new meu alii be signed. Philadelphia Aleut. OavmsToT.Kr. HlXisn Shamrim-r Bask September issx.

-Bali, Cira: Bo tloed yonreammaaicatiea ia Mondavi issue of the L.ii iaEB stating that you would like to play the aventou suenii luo iiitiui a side and the gate receipts. I will state that ths Keotoa Base-Ball Club la not aaueh ea the betting order, but I will accept your challenge to play aext Sunday. You insist that It be for a wager for fcjuti a side. I slas aocept it, as la Kentaas will aot eland aside an the mailer ef a few doiiara. BaspectfuUy, A.

Baoww. Bail Cia b. Fkksh air, exercise, good' food and Sr. 13en-son's Celery and Chamomlla Pills will, whan used together, curs any ease of nervousness, sick headache ox IndigeeUoa. Tbey atreugthea the nervous gysteaa.

000 physiclaas praacriha thsat. 7 O- 4 Cbl- nd Riiies; Irwin and Farrell: Hines. Irwin and Benny. on Baavs-providence, ctiic-asos, 4. nuiiciuiii rrovioeuee.z; nicagos.4.

Base on Called Balls Blchmond. Firet Base on Krrone-I'rovidence, 4: Cbicagos, a Throwgcasalily, GilUgan, Flint Bunu, ittiauieon, Halrvmple. umbliHl Oroujiders Irwin, Gore. M.IM.I Kly I'ansed Halls tiilligan. I Vliot, X.

liuieof tiaine-Two hours. pi re Brad lev. akotrku na aaas. BPEtlAI. DISPATCH TO TBI KKVICISKJl.

Tuts, September IS. Another tie game was played here to-day between tbe Cleveland and Sew York nines. Mccormick's arm gave out after delivering two balls, and Haw yer look his place. F-ach of tlie clubs played remarkably el! In the Held, toiue Bne double plays being Indulged In by both sues. In the Una Inning New York scored two uneurnyd runs.

F.wing sot his base en called baUs. stole second, went lo ihird on ulllnsuie-s hit, and came home on the hitter's steal to second. )llle-nie reai'bed third while the ball was being fielded to the home plute hile trying to catch wiug. and tallied on Caakiu's short bri toDonlap. Ia the fourth tuning the visitors got In their tlrsi run.

Rotuling aud lasnouog nuola safe oils, and lhe former soared on a dropped fly hy tmrgsn. Tne score wsk tted In the sixth Inning bv Hotal-Ing-s bit for three bases, and eraesed the "plate bv Ulesscock's short dy. At the end of the ninth lulling the game was called ou account of darkness. The following rs the score; JCKW TOHkS. Ew ing.c termor, Gillespie.

I. S'askins, h.s. organ, c. Velch p. Trov.

VU Huiikloion, 3b iluinphries, r. Cl.KVEI.AKna. thin lap, a liotaiilig, o. Glasscock, s. York, I.

Crowley, r. Pbllllis, lb Muhloou, Jb. Brl.Mly, Kuwyer, A.s A.a a. 1 0 a In. 0 1 la.

P.O. 4 2 i i 7 -1 P.O. i II 1 i I 14 LAT0XIA. Tne Fourth Say of the Fall Hanning Larg- Att4Bdaar. Tast Trael; and tiootl Import tne Features.

liatinee, Cardinal McCioskey, Jocose and Bell Boy tbe Winners. The Brighton Beach Races Other Turf Events and Kotes, News aad Other Matters of In-tereat Poola ana Kutg-les. Yesterday was the fourth day of tho fall running meeting of the Latonia Jockey Club, and 'was by far the bef-t day of the week In point of sport and attendance. Tbe large grand stand was well filled, there being very little seating' room that was sot occupied. The qaarter-stretch.

pool-shed and public stands were also comfortably crowded. The racing was splendid, two out of the four events on the day's card being especially noteworthy fnr close nnd exciting finishes. As tiftual on this the short-horse buyers came in for the lion's share of the spoils in tbe mutual betting, while In one or two Instances the favorites badly disappointed the knowing; ones who had backed tip their opinion with money. The favorites in two of the races were defeated, while in one or tw instances several horses played by on place tickets. The Kimball stakes for two-year-olds, go, half forfeit, only fio if declared out by the 1st of September, with added, of which to the second, distance of a mite, was the Unit race ot the dsy.

I 8. Powhatan. Loftin, Envoy, Jose Phillips, Audiian. Matiuee aud Boh Miles were tlie onlv ones out of tbe forty-six original aumiuatiuns for this siaae to come ou tne iracx. 1'ools sold F.vs.s.p;; Johnston's pair, tntC.

field, east, The race was a most exciting scramola from the Start to fiulh. the mixes of four or five of tne youngsters showing at ths bead of tha ml die at different tiuies In the "-Sort run of three-quarters of a mile. It took some time to get fhe nvers tn a line, and there were three breakaways before the fl.lg Kuvoy was first away, with Audnau second. Matinee, Loftin, Jose Phillips, pnwustnn. and BobMiies follow ins in 1 lie order named, 'lhe flyers were in a bunch all tbe way armiud, and tlieJ race was unnounteuiy tne ntiest of -the meeting so fur.

Going throusb the back-et retch Jose Pnililve for a moment showed In the lead, but surrendered tlie position In the upper turn to Audriau, who heii It at um bead of the stretch over Jose fhilllsM. Mat'nee and were so el. we up in front that It was nearlv Impossible to distlngulnhed ho had tue lead. Al tne gang came rattling down to tbe stand at a terrific pace the whips wen. being thrown fact and furious he half of he Jockeys over the Hliuiilders and tieekM of ttiwir mounts.

It Was any bode race cleardown to the wire, and tbe spectstors In the grand stand werv- ail on their feet yelling fiercely. At he poot-elied ow-bntau, who hud been fourth, came out and shot to the front and looked like a sure wiuner, with Aiidrlnu second, and the rest risht up on their heels. While these two leaders were Disking their right. Taylor, on was not asleep and the next instance he came with a rush on the inelde and lifted hs liver over the deciding line, a winner by a bead. From the grand stand it looked like Powhatan was iu front, hut ibe Jndges hnug out Matinees number.

The order of tbe others was: i'onhaian, second: Amtriau. tbird l.oftin. fourth: Jose Phillip, fifth: Kca sixth Boh Miles, seventh, and Kn voy last. The last earned Willed up lauie. llnielTlS'f.

VreucUpooU paid: Wntlnee ten. I lace: Matinee, tm au; Bow hatau, SU2 4u. 1 Fourth DayLatouiit Jockey Cltih Fall Meeting, Kimball Stakes, three-fourths of a mile. W. Cot trill's b.

f. Matinee bv Imp. Bnrkden Kate Naitinxly 1 'Taylor), kr lbs 1 II. A. Johnson Co, 's b.

c. Bow hutau, hy imp. Glenelg-Floreni-e 8, 10S lbs. (Sweeny I T. J.

Meslbben's. ch. Austrian, by Bpringlmk Alnxa, 100 iba. iGorliumi R. A.

Johnson b. c. Loftin, by Monarchist Uly Babbitt. IdVJba. trjweenvi 4 B.C.

Fox's ch. LJJose Phillips, hy imp. tireat Tom-Mohur, (Hsrrls 6 O. A. Gillniau's bJ.

Kva, by imp. Bell si jvisinle rt, 107 lbs. iMtovali J.T. Bob Miles, by I'at Mollov- LioIIt Morgan, no the. (Fishnianj 1 R.

I'ste's Envoy, by KaiUlrer-atlnel, iU lbs. (Wlthersi. th a stxr nsca Was a handicap of a mile ana a half, tor a purse of kta, of which tldD to lhe second. The fnliuwlm; nurses weigneo out ior lata event: aiiiwt, srdlnal McCioskey, TBxgatberer, Mat lie Rapture aud Blssee. Pools sold: Biases, Tsxgatherer.

saj. jfe-Closkey. ttj: Mattie Rapture, ()X; Kansas. fJU. This was another dump tor the knowing ones, although not a very heavy one, as the merits of several ot tbe starters were nearlv equal and the favorite was nut backed by very large odus.

Tbe race as very exeitlug. nearly as much so as tbe one that had Jnut preceded 1t. It also rvoulred the fudges' decision to determine which one finished first, as from I he grand staud it looked like a dead The frug fell on the fourth attempt to a-oftd, start. In which McCloakey had llghtl the nest of ir, with Taxgalherer. Maine Haptare, Kansas and RIazes close up In the oruer named.

McCioskey soou surrendered the lead to Kansas, ho went out and took the lraek.bat only held It a short time, w7hen Tax- rather went 10 the front and cut oat the work. As ie passed the grand stand he had increased his lead to wo lengths, wtrn Ksnsaa second. Rupture third McCloekey fourth, and the favorite. Biases, la tbe rear. VJU nie laxgainerer made tile pace, a wicked one.

and put six lengths of davl'urhi between blmselt and Keiiaaswbe was still running second, with ths others close op to her. At the Lni? peet be gave tbe trailers some running to do. and ns they entered the turu tbe last time tbey were all pretty well huddled. Here Ktovnl and m.rliuoi hlbelr respective moama, Baptnreand McCioskey. urxau to par out.

jtapi ure ciosetl up rapidly, anil aa tbey passed the Ibreesiuarter pole had i tie lead by half a lengUl lu Iron I uf Taxgiaherar. McCloskev-tbird. Blazes fourth and Kansas last. Coming down the heme-stretch MtH'loaksv pasid Taxgniiivrer god came out and challenged Rapture. The two ran a very citing reo from the pooHiiied ia.

and Mc- lositev nnisneu winner oy tne HUortest kind or a head. Blazes third, Taxgatherer fourth, Kansas fifth. Time, French pcsils paid McCioskey. 80; place. HO: Mattte Kaiiture.

J2 so. AKAaary, Second Race Slxtb day of the Isionla Running Meeting; Haudlrap; Mile and a half; Purse $yju, to on-uiiu. vi H-Slevetikon's ch. g. Cardinal McClosby.

3 yr. byTen Broeck Water Wlteh. Wlbs.i;orham I 1 Rosebud XI stile's to. m. Msttle Hanture.

5 vr. br Imp. BaptureLlxxie JSellneld, lus lbs. L. Cassldys br.

h. Blazes. vr. bv Lcarninc- ton-Ladv Motley, 110 lira. Blay lock i.

Carrol Muck's hr. g. 'iaxgatheier, mond sent King Duicbnian over tbe iwun and i.s.k all the rent of the hurdles nicely. came in about half a mile behind Harrison. Matnais paid place, 7 7B.

JKioi.fNure. P. A Brady's b. e. BeU Boy, aged, by Longfellow Belle Knight, izt lbs 1 Whalen b.

D. IX Marrisou, yr. by Revel ver Regards. 13u lbs sheas br. g.

King Dutch maa, aged, by Lougfei. low-Little Ulri, Albs I Time, HOTBS. Among 1 bos present yesterday were Mr. and Mrs. Oeo.

W. Thompson, Mr, and Mrs. Richard (iray iaptain Egglesion and daugiler. Mrs. Henry Stiles! ohaB.

Taylor. Miss Cora iTeigtuoo. Miss Minme case, uipiain i-earce, 1 aomaa iwrr, Hon. A lex. fDavexae Albert sliver.

Mr. aad John Williamson Louis Buhl, Mr. and Mrs. W. K.

Dc.laney Dudley and wife. Miss Anna Perkins. Jesae Arlb'nr' as. uravut, a a. vviiDuiy, llm COhlB A die Robertson, Hon.

Thomas P. Carutiiexs Lr Charles Keerus and family, Charles rkmneilr. Judce Bmerts. Mr. aad Mrs.

Vuiiam By rues, 'Mrs. Foley. Leek Man nen, Mr. aud Mrs. Karl Bendorf" Mr.

aad Mrs. Ben P. Kastoa, Mr. and Mrs. f' Bowea, H.

Sostwick aad wile aad daashters Mini Martin, Miss Judith Stevenson, Colonel R. JsZ soo, Mrs. a. Wallace Rabert Waring. Mr.

and' Mrs. J. i CUeadening. Jobs acbaeider, Mrs. Berry lir James Wise.

Colouel Craddock, Mrs. fienrr in" Miss Oasste Aruanaa Jiis, Mamie Caruihera. stiva Geurgle Modge, Miaa Mary -Carrlnrtoa Miaa Oreen, Mies fXtella (ioshorn.JudKS Jaa. O'Hara rs! W. M.

Lavld, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. neU, MiasGuaaie Ramsey Judge James O'Rara.

Miss McAtov claren dsn Mus May Albea. MiaajfetueMcC'iare. Minnie ugel. Mr. aad Mrs.

L- A. Moser, Mr. and Mrs. rvettymaa. Mr, imasoa.

Miss Pans, Mxs. Ta iarrv hora- Jrr, mm' f- sarsun, was. aud daaguter, Mr. sud Mrs. 3 Tlpperary Lucy Jnckson, lun lbs.

W. Alien: 4 J. H. Thompson's b. f.

Kansas. 4,. bv chllll- cotbe siren, lufi lbs. iltfamsi 3 Time, French pools paid McCioskey, place, gl 1 Sg; Hat lie Bapture, 112 30. THf irvriT vl'as for a purse of fsw, of hich tnx to the second.

Winners this year of Sl.Orlutu carrv 3 lbs. of KLOU), 5 of (W.oim, ti His. extra. Jforsesuot winners this year allowed maidens allowed 13 Haw Three-quarters of a mile heats. Pools sold: Bridget.

seir-Kgyptlan. field. SKI. First Heat After three breaksways they were sent oa wltb Kate tl in front, Miurileita. Lutestring Bridget, Kgvitflan.

Jftcoae and Lisbon FlenriUn follow iu In tue order uamed. There was nv change in the leaders until the Ihree-onarlerpuie was reached, with tbe exce) Ion that Bridget had moved up to third position. As they came dow tbe boma-stretcb Katie Mlnnletta and Bridget were runuiuR on nearly even terms In tbe from rank, and it looked like one of the three would be the winuer. Katie fell away: however, and Jocose suddenly, ou the outside. With arush like a whirlwind, eamelo the front, and finished wiuuer in a ranter, with Bridget second, Mlnnletta third, Kgyptlau.

Katie (i and utestring lollonlng lit the order uamed. Ushuu leurilia as distanced. Time, 1:17. Becond Heat Pools sold Jocose, Bridget. Held.

fca. lhe Dag fell ou the second attempt to a very pretty sXurt.ln Mich Bridget got Just a little the best el it. wllh Mlnnletta. Jocose. Egyptian, I-ulestrUjr, and Katie foliowlng in tie order named.

They ran In this wiry to the half post, when MinrUasta tsrok the lead. lanoed hv IMiiUiuija. etise fortsKond place, lhe others cloxe-up, wiib tbe eacepiiaa ax a sue wno was out of the race. The Si bars raa Sll nched eoe ih. in 1 U-ey the hume-stretch It was auy body's race betweea Juceec, Mlrvnietta.

and Bridget. The first tare earned were both whipping. Mlnnletta soon fell away and Egyptian came up. In tbe run from the seven-eighth pole In borne there was a very good race betweeu Bridget and Joeose. The former pashed the latter fur sU she wns worth, and she o'lly finished winuer by half a leiirtu.

Time, the same ss the preeediug heat. The order of he otbTS brtdv-et second. Egyptian third. Minnietta fourth, Lateatring dfth, and KatteO distanced. Tblrd race: J.

H. Thompson's b. f. Jocose, 3 yr. bv Hurrah lbs.

(Williams 1 1 1 Memphis b. f. Bridget, I yr. Buda-daer tsallle Norvoe. St lbs Withers.

3 Boaebud stable's b. g. F.gyptlan. 3 sir. bv -Muiiari bist- Fanny Brow lul lhs.

tOurham 4 J. P. Biddlewtan a s. m. Minnietta, vr.

0., by Hurrah Lisa son J.ythisn, 11 lbs. (Tally 1....... 3 J. P. J.

Swigeria b. g. Lutestring. 4 r. hy loiigfellow Sal lie Owsler, ts) los.

Uioi a R. (iarlasd'scb. m. Kaile 3, 4 r. by Aiarm- las.

1 P. C. Fox's br. g. Lbimm Fh-urilla.

vr. br i.iswn iruonn, oa toss Time Mutmtls paid: First heat. Jocose, field, tide); secoud heat, fl X); place, Si7 and 8u. trk rut am akj 1.ANT BArs: Of the day was a haiMiirap hurdle, ene mile, ever four hurdles. The starters were King I Dutchman C'.

If. Harrison Slid Bell Boy. Pools sold: Bell nor sia ,1 Tbls was the only race that the start waa made In front of tiie stand. The drum tapped on the first attempt, and King Imtcluuau led the war to the first hurrile. lie did not oittte clear It.

and the stumble us sea led bis Jockey, Bedmoad. The bov, however, was plucky, and. altaougb dragged duwq tbe track quite a distance, be held to the bridle snd remounted. In the meaaUme Boil Boy, the favorite, who bad followed blot to the tirst hurdle bad gone oa around tbe track, followed bv Harrison. The race was no all, as Bell Bov ahuw ed tbe way from the start 10 the rlr.isii, haviug a lead of at least twenty lengths all Ihmnsh the mile.

Itest- Wsrvey Mver Mr. and Mrs. fudge M. I. Roberts.

il- Mlm. itrs. J. i. C-irllsle.

i There as a a uict liu nu on Kartsas as the winner i jn the second rare yesterday, aud lotse the boys I luadea hlr dive for htm in the iwkI-IsiX. When afternoon there was a hie ever the dlstrlha tioa of ths mon erul Monroe, liui as it was claimed ners that the number of ticket gt.txiu. 10m now-ling LAirenua. ne I pulled in as the tail eud of the gsug there were lots I of long fiwe in tlie vtcioirv of the pool sheds. i THE CAIPAKJX Hardin County and: it, p0hfe ei i.sw 'V j'.

TUB XHT lSgs. jLa3tZaLL3L2 fc I Kf.ktox, Ohi, eiepumiber la. stretch VMltriUt. Jle uu lied un verv lame at the SCnlatlve has talked In liinn.l... to 'Ss County uu i gjiw nr- vumntiiap ohm va a.

tlie lineal nrde-r. mnty botier hflr prcmilncni irowri true ther Is aarf to bf rorufxr nf iM-Cf-lit amKUrv L- lit ti.m fPtr DnVlsi K. VkliPP lianas pcol-ttrkAt 9r3pm tttkipm t-ti ctritts commiNclua iur T. Ceadtnja. Jasi WMta ixH i sV 1, ss n.kHM..A,iin.H 1.a.

MU4Jw 1 llsmniratld se harm lit -r twut iuniu vr xV IIIIIU gaSt-T7 IfTIci 'J ur-liwunrs) as IT kick is the pool sheds ton County bolters. Thsy uj. ta the holders of 1 substance, that these nilsgniUcd men byaoije of thewla-jlng iha iKmo. i-atic j.aitv, an 1 tslt wSTof 'rr? Precrdeatls being eataWlatiil th I nl ial. iisw wt fU on the lucky horse hy the proprietors of Ibe imjo! Mrtrereentl.

ivio iw nie wrww rneir uereeniaee. Mr. Tsylor Tbornton was the loudest in bis denunciation et what be claimed to he a robbing fame. He said he saw lb number uf cketa increased after tbe close of the flm rare. There have been several of these kicks of bite at tbe grounds, but in every Instance when iavestieated no pay din has eea found.

Mr. White, the owner -of -the pool privliea-ea. has a good reputation for fair dealing, and it ts fair lo presume that it there Is auy crooked work going on it Is without his knowledge. Louis P. Kzekiei bas charge ot the prugramme privilege this year.

to-PatHi acks. Finer of x. of which fSn Jo second, all ages ta carry low iba. Hex allowance. Thrre-foorthsof a mile.

K. Corrijran's b. ta. Pearl Jennings, 4 yf. gf Lciaps Mary Howard.

Mcintyre sweeny m. LiszieS.syf. 0..97 Wanderer Katie Pearce. Noah Armstrong's ch. g.

Monarch, 4 yr. Monarchist Kith. W. L. Cassldy ch.

g. Carson, Syr. 07 Iba, r. a. iinvir-s mx.

n. orce, yr. a tuo est Roxbury Nora Worth. Fleet wood btahlea' a. g.

Cbarlfe Lucas, 1 yr. tT Buckden Vie. K. A. Johnston Co.

b. g. Gas Matthews. 4 yr. ST BucKden Tipierarv.

Sicoxb Rci-Pnrxe. rwie, of vnrs fwir) to the second for three-year-olds that have not won a race during the year; those not having run second in a stake of the value ot allowed ft lbs. Due and nve-eighlh miles: F. B. aners b.

g. ITsilfellow, I yr. 10? by Longfellow Necy Hale. J. f-artcr" ch.

g. Beech 3 JT. O-, 1C by Bonnie Bcotland Moselle. F. M.

Lilly's ch. g. Adventurer, 3 ICO lbs by Buckden K. ulcahey a gr. t.

Lady Wlnnifred, yr. 10! by Fniiuirer Ida Kinney. W. A. linn's br.

g. Wonley Ixrujlas, yr. bv Boh Wooley tusle Imuglas. miitD rtAt'E vinctnnati notei rarres, ior an asi.otjf."0 each, halt forfeit, with (U-U prr-sented hy tbe Burnet tlonse, Giream liwse MS. Nicholas, l.mnd and St.

Janjes Rotelsof Cincinnati, of which IM to the second and 4IU0 tn the third. Winner Ibis yeurof stakes aud nnrsea aggregating fl aw to corry rite pounds; of S.uu, eight lHMinus extra: other winners allowed five 000 mis. St aidens allow ed ten pounds. Two and one-eighth miles. JoKiaa Allen's gr.

g. uilviv, 4 r. MS by King A I onso tieneva. Henry Jobusoti-S b. m.

Kntle Creel, 4 yr. MS by KI115 Aifou-so Marguerite. J. J. Cnnhellyn ch.

g. Idle J-at. yr. by rat Mal-lor Fahchon. w.

U. Wilson's b. m. Belle of HlghUnda, yr. Its Bonnie amittand Valerian.

Armstrong's b. m. krhe H.4 yr. ha by Pat Malloy l'eni r. cn.

n. Baasett, 4 yr. 115 hv rat Mallov f-nnurv Rlnl. itatxlsll Jackson's b. g.

Washburn, 4 yr. KM If oy Imp. Blllet-HI. K. c.

Pate's h. g. Boatman. 4 yr. by Bonnie Scotland Valerian.

T. n. (Stevens' br. g. Farmg-ttt, yr.

By Wanderer Mamie is. W. It. sha.Uey's b. Ballard, 4 yr.

by Billet Katie penrce. J. W. l.oud sch. m.

I.l.ta Statibope, jr. 113 by Wavi rly Ada Client bam. For'aTW W. K-Hatidlcaii. Ptifse.

aitx). of which flow 10 he second. One aud one-eis hi miles. Louistsna stulile's, b. c.Wailcusee, 4 yr.

100 Wsverlv I'hasma. W. 11. Sreveiisoii-s ch. g.

Cardinal McCtosk.ey,3 Vt. i Ten ltrie-. -Wnterwlu-h. I Curran's h. c.

sovereign Pat alal 10' rs.os. F. Masters Vanguard, Syr. 90 Foster ini. Firm Rack-Purse, tarn, of which taito the m-r-otid horses entered to he sold for to earrv weight forage; if entered, to fie sold for allowed i llet.

If for fl.uiu. In if for vj, ts and If for a Ihs. I sllsl soiling conditions. lnns-inuriHHiii a nine. di J.

Igert a f. Nora 3 r. ilsD, Ten Hr'ck- Morul. f. M.

Weal's br. g. Lord Edward, yr. Alurtu Fallliv Memphis Htuhles-ch. g.

Inilfglit, 3 yr. fan. J.J. ati. g.

Gaiie yr. fig tVW, Lever NaiiHle, Miwea Thomas' rh. ra. Kiiiiiey, 4 yr. gjuu, W.

oliysch. t. Emma Creariief.S r. mu, Aiiiiia nrouio. isu-k tiecxeri nr.

g. 5tciaw ling, 4 J-r, Bullion .1. inner. 17S- sturpiiy ch. r.

euture. yr. (C s. lowers fXon'sb. c.

Aretlnn, 3 yr. to? lbs. 2.nn), Aramis- Sprtghllv, B. H. Lund's tir.

g. Albert Sidney, yt. aj lbs. Mo, Troiiiplngtoti Mlra. R.

J. Connelly's br. h. Gotal Night, yr. Ill lls.

tl.oou, It. r.a orrigau d. i. l.ntie casino, 3 yr. jm.jMir.ww ai.iia.

Kd Beardsiee's hr. g. Jonu Mora-au laueeu of est. J. B.

sellers' br. g. Kayuiond, 4 Virgil Nannie Butler. rooti. Pools sold at the Kentucky Turf Exchange last nlgbt as follows: Xrtonbt Rare.

F'mRece Three-fourth Mile: Llxaie 37 net. Monan-h. UT l. iiiu it? i Jt Carssii. HO: Pearl Jennings.

S7 116: Charley Lucas, S7 fl4t Ft. 1.0 Sli. nace iue and Five-eighths Miles: Hail-fellow, 1117 fw: Beech en brook'. i(C S2T; Advent urerluu iulfred, luu ss; Wooley Itouglass, gbu. Third Ruu Two and One-eighth Ml lest Silvio.

tr timi Rlghlauda, IIS Ffhe Rassett, llrj li; Washburn, lus Lida stanhope, iu 4nu. lourth Race line and Oiie-eiahth Miles- see, nn IH0: lbs Sovereign i'at, no Vanguard, eJ Fifth Race Three-guartera of a Mile, Selling: Emma Cramer, S7 KlDnec, a ss; tiafie I' Iii Twilight. Sz lbs-. I JiiH Kdward. jus tl; Nora T.Di tu: Mc Bow ling, lot Oolden Yen lure, ls: A rati no, 107 Bell Boy.

lia 416 Albert Sidney. SS ll ill; (ioodfilglit.lll Little 72 iiau-Itou, IU g3; Ilaymoud. SS is. aee lrtond A'sns. Hickory Jim, Linda Mack.

10; Kuighl Teniolar, Ion Volus.uS JiX. aui: I.aramiiita. BnccaMeer. l.e dure, S3 jn; Itaska. at au Sail: Iian K.ilhs.,vB.

second Rui-e rme snd Ouc-qusrter riandt Around. gii; Blue tiruaa Belie, tc r.ljs..g; Topav. inu' sjnx-nm. as XJ edit tor, 114 (be Ssn-Hilarity, li lbs. SiA; Jai.g Hearts, lug A Ihird Jtace-Three-quarters of a Mile: Iiecov Duck.

BT VSi; Millie B. 11 turd's ls3. lot and Hur.m. totr iei an- ti lorillart's Lonsett. lat Tbackery.

llr list and Lcououiy lug I.cuud..r, Ui lrei -iue. luti iHicsiesa. lla rieid ieu ry'ioH sua I e-e 1 Llis U.Im- ii.B. t.i,LHc?olu"l",!.,,'rn,B felling: Brie-a-Bracia t-UrlfeT ta y.t'T' Hi PriOe- tZlX. 'srrn, Sj; Fike'S The Wheel.

raw. earar an ca backs. Ht-The kicyde races were witnessed by over twenty thousand people. The races were the best ever seen in this country. The oue mile, without a turn, waa Won by Burt Pressy, of Mailt hvitie.

lg. ia H. Jenkins, of Lsrabivlile, second. Tbe two-mile Wm" wo" bT Rinoa, of England; I Bton, second. Tim.

IM14, beut-Ing the best record. Tbe teii-miie handicap bad eleven startera. Baruham. of Newton. Sini vllie, N' second.

Stevens, of Mlllville. 31. Tug of War" was won by tbe Springfield. The hre-mile race was won bv Ciaflla. of Itarvani.

Time, is m. 4S s. The twenrv-mile amateur race waa won by Reader. of Springfield Midge-ley, of Worcester, secoud. Time, 1 h- 7 m.

A. beating tbe American professional record. The enthusiasm of (be people over the victory of i lender impelled belli over the lines, and fipon Kendee, who fed etuoned. Cpon reooveyy ffendee was borne from the track on the shoulders of bis friends, amid loud cneers. The professional handicap was won by Bri nee.

of Washiugtun, Keen, of Kugiand, being secoud. Ttaie, XI X-Z The Ring. WHAT tug raussiAjc SAVS. 'Kew Ton, September IS. Wllliscn Sheriff, the Prussia expresses sarprtaeat lass L.

Satfivaav refusal to make a match with him until after liis return from the Pacific Coast. champtoa challenged me ia print." aherifrssld te-day, "and said be would cover my deposit vf thxi, put up ta bind a match for fourreonds. Marquis of Queens be rrr rules )a private, before ten mea a aide, lie should have adhered to bis challenge after 1 accepted il, bat, ia my opinion, he has shown the public that be is afraid ef many backing down la that way. I want the pabiiu to anUeratand that I am roady tu box him with gloves, or Bght him iih bare kauekies. at au Mate or place he easy asms after gay ceateat wua Mitchell." Hie Mine rnil'g to ritiitemt itii ri.

31110 ixKius loiu rir-nrv Zv rv cinnntl the nrher dav. hat I. 1 L. IVfi V-, were play; him fairly, well and good; hut A b.n i all I u. ULUI I IV1I11W a rV.upschwerti would kick.

too. -ii. i it fcaid. "played a coH deck; on its." bt Hen rcney say Hat P.I: like a child. I 'odds' no didn't win at the Highland itiiiruin ilini majority last that they wi I iwiits 11 uer county gave l- RennMi, fall but tue IVm.r; ill cut down this iikiiiiu, anu niayoe.

ie it out 3 here is a good rhftDre to elect altouethe. tsherifT. and Republicans hero election of IHive Usher l' 'W The students ho attend the School, In this county, for thn fall rivht nmti 1 1 rQ of 1 1 nun 1(11 ,) wrs-a niter tne fi.o.a tlh-ll c- 1 r- I'llOtlCullS. 1 they chuckle to thcuist Ivrs over to they control Hardin Count Vs pol.ti. s.

rlj are about three hundred of the.e voting The Ietn(M-rsts ought to atteud this C. Y'U-s--President of the Natl inii.ii, lives h'ere hough a stanch Republican, he atunn'V his lulentlon to vote fur lloudlv Kiu'a that ninny other wool-growem of hiinr Will likewise. "PMi Henry Price. President of ths Fence Couiimoy, the oilier day uffm-d to 12 f'rt) that Korakcr ivouhl money was rnised among lenioi'ruts here ifi Hen. tseney went down witu II, when pPl.J bucked out.

Before leaving Newark, yodorrlav Ike told me thut be had begun volltig for ,1 In Ihc; forshcrltt of Idckine Cotinlv, and th he hod been voting for hint ever since soni. thing or other. 1 saw Bell vcn-rL He looked stuniiing In a new eitil of ioiu-' trrohnbly botiglit wllh part bf PcndfeUiu, Independent Pemocmry In Sew York Cltj BPEctAt tunPATra to tax kniii iskr, r. York, SeicmlK-r 1. The I inlepriiVn, TiomocrHts, an orgiinir.idon mnrted hy ix.

Congrt-SKtnan James trRrlon, oi tied tlUiirlem to-nivht In ilJS Biiiydway. 'lUt. nunarru lenirjcnilt were prcxetit at tlieoi iv iusr. All Imdjeen Invited by Ex-Cotigressuui Jrietu 'l'iify were from every Awmu district, and amutix I hem wotv mm who lim, lssn liniliiinent in lhe ot her or. Kaiiir.atUina.

Tlierw were nl. mni woo not bes-n ui-tlve In jailities. Mr. il'Brleu them the iiioveinent hrul wn I lie and others hud iicTtniired Hint there were many Lh-mocrnta who hml IsM-nine liml iMissea, and wanted an tiiVHiiikMlinii in -u hi. I.

the voters might have souk- believed thnt such ait nrvHiilcuflorteou.dll forturst wlifc would la- oole to .,7 eit her of the three leiiii ii I tiL iirvanlMtloti now cuiraists AsMinlily liistriet. The enlaiglnt nnd lwi-fMl ing those oi.v.ii.iralioii win be Ix-giiu to-duy. hii.I within two weeks. The tiend-znisrVer, 11JH Bnmdway WIU he duv aud night tin. til election liar.

The xeeuttve Coiuuiitiee are Jutiies O'ltileti, iinvld Itur.ks. Herinau Oclrlchs lr. AtiKtln KllnU I'eler Hurluw TlKitniw S. Brown. Muftis M.

Mixers. limy, John lhiVlH. licnerui i hriiluu arxwiH'Ider. V. l.

Muloi. Nelt(ii Murphy, Jerome Itnck, irluniisii Jr. Stenut t. Hmu. uel t.

Ail tuns, T. C. I Joint rUieu. ney, licorge Jlei ki-r hii.I Jllnryland Ileniorratic Conventlun. m-bxtal le-ll ATI 1MK 'Si gl K.

lAi.TlMiRK,ScteiiilH'r ticket lnutcil by the lxmocratif Ntalei Couveiitlou here to-day Is i oii. i tied by all to be the strongs est put before the people )f this Hlste for I vi.s. i iiri-oiiM-uiiuii, oln IHiSeO: as It i Wits of the leading men of the State, acted lu- tlepcudi'hlly of ull combiliut ions ot lhe ers, ami iu every thing ptn-liicd an Inder nl-i ent (nurse. It v. rm tituirler nnst o'cliH'k lieu Senator lloi iiiiin.

halrniuii of Mai P. A. Brady's b. g. Bell Boy, age, lot uo, Long fellow-Belle Knight.

tne rstate em rut oiumil tee, lull. hi the con- -volition luiirtli Iniii'n onlll -1 li'ralioik tlieei. nrus eli.l tnnt IhhIv .11.1 11. ,1 nnd tiurlng Its ttlSIMISII lull lo lio.He I lal. tall, I i.ii..

ti 1,1 I 1 1 1 II. aaioHTos- bkack backs. gallon, who were iinpi-Iesstx iii Ii" 111I iiiirii arn-iAi. DisrAicu the KNut-iBkK. i make nny Khnw t.f contest.

1 Ins was ow Nkw York, September in. For the first race at the platform, and. nltli.nigli the con ini.u, Brighton Beach to-day, three-quarters ofa mile, Joe i fcftlsi'd touilopt a series or resolutions,r;,las.fW;R. Monee. l' neiu.

jwinclplw of if ftirni ns supported bv blm. It alias won by two length, Joe second, a length In i Is ml mil I on ull aides lo-nighr that I lie front of K. Monee. i dlilutc ure sm-li In I borough unite the hue. I pnrty nnd lcii)l leans wlm wi re' I.Mik ing for Mulualspuldtsai Hamlin.

11 men to Isjlt the convention uF.Y" --If b'T-lurirs. 'a nille. eoiifeas liclr dUuppilllmlt Seimior sold al Sii: Baron 1-avorut. Adslaiaa. g' field JI oeinni 1.1 inai Battledore' won by four lengths.

Baron Favorot 1 i''. fcecoo.i, lour iciigius in iront 01 1 astie Biaraev. j. Time, M.inials paid 37 li iuB Til 'I'Hiau mile and a Apollo wild 'at ifMU; Uoveruor Hampton, ksj; field. fJe.

Apuilo won by four lengths; Ida secoud. two I lehgtlut In front of ijiUloria. Hme. Mutuals paid ti al. Fob thk Foi btw Rack.

forlhree-yeaMlds, one 1 nv.q ssi, nriuri, sio: ramen, Sihi; Harrv Mann, rii. PsmelTwon by two lengths; Centennial sedond. two lengths iu front of Beiurt. iiiue. t.

Mutnsls paid fju IB. F' tu Fj vth Back, one mite aud a quarter, Slot'Uui sold at tsixi; itariiinu, Bushwliacker. tw: Bine St ring, rat. sliK-uin won hy six lengths; Barn 11 second, twenty lengths In front of Bushwhacker. Tln.e.

3:17. Mutuals paid f7 tu. For thk Sixth Rack, one mile nnd a half, six hurdles. Be verwyck sold al tOni; Touaw auda, Sii: Kate Croinii, Agi; Hank Sage, ui; field, telu. Beverwyck won l.v twelve lengths, Kate Crouln second, four lengths in front of iiauk Sage.

'i'iuie, 2u. Mutitais jmtd v.T. In Juuiping over the fonrtb hurdle Knrv tripped and broke los neck, tailing heavily on his J.a'kev. lhe horse wss dragged elf lhe track dead. Maney, the rider, waa carried otr the track, but although he was stunned, no hones were brekeu.

Tltg BOSTON I1AIIS. Boston. September IS. Tbere waa an increased attendam-e at the second day's races at Mystic Park. Jsy-Kye-Bee was saaln exhibited In front of the Judges' stand, snd his Une appearance wou the plaudits of the spectators.

2: St class Kilty Patchen Ill Fearl 3 3 3 a Funny Belle Sackett Class ta Cleminie a Wilsou lilrector Amelia 1 1 me 30, 3: 17, 3: cut Ion 011 Thursday lu'tu The Cnnvnss ia Knox County. sm-iAt. iirTi the isni imx. MhI'st VkrxuN, Sej.t.-inlier The tlcpiihilcan cunitiuign opening at the Court-Itmise this evening its a itinniil failure. The speakers were ChuHe lndl- i ana.

and I. W. MeClung. of 1 In. Iniial i.

Ths imillcin-e was smiill iiuit dtsplilted, aud tl.e speeches dry and The 1 h'Uioci-ncy of old Knox are thoroughly united uud The emlro ciinlV ticket will lie elected, a lille the Kcuubiu um 1 lliai Hon. John It. Tlliiliipsoii. iiein.e 1 cratic f-ir Ueiresenlatlve, will Ust from four to five hundred majority. John Khennun at Snudusky, SrRI'IAt.

DINI'ATf'H TO THB HiMU'KK 10, September 1H. John Slier-man liclil fin 111 hero to to-niuht, the burden of his speech lretii a weak defeuss of the Sintt law. lie rented the question is such a manner ns to grt-itl ly j.fTeud Lrewi-rN wliie-inakor mid suloon-ki 1 iR-rs, not one of whom In the ell will now cote the Her.uu-1 leu 11 ticket. LllH-rul-liiiiicleif Kepuhli.sus here regret etcm-dlngly lliut lt went oul nf his way to abuse chiss t.f people whom If.rr liuve striven so strenuously recently to relaiii In the parly. fvecond Amendment In Greene t'ouniy.

BHK1XAL, llb-eATcM TU TUB I.HUUIKU. YKLLoW SfBlsos, Ohio. HepleinUr large and enthusiastic tn. cllnK in the lulerest of theKecotid Amendment wm held at Cliftou, three miles east uf here, yesterday ufteru'Kiu. Tho meeting was tiddrcsed by lulre J.

W. pnuulneiil lirinocratic pulltlcis'i of this ennaty, ond Rev. Irr. Kui'ynn. of Xenlu.

It looks now as linugli a majority "I tbe people of both parties, will vote lor lu adoption. Forxker at ftlllshoro. arctTAL nisrATt'B to tbb gwumgra, Hii.iiK4)ko. Ofiro. Ht-pteniber J.

The Republicans of Highland County opened Hi campaign to-day wllh speeches by Jurist Porakarand 1. K. Watson, of Columbus, ln meet I ng has been advertised for the past weel or two. and every ettort mided to make it a l4 blow-out. F'rom one to two thousand pi oj.i weredn attendance.

Kenatorlal Komlaatloa at Ilellalre, SPKCIAl. DtKPATCa TO THB ENHriSgB. Rellairk, Oillo, rveptemlrer 1H. Ths Iema-crataof the KelmonHJarrlsou Houatorial District yesterday nominated A. J.rchreiiAr.of Harrison County, for Htnte Heuatvr.

Hsiss strong man and will poll more thsn bis psrty strength iu this county. Tiiat there is a strotil prnbabilltyof Mr. rss-liiellx-r's clc. lion even la this district conceded by ail. General Cary at Marietta.

argxilt. Tn thk taut'iaaa. llAHim, (1111.1, September in. fjeneral Samuel K. Cary ud.iri-WKed a lar-e and enthi-ai-astic Iieuioenttio meet tug In City Hail, this city, tills eveulmr.

The ebiupaigu In thu county is to be a short uinl oue aa far as tlie 1 'emoerai is concern, d. (icueral Mm-g-aa at Belle ue. STO-IAI. UIMI-ATl TO TUB KSKllMi S. Septemi-r in.

-A roasint Democratic, meet I was licld In the Opera Hall this eveuiutf. the hrstoueof the campaign, addressed by tjen. jjv. W. Morgan, ul Mt.

Vertion. He mode some telling points against the corrupt lendeucles and prscvhvii of the Republican psriy. Probable Ketbru to Schedule Rntes. Spsx-iai. mar A-r to thk fjsciriaka.

CHtcsao. Iiu, Sept, nils-r The "Jfoniix" pse-pie claim that they-will meet any rata tbe 1-s-Handle will make, hut 111 ma be lhe' first tu utatt a reduction. The rate to Louisville to-dar re mained al siaii imioiais expressed the opinion' ltt a change toward iorriur rates otilu be iuaugMra soou. HoadJy and Vt'arw 1 Club at Corning. BTFCfAl.

CISrATXH To TBE EMtl'IBEB. CoKKtNo, Ohio, HpteiaU-r ll. A very thuslasiic meetinj ot the H.iadl.v and Warwick Club, of this place, was held to-night A number of speeches ere made and about I "ii ij-eci ou names auueu to mn ciuu list. Maryland llr nioc racy. Baltixoks, September la.

The Democratic State ConvnnUon met at noon to-day. F-1' Uovernor Philip Francis Thouius was cbosat temporary Chairman. Thomas address! tbe convention, counseling forbearance aas wisdom. lhe following ticket wns nominated: ert Uv McLane, for iovernvr; imrlii B. Bee-ens, for Attornej-tlenerai: J.

Frank Turf 11-' srax-tAh niitiiMir, salg-nsneat of a I loriiiug House. tuarATca to thb caaciaaa. HILIABOBO. t'UIO. Heptenibcr IS.

The 0rs of Mayers Co. made an assignment to-dsj toH. F. l4vnnn, of this place, their liabllHi being about iiiyslu, Theaasct wilicovvrtbii araonnt. Tboir creditors are mostly Ctoela na.ll tirms.

This has beu one uf the iwkI tensive clothing houses of ths city..

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