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Tampa Bay Times du lieu suivant : St. Petersburg, Florida • 54

Tampa Bay Timesi
St. Petersburg, Florida
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6D ST. PETERSBURG TIMES MONDAY. JULY 9, 1979 Reeves from 1-0 SMORGASBORD "All You Cars Te Eat" 5 Dinner Special Children's "rices Fresh Hememode Sewp Served Daily CeffeeStiN 25' Typkat Dinner Intrees "Whoever did it waa down at tht local flea market the nett day telling my ttulT. He had a aign that aaid 'John Keevei the Flying Saucer Man of Brookiville. Here all the stuff from hia I've had people call me up who bought my ituff from that guy for $10 and they want to aell it back to me for 125.

Why ahould I do that?" Much of hia memorabilia, which included tapea of radio broadcast and a gueat list that included the aigna-turee of Johnny Cash, Arthur Godfrey and Dean Martin, waa destroyed. "1 lost all my John Phillip Souaa records, my two letters from Bing Crosby, a letter from Guy Lorn-bardo and a letter from Alice Faye, although I found the envelope the tent me aaid Reevea. Alto gone waa hia vial of black moon toil, detailed typewritten accounta of the UFO encounter! and leroiea of the spaceman's writing (the government never returned the originals to him.) The new property owner plant to clear the lot and put an insurance company on the site. Of all things. A nice conservative insurance company will rest on the tame eloping hillside where the flying saucer replica blinked at paaaing cart.

"They are thinking about leaving the monument up there," report Reeves, who hat moved to a "regular" houae in downtown Brookiville. "I sure hope they do. That thing goet down in history. It marks the home of the first man to contact beings from outer space. If theft gone and when I'm gone, nobody't gonna remember me." t) Nsnrf CmvW ImM lMf-aw t) tMMMdttvhiw) IMU ttuMtDiwilwe lnrl iMMlMiTwStDwdKf AkMbM AMwCnkUfilkt.) I I Q.tat (MaU tMt (S-W) OrM Omji iIM Afpb Ireetftti 730-11 00 $230 Si.

et BtMcti Oiy Daily iinpt Swn. szso liaeer Plus 30 Item So lad Bor Oestert Bar Soft lc Cnom was shortly after the release of the motion picture Encounter of tht Third Kind. He had suddenly found himself in demand again, telling his stories at movie theaters in the area. Reeves believed his story was exploited by the movie: "There re people all over the place who have made millions of dollar off me, using my story, using my name. I never made a penny off it." Last weekend, for the first time in over year, I drove along S.R.

80 west of 1-75 toward Brooksville. I planned on stopping by Reeves' house to say hello, to see how the "Flying Saucer Man" waa doing. But he wasn't home. Upon very close inspection, it appeared his house never in the best of shape had been destroyed. The entire lot waa filled with charred pieces of wood, broken glass, insulation, paper.

Parts of television seta were everywhere (Reeves was fascinated with old television tubes; their complicated inner workings were proof to him that the spacemen were among us). The ransacked hull of his home looked as if some flying saucer had crash-landed, then taken off from his roof. The UFO replica behind the house was gone. A junk pile maaa of screen, tarpa-per, old boards, twisted rope and frayed wire was in its place. Only the tall monument, topped by the egg-shaped earth and moon, remained.

"I'M SICK. I lost everything," says Reeves, who explained the break-in occurred a few days after he sold the property he had lived on for 18 years. "I was tired of the freeloaders. I'm 80 years old. I was up in New York visiting my son and somebody broke in and ransacked the place before I could move out.

The police have nothin' to work on." Could it have been spacemen? "No, I don't have any enemies up there." Reeves did not find out about the ransacking of his house until he returned from New York a week after it happened. By that time the vandals were long gone. Daily Swn. $5.25 round his houM at midnight making aounda. Hia moon rock waa atolen and the vandala held it in ransom for $75.

Reeves told them "no deal." Bad luck all of which he accepted aa the price of being the world's first space traveler haunted him. Hia 19-year-old Pomeranian dog died two days after drinking some of the "cancer medicine." His prized musical instruments from his days as a composer were stolen. He was beaten and robbed a number of times. All manner of winos and wierdos arrived at hia door. He felt an odd obligation to such people: "If I was to turn down these welfare cases, people would start saying, 'You know that flying saucer man in Brooksville? He ain't no good.

He left those people out in the Reeves, however, could hardly be accused of staying in the background. His ramshackle house, east of Brooksville on State Road SO, featured a large sign: FLYING SAUCER AREA. HOME OF JOHN F. REEVES. In the back yard waa a bizarre life-size replica of the first flying saucer Reeves saw in 1965.

Up on concrete blocks like some junked car, it featured flashing red and white lights that caused the screech of many a late-night motorist's brakes. A tall obelisk topped by an egg-shaped earth and moon also stood near the house. It marked a two-person tomb where he and his wife would be buried. Reeves had prepared a 700-word epitaph which he never got around to inscribing on the structure. HE NEVER GOT around to the wife either.

His ad for a mate, which appeared in the Brooksville Sun-Journal, resulted in only one reply from a 25-year-old woman. "She wanted $3 a day and all the beer she could drink and cigarettes she could smoke," said Reeves, who was 78 at the time. "I turned her down." The last I heard about John Reeves Banquet Facilities Available Menus Tailored Te Suit Your Budget Ueerwetee I ITTele I SI.Feteleeeb tt 2411 (eH ley Ihl at 14M4ft II. at UN led Mhi. 44MM1 I I1MMI MIII twit 77i Original Ate I SI ACE I a.

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