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The Marshall Messenger from Marshall, Texas • 7

Marshall, Texas
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NATIONAL CORN Lying and 111 1 SHOW PREPARATION 11017 ODE dY if rmintv of Harrison engine an CUainbertttlu's Cough Ren -X tii wou lta great reputation aJ extensive sale by its remarkabyv eures of coughs, colJa and croup. It ban be depended, upon. Try It. Sold by all dealers. boiler, on kllsal'- 1 planar and mfihr.

on No. n. ider, on com- LEI SCOTT HAS NOTICE PROM w2 blnation self feed rlpyw. on uulver AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT RELATIVE TO IT sal woodworker, one r. nana saw, on turning lathe, oue knife grimier, Ce ngrss.

gtcond District, Bun. Geo. B. Terroll. Alto, Texaa.

It. Broocka, Beaumont, Texna. County Judge, P. Young. I County LEGAL NOTICri Demonstration Agent Le Scott bai received from th department of inert Cer and Strength Bacl Aala by The Ust of CarduL one emory stand and whoolis one saw gummer, one blower anl pipes, shafting, pullles, belts and lotting, tools, heads and knives, bulldihgs.

etc, together with four mules, thro. culture at Washington the follow Inc TUB STATE- OF TEXAS Dot relatlv to th National corn To the Sheriff or any Constable of Hr position; rison County. Greeting; Washington, IX February U. 112. Th Fifth National Corn Exposition You are hereby commanded to sum Tampa, Ma In letter from this city, Mrs.

ft a Coram writes: I was all weakened and worn eat with. womanly troubles. My husband brought and aid track or ruuroaa now on and around the old mill stand of S. M. Russell In the City of Marshall.

Harrison county, Txas including all lumber, ahlnales. lath, etc, now on at Columbia, a January 17th to mon Mike Broadena, Cato Broadenax, Mrs. Will Broadenax and the heirs of Will Broadenax deceased, whose name are unknown, to appear at the aald vard. Buildings mentioned in mmiary nth, lu, will tw ranting for exhibit! of corn and other product of th 8oulh. 1 want to call attention to this -matter.

In oftler- thu yon may act properly In relation to me some uardul as a tonic, and, from the first day, It seemed to help. I bad almost lot taf reason, but thanks to Cardul, I did not Soon, I next reeular term of the District Court sald-dwd of.irust th buildings of Harrison County, of th old mill site of the satu b. m. at the Courthouse, thereof In th city RuaseU situated In, Marshall, Texaa, WhowcuIJ IciliT make J.Iin ca IZzzt. when a-ple pacLja of None Such costs but 10c 5c a pie? tbla exposllon.

of Marshall on the 1st Monday about 1-4 of mil southwest from the Ths Deparment la favoring th May A. D. 1813, being the 6th day poaitlon with an exhibit, and the" D- court house and which mill sit is situated on th west side of Grove street sua Moaea use a new woman, I think the remedy Is wonderful I recommend It to my friends, for I bar received great from It" Cardul' acts specifically oa the weals ened womanly organs, atrengtbenln the muscles and nerves, and bulldlni monatratlon Work expect to make an 0 of May A. D. 1912, then and there to answer a petltfu filed in said Court org.

Ryan, "uben A. Hall District Clerk. A. Sidney Curtis. I CI Taylor.

'County J.W. Cyphers. R- P. Reagan. county Prultt.

Tax Assessor. B. Haines. Jeff fialnea. Sheriff.

John Sanders. CargUL. County TrssurV 0. P. Stedman Tf County Commissioner, Precinct 1.

T. McCarthy. County Commissioner Precinct i R- T. Halley. A.

Howard. Juatles of th Peace Precinct S. K. Turner. J.

W. Pacs. Commissioner. and bounded on the north py a street an the A. A.

Goodwin On xnlDit at the Exposition, and wo want to make on of the beat exhibits that waa ever made. It aeema to on th 27th day of January laiz. a cause-numbered 1215; wherein E. Key is Plaintiff, and John Broadenax, th wst and south by soum uaner them np to health. At ell grocer MSMBXL40ULI alao that It la legitimate for you to ad- street nd th property or J.

Caiter It help to refresh ths worn-out ner Nelson Broadenax, Andrew Alfred ana and th remainder of the s. ttu viae your demonstrators of the Expo- wife Silvia Alfred. Jack Broadenax, ell tract now owned by the estate of vous system and relieves ths effects of overwork, both mental and physical Fifty years successful nae fullv poaitlon. and when you tee farmer None Cato Broadenax, Mike Broadenax, Em SuGHTiiric3 i Ben H. Pope, and alao on the south by who have a product that ought to be ily Mason and Mrs.

Will Broadenax, tth property of M. Lothrop or the shown to other farmers for Ita educa- and the unknown heirs of W1U Broad Srovw the merit of this purely vsge-ible, tonls remedy for women. In every community, there lire soma Marshall Canning Co. lot and the "UKE MOTHER USED TO f-tATJi" buildings consists of the main mlil tional value and as a meana of Ison, you may call their attention to the Expoaltlon and urge them to enow nax are defendants, the cause of notion being alleged as follows: th fore shed and lumber shed facing on the sour track, mentioned in said mort wno nave been benefited by Cardul. The beneficial effects of tbla tlms tested woman's remedy, soon show themselves la many different ways.

what they have been able to do In farming. -There ought to, a large closure of a Vendors Lien note for 80 oa a tract of land situated In Harrison County, and a part of the George John gage, th englu and boiler horse ana another lumber shed and a separate exnioii or corn trom in southern son survey, heretofore sold by th said state. Try It, R. LJba'A4W OaNw LltlXens Partv VI mA house used aa an office, all ol said property except the mules and wagons E. Key to C.

H. Broadenax deceased. Hawjey. Mi M4tc CkMUWMM. Tin, tar Sptetal are on the plat of land leased by 8.

In correspondence relative to the Exposition, unless your letter relates directly to an exhibit for ths Depart You are further commanded to serve this citation by publication and the socialist Prt. ai.i... V- I 1 M. Russell to the said --Win. Forslund ana b.

o. Snelen. same once In each week for sight on th 28th day of July, 1902 by lease ment, do not use franked envelopes. successive weeks previous to th re duly recorded la book 61, page 146. Kttdm.

In making the statements above, I have not Intended to authorise you to turn day thereof In a newspaper pub Levied on as the property of Wm, lished in your County. Forslund to satisfy a Judgment We carry a full nt all Mnila ni as any time whatever In this work J'- except such as you may be hereafter $25,000 BANK ROBBERY. ud 'artnerk and gardener Herein fall not but bav you before said court on the said 1st day of th next term thereof, this writ with your amounting to $3157.70 in favor of Ellen 0. Russell and costs of suit directed to use In collecting the ex ah irean. 8fM7I.LV.

KKI Ktl Ezra "TITE-LCCir JH-30-lf hlblt for the Demonstration Work, but Aasoclated Press. return thereon, showing bow yon have I am supposing that the attention of Given under my band this 9th day Cleveland. 0 Marsh II. The executed the same. the farmers may be called to the Ex of March, 1SU.

Bank of Berea, Ohio, twelve miles Witness A. S. Curtis. Clerk of the position incidentally, without the loss west of here, was robbed Ust For Salt. I have plenty of white dnt see District Court of Harrison County, of any time whatever from your work night of 125,000., UaCluI JOHN C.


Deputy. 13-126 Texas. corn for sale. H. TURNET.

Very truly yours. Olven under my hand and seal of BRADFORD KNAPP, Special Agent In Charge. orrit-e in the. City of Marshall, this th Rout No 3. Marshall.

Tixa, For 8a W. Btee! Majestic Uaiiue In rood car way, left on M. ft E. T. train No.

1 THE STATE OP TEXAS. County 61 PANOLA COUNTY AS CHEAP AND LIGHT WOOO, BETTER THAN SLAT for a short trip up the road -on company business and la expected back Harrison. dltlon for $25. AlMily Mrs, A. I Taken up by James Marshall and on train No.

I this evening. trayed before M. A. Steelmun, Justice Mr. A.

8. Johnson, lineman for the 7th dy of March A. D. 112. A.

8. CURTIS Clerk of the District Court of Harrison county Texaa By C. R. Martin, Deputy. Issued this the 7th day of March, A.

D. 1912. A. 8. CURTIS, Clerk of the District Court of Harrison By C.

R. Martin, Deputy. May I of the Peace Precinct No. 6 Harrieoc Texas tt Pacific Railway went west on his velocipede to transpose a ecu Sold under guarantee to save County;" One bay horae 16 hands high pitted with gray hair on shoulders and plo of wires between here and Long' Smith. 519 N.

Franklin Children are much more likely to contract the contagloua diseases when they have coldi. Whooping cough, dlptherla, scarlet lever and consumption are dtseaaes that are often contracted when th child ha cold. That is why all medical authorities aay beware of colds. For the quick cure of colds you will find nothinar bet- hip about. 12 years old.

Appraised lew, presumably for the Installation of a telephone system twenty-five dollars. The owner of said stock is request Mr. Page Harrla, who was here In Shreveport Rcofinocnd Faciei PHONES 308S10 OLD 2176; NEW 280 ShreVfpOrl, L. COMMERCE STFT Special Car 100 of the Texas Pa- ed to come forward, prove, property, pay charges, and take the aame away, SHERIFF'S SALE. iflc Railway, left Wednesday for the m.111 k.

Jul! with (h. North. Mr. Harris is 6uierlntendeul. BANK WAS ROBBED.

CASHIER WAS LOCKED IN VAULT POR ONE HOUR AND A HALP AND NEARLY EXHAUSTED. A special telegram to the Longvlew Times-Clarion says: Gary, Panola County, March II. The First State Bank at this, plaea waa rdbbed of two thousand dol- tare Jy, some unknown party, who made" his" escape. This was one of the smoothest, robberies ever committed In Texas. A drummer, -who" "was passing the bank about o'clock heard someone calling for help In a very feeble voice.

On entering the building he discovered that the cries were Issuing from the -vault When the vault was opened eaahrer. J. A. Knight, was discovered Inside, and he fell exhausted as toon as he waa released from hla lm- 1 ef that'atttoehoWI-t'Ougn nemtr of Transportation on ths Texaa directa. ay.

it can always be depended upon .1 ISL -M der my hand and seal of and Is pleasant and sofa to take. For ui ma iiuiiuiMUiv L.IBU bVUII 1912 fiurnnou vuniy, on iuti avia nmj vi sale by all dealers. B. W. LONG, Clerk Page Harrla Csr.

Texas Pacific Special Car 100. in County Court Harrison County Texaa. January, 1912, by the Clerk thereof, the case of Josle Wells et al versus Myrxa W. -Rapp et al. No.

1091, and charge of Mr. Page Harris, superin 3-30 tendent at transportation of the Texas to me, as Sheriff, directed Vnd deliv Pacific Railway, has been here a SHERIFFS SALE day or two, and left this morning on THE STATE OF TE2LAS, County of ered, I will proceed to sell for cash, within the hours prescribed by law for northbound freight train. Harrison. ALLEN A. FOSTER.

Doctor of VeUrinary Science Offlcs City Hall. Phone 117. Sheriff Sales, on the First Tuesday By virtu of an execution Issued out Following are the Concerns Whom Ycu Can Secure Gcj- in April, 1912, it being the 2nd day of of th Honorable County Court of Har Death of Jack Griffin. Mr. Jack Grifln, formerly train rison County, on the 17th day of Dec said month, before the Court House door of said Harrison County, In the master of th Texas ft Pacific died at ember 1912 by the Clerk thereof, in the I City of Marshall, the following de- Marshall, tne ioiio case of (X D.

Lancaster versus L. Mineral Well Wednesday, and his mains will be taken to Texarkana for I rea property, to-wlt Lying and being altuated In the Lloyd, No. 2216 and to me, as Sheriff, directed and delivered, I will proceed pons anC Votes in th is Interment He was employed for many year as trainmaster of the Louisiana Di virion of th Txasx ft to sell for cash, within the hours pre- HON. MARTIN DIES County of Harrison. All that certain tract or parcel of land, part of th Peter Whetstone headlight survey, about one mile southwest of the Court House ih the City of Marshall, sevribed by law for Sheriffs Sales, on the First Tuesday In April, 1912 it be Popularity Contest ing the 2nd, day of said month, be Will speak In fore th Court House door of said Har Harmon Doing Nicely.

Mr. J. K. Harmon, who waa operat and beginning atnhe northeast corner HALLVILLE TUESDAY NISHT, rison County, In the City Marshall ed on' tor gall stone at the Texas ft Pacific hospital here, if getting along th following described property, to-wlt: prtsonment. According to Mr.

Knight's statement he had "been counting out some moner on the counter, and bad placed two thousand dollars In two piles of one thousand each. He then entered the vault to get a book In which to make the entry. As be stepped Inside the vault the door waa closed behind hiiu and fastened. He called for help, but bis cries could not be heard. He was about one thirty and released about three o'clock, almost suffocated, and the money he bad left on the counter was gone.

Mr. Knight says that there was no one In the building, to bis knowledge, when he entered the vault, and how the robber succeeded In getting In the building, wiahout being aeen is a mystery. It la supposed, that, the robbery, was eommttted by someone familiar with the surroundings, who had hidden In the building and waited until the cashier stepped Into the vault: The officers are working on the very wen. jar. nannon is an employe A part of the Headright survey of of a one-acre tract of land sold to Louisa Moore, thence north 17 vara to a Torn thence- west 130 vara to corner, thence south 87 varas to corner, thence east 130 varas to the place of beginning, being bounded on the north by University Avenue and MARCH 26, MARSHALL, WEDNESDAY MARCH 27, Jed ad la Payne, Situated in Harrison of the Texas ft Pacific In th car ahops at Marshall.


STOCKER PHILLIPS, Bar ben. B. ROTH. GREAT MASS OF PROOF. ten mile northwest from the City of Marshall and fronting the North-east CITY LAUNB2Y.


A. TALLMADQS, Grain. Marshall side of Little Cypress Bayou and In on the east by Carter's Ferry road, and known as a part of the Chevailller In the Courthouse at 7:30 p. m. Reports of 30,000 Cases of Kidney Addition to the City of Marshall.

Levied oiras the partition Myrsa W. Rapp et al, to satisfy a Judgment cluding th North-east part of said J. Payne Survey and said divisional line to run due north from Little Cypress Bayou to th North-west line of said Trouble, Som of Thsm Mar-. shall Cases. Each of some 6000 newspaper of amounting to 611.25 In faovr of Josie MAHONE-KEILEY SADDLERY E.

Wells et al and costs of suit, and the United 8tates is publishing from week to week, namea of people In Its particular neighborhood, who have for taxes In favor cf Stat of Texas and County of Harrison. Original Payne Survey; Thence with th Brook Taylor and Jones Survey to the North-east corner or the said Payne 8urvcyj nce South to the South-east corner of the said Survey used) and recommended Doan's Kidney but have no reliably -clue. YOUR FARM Sold Quickly. No real estat Given under my hand this 9th Pills, for kidney backache, weak kid CO. A.


Ask of 'March, 1912. ONE VOTE 7ILL for each CHASE FROM Air. on. the North bank of Little Cypresa. Gary to located In the.

extreme southern part of Panola county on the Saata railroad. 1 i hence up said Cypress with Its meandering and the South-west line of said me E. C. SPENCE, Mena, Ark. bladder troubles and urinary disorders.

This maaa of proof Includes over 30,000 Marshall Is no excepton. Here Is one of the Marshall cases: JOHN C. SANDERS. Sheriff. By J.

B. HENDERSON, Deputy. 12-19-26 Mrs. R. Shaw, 621 Grand Mar fayn Original Survey to the Southwest corner of the divisional line and thence North for complement to Two Hundred and Ninety acres of land more or less and for a more definite SHERIFF'S 8ALE.

lliglit HosMno State of Texas, County of Harrison description of same," reference Is here By virtue of an order of sale issued by made to tho records of a deed made out of the Honorable District Court of Seed Corn, Sorghum Seed; Kat fir Corn, Mllo Mais, Millet, Harrison County, on the 8th day of Spelt, Rape. Vetch- aemuaa shall, Texas, says: "I am pleased to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills aa I consider them an excellent remedy for kllney trouble. A short Urn ago I used them and they gave me great relief. My back ached, often so acutely that I could not sleep and sharp twinges darted through my back when I stooped. My head ached and at times black spots floated before me.

When Doan's Kidney Pill were brought to my notice, I began their 'is and In a short time my kidneys were strengthened and the pain in my 3- 1 Dy j. b. Adkns to Wm. C. Snider with County Clerks Office Qf Harrison Book No.

21 pagea 64 and 55, of June 12th 1874, levied on as the property of L. Llyod to satisfy a Judgment amounting to $457,00 in favor of D. Lancaster, and costs of suit. Ores Seed and ail nsm Garden Seeds and FertsMsess, 4 February. 1912, by the Clerk thereof, In the case of W.

F. Moore versus J. Q. Stockley, No. 1012, and to me, as Sheriff, directed and delivered I will sell, within the hours prescribed by law for Sheriff's Sales, on th First Tuesday In April A.

D. 1912. it being the 2nd day of said month, befor the Court House door of said Harrison uiven under my hand, thla Mm arh Writ ARTHUR LEE, Saedman. PORT SMITH, ARK. day of March HOWARD MEADE SCALDED WIT H8TEAM.

HI WAS BROUGHT TO THE HOS PITAL HERE AND GIVEN ATTENTION. Howard Meade, locomotive fireman on the Natchitoches Branch of tffe Texas A Pacific Railway, was vary painfully Injured by being scalded when a flue burated on engine 256 Wednesday at water tank at Hyams, La. He was brought to the Texas A Paclfio hospital her on train 67 Wednesday by his father 'Who is a conductor on the Texaa Pacific, and medical attention was given him. He was able to be moved from the hospital to his home, and. while his Injuries are painful, they are not considered serious, and- Dr.

Moore, chief surgeon of the Texaa Pacific hospital Is of the opinion that Mr. Meade will bar recovered In a week or two, and be able to go back to work. Mr. Meade has worked In various positions for the Texas ft Pacific at Marshall the round house, and aa caller, and bin bom Is here. back disappeared." John C.

Sanders, Sheriff. By J. B. Henderson, Deputy. Feb.

12-19-26 County, in the City of Marshall the For sal by all dealers. Price 60 following described property towit: cents. Foster-MUburn Buffalo, Lying and being' situated in the New York, sole agents for the United County of Harrison. A full and equal one-half undivided Interest In and to that certain tract or parcel of land sit Renembor the name Doan's and take r.a other. uated In the corporate limits of th v.

T- sufferers from rheumatism City of Marshall Harrison County, are surprised and delighted with the prompt relief afforded by applying Statement to the Public About he Grand Prize r.Iemoric!3 If you are interested in having yonr lot marked with beautiful memoria' "tj-following marbles and granites, la ujrcrcr.t -signs finished ready for lettering: Ircportii I. ian. White Rutland Italian, Regal Elue, llvzx Georgia, Creole Georgia and Kennesaw I r-bie. I have four beautiful Earre Crar.ita and two of the beautiful Granite Crave C-v-. eri with highly polished tops.

All these il t3 sold at exceptionally low prices. Cell end Czz Marble Yard and Chow Rooms, Couth CiJe Tulliz Equare, next door to Karshall Ilrtla Vz: part of the Peter Whetstone head-right survey, formerly owned by Geo. B. Atkins, and by hfs administratrix divided, this tract being known as lot No. 2 and containing about ten acres, described thus, to-wlt: Beginning at the northeast corner of lot No.

Chamberlain's Liniment Not on case of rheumatism In ten requires any Internal treatment whatever. This liniment to for sale by all dealers. thence north two hundred and thir JEWI8H TEMPLE LADIE8. The ladles of the Jewish tempi con teen varas to southeast corner of lot No. 3.

thence 206 vara west right gregation met by appointment at th temple Thursday afternoon, to furth er discus plana for the mask ball th TRAIN OP HOME8EEKERS. They Traveled In Sleepers and With a Dining Csr. Second number five on the Texas ft Pacific consisted of two coaches one baggag ca. and the rest tourist and first class Sleepers. The train had eleven can of way of Texaa ft Paclfio railway, thence south down said right of way to northwest corner of lot No.

1, thence east 219 varas to place of beginning, said land being situated Just north of 'what is known aa th John On account of soma unwarranted and uncalled for criticism that has been set going by some people unfriendly to th Popularity Contest, deem it wise to get a short, plain statement of facts from Mr.Hnw. ley of th Hawley Motor company regard, to th Grand PrU fered In th contest and below follows bl statement fel that this I ail that la ncssary at this Urn or at any future Urn. MIGHT sVHOBKINS. ladles will glv in April. They mad reports on tickets sold, and discussed arrangement for the ball, and wfH soon have another meeting to com Harter place and known as Queens- plete plans.

You judge a man not by what borough Addition to the City of Mar and was, the regular Tuesday Uome-aeekers excursion that leaves Chicago every Tuesday. Many Immigrants locate In Texaa on account of the ac shall, Texas. Levied on aa the property of J. Q. Stockley to satisfy a promises to do, but by what has don.

That is th only tru Ust Chamberlain's Cough Remedy judged Judgment amounting to $1341.62 In tivity of the railroads In their Imml favor of W. F. Moore, and cost of gratlon departments. The train went suit aa far as Longvlew An the Texas ft Pacific and was delivered to the Inter Given under my hand thla 9th day by this standard has no superior. People everywhere speak of It In th highest terms of praise.

For sal by all dealer. national ft Great Northern tnd It went of March, 1912. towards South Texas. JOHN C. Sheriff.

By B. HENDERSON, Deputy. 12-19-26 kI CONCEALED WEAPONS ARREST. 'Cannon Ball Engines. Yo'i kn 1 Texas ft Pacific locomotives-' 384 John Morrow and J.

W. Owen were put In the Marshall calaboos about 12 o'clock Friday night and turned over to the county authorities charged SHERIFF'S SALE." and SS were put In regular service on the Texaa ft Pacific Cannon Ball trains between Marshall and Fort Worth, They are ths heaviest cloas I STATEMENT PROM HAWLEY MOTOR CO. This is to certify that the Grand Pris In th Pop laxity Contest that Wf sold to Hight Hooklna, is a 1U model, for door Flanders, passenger (3-speed touring car, top, wind shield, Jamps, complete.Jcovered by facto-rory Involc of January 1912, and Is not a second hand or worked over tar. Tha. 8tudehaker Company did not make a for door, -car aWlatt'ly otinted'- WepTe4tt'" ww.

Stare of Texaa, County of HarrlsoA. with carrying concealed deadly weapons. These mea claim to employed By virtue of sn order of sale' Issued in the gang of Bridge Foreman Wood out of'the Honorable District Court of Harrison County, on the 7th day of ruff of the Texaa ft Pariflc. They engines on the Texas ft' Pacific, being classed at 160 tons. The engineers on these engines are Mr.

R. m- have been In the service of the Texas were taken In custody by Meesrs. N. November, 1912, by the Clerk thereof, of WrtCT-C-Riwett. A.

ureen, jesse janies ana vunniut; -ham CmmUnghan) lSfOn-tb -force. temporarily In the place of llarly Al- gtaes were formerly used In freight 1110, and to me, as Sheriff, directed and dolivf-rpd, 1 will proeed to sell for kin. servlr on the Rio Grande division cash, nitr.ln the hours prerrlbd by fron our i jifllrotttt I 1 I and are both of; the "monkey motion' type-' lw for i drift's Kalea, on th First Ttif in April 1912, It beirg "can say gooflbye to counUpa-tlon with a cle-r conscience If you use CtiaruherlilD'l ts. have 2nd of sid month, Railroad Personals. mar" i I 1 ty L.t-.f ur ffoir of -'4 1 ij tl cf I.

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