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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 3

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

arXMATI 14 DeyaituM 11f fnrt I tawBeiis i oaa ynw A. Mi F. K. 'cjtiaMi saw iVsliai intlt I A. M-.

Mi P- M-, Oflma II IHnllHi M.I,I A. 1. Btih lied. Iiw'l. Cannin.

WrniiMM abb bamui-t A. M. P.M. BAausrrra as CswctwaATt MtililU, at (41 A. sat F.

M. Hi raw t. M- MA P.M- taduMkrmlM I ilili lilf baaa samrtaf (kataoM. a i. i E'enlng.

VMM TaunMOiM TIM rot BUlk wi r- ark Bast Qui Pl.t "TkTu fm jIatsqbxI. TaaiT ctlyraBva tatst. tun ft (llliri AtWTtartMmt.kctiMttt'Wal- and Zmma trbxnley la Th taiwea Ajm.Wwa-a. BlrmpaldlortosdTiae, and taotBdlngt ef ward orbs, iitlnn wil HiMithX, anient at ftQaOM iiMWIiltiliilln aaffilliut binf wtHwrtotot ha whs Hmmm yeajberday of iog with J. Coning, General Agent of the lllinoia Central Railroad.

He ia atopping at the Bnaat How. iariir.7OMrK Guilford, formerly of the Omitf Cummwrtial of this eity, hu become attache, to the editorial tjorpa of the St Loo it He wtU he TBinable acquisition ejht fpec. OornroTojr Im. Tan lfw PArt. The TH-wUg Wmily Ltdgrr will he lamed daring the eoeniDg week.

Hetm. J. P. Hani and C. J.

Walter, editori; D. C. ODriteoU, ynbliaher. EVThe reporter of the gaasfr, ia yesterday paper, added new hoaora ho the laurel of Mr. EfgleetoB, the aemher of Cesneil from Ward Fin." Brother Efgientoa nut hare bad eoa-aSdarable) if aot aninrmosn table, dimer-llms in Jiaehargiag hii datiea aa taparinteodent of the dtymarketa.

CTOa Triday sight Uncle Joe Ross, Chaii of the Market Committee, stated, la the City Cooaeil that tb Committee bad uunimoruly sgreed to report an ordisanoe aboiiibing all the city SBwkwta. Ha either said that he had eoa-Tanadrith a member ef hatehera aA othera ralaara to 1W and all fully oonenrred ia the skymrnt, from the fast that, a oar markets fjughttul thagudti EaUTftn -TATM SBFTTTT MABaMAl. KAMI. I I a i i A I IBTMWif assist, or. two rcoTTins rsox of twa 1 rthe new military taw ef this Basbs.

-Jesi will I Ttawday anew use aa say, aaa w-troagn yeaj eu awe i mt suadiwlslam. toaA srhila I feel vary gravaful te my frieads for the bower which their bad aartmUtrweeld baewm to aosent, I aaag mr. tswsvlsaswrn a ateelia ha fayor saf "thee who eaa devote tha ttme oad abb which the datiea af ta erBee will rerruire. ia eaaBlag by thhi 1 eaa suru yoa, moat vscorely, ef my oonUaaed iVieadshlp and 1 IW tSs rntara adraastmint ia mUitary drsnranaaaad harmony the rs ths Xir Tin laaa Tr, brnly, tf R. M.

MOOR. jbU-i CTTba WtA'tBBlwri' a-'! m6ttiltt 5 a th fast that Gordon, Th pofw4tw drawiwVearaer of Eighth aad Weaaara-eow, is hi with eold aad dtliaieweaad H. water from tha newly im preyed glass fBoataiaa. I Tf. heloaga la tb othool, abd ta not tyInwd to ba any, whaurs raiai Uth health ef hi i I I I m.

f.titi. LsATB Euro Eoatsw Tb Cmtm of At rTaat, Captaus 1 -Bride, and the" Calf, -CaftBfB ttraainf tl-r dsuly triitViil-recii 3 -i I U-i, tow. A. t. et ti aMrO4 the eaBuaaaBBwaBBBeu, eraaraiTloM nlalna MowtaBM.

Oee ebe SdimwtftU ftaaaraafal -m1P-- i-rrmmnd gmilrmmd Omrfr A Wmrrma b- tmed far tie aUiW ArrtBi Mmpt. Teaterday mocainf, at tea e-ereeJcifceTWmity af the oeraar of Tlaa aad Feltrth-e4r0ea, was the eoeme af iateaM aaeiteaaeeO. aaeat Ueody affair (oak plaea which reaalUd ia Uaitad Stataa Depat Kanhal John C. Elliott heiua; aaartalr eta bed bj a raaairaj alaee frees Kaatoeky, aaal the alave aeiag ahet. thi owMBaaair aLam Tra BaOAPB.

The nwtiealan of the aaair am aa fbOoira: Ahoat aaa yaara aga CoUaMl C. A. Wither, I of CoTinfton, Kaatooky, Snperiataadeat of the Coriactom and Lezlat-toa Baifataw)panraaaad front hie nephew a elate woaaaa, Wheae haahanj wai evaed by a geatlamaa ia the immediate aeighheraeed. The parohaaawai made aolely with rlaw of pmastiBf th atparatioB of the Urea, aa the Colonel' nephew waa ahoat te loeata ia Miaaoan. Twa years afterward the owner aa the alaea maa died, aoming heir to the.

estate, desired to diapeaa of the maa by sending hist ta she Boat aad affer-tng him for sale. Colonel With en again ram forward and aroTanied the separation of maa and wife by panhaaiBg the kaahead. Be looated, the pair fat a good house, well and eoarenient'y faraiihed, aad treated then with the Colonel will testify that nothing hat the "milk of hamaa Had earn flows through hi rein." Beeeatly the managers aad ageata of ths Tjndergroand Railroad hhra been tampering with the tlaret, and. on Batarday orening, Jaaa II, they made their boobs." It it well knowa 1 a regnlarly or- Mnlmil vio41onoo eewimlrtae 'nf tba Under- 7. -i.

I woald aiialad ai tweaeat. the had beoome nubUe I Broad ut, war saorated i room No. 18, ia Tart'a Banding, on vme-tireet, jast boot Fourth, adjoining the Caeawe ogee. This room RuKSnte Abow IiOoob. Testerday afternooa I was oeearpied by Wm.

Cenolly, eae of the Third aUsst, far few miaates, waa mads qaite I eedtere the CinMwars Dmity fleet aura tel. lirety. pair of horaea, attached to aa emni- Conolly resided with hi family fsw mile baa belonging to the Little Miami Railroad, left from the city, on the Use of tba Cincinnati, Barn-standing a the Bane Hoasa, started off oa ilton and Dayton Railroad, bat hi basinets ia their earn eeeoent, aad re abed along Third- ths eity reqalred his attention at eight, end atreet at a pretty rapid rate, aad to the threat this noes was his head-qamrters. He formerly emed detriment of li nn Teniae. Ia esdeaTer- published a little osrea by nine sheet of a rank ing tarn oat as to arold aa loo-wagon, I Abolition eharaeter, bat it died from a lack ef IrWWlMI.

wewewmmBaaaoBa areWa aaesja mi mam Hal i Oa an baa a at iaa May ChMaataaswaf eaasmranr -ewaiam at alii II 1 Hi Twee bi i a asm am mal aweap, i.r ii i ma i. erarBbesT am eseasd sapa. Xearmwsam share aarsU Piemm'aaiailr. htmaaat, And eaa aaaaebaa aewed and west mlaem OaaamabcaebarcbMlselaar, AadmeerBaa'a aieMtiin eaea. Tbraosb aba ctj aw aad aaar, Mtatfr aa4 eeaaar elear.

Wbaa aba aanaeaaet the alsbt, OsJr enned br eteaied eraafe-, lahembttabvftte wakbabw ismyta laonxwrB Awaxsr owaiJ.r. m. ysa i' fa baton At tea o'eleek mat airit- who osaairtiasa ef Mr. Elliott was more aos.iori.le aad He waa re, I uanhl tb opinio t- t'ABcwa nf Iwawrary satwsTfwhat fswerahlsw-. '-The elare waa a ahv aeeideaw of Coiowel -iiian.

Cori- on. w3 rarided rr, ba no chseg had hea plavea. A ahoat That ef Ood't eaaHa. Bach bed lead the emrra beatt Ilearu that (area earrerd earn. Token, wtthsnt farm or same, Ttewleej at the Bind aaforled; tbe wide, vide werid.

B.stpan.abaBebe Pram tbla wattd waee all a itran. Lhre wtth ana sad knaab Ha Law Intelligeaiee. DISTRICT COCET. The District Ceart beM aiaihui rsMerder aad Am- eoaed of aerna lacleraial bBwineea. Tber eamMiaeed in the most kind maaaer, se erory oa wqtuinUd bMbojn bloOee A eiallns waa tats cam to appoint a rarHTar.

It waa a auS to a atarteeo, and the emiitj waa toaaiacieat to be debt turn tnf naalna in amoam br the ae- I rruins luaumt; aed aith a auoa iBwieat, eenahr, wiu socBui aaoat oi AioaaTm are aiee waice miaaxe taeland a bnec wanh area te voan uwaf a vaaa pmprrcaac te appotai aie- ealrrr, end oxrd the baod-et io. Ancvlbje ParfceTra. I a mvuou aasare troinua. la Ihia ram iniaaa aaanaaewwirw aw owi fact, ia all the Korthera an meatef the Soath- I Jw "aamtad. isct, in eu ue noriar mom I The stale of Ohta ea the rflwW of lh Prreeenlioa era eltiet.

A member ef that lawless inltita- I Attorney of Hamilton Coea arbe CaxmaaU, Dathi tion, booming, no dsaM, diaguto. with kit VbXL.V roaition, arpcamd tba aflhir of the ranaiBB off of Colonel Withers elaree, and I The Court eaaerad a docno potUne the Turnpike in the coarea oi a mm. xuai aiinwHii gmTa xne uaauaasiy laTunainta aaea ana aa as I kruatoa, ihtii bond in atauo. faOBj their whereaboaU.

A meeting of the Vlgilaaee Committee waa held on Friday, aad moaey raised to ran to iUtm oJTkt twelr 'elek lait night. WBBBS TBB SLATBS WXBJt SnCBBTBD. From the imformatiem ebteinad, it waa aieer- tained that the alATaa of Celoael Withere, whose aamea are Irwin Breads, aad Angelina waa made for a ra-bewrtnr. The Coert ran. the tefUmonr and the aiajoritv thoucht laej ooaa to ue mhir eouriuttou and Nluaa the ato J.

B. laJce. admtnlBtralor. 8. Oromhawj.

Tne aa Boa te nodifr die decree Tbareterore sranted waa aUowad. Moaea Brooki re. WUiata B. liale. The bfll of excep-Bon waa alaned and allowed.

uwysne at nnetneia re. atcvoecn JiJuej. ibo io da went was entered en the rerdict. Thomaa Psrlah re. Kllpoalet standed to the Court of Coaaf Joel PceUna MS.

Ji rnria. Tbb case nl re- Briecoe.Tbe Jndawaml waa Kjcecotora of Darid B- Carraa ra. Danael Oaao A Jtalement of eaM 70 waa entered. An appttraUon waa made fur an allowance of a writ of wrer la thece of Jones, Parker and KeUy.eonnaed before Jedte Flinn, of the Criminal Coon, faroKtmar. icKlDX ten-dollar note of the Serine Bank of CfcKin-aat, in Ubt.

bacanat a eopr of the sou waa not eat out tba count ef IrtdlrUaent on which the Jury found toe enjndanta (oiltr. althoasb a reference waa atade to a artor eoant whereta the ante waa roily dMiitliail Tba Coorl held that the two ooanta fataiail one by the refer, once. Jitdes alhim wee ef noon I. and made the appli- Reported for tea CtnctsneU Knqetrer. Cincinnnti llorticflltaral Society CmcanATt, ctlaiday.

Jane 1. Tie TTeetdent fWosas the chair. The annates bems reest. Mr. Hewarta smsraad an atandment the report of his views on tne rSTsees of the csjerpillsrto tne ened Chat his alas waa altneethar ra reference Co tne preventton eptntea, to tne ProsAc, aad a like as SnU 01 111..

and ami If, ssse your opu sea, hear tic Ivoy your wim. hMiiM sic Amy report rbi Oossaet Mr. Mean assvssl IsasanveaaaaawIadasswaeaaoB the Use fruB aaarket ef Ckadnnart, wpkth aaoatsa On drrjsaiai. I lib III II veasa ami saw Irs sa aes rova. A qoew pbasa, Ihat-notatoeslal Appssalrom Wine Bap, aauo a Cider and a bade -si Tbs Iowa, now calsb the waelaaurlon, la bow enhsyated sxtensiveiv.

as a aaarket fruit. This esrssty (nertnaph mdile) pnM-ured in lewa. aaar twenty jreara anee, ami then ranked hark a a bei Bienhrortrte. aa we bad none of Uaat cbanarter bearrn aa iarae fruit arid ss bsrye a It varied wan tne seasons, eotue years, neatly au isw eat. In nom maw ana ssaasse sa-fans: reverse, and uotbesrlns saore than barf a crsp.

(reso defect is tne pistila. Many of as berries asrse a crop sa the Proline produces, and tbe averac aaa a tba ProUae anaeh barrer. I shall twsasaead aa srre pisnts of tne Prolific and Extra Red to any ef our aaarket tafdeataie mspoetd to slve thee, a Uriel. I tuoauet you In refer tas subject as orassaahteeof eour lualui, who hare rally tasted tbe value of the Extra Rod, so make a report sT Be esavraaaar, aad aupport tbe opintoa of Mr. Prinoa.

I' hs Is casTect aad aave our aaarket sardeners fm ss a aaasrw eumvatins 'tha moet Breathless of all suuwaerry 1 truss you wUI laase saadlinc ameaasriNaaeALeaaSeelyttds aaasou- I am eoarrajated that hwnisiihwiitaea, perters in Mf Bsale aad frets le ercana, and bearlraj sarse crop of very larse fruu, wiU be aacre frrnmaely produced than ws bare expaoted, sod aeanr raaaas, ant only eoual. hut PlaOa Tratlaa We swy with We Im that the raaaaiaiag Jlao of aha II iailiil Vr Oha the asiagwai savd DaawtU Bailreal to the Kaataoky kraar, hae reeeatiy beaa raieed by the saargeisi timmittaa aad theer aasaeiatea, aha raantlr rWtti the werk. tWltlaiira. wtlh ealy MM mt eaaaat-ahle State beads, aeaid oempUte the BWti-asor aad Ohio Bailread a Wbaalinc. eaatiac aad then aaak the Parkereharg Air- hate ataeaet af M.awa, mm a.

wsmm eaaaoa Ciaeiamvtf da when she dotal anaes to dniah her great ersah ha IbrewaB to tkm 7w laeaae abate taae The farmer ef Kaatseky will sabearibe lib- orally, aad fey whet they at amies, hat will reqaire the eeaaMtratiea ef eaty eapiaaf aaat te earra taraaea 4 tan mi iadeed, amy (ha Qaeen ley ac ante fraat mark. Thorn. City have aa erattoe fa tare gterioas destiay. Mow, she Is a stopptag pi are for wood aad water, feed and rest, between the East aad Then she will be the aerthera tarmiaaa af a work, recti iter, ra the South, on tea Uiaiaotn A tissue, ttall mt jtextoa ea Lower Miealailpe. The wesers ef the eoaan.

the atdf aad the mil 'Father af Water. will be poured tug ether into the Cpper Ohio, aad a fetlmef weeith he spaaed to her trade equaled only by the indie to Spain, when diaaorarsd by teiamBBS. "While we are eelebraUaer the ad rest af one great social artery, we ahoald not forget that another, and that the moat important, remain to be femptetoa. Wboro ta oar greet jaararm artery? Slowly we bats teaebed lc-rJnrton: siowiy we spniaaaa iraaTiue. i ue great biay Bridge will, ws hope, eooa be Caiahed, sad that noble asooasaeat ef elan architecture will erore that we here edraatia some way tewa Soath.

Bat maeh remains to be don. TeoaesBBS ia aniens to meet ns, aad there is only the distanoe from the Tsnnassee lias to VaaTUle to be rawTMeo for, ana we snsu enscs bands with all the Soath. We shall be united bT the iron bond which, oaoe eolabl lined. shell luetfaraTer- The neonle of fharieetoa. aad.

we benere, the people or Bona Carolina, nars long bean anzioat to oomptet ustr lines oi rsu-rosdi. as sate aaita with The Blaa Badge Bailroed, which will make a direct liaa inn JBuraeetoa te ajtoxmie, mow prwnowa for. Thru, be the time we can make a road from Daarille to the Tenntaees boaadary lem a band red mUaa Ue direct lino from Chariattoa will bo eomDleta. aad wo shall eeJebrsto a greater emit than that wo bar sew eelebrated. It will be th.

iron boad be tween the North aad the Booth. We bare differed politically, aad we shall probably al ways differ ea the great moral aad politioal questions which hare so tone satiated the country. The North is likely to grow etreafer, rather than weaker, ia iu eoavietion that freedom to the (net and nltiaaata destiny of man. Bat why i 1 1 should ws Bot eyre te aiaer i sy anowta we aot be satiated wtta tne ample Beta tor coutro- rerer found and or the bread feed of-the CoaaU talion For ourselves, urban never admitted the mmsmiUMt mt dlaaakaa. We eeeatt tb idea.

sue Beoese Bare tongstaceieajnu wwea oral Cass said waa hit oaTiotioa, oa returaing from Europe, that 'this la th bett OorenuneBt, th happreet. people, aad the meet swperoui eenatrr aader the eaaotrr of Bach a country, aad eueh a satiny aa liae before It, ao ease maa will fire up. vr uue eaea ta ew wiction. we are aa the lem altnaad to see bonds of sosaal aad oejmmareial totsrooaraa, aaiting th. people, and rondsriBg ths Lnton a.

rid Bring aa it is glorious." Xaaiaatoa (ATy.) tveereer aad itenmrtmr. tWlt is about a needless to ial public that the days hare some as it woald bo to tell that th eomat's ahoat, for both ar weU-ettabliihed fasti jait bow; yet tber amy be some, boweyer, who are Bet awar that there ar something Tory sttreeUve iu Ue wag of summer cloth ing attractive, set oaly ia the exquisite texture of the aaaterial, bat la the lew or tnew aaiarauon rrora wee 10 wee, ana aauea tons wis I au-ruoa muht ha prevrsiusd irf snmeuxiiut liie inuik ut I prioel aakod for the same can be roand at which ateod 8l. Charfes, they raa patronsp, afler aibort It waa ds- ehould 1 F.urth-itmt, a few dn Mt of sgaiast it aad apsst th eumbrost artlele, aaakiag gaita a Basaih Fortunately, no one was lajarad KiuTO bt LiaoTBixa. Daring the itorm-Toitenlay afbsraooa, six o'clock, the house a Omasa, named Theodore Eratb, at tba jauctaea of Front and Fmh-streets, was a truck by suing, jar. Kntth was staadtag ia the deor, awalUag the retara of Us daaghler from picnio sxaruiioa.

Tba lightning passed dowa Ue eUhuey, deairoying th rarnltnr and a gartian af the hwte. Mr. K. waa kaeeked lintel am. aad erhea raised from the door we- found to be ia a dying eoaditioa.

A portion of bit slothiag waa torn off, aad bia body in many nlasse blaekoasd and dislgarsd. Last sight h. was still 11 Ting, hat his racer ery Is Imposaible. aVATUOA AOCXDITST A ClXCIXXATIAJC ClIXBD. Oa Friday ereslng Mr.

Thomas Lindsay, of this city, waa killed at Mitoboll, Indiana, the Judo-tiea of tb ITw Albany had 8alm aad th Qhio aad Miaissitd Bailrewds, aader the fol- Iswamg eitsamtiemisar Mr. laadaay bad la ahoat aa hoar. Mr. L. has for tome time part boon afflicted with partial deef- avesa, wbieh aceounU far bia not besaring tba arhistle oa bell.

For saaay years he has been engaged ia the hatting btuiaess te this eity, aad waa a sasatiaasaaa maeh esteemed. Mis remaiat arrired her yrstterdAy motniog, saaaompaaied by ana at tb mosra af th New Albany and Salem rtoaal, aad sotrreyed bo hit reatdeae ea Weatarn-rew, betweea Eighth and Ninth-street. Tbb Cocbtbt i Saps I PorrLAB Pbomo- TtoXa Tb brara, th gallant, tb abl, tb patrietie and ehiralrtrat militia of th First Divtrlaa of Ohio Militia; war-worn Twteraas aad amUtaoaa asplraata, wh long "inatch the babble rpaUn at tba aaaaoa'a monttt," mighty maa of epsalett, -itoa. ooat." aad ttal-wart bBwaes, both rank and file, with a derotioB ha ewaatry eoauparad to which the heroes ef Thmssopjlm sink late iartfwiraeuoe, glowing with the tre ef patrletbtaa, rushed yeeaerday frasa thai eaaoet, their work-shops and their plow -tails, determliurl to giy on day to their eoaatry aad do, er acbly die A Major Qua end was to be eleoted, aad right gathsatty was tha work performed. Foar aapir-aots stood la ths forum, with their woanda x-atoat, foar scrsils bang pendant from their waatrer waiam, eettiag forth tttetr aerrtrM and their emim.

The eoateet was hot, rwauindiag tat of the eharga ml MsiBsrey--baIlots Bew fart an th wtaid t-wnibled with tlsw, ba 7il rent to record th ttoBx-' am pled strife! Tour "ssplranU wore ia the leld Majac Trmmaa W. Haakall, Captain Robert M. Moere, Colonel Peter J. 08ulliTAn and Captain WevT.IaJtla. Witt breathlte anxiety forwarded oar roarer to t-e polls, at the Cettrt-hea In the elty, at Wawbowa, la Andtrtna, aad bstheSeT--t eujaoeaVtsTWawW.

Osxr foot is pull eye frsen the Coart-beturs, jast a tb pIMioerf, whesre Has-. keB bad thirry-twe T4oe, 0SulUyaa twuaty-t tare Tsjtes, aad Lytl eae amadred and ainety rotsd to asarrillty aad tba abase of reaper tsbl eiUsens. ReeeaUy Couolly has eeeapied bis rims ie pointing; out thieves te our Polices an, aad ia every ins taboo ho has proved himself au azfieft in the basinet. Tiering th Railroad Celebration he bad three thlerea arrested, and ii testimony in the Polioe Court convicted tbBoaptcbs, rabbim akb sbootixo. Tb room of Coaolly waa closely watahad luring Friday night, and at bra o'riook yawter- day morning United States Deputy Marthalt R.

Andaraon, B. P. Churchill, Jne. C. Elliott, JT.

K. Lews, Jas. Woodward aad B. B. Carry, baring the proper ofiehvl doeaments, pro-seeded to Btak th arrest.

In order te praroBt the oesapo ef the rlayee ever the roof of the adjoining hairdings, Mr. Woodward waa stabSoaed oa the roof of the hoatse at the trap deer, having gained secern from a has two door off. The offloera went np stairs to the room, and one of thorn kaoeked at th door; bo rmpoas being given, Mr. Elliott clambered np to the trea son window erer the door, aad, looking in, re aravatiasT oa a celleeliikl sewc aad remained ever Barbed that "tkey were thai for be eaw their at HltchtU to traasaot soma baiines. While 1 inner." Fereing hi body partially throngh wsitiag tot tha traia frta.

St. Lomia th Ohio tat brrtBtofi), a. ta th nvrUa ia muOI roM sstd Mississippi JUOroad, ha walked oat upon sdjoinUg, and axelsimed, "bar they ar." the track, whoa tha locomotive sad tender of then endeavored te get into the room, but lathe Kew Albany aad Salem Boad eame along, fell back aa the door, upou bis feet, aad. Tb smfrtseer diaoarrered Mr. Lindsay Branding aa'id he waa stabbed.

Idarshal Aaderson then upon th track, aad taunediatoly rang the bell, ssdeayered te kiek the deor la, hat aot uoceed-eoasxed tb whistle and rtrerted th. eaglaa, iDg, grsjiped aa old bad-post near by and barst bat It was too late, tba looemotlTa ttraok him, it open. At this moment a soot we Bred at the and the wheels pa tae otot both legs, orashiag negro, who waa standing fronting tha door, and auaniliag them, aad eauaing hi death from knife iu head. He fell to the floor, aad after a ihort sWBfla, ia which he fought desperately, tb knlf waa wrenched from hit hAndi and be waa pinioned. la ths mean time Mr.

Blliett had goae down stairs, asd waa assbted to the ollee of tbe Cnited SUte Marshal, ea the opposite osraor, wh.a it was diaoererod that bad reoeiTed twa wound: )B0 of saoat sorions Baaatr In th left breeut, aessT the sboaUer, and a asuh-eat npea the 1b- dde of the len scan, at the elbow. The sIstos wen coaTwywd; to tha Marshal's Oe also, and an e-raminstioa tbe aogro Irwin was found to be shot ia ths Ahdomsn. Medical wtstanoeera immediately procured, Dr. Blaek-maa attending Mr. ElUott and Dr.

Dandridg the iIbto. I The woBads msds apon Mr. ElUoU wer in-tUotod by th dirk of wing to iU breadth, was aa impoeaibaUy to probe the woeiad te aay sheers. The blade of the dirk was feaad be be ewaai with Uooal te tae length of erer uicbt bachss. Internal avsssar-rg sasaed from the breast wsand; bat Dr.

BlackaaB sAptotttd tba opinion that It waa not aeosassrily fatal, although of a Tory asngrma eharseter, and depend ing apon th extent of th hemorrhage sad tb direction of the dirk aa to it fatality. Erary ear and atUntie was paid to Mr. Elliott te reader him eomfortabla. The wound of the negro waa ia the cavity ef the stoauaoa, bat th leeality and diraatien of ths ball could not bo disuoaoiod. la all probev bilitj it wiU fror imiti, r.

BXAXIII ATIOM OP THB PlrIITIs BBtoBB OXITXB a-TATne TOaranimiosara. Owing to iuternse eaellemsat prwratliag, and tha great crowd eosvstaatly acenamlating la frost of the Cattotshoeua, it was decjaved ad-risxhl to hare an immedial beariag of tb frjetswea. A TJaited State Commissi aaar K. B. KeasbaQ bsBard thowwrrwip ef the ataTO being slseiiy prsTed, they war ismtsliit, by erder of th Cemmlarisaer.hack aheir wwer.

Th simtarsry smietiy as-ermrpaaiarl Colonel Tblatoet UtoDigene. front th ether pUeea -as sMywyam. am ssua. Lr is trBbaly I 'erry-beat. Ilwrntty MarebavU ramiarW daub-ul, the omttsab being Tealtas.

sawartkano. to bVejiTW. MsVtsn) iafstssva thad C4riaia Theakan was earried down stairs abW twea- Wat. T. LyU ha.

beea tiMtoi. Hanah fonaWy placed fa. aa m. Letle! rlod oror th rrrar, oemraied by the Mar- Mwmw hml ra ahal. jaw, thrtjag -J eldaha, h.

felt diqeoead te retire ape. the mtomnt that maided, th return of th IsureUhehsmalrywoav- He forward the t. thai, mm wn no frsBewiawdesdiaatioB r' nrtmiona of dlstarbuaas asamifrMod, oeii a toBeaoMtnaaarow foaling te twjrpert the trm Battalioa-lW Hariug Veea snatibed I law, ti the raited Btaataa aad Ma BdmtamtT- that, with ether. my aam put ia BcaiiaU I ttntjun. tbe l4twtliTistoarereBio Val ewteer biililia, aader their ueenS to the hranehea.

Mr. Sanaa, from the special comarittee tn whom wee fued the sulaeot-autter of Mr. Lonaworth's eneamu ra- ostion in reference to srafttn tne prom and the arspa, read their report, which was. on asouon. raostved, ordered tu filed, and the eommKtee discbsr-ed.

The Corropnodias Secreury laid before the Society fety sbt yoiiunes of Oeia 4a-rtraifaref tUmtrU. from 'nulolK'aL preaented byllnn. Boi. Hoaca for diatrlt-ii eho Inlnnnrd the noriety that be would furniah arore if desired; alee ansae package of aeeds from rutted -avsa. Pstrnt-omce.

preaented by lion. U. K. Putb. It Is tw be res-retted that the ssetla were not received caener tn the asaeon.

On asotioa, tne BoUety hmuVitd thebthsnka, try rap, I. Messrs. Hose and Push far toe favora thus conferred The nets! sty alee ackDowiedsred tb receipt ef srMi-pjanal oopias of TTSsaarfteej IAf airrwea Pesae-safirsl owcisrr from Cokrnel Wiser, of Mtraurbaets and tba 7Veaarraa ef" tae Caawerraaat Mass Jsrt. rabaral 8ssss far lHM. uianiutid to tba Hoclety'a IPrary by Dr.

Massy, tar wUcft veeeef thanka area The sorfewbiB erenanwiaaaaloa fsom Mr. TW IJW VimcimtuU Bmliewitmni frrittpj Tfcfc Muon iM McAro-'a SuptoHor tor Um tr ttMe, Bduabbjf tsall n4 tm Imrf porttan of tte- lentiT htsrrirm, from mtt ran taprittaai. im; samUafJ-te BASe ajasnM. IMOaillf e-a-aBfl WO JOaVT BKWnv, man niwmed UmC UwB wotold be irfaveti tf trfwy otiaer rvrw wm mbiaw or twauiiawsphrodlase). I aiol bo riTiiin -rbw ttm bimawl b49bib a fnll iai3ra-xiBwstBnBu mm ifT9aCta OsVTT ah aeU-iTlab, tCO IW CW moW.

mJhd pCTJadtKat inprtabtios witli Ahar pivtlliMM. Ltvttt ivinf I act (BttftAatteUimi On ihm mm boHcr I ha-i tvtwot tmma rows of iftillat4-fl mod twaty of ta mm nmkm. Tb tapariar, ta Ut--TnAU rawi wiUi ttm lUirtj, w3 mm brnthj impi- Md il-tnaut waMbt iie kirxls rm tai fet apawu I nr to and tbla ptSTTtaiar crmerr ta tbe 8 a pernor, am I tWm It 1 tanpaWkBT tO sUluwabtr ItnuVt illatfa, If mVt. eJMs-W akltM tat-i-aT3t i toUtiA ddjict. I banbute pUtiaMr r- ripm, gnd rom affrw rwtiei mt tmr Bin tUd, wklca Mr.

Prtoc pro- 1 stMTbe-mWl Mok. BMu-bf. fjtTMPlhWbMfrf -fcm I AtmH trmjLtx mmm mmamm pmumm. Inmr wmm timm arrr othmr and, ta or ootar, nu mo rrrm) wiwam. a Maia.

Cabuba a Our hauaame friend. Dr. Hun bury Smith, has epeaed a place la No. 7 Burnet House Baildings, where he keeps Tmiiety of mineral waters, araoug which it th famous Risseagea waters. Ho undertake to cure with it th most Tirulent causa of neuralgia aad paralysis, aad know of instance where he baa laoooodod.

Oar reader are referred to tb "Local Xotice" column for partkalan. (WTTi bare reeeired from the publishers, Messrs. Truss A Baldwin. Ko. 8 West Fourtb- treet, several piece of new mntie, among which ar the following: JfVaaae Cfytfe, Thu aV'sy, AVaety-AtwalA, Uliu-Bjftd XtU, Jiyer Polkm Bedtma, Ooei aSavee lie Qmtn, arranged ror th Melodeoa, and Af.

elgaag oa I As Cold trVeuaeT. 7" Duncan Inns, Vine -street shore Fourth, bare reeeired th Loadoa lUniratni -frasa for May SO, JVee atesfiVo ftVsarraTfee A'aaawpeper for Jane IS, together with th JVeas roefcee far June 2. They, also, hare tba Kew Tork dailies aad anything site new aad eater-taiuint. 3e adTertlaeaseaU Persian Sherbert, Keetar, and erery variety of Sirups, ia the highest stats of per- rection, at Buiie, Eckstein A Co. 'a, where pure.

old aad sparkling Soda Water ia drawn from rise Tfbtlb-bocp. A magniSoent green sea- turtle will he Barred np this morning, at tea o'clock, at the Debolt Exchange. Ths Iotsis ef good things, generally, will pie take notice. 'VZL7J'JZTn See. ESc- I rery tractir.

music within th. past wosk. cratar, ne nens ear or ours, aui rrva yws sso, mimwt a Brcmium ror a new seen una nennairorjite, sSapsrior, is not injured by a want of ImpresrnaaflB. Von will datrorer Bum soase bancaea at the Extra Red that I Band you. bow badly they are ba- piasiaiwia lor aura at laaects.

I Barta larea prrver nrrrlae. sw macb Unrer serrisa bays you ever seea of Mr. Prtnce's Veeal I It I. a baaa ptunt mat ne aeaiaaa 1 Mr. Hoyden itaade tu or tbe seat aaachaioau af awartt, Mte Jaaet.

and at ana tbat Btaas. and, lAaiaab peer, not 1 hue I ream So to B. PCI aar plants: ia fast araBaately refused al pay, sad aroSsredaB I desired, lie fct as bbsjbbsbt of the Pea-faira-l ta Mr. Ummgwrrm-9 OUaBTlI1sr of rhreeto ua upon carriad. Mi mil, route, rut stutsm were appouneu.

On Bacaaa of Br. Maebar, it area erdersai that, en aarrt Satorday. the riorteSy hetin theexhljauea of Wraualaerie and Chentm tbr mi as hint, areter tae mhadale ef tbe nreanum liat. aad that tha ax hi) soon he eentinaed weekly awrln tbe esassa of the arss aararu of me laantliiaie. B-SMee i ttfrw.

1 earkaaa and tnterewin lareduns cTuba. Amous vhaeb ssaTraroraaufy apmaned he her trunk ewtof tbe Mouier-b ewtewa Pippuv, A Ibab'lJuat. Mr. A these, a. feaectad by Mr.

Hooper. OaaUrmsa of tbe tjraarwlaary for Bsc kaeaese of tbe sesawa. Rawte-a Janet, psrtarulsrty, la jnacy aad tas Savored, das. I Ins ell aad even mat a rasa as ai ia aat rerattatsau. firSAUrssBBlk.

Mr. Baopar I isasaSl Tb r-oyaee I ka- B. jeBwerta, at a aaasrnnssniy ernvy rather Isa car laaa tba llorev. iiaana mil sawiacfaee a sma Wearaek. reew wereey.

Tn iwwsweitwaiBffellhi ial her Bander. Tbe wtbas the Hove sr aupertor; rather fuss, and z. m.awwiiawawllines by Mr. I- i mm ill aaasV sstewha for the wwaarea of the aravaon, ia ratner aweet and rtok. Jsbnsoa etiln.

ar aaeanum sam, ncu aaa at k-ta. BSAS a aaap I i a and vary awaeh leaver lhaa the Neek Pvna est hark BBreeawd. but asadsr anVeaasV. Psalrnc not of weey rash aurrorl peculiar, but probanly plea as aw to aaraUpsr- lfewbAvn imwad a warraat fop the JmZmZZZU aaf CesmBw. erne of tbe Matawa ar I a aa amawsaraaaau aa aay awaowa u.

ti 0 a -I of A -i I bte ut be rt -a r-' 4 1 a- I lalthM effasma of harherlag fugitisw laiew, the uwemlty TiTTl i 1 1 of wbJdh i. paaiibtswrtt by mbiwHasawaent a the I h.t,.jkBawama i ii i Ii it if hast gaAe roaihsnlBwry foe sK BaemteJiaad aaae af I weBmmi atbera.taat I asA tba an sam easaywanark mt w-nbB4 -Ull ef Bmt Wtntmm. aaa mm auw. a-. mm a.

awt to In the wwt tsuVrma- T-TTw -i-i-Z Mem waa tbltiatd that Im had immlMmrs. bs, maia af the CbbwbbbM, H.safrlsm and Day- os a- Baaw kt a. Lorn lUIlroad. Th MarrhaU went ia ytmK af aaearary.wke ib iMaaiiraaa, lam eame a ioh user ef wbirb I I bj tee aaraufn ea BBO MS tueafc Braia, BSsa It heea verr stb a smaayed k-aal sbaAhaWill ha aairja-JBAl 1 ba iVw. uuawa.

Sfd beta to aawwaf lot uta eaanse. lf ttt-H i my T- iun-b if awi ui of tnt? r- ri ---m rrU 4t I 1, a.V ITati- if ii 1- 1 rf ii-ae Cu a aot taiAi'd oft. Id I cud Tf Of 19" 8. C. Roajer, oa Fourth -etreet, sella, to morrow mornlnc, at aine e'eloek, a Urge lot of dry aaeais.

Be ea head if yea waat to hay a good deal with little money. tSmf Trta A Baldwin hare reeeired soma arraaged for the piaao aad gwitar. Tbey always hare the latest publlcavtionA. py Ws eall attration to th. sdyertircmant of W.

Wlrwell, la our pec ial notice column, of the splendid picture of Sbakspaare and bia eo- temporaries. 1.0CAX KOTICES. t-ma-VTalker Clothing Renovator, Cast Third-street. ar-McMaaus fa the rdaee to get yowr Sprlnc I aai Rennaeoal. at 21 Eaak CasaweS.

ss Csasnsaa ef the Cemt, re- I 1 i aorvad Ua rmnsasa Last tar wlncb ua received aad I tniru-swwss. ordeted to ba printr. CifThe Citixenj' Bank dJsooaaU Paper, al. Iowa iatwroat oa Money and ways aad sails Ba baara. le-aaadAw teTTTh Bank of Bsrinrt, on Sixth-etreet, sTtavnta asaavU sesju and allows intorest oa money deposited.

atDAUW tZTBrnm aale by Kenegg wnBiajnai, ea Monday ssaaraing, of th Goods, rJoxea, Trunks, Carpel-bags, of the Americaa Exprem Com- 17 Patinas saeUag for par Teas, saay da- pead oa proeariag ueh of oar old and rellabia Tea Meschaata. Moore A Cbeeaer, whoa stnsr ar en tha south -east earner or trta aaa at Bi as aad nflh esA tab Do not forgot Ho. 14 Weet JiftlrHi treat, when yoa waat aa Ambrotype, Melainotype, or aay aUaar krad of PicAaru. Bioem eaaaot be beaten in picturing the hamaa faee drvlnoT or, laart, o-haw t.iivf VW It should not be forgotten that tbe Arst Sumauar Cletaa, Csmimsres aad Tertisx, to-awtkaa- with a great -arieay ef Liaea (iweda, eaa be found at th Fashionable Tsdleriag Beeab-Uahmeat of K. Haddix, corner of.

Walnut and Oaao-shsst; at rery lew dgurea. aaa. eveubeoer than tr Sarpartor. The BtcAyyu I I rf ii Tn mnkS laT TlrrTsn thoashaet aa sprisbuya. the Mevey, uuScb aushs, am I or mrS'''--r wwia-courA, bt peetWo by nwos.

I rwputatiou ear asaiataaity tttaa those made CMSSsisa. a very a. I Br Myamasore Sit set, tnera rasna. itrii.inln. Bttrsa ees-frct cbemoa la tbe aiusl.

cssv, I i s. id I.earaesrsDa aaa I Hi liai aavwr, eskaeao byatr. I If yoa arena aa at. ran. a a 1 lien, aor secretary aaaa.

avwry a.owwe-. I egnauy illBl give assa ansaw, i Tisiaort aaraaandi Is Alt inTatl-TBAxwB 'sSAUBT J.UHHJaMAB It was imimirt bytjaa ceab itbat the goatee would hitaaifnl aarick asm taat pyoatiay MBmo'okaska. n.smsaww'. -mm aaa lb ssda asT Isbbs salt sriTTis -rmaxi in. aaeert trprewece, aad ta naartn auae -aTTT tbe swat a.nn, wbaa she Buawmij axasavsa suata, aw areata aoba aad omitb, wiU be Bead te- wa aoau snset aad bspa m-- Tfia' i ne.

ALLRa, wewaary. 1lCwrt.nM. Booed srtimmtas. a isawtaiianitiBBi 'I'AawiaTirBB'B Sam or A Fawn btobt fcai Waaf Owwo-sTansaw Riixrwiiam Tas-BBoraww altawwosm Sua Rinrl-Mlun Te-l al. A awl as taraa sreieeh.

Ooeewsr A Eliihm, sssctaoenaeru, sell arm rery deriraWe funs taury tea, liueal ea the trmth-eaat eoraer of Pix-b aad Jiuia eta a lie. Boad by areVer ef Joha R. tiraea, aeaignee of B. F. Lawasaa.

IT'W. 'tbke fdeseZro ta si-twaLacn of ear readers te the ad fa uaeaaoat af A. anal I A Co. an tiMsaf eoiemjL. Mr.

McDwnald searms deterwaiW to earn tarn rewa-v-tioa of keeping the tvyw assmbmtat ef good rT Tn Ksarrraijca lanwsaateallTeuiuatli ttmidim. therA i tffmmm rmi laee eeas anaee rtateare LlaiBW haer Tork. Feraon TisiUng I atsta hirdrusst, will be (track with th aaafuau ieraaT of ii liwamaamyrmkaaiee wksca issad their shelryav fca ta always a Aaed to Ata ia alwaya oa -J tiZ arr-SAt-aa a Arcrioa Jacob GbappA rov To-sttanayw. At wit e'eiceb, two Bciek I Baasee aad Lot ea Fifib-eereot, betweea byaav. sasa l-i 1 roadway.

A b.i r-ssaat aiavea e'eteck. twa Brick He i r-wea I "a aju h-a'rae a. -mm -V. -WO' tenia t- ee. ea nt of John 1 Jsaatiiim lie mean awtaariag eemd- deatiai titiimiaitl "rem a eVralisgutaaed Statas-maa, ef ladniaa.

whose daman, of leaaj-etaad-mg Pjsststis, haa been earn pie taly aradiesnad ftc ligbt acwaa mt They are entirely itaimba aa niaiiiaa as daliaariael mtaeral er 0OMMEEC1AL AFfrAliia. r.nnatirrlal afattrrrs. COl SIS CALTBt. vssj. t-aLvse.

gum.eAlitr, par Otbet iltCBP A SB LAJtm. Ptrat qualKy OtaerquaUuea ts. iaalldepart- ef brada T-ianmllT fea ill Site a aaa rtwrlsauas, asm aviso saay be said to he only Whisky dealt sed Ue. aad sold freely at ftHkw aieeiag at 28e. The sales rescued 1,1 i heia.

Cbsasa eoaUaaes atsady at fc with sale er ISO ewaue at tevas agare. la Oineeriee hat little ia The anly tale of Importance waa begs Ceabo a llVe. Moaer waa ta Berrer raaasat; out sue passed ntwety eemfartably wtth all demptaeaa boiiuwai. The abwbdaaee a aloaww la 2few Tork haa saatribabaa be ease ear max set more than say Ismail to the auppiy ef faada here. Essbaaga i steady at ear bast qaoubona.

The New Tork hfosvrr Baarkst aontinnea easy. without any chanse in rate. Th receipt of usbv era Lsrew. The satea of discount are 7 per ess, tor tne sees mass ea aanaiws ruor. fta dnee ta days sad 4 anoBtne; aad a per coat- roe aad avrstns- aaiee, aewouu cmns Paper.

Call ana btdt' nor oat4 Baiadorsed raper to II per seat. 1 Be Cbereer erne Aae-earer eaya: -n i. Aewaae rhsn a week aeo. issnorers eaaeeisily endeavor to k'' Uiear n- Irs dis. cuuneseTweUsaasao rule lawi aaa siai ally limitea asaoum oi raper in v.

1 t- CRrsaorea are nvu plenty, and a a fa iieetrarten ef the auproTsd aramisaul calirtoa ef eur auvuna ttsavoaa sspsnies, we mo state that thee- Paper aureta vlths ready ssie at rroas 10 to 11 per sadataoaae Instances Tha reeeinto sat Flour and Orsia at Chicago 'nrlne the, week undine Jaaa were 1.570 oris. Moar, atiu aaaaeta seas aeo Cora, and 18.4. i barbell Oats, or a total equiva lent (a bnihela. Th. week before, they were B7uO baaheU Wheat, ia nnsneia Cora and hasheU Oats; ta all, S4AV1C2 hnehela.

The total reeeiots for tb season amount ta 7Ult brie. Flour, bushels Wheat, ba.heU Com, and 2H.13T buaheis Oats, or a total equiralent to baanela. Th. exports by Uks were. 1,54 brlt.

Floor, led4 hatbeis Wheat, 277,612 buiboU Cora aad lt.Tr bushel Oals. era tosal eauivulent te 448.1M bushels; of the sreek before, 1O.074 brie. Flour, 118,27 baaheU Wheat, llt.cUl basheio cera a terml equiyeletrt to tts3.42 bushel. The ooeei porta of the seaeoa up to this time hare been 4o.7.t brls. ilaar.,lZI baihelt WbtaL 1.1SU44 bntbeU Cora, aad baihola OaU; or ft tola! eqciTalent to 2.449,87 bathela. The soil of the State ef Miohiaun a. The Pheenin Bank, of Saw Tork. to recover the earn of ellewad te the rJaah by the old Board af State Auditors, ia December, 184, baa been decided in favor of tha State. This will return Ut the Treasury of rh 8tato that smenu with interest from Deosmber, leoi, amoanting tn The ease wiU he probably takea to the Court ef Appeals.

The raewinea of the TUiaois Central Railroad May. S.11.IS? May. lab. TMeraue The reoeipt of the Toledo, Wabash and West- era Railroad were: i eiseax rrriebt suua. JAMES M'HISIY OTRCILAR.

Per Erirasea.l LirssrooL, Taeaday, May M. Puortaioe. Boron very dull; the quota tions are nominal iu tne absence of ro.wioeae: the weailMr 1. very favors' 1 t--' c-'tntl- lwn, end rme improvenMrnt lit unsanu. aw ta pnot, ha ctAnot-miy aoo.oa Cbjeae Is quite s-cleetej; so are enouliters ai Hani.

The h'fh valce of Beef lat.i,ie. nam lUron Lous r. in, eja. trt. i-.

per rt. l.ees ejre, pnan FlhSHaa, an, as. uanee; C. cut, iw IQ. v'.

a ib ia. fr. t'lese fine, ao. 'Sa. onltiry -Km.

i Mr. ja. rtfr tiais. als. par art.

Uuasudon Jtatil. asins aimoei aaaa-naaa ai oaaiems. y.lln tmt Mftill naea: affa have arao la anunatee tuques: au aracras have brao In auunatae request; au aracras ei I. (a) 11 a at is Tin ,1 9 SUrMt) sVi oeca Oil ISJ e.c os i i Villi la 3 so eon swiau. Iealwy "a t' Other quaiattes Bear O.TTI.a.

TTis Baoply Ir, rmsrVel t-d ars. rrr larsje, ana si uuau anaa oa isai wears try 1.3 ssoetof whaob sere of aa erdinary quaiity, a lib now ad teaualesel eery laalookuw Cattle, aunty ef wbkriwr-e 11 ri 1-1 nfa mrti sn eeaiLlv as ether I'sltle. raa erooam at the poorer qualuy of the saest. wl.a sa tdeased, aad aot ao aad eoosaoerel tannraatny. Howeear.

the supply did not eonist alhwtner of aoch I Tor mare arss saarar oa flnwa -n The AemuMt eontianes onh. sdias-a. axoapc tar tne very beat diara slilns larse qosiiUtirs of mil k. srfcarh are aaurh wanted aitil I rtnr hih Tbe mm nnnMisJhr lieltt. VsaA CabTss.Tbare 00c tin aaa su aotive demsud for I tae bawl Taaaa at anoa.

aot raasuaf uaslenajly trem east quotationa. The sales hareuiaatly 'eeu aastk at per B- very extra qartlity only brtua and poor ousJhaa, latsew er from tnSe- Hues, Sbas a and arrant eraatinue pi do very nil, raotwithstsadlns the weekly raceiiaa are much brter thnn for sotne Oma, and aood ones seU fnan SSo 'wins There cunt baa aa an active aVnaand fr sotaj. fsi Maws, end noaatra are arm at tbvt ac the beat- The tnan last weak, hut tbey fully as batb ea lajt weak. and aalesbav rece.nta were much asat aaa ready bbmb at Cincinnati Mnrket. Satcbbat Stsxiso.

June is. Tl.Ot" Re-Holders were Ana lo-dav, and Baked alai.a iha ibit nf lawtss lisaaalbilt a al imltiinr There were layers at St. Jo. The receipts dune, tbe I tarentyrasr bonrs were tea nraa. II 1 ell a xne Uiarsea narora trail im.

owtiiitk. Wm a. vlA mt mmr- Iwt tbe lb land Wllweitlll till came active, and brla. eold at He and 2rrt Wonosy utarsret. laoaoera.

aa tne new, aesea e. The market continues ami aaa IW.iwt .1 be. He a It tad. BUTTER A sale af 1 atrkms lrtsB yellow st a farther deerme. paiiv i 1 1 iu ft Tbe 1 1 1 uiiilaiiiiid Tbam is Some Qriaaiid far rkbaau Hides st liHc.

hast knitters esk tl Sc. kleee Pork I bead at MS- Lard aad bulk Meals URlvrCRraa The aaartreti wale. Awe and uariaanaartant- iir.Al im Biameaia anaaoy, wnn a asir woaan aa $1 Mfarm -and .1 tbati t7 Bar wnae. In- mm- HI and -Tbe marker Is dun at TC lor tatxed. and srva sac.

ear whae. The nraapta Otarvn etas weak ceaiea-ass sk.vwi nuRnets- BT Tbe msrrat la vary drill aad vseree aVrrnrhaf. Wr tiaote fur ariaae. stecerred aarlaa tbe areek 11.S1 nuaneis. hARLhY-The la steady, with a sned d-mand quote prima fall at 3 psr IHTH Tbeee la a Baatusm eeusatid.

end) prices are steady at vceii strrwal. Tae raaatptaouMe tne wi BALfen HAT Tbe aaarket Is very doll and rariccs oeo-wmbBBtlbs. A uafcsaflOS bales aUBBaaoa at trip bin. We quota prune at l-R, and coaunun at sib. POTtTOBB Thrl to a eorvf aaaroesl for BoUTtd Pe- haV-asa.

oad Ibis atoacriptisa sails readily, traca anru, St SI sassal 0 per rait.rt. tar Tairsrapit 3 Kew Tork Market. Its Tons, saasus Jaaaa ls-P. M. xnsswaariaarmdfaim aad rood bread, and and wtfertet fab-sVaaaand aw fabfar Ksavva and lecal traate; Balsa ef vaeil Ida.

at 11 tVam 1 aaaraaas-Arbm Ktmtm. Rw FVvr.r itfMV. at ,1 ts a-e. nye eea Cere dub and piauil sssreand aoeea. -sisaaf fartber repoele- rom SAeaa aw mcva --g ov.

rT" JOHN C. SCHOOLEI Fit IGERmSTOR nrasvWL 1 i -1 la- HO. TIHB ITIEIT, i- CAarasaaa rewrU aaaal nfmCm) CEfCnrfATL i Ptlatntl Bill 1 1 eva a. DAnpnTiia CEO. nAXTSXa-X, ABB Bias tw tsawa sreaaoa 1 aa I CawJi-PiJra, QTtriOTXia, wlf Kt rtl '--I 1 i L.

ajrs RETAIL, I oa MISCELLANEOUS. eaVMBTJa. PUla laeciaeiras. JelO on 1 oy eannesarWTBW, Inrincionati, tithe as a him. ia i-Mr-ri Uir, -J Prart.

News I 1 i 4 aUeBtwl r- I Lun 1 ftri.a ,11 BtaeuBsmaw, i- aaiBBB pbubww. -a BATAJ. BTtsBAeV aiw otxial. atarabte Hiaiswsn. "ew Tark; acnauia a aUlpb.

lined A New Tartu T. ssuauew, lie leeuj WTrrey H. c-w at maaott; a. a. Cewipbag tiinaa.

TV ii aM) B. M. Ee BV toaus; J. ArXre-e A Cy. SX Louis; senwent, tnaiiBt a T- S.

tenediasa I A ueeu ft Ue Mawreriaon at i- o-. I "terlv, KcAlee A Kei ft KcAles ft Ctnesnnattl Ctoclnuani Laaaw1Ue; Hear. I klraasi l-flas VTe, Tarn treruea, Chaisgs; a. laner. aaU-ly The First and Great RHDUOTIOIV Or TUB SEASOlt nt LACES, E-unRoiDrjiiEs, WHITE GOODS, XANTILLAhy EMBROIDERY DEPOT, Ha 52 West Fourth-trtreet, Be-1 ween Wnlnnt and Tlne-sMeei, srn MELOBKOW BFTLDIBa.

Dll. CI IAS. JAMES, DENTIST, 131 West ThirJ -street, bet. Race and Jn ID HkT JSl. XjX Dr.

C. H. Jeurses' NT AL OFFICE 134 REMOVED TO West Slxthstrcf Facet KID. TUB IAD AND BILK OLOTB. cat.r.

Oa JAMES RICHARDSO-f, 4 founh street, npnh aide, one doer mat ef Mahi buret jcj-lra. DR. PINCKARD'S illi KO QUAChVERY, BCT SCISSCB. These Pit!" are prerawed eapreaalr, ekh aeaedHnea, for the cureef nearly ail istaait, i. ep tivsrarsls.

Ftasts and Ncavotl Dlaaatss, a ot of syniiatbeur aflecuons, a Isrpar nere, eearaee eoevaa, sss in i mi arrraae difeas, ftc. Tbey have heeu used aruh anvaralleled ureess In prl-yaie tor many year. In the Sooth ai "est. We eosnintee tneta to cure in all curaltle fisa, if taken drrectert, aaa er ts-e erary eisst, and atrew dtrertions stratly folleucd. Thej- do aot sicken er iraarrrre uitb duiary OTilserrnenia.

N. B. of the GcsrH and athfera. a bn, like nxni dt-b heee iu n-i b.s tebeuem BVuaina, 5iil be oml.ned a ia. of PilU Mulnuslv.

ror aaie. ai li and mail, U. I' A UK. nortn-rast corarc of kourib and rs.ast Asee for Cincinnati, and Vt ttOUtlil esmnstun sireea. Indianapolla, 1 1 a yu ccnut pori-'s, proiirrranr 01 tne use, II.

Seslr, E.J. baldain, Coiunel Wm. w. MeCsrvrl In Indisnaputiai unu. aa.

r. J. -3-. ri'rvmie fee. trout "tie five -liixdeo to I-exinsltn.

Keolot-ar- it UK. OX ND A LAIUiE STOCK of rich and ee-trant utedhtea and Itirtiiture. I anil eto ou- tola month at the ssaaUam pa raraaalstaffs I asoai bars ronbrr adranoad. Bnrera ar snerulatiui sud oon- Vr, Hall sod ptrtmt-roueu urntiurc. mptSThsr.

amwaled wdb treat Wheat- IW prrs whoere uaih. si Jta MsAeCsnadain.W.kd.'a trr SouinlSi era, lus.ftlOs. 44. red.

Western, d. a es aWtltn ae' Bo. La. d. do.

lto ii nal. St a. 'ei rat- perl-a p-aands; ItiilaiVl piiis. ate, 7.: ta Am. i iL.

sut. Sa Lonia. is. di. Indian Com Toil.

tar, A. perUO t.jand. mixed, 3M. rd.aeara. U-i slibc, tca-iStOa.

Ctl. do. NEW T01K CATTLE MARKKT. Saw Yobs. Weilin tilaj Iu.

Tbectjireat seiees par tbe araefc sB aba aBsrkeai are ai fallows: Upiiaary cemuion Irdariur Pint i ualtry Ordinary seer caT-rtn. th-u has teen unpnaalise to do ae. jeie SODA VVATEIt Snwri from Olasa rountainfl, Always Cold, with Fralt and Crrnas Sirups of tbe Flart Flarorr. N. P.

comer M. ajftBDON, is an a -cow i CHF.RIFF'8 SALE STATE uruuin A Ml I. TON OOUNTT.bc.-Byvwwmofaatawcu- assinst pmirty. issued rrosstn 1 t'leaa. In anS fur al emnty, aad to a treated.

I tie falc. aa tkpesutaa, aosae siatt aaa I crner of Slstk and ClnrSstsu. Ultao. UtlaUAl. JURC x--.

I. "ai'i tl WaH.orb re rl th. leaachold property n-w bearl by him, atarte aw js, MLeaa tonud for Ave awar arnnUed the n-nh aMeof Myth-afreet. rWrurrarentv aart wor ra about aWp; riB? -Tj? la rnrf iai lai wi aw. ano -aid eiwi terms ami r-n-l 1 be al as ths property of Jrransah.

Waltwork al tlar auh of Wioiau) U. Rogars asainat raid aiiwcrs. tt-ai RICH ARD Tcrau es saie. ra. sh.ff of IJllilt1 ohio.

Taoao Hrrros. An raeys- Caoctnnsla, June 1. 1-- bnokal U. and use avers auuity compares latom-ay arji MPI.OY -M t.M. Aril rr.

nnii.s uui last week's. The aiJlea hailed cha-lly (man Illinois, wsrrl'nc an ti.atuntti tn nine and thb aii kr ratberladiy on LV Sake uVacy wvldowell tn tba eryerkv af the alecs, rbev aa-ln le-n a I alon. ex- TliiroVow, npaatrs. 7amal oapttal aau a iklki aanwhuK uul anmafhten HiK i Jtwh Jal-'-ly tbeat era and render mesa eiore aaarketaj 4e. mrncatut to start II TICHOION'S PREMIUM rATts 1 I mn.lm ml tbwa 1 1 ll ISSll ll rhwiem.

TheoreeaiienaaaiaBt4 lo rstattuac turbir the crank Icimrely In I he same direetioa rroui tourtonficru the Bi'-at perfect and aansfactory aaaauer. They have eea tnororirKy tested, aratoyelyensstoj. tlou of any Churn In urn. for sale, whalaesit 1 yd retail. era a a aaar ia n.

fj. B. comer alssn asm taaaali anal T-I1TTER AND Ipilahi or OKrslnea nnoa Mlee iw. tbe BUhisrt EGGS. I AM RE I I 1 1 daily by rai b-aad and wasons, fresh Bab uy and Eas.

whk-b I am arJlina In qnarjews in su 1. Ailtll A. H'llBa FOR BUMMER CXDER-CL0THI5Q -Cau as JAMEfl RICHARDSON, Pourm-aareet. north tato, eae door east of Mauvaareet. Jes-lm PURE SODA WATER, Draws front spinas FesaatsVine, AT DIIOX'S, CORXER FIFTH ASD MAIS.

d-VjNSTABLES 8ALIWBY VIRTUE 1 I mt mmim. trn mmm ilh.WiL Wl nS Sold SB laaa Aay a. Juaa, at the Waiam-arret Braise, in the Means! Canal, rasweea tb boura ef leelank A. U. aad Ik loUaenn esaao and cnaueta.

A canaloat tales ay arte aaw. Taken ha attacti aiaul at la auB af tele at 1 clock A Jane row av aTsbloaahle, painba-iBel A- Cesmatedy FttUaa; Matr, Jfeo. a wfssvrure am Scitmtifie ViafrjiaBt, Ciu oa JAMES RICHABDSON. llPsmlbaiaau Berth Baaa, ua earn mm at i aatxy swaarn aad wHuausaiiit are-rm LIME AND CEMENT 100 BE LB treab lasayiDe aJeae: aaBOM A. leg fiiaib it 1 ii i I Matv Vice-ta: Haee-Sea.

Bia, rraaca-aaasw 1 i.LuJ linrnil ak SU OOLTBB, Atrmamyiaw. -m-ytf fc I 1 I 'Si aad Waisoawaeet. FOB FliNE SHIXTS AND COLLAJS. ttltljl catsv aw -1 i at JAJTES UCrllJUMOll, Qvalky, wrrbju and at isuauarrl. No.

wornt rtni. I ttBalMl iiiasd Baa. SB Tiseak) OH ttATB w-M. iB-,) jri-ORTEII EIlTti-wrra, Tool AKD lSr- JmTIlm IDS i-auassl Mssaamieaa ajaEi I tt eeets: Hand hoo.

i rrr tw I eer. Ii inK. at e-trra a--, aOUp alasa, i Bbilsa I.e. Sa. UTWWltlJ WANTED.

AOFTTB, MS- I CHtsJTrrs. srj. Atae. Bsifcaeptts. Pasters.

PcaasJe wilc 1. Teal massrs, Appreuaase a lame, etc. -awC Iw'raa-rr M-lt AKTKV AN ENTER PS 18 1 NO saan, wkB a rank crsl eiaa. keeu. the Use Bmanal asTaars of aa III jm I eae if pwSWr.

encurT lor van ends food astary puai. drcra wre-e- 7AKTED A JOCKNEYMAN COP- Jeviw PaUUtaUTAawfSre.aM,as, 1. TANTED IMMKD1ATELT.TO MAKE As sae i JLsrd aad Pert Barrvia, rbarty Caepf vd wasea snwa. Apsty THOMAS ft CO, head ef Man sTrast, eete Sariess aad san era, toftl AIAlaoH to tote aaa jr SntL WANTED A GOOD 8BKVAMT ueakendeuetanl uarauwautea hoaeawark au brer etaaneesUiaanatBewlTaaltaiaaasce. ep TWOOR THREE Con WANTED AGENTS TO SELL Bieas Oaaf rassu Hahn.aal Oeewn.

Tb eery araatj aacr-s ef ar-ta aWr JSTti aaaiitfi ua la otrwiea uoraraAeied Imftaisi te wonny Bsaa anAhal Imraslte erme aarnrs fecerkp rauuheo, 1 1 1 tnU UalUlMNte-koD OO sVi-iT esrsiuisTO. W- ANTED IMMEDIATELY 500 IN-dusarioua Men, to encase lbs sale of erase ael fa. eeiiine aiMWs and htechaa ks who are out of employ, or Invalids who wish re craat torW lualti by uaveUnc. anU do we to enaSfla tha kuiirsa. There are asea new tm tae asries who see eKannu ham sea ta SUMS per year.

Address, er aasubeof H. It. 141 "ANTED. BOTH LADIES AND ii ca i.

sust beaatrral errs. newly dwoiricd and ew arameu. vai asi leeerw. Iteaneoaane In sue heat psetor-es hauclaanand ie-srertaier. Any porsoo may easily aiaae from rail TO pry a In any part e- trie aona, true any to it- hear.

ArFfr n'eatern-rsw. seesad TVS Bars of foo.1 anslaces balala sealed at the saaae puameaa. jea-sw- TjruTLOYMENT FO MEN IN SZi asrrulataw. by liaaailslina, soaar new seal awW af tne trr eirt. "i srw-y nnn may Bir Deees." "Hi i sail Hietvry el the United Tlw works are rat uhutralrd ants Iroai 40 ta im enrsvbrs, sm ef them rnksrad eery bavatilUI ana ceeuy eiannrr.

Asente new nairliino ere nt-areie awtt-tyBftetM ut est roaMtareat, Clnrtmiali, Oeia. A GOOD ROUTE ON A TJV3R SALE X1- Mwnsae Pavar FrSUBBSi.mBaat' RAT.r FOR SALE. ian-aiaal ijatt-M. SALE EXCELLENT DESKS, OF Aesemtiens. Oft re and COOStcr Tarara, bom oTess SrHreaaes, 8h.ra-eindowi, fhrcr3: areal varsity of Counters all st sccorid harHl and for cbein.

Silv Between Mala and a slrmt- -ryoK SALE. VALUABLE FARM 8IT- s7 rytns on the Lirkha River, B0 aaioi IT Oinoumus ay- nirnia. ana tnere are en inmw 1 pscisily I darrtlinf-bouse, three reed rents, enotllenl ajatt't rare two rerjawds of about excelaavuJ ef la I rnut trees; sats, au orchard ef I0D youns apple wees, and bai abk-hare axees. sntrtaaer wuu isr. -l re noe one yoar old.

There are acna band. 4a ecrea of arhich are soam in UmoU and the reanrea upbaad, acres of ntl tbe lasathao einMe. A. A Mr4StAa eV tbeaartd adaaUeNy adspied area i sJyesare n-a bet reerawed tretu ihecnoiln. wTrhelaJ lie, winum hundred yarda ef aeul station en the rUllroad, whk aaoras aeaerarea fad-ines f.e umnsi-iitit fruS and other products to res art-itrtou to the iWive.

a oew tne Rsjlrnad eaau-ta, arm oe aura t. The rsem arlll Iw sU toeeabar, "tvJ areal worth per acre, it We refcr tn tae loUowinf irriOravrri, tyi nsve uaeu tne km prior so tne 1-t ef Juiy.eun aaa-a. Tab, end tot relays oi uteir laouiirs, vm. I one tract, a nr sxa rw. 7- 1 I .1 mm.

fj tb-tn on hand. The armaial haa been so treat hesetoBare AARON SHAW. ftl be furnlahed free twkeea tvcallins on the ander-sued. st .1,. et ObacmrgtU NGINIS WE HAVE FOR SALE A UKOt.

Appif ba amaSMf r-itid-hand urine, dlaineter of ra-et six Incle-s, MTiatc aaiit u.a, t. M. JMcM. an. is in dm ruitnitttf oolcr.

le yv. 'hkliliand SALE A SMALL BRICK HOUSE PlkKCK CarnwCounVatreetand Broealara)'. 'ALITABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE rtisi'iti 1 tVoac. Inroedtelr fnartlni the arUa-f. 1 aav-roniaia.

ellars auadcr Item. ayi-Ji a frame dim raad HrVini. lack. Will suit for Uvcrn stAud Also A larce iwe-aasry t. a.

frnw, ib. river, eontajtun a rooms and a knclarn. half an acre of syriund; and I acres nrrt-rate Una adjofcm can be baa wuu osaswi. i naaa-xwPBItaT e. HOW tt frua.

1P SSAf.P IN KXCELLOT tXlt TBI hV AT- Tbe unalei aarneal Intend, to sell hts jsrllini-bousr, snnanw oa Baal walnut, tiuia, Hvlns at th 'iyc-nased place, or at bit ofBce, earner Twefeb and Clsy -streets. da-la K.arii"''"J I T7jR SALE THE OLD-ESTABLISHED nt tati lease from snid MrLein, I A. hith s1 loaar froia McLean naaatsJUt b.ur vom uo But- V'4 1 1 leetaVaep, lel3 p. a. corner aaam aaas af uaykuad Bstjae aye.

The tain his daily expeibnca ao attle knowl-ct sw-waiUieyaepie. taatlaar had aajct Btawmaaiull'iU trptk-atn. Gsasaee ef any in Td i asssa tup I aw, ai-t Maker and Ui Je gnmb uial caxuar PUlb A a sasaiays Kskerv. I. This Bskery data the buweel lured trade la the Tlj.l.-d- mma -fwif-rijeM VWT little Tlw -T7- II 1," tbr.

nrM-arl furlhtW tmr-lrl. FOR RENT. fHn. ef sueb hiytj aareaarch of Its its ainii ua tn naaor, oa atiaa- Jrf.CuT rSTKi Ti: A 1 t. BeMWOTe Out I jetr-lsr- v.

T70R RENT A ROOM ON THE SEC- OND FLOUR ta the rear or my pru w-re. 1 Li upial by B- Main. elt ta. Boot Sod eboe. Hardware eaotei Bent tow te a prompt i saia i tTTIi-X- OFTHE llf fTKD raaarth and taut HARRIS.

BLACKSMITH SHOP TOsRENT aeas af" BUvalaBBah'a Tools for sale. Iaeuirsof ctt-tr TbWMAB aaaai, Si wo RENT STORE NO. 27 EAST Btseaaa. 17 sett front ana for tbe Dry (roods. F)R RENTTHE TERY DESIRABLE OnVm tbe Onaspany'' IWkhnc, Ho-4 ImmtTjr- sTTis uaxuiatd by tba Goiaiii'aia Inipeetoe.

Poeaa i'Si VOSE GLASSES, IN SHELL, HORM moTl. --riW-ty- Aiso. tb star, batow sad eta, 1 asaASteaHiOoad. eSveraad Bloed 81 9pecta; rooaa anae buJaj CB COMPAJfT- sod Festoss ac Itock Crystal a. aak all ATI qmislBl uwsai-aja s.

I ftnanea so sua. Ient4e ata-na gperawtpa aaofc nmmmm afuaarsa B.wlii faast erearbk I P-l. r.baaanaassl Ilauady (' ILMANS SENNA FIGS, FOR CON- cm, tt.r?"" IT BTIPATIOH OP THB BOWELS, OCT I TBB. I BmnPlne-Apple straasrya X.8,kc These ere Pars ailed arixb an aswaaaUc eaa- -tZLT aawPBTaVWT TW OTSIjraus. f-umiouAiiriati coacsa-rasTxs Liquor antl Imrtiiit? CrapaBjt Weeeera I Mayuamer aad Fi smasa.

omcnmATL awsLisuara, llqueura and Cordlata aaiMKiibjad sepeaxed distillstaoos froas Soest bar.sne nrsnajr. sr, ttast 1 Tom ra, Jaiauici rne-ApPB i a. acoaca, aarareoa ana MISCELLANEOUS. BpCrCiMl KoteCa) CAVTIOir TO TMT FVbIK efeies raeasearrr aurca.era, la am rft fJftZ anrod of sTl 1 ee i aral lasren reftoru. a-Ttwrkie tcfTe S.

I aareev ea mm tu HeltandetKve the tua a smnufacarred. ftre. "TT: Aerirea Basse fmsa isa luatee as. sew Biaij HwSk a.s-y.eyeeudOV,uel "oxaaawpa- tau MB tar aevna Co-. yrass-oai I uaKlmtA.

SeaMowraijevrarrtheeaasare-d te the Aaarricaa raKaw an nearrsd wka iie ih ah. Inesr suaaresf Kew erk, Buaeae aad seas of the Brttrasa. Lisaeia cm haueeyssupaeeasl e- ana ra, "Tausj a lerhnKal aveMaare af use law. and aa case. I buue eaanurr haa beesi purchssed Irr tba asirrhim ef tne Eaatrru tales aa ateuaas as rerdy Ui Use etaxl.

ly seiliai tita aiwi snoeh aa oarasser es tb srtntiiavl a bo Ex; ixy tu enarh kats arudea. llEAD-UUAtTE run a aa paanacd Ike aawe- an ii 1 be irrea, sail sad a-r tn beaKber rerrean eiposrns tne BSTTOTnloriS BBsyJrl tha el tbe met ti uln a. eeasrsed wab seam mi an. moss eelatsased rraan-Crow- fear sVaua-ts, a t-eored ekh tb aasence of tbe sroeaatto JaZ'rci wrrr and at r-aVd a esnthar sMoW. was from ea spar every sorts As Bseaatef rrenuat aadcorrecunt juaer sasb and eflea dsrrmAi, rfrmt lupoe mm ekarsarn SnU tajast ev a aasii 7- tba West, the South and South-eea are Jtectiltarry sabae the -(-bieitsni Arematr rVbrtapTarariH ea ajasaas ahaxttotety BOtaiUrae: arhuo.

hi cassa asriropsr armvat ob-strBKSssns aaf tbe kidneys. dianaM of tne praetaand cneral recosraneialed asaat esa-JKrwuBy tw the aBoet aaajuiiasid ss-wabara ef the If 1st DaBt U) VaabfT mJawl pain wv tas ieut wIS nai-e of tbe rndeaW.rcta aaaueaad CTk. aaad a Bar ma paasare aa isa. IS Btaia auras, saw soau. THS 1 National InstsTem Cod)bF Or OaUtCINHATt.

I Oaure, W. cweuay Maba asjd riiat a i MAKIKH. INLABtV T-aTT4fl AMe FIRM RIKMbj NIK AT CntBaWTiaUrta. Johu boaae, 5. V.Ta DIM.

Jaba ha. so, HfIW4Mlabia rJetrrnar'' Lcca. B. VBNBBTPl BairaT 0. raaaa, tsarreaary.

asiB-asBaas BraisaiAn, gmisjut. nLENCB AJD BIGLtm MACADLAT Tkmnf JA.Hes SchtroL, Ho. 4S Ra Tarwurr-ret KFa YOMr Paraeirs er awardUaa rrsJdina te te Wat crBatB rb" aestre oW inear daualvters or awrde aboute ae auaal New York. WtU And in Una" LitatsVUUoa the hafkr sst sin is! and inli 11 advantaAQB- Psenaam aa tba 1 miaats as aaa tarbrset.aad irseeclaUr Attended ta. Mr.

MACACLAT po3WIJfcrtJr. La utrna'it irrnrral H.I Charles bun. Lla. lraaldcutof liamui OeBeeu, "Scv Itawks, T. Iiew Task.

Auirttstus J. Albert, Baltmoce. Judce R. S. nn- JssseaM.

iw tj. rarerww Coaat. William Schsrfenber, Jew Tley. Vrifhara Aiaanas, D. I.

Bear Tork. Rear, I', tappaa. D. tuaaceiler of Mjehejaa Qig-innasU- u-, FOR THE LATIsT FAf HWKS OP CRAY AT AMD jjECK-TIES cau. otj JAMES RICHARDSON.

Foasrth-nnS. aaorth sido. one dojas east of Mala More OTRANOER8 VISITIfG PUB CITY iLea-" i.for-eO, i rrpartlBHy isooraaeta purity, tan stall amee e. im a itiht hasinaaa win hod this a m'e B. ac Irom rraju ec Iran every Uu I I mi; el at any 3 Drur-aaore.

atin-aot "faarr auaatbv. Waebalieerlneialatata savtaof soda Baarr. 1 ijjn. froen Si yrx THE TRIAL OF REAPERS AND MOW- may le bad. Tbe aire of the place as nee of I KB4i aader tb satspacceef'ibe State Board of awautvut aa.naaiiiton voaai -JJ vj; rloultme.

uiUIBke riace on a'v tne uroo itiver. ina u.aa.. of Jaiv. 1 BST parior; aaao. 1 eelba- i w.

iiaLrrr cju--buflduifs, srtrh ss anvta- boaae, amod hoaae, stwHe, a of sal tear nnvat irroeauy ur CAIX oat; JAMES 4 Fixsnh-aarret, aorrh aide, one anor eaat of Mata-abwet. Qualily, rleeira and fit rtaaa-arsajad. X-lm TRIAL OP REAPERS AND MOWERS. I at llarailn. Bxabar County, Onao, ss nrace tre- Piaiautf rewawn, 'M I 1.

portaebet ear tne accusal area II. il .11 xisaea. sa sa III. Pot tbe boat RkAi-lSsV' ASO MOW KB, aaj.i(i--,i-f"" aiiwia. 1 iif a so preranttu ra a am at tbe araSrw ef tha eueraaafal eaaa- tp.V- -inWh to hi.

t-w Zjm Set allseeshsst to reuMv ta the couasry. I wJB an tbe I a i- The Brat, or Kn-y er tokt tneatal, stM-Banrry, irren. rassin awu 1 oaus waata aaai Sit aaw aa easeatmteaaastwewiH he pie rated Jsy ItjujriiiaraB aa a we. "1 real sttsaaa aaiaaaaa, awam esate. isiiMxi reaa-rTTua eiTb.

orsau Avwn. Oara: Jehnr.rrie. aruaaee. -J-, W. it.

a lbanoa. Ohhii David SrvSaaowuru, IxwlTo-I aV-kcr, Hewpwt. OMo. m.s re SI isattT. ell Sawtirl CORDAGE AND TWUTES, CHEAP CIljSTORE.

S. HI. lliirrett. Tb sarfrst amsrtmrnl sf Oordaes ceastaatly ea hand. a Iba TBBT LOWXSX ridURssa.

IB Bat not of Inelndma fJrsm Rope, annual, Sw II Bne, mmm aaab tatm. i Gsua Idas, far lliai ill bad As a lam; AT sTm a aasarr 1 aswrnp OeSaaaJwas aVepa, af all ssam aam sAaaUaea. awt Cases, leaad lAue. Plaw las, Bwaaaana. BcB Basas, saan Uaes, Beiai Osaka.

II 1 Oiaia, atssBwbb atwaamamt. -j-T Tana, Xarrad btaraaa, Taaaad Siaei. JaamTwtaa, llraa and Csasas Paaaass- rAsaaw Reaa, Bass Rase. Tieaat Uae. rmtfTw.

IMh 1 iwuaa, ssvz and taabaa- Jess sad He-p glimn ni si, aats. dam aad Hosap fikiiaa, a ham OoBoa Tsws, Beam aastrias aw.Twaua, fuel aback ef nackin Al raa A and it eel tsrsaeei teem, data. It la ar Imi idlna ta keep a -aaaerfnteat at erary. auasthatoan ba called for to tamuusef Btbmevoawslary 7. I wTKTUreJlBbaaUiTaMpVawWtie lie hear kd ss say atock, twaarini them tbat I eaa sanity abea-i 1 in ml.

ii I -IS. atwSAJUtSXX, lacooa of Bararaa. eaea one as.waacn is a mmmrn. lajwt ailin aii aat Ihhaj an tillnn ---a- pe-ssant sod efSoeot rewe-dy. I shaB Bsrreeansaaaaly JastS "raw waaanaaurssBsawssss en band a hart stock, whaca I was aa tb smBBaar- MTrrT, aatr, OOBB1ALB.

mrvm prawA. W.ri-, mr Jrjy EA fc FEMHTSW OWESTJmRE WIS 1 b. comes- Westsr-revrwr and kaeasa-asreet. RoVbAronrCaerrv Brsorrr and Jtoow, Trwy, Ax-P- Ji a AUCE -Tnc unrrrrBal favor ara wiaV trm osa- YEW STORE AND NEW GOODSel rSffcg: ,7 rteiy of afln4San4UOptirl and Inana- 3 2iJlwV. SonT ThS IrUr- are axu-e.

the deamnd has iit.nA-1 to every tay of abe BsrnU. CHJ ciSJ-es OiTX slsraee, sieej. Thor- te tVaon. Meat, qaase, aaaa BS aawwsaa -JwnT- u-uarer. cpeaaclea.

kc. All iTraxueHmu fram say attoa BrpsrUns. at uesoBng aaamiii. are OHrarmed saai-wnctA srrla, sire. sflLrryTfST SJJSi ZmlZ to T.

seubt tba jM Tw- We Poni atreet. CtnonnU- uua-wea oaemteraaia, tb- word. "Lea A Perrto' Ora-nrarerrrd at uaa awaal rwraaa or rrr. m. v.

f. 1 wuusaia.i osaasw Blawm.v mael. 1 1 11 aaaee aaaartoa-eeAy, I sssss. lam A Perrta. la 1 nillwasbet Mala aam.

mmUmjZ-mw. e-HMth, 1 baa-bead tram uatca as m-e fyaat aaaurty ef aaaavsa all tbe oew atyaos. a an I exaaypar. PAPER HANGilNQ8d X. P1Z1 db twlAff, I Wm, 1ft TOb aaTfird amit-am DIXON'S Blmekhem CmrmlmMtive f.

r' ItBlXsV owsa 1 17T8ETraT, FLCX, DIARRHIA, Ao. irRINO AND BUMMER GOODS. A 1 LBalfaw at lliatli, meiraam.xi aara. awe eceea saaarta; also, ha i aw tb raasA am it sui ai wwc aaae. mmm wsas- waa a w-aa en aaaa wwsas, wsbbbbssbkbob baaralau.

aye aaaua unit. mm. lave, earn BBrperhd occrr sad AssT-i Beaa joHjf TrcwcAM ft cKrw. Jetw-ly-tad Bia.ay. KawTark- a'.

sr. twaBisVJTT. AaXHAirT, I TJSTfCE 1 Bj A ClrfCINNATI I ta haweaw aBwea aaaa aba BBrsaml tAraaaeiaa aa 'be II n--cBOOas a.3 reheat 8 ATrBDAT arst mtmiae-waacaia- kraaa. aad Bo. Ba shwadway, in il ess tMiHisaiwm to stussl Utat ataa.

brsjacaaat wwy era. hay utaiasd worn ta aaaa, aad re Jpciupe, rarfioin, header, Prairip. leTwad tawaa at arm rsaaveaeeraad ewwk af wn-D Art-ibrSeorVaer-3 Arbhmrae, ras-arad ArwKiwruc, Oe- ti 1 i nil i ia i a' I sauassbyTfaasauaw seat biasssy aa la. awaaaa. bra IslIJaa-aar.

j. Til kUatstot. tbr cxasBtaauoa asaav Art t. J''asa Tbey kswp. aanaisy.

a Wa aaaa rat af III 1 1 Id mJTit rrswAeuce and arjeae" i-r to pre- i i iritesrSy air was best a saerwA, ssi baaoaa Meed farass. be aba slab ef Jaaa, at ta. sec-e af Pwne i I Aioanri lines sn -sararanst 1 mmml nt ttw BlOSnri InSCS 1 raaiwaiiaa aasl BraBwwaa ewawaaf Be ear are an lies MaarnsBS-aasaV rZRCHANTS IS THE EASTERN1 i i hmiM mmmmt--mm1 nmJ mjtA aim esottial im IV ei Trne-wS-e-t, rwawsa up as otiiate meat. preaarut ssahral aad lb Ma wm tawmaitr I "QENN3TLVANIA otmmm wwTuwwLsrr. aad leol eaabwaa waaa we aay SisA 1 aBraA, ay ail work iaiiaaasd aa as shaalaa saane ba saaata auusa auam as, e-wBsrasas-BT a t-tv ami sw f-TB AMERICAN 8UNDAT-SCH00L I'ajrnjl arrrke ro" at or-Js; Jm bng

TFTgrTT Vcr Aad eat si ad tor tr or. c4aea. tHa yah: I lit must "nraaek tttiutaif I acne rjl be anntrtteu ruaaaii rtnujrr, c-crrtary-. EYE WHISHT a a i'-w- taiaay! ATAirnrtu-mAT. 't m- to WJTm.

1 J-In maytn nf ea by idfM 1 It-1 Unfi 0BTp-t -B lta- tor at aaml w. ngdn Bi AKD GIN FTVC A8- 4.11.0 -AlVr, a wsv br-d ar w. e-v rMJg.1, CAT A WS At -fiU IXliTm Jrorav tw. -a to-. ..1 a 1 Mi I CeTTwrt iearX -a tiTti a a nca mt i A.

isa "i- 0 1 av wwa "-a 1 1 1.

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