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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 1

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

T11K MVKH1NU POST, ISSUED DAILY, AT TKS DOLLARS PKR JNNOM, At Wo. PIm street, New-York, By wm. a. Boaas. RATES OF ADVERTISING HALF SQUARE, DAILY eonsiating of 8 lines or less-First Insertion.

Wcentl second and third each tcau and 18 cents for every subsequent in serf ten. QUARK, DAILY-IS lines, orover 8 endless than 18 First lnMrtioa, 75 eeuls leoond and thirri nd l8eeoU lor subsequent in' ADVERTISEMENTS, anon which the number af times YEARLY ADVERTISERS, papr Incluued $40-without no. however, for a less TH COUNTRY, AT FOUR DOLLARS TEH ANNUM, (UBCBD inci week.) THir WEEKLY EVENING TOST. AT TWO DOLLAR! PER ANNUM. It fuititked at the sswe offtct.

rdaf af tho Poitutittr General. Mail. A "Tort master nay enclose way la lattar to tha publisher of newspaper to pay the I wnnun 01 a third person, if written ay himself." CITY NOTICES. "TTlL AGGINQ THK SIDEWALKS of TWENTY- Jl- Be.lNUblK.Crr, between the Seventh and avenues. Public notice it hereby given, that a pemmn has been presented in the Board Aldermen 14 pj'herly sidewalks in 2d street, between the 7th and 8th avenuea.

Peraona iniereated therein, and oppoa'd to the same. mrw rxues'ea to present their obieclmns. in writing, to ine at his othco. Hall of Kecerds, on or by th 1st of October, nrot. JOHN KWKN, Street Commlasioner.

oireei vommissioner'a IMfice, September 80th, 1813. CEWEK September g'llh, IP43. September 19th, IB43. Comptroili r's Office, New York, Sept. 30ih, IHi3, s2t lot IN THIRTEENTfl STREET.

EX. TENDED Public notice is hereby given, that a TPUH petitio haa been presented in the Board of Atdermi la have the Bower in Thirteenth atreet extended lo the corner of Broadway and Twelfth atreet. rereona interested in the proposition, and opposed to the aaiae, arc rq tested to present ll.etr objxtiuna, writing, to the undersigned, si his office, Hall of Records, oa or before tha 1st October, prox. JOHN KWKN, Street Commissioner. street Oommieaioner a Uthce, s21 101 IN STUYVESANT 1 Rhh 1 notice Is hereby given, that a petition haa bee presented in the Board of Aldermen To pavo the on the south aids of Stuyvesant street, between the Sd avenue and Ninth street.

Peraona interested in the proposition, and opposed to the same, are requested present their object. -ns, in writing, to the uodereigned, at his ollice. Hall of or before the 1st October, pres. JOHN WEN, btroel Commissioner. Street Comnitssiunei's Otfice, I September SlKh, 1843.

splint QEWER OR DRAIN IN BARCLAY STREET kJ fublic notice is hereby given, that a petition has keen presented in the Board of Aldermen To build a Sewer or Drain in Ksrclsv atreet. Persons interested in the proposition, and opposed to wrlt'Bg, to the undersigned, at his office. Hill tf Re- oords, oa or by September inst. aireet Commissioner's Umce, I s2f) int TWENTY-FIRS STREET FLAGGED, between the 9th and 10th avenues. Public notice is hereby given, that a pstition has been presented in the Bord of Assistant Aldermen Toflif a apace four feel wido through the northerly tdewalk of Twrnty-first street, between the Ninth and Tenth avenurs.

Persons interested in tli proposition, and opposed to the same, are requested to present their objections, in writing, to tha undersigned, at his office. Hall of Kecerds, oa or before the 4th dsy of October next. JOHN EWEN.direelCvaraisaieaer. Street Commissioner's Office, Sept. 93-1, 1843.

s25 IQt INTEREST ON CITY STOCKS. The interest on tha Dublin otocks of the city of New York, due on the first day of November next, will be paid on that day, by Cornelius W. Lawrence, fc.sq., Uhimberlain nl tho city, at his office, in the Bank of the Slate of New York. The transfer books will be closed on SATURDAY, October 7lh, at 8 o'clock, P. M.

ni.ritr.u r. c.u 1 comptroller. SEWER OR DRAIN IN NEW notice Is hereby given, that a petition has bee I been sented in the Board ofAldoimen To have a Drain or Sewer built in New street. 40 40 40 30 SEWER IN EIGHTH STREET, from Broadway 10 Sixth avenue. Public notice is hereby given, that a petition has been prevented in the Board ol Aldermen To build a Sewer in Eighth street, from Broadway to the Sixth avenue.

Persons interested in the proposition, and opposed lo tho same, are requested te present their objections in writing, to tho undersigned, at bis otfice, Hall of Records, oa or ssfore the loth ol October next. JOHN EVVEN, Street Commissioner. Street Commissioner's Otr.ce. September 89th, IS 13. a30 lOt -Public re Parsons interested in the proposition, and opposed to tha same, are reauestcd to present their obieetions in writing, lo the undersigned, at his ollice, Hall ofRecords, oa or before the inth day of October next.

JOHN KVVEN, Slroet Commissioner. Street Commissioner's Office, September 89h. 1843. s30 lftt NOTICE, Sealed proposals will be received by the sub.c iber. until the 4th of October, 1843, 3, P.M., at tha office of the Croton Aqueduct Works, for ten tons Pig Lead, to be delivered in ouantilies as required.

JAMES A. COFFIN, President. New York, Sept. 27th, 1843. a30iO4 COPAHTNKRSHIP NOTICaC.

The copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers ODderthe firm of TURNER, HUOHESk HAYDEN, is this dsy dissolved by mutual consent. H. D. TURNER, N. B.

HUGHES. W. B. HAYDEN. Tha Publishing and Bookselling business will be con tinned st No.

10 John the subscribers, under the firm ot TURNER HAYDEN. HENRY D. TURNER, 3 WM. B. HAYDEN.

fOMPTROLLERB OFFICE, Albany, Septets, per is, loss rroposaiswiii oereceivea unui luesa.y. the third day of October next, at 10 o'clock, A.M., lor fur Bsshiag the following articles el Stationery, vis so reams blue ruled cap pi. per SO white do letter paper SO bins do 40 envelope paper royal engrossing paper 10O lbs red sealing wax 90 wafers lndis rubber 900 do red tapes SO 8 in ivory folders 40 latter stamps wood inkstands, glass battles sand boxes tin wafer cups 4 si bottles. Msynard Noyea' ink a grace lead pencils S'Kw quills To be delivered at the State Hall In the city of Albany, on or before the first day of November next. Samples to be furnished with the proposals, snd the proposals sealed and endorsed "Proposals (or stttadOct A.

C. FLAGO, Comptroller. The People of the Stae of New York, by tha grace of Uod, res aad independent TO the Creditors, next ol kin, heirs st Lsw, and all persons interested in the estste of JOHN McELHINNE, lets ol tha town of New the County of Bstb Gsasrino Yoa, snd each of you, are hereby cited and required personally to be and appear before our Surrogate ot the county of Westchester, at his office in the town ot White the 91st day of Msrch 10 o'clock in the fore aooa ol that day, then aad there to attend the fitsl settle-meat ef the account of Thomas N. Campbell, the administrator rf the estate of the said deceased, pursuant to an order made and entered in this matter by the Surrogate of our ssid County of Westchester. In testimony whereof, we hsve csused tha Seal af office at ssid Sun-ogats to be hereunto sfhxed.

Witness, Alexander 11. Wells, Esquire, Surrogate of said 1 County, at the town of White Plains, the 14th I s. s. dsy of September, in the yesr of our Lord one I thousand eiht hundred and forty three, and of our Independence the sixty-eighth. sTO ALEX.

WELLS, Surrogate. IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. RICHARDSON'S Hi CO'S. CELEBRATED AMERICAN PANACEA---This component made solely from vegetable matter, and warranted free from adulteration, or any ingredient detrimental to health, waa Oiaeovered about one year since, by an individual solely afflietod with Ulcerated Scrotula, for eight years, and who had been, during thst time, under the medical treatment of the moat eminent physicians, both iu Canada and tbia country, without the least hope of recovery, and jro-Boaaced incurable. This medicine hasnot failed in any instanc, when taken In eceoideoce with the directions, to effect a perfect cure of tha following diseases, to wit Scrofula, Ulcerated Scrofula, diseases of the Broncbick or Throat, Fever Sores, King's Evil.Fistuls, Innsmmstory and Chronic Rheumatism, Piles.

Erysipelas Biles, Scurvy, Chrunic Sore Ejes, Blotches, rimples on ths Pace, Scald Head. and all diseases or pains arising from an injudicious uss of mercury, or aa la aura state of the blood. Only one table spoonful tobetakrn before eating each morning, (until toe uisease is rreuiraicfi; mcn PC is usually ss a tonic, while (in most cases) it also has a gentle aathartie effect increasing ths appetite and general health ef tha patient, producing a geoersl alterative effect of tha whole system, purifying and inducing a healthy cir- th use of this medicine, the patient should so-stain from tha nse ofsrdent spirits, wine, and all high-seasonal! food. Its efficacy has been tested in all the diseases above enumerated, the evidence of which may be asm (and will hereafter be published for the benefit of the 1j, l.n with all the sub-sgents) in ths letters and eeruncates of the parties so cured, by sppltcsuon to THOMAS O. TALM AGE, Grueral Agent, No.

90 Pine street. opposite tha Custom Houae, New York. Tw STEAMBOAT PROPKIETORS, AND ALL OTHERS INTBU.ESTED IS STEAM NAVIGATION. urvrxiBRE AS, certain colourable imitaUont of Mr. fr y.

p. Smith's Pstent Screw Propeller have been recently put into operation in various parts of the United States this is to give notice that all persons making use of the said invention within the meaning of the snnexed elause, contained in the patent granted to the said F. P. Smith, will be required to spply to Russell Bturgis for license to work the same, or U-gai proceedings will be immediately institute! against any part; attempting to evade tho patent right By order of tha Patentee. RUSSELL BTURGIS, Agent.

Letters patent for the United 8 ates, rsnted to Mr. F. P. sjaith, of London, for a term of fourteen years, from list May, loi. EXTRACT.

"Having thus fully described the nstura of my inven Uaa end shewn ths msnner ia which the same is to be earned into operation, what I claim therein as new, and ataadra to sec are, by letters patent, ia tha arranging or nlacinc of a screw propeller ia the dead wood or deed r.s-Lirf.vVUl,th.U.n-d of which screw should mska tenure revolution, or early so upon shaft; which thread may bo one continuous piece. it may bo divided each msking one half turn or revolution thr'hXsr be athorwaa. nidified whUst it is made ws-d sobwaniially in tho xaann.r ha fully saado kaowo aal described.1' sOawiaswos m-Diiau Bis AWLS A large assorts J.TJL 1000 OC0 600 100' 100 100 For sale by art nent of all shade, and patterns Net. Woollen Shawls, for sale iii Jbjr P. W.

0KB, 111 Broadway. VOLUME XLI. SILKS FOREVEHISO DRKSSKS, of the new I Pari ityle, very rich and ceatly goods, from three to ciwihii a yara, imported ny 36 JAMES BECK 359 Brosdwsy. NEWSPAPERS-J0O0 reama 44x38 lOOO 94x6 91x33 19x34 26x37 87x4 28X44 deria, for aale by sit UTUAH ENGINES s59 CYRUS W. FIELD, 0 Burling slip.

RE1HS K9TKLUPK PAPEIl 1000 do do Ulfl SOOdedo 94 2 100 dodo 99xSi For sale in lots to suit purchasers, by' CYRUS W. FIELD, rr 0 Burling slip. 17OI fc sale, No. 91 Broad 1 street Pigs Spanish Tin 9u0 Bales assorted Buffalo Robes, in prime order 600 Bkts Damotie Champagne. s- LEAD M9 Pigs Missouri for sale by aaa OEO.

DOUGLASS, 94 Broadway. AKD lOObbls, 100 kegs bhlspiima IUi-M-A rm UE.U. UUUULABS, 94 Breauway. 1VISES-AOA Maderia in 1-4 and 14 casks, 19 cases 3 do each superior old bottles "Santa Anna" aia. GEO.

DOUGLASS, 94 Brosdwsy. flEA 19 hf chests chests Young Hyso1 JL per Natchez, tor aale by rM OEO. DOUGLASS, 24 Broadway. NITRATE OF SODA 400 bags, for aala by e-J8 GKO.DOUai.ASS,94Broaway. superior quslity, for sals by ARDBOILERS Seversl Engines snd Boilers, of various sixes, together with pipe, gearing, kc, nearly new.

lor sate ny rontst. MA A 8TI LR SOAP A superior article, just received, lor ssie oy rw a.vy. Ditriiiiw rroni n. CASSIA In half picul cases, entitled todeben- ture, forssleby 8CH1EFFELIX BROTHERS. S98 148 Front st flARBOIfATE snd Cslcincd Magnesia, English, of it ji BiMicrr a.i.

at BROTHERS, 149 Front st SULPHATE QTJININE-SOOonnces, forssleby 11 BClllEr EL1N BKUTME.H, ACON SIDKSI tcs. for sale bv 149 Front street a4 GEO. DOUGLASS. 94 Broadway. WHITE KRENCH BRANDY A superior ar-article for preserving fruits.

4th proof Also, French White Wine Vinegar, Sweet Oil, Sardines, ries tts.SLC. or sals oy s97 A B1N1NOER fcCO. 141 Broadway. LEACHED COTTON DIAPERS, linen fold M-W s9S LAWRENCE TRIMBLE, 63 Beaver st. WHITE PRINTS, for sale by JB-V LAWRENCE TRIMBLE.

63 BeaTer St. NTtURNITTJRE PRINTS, made by Jacob Bunnell M. co a new article very Doe quality 9 for sale by LAWRENCE TRIMBLE. Bearer st. SPOOL COTTON A few esses of a superior article-American manufacture, for aale by sag LAWRENCE TRIMBLE, 63 Beaver St.

TJLCE KENTUCKY JEANS, for sale by MM LAWRENCE TRIMBLE, si8 s93 6J Beaver street rjlWINE 100 bales Cotton Mapping Twine, just re-1 United SUtea S. BROOM CO.103 Front st INES Sicily Me iiera and Calabria Ked Wines, of different qualities and packages, for sale by tii 8. BROOM CO. 103 Front st. SI AC, 400 bags Palermo Sumac.

40 casks Pomice Stone, for sale by 8. BROOM CO, 1C3 Front St. VGAlt AND MOLASSES (ST. CROIX) Will be landed this day, from brig Caspian, from St. Croix, for sale by am AYMAR 84 South st, JtL'KK SIGNKTTE BRANDY IS pipes prime JL article, for sale by OWRYCKMAN, 6S Pearl rt HOREHOUND CANDY at SOcts.perlb.

Broken Horehound Candy, at 90 cents per lb, for sale by R. L. A. STUART, 946 Greenwich st 1)IRE GERJIAII WHITE LEAD, for sale by ELY LATHAM, 71 Fulton st, anil Sole Agents in this city INDIAN CORN MILLS 3 cases well assorted Corn Mills, for sale by au- A.W. 8PIES CO Pearl rt.

4OCTHEHN HARMONY for vale by HUNTINGTON SAVAGE. 416 Pearl st. APER In all its varieties, on hand and for sale for account of the manufacturers by SUlS ELY LATHAM. 71 KultOU St. RAZOR should be kept in good shaving order Use Chapman's piagic Razor Strop, made at 109 Willism street.

si INDIA SHAWLS -A few rich Ion gaud squareCamel't Hair Shawls, also, India Crape Shawls, for sale by e-i JAMES BECK CO, 349 Broadway. ENGLISH RED AND COLORED WAFERS, by the pound or esse, for sale cheap. MARK LEVY fc BROTHER, all 40 Msiden lane. If I LITAR MUSKETS 43 cases with 1030 su ivsL perior French Military Muskets, with bay onets, en titled to debenture, for sale by ss ALEX. BOLT AU.

40 Broad street, op stairs. tUBA TOBACCO, Ac 397 bales selected wrapper leat Tobacco. 60 Logs Spanish Cedar. 11S9U Cocoa nuts, landing from sch Atlantic, and for sale by wm. au.te.vv at nuns, slO 3S4 Front st APRR-A large assortment of Waterman's wrap 's- ping paper lor aaie oy s-23 nOTTKS STONE A At 8 tone, for sale lowvby WM HINTON, 84 Maiden lane small invoice of Rotten S93 SAMUEL THOMPSON.273 Pearl st TkTOTICE Liberal cash advances will be msdeby tha subscribers on shipments to their friends in Kingston Jamaica.

e-13 AYMAR fc 34 South st. RITTANIA HKFS An assortmentof styles and JLJ) qualities from Lodi Print Works, constantly on hand ana tor sale by sis H. ARNOLD. 68 Pine street. (t LOVER SEED.

4 bbls for sale by s4 OKO. DOUGLASS. 94 Brosdwsy. ALT 60,000 bushels choice Barley Malt, in lota to ilA suit purchasers, for sale at the Brewers' Depot, t-y G.W. RYCKMAN.68 Pearlst.

BEES A JT. 3 bis. for sals by R. M.DEMILL'.IM Front st ftKOTON PALE AMBER ALE In hhds and bbls, a most superior arucie, ioi cny ana snipping uo; tor sale at tha Brewers' itepot, oy S33 RYCKMAN, 68 Pearl street CUAKS 600 boxes prime yellow Sugars, landing on per No 19 East River, and tor sale oy MOSES TAYLOR, 44 South atreet fSlOBACCO 950 balea 8t Domingo Tobjcco, entitled JB to debenture, lor sate Dy ,6 WM. AGNEWk SONS, 581 Front st- mmtii riO WAX 7.0 lbs prime Cuba While Wax su9 for sale by MOSES TAYLOR.

44 South st DINNER SETTS VERY CHEAP. -Complete White Glsze Dinner Setts, for rale at the astonishing tow price of l- r. b. ma i a. slj 646 Broadway, near Bleecker street, nORTABLE SHOWER BATHS, Fifty cents JL piece.

For sale by the manuiacturer, al3 WM. WEST, 119 Hudson st. corner of Beach RESH GREEN GINGER 3 bbls Green Gin SI3 ger, just received and for sale by DAN. EL GILMARTIN. 900 Front, corner of Fulton street.

OIL lOObskts.Sweet Oil, forssleby DANIEL GILMARTIN. 300 Front st, cor. Fulton. EAGLE CARDS, of the best quality, the choicest psttarns, made in the best msnner, and well seasoned, lor saia at manulacturera prices, py null ELY fc LATHAM. 71 Fulton st MILITARY GOODS Consisting of Guns, Swords Pistols, Epaulettes, ke, which will be sold at a great reduction from cash prices, as the subscriber is about ra- unquisuiug tn Business.

Enquire at WM. HINTON'S Paper Warehouse, au99 84 Maiden lane. ORANGES AND LEMONS 960 bxs Oranges 360 do. Lemons, in prime order, tor sale by DANIEL OILMARTIN, 900 Front st, eor. Fulton.

SPANISH logs Spanish Cedar, for sale oy WM. AU.MWSSUS3, 9S4 Front street CtROTON PALE AND AMBER ALE In beds and bbls. a most superior article, for city and shipping use, for sale at the Brewers' Depot, by s96 O. W. RTCKMAN.6B Pearl st C1R1KTED VELVETS H.

MYERS fc GED MT NEY.34S Broadway, are smw offering very handsome rrintod eiveis, at great mauoements to purcnasera. ru t2 ILK WARP, ALAPACA LUSTRES MY ER8 fc GEDNEY, 93 Broadway, have just opened a large assortment of Silk Warp Alapaca Lustres of the best qualities. ra IS me tint quality. JL. ERS fc GEDNEY, 343 Broadway have received per late arrivals several case, oi mon oeaurnui niousse- linede Lsins ever belore onerea this msrket.

a-g -B-ITIKNCII LONG AND SOU ARE CASHMERE JL SHAWLS, aome very rich; Paris Cloaks and Msm-Ueo, received ny ia JAME8 BECK fcCO.tM) Broadway ran ss A MI LIES The subscriber has made arrange menu for being supfliaJ with a aupeiior articl. of Pure Sneia Oil. which ia offered for sale at tha lowest msrket prices. Persons leaving their orders can have it ins prune article I- F. 8.

BRIANT, I .16 046 Broadway, I doors abova Bleecker. PLATED WAREs Tha subscribers have just received handsome assortment of plated Cake baskets, Castors, Candle-sticks, fcc. Os (e 4VlMJ A A aVAJTWU a A S97 3W 43 Msiden lsne, up stairs. isv.r:A? saw-- ytjw. WATCHES.

WATCHES AND JEWELRY bought ortaken in exchange by G. C. ALLEN, Importer of Watch- el and Jewelry wholesale and retail, 90 Wall street, up stairs. eu24 FINK ti01L WAltlitS-A large and bcautilul assortment of Hvde It Sen's Timeker.ers,of ladies and gentlemena sixes ust received and for sale by junj sw at their wholesale Watch Rooms, No. 11 Maiden lane.

jeil GOLD AHD SILVER WATCHES Just open, al tar. and eAtnnlete assortment of Gold and Sil ver Anchor, Duplex, L'Epme, Lever and yetucai wKm fmB thM eAmnAn to the finest Qualities. Also, a few indeenant quarter Tery wwiuiui.lj.. and quality. Also, an assortment of ailverQuarUeT Watches, for aale to the trade very bw, by at their Wholesale Watch Rooms, aulS lw pio.

11 Maiden lane. FINE WATCHES Tha subscribers nave a splendid assortment of cold and silver duplex and lever Watches, manufactuted by T. F- Cooper, M. Tobias t'j, fi. Beeslev.

and John Harrison. 01 i.onaon ana Liverpool, itcana are constantly receiving auuniuu. the same, which they are selling very low, and warranted good time keer ere. mux Importers aad Dealers in the same, at 1 Naiun it. onriosite the new Custom House.

wben in our emnlov the venr best workmen, which enables ns to give satisfaction to all who leave their ate ties lor repairs. WATCHES I WATCHES I The largest and most splendid assortment of Watches in the city, is to be found st the subscriber's. As he is constantly receiving all descriptions of Gold and Silver Watches of the new 1 mnA est styles, ironi iu wjui iun i. is enabled to offer a larger assortment, and mneh less prices st retail, than any other house in the city. Gold Watches as low aa 30 to 99 dollars each.

Watches and Jewelry exchanged or bought. All Watches warranted to keep good time or the money returned. Watches UlockS ana jeweiry repaired raiueueai m.uuc, war ranted lower than at any otaer place in tne city. ALLS.N I porter 01 atcnes ana jeweiry, Wholesal and retail, JO Wall street, s8 np stairs. mrATCHES.

JEWELRY. CUTLERY. cKc. The attention of City and Country Merchants and tha Traue generally is called to a large assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, watcb movements, jewelry, Diamonds, and other precioua Stones Imitation Stones of all descriptions Cutlery. Plated.

German Silver and JaDaa Wares, kc. ax. in consequence 01 tne resiueni nartner of the undersigned being about to return to Eng land, they are desirous of reducing their present extensive stoca 01 tne aoove articles ana nave resoivea aa kiuux below tne actual Import cost, for cash or approved notes tJAL AMMONIAC-10 cask. English, landing, and SZZfSlSSiii 3 for sals by 8. J.

NEUs S98 BCH1EFFELIN BROTHER, 111 Feont st EU3TADT BARNETT, 49 Maiden lane. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, dcC The subscriber havine- retired from the late firm 01 Gelston, LaddkCo. haa commenced businesss at the corner of Broad and Wall streets, opposite the Custom House for the sale ot tine atcnes, uiamonds ana uentiemen's jeweiry at prices in accordance with the times. All Diamond Jewelry Dougnt 01 tne supscriuer win oe repurchased by him alter deuueune 7 per cent: inereoy onering 10 purcnasers an opporrumiy so uuuven uicu uia monds into monev anv time they may please. Kine unniex.

Lever and Laoine atcnes. wnicn ne ran recommend an. I warrant aa good time keepers also, Gold Chain, Pencil Cases, Watch Silver Forks, Spoons, ana Tea eets, 01 tne newest patterns, and very bestiquality and workmanship at 6 per cent advance on the manufacturer's prices. All the above arti cles shall be equal to the boat made in New 1 01 K. watches ana uiocks repaired under nis penonai snper-intendance, with the assistance of the best workmen Diamonds, Pearls and other precious stones and Silver bought or exchanged.

WM F. LADD, a90 19 wall street, opposite tne nstom House. FINE WATCHES. TDEHED1CT gi HAMMOND, WATCHMAKERS, jLi corner of Wall and William streets, continue to re ceieve and have now on hand, the best assortment of fine atches ever ottered in this city consisting 01 implex Watches, with the newly iniented Isochrouons spring which have proved unrivalled. All watchea of this description have their name enflrraved on the plate to prevent an A awi Ai. na V. ur ulit 1 HI in M. ceivedandforealeby WMHINTON, Cooper's Duplex, Chronometer and Lever Watches of w-m i All tne aoove win De warraoieu ptiiixi or no uie. InV.

Every other description of Watches-on hand as usual: DuccunH ana n-'iniDprs, loriii.uT I Jr Hnowinfftne irreat aouse tnatnaaoi late srrownup. oy UOLL BRIMSTONE 100 bbls superior quality I those carrying on the business who have not the least Refined Roll Brimstone, for sale by I practical knowled-re of the trade, Mr. Hammond when last in Europe, obtained one of the best workmen on the Continent, so that with his own personal fkill.eU worksre-quired new, will be made equal to the original. The trade can be accommodated aa usual with Jewels and fine escapement Wheels. m4 INDIA RUBBER OVER SHOES at DAY'S 96 Maiden lane.

16000 pairs Lsdies plain and figured Rubbers 1600 do Mens do do 3u0 do Mi.6t-s and ChilJrens do 4600 do Mens snd Women shut Rubber Overshoes 600 do Ladies fur bound Grecians, leather soles 600 do Golve or corded top Rubbers 300 do Ladies quilted silk upper oversoes a new and elegant style Also A new article with surface of patent japanned fin ish, together with many other styles, making the most complete stack for the trade to select from to be fonnd in the United States. HORACE DAY. Successor to Roxbury, I. K. Co.

SIS Sw 36 Maiden lane A LL PERSONS XTaV. comfort, should wishing to shave with ease snd provide themselves with one of CHAPMMAN'S TABLET STROPS. They are or four sides and are the only article to be relied upon for peitccting the edge or a razor, rrice irom so cents to sijo eacn. sold at the manufactory, 109 William St. S39 OHN ANDERSON JS CO, manufacturers of the SJF Honey Dew." rine Cut Chewing and Smoking To bacco.

Snnffs. fcc. beff leave to inform their customers abroad, that they have left their aales store, 162 Pearl st, and removed to their new Dunning no.u wan street, one door Irom bioaaway; ana lortheconvenieneeoi rrortuern nd western merchants, they have opened a sales store st their factory, Nos. 313 and 316 Duane street, near the north river, where, at either place, can oe had at ail times and in any quantity, their celebrated fine cut Chew ing, also tneir niiid smoking looacco, togeiner with every variety ot tne tin est quality, at a neavy dis count from old prices. we are also soli aoxicts, in new xorx, iorcoL.

aug Lestwich's celebrated Cavendish Tobacco, first among the Virginia manufacture. Tin canisters ol has cut chewing, containing one pound each, carefully put up for shipping, and warranted su perior to any manufactured, ana to keep in any Climate. Alio, constantly on nana a large assortment oi inrinia Manufactured Tobacco, embracing the finest qualities of cavendish. 8EGARS. Always on hand, all the choice brands of Havana and Pnncipe Segars, at the lo xest cash prices I hive analysed a sample of Mr John Anderson's, Fine Cut Honey Dew Tobacco," and find it to be pure Tobacco, wiinout any aamixiure oi muse wiiu wmtu much of the ordinary chewing Tobacco ia contaminated.

New York, April 9th, 141. aul3 PRINTERS' AND BINDERS' WAREROOMS, No. 99 and 31 Gold street, York, April, 1343. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. T1 HE HOE PRINTING PRESS MACHINE AND SAW MANUFACTORY, in consequence of the addition of new and improved machinery to their works, and the reduction in the costs of materials and labor, are enanied greatly to reduce tne prices oi tneir Presses, and ot rioters' ana Binders' materials generally, ill be seen bv their newly printed circular, to which they beg leave to refer.

This establishment is still under the personal superin- tendance of Richard M. Hoe, and Robert Hoe, and they assure their friends that, notwithstanding the great reduc tion in pncea.ail articles manufactured Dy this establish ment shall retain the high reputation which they have hitherto sustained. It will also be their constant endea vor to improve the quality of them in every particular. They flatter themselves also that their old friends will not onlv continue their favors, but that Printers generally will appreciate their endeavours to furnish the very best articles at barely renumerating prices. Orders from any part of the country for all articles used by Printers or Binders, including i pes, inx, raper, ate.

will be executed with the greatest care and promptitude, and oa the bestterms. Jobbing work andrepairing will be done at the lowest possible prices, with every attention and expedition. N. All articles manufactured by tbia establishment will be stamped R. HOE so that persons from abroad may not be imposed upon witn supunous articles, maae in imitation of theirs.

Printers of newspapers who publish this advertisement with this note, three times before the first of July next, and send one of their papers to us. wiU be entitled to payment of their billon buying four limes the amount of l. uv.uMutaii fnUE LEMON SUGAR STORE 13 REMOVED M. Irom Nassau st. to No.

113 Broadway. Express Build- ings, where the proprietor of this inestimable beverage is prepared to furnish any quantity of the Lemon Sugar at the shortest notice. It is the cheapest, purest and most wholesome bevel sge that has ever been offered to the public It is prepared solely from the fresh Lemon and refined sugar, by chemical and mechanical process, snd free from mmt deleterious Quality. Its use is peculiarly adapted to private families, counting houses, offices, family parties, and parties of pleasure. being Deantitui article, requiring no otner process oi preparation than mixing it with water saying all the labor and unclean iiness of preparing it in the ordinary way.

It will be found an invaluable article on board steamboats and ships at tea, as it will keep good without change ot its qualities for any length of time, if kept dry. Pre pared and sold. Wholesale ana retail, at ra nroaaway, oy N. B. Merchants from the South and West, are invited to call and examine and try it au30 tf CHEAP FOB, CASH I CROCKERY India China Dining seat, French do do do, Stono do do do, Do do Tea no, French do do do, English do do do, New nan aioDjan.

Yellow Stone Bowls, with covers, Cake Moulds, Stone Pots, all sizes, Milk Fans, fcc. Cut Class, Pressed do, Wedge wood Tea sets, Stone Pitchers, White Stone Toiletware, Fancy do, Flower Vases, Fruit Baskets, Pie Plates, Baking Dishes, Flower Pots, all sizes, DAVIS C0LLAM0RE, 597 Broadway, opposite Nible's. NB. Chinese shaped Coffees. ia pf.

a FARRAR. ATToaKXTS.Soticrroas and CotmsrLLeas, Rochester, Y.will attend prompt ly and faithfully to all business in lhe dUSerent courts of ana quity, entrust ea to tneir ow-. r----perticulir attentioa to the Collection of demands for Eastern Creditors si any and all points in Western New York. Mr. Lee.

the Senior partner, has been in the practice at Rochester upwards of twenty years, and as to hia manner of doing business, would refer to the following individuals snd firms in the city of New York, for whom he has long made collections Czar Dunning, Samuel Judd Sons, John Johnson's Sons, Morris Esrle, Frederick Kellogg. DowsfcCary, John Lloyd fc Woodruff, Silas Brown, Tarter fc Co- Nsth'l Weed fc Van Vliet fc Wyckoff, P.H. fcWoa. H.Titus, John Mullen Bradner, Morgan fc Co-, Welbng, Root and Draper, Small, Williams fc Co-Earle. Porter fc Collins.

Elv fc Freeland. Cutter. Cook fc fc Edwards, Drake, Mills fc 8. fc Halsted, uioeon saeao,, ap3 L.FARRAR. STATIONERS VIOSLEVS 8TKSJL PENS The genuine arti-XTjaL cle of Moaleya superior imperial pens in grose tixs, for sale by LAMBERT LANE, Stationers.

km 67WaUst B1 LIE A WHITE LETTER PAPERS Just received, a prime lot of blue and white letter papers. at the low price of one dollar and fifty cents a ream. LAMBERT at LANE, Stationers. S3S S7 Wall st TO BOOKSELLERS AKD STATION ERS. MARK LEVY fc BROTHER have constantly on hand a Litre supply of Eaelish.

German and Russian Qaills.for sale at their cheap Stationary Warehouse, 40 Maiaen lane, np stairs. large size. SLATES Just received, a fresh supply of the various sixes, Tii-6x9, SJxiO, 7x11, 8xU, 9x19 also, log and counting house Slates, tor aale, wholesale and retail, at tne manuiactnrer-s prices, oy DAVID FELT Btationers'Hall, -SIS 94o Pearl st aad 34 Wall st. La. FRANCIS, Manufacturing Stationer would in Kussra Red Learner A superior lot.

large stuns ana good color. Also, Parchment and Bookbinders' Boards ot all descnp tions for sale in lots to suit purchasers, at the lowest market prices, by s24 RICH fc William st TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. The subscri bers hsve now on hsnd a large assortment of C. C. be Wright superior Steels Pens.

suitable for schools, general mercantile purposed, and extremely nne writing, which are warranted equal to any imported article. The new mode adopted in burnishing the points of these Tens, causes them to write with all the ease and smoothness of quill; and the manulacturera solicit atrial by who have not used them, feeling confident that they will give satisfaction. They are put in the neatest style, on cards and in boxe, and sold at modem prices. Dealers snpplicd ny J.L.BAtt(.i Agents for the manufacturers 167 Broadway, between Courtlar-dt and Liberty streets, rlaase observe each Pen is stamped "C.C. Wright NYork.

siS FRENCH AND ENGLISH STATIONERY. The suuscriber haa just reeiived by direct importa tions, a new and choice assortment of 'Statinery from France and England, consisting in part of renen Letter Papers, (someof them unusually thin,) Envelopesrjarved Ivory, and Pearl Folders, and Pen Holders, Pocket and Glass Inkstands, Ivory Letter Stamps, Hosewood Inkstsn- dishes, a new article, sealing wax, new stamps, rrn Knives, Lead Pencils in every variety. Pounce in bottles kc. etc. which he offers for sale at wholesale or retail at low prices.

He has also received a small lot of Windles Imperial Pens in grosi boxes which are pronounced by all who use them, to be very superior, together with an assortment ot those ol other celebrated manulacturera. The public are invited to call and examine his assort, ment of goods lor themselves WM. A. WHEEI.F.R, Stationer, No. 6 Tontine Buildings, S25 Wall st between Pearl and Water st rwyO BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS JL MARK LEVY kBROTHRR would call the attention of the above to their superior assorted stock of Stationery, comprising Steel Feus of the most approved makers.

Wafers, Sealing Wax, Penholder; pocket, travelling and desk Inkttands: India Ink in various sized cakes; Pocket Books, Measuring Tares; all kipds of Mathematical Instruments: Plavina- Cafsx: Rulers: bone, rosewood and ivory Letter Stamps; Paper Slates; a large variety of pocket Cutlery; silver Pencil Cases; bone and ivory Psper Folders; Baekgammon Boar Ji, in nests ot three; nelisn and German Slates; Porcelain do; Slste Pencils, Sand Boxes. Also, a large assortment of Fancy Articles, to suit the trade, lor sale low at their cheap stationery ware house. No. 40 Maiden lane, np stairs. S93 TILANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY LAM- M.9 BERT fc LANE have in store scd are constantly manufacturing Account books, ol various patterns, auita-bls for various business purposes, and equal, if not superior nnnntv mil Vflrbmqnsli in tn nRprnt tn IhA TinrilK-.

PETER ROBERTS, 373 Broadway, has just received by the Great Western sseam-shiii, anl Fran cis 1st, from Havre, the following desirable new goods, to 1 vhich he respectfully invites the attention of country mer chants, the ladies of New-York, Brooklyn, Jersey and others, yiz CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS. Cases of plain Cambric Handkerchiefs from 10c a 4s do do do do do do do nem stttcned do oo ss a 31 do Revere do do 8s a lis Revere do do 31 a 33 Trimmed do do $3,60 $8 Richly embroide'd do do $1 a $30 Printed borders do blue and hem stitched Children's do do 10c a S3 MUSLINS. Cases of plain Jaconet, Cambric, Mull, Nainsook. Book, Swiss, Organdy, Tarlatan. Corded do col'd do Checked and striped Jaconet and Swiss do, lace do Together with a choice assortment of and French Cambric and imitation do, French and Linen Lawns in every width and quality, very cheap.

MUSLIN TRIMMINGS. Just received, an entirely new style of the above. Jaconet and Swiss edgings and inserting very choice and decidedly cheap. EMBROIDERED MUSLINS FOR DRESSES. Cases of colored embroidered Organdy Muslins for pro menade dresses, a great novelty, vtry choice and warranted to wash.

Richly embroidered do with tucks and revere, hem stitched, quite new and very elegant promenade dresses. EMBROIDERIES. Cases of richly emh'd collars, latest fashion, 9s 6d a $1. oo uo cnemezeties, very cheap, as a 32. do do Bnrt's Stomachers, fcc.

kc. for low and high neck retries, an endless variety. Children's Collars, all kinds. Infants' Frock Waists. Just received, a very choice and altogether different style to any thing yet received in.

the above, together with an elegant assortment of Infant Robes, Caps, ice, verv cheap. LACES. Cartons of Point Laces. Edgings and Insertines, new pat terns, very choice. ueal Valenciennes, quite new and cheap.

Brussels, great Bargains. English and German do do. IMITATION LACE3, EDGINGS, kc. Just received an entirely new style of the above, con sisting of Imitation Point, Brussels Point. Valenciennes, mauens, canton, Uentall, De fans and others, at greatly educed prices.

Lisle Edgings, Is a 9a per dozen yards, lc 9c oer yard. LACE VEILS, fcc. Cfeser black and white Brussels and Brussels Point Veils and Demi, in ereat variety. II. MYEKS ctt GEDNEY, TITO.

343 BROADWAY, would respectfully call 11 the attention of the ladies to their choice assortment of rich Paria Dry Goods, received by recent arrivals. Merchants from neighboring cities are informed that they will be supplied at a small sdvance from importation cost. Among the goods arrived by the last packets may be found the following, viz SlArt.r. Au VAINCY SILKS. Cases rol'd Silks, striped and figured Do light and dark Cameleon, very rich Do do watered do 1'onew style small stripe Do black and blue black Satin striped Do satin strip'd do do Do do Paris Foulards, new designs.

BROCHE AND CASHMERE SHAWLS. Cartons filled centres, all wool, new patterns Do rich striped Cathmere Do mode, color, richly emb'd Thibet Cashmere MOUSSELINF. DE LA1NES. Casesrich new styles Cashmere patterns Do small stripe, dark colors Do plaid, suitable for children Do second mourning VELVETS. Cases smsll medium colors, for children Do rich stripes and figures, for dresses.

FRENCH TRINTS. Hartman's and Gres Odier's manufacture. sundries; French and Italian Crape French Merinos Alpacca Lustres, Thread Laces Parasols, Sua Shades Silk and Cotton Hoae Gloves and Mitts of all kinds Linen Cambric s97 rtOTTOS BAGGING, BALE ROPE, TWINE sic. 3000 pieces Dundee cotton bagging 44 1-3 a 3 per yard. 3000 do India gnnny cloth 46 in.

9 lb yd 19 do Russia begging 1000 coils I in. Manilla bale rope -609 do in. Russia hemp do 3A0 do in lute do do 6000 lbs 3 ply fiax and hemp twines -10 bales im sacking 19 do green shoe'thread 10 do 8 4 aad 9-4 negro blankets 10 do colored horse do, for sale in lots to suit, on ivoraoie lenas oy SURR1TT fc JOHNSON, in 7 and 9 Broad st. VELVETS, VEST1NGS, CRAVATS, t-C. Blk and Bin blk Lyone Silk Velvets Plain Blk and rich fit 'd Satin Vestings Rich Cashaare Vestinga Blk Italian, Gros grain and fancy Cravats Rich fsney Scarf Cravats, newest styles Extra Rich fig'd Velvet Vestings' 1 Super Blk Silk quaUties fBtCordo, fce.

Just lsmled and far sale by 1 ri7' J. A. VOISINfc 17 WilUsm st FOULARD SILKS H. MYERS fc GEDNEY, 243 Broadway, have Just opened one case of dark striped Foulard silks, suitable for the fall trade. a33 3 iS 3 NEW YORK, MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1843.

CROTON WATER. sTHOTOH WATER MH.T.Fn r.niTr Plumbers, 116 Grand street, 9 doors east of Broadway fi.i T-. 1 nected with the use of Croton Water in Dwellings, Ware-! uraera (or tne introduction water are promptly executed. stii7 CROTON WATER, The tinned lead pipes invent-ed by Mr. Ewbank are, in the amnion of a nrr lam number of the boat chemists, physicians, and most scientific men 01 me age, tne only lead pipes that can be used with safety in conducting this Water.

Very great danger of pouon is incurred by the use or any other. Physi. ians and other scientific men refer to numerous eases where sickness and death has actually 1 eaulted from tha use of the common lead pipes. The subscriber has made arrangements to keep on hand a full and constant supply ot the tinned lead ipea, which he will sell to Plumbers and others, on the most favorebls teims. JOHN C.

CASS, No. 71 Broad atreet fROTOH WATE K. CHARLES HILLSBTJRUH- form the mercantile public that they can find at his 1, ZZlL esublUhment No. 78 Maiden lane, achoice assortment of Board to make and connect service nines for conducting Blank Books at verv low prices. Being himself a practi cal workman he can warrant all books purchased at hia establishment to be superior for durability of binding BlanK BOOKS raiea 10 any partem requireu wt aoori hmicb, Counting rooma furnished entire with first rate Stationery at a less price than can be done by any other establishment in the city.

S3U L. Ltuuis, fo ifiaiacn unv. HATDER'S STEEL PENS The agents for these celebrated Pensoffer for aale an extensive and keintiful asfortment, greatly increased during the present week. These Pens, handsomely done np in boxes and on cards, are unrivalled by auy pens before the public, and they are rapidly taking the place of all others. in addition to uayaen sstanaar reua, mere is a large stock of box Pens, at lowprioea, suited to every variety of writing.

The attention of the trade is called to our present large assortment S3 wuuu st tULULK, si rean sr. IYOOKBUDERS' LE ATM ER Sheep Skins, JL Bark Skiver. Colored Skiver, Russia Red Leather, Sheep Skins Various kinds, suitable for half and full bound blank work, also for law and printed work. I oiorea txiveni uocnineai, nine, no, maroon, Skiver Enzlish and American, thin and thick, of the Croton Water to houses and tenements, will attend to all orders entrusted to him with promptness and despatch. The public -may rely upon having their work done on v.l.

.1 1 1 1 1 kUWlMUUSl UU1 WDrSIDiD-USfl manner. Having been long established, and strictly atten-led to the plumbing business, he solicits and hopea to merit a share ot public patronage. All the necessary materials and fixtures, such as Hydrans of the approved kinds, improved Lead and Iron Pipes, Brass Cocks of all sixes and descrip tions, Leather Hose, Water Closets, Bathing Tubs and Ap kept constantly an hand, and for sale oa he lowest terms. tii CROTON WATER The most complete article with which to spread the Croton, is Day's Perfect Composition Hose. It is as clean as a piece oi muslin, and is now supplying the place 01 all other kinds.

A discriminating public has pronounced it the best Hose ever It is as much better than Leather as Leather is better than the common India Rubber, for the uses of Croton Water. Buyers are cautioned against having imposed on them a miserable imitation, which baa the outward appearance, but none of the peculiar properties of our Hose, which is an enure new aifacovery sou me process 01 malting wnicn is unknown out ef our Factory. Every piece has tne Koxoury ia. stamp, and msy be exchanged any time inside of six months from its pur chase, il found to be in any respect imperfect in its manu- tacture. HORACE H.

DAY, jyS Successor to Roxbury, 46 Maiden lane. CROTON WATER BLOCtv TIN PIPES These pipes have been subjec -rd to all the pressor; that the maximum sized lead pipe will bear, as established by the Croton Board. Many ve thought, that because these pipes are so much thint. I than the lead pipes, that they could not sustain the rest pressure of the Cro'-on Water. We will now go into the calculation.

The hydrostatic pressure, or head of water, abova the mean tide level, does not exceed l-JO feet, and all the pipes are above this level, therefore, the pressure is not so great but we will say I ap lent. A cubic loot oi water weigBf 1.000 os. Multiplied by 190 feet, this is equal to 190.000 oz in a column of water I JO feet high and one foot square this divided by 16, is 7,500 lbs. the pressure on the one loot square and this again divided by of quare inches in a foot superficial, is equal to 61 83-100 lbs. pressure on the square inch.

The tin pipe has stood the pressure of 1,700 lbs. on the square inch, tqualto 31 times the pressure of the Croton in the pipes and some pieces did not burst until up lov.vuu ids. on ine square incu, wnicn is mure uiun 38 times the presinre ot theoroti n. It is a new article, and the public cannot he too well informed ou this subject. The pipes are warranted both in purity of metal and strength, by the subscriber.

JAMES E. SERREI.L. No 16 Canal street, corner of Elm. N. B.

All these tin pipes are proved to ten times the pressure of the Crotou Water before being sold. m30 FOUNTAINS. The subscriber manufactures Cast Iron Fountains of various patterns and prices, from 130 to 1000. These Fountains present a style of beaut not surpassed by any of marble in this country or fcu rope. for their-superior advantages over marble, as to dura F.

bility, withstanding frost, the trilling expense of keeping their beautiful white appearance from year to year, and the comparatively low price at which they can be introduced into our Pleasure Grounds, adding to health, comfort and enjoyment, tho American Institute awarded a geld medal to the manutacturer at toe last air. D. FARNHAM, 347 Water street, jyl6 New York. PHI A Hyson and Young Hyson, fresh and of superior JL quality for sale by JOHN DUNCAN SON, S9S 407 Broadway, between Walker and Lispenard streets. 1 EMOSS 160 boxes Sicily Lemons in prime order JLat just landing and for sale by DANIEL G1L.MARTIN, 200 Front.

corner of sK Fulton st Cllll'SAKS Several cases just received in every va-' riety ol pattern. W. Broadway. Having 'had ten years experience in the manufacture of I IBi Y-f WATERED SILKS Very rich, at Blank Booka in this aud auoerior advan- I A BALING TWINE 3000 lbs for sale by s-13 WM HINTON, 84 low I tagesi fur securing the best of stock, and lor the adoption of I 29 D.

QEER. 313 Broadway, every useful improvement in binding. L. fc L- are confi dent that their books cannot be sut passed by any other "establishment. Books ol their manufacture may be examined in several of the Banks and Insurance Companies, as well as in some of the largest mercantile houses in this city, which hnve been inconstant use for years, and re main penectiy arm single Account books, or entire ana nouna to any pattern desired, at short notice.

1 L. fc L. have also Stationery of American and Foreign manufacture, comprising an extensive assortment of use ful articles. English, ranch and American Papers, of various sizes and qualitiea, laid, wove, hotpressed, kc. Copying Presses A new article, tor sale low LAMBERT LANE, Stationers, 67 Wrll st TWEW HOPS Growth of 1813, just received and far J-l sale a', the Brewers' Depot, by O.

W. RYCKMAN. 63 Tearl st. ST. CROIX RUM-20 puncheons, high flavored, for sale by su o.

w. kyckman, 69 Pearl st MALT SHOVELS-A few dozen, for sale at the Brewers' Eepot, by I3 O. W. RYCKMAN, 59 Pearl st. INDIA RUBBKR HORSE COVERS A good assortment, for sale at HODGMAN'S India Rubber Warehouse, sl3 180 Broadway.

T-ACISTOCH COATS AND CAPES, for sale J-v JL by the manufacturer, SI3 P. IIODGMAN, ISO Broadway. REMOVED. -D. HODGMAN'S India Rubber Warehouse has been removed from 25J Maiden lane to his old siana, imi nroaaway.

all SPERM OIL, for family use, of the very best quality, lor sale by S13 WM. WE8T, 109 Hudson st DRUMS AND AIR-TIGHT STOVES, for sale by the manufacturer. WM. WEST, 109 Hudson st. UNETTE WATCH GLASSES, of all sizes, for JLaf sale low.

in quantities of ten grace and upwards, at I No 11 Maiden lane, By so JNO. E. HYDE fc CO. BLACK AND PURPLE PRINTS 90 cases new style on extra super cloth for sale by D. ARNOLD, 68 Pine street.

PLAYING CARDS Eagle, Henry VIII, Mei Andrew, Decatur, and Highlanders Also, waiuwriais wnoiesaie ana retail, ny no CYRUS W. FIELD. rry French Frei 11AV1U EL I 945 Pearl reet, and 34Wall at. rriO COUNTRY MERCHANTS Just received Ja. a large invoice of superior manufactory Onills.

which will be sold very low. au30 BEARD fc CO. 20 Finest 9 Burling Slip. aTlALVES' FEET JELLY Fresh Jelly may be -a HBU4 est jj ll mr-as, THOMPSON fc WELLER'S Saloona, 679 Broadway. tOTTON DI CK 600 bolts of American TUot Duck, v.

mi quality, ior Bale Dy 19 COLLINS fc 66 South St. do Swiss and Jaconet la to 3a 6d, worth double the I HG IKON 95 tons GarUherrie, for sale by money. e. m. C.

300 doz white Cotton Hose la a Is fid, great bargains 400 do brown do do Is 3d a Is 6d, very cheap Children'shoae and socks of all kinds. s93 Maiden lane 'TOBACCO PIPES 3000 boxes short hunter and -St. negro, 4 or 6 grossed, for sale by EPWD IN NESS fcCO, 907 Water st. SHEETINGS 100 bales Heavy Brown sale by r. nkwuik JLBS OF WOOL, for sale very XJf low to close the lot.

by siO wrtua w. ricm, nurlir.g Slip. Jf ill If I LBS. of brown and white by slO --5 VF ing paper. inrt received and forsale Broad s.

BRIMSTONE AND SULPHUR Roll Brim stone Sublimed Virgin Rock Brimstone for Gun Powder and flour of Sulphur in by GEO. McBRIDE. 89 Cedar street WATCHES AND JEWELRY bought or taken in exchageby G. C. ALLEN, tmrorter of Wateheisind s7 Jewelry, wholesale and retail, 90 Wall street, up stairs.

hfJARTIER WATCHESA large assortment of silver Quartier watches, for sale on the most fa vorable terms to the trade, at the wholesale wstch rooms I oi JSU. HYDE CO. No 11 Maiden lane. ata MOVilHINU PRINTS A large assortmentof black and white; black and purples; and black and slates, from the print woiks of Messrs Plummer and Prince, tor sale oy bib p. H.

AtiwuLD.QB Pine street. FRENCH PINT CLARET BOTTLES-16 hampers of two gross pints each, of superior quality, ciiiiueu ucuciiJir. imf-vi re. wt arc uy ss ALM. ttuu nroad street, up stairs.

GEORGE J.BYRD, manufacturer and wholesale dealer in Umbrellas and Parasols, No. ISO Pearl nearly opposite Cedsr s-, New York. in. a. importers oi moreiis uroituie.

Cloths, kc S7 EWR SALE A very handsome light Carriage, near-JL ly new. May be seen at tha stables of Powell fc Norris, No. 437 Houston ft s99 lw MACARONI 35 cases Macaroni, superior article Jut received, and for sale by r. Front st, cor. Fulton COTTON BAGGIKG 30 bales superior Dundee Baeginr, 4:4 inch, on board Bark Blackness, for sale by WOODHULL fc M1NTURNS, sao 87 South st -m 1 IVERPOOL SALT 70S sacks on NO.

25 PINE STREET. BOOKSELLERS VALUABLE SCHOOL BOOK LEE'S PHYSIOLOGY Human Phvsioloe-r. tor the nse of Acade. mmua luiDw, iaa, composition anl Iron Pipes. Pumps.

I demies an.i biementsry Bcnooia. By marie a., ai i Hydrants, untaina, Bath Tubs, fcc. and every article con-1 D.late Professor of Materia Medieaand Medical Jarispra- dence in the New York University. A new edition, illus-trsttd by one hundred wood cats.

JuU published, by TURNER, HUGHES HAT DEN, Publishers and Booksellers, No. 10 John street. O. BKRTEAC. FRFNCH AND FOREIGN BOOKSTORE.

No SIS Broad way. no stairs. In this establishment will be found a fine collection of books on sciences, fiue arts, history and literature in an cient ana modern languages, scbool oooaa, oreex sua Latin classics, Leipiig editions, novels, and all the new French publications of interest. French Circulating Library. Orders for Europe executed by F.

G. BERTEAU. wo DJOBEBTP. Park Row, aVfA Directly opposite the Astor House, Booksellers and publishers and Dealers in all kinds of School Books, Bianx Books, stationery, ko. kc.

A full assortment of Standard. Miscellaneous, Scientific School and Classical Booka, constantly on hand, wholesale and retail. JV. B. Niles' Register, a complete sett in 61 vols, half bound snd cornered in Russia, for aale very low.

CC? Public aales every evening during business season. i30 A BjNCALS FOR GIFT With con- ia. tributwns from the "Author of A New Heme, kc." Miss Gould, Willis, Channing, Tuckermau, Hoffman, kc and eight steel engravings, 3 vols, ele gant. i he nose oi Sharon A Religious Souvenir, edited by its Ssrah Edgarton. The Literary Souvenir 10 engravings.

The Gift for All Seasons A Juvenile Annual. The Youth's Keepsake do do The Annualette do do The Golden Vase By Hannah Gould. For sale by M. H. NEWMAN.

tii 199 Broadway. 'IIHIS DAY PIBLISIIEB, by BURGESS AND JL STRINGER, 999 Broadway, cor. Ann atreet. The Re-cued Nun, or, A Convent and its wrongs. "In these deep solitudes snd awful cells, Where hesvenly, pensive contemplation dwells, And ever musing melsncholy reigns, What mean these tumults in a vestal's veins Price on shilling.

Also The Professor and his Favorites, by Mrs Emily Flygare, translated from the Swedish. This highly exciting Novel has been translated by an eminent Swedish scholar who is thoroughly accquainted with mist of the European language, by Dr G. C. Hebbe single nuns hers 96 cents $16 per hundred. For aale wholesale and retail by BURGESS STRINGER, 999 Broadway, sSO ror.

Ann street. WORKS ON PHARMACY Just received Fhamaccutical Journal and Transactions. Edited by Jacob Bell. Pereira Materia Medica and Therapeutics. New edition.

Dunglison's Therapcatics and Materia Medica. New edition. Thompson's Conspectus of the Pharmacopeias. Magendies Formularie de Vario Medicamentae Nuevos quiuta edition. Diet and Hygir-ne.

Forsyth's Dictionary of Diet. Davis' Manual of Preserving Health. Brimati l's Hygiene des Gensdes Lettres. Bull's HinU to Mothers. Combe, on Infancy.

Bradford's Mother's Medical Guide. Ticknor's Medical Philosophy. Reotfreyt Physical Education. Together with a large collection of Misrelllaneous aad School Books, for sale by J. 8.

REDFIELD. s-18 corner of Beekman and Nassau. Hr ALE'S GLOBE AND TRANSPARENT board shin Tallahasse from Liverpool for sale by s30 WOODHULL fc MINTURN3, 87 South st KHEATHISO COPPER- 8 cases 24, 36, 93 oz best i quality tnguan sneatning copper, lor sale by WOODHULL fc MINTURNS. s3 87 South st TTtGLISH FIRE BRICK 10.0CO Rufford fc M-A stouraridge, ire Brick, for sale by WOODHULL fc MINTURNS, sSO 87 South st SODA ASH 40 casks superior quality English Soda Ash, testing 90 per cent alkali, for sale by i vr v-i lux. ill, ill A Ultrrn, vi soutn st.

ENGLISH WHITE LEAD 64 kegs superior English White Lead for sale ia lots to suit purchasers sSO WOODHULL fc MINTURNS. 87 South st lafATHEHATlCAL INSTRUMENTS Tspe IT-m. Measures, Land Chains, Brass Dividers, Pocket Cosa- tor sale by NEWBOULD fc RUSSEL, No. 140 Fulton st, s33 between Broadway and Nassau sts, CELESTIAL SPHERE, prketJl.OO; smaller size, ia ou.

i nis instrument comprises tne two gioDes in uni son, sn armillary sphere, a planetarium, and a universal sundial it will resolve all, the problems on the Globes snd illustrate all the principles snd facts in Astronomy, and it will rei-der the subject of Spherical Trigonometry plain. From its simplicity, it is sdapted to Common schools, and irom its power, to the highest institutions and amateurs. To be had at VALE'S Nautical School, 91 Roosevelt street. New York, where lessons on the instrument msy be obtained. sl6 3w" 1HEAP STANDARD WORKS For rale by EDMUND BALDWIN, lao Broadway.

Alison's History of Europe, now publishing in sixteen numbers. 2S cents each Part Ilia nowjpublisbod. Shaks-pears, complete in 8 numbers, with 19 splendid engra-vingson steel. st96cents per number. Brando's EuclopsEdia of Science-JLiteratnre and Art, illustrated by engravings on wood, now complete in twelve numbers, 9a cents each McCollough's Universal Gazeteer or Geographical Dictionary, with seven maps on steel, to be complete in 19 or 2U numbers parti Just published 26 cents escu Lord By ron's orks, part II, will De complete in 11 parts at 96 cts, with portrait' snd six elegant engravings; Thier's History of the French Revolution, 4vs Svo sewed, reduced to $4, 13 engravings The Farmer's lEnciclopaedia, and Dic tionary of Rural AHain'; with engravings, in 90 numbers, at -is cents each.

No 14 just.publisbed. All the cheap publications constantly kept on hsnd. s-19 JJJHICK CENTS The Cheapest Book ever -ax. ruhiished. sale at No.

3 Aster House. Odd Stories with Slrsy Pla'es from Graham Magazine, containing 30 pages of Original matter, with a splendid teel engraving calledthe Bud and the Blossom. Contents. The Shepherds Love, by Dana A Sonnet, bv Tlios Noon Tslfourd The Goblet of Life, by Henry Longfellow Highland Beauty, a story in Csmp, by Oliver Old Fellow Lines written on a Portrait of Wm Henry Harrison, by Mrs A Welly To a Land Bird at sea, by Lydia Sigourney The Snow Storm, A Monologue, by Jeremy Short Esq. Apostrophe, by Albert Pike A gat he, A Louis Fitzgerald Tasistro The Queen of May, by Geo Morris Dreams of the Land and Sea, by Dr Reynell Coates a sonnet, oy J.

r. The False Lay de, by Henry Wm Herbert Sonnets called Evening and Hereafter, by Park Benjamin All of the above for 6 cents Published and for sale by GRAHAM fc CHRISTY, 3 Astor House N. B. Agents and dealers supplied with a liberal discount s99 mjEW PUBLICATIONS. FOR SALE mt the -Lw PLEBEIAN OFFICE.

corner of Nasssu and Spruce streets PUBLISHED IN NUMBERS. Froissart's Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the a-f joining countries, in 10 numbers, at 96 cents each 190 eng. Shakspeare's Diamatic Works and Poems, with notes and ccbings on steel, 8 numbers, at 96 cents each. McCulloch's Universal Gazetteer, or Geographical Die-tionary. In 90 numbers, at 36 cents each Pictoiial Bible, in 16 semi monthly numbers, at 95 cents eacn, witn ovr i engravings.

Encyclopedia of Chemistry, by J. C. Booth and M. H. Boje, in 90 numbers, at 96 cents each.

Pictorial Life of Napoleon, by M. L. De L'Ardeche, in 4 tois, ou cents eacn. Alison's History of Europe, from 1780 to 1816, in 16 nam bers, st 96 cents each. Brande's Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art, in 3 Bumpers, at is cents each.

Enclyclopatdis of Geography, by Hugh Murray, F.R.S.E. in 94 numoers, at go cents each engravings. Johnson's Farmers' Encyclopaedia and Dictionary of Rural Affairs 16 numbers, with plates, at 96 cents each. Lord Byron's Works, to be completed in 13 numbers, at 96 cents each. Hannah ore's Works, to be complete in 8 numbers, at 36 cents eacn.

aai THE DEMOCRATIC REVIEW FOR OCT. i. fc H.G. LAN OLE will publish on the 1st prox. the new number ot the Democratic Review for Oct 1.

Embellished by a finely engraved bust of Washington Alston. Table of Contents. I. The Baltimore Convention If. The King of Men III.

Change for Mr. Dickens's American Notes IV. Sonnet By H. T. Tuekerman V.

Origin and Ground of Government Concluding Article. cy u. A. urownson i. victor Hugo's orientates VIL New England Snpernaturalism.

(Continued.) By J. G. Whittier VIII. The Man that Killed a Spirit An Irish Legend. ny lorence niacartay IX.

The New Wife and the Old. By J. G. Whittier. X.

'Die Gedanken Sind Frey A Leaf from a Traveller Note Book XL Mr.Matbews's"Poemson Man" Xil The Widower XIII. The Landlor I. By Henry D. Thoreau XVI. The Fatherland By J.

R. Lowell XV. Washington Alston. (With an Engraving on sieei.j XVI. Stanzas.

Tnwrihed to Wra.Cullen Bryant XVII. Monthly Financial and Commercial Article XVIII. Ne Books of the Month XIX. Monthly Literary Bulletin American English. Terms of Subscription, So per annum payable in advance.

Subscribers names respectfully requested to be addresvd to the Publishers, enclosing subscriptions under frank of in a r. m. sso FRTI1K GEOGRAPHY OF JL end Class Book of Asttenomy allied by a Celestial Aas Projection. CoarTEtrrs or thc Atlas. 1.

Flan exhibiting the relative magnitudes, distances, ana position oi tue uuiertut uoaies wnicn compose li le solar System. 3. The Visible Heavens in January, February, and March. 3. The Visible Heavens in October, November, and Decern Der.

4. The Visible Heavens in July. August and Sen tern nor. 6. The Visible Heavens in April, May.

and June. 6. The Visible Heavens in the south polar regions for each month in the year. 7. -be VisiPie Heavens in the north polar regions lor By E.

H. Bumtt A with an introduction by Thomas Dick. LL D.auther of the Christian Philosopher. I have examined Mr. Burritt's Book on ths "Geography of the The pert which treats of the solar sys tem a correct ana interesxinc enitome oi mat rart oi j.

tronomy; whilst the first portion of the book, which treats of the fixed stsrs, is admirably calculated to diffuse a know ledge otwhst msy be termed Ursnowgy, or the natural history of the heavens. This last being (like other branches of natural history) a science of observation, is. peculiarly adapted tochildren.and naturally precedes the study of astronomy in the education of an individual, as it idintheadncationoftherace. With tha aid of this book and Atlas, and an instructor, this study presents fewer difficulties to a child than any branch of natural hiitory, commonly so called. auau.T, r.l 1." releasor ot jnaiaemuu auu naiianginr, Union college, scuenectsdy, The work above named, will be found very and interestinr to those who hsve visited "Russell large scale, a plan ot the solar syatsaB.

For saia at tne principal noes tores, and by Lda pvoraera, IIU6IUIU1UH SAVAGE, an30 316 Pearl street CHEAP OIL AND GAS STORE, corner of Hudson and Beach street, and Pearl street, ana door from Broadway. First quality Sperm Oil 7s per gallon. Unbleached Sperm 6s. -Refined Whale Oil 4s and 6a. Camphorated Gas 76 cents.

Caraphesne 60 cents. Sperm Candles at the lowest prices. Grocers Oil Cans, Tea Canisters, fj hand or made to arder- fis HEMP AKD CANARY SEED 60 baga Hemp Seed; 40 do Canary do. Just received, and for sale by rront st, COAL. CKHIGH COAL from tha Sugar Loaf Mines The subscribers have 0000 tons of tha above superior coal in their yard at Williamsburgh.

and will sell to steam boats, dntillers, factories, foundries, kc, in Urge quantities at very reduced prices. Ttua coai aaa oeen weii tesuu ana for purity and dutauility, cannot He surpassed, burns free ly makes no clinker snd Dot little asnns. Apply to fc BRIGGS. 40 Sooth st COAL $1,7 AND fS PER TON COAL AKLO AT-Th. subscribers have received and are new discharging, cargotaof the best Peach Orchard Coal, ship ped iu superior order, and lor sale at the following tow prices, delivered directly irom tne Doatfl.

iree ot cartage: nroaea ana egg. ..3 vv per ion Stove and Nut 4 76 do 8. REEVE fcCO, corner Murray aad Washington and Canal si 3 and Elm streets. ACK.AWANNACOAL Fresh from the Mines, at JLd the yards of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co- corner of Beach and West King and Greenwich r- uouvemeur si rnjuirj, ioii, naauu and corner of State and Furman sts- Brooklyn. Egg and Broken.

delivered Stove 4,60 Lump. 4,96 .4,96 Small Nut Orders also received at tha Delaware and Hudson Bank, corner of William and Pine streets. sl6 LEHIGH COAL, FROM THE YAKU.nri OBsUlty Clean unbroken lumps S-I i per ton Broken and egg size, screened. 4 60 Stove sixe, do 4 60 44 Nut size, do 4 60 Delivered free of cartage. N.W.WF.ST, and cor.

of Albany and Washington streets, se-1 cor.of Rutgersslip and Cherry st. NUT COAL BY THE CARGO Peach Mountain Nut Coal, a prime article, thrice screened, made through 1 snd over inches ot a cylinder screen, for sale by the cai go at a low price. Apply to tne ueiaware.anai company, io 10 wsinux st, Philadelphis, or to LAING fc RANDOLPH, s-Ht 960 Wsshington st New York- at AOAL FOR COOKING The subscribers efter for sale first anility white and rrey esh Schuylkill of various sizes, delivered from boats or yars, at the lowest market price. For cooking, either by range or stoves, the above named Coals are very superior, as mey produce no tinner, kindle easily, and makes a durable fire. 9 0.

fti f.T at corner Murray and Washington and s99 Canal and Elm street. sls RAY ASH SCHUYLKILL COAL The un- VS deraigned have for aale a supply of Giay Ash Coal, of the broken, egg, and not sizes, which they recommend as a very superior and article for cooking ran res. stoves and turn aces, as itforms no clinkers, ignites easily, and makes a durable fire. 8. REEVE fc CO.

corner Murray and Washington and Canal and Elm IVERPOOLORREL COAL AT BROOK. Li LYN The subscribers off. rs for sale, at the New York market price, delivered in Brooklyn, the best Orral Coals, particularly selected for family use. Orders received by RR STORY, So Fultcn st, Brooklyn. a.

kllvs (iu. IVERPOOL OR It EL COAL AFLOAT JLal The snbscribers will havedisrhsrging in afewdays. a tot of very superior Orrel Coal, of large size, suitable for family use for sals at the market price, delivered from the ship. 8. B.

REEVE fc corner array ana wasningron, ana s30 'ansl and Elm streets II ERPOOLCOAL lOOtons first quality pool Orrell Coal, on board ship Brooklt forsale by WILLIAMS fc GUION, 963 Pearl st. IVERPOOL ORRELL COAIa AFLOAT. JLal Now landing from ship Stephen Whitney, at foot of Maiden lane. Orrell Coal of superior quality, selected for family use, for aale in lots to suit purchasers, by aoi6 ROBT. KERM1T, 14 South St.

PER TON Peach Orchard Broken and Egg 9aJv Coal, afloat. Now discharging, a cargo of the I nest reach Orchard Coal, broken and egg siz.ts. shinned in superior order, and for sale at the above reduced price, aeuverea airect irom me vessel, iree or cartage. HtlVL St CO. corner Murray and Ws.hington snd til Canal and Elm sts EHIGH COAL, delivered en board of vessels JLat Bristol, Penu, as follows, viz: No.

Lump Coal at Egg and Stove size at, Small Nut at OS 96 Per ton of 9940 3 60 lbs. 76 CASH. ALSO, Lehigh Coal delivered on board of Morris Canal Boats at Mauch Chuck, and toll free on the Lehigh Canal No. I Lump Coal $1 10 1 Per ton of 3940 Egg and stove sixe 3 30 lbs. E.

M. PATTERSON, s36 No. 134 Washington st. New York. ICONOMY IS WEALTH, Franklin Kent's im-ai proved Patent Napoleon Biot Soles, Taps, fcc mans factured by R.

B. RUU'ILES Sd Gold street New York Count i Merchants, rhoo Dealers, and others visiting tha city oi New York, are invited to call at the above establish- men tand secure among their mort profitable purchases, a supply of Hunt's improved Napoleon Soles, which are warranted a saving to the consumer of more than fifty per cent, over the common article, for both coarse and fins Boots, he. Mr. Hunt's improvement consists in the introduction of screw rivets inserted in rows in said soles, instead of plain plugs as pstent ed by Mr. Jurisch, in France.

This manufactory. the only one in the world ot the kind, is opeateed wholly by new and ingenious machinery propelled by steam power. 60 Gold street, between Fulton and Bank man. 99 R. B.

(JOULES, Proprietor. SPAKKMAN Sf KELSEY, Have established a warehouse at No 366 Broadway, oppo site the City Hall, EXCLUSIVELY FOR FLOOR OIIi CLOTHS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT THE MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, anl invite the attention of the public to their assoit- ment of English and American Oil Cloths, comprising a great variety oi patterns ana qualities. S. fc K. by adopting the principle of attendins- exclu sively to this branch of business, and beine also larselv engaged in the msnufacture of the aiticle themselves, ara confident of being able to offer great inducements to those purchasing ettner at wholesale or retail, both in prices and selection of patterns.

Now opening, a splendid assortment of entire new pat terns and superior quality, of our own manufacture, which we can warrant well seasoned Also daily receiving sup- piiusirom vanousorner lactones, at ail prices. rAKSMAn, 340 Broadway. s7 opposite CHy Hall ti. Wanted a partner, either specie sT xva I For general, with a cash capital of a BBwiTenmr wamainnt amount oi cata capital with which he ia sanguine that he can do a businuss that would pay a net profit the fiiat yesr of five thousand dollars, the second year ten thousand dollars, and each sna- cesaive year fifteen thousand dollars. This is no airy fsncy, aa the advertiser can show any one who will give hia an opportunity neither is it any new business to tha advertiser, as ho has trsnsscted similar business aa agent eight years for a house that has made tha abova mentioned profit For the use ef the cash, which will be wanted about twelve or fourteen months, the advertiser is willinc to give the person furnishing theceah a mortgage on his property worth about four thousand dollars, (all the advertiser hasj as security as far as it gees, for the return of the six thousand dollars, and pay 7 per cent, interest for the uae of it until returned, and in addition make the person furnishing the cash half owner, and to receive half of the profits mi: iniHnui wiinout wear personal unless they wish to assist in the business.

Any person having the requisite amount of cash, and is willing to invest it in the business, after beinar satisfied of the truth of the above statement will please address R. n- tne when an interview may be had. autttf MARINE LIST. PORT OF NEW YORK, OCTOBER 1S43. iriiaifi I sunrises Monday Toeadar I 6 47 a ana aeta 1 high water 4 a 41 14 4) Evea I 44 Evea CLEARED SINCE OUR LAST.

Ships Courier, Wolfe. Rio Janiero; Pewhattsa, StesM. New Orleans, Johnson Lowden; Mariana, Phillies, Apa-Ischicola, Post fc Phillips-, brigs Olivia, Measa sis. Bi ear, in EfcT Psppc; Cumberland, Had ley, Master idee, kc. Bar- clay fc Livingston; Black, Haley, 81 Johns, NF.

Duns- comb fc Beckwhh; Sterling, Pierce, 8t Marys, Geo, Taylor kRick; Detroit. AaderMaL Gorystewii. Cotts sefcs Maedeooogh, Smaller. Aox Caves. Lewis; Danube.

Rich, sVerhice, Buck fc Peters; Heratie WUssa, (Br) Merrir man, St Johas.N Winniett Margaret, Woglosa, Savannah, John Ogden; Mirror, Chapssan, Edeotoas. NC, Wis- lianas fc Northern; Tioga, Crocker, Wilmington, NC, Oifden; Catherine Wilcox, A Ceeley fc Co; Michigan, Terry, Richmond, Johns Lewdesu ARRIVED SINCE OUR LAST. Ship Nile. Johnson. 41 as fm Live! pooL Bark Helen ds fm New Orleans.

Bits- Chtney, Crabtree, 6s ds fm Newcastle, via Frenchman's Bay. Br orisj Eyry, Knowltoa, 15 ds fas Sidney, KS-8ca Jonas Smith. Browaell, ds fm Wilmington, NC. Sea. Repeater, Francat, a ds fm Wilmington, ne.

8ch Edgar Lsing. TnrvieT, as fsa Newaersv, NC Sch Rose ka Brasaa, Wheesoo, 10 eU fm Ocraoeka. tinmn Ballsnca. 1 0 ds lm Ocrscoka. 8ch Thaddsns.

Driscoll, 6 ds fm Richmond. 8ch xcheoge. Mason, 7 ds faa Suffolk. Sch Virginia. Bedell, ds fsa Morfolk.

-Sea. Olivia, Rollins, 4 da fas Virsruue. Sch A Pists, Fisher, 3 ds fan Virginia. Sch Tyro, A rev, 7 as fm Virginia. SchsNisgars.Yonng; Silvia Higby, Higbyj Lsoungtoa, oung, and Native, iftiier, au rsa raiiaoa.

Sea Excel, Loveu, I as isa a MEMORANDA. A fine ship of about 670 tons, called Mae Malabar, to ha commanded oy Car. Sotosaon Freeman of Brewster, Mass. was launcaea irom tae snip yara of Joeepa Liarst, eq sn ens as inieaoeu see uiei ral freighting hiisinsis A fine bark was launched at Oaaaa River. Ca Tuesday last.

frem the vard'f Albert 8. Eells. Shesa ef about 960 tone burden, csUed tha Gen Prussia, and ia to oe commanuea oy vapx nuas uasaaaw, m.s. mmw going inui mew sreaiora aaroer. xsta alum, was ran into by sloop oaadwicfc, bsdly store, and lo4 her best ancker.

1 was knocked on. Tk.sloey'scatwatar Tha sch Brutus, at Lubee.froa Belfast, was run Into ha tha Narrows, 34th the steamer Telegraph, had saw- sprit and cutwater carried away, and stem started. The pilot boat Pocahontas, at Norfolk run into night of 97th alt, by a brig, supposed tho Montagus, sou to -Alexandria, and had her bow store in. lost twwsurat aatd jib, and sustained other damage. The shin Howard, from Liverpool for Isrannah-Wss spoken osT Charleston Bar 9oth ult.

Office oftho Rhode Islander. NEWPORT. SeptJO. -Ar schi Echoes, WieUing.fsa Boston for Pfciisda; Uw Ballard, Dawson, fsa rrevideoce tor Virgiaia; Experiment Atkins, fm Bedford for NYork; sloop lien Brsnaard. Patter, fa Providence for NYork.

Sept 30- Sid, seas Amenea. Lmiity. ana Eclipsa. lJtasn Lagiange, Norfolk, Edw Ballard, Virginia; last, asxl Experiment, NYork; sloe pa Vic tery, Man star, Massarcfc, uen nramara, and lerx. PHILADELPHIA, Oct 1 Ar briaGrssiitsHoogdost, fca Lubcc; Perto Race, Cottrell, la Boetosi; achs I lata, Proaaa, fa Calais; Helen, Sears, fm Plymouth, Mass; Lisa, Baker, fa Boston; barks Porpoise, Drake, fa NYork.

Sept 30 Ar berks Louisa, Gallagher, fa Hsraaa-, Dataware, Fisher, fm Boston brigs ooatam. Baker, da; Yaadsr Ua, Betty, do. Sch rellowship, arnhsa, fa Labee. Bchs Olive, Elizabeth, from LuLec; Twe Brothers, Bennett, do. BALTIMORE, Sept 30 Aracha Lnrana, Wilson, frosa Portsmauth, ML NORFOLK, Sept 93 Ar brig Eliza fc Susan, Dyer, fa NYork, schs Sun, Staunton, fa Stenington A Aeke man, Weeks, fm NYork; Eliahe nuckaan.

Pecrca, sto; Ex. fPedltlous, Jones, do; Baile. Powell, do; Potomac, Lonaag, 'a Richaond; bound to slaw Guilford, Coleman, fa Loudon. Ships Pocahentas, Higgins. fa Bordeaux; Napier, Ban-ford, mr Rotterdam, and Roanoke, Smith, for Rao, all fm Baltimore, have gone to see.

Sept 90 Ar sch Wave, Rafes Boston. RICHMOND. Sept 9 Arachs Wa Allan. Spaulding, fa Boston; Msry, Clark, Swsat.dsv FREDERICKSBURG, Sept tsWUMsch TarqaixsPaisa, Boston. CHARLESTON, Spt 97 Ar sch John A Demsrest, NTrrk.

Sept IS Ar brig Moon, Hayes, fa NYork. MOBILE, Sept 33 Arkrig Nov York. NEW ORLEANS, Sept 91 Ar berk Sabt Morris. Outar- bnde. fa Hasans'; brig Apalachicala, Brewer, do.

LU EC, Sept 93 Ar sch Melville, Kent, NYork. CALAIS, Sept 3uU AT schs Jersey THE ORIGINAL LEMON SUGAR REVIVED. I II Ml The proprietor of this inestimable Beverage is now I Which lished it at prepared to lurmsli any nnantitv of tha Lemon a the shortest notice. It is the chospest. purest and snoot wholesome beverage that has ever been ottered to the It is prepared solely from tho fresh Lemon anil Sugar, by chemical and mechanical nroceaa.

and frn. every deleterious quality. us use is peculiarly adapted to pi ivate families, count ing bouses, otHces. family parties, and parties of pleasure, being a beautiful article, requiring no process ol preparation than mixing it with water saving all the i tne It will be found an invaluable arlielai on tmn I boats snd ships at sea as it will keep rood without change ofits qualities for any length of time if kept dry. Prepared snd sold, wholesale and retail, at No.

.6 Nasssu at by Ju' M. GAYLORD TRANSPARENT AV I ft DOW SHADES. riT.HK aabsenber respectfully solicits the attention of puuiic to nis iicn and elegant assortment of THE HEAVERS I 1 "uies, comprising every variety, and ,1 vol. ISmo- accom 1 1 8 Pnce ln conformity with the state of al to, neatly colored Ti in quantity and of any dimension easn aonin in tne year. TIKn.

nuntv si r-nnttawnv York. a Planisphere ot the Whole Heavens, on Mercafor. 7 ZtorZHSZTSZZ. Brandt ot 1941. GEORGE PLATTJ 13'Spruce street, New York ifuvit-i nsLwr -AFSA'-ost Iaat evening at Rnssell'a Concert roem or hew-M mnAWA.

liamiburgh via Broadway and Grand street, a dark pocket waiiFT containing a sum ot money an-l a lew papers of no use but to the owner. The finder is welcome to as much I ot the money as will pay htm for bis trouble, if he will I send the pocket book snd papers to the owner through the B. The owners name wason a ticket of the i we lDrary Associstion. a30 Also. 10 do in Bond la Pipes Old Holland Cm, and puncheons Jamaica Rum.

si.i.TUi;n fc 130 141 Broadway. BOO" AS" SIIOES-Coontry Merchants and crnnjiuB a general as- ssrtaent of the above articles- Alao, Hats, fur, cloth and sealette Caps. N. BA large invoice of thick kip and cal Boots and calf Brogans, sewed and peg'd. The above will be sold very low for caah, or short time for approved pa- Pleass call and examine (dont forget the number.) GALS fc CO.

No. 360 Pearl st, cor of Fulion, UIi U. States Hotel buildings, jrk. ia one of the first ready mads Clothing EstabliahmenU in -ukiuiu. aaiarv not ao much an obieet as a nerntaneni sitnatioB.

Unexceptionable references oan be siren. eor. Fulton. r33 Apply at MARK LEVY fc BROTHER, S3 1 40 Mai Jen laoe. TO STATIONERS.

JAMES PARDOW.95 Msiden Isssa.a-'ers for sale a large aaaoitiaent of Rodgers fc Sons' Kntvea, Steed Peas boa all the best makers, silver snd aermaa SUver Pencil Cases. Pencils, Leads, Ink, fce. Blt 1 avbral naire. Maiden irtnient of cutlery and fancy rooda. am one which are Knives snd Forks in dozens and an sets, pocket, pen, dirk and bewle Knives, Razors, Scissors ft poena.

Forks, Buttons, Hooks and Eyes, Thimbles, Knitting rii is, Bteei reus, asn nwsi, rrotauicv, rt bus kins. Pistols, Silver and German Silver Pencils, Butter -i- i inea. Pocket Books. Buckles, fcc Oak, Shaw, New Bsptze Ar brig Clinton, aUTborn, Bo- PORTLAND, Sept 37 A brigs Centurion. Norris, Point Petre, Guadeloupe; Hsriaaeeket, Cram, Philada; ads Taaar Mo era, Havana.

8ept3 Ar sch Cull, Bsrbarick, NYork. PORTSMOUTH, Sept 36 Arses- Philsds- Ar sch Henry Clay, Fester, NTorx. NEWBURYPORT.SerH 39-Ax scat Oraxiabo, Maria-, Philada. FRO VIXCETOWN, Sept 98 Ar sch Frosts. Caok.f-l Atlantic Ocean, 6 mes absent, with 300 bbls black Bah aad 16 do sp oil.

BOOTON.SepttO-Arship Nestor, Moses, Liverpool, Ang 10; schs John Murray, Devsreaux, NYork Grape, Perkins, and Nile, Bell.Kennebunk. Sept 30 Ar barks Lawrence, Howes, Baltimore; Turk, Eld radge. Philada; brigs Cronstadt, Hatch, CoBStrwrt; Alan en a. Dill, Baltimore; achs Wa Wilson, Bakar. rnilada Council, Baker, do Pala, Crowell.

do; Alexandria, Cre-well, do; Jaats.Hall, do; Lewis, Bruce, Studly, oof; Foam-tain, do. GLOUCESTER, Bert 96 Ar schs Oread. Philadelphis for Clay, New York for PortsmoutJ- PLYMOUTH, Sept 34 Ar ack A talents. Cooper, Nov TAUNTON, SoptSS Ar ech Sank, Stasias, rUl-daV phis. EDGARTOWN, Sept 2s Aj ach Policy, Read, fa Camden, for Wilmington, NC NEW BEDFORD, Sept 39 Ar ack Prineaes, Backs Philada.

NANTUCKET, Sept SB Ar ack Philsda Barnard, Philadelphia a loop Mary Bums, Foots. Virginia. PROVIDENCE, Sept 38 Ar schs Coastadlalaon, Cnf liah; Charlotte, Haskell, and Decker, Smith, Philadelphia-Sent J-Blow at anchor off Field's Point, berk Zsxto-bia, Remington, fa Conatradt, Elatneur, Aug 4, with kaasp and iron. HARTFORD. Sept 38 Ar achs Eunice Rose, Oaiaaes, Kingston; Jane, Thrasher, New York; sloop Speaker, do.

Sept 99 ArachsGea Isaac Davia.Tayaor, la Philada Garland, Simons, Richmond. From tha Mohawk Courier. COL. YOUNG AND THE C0NSTTTDTI0NAL REFORM. Singular as it may appear, it ia not tho leas true, that some of the Conservatives among us, (for area Old Herkimer ia not exempt from such politicians,) are actually asserting that Col.

Young is rat hero p-posed to the project of Constitutional Reform I Samuel Young, the veteral defender ot Popular Right! opposed now to a realization of those governmental reforms for which he long and gallantly contended contended, almost aingle-haBded. against overwhelming odds Old Saratoga" basely deserting the battle field flying cowardly from the contest to which hi patriotic example had incited multitudes ol hi fellow -citizens Credo JudtrxtM. But those who recollect how tha tame conservatives prophesied about the course of President Van Buren, will not wonder much at these ridiculous reports about Col. Young. That sagacious class of partisan, early in 37, confidently predicted that Van Buren would take fc coarse very different from the course which he actually did take soon afterwards in recommending the "Independent Treasury" as the best corrective for tho evils resulting from forming connections between politics and banking.

In reference to Col. Young, tha falsification of their reports is not less signal than tha reports themselves were ridiculously absurd. It is fortunately in our power to rebut tbeaa conservative calumnies, fur calumnies they are against Col. Young, by publisbiog a letter from that time-honored veteran to the executive committee of the State Constitutional Association. Wa obtained a copy of this letter from one of the members ot the committee but would not bare pub present, were it not lor the perUnacity some ot tne conservatives are repeal- in their remarks about CoL Young's coolness in the reform cause now while crowds of people are collected in attendance on the Circuit Court at present in session at Herkimer.

We trust that, under these circumstances, we may be excused tor printing the letter, without waiting for a formal sanction from the Executive commute. It seems, from the teoorof Col. Young' reply, that the gen tleman who addressed him referred to similar mis- neiuaii wuusuui i UDorand uncleanlineae of prepaiing it in the ordinary I representations in Albany ad elsewhere; and wa recollect that, about in aaie oi ids cotTesponaenca between CoL Youa and Mr. O'Reilly, paragraphs appeared in the Albany Journal and other papers intimating that the Colonel's non-attendance at tha Reform Convention in New York was occasioned probably by a flagging zeal in tha txostitutional cause. With these introductory remarks, wa now submit the letter of CoL Young a document which, though brief, takes strong and noble grotind- ground worthy of lhe writer and tha glorious causa with which hit name is identified.

LrTTrn or Col. Yotma. Albaxt, September 2, 1S4S. Dear Sir I have received your note of the 29th ult. in which you state that my non-attendance at the recent convention in New York has led to insinuations, not merely that I waa less ardent than formerly in the causa of Reform, but that I was announced among those who were expected at that assemblage without sufficient authority to justify a belief in my attendance and you intimate a wnth Ul 1 should obviate mesa u-srepreaeuuiuos-i us misapprehensions.

I had intended to be at the convention, as I stated to you some days before it took place and it I had entertained the slightest suspicion that my abssnca would in any way impede tha carte: Reform, I should bare attended. But I saw it announced that I was to addrcu the assemblage in the Tabernacle an annunciation not authorized by me, and which I confess had a strong influence in piwrent-ing my attendance. A the period approocneo. the weather became oppressively warm ana, apprehending that I should be strongly urged to address the assemblage, and fearing that in a crowded WOOLLEN DRAPERS AND TAILORS be ble to apresVm valaabls -Wanted a situation, by ayoung man. in the above I would fall before I ZjVTZi iell'sPla- busmea The advertiser bavins -been a consiJwable time I views of Constitutional Reform, I concluded to abindon my purpose ot attenaing me cooveniioo, believing that ample justice would be dona to tha subject by others nor bare I bean diawppointed in this belief.

I hope that no one seriously apprehends that I am growing cold in the cause cf Constitutioeial Reform. On this subject, until recently, I have for many year stood nearly alona and new that powerful associates Me springing up in various ol the state, do not for a moment suppose that I either relax or despond. Daring the last years, I have on rations occa-ions. in oBiau. ra-ports, speeches in the legislature, letters and otherwise, pointed out the rapid encroachments or delegated power, the gros violation of constitutional inhibitions, the alarming increaaa of public.

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