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Press-Courier from Oxnard, California • Page 10

Oxnard, California
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THURSDAY, JANUARY 5. Women's Gctioities Mrs, Q. E. Nuckols New Forty Leaguers President Mis. Nuckols of Cama-lmuch philanthropy in the Coun ii'io idqk ine as presinenny.

Currently, Iwo girla are tak- ot t-otiy Leaguers at an distal- mg nurse's training on Forly latlon nf new officers following (Leaguer Kcholarships. a illnnnr meeting at the Pier- other welfare work is ilnue in punt inn in Ventura on 'files- the county through various nay mghl, latencies. Members collect hooks utiiL-i new ofiicors or ttio lor ihe mobile library at £1 uituty-wicle club are Mrs. Joe John's Hospital In. Oxnaru and virn-nn-ii-jaia the Women's center in Ven uem.

,111 s. u. ungnnm or ux-hirn. The group was organizer! nard, secretary; Airs. Ari of Soiuis, treasurer; Mrs.

I'Yan Vaudoit of Vcnlura, sncinl Oscar LaiUord nf Ventura, wellare chairman; iintl Mrs. Jloulharilt of Ox-uard, srrgeam-at-arms. Mrs, Calvin tlniliani or Ventura, past president, Ihe installing officer. The Forty Leaguers, a cluh n'hleh gels its name fiont a limit of does VKXTcnrc cluh At a dinner 'meeting at Kit's Pnlnmltiu Room on Tuesday night, members of the Venture Cluh discussed projects they plan to carry out during the coining year and matte plans for a membership drive The next business meeting will lie held on Jan, 17 at the home of Mrs. David JJarringcrj O.W.Vltl* WD.MKX'S Cl.t'll Delegates for the rnimty contention of Federated Hepubli-rau Women's Clubs, which will be held at the Katicoy Country iuii nu Jan.

jq. wcrc selected Ht a hoard meeting of the Ox n.u-ri Women's Club mi Tuesday morning at home of club president Mrs, r.arc' ounce Birth Lying-Iri Mr. and Mrs. Elias Velarde, Hard, girl, (i pounds, minces, uec, n. Mr.

and Mrs. Bruce Richard O.vFurd. Thousand Oaks, girl, Mr. and Mis. waller Morgcli- thaler, Oxnard, boy, 10 pounds, Wi ounces, lire.

31. Mr. and John Wesley Al- stol, Oxnard, hoy, 7 pounds, fi Jan. 1. Mr.

and Mrs. Karl Camphcll. Port 1-fueneme, girl, 7 pounds, ounces, Jan. i. lliieiirmo Mr.

and Mrs, Pete Salazar, Oxnard, hoy, 7 pounds, ounce, npr. 31. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Skinner, Oxnard, iwy, 5 pounds, im ounces, Dec.

31. Mr. and Mrs. Rochelle Badgell' Oxnard, boy, 7 pounds, 12 ounces, Jan. 1.

Mr. aiid Mrs. Ihizinr Mr pounds, in! ThomriFi We; 7 pnunds, in 1038. Santa Barbara, hoy, pounds! on the agenda of Tuesday's meeting wove closing re ports from retiring officers. Mrs.

Graham, Mrs. Hay Witch erpfennig of Camarillo. Mrs. Herhhy of Sanla Pan and Mrs. Jack Kitchen of Kn- mls, and of out-going commit tee chairmen, Mrs, Frank Mc-rrratli Jr.

of Oxnard, Mrs, Boh (Jill of Oxnaril, and Mrs. Nuck ols. Martin. JJeleg.ilcs thill will represent the local club are Mines. John Tucker, Clolda McKinley, Ray Judy, Henry Weber, Marion t.

raves, lone navies, Sally Nichols, If. Lenox, Charles Rob mscm, Hudson Fields, Jack Graves and Martin. The county-wide convention vi-IH include a business meeting miui win uegin ai iu a.m., followed a luiicheoii at noon All Republican women are in vited to attend r.nd are asked 10 send I lie i reservation and check for $3, the cost of the luncheon, to Mrs. Let Martin uy Jan. u.

Uh Jan. 13 the delegates and ward members will meet at the nomo 01 Airs. K. J. Thompson, 102 North street, at 1:30 rt.m.

rresent at Tuesday's board meeting were Mines. Thompson Lenox, Marlon Graves. Tucker. Judy, McKinley, and Joe Wall. Ill" E'Ll CATK HHmCK Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Nielsen scored men 1 he ihmli liridKe Club mod In? on day nifflit when the Howell mi vemenl was played. Mrs. Bess Klliolt and Charles Lydey were second; Mrs. Doro- toy warn and Mrs.

H. J. Me. Dum, third; aim Mrs. Gporge Voll and Mrs.

Max House fotirlh. Mr. and MVs nu 1. uieiunei uu, uuy, pOtmdS: ounces, lan Mr. and Mrs.

Dowliug- Miles, 'on Huoneme, hoy, pounds (i'Ii ounces, Jan. 2 Mr. and Mre. Richard HocNon Oxuavd, pounds, 15 LEtJIO.N Af.VCr,fAHV Hlith Woi-den, lfith District rusidenl, will make her official isit Lo Ibe Oxnard American cKion Auxiliarv bt tobe held oil Tiiesdav. at fi nm he C'ommunitv Center.

Mow members will be Initiated at the meeting. ine sewing group of Ihe inxdlary earned a citation foils activity last year. It meets 10 am home of Miss Caral llebn, South street, to 'do rehabili- ton for and lamilics. GVt (Garden Club were ashed i0 ply flowers for the I'sri li'riday during the month of wnen nicy uicl Tuesday morning al lire home of Mrs. Mrs.

Sulhcrhiuri talked about Ihe care of African vlolels ntvi showed a display of the flowers slic had grown. C. was NOW OPEN Holland and McCarty PHOTO SUPPLY take pleasure in announcing their new location at 543 South A Street OXNARD (Next to the New Penncy'i) We extend a warm invitation to oil our friends to come in and see large, modern store. The same friendly service us rn our the same complete stock of Cameras, Films, Act oudand venl Christy Koetters celebrated her 7th bfrltiday on Saturd; with a luncheon al her home given by her mother Frank Koetters. Those present were i-iouana, Robyn Ho mans, JJhda Oliver, Linda Me Pheirldge, Linda Horsey, Marl lyn Rosebraugh, Pamela Cover ly, Becky Bridges, aim Lorraln.

After luncheon the' all went lo the Acorn Theater where they saw f'Thc Lartv and tne and Mrs, Jeffor surprised on Christma eve hy the arrival of Mrs. Jef brother. Ed Matlerti, fron Crelghton, Neb. His molhor, Mr; Maltern, who was 08 oti Christ mas Day, was very happy as; sfte not seen htm for sev years. Other guests on Christmas dav were Mr.

and Mrs, Erv V.nughr from Oniaha antl Mrs. Mattern1! granddaughter and husband Mr, and Mrs. C. Atigster, from asadena. Guests for four davJ at the jorrers' residence were Mr.

and Mrs. W. W. Hntcheti with Kathy and Jeffery, from san uiego Mrs. IS.

A. Ortiz on l.hnslmas day for her daughler Mvs, Albert Rodarte, and family her son Ralph and family Sacramento, her two sons from Oxnard, Raymond and Ed-, rile Lopez and families, and her' aunu necember, was Mrs, bltih- day, which spent at Ihe, home of her Mrs. Evelyn Ortiz in Oxnard. She also spent New Year's there.i The entire staff of the World fungle Compound was enter tained Christmas eve al a lurkey dinner given by Mr. and Mrs.

William Richards and Mr. nu Jilrs. trader Horn. Mr. and Mr: Ben Weber en- let-lamed at their home it witn a cocklail parly which included Mr.

and Mrs. Hanns uercnten-Ureiter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry from Malibu Lake, Mr. and Mrs.

Molanizar from Ojai, Mrs. Ophelia Estrada from Camarillo and Mike Welirr. ed a blue ribbon for llm ellia specimen she brouehl. Oscar Ross was given a blue ribbon for her dried ar- Mrs. Milton Hill reed a red ribbon for a dried Mrs.

Sutherland served re-eshmenls. Thoso attending ere Mmes. Robert Smlili Oscar Ross, C. Howard less Hencley, Arlluir TO. Mavnr Rex Kteffey, Milton Hill, Rob ert llnrker, David Reese and Phillips.

Ihe next meetSiiK will be held at the home of Mrs. Henrley, 1 nnard wi meet. on jan: at the home of Sutherland. that the itanffer Syjtem you feel stimulated, full of eriCDuragci OXNARD HU 3-T101 KIjKCTED Installed lo election yesterday were, left to rluht D1ck, secretary; Mrs. Richard Pagelt second president.

Newly elected officers were nstallerf, final reports made did service awards presented al ihe Ventura County Girl Scout Council in Ventura yesterday. Taking office for 1D36 were Mrs, Robert I.ongriecker, Oxnard. president; Mrs. Arthur Langford, Raneho Arnaz, first vlce president; Mrs. Richard Pagett, second vice president.

Mrs. c. a. Reynolds, secretary, and Mrs, Alex treasurer, all of Ventura. District rhali man elected were Mrs.

John Sorrenllno, Ox- lec ilueneme, Mrs. J. Camarillo, Mrs. Krederick Smith. Fillmore, Mrs.

Pete l''ai(jo, Ventura, and Mrs. Dun-! can iucKenzle, Ojal. Officers were Insf ailed afler tlie annual meeting hv Dr Charles Butler. Ojal, a former president of the cuunly council. Tile asscinljly program Included a fine iTroon led bv Mrs.

Panel! iiivocaliou delivered by the Rev. George Hoot, pastor of tlie Ven- uiral-lrst Methodist Church PTA Notes 'WOOJJHOW WILSON me executive board of the Woodrow Wilson PTA will meet on Monday at p.m. at the home of Elliott B. Thomas, principal of Wilson School, Douglas avenue, n-nnsi will he Paul -v. science tear in- al th school.

I Br A ead the Ventura County nirl Scout Council aflcr their Mrs, Arthur Laueford. first vice inesldput- Mi-; aw ice president; and Mrs, Roberl Longnecker, rieis-CotJoj VhnLa Qirl Scout Council Officers Installed where the meeting was iiiiuuies ot tne annual ses-h nxn.m.. nroEram chairman: Mrs. George Renn- Oxnard, pub-lie relations; Richard Heaton. venun-a, finance; Mis.

William Hill, Ojai, staff and uffice; and Mrs. Rohert Harris, Ventura raining. Joseph curran, Oxnard md airs. Roy Loop, Oial, were naiocil nieniDers-al-larsp, and Kenneth Real on, Oxnard was named Lo the council's lnembership-iioininating committee. Service awards were made tt Henry Prairie, Ojai, a 15- year pin, and Mrs.

C. P. Ba Ventura, 10-year pin. rins for five years of service were awarded lo Ihe following Mrs. -lames Cotiltas, Mrs, Calendar rlany, 6 Noontime Lions Cluh, Palomino Room, noc Cuh Scout Council of Por none.

p.m. Women's Missionary Snciely First Presbyterian Church 2 p.m. WKflS, St. Paul's Churrh, p.m. King Raines Lodge l.O.O.

Hall, p.111 Eastern Star Lodge, Temple, p.m. It's Here! MODERN NEW VENTURA STAUFFER SALON Now you con reduce safety Jf you'ie tired of being ovcrwcighi, of dieting und giiinins it you owe ii 10 yourself Ic.irnibcui VKNTURA'S modem new Stauffer System saloo. 3,000,000 luceiSi (T0IIC5. Millioin of women have used StsufTer Sj-strna (o £ain a lovely new Here arc two sample success stories: Afn. GVrfft' Las Angela, rcittrcd from she 40 ia attractive the 14, ton 6tt pounds in 1 1 months, Mrs.

S.viaiint Schaitctcr, Gtcxtiale, 9 inches of! hips in i months, reduced Irons ISO to a slim IV pounds. TOU GAIN OVER-AIL liAUrr. The SlnnlTet gently molds you into alluring contours! turns, tones and trjms hips. -shrinks bulging turnmi cs si i ms thick ani; les aids in creating a new, youiliful posture. (All without the use of drugs, hfAt, strenuous diet or exercise.

You don't even disrobe.) MOW. Don't put off improving youi figure aoy longer. Let us show you how fisily'you can look more beautiful, fed better and have the myhsh figure nefded for today's fashions. RltuiTJ OUANANTHO. We guarantee in writing to reduce you you need it aod keep you that way.

You are given personilized mention, and your complete satisfaction is assured. For a li now (we PHONIt Houn FREE TRIAL (rial treatment call Miller 3-7C53 open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.), No obligation. Call today unti life a 2534 E. Main St.

Miller 9 a.m. lo 9 p.m. Mon Sat Hue Method! Ivey anrl Mrs. R. S.

all of Oxnard; the membership composition 1 pS' council. mis. ...111 andlug committee chairmeni elecled included Mrs. Alex Gos-itmtt- Vrnioi-a New Year's Irlvc parly for teenagers was given at Ihe Jim Alger home lasl weekend. Cray and lavender streamers and tontines and hundreds balloons were strung from the ior tieeorations.

Al nuil-'iilglU a basket of another hundred svns broken. Entcrlainmcnl during ihe enlng Included a small floor show at 10 p.m. and a jittorbus conlest at Jl. iiefrealiiiKMUal were served just before the new year nrnvetl. fiuests were Uevcrly Morlen- son.

Uooti; Stanshur.y, Jo Anne siiva, jjinda Christine, Joycei uauegos, Dina Petit. Kugenia Pulnam, Theresa lingo, Alford, Averlll Henry, Jay Hud-ley, Hilly Lambert, jlarilyn Victors, Doiniii Todd, Donna Kyle, Joan Parsons, Gall Drown; Lois 1 Lynda Acltemian, Marg McDonald, 1 vnnne Gallegos, Phyllis Eaton, Barbara Kvans, Judy Rosweli, lutly '1'hompsnn, Connlo Hancock, Judy Diane Alger, liar-barn Hord, Peggy Sullivan, Het ty Hots, Tlaeleiirj Drill, Dorothy Asher, Joan Jensen, Sharon Linda' Cuvins, Beadio Sutton, and Valil Mar Alger. uitiers u-ere Jack Nelson, Wine Watson, Lennie Sieve Williamson. Jim Houck, Ted Morion, Don llutau. Mike Davis, Bill Grater, Denver Greg Nesen, Melvin Sivrm, Chuek Drummond.

linn King, Jiiooney, Tony Laz-nrich, Darryl Jlortenson. Hill Nelson, Eddie Plummer, Tom llenson, Fiber. Jerrv Oakley, Joe Gene Kershaw, Marly Daly, Max Ltmdherg, PAGE ELEVEM' JPurtied and JperAonaL George McDonald, Alim CJova-rrublas, Jerry While. I'ost, Napier, Dean nodgers, Pat O'Hricn, Dale Itodgers, Jim Shcllon, Duly, Jerry House, Doyg Williams and Richard Johnson, with Mr, and Mrs. Alger joining In on the evening's fun.

A N'ew year's ftvc pariy Kiven tiy eg Deisel at homo of his mother, Mrs. Denu Deisel, Inst weekend for the set. Greg is a at (he University of Suiithern California and wat home for U10 holidays, Mr. anrl Mrs. I.nenn Guv Biireh are at home at 10DI5 North Olive streeL in Ventura following their marriage on Dec.

'n at the home ot the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, William Carr, in Col lege t'ark. The Rev, Hob-art Maxwell officiated. Attend ing the couple were Mrs. Carr and Ray Rlackwell of Sanla Barbara, Mrs.

Hureh, the former Ren-n Jo Lively- is the daughter Mr. and Mrs, Claude W. of Soniis. Her husband is lie son of Jim Durch and Mrt Vivian Butch of Ventura. Homo after spending ths week between Christmas and N'ew Year's Day at Green Val ley Lake lu the mountains tween Lake Arrowhead and Els' uenr ljaKe are nnu Mrs, joa Crosby and their Eon Harry.

Three of Harry's cousins accompanied them on the vacation. JANUARY CLE ARANC Here It your opportunity to make nubjtnntlnl during our first Januory Clcoranco in Oxnard. At the Suburban Shop you'll find 10 many well-known nomci In women's apparel now reduced to moke woy for new mareftandije (oort to arrive. Hurry and Savel LANZ DRESSES 1 group of winter cottons, wools and taffetas $19.95 to $45 values 516 HOLIDAY DRESSES 1' group of $14.98 to $29.98 to $22 JERSEY BLOUSES 1 group $5.98 to $8.98 values $4 to $fi WOOL SKIRTS 1 group $8.98 to $14.98 values $7 to $11 COTTON BLOUSES 1 group $2.98 to $5.98 values 52 to $4 Many other Items oil greatly reduced! SUBTEEN DRESSES I group $10.79 to $12.98 values SUBTEEN SKIRTS 1 group $5.99 to $7.99 values Sportswear Dresses Accessories 'MISSES 57 to 59 to 56 339 SOUTH A ST. ACROSS FROM POST OFFICE.

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