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Oxnard Press-Courier from Oxnard, California • Page 1

Oxnard, California
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The Oxnard Daily Courier BAROMETER May 13 90.21 May 14 30.1t AND THE OXNARD DAILY NEWS VOL. XX OXNARD, VENTURA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1927. NUMBER VENTURA CO. GOVERNMENT BILL SIGNED GOVERNOR YOUNG MAKES POSSIBLE SALARY INCREASE Government Bill Provi sion For Increase In Staffs and Salaries. The Ventura County Government was signed today by Gov.

C. C. Young, according to telegram today from, Esto Broughton, Oxnard Courier capitol news correspondent, at Sacramento. This bill authorizes the sheriff to employ deputies, and to increase hi; staff. Sheriff Clark, in anticipation of the final signing, has already appointed his extra men.

The bill also authorizes increases in salary and staff of all county offices as recommended by the Ventura County Grand Jury. These recommendations were Introduced in the last legislature and the signing the bill will enable the officers to receive additional salary. If the necessity should arises another deputy district attorney can be appointed under a provision of this new bill. Previously all salary increases and increases in. the staffs of county officers had to go separtely but this time the recommendations were included in one bill.

Sailors Claim To Be Half Starved, Mutiny (By Service) LOS ANGELES. May Eight sailors were being held in jail here today following an alleged mutiny on board the French tanker. Hyrcania, in which on man was seriously injured. The fighting began when the nine men refused to sail for Yokohama "from the Los Angeles harbor. The men claimed that they signed for one trip to France to Los Angeles and return, and were forced to make three trips to the Orient from here during which they had been half starved.

According to Capt. Jules Momomble. the men threatened to jump overboard if (he ship started to sea. The vessel lay in the outer harbor today awaiting action by the French counsel, who will attempt to compose the differences between the crew and officers. Infant Danghter of Mr.

and Mrs. Kohler Dies Gertrude Louise, two months old daughter of Mr. and rs. Albert Kohler died last night at St. John's hospital.

Cause of death is unknown. Funeral services for her will be held at Diffenderffer's mortuary Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p. m. and interment will take place at Ivy Lawn. Rev.

Wm. Tlieis Lutheran minister from Santa Barbara who has been taking the place Lutheran minister here, will officiate. Charles Btnckstock. Mrs. William CnuMock and baby and the Misses and Bernice Blackstock arrived home last night Berkeley.

Roth Miss and I Miss Bernice have finished their courses this year. Ventura County May From Marriage Act ir Governor C. Young signs a new bill passed by the last legislature providing for the application of a marriage license by the contracting parties three days before the license is issued, thus giving an opportunity for protests against issuance of the license, Ventura county may stand to lose about if GOO a year In revenue from Los Angeles and Los Angeles county couples who have turned Ventura into a Gretna Green. This was the statement made today by Couny Clerk U. E.

Hallowell with his declaration that about 90 per cent of the marriage licenses issued during the year here are granted couples from the southern county. But County Clerk Hallowell is not so sure that this new law will have that kind of an effect upon Ventura county, for be has a "hunch" that many more couples from Los Angeles who desire to get married and don't wish to let their friends and relatives in Los Angeles know about it three days in advance will make two trips to Ventura in order to keep their friends from "getting wise" to what they are planning to do. So, if this new Jaw effects Ventura county in this way the county's revenue from marriage licenses will he greatly increased, and Ventura will become more of a Gretna Green than ever before. This new law will not have much of an effect upon annulments and Hallowell believes. He said only remembers one case of annulment in the eight and one half years he has held office as county clerk that concerned a Los Angeles couple who were married here.

As for the divorce question, Hallowell has' this to say! "I believe there are just as many happy marriages contracted on short notice or without formal engagement parties as there are where there are long engagements and a long wait be fore persons get married. Some of the most successful and happy marriages I have heard of were those where the couples decided on the spur of the moment to go before the preacher or justice of the peace." Clerk Hallowell doesn't know as yet how he will put the new law into effect, providing the governor signs it. as lie says he hasn't read the terms of the bill. Dynamite Maiy To New England Governor (By International Newt Service) BOSTON. May A parcel post package containing dynamite and ad- ressea to Governor A.

T. Fuller, was discovered at the Burlington avenue postal station, the governor was notified today by Clark D. Colvln. chief post officer inspector. A ((ached to the package was a letter addressed to the governor warning of his actions in considering the case of Nicola Sacco and Barlhalmo VanZetti.

convicted of slaying a paymaster and Ills guard. The discovery of the letter and (he dynamite package was made May 10. hut was not mai'c public until today. FRED HOKIN INVITED TO SPEAK AT WESTERN DIVISION CONGRESS AT PORTLAND, JUNE 2-5 That the Eisteddfod competitions, heM in Oxnard for the past fowr years under (he auspices of Oxnard Com-mania Service are gjvinp; much advertising lo Oxnard and Aenlnra County, is farther demonstrated by (he receipt hy Secreifairy F. J.

Iloiiin of an ini-i'aHien to give a paper oa the subject of (he EisHeddM at Ihc annual "Wesflem Division Corgrcss of the Playguuaitd and Recreation Amn-cialton of America 1o held in Portland. Oregon. Jutnc 2 (o 5. Eleven wcslern sKales wii! be represented at thr. from Oloradn lo California, from Washington to Texas.

George W. Fradera. the western rcprewtrtaJive (he Play-gronnd and Rcerealion Asssociataou has scenrai a fine list of speakers, among whom may be mentioned the: following: Noranan F. CWetman. President.

Reed ColHege: Mrs. W. If. MarsKoa, President Recreation Commission, Berkeley; Judge Anslin K. Griffiths.

Vice-President of P- VL A. A. Board, Seattle; Roy Thompson, member Metropolian Park Board, Tacoma; Wm. Woodward, sponsor P. R.

A. Portland; Raymond of Recreation, Oak- laid; Josephine Randan, Saperlntend- cnt. of Recreation, San Francisco; P. Keywcr, Superintendent of Parks. Portland: h.

Glenn. Director of Education Public Schools, Angeles: Tarn Peering. Executive fvpcreiary Community Service. San Diego; Eli Gross, Superintendent of Parks. Denver; E.

h. Roberts. De partment or Recreation, Brigham Young University. Wflaile secretary llokln of the Oxnard Community Service has been tasked present ihc topic ol the Eis teddfod movement, and is preparing a paper on the subject- it has not been decided as yet whether the local executive will attend the convention. The Eisteddfod movement has also received National advertising In "The Playground magazine for May.

Notice of the competitions, and the purpose of Isiem gave the editors ua Giiportnnily to say something In the coaamns of the magazine, which is very gratifying to aTl connected with the movement Only cities with some thing doing in recreation or commun ity arts receive pnbliciity, and as the magazine has a national circloaUon, and Is read in other parts of the world as wen, such notices are really well worth while. MISS MACKAYEFrtzgeraMWillEntei DENIES SHE IS NOT MARRIED Florence Dain Charges She Hat Never Been Divorced From Raymond. CLAIMS LEGALLY WEDDED. Negro Maid of Dorothy Mackaye is uiscnargea Because one Was Piqued. LOS ANGELES, May 14 Dorothy Mackaye, stage actress, and central figure in the Paul Kelly murder trial issued a statement through her at torney today denying charges that she and Ray Raymond, for whose death the film player is on trial, werje not legally married.

The charge was made in New York todav by Florence Dain, also an ac tress who said she and Raymond were married at Newark, New Jersey, on January 1, 1909, and were never divorced. 'Of course, we were married and I think the best answer to that is my dead husband's telegram which was entered as evidence in court yester day in which Mr. Raymond said: 'you are my wife and the mother of my baby'." Ethel Lee, negro maid in the Ray mond household, today revealed that she had been summarily discharged by Miss Mackaye whom she said was piqued at the testimony given by the service girl. Haymakers Dance By ie of Redmen A regular Haymakers' Hard Time- Old Time dance is being planned by the Redmen lodge for sometime June, according to plans revealed last night at the regular lodge meeting. The affair will be invitational.

Joe Vacca was named chairman of the committee, with Calvin Chamber lain and Joe Kempster assisting on the committee- There was a fine attendance at the meeting last night and after the regular lodge session, the men adjourned to a chop suey parlor and enjoyed a noodle feed. HARBOR SOUNDINGS START AT HOENEME Soundings of the Hueneme coast are being taken by County Engineer Petit and a force of men from his office. This follows on the plan of in vestigating all the possible locations for a county harbor in Ventura county, soundings have already been at Ventura. The proposed harbor will be built under a special bill introduced during the past legislature by Assemblyman Duval. The bill passed both houses, but before it.

becomes effective an act must be signed by Governor Young. It will not come into effect until August 1 at the earliest The surveys being made by the county engineer are preliminary and the harbor commission will have the I power to employ other engineers to I make a more extensive survey if they see fit- While both the Oxnard and Ventura sections have pet locations for the harbor in mind, the final decision will remain with the harbor commission acting on the data compiled by the engineers. Daughter of First Veotara Jorig Dies E. M. SHERIDAN Ertninia Dc la Guen-a tee, who was the daughter of the first district Judge in this district, passed away Thurs day in the old Dc ia Goerra home in Santa Barbara.

fi5 years. She was born In the old home and had passed all her lire there, her sister, Delfina Be la Goerra being ber sole companion daring many later years of her life. She was the sister of Mrs. Francisca Ds Gnerra Bib les and leaves a brother, Carlos Be la Goerra. These were all children of Pablo De la Gnerra, the flrs! district jadge of this part of California when Ventara was created a coonty In ISM.

The faaeral of Mrs, Lee will take place Satarday morning from the old Santa Barbara Mission charch. WEATHER Fair tonight and Sattday Wt off oa Annapolis; Is First Boy From Oxnard To Enter John Fitzgerald, who has been in San Diego for the paiit 11 months, at the San Diego Naval academy was in Oxnard today on a brief leave of absence. He arrived in Oxnard this morning and has to report again in San Diego tomorrow. Fitzgerald announced that lie had successfully passed his examination which he took on April 22 and to gether with the others that have passed, will go to Annapolis very soon for the completion of his course. By passing the examination he will take a four years course, and on graduation will have the rank of ensign, hich corresponds to the rank of sec ond lieutenant in the army.

Life in the academy Is no social whirl, says Fitzgerald and says that the men rise every morning at 5:30 a. have drill for an hour, then from 9 till 11:40 o'clock; from 12:40 to 4:00: and from 6 o'clock to 9 o'clock at night they have to study. At 9:15 all lights are out and all have to be in bed. Fitzgerald was in the class orchestra while in San Diego. Fitzgerald graduated from the Ox nard Union high school in 1926.

His parents now live in Portland, Ore. He is the first Oxnard boy to enter the Annapolis Naval Academy. SOMIS CITIZENS PLAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Loins Hantover Calls Meeting for lhursday at at Clubhouse. As the first step in forming; a Somis Chamber of Commerce, Louis Hantover, Somis merchant, has called a meeting of the valley residents for Thursday evening. May 19 at 7:30 o'clock at the Somis clubhouse, he announced today.

Hantover states that the new or ganization is for the purpose of better co-operation among the merchants, ranchers, and those interested in joining, and for making Somis better known. The chamber will cooperate with other city chambers in the county and will also work with the Ventura County Chamber of Commerce. The new comerce body will also strive to put Somis on the map and to make outsiders- realize tba- Somis is a thriving community of Ventura county. The economy program as planned by the organizer will make the dues nominal. The only expenses will be for stationery and for the rent of the meeting place.

The budget does not call for any paid executives, and the work will he done by part time officers, who will be doing it for the community interest in Somis. Hantover states that he has met with one hundred percent response from those he has talked with about the new organization. The residents seem very favorably disposed to a Somis Chamber of Commerce. Hantover stated. Several things are planned as part of the program for the new body.

Hantover said, hut: ihese are not to be announced until laler. Mysterious Explosion Injures Three Women LOS ANGELES. May Three women were recovering today from Injuries received when their home in Hollywood was completely de molished last nifM by a mysHerioHf: explosion though! to have been caused by gas. Mrs. Mary sinn her dawnilerp.

Helen ad Mangier He, were cut and severely bruised when the btusf-collapsed lake a pack of tsnU foil ow ing the blast Bak of Italy Branch Rubbed of $17,000 LOS ANGELES, Hay Two armed bandits one six feet aal! and wearing a green leather rough trousers and horn rimmed glass-es, held and robbed the Banlt of Italy, branch bank shortly before noon here today and escaped with between ami oik. TIMES FEATURES OXNARD IN SUNDAY ISSUE Tomorrow's Morning Edition of Los Angeles Paper Has Story of Town. JACK MILLER IS WRITER. Picturesoue Library and Other Buildings Displayed In Times. Oxnard is getting its share of publicity in out-of-tcvn publications and particularly in the Lns Angeles Times.

In tomorrow mornings edition of the Times, Oxnarriers and others in all parts of the country will see a splendid story on Oxnard and 'surrounding country, written by Jack C. Miller, secretary of tbc Oxnard Chamber of Commerce. Jack Miller' is the Times' correspondent here, representing nil the territory in Ventura county this side of the river. Besides keeping the Times informed of all news events, such as Denipsey's recent accident, automobile accidents, fires and what. not.

Jack also furnishes the paper with stories along development lines. The story in tomorrow's Times is purely of development nature and was written by shortly after he returned from Los Ansreles. after being awny for over eight months. T-To had not yet been elected chamber sec- The Times is such a' lni'ire organization that mnteiial is gathered far ni advance of the date of publication. Tomorrow's story was on file at the Times for over a month.

Agricultural and feature stories -written for Sunday mornings must be in the Times office not later than the preceding Tuesday. Jack has a high-powered camera. and takes his own photographs. Several pictures winch he took accompany the development story in tomorrow's paper. The article will he read by thousands and will be of immense benefit to this section.

In addition to writing for The Times Jack is preparing articles for a number of Southern California, and national publications which the chamber fo commerce hopes will be used. But it. is not always the easiest to get targe publications to accept publicity stories. The way they are written and the timely liews value have a great ileal to do with their publication. To Number Houses of bouses hi Huencir-e.

if bo plans of the Hueneme Chamber of Commerce made niidit ar? through. C. T). Prescotl. president, of the chamber, presided at Ihe liineiing and appointed John Trelirr.

J. Keir and Glen On war as a committee In inves tigate the situation and report back to the meeting next mouth. Tf the committee feHs after its invest iga- ihat it would be all the chamber will probably action. Ihie to Hit1 ainsenee of S. Moranda.

who is ill. Henry Ilnrsrwoort was ap pointed s'TroSary protein, and after the meeting was adjourned, consideration was given various matters in an informal discussion by the mem- A. Hobson Is Host To Employees at jai oT dW-rrmt zu 9 Of nch-tnn Pacing rntrivsvy hrvts ws1h A. L. Unhewn a1 has mwh ihc.

Ojai. tfvi and families Jari nlghl. A fare was lire capjifs Ija the mTfning, wlith dancsnc Wu-pyTnc lit" a aw hoars. Ojai Ventura, Oxnard. Santa and FJWmw were STRUGGLE FOR LIFE On the shores; of Lake Quinanlt, in the center of an area of forest giants which have been shattered and marred by storm and fire, is a burned snug some 300 feet in height.

In its struggle against final death it has given birth to a new tree. The unusual sight is viewed, with mingled feelings of pity for the tree and udmiration for its fighting spirit Riflemen Will Hold An Inter-County Shoot At Santa Paula Soon An intereonnty shoot participated in by teams from different cities In Ven-tnra and Santa Earbara counties be held at Santa Paula on Slay 22. John Silveria has announced. Santa Paula. Ventura and Camaril-lo from Ventura county and Santa Barbara and maybe Carpinteria from Santa Barbara county will participate.

There will be prizes for individual and team high scores. Each year each team is host, to an inter-county meet and on Sunday. May 22, the honor falls to Santa, ranla. Oxnard men have no city team but are members either on Camarillo or Ventura teams. ANSWERS CHARGES IT.

Jr. Hunt, who has been sued hy the Mexicans who were in the crash with an Ojai stage has filed an answer to the charges. He claims that there was no negligence. There are six suits against Hunt in the suits, which totals of Paula Barbara, were arrested last night in Ventura charged with the of liquor. In (he car belonging to Duffy five jrallons of whiskey were found.

This morning the two men were arraigned and on their pleading. Duffy was lined for possession of lifjunr and for the Sinro be onnhi pay but part of the line, hr is ihc county jail until he Ventura Wins Game From Oxnard High 19-3, Last Game 1927 RESULTS (COMPLETE) Oxnard 17, Mooirpfrk O. Oxnard 32, Sim? 2, Oxnard 14. Owemsmout'li 2. Oxnard 7, Ojai 3.

13. Nova 12. Ornard 1. Santa PjuJa 7. Oxnard Fi 13 more 5.

Oxnard U. ViJla Nova 0. Oxnard 3. Ventura 19. Vriflny tharJfpmh worVd 51 jmx winning from IV it a grim? played on Ventura's iiia- Timse.

g'dng Oxnard Wr. Krrw? Venlura'p and and Mrs. IViry Dennis. Mr. chapman, who is JJie besl pitcher In as manw-T ifav Osnard with keeping down and 'Mr.

W. J.jth" hits, ot tc-arai to a low KeiL and Mrs. Ralph TV-Yier. Mr. ehb.

and Mrs. Oliver Bright. Mr. am3 1 Owh Nichols of Ihe Cardinals Joe Martin. Mt, and Andre- team which Kernel Renfrew, Mr.

and Mrs. Cmendell. G.oodg«» and Harold Mitchell as pitch-Mr. and Mrs. TCocer and Mr.

and Kenneth McKenzie and James Mrs. Troxel. J. Mvers as catchers. John Trcher and Thompson, George Tingstrom.

Robert Rod a way on first. Robert Henry, sec-Tingstrom, Stc-ve Jiminez, Fred ond base: Bnd Snively on short, Yanez, and Robert Stolle. James Barton on third, am Emerson 'CAL AND AL' IN RACE SAYS CHAUNCEYDEPAW Calvin Coolidge Will Be Republican for Presidential Race. NO DOUBT ABOUT CAL, New York Governor Will Be Democratic Candidate For 1928 Contest. (By International Service) WASHINGTON, May "It like Cal.

and Al." That is the way Chauncey Depew, veteran New York senator, figures the 192S presidential race. Here on his annual visit to the capital, the ex-senator said he believed there was no doubt about President Coolidge being renominated and he believed Governor Al Smith was the logical Democratic nominee. He predicted prohibition will not be an issue. Ventura Hotel Has Small Gas Explosion Gas seeping through the flooring from an unused pipe is believed responsible for an explosion which occurred in a lower front room of the Palace Hotel at 10:30 Thursday morning. A hole four feet square was blown in the floor, and the plastering shaken from the walls, but none of the occupants was injured.

This is the second explosion to have occured at the Palace Hotel within a Steal Away To Wed (By Internatiout Newt Service) SERRA1N COURT France May Heroine of many a screen romance, Pola Negri, set off this afternoon for a quiet wedding ceremony with Prince Serge Mdivani, of Georgia. While hundreds of invited guests representing the social and dramatic world of two continents gathered at Pola's chateau, for garden party in celebration of the marriage. Pola and Prince Serge stole quietly away to a village and were married hy the mayor. Only eleven persons composed the wedding party. Bootleggers Fined Heavy John Duffy and C.

F. Rodgers. both can raise the remainder. Rodgers was fined StOO for his participation, but 3200 of that was suspended. He said that he was ignorant of the presence of the liquor ia the car.

The sheriffs office communicated with the Santa Barbara police and they visited Duffy's home in the Channel City finding 75 gallons of whiskey and gallons of wine. Prominent Ojai Man Is at St John's TL AVinlicM. for more than a A rnntrador Of Ojai jand tlae has been 1 hronsht. to St. John's for t.b-! serration A of r.iSh*-r serious in fullowrd a pjiriu! hrcjak- rpen th'" p'hTsirian and ft-ScwK lie make the hofspital hit; h.Md^iwr'prs an-3 he is io Re-canse of hs? rrcevtjv fin operation wii3 not be rjpcess-ary.

it been Many friend" havo heert Mr. his irealmcni at 'he hr'spitai. Tb3? game concladed the for the Candinals. They suited their season in fine form bnt in the few have hit a sliimp trim Which they did not recorer to finish more than fourth phi CI hi the county league..

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