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Harlan Tribune from Harlan, Iowa • Page 5

Harlan Tribunei
Harlan, Iowa
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tu enuon IfT'S GET PERSONAL report your trips and fimts muUrly. Your ffritndi and rtUtivtt 0 littte Items and your hosts and your courtasy In raporliftf itoms. SK 5 mi Mr andMrt T.dH«qgeru left! Mr Sunday for Washington, D. to visit the former's brother, John Heggen, who is a patient in Waller Reed hospital, lie has visited in Harlan often. Mrs Annia Ingtr of Morris, who is spending the sum- Cat hy and Mrs Jack Kobold, and Johnnie Joe were Sunday visitors of Mr Kobold's Sylvia Kobold.

at the home -mother, Mrs Mrs Clarence S. Lacey spent two days of her two-week vacation in DCS Moiries, where she mer here with her sister, Mrs-attended a family picnic. She C. R. Wigness had the a plans on going 'to Boonc, fortune to fall and fracture her Ames and Sioux Citv, also.

arm. It has been quite painful and is placed in a cast. Mr and Mrs Cleda Reynolds and Robert Gregory returned Mr and Mrs Orvis Lambertsen and children were weekend visitors at the home of Mr Lambertsen's parents, Mr and home from a trip out west to Mrs Dale'L. Lambertsen. Colorado Springs.

There they witnessed the boy scout jubilee. It was one of the most beautiful sights ever seen. They had thc Mrs 0 Mabl telsen a chance also to visit with local town boys. sen of Phoenix, Arizona were Monday afternoon visitors at the Dale L. Lambertsen home.

Judy Hanse-n and Carolyn Laughlin; "Save time, iave en crgy," by (Maxine and "Lesson in by Betty Jo Board man and Dixie a "Attic and Honu- Reporter, Larry Ehlcrs. Mtertan (Uwa) Friday, July It, IfM MONROE MERRY MAKERS On July 9 tine Monroe Meiry dine Cox; "Nifty in a i by Peggy Chipman and Kose Sen- omcr; "Sunlight, star i by Sharon Conrad and Ten-vi' IJBuman, and "Wrap in laip," (by Beverly Hall ami Schomer. "Wrap it in was chosen to represent the a.t count a i a a ol There st'ar and "Sunlight, a a Airs i a Thelma Peterson were the jml- present. hc vcr $3,00 toward Dr Jiom Plans were made 4to aftt nd Your Ntws To SKS lltl Used Cars ar kiwioh nc ca rt i achiovetuieut show was plan- and W' ld The program consisted of an 195? CADILLAC milts, 1957 PLYMOUTH ges. Mary ScliC'iner led a relax- Vudiwhral gi- er for intermission.

Reporter, Alary Schemer. by Ellen Jensen on "Flot Airnaniaements," 1 and a SOUTHWEST CLUB BOOSTERS 1953 BUICK Super 4-dr. Pr. sir. brakes, loam demonstration given by Ellen Jensen on "Folwer and a team demonstration given by Iris Luth 1953 STUDEBAKER V-8 $350.00 the iris Luth and Carol Troll on Convertible Fury ltd.

transmission. 19S4 HUDSON extra clean, 49,000 miles. 1953 Super "88" 2-dr. 1953 OLDS Sedan. 1949 CHEVROLET 4-door.

1949 FORD 2-door. Mr and Mrs Elmer Burgett of Mrs G. K. Swift, Mrs Norma Ruby, Miss Olga Reyeit, Buetel, Mr and Mrs Harold Boysen, Mrs Marie New-, meycr and Dr. and Mrs Ralph S1sist 5 rr rs Lola Blakely J.

Hays attended the Lux-MuMl nd coney wedding in Elkader Sat-! and Saturday of Mr Bur- 18 Brothers and Sisters Attend Reunion urday. Ruth Groetlushchen visited I Mr and Mrs C. M. Under-1 wood, and son Michael of' Omaha spent several days at the home of Mrs Roy V. Lin- at the home of her sister, a W.

Kcat. Her mother, A Groetluschen, and Carl, of Audubun brought OUR here Thursday and she return-i the local news last Tues- 1 cd on Saturday. we had a item stating, i Mr and Mrs A. R. Errelt had boon visiting in the west.

Mrs! lErreti called to inform us we had the wrong parly PORTSMOUTH Above are the 18 sons and daughters of Mr and Mrs P.M. Leinen who attended a family reunion in Portsmouth July 10. This was the first time in 5 years when they were all together. About 250 relatives and guests attended the reunion. FIRST ROW, (left to right) Mrs B.

P. (Melania) Goetzinger, Omaha; Mrs Ernie (Clare) Petersen, Harlan; Mrs Al (Margaret) Mester, Inglewood, Mrs Joe F. (Martha) Reinig, Portsmouth; Mrs Lawrence a Gubbels, Portsmouth, SECOND ROW 7eno; Francis, Mrs Lou (Rose) Raymond, Portsmouth; Mrs Leo (Ann) Rattenberg, Fargo, North i mcnnors oi me uuui iiuu toe? ruavci CP A I Southwest Club Boosters heard "How to make and use a lack miles Wmdsor Lynn Eckel tell a his rag." short course tour at Amos at regular meeting I 1 52 OLDS Super "88" 4-dr. regular i 11 ill bc at the "home of Ms BUICK 4-dr $9500 at the home of Lam tihlera Luih on August 13. IRay Schroder all Reporter, Carol Ma-turn.

members to have i record books up to a lair i time. We were aNo advised lo get our a jn 'plenty of time before lho f.ur. Bill Edwards, assistant a out checking sheets i help us with our record books. As it became stormy, dec ded to hold the a i of; our meeting at home oft the evening program. Lunch was served.

Our club is spon- 1 soring Carol Wagenidn as can- for Harvest Queen. Ei-. earned to Reporter, Irene a a Dakota Mrs (Modesta) Green, Spencer; Sr. M. jLOCAL ACHIEVEMENT DAY HELD BY CLAY CLOVERETTES Visitors at the home were Mr and Mrs Roland Kclley and son Michael of Omaha.

Visitors at the Kellcy home Monday were Mrs Kelley's nephew and wife, Mr and Revokata, O. S. Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Mrs Tom ribbon exhibits and (Lena) Schumacker, Defiance. jdcmonslration teams were pic-' I ROW A a i a Joe, Portsmouth; Her- i for thc CIay Patricia Peterson will go to Chicago Friday evening where' she will be met by other Whca- Eariing; Mike, Portsmouth. Mrs Russell Buboitz and chil-' Collcge ents who will drcn, Ronnie and Aancy.

a Nc York Saturday eve- Guests at the Boise Mush- Mr and Mrs A. W. Price and I i for a European tour. Thc rush home this last week were the lallcrs mother. Mrs T.

II. Mr and Mrs Orton Krepzinger tour will extend through the Mushrush's granddaughter, were guests Sunday jinics school room. i i Exhibits were by Mrs Damals, home economist and Miss Joan man, -home' economist in a i i Thirty- two exhibits were chosen to' of Coon Rapids visited at of August and will in-'Mclondy. daughter of Mr and ihc home of Mr and cTounl Jjr Arnold Jacobs in trod u- Mr and airs Moody Peterson, i Mr and Mrs Fra- Ian 3ast Wcdncsdav and is a izier and sons. Mark, Paul, of her M.

Krin- wa choson to to the r. 4 u. i i .1 won- Mr and Mrs Raymond Knighti 0 A and children flew out to Los' Miss Zoe Buck, who has been'Todcl spent the week at Lake gel and Alice Havick. Shc, California Saturday at the Cliff ClossonJOkoboji. a a Mr and Mrs will spend several a here.

afternoon for a two week vaca- home is moving to thc Salem 'Emmcrfc Mushrush took Mcl- tion from the Harlan Bakery 'Home at Elk Horn, August 1. ondy Frazicr and Mrs J. 11. T-hey- plan to visit a -Frazier to thc lakes where they Knight and thc Jack Cox a Mrs Leonard Stowe had the weekend with ihc. ily igcry at thc Clarkson i a before going back to i Omaha, last Saturday.

a a Tuesday. 'condition is favorable and she Mr and Mrs Jack Hackley of expects to be able to come Mrs Jennie Dawson returned' DCS Moincs were this weekend. a a a spending A I A LOCAL guests of Mrs Hackley's uncle, Mr and Mrs Jack Knudscn. a i loam In Afndcrscn and Karen which was chosen Lo to lhe a i "A ticket, a Basket, we made a a i fjrj a i team by Di- 51 anc Sallmarsh and Ras- musscn, which also wa cho sen alternate lor fair Also: a simple smoo' shadow box. 11 a i team bj weeksi i her sister and 1am- A I DAY HELD ClWCn jacobson' and Dixie An sen of Mather's Air B-isc C-il- Mr and Mrs Earl Bailey of! i i a arc i i i cr San Francisco, California, al The AVcstphaha Wide dcrscn; i board on held their a a lo- a shoe string." a i team cal a i i day July 13 by i R.usmusscn and Ka- Barbara Scott, daughter of the school hall.

jthy Grcvc: out of turned home Monday after stutzman A I a Irs Scolt recci Cleo and Joyce i a i team by several days stay at the home i picni was held at thc vcd Io()l sur cr Schechm-er will represent Shirley Chnsicnsen and of his sister, Mr and Mrs Frank stutaman home in Ihcir honor lal in a Jul 7 19 our club at ihc county fair per a i loam by hr. Visiting al the Lahr home Earl Stutzman of Omaha, iMn a dt I a4Io nc Shc i a "Mykmi? a wasie pa- i Airs Richard Stutzman and Wl11 bc in a Casl 0 a MX i a is whcrc a Lan A i it." Drinker Goeser placed alter- 1 Judges for lhe Lahr. for several months is a Mrs Richard Stutzman a i Lahr's brother, Frank E. Bai- daughter, Lori of Lincoln, ley of South San Gabriel, Cali- braskak, Mr and Mrs a fornia. They were all at thc home of their dau and niece, Mr and Mrs George Atlantic were among guests i Liebers of Omaha, Monday.

'present. a an rs uane isitors'Brown and family, Mrs Mr and Mrs Leland wiih "Why a it." jlions were Mrs James Jensen ughtcrioisen and other relatives and i Craig, a 1 ill sss comcs sy Tb Ju lc 1 1 )r eoraeiAtlantic were amonc cucsts.and Kim, left today (Fnday) I a and Mary he ol exhi- The Boss is So we're having a Colorado they plan Musich is thc top i de-lhits and demonstrations, to stay for ten days. They will A boxy little were presented to the visit i a Colo- by Mary Connie Ramusscn. rado, with no one place as a Brinkcr is were served. headquarters I Ed Buman and Mrs Roy I Our July meeting date a oi Harlan judged been to Saturday.

lho i demonstrations. 01 SusL 13, and will be at the Grcvo 1.30 ing a a the Duanq 1 home Saturday evening. cl Thc Mr and Mrs Neis Miller companicd Mr and iMrs i i a dream look," by Miller, Bobby and PaLli of Arlene and Theresa Goeser: by Theresa Engcl and 'WASHINGTON 'Shirley Cocncn: "Lazy and I by Irene and Eileen a Thc i of Wolverines was SALE! While Emmert's out having a good time we're having a good Nelson, formerly o-f Harlan. 'Wageman; "Sweet but simple," i Leonard Lcuschcn and son Jer- time, too selling meat to all our friends. Come on in, buy Going out they went through Linda Scott and Jo Ellen iry a father-son co- while the Boss can't stop these low prices! thc Black Hills, and A launashanler for operation in "Tractor i i Omaha to Sheridan.

folding to order at 7 p.m. at I to see Mr and ftlrs Vincent Ilodanp and Kathleen 'lie Leonard Leuschcn a FRESH Ground Beef 45c FROZEN Ground Beef 40c BEEF Halves 44c back Ycl- your 1 by Sandra a safety" Konalri a 5C'he and Shinley Wageman; demonstrated "greasing a trac-' lowsionc National Park. I i Three ways leading to a Randy Armentrout returned by Diann Langcn- tor" and discussed Ihc differ-1 ent oil and greases used. to Ilaraln Friday after a and Barbara Weirs; "Ouri The whole took part in week visit with his mother, 'thrash hide away," by Janice discussion on tractor safely Mrs Bonnie Armentrout, JIc jSchomcrs and Jane Schneider, accompanied her to i Obrec-ht of HarJan California, following her visit in June with her parents, thc Moody Nelson, and also with thc (Marion ArmciHrouLs, Randy slayes with. and what o.icli member can to practice this.

FirOm hero meet ins uas carried to thc flag tpolc near the school Mrs Hattie Martinson Thursday for Portland Oregon, on, Dr. F. and Joan Tuyman, home eco- mist in training, judged the fiutni'or demonstrations. They Iwhere Kevin Kirlin and as follows: "Something toiKohlcs dcmonsirated "IJow to ip-ut your bonnet by Rose and display our flag." business part of meeting took place in thc hall where a i entry blanks were, a a and Juncllc I i a "Camp stools at home," 'by Mary Lou Goeser and Kar- Low, low prices on FRONTS and HINDS SAVE WORK, ALL TYPES OF COLO CUTS FOR THOSE HOT WEATHER MEALS! THANK YOU, for 9 us our Fourth Anniversary in Harlan. DOOR PRIZE WINNERS Wiltort Cushing, Harlan Mrs.

Horbtrt Carl, Harlan Lewis Raymond, Portsmouth Elltn Erickson, Harlan HAR1AN LOCKER 501 Market SK 5-2296 tinson. She plans to bc gone a couple of months. jMary Jane Henscheid and Mary Agnes Weirs; hat box," by Jacqueline a a and Mary Lou Coenen; "RefinishLng Mrs James C. Jensen and; law by Marifoetti daughter, Mrs Nadinc Boggs Zimmerman and Jane Sehmitz; and daughter arrived home pin cushions," by clay a a week visit at i Sohflmcrs and Jane French Lick, Indiana to attend Goeser. thc funeral of Mrs Jensen's! Demonstrations were held in sister, MRS Charles Galloway.

I the anornJng and afternoon. Givbbels; "Flower pots." by'filled The meeting was attended hy 37 members and 3 guests. A report on short; course was given by Larry Hoffmann. Reircsh-ments served. Danny Michcls.

LINCOLN BLUEBIRDS DEMONSTRATIONS HELD The a a achievement a i They nLso visited friends and.EshibiLs were judged in i dcmonslraiions of Lin-1 diann, relatives around LaFayelic, In- afternoon by Mrs Arnold Joh a nd -Mrs Virgil Wilcox of Harlan. Mrs Cleda Danials, hcmc economist, was guest. The 235 exhibits were open Mr and Mrs J. A. Curtis, Frank Curtis, and Victor Curtis were in (Macomib, Illinois, oven to tihc public in evening.

Lhe weekend. They wenl to al-jThe four demonstrations of the lend lhe funeral of their bro-(senior and junior division tiher and uncle, John L. Cur-(which placed first and second (is, who passed away Thursday were given for thc public, ii the McDonough County hos- Thirly-oighl guests and for- pital in Macomb, Illinois, Ml members attended coin Bluebirds was held 0 al Harlan Federal Savings and Loan Building. Senior demonstrations given were: "Sit, up and take notice," by i Sandy Buman and a Boardmnn. Tho one chosen lo go county fair was "Boxes with by Connie Ha- vick and Charlene Schnack.

Junior demonstrations given were; "Framing fancies," by -jBill Edwards Saturday evening. i July 16. Mrs Ehlers served WHITE MOTOR CO. OLDS and CADILLAC Harlan ew FORT DO Robinson Wholesale All Under One OPEN TO ENTIRE PUBLIC for 10 DAYS Only! Then By Group Buying Plan Membership Cards. BIG 10 DAY OPENING FRIDAY, JULY 22nd through SUNDAY, JULY 31 AVE TO CO.

VA- wknt yfy COME IN AND REGISTERI any time JULY 22 through JULY 31 No purchase necessary. DRAWINGS DAIir. All winners will be notified by ii HUNDREDS of Daily PRIZES Watches, Rings, Jewelry, Can trs, Minnow Buckets, Snack Sets, Toys, Salad Sets, Silverware, Sporting Goods, Brashes, leather Goods, luggage, Clothing, and many other frizes given away GRAND PRIZE NO. 1 3 ROOMS of FURNITURE' 3 pc. BEDROOM SET 7 pc.

DINETTE SET 2 pc. LIVING ROOM SET Grand Prize Drawing 5 P. M. July 31st. LADIES' BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND WRIST WATCH Grand Prize Drawing 5 P.

M. July 31st. GRAND PRIZE NO. 2 35 H. P.

OLIVER Electric Starting OUTBOARD MOTOR Grand Prize Drawing 5 P. M. July 31st. PRIZES GALORE BRING THEM ALONG! OVER 30,000 SQ. FT.

of DISPLAY FLOOR SPACE Nowl The largest privately owned operation of its kind in Iowa, selling only the finest in name brand merchandise. IT'S LIKE A HUGE SUPER MARKET OR GOV'T. POST EXCHANGE. MEMBERSHiP en GROUP BUYING PLAN BASED ON EMPLOYMENT After the 10 Day public open house you must bo a member of Robinson's Group Buying Plan to buy at Wholesale Ask for particulars. CHECK-OUT COUNTERS FOR SELF-SERVICE Stlf service departments have out counters.

Shopping carts available. Pleasant, eager to serve personnel in oil departments. A COMPLETE BUYING CENTER For Home, Family, Recreation! You con purchase anything you wont in major giftwart, cameras and wearing apparel for men, women and children, sundries, health and beauty aids, watches, typewriters, toys, housewares, and distinctive furniture. Ask about our GROUP BUYING PLAN. If you are not now a member you may be eligible.

If ycut ore you'if save thousands of dollars by buying direct ana at wholesale prices! FEATURING Only The FINEST In NAME BRAND MERCHANDISE. Counters, cases, display racks art filled with merchandise labeled with famous names such as General Electric, Westinghouse, Sunbeam, Dormeytr, Proctor, West Bend, Mattel, Tonka, Remington, Wilson, South Btnd, Heddon A. C. Gilbert, Lionel, Royal, Smith-Corona, Benrus, Helbros, and thousands more! Complete selections of ever 10,000 items all with a DOUBLE money back guarantee by beffc the MANUFACTURER AND ROBINSON WHOLESALE. NATIONALLY KNOWN? AT WHOLESALE PRICES! HOLESALE CO.

NEW FORT DODGE STORE HIGHWAY 28, Eno 1 3 OTHER BIG LOCATIONS DES MOINES CEDAR RAPIDS DAVENPORT Office Mill 216 Wilt 2020 16th Avtnvt S. W. On Highway 30 Ml ffltt SfCOwel WWwWl Ww Wwt9.

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