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The Lima News from Lima, Ohio • 8

The Lima Newsi
Lima, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A TW0-EDC2U AFFAIR WAlKSxANDjTALKS1 I'1 -r 11 i 1 4 Aaron Lone Indletsd for the Fart i Be Flayed In Securing John Fer- Carr's Divorce by jW- NotlM-to AdTtrUur popjr advertisements for th Dailt Time must be received a our counting room by 11 a The growth of the circulation the Tine has been so great that It is necessary to pat our forms to press at an earlier hour in order to give prompt and satis factory service to our thousands of readers This renders it impossible for uS to handle advertising matter not received by the abovo mentioned hour1 Advertisers will please remember the 11 a PERI OR Doub Stores 28 and 30 Union Block I a Aaron Lones llvlng with his family on West Spring street where he recently moved waa arrested about To Tie Readers of the TiMES: TIRED OF LIFE THE HIGHEST TESTIMONY 1 1N THE UNO' The Official Reports of the Csltal State Ocrtrract 1223 Caaadlaa fiovsraasat 122 Jmty Ccanlirisa IE3 CM Feed CsaslMlea ISST show Sa'pertor to bo th best baking powder manufactured being lha stxoogest of ul tha pure cream of tartar powders After Years of an Oeto- last night by Sheriff O'Neill and locked In the county Jail to awsit trial on a serious charge 1 Readers of the Times will remember the unexpected cutting short of the honeymoon of John Carrthe Lafayette barber and his bride of a few weeks by his being arrested and bound over to court on the charge of perjury Carr Was arrested and given a preliminary hearing before Squire Graham at which the testimony in brief was that Carr and his wife a sister of Aaron Lones had been separated tor several genarlan Attempts Suicide Many people take special delight to declaring that newspaper reporter never get anything right that their accounts of the happening of the day are Invariably incorrect They bars made th false statement so often that they almost believe it thimselves To thinking people who have observed the difficulties that beset a path when looking up item th printed accounts are ever correct1 Res porters seldom witnsi occurrences that they are called npon to write up They reach the scene after the event has happened and many of the! witnesses scattered They mast depend upon getting a few words from one bystander another adds a little more while a third will often be quite a different story The reporter must listen to all the confusing discrepancies and ont of the many different threads weave a readable and usually fairly correct history of the occurence selecting those tales of "eje witnesses that appear most pHuaible To the critic who reads in his evening paper the account of a terrible accident the writing of the same appears a simple matter Few realize the number cf people to be seeD steps taken and questions asked in order to get the little details that appear Insignificant yet on the most essential in giving a smooth and readable acconnt of the affair lljogh Elliott one of the oldest of northwestern Ohio made We staged a few days ago that we believe in legitimate advertising providing it is backed up yj the letter Such will be done strictly by us We have just made a contract for this space1 in this paper which will inform you daily what bargains can be seen! in our store and such seasonable news as will interest as well as benefit you- iWe will place be- fore you a line of Clothing Furnishing Goods and Hats that will not be excelled anywhere in the State for Me Quality and Price! desperate effort to kill hlmstlf yester day at bis home in St John a village in Auglaize county about a dozen miles south of Lima i Mr Elliott who is past 83 years of age has for a number of yeais been afflicted with disease Of late he has been much worse and under the care A careful watch haB been kent on all his movements of late as his mind had become affected His physician had just left the room yesterday after a professional visit when a little girl who bad remained noticed the old man thrust the sharp blade of a pocket knife into the right side of his neck Realizing what was occurring the girl screamed for help and the doctor hastily retraced his steps After a short but desperate struggle he succeeded in wresting the dangerous weapon from the old grasp before he could inflict further injuries upon himself In the struggle one of the old hands was badly cut The doctor succeeded in calming the old man and dressed his wounds The blade had fortunately missed the jug ular vein and the it jury though bleeding profusely was found to be not serious The old gentleman stated that he was tired of living and suffering lie has two sons and two daughters all of whom are men and women- lie has been living alone with his second wife 8t John Previous to bis retirement Eliott was a prominent farmer and stock raiser "StQck Taking Cloaks Dress Goods' Silks Table Linens Napkins Table Setts Towels Sheetings MtJSXjIIMH aiTAWIiS A OB and rOIlTIEn OUIITAIN8 1 COHSETS i i 1 trrjriEnwEAil XI OHILIl CLOAKS CLOAKS And we hope by pursuing such square methods to win your trade Our Clearance Sale of Winter Clothing will be continued this month Avail yourself of the opportunity of buying goods very cheap Thanking our friends for the past favors and hoping those who haVe not yet seen our Double Store will soon grant us the privilege of showing the many' bargains contained therein It has been decided by the Board of Education to name the school buildings instead of designating them by locations The children were given a voicp jip the selection of aud strarigd to say on the list selected there does appear the name of a single educator The list has to be submits ted totjhe Board for approval and in speakjrig of the matter yesterday Mr one of the members said Strange to say most of the names selected are those politicians There are FrJnklin Lincoln and Garfield A few poets names are on the list 1 shall favor a revision of the choice as the nstfces now stand I want at least mineDt educator arjd shall sug- one pre They met last summer at home several times and were thinking of living together again Iustead Carr secured a divorce from his wife through instrumentality it being agreed that the latter was to receive $50 in case they were sue Cessfol 1 On the hearing of the divorce Carr testified that he had not cohabited with his wife for six years and testimony was added to bear this ont The case was not contested by Mrs Carr and the divorce was granted A very Bhort time afterward Carr married an estimable lady in Lafayette In his new found happiness he forgot his little obligation to Lones As a consequence it was not long till the information reached Judge ears that Carr had perjured himself to get his divorce His arrest was the sequel The principal witness against him at the hearing in court were Lones his wife and daughter A clear case of perjury having been made ont Carr was held to the Grand Jury in the sum of $300 which he furnished Judge Richie gave him a severe scoring and annulling the decree of divorce re cently granted dismissed also his application for divorce While case was being investigated the grand jury also took ocras sion to look into very questionable connection with the agair and as a result an indictment was returned against him charging that Lones on the first day of September 1890 did wilfully feloniously and corruptly persuade and suborn one John Carr to commit perjury in order to get the paltry sum of His arrest last night was a great surprise to Lones but not to those who were present at trial in the magistrate court -r MISSES CHILDREN LADIES Astrakan Capest Plush Capes Cloth Capes To closed out from $200 up gest substituting the nsmej of Horace Mannjljor bram Garfield! The Utter gave tip education to become a soldier and piliticijan while Mann gave up the most jiillnt political prospects to become a humdrum teacher I would liketj8ee all the buildings named after Wen who have labored zealously in edUdation and shall insist upotf at least bhe SABBATH SERVICES 137 and 139 Main St Commercial Block Strictly One Price Clothier Furnisher and Hatter reward to anyone finding us deviating from prices asked SIXTH ASQUEBAD1 ANNUAL BALL wamt had died and that afterwards the farm had changed hands several times the widower having married another womaq named Llixabeth who passed fortheowner of its property When this came out several children by tt-flrst wife stepped id and took the farm without any SPRING HATS! this Doolittle mandger of the Union News stand here has a fine shep herd dog that is known for hs wonderful I sagacity aDd apparent powers of reasoning jaDd disernment One of his peculiar traits is the faithfulness with which he follows the boy who delivers the Tmxs on the route in which the dog make bishome He listens eagerly and hen the carrier comes in hearing distance makes break to joiD him jlf he is in the house be begins running about and baTking wildly till he is let out Hs then tollows faithfully till the last paper is delivered He readily distinguishes the aameof the Turn as the boy shouts it and pays no attention to any other erics that may be heard about the same time of the tveni ing on Friendless and Alone A woman and two little children poorly clad and with marks of suffering upon their faces alighted from west bound train No 1 on the this morning To Officer Miller the mother stated that her husband had died recently in Pittsburgh leaving them penniless and alone She had some relatives in Chicago ant diepoa log of the few household goods which were their sole preservation she bad succeeded in raising sufficient money to carry them this far on their way to Chicago Miller reported the ease to Trustee Maguire who furnished them transportation to Van Wsrt 455 the nse of buying helmet1 forthecity queried an ob- serving citizen yesterday about half the men wear them 1 notice pne man on day duty that always wears a cap while the sight man who has on the regulation helmet tv a cariosity If the helmets are too cold for night work the men sbonld st least be required to wear them thl 10 or 11 Bst than there's no nse criticising the polle They have no regulations no orders and Its every fallow for himself 1 suppose be ever this till ws gst a Chief of Of th German Literary Noel sty Monday Evening Feb Sib 1891 at Must Ball told Urns "I was Anzlons to Become Pedagogues Admission fi 09 ytt eapls tl cents Th large number cf maiktrs already enured will make it a great and anulcf event for spectators St Evangelical Lutheran Church: Services tomorrow at 10:30 a in-and at 7 Sunday school at 2:30 Seats free and all are welaom Hunton Lutheran church Rev Helie of Upper Sandusky will preach in the German language In Zion's Lus therm church tomorrow st 10:30 a Sunday school at 9:30 a evening services at 7 Eckhart Pastor Preaching this evening at 7 services tomorrow at 10:30 a and 7 Rev Booth of Dayton will occupy the pul pit Special service lor the recention of members at 2:30 All are very eor dially invited Ballinger Pastor Market street Presbyterian Church Rev Thomson will preach st 1:30 a upon National at 7:80 upon Greatness Congregational Regular service Lecture at 7 All are welcome Rev Davies Pastor 1 English Reformed Sunday 8chool at 0 30 am Subject Man as is in tbs present state Evening service at 7:00 8uhject Catcbstlcal instruction At 800 you are invited! to attend our public services Ernst Pastor First Baptist Regular services at this chutcb morni-g and evening Sabbath School at 12 8 at 8 Evening service beginning at 7 o'clock Seats free! cordial welcoms toa'l Fee min Pastor Christ Communion 1:0 a Sunday School 0:50 a Morn irg prayer and serhion 103O Evening prayer and sermorf 7:30 Wednesday Aah Wednesday sort ices st 1030 a ni and 730 Thursday eermon at 4:30 in Fi iday sermon at 7:30 Seats free Leaflets for eertices All are in vitcd It is hoped tho services dining Lent will lie well attended and to the-e services all are most cordially invited Lent Is a time for meditation and examl nation for a nearer approach and communion with God It belongs not alone to the Episcopal Church but in for all At this season therefore let us a-semble ourselveB together and by conTe-sion of ains and prayer strengthen the lritual life Let us follow the elan of our Blessed Lord who for forty dav tasted and prayed In the wilderness Abner Frazer Jr Rector Correct Styles Just Received HUME THE HATTER cars mash a boat Ths Llm- lted said a baebelor this morning long as they limit the female He bad barely escaped being struck by a stuffed club when two rats ran across an alley in plain view Bob Hamer man the following gdod riding on a train odo day and was sitting beside a man th whtjia I naturally got Into conversation After we had been talkiog tome time be said to 'So yon live In Lima I said I did 'Doyoaknov a man by the name of there? I told him did Then profsrredj this request: yon please tell Mac hen yon see him that I want him to take a good wash in a barrel of rain ater then barrel ub the stuff and send it to Cf course I had some curiosity in the matter and asked him wbat he wanted the water for Said he want to sprit kle it on uiy putatoe vines to kill the bugs The county examination room was filled to overflowing with applicants for certificates to teach today there being a class of nearly seventy Those who could not be accommodated below were seated at tables in the library Most of the applicants were yopng people who have had no experience but hope to gain some teaching during the summer session There were a few more boys than girls This 13 the largest class the examiners have ever had in February MA The Lima Daily Times A Strong Doucsmect- Maou Ga Dee- 11 To the Church Co GetcnJ Faitone tbe Evneit Ptsc-- GtJTLtUiN la rrply to trquine asked today lu Jljr to my Hi: if the Company would snlrome ct Ih of the Lvrctl pMOf i sv itstl cinders drawn from the locomotives reglir4l MCrsl as isstnment is The answer was a prompt and I Mptfel u(t4 saeTiy by he added: ou get aby o( be mu-ual p- pi- of ctj and m-thra at 1 5 a bushel One car of OD ss'ctox cinders is worth three of gravel The C( a clf Company will put a tinder wik on Uur i tte L- Main street across its yards as soon as (t rw fit weather comes I put them don A pr crUj now would be ot no use ntheywcuid a Ca ca upon to sink in the soft ground aul not form a l0ge to th ute graced bet' Jinap-stton where he could bear tut not see the pianos Each wrs played Ther wm old farmer The Times-Democrat Publishing Co Counting Room 221 North Main Street Telephone Call No 84 Wants to be Free Once More Addle Stewart filed a petition in the common pleas court asking that she be granted a divorce from George Stewart who for more than three years past has been a husband to her in name only She has no idea as to his whereabouts and is tired of being deprived of the pleasures that marriage precludes being also denied the usual privileges of married life The parties were married in Upper Sandusky on Cbiistmas day 1879 Clark Ford was In Ada to-day Geo Hall went to Ft Wayne morning Stockstill of Sidney is here business A Layton of Wapakoneta was here last night South Lima needs better street crossings and more of them A big bargain on East North street eight room house Calvert A Woods Mrs Lomison went to Toledo today for a week' yiait to a aick friend in that city If rs Pbalen of Sidney 1 visiting her son Officer Phalen at hi home on Haller street Teegarden of 6ngar Creek was in town today He Is making a canvass for the nomination for county Treasurer Nelson A Harris the North Main street barbers have sold ont their business under drug store and will locate elsewhere Marks picked up quite a parcel of real estate in South Lima this morning lie brought It over the river with him sticking to his shos Mrs Fryer of Spncerville passed through The city this morning on her way to Cincinnati to visit her son Charles who is studying to become a druggist Mrs Ihos Williams who has been visiting her daughter Mrs II Watkins of 1121 bouth Main street returned to her home in Vaughna-ville yesterday Two new houses on Spring street all modern improvements Calvert A Woods ExsCounty! Commissioner Aaron States was in town today He says that hound is all going well on four and ready for a run after foxes at an A prominent Republican editor marked to a Democrat the other wish to the Lord that Mayor was a Democrat split him clean up the The Company went north this morning on No 2C II AD to Findlay where they will appear tos night Their special car of scenery was attached to the rear of the train Reichelderfer has sold his old of-flee to Rev Berry who is now moving it around to a lot on Jackson street between High and Maiket He Intends fixing it up to rent as a residence Lots of lots for sale all over the city Lotsof customers wanted to buy lots of lots Calvert Woods Albert Seltzer a machinist at the Solar refinery yesterday had his left eyebrow laid open by a fall against a taread cutter while be was trying to adjust it He is not dangerously hart The wife of Gus Kilgour the A conductor returned home this morning to Ft Wayne after a pleasant vteitwith relatives at Beaver Dam Mr and Mrs Xllgoar formerly lived in Urn Saturday Evening Feb 7 1891 ho ked upon bit Und But be Berer fathered rtebe Till be aoid to tbe Standard of said Tom an old man named Bxby up at Carey who beats them all We were fixing up a title for Henry Miller and th're was a mianing d-ed Somebody suggested writing to Bixby about it Well that man wrote back a lung letter explaining all about It lie recollected the transaction very distinctly and said he had bought trom Dan Garth a Mexicah land warrant fur that land It was taken out hy one Brockam who assigned to Garth who in turn assign td to Bixby He got Brockam to make him a deed That deed was some place in the thirties about 60 years ago We turned to the abstract booksand sure enough it was all straight There one man in ten thousand could recollect upon in th came key and as nearly alike aa possible Hadectded tbe Everett to tbe best toned piano Knowing the high qualities of the Weber aid Steinway as 1 having heretofore regarded them as tte test toned plan made I regatd this teat as one of lie very highest compliments that couA be paid the Everett Wry truly Eitz Pianist and oiganist anu choir matter St Joseph's Catholic Church Macon Ga RAILROAD RUMBLINGS Fine Sale For One Week Mrs Lucy Hernia of South Lima Mrs IlaDcot'k Smith and Hiram Bowkerof Findlay have each purchased elegant Everett Pianos Charles PerkiDS ofiSouth Lima purchased a fine organ and Good one of capitalists bought a beautiful Steck This week Porter Davis sold all these instruments in the face of the strongest competition Among the deaths which that of Mr Wlndoct recalls owing to some resemblance thereto are those of tbe Earl of Chatham who fell into convulsions while protesting agwnst the attempt of Great Britain to snbdue tbe American Colonies of ex-President John jincy Adams who sank into hs seat in the House of Representatives in the midst of an impassioned speech and of Senator Chandler who died in bis bed at his hotel in Chicago a few hours after delivering a brilliant speech in McCormick HalL Moderate That Whistle -An angry man was met this morning by a I mas reporter to whom he relieved himself thus: pap pitched Into the ringing of tte school bells and (hat was right Now 1 wish you would do something for me Uy The remains of the late John Dobbins Ada were buried this afternoon Blanche Collin of Hamilton is visiting her grandmother on North Jack-son street The child of Mr and Mrs A Glasgow of North Union street is quite aick with bilious tever Mrs Rjdman uf Toledo is the guest of her sister Mrs it Gal lagher of East High street Ilarry Gill who bought an interest In livery barn i4 preparing to remove his family from Celina to this Marsh A Helm are showing a beautiful stock of Fortier Lace Curtains and all the new things in Winter Draperies 85 3t The funeral of the late Catharine Jones took place this afternoon from the residence of her eon George at Allentown Mrs Zerelda Wallace mother of Lew Wallace will lecture in Trinity Church at 4 Sunday afternoon The subject of her lecture will be MW-manand the Admission free Batt Bastable father of Jack Base table the well known A of the CR4D left-thla morning for Denver Colo on an extended visit He will spend several days visiting his son Jack In Toledo Certainly Entitled to One The Railway Company will no longer take 8 foot ties They must be feet long 1 Joe Cnrren of the dis office at Huntington lnd was over here last night and attended the presentation of the at the Opera House i Traffic was interrupted on the ro yesterday afternoon for about two hours by the collapse of a truck under a loaded grain car on an east bound freight train at the bridge this side of St Ma-ter af Transportation Bell of the Whas issued on order based on complaint that a conductor backed up to a station to let off a man who could not pay bis fare Mr Bell says the collection of fares should be strict ly observed but no tram should be backed up after batirg started out HavenC operator at MariOD was here with his wife today Daniel Blckel was yesterday evenlrg granted a divorce from Elizabeth Bck-'u lbis morning and I wBbed thU el on the grounds of adultery He was pounds of nltro-gljcenne was unde that fellow that blows the whistle 4 also of the children Tbe i given custody facts which led up to the filing of the i paper mil! atd that be was blow milt fnr riivnrrp ftn1 th ftnYFrul trial tUrtlllj ftickbut are a great manysuk people to whota it must be excrutcaung It is every salt for divorce and tbe several trials of Mrs Blckcl for adultery and her to the Thorn Mitchell Is credited with a powerful memory and a recollection of the state and title of every piece of real estate in this and most of the adjolDiDg counties But a professional man who came into possession of the facts te is of a case in which was once nearly caught the narrator says was liable to eatch anybody A fellow had a wife named Elizabeth who owned a farm In her own name He and his wife sold the farm In searching for an abstract of tbe property Thorn said know this first wife and she has been dead a number of It was asserted strongly that the -wife Elisabeth was living yet and the sale was about to be closed Yet Thorn waa not satis fled and on making more careful inquiry It developed that the first wit Rose yesterday sold his grocery stock in the store on the southeast cors ner of Main and Kibby streets to ISoyseli owner of the building who will run the business Mr Rose will leave Lima probably for Columbus or Zanesville Sieber was hailed today with: is again said you are a Candida's for Councilman Howls The answer was prompt and emphatic: sir I am A Myers of the Myers-Altice Gas Manufacturing Co of Boliver JIs in towD the guest of his son VV Myers of the High Explosive Co Lima Colt and Gordon both of Findlay were at tha Lima House last night subsequent sentencing Dayton Work-house are all still vivid in the ibemory of the readers of the dally papers tnornieg end the fellow never know when to stop It Is terrible He jus fairly msde the bed quiver under me It went all through Marsh A Helm have this day received a very choice line of India Linen to Black and white also fine Hemstitch Lawn and Batistes in Black and White tt Nervous debility poor memory diffidence sexual weakness ptmpIeajRUwd by Dr Nervine barn pie fcv USA Ashton and A WUUbartlb $75 dollars and per month boys a house on West High street at Calvert Woods i 1 1n ') 11 lit i1 i order I tlnetive characterlstiMi ntiiuri itfanfnol with! the iXth failed to work of South I Ia Ko.

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