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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 2

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PAGE TWO BLYTHEVILLE, (ARKJ COURIER SATURDAY, 'APRIL -I, 1Q3L Society Calendar Monday The executive board ol the Woman's Auxiliary of the First Presbyterian church is mcctins at the church. Mrs. Fred Sandefur will enter- tan the Beta Chi Sunday a-hool class of the First Pivsbyl-jriun i church at 7:30 in. Circles 1, 2 and 4 of the woman's' missionary tocicty in tho First Baptist church will meet at (lie- church; circle 3 at thc home of I Miller and circle 5 at lisa home of Mrs. Robert Grimes.

The W. II. S. of thc Firsl Mclli- cdtst church will meet at thc church. Th'c woman's missionary society of the First Christian church will meet, with Mrs.

A. G. Hall at 2:30 o'clock. Tuesday Mrs. I-tunter C.

Sims Is having the Contract club. The: Tuesday Luncheon ciub meeting with Mrs. Henry Humph- i reys. Wednesday Mrs. Stephen H.

Brocks is having the Matinee Bridge club. Mrs. W. Owen Blue is hostess Io the Entrc Nous Bridge club. Thc New Wednesday ciub Is meeting with Mrs.

A. C. Ward. Thursday Mrs. J.

Louis Cherry Is having the Mid-Wcek Bridge club. The Young Matrons Bridge club is meeting with Mrs. Matt Momi- ghan, Jr. Mrs. W.

M. Taylor is having the Elliott Fletcher Chapter of thc United Daughters of the Confcd- i eracy. Young Mifis Fashionable Can Suit Herself Legion Auxiliary Has An Interesting Mrtllntr AUalk. by Dr. A.

M. Wnsliburn, director of the county henlth unit, I program given by the local Girl Scouts and reports of the luncheon and tea in Memphis Tuesday, wciej features of the meeting or thcj American Legion auxiliary Friday afterncon at the home ul ivfrs. O. W. McCutchen.

Mrs. J. Lent! was- also hostess. was discussed by Washburu and in the progiam by the scouls Sara Jo Littie, Margar-1 et Shaver, Bettle Lee Mcbutclicn.l Patty Shan- tiok part In the dances, readings and piano mini-1 bers; Mrs. W.

S. Langdln offered I prayer- i Mrs. Neil! Resd, president, uis-' cussetj the speech I L- 'jy Robert Lincoln Hpyal of Ariz national of tlHj American Legion auxillsry, at luncheon meeting of the Memphis! chapter given at the Hotel Pea-! body. The tea, also attended by I nine-members of the Iccal group, i was reported by Ernest Roe Floyd White told of the SECOND HAPT18T CHURCH J. Ij.

N'cwsom, Pastor EastCT Services Sunday 11 a. in. Subject "Finding the Christ." Special music. Evening services at 7:30, subject 'The Fruit of the Spirit." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH "Unreality" IB (he subject fo the Letson-Sermon to be read in the SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Jesus Teaches Humility The International Uniform Sunday Kohoo) Lessen for April 5. Jesus Teaches Humility. 14: 7-U; BY WM. E. GH.HOY, I). II. Editor of The Consresatlonalist Human nature is much the same in every age.

It is only whru It is touched with the glory of the divine that it rises above Clirlsliim Science service Sunday, lls com mon level. a 1 lc Olel Noblc Tne IHBlicst, things in human Hie Golden text is: "The things cliaracto and achievement do nut vblch are seen arc temporal; comc by chanc Tnc arc llol the things which are not seen are mereljr lhc resull Jkln(i dis eternal" (11 Corinlhians 4: 18). Among the citizens trom the Bi- positlon or a favorable mood. They carlh, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through nnd Meal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heavon, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal; For where your treasure is, there will your hcait lie also" (Nfatthew 6: 19-21). The Lesson-Sermon will also include from the Christian Science lextbook.

"Science and Health with Key to to thc Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy. ble is the following: "Lay not up for yonrsclvas treasures upon cise of wm an( cons lcilco Man does not rise high without an Ideal. It was the mission of Jesus in the world to give an ideal, to, set before him Hie Kingdom of Heaven as as a kingdom into which lie cauld enter, now adapting his life to the v.ays and ideals of that kingdom, living in nil his relationships upon higher plane than that ot ordinary motives and courses of conduct. Deals With Common Tilings Here in the parables of our Josson, Jesus deals the common things of human nature that on 1 can see to widely illustrated dally life. HL- ubscrvcd who were invited to a fcoist, they chose out for themselves the chief places and made a great deal of in? fact that they were outdistancing somebody else.

Jesus rebuked such people on Hie ground of worldly wisdom, pointing out that Ihls was a foolish practice, lhat instead of being asked to slcp down and take nn inferior place, it was much better to take an inferior place at first and possibly to liavp the satisfaction of being asked to come up higher. Rut thc teaching that Jesus attractive decorations and of the meeting. new membc: Warren, Mrs. Paul Grei other HY JOAN SAVOV weight wool, blue unit whits pin Hie bark of trees In spring--flniL. If you haven't on your-stiipe frock, and plain bUio jacket, Tills suit is quilted and very, very spring suit yet, er if you are frock has an outrageously bis smart is the be de- land are having a you will white collar that falls over the blue'; ceivcd ausiit that.

i lt cy measure by the 'jacket finite- like a jnbat scarf. TlK; There la quilting where the box Qrctmvjll unrtl. rlcl 11( oups wool sjccs this, way ana join the hiplinc of the skirt Mrs. Roland Green, were amiounc-i M03t lhc onos hav ln nil cut en the diagonal for part i Tnere is (iuilting at the cuffs ol 'are for yoimi! things. They n-ire'of the skirt and waist, on thejllic short sleeves ol the little jac- out their skirts In smart straight fov the rest, The jacket If Icct.

And all togclher, ft has a came in snug at the waist, and Up i form-titled at the waistline and young- dash to it that is inimitable 'the skirt, or with down over the hips, and slants'Under this short jacket is a white ling materials or a Jaunty Jacket to a smart cutaway. creire waist, with a child lot the same. The collar to this Ircck is criap Ish round collar and a bit of The Pre-Schcol Mothers group of There are twn distinct types. Fii; white linen. 1 lint Is a cute blue 1 Armorel held its monthly that think you'll Usj your one.

yolntlns dov.n ever the ed. Delicious retresments were scrv- rre-ScIiool Sfothers Groop Jtccts nt Armorel while tow where it snaps shut in the home of Mrs. Jesse Ride-! coat off soon. The ethers whu-h left ear nnd back olf thc hair onur yesterday afternoon. jknow you'll i-rotably be inclined to! The other suit is a novelty woo! Th3 theme "Controlling thc Emo-1 leave them on.

i crepe weave, in that lovely new i tkms Of the Child" was studied In! one of former is a light-I brown lhat is the color of! an interesting program. In'ji ower contest Mrs. T. E. Tats I won-'the prize.

I the theme with members of the! Delicious refreshments of sand-1 evoll;) of front. The belt, gloves and trl- corn hat arc of Alice blue, perfectly shinning color with lliis new brown that you have a chance to wear this spring. wiclies, cookies hot chocolate pr were served Tho fltc Rcss group will con- i ciuCt llii! program In tho morning. I To Have Easter Hunt The Sunday school of til- Asscm- 1 To I 1VC bly of God church will hr.vo iu annual Easter egg hunt Sunday i tcn of afternoon nt the Shady Drove tourist camp en the South liigh- way." um obd vs "arham. tne Junior 1 7 c( urc Wl1 Mijii'rin- the First, an Eas- hor home Sunday nlternoon, 2 oclcfk, for members Have Hnnl 3f tl)ls The co members of the Junior' department of the First Baptist! ded tlic' Easter party Friday allcrmxm en-' Kr 1a jM ln hl sponsor, cl joyed a hunt for eggs and immtr- lbtK at tho last tl i cv to raplnir.hii; a cunpiicti by John II.

Law and V. F. Boiand cf Cbvehutl. Tiie principal cur readers spade. North should jum; Ihrre spr.des.

but under thl Nortli bids two sjiades to partner, "If yon can three spades. 1 will take It i i mint in mind when this tys- four spades." South's hand hard tern Is being used is that an ly justilles a raise to three spade, iuj bid of one' shows a minimum i but let us assume that he hel If the original bidacr'r, I the iia. and of hear; games. Besides the gayly colored sandwiches and drinks! and one-half tricks, i Instead of tiic king, nine and ilio biudins v.G-.ilii be I lie would then be justified in bid club, tlicri'forc this illiu: tlirte spades and Norl ii.n Is llw paitner ot the for the children. Mrs-- Theodore Logan is supcrin- rltil of the group.

i Btgin New Quarter In beginning the second quarter! the year tho ndult dcpartmrni and the Dorcas Sunday school! class of the First Baptist churcl: ar? making special efforts to have a good attendance Sunday. There, will be special music in tiie opening program. to four. Hand AU.MII South opens with a spart and Ncilli's hand is strong to io game at once. Thcrcfoi Bils of News Mostly Personal Mr.

and Eanr.ic! F. Norris' v.c as their curfls for thc end Mr. ar.d Rr.y A. Dean and K-'IJ-J c.iv!!T. of 1 (lit- haiKlic tlri.s 1 Kith c-n: his'iirnpef bid is four spades.

a are We Hand 1) LMst and i though South's cpcnii) South in r.ll of one spidc shows a mill "mum, it dees not necessarily mea thai a slam cannot be arrived i if North has a strong hand. Han is an example of slam bida'm v.ilh South opening a cue spade. North has supixirt Io hand and Iliv; with spade. ALL XOKTI! HAXD.S IB) society 'chu: -church, plans were made for Nabcrs! dinner election day. nn jiy council and missionary society v.ill Join in this project witli dinner in the Gatcly store cf the Lynch building Tuesday.

Havt Prayer Servic-e Thi women of the First church sponsored a second prayer service Friday afternoon, at A. F. Barium, of I and her daughter. who attends wheel at college. St.

Crr.r'.i s. fiir-yycd here yesterday. SOl'TH K-fl -1 llanrl Hospital Frank Marie Brinkiev. illy. the church, for the pre-Easter week admitted to tV.e of prayer.

Tnls will bc climaxed i pitai today. p. 0. wjth sunrise prayer service in the and sen. city.

at 6:30 o'clock instead if 6 as previously anounced. Fkricia. KcnLucky, Nebraska! For yeslsrday's progranl ar.d Waconsln have in-' In Serving The GcfcpeP was debtcdnfss. spades also hys a good hear i suit and makes a shift jump bid ttirre hearts. He can later sui port hi-j partner's spade sui! as I juinsi bM is a demand bid at fc rces partner to keep the biddir ope-n.

I South, having riormal ssii hi licaits, should go Io fo 1 IU.MHS. N'orth would Ihcn Jump and although South r. minimum he could bid a spade 0:1 four to Ihe at nol thc He not as yet told Io open partiuT lhat he holds five spad but 2': tricks, he bids a'lo thi- ace, ipiecn. jack. With Ih North has and o.r-' afriitlrmal strcnp.tli he is Justine nicks ami normal six spades, for but kncwr.

Today's hands have dealt ci hand is a tirely with minimum holdinsa should ll.ind Pou-h. In lorr.orrow's article show examples of hands whe FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Slain and Seventh Streets V. Q. Rorif, Pastor Sunrise prayer incc-tlng and Sac- amcnl of the Lord's Supper at a. m.

Every member is urged be present at tills Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Will pu be one of 500 to be present? Baptism of infants 10:50 a. m. Morning worship and 11 in.

Reception of a large class of icmbrrs immediately following the crmon. Service broadcast over KLCN. "The Crucifixion," Oratorio hy italncr will be given at the church 5 p. m. If unable to be present tune in ivcr KLCN.

Ross Stevens. C. G. Redman, Er- icsl Jones. Wilson Henry ar.d corge Henry are soloists.

At 8 p. in. the closing service of he Hy and Senior Leaguer. 7 p. m.

Board of Stewards Monday 1:30 p. m. full attendance expected. meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m.

Evangelism among the children. Choir Wednesday 3:15 p. m. 'ILGRTM LUTHERAN t'HUKCH H. J.

Klcindicnsl, Faslcir Services are held at tlie St. Stephen Episcopal church. Sunday school and "Bible class, 8:15 a. m. Special Easter service with communion.

10 a. m. Sermon subject: is Not Hero, But Is Risen. FIKST BAPTIST CHURCH Alfred S. Harwell, 1'astor Sunday school, 9:45 a.

in. 11 n. m. Subject: "Thc Love of Christ Constraincth Us." B. Y.

P. m. Church, 7:45 p. m. The Hands of Angry God." There will a baptismal scrvlra at the close of the sermon.

Candidates are asked to be prepared for the ordinance. Sunday school council, Tuesday, 7 m. Devotional and business meeting, Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. Choir rehearsal, Thursday, 7:30 p.

m. gave was not simply that of worldly wisdom; it was a deep spiritual message that he was message that life does not consist of mere preferment and outdistancing somebody else in worldly recognition, but that, on the contrary, it consists of service, and that, true humility Is one of (he greatest, as perhaps It is one of the rarest, of virtues. The law of the Kingdom of Heaven, ho suggests, differs somewhat from tile law of til kingdoms of earth. Here honor and glory arc the chief considerations, but in the Kingdom ofj Heaven character is thc true asset, and in this) Kingdom of Heaven "he that humbleth himself shall be exalted." Chaltrnscs Our Hospitality The teaching of the true incidents associated in (h lesson with this parabie strikes deeper. Jesus challenges thc reality of a great deal of our social life.

When we open our homes hospitably to others, lie enquires what is the motive. Are we doing it to glorify Are we doing it simply to pay back those who have Invited us? Or are we inviting merely those who will make us some similar return? He says that if we would really have the satisfaction of the Tcsl: l.ukc if And he put forth a parable to those which were bidden, when ho marked how they chose out the chief rooms; saying unto t'ncin, When thou art bidden of any nian to a wedding, sit not down in Iho highest room; lest a more honourable man than thou be bidden of him; And he that bade thee and him conic and say to Give this man place: and thou begin with shame to take the lowest rcom. But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in lowest jona; that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thec, rrieir; go tip higher: then shall thou have worship in the presence y-; them lhat sit at meat with thec. For whosoever exahcth himself shall be humbleth himself shall be exalted. Then said he also- to him lhat- bade him, abased; and he ti'jh When thou ASSEMIIIW OF GOD CHURCH South Lilly Street.

R. A. Work, Pastor Sibbath school. 0:45 a. m.

N. W. Trantham is superintendent There Is a class to fit the need of every pupil. You arc welcome. Morning worship.

o'clock. Evening praise and sermon, 7:30 o'clock. Prayer meeting Monday morning. 9'o'clock, nnd Tuesday and Friday nlghls. 7:30 o'clock.

FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH E. K. Pyslor Sunrise prayer service, 0:30 a. Church school. 0:45 a.

m. dinner or a supper call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbors; lest they also bid tiit-2 and a recompense he made thee. But when thou makest a feast, call thc poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. And thou Shalt be blessed; for they recompense thre: for thou shall bo recompensed at the resurrection of the just. Anil they brought unto him also infanls, thai he them: but when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them.

But Jesus calkd them unto him. and said. Sutler little children to come unto me, and forbid them -not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive lhe of God as a little child shall in no wise ciUer therein, injr, or if we do so. too often, asjan astf in the world's history in hard times such as we are: when there was so much concern passing through at present, it for thc child as at present.

through the social medium of! The recent conference in bread lines and soup half of child welfare at Ih? White rather than through the direct i House is probably the' most Imand human contact of real hos- porlant fact ot Hoc- pitality. Perhaps some day the administration far, and world may awaken to the lich- (he president is to 02 warmly ness of meaning there is in such simple teaching of Jesus. ccrr.n-.c-nded not only for his Iralivc- addrrss on that oecr.s!on, Child HoMs Interest uf All but for alt lhc prestige- that he In one thing the world has, has sought to irnp.m to thc move' reah have he satisfaction of thc i aree ly entered into the heritage merit fur the welfare of children richest hospitality, we should find; 0 Ghrisl teaching-that is. in; in al! of its phase? it in entertaining those who can relation to iht, children. The! Surely the problem is rc.r*nT«*«lir.*.

make no recompense to us, that real blessing would come to the man who would make a feast for thc poor, the maimed, tho lame, the blind. Not many people test the reality of that plain and simple teach- story of Jesus suRcrhig the litue saying that if deal nrk- children to come to him and ad- quately with the children monishint; his disciples for for- single wo bidding them lias grasped very. more to rhanje the lacs of firmly both Hie "imagination and i world within a few years the thought of thc modern world. could dcue by anv There has, perhaps, never been' means. Baptist! Workers to Have All Day Program Monday i Judge Quotes Virgil in Suit Over Pig SOUTH XOUWALK.

N'chciniah Candee quoted Virgil's Aneid in an eight-page de- Thc Mississippi County Baptist cis 011 "tiling a over llu Association Workers' conference is! a dog that hail bitten mcclins at the First Baptist church a ff Iiorvalli anai. claiming he had killed the dog unlawfully. Judge Canricc, in of tile suii, said "it is un- hcre Monday for an all day pro gram. Besides the members, which in- ctude pastors of all churches of this i wl yi LlIlO Easier progiam of music and ser- denomination in the counly 11 11 a. m.

1 Ins fcrvlce will 3ovcra i vi itor mm rol.owed with Holy com-j Cecil" of Christian Endeavor sociclics, 6:30 p. m. fortunate that in the instant case, hat was not some Sibyl pa-sent with a suitable medicated take lepe at Joncsljoro will five the llle valuable dog uiniMutii nuuiMvur socitui-s, and an inspirational ad-' to tulr brought disaster dress for the moniinq session is' to rnin Ilon 11: I' 13 4 Evenincr praise and sermon. bc Kerlev of trio hotl1 have BM- relock. Subject: "Hn Is Risen" samc Kcr thc cd on to (heir respective rewards.

A cordial welcome awaits all who attend. thc cort is inclined to the val-! the. IIRST PHES1H Marsh M. Call.iway, Pastor bunriay school. 0:45 a.

m. Following luncheon, served bv women of the church, the Htv. j. of one offset Ncwsom. pastor of the Second otncr CllUUCiii church here who recently came to the city from Tunica, will conduct the devotional and this will followed with a talk on Shubert Jinny Opera Director ST.

LOUIS, (UPI-J. J. New Vork theatrical has be-in re-iltjcii-d itclor of the- ol. Louis Opera, larsjrs: fit its kind in the world, for the 1P31 season. H- thc Il'j; prcdu: at- u-ndcu by TCO.CCCJ 'Kelsons.

MATKRXITY llll- foruir.nte drli; piivate. rates Par writs Ho.sp:ial, 4yll East 27lh. Kaiisris City, Miwourl. CHICKEN D1NNKK -lilc TUESDAY In biiildiuj next to Borr.m's by Women nf Second 1ST CHURCH Morning worship. 11 a.

in. Sub- jut of "Relief in "Our Stale Program'' by thc Rev. Alfrcci Harwell, pastor of thc Miss Virginia Keck will sing" First church of Blythcvlllc. and an and the choir wll sing a 1 by the Rev. c.

Welch, from an Enner cantata lns of Osceola church. "nright Easter M-rn." Christian Endeavor society. p. m. Miss Rebecca Oillcspie will tr leader.

livening worship, IMS p. m. There will be a OT spmNos Ark (ul i I to a riot call, police hnr- iiiaht, T.30 0 loc)! 1 irietl to a cemetery here one night Prayer meeting. Wednesday eve- 1 recenl'v Sorority Girls Initiate Pledges in Cemetery iiing. 7:45 o'clock.

A scries of Mil- told arriving carloads will be bcrjun on tho shorter of lhat abollt lw ratcchlnn. rc serf amlr.g and that It I scuudcd as though they were belli? and kidnapped out in the Police found lour cirls. far back Mn a(IO vs and i iyiiiK on fpvcral tombs. Invcsticaiion revealed that a uct an evangelistic meeting at i prep ichoal sorority was Initiating Assembly of God church, on 'pledges and "thought I a good Lilly street, beginning Sun- stunt to bind the rtirls. gag them ui-ii ti 1 1 i Will Hold Revival at Assembly oi -W.

Jr. Mills, of Claton, is With Ihls liana" South again! South opens with one club, giving opens with one spade. North has! the- rasper responses by North. d-iv. The public is invited to all serv- and put lliom on top of graves." Courier News Want AJs Special Easter Dinner Execlk'Ml food, delightfully sm J2102P.

31. ami 6 lo 8 P.M. NOBLE.

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