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The Lima News from Lima, Ohio • 5

The Lima Newsi
Lima, Ohio
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A If -A 1 Weif S- A -3 -P Mb THE LIMA DAILY NEWS MONDAY rEVENIN FEBRUARY 6 lAfErEIEfIEfrHAVE Handy Bifocals- THE RIGHT OF WAY Why nse two pair of glasses when one pair will do the work of -two? I can it yoa with glasses that yoa can wear constantly and en- joy good distant and vision as -yowlika- Mrs Hunt 213 Water street Waldorf is BitterzComplete Investigation is Being iui 4 Railway-Legislation Special Order of Business in the House JThis Opposition Will Be Voiced in Dehate says MI enjoy wearing the glasses I had fitted by Mr Hughes' as they give me good near and distant vision and are satisfactory every respect Washington Feb Railroad -rate-legislation is-to-ha-va-the -s'eht- vote on that me isure at four I VV edftmtay Op Morday tho atateh9odUII wilt dlscusBion will be intci rupted iirnilt the jrnnageis of vni ip ughes Optician 2nd Floor Deisel Block Just North the Square Into the Charnel That He Has Been-Perniciously Active in Politics ot wry In the house of representatives Tin 1 tj i as day fo permit tha two yl11 omiy J-ed ty Wi-lii impeachment trio I to present the rgsuoil dies to Judge answer In the proAedings against him but is not -Nothing d-rj- The rule maktng tUe bill giving the interstate corn i-rce com mission power to fi rates a special order during Sessions whichjrra to bight an hour earlier than usual on Tuesday and eilmsduj nil bo the subedit of lively debate enTStonday war that has been begun against Colice tor George Waldorf the Tole i ill of the house add count the electoral votes for president and vice treeldeutv Program lit Semite- The senate hits laid out pit extended urogram for itself this week Accor ling to thhrptaib Monday and Tuts-jajMjvdl in given-over almost entirely cTdhe statehood bill Wednesday the- senate wlH prooeed to the hall of tmT house of represen-iCvex and assist In Canvassing the kctotal vote I Cakc Walk An Vau evi 1 1 En ter ta in men do revenue office Tie veteran admin the balance of the time during the week The Republican steering committee has decided tha the pure food hill shall become the unfinished business efter-tbe- of -the statehood bill but it is ot MlpveiJ that much if ilny time will be found this week for Us consideration istration leader in the Northwest for coaled his in tout ion of getting Wal- fact tliere was a widely spread rumor that it had been promised to him Hy 4lio Pnvitlcnt as a Christmas gift For 20 years Waldorf has been his persLHleatjKlil iciU oppo iicnvt tng largely in his defeat for Senator the 1 1 mo-1 at he ran- -ngai nst oh Sherman Senator Iljek has said that he would not indorse Hie Collector for another term but insists thijt he thotdd be prmHtaXtirKcne out the present- -one Mr Bowen has into conference the leodeiH of 20 ears There is now blit- trhtch has been agreed to by the Republicans of the committee on Interstate cow merer will be voiced ln the debate on this rule This opposition mny eornr from the minority developed In the publican conference Friday a well as front the Demin rats of the hu In Toledo a siweml Monday Ever Feb 13 At Auditorium- If the two shoultnmlte to TtTcaTTKe SHOT-GIRL WHO revenue agent TV II Bowen of Covington Ky who has been eommiv simicd to investurato a certam set of chaiges that have been filed against Waldorf on the ground of pernicious activity in pol ilirs lie has an assist ant and a stenographer awl is rule those who -have Toil hied noses sy this cart 1m? ao(-ompH-h Xo OiumiVimiiy to Amend tiioRxU- the independent movement and is HAD RUINED HIM It Will Be Great Should the rule be adopted- as the bel)eff the ijmitv of leaders thei viiliit ho oppomreftj to Amend the Mil deneral Admission 25c 1 making other inquiries into the situa-tiiti Toledo Is member of The Governing Board of the Ineas County oiganiation there is no question Ti ludepeadente put up tickets ift eieiy ward against the regular Re- The Democrats il be given an op-portucltj to mikf (heir showing of New Janitor Murders Young Woman in Third Avenue Culprit Well Provided 7 With Weapons: it strength on tin Davy hill Hu offered os a sUtmCiTme for the Lh-To tieenil bill wUcn the top going into the matter with thoroughness The charges were filed by cerium members of the indejiendent political movement which was successful last fall in defeating the candidates of tlie oigmialioil for council-Micd up in the fight was a street car Irauchi-ie ainl Tti'ui nuit-tPrligtlriSTfl thtr Ptl A ft mfhe clcciroiniie fttinoniK-ement was made that -the imlcpcjulCnis jropoe3' to file cliAigcs with Govcnior Herrick aitiM-Htaio Oil Tiiafieotor Prank Baird and County Chairman Sam Colui who is a state employe Hieing putilit'-airnoHiinee-and organization was putlo sore straits to save -ila WET5 AND DRYS AT BLOODY FlCffl York Feb 6 Louise and Instantly kllU td Emil Bollinger a janitor who was arrestod after bcng serlous- POINTS iHjtimb in- an attempt to shooting took place In the dtn- of student men Among-other dxlges fmgus in-dcjicndcnt tickets were sprung Tire tight war a losing one and the vie-tors weivt after tlio" defeated iii rdugh fashion The oigmnzation was forc-s! to repudiale Vuller Brow tthosi fortncction 1 1 the Toledo Railw ay and Light Company' as at-lomey gave color to the Charge that Recent Local Option Election at Hebron Has Divided the Village a hotel cur Third avenue where the woman and two mhn had been during the night Rointiger who had been fitting In another part some hours suddenly advanted to-the of tlie Free I Allot Km I oymenLBt hn i Nothing- ever jiMrand the prediction' was tothfo six' weeks ago by was working in thein-The Fhiquircr that the movement wasjtercKt of thatHoixsiralion Tliis sac-oimiiTTicd at Cnilnetnr TValdorf alunc nfleo was not enough it appear -jaJwd-lqioil BattleHBetween Classes in the Fmdlay High School tblc at which they-sat and drawing a v-voher fired Iw Ice-xhuu ting dhe vrorn-tn tbrtmgh llie-w-ekeiml thfoiigh ihr heart As she fell Bollinger Newark Ohio Feb The local option election helJat Hebron this eouuty in January In which the wet yincc the day of twe election the wets-ond dry have been at Tho city council passed a or-dtnanrw-UMt wll- faction won a victory by one vote tir-np trouble at every evening at nine o'clock and re threw away the pistol and started to run When he wis attacked the wortian'tr tuuijitHlpns and In the ibEUSglcd that was thrown liiv nxtirt mill stiver dy Injured Class Flag a Trophy-Juniors Waved it in the Faces oHhe Seniors in Crowded Hall iUSeFcause trouble in that village Tha temperaned faction Ijave taken the election to the courts of licking county where nihuavlia tiai'O been 111-' ed against several residents toy illegal mijly closed on Sundays Late saturdajwafternoorixRev Harry Blyvinger of Lo Mayor Criliy he filed ftfiliiavlts against the two- Rn- iloinkeepiiralaJIebKatFraii and land Then Fight Began lieu removed to the hospinl wo iirfua rwiUctiiniK found on him haft been decided to make an inveti- gatron Bcnalor Hick was exceedingly jDraslmigloh for their leader If Mh mwmtiug tltaflie woull Bowen-roO that the charges aro pT Watiloi-rv cnnmd and dcclnr- justified tlicro is no quest inn but that mg-that the charge wciwmerely-po President Roo-cvelt will decapitate htical xrctcvM- On the otinH li nnd jwiiTdorf and lino proeipitnto opcri 'Muintor Foniker has scarcely edii-l ifam between DidTaiid Foraker emmet eeeeeeee eeemeeee eeeeeeeee AUTOMOBILE Holllnyor woiiUl offer no explanation of the trageriy except tir that he bad cW ihe' Woinaix bcamie hatj Mined hls i llnhhlTiclriTdtcOfarnA 'k if if Six 4 election are claimed to have been madewjth S-blueJead wWrh If considered HUgftL It la also stated that one voW waa ihe I uutLcv-1 Fin- -T3 iUliK I jao amt jirudur- immiileil ilie rfnllt nl up reili oT Tbt mu-j's of the HUH thlt ifoliinger's wife la said to have of (t ft hiv-twMvca-rs ogo on ac count of Rseb and Wellington McPheron for keeping their saloons open qnSun- day January 22 1905 The bearing of the two saloon firm tried In Mayor rnirg-eoart-today: AAAAAAAAA AAAAA AAA AAA AAAAftAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA A AAAAAAAAA Mr aml Mrs Wm and triilat attpuinou iq tlje attentions to the woman who killeti inr Jjm 'sfue CKer six the High i (ujoi tnuhlimt aiol t'r SHOWWHICH littoi'n" luucutfs tht tur a fills 0 uitkiitumlreil jeTumls in slidl of iVc- sons Harold amLIxRoy-of Dolphin are vjsffmg among relatives here PHEurtioniA I fersonals Btut tW ClOWtl dj I licit I Ilf Tiroc tor it rsitln tit tudpntu ru-fiio) to to-evrif hrrwem litr iU cLiMiS jliir i fo tunc OpensJn Chicaeo This Evening TH OF A TWfi- Turin luijit i1 there Mary Satnrdav to transatC bosinro- Rirc autt ttmigliiet'rB'afthA Attracts Lima PeopJe tha ddri-ast of thctli '1 be setnore wew-drrmr Oii MisrRicIianT IInrne anA iailiJK Tfcttl ui Tins city S-iiiuday attending the funeral of An uncle JUs-JIarmoii I ir-iga lid a igh le Kirrelof ST Marys eftmo tr lAhft" last cn en i (TNl-dFTeTal tvesf or aT few davs -Mis two flay ftfti rmwm At-tpo -ei-'i-fi ot tfalkdOEkfAwtri on tunny pXm'ma '3ps beta -made ba the manufac ure of niachinea tarr- illnCH 11 tj 1 wmch-Qpiinain-that city this evening Mis GcrtrnftyBealts enferfaiinmr tHmtdfil jt-ttihlotntm wtHi imeer- npom jsdmHee()iTArjheF-HiC eHHlkitat hs1riflnerffH cast Ha i a of piicumbuiiq afkr fin ill ness of but a tewdaiw Funeral -crrairgimctits have not yet been conflicted MiJ2lhiiJYiIgltTiiliasbetib aj-vii-tmg relatives at for tiome time- Is7-rotui'ncI to her hoina in atlicT ccmntry li ome Miss Blanche Brown if jClncai'o There -from -neighboring leitlea to See" the automohfie show and It is probable that the attendance throughout the week will far surpass Tasty ea r's'llgu res'" Marjw 3 erierday -Joseplf Axc Mi7' among friends here Saturday Vc rV and which wilt he her of Lima enihuxlAStsi Everything in in readiness for the inauguration of the Coliseum tonight Nearly all of lhe exh)bUs yn-jyimpletf anti wU-mg-for-the iiiBpection of the public AlthouKh theihow wa3 formally opened Saturday was merely ft sort- of-rwhearsal a prellml- Notice It? Til a IIiYrft PW yames-a-great- Bitchholtz went to lima hFMiss Cures group sore ill ront pulmon ary Lf Maniirrh over pain of every sort Dp Bclecttic Oil Mr Milton Neeley is the guest of fiicads in Logansjtrt Imltatt er mimbor of ads in its want column Qian ttc other two daily papem eom-bmtd Can't you guess wbyt i fi" -'sap 4 iw 1 TTtSKETTTttKr MisiliTHf cy! er ayroinriieil JlrscrtEverett ftmlb bre Andrew of- Biyn liawr where she will resmne 1 1 be atone by ay 0f-ao5 One basker tmty game is scheduled HOPED Beayerdam were gueste yesterday of Mrs Charleswifk of Qrovft avenue Jv Mr Greet and Louis Efim-ger of St Marys came down Saturday evening to see Bob That He WiU Find Relief in Change for this w-eek at' the Auditorium next Friday night when the White Stars meet the Arcadia team the only five that has defeated the Stars this sea-Son One week from next Friday night Fremont High School team will play the Lima High School ftt the Auditorium SB BAD ONES No one would ever he bothered with coiislipation if everjone Lnewr bow naturally and quickly Bimlo Blood Bifters regulates the stomarti and bowels WILLIAM MARTIN LEAVES THIS MORNING FOE FLORIDA hiblts ami getting very thing in work Ing order The manufacturers and agents are planning to make this a gala week Thete Will be banquets vaudeville entertainments and interesting affairs at the Chicago Automobile club house Worshippers og speed records and record breaking automobiles will crowd around Barney famous auto Omen Dragon' in Which he has sy often braved death to establish A new-record and jwhich will be on exhibition at the auto show this week Many tort win seek out the being exhibited at the show by Baron Frederick de Turekheim of Paris who Is one of the most distinguished of the fgrelgn exhibitors Fletcher who made 100 miles In IS minutes at the Florida races last week may be seen here this week Some" of the tlosed automobiles oft exhibition ar" given ait the luxuries hec school work ftt Mis Baldwin Miss Jones of Chicago is tho guest of Miss Helen Carver Muiry Talor of St Marys transacted buMhcss here on Saturday afternoon Shannon her and wife A Irick and wife Irich of Iel-phos Mrs 1) id Huffman and Mrs I) Ludwig of Foit Wayne came Saturday jo he present at the sale of a part of thq rotate of A luck Sr Mr and Mis It- Carter have returned from Batesville where tliey attended the funeral i of Mrs mother Mrs IC Cooper Mi Lola Morton and BeSsie Green of Deldios''ftient Saturday ailk fuendS hAe Ir Eiekotk the-no ted sure geon from Cuiriniiftti wa here terday on profeMonaJ bosmews TWIN BOYS Florence Mowery aml Pearl Seifert! were arre-ted last night at a late hour and the charge of being common rfmreeters piftcod opposite iheir lvamcH They will have ft hearing tomorrow afternoon attwo oh lock' the heads who placed them there for some goixl purpose Never before bus such a production entered this rity ftitb one -ear load and a half of scenery 508 -costumes placing 120 people upon the siage and every ii! the city Should not mbs the opportunity nf seeing what hap bcftT ciaimed the most stupendnous production upon the road today Thft picture Js that of the witches which will appear in the first act led bv Mvron Wickham as their wizard The se us ore selling fast for tonight but tic aVe still some left Tomorrow the public schools will close to The sibool iMldren the opportunity of seeing Professor Napoleon and it is expeded hat I lie housewiU Tonight 1 the night 1 Xiptilc-ut pent the Fautol at the blowing of the whistles thl morning calling fhe Mraite to work ElictilpUns carpenters tel men and men of all ellipses "of workmanship went to uik upon the stage of tho Fnurot opera house to get It 1ft good shape for tlfo greatest musical pci formimee that has perhaps ever been wttned In this city At the time the NEWJ8 went to prss about SO men were still at work upon the stage adjusting tho ponderous scenery and Iaig light apparatus The BUige-iB now ft perfect netwoik of vires ropes and entanglements of alL kinds that are used for the algmiia and different -e fields -that rnie- the sun could figure out except Martin the well known printer who has been 'suffering from lung trouble for soma time and whose condition for the pari two weeks has been quite serious left thus tnormng for Biailcntown Florida and his many friends arc hnptdul that the clmnge will prove ft bent final one i FLORENTINE HOVEL 3 HAEGE PROPRIETOR Opposite the 0 ft and ft passenger depots OF tf Born to Mr and Mrs John Conrad of North CSiarles wtreet a pair of lijiby boys Mcwem Barry Mverx And flurries Cray spent yerierdny with Piipm fidends ELECTRIC SUPPLY STORE MOVED The Reed Bros Eldefrie Co have moved- across the street to 125 east of a Pullman caL-showing Ahe 'Mai-ket Btffh telephones be et otMled -t.

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