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Freeport Daily Journal from Freeport, Illinois • Page 2

Freeport, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DAILY OFKIOIAI. OF- F. Von lnj jrec jSgttcHJm ffien-jm ffinnsas. in I860, OHN C. TKKMONT, Of California.

COJlilUNICATIONS, to Insure attention, inunt ink', on but one side of the sheet. M. Al. M. M.

trains LKAVK Freeport fur Chicago us follows: Passenger and Mail, at Passenger, Kminraiit ami Stock, at ThrtMuh Freijclit, lit A For Uixon, Meii.lota, La S.Ule, St. I-ouis and Day Pa.s<ttii[r.r, at 30 M' Night Pussenjfir. lt 1 H5 I 1 M. Day at tl'lO I'M! Night Freight, "I li.iui. Night For Galena'nnd Dunleitli at.

at Day I Night Day Freight, Night i at Trains AIUUVK at Freeport from Chicago 4.00 P. 4.211 A. A 11. IS 1'. Cairo, St.

Louis, l.a Salle, and Dlxon: 8.80 1'. M. SSht Snger', 1,1 ny t' M' Day Krrfuht, at 'no Night Freight, at 11.00 I. M. From Galena and Dunleitli: Day Passenger, at Mght Passenger, Ht Day Freight, at Night Freight, at 1M5P.

M. POST-OFFICK MAII.S. on Chicago street, two doors from te- onenson Countv Itank. P. W.

S. HKAWI.KV, PosUnastV- 'Office hours from A. M. to P. M.

Oihce open on A Visit to Ycllrfw Creek. Correspondence of the Journal. EbrroKS: At the solicitation of some friends, it.wns THY good pieasnre to leave the wooden side-walks and dust-defiled shrubbery of Rockfordl, for.a short trip into the quiet and -fragrant country. Having never enjoyed a ride in tlu direction proposed, I accepted the invitation with right goodwill. There is always a of satisfaction in beholding some new page in the great scenic volume of nature.

Every change of meridian is a change of horix.on, nnd a few miles motion in earth's diversified panorama brings to the careful observer new combinations of the beautiful, unconceived attractions that make the. soul moiv devout and happy. I took the curs at Kockford, 2 P. (Saturday the 26th,) just as the far-famed Calliope was steaming out "Oh, Susannah don't you cry for me," with tearing chorus, just halfway between the harmony produced by upsetting a load of paving stones and a score of thundeiing. trip hammers in alternating operation.

"Were 1 to write a recipe how to produce Calliope music, it would be a little on this wise Take four Scotch bagpipes out of tune, a half hand organs, two sets wheel gearing making two thousand revolutions a minute, a couple of hemlock bark mills, one quartz crushing machine, ten steam whistles, nnd a drove of elephants sull'ering the agonies of the colic. These different instruments intermingled would produce something near to that horse-terrifying orchestra A. to A. and from Mails Arrive. 3 A.

M. iindH 5 1 M. 10.80 A. v. 8.80 P.

M. 4.001'. M. G.OO P. M.

0.00 f. M. 12 M. Depart. in.nO'A.

M. r. M. 10.HO A. M.

0.00 A. M. Office Sunday from P.M. Kastern Southern Savanna For DiiUot.ii. Durand, Helolt and Racine Northern, ICAVCK Mondays, 1 Wednesdays' and Fridays, arrives on a'tertiute Tuesdays and i Saturdays, Mon- days ami Fridays! Mails close 80 before time of departure.

Silver Creek, Crar.e's Grove, and Damascus, "special, close when called for. fi.OO A. 0.00 A. 6.00 P. M.

7.00 A. crops out ofvthe ilinty granite. It runs through fable and philosophy; it sheds its, light on all 1 institutions of pit-t and time. To show the true hospitality of Mr. Andrews and noble wife, I must not omit to mention that he opened his 'house strangers and friends, who were mode happy and'sntuficd by his well-provided table.

On Monday we, started for Eleroy station. The morning, was salubrious and mild. 1 had the privilege of enjoying one of the finest prospects that eye ever beheld, on this route. There is a very high ridge, over which the road passes, and on the summit of this, an unbroken horizon surrounds you. Droves of are seo.n feeding in the meadows; polygons of grain fields waving like a troubled ocean; far in the valley below were groups of trees here and there to break the monotony and lend a shadow, while the blue smoke is ing from many a happy homestead.

The scene was enchanting. Moses from the height of Pisgah didn't behold richer country. AGUE; "Ki-beerihe Mixture IN ft; positive cure Ague and!*. before the public for a numbe ways been used with success It Is a Imrmltss nnd oertai a froui 'the Dr.Mggists and read it, and you wlllbe Batii'lledi H. A.

Proprietors. Moore Dakin, Aguuts, Freeport. myiildawly t3T" NOTICE' WHO AIlK subscriber has just received from the Ki-dv. ood Glass Manufacturing Company ot boxes of Window tUnsM, from (-xb to This is the only Ulrtss in the United States Una French in clearness. It is also better packed anil ritrnighter than the I'lttsburg Glass.

Any person in want of Glass can save money by calling and examining my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Let bt borne in mind that money can be saved by buying the Glusn. CLAVTON. Store on Siephe.naou street, the HoUtif. ruyltMlawll lure for Fever aW.rtJto 1 Mixture hiiibeen eiits In then Pills tl ei "iiMr a harmltjis nnd tain In Hitir nn ruption of a preventive.

riage. "nn-Hiued anything Injurious to watch should rom For sale by A GENERAL INVITATION is given by tho subscriber to hid numerous patrons and i friends visit him in his new where I you will nnd the most complete stock of PAINTS in all their variety, 01 Ld of overy description, every largest titoJ.k of PAl'Ell ever brought to this" market, without exception. Also, I Oil und Fluid I.AMI'S—MHUU of the most beautiful patterns uver seen in Freeport. 'LANTKKNS of all kinds; together with a general of evjirythiaig in the I arrived in Eleroy too early t.or tne.uurs, NOTION line. it will pay you well to viMtmt before HTKl to make rail Oil lliy old i puvchasins elsewhere, as aii-r-td Amongst Grven and Black Teas tiuv'ar, Syrup, Soda, i IA en i i i ii iu oii M.

friend, Dr. bheppard, and While pleasantly store, opposite the Brnwsler House, Stephenson engag.d in conversation with his lady, novUviiKwii train rushed by. Hat in hand, rushed i to Con, Mustard, 1'epK-r, i j. i ii i fj forth to overtake them, but, time tide nnd cars wait lor no man. One whistle, and HIPV whili- comnelle'd to uic.y win i vi as compu eu to resort to poor Paddy soliloquy, that they had got a passenger on board that they had left behind." returned to the Doctor's, loitered around his beautiful garden, shared the hospitalities of his table until the freight came along, which brought me to my home once more.

A pleasant treatment, and hereafter pleaxai't the of msiny of 1 have connected will; my former that if tllf-HIOl'lCK. Your v. K. J'M'Xlt MALL GLAZ- i and in lact comin-ted with the Paint, Oil, Mbi-st- and Paper Hanging in Having hud hirgc experience in the above in tlie Kiintcrn CUii-s, 1 hopo to men' a slum- of ptiblic patronage. Parties anything in the above will do-wrll to leave ibiir oi i'h inc.

in; il it- a fuel pri-Uy generally established ihut I do not thljig in 'lie Paint, and Oil 1-ne hut the CIM. i Carp for doing the above I shuil kwp very befit workmen thin ran GVM. Store, opposite new llui'i-l. Axjt MEin m-ft eand well of NEW Thf. Way to make inoi'e than 7Vw CUiincery Notice Websttr.

To RE Editor of this paper goes East this evening, to be absent a week two. He will attend the Groat Reaper Trial at Syracuse, N. and will keep us posted on all items of interest. The home management ol the paper i.slcft in the hands of gontluniiin who will endeavor to attend faithfully to the wants of our readers until Mr. J.

shall return. The Bulletin, while its present edi- control's its columns, will not do anything to overturn the Dred Scott decision or cripple the Nebraska Journal. That so; we believe in the rights of the peome govern themselves, so long as they the. limits of the Constitution of The United States, and are tho advocate of the equality of bluclcs and whites, as are the editors of'the Bulletin. You do believe, then, in Squatter do you, without (as Micawber any mental reservation or hesitation? Yon holiove, do you, that Congress has no right to interfere with the domestic arrangements in Utah? You go in for polygamy, as Well as amalgamation, eh? As for our being the advocate of the RQUAUTV of the blacks and whites," in tho sense that the Bulletin, seeks to make us, need not repeat that the assertion is i false.

When we contend that a negro is human, and as such entitled to the inaliena- ble rights of humanity, we do not by any means place him upon an intellectual or so- rial equality, nor do we invite him to pitch his tent by the sidV of ours; and nono but ass would so it. The best joke editor of tlie Bulletin signed Hagg's petition. What, did he sign that fnr if Brawleyund f'agg are .40 equal as tlie Bulletin seeks to make them in the last issuer 1 Joitrnnl. When men car; but little', any nil, tor the. truth, plain language may hi- Uie best reply; and therefore we pruiiDiince tiie above statement, so far as our signing any petition, tor any purpose, since our arrival in City of Freeport, lie.

Any fool can say "you lie." It is no proof of the justice of a man's or of his individual smartness," to know that lu- can bandy such epithets readily. As to our assertion that the editor of the Bulletin Bigg's petition, we mude it upon what we deemed good authority. A re- Hponsible person informed us that t.uch was the case, evidently lii-d." We will not thai the Bulletin editor has, but we. have great con.h'dence in the veracity of our informant. that perambulates our towns and cities which call the Sillyope, and others the Calliope.

having taken a seat in the express, a portending shower burst upon us with luvian horrors. Lightning, thunder and wind, with pouring torrents of rain made hour gloomy and terrible. The sloughs were soon filled, and rivers of muddy water came rushing down the sloping wheat fields as if a water-spout had sprung agleak. In some places the tops of the fences were under the new fallen rain. Acres of tall, bulky grain was prostrate where the giant of the storm bad planted his foot.

Having reached Kreeport, I perceived that the streets were dust)' and wholly unwiished by the torrents that came down on Uockford and vicinity. 1 met my friend, Silas Andrews, at the station house with conveyance 10 Yellow Creek, waiting my arrival. We were soon on hoard, and having taken a squint at your busy town, we were on our way through the best section-of country that I have seen in the west. The scenery through that region, extending from Freeport to Yellow Creek is inviting in the extreme. It is more diversified with those bold features of New Kugland hill, valley and opinion thick towering wildwood, than most i nine sections.

Here and there could be seen the broad meadow waving with coarse verdure, with majestic oaks lifting hiirh and stretch- Chicago Tribune, says The whole number of votes cast by the Border Ruffians, alias tho National Democracy," for delegates to the Constitutional Convention, will not exceed 1,500, out of a population of fully adult males. The bona fide Free State men refrained everywhere from voting. The other side are split into two and latter headed by Stringfei- low, Calhoun, St. tlie other by Gov. "Walker, whose faction is in a minority in their party.

The point on which they divide is on the policy of sub- the uiiiny of tlie most celebruted makers of Pi: anos and offering th.jni at price." we advi.i.e sill who to in.ircrhiiaf to uvail Uiein- i selves of. He " i Catalogue of oii'-yncd from ih regulur*nrd ihe' 1 of il otters to the teachers lire the most fuvorablf which he wiil be iible to till tin tor wisely adopted th.THsh Tin; Wiiterj' Lni.tti) a'lnoiiii iiext. wrc enabled to ot i these III ni-iuneiits with trcin a i.n biliic'lTA, A (iJJKAT MANY OTIIKHT Krs.i-j.ori, I i K. 81 A s'i'O HE. ii tc 8oulh rioas of f-ibit- stomaub.

revtM ih- a lie, ol! the th-r fiiut thai Ibeis HI-I- from 11:1.1 iltbilltj. Ihti int-n IMIIC'I better pjiiiiion, i rusiralinii, ihp and iint the -yi Thv! in the tc.l>it-nt mitling the Constitution tO a VOte flf of all ol body. To inju- the people for ralificatiwn. A new question has sprung up to perplex matters. The usurpers say that none shall be allosved to vote, this fall for delegates to Congress and for members of the Territorial i Legislature, save the Lw who have been registered.

This is clone to four- fifths of the Free State men from voting. A committee had waited upon Gov. Walker, to ascertain his opinjtm ab lo who wero entitled to vote, but he had declined to give terse! must HH.sist liie IH-II impure impai'i-i strtint'tb nnd tone to Shi' and the inv iiil 10 iienith. It- ctfeiits wre wuiidtrful. ninniy shouid be uith.iut il.

Solo in full by ail and ouicn Il nn addition of K.MMKHT HURRKLL, JIOUUK A DAKIN, Agents, Trouble was brewing Free-State men are bound to vote election, at all hazards. ing wide their leafy cones, giving them the appearance of magnificent parks. I admire an oak or maple that has grown up solitary and alone, under the free air and sunlight of 0 j- ns to make The Don UK TIIK I'AKTV. That vuiurabh; organ of the suarian period of politics, the Xalioiud is out with a long article pleading the necessity, Uuj propriety, and the cheering nign.sof the practicability of tho of tne old Whig party. ft is stilted by the euilor, that Sfiia- Utr Douglas stole the principal part of lute Springfield speech IVua.

thu editor! in c.he New-Vurk We thought lus it r.ontfimi'd iii-vre tlinn usually und ihi ul s'j'tsr il 'n' heaven, nncrowded and nntrammeled in its beautiful unfoldings. It looks symmetrical and truly mathematical in its well rounded and 'balanced proportions. I noticed a piece of very valuable timber about six miles from Frccpoit, the stoutest and cleanest that my eyes have beheld in this State. The wheat arid other small grain looked bountifully promising along the road. The frequent rains have given it a rank, sturdy growth, anil only an interim of dry, sunny weather is wanting to insuru- an unparalleled crop.

Corn looked badly. Some pieces were deluged out and having undergone the piocess of twice planting, the grass allied the supremacy, and; iese appeared wretched and i unpromising. 1 discovered but three iields that Mad the aspect of thrift and i promise. If there is an average crop of! corn this summer, it will be the fruit of un; tiring industry. The ground has got to be! stirred often and well.

Frequent plowing and careful harrowing are requisite to offset the cold and unfavorable season. Farmers niil liavo to do in keeping their fields clean and preserving their hay. Late springs crowd work together, and allot much in a shnrt space. I reached Yellow Creek about and received the hospitalities of my friend, who is generous to a fault. Andrews lives in a neat, comfortable house, recently built, and urcupits his time in manufacturing Fanning Mills, a specimen of which I examined and found it to excel in lightness, durability of structure and perfcetness 01 design, anything of the kind I ever saw.

I How a farmer can get along without the aid of one of these valuable machines 1 cannot determine. It does its work well, and takes more outs out of wheat than any that you can bring on. 1 inderstand that he sells these Fanners tor low therefor. I remained over the Sabbath, unrj lectured in the afternoon. Quite a convention of liberal minds had assembled to hear the Gospel of nature and humanity.

endeavored to show that inspiration was never localiml in Judea, but is with the race inheritance of all men and all ages. and dixjK'nxationn are adapted to diHerent eras and of old giving place to the new and AMAI.OAJIATJOX. The old Garrisonian amalgamation party are thrown entirely in the.shade. They required too many legal the in proper. The JJoudhs Amalgamation Partv takes the shortest road.

They go in for amalgamation without marriage, as the great number of yellow boys and girls and the few mixed marriages in tlie SOIKII, certainly prove. Tlie peculiarity of tin; orthodox Democratic belief is" due no doubt to this marriage there is no legal impediment to a father's selling his own practice to which the most vociferous brawlersabout "Abolitionists" are not a little addicted. Between the two, the Gar- ri.soiiians are much the most respectable- people. garnation only; while their revilers, the nigger-makers, are not only amalgamation- isls, but adulterers also. YKI.I.OW another column will be found a well written and interesting let ter relative to the beauty and attractions of the section of country between here and Yellow country rarely equalled anywhere.

That part of the letter concerning ualiiiin, we do not wish to be considered as fact, we do not endorse, any thing that we publish Correspondence. So long as correspondents express their views in a fair manner, we do not feel 1 dined to refuse them admission, even if their 1 views and ours do not agree. I ENGLISH REMEDY. i Kvinale 1'ills i're- pared irom a prescription of Sir Jame." Chirk, M. 1 to Hie tjucen.

This i able uiif.iiliiij;; in the cure of all p-iin- ful anil dauiuTou-; iue.Ut'iit lo female coiiilitu- tion. It moderates fill excesses, remove 1 till obstructions, and the monthly period with regularity. These 1'ills be used two or three weeks previous i to confinement lht-y tortily the constitution and the during labor, enabling Ui. mother i to perform her ilutii-s with safety hernell' and child. I Tliese Pills -tint luktu tht FIUST THREE MVXTHHM arnnin-f to briny on at any utrit.r tune ey il Inull eiisek oi fservivs and Spinnl HtTeetions, I in the Hack mid, oil SMuhl l' I'aipitalion of the hoivtiesc oi llviUeries, lli'iiilHchff.

Whllt-s, all the ili's by a d.j-i.i-ilered SJS.IKIII, 1'i'b will ellett mire all otlic l.ave fill i although powerful do not contain irjii, onu-1, oihtfr nr.iieral. i Full aircompnny each Price, in I'mteil and Caiiii.j.i, Dm- 1 Uuliut. i Sole HBfiits lor Uiis country. 1 l.t.'. UALDWIN A i I Itochcsiri, N.

Y. i TUTTLE i Aubur'i, N. Ueneral Agents, i i iaold holesitlc nivK-s-ilav-iim KM.MKUT BUIIUVXL, Struw irmtc Soft Ctntli and Silk Flexible Silk Hwts, Fuucy Hats uiirt udics' Kuavcr Ilidini; ls Ami all the 8TVI.KS, (JHAMDHKLIS'S, 8 doors Hlmve Uif QUIT DIUNKINIJ Puleiit Improv-'l for niakin.s' iTmuTif" UQUOItS AND VlNWiAll, instantly, by the of LACOlJU'ri si- Oils art obtained by dislillatiou I In: Laboratory. 1'anshof Jeller-oii. of Pierre Lai-nur, author ol LucourS Chemical AnalyaU, Laciiur's Manipui.

They are guilty in theory of uinal- on the of Li fa Purchasers are particularly requested lo return the and obtain iheir money, it the Oil floes give perfeoi liatistactioli. hACOUH'S Olb OK COGNAC converts neutral ypirii in a superior imitaliou of viz: Olard, Siu.eruc, Mtin-it Cognac, tiJij." iu-tte, idled Vine VH id I'lopnetors, Castilliou n.i.i UHII lira.idii-s. a ni.l fruity llavor, and a 'oeauulnl, color. U'Un- inoiriiectiHed Whiskey ''l be oi the Oil of (Jouiiiic ti. New-Yi'i-l; Unndi I'me liramly, Commoii Hrainiy, Ac.

Ob' cl.aiif;i:.- Kt-ctiUed ki-y in Molioujjahela Kye Old Mult I-ourt'on, o'l Of chiiiiKcs HoctUud xvliid- key to Old Insb M-ili Whialtcy, au.i a jupoi air articb- OIL OK 1'KACll lo ir- filnia 1'ench lirundy, Oil ot' I'eacli Oil ui Corf- 'IIHC will coiiv ri common Ui.iikty in'" Apple liraiuiy. Ullj OK lilN coiiveris the po.irt'.-i iiinkey 1,0 JloJ- land Gin, Schiedam Schnapps, 'iiu S'vi'i 'iiii, iiin, ie. t. OUXCKM'KATKD ism dv. Imui-s lifter being niixcd, chaujjc five lia'dons of Viiiejiar and iwei.ty-tive gallons ol wiitir lo thirty gallons ot tlie moct acid Vlm-'tftir thai can be loutiii in tlie market.

By the use tif LacourS ConceuU-aleit Acid, Vinejfar caii be made tor one dollar and sixty per to the 0 It 1 The II Mnrtet I Tli KAu! AKK THE HEST 1JKANDS Those who lire GENUINE ARTICLE ()K Had better be careful in Tlif- Jtwillf COME OFF OP Y' The i Mr. A. T. Going, who, we believe, is about the last, of the Gentiles Htah, announces by letter bis intention to'quit a sum incredibly i that Jirijrhain Young may con, ratu- late himself that Going is going; but he had better bear in mind that Gumming is Journal. TO-DAY'S ADVERTISEMENTS.

JL County, Illinois, Sept-mi't-r Term, 1S57. Wfbitnr vts. cery. of the non of iidnli Wrbster abow ninncd bavins been tile 1 in the of t'ie Olerk of said Court und been duly h'Micd by said Clerk to the suld ill old giving place to tile flew and I' been dulj h'Micd by to the said ilc. higher, MS the Christ-iiisneimution abolished Web.

i i i ,1 xler, thai. vrii upprar in MIIU t'nurt, to In: jus the Mosaic ntuaJ and law. 1 of said county on the 7th U'Uls to prove that Spirit tin litih is the basis of i day of September, plead,, or dnuur .,11 i. to hill tiled liei'i-iu iiirMiH' you, tin- smne will be prove that all religions, the embalming alchemy'of all i phi'osophy thiit c-inich the art hives of the accon past. It crops out of the stnitu from atoms 1 rtli'j-iusi," tlic v'ch ore MAKING LIQUU11S, ()ils require no pour the oil uilo the and shako well.

The liquors ihus made will have line natural aroma, a full, tasie; a beauulul irinir- pan-lit color, and a lino bead, l.acour c.M.-rt tiiret-distinct coiuuiou to bran Ac. The llrm properly ci.mbiiica wuli and sub.Hiucs in tuo foniio! llocultnil pnrticlf.siln.-wlii.le ot ibo Aic.diol.) Tiie whiskey di-urived of tlun peculiar irritatiiiK and and becomes a spirit The second properly in an oily, Miuclla.isinous taste iinpuriod to the li.un.i-, which rmdurs it mellow, and unce urent Tiie tnird properly is t-xhimted In ll.e rich, vinous, nutty oilor that imparted lo the which I'eiulera distinction irom the genuine TbeKc, Oils are put in nuiirt Uasks; eacli liask con- tnins siinirlent oil fur making three Ituiidr. pillions of h(iuor. Full and cmnprclieiiaive Jlreutiouiiimjouiniuiy ihc bottliis. 1'i-icrj per boule.

For mile lit the conitr of iil. Charles and Poydrus boule ul Oils, (U'e in number, will be we- curely packed-uud sliijiped, with bill of lading, free iif cliarne, in any pt'a't of ihu the receipt of $10, to the atidrets of THE 01 PUNT AND HI-- hill tiled liei-ciu ng 1 -inn'you, tin- siune will be as uml ui-'iiinit you I to thu i layer of aald bi'l. L. W. GU1TEAU, P.

I.AGOU1!, Ne.w-Orkw.s. rufiuei.i^tl, aa guarantee nt pood faUh, to iiirnMi UH tbi- of nny in Ntnv-Or- Iftin.s, and will fiynish a of Uu: (rlld. if tuit perfuvia V.U Uuvv for them IHI.KK Up H' sum of.

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