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The World from New York, New York • Page 9

The Worldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE CirculatiottSooks Oven to NEW YORK, TUESDAY, MAY II), 185)2. A POST-OFFICE SCANDAL MILLIONAIRES ARE IK Mr. Wanamaker Accused of Using I' His Official Powers Improperly. THK LEAKE PNEUMATIC COMPANY ASKS CONGRESS TO INVESTIGATE. people M.

nain sayinirumt iio Kpt hlg inforiiiallon irom the report or the cn- tUo Trunstiry Department, and they were the ones responsible. Then Mr. Leoko 10 1 1 0 Treasury Department unking for Unit tlio I'ostmnntcr-Qnnovnl In Working; tor tlio Clay I'noumntlo Syf- I nnd Trylnu to Keep tlio X.cnko Ont of A that Offlcln.1 Influenco Is lo He Paid i5E I' C)-fPr Will tho Cotnimny's Stock. IfiPECIAI. TO THE WOHLD.

iNflioN, May Hondcr- the Commlttoo on rost-oniccs and fKonds, presented tn tho House to-day a tfneiftion from the Leako Pneumatic Transpor- Company which concerns Postmaster- il Wanamaker and may make trouble 1m Tho petition was referred to Mr. irson's committee. The point ot It is r. Wanamaker Is charged with using Iclal power against the Leako Company i'r of another company operating what as the Clay system ot pneumatic Ice. Postmaster John Field, ol Phlladel- la, la also dragged Into the scandal.

No ies are mentioned In the memorial prc- ited ft) Congress, but the Leake Company's TS do not hesitate to say that Mr. Wana- ir and others have been acting unfairly THijlf'drds them. Charges are made, too, that stock has been sot aside for the Government officers whoso assistance Is sought by tho opponents ot tho Leake Company. The use of pneumatic tubes for conveying mall matter from placo to place In largo cities having been urged upon tho Poat-Onica DC- partment and the plan being looked upon with favor by the authorities, the Leake Company set out to Introduce their system In Philadelphia between the main post-ofllcc, at Ninth and Chestnut streets, and the substation, on Chestnut street, below Fourth. In November, 180i, otter several conferences with postmaster-General Wanamaker and Postmaster John Field, of Philadelphia, Mr.

Leake was asked by them to put In writing Just what bis company proposed to do, and also to furnish a report from some engineer as to the capabilities ot tho system. Mr. Leako replied that ns far ns tho engineer's report was concerned, ho had no use for It, but It such a thing was required he preferred that Postmaster Field should select his own engineer to make such report. To this proposition Mr. Field agreed.

Mr. Leake then submitted to the Government a proposition to lay and complete a pneumatic service, with a S4-lnch pipe, between the two offices, and to give the same to the Government tree ot charge. Accompanying this formal offer were tbo Field's engineer and a guarantee from ChrlBtophcv Thomas G. Carey, Thomas Clements 7 and that the contract oi the Leake Company would be faithfully performed. The guarantors were worth at least $330.000.

Mr. Leake sont also with the proposition a certified check for $5,000 as a guarantee of good faith, but this was refused by Postmaster Field on tho ground that he had not as yet Inquired Into the standing of the Lenke Pneumatic Transportation Company. Thereupon Mr. Leake furnished the postmaster with a bond ot 4300,000, which wns accepted. Thu proposition from Mr.

Leake. together with the other documents, Mr. Field earned to Washington and presented In person to Postmaster-General Wanamakor. Meanwhile the owners of tlio Clay Pneu- matla system were making strenuous efforts to establish a plant in Philadelphia lor tbo use of tho postal authorities. The active representative or the Clay people In this matter was J.

0. Mollonry, who la an intimate friend ot Postmuster Field and Postmaster Wunamakor, and has been a toaoher in Mr. Wanamnker's Sunday-school for about twenty-nvo years. The proposition of thn clay people was for a. e-lucli tube as against tho Leako people's 24-looh tube.

They also asked tho Government to pay them, their plant was satis- taotory, a bonus ot abmt $30,000. In both oases the power to run was to come from tho surplus holler-power in the Philadelphia Posl-onico building. Thii difference, howevjor, existed: lhat whero thu Leake system required only the power ot one boiler the Olny system needed the combined power of three boilers. About, Dec. 1 the Post-Ofllco Department In Philadelphia received notice from Mr.

Wanamaker tunt no definite proposition had been received Irom the Leako Com puny, in reply Mr. Leako 'telegraphed Mr. Wanamakor that Postmaster Fluid had stated that ho lu person had delivered to tho Postmustor-aonorul the proposition ol the Leako Company, together with the bond ot security. To this wnnamaker replied, saying that he was without any definite proposition und ho could not oonsldor a verbal ono, Mr, Leake at once sent to Mr. Wanamaker duplicate copy of the original proposition, as well as of all other papers pertaining to tho matter.

These papers were accompanied by a letter to Postmaster-General wanumakur from B. F. Uughes, the acting Postmaster nt Philadelphia, Postmaster Field being, absent in Colo, rado at this time. In hta letter Mr. Hughes said that ho had forwarded to ihe Postmaster-General the propositions at tha Leako people, and tholr lecoipt In Washington had been acknowl.

edged. Ho also states that ho sont several supplemental documents, all or which were delivered. From this latter It would appear thut Mr. Wanamaker did receive the original proposition submitted by Mr. Leake, although bo denied by telegraph that It was in his possession.

The Treasury Dtpartmont then asked that representatives ol both the Leake anil Clay, systems go before the engineer nnd custodian ot the poat-ofllco building In Philadelphia, in order that tho latter learn officially tho. power necessary to operate the respuc. tlvo systems. This request was compiled with, and the custodian reported that, while there was aunicleut power to operate the Leuke aystem, that required by. tho clay system was greatly lu excess ot what could, bo furnished by tho boilers in the post-oilloe building.

Department.noxt annt Johri L.MoMunn, Government inspector of Heat, lug Apparatus, to Philadelphia lo make are. port upon the question, or pueumailo tube thai: o4 MpMaim pwwjyjw 11VIW 14VV HUflUUU Woilftnn'8 purpose, but accidentally meli hlm 01 ma arrfval In a a OWea ulm tui)lr 'WBMm, Which hS ooniprohend thoroughly, and he presencu of wltnessea lhat the vequired the power ot only on ttske a 'or data to aid him In mak eflort tu dy to lonvo sysiom. laid Mr. swero two He then fluid ho Mid nut PIIWBI, I Jll, Lu, Department unking for i' 8 rt 'I'Ws was re- SI ttlio rondo another request say- Ing thai Mr. hud either misrepresented lils company or that.

Wunnmaker liud misrepresented Mo.Mann, nnd tlmt In ease tno l.oako Company hud been seriously Injured nnd, tncrorore, wore entitled to a copy of the report, so as to know where to place thu blame. But again they were refused a lr Wanamaker's next, movo wns to write ii to tbo Lonlil! people saying mat Un could not get. a right ot wiiy through thu Bti'totaot Philadelphia for a prlvat enterprise. i no original undorstamltng.howcver.was that lie should do tuts. Upon receipt ol this Mtor Jlr.

Loako went before the city Council of Philadelphia, secured the necessary right, or jywji and then word to Mr. Wanamaker troub lo on that point, was obviated. Ihe representatives ot tlio Clay system liad at this time tried to obtain rrom tho i nuadelphla city government a right nt way through the streets, but was refused them. It la said that in presenting tlielr case to the A Strike Against D. II, King, the Builder, May Affect Their Club MEN AT WORK OX T1IK METROPOLITAN CIiUB-HOOSB MAV QUIT TO-DAY.

To Avoid Vexatious Uolnj tlio Mcinborit Aro StturryliiB Around nml Mny Aid In Sottlliiij tlin Strike- Mr, Klnir Is Not to Yfolcl Hundred Pnvcru In City Yostorduy. Millionaires wore scurrying around yoster day at tho behest ot ordinary laboring men. ,1. Klynn nna Edward two of tho lead, ers or tho sinkers, were arrested. When the mob was driven buck the switch engineer, whose reluctance to couple on had given the strikers nn advantage, was Induced to couple to i ho train, nnd the new men, under a heavy police escort, and umld tho curses of Die crowu, were taken to tho World's Fair Grounds.

The strikers are angry nnd desperate, and Uio police look lor lurthcr trouble. I'INKIIAM OUT ON BAIL. Tho Frcslitnnt. 1'Ionili Not Guilty, wltli to rlon. lem ot SEROT.

BREXXAX A SUICIDE. Tlio Ilnyntil Street Holme In Which llo Shot Hlnisolf In Knlclccl. Cant, cross, tho new commander of tho Kldrldito street station, told Justice Kilbrelli, nt tlio Kssex Market 1'ollce Court yesterday, tlint tho police had reason to believe John ,1. Drenuan, Sci'ireaiu, of was a suicide. Krcnnan was stationed at tho League Island Barracks, Philadelphia.

Chnrles Taylor Is a nrlvato ot mnrlno.s there Ills sister, Lena, Is housekeeper al No. iinynrd street, was taken from the Tomos tho District-Attorney's omco yesterday niter- noon, havluir spent three days nnd three nights lu a cell. Lawyer Thompson, his coun- furnished cash ball to tho amount oi and tho prisoner was released. Aecomi Saturday evening ho hired a room nnd asked Lena to order nn oyster Blew for him. When she tool; tho stew upstnlrs two hours later Brennan was found on Iho bed with a bullet wound In hlj right temple, lie was pauled by Lawyer Thompson, ho went bcforo taken to tiouvcrnour Hospital, whore he died.

Judge Fitzgerald und pleaded not guilty, with urib llu lght I' 1 leave to change his plea within ten Plukham waa very pale, proprietor was with dark rings I Iwld, charged with keeping a disorderly houue. boarders wero Tton tiiysyuem'ofihoui'iltcrrstatcs Tho gold-laden citizens of Mow York who around his eyes. Hufhutr was unkempt and na 1 'hu lntuo Progress ot his face unshaven. After tho pleading he loft used read before the caUeu and f'oundiWmiiVmo wai! revolver in hia right bund. Leiiu, who con- corn, which they i-mtsod to be reid beroro tlio wlcroat lntuo Progress ot his face unshaven.

After tho plci council in suoli a manner that it apucured to i tn work the now Metropolitan club- the building with several friends. a rt nn Pneuroatlc Trans-1 House, were worried when they learned that "I am glad to bo released," ho said. pprtatlon- Company's system. Hut, in spite ot this, they fulled t.o obtain tho necessary permission to lay their system through the streets of the city. It is claimed uy thel.cnko peopia that tho Postmaster-General has been doing all In his power to thwart them in their attempts to put their system In operation in Philadelphia ever since they made their ilrst proposition to tho Government.

They havo evidence to this effect, which evidence also allows that Mr. Wanamaker has been equally alert to further the interests ot the clay people. The Leako Compuiiy has a plant oil ro.idy to put In the ground as soon tho Government the necessary permission. Most of these points nro set forth In tlio petition presented In ihe House to-day by Mr. Henderson.

Keforring to the obstacles put In the wai or the performance ot tho otter, the Leake Co. asks to bo allowed to prove that the obstacles were Intentionally put in the way, and asks In general that Congress order an Investigation. Direct charge 13 made that tho Government ofllcers In question are working In tho inicrestsor tha Electro Pneumatic which uses tho Clay system. Another accusation la couched as follows: 1 nM DBBn openly atatad tn city ol hiladolnhla by poraoua intoreeted in the said rnaiunAtio mDspnrtatinn Compnny an prumuurs or Bhare.iolclers thereof, or 01 thn saia I'neumjlic Uoinnmiy, that ceitnin of tho Peat-Office Department ul tho United States and ofaald department connncted with the Poat-OtBco Tr .11,11 nm i uav-VJVUUU at tno uit3-of Philadelphia, aronotr, or aro to he- the olty of Philadelphia by inch neriona tlistoer- tilloates nitirujontlnji noiue 7,500 BhareM ot tho capital nmru titouko llio aald I'uonmiuio TrtuieU Com- pony or of tlie said Pmuunntlo Coninany, nro now tlw inbjrct of a npouisl doiioalt with a certain bankinir-hauBO In the city o( Philadelphia, with tile uudergtanding and for tho purpose nml to tho ond that theeaxl Bharrn. or a portion thereof, aro to bo, or may be, delivered OTer under tho dlruutlou of aaid orhoora, whon anil as noon aa the aald ayntoin of conneotioa by matlo tubei botwoen tho tald post-uOicct by ir tani of laid Clay lystem ihall have, boon completed.

DK. INDIGNANT. He Donleii that lie Atropln or Stryelinlno In His Curo. IFPKOIAI. TO THE WOULD.i prlll.i May Leslie E.

Keeley Is'muoh' excited; over the statements ol Dr. A. Wilbur Jaoksoh, of iirooklyn, who says that utropla and strychnine, both deadly poisons, compose the hypodermic fluid lutho Keoley treatment. "The faots In the caso nro," said Dr. Keeloy, that Dr.

Jackson la lu charge of a now fnkb Institution Just opened In Urooklyn, and makea such statements oft-hand, regardless of truth and evidence, for the solo purpose of drawing attention to his alleged cure. Tula man was patient at White Plains, N. for the morphine habit, nnd wus cured. I deny absolutely lhat uithur atropla, strychnia or other deleterious drug is contained either In my Iiypodermlo nuld or internal remedies, and deiy any proof to tho contrary. Any ono stating that they know tho composition or my rumedloa makes a wnitil false statement.

I say emphatically that thero has never yet beea a single instance ot injury to either llio or health through the udrniiilstru- 11011 or my remedies. Every ono or these so- called sold-oure establishments Imitate my methods in every particular, copy my literature ulmost verbatim, uso the same hours and lorm of treatment and tho same rules governing the conduct of tho patients." Krulcy Cure us lliir to Suit, TO TUB WOULD. I'oitT DoroE, May cullon, young man under Indictment tor violating tho liquor laws, has tiled a petition before Judge Hlndmau asking that tho case against inn bo dismissed, cullon states that hu is nn inmate of tho Koeloy Institute at Cherokee, putltu tor with this cure has come a repugnance to the entire trnnio such as would prevent him irom over engaging In It again. This, ho argues, should bo suniolout grounds for diHcontlnuluir tho toouf. No notion has yot boon takun by the and Is being rapidly cured of his uppei liquor.

His potltluu snts lortli thut wl ORDERED OUT 01' TUB OOUA'TY. ClmrloD Onrtor Driven Aivny From lir, llBrrls'a Itnnch. I8PHCIAI, TO THJt WonLD.i BUFFALO, May Carter, partner of Fred Hesse In the cattle business, reached the city yesterday. Carter was sent to take charge of Dr. Harris's ranch, although Carter was not found with the late nvadlng parly, It Is claimed he was directly Interested In It.

lie was waited upon by a committee who adylsod him not to remain IUTO and WHS given two days to arrange his bu-lness and leave the county, Ho will go to uheyonne via Olllotto to-morrow. The oomiulue'o olalm the: stock men can send any disinterested mlrsona hero to look after their Interests, but will not allow one ot the invading party to remain among them. They say tney must do this lor their ownsatety. Lawyer iJreokous, ot Cheyenne, who has boon engaged by tbo comity tor the nroeeou- of tuo stockmen prisoners, Is In this city in consultation with the county attornoy. Went to Kill nnil IVai Slnln.

MAHION, May F. McCarthy, an auctioneer, and U. A. Gross, a butcher, have been at enmity tor sojio time. Yesterday they mot, and Gross, flourishing a revolver, told McCarthy to arm himself far he was going to kill him on sight, McCarthy got a ihotgun, and when the two men met again both Qcgau (Irlutf, Gross received a duuth wound At the llrst flro.

Clilnnno Smuuslod tho Line. OTTAWA, May Influx ot Chinese Into British Columbia la assuming largo proportions. The majority ot thu new arrivals, alter paying the Domlulon poll-tax ot 460 per head, disappear aud are smuggled ooross the lino Into the United States. The revenue collected by tlio Canadian Govern' uc Victoria I tho big strike begun against all tho contracts slept very little In the Tombs, and the nlshM of David U. King, would probably affect this particular club pet.

Tho Millionaires'Club Is tho popular name I passed woro very anxious ones. Thu only bright spot In my experience In tho Tombs was a letter from my wlfo tho night of my' that has boon given this organization of i arrest. The directors ot tho ilnrlom, vfhori capitalists for social purposes. It Is tho uoy nrst I'ropnsert to consolidate with the most arnbltlmii sncim pinh in lound they could not make most aniuuious social club in tho country arrangement without restoring the original and has perfected plans for a club-house capital pf the llurlem. To do that they had; apart of the lltltrutcd appears, was selected I bear Sixtieth street li estate In which the of Marlboh the onus.

has an Interest. Tho mnln building Is de- that some of their securities were not, up to signed to bo twice the size ot tho Manhattan marlt Club, three times the size ot the Union and eight times ns largo as the Knickerbocker, books of the Hank of llnrlem on March 122, while an annex almost as largo will furnish accommodations for iium- tor ladli April la, isoo; March U3 lait, and also Hst Friday. Ills lust examination, he) said yesterday, did not show an Impairment- Tho foundation for this superb homo for lot tbo bank's capital to the extent millionaires is Just rising from tho cround llna no alu not hcllevo It was Impaired to that About fortv hririruron 7i, extent. The examlnliiE committee throw out Aoout torty micklajers arc at work, mostly one note as worthless which paid 100 cents dtf upon tho massive piers. Though this building tho dollar.

At the nrso examination Is far from being ready for architectural Iron can criticised thn manner In which thti workwm ease when the present materials are used up, because the architectural Iron thought it was unjust to' used In other buildings being built under King contracts has been made by non-union workmen. Mr. King has built a row of bouses In One Hundred nnd Thirty-eighth aud Ono Hundred and Thlny-nluth streets, between Seventh uud Eighth, avenues, whero ihu ob- Jcctlonublo Iron from Contractor Williams wns offered for use. Strikes were ordered on all of Mr. King's buildings, and yesterday about ulght hundred moif stopped work.

Tho men on the club building may quit to-day. Tho bricklayers at the club-houio nro not under tho Jurisdiction of the Bonrd of Walk- Ing Delegates, but their material Is. When thut Is used up they must quit. Tho union men say tho fight against King Is likely to bo prolonged. The club men ux.

pcctcd to occupy tholr houso curly next Mr. Preston, as he had protected the depositors ot tho bank. MURDKK WAS HIS TRADE. Notorious IVIltlum Nottlon. Ilroko Jull, Itcciipttirail.

UrKOIAL TO THK WOULD. I Wlm May H. NnlUcs, a notorious escaped murderer, has been brought here and put lu Jail. Hu fatally cut a man named Smith In Wilmington, N. In 18T5.

He then went to Alabama, where he killed a man named Powell at tielma. Powell was at tho top ota ladder and Nettles at tho bottom to hold It. Powell called down to Nettles to know why he was not holding tho ladder, and spring, so anxious aro they to do it that It a I tUo lnui re 011 tba ho was haldlus It. strike occurs to-day things may reversed waa I )a83wl (uld I'qwoll started down mont. The club-house Iron contract la wit Nettles'a next turned up In Georgia, where In, u.n one, Sunday en- naudlna, where his opcnou ro he was cap.

u00 ttnd sent to tho months. should interfere with tho club-house i If the millionaires will take a hand and settle this strike (airly, we will rush their ulub- u- house work In good shape. Hero is a irood 1 'JS IUo sontenco Alabama om- chance for them to show their hand. We will Icio the man wanted at iuuii uiiuu. iro win sea mont irom omni'su last mouth reached 11110,000.

Tliu llflckot it Omch; uoblilsoa's coach Uookot made, Its Hist trip from carmrl toorotqn dlstnnaa of six wllea, In tarty-two consider thu Cornell contract when wo get to It. We havo no criticisms to pass on that at present." Samuel D. Uabcock, of tho United States Mortgage Company, No. Nassau street. Is ono ot thu governors ot tho club and a member or the liulldlng Committee.

Hu was surprised to hour that a strike mUTlu tako placo upon tho club-house work. 1 do not know tho exact conditions or tho difficulty," ho said, and It Is uscluss to express an opinion upon a labor question unless tho details aro understood. Tbo Cornells, who huvo tho contract for architectural iron work, havo treated their men pretty well for thirty or forty years, und ought to know how to handle them without troublo. Tho building IH not ready for tho Iron work anyway, nnd a dispute over It seems premature." Mr. Babcock said ho was not present when thu contract wlih Mr.

King was signed, and did not know Us conditions about time for completion, but It thero was a delay owing to lubor troubles hu did not think the contractor would bu unduly pushed or hold responsible for a forfeit lor uon-coniplotlon In time. Whou nskod if men wero Justified In striking lu sympathy with other unions Mr. llnbcuoksuld: Well, should think men would want to huvo good grounds before stopping work and losing wages. As Mr. Crlmmlns suld Iho other day, the groat question la how to oinnloy nil the men possible.

There Is no scarcity ot labor. Laboring men, I should think, would want to look alter steady work and wages ns a primary consideration." J. Plorponc Morgan, president of tho club, Is In Europe, but his position on tho labor quos. tlon is Illustrated by his recent gltt ol half a million dollars to the Industrial school. Ueorgo G.

Haven said ho had not learuea all tho tacts about luo proposed strike und could not express an opinion. The.Bonm of Walking Delegates allege that, whon they discovered that non-union Iron was being used, Mr. King said his oon- with Williams would soon expire and would not bo renewed. They claim that he has recently entered Into a now S3 6,000 con. tract with tho same firm.

Mr. King also bus the building ot the new Delaware, and Western building at William sireoc and Exchange place. Yes- torday 400 men struck them. Mr. King is a very rich manuim is determined, it la sum not to yield to tho demands of his men! There is au undercurrent or feeling in opposition to a general strike against Mr.

Klnc, many of thu workmen holding vhat the ouuse Is Insufficient. Forty men employed on a building nt Filth avenue and Thlrtoeth street wont out yostor. day morning because tho Florida steam Uout- 1ns company, which has a contract on. the building, employs uou-unlon men. CHARGE THE STRIKERS.

A Little lllot on tlio World's i nt Chicago, collision between, tho police aud 300 striking Iron workers from the World's Fair grounds, supported by crowds ot sympathizers, occurred to-day at Qrana Crossing. A score or two ot sculp wounds inflicted by tho policemen's clubs and the excitement for a time was Intense. Tho riot was due to the importation ot men from New York, Plttsburg and Baltimore to take tho place of the strikers, who woro employed In the Manufactures Building by tho Edginoor Bridge and construction company. One hundred ot the Imported men who oamo In on the, Baltimore and Ohio wore Induced to join the strikers. A carload from New York over the Krlo, however, wns ruHhcdpnst tho sinkers Into the World's Fair grounds.

Three cnrloiulu moro on tho Fort Way no road turned ft dent onr to tho strikers, While the PUtsburg contingent on the Kort Wnynv WAD watilng lor a HWitoh engine the ng lor trol mob around tho trolu awaited fully a tw, ntfi 4 minutes, it wasdrivon by FnjnH conwim, uoinorc vya? mft'Jo Juit ns liig Oi uarmei, vvliU ono It will bo run with uatrd-wttgoh? lull uunt roguiaiiy (luring Muy, Ue was taken back lor trial, was convicted and sont to the penitentiary for lite, but escaped a row mouths ago, DUCK AND ARRAIGNKD. UUhler ana nllnoUon Thoughr to Ham Indicted nt Albany Too, IBI'KOIAL TO THK WOHJ.D.1 UTIOA, N. May James U. Buck, ol Clinton prison, and ox-Marshal Kd- wnrd 1C. MeKlwalno wore arraigned for examination betoro Judge Kennedy this morn- Ing on charges based upon Buucoor O'lirleu's escape.

Buck pleaded not guilty. His ball was llxed nt $0,000 and ho was notified that a motion will bo made to try him at thin term. MoKlwaluo'a pounsol asked tor further time In which to enter a plea and was allowed until a r. M. to-tnorrow.

ALHANY, N. May pealed Indict, incuts were presented In court to-day by tho Albany County Grand Jury, They aro believed to bo against Dlshler und Inchon, charged with complicity in the cBcapu ot I The Mnotoanth Will ninko Three. Tlie present Nineteenth Assembly Dls. trlct, which Includes nil that, part of Manhattan Island north ot itty-thli-d stveot and west of Seventh avenue, will probably bo divided Into three districts In the Ing ot tho city, although to do this slice may b. taken In from soinn ot tho adjoining districts on tho south.

Police Justice Mc.Muhon will bo tho Tammany Hall leader or tho southern district i Building Commissioner Thomas Brftdy, ot tho mlddlu district, with Uudor Sheriff John II. Sexton as his right hand man, nnd Sheriff's Counsel William Stllllngs will probably be put In charge os the upper district. Hrorm Did Not Htonl tho Oheclm. William Breon, aged lonrtcon years, tho messenger employed by L. p.

Hollander ot NO. 800 Fifth avenue, who last Saturday failed to deposit at th6 Third National Bank tl.781.oo In certified checks with which ho hud bucnsent to tho bank by Limnnold, of tho firm, was exonerated from all blame yesterday, flruen said tho cheeks foil through hole In his overcoat pooknt Yesterday the lirrn was notified that the aheokahad boon iound. by a downtown inor" chttiitand could bo had proving'prop, orty." The lad was sont lor and put back to Tho New Ilourd of Iteaonlii. Hobort J)oyo nnd Dwlght H. Olmstcad will probably bo the two now Commissioners of Records to bo appointed by tho Mayor under tho new law.

The appointment may bo tor either five or ten years at tha discretion ot the Mayor. The salary Is a year. The Iteglstor will bo tho third member, Mr, oinwteud originated the block system now in use in the Iteglster's office Mr. Doyo framed the bill tor the Hoard ot Kecoraa to have ohamo of. tho re-lndexlng ot Die records.

Humora that aotlog Mayor Arnold would make these appointment i to-day wero denied HI null Miulo CommUalonur of Last week Oov, Flower signed tbo bill tor the appointment of a Commissioner of Jurors tor Wes'tchostgi' county, Yesterday county Judgo Mills, DIstrlqUAttorney Platt, Hhurlrt Duffy aud couuly Treasurer Hoag met in the County court, according to Its provisions, and appointed 1, llowm'd Kliwu ot Jurors tor a torm ot tour years, at ii salury ot a year. Twelfth Victim of tlin Flro. ddbEed HM tnio Juhu i Harry arraigned before Justice Kllbrotli yesterday. Policeman Arlken tow huw ho had been trndletcd hureoli moro than once, a woro aha saw liremmn tor the llrst time when sho admitted him to tliu houso Saturday. Alter nearing the oilier prisoners Juduo Kllbrotli discharged tlimi, Bri-niian will bo burled to-day in thu Urooklyn Nnvy-Yurd cemetery, just buck of tho Navul Hospital on Flushing avenue.

STOCK EXOIIANiiB OppoMtlnn Mon Go In on tlio Nominating anil The opposition elected tho entire ticket nt tho election lor olllcers nnd members ot tho Nominating nud tlovornliig Committees ot tho Now York stock Exchange yesterday. Tue candidates on tho opposition ticket lor Governors wero John Hone, who received and John u. Jncquolln, who received -170 votes, whilu H. tt. s.

Noblu, on tlin regular ticket, received SOy votes tuid W. B. Lawrence W7. For members of tho Nominating committee Charles Stokes received 445 votes uod ueorgo H. Wnuon, 41.1 votes, their opponents on tlio regular ticket, being A.

0. HodutH, who JB Vu t09, and 12. c. Itojcera, U'37 votes, mere was no contest on the ivsr, of ihu ticket nominated by tho regular nominating committee, the omcer.i being us follows: President, F. K.

Hturgls: Treasurer, U. Hays; Oeorsu W. Kly; Chiilrtmui, James Mitchell; Trusieo of Umtulty Kuud (to sorvu nvo years), W. K. strong.

I'lie unopposed tneiabunt ot tliu tiovernlng Couiinuteo were W. 11. Dlekoruiun, A. M. cauoiin, JamtM liellginun, W.

Miiury, v. M. riilcrloi, Ii. i'. Humans, It.

n. Whltiemoro and H. p. Dorunus, and of tho Nominating Commltico H. A.

tlolltster, Goorgu A. Sheltloli and H. Duncan Wood. BUCHANAN DUKK'd By Tranufcr of Fiinilu nin Clicub Ho- cumo Uuobnnnb Burr, the broker, was arraigned before I'btlco Justice o'Donnoll In Jersey city yesterday. Ho was arrested In Jersey city Saturday night on a warrant Issued by Justice Duffy, of New York, charging him with dotniiiaihir Mary Muhony, ol No.

411 Kenwiek street, that city, out of two bonds on tho Bowery l)ay Beach company. According to her statement, llurr agreed to buy tho bonds nnd gave her two chocks for thu amount, ono for 4450 on. the First National Bank ot Dubuque, la. When MM. Mahony had llio check presented for payment It was pronounced worthless.

Burr yesterday admitted the bond traimuc. tlon OH sworn to by Mrs. Mnhony, but hu sum that after he gave her the two checks, one on a Now York bank and the other on tho bank in Iowa, she asked to have the checks both made out on the New York bank, llurr did not have enough money In tho Yoris bunk at that time, (mt ho decided to transfer tho money ho had In the Oubiuiuo bank to tho New York bank. After tlio transfer was madu and before Burr had Hum to u'vo hunt now chock for tho whole amount on Ihu Now YorK bank, Mrs. Mahony tried to nuvo ihu check on tho ivostern bunkciisliea.

Burritave ball Inihetromot Hu says ho will liuvo ihe caso brought to trial as soon us possible. MADE. M'uiit Blioro Officials Still IiivuHtlenUnif tlio Nttwhuru Tbo West Shorn Ilullroud ofllcltUs urn BU11 InveatlgatliiK tho charges ot fraud ngitlnst throe conductors and Michael lIortoii.Thomus Gillooly and J. J. IVnder, of Xownurjr.

None of thu employoos has bfcn dlsohnrgcd us yot, and the olllclnls doollno positively to dlvulgo the namcsot inonumicr suspicion, It Is stated that they am old nnployci'S who had buoii truaiod liupllcllly, Thu BliiiUlnjrd, It Is wild havo been going on lor only fliurt, time und will amount 10 less tli.ui Judgo Asubel Droon, chief counsel for tho West Shore Itnllrnud, snld to a WOKI.II reporter yesterday that Uw uompiuiy had not decided what nuilou ii would take in thu mutter. Tho stealing was dono by tho failure to turn In to the uudllor tno lust, stub lu thu Ility-trlp commutation Uukcit-booka," salil Juogo Green. "ThoKO wore sold, It Is presumed, and used several times before they were ilnaily cancelled. Ul cuursu it wun necessary for the railroad men to bo in collusion with Homo outsider." Mothar StipBrlor JKinllv'n Mllvor JnUlloo. I8PKCIAL TO THK WORLD.) OAMSNAi HI', May Superior Emily, of St.

Clare's Aoudomy, at Slnslnuwu Mound, und ot Un Dominican Order ot Nuns in tho United Slates, celebrated hor silver Jubilee; to-day, Twenty-live yours nho eatabllshi-d tho Ilrst Dominican uonventni, Mmmnuwu Mouiul, Hor prusont jurlstllailuu embraces oonveuts and In Washington, Denver and Chicago. Thu corner-stone of a new academy build- Ing to cost was laid today. V. Gift to rrliiooton. TO TUB PltiMUHTOrt, N.

May has just been made publlo that Mr. I. V. Drokuw, of Now York, has tendered Duudaomo gift to tho college, contributing tho money jiceossmy to erect the bulldlngd, swimming pool and clubhouse on thu now Hrokaw memorial Held. Tho grounds huvti bean secured nnd the itiniH tor putting them lu order huvu baeu raised by thosi'Udeuia, Plans uud estimates of tho buildings liuve been aucuplcd aud ivork will bo ruuully puslied, Hunter Held tn Aunwnr In Court, iliMPHLPiUA) May F.

Hunter, ox-President ot Uso Farmers' and Mechanics' National Bunk of Phoonlxvliio, was Held for court by United Suites Coimntaioncr Bell this afternoon on the charge 01 making fulsu ruportH to tho Comptroller ol tho cui- renuy HH in thu condition of tho bank, Tnu CominlBaloner rcniurked that there Doomed llttio doubt ot the viniatian i he law, as on ono day Hi Muy, moil, Hunter had overdrawn hu own account Rtntoit Iklaiiil'H llonrd. Tho nevf Wlchuiond County jsxolse Board at BVUplaton with ihe ijvtxut HIS NEW TERM BEGINS HOPEFULLY. BEENNAN-If tho Women All Got tno New Stylo I Won't Havo Swoop the Streets. OUR SKW STRBET-CIiEANISG liAW. Ilrunnnn Miulo Coinnittnlnnm- I'lonly of Jlonoy (Jlvan Him.

Thomns S. ISrcnnan wns renppolntedStrcet- cleuning commlsslunor yesterday by Acting- Mayor Arnold six yours at a year. This appointment was made under tho now Street-Cleaning law, which vacated tho onico and made a complete reorganization of the dcparment uccesssnry. commissioner Hrainun was Immediately sworn In. He will begin reorganizing his department ut once.

AH it slop in hut direction tno Hoard of und Apportionment mot, tmnicdl- nlely niter tho appointment wns mudo nud appropriated tiddiuounl lo tho Strcot-clennlng Dupurtuicnt to enable coui- mlssloucr UI-HUUUU to carry out the new law. Tlio mouey is tu come from a sule or revenue bouds. t)t tiir iimount uuuictl la lor a new plant, Included the purchase of Horses, earls and harness. This ino touu upproprlatlon for tho department up lo tho year. After going over the ilKiiros carctully with llio board, commissioner lircunon said thut thlswMi (ill tlio muiicy he could usu toad- vautnao, undtltulhn was vorlectly satlslled with thu aniouiii or Mm appropriation.

CammlKsioufi- Hremian expects to have thn now syiiieui lu working order by June. Ono or Ills 111 si aets will bu lo appoint tliu three meillcul axiunlncrs iniivldoA- lor by the new luw, who are to nil applicants ror emiilnymont in the uniformed working lorcu. Thu commissioner hiis not yot decided upon tho color ur ttylu or uniform. SKVERK STORMS IN WYOMING. A HIiiBe l)rlvor I.OKI'S II In Wily nnil lie- coinnn HnowlMlllil.

(HrrriAL ro TUK wnntn. I Muy snow which 'CKun FridayiilghllaHtlll tullliig and niolt- Tho roads huvo been Impassable for freight trains for two months, Thousands ot pounds of merchandise aru stuck lu thu mud butwceu hero and Ulllctto. Thero not a pound ot sugar or coffee for sulo In Huflnlo and at Fort McKlnnoy tlio commissary stock Is nearly exhausted. Unless tho snow and rain ceases soon and tho roudj become dry tho people will bo forced to llvo on potatoes and Hour only. Them has not boon a duy In a month on on ivhluh snow or niln dm not full, nnd that almost constantly.

Thu mulls uro ull delayed, and no through mall via DouifliiH has reached hero In several Tlio stiisrn from Powder lilvor to Woman wus two days late, and grnrcblne puny round It ten miios south off thoroatl. Tbn driver had lost. Ills wuy lu the storm und Und turned the horses louse to gruzo on sago brushes, expeotliii; to nltuh up uiialu when the weather cleared anil couKi inoato lila osition. llo was Hiiow-ijllnd uud wus groping Is wuy over tho hills. Tried Bliiny llnforo 'Ilioy lilt It KI lil.

TO THE wonui, 1 KENT, 0., May wedding with a lingo of romuuou took place In the Catholic church hero this morning. Tho brldo was Miss Kate Hliay and urldouootu Con Kahler, au om. ployoe of tbo Krlo Kutlwuy. Thu young couple mot BIX youiu ago. full in lovo und a wedding was arranged, lint Kahlur's lovu grow cola and shortly before tho day or tho wedding ho deserted hur und married.

Miss Kate Louulan. After a year of married lite she died and his irloudshlp wus HOOU renewed with MlM Slmy. Again tliey were engaged uud again he her lor Miss Katlo Mc.MUleii, MUs Shay in Oetober, llouuusou her and lu February last Kahlor'H second wliu died at Bedford, Ohio, llo cumo buck to Kent, nnd fell In with liu iiMt love, which resulted In ihu woddlnir to-day. Hod man named Haley, oho Hoourcd divorce. Itolibml Aftur tliu Hall.

MAI.T LAKH CITY, Utah, Muy While Urn, Knzeuborccr and friend, tho wlto ot wealthy wool grower, wore sitting In their room on Huturduy night after returning from b.ill, tlircu mushed men entered the upnrt. ment, und, with revolvers lu hand, demauUud tliulr vuluabluu. Thu wlfu or tho ivoul grower uakeil theui thero weru no inoti lu Hall Luku worth rubbing, TUo reply wus Wu uro out for tho Biutr, men or womoii. Wo want all your diamonds. You wumiin can do without Juwolry.

You don't need bholl out or you will get hurt." Mrs. Jiiixonuurgor gavo up ton utoneii und her liiend live, all worth 40,000. Mrs. un. nuvuil valuablo urooeh uy drop ilui lloor.

'Jlw purso.i, uoutnliiiiiir nboiit 917S, wore also tukun. Thuru IK uo ol thieves or plunder. All I'our Wont ()vi-r Iho Hum. llAMii.TOM,0,,May Thuro wus au express inessengory picnlo at Woodsdulo Island yes. lorduy, und lu tl a ovoulug John Bolen, an In.

oxpoi'lonned narhinan, took Misses Linderlli'ld, A lor "JAlu TliKM, GOVERNOR." Oov. Pntllion Ui'aoil to Scnil Conl Coin- litiin OltlcliiN to rrldon. TO TTTF; WOHLO. I IlAnmsnuufi, May i) in the course ot un odltoiinl under tho head of Jail Them, Governor," the I'ntriot will to-morrow morning soy: "Thu Governor's public announcement Saturday conovrnlug tho Itoadlng 'deal' through tho New York WOHI.D l3to the effect that thero will bo no chango in the dilatory oi nroecdiire already mapped out by the Ineffective bill In equity ot tho Altorney- Henernl. llo duciiuoa to instruct that olllelul to llio a writ, of quo warrunto.

Ho will not have him aak for a temporary Injunction, asserting that It would be useless and "There Is yet left course, rejecting all these, by which ihe Governor can show how Krent is his earnestness and how consistent Is his opposition to tins glRantlo sclwmoot pliiiuler. All these railroad oniclals engaged in tins aiiduulous Hpeculutlon uro amenable to tho criminal law. "Oov. Putt (son docs not need lo bo told that In a public speech In Locklmven In Januiuy, lusu, datalllriK tho duty of tho legislators, he suld: It mnit lio ranilo urluu by imprison- offiulifj tn bre.k Slncoullothornllorta Imvo Uilart, I tr 10 of tho prison litr.

Why Mini I not inihlio of nllniMl coriion. lio for robblnv the cltltpu tho uuminnnitr irorruptly Tho unvoruor has now the opportunity he desired. Will he answer, that loudly as ho called for such penal, statutes, none have been passed 't certainly no such oxouso will bo presented lor this a criminal conspiracy on tho part of these corporations to combine to restrict tho production iiwlto raise tlio price of a necessary of llfu und that Is a mis- (lumeanor punishable ut common law. There cover Ca Uy aauluoanl Tho wuy Is straight and clear. All hnt Is needed Is au honest puruosn on the purl, of llio kxocutlvo to entorco tho laws.

The (iov. ornor cun now show that what ho aald in isso ho still moans In 1809. "Jail them, Uovernor." BUK WA8 KOI- 1NSANK. IliB Mol-miclilln, School Tonuhcir, Ho- lontml from lleilcvuo susun a. McLaughlln, saltl to bo public, school teacher of this olty, was arraigned lu Jorrorson Market Police court yesterday, ohnrgod with Insanity, She waa a tall, handsome woman, and stylishly dressed.

Her brother Is William H. MoLaughlln, ox- Assomblynmu from Kings Couuly, and keeper ot tho Kings County Almshouso. Ho lives at No. ayn Jay street, Brooklyn. Miss McLaughlln formerly lived wllh him.

They quarrelled over an estale, It Is snld, and sister left tlio house nnd wont to tho home of hor trlend, Miss Murphy, No. Etist Tlilrty-tlfth street. MoLaughlln called there Sunday night ana her conduct led him to believe sho was Insane I'ollcoiuan Drencher wus called lu und ho summoned un nmbulunce, whtuh carried bur to Bellovui'. Yesterday llio physicians pronounced nor Buno. Bbo told Justlco (irndy thut sho had merely hud a in of nervousness, und he, dlsohurgod hor.

Vaid for the Uorno with Ills tlfc, Orr.ctAt. TO 1 XANKBVII.I.E, 0., May horse-thief was shot dead in his tracks to-day by oijlcer ripper. A single turn-out was stolen at midnight from a livery stuob hero. Pippor overtook tho 'hlef nuar Lancaster and managed lo get in tho buggy with him, whereupon tha follow Jumped out and ran. ripper ilred In thii air.

Thu thief stopped, but. when hu orucer unuortook to make him prisoner atruuk at him viuioiiHlr with a cmb. Pippor in. Htantly shot him through the head. The man wore a Oruud Army suit and thought, to Have boun luU'ly dlauhurgod irom thu doidlers' Homo ui tjanduaky.

Kdltor Funornl, BIHTAI.O, N. Jlay funeral of tho late orsnmus u. Warren, editor nnd soulpr proprietor or tho Buffalo coiiiwowri', wai uchl this afternoon at tho home of Iho family on North street. Tho Cleveland Democracy, an organisation marie up entirely ot poimoiii HELD PRISONERS BY A Mrs. McGarrctt Put Her Four i.

drcn on Top of Uio Ice-Box. TilKN SHI! DKAT OFP TffAT WITH BKOOJI AN!) CRIED FOB HEIiP. Wlion tlio OOK Ilnrtoil Into Another Itoom Sho nnil tho VnunKAten (lot Out nnd I.ockeil tlin I'o- llcf in in Tinker Got the Pet out Into tlio Vnril, Shot Ones and MUncd and 1'lretl Agnln In Tlino lo SIITO Sirs. J. W.

Mctlarrett, who lives at No. 167 West Forty-ninth utrcet, has rour small children, and they nro very pretty, brlght-ryea too. she dearly loves them, but they havo divided their affections between their mother and their pet, Tray, a young fox-torrlor. Tho McGarrett's nro early risers. Tho mother was busy In the basement kitchen at seven o'clock ynsterday morning when her baby daughter called her to Tome quick and see what's matter wld Tray." McGarrctt found Tray in tho hall, lying on his side, gasping and occasionally snapping at tho nlr.

She thought the pot was having a lit, probably Induced by tbo sudden warm weather, nnd pli Kinpr It up sho returned to tho hitched followed by hor children. She filled an old soup plate with water nnd placed It before Tray. She screamed ns the dog leaped up in a Jury. The children screamed, too. Tray rushed round the largo room, frothing and uttering short yelps and barks, and trlod to Jash through tho screen door.

Mrs. McOar- rett Is tiulck-wltted and, beating the nog off with a broom, sho managed to place the children on top of the Ice-box. Then she cried for help as sho stood off the snapping brute. In ot Its rushes Tray caught hold of Mr i). McGarrett's dress, but did no damage beyond slightly tearing It.

Meanwhile mo little McOarrotts jelled trom their perch on tho Ice-box. The mother was despairing of help when the dog bolted into the next room. Thon she gathered hor babies and lied from tho kitchen, locking the door atter her. Tray could Do heard tear- Ing around and overturning things. policeman John Tinker, who was ore duty, heard the racket from the street and went Into tho houso Just as Mrs.

McGarrott had uot out ot tho kitchen. After she had gone tin- stairs with her children he cautiously opened the kitchen door and looked In. Tray, with bloodshot oycs and month necked with blood und troth was still whirl- ling round the place. Tinker wont In just tho same and closed tho door. The dog Him, bin, sure kick sent it across the room.

It bounded up like a rubber ball, and was at tho policeman assaln. Uy this time he had reached a door thut, opened on the yard In tha rear ot the house. Aa Troy went hu moved aside.and fho dog went out Into tho yard. Tray was evfdently exhausted and a moment for- breath. Tinker, drawing his revolver, fired.

Ho went wide of tho mark. Then Tray turned. The sun shining on tho barrel ot tho revolver tnroced the Aoe. with a snarl it made for Tinker. As it leaped at his throat ho tired another shot.

The bullet wont straight and sure throuirh tho open mouth and out at the back ot the lioftd, anil, with a last snarl, the dog fell over dead. Alter tho fight was over and the little Mc- tiarretta leu-rued that Tray had been killed they cried until their eyes woro rod and Kwolton nnd would not bo comforted. Mrs McGurrotl says she Is thankful for their escape uud her husband xaya ho nover before realized how well she could handle a broom. A BOILER BURSTS IN TUB STREET. Ono Workmun Inituntlj Killed nnd Anntliur 1'nliilnllv Injured.

William Dougherty, licensed engineer, was Inslantly killed nnd William MoNalry, a laborer, WUB painfully Injured by an explosion, or a boiler at Slxty-nlnlh street, between Eighth and Ninth avinuos, about 11, o'cloolt yesterday morning. The firty men employoo In excavating a cellar at that placo for Thomas Fitzgerald, contractor who lives at No. sou West Flity.sdxth street, were startled by a loud explosion, followed by a noise of escaping steam. They hurried to tho boiler and found tho dead and mutilated body of Engineer Dougherty lylnir about fifteen from the engine lire-box. A half-dozen pieces ot a water log" had struck Dougherty.

About twenty teot In front of tho boiler lay McNniry, unconscious. He had been hit by two pieces ot tiling from tho fire-box, which hud broken bis right arm and caused a seven) wound in his right cheek, Ho waa taken to Koosevolt Hospital and will probably recover, llo Is thlrly-threo yours old und lives ut No. 1344 Socoml nvenue. Tho body ot Dougherty vvas removed to the Flity-elghth street police station. He was usout sixty years old nnd lived at 538 West Fiftieth struct, lie leaves a wile and two children.

Tho boiler was known as a "locomotive boiler" and was tested t.vo weeks ago for an elghty-pound pressure. The stoam gauge reg- iiitored about sixty-live, pounda at tue time of tho accident. The explosion waa what 13 known to engineers as a rupfuro." was caused by steam escaping Into tho Ore-box. The boiler was full or water when the explo. slon occurred.

Wonpon ft Rlunanltnr, (leorge scoti and Thomas Smith, two ex- oiivioi.s, had savcnvl drlulw together yoister- lay afternoon and. ilually got Into a quarrel on Third avenue, near Bixty-tourtU Btreet. Soolt siuuuiiUot nnd waa hammering Bmuu. on the Uea'il, wttou Vollooman Boimlns arreuioU him. Ulood was siveumlnif down Thu Uitenuuai, was ut I'uvusl l.uwn.

Tliu Must i'uy lltPEUIAT' TO THE JEKVEKBONVIH.B, May llush, of Now York, a commercial traveller pvit on a train on Hie Louisville division hmlih, who Is tulrty years vilu, claims resl- dcnce at No. 17116 Third avenue. Nether would, nay they (lunrreUpd Alclmmon'i for Kllqli. The Aldorinon win probably decide upon their new badges to-day, Tlie subject tho lilg Mliiml, awut. i lie i-o iv duin liulnt, ami above is iv gor lino, llolon did not hoed that danger, but jaiscd It and could not leturn.

'Uio boat wunt over tho dam and Mbses La Hue unit Clnrk were tlrowned. llolon and Miss Llnder. ileldwuvu reauueu diniculty. ot tho Plttsburif, Cincinnati and 8t, Louis, IW" ftnxlousiy discussed among them tor se.v. ilallroad in July, sui, tho conductor claim.

da i Hlul tucy llttvi; )llcl at least three rte. i uat ltus aa uot rl a Wil uw signs prepared, tho tnvorlta, however, and. mlleago tlukuu Uueh sued tor 45,000 dam. iho one thut will probiibly be accepted CnimuB Inmiiilty, fBPKOIAT. TQ TUB WOULD.

I llionunNU, May and Mrs. John Chapman, ot Liberty, have bec'orqe, ID. BUUO through splrlttinllsm, Mrs, ouapma baiieYea nhe la qontrpilua by tlie spirit Hgrttwarotiley, They hnvo both oiseii lu the Jnsnw Asylum, Didn't Mliul Ilrcin of rlfty POTTSVILLK, May Fax, employed by tne Pottavliio Iron and, steel company, ii, the oonstruotlon ot a bridge on tho I'ouusyi, vanm uailvoftd, company's new extension, was prying with a bw the hUjhoac pomt pt the bridge when tho bar and he tei foet, Ho strucn to relate, hB arose to his BAnuies 8 Slip of thagrgund.a ucn ouhia mounted by eaxle, ana.having the name and the words Alderman, Now York." The badges will be ot gold ivud will cost S-jfi each! litioh Aldurinau will pay (or his own. HUo Died of mull-Fox, Caroline Shtortli, slxty.two yoara old, wha was removed from No, aao Kaat Fort; street on Saturday liist suftovlug trora pox, died yesterday on North Brother Isli She aontraotod thu dUtiasa at No, 83Q i ontt avenue, JUBC arouncl oori Weftel.

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