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Arcadia Tribune from Arcadia, California • Page 1

Arcadia Tribunei
Arcadia, California
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DR. MEEHAN OPPOSES Religious Class Releases Studied The School Board has taken under study Ihe proposed cxpan-; iinn nf (lie released time relieious training as Dr. John Median, openly opposed the program from. the schools- stannpiini. Dr.

Meehnn. whose wife is nrcsi dent of Ihe Arcadia League nfj Women Vnlcrs, said lie was nonosed In relieious training sni'h" but he added: "I don't feel that this is a School Board func- F.d Jnros, president of the Ar cadia Council of Church plained thai Ihe 111 nsking, ptnnil fourth that fnurlh as well as Tifth released time be released lo attend hible. classes rciijiiim the same lintirs al nearby churches was based luili.Jeti if MlKy (il in the fad that mme public school hc scbeilulc. lie youngsteis could get aa hour ml)sl cities have v.ciM "I uligious tiainiiig id classes released to nllendl who the 204 lillh grailcrs anli lhill given release time thlt Dr. A.

W. Nissan, presidenl of I the hoard, asked for an explanation of Ike difference between Sunday sclmn! and the religious IraininE program and Don Liml- bloom. of ihe Pasadena program said dial only biblical facts were tnughl. "We have lenchers whe are trained as puhlic scliool teacher, thn IcncbiiiH is done ill the same munner as nil nthcr' classes. We do not teach dogma hill rather hiblica! fuels.

Df Menhan. 111 opposing program, snid he Fell Ihnt this Inst lime for sludenls and that relieious (mining should be the decision nl Ihe home. "We are nol making the best use of our leach ers ns Ihe result of ibis elementary education, explained! Arcadia Police Help Nab Three Two police ears from Arcadia one from Sierra Madre were used Sunday lo help seven Monrovia Dolicemen capture three lonnaee autn Ihcft suspects Monrovia foolliills afler a long Roheri Dean Shinpaugh, 19, of El- Monte. an(I lwo bnvs from I'-l ivionle ana lempn City, nil driving separate ailniiiren sieaunK cars, according in Hon ccrs. Thev were rcpnrled than 15j been stealing the vehicles, then (along license plates from parked aulos lo confuse police.

After Ihe chase in the foolliills, lwo officers were Irented in Ar cadia Methodist Hospital for oak poisoning. One woiilrl affei: H1LLCREST A-0111 tOe a copy, 50c a month, $6 ytai D.liv«r.d Twic. OLD FASHIONED The old fashioned girl lodny is determined by her hair-do. If she still uses a comb inslcad of space helmet lo fashion her airli she's as dated as if she wore a mother hubburd. Twenty-eight Pages 2 Sections ARCADIA, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1962 Vol.

XXXV, No. 39 INCLUDED IN TAX OVERRIDE DATA Future School Budget Plans Call For Pay-As-You-Go Building In a projection of spending to meet die rising demands for school operations for the next five years, Superintendent af Schools Burtis E. Tnylor snid Ihis week Ihat by July, IM, it will Ix; necessary la establish a budget in excess of SU.ODO.Uut) willi Iwu bijj a major pay as you go capital outlay 1o bring schools tip to demands of enrollment and an annual general reserve of 5200,000. 'the current fiscal year's budget calls for SS. for 1UU2-U3 indicating that in five years the Arcadia School District up eratiun costs will rise 51,000,0011.

But the outline fur luture spending includes more than S1.M0.OOI) for capital improvcmenis. In preparing data which will spell out to Ihe Vetera the need for the continuation of the present taxing authority ceiling fur general npernlions nf SUS, school administration also anticipates thai the biggest jump in spending for schools will occur next vear with the IS0J-M budget estimated nl Taylor pointed out to the Board of Education Monday that the enrollment in district schools today is almost equal to what had been expected for next September find many sign posts pointing to another major jump in classroom population by September. The administration has prepared a thorough infnrmntional program to outlined to the voters who will he asked to go to Ihe polls Sepl. IS In maintain Ihe tax override, or ceiling of taxing powers. Whether they will be urged to mninluin it at S3.25 or inuease it and the length of validation of the overrule will lie lieieijnined by the Board of Education after a public hearing May 24 at Foothills Junior high school.

CASH BALANCE Although the five-year projection indicates a school budget in another half a decade, a Breakdown shows that nno-tweirtli of this will accrue by rebuilding the district's cash hitlancc which was badly depleted in the past two years to build the administration offices on a pay-as-you-go plan, hat Ihe released lime program did not interfere with classes si Ihey arc arranged lo meet llie absentees Irani class. The church school nperulcil I hi: ear with nine classes, four oicl a Tuesdays and Wednesdays and ne on Thursday wiih jsses scheduled bclwecn 11 and 2 p.m. The Council nf Churches arranges ul youngsters In church. Euch stuilenl has approxi mately an hour from his sclu classes. lid thai if the Hoard of Hikes lor a belter conlinuily of the thurch insi School Bus Cost Cuts Proposed The Sditiul District indicated Ihis week Ihat it might maintain mine trnnsporlntion regul for onotber year by ligble iing bus schedules.

However, a 1 port lo Ihe Hoard of Education by Business Manager Allan Si showed Ihat Ihe district could much as S17.SDU.-J0 by lenglh- ling Ihe walking district for slu- nnneniir itoiINTABY The rcmrl was hased i.ram"is Lvnhiniary and that which showed Ihat tiled Ml out of 7110 fifth graders in Ihe fliven Van Tluskirk. director oft lually bad lems bemuse il dents longer dist. manpawer and ciiuipmeiit of SI 1 .253.411. It would require kindergarten through sixth grade to qiiarlers ot 0 mile: junior high a mile and a quart nnd senior high lwo miles. On slroncer oroorani, kindergarten 's would wallt three quarters fa-mile: one through sixth graders one mile; junior Inch a mile and half and senior high wo Dr.

Robert I- Boyd suggested jstaggoring starting hours bul Ihe jadministralion painted nut thai the problem is in the ailcrnoon. However, rilans call lor tignter re quirements on bus slops. A further -port will he mnrio in iwn weeks.1 Scoll poinlcd rail Ihat less than ,7.1 per cent nf sluilenls eligible In ride the school liases lake advan-l lace of transportation. Less lhani half of the senior high school stir Taxation in bchalT nf a major increase in five years indicates Dial the SI.25 ceiling may be sufficient for llic period. The fue-year figures were projccled since the Stanford crystal gazing on prospective grnwih of the Arcadia district covers the same years.

Huwuver, the tax override aiithorily might be sought for a longer period. The projecied income for city school shows a continual decline in stale aid based on average daily attendance. This is due tu Ihe growth or value of the district's assessed valuation. To meet ihe climb toward a 56.000,000 budget by 1500. the projecied lax rale far next year would go lo while present budgetary proposals call for the rale lo he increased lo at least 52,92.

For despite increased financial needs, the rate would drop la 53.11 and continue to decline lo S2.95 for I1I6G-67. These dala are based on llie assessed valuation of all properly in the district rising lo SMU.OOO.OOU by lM. STATU AID DROPS The projection shows that local taxpayers arc going lo be forced by Ihe stale to slmuldcr a steadily increasing percentage uf Die cost of local schools because of Ihe community wcalih. All projection of future biidgels do not consider salary increases foi pcisoiuiel cxcepl normal incvemcnls. However, they do consider capital outlays of nmre lhan The budget for next year, now heforo Ihe School Board, does nol include binds tor capital improvements.

However, the recently piesenied the board with a program calling lor capital projects casting SJ.W.Srm. The continued rise of omollnienl is creating classroom bulges which are expected to be solved temporarily Ihis year by the acquisition of port able roiims. However, the project is for an enrollment of nljoul 10,000 in anollier live yours which would be a slower pace than the growth uf ihe pusi five years. PAST PRESIDENTS OF CIIAWDCR OF COMMERCE wcro honored Tucidov morning at brcokfust ot Bawling Squo.c. Fourlccn of the men whn hove hcoded the Arcodio Chamber oKendcd.

They indudu, tiom the fob, front row, R. H. Sth-ornkopt, Two weeks agn the board mined 11 a nronosa! lor initialuig which would Slave Liuaclicd invest i ent ion into dala required for a state credit rating Tcpnrl and lo invite Ihe San (inbriel Valley Municipal Water District lo down Inr exploratory tains. Tuesday bolh ol these steps ere approved. The credit rating! hnn S350O ind will he performed by Slonci and Youncer.

The other municipal! MWI3. city's position been thai it nhjecis lo Ibc MWD iniliotion fee and feels Hint and cheiiiier water can obtained fiom the stale's l-'ealbe! iver project.) Schone. fnllnwing up last week'! mve lieforc the Upper San Ga briel Vallev Walcr alsr urged that all fads be presented regarding fulure suppli Rescue Talk Set hoard in the valley, com- A program of interest to every nrisinr the four mimieinnllv owneiiifathei and SOU, featuring Larry Ol sierra iHartre. Jierrn ivmcirc Aiusa. Monterev Hark and Alham-ianri Rescue Squad, will be of- ibra.

has been invited lo meet feroil hy the Chkkasjw Iiniian, I wrh -tie dn-rict iiirrciarsaiiiide lube with Ike Harbcrl Iwlm rcprc-scni Arcadia among chief 00 Friday al p.m. in busing prnb-iulher nearby cilics. Plymouth ScIkioI niKhloriuni. 1 hauling stu-i The niecling of ihe two Ixiards Roley Mnnrovin. than ninsl oneicii iwo i 11-7 I 1 I' The ma EXPAND FOR SUMMER Summer school on the junior high schonl level will hc exicndecl to two locations but fiupl.

of Schools Burlis K. Taylor snid that no additional staff members will be needed bcrausc the administration over-estimated the nuniher of teachers who would be needed on the elenienlnry level. The hnlge in enrnllmenl came with the regislratinn Tor summer school when SM asked (o atlenil junior high classes despile lhal fact that originally all seven through nine grades were to go to the Sycamore Avenue school. The enrollment surpasses Foothills caparily and Taylor recommended using Dana rooms. Ho said this might alsn entourage even more junior high sludenls to attend.

No figures were released on the number seeking to take vacation instructions on the elementary level hut ihe opening of Dana will not increase rhe costs oF the operations since some teachers who had been assigned lo teach the lower grades will go in make up the Dana faculty. Typing is the higgesl summer villi' 11(1 registered for Ihe course and 15 for speed reading and composition. The dents are, bused. However, the' greatest niimher of high rcgisirnnls are fri high school parking lot is filled, hills school area VA while 1 If) from private nnd pa with stodeni-ovncd cars. alvi have been cnlcrcd.

Minor Boost in City Costs Seen City Council has been banded count for much of the money, general operating budget pro-l Although it has no affect posal for IDffi-GJ calling for anllhe lax rale, the Water Depart- in expenditures over the inont was drnMirall', current venr of onlv SBB.006 and'duced from the current spend: suggestion that Ihe lax rate beapace of Sl.032.^0. The municipal- cut five cenls. Iv owned water department has As indicated a month ago only S723.M5 for the Manager Harold K. Schone pul 12 "lunlhs beginning July I. ogelher a budget calling lor smallest rise in spending in recent UP If not in ihe hislnrv nf inary proposal.

Only SHW.OOO lArcadia. The appropriation boost Ilew capital projects are proposed i-a fni 2nB nor cent more mniicv'Cum "leu ivuu iiuinui lieu this vear and at the proposes adding 7 Icmplayees. The apparent linaneiul juggling deal is plained in Ihe tact that Planning Commission Secretary Leslie Tallcv is retiring Julv 1 and Ihe job will be abolished. The aider ol Ihe slack is i alien iup by plowing 52.1,000 of this ilio-ued 5200,000 IbnloncH back inlo the in gram. The 580,008 raise in tl spending with nn increa nncl cutiltl not tie acc ilhout reduclians in sol of Ihe municipal aying thai yen iw pro.

annual in per-upKihed phi inl slap increases wotih ivanicl i coiuscs 01 no and to avert "spinning wheels." This statement drew a 'ply from former nmyni. Hawkins nf Covnia who lie- lended 1 0 made bv Ihe Ixiatd over Ihe lasl The board was cri Water Business Almost Normal The end ol Ihe rainy se; nut the Arcadia Water Department hack in business nl almost die; brisk pace ns .1 year nno.1 The failure of llie mercury 10 at lrrfiv levels has hail an I'effcct. I Ihe municipally opcraied water reported April at ri7S.nN0.l7n gallons, off the current year. Sunn" of thi will be corned over under next fall's capilal project program. PAY RAISES POSSIBLE In his message lo the Council Schone said that the 52.50^.11:1 program coulains money for sal- St rases it Ihe solans waul favor such a step and still the 'hi torical" SI.

10 tax rule cuuld I reduced by five cents. "II tinforseen occurs prior lo Ihe set ting of the tax rate for the fisrttl will, in Ihe upn of Ihis office, be possible to make i five cent reduction in laxes for his period." Schone wrote. Departmental wise Ihe biggest increase would go to the lihr; i tm i ri jjj Kfl I Albert Prrkini, Gordon S. Ehcrly. O.

T. Gilhonk, ono CIIH Lnncc; back row, Bob Tanner, Ray Rngen, Gilford P. Eaitwood, J. Kcndalf McBane, Williom F. Suhm, K.

R. MEi9on, Ray R. Long, Robert Wolker end Bon Cour.c. Tribune photo Water District to Broaden Planning 11 iKnmu'ni -hr hnnrrl IiaiI niircL'c Io.miI< weeks by a b.eiidctl by iWtenl sinned on the conipilnlinn oli.snpplei-.icr.ini water lor I hi: A.oZf,callyL..T mad at any-' Wednesday villi a committee rep four maverick cities 1(1; ileveloonieni Him f.i'hne Va evt resell mi! trie nneciors i)i ine.iiiocuss inicipal Walcr Uislrirl Water District, its field Tuesday andj Schoiie's letter, written Monday led' to move in a dircciian nthcncxplained that the city is not op. in a pussihle lie-up with lo MWD and in lac! en- Meiroiwlitan Walcr Commission cuiuuiued negnlial nlanuing.

alientled- Cl 1 I Hie meeting expressed bis ihan'KS LI ILUI orm, Ham Arcadia and Tcnip'e Cily among San Ciabriei Valley I ha: experienced rain. hail, electrical storms, strong winds and Inw ilcd l)J Monday and I ing the early hours of Tuesday, according lo Comity Arboreta officials. Intermittent rain thai fell Monday and Tuesday totaled .61 inches to bring the IfiSI-IK season total lo 2ri.CS. In comparison. the same period of lasl year had only fi.fil) inches, far below the average of 15.

Weathermen said Ihey view Tuesday morning's slarru as the lasl taste of rain in ihis section until next October. "Normally. May and April prndin one and hhmil fi perccnl Irom the co Mrtiat, imndinp pumpings lor April a 0hsci Susan (loot ximum dav declined leven more sharply to million jgallons. according lo Superintend-! irnt John Grivich. Holy Angels Girl Tops in Spelling was arlia hich is asking 5220,005 or 534.000 would save the taxpayers about ore than this year.

The publicjSSt.OOO since Ihe hudget is based ifety deparlmeal cxpcndituresion raising 51.1IK.T00 Irom taxes mild rise 5.12,0011 incliidinglon a projected loial assessed valu-lother lieutenant and of all property in Arcadia trpeant for the police depnrUuf SIOS.2OO.000. This projection ent and a fire inspector phis! anticipates property values, when i'O fire captains heginning Drc.jfinally iDtulled up by the county 19H2. Olhei new' eninkivei nn: assessor, will be no S2.000.O00 over posed are an account clerk nowlihe ciiiieni fiscal veat. I working half lime for Conimllerj in Ihe juggling of the tax rale Wayne Harris lo full lime: a li keep il within the SI 10 rate inspector and a planniug.tiial bus been in existence lor a draftsman and a street mainte-' man. The walcr depai sking for one new si Neighborhood Tiff on House Still Unsettled S.

Slh Ave. over until June 0 when Ma; Edward L. Buttcrworth will iprtrnved the Murad requesl In other business approved a ow bid af SM.H-1.43 bv D. fi Riving Contractors of West Co- lerness CHANGE OF IMPART line-half niches nf ram, lively, but ihis spring had been below average until this week': Mi.ndav's rain measured -contra ispeller of the annual Knights Qpenjnq NeOTS iplcle the wadenine ol Snuih Simla Anita Avenue frnm Winnie Way to Live Oak A' A lefl tin 0 lmiiil will be lished 100 leel norlh of Live) Oak. necording In plans outlined bv Public Works Dircctnr Chariest lor llie purpose nl Lmu.

Ihe cost of the projei under estimates. In llie! ae hids the price ranged as! hieh as Sl'lS I Council also approvetl spending; Park. The 1 si eel pipes encased iconcrelc lo replace the wooden bridge which was washed off lis dnrtiig the heavy Recniisn Ihe stream alnngl A letter from property owners at 9391 and 0S9S Wentkin street' for detachment from Arcadia and annexation to Temple City was brushed aside bv Ihe owners themselves who said ihey had Parker said county regi. ha inches, hc added, while .59 was recorded Tuesday. isecuiui Avenui Readings of 45 low and fill high vard hut that were reenrded in the Arcadia received from me sen ion tin Monday.

Officials reported lhal Areadi experienced another light Tuesday nigh inches. reenrdin Hoiy Angeis sio-1 Swimming Pool chanipiiiiiship indited chaniiiionshipl advised ih.u decade, Ihe budgel proposes lo lower the general city property assessment cents to All oiher rales tvhich arc kept in sep arate accounts woold be raised cxcepl for the Recrealion Department. Planning actually would be increased a half a cent to .341: iibrarv while' rc jhnlf a leighbo Ii argument' request In huild a lot took tip an boor's time of jCity Ctinncil Tuesday nighl with-iLltN The remainder of ihe night's agenda was dispijscri of in another minutes. costs would go up a renl In The would rise Ihree corns nion would decline a lo -5Si. Although Ihe ciiy ones less lhan in bonded debt it is calculated In raise the lax rate for this purpose of a rent.

In recommending five-rcn! tax late slash, Schone did not sav where the S55.UHU would come Jl1 1 'j nf die in-ir Ihe Minims depnrl- inents. However, the Council con-1 1 fund was earmnrked (or 575,000. But the city, in nine months, The of ihe Muwd 5,37.01,11 and 10 uimu unouii. 011 .1 imp llv was we Ihe nppl'Opnalcd pace, 111-nr'icluding Ihat for Ihe public safety indicalmg another Mirn. Prn Jrni p.Nun ,1,11,11, jit I lips sugpeslcd (hat his colleagues inmcv mt0 ins-peel Jhe neighlmrliood in cirs.

Cmlncir cJid a vear when must of the The same protests were cnn balance Tor 1350-61 was before Council ns were prepcnicd nreviaus vears, 0 the Planning Coninip vtHui capital projects pingroin. County Sets Huntington Drive Job Plans and specifications fnr the of Huntington Drbe lurth between San Gabriel Boule-. aid and Michillinda Avenue in be ArcadhaSan Mariiui area in capaal n.ojcci-. i.a.rcv 1 approved Tuesday by the aew crossing nl Wil-i snid for Ihe cnuntv hichwav liniprovcment will be opened 1 29, and the contract is ex- jpeclcrf lo be awarded soon nfler hat dale, permitting work to be- the west side of Wilderness Park iv hr ight go 011 a rampage in the r.1 future, the new crossing niguway wun curn, guiier ano ol the crossing. Lort: describe.

on the north bar- me pioposni as similar to an inclllded in the WDrk is InsOionen Souinern Missouri creek ibc rnn.stniclinn of highway drainage structures and modification of existing traffic control signals. Ronelli points oul lhal this is inniher section 111 the multi phase, niprovement id Drive. 11 this connection, ho notes that he first smite, the construction if a neiv bridge slroc.lure an llie" uuah barrel al 1 aiinpk-led lasl Pebiu. Ins amateur inrlica hern lei for rhe in- Hptl hy a Wash, lllal itv n.ailc hrm deride to iiirepn on lo Temple City for the nlilj irall air. I.

irninc signal- a i pmpeied projeci will and l-noihdl llnule- ,,1 iiie reniair no ward has been links of 1 hen llie sl.atc highway axL-lcd ea-l-MCst rmilcc signals for Angeles and the t'pper Si win Foothill and ihe rc.amp Val ei. said. Rc- 1111 of Santa Anna ami hiHiiliill and Hideiiiiig are ilraiiic controls. necessary to increase Inline cn- I An explanation Ilia! two Li-'pacity. eliminnic excessive hrarv Board members would at- costs and improve drain- tend the LL R.

Library convention agc. in Miami. but that Librarian' Hoinc-i Fletcher will stay home Council! urday in Holy Angels Parish Arcadia Park Pool, -10j ianta. num. Susan wan tirsl place Anua is among 11 los 1 he nld fashioned spelling beelgcles County pools that ill be Thi; approved jpul nn each year hy Ihe members! opened for puhlic use during jot Archbishop Canlweil Council ing weeks, orrording 10 Nu of Colunbiss, Bill Brad- S.

Johnson. Los Angeles Icy Grand-Kmgbl. Parks and liecrcaiion Liepari Lillian Brown, studeni of Si. dncrtnr. Luke's School, Temple City, look.

June 7 has been set ns.iis the Fool- isecnnd place and tals'c Mmi roe. line date, and early srasnn lial scbooi 1st. and Perpelua. San Ma- raers advised. rinu, ihiid place iiii.magci (01 dudy 'ippninlntem Capital Prrj- is commillcc al ibe next meet- drn and seleciiun nf iwnVenir I nine; Co lad Ihe 1 select a plan fnr die tlimmnw Chamber Drive Is Continuous

1 Chamber nf C01 Hubbard, chairman af the nee mid ihe hoard of di-.

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