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The Democratic-Herald from Charleston, Mississippi • 5

Charleston, Mississippi
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NEWS PROM CASCILLA The Old Standard Cascilla, Dec. ladies of Cascilla gave an oyster tupper ftbc 2)emocrattc SHeralfc, flail xa. Sanfiete, EMtot proprietor, Cbarlcoton, Callabatcfole flMssteslppi. last Friday nlgbt, at the residence Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic Mrs. S.

V. Whitten, which was hugely enjoyed by a large gathering of people, Tba proceeds went to the Baptist church, has stood the test 25 years. Average annual sales over One and a Half Million bottles. Does this record Cascilla has a most progressive school, uudor tbe surveillance of Rov. D.

Rice and an ante corps of assistants, of merit appeal to you No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Subecrlptlon "Kates mm One Year, (In Advance) One Year, (On Time) 1.50 Six Months, (In .50 Six Months, (On Time) 75 We have no Clubbing Rates, Correspondence solicited. "Rates Local Notices ten cents a line for first insertion, and five cents a line for each subsequent insertion. Obituary Notices of ten lines or less, published free.

Space rates upon application. Uev. J.N. Whitehead, an evangelist Enclosed wtw every bottle Is a Ten Cent Package of GROVE'S BLACK HOOT LIVER. PILLS.

of tbe Holinc hurch, will begin protracted met- 'tig at the tabernacle, two miles west ii Cascilla on the 20tb, Uur streets are no longer the scene of boisterous conduct, as the blind A. tigers bave moved thir base of opera tiona from hre to a more congenial I Every LOCAL- OTHERWISE clime. MOSTLY OTHERWISE A TIMELY SUGGESTION This is tbe season of tbe year when tbe prudent and careful housewife replenishes her supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is certain to be needed before tbe winter is over, and results are much more prompt and satisfactory when it is kept at hand and given as soon as tbe cold is contracted and before it has become settled in tbe Bon Brown, (a expected homo in 1 'w days from Bellbqckle, to I nd thu holidays. thing FOR P.

T. Rainey, a lending physician How ia your cold this morning? 'Dolpb Summers went to Oakland Saturday. T. B. Pry, who bas cm pin the Charleston Gin for soup Saturday for bis h'm at it Ark.

place, bas just returned from Ixle, where be was in attendance system. In almost every instance a severe cold may be warded off by taking Xrnas of the Delta Medical Post mas tor Dixon', of lbry, wrb in the city Saturday. i hi. ami Messrs N. and Tboe.

ShK, 1 were in the city last Sainrlm, while here were pleasaDt caller? office. Harrison, was in Mr. Brown, of South Dakota, is tlllK R. E. Dollabite, of town last week.

this reaiedy freely as soon as the first indication of tbe cold appears, Tbere is no daoger in giving it to children for it contains no harmful substance. It is pleasant to take both adults and 1 uMm to spend tbo winter with were better broken Bad resolutions than observed. Can be found in our store. Our line of Sterling Silver Novelties is the nobbiest you ever saw in this town the articles combining cheapness and up-to-dateness I'ruBty and Lena Carter 'ip Mr. anJ Mrs.

Carter, went lo Grenada via Holcomb last children like it. Buy it and you will We have a 3 months' aebolaiHhip the best commercial colliu in ti South, which we will sell chexp. A-k about it. A dazzling array of holiday gifts get tbe best. It always cures.

For sale by Liughlin Matthews Charles ton, Murders Newburger, ikland. i eve tbere will be a handsome and elegant nothing shoddy, Chi ihttiinB tree at the Baptist church, C. F. Milam, of Murphreeeboro, was in the city Saturday. How would a bot wbiskey soda fit your mug this morning? Look for tbe blue mark on the fourth page of this paper and remit.

Mrs. P. II. Thornton, who baa been right sick for three weeks, is at Tbe Oakland Mercantile Company's All Ingredients for all sorts of cakes. We have Powdered Sugar, Cut Loaf Sugar and Fancy Ornamental Icing MRS.

MOLLIE YOUNG Mrs. Mollie McCain Young, wife of Drug Store. Miss Birdie Den man and Minx Mini Peterson, accompanied Smiici T- Dr, John W. Young, of Grenada, died at her late home in that cit, last Thurs i.i. iii I'xpi-etwl to be a very enjoy affrtir.

M-i-r Ttiurniao Rice and Phil flame who ar now at school at Clin Inn. are expi-eted borne the last of the week to Npend the holidays. Meedainee S. V. Whit ten and D.

day, after an illness of only a few days. ueuaian, were in town on a f-lio pit Mrs. Young was a truly gi'Oi', Christian For your X-mas Dinner we will have Cranberries, Celery, and Selected Queen Olives tour Saturday. Mrs. J.

H. Hackney, of Clover II character, and was indeed a woman of noble bearing, who delighted in doing Ross and Miss Glenn Calhoun went to iormeriy bubs may of near Grenada shopping last Friday. good and making others happy. She this place, was visiting relatives in Toys for all was a devout member of the Presby Charleston last week. Fireworks and the little SMASHING THE SABBATH terian church, and bad been for a very long time.

She leaves a husband, two Charleston bas her own peculiar way Young man, you will find a gift to suit the taste of the most exacting, fastidious young woman, at The Oakland Mercan of celebrating me day set aBiae for a more pronounced observance of tbe Ten tile Company's Drug Snore. sons and si: daughters, and many other relatives and a bost of friends to mourn her sudden and ill-timed death. May the "great physician" heal the wounds inflicted by this severe stroke. Complete line of holiday goods a( The Oakland Mercantile Company's Drug Store. Mrs.

Ernest Wbite bas been right sick for several days, but ia reported better. Beautiful line of medallions all sizes, at The Oakland Mercantile Company's Drug Store. T. F. Willingham, of Harrison, passed through tbe city Saturday, enroute to the delta.

We regret to note the illnesB of Mrs. W. F. Lambert, and hope she will soon be all right. Atty.

C. II. Broome, of Memphis, was If you are thinking of taking a course Commandments. For instance: It will be remembered, do doubt, that we called attention to the fact several months ago that one Sunday afternoon, the proper in book-keeping or shorthand, we can Charleston, Miss. surely interest you.

If you care to HOW TO PREVENT CROUP It will be good news to tbe mothers of quiet of a small town on a Sabbath in tbe summer months was rudely broken know about it apply at Tae Democratic Herald office. The pumpkin cutting is an attractive small children to learn that croup can by (be yells of a few drunken bipeds feature at Oakland's Big Store. No sometimes passing as gentlemen (God save tbe mark) right here on tbe public Bquare, within earshot of those ladies be prevented. The first 6ign of croup is hoarseness. A day or two before tbe attack tbe child becomes hoaree.

This is soon followed by a peculiar rough wonder the person guessing the nearest number of seeds, gets glittering gold coin of tbe realm. whose residences are situated near the attending to legal business in Charles- ton last week. 1 Stationery and toilet articles, in endless cough. Give Chamberlain's Cough FOR SALE. A3 month's scholar court bouse.

Well, on last Sunday two or three little boys, between the ages of ship in the foremost business college of Remedy freely as soon as tbe child becomes hoarse, or even after tbe rough cough appears, and it will dispel all the South. Same can be bad at a very low figure. For further information, apoly at this office. TAKE THE G. S.

I. R. R. Quickest and Best. Connects with trains in all directions at Gulfport, Hattiesburg and Jackson, Through line to Gulfport, Miss.

The Newport of the South DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE Short Line between Jackson and the Gulf, making close connection with trains for all points from Gulfport, Hattiesburg and Jackson. Two through trains daily symptons of croup. In this way all danger and anxiety maybe avoided. variety at lhe Oakland Mercantile company's Drug Store. Tom' Rice, assistant cashier of the Charleston Bank, went to Oakland on bueineea Thursday; M.

F. Jumper, a popular writer of life insurance, was in the city a -day or two this week. ten and fifteen, were seen to pike around up and down public highways and popular byways, firing off some very large cannon crackers. Such conduct is certainly unwarranted and should not be allowed, even in youngsters. If the kids bave not been taught at home to respecc tbe wishes of the dignified This remedy is UBed by many thousand Do you want to borrow money 00 your farm, either in tbe hills or in the Delta? of mothers and bas never been known to fail.

It is, in fact, the only remedy that can always be depended upon and this is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Laughlin Matthews Charles ton, Mardera Newburger Oakland. public and the laws of the land, and are devoid of the elements bicb go to make respectful, respectable men, then tbe officers of tbe law should cite the little rascals to tbe Code and save their parents tbe humiliation of having their unruly offspring given a public jacking MORE SERMONS HERE No. 1. No.

3. No. 2. No. 4.

Arrive 11:15 a.m. 10:00 p. GULFPORT Leave 6:45 a.m. 3:55 p. Arrive 8:15 a.

m. 6:35 p. 10:10 a. m. 7:15 p.

Leave 4:35 a. m. 2:40 p. JACKSON Arrive 2:00 p. m.

11:05 p. Rev. J. W. Raper, pastor of the local If so, see Dinkins Caldwell they rep resent unlimited money to loan at tbe lowest rate of interest.

No delays. Billy Heins, formerly of thin place, but now holding a position with a large lumber concern of Marianna, arrived in Charleston Saturday, and will spend the holidays with home folks. Mrs. A. H.

Cbisbolm, who bas been visiting relatives in Charleston for a few days, left Friday for Como where Bhe will gpend a short whiln, after which time she goes to Leland, her future home, The Silk Socks Society will not be Methodist church, stated to a reporter up. This wholesale smashing of the Sunday laws should be stopped! W. Patterson returned last week from a several weeks'trip to tbe eastern portion of tbe state Wright's Extracts finest in America -ajways in stock. The Oakland Mercantile Company's Drug Store. Miss Bettie Murphree.of Cascilla, but who ia teaching a school up the valley, was shopping here Saturday.

Tbe S. S. S. promises to be one of tbe most flourishing social organizations ever perfected in Charleston. Misa Blanche Hubbard Iuka, arrived in Charleston last Saturday, and will spend sometime here with relatives.

for the Herald a few days ago, that a plan was being arranged whereby tbe congregation at this place would be The Oakland Mercantile Company one of the most liberal mercantile given two sermons a montn in tne future instead of one sermon as hereto fHESE TRAINS are arranged with a view of making all desirable connections at Gulfport, Hattiesburg and Jackson. Parties can leave Jackson in the afternoon and reach Mobile or points on the Gulf Coast the same night or take the L. N. Coast Train in the morning and go to interior points without lying over in Gulfport. 1,000 Mile Tickets good for one year $25,00.

For further particulars call on or address, THOMAS P. HALE, G. P. Gulfport, Miss. concerns in JNortn iviissisi-ippi.

iney give away cash to their customers, in addition to making tbe lowest prices i allowed to fall to pieces, even if some fore. It will doubtless be a source of satisfaction to the members of Mr, Raper'a church at this place, this new arrangement. It is proposed to change the datea so as to have services at Oak land on tbe first Sunday, giving the possible. do think tbe organization one not cnl niilntorl In amlnw vm.nn w. I I.

Some of tbe ladies bave expressed a I uuiaiou tijkju uuug uru Willi nil desire to become meuibere of the Silk Socks Society, hut it is feared that not forget that The Oakland abnormal reverence for the opinions of Mercantile Company caters especially Bpme of those very muddle to its patrons of Tallahatchie county, as some cranks who think their wings are second and fourth Sundays some of the shy bachelors, and shrewd ton, tbe third Sunday being devoted to Harrison and Bethel, already sprouting. well as others. benedicts will raise a bowl of objection to eucb a move. SAW DEATH NEAR J.D.KERR. C.

ATTISON, Wm. QUARLES. Jr. President. Vice Pres.

Cashier. I you know of a birth Bend it to us "It often made my heart ache," writes if you bear of a marriage tell it to us. L. C. Elgin, hear my wife cough until it seemed her weak We went the news, and all of it, that ftbe Charleston Bank, we can crowd into the limited space of the Patent Medicine Herald.

RANCH Of OAKLAND BANK and sore lungs would collapse. Good doctors said she was bo far gone with consumption that no medicine or earthly help could save her, but a friend recom If you know anything of local inter (Tbarleston, flDiss. est, do us the kindness to notify us, It mended Dr, King's New Discovery and Capital $20,000 ia impossible for us to know many things, intuitively, which would be of interest to our readers, bo we are large We do Legitimate Banking Business od Solicit Your Account. persistent use of this excellent medicine saved her life," It's absolutely guaranteed for coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma and all throat and lung diseases. 50c ly dependent upon our friends for items PAI of Dews, and 1.00 at Laughlin ap Matthews, Charleston, and Oakland Mercantile Mr.

Tom Blood worth, accompanied by bis eon, was mingling with old friends Company, Oakland. Trial bottles free. and war comrades in Charleston last A ALLAH ATCH IAN HONORED week. He was formerly a resident of TO THE Tallahatchie county, but now lives in The many friends of Mr. C.

S. Merri- WeBt Point, White county, and wether, formerly a resident of this For No. 1 'Coon Skins, fropa 40 to 6(V each. For No. I Mink Skins, from 5,0 to $1.25 each.

For No. 1 Otter Skins, from $8.00 to $7-00 each. Dry Hides, 5 to 11 per pound. Beeswax, 15 to 22 per pound. Strained Sweet Gum, 25 per pound.

hie old-time friends here greeted him ORTH county, will be pleased to learn that that gentleman was elected to the office with a genuine cordiality which has no imitation. of mayor of Scranton, in the election held on the inst. He received 121 AND WEST WANTED Faithful person to travel for well established bouse in a few votes to his opponent's 20, an overwhelming defeat for tbe other man. VIA I counties, calling on retail merchants and agents. Local territory.

Salary, WILL PAY The Highest Market Price for all country produce. I keep constantly on hand a complete stock of Fancy and The honor ia not an ambigious one, as Memphis, Kansas City or Chicago $1,021 a year and expenses, payable Scranton ia one of the most progressive towns on the great gulf coast, and the arge vote bespeaks the esteem in which Staple Groceries all strictly first-class no inferior stuff in my store. I have just received a full line of Holiday Goods. Call and see me. $19.70 a week in cash and expenses advanced.

Position permanent. Business sucsesstul and rushing. Standard House, 331 Dearborn Chicago, III. Mr. Merriwether is held in that good town." SAYS HE WAS TORTURED We regret to note the death one day Through Service of the Very Best to ARKANSAS, TEXAS, INDIAN TERRITORY, OKLAHOMA, THE FAMED PAN HANDLE COUNT-RY, COLORADO, the NORTHWEST, and the PACIFIC COAST.

"I suffered such pains from corns I could hardly walk," writes H. Robinson, Hillsborough, "but Bucklen's THOMAS SHOOK, Paynes, Miss. Arnica Salve completely cured them." last week of Candie Bradehaw Brown, a most estimable, worthy colored woman. She was well known to most of tbe people of Charleston, many of whom she has Berved faithfully and well. She waa posessed of many good traits not usually found in members of her race, Acta like magicon sprains, bruises, cuts, E.

8. HULL, Gen'l Agt 223 81. Charles New Orleans. V. M.

CLUIS, T. P. 223 SL Charles New Orleans. sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Per fect healer of skin diseases and piles.

Cure guaranteed by Laughlin Matthews, Charleston, and Oakland Mer notably among which were honesty and GEO. N. LEE. G. P.

A T. Little Rock, Ark. gratitude. May Bhe find rest and reward beyond the grave. cantile Company, Oakland.


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