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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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JOBS W. BABSKS. Louthain Jk Harnfw. TO1TOR8 AKD PROPRIETORS. TKEM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION Dally per veck 10 per month 40 per year utrlctly In gdvancp) J4.50 The Weekly Pharos and the Sainrdiy Fbiirog the vwo lonnfnfr the Semi-Weekly tl.25 a year, strictly In advance.

Entered ut the Logansport, as class mail matter, as provided by law. WHY SO EEGULAE PHYSICIANS PAIL IT Is to be regretted tbat the north end of Third street, frunj Broadway to the Eel river bndpe, was not improved with the rest of Third street. Boss HANNA will pull down on the hime streich this week. His chief effort has been to prove tbat it was Mark Banna who discovered William McKlDley and that it was Mark JTsnna who is responsible for Mc- Kinley'3 election to the presidency. WILT-JAM D.

BYKUM is in slumping the state against the regular Democratic candidate for jeovernor. He expresses the hope tost the will he beaten. Before the next campaign, Bynum will throw ofl his Democratic garb- and openly advocate Republican principles. It would be more able to do so now. THE Democratic editors of Illinois at their recent meeting in Chicago unanimously passed resolutions endorsing the Chicago platform of 1896, recognizing the monev question as the paramount issue and winding them up by sending greeting; to William Jennings Bryan.

The meeting was atttended by 125 Democratic editors, nearly every prominent city in Illinois being represented. T6 Cure Female, True Reasons "Why Mrs. Pinkliam is More Successful Than the Family Doctors THE Republicans of Ohio made much ado about the election of Gal Brlce to the United States senate. Brice, they said, was a millionaire atid a corporation man. Now they are supporting Hanna, a millionaire and one of the most brazen monopolists in the country, Although he denies it, appearances indicate that he 18 connected with, the bankers syndicate that ts now scheming to rob the government of $20,000,000 in the Uaion Pacific railway deal, Ohio could not send to the United States senate a man who Is more closely identified with the corporations than Hanna, He is recognized as a bood- ler, and such men are unsafe In any legislative, LOGANSPORT is not growing so fast tbat it should become necessary to supply the electric light plant with additional machinery every year.

At tbe beginning, the number of private consumers of electric light might have been underestimated. But those connected with the management of this public enterprise should now have a good idea of the power required to supply all the light needed and should govern themselves accordingly. To do otherwise is to put the" city to needless expense every year. Electric lighting Is past the experimental stage and the city of Lfgansport containing a population of 20,000 people has a monopoly of this system of lighting Now that England has rejected overtures lor the reestabllshment of the double standard, what will the United States do? What will the McKinley administration do? Will It yield to the dictation of English bankers and Indirectly assist the money power In forcing the world to make gold the only medium of exchange? John Q. Carlisle in his great speech In congress in 181S de clared that the conspiracy formed to destroy one-half the metallic money of the world would entail more suffering upon the human race than all the wars, pestilences and famines of the past.

There are two nations that have tbe power to force the restoration of silver and the United States. These nations are the source of supply for three- fourths of the silver of the world. They are the nations that can do the people of the world a power of good by forcing silver to become a competitor of gold in the monetary affairs of the world. The longer the restoration of. silver coinage is delayed, the greater the hardships to be endured when the day of restoration comes.

Although our silver money is legal tender today it is kept on a parity with gold by the promise to redeem In gold, It the government, should exercise its privilege to redeem In silver the burden on gold would be released and the value of a silver dollar would equal that of a gold dollar. City Taking the years 1888, '89 and '90 by which to measure the general expenses ol the city, the city tax levy lor general purposes this year should have been materially reduced. The toul lor jrtDoral lor (hose years were 1888, t4J.7 In 1890 ftf of ine city wen nlgber ban the two preceding years. In hat year the street expenses were firs department, police department, Ity officers, specific, electric light, engineer, 42; printing, 1600. Now it is claimed that tbe electric ight department pays its own way and puts money Into the treasury.

This then should enable the city to oft $8,000.00 of expense hereto- ore paid for street lighting, and as compared with. 1890 should eave tbe general expenses ol the city at something; like $44,000. The tax rate established at the recenD of the council is 77 cents on the $100 for general purposes. This evy should provide not less than 850,000. To this may be added $14,00 from liquor licenses which makes a total, after omitting the excess revenues from electric lighting, of nearly $65,000 available for general purposes fur tbe coming year.

Does mean tbat the anticipated ex- )enditures for general purposes for coming year are to be $20,000 in excess of what they were in 1890? it so in what departments are the increased expenditures probable? A woman is sick some disease peculiar to her Bex is fast developing- in her system. goes to her family physician and tells him a- story, but not the whole story. She holdssornethingback, loses her head, becomes agitated, forgets what she wants to say. and finally conceals what she ought to have told, and thus completely mystifies the doctor. "is it any wonder, therefore, that the doctor fails to cure the ilisease? Still, we cannot blame the woman, for it is very embarrassing- to detail some of the symptoms of her suffering, even to her family physician.

It was for this reason that years ago Mrs. Lvdia E. Pink- him at bvnn. determined to step in and help her sex. Having had considerable experience in treating female ills with her Vegetable Compound, she encouraged the women of America to write to her for advice in regard to their complaints, and, being a woman, it was easy for her ailing sisters to pour into her ears every detail of their suffering.

In this way she was able to do for them what the physicians were unable to do simply because she had the proper information to work upon, and from the little group of women who sought her advice years ago a great armv of her fellow-beings are to-day constantly applying for advice and relief and the fact that more than one hundred thousand of them have been successfully treated by Mrs. Pinkham during the last year is indicative of the grand results which are produced by her unequaled experience and training. Xo phvsician in the world has had such a training, or has such an amount of information at hand to assist in the treatment of all kinds of female ills, from the simplest local irritation to the most complicated diseases of the womb. This, therefore, is the reason why Mrs. Pinkham, in her laboratory at Lvnn is able to do more for the ailing women of Ameriea than the family physician.

Any woman, therefore, is responsible for her own suffering who will "not take the trouble to write to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. The testimonials which we are constantly publishing from grateful women establish beyond a doubt the power of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to conquer female diseases. RELIGIOUS THOUGHT.

Bishop Gaines, to colonize American negroes in Africa or anywhere else. Tbe race is being bleached out. A few generations more will see the disappearance of the pure black type. This view of the case is commended to whom it may concern. Oklahoma.

The boomers who planted their standard in Oklahoma eight years ago planned for the future better than even their enthusiastic souls dreamed. No part of the Union, not eveti California, has more resources agriculturally than this splendid young boomerland. Agriculturally it seems to be a region where north and south meet and mingle harmoniously. Cotton will grow luxuriantly. So will wheat, as well as in Canada.

Guthrie, the capital of the territory, is sitmated in Logan county. In this county the present season a farmer has raised a wheat crop from 65 acres that, at $1 a bushel, will bring him $1,950. It averaged 30 bushels to the acre. A farm of 200 acres in the older states that returned $1,950 from The European Dictator. The partition of Poland stands as one of the colossal outrages of history.

The partition of Greece between Turkey and Germany, that, too, with, the consent and approval of all the rest of Europe, will stauc in time to come as another such outragts. For that is what the termination of the Greco-Turkish war amounts to. When an individual borrows money recklessly and beyond his power to pay it, he goes into bankruptcy. A nation must do the same, and that is tbe case of Greece. Sbe has no more say in the so called treaty of peace which is being forced down her throat than a Digger Indian has.

Nobody cares what she thinks of it. Greece borrowed money beyond hope of paying it. Turkey also borrowed money. The creditors in both cases were largely Berlin and Frankfort money lenders. The German bankers reviewed the situation and concluded there was more hope Turkey would pay them than tbat Greece would.

The screws are accordingly put to Greece, and Turkey is dealt with leniently. The money lender rules this whole earth today. Now it is openly confessed that be rules the There is not the or patriotism or moral sense in the matter and no attempt co gloss over the situation with any appearance of such. The treaty of "peace" which the money lenders made for Greece provides that all her finances shall be put into the hands of a commission representing the foreign bondholders who lent her money. They shall dispose of all her revenues as they please.

When they are satisfied that she can pay what she owes, then they may request Turkey to take her soldiers out of Thessaly. But politics of Europe, slightest sentiment LiiilLi i wv all its sales, grain, dairy, live stock, the- prospect is tbat Greece never can j. -nav and that Turkey will never take poultry, fruit and everything else, would be considered a perfect Klondike. From Mulball, a little town in Logan county, were shipped this season 1,000 carloads of live stock. The nineteenth century citizen tames nature by great leaps and bounds.

A child can remember the boom rush to Oklahoma. Xow smiling orchards, gardens, waving grainfields and the music of buzzing bee and grain reaper, the lowing of herds, greet the ear of the traveler, while his eye looks upon a people as peaceful, orderly and intelligent, as well equipped with the comforts of civilization, as any in the older states. Oklahoma is the paradise of the farmer, tbe gardener, the fruit grower and the live stock man. It is this year as prosperous as Kansas. Another solution, and an extraordinary one, has been offered for the negro problem of the south.

Bishop Gaines of the African Methodist church presents the solution. In brief it is that the American negro is gradually undergoing the process known to the colored race itself as turning He says the black blood in this country is gradually being absorbed by the white through the not at all creditable process of amalgamation. For instance, there are 8,000, 000 people of colored blood in the Union. Of these only 3,000,000 are ptcre black. The rest hare more or less white blood in their reins.

This is not the fault of the negro, but of the White Guinea believes that tbe no mow in Ameriofc-The will pay and that Turkey will never take her soldiers out of Thessaly. On the contrary, the prospect is, further, that William of Germany and tbe sultan will partition Greece between them and her off the map of Europe. The money lender is the international dictator of Europe. When the rich people of the world are listed, Queen Victoria should not be left out. Sbe is already worth in the amount of her own private fortune $80, 000,000.

If she should live a few years longer, as there seems every reason to believe she will, she can leave at her death nearly or quite $100,000,000 to her children. Albert of Wales will probably be too old to sport around much by that time, but in case his festive tendencies last him equal to those of King of Belgium he will have enough to pay his little expenses a few years without borrowing anything from Americans who want to get into British high life. of Trntk Gleaned From the of All There is no real difference between the spendthrift and the miser. The art of spending is greater than the arc of making Frank Crane, Methodist, Chicago. The Old Confrratnlated.

I congratulate you are old. All the sorrows of yonr life -j back of you; all tbe sins, weaknesses aud pains axe back of you, and each step is one step nearer to your crown of Rev. J. B. Graff, Methodist, Philadelphia, Both Have Workmen have rights that should be respected and so have capitalists.

There should be 110 quarreling between them. Tbev are necessarily joined together, aud no man or organization should try to put chem R. liar- court, Methodist, Philadelphia. Political IDuties of Ministers. For years niy conviction bas been daily deepened that Christian ministers have failed to suitably qualify the men in our chuicbes to help on tbe kingdom of God by the proper performance of their political Charles Pelton, Presbyterian, Cincinnati.

Hell's Out of the Way. The mythological bells being out of the way, we will now labor with the other bodies 1:0 save our brethren from the real bells of ignorance poverty, selfishness and sin. Let us Thomas Gregorj Church of the Redeemer, Chicago. The Influence of the Street. Street and out of school influence are social poison.

They come into t-e home unawares. The first that parents know of them is the use of slAg words and bad words, which, until ten bad never entered their Eugene M. Smith, Christian, St. Lais. Church Decorations.

Auy display of wealth in the cfrch proper, such as decorations, the benefit of the poor even morthan the rich, for the reason tbat tbe class have little other opportunity for cultivating the artistic side of t)ir Father J. J. Prend'gast, Catholic, San Francisco. The Spirit of Lawlesunesi The atmosphere today is satvited by the spirit of lawlessness. We jsak and act as if it mattered little wit' a man did so loug as he is sharp eucsh to escape, and underlying all exties is the ever present one, "Tbe otherillows do it and I might as well go iu 4 get my J.

F- tionalist, Chicago. The First Step. We may mako may be imperfect, we may blund stumble, tumble, like tbe child to walk, like the person taking the 't lesson on the bicycle, but tbe earst question asked of the Lord, "Whsgood thing shall I do?" is the toward Jobn Go-ird, Church of the New Jerusalem, Ocinnati. Gold and Com 58 'In 184S a little girl fad in California and brought to herder that nugget which she thouglto be only a beautiful yellow stem In tbe country was swarmiugith men pouring to the Pacific con Thus we not only gained the gold, 6 all of California and the coast. -Jv.

Charles H. Richards, Congregates', Philadelphia. Alan'ii Follow the river the floor of the valley and find it tU blue. This signifies tbe period of phood. "What boy bas grown to maulA without feeling the soiling touch the world? The longer a river darker it becomes.

Man left 'himself becomes worse the longer James B. Orr, Congregaialist, San Francisco. The Center off Is Best. Looked at in) right way, the church is the ceiled school of all that is best It not bethought of as something practical, something that fosters fanap 1 something tbat deadens cultureAakes men narrow, but rather some'g adds to manhood and vrompod. something tbat helps to sweetihd sanctify all life.

ji ev j. H. trows, Presbyterian, Chicago. Tho 110 wm I am certain things which shall character man whom God shall send great hour of the world's life p. it shall next move onward.

He oe a man, not a fanciful, finicky, ish piece of mankind, afraid of a ll dust or rainwater, but a man of so 7 sense and strong hands aud S. H. Roblin, Univerf, Boston. Pr jty and Religion. There arJse who are ready to saj that prosperity means, if 1 igious adversity, because the people are religions istress or need and that ipense with religion when with them.

If this were make for and not against a power that stands in From Start to Finish The Most Satisfactory Five-Cent Cigar Ever Sold The transient buyer always becomes a permanent patron A. Kiefer Drug Company Sole Distributers, INDIANAPOLIS GREAT HARVEST SALE 1 For Particulars See Supplement. AND Logansport Wabash Valley Gas Company. Natural and Artificial Gas, All Gas Bills are due the 1st of each month and must be paid on or before the tenth. At last bere is the right kind of a dollar.

It is a dollar that will, buy tbe least when the other fellow is purchasing something from you and a dollar tbat will buy the most when you are purchasing something from the other fellow. is the soluiion of the money problem tor all the ages. If calculations of the contractora lor the bnilding-of the French steamship company's new vessels are realis- ed, these ocean- fliers will jsorpass the of the Kaiser WUhelm der Grosaci. The new steamers are to tftaA -vl infleB, or knoU, whe may say they hold only they i things true, it' religion, THOMPSON'S HERB TEA Blood, Stomach Liver and Kidneys Composed of Roots, Herbs, Leaves and Barks. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR Dysp.psia, Biliousness, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Kheuinatism, Neuralgia, Catarrh, Nervous Debility, Sick Loss of Appetite, Blotches, Pimples.

Scrofula, Erysipelas. Salt Rheum, Eczema, Weak Back, Fever and Ague and all other Diseases arising from Impurities ot the Blood or Derangement of the Nervous System. Price 25 Cents, PREPARED BY THE THOMPSON HERB TEA CO. NEW, YORK. good stahen the ordinary supports sential York.

thereby proved its es- and unquestionable use- bbi Gustav Gottheil, New thottg was left Eve that gneo bro Bloody Sacrifice. heart rebels at the bloodv sacrifice, bat blood sin before Adam and Eve Lord clothed Adam and ats- of skin. That means 'were killed and blood was le. later Cain and Abel sacrifices- I imagine Gain hate tbe sight of blood. Lord will be better pleased frnit and grain But we God- had respect onto the Abel because he- brought -a Ber.

D. JU at East JTorthfield, Haw. 1897 "OCTOBER." 8u. 3 10 17 31 Mo. 4 11 18 25 Tu.

5 12 19 26 We. 6 13 20 27 Th. 7 14 21 28 Tr. 1 8 15 22 29 Sa. 2 ,9 16 23 90 WABASH QnfekmuMlbettMrTfcM to CAUNHOt li now by the WabMh minnad.

owtad with AtcfcfcoaJItofMkafttaw It lot without ota Mhtr line, Mtd fat pantooliut tar ITa.

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