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Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida • 3

Tampa Bay Timesi
St. Petersburg, Florida
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ST. PETERSBURG TIMES. SATURDAY, MARCH 11," 1933; Section One "Page Three ASSASSIN TO DIE IN CHAIR Einstein to Stay Away From Hitler tiff" PASADENA, March 10. Albert Einstein, world-famous scien tist, i.i not going home to Germany ESTIM ZANGARA GIVEN DEATH PENALTY By DM JUDGE Cermak's Slayer Boastfully Shouts Denunciation of. Court at Hearing of Hitler and the Nazi regime.

pmP.HAcrn IFHNE On the eve of his departure for New York and Chicago, where he is to deliver a few lectures, the "father of relativity" tonight plainly lndl cated this decision. Which Begin Moving thru Table Supply Markets This Week For Weeks We Have Been Planning This Year's Avoiding a direct answer to Ques GREATEST BEEF We Accept City Scrip MIAMI, March 10. (IP) Boast-fully shouting bis fanatical unconcern and defying: the court, Giuseppe Zangara, tha assassin who tried to kill President Roosevelt, today was BRANDED QUALITY Ridiculously A EVENT sentenced to die In the electric chair tions about his immediate clans, the world-honored scientist said his reaction to the Hitler government was "not to go home." Pressed for a direct expression of his views on conditions in Germany, the savant who is known as an ardent advocate of Jewish culture and identity, wrote out In his own handwriting the following statement: "As long as there is a possibility, I will reside only in a land in which political freedom, tolerance and equality for all citizens before the law are conserved." ft f', I i jr I ft; K4 'f, i vfin' I I warm WiTri VttammmixaeszmzXmm. "1 for the murder of Mayor Anton J. Cermak ot Chicago.

"You Is crook man too," Zangara Low Prices screamed at Circuit Judge Uly O. Thompson after sentence -was pro nounced. "I no afraid. You one of the capitalists. Put me Jn electric 1 chair." Round Sirloin Club For Such Fine Quality! HEARST'S SON TO WED MISS LORELLE McCARVER Zangara asserted he wanted to kill "all presidents and kings" because he had a feud witlt capitalists and because his stomach hurt him.

His murderous desire was to make Mr, NEW YORK. March 10. (J) ml' Kooscvelt suffer "fifty-fifty." Will lie Sent to llaiford The engagement of Miss Lorelle Mc- i Carver and William: Randolph Hearst Under Florida law, Zangara must 174c From Corn Fed Western Steers, Tender, Delicious, lb. Boned and Boiled, Best Quality! CHUCK BOAST, no solid meat, lb. 17c Jr.

was announced today by Mrs. Allen Riviere of New York and Dallas, Texas. be taken to llaiford, the state prison farm, to pay the penalty for his mad act In Bay front park Feb. 15. His They plan to be married within a Big Juicy Wieners FRANKFURTERS, lb.

ShortRibsof Beef, Ib.9c I Hamburger. Pound 10c aim at the president, diverted by fortnight at the Palm Beach home of Captain and Mrs. Robert Amcotts spectators, resulted In the mortal wounding: of Mayor Cermak and the Giuseppe Zangara who was sentenced to die in the electric chair at Raiford yesterday in Miami for the murder of Mayor Anton Cermak of Chicago. Zangara attempted to kill President Roosevelt, Wilson, and will make their home U. S.

Hd. 1 F4alne, llbs, there. FIFTY FARM LEADERS STUDY RELIEF MEASURE Pkg. Carton SSo Luckies Old Gold Camels Chesterfield's WASHINGTON, March 10. (iP) LOOK Fifty farm leaders In search of a relief plan determined tonight to try OM FacMon Wnimecap Apples, 5 lbs.

E9 again tomorrow despite first failure to agree. shooting of four other persons. The others wounded were Mrs. Joe H. GUI, society matron of Miami; Margaret Kruis of Newark, N.

William Slnnot, New York policeman, and Russell Caldwell of Coconut Grove. Cermak died Monday after a val-t iant fight against the Inroads of I many diseases that beset him as a I result of the bullet that pierced his right lure and lodged In his backbone. Governor Sholtz must fix the week when Zangara Is to die. Lb F. Chapman, superintendent of the state prison farm, will name the day and hour.

In the meantime, after Zangara Is taken from his cell on the twenty-first floor of Dade county Jail to Raiford, he must, under the law, stay the death house five days. "I feel happy than anybody here," Zangara, sitting' close to the press table, told newspapermen prior to Steals, lb. S6c Gathered at the call of Secretary Wallace of the agriculture depart Sugar Cured SLICE ment, the leaders of farm organizations were unanimous on one point: PARTRIDGE SLICED BACON, lb. 20c "That the agricultural emergency CHUCK ROAST lb. calls (or prompt and drastic action." BILK NEW At the end of a long day's session they were substantially in accord on 17c 9c LEMONS, Best Flu Preventive, Doz.

LAMB BOAST, Tender Shoulder, lb. KRAUT, lb. Sc some fundamentals of farm relief also, but they put off until tomorrow or later a decision on how to obtain PartE-idse Mapfret ICEBERG LETTTUCE, Cffisp SSead 5 help in time to affect the crops of the time Judge Thompson delivered this year. It waa their purpose to Phone 7568 his statement, sentencing Zangara remain in conference until the task was done. 23c 1 5c Daintee Maid SALAD DRESSING, Pint, 12c Quart SALMON, Tall Fink, 2 cans Fine Quality LA Lb.

y2 Block South of Central 25c 30 NINTH ST. SOUTH 10c APPLE BUTTEB, 2 Large Jars IDAHO POTATOES, 5 pounds jSMMIpBSW jSIWW(WW jrf'WWSWj to "be executed within the walla of the permanent death chamber of the state prison of the state of Florida. "I have milk for breakfast. have shave, "I'm no scared about anything- because I'm sure I'm right. "If the judge puts me in the elec-trio chair, I tell htm I no care." It was after Zangara was sentenced to death that he shouted his derisive descrlption-of Judge Thompson as a "crook man." "I tell him he's capitalist and he's In Bame bunch," Zangara boasted to newspapermen.

Then, a tnfhute later, wheat he heard Judpe Thompson pronounce upon him the death sentence, Zangara moved by the shock, shrieked: "You're one of capitalists." "You is crook man, too. Put me In electric chair. I no care." Hushed Out of Room Deputies rushed the Italian from the courtroom In the midst of his We take Scrip, Travelers Checks, Money Orders, in exchange for Merchandise. Fresh Florida-r-Brown or White Saturday Fancy Nicaragua Fresh. Picked Quart Strawberries 2 BANANAS, lb.

A Of I Mayonnaise or Relish, Va Pint Jar, 12c; 23c Sliced BACON, Top Quality. We slice it I You'll come back for more. Lb Pint Jar Honey Dew Melons, each Fancy Sicily LEMONS Dozen 10C scene the latest In his several childish bids for publicity since he 15c G. N. BEANS, 10 lbs.

28c; 4 pounds 10c TOILET TISSUE, 3 Bolls lb. Cape Cod Cranberries, Large Honduras Each Idaho Baking Potatoes, 10 lbs. 29c Porto Rican Sweet 10 lbs. POTATOES 8c Yellow Onions, 51b. Fla.

Turnips, Beets, Bunch CARROTS Sc Rutabaga Turnips, lb 2c Calif, Snowball Pound Cauliflower 6c Fresh Rhubasb, lb 10c Wax Deans or 3 Ins, Green Beans 11c Ma, DroccioH, lb 5c Ripened on Vine Pound TOMATOES 5c Dell Peppers, each lc Calif. Iceberg Head LETTUCE 5c MILK, 5 Tan cans 21 SALT, 1 i-lb. Pkg. 2 COCOANUTS 3C Seedless Grapefruit, Sweet and Juicy 3 Doz. ORANGES 19c 15c MACARONI, SPAGHETTI, NOODLES, 4 Packages 19c TOMATO PUREE, No.

10 can HDT7 Loin Ends, Lean Boston Style Select Centers, lb. 15c No. 1 Maine 10 lbs. Potatoes 11c York Imperial 10 lbs. Apples 19c Fresh Garden Peas or Lima Pound Beans 7lc I was seized at Bayfront park the night of the shooting.

Today's hearing was brief. Judge Thompson followed the prisoner and his three attorneys the same that defended him before he was sentenced to 80 years Imprisonment for attempt to murder President Roosevelt and three of his other victims into the courtroom. Before Zangara was arraigned, Julius Cole, negro charged with murder, was brought before the bar and entered a plea of not guilty. After that the courtroom quieted as the Italian's case was taken up. "Before I dispose of this case the state versus Joseph Zangara," Judge Thompson said, "I want to make a few observations.

"I want to thank the spectators for their splendid decorum "But what seems to be to be more important at this time Is my firm conviction that the congress of these United States should pass tion for confiscation of all firearms illegally owned. "Assassins, roaming at will through the land and they have killed three of our presidents are permitted to have pistols. "And a pistol in the hands of the Darigold Milk, 5 Tall 19c Alladin and Del Monte Pound COFFEE 24c Quaker Oats, 3 pkg. 15c Post Toasties or Pkg. Corn Flakes Sic Ripe Olives, pt.

can 10c Philip's Tomato, Vegetable, Cans PEA SOUPS 20c Royal Estate Tea, -lb. pkg. 10c A pocket Knife Free 50c Can Cocoamalt 35c Libby's Apple Butter, 3 No. Cans 25c Argo Tomatoes or No. IV Can PEACHES 10C Tomatoes, 3 tall cans 11c Black-eye Peas, Carrots, No 2 Cans TURNIPS Sc EAT DRIED FRUITS FOR HEALTH! DRIED PEARS, 2 lbs.


lc NEW POTATOES, U. S. No. 1, 4 lbs. BEETS, CARROTS, 2 bu 9c SNAP BEANS, 3 lbs BROWN ONIONS, 4 lbs 10c CELERY, large bunch 6c Preserves, Asst.

Pure Fruits, 2-lb. jar 25c Red Pie Cherries, No. 2 size, 2 cans Ruby Catsup, pt 10c Quaker Noodles, Spaghetti Pkg. MACARONI 5c Maple Syrup, Table size can 15c Ballard's Buckwheat Pkg. FLOUR 10c Marshmallows, 1-lb.

pkg 15c Pillsbury Best 1Mb. Bag 37c Monarch Spices, 10c pkg. Humford Baking ib. Can POWDER 29c 3-lb. Bsc Hour Free! Fish Flakes, 2 cans 15c Tuna Hakes, large can 19c Argo Tall Cans SALMON Peanut Butter, 2-Ib.

Jar 15c Guava Paste, 3-lb. pkg 29c 3 1-lb. Jars Apple Jelly 25c COMPOUND, Ik 4 10c Maraschino Cherries, 5c OLEOs All Sweet, lb. Cane Sugar, 5 lbs. Brown Sugur, 4 lbs.

Olive Oil, 25c can 12c Wax Paper, 3 pkgs. 15c Cato Food, 3 Cans 22c Waldorf Roll Delicious, Mellow -Flavored Salad Yt-pt. 7c; Large 10c Package SALT ordinary person Is a most useless weapon of defense. "No one can foresee what might have happened had Mr. Zangara been successful in his attempt.

I'll ask the prisoner to stand." Then Judge Thompson began to read his prepared statement of the sentence, but before he concluded he asked Zangara if be had any statement to make. The Italian repeated the phrases that have marked his previous court hearings. lie told about hating "presidents and kings." He men Dressing, pt. 12c TISSUE 3c Tastos Coffee 2 lbs. 33 Rulk Dfctes, lb 514c halm Olive Soan.

35c Lima Beans, lb 4c Black-Eyed Peas, lb 4c Northern Pound I'almolive Beads, Chlpso, 3 Pkgs. Del Monte 21b. Box PRUNES 12c Beans 3c White King 15c 17c PEANUT BUTTER, 2 Jars Each With 5flc or Head Cabbage RICE Blue Rose 5 1 2C Fresh Fla. EGGS MEAL or GRITS, 5 lbs 7c PORK BEANS, 3 cans 13c Produce FREE: 1 Stalk Celery lb. Spinach From 1 to 100 Everyone Guaranteed PurrbMe GRAPENLT tioned his stomach pains.

It was not until after Judge Thompson had pronounced the death penalty that Zangara, apparently losing control of himself, shouted his denunciation of the judge as a "crook." Two weeks ago, Zangara shouted for the first time his derision of the i-o'irt's pronunciation. "Why don't you give me a hun-i- I yrars?" he screamed in criminal after Judge E. C. Collins him to 80 years on charge of attempting to the president and three of bullet victims. FLAKES, 2 pks.

1 5 PILLSBURY BEST LOUH "BALANCED FOR PERFECT BAKING" 12-lb. 33c 24-Ib. 63c Self Rising, 12-lb. bag 33c 24-lb. Bag Octagon Products "Buy for Quality Save for Tremlums" Octagon Soap, Giant Bars, 4 for -17c Supersuds, 2 pkgs.

1 17c Palmolive Soap, Bar 5c COFFEE ia-26 FLOUR pi.2 1 Baker's Breakfast COCOAS 1 0 Boneless Itmb Roast or Pound Morrell's Skinned FLAN TO HONOR HAMS RETIRING OFFICIALS 756 S-nnr3n 626 Central C7V TlPl g. PjlJU iTLSY! Hinth Pound lie Tound 5C Tound loc Pound Kath's Picnic Pound HAMS 9c Sliced, Dried Pound BEEF 35c Sliced Bindless Pound BACON 15c N. Y. State Cheese, lb. Wis.

Creamery Pound CHEESE I2c Lamb Legs 19c Western Beef Pound Chuck Roast 15c Veal Roast er Pound CHOPS 19c Pure and Compound Lard, Pound Snowdrift 6c PlK Feet or PIG LIVER Fresh Ground BEEF. Frankfurters, Smoked or Fresh Exalted Ruler S. Henry Harris and ther retiring officers of the Elks wlge will be honored Friday night, March 31, at a special meeting to be marked by an elaborate entertainment program and other features. Preliminary arrangements for the meeting were made Friday night at the weekly business session of the lodge. Club Manager Al Werly Jr.

is in charge of program and plans to engage several well-known local SAUSAGE I2c AV RESERVE TH, KillHT TO UMiT OUAMiliEiit entertainers..

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