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The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 3

Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE WASHINGTON MILITANT FOR BALLOT English Suffragettes Learning Art of Jiu-Jitsu. ONE GIVES AN EXHIBITION Little Woman Six Times Throws Big Policeman Over Her Head--Beginning to Show Premier Asquith Meaning of Their Threats--Refusal to Pay Taxes One Method to'Be Adopted. Special to The Washington Port. London, July Women's Fiee- clom League has begun to show what it meant when It told Prime Minister As- unth he would be sorry if he not give the women's charter the full support of the government. In the first place, the league has en- fragred a female athlete and Jiu-jitsu ex- peit to show militant suffragettes how handle unfrlendlj police, and.

Judging from a I yesterday, wjjen a little woman of dppaiently no strength whatever iix tirpei threw a burly 200-pound policeman over her head in a friendly I ihoiild hate to be a London polkeman In a suffragette row, and I to think of w.hat may happen to cabinet ministers like Mr Asquith or Mr Chun hill. They will either have to become. 11'i-jltsu experts or Ret out Any other com se will mean broken bones. Refusing to Pay Taxes. A means of getting even with an opponent adopted by the freedom league Is iess i but perhaps more effective.

LarK i of taxpaymg women aro now prepared to defy the tax collector i a i out of some measure of n's "niffrape. Mrs. Despard, president of the omen's Freedom League, has persistently refused to pay her Ji eighteen months, has. now been i by the internal i evenue de- I-artmi-nt with and imprisonment. Con pqpondence has taken place Deioard and Somerset House, and the lady.

In leply to a deiiand from the revenue department, states that her'determination Is not shaken. She ah- to pav -share of the i i a taxes until the rlsht to cltlzen- sh-p. i she claims, is recognized by those who Impose the taxes. still further thieati of a new mlli- In i of the government's i i lij offei fanllUes for the passing into law this, session of the woman's bill, a been littered by Mrs. and Miss Pankhurst.

Mra. Pankhurst's Threat. contends that if Mr. A i had been democratic and i i he. woii'd hue promised the viomm'i a i -facilities tor this, i i wat the smallest Installment of i p.

a women would accept tf he did not recoiisKlfr his decision put into effect a new plan of a a i Mr sav.s lie had been at- ti kod bv i pnrn for supporting IM-, h'll on the ground that It was a foi the cnfranctiTieinent of la- '1U-. is if a. i i woman couldn re i a HP had never considered i would benefit; he was i i for the lemoval of. the i a ition The Fame forces i it i to keep women from beTIE: i a i i i as working to Indl-i mid from being end and He would say to those in i a fi ed ith his views tfiat they no i i to a i freedom For thein- miles-; ilu-v were uiepared to t-i It to ENGLISH MILITANT SUFFRAGETTES. SHOT IN A MAN HUNT Negro Wounded When Police, men Empty Cans.

PURSUIT FOLLOWS A HOLD-UP Attempted Highway Robbery Earty Sanday Morning in Southwest--Victim Shows Fight, but Is Worsted--Patrolmen Green and Armstrong Pursue Two Negroes for Blocks. BATTLESHIP LEAVES NORFOLK. Busmen Bodies May Protest at Changing Home-Stations of Vessels. i i i 17 En route to i 111 tip hei home sta- I HIP thp battleship Vli glnla a i to Norfolk today. There a of hnOnpso bodies protecting to X--W npjiartmenf against the chang- of the homo station of the Vlipinia i south Carolina, both ships having i i I red to Philadelphia.

i the departure of the Virginia i i i iiir-i of pniplmra in the navy yard i i rMrt'f f) DIED. Saturdav. Julv 16, 1910, i of hi 4 father. Joseph at Rosemont near Rprk- JOS- P.R aged six I I I i DIP I i i a i i ii Vloi I I rtl i chapel at Oak Hill Ceme- I on IS. at 10 a m.

K' i i Philadelphia, and New p'lpe please op I I on i a July 35. 1910, at 10.10 ri 111 JOHN COW IK i e- Oak Hill Chapel at i i i on Monday, July 1 1 DON N'T Sunday, July 17. 1910. Ins i i i Woodridge, D. 1 I pi i i On Saturday, 16, 1910.

I Hospital. MARTIN" be- I husband of a i Donohoe (nep 11 his late residence, 1107 I i northeast, on Tuesday, li at a thpnoe to St. Chin nli, where requiem high i IIP saicl ffr the i ppose of i i i ai jtiVlock Relatives and i 'I i 1 lo attend, i 1 on Saturday 16 1910, at 7 in 1 I I i. i hi'-' Itttp residence, 112 I on Tuesday. July 19, in I ment at Holy Rood London suffragettes are studying the art of jiu-jitsu order that they may handle unfriendly policemen who attempt to arrest them.

The above photograph shows the hard struggle the London police now have when they arrest suffragettes. What will it be when they all become jiu-jitsu experts? This picture was taken the last time-the suffragettes made a raid on Premier Asquith's house in Downing street. BOYS HELP ROB STATE New York Losing $2,000,000 a Year by Tax Frauds. CANCELED STAMPS REUSED Big-Business Done in Stock Transfer Issues, Which Are Bought by Dealers From Brokers' Employes--Old Stamps Placed on Tickets and Good Ones Sold. Lads Pilfer From $500 to $1,800.

or the stamp dealers to remove these and substitute perfectly canceled stamps. After obtaining tickets, the dealer removes the stamps and sorts them, sometimes selling them to employes of the houses from which they came at a profit of from 100 to 200 per oent. The employe purchasing them affixes them to sale memoranda delivered to him by his employer. Unused Stamps Resold. Sperial to The Post New York, Ju'y Comptroller Claik Williams wants a lau by which men who deal In canreled stock transfer stHinps can be sent to jail.

Sleuths employed by the comptroller exposed the mechanism of the fraud by which the State was robbed of upward of a year. The Comptroller knows who the men are that have been swindling the State, but lie said today that lack of legal evidence prevented their being arrested and punished. The evidence against theiji came from brokers' em- ployes with whom the stamp dealers have done business, and such evidence was Incompetent because tbe employes were accomplices. "I deem it proper," said the comptroller today, "to make an authoritative statement of these conditions, and the course pursued by the comptroller in collecting this tax, In the hope of stimulating a helpful public' Interest. The Importance of this to the State will be appreciated when it Is understood that during the year taxes amounting to 35fi.ri4fi.lfi were collected from the sale and transfer of stock.

The department was aware that through improper practic en considerable revenue from this source was being lost to the State, but not until a- thorough Investigation had been made was the ononnitj' of the frauds apparent At the outset It was estimated that the State was losing-at the rate of a year" How Fraud Is Operated. Comptroller Williams selected The unused stamps he gets from his employer takes to the stamp dealer and sells at from 60 to 75 per cent or their face value. Mr. "Williams' Investigators were surprised at the ingenuity displayed In eradicating cancellation marks. But despite the perfection of the scheme.

the investigators discovered thousands of tickets with stamps affixed, ranging In value from $1 to JSO, which clearly Indicated that they had been used twice. Comptroller Williams obtained the signed confessions of several brokers, and messengers. Boys confessed that tlrey had been making fiom $500 to $1,800 a year assisting stamp dealers to work the fraud. Almost Invariably the brokers themseves had no suspicion that a swindle was go- Ing-on in their offices, and in cases it was difficult to convince them oft the fact. Many of these brokers were unwilling to prosecute.

"Bloodfleld," noted in police annals for action, waa the acene of a daring hold-up of a white man by two negroes early yesterday morning. The victim, who refused to surrender his money on demand, received a vicious cut with a razor, and is under hospital treatment. The alleged highwaymen were captured after a chase covering a large part of the southwestern aectlon. during which two policemen 'emptied their revolvers at the fugitives, shooting one three times in his right leg. The wounded prisoner was ti eated at Emergency Hospital, after which he and his companion were locKea up at the Fourth precinct station bouse, charged with assault with a dangerous weapon.

Andrew Knott, 40 years old, of 483 Maryland avenue, was the victim or the assault and attempted robbery. Richard Jackson and John Gibson are the alleged assailants, Jackson having been "brought down" by his pursuers' bullets. None of the shots took effect on Gibson. The Attempted Robbery. Shortly after 3 o'clock, Knott, who was on his way home, walked through First street southwest.

He saw two negroes at street. "When Knott was in front of 443 First street, Jackson, Knott says, walked from behind a tree and demanded Knott's cash. Knott refused to give up, striking at the negro, but the blow did" not land. Both negroes' went for Knott, who says he was holding his own fegainst them, when one, angered by a blow on the jaw, drew a razor. His companion did likewise, it is said.

Knott attempted to grab a picket off a wooden fence, but stumbled. In short order both negroes were on him, lie says and one, he does not know which, cut him across the shoulder. Knott cried with pain, and Policemen Green and Armstrong heard him and ran to the rescue. The negroes starlet through First street. Knott quickly explained what had happened, and both policemen took up the chase.

Green yelled to the negroes to halt, but they increased their speed. Green and Armstrong were on the fugitives' heels when they turned into belaware avenue. As all hands passed under the railroad bridge, which spans Delaware avenue. Green drew his revolver and again called to the negroes to halt. They ignored the command am ran down Delaware avenue to stree 6 on a a July WII, A hi i of William I and i i i i I.elsflei i tweritj- 0 ii of age.

Pi IK i til i his parents' residence. 320 i i on Tuesday, 1 1 j. 'I rox Departed this life on Snn- 17 nun, MAl'D df J. Xethertpn and i of Josephine Johnson i from lior late residence. 10 i i i on Tuesdaj 19.

in a and friends "'1 i i pi Ivate Htul Richmond papers PI- I I On i i a i 1fi 1910 at 1' 1 i A "beloved hus- rtn 1 of i i aged eighty iml i i hi i i i i i i 19, fit i i Rol.ituf-. and late residence, 721 (m Tuesday. i ni leouiem mass i i at o'clock ru'iifls united to at- at Glenuood Ccme- A. K. Alford.

of this city, as head of an investigation buieiiu. Mi. Alford discovered- that the fraud was carried on by so-called stamp dealeis who had been In business, some of them, since the advent of the a tax in 1898. To carry on their operations it was necessary for thpm to have on hand a supply of canceled stamps and to obtain good stamps at a pri( whirh would enab'e them to sell at prolit Thpy got the canceled stamps in this way: In the i a i iourse of business between brokerage houses stamps representing the tax are affixed to the memoranda of sale From time to time the brokerage houses dispose of the memoranda tickets which have accumulated, sometimes -selling them to junk dealers. SEE BIG STICK'S SHADOW Politicians Upset by Candidacy of Roosevelt's Nephew.

Ex-Attorney General Davis Said to Be Aligned With Young Robinson Against Sherman. Speual to The Washington Post. Utica, N. July candidacy of Theodore Douglas Robinson, nephew of Col. Roosevelt, for the congressional nomination in the Twenty-seventh district has sent the politicians all up ln the air.

If reports are tiue, the "shadow of the famous big stick" is giving them nightmares. The Herklmer county convention to select delegates wfll be held at Little Falls In two weeks, and then the "machine" men and the Insurgents will match their strength, and Mr. Robinson will Just what his chances are for filling the seat in the House of Representatives so long occupied by Vice President Sherman. State Commltteeman Strobel, the Republican leader in Herkimer "county, is exerting all his influence to obtain a re- nomination for Representative Mllllngton. He said today: "I surprised that another candidate appeared.

In fact, I maintained all along that there would be one. But the surprise Is that Mr. Robinson should be a candidate. I am not, saying anything who sell them to the stamp dealers, against Mr. Robinson personally, but I Sorm-time-s the tickets aie thrown out as thought lt strange tlmt he a New waste paper and aie picked up by por- Yorker, who passes practically no time In 71ellmes the are Herklmer county, except during his vaca- Molen by ofBr-e boys or messenger boys, tion, should come Into Mr.

MHHngton's BAHWAY CRISIS TODAY. COKT1KTBD TROTH PIONEERS IN MASONRY tent of tbe -tat evidenced "by the activity around 'Pjftaburg shops, and freight cairn are being- fitted up with bunki afiS and coaches are boing convertetT nto dining cars. At Pitcatrn 25 cars were fitted up with 'bunks yesterday, and- the big paint shop has had a new floor put in and la also fitted with bunks. A "hundred started work Friday and worked all night, while' a Planing mill was kept busy until midnight cutting material for the carpenters. When asked whether In case at a- strike simultaneous calls would be Issued on both the lines- West and East, Inrln.

chairman of the joint com- mlUee, and representative of the conductors, saH: "We might do then again we might not. Do-not get the Impression that we are acting Independently. We all'-; the same brotherhoods, and while we are negotiating separately, we' are each working for a common end. and ex.pect to' stick together." Sentiment about and. Youngwood, the main yards of the PiUBburs-dlvlslon between Pltcalm-and Altoona, changed suddenly.tonight, and it is confidently believed a settlement will be reached tomorrow.

The carpenters building bunks in the roundhouse and other places about the yards were suddenly called off tonight be- the work was nearly completed, and from this a peaceful view is gathered. Colored Lodges in District Organized in 1825. COURT SETTLES CONTROVERSY Recent Decision, of Appellate Tribunal Ends Strife and Designates the Host Worshipful Grand Lodges of Free and Accepted Masons as Victors'in-Legal Battle--Got Charters From England, HIRING RAILWAY POLICE. Men to Guard Signal Towers and Tracks Engaged in Baltimore. Baltimore.

July hotels In this city tonight about 150 men registered as of the- Pennsylvania Railroad. The proprietor of owe of tue houses stated that arrangements for their accommodation and guaranteeing tneir bills were made by W. J. Swann, of the police department of the Pennsylvania' Railroad system. The men are being engaged at the headquarters of the Cen- tral'Railway, a connection of the Pennsylvania, and are being told that they are wanted to guard the signal towers and tracks of the company In case of a strike.

Besides those in the hotels, a number 'of others have been engaged sufficient to make a total of about 200. The men; say they are to receive $1.60 a day While on waiting orders and $3 a day when placed on active duty in case of a strike. They have been instructed to remain at their hotels until 11 a. tomorrow. Some of them say they understand that they are to be sent to Harrlsburg, York, and Plttsburg, Pa.

The men in this State only after being commissioned as special policemen by Gov. Crothers, who said today that no application for such commissions lias yet been made to him. Pending developments, the granting or leave of absence to policemen of this city been suspended. It Is said that some of the applicants at the Northern Central headquarters have'been asked If they have "trad any experience as brakemen or flagmen, and those replying affirmatively have been employed. A controversy among the colored Masons of the District, which had aroused much agitation, has been settled a recent decision of the Cohort of Appeals.

An attempt was made by one element that had'oome Into existence within the last fifteen years -to oust the other ele- Inent, that had been the recognized body of colored Masons in the District since 1825. By the decision of the Supreme Court, affirmed by the Court of Appeals, the older body came out of the legal struggle victorious In all of Its essential contentions. In all of their long history the colored Masons here had never before been in a contest of any nature before the courts. Freemasonry among colored men in the District had its origin in the constitution of Social Lodge in 1825. Social Lodge is a direct descendant of the grand lodge of England, through the Prince Hall grand lodge of Massachusetts, thence through the grand lodge of Pennsylvania, from which it received the charter constituting it a just and legal lodge.

In September, 1908, the colored Masons of the country united with the- Prince Hall grand lodge in celebrating in Boston its one hundredth anniversary. This grand body takes its name from Princo Hall, the first colored man raised to the degree of a master Mason in this country. He was entered, passed, and raised in a "traveling lodge," attached to one of the British regiments Gen. Gage at Boston in the early part of 1775. With fourteen other colored men, who had been Initiated about the same time, Prince Hall united in organizing a lodge with the sanction of the authorities under whom they were made.

Applied for Warrant. After the revolutionary war, in which Prince Hall served as a soldier on the ide of the colonies, application made by him to the grand lodcre of England for a warrant to establish a regular lodge. In September, 1784, his petition was granted, and a warrant was issued for the orginization of African New Made to order in latest style. I New grays, new blues; $15, $18, I $20 values. Coat and trousers I QOW for Worth many dollars more than the "ready-made" clothing on sale all over town, for the ready-mades" were made months ago, and are OLD now.

New $25 2-Piece Suits $17 Lodge, No. A copy of this warrant TO TIE TIP FRENCH ROADS. and through that thoroughfare. Green fired into the air, but this only accelerat ed the speed of the fugitives. Bullet Takes Effect As they switched into Four-and-a-half street Armstrong succeeded in putting a bullet- in Jackson's right leg.

A car hove into view. Climbing aboard, the poKcemen resumed the pursuit. At street the negroe? "borrowed" a horse and buggy, but this did not stop the policemen, Barney Fagln, a cabman, was passing, and Green and Armstrong climbed into the Cab. With drawn revolvers and followed by a- crowd, they kept up a fusillade of bullets, two' more of which took effect In Jackson's leg. Jackson was driving.

Fagln increased the speed or his horse and caught up with the negroes as they were about to enter the Capitol grounds at Delaware avenue and street. Fagin Jumped from his cab and grabbed the head of the "borrowed" horse, and the policemen made prisoners of Jackson and Gibson. RIVALRY OF UNDERTAKERS Negro Funeral Directors of Alexandria in Keen Competition. One Underbids Other and Takes Business From Him--tatter Then Sues for Breach of Contract. WASHINGTON POST BURKAU, 621 King Street, Alexaidm.

Alexandria has two colored undertakers, and that Central Committee Decides to Give General Strike Order. Paris, July general strike has been decided upon by the central committee of the National Railroaders' Union. After a meeting at which this decision was taken, the strike committee was Instructed to rush arrangements and give the signal for; a general walkout as soon as possible. It was announced that the railroad companies have refused to consider further negotiations. The members of the union, who demand an increase In wages and other ameliorations, had already voted, in principle, to strike, pending the result of negotiations with the companies.

ROOSEVELT NOT MEDIATOR. No Request Made That He Act in Railway Strike. Oyster Bay, N. July report reached here tonight that Theodore Roosevelt would act as mediator In the Pennsylvania Railroad wage dispute. It was met with prompt "Col.

Roosevelt has not agreed to act In the Pennsylvania Railroad case, nor has he been asked to assume such a position," said Frank Harper, Col. Roosevelt's secretary. Vote Strike on Grand Trunk. Montreal, Quebec, July counting of the strike vote taken by the G'-and Tiunk and Central Vermont conductors and tralmen wis concluded today, and according to Vice President Murdock, of and trainmen was concluded todav, and votes cast on the Grand Trunk and 350 on the Central Vermont, less than 50 men voted against the strike. LIGHTNING FEUS OPERATOR.

Man Stricken at Key Terribly Shock, ed, but May Recover. Special to The Washington Post. Wilmington, Del. July most may still be seen in Freemasons' Hall, In London. The original warrant is in tire possession of the Prince Hall grand lodge.

On account of conditions as to travel at that time, and the confusion following the war of independence, New Trousers $2.50 $3.50 Choice of many kinds--worth $5, $7, up to $10. Your choice made now for Ererything New, Fresh, Up to the Minute. TAILORS 91OF St. N. W.

DEEXEL GETS SECOND HONORS. Speed, Altitude, and General Merit Prizes go to Aviator Morane. Bournemouth, England, July 17. Leon Morane, the French aviator, has received the first prizes at the meeting jast ended for speed, altitude, sea flight, and general merit. J.

Armstrong Drexel, son of Anthony Drexel, cornes next as the highest prize wmle Graham White, the English aviator, takes third place. Morane reached an altitude of 4,100 feet, and covered the distance of 18 miles around the Needles lighthouse and return HINTS FOR EXPLORERS How Polar Hunters May Obtain Their Animal Food. BURNT FLESH AS A LUBE Alan Boyle, son of the Post Reader Su ests Attention Earl of Glasgow, who was injured yesterday while making a flight here, was con- sidired alarming today by the attending physicians. Boyle's monoplane fell from a considerable height and the aviator was picked up unconscious. He suffered from concussion of the brain, which has not yielded to treatment.

JAUED WITH HER CHILDREN. Game Warden's Slayer Accused of Murder. Springfield, 111 July coroner's jury today recommended that Mrs. Frank Stout, who confessed to having shot and to the Intelligence Displayed by Wild Beasts and Birds in Seeking Their Supplies Will Save Many an Expedition From Needless Hunger. Editor Post: When God made beasts of the earth, he endowed them! with sufficient intelligence to seek and! find their food.

So acute Is this sense I the wild animals that they not only employ it in their successful effort in trail-) Ing their prey, but also In shunning: theirj enemy. If men fully understood the ex- Deputy State Game Warden John I tent of their reliance upon this sense warrant does not seem to have reacrledlO' Connor, be held for murder witnout themselves with food, the? rt llr its destination till April, 1787. In 1797, two other Colored lodges of Masons were organized, one in Providence, R. and the other in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1808 these bodies met with African Lodge, No.

459, in Boston, and formed African grand lodge, which subsequently became the Prince Hall grand Jodge, which is regarded by colored men as the only source of legitimate free and accepted Masonry among them. Soon after this Pennsylvania had he separate grand Jodge, and, as has been said, Social Lodge, of the- District oi Columbia, was called Into existPrteo by a charter from this body. In 1845 and 1S4 the Pennsylvania grand lodge chartered Universal Lodge of Alexandria, D. and Felix Lodge, of this city. In 1848 these three colored lodges met in Washington and organized what was then called the Most Worshipful Union grand lodge of the District of Columbia, with Charles Datcher as grand master.

It is now known as the Most Worshipful' grand lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. It has existed for 62 years, and during that time has had 33 grand masters. There are fourteen lodges under its jurisdiction and about 1,100 Master Masons. Its membership composes the leading colored men of the Capital City, and many of its grand officers have been men who have distinguished themselves in various lines of activity in the life of the community. The present grand master Is Prof.

Nelson E. Weatherless, director of the department of science in the colored high schools. It may be Interesting to give the names of the past grand masters, as they are names well known in this community. They are: Past Grand Masters. Charles Dachter, John T.

Costin, Richard Piiiske, Robert Robinson, Francis Datcher, Charles Hunt, Ananias Herbert, Carter A. Stewart, Edward Evans, William Anderson, Edward M. Thomas, Adolphus Hall, William Tunnia, H. Booker, William H. Thomas, John F.

Cook, formerly collector of taxes for the District of Columbia; William H. Myers, William A. Taliaferro, Leonard C. Bailey, Charles C. C.

Johnson, Dr. S. Roger Watts John H. Lee, Charles H. Lemos, Henry Coleman, Dr.

Hamilton S. bond. Her six remained with her in the Jail annex all day Sunday. Mrs. Stout is composed, and expresses the coroner's jury she calmly told the details of the shooting.

Her husband, who has been held pending Inquiry, was released today. WARM FIGHT IN TENNESSEE severe electrical storm of the season oc- i Smith, John H. Burrlll, Judge Robert H. Edward S. Terrell, W.

H. Judd Malvip, Prof. John ime In order Layton, William H. Grlmshaw, Dr. they are alive to the opportunl- rr here late last night.

nJTd 6 the Ca ing asTSh Se w'ith wTfe ed who-Is afraid'of William A. Warfield, surgeon in chief several days ago a case in Justice tol ms Jus as he entered his house he Freedmen's Hospital. Julius Felton's court. According to the dropped dead. The excitement had Tne craft owns two splendid hails, one testimony the child of a negro woman caused heart disease.

at Virginia avenue and Fifth street About the same time T. Ellwood -Allen, southeast and the other in Nineteenth named Alice Berkley died, and arrange- take them to the dealers In numerous Instances biokerage offices have been broken Into and stamp tickets stolun Very often stamps are canceled care- It is eav for the messenger boys FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J. WII.LIAM LEE, Funeral Director And embalmer Llierj in connection Commodious Chapel and Modern r'rematorlum Mutest prices 3S2 Pennsylvania avo nw Telephone Main 1385 IN MEMORIAM. ,1 ROBERT son of Robert and a i Mien died Wednesday, July 13 fourteen years i Inld of promise, i ichly endowed th phvsuMl and -spn itual beauty-l i i sensibilities more ex- qui'-ite and harmonious than the xwte'eit chords of the violin he -the crystallized essence of love gentleness, and goodness, "Little Rob- hie' a Into our lives like some a i flower dropped by the way- Mdp.

to soothe and then to brighten and bless the home and hearts of fathei. mother, sister, and brother and all those who knew him could not but love him. Brief though his stay In oin- midst, and sudden though I I recall the rose garden of God cannot but feel that our wlli be better for hisr having lived and our derttha less bitter for his having died MARRIAGE AND DEATH N.OTICES Inserted In The Wttolnzton will, upon app i a i appear simultaneously, without extra charge for either Ineertton or telegrapling. In anv or all of the followlng-nuned morning newa- i Tt i a Knqulrer, Dispatch. i is" Hecortl-Hfrald, Providence Journal, Plain Dealer.

Rorhfwfor Hera'd York Times. 9t Ltmls Republic. Olobe St. Paul'Pioneer Press. Buffalo Courier Post-Standard, Public LcOmr.

JOHN R. WRIGHT Funeral Directors and Embalmera Livery in connection. -Use of chapel on premliOR. 1337 Tenth st nw Telephone North 47. Open dav and ntgbt.

RTF. SONST FUNERAL DIRBrTORS AND EMBALMERS. 1325 FOURTEENTH ST NW Strictly flret-plass service at moderate price Commodious chapel. Telephone North 281. home town, where Mr.

Mlltington has lived all his life, and 'where he Is honored and respected, and ask for delegates. He's a shrewd, bright kid. He is known to but few persons in the county, owing fact that he Is in business In New announced with authority that York." It Is WM. H. SAEDO FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMKRS.

Q3 st ne Mndern Chapel Phono Lincoln 524. THOS. 8. SERGEON, SUCCESSOR TO R. PAIN 1011 7th st nw.

Telephone Main 1090 THOS. A. COSTELLO, FTJNERAl. DIRECTOH AND KMDALMER, 12 STREET NORTHKART Phone East 1325. Livery In Connection.

FRANK GEIER'S SONS, 3113 SEVENTH ST. W. Modern Chapel. Telephone Tall North 629 W. B.

SPEARE, Undertaker and Embalmer, 940 Street N. W. everything Stilctly FlrBt Class, on. the Most Reasonable Terms PRANK SPEVRE Mgr PHONES MAIN 12SO AND GEO. P.

ZURHORST, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Funeral Parlors 301 East Capitol FUNERAL DESIGNS. FUNERAL DESIGNS 01 Description--Moderately Priced. GUDE, U14 IT st. tor.

M. former Attorney General John C. navies, who aspires to leadership in Ohelda county, has climbed aboard the Robinson band wagon in an effort to wrest power from his old-time political foeman. Vice President Sherman. Mr.

Davies is credited with the statement that if Robinson can carry Herkimer county, Mr. DavCes will carry the Third Onelda district and place Mr. Robinson in nomination. Herklmer county has 14 delegates In the congressional convention, and eachjof the three Oneida county districts baa '12. Certain is that if young 1 Mr.

fcobin- son had not injected himself In tbe congressional fight the coming convention would have been a tame affair; but as it is. some fireworks are looked for. Removal Sale Prices On To-Kalon Wines and Liquors $1.25 Sherwood $1.00 $1.25 Cascade $1.00 $1.00 Overholt 85c $1.00 Old Gray Rye 86fc 50c Sherry 35c 50c Port 35c 50c Claret 35c To-Kalon Wine Co. 614 Fourteenth St. N.

W. Phone Main OI8. Order by phone or mail. ments for the burial were made with a telegraph operator in the office of the Thomas H. Brown, one of the colored De dlvlsi Pennsylvania Railroad, was struck by lightning while funeral directors.

wo) kjn an lns rurne nt. He arose, and, Brown, It was stated, was taking a few steps, fell unconscious. He with the necessary preparations, when his was terribly shocked, and for Borne time competitor nresented to the mother of lie lay as though dead. He was sense- child figures that appealed to her sense rin the night in a hospital, but of economy, and when Brown learned consciousness and may that he had been set aside he sued the I struck the eltctric plant of woman for breach of contract. Brown the new Wilmington and Philadelphia was represented by Attorney J.

Randall! Traction Company and put it out of busi- Caton, and the woman by former State ness The same plant was destroyed by Senator tewis H. Machen, and the case, l1 tnl month ago. was fought from every legal angle. Jus-; tice Pelton gave judgment for the plain- were struck. tiff.

As Frightens Away Burglar. F. Clinton Knight unlocked the front door of the stationery and book store conducted by his father, R. E. Knight, at 621 King street, Alexandria, shortly after 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, he heard the sound of falling glass, and hurried to the rear of the building in time to frighten away some one who was trying to effect an entrance through a window.

Mr. Knight did not see the would-be intruder. The police were notified and. a thorough search of the neighborhood was made, but the" burglar could not be located. Mrs.

Jennie Kramer Dead. Mrs. Jennie Kramer, wife of Harry Kramer, died- at the Alexandria Hospital early yesterday morning after a long illness. Mrs. Kramer was 29 years besides her husband is survived by four children.

The body was removed to the chapel at Demaine Son's undertaking establishment. The funeral will take place probably tomorrow morning. Mrs. Kramer and her hdsband were trick for several years played the vaudeville circuits as "The Kramers." She was compelled retire from the stage about a year ago by Ill-health, and was taken to the hospital a few days ago. GORE CHARGES TO BE PROBED.

House Committee to Investigate Indian Land Frauds Meets August 4. Pierre, S. July Burke, chairman of the House committee appointed at the last session of Congress to investigate charges of fraud in the sale of Indian lands made by United States Senator Gore-against Willlam McMurray, attorney of McAlester, has notified members of the cpm- mlttee to assemble at Muskogee, August 4. The investigation will begin on that date. Senator Gore has agreed to be present the meeting of the committee, according -to Representative Burke, who ha.s returned from Mankato, held a conference with the senator.

street between and streets, northwest. The lodges are all in a flourishing condition, and could be very much larger from a numerical standpoint if the greatest care were not taken in the matter of the acceptance of candidates. The total value of real estate owned by the colored Masonic craft in the District of Columbia is conservatively estimated at $40,000. AIM AT CHRISTIAN UNITY Twenty-four Laymen and Clergy of Episcopal Church Incorporate. Effort Will Be'Made to Unite Various Bodies in Essentials of Faith and Practice.

New York, July clergymen would make use of It to decoy the for destruction and the bear for no regret at. having shot O'Connor To I more frequently than they have done. It was while reading of an arctic explorer's good fortune to find a bear and! kill It just In time to save his life that of his" companions that I concluded, to write thlfi letter before another polar! expedition Iteft ciHlizaion, and now ana myself too late to do good. Would Spread Information. However, as it may save a llfej or aid in the discovery of the other polej by keeping the explorers supplied with! fresh and wholesome food--food that pos-j sesses a larger nutritive value than cured, or canned meats--I beg your aid spreading this information to any fisher-' men or arctic explorers who may Hudi themselves short of food.

In order that arctic explorers, hunters. may keep a goodly supply of fresh) meats on hand while journeying along the! border line of animal life, if they burn the flesh of some animal, bird, op' fish. Its odor -will be wafted in every Interest Centers in Campaign for Supreme Court Judges. Gov. Patterson in Field for Candidates Nominated at Regular Democratic Primary.

Memphis, July every town and village and county in Tennessee the State political situation lias aroused intense feeling, and party leaders are lining up their forces for the struggle which comes in August when the Slate Judiciary and county elections are held. Up to the present no candidate to oppose Gov. R. Patterson has been announced either by the insurgent Democrats or the Republican forces, nor is there any likely to be named by the latter party until after the August election. Gov.

Patterson is now making his campaign speeches in support of the judicjat-'y candidates nominated at the regular Democratic primary held In July. It Is this contest which is now attracting wide attention. Three of the supreme court judges declined to enter into'the Democratic primary, alleging that Gov. Patterson and his administration had attempted to coerce the judiciary. Their partisans called a convention, and these three were renomiijated, along with two others.

The tvro other justices entered Into the primary and lined up with the administration party, thus obtaining renomlna- tion. opposition candidates were named to run against the three so-called bolting justices. The same state of affairs exists in the contest for the Judgeships of the court of civil appeals. The pardoning Duncan Cooper, -who was convicted of killing Senator E. W.

Carmack, has been made an issue in the campaign. The prohibition question has apparently been lost sight of. INDEPENDENTS ISSUE CALL. Both the Old Parties in Pennsylvania Are Arraigned. Philadelphia.

Ju'y 17 --The com-4 mittee of independents organized to ar- range a State convention for the nomi- i nation of candidates in opposition to the Republican and Democratic Stata tickets today made public a formal call for a. convention to be held in this city on July 28 The call is made in strong language, it declaring that "representative free government has been overthrown in Pennsylvania." That with unimportant exceptions "all governmental functions are performed by the creatures of a po- litical machine," and that the "ma- i mpulators of this machine have. In a peculiarly shameless manner, dictated the actions of both the Republican and Democratic entions." All patriotic citizens of every section rection for many miles, and possibly to the nostrils of some hungry bear that (oilow Its trail to the very door of soinaj hungry explorer's camp. Sacrifice to Hunters. The odor of burnt flesh will travel further and is more pungent and appetizing than any other known food odor, especially in arctic regions, and as the polar bear is constantly sniffing tbe air for the faintest scent of food, he will quickly take up its trail and soon offer himself as a sacrifice to scientific hunting.

This same plan can be successfully emplojed In killing the arctic wolf, and that in, large numbers. One of man's chief difficulties In search for animal food Is that he does not give the wild beasts and birds credit for the amount of intelligence they possess or the reasoning or judgment thpy make use of in their daily effort at supplying themselves with food. Take, as an example, the fact that while possess neither barn nor storehouse, yet they continue to Inhabit the earth in vast numbers. Mnnv of them live beyond pale of mankind, and at the same aie as fat and sleek as a pet dog or driv-, inp horse I believe It possible to lead bears flocks of food birds into the polar region If the traveler will use due Intelligence In tolling them in the matter of their choice of this or that food. It makes me shudder mhen I think of.

the Joss the world has sustained In the death by cold and hunger of so many good men, whose lives might have been spared If only a little common sense an-J 1 judgment had been used In procuring theirt food, and that In a manner most attractive to the polar bear. Who knows but that some life may I saved this coming winter if this Is given due publicity. MINTER P. KEY Washington, July 17. JAPAN TO "END TREATIES.

Breaks Off Commercial Pacts Witbj Europe, Including Great Britain. Tokyo. July of the termina--, tion of commercial treaties one hence have been dispatched to Euro-1 pean countries, Including Great Pont Add Are Free. Use the classified columns'of The Post and secure results. No charge for the advertising.

God, the various Christian bodies may be knit together in more evident unity in the essentials of faith' and practice and in one organic life." Among the incorporators are Bishop Doane of Albany. Bishop Qreer of New -rr, York, George Wharton Pepper of Phlia- BRODIE L. DUKE IS DURHAM. I delphla. John Stiness, former chief jus- tice of Rhode Island; the Bev.

Frederick Tobacco Millionaire Home, and Gives' Bride Business Building. Durham. N. L. Duke, millionaire tobacco magnate, has given, it is said, to his bride of a few, weeks a handsome business building now nearlng completion in the business center and twelve laymen of the Protestani Kpis- i it the State, regardless of political af- copal Church have just incorporated the i filiations, are called upon by the inde- Christian Unity Foundation, which hopes, to organize in each county ana that, by "the operation of the spirit of select delegates and alternates.

COAL MAGNATE'S AUTO KILLS New York; Bishop Vincent of southern W. Law Weeps When Pedestrian Is Fatally Crushed. Special to The Washington Post Wilkes-Barre, July 17. -An automo- le in lcht A cra vlce 1 68 6 1 tne Temple Coal and Ohio, Bishop Anderson of Chicago, Rear I Iron Company, was driving from, this to Scranton, late last night struck and killed Anthony Zyskovvski at Mid- I vale, a suburb of this city. His skull was crushed, Mr.

Law was deeply agitated and wept. A crowd of which quickly marriage in Camden, about six jnay result from our efforts in the life i gathered, became threatening, ana of- Admiral Goodrich, TJ. S. and Col. Charles William Lamed, U.

S. A. "It is a tremendously ambitious task that this little body of men has outlined," admitted Dr. Arthur J. Lowndes, of city.

For the first time since-his ievar, today, tangible weeks ago, Mr. Duke and Jits-bride vjs- ited their home town, arriving here te- day. Plans in connection with his new build- It la said, brought him here. time of any of us, but we are going ahead quietly and Inconspicuously, fpl- lowing 1 the lines of least resistance. Funds to carry out the "work have been subscribed by tbe lay ficials advised Mr.

Law to drive on He i did so, and later made arrangements with an undertaker to take charge of the man's body. He will also look after the family. A Weil-Balanced Watch Is like a'well-balanced mind--accurate and reliable. Standard American Watches (Waltham, Elgin, Howard, and R. Harris Co.) are constructed scientifically, well balanced, and adjusted to temperature and position.

The Watches that now set the world's standard. Prices, $10.00 to $200.00. R. HARRIS 6 CO. THE JEWELERS Seventh and Streets KWSPAPER NEWSPAPER! Brooklyn sporting men got him out of Sing Sing to lower the coloi nt Johnny Dwyer.

They were matched to fight for the heas vweight championship of America and 51.000 a side. They fought with bare knuckles up in Canada in It was a case of Jeffries Johnson. Elliott, who had been out of the i for six years, was cut to piec-es and A knocked out in nine fast rounds. "The bare-knuckle fight between JOP Goss and Paddy Ryan in 1S80 was another pitiful sight. Goss had been a great pugilist, but he had been iflle for when he tackled Ryan His steam was all gone, and he was also ssind broken, and although lie actiialls out- boxed Ryan, the latter stopped him in 61 rounds.

Peter Jackson, trie preat tralian heavyweight, was another case in point Jackson was al) in when Jeffries knocked him out in California So Charley Mitchell, of the pluckift fighters that drew on a glose remember how Corbett showed Mitrhell un when lie stopped him in three at Jacksonville. Of course, the Briton liar! been out of the ring too long and hadn't a chance to 'come Corbett's Futile Attempts. "Corbett himself made tsuo plucky tempts to 'come back' whnn he fotifrnt Jeffries. In the first attempt he stood Jeff off for nearly 23 rounds. to be knocked otit by a left hook In then- second mill Coibett was easy, and Jeff- stowed him away the tenth round How different Jeff was then? He at his best bevond the shadow of a.

doubt. "Shaikey was out of pugilism for i years after Jeff beat him at Cones- Island but when he tried to omp back' in a six-round bout svith Jack Monroe he was an object of pity. In that affair Munroe. a third rater, put it all over the sailoi, who was luoky to escape a knock-out. We have another shining example in Pnli- adelphia Jack O'Brien, who lost tus ocst form after a year of idleness.

Youiiu Corbett made a valiant effort to get back into condition after a gay life, hut lie pioved an easj' mark for several second raters "Some pugilists has had sense enough to retire at the proper time. Jack Auliffe knew svhen he had shot his bolt and quit the ring an undefeated lightweight champion of the world. Tommy Ryan, one of the best middleweights ever seen in the ring, followed MoAuliffe's example. When Ryan gave up pugilism for good he proceeded to turn down all sorts of enticing offers to return. Ryan and McAuiiffe.

by the' way, predicted Johnson's victory over Jeffries and gave as their reason the fact that a life of Inactivity always spelled defeat." that husky dinge even with a pneumatic discussed "fight views" were to be drill." on a screen for the flrst time, tlie "Hey, ouse, can that jabber!" com-jpantomlmists employed by the company, inandcd Louis XIV, with an imperious who had been posing, for historic and other scenes and plays, flocked from the studios above without changing their cos- wave of his hand. "Lll Artha's enterin' the ring." The disputants became mute and all tumes and crowded into the subterranean eyes were focused on the one room. The few newspaper and theatrical There had been a.scramble tor places 01 men guests of. the manage- s-antage. Sitting Bull, savage of mien, his blanket trailing and his war bonnet cocked rakishly over his left eye, had "roughhoused" his way through from the rear and rudely crowded ot lean, hungry look, out of a front seat.

The murmurs of protest of the attenuated Roman were silenced by a narsh voice from somewhere hack in the gloom, recognized as that of Slmoi) Legre'e "Say, you, McCarren, sit down" In front!" Sir Walter Ralengh, with characteristic gallantry, gave "ringside" next to Julius Caesar, and beckoned to Gladys the Berutiful Cloak to take tt. but Persecuted a good skate, all -right," whispered she. by -way of thanks. Mad Mullah a Jeffries Fan. Half a dozen members of a Roman, mob with several low-browed Apaches gt Paris, grouped on one side, began a noisy demonstration.

"Jim" Jeffries, escorted by "Jim" Corbett, had just climbed under the ropes and taken his corner. "Oh, you, Jeff!" cried the Mad Mullah from -a far-end seat. Silence fell on the motley, weird crowd. The -pugilists stepped to the center of the. ring, and the great championship battle was on.

Like a fancy issuing' a padded cell In Matteawan or a dr'eam of a Pell street "hop" ftend may appear this tastic, ghostly stene thus pictured. -But no vision of a cracked or wandering -mind It. It was actually presented right herp in little o'd New- York a few aao' Before the eyes of a group of perfectly "sane men, who looked oii, not in awe or fear, but with amusement. Of course, this uncanny, unearthly 'coking assemblage was not of dlsem- ment were moved to mirth by the appearance, speech, and antics of the seeming phantoms. Cleopatra, the fascinating lady of the Nile, -who separated Marc Antony from his caprine, ho.low-horned ruminant, was, nonchalantly Imbedding pearly teeth In a wad of tutti-frutti, Good -Bess had cast aside -her regal dignity wag contentedly munching a chunk of plebeian peanut brittle.

"Second-Story Sam," ther agile porcn clumber, was explaining to "LJttle Eva" the mysteries of Indian 'maidens, copper-gkinned daughters of the forest, with 'dark-eyed, damsels "of the mystic East, had the open Into a-, grandstand. Grouped against a 'wail were geisha girls from old Japan, chatting with- elaborately upholstered nobles of the. Court of St. Louis, the, Magnificent, whjle before them on a bench sat a blandly smiling Chinese, m(MjdarIn, holding forth in monologue 'to several beauties of a Turkish harem. Bedouins of the desert, swashbuckling heroep -of the Pumas type, looking buccaneers, Scotch Highlanders, and characters of the city completed the weird 'throng.

Apparently 'none of the girls had read the reports tbe Reno They were distractingly 'lenprant an to 'what the restiir of the fistic All were with -to a PRIZE FIGHT STORY WRITTEN IN 1821 girl. The them, Bp'rit of gambling seized upon "Right and "left chocolate cream drops, tnarsKmajlewe, and -slabs of chewing gum were wagered. -All wanted to bet on but as this was found to be. irappitifcle, the girls, 'tempted by the odds, took a chance 'Although he nis golden smile Before the days of telegraphic flght returns William Hazlitt, English critic and essayist, wrote about the great flght between Tom Hickman, the Gasman; and Bill Neajte. fight took place at Hungerford, England, December, 1S21.

-The returns were sent all oviar England by carrier pigeons. The flght lasted about eighteen- rounds, and Neate was the winner. Hatslltt. wrote his "story" fdr a -publication called Uterary Remains. In order to see the flght he had to ride on a- mail coach and sit up all night at an overcrowded public house.

His story follows; Neftte entered the arena between his second and bottle, holder. He looked around and began quietly; when from the other side there was a buzz, and the Gasman came forward with a conscious air oft anticipated triumph. He strutted about more than become a hero, sucked oranges with a supercilious air, and threw away the skin with a toss of his head and looked at Neate. By thle time tfosy had stripped, and a strong 'contrast in appearance. If Neate wag like AJax, with shoulders.

Hickman might be compared to Dtorned, light, vigorous, 'elastic, his back glistened in the sun as He moved about, pantherllke. They tossed up sirn, and the won. They were led to the scratch, shook hands, and went at It. Ins the flrst round every one thought it was over. The Gasman flew at his' adversary like tiger, struck five blows In as 'many seconds, and then toHowed Mm, strjklng two jnore ag he staggered back, and down he fell, a mighty rutn.

Neate seemed like a lifeless lump of flesh and bone, round which the Gasman's blows playei with the rapidity of lightning: They met again, and Neate seemed particularly c'autlous. I saw h)s teeth clenched and Ms- brows knit close against, the sun. The Gasman -could -no't -get 'over his ft was the same the next, but the balance of was "thus restored. No one could tell how it would end. In the the Gasman, aiming a mortal, blow at Ills adversary with his right hand, and failing from the length he had to reach, the other returned it with a full left swing, and planted tremendous blow in his cheekbone and eyebrow, and made a ruin of that side of his face.

The Gasman went down, and there was another roar. Hickman got up and "grinned r-or- ribie, a ghastly smile," yet he was evidently "dashed in bis opinion of himself. His right eye was closed as he advanced to the fight less confident, but still determined. After one- or two rounds he rallied, but --s strength had been weakened--his blows could not tell at such a distance; he was obliged to fling himself at his adversary, and could not strike from his feet; and almost as regularly as he flew at him with his right hand, Neate warded the blow or drew back out of reach and felled him with a return of his left. There was little cautious sparring--no half-hits--they were almost all knock-down blows; the flght was a good stand-up flght.

The wonder was the half minute time. If a minute or more had been allowed between each round It would have been intelligible how they should by degrees recover strength and resolution, but to see two men smashed to the ground, stunned, senseless, the breath beaten out of their bodies and then before you recover from the shock to see them rise up and rush upon each other. From this -time forward the event became more certain -every round, and about the twelfth seemed if it must have been over. Neate made lunge at him and hit him full in the face. It was doubtful whether he would fall backward or forward; he hung suspended for a second er two, and then fell back, throwing: his- hande In the air, and with 'his face lifted up to the sky.

All traces of life and natural expression were gone from him. His face was like a death's head, spouting blood. Vet he fought on after this for several rounds, still striking the first desperate blow and Neate standing on the defensis-e and using the same cautious blow to the last. It was not until the Gasman was so stunned in the seventeenth or eighteenth round that his senses forsook him, and he could not come to time, that the battle was declared over. When the Gasman came to himself his first words were, "Where am What is the matter?" "Nothing is the matter, Tom--you have lost the battle, but vou are the bras-est man alive." And Jackson said to him: "I am collecting a purse for you, Tom Neate instantly werrtr up and shook him cordially by the hand, without any appearance of arrogance; only It was esi- dent that Bill Neate was pleased i.iat he had won the fight.

The carrier pigeons now mounted into the air and one of them flew with the news of her husband's victory to the bosom of Mis. Neate. Alas for Mrs. Hickman'. NEW WAY TO STOP FIGHTS.

Los Angeles Council Makes It Illegal to Charge to See Contests. Los Angeles. July making It illegal to charge admission fees to ring contests, the legislation committee of the city council believes it has found a means of barring prize fights from Los Angeles without conflicting with the State law relative to -boxing matches. The committee has voted to recommend the passage of an ordinance embodying this antlpriie-fight feature at the next meeting of tlie council. Monday.

The passage of the ordinance would prevent the weekly card of entertalmrtents Naud Junction. time it woujd not Interfere with amateur boxing matches in legitimate athletic clubs..

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