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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 6

Logansport, Indiana
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FAUEE ON GOVERNMENT. The New French President Writes on National Debts. Wuy to Latcit t'ro- dnct.lon of Ilia Already Attracted WlddipreuU Attention In 1'rmnre. 1855.1 Felix Fatire la one of tlic grostist )l7lntr authorities on povernmonta! Unaura. IJo has compiled tlio of all European nntloni for tho benedt of tiio Froncb treasury, ,1110 following Is from an unputllsbcd memorandum on Irudpots.

M. Pnuru'a (jreatost vorlt Is "Lc? Hiidpets Con- A survey of tlio situation from a fimuicial point 01 in the povnrnmcuts of Hie world arc at placed, slrik- the similarity of tho problems pressing for solution. Industrial crises oinuipruscnt, ami naturally much prcououpiud by tlicm, the lH of Uio world, indi- are looldjjff into their resources as well as thoir expenses. The end sought. the reduction of tiio latter to of modern lion.

Whether wo cimsider tiiccnsu of franco Or (Jcrmiiny, or even that land of boundless ivealih, the United States of Aiuer- the ISM mo finaneial qmr.tiona an; paramount, they present thciiisoIvfH under widely Thus does flunl ami lysis tho irierensn in emit of maintaining a government special to no one country. No matter what the form of fjovernmenl is, bo it furtlior observed, it In the constant increase in the expense account that Occasions perturbation. Governments in not a fow respects subject to the same influences UK private individuals, tlic situation might bo represented as analogous to that of a man draws more and more upon liia rceourcos us time pocs on. Nay, gorornraonts nro to a f'rcat 'doffreo worse off than prirnlc individuals. Tlicy la'jlc earning power in tlio 'sense that wo epcak of the earning power of an indivicluul.

Now tho causes of this general increase in tho cost of maintaining 1 any and overy form Of government are inflexible. Thoy operate independently of the povornmont. This feature of tho problem rondora it trebly difficult to JdcaJ with. Yot there tiro causes that operate in pnrMy relative way. They necnon oetwecD me power to tax and certain special interests, and following a logical mothod of seeking for in the we may conclude that for Kome reason or other benefit accrues to somebody through this general increase in the expenditures of the world's governments.

But who are these bene- liciaries? The most, practicable method of establishing 1 that would be to effect a reduction in the budget regardless of the representations of special interests. It usually happens that those interests which arc most active in the lobby have greatest influence ia the preparation of the budget. Flow I comes it that the existence of this lobby is possible? Thai is, how can the special interests which maintain them afford the expense? Obviously, because their prods uncle the existing exercise of the are very ample. It is therefore certain that an interest which main tains its preeminence through the tax ing power of the government creating it must reap very great advantages Did it not it could never maintain the vast and intricate system rendered essential for the preservation of its su- premaey. A consideration of these facts may make it more evident why governmental expense accounts do not decrease.

Once a new source of expenditure has been discovered, it becomes almost impossible to close it. There is sure to bo some interest battling for its retention, arid there is, moreover, a certainty that other schemes arc in contemplation, all clamorous for a representation on the fiscal list. There is something almost pathetic in the peelalions of one administration after another that tin; expense account m'ust decrease with the year to como. Tho year etmies, but an increase comes with it. It is i.liliiciiH to suppose that some end will not coino to all this.

What will lliat end bo? If it is permisMblo to hazard a conjecture meant to apply generally, the outcome would seem to be mutual elimination by all governments of those taxes, which, when collected, are employed entirely to neutralize one another. Of what avail are twenty battleships when a rival nation duplicates them? Skill? There is more than one skilled nation in the world. mere opinion can in noway solve tho problem. It can scarcely even aid in a solution, since experience ae WOMEN WHO WOKRY. Amelia E.

Barr on One of Life's Smaller Pleasures. A. Cat In T.itrf to Throw the of riappl- That Retire Before Real Calamities. ICOPTTRIGBT. ISM.l OMEN do not have a monopoly of worrying by any means, but they have a special- gift in the selection of their worries.

take one that is that is intermittent, and that cannot be easily squan- if they are Is on the ice, or In the canoe, or off to the woods with his traps or ffun. Has be not got books and tools to amuse him at home? And yet if he stays at home he is likely to be subject to constant reproval or advice. It is: "Willy, sit still, you make me nervous. Wijly, do not go to the barn, it, is snowing. Willy, do not make that noise, yon give me a headache.

illy do sit straight, you are spoiling your figure. Will it's too dark to petty rretruiness ana anxiety, ana men ask themselves why they should be empt from the worries and that afflict all humanity, and which, indeed, are part of the universal scheme of circumstances, relating to the great ife. AMELIA E. BARB. "YOU HAKE XEUV- FELIX operate only through temporary cond i One of tho iuQoxiblo causes of the in crease is tho rise'in prices of those com -tnodities which are manufactured solol for governments.

Munitions of war battle ships, harbors, internal improve meats soom to constructed and con dncted necessarily on scale of incrcas Ing costliness. Again, there is tho ex tension of tho functions of tho modern state in directions unheard of even late as the commencement of the prcs out century. Finally, tho increase in population occasions expense through tncrc arithmetical preponderance. Where is this to end? Must govern- racnts already embarrassed by the burdens, of budgets at present swelled to the amplest proportions look forward to the budget that is to come as Bourco of embarrassment than its predecessor? It is hardly to tho point to call attention to tho increase of prosperity 'that is observable hero and there-in tho world. said regarding those Industrial crises that periodically' retard tho devnlop- ment ol tho people? Tho point is that tbo increase of governmental expondi- turo is out of all proportion to the in- iu governmental resources.

A mnu's fortuno may increase at tho rate of ten per cout. per year, but if his pcnscs increase at the rate of twenty per cent, a year he is a loser. Very slmihir is the position of the govern- of the world. Who is bearing these additional burdens? Tho money comes out of somebody's pocket. would bo worth while to ascertain precisely who foots these bills.

Any effort to establish tho exact distribution of the burden is hampered by tho indirect nttturo of present taxntion. It is also 1 surprising that special interests are permitted, as they are, to take ndvan- of the taxing power to further iu- dividual cads. The power to tax is ordinarily connected in the general 1 mind with, the power to raise money. taxation will nci-omplish a great deal more thnn the raising of moccy. It'ia a wealth distributing iuflucnce.

In truth, it may bo doubtoO whether tho to tax is not tho whole of the '-power govern. View-ing 1 row the intimacvof flie eon- K-iUlvK. cumulates so rapidly. The populations of tho world arc having a heavier weight to sustain as the years elapse. What will they do when the truth dawns upon them? It is perhaps unfortunate that this whole subject of governmental costliness is so little observed.

Nay, the fact that a vast official system expends so many millions a year affords positive pride to many of its citizens. Few reflect that while the burdens of such expenditure must be sustained by all directly, in a greater or less degree, tho resulting benefits of a direct nature have to bo, in the very nature of the case, reserved for the few. There is not, apparently, a miser among tho governments of the earth, yet all arc termed miserly by those who live under them. Surely that is very curious. The day may not be distant when tho nations will feel obliged by international agreement to reduce these 0 which, are only useful be- c.v.ulry began theia.

FELIX FAUKE. Catcrplllitn by tho Ton. Thirty-six tons of caterpillars and a large number of cocoons were destroyed in the effort to drive the pests from the young plantations of trees on Hong Kong island. They appeared on the pine trees with whioh the government is trying to rcafiorest the island, and lasted for two months. Stations wore established where tho caterpillars were received and paid for by weight; this method seems to have been successful.

It is estimated that 55.000,000 insects were killed. A Llcud for isconouiy. would you rather be," said one ambitious young man to another, "a great orator or a great writer'. 1 'I'd rather be a great orator," was the answer. "When you just talk it doesn't cost postage Star.

dered or remedied, clever worriers, all seasons and condi tions supply them occasions. In th summer, there is the heat, and the dogs, and hydrophobia: in the win ter, the cold and the smoking chim ncys, and the slides on the sidewalks if they arc traveling, the train goes too quick; the luggage will be lost: and the last hotel bill was a shameful swindle. Or it rains, and they frut, at tho weather as if it was the result ol some one's bad mismanagement. They always have a Mordeeai; and the millennium to them would certainly be a very dull time; for it would leave them nothing to complain of, and nothing to worry about. Undoubtedly one of pleasures of life is worrying; indeed the attitude implies a comfortable exemption from rcai sorrow.

For worries are tho shadows of success, and of happiness of many kinds; and real calamities soon send them packing. When men and women are in extremities, when the home is breaking Or the jrave isopcn, little thingsdo notsiguify. Then there is no room for them, even tho night season, which is emphatically the hour when phantoms of unrest assail the weak heart. Indeed there are very few who, at some time or other, have not, found such intangible midnight foes impossible to scatter; very effort to drive them away being futile as beating a cloud with a rid- ng whip, lint when a genuine sorrow sits by the bedside, we forget that our worries ever The slight iinporia-nec of worries as compared with real troubles is not the only phaccof the complaint; women r.rc particularly clever ul worrying over some anticipated evil. No matter how problematical, or how distant the grief may be, tliC3' divine it afar off, and give it sein- LOOKING bianco and likelihood sufileicnt for every fearful anticipation, lint oh the folly of suffering over and over again calamities that may never happen: and of planning for perplexities that may never be to unravel! Common sense always retires frotr.

such consultations, and leaves the imagination to play the tyrant over the trembling heart und llic weak will. The nobler woman possesses herself until misfortune enters her dwelling, then clear-headed and strong-hearted she meets and conquers, because she eomes to her trial with all her physical and menial powers alert, and so carries with her into the contest tho earnest of her victory. As general worriers, women are not worse than small men, or than men who stay much- at home and potter about the household affairs; but as family worriers women can be deplorable sorrow makers. Many a mother who really loves her children worries young lives, till they are lost and stupid in the sea of their perplexities. Say a child has some natural deformity, she harps upon this a constant monody to her own Ul fortune in hav- ng such an affliction to bear day after day.

If another has any tricks of manner, or aptitudes of mind, which do not fit her natural mannerisms and the child suffers a perpetual correction. Perhaps it is a restless, nervous boy, whose instincts would lead him to constant movement and racket. The worrying nother does not consider the child's hunger for adventure and motion, she "cannot worried out of her senses" by knowirur ho PLUGTO3ACCO. you sivro taat Fenman really reconciled with his wife? I cm sure of it, for she reads what ho writes and he cats what she JL.rEBKBKTnrN estimates tnat tne ex- of respiratory surface in the hor man lungs Li not less than 1,400 eet Cojisumers of diewngtofcccowko are willing to pag a Wemorelliaii tie price dialed for tie ordinanj trade tokccos. hand superior to all oiliecs put that book down, read, you will spoil your sight," tie ii cheeked for his dress, for his manners, for his speech, for his sileneo., if he is a sensitive boy, he feels himself to be ac'umbercr of the eari.h, and, if ho be a high-tempered boy, until he feels that it would bo a joy forever to pitch into something or We have, ell seen the pathetic, wondering look in ihe eyes of such tormented children, as if they were trying to make out what they were sent into the world for. And a woman capable of this nagging to a child whom she really loves can tantalize and plague and harass her husband into his grave by a species of tho same kind of slow torture. Then her eyes arc opened to his excellencies, and tho man whom she systematically treated as incapable of appreciating her fine feelings, only fit to worry her to (loath by liis blindness and obtuseness, becomes a very saiit, for he furnishes her a brand-new subject of lamentation, and one that may bo extended on every side, and be available as long as she lives. The virtues of "poor papa" are made to throw a white light on all her children's shortcomings, and her sufferings in his loss to Ct into every other worry, and give a private piquancy to thorn. She puts on the deepest mourning, she hushes all music and laughter, und she expects all her acquaintances to speak to her in a roico modulated with It is a noticeable quality in worriers at whatever is wrong they arc never responsible for it.

Some one to throw blame on is part of the providential irranjjemcul of their houses and their ives. And just as men worriers have ilways tho tariff, or the police, tho or the Jesuits, to bear the brunt of their forebodings, so the woman worrier can always some one in general, or some one in particular, who las been sadly in the way of her doing good, or giving generously, or bearing natural ills of life with equanimity. unfortunately this some one, vhom it is safe to blame, is generally at weak- husband, a willful child, a poor relation, a false friend, a. dishon. est servant.

There is not only a cut in every house who is answerable for all thefts and "THE CAT DID IT." breakages; there is also a cat in every life, who 0.11s the same sad position; and if the worrier only selects her cat with discrimination she may throw a great deal of blame on it, for she is neither bound to give reasons, norshow is the cat's part. Latterly and female sought a far wider exploiter of their grievances and fears. It has be- rome. fashionable to impart them to the newspapers. Men worriers write to the public about the wrongs they suffer through the wide skirts, or the high hats, or the big sleeves of women.

They complain of their sidewalks, and their gas Mis, and the policeman on their streets; or they worry to the whole country coreerninj the need of reform, or tho inefficiency of the coming woman for the duties of wifehood. Women write about the dog laws, or the insolence of servants, or the discomforts of a certain railway, or the bad management, of their summer hotel. Any grievance will do, for none ol the worriers expect their wrongs to be redressed or their fears to bo reasoned They write for the pure pleasure of airing their particular grievance, or of having their special grum for, however silly they arc in that direction, a man or a woman must be a lunatic, indeed, who thinks gas companies will be made reasonable, or mil iners change the fashions, or servants become honest and respectful, by writing to tho papers about them. If a man or a woman has appre- icnsive temperament, it is very hard not to worry. But conquest is possible to determ ined to achieve it.

And in this direction they may first resolve, that if they cannot avoid worrying, they wiil, at least, not. worry to others. It is '-ertainly better to Sdget alone, than to make oneself a general and a particular nuisance. Secondly, they may select some general or national siibjeet to worry about; for if they can only prevent tbeir inrie- tics and trepidations taking- a purely personal, selfish form, they are at seast humanized, and their worrying is on higher ground, 'i'hen there is Sydney Smith's plan for a serene short views of hour's view, for instance, and say to the foreboding heart: "Be at peace, all is right for this hour at hour at a time, and refuse to look to any possible change for the worse. And as worriers are often estimable people in all other directions, they may spur such good resolutions by reflecting that egotism and selfishness are at the bottom of all nndne A POLAR.

DARKNESS. Beari and Door iho Only Anluviln DurlnR- die Loos Xlfht- Sievert whose romantic adventures in Spitsbergen last winter have been chronicled, is a ma.n forty years of ago, of medium height, aud very neatly built. Do has a line head and face and a most genial expression, but look's somewhat Geree when enveloped in the hoo4 of his railitza, or reindeer-skin tunic. During the last fifteen he has been master of a sea.l- ing sloop cnfraged in Arctic hunting, at one time in fvova Zembhi and the Kara sea, at another in Spitsbergen nnd its wa tcrs. The accounts of aretic lifeas narrated by him arc most entertaining, while it would be ilhucult to find a man more conversant with the life of the frigid Hands Off.

Why try to press back a side ache with your hand as so many do, when an Allcock's Porous Plaster will not Only relieve the pain but prevent its return. The best remedy known for weak back, strains, sprains, lameness and all local pains. Rear In III one of of coun- tcrfeinandiiniraiioris as as tlic genuine. AUcock'a Corn Shields. Allcock's Bunion Shields, Have no equal as a relief and cure for conw and bunions.

Brandreth's Pills. A safe and sure remedy for disensot arising from impurity of the blood. DR.RODRIGUE2 SPANISH TREATMENT LOST MANHOOD nnTi (Ul imciKiitiff i IXG TO THE ADVENTURE IX THE J.U.NO 1'OLAU X1C.IIT. zone or more fully versed in arctic history. He had been nsked to sail a "Tem- boringy' the largest kind of open boat employed in tho Nordkind district, to the Chicago exhibition, and agreed to do so, but the plan was given up, as it met with groat opposition from those who considered the venture, iiwiujj to the danger accompanying it, but little short of murder.

Broekmo. it will be remembered, then decided on going to fetch his fishing sloop, which lay in Green Harbor, Spitsbergen, in a small open boat, to show that a little craft, well handled, could go anywhere. The boat ivas 14 feet long by 0 feet beam and feet deep. The voyage, on which he: was accompanied by a youth of eighteen years, John Christiansen byname, was accomplished thirteen days. On the return voyage in the little fishing sloop of ten tons, they were driven back by continuous gales and compelled to winter at Spitx.bcrgen, at Middlehook, where there is a line seven-room house, built by Xordenskjold in 1S71, which, however, was plundered long since of all its furniture and stores.

The two men had to live ns best they on reindeer and bear's flesh. The former they could not gel nearer than Sasscns bay. thirty-five miles from their abode, but bears were chance visitors to their quarters. One of liroekmo's last adventures with bruin occurred in June last, and though wounded in tic head by the bear's claws, he killed it single- handed with, his Icnife. Tho reindeers are particularly fat; and tbeir coat is at its best in January.

They are then ex- ccptionallj' wary, and in order to shoot them Broekmo had to conceal himself behind a rock, wliile Christiansen worked round and--drove the deer down to him. From the time the sun disappears in the autumn, until its reappearance in the spring, life on Spitsbergen or its shores is only represented by tho deers and bears. Fish disappear from its and the walnis seek other parts, while the seals lie under the ice in little chambers, which receive air through a small hole leading to the surface, kept open hy tho breathing of the animal. Bruin, during the winter, lives solely on his own fat. as he cannot obtain a morsel of food, cither on the frozen sea or snow-clad land, the reindeer being too wary and fleet of foot to allow of hia stealing a march on them.

Ureitlts treatment, Nfrvoiiii JVuiJity, sjuuty, tlnutwnnd los 1 of youiitr n.nd nni woiri'n. Tho VOUTllFL'T, nnrt lost of power Ol' tlwGou- roi-j'UHly. lunl ninp- Tlii'v nut only euro h.VHlflrnnK-ia lIiow'Nt of,"M-:i:\ I-: TOXIC und Itl.OUD YtlllTIl lo tbo twtiont. llynmil. frl.ou or tt for writ.

true, bf Soldliy Wen FOIL in 311 Lssf lanSiscd croppy. hun-Iy Cll. 'tl J.XUAI'O. K'rrnt 'Mtiuou IviMiictiy. With Kold by Sen DruKcibt.

LOGANSPOltT, IND, 15th Day. THE GREAT Sftth IV.y. protluros t.lif in It ficta powur'iilly wlien roniiKinrn thrtir oU men will recover yai.thdu by unlnfi ItKVlVO. It ouickly anil Biirely ix'storasNcrvous- Vitalny, luJWiKfiJona, Power, Failioj; Memory, an4 all oCVctij ol! or nud iudihcrution, lor s'mJy. It not only cures by ai.

tljo dilicasij, but isnKreat norvo tonic blood butlorr. brfng- Ji)R bark tlio pink to rlipolcs and Btoriiip tbtt fin- of youth. It off JnhanltT and Confiumption, Ijjsjst on having KKVIVO, no other. Ir can carrnnl 111 ixwlict. 13y moil.

SPl.OOpori>ac^,-\k'n, or fcis oo, with a poal- tive 10 euro or rotund tho money- Cin- Jj-co. ROYAL MEDICINE 63 River SL, CHICAGO, ILL FOJt Jf-y B. F. Keeslinc, Druggist, EAST BOUND. New Yorfc Express, dallr Accm cxcoptSuudav Ka'i.

CIij- except a Atlantic dally 4.57 for Knst 1.15 VOST BODXD. Express, j'a'Iy Ac'-omodiiil'if) for West VO Clly except Sunday 8.4S except Sunddy tit unils dallr Eel River Logansport. West Side- Between Logansport and Chill. KiST BOITXD- Acoommodatlon, leuve except Sunday S.H a not be deceived.

The following brands of White Lead are still made by the Old Dutch" process of slow corrosion. They are standard, and always Strictly Pure White Lead The recommendation of "Anchor," Southern," "Eckstein," "Bed Seal," "Collier," to you by your merchant is an evidence of his reliability, as he can sell you cheap ready-mixed paints and bogus White Lead and make a larger profit- Many short-sighted dealers do so. FOR National Lead Pure Lead Tinting Colo-s, 2 one-pound can to .1 rj-jjotnd ot LxatJ and mix your own Saves Had ar.aoynace in raatchinc; insures best paiat tlxit it is to put on wood. Smd Tis a card and get our en and color-card, free; it will probably you isaoy dollars. WEST BOUND.

Accommodation, arrive except ocnday 9 00 a toutm C. Agent. Tbe Pennsylvania StatJon- ennsylvania tYaina Run fey Central AS roufifx LKAVE NATIONAL LEAD New York. Cincinnati Branch. e.ith and Frcenan Avenue, Cincinnati.

LOOAXSPOKT TO Columbus a ra 45 a ra PhiUd Iphla nnd ork- 12 40 11 a Richmond and louam and BO ra 15 a ra Efln-r and Peo, Li 2 65 a '12 Crown S.liam 'ISSOinn RIcnreond and Cln innatl fS.loam fl 1.00pm own Pon.t a 7 Effner U)Ml Frclglu in fll.oup on Hradlord and 7.5« a 5 'M Jlomlci'lloand Enncr f7l5am fr2.4D Indiana, oil- and Loul.iv|llf....*12 4.i T.10 Rcbiuon-iaiKl l.Sipm '13) Bradford nnd 1 I nllHrfeiuliia and New I -Vi in Jlontlwlloand i-2201'ra 7 Culiaijo Si "Ha ni ChliMKO.ind 1. 55pm KOHomo Rlctwaond 3.W til WTnaraac 4 iifl iiarlon Atcommoda inn T940am J. A ilcCCLI-OCGB. Ticket Agent Logjnspon, Ind LINE. Trains Logansport, Jnd rOB XUBTIf.

Xo. 25 For St. Josoph a No. Jr'orSC. 8.40 1 KOn THE SOUTH.

51 For Haute Xo. 53 For Terre ttauM- "Ttcppt SnndaT- Tor c-ompleteUme card, glrlns: all trains Mid aO'i lor Jal! larormaaoa to nut, Uuoigb oat, address. J. C. BDGEITtfRTtf,.

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