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6 THE WASHINGTON MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1921. TERMS SUBSCRIPTION. Payable in Advance. Delivered by Carrier in Washington and Alexandria. Daily, one year Paily, Sunday excepted, one year 6.00 Sunday only, one year Daily, Sunday included, one month.

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96 Madison Avenue, New York; Century Building, Chicago; Little Building. Boston; -1311 Kresge Building, Monday, June 27, 1921. The Fight With Red Tape. NE of the most practical reforms in the conduct of government departments is forecast by Walter F. Brown, chairman of the joint congressional committee on reorganization, in his statement that red tape must go.

"Many of the departments now are hopelessly entangled in red tape methods," he says. "We hope to substitute real business This determination on the part of the reorganization committee will be greeted with satisfaction and approval by all who have had business with the government and suffered from the interminable delays that have so decreased the efficiency of the civil If the committee does nothing more than cure or improve this condition, it will amply justify its work. When a man who has business with a government department now comes to Washington, in nine cases out of ten his first act is to seek out his congressman or senator with a request to accompany him to the department. He knows that unless he can invoke some influence greater than that of a private citizen he will be passed along from one division to another until he is hopelessly enmeshed in red tape. The senator or congressman is able to obtain access to the proper official, and in most instances he can secure prompt attention.

During the war business men who had contracts with the government frequently were seriously embarrassed by being unable to secure payment for goods delivered, although their claims were valid and the money was lying in the Treasury waiting for them. Unless they were able to muster enough influence to cut the red tape, their checks were delayed while creditors pressed them for payment and the difficulties of meeting their payrolls multiplied. The adjustment of canceled contracts following the close of the war has been attended by the same lack of consideration for the contractor and the same delays due to red tape. It is generally conceded that the principal cause for complaint against the unsatisfactory treatment of former service men by the government has been due to red tape, and a lack of coordination. They have resulted in delay in disposing of claims for disability pay and in rejection of claims which were believed to be just; they have been responsible for inadequate hospitalization facilities and for faults in vocational training.

There are many directions in which the civil service can be improved, but Chairman Brown places his finger upon the main defect when he asserts that many of the governmental departments are now hopelessly entangled in red-tape methods. Overlapping and duplication of activities is a serious defect, and can be found in several departments. Instances where one department has been advertising for bids for certain articles while another department has a surplus of such articles stored away unused constitute another sample of wasteful methods. But when all is said and done, it will be found that' the worst trouble of all is red tape, which not-only destroys efficiency, but at the same time increases The reorganization committee having made a proper diagnosis of the case, helpful treatment may be expected from it. The remedy proposed is to substitute real business methods.

If at the same time there is established a reclassification of the civil employes of the government, with prospects whicH' give them a stimulus to earnest and conscientious work, a wonderful reform will have been made. All that is needed is to adapt to the government's business the same system that is used by private business concerns. Red tape means waste of effort, time and money. It obstructs rather than facilitates the business of the government, and has no place in modern business methods. It ought to be eliminated without scruple, so far as it can be done within the law.

If laws exist which foster the growth of red-tape methods, they should be revised; and no doubt the committee will find much to recommend in that direction. The Greek Dilemma. The reply of the Greek government declining the offer of the allied powers to mediate between Greece and the Turkish nationalists is not calculated to cause any great surprise. It is clear that any negotiations with Mustapha Kemal Pasha will be on the basis of a compromise at the expense of Greek aspirations in Asia Minor. The concessions made to Greece by the treaty of Sevres--the cession of Smyrna and its hinterland and the annexation of Thrace--were the triumphs of the diplomacy of M.

Venizelos. The services of that statesman to the allied cause earned their reward at the peace conference. To no other Greek would such valuable concessions have been The enthusiasm aroused in Greece by (his realization of the national aspirations was boundless. Some even regarded it as the flrst step to the reconstruction of the Greek empire with the king of the Hellenes installed once more in Constantinople as emperor of a modern Byzantium. If M.

Venizelos had remained at the head of the Greek government, it is not impossible that even these aspirations might to a certain extent have been realized and that the guarding of Constantinople might have been intrusted to-Greek troops. fiut the mistake of the partisans of a greater Greece was that they ascribed these possibilities to Greek national policy as distinguished from the policy of M. Venizelos. They thought that they could get rid of the man and still profit by his genius. This illusion was even shared by King Constantine, who since his return to Athens has constantly assured his subjects of his powers of realizing the program of the statesman he supplanted.

But of late he has had his doubts; the check of the Greek army on the Smyrna front and the ever-growing deficit in the treasury began to arouse his anxiety. He was forced to throw all his personal prestige into the breach and go to the front to try to restore the waning confidence of his troops.i Now the allies, to save the Greeks from disaster, have made an offer the acceptance of which would be equivalent to a confession of the bankruptcy of the royal policy. All that the powers could hope for is the consent "of the nationalists to the neutralization of Smyrna and perhaps, though it is far from sure, the cession of Thrace. The knowledge that this collapse of Greek hopes is the direct result of King Constantino's return renders his position untenable. If he should accept the allies' offer, it is doubtful if he could return to Athens.

Yet its rejection probably means a complete breach with France and England, the consequences of which can hardly be less disastrous. The outlook 'for Constantine and Greece is dark, indeed. Charlie Hapsburg will soon go -on the road again in his one-act comedy "If I Were King." A California woman suggests that the Democrats adopt the rising sun as'their party emblem, but what they need is a risen son. It's high time to stop paying more to those wjio cook our food than we give to those who furnish our children with food for thought. A Chicago aquarium manager says that looking at a group of fish strengthens the nerves.

That explains fvhy the profiteer has such nerve. For the sake of the farmers we hope that Mr. Bryan's intention to pray for rain will be more effective than his past prayers for Democratic reigns. If this Congress is anything- like Its predecessors, it will adjourn at least a day or two before the regular session on account of-mlleage. A Professional Reformer.

Prom a perusal of an address on of a Cheerful Reformer" by Dr. Wilbur P. Crafts, published in pamphlet form by the great Puritan himself, one is led to the conclusion that reforming as a profession is a lot of fun, but not highly remunerative. At the age of 71 Dr. Crafts says he is drawing the modest salary of $2,500 a year.

The 42 books he has published have not been money makers. At that, he has had a chance to travel about the world a bit in his day and there are few ports of Europe and Asia he has not visited, sowing seeds of Puritanism in the flitting. But his reward appears to have come largely from the game rather than the gate receipts. "The joy of the football captain overcoming a strong.line-up; of the hunter conquering big game; of the soldier winning against great odds--all these have been mine," he says. On the financial side of the question he remarks that "in the year 1920 I bought no clothing save one pair of cuffs, one suit of underwear, two pair of socks, one necktie and a dozen and a half collars, and I bought these only because I was away from home when the need came.

But for that it been total abstinence on hew clothes for the year." Nothing extravagant about that wardrobe unless it be too many collars. One need never fear offending the redoubtable Dr. Crafts by referring to him as a professional reformer. He admits it and glories' in it. "Without a quiver," he says, "I call myself a professional re- former.

When we need a doctor, we want a professional doctor, not a quack. When we need a lawyer, it is a professional, not a shyster, we In the hardest of all tasks, reform, we should seek not an amateur, but an expert--a professional reformer." This is the man who has spoiled a lot of good parties in his day, and who even now is trying to prevent the exchange of courtesies between Messrs. Dempsey and Carpentier. If he had his way, there would be no Sunday ball games or movie shows, and what little joy remains to life following the enactment of the Volstead act would be eliminated. He is a Puritan by genealogy and training, and proud of it; a professional reformer, who boasts of it; an author with 42 books marked up against him.

Well, here's to Dr. Crafts! He is no hypocrite. The New Airship, Something of a finished character in aerial navigation is revealed by the tests satisfactorily performed during the last three weeks by the British-built airship R-38. For fourteen days she 1 was submitted in the construction shed to various trials in lifting capacity and engine power and then she was put to her first flying test. Carrying a total of -48 persons, she sailed for six and a half hours in the night, from 7:55 p.

m. to 2:25 a. went over several counties and came back safely to her starting point. She is to have further trials in order to establish her thorough reliability and general airworthiness, and if she comes creditably out of these ordeals she will be handed over to an American crew for a transatlantic flight to her ultimate destination. For the people of this country the special interest attaching to the performances of the R-38 lies in the fact that she has been sold to the United States and will not only be used for the specific purpose for which been bought, but will also serve as a model for a future fleet of giant airships.

Her flight.across the ocean will therefore be eagerly looked forward to, for if all goes well it will mean both the inauguration of a new industry and the speedy turning of the commercial possibilities of the air into actualities. A wonderful vista of international communication and business development, in with the inventive and enterprising spirit of the present age, will thus be opened up. There is also the availability of such vessels as war engines to be considered, and it is certain to receive attention in the proper quarters, but it is to be hoped that that contingency need not be seriously taken into account in this generation. A war- weary world would certainly rejoice to see the commercial airship devoted to its proper mission as an ambassador of prosperity, peace and good will. Sims seems to thrive on his visits to the navy woodshed.

WHen Greek meets Turk the pot calls the kettle black. The up-to-date burglars have the self-binding watchman. The man who's always putting his foot on the gas will put his foot It. If cattle become much scarcer, the shoe men will have an excuse for the prices they charge. So far it has not been revealed whether the pirates on the Atlantic ocean are profiteers or novelists.

We hear a great deal about permanent waves nowadays, but very little about the same brand of wives. If Charlie Dawes talks to Congress about the budget the way he did about the soldiers, he'll budge it. The only trouble with business is that the merchant's prices and the buyer's circumstances came down If the builders are aa expert at putting up new houses as they are at putting up old rents, the home shortage is doomed. Mary Garden asks: "What is, more, beautiful than a silk-stockinged leg?" Bootleg admirers are keeping: their own counsel. The committee that cured the Canton Chinese of gambling- might try its hand now on making the leopard change its spots.

WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY France Is firm. Cleveland Plain Dealer. The flrst letter of W. C. Howells, member of the Plain Dealer staff now In Europe, presents an encouraging picture of conditions in France.

It shows that the great nation which suffered most heavily duifing- the war now stands as Europe's strongest safeguard. Whatever convulsion or upheaval may disturb the era of reconstruction, there is no danger of France turning to bolshevism or any other form of political insanity. This despite the fact that the French are considered the most effervescent, mercurial and excitable of peoples, and despite the testimony of history that France has been the leader of advanced political thought. The French revolution of 1793 was largely responsible for making- the nineteenth century a century of liberation and liberal thinking. The French revolution, even though it passed through its of blood and terror, corrected abominable abuses and set mankind on a new path.

"The Russian revolution, which paved the way for the advent of bolshevism, was- as admirably conceived as the French revolution for the purpose of relieving people from oppression and a vicious system. But whereas the enthusiasts of the French revolution set out t'o convert a world that needed converting, the missionaries of Russian bolshevism have attempted to force upon the world a system not of enlightened freedom and equality, but a monstrous conception of class tyranny. If there was even a spark of good in 'bolshevism, the volatile French intellect would be immediately and strongly attracted. Mirth. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle.

Mirth has been called God's medicine. There are few persons who can not testify to the saving value of a smile. There is a story told of a man who received a wire while on a business trip that his business had been wiped out by fire. The depression which followed this news threatened for a time his mental balance and he even gave serious thought to taking his own life. While in this dangerous mood he received a letter from his daughter, a girl of 9, which read: "Dear Dad'Sy: I went down to see your store that was burned and it looked awfully pretty, all covered with ice.

Love and kisses from Helen." The man laughed, and the day was saved. That glint of humor like a ray of sunshine in a dark cell. The spirit of the man was released from the prison of his gloom. Lincoln on the day that he read to his cabinet the emancipation proclamation opened that important meeting by reading from Artemus Ward. When rebuked by one of his serious-minded cabinet officers for having called them into an important session to hear such nonsense, Lincoln replied: "Why don't you laugh, gentlemen? If I couldn't laugh, I would die." Emerson has said, "Nothing- will supply the want of sunshine for peaches, and to make knowledge must be cheerfulness." Disposing of the Wooden Ships.

Baltimore Sun. The shipping board's "white elephant" is its fleet of wooden ships, lying idle in American harbors, apparently without prospect of further usefulness in commerce, and almost a total loss. The suggestion is made that the American government virtually give them to the new nations of central Eu.rope--to Poland, Czechoslovakia, Esthonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Jugoslavia, they could be given, as is proposed, under stipulations that would assure their use in direct commercial intercourse with the United States, the gift might prove to be a real investment. These new nations control about 90 per cent of the former Russian seacoast on the Baltic, and Finland and Esthonia have shown much enterprise in foreign trade. They have no shipping.

They would be able to use our wooden ships in lieu of anything better; it is reported that they are eager to get them. It is their only opportunity to have a shipping of the'Sr own, and if they are to remain under the tutelage of the great European powers, so far as foreign trade is concerned, it is safe to say thaty the United States will get mighty little of it and that their development will be hampered. SEEK FUND TO HONOR WILSON Former President's Ideals to Be Promoted Endowment. New York, June for the establishment of a fund to endow the Woodrow Wilson foundation, a movement started last March to honor the former President for his public service, were given out today by Franklin D. Roosevelt, formerly Assistant Secretary of the Navy, who is chairman of fche national committee.

"Its purpose," Mr. Roosevelt said, "will be to recognize and further the ideals for which Mr. Wilson stbod. In raising a fund for the permanent endowment of this award the American people will be given an opportunity to express their appreciation of Mr. Wilson's services to humanity." Hamilton Holt, editor, will have active charge of the work as executive director of the fund.

The Central Trust Company of New Ybrk will be treasurer and depository and Cleveland H. Dodge has been named chairman of the temporary executive committee. Others on this committee include Ffrank I. Cobb, Mrs. J.

Malcolm Forbes, Edwin F. Gay, 'Mrs. J. Borden Harriman, Edward M. House, Adolph S.

Ochs, Frank L. Polk, Miss Virginia Pijtter and Mrs. H. Otto Wittpenn. PLEA BY PANAMA TODAY.

Commission Will Present Data Attacking Costa Rica Award. Arrangements have been made for the special mission from Panama to call today at the State Department to submit data supporting Panama's claim that the late Chief Justice White exceeded his authority in arbitrating the Panama-Costa Rica boundary dispute and that the award therefore is not binding, the mission announced yesterday. Secretary Hughes has signified willingness, to consider a memoranda and documentary evidence which the mission, fteaded by Narciso Garay, secretary of foreign relations of Panama, saw fit to offer. WIDOW OF FORMER BRITISH I HARDING'S CHOICE OF DAWES ATTACHE HERE WILL WED IS FORTUNATE, SAYS TAFT Lady Elcho's impending marriage to Guy Benson, of Buckhurst, Sussex, serves to recall that about five years ago formal announcement was made of his engagement to the half Amerfcan Lady Irene Curzon, daughter of the Marquis of Curzon and of his first wife, the one-time Miss Daisv Leiter, of Washington and Chicago, Lady Irene is the heiress to her father's barony of Ravendale, and on his death will become a peeress in her own right. Her engagement with Guy Benson was broken off and her subsequently rumored project of a matrimonial alliance with young Lord Lathom, which was cabled to America, did not materialize.

Having inherited much of her beautiful mother's comeliness apd charm as well as a third of her large fortune, destined, mpreover, to inherit a peerage in her own right, brought up to a great extent under the wing of Queen Alexandra, who was extremely fond of the late Lady Curzon (nee Leiter), Lady Irene her undoubted'right to prove exacting in the choice of a partner for life, and while her heart has wavered on several occasions, she has not as yet been able to make up her mind entirely as to whom she should confide her future happiness. King's Boyhood Chum. Guy Benson served with considerable gallantry throughout the great war and is a member of the old and well-known London banking firm of Robert Benson of which his father is chief partner. Buckhurst, their beautiful place in Sussex, formerly belonged to the earls of De la Warr, artd King George in his boyhood was often there with the late Lord de la Warr, who 'was one of his principal chums and playmates. Guy Benson's younger brother, Constantine, who won the distinguished service order in the great war, is marrying on Wednesday next at St.

Margaret's church, Westminster, Lady Morvyth Ward, the 25-year-old daughter of the Earl of Dudley and of the late Lady Dudley, who met with her death by drowning last year while bathing at a small seaside resort near Dublin. Second Daughter of Duke. As for Lady Elcho, she is the second daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Rutland and a sister the Marchioness of Anglesey and of the much-portrayed Lady Diana Cooper, now a film star. Lady Elcho after her marriage will become Lady Violet Benson. Her first husband, Lord Elcho, who fell in battle in France in J.916, spent some time at Washington as Hugo Charteris when attached to the British embassy and was visited there by his mother, now the Countess of Wemyss and of March, but then as Lady Elcho.

Lady Wemyss is one of the trio of sisters, all daughters of the late Percy S. Wyndham, whose picture by John Sargent, now of the Royal academy, has always been regarded as one of that great painter's masterpieces. Lady Elcho has two little boys by her first marriage, the elder of whom, now 9 years old, bears his father's courtesy title of Lord Elcho and is destined in due course to succeed to his grandfather's earldoms of Wemyss and of March as well as to the entailed estates of the family. Inherits Brother's Baronetcy. Great Britain's Minister Plenipotentiary at Belgrade, Sir Charles Young, has just succeeded to the eighteenth century baronetcy of his elder brother, the late Sir William Lawrence Young, who spent a number of months touring through the United States and Canada a couple of years before the great war.

Sir Charles is a successful diplomat and has done well in all of the countries in which he has served, and while first secretary and councilor of the English legation at Athens married the daughter of his chief, Sir Francis Elliot, who was in charge of the British interests in Greece until the removal of King Constantine from the throne. Sir Charles has now become the chief of the Youngs of Leny in Scotland. His family is of French origin, and its founder came from France to Edinburgh as chamberlain to Mary Q.ueen of Scots on her return to her native kingdom in 1561. For his devotion to her cause he received from her a grant of the Manor of Leny. Naturally the Youngs of Leny were stanch supporters of the Stuarts.

The head of the family remained loyal to the fallen dynasty, espoused their cause in 1715 and selling all the estates before the government had time to confiscate them, he sailed for the West Indies, where he soon acquired a very lucrative practice as a physician. His son became governor of Dominica, and was created a baronet by George III soon after his accession to the throne. Subsequently the Youngs of Leny moved from the West Indies back to England. They did not return to Scotland, but settled down in Berkshire, where they owned a beautiful place known as Marlow Park. It has, however, passed out of their possession, and Sir Charles, in inheriting the baronetcy, does not inherit any ancestral estate.

Another Notable Diplomat. Sir Charles must not be confounded with that other forrfljer member of the diplomatic service wh(j bears the name of George Young, son and heir of old Sir George Young, of Formosa, on the Thames. This Formosa has no connection with the great island of that name lying midway between the Japanese archipelago and the Philippines--that island whence most of the natural camphor used on both sides of the Atlantic is obtained. The Buckingham- shire Formosa of Sir William Young is an extremely picturesque islet in the middle of the Thames, nearly opposite Lord and Lady Actor's riverside country seat of Cliveden. Formosa has been in the possession of the Dorsetshire Youngs for some 200 years, the first of their house to settle there having been Admiral Sir George Young, who played a notable role in the taking af Louisburg, of Quebec and of Havana.

Sir George the present owner of Formosa, is the great-grandson and namesake of the admiral, and on sev-i eral occasions visited the United States "and Canada when his son George was attach "1 to the British embassy at -Washington. George Young is married to a daughter of Sir Courtenay Ilbert, well known in America as clerk of the house of commons during some 30 years and as parliamentary counsel to the British treasury. MARQUISE DE FONTENOY. By WDLUAM HOWARD TAFT. It is fortunate for the country that' President Harding has insisted on making Gen.

Charles Dawe.s his director of the new budget bureau and that Gen. Dawes finally has accepted. No man is better fitted for this important place than he. As comptroller of the currency under President McKinley he made an enviable record and became thoroughly familiar with government methods. Since that time he has had a long career as organizer of important business enterprises and as the founder and chief executor of a great bank and trust company.

His life's work has been the study of effective economy in the production of results. Genius Shown in France. His genius for straightening out confusion and introducing method into enormous government activities was shown in France when he was one of Gen. Pershing's most successful assistants in putting the American expeditionary forces on a real campaign footing. Gen.

Dawes accepts this important but subordinate post from a sheer sense of duty and love of the task. He has given much study to the necessity for reform in governmental methods of doing business and has spoken much on the necessity for a budget. He is not a mere theorist. He knows whereof he speaks in a practical way. He the courage to act and speak when he feels that the public interest demands.

He does not allow political considerations to affect his course. Proof of Harding's Interest. He has at times startled the country with a rough emphasis that many thought might have been just as effective "without the taste on it." But this was one of the defects of his qualities. He enters upon his duties, not for high station, not for great emolument, but because the job is one that ought to be done, one which he is peculiarly fitted to do, one in which he finds the challenge to his capacity and success, one which will bring him the reward of having really helped this country. By drafting Gen.

Dawes President Harding has shown his deep interest and concern in budget reform. With his intimate knowledge of the general's personality, the President's selection gives an earnest indication of his willingness go the limit" to secure real results. (Copyright, 1921, by the Public Ledger Co.) CHATS WITH VISITORS LINKS CANADA AND INDIES. ChurchUl Urges Close Union of Dominion and Islands. London, June more the West Indies are linked up with Canada the more certain the future will be," said Winston Churchill, secretary of state for the colonies, at a banquet given to the Prince" of Wales by the West Indies committee Saturday.

Mr. Churchill pointed out that at the imperial conference Canada really was not complete, commercially or geographically, unless associated with the West Indies, and he was confident that the more these two great portions of the British empire were interested in each other the greater the benefits would be for both. The problem of communication between Canada and the West Indies could not be left where it was at present, said the secretary, and he was ready to make the strongest representation to the British cabinet on that subject and hoped soon to make a definite announcement. "What the nation needs now more anything else is a resumption of building," said Homer W. Strohm, of.

Philadelphia, at the Shoreham. "No one, of course, knows just how many houses we actually need to relieve the situation, but the number must up in the thousands. In one of the trade journals I recently saw figures showing that the amount of building needed Would cost $55,000,000, at an average cost of $5,000 a dwelling. "Whatever the figures are, there is no gainsaying the fact that we need an intensive building campaign of nation-wide scope The only way to bring this about is for the building trades to assure a stable condition, and they can do that by taking their medicine in the same manner that other business men and workingmen have done in the receding wave of reconstruction. Of course, every man hates to yield an inch in the matter of salary or wage, but the day has come when every right- thinking man will make this sacrifice.

Otherwise we i at loggerheads for many more months, if not years, to come. "When all is said and done, the members of the building trades should be guided by the supreme fact that the American people are not building. So long as there is this inactivity in the building- line there will be corresponding loss of money, in profits and wages, in the building trades The people seemingly are convinced that the prices of building materials are too high. And I believe as they do The Lockwood committee, which has been investigating conditions in the building trades in falo, N. recently made astounding revelations.

Some of the builders have been profiteers of the worst order. Now that they are being shown up, there might be a chance for a poor man to build his home. Only that will save the nation and mark a return of nation-wide building." Vast Trade Opportunities in China. "The economic development of China Is just beginning," declared Dr. Y.

Tsur. counselor of the Chinese special mission to America. "When it is ay-and that time is near at hand--the opportunities open to American investors will be great, indeed Sometimes China is re- ferred to as a sleeping giant China is ft giant, put is not sleeping. It has awakened. More than that, it is filled i inspiration.

Its people are keen to the possibilities and are determined to make the best of every opportunity To this end China is watching i interest every phase of America's activity. The youngest of the great nations has paved a way for others to follow, and China knows and appreciates the advancement made here in the past quarter of a century American inventive genius has been a spur and a stimulus to Chinese students for the past generation. "Few realize that China is a larger country tharr America; that there are 4.278,000 square miles of i i i the boundary i of China, a-- against 3.000,000 square miles in America Also, the population of China is almost four times as great as that of America, China having a population of 427,000.000, as against America's 110,000.000, according to the latest census. These figures alone will give some idea of what a a i American merchants when the trade between China and this country is developed to its highest degree." LORD LEE ENLARGES GIFT. Adds 1,300 Acres to Estate for Home of Prime Minister.

London, June 14 (By the Associated Lee, who recently donated to the nation his beautiful country residence Chequers, in Buckinghamshire, as a residence for the prime minister, has now considerably enlarged his gift. He has added to it several farms, aggregating about 700 "acres, and some 600 acres of woodland. The farms are fully equipped with live stock and up-to-date farm machinery, buddings, barns and' growing crops, and include seven cottages just completed With the woodlands goes a new steam sawmill. The ministry of agriculture will be the custodian of the property. The minister of agriculture hopes to utilize the gift not only to help educate farmers, but also "the'prime minister, whoever he may happen to be.

MANY AMERICANS IN LONDON. Remain After Attending Polo and Golf Matches; Harvey Reception. London, June of Americans are remaining in London jn spite of the fact that the international polo and golf tournaments have been played. Among the Americans present at the third reception of the American Ambassador and Mrs. George Harvey were Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Bliss Lane, Mr. Hugh J. McGowan, Mr. and Mrs.

Horace White, Mrs. Charles Cobb, Mrs. H. Morgan Hill, Miss Elinor Thompson, Mrs. E.

W. Van Rensselaer, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Everett Blodgett, Maj. and Mrs.

Robert'F. Hyatt, Mr, and Mrs. Robert B. Dana, Mr. Eugene Littauer.

Miss Margaret Treadwell and Lieut. Charles L. Downing. Others there were Viscolint and Viscountess Northcliffe, Countess of Portsmouth, Lady Lambourne, Lady Playfair, Sir Hug-h and Lady Bell, Lady Lowther and Lady Lloyd. (Copyright, by the New York Herald.) $7,250,000 GIVEN FOR CHINA.

The new prohibition enforcement chief Is a farmer, Which ought to make him friendly to all Irrigation projects. The difference, between a flea and a wasp Is that the latter is always 'there when you put yonr finger on him. Cost of Famine Fund Drive Estimated at Only 3 Per cent. New York, June W. Lamont, chairman of the American committee for China famine fund, announced today that $7,250,000 was contributed during the campaign, which ended June 9.

The cost of raising this amount was estimated at about 3 per cent. Relief organizations in China, Mr. Lamont said, raised $6,000,000 gold exclusive of the government loan. The low cost of the campaign, the chairman stated, had been due in part to the determlnatloh of the committee "not to conduct an elaborate drive, but even more- to the devotion of thousands of volunteer workers. Creed for American Business Men.

"AVe are American business men "We have confidence in the products we sell and in the men who make them. "We believe in a i above everything and in buying we accept only material of known value. "We believe service, courtes and fair dealings with customers. "We believe in the great American nation and in its destiny to lead the world things "When we cease to believe in ourselves and our business, when we lose a i in our fellow men, we want to bo a out to some spot and buried way down deep. "That is a creed that every American business man should have pasted in his hat or hanging- over his office desk." remarked E.

J. Dyer, of Plamville, Conn at the Willard. "Written by A Me- Avoy, editor of the Advocate, a periodical devoted to the interest of harness makers, the creed is now being sent gratis to hardware men in various parts of the United States. "As we i so we are Psychology plays a big part in our lives. This being true, any business man who lives up to the creed as here given i notice a change in his mental attitude.

He i become a better business man and a better American." ARGENTINE HONORS ITS HERO. Centenary of Birth of Gen. Mitre Is Celebrated Widely. Buenos Aires, June centenary of the birth of Gen Bartolome Mitre, soldier, statesman and author, who, as president of the nation, guided Argentina through a critical war period while Abraham Lincoln was confronting a similar problem in the United States, was celebrated here Saturday. Patriotic societies, schools and other organizations prepared exercises in honor of his memory and a.

number of government departments participated in the ceremonies. Coincidentally, the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Dr. William Rawson, orator, statesman and physician, who was a staunch supporter of Gen. Mitre and a member of his cabinet, was also celebrated today. day was declared a public holiday throughout Argentina PLYMOUTH ROCK IS REPAIRED.

Three Pieces Are Joined Together on Their Former Site. Plymouth, Mass, June 26--Plymouth rock has been put together again. The boulder took on something of its original aspect when the three pieces into which it had split since the forefathers landed on it were taken out of a nearby building, Joined on its former site and prepared to withstand the elements again. The rock, now entirely exposed for the first time In years, will be covered with canopy to be erected by the Society of Colonial The work of restoration was in connection with the observance this year of the tercentenary of the landing of the Pilgrims..

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