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The Camden News from Camden, Arkansas • Page 7

The Camden Newsi
Camden, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CAMDEN Arlc. NEWS Saturday. May 20, Negro Colleges Now Embroiled In New Civil Rights Crisis They note that Carmichael battleground is the campus a series of appearan- The immediate questions ar'1 ces Nashville and had given a why? And what dot's it mean? thc ht of the Flsk Variety of Answers Uprlsmc The answers come in scatter- was jn Jat.kson several gun fashion. l'here are themes before the rioting at Jacksop State College, they KATV Chan. 1 KAKK Clisn KTAL Chan KTHV Cfcan II KTVB Chan.

10 but no chorus. backbone of the civil rights the Rev Bl11 Lawson underlying feeling again! movement since the sit-ins and Houstwn- cond class sa are rebelling againstsaid Carmichael top aides, paternalism in black universi- Willie Hicks and Cleveland ties paternalism prevalent Sellers, rushed to Jackson the since their said day rioting. Two SNCC Jay Greene, a law student at leaders, the rtev. Howard University in Washing- Kirkpatrick and Franklin Alex-, Note- Neero collece 7 WaS 0ver two years ton. ander, were involved in the students have formed about a reaction of theTexas Southern demonstrations, se police records show.

said Dr of the early The had claimed thi A Beittcl- former president SALTIEST WATER, IMOs. These demonstrations life of a white policeman, felled of College in Alabama. were off campus and directed during a charge on the Texas discouraged l)order between Israel and Jbr- at businesses and civil authori- Southern University campus bv quality of the education the world saltiest body ty. Now a new unrest is boiling Rookie patrolman Louis Kuba, they're getting." ventured Wal t)f sea a into violence at a number ot new unrest among Negro tor a Negro senior at times as salty as the ocean. Negro colleges in the South with college students in the souti the University of North Caioli school administrations as its that recently has boiled intona principal targets.

violence. 11 is Wlth a effort to influence Ameri- UP1 reporters throughout the a Negro civil rights worker, can FBI Director J. South examined the situation Benjamin Brown, 23, was Kdgar Hooper told a congres- I his is their report. fatally wounded at Jackson, sionai committee. last week when students rk'wii urvnRK at all-Negro Jackson State fcack Power By ONEIL HENDRICK Oolleee charged Dolice barri is the result, many United Press International 1 am southern white officials contend 4MTA T.

cades on a street cutting wmie omciais comtnu, ATLANTA thr0U4lh the caniDUS of the preach- gro minister was pensive, his stokely Carmichael, thoughts on the Texas ollege Other Violence former chairman of the Student campus where Negro students jackson State disorde Nonviolent Coordinating Corn- had fought a pitched gun battle similar, but not s- rnittee (SNCC). with police. violent, student demonstrations Whatever the reason, there is FINES1 CnANNtL z-KtTS MONDAY civil rights movement at Negro colleges in Tennessee, a festering discontent on many with such leaders as Martin Louisana. South Carolina, Ala Negro college campuses, in the and Texas. North as well as the South It represents a Howard sociology Prof.

Nath- in the racial an Hare, a black power leader, situation in Dixie, which had said Negro colleges have become relatively quiet since awakened and next year will the in be the real administra- Mississippi last spring. tors will have to He Negro college students since said the at Negro the early 1960s had provided the colleges have lost faith in the impetus for the sit-ins. old way of doing things and that dom and street demon- administrators are from the strations that helped result in generation the Civil Rights and Voting In Two Words Rights Acts by Congress. Always mentioned prominent- These demonstrations had jn any conversation with been off campus and directed southern authorities regarding against white businessmen and the unrest are two words: civil authority. Now, there is an Carmichael and Snick (SNCC).

added target: the administrators of Negro colleges. The new Accent on Music (Secondary! Speech Time 46 Public School Music 10:00 COem.stry 'High School) Itl 30 Elementary Science 10 Aventura Bepenula 11 Elementary Art 11 30 Arkansas HUtory 13 0C Poinderter iStoryttmsi 11 16 Chemistry tHl 'Hi 12 46 Public School Music 1:90 Elementary Science 1:39 Aventura Eipanola I Speech Tune (R) 3 00 Chemistry Sch.I HI) I SO Public Scbol Music 3 Aventura iR) 3 00 Driver Education I 30 Teacher Ir-Servlca 00 All ABOARD Bells Let Us Knot and Wake NSW 31 TOURS and Caroline WHAT 8 in Dinaland No 30 MADAM UNA AVENTURA Spanish Instruction nw 45 STNO HI -8INO LO -Oamrs" 7 00 CONVERSATION WITH ARNOLD TOYBEE NO 4 CHET Cake Seventh I a 0 00 WITH ARNOtX) TOYNBEE. TUESDAY Sat Driver Education Elementary iR) Chemistry bchooi) Science iJr Highi II 00 French Chef (Home Be) 11M Aacaat on Mualc iSecon.) (R) 11:00 Mm Hi Sing Lo (Ble.) Chemistry Hi School) (Rl Speech Time 1:00 Science (Jr High) Artuui History iHmh Bch (R) PoiiKirxter iMorytimo) Chef Just Teacher In-Service VH ALL ABOARD WITH MR BE "traat Bars Cluck and Is Much too NMfy to Ply?" rss, WHA.T* NEW HaflbWUE Story-. 3 TOUrtS )VEKY AT THE BFXXJE- an Island in Dlnoland No ice Problems of WATER PUMP Practically Impossible to Burst From Freezing Cannot Lose Its Prime No Control Valves Will Pump Air and Shut Off On Weak WeHs Will Not Burn Out Seal for Lack of Water $136.50 HAUDWARt (0. Armi A 00 0.15 0:30 00 15 0 JO 46 10 00 10 15 10 30 10 45 11 00 11:15 11 11:45 13 00 13 15 13 30 13 45 1 00 liO 3 00 3 30 3 45 3:00 3 15 3 30 45 4:00 4 15 4 30 441 '40 6 30 00 6 30 7:00 a so 41 00 30 10.W 10 1045 11:00 Mon.

Ban Casey Sen Casey Dateline Hollywood market Sweep one in a Million Every body's Talauis Donna Keed Donna tieed Today in Ark. Bud Campbell jack LaLanne Show Nrwly wed Okme Olil 1 Dteam 'Sirl '47 Dark Shadows Dark Shadows Dating Qarna Big Top lioxo's Big Top Comlct Live with Oo.or Pate Jennings rwday mow riday Jbow roday Jtkow Snap Judgement couuanw I Concentration ral OulNIt 7 lotay Show Today Sbov Today Sbov Today Show Snap uedgement Snap uedgement om 3q I I jeopardy Jeopatdv Eye Ouaaa I Eya Ouaaa ts louay fj Let's Maka a Dan Days ot Our Uvas I rha Doctors i i Boona itoiiy wood squares Jeopardy Eye Ouesa Eye Oueu Leave It To Beaver MarthsUl Dillon our Utao i I Doctors AooUisr kou You Don't fay at I Dougi duc Another World Aaouier World I 4 i i tsa Son Match Oaine Oaataia Kaagaroa Ark-Ua-Mlsa S. Nsas Candid Oeneral a -reHospital i Hillbillies Concentration Andy of Pat Booae Msy berry i Lack Vaa Holly 1 Dyke 1 Squares Love of Life Jeopardy Lovs of Ltfs Jeopnrdy Search forbye ouesa Guiding Light bys Ousss Bye oa Dating Oams Arkansas I As the World et Maks Turns 1 Deal Password Newly Woi Password Oamo An«letterTo* Doctors Art Linklsttsr The Doctors To Toil Anothsr World Tue Trufh WonO The Bdge Fugitive 1 Of Nignt Fugitive Laif-a-Lot I.aff-a-Lot Club Club decrai Deputy Da Maverick Maverick Maverick iverick Mike DouSlas CYHioat usioara Eden Talas of Wails Kargo Drums in the Deep South Boao the Clown Aisle 10 Aisle 10 Aisle 10 Aisle 10 Aisle Aisle 10 Truth or Nsws bswscops OK Consequences i 1 INKWSCUPS 1 CBB Boao Brink ley Nsws Wsothsr Huntley aporte Channel 11 Venable Quartet ss Newt News Hour PnJJnmn Game 1 i.c Monkees The Monkees Iron Hoiss 1 rhe Monkesa The Monkees Iron Horse I Dream of 1 Dream of Mr. TsrrlflcIroa Horse Mme Jeaonio Mr. Tsrrlflc Iron Horse Nice The Lucy Show Rat Patrol 1 Captain Nice 1 The Lucy flfeow Rot Patrol Perry CtomoPerry Como The Andy Perry Ctomo Perry Como Perry Como Onffith ShowPerry Como Peyton Place Family Affair Ferry Como Pf fton Place 99 ss Family AffairPerry Como Zeno HourDuchess of Run For To Tell The Bis Vslley Zero Hour Idaho Your Life Truth Bis Vslley Zero Hour I've Ont a Bts Vslley Zero Hour 1 Secret Bis Valley Nsas Wsatbor Newscopo Reporter Neos Final Al worth Sports Newscopo Final Joey Bishop i Tonight dhow 1 Tooignt dhow Look Back Church ef SSiow 4bow In Anger Christ Forum 99 oiv as tonigat KATV Chan.

7 EARE Chan 4 KTAL Chan. ETHT Chan. 11 ET VE Chan. 10 Tues. Today TiwU? IE uda? Today Today Leyer by A IO OUJ mi CASUAL IX II S-SS OOSORBW OP fHWNfJB FRIDAY Arkansu History (H) 4 30 Speech Time tR) 45 Public Scnool Music 10 uo Chemistry iHigh School) 10 30 Elementary dcience (R) 10.53 Aventura 11 Elementary Art 11:30 Science (Jr.

High) IR) 12 00 Poindeiter Story time) 13 15 Chemistry (High 9ch i 13:45 Public School Music 1 00 Eiemenury Science iR) 1 23 Aventura iR) 1 43 Speed. Time iR) 2 00 Chemistry (High Sch (R) 2 30 Public School Music tR) 2 45 Aventura (R) 3 00 Driver Educntlon 3 30 Teacher In-Servlca 00 ALt ABOARD Poncey and Mr Be Discover America JO A NEW 8 00 TOURS 5 30 TRENCH rHEP wat vrw in Dlnoland No 6 30 AVENTURA tsi-ANoui SNVvnrx no Nikolai Ivanovltch Melody and Polyphony, Flute and Harp" NET PTAYHOUBE Old Olory. Benito CAMDEN NEWS TV GUIDE I AM LOOKING FOR A PARTICULAR TYPE MAN One who will take a personal interest in my business. He must be willing and ABLE to do business with the most financially successful people in southern Arkansas. I W'll advance him further as soon as he qualifies.

If you have a late model car, are willing to start at $800 per month, are bondable, can stand a thorough background check and are willing to work Call Mr. Jsmes Dunham for an appointment at the Holiday Inn (Phone UN 2-6621) II Dorado, Arkansas from 20th thru 24th of May Between 9:00 A. M. and 8:00 M. or write Box 1623, El Dorado, Ark.

13 15 12 30 Sen Casey Ben Casay DatHlne Hollywood Supermarket eweep in Million Everybody's Talking Donna Reed iNlw in -k Today la Art. Jack LeLnnno Newlywed (7a me i Olrl Dream Oirl Dnrk Shadows Dark Shadows Dwttog Osine Boao's Big Top Snap Judgement Americanism vs i Communism 1 Concentration ttuone Pat Boone Hollywood Sq. 1 Hollywood So, Jrnpnrdy Jeopardy Eye Ouesa Eye Little Today Little Let's Mato a Deal Pat Pat Hollywood Squares 8 iw.iosn Eye Ouesa Eye Ouesg Leave It To Beaver a am er Our Uvea The Disew The Obolo rs Lave Lntoy 1 Lucy McCoys Tfca IcOayt A dv Mayberry Dv Dyke AnntAer worwi Tou any Another World VMM You Sny I von Don any You Pant any f. The Mito Match OanM Douglas Show vfitcn Onine I Laff-a-Lot 1:00 Soso'! Big Top Ohm ics Live With color Maverick cartoons Maverick MMie Show Ln ol Ilfo I of Life tonr. (or Toot.

Ouidlng Light on Ark. Bye on Ark. Aa the World Puls bury Buoy Lady Art Linldetter Art LlnkleMnr Truth Tell The Truth I Edge of Night I Ed go ai Night Beeret Aorm Deputy Doug Rising of the 0 00 0 00 Ml 30 10:30 11:00 11:30 13 13:30 1:30 3:00 a 1:41 3:00 3:30 3.M 4:00 4:30 1:00 15 1:30 (IS 9:30 1:00 7 30 0 00 lift 1:30 1:30 ioas 11 KATV Chan fhurs. 7 BARK Chan fodny KTAL Chon I KTRV Chan i BTVB Todny Show Casey Hollywood Superomrket Oweep in Million Talking Donna Reed 1 latina Reed unay in Ark. in Ark.

Jnck LeLnnnn Jack LaLnnno Newlywed asme Dream Olii Dream uirl 07 Oeneral Hospital Dnrk Shadows Dnrk Shadowa i DnUbic Osmi snap I Judgement I Concentration I ConcsntrsUon i nooae Tat Boone I rtoii) to. toilywoud Sj. i Jeopardy Jeopardy Bye Ouesa I Bye L. R. Todny Let's Make 1 a Deal Days Our Livoo Uiciors I Tur Doctors rodny Todny Today Today Show Life of Rllfy Life nf Riley Coneentrnuou Concentration Pat Boone i Hollywood I Squares jeopnrdy Eye Oueea Eye Ousts Leave It Beaver i Let's Mnko I Deni I Oapt Kangaroo Tcdny 3spt.

Kangaroo Todny 'Hpt ------candid Csnem Beverly I HiUbilUoo Knnsaraa todny Oeneml Cwmw-iStlon concaotrntioe Andy oI Dick Van Dyko Show Love of Ufo Love of Ufo Benrch for Ouidlng Light Bye on Arkansas Ast The World Tumo Pat Hollywood tounres Another World You Don't Sny You any Mike Dougins Mike Douglas Boao's Big Top Mike Douglas Mlks Dougins Days of Our Lives The Doctors The Doctors Another World Another World You Say You Don't Say Match Osmo Match Oamo Lai f-a-Lot Cuk Password Password Art Linklottnr House Party To Tsll Truth Edgo of Night Secret Storm Fugitivo Secret Storm Pugtttve Deputy Dawg Boso uie Clonk nod Prlends Soso's Big Top Jomlcs Truth or jooaequences Maverick Maverick Maverick Maverick ttunUe) Srtr.siey Mike Mike Douglas Douglas Cattle Queen of Montsnn Thunder on the Hill and Jsws. Weather 'enable IfnMBOIT Dnniel Batman i Daniel Boone 0U-Oun Theatre Newscopo i Brtnklos Daniel Boone Daniel Huntley- Brtnkloy I Coliseum I Coliseum News Hour Danis Boons Danio Boons Troop Troop BewiMhed Love on rvoftop Twiggy Twiggy Summer Pocus Star Trsk Drsgnet Dragnet The Dean Martin Show Dasrt st Boons Daniei nooae Star Trek Stnr Trek Trek Trek Dracnet Draonet Denn Martin Dann Martin NOVO City Acroao the Nows Wo A.WUlUl IS Tonight Show Tonight Show Kswscopo I Tomght Tonight Coliseum 3nnlo UMiseum iis Booes i mj Bewitched 1 Sons bewitnhsd Knncy Ooos The Moo moo Mo Tbs Monrooo I The Monroes I The Monrooo Sunset Denn Martin 77 Sunset Strip Doan Mnrtin 7T Sunset Strip Dean Mnrtin r- Wrtp Dean Mnrtla Boso Ch. Reports Ch. Reporto Rise nnd Pall of Loos -u, romgbt abow cm Mr turn urn a IM ftN-fTM MMR nrrnruMiB Doting Oamo Let's Mnko Nswlywsd Oams The Fkw.tor» PugtUvo PugSlvs Bono the Clown Peter Jenmngs News Truth or Consequences Maverick Maverick News Combat Combat Nows as The On. Prom Slx-Oun Theatre Kewscope Newscops I Huntley I Brink.ev Tae Otri 'did UNCLE Newscopo Dakatar! Dakntarl Aisle Aisle 10 Atole 10 Alais 10 10 Alois 10 untie jr- Brtnklay Channel 19 News Hour tMrl Prom JNCU WEDNESDAY Aooont on Muslo 9 99 Speech Time I Public School MusSf 19.99 Chemistry iHwh Sehool) Elementary Art (R) IB Aventura Eopanola 11 Klemsntsry Science (R) Be lance Ur Hlghi (R) Potndester (Storytime) 13 Cliemiatry (High Bch 'R( Public Bchooi Music (R) Elementary Art Hi Aventurs Speech Time 1 Rl Chemistry Bch I 3 39 Public School Music 3 46 Aventura Espanwla 1R) 3 01 Driver Education (ft) 3 30 Teacher In-Servlca 4 00 ALL ABOARD the Worxier Boy, and Dnacng Sie Born i ll what new Trumpeter ot oo tottrs so "The Temperature' AO WHAT in Dlnoland No nti ha 0 eiNO HI SINO LO "The Hatehery" 7 OS 'ARKANSAS HHOWCASE 00 HCTERNATIONAL NO 45 ft 30 YOUR CKMJ-AR WORTH THU LSDAY Driver Education i Eiememary Art iR) 19 99 Chomistry iHigl.

H'OouU 10:30 Sc tenet (Jr High) 11 Arkansos Preach Ctiel 13 99 Sins Hi Sms Lo (Ble 13 Ik Chemistry iHlgti Stu HM Bpeeiti Time iRi 1 IP Science (Jr High! 10 ArkatMM History (Hi te Chsmistry iRi 3 30 iSturytlme) 3 41 Accent on Music iMecon iRi 5 Sing Ht Sing bo i 3 3S Teacher TO A LI- ABOARD Plan Uie Tat: on Ute Dufikoy!" and Sie Profeseor No 1 I TOUHM 30 JA 1 7 AL i Npw IMixriaixl No 4 AMKANHAh Psce of i fMH-IilCN til ARtShA Mi ExC I'. Gift ir- V. x-'d your PORTRAIT! Only YOU Can Buy Arranqe Now foi ai Appoinimtnl BEN O. BRACKEN 954 Tuai 6-5S97 The Invaders The Invaders The Invsdsrs The Invsdert Peyton Pace Payton Paco Pugltlvo The Pugltlvo The Pugltlvo News Wsathev Nat') Ntewe Joey Biikhip i Show UKCLB Occasional Wife Occasional Occnstsnal Wife Wife For Love i Conference of Money Chruunns nnd Jews Movie: The CTreat Diamond Robbery Dakntarl Red Skelton Hour Junction a oo KATV Chan a a 45 7 KAKK Chan 4 5un. oo 15 JO a 10 ij 10 li 10 JO 10 46 11 00 11 15 11 JO 11 45 12 00 12 15 12 JO 12 45 1 00 1 IS i te 1 3 00 3 15 3 30 2 4ft 3 00 3 3 10 3 4 00 4 4 30 4 45 oo 6 jo oo 15 30 4 7 00 15 7 30 7 4b 8 00 a 30 45 00 a is a to a 45 10 00 10 16 10 30 11 00 Bishop Sheen Sheen Peter Potamus Bull wink lo Buiiwiokis Dikcovsry Discovery First Baptist Church I Pine Bluff Johrvvtri in South A Chuch of Chrnt Travelers vs Amarillo iiich KTAL Chan i Bob Pool Bnb Pool hob Pool Hob Pool KTHV UitB.

11 KTVK Chan 10 Undeidog Is Tiie (htpti Hinging OO'pel hmgiLig Singing Onfptnf The Bragles rhe Aeanles Galilei Dialogue Sacred Heart Christophers Heights eth(Mlist Church Services Meet Uie Press Uie The CaUiolic Hour Labor's l.anKUawe A Swirl of Oory The Herald ot Truth Juiuol Baptist c'nutch Texarsana Mid-Day News Meet the Preas Meet the Jaycee Forum Forum 'Itie Muigiaur Faith For Today a war Face the Kation Ihg Coinbo aliona 1 Pro Sorter Game ot Uie Week Colonial A'-tiifi In Jn vital loiral Aricarlas Ooit Lone fttar Tb'A Riders ofA Btar Mill Anderson Vengeance Theatre Hiuiw College Bowl College Bowl Bowl College Bowl Waiitrd Tie Frank McGee or Alive McGee ite port Weather kMiTBA Henry with Harnman Voyage to youngsters Vouiigsters lUolli ot Sea Walt PUneyWilt ee Wait Disiiev FMI Make Landlord' a ix-al Hey Landlord! Man WithH Bonansa Bonanza Honanrs he Saint Tt.e ss Sana I Ttie Maint I Nf Campbell Run For Your life Wuiuluy Tonlglit Joey Show Bin Big Picture Picture New Orleans Open Goll At Home. 2001 1 lest Hobo Littleit Lssslo It a About Time r.u sumvan Ed Sullivnn Ed Coined Hour FTrdTd" i of Beany nnd 1 inus the Liorihearted Peier M-tamus Bullwtnklo Bullwinkle Porky Pig Porky Pig Pi rut Baptist Church Monroe Oiurck Church The Lewis FamUy In Paria" Sam Hnead Lone War Sportmnan Colonial National Golf 0 Flags Over Teias Lone Htar Sportsman Raxigo Green Hornet Oreen Hornet Batman Bat in a Wait Walt Walt Otsney J' 7 roiip mop Lon 1 Von sms IKonami i Camera 4 Paniera What's Mv My LIUS Ollfl Nona Tie Joe Pyns i "Man With Tlie Golden Arm Local 11:1 IN lit ft JO ft 45 a is ft: JO 1.4» 10.00 II If 10.30 10 11 00 11 15 11:30 11 45 13 13 30 13.4» 1:00 1 JO 3 00 3 3 30 3 00 3 30 4 00 4 4 30 4 9:99 ft 6 td 45 4 00 0 10 7 00 15 7.30 7 100 I 0 30 a 1 00 I IS a 3o a 10 00 10 10 10 1041 UM Nsws Wssthor i Nswscopo MnorU I Nswscopo Show Tomght skow Return of I ghnt Tesan 3BS News Special National Drivers Test I Moore News I Platinum High School Invaders Invaders Drognot Dragnet Wgttlrs PuglUvs Reports T9 Otri Tonight KATV Chan. KARK Chan Today sans Today Show rodny a tow Wed. neo C'nasy Dntelme Hohywood Supermarket Sweep one in Million Everybody's Talking Donna Resd Donna Reed Today in Ark. Today in Ark.

Jack LeLnnne Newlywed (Atme Dream Otri '07 Judgement I Loucentri Pat Boone Hollywood 9q Hollywood KTAL Chan I I lodny Mnm I Todnjr Show 1rooay Boon Todny Show Life of Riley Life of I CuncantrnutM. Concentration KTHV chan. 11 KTVB Chnn. II capi I lonnjr Cnpt. Kankaroo caps, tusnsnroo can nsws oenerm Dark Shadows Dnrk Shadows Dating Guns Big Top Jsopnrdy Jeopnrdy Bys Chisss I Ousas LK Today I I Let's Mnfen Dial Days of Our Lives The Doctors I Another I World You I Don't Ssy Pat Boons Pst Boons Hollywood jqusrss Jsopnrdy 'enpardy Eye Ouess Eye Gueas Les ve It TO Benver i a Deal Lucy I I I-ove Lusy i Insursnco Hsannsgs Andy Msybervy Dick Van Dvko Oeneral Hospital uiMinirsllso :30 9:99 1:30 tim 11:11 11:31 1:31 1:30 3 00 IB 3:45 4 00 4:16 4 30 30 9:99 ft 4ft 1:99 1:41 9:99 I 30 a lift I 30 10 00 10 1ft U.99 KATV Chan 7 KARK Chnn.

4 KTAL Chan. 9 KTHV Chnn. Fri. I todny Show Torfoy Show The Todny Bbow 1 Ben Cnsoy Dateline Hollywood Supermarket Snap Judgement Tonni Todny Life of Riley Life of Riley cons Cnpt. Knngnrot Capt Cnpt.

Knngnror Cnpt. Knngnroo Million Every Talking Donna Reed Donan Rsed Todsy la Arkansas Jack LeLnnne Jack Concwntmtton Pst Boone 1 Pst Boone Hollywood Sq I uovo Lucy i The MeCbye The Pat aoone Pat Boone Hollywood ora of Mayberry Van Offts ''avttme Nhow Newlywed Usme Dream Otri Drvsm olrl '17 Dnrk Shadows Dnrk Shndows Dwtfeig Onmo Big Top Jsopnrdy Jsopnrdy Cys Ouess Bys Oueso Rock Todny Msks Dsal Days of Oar Uveo kioctors Jeopardy aaiwo Bye Ouess Eye Ouess Lontre It To Benver i.ei's Makn Love of Life Tomorrow Bye On Arkansas i As ths I Turns Dnys Of Our Livoo I Pnssword Password Art Linkietaaoo Vorld fon Otant any ooa Don Bay Another World Te Toll Another World The Truth ange of Nigm Tou I Enge of Nignt The Mike Douglas Show Mstch Osms Match Oams Laff-a-Lot Cl'ib I.aff-s-Lot Club Se -et Secret Depity Dawg Dating Oamo Let's Make a I Deal Mealy- Oamo i Doctors The Poolers Anotbor a Pufttire Fugitive Fugitive Boao tee Closf Uoso's Big Top omics with color srtoons Mavsnck Peter Jennings Maverick News Maverick Truth or Consequences i BTlnkley Moas. saibor Vonaoie Ounnet Oi ctn noi net Oreen Hornet Mlks Dsuglns Tall Targai the Legend Rango The Phyllis DU 1er Show The Avengers The Avengers Tars an Tarnaa Ths Man From UKCLB THE. Cat Thc American Image Ruby Oeotry Occasiono I Wifi Occasionai Wlf Laredo Laredo image Boao Boro Yesterday Jubnl Neas VosBer Newscopo i iris Nswscopo romgbt Tontobt Bast ol Eden tl Tsntobs KATV Chan. KARK Chan 4 KTAL Chan.

I KTHV Chan. 11 KTVB Obnn. Uovo Of Ufo Love Of Life 1 Bear, for Tom. Ouidlng Light oa SOS As ths World Pst Boons Hollywood ggusrss Jeopardy Jeopardy Eyo Ouaaa Dating Oamo Msks a Dsal Password Password i House Party I Souse Party Days A Our Livoo i 4 0 The Dortors Another World To Tell Another World Ths Trute r- I of BlBBi You Don't Bey Cdgs of NlgM rhe Mlks Douglas Bbow ioio Big Top omics ive With color Msvertck srtoons Maverick Peter Msverick Maverick TruUi or I Consequences Hunrey WeaUisr Nsws Vsnsble Q'tol Batman The Virginian Bntmaa Virginian I Match Oams Secret Storm I Match Oams Secret Storm cait-s Lot Club Deputy Dawg I Laff-o Lot Club I Mlks Douglas Arctic Flight Msvsrick Maverick 1 The Monroes The Monroes Mr Hobbs Takes Vac at sou Stag a Nsws WonfBa Joey Bishop Cttiow The Virgmisn The Virginian The VirgUitan The Beat on Record I apT '1 Spy I Sny I Spy News Weather Alworlh Hiorts Tonight Show Paris Does Kswsoopo Nswscopo BuoUey- Brtnklet The Vlrginlsn The Vtrglnlsn Virginian TTie Vlrglnisn The Vlrglnisn The Virginian 1 -eKt on Record beai on Record I Spy I Spy CBB Beala va News Newly Wsd Osme The Dootois Tbs Doctors Anothsr WtrU World PuglUvo Fugitivo Match Oamo Match loso ths Cloaa Aisle Aisle 10 Alale 10 Aisle 10 Aisle lg Alale 10 houtley- Brinkley Meas Newscopo Newsc-ope Tonight Ihoa ronlght Btrange Things toaigkt anew AFsKLA Lost In Spscs Lost I Bpocs Lost la Spars Lost la Specs Hriiibuiiso Oreen Aciss Green Acres Ooin i y's Oomer Pyle I 'Jsrtnv Oaiwv Kve Dannv Ksye Nsws Wi itergesnt Rutledge Oiannel lft News Hour The Virginian Virginian The The TTie The The vtrstntsn Virginian Virginian Virginian Barrump Bump Barrump Bump Panorama Thunder Boy lft ft 30 :30 10:00 10 30 11:99 11:11 11.30 13.00 13:30 13.4ft 1:41 3:00 3:30 3 00 3 IN 3 IB 4 I 00 0 45 9:99 1 SO 1:99 7 30 7.4» I 00 I 16 I 30 III II I 19 09 lias Sat King Kong King Kong Tbs Bsntlss 1 ne bsaUsa Tbs Ths Atom Aal Atom Aal buper bis buper Sis Atom Ant Atom Ant House Ool Clay and I Mighty Houso buck Rogers Mr Magoo 1 Aba I Mr Msgoo Ths Flint Sion Plintstones Fronseuiaisia Tbs FUatstonss Tbs Pimutooes Jr. Ghost Since Kiuettss I Space Kidettns Spscs Obast Casper Secret SecretNew Adventures Secret Bquln Cartoons Squirrel Squirrelof Superman Secret Bgulri Milton tba Thf Jetoons Ins masons Lone Baager MUtoa tba Monster Ths Jstsoos The Lone Ranger Moaolef Bugs Bunav Return of Cool McCool Road Runner Top Toa Bugs Bunny Jack Slade Coo! McCool Road Runnar Dawo Pagfp Magilia SaturdayLaurel and Deputy Gorilla Msllnss Hardy Deputy Dawg Bts Bridses Domino Kid Animal Tom ferrv to Cross SSecrets Tom and Jerry Tesarksna Doby OilUs A ni Topics i Ernest 1 Confsss 1 1 1 i ao Show Bassbai Hsyrtds New York at SI Hay rids Detroit American 1 1 ss Porter Wagoner Wanted Dead Major Lsague Baseball Ghamp or Alive Baseball Los Angeles at Wrestling Sam Snead Angeles atSan Francisco ss Golf San Francisco Wide World Ths PrsakaossWide War Id of Sports of Bing Crosby Orand Ola Ernest Tubbs Oof Opry Ernest Tubbe ss ftie Stone mans Wilburn ss CBS NewoI Dream Stone maos Brothers CBS News Jeaonie Nowo-Weaiaee News, Wssthsr Wilburn Boao.

WoaBaWMmsa Ark Ark Outdoors Brothers i 1 Balm so Dating Flipper Flipper Fitppcr Game Flipper Flipper H' ason Pilppor Newlywed Agrli alt re Please Don't SHOW Buck Oveaa Bat Daisiss Buck Owens Action In3et amart Mission Get Smart awrence Weu Arkansas Get Impossible Oet Smart Lawrence Welk Saturday Night Mission Joker September tVstp it Wild" The Piccadilly Come Pistols September Peilte oats Jamboree 1 Championships 1 USA color Beauty Pageant Iron om i 9 Iron ot a 1 Iron liocal News Kewscope WeaMisi Iron 1 Kewscooe Silver Chalice Tlie River Hie Last Tlie Oarden The Blitzkrieg i of Allah 99 -j, 99.

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