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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 2

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BLYTI1EVILLE: (AUK.) "COURIER'NEWS Social Calendar 'dimcc at country 1 'P. ic. JSUHAyS EVENTS Womui'8 club meeting 2 30 P. bwse. SATURDAY'S EVENTS Call mwllng of the Board of members of the Womans Club at woe of Mrs.

s. S. 7:30 p. w. Cwutijr Clnfc Annwuicts country club, which last week bettn a writs of pre-holl- days affaire, will celebrate Thunlcs- ffvlng with a'daitce tomorrow cvo- from 1 until 1 o'clock, liar- old Sudbury and his orchestra will play.

Pit sandwlehes and drinks be served at 11:30 In the ball room which his recently been Dtoner will alto be served by itawyaUon. Tji'ere will also be dances on Thursday, December 6 and 13, preceding the tea dance Chrlsfc- evening. At that time daiic- lujjiilll begin at 5 o'clock and re frathments be served at, the supper hour. Dancing; will con- tlrijie' until midnight. The holiday affairs will be climaxed' with a "Danco Night 'in Harlem" on New Yeai's Eve.

These affairs will Supplement the Sunday night supper Jsarrles. Glrtn. Losers in the contest held by the FirsJ Christian church for the evangelistic meeting, entertained the" winners a banquet lost at the social liall The AT" slfte lost so Its incm- berssfrvnl.a.three course menu at aftible appropriately deviated for the Thanksgiving 1 season Baskets, made from pumpkins, held bits ind fruits for centerpieces. side nab second In "the contest so its members provided the entertainment in. the of afl Impwmptu program w)th J.

Cecil Lovie as master of ceremonies The men sang a chorus, there was a debate Jiy Mrs Jojin MeHaiiey and MM. the' -high school students ptesent sing-, a "Rooster" chorus. and Mrs. A Hall gave a mock tap dance. The "OZ" side Stcooi M.

S. Hai'Meetinc. Royal feervlce' program, Hands With Our Southern Neighbors" used at the ff ci Mission- aty society of Baptist Monday at the home of Mrs J. c. Harnlsh T.

RSnfro, leader, read from the 103 Psalm for the devotional and Mrs -W M. McFarlnm and Mrs Leslie Moore took part 01 the program Mrs. Moore, Is teaching (hi study book, presented the thin chapter, "His Light Displaces The! Images' 1 Mrs Honfro, Mrs Mcftr. land, Mrs. Moons led in prayers Society Meets.

Woman's Missionary of the Del! Methodist church me' Monday afternoon at the home Mrs Earl Migers with seien mem bers and visitors present. Mrs Woodard and Mrs Noble Gil gave a program and In the meeting plans were made for thi turkey dinner to be glvea Thanksgiving day at the Methodist churcli for the benefit of the churcli. The price will 35 cents The next meeting be at ti home of Mrs E. M. Woodard Claw Bet-can class of I Assembly of God church met unday evcjilng.

The program was by singing, lead by Miss live Burns. An Interesting program was Mited by vii-gll Hopkins' grouii. Ith Mrs. Rosalie Cummlngs, Mrs. lUiea Loony, Holland Akin, Mrs.

illic Mae Akin, and Mrs. Clco hodes taking pnrt. osed lhC ter, w. A. lIcllliiBsworlli, w.

Moore, it. Lambert, Atlillc WJiccler, o. Walker, Ethel Whcsler, Whcclc-r, Oiwr Nlta Bunch, Kate Dimoli, D. Tato, Beatrice Maxwell, and Wllllnm Burnham. W.

Cluli UM Misses Marjnret Merrill und M.nnle Matthews were lioslosses lo br i banner nnd the service was! ire memters of the Umtecd- with prayer by Mia en's club "ml I'o live Burns. 'ellowslilp Night at T. E. Church Tonight Members nnrt friends Methodist Cluirch nra invlt- Wright, i to the Fellowship supper and The rooms rograni tonight, al 6:30 o'clock, clglileeti 11 who come are Invited to bring dlsli as, their contribution lo the upper. A pageant sponsored by ifi young people will be given iif- the supper.

las Club, Mrs. Chester R. fialxiock eiiter- allied the Bridge club his oek for luncheon und a bridge amc, The prlne. a mirrored plamic to Mrs. A.

Isaacs, 'lab Has Gurst Mrs. o. Oard, of Wilson guest of her daughter, Mrs: niley B. Jones, yesterday arter- loon when she hud (he young lutrons Bridge club, Mrs. Lloyd Sttckmnn won the HM, a lace chnlr set.

A molded salad was served with offec nud sandwiches, tvcii Shower. Mrs. Burnhinn, who was )cfore her recent inarriiige Miss Victoria Thompson, was guest of lonor at a shower party given by nemocrs of the Yarbio Woman's Missionary society Tuesdny aftcr- nooh nt the home or Mrs, Zoa I'hompsoi), mother of the Chicken salud sandwiches, Trull cake, pickles imd ciike were served alter the Interesting assml- ncnt. of gifts had been dlspjiiyed Those pretsnl were: Mtss Mildred Talc, Mmcs. Thomns Jackon, James Bomar, Paul Kimbrough.

Margaret Coulter, A. M. LaFcrney, Eurllnc Coaller, Jooncc, L. -M. coaltor, c.

Carl O. E. Johnson, Myrtle ynun, Sue Catdwell, Vii-gle Dcxshn Mick, C. L. Freeman, B.

P. Pol- ss Worn intn i llllijrrLti Margaret Willlnnis and Irene Crow- oer Mondny night at Miss Matthews' hoinft Tniigo n- ns jilayeri by die lour tables, with prizes awarded to Cora Lcc ni ami Era open lo the Hie Thanksgiving motif, with refreshments of Individual mince meat pl es topped with whipped cream, coffee, mid candies also curried out llic motif. Has Flrsl HJrfrid.iy 1'iirly. Mrs. Sam Lloyd entertained nine young friends of her son, Merrcl vales Lloyd, and their parents nl Her home on the Sandy liidge road Simday afternoon, in honor of cr I'ols first birthday.

The children present were Alice Mnry Harden Joyce Bm-iis, Junior Eutanlis, 11' MUCS, i Lloyd, lluby Mny Ay cock Iiiiogene Aycock, and i tCT a Dell Moyd. 'ific adults present were W. H. Lloyd, M. c.

Burns, Mrs. J. Eslcs, Mrs. OlnyJon tumks, Mrs. Boyd Harden and Mrs Otiarlcs Hilcs.

Tlic hostess angel food mid ice cream. row Injuries rcwivcd ii'lieii struck ly an automobile, is now able to out. Tom Mnlmn, who attends the Jnlvcrslly of Tennessee School oi Mcdldn: nl Mempliis, will spend he holidays at home. Mrs. Marvin noblnson and Mrs W.

H. Mlnynrd spent yesterday In Memphis. Mr. und Mrs. Arthur Hushing wll IHVC as tht'lr guests tomorrow Mr nml Mrs, VV.

N. Jotics of nock iud Mrs, Lena Winters o( Augusta Ark. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Wiiitei ire slslcrs of Mrs.

Hushing. Miss Marguerite Pride and Olive Bits oj Mostly Persona: Mrs. Albert mrarlollc and daughter, La Dcstti Louise, were guesls of Mrs. Vader Morris', of'Osccolci. Mrs.

Morris accompanied Mrs. LiiFiulcllc home to spend several weeks. Mr. und Mrs. Sam 'Ltnigdon of Peorla, 111., will nrrlve lodny lo be guests of their rtulighler, Mrs.

A. M. Wnslibtini, mid liimily, until Saturday. C. J.

Evnifd, who been con- lineil to his bcil for sevcrul dnys In Little Rock county directors In dlscnof leglslutive program. O. Shonyo uiity sJiillary Inspector, who lias been, attending to business there or several days, and wash- burn will return home tonight. Mr. and Mrs.

B. Jpyner and children left this afternoon for Hoiiika, for two days Miss Dorothea Rogers will avriv to tha holidays with W. copncdgc will Thanks jiving nt Horseshoe lake wlicr tltcy will oe guests a dance to morrow evening. Mr, and Mrs. niley Jones wll to Wilson tomorrow, acconipaily Ing Mrs.

Walter o. Card, motile of Mrs, Jones, who has been her since Sunday. Mr. mid Mrs. Charles Perry spend tomorrow in Mr.

and Mrs. Whit Goodman ami daughter. Lee, will fi to Memphis tomorrow for a visit with Mr. Goodman's mother. Mr.

and Mrs. Doyle Henderson Th "NOVEMBEH 'Ml I und family )v lll aj Bells and other Tennessee. Mines, c. II. Hall, James Hill jr O.

a. Caudlll -und James B. Clark yesterday hi Memphis, -Mrs Hall and Mrs'. Clark visited- the crippled children's and adults hospitals mul made arrangements, for two more Blylhevlllo children to be placed in the hospital. Ur.

A. Washburn, director of tho Mississippi county health 'unit, mother, Mrs. Emma Lou Hoj- Lynch 0 ulv nua Washington University at St. Louts lias arrived home for tlic holidays! i Miss Martha Ann Lynch and Miss AHa Mae Garllngton have gone to Searcy, to spend tho holidays with relatives. 1 Max Usrey a student nt Tu- lanc University, New Orleans, is at.

Ijojne lor Thanksgiving. I Miss Mildred D. Cooke, of Memphis spent the first of the week I here as guest of Mr. mid Mrs. W.

Owen Uliie, cnroulc to Newport for Hie ThnnkEtlvIng holidays. Dr. W. S. Eastburn, Miss Bess Godwin and Miss Myrtle Barnes spent the day In St.

Louis ycs- lerduy ut tlie Missouri bllnic where Miss Burncs underwent examination. Mrs. Pnt O'Bryant is Kping to Memphis tomorrow night to al- tcncl the concert by Grace Moore at the Auditorium. The llcv. nud Mrs.

V. E. Buttcr- worth and two sons, David und Halnh, lelt Wednesday niornlng for Southwest City, lo spend the (lie holidays with Mr. BiittenvorUi's brother run! family. Mr.

and Mrs. Jim Wright, of Memphis, were in I he city yestcr- CAKD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many lor their kindness shown during sickness and death of our husband und father, J. u. Fields. Mrs.

J. B. fields Mr. aiicl Mrs. J.

w. Fields Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fields. NOTICE The undersigned Service Stations wish notify their customers they will close al 10 A.

Thursday so their employes mas- observe (he thanksgiving holiday. The lomn. Jackson station will lie "unable to' close until it clock, hut'will not remain open thai time. MAGNOLIA SERVICE STATION 3.15 K. Main St.

GULF SERVICE STATION Corner Main Division 777 SERVICE STATION Corner Fifth Walnut MAGNOLIA SERVICE STATION Corner Chickasawba Highway 01 MAIN SERVICE STATION Corner Main Fifth PHILLIPS' 'w SERVICE STATION Corner Main Division TOM W. JACKSON SERVICE STATION Corner Ash 2nd.Sis. First Presbjtertan church had IL regular monthly meeting at th tome of Mrs Alice Womack Mo day There clcve members and one visitor, Nick Thomas, present. Conundrums and Thanksgiving contests entertained the guesU Mrs Womack, assisted by Mrs. Hires Allen, and Mrs Keltic Mcade refreshments of Ice cream arid cake and hot, tea Beautyrest The Mattress You've Always Wanted Sleep On Yours Tonight William O'Neal has announced tho marrage of lier gr, Iris, to Mr A Bmgham, of ana Greenville, Miss.

TTie marriage took place here the Rev Stuart mon, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, performing llio ccr- ejhony -The bnde iore a froclc of Roose- wlt blue with matching accesso- -ye the couple were Miss Janet of Cleveland. 'n? Ir ana XIrs Cecl1 Wright and Clarence Shearin Meet Christ Ambassadorc of the Colds 'ield Quicker to of vtsas Wrkker Scrrke Ifctor It's ensy to own Beautyrest now. Come tomorrow morning, test it lor yourself, and night you Mill sleep like a cJilld. 'How you sleep tonight will dctennine how you look and feel tomorrow. Broken sleep on a poorly made mattress leaves you tired and irritable.

Deep, sound sleep on a Beautyrest built to give your body PERFECT RELAXA- 1 ION leave you feeling alive, radiant and wild sparkling eyes. delightful' iKislet shades lo choose from, in lhe FURNITURE CO. to use says young Mrs. Garsorif it is so light and digestible" Mrs. alter T.

Carson hadn't cooked with Crisco until she was a. Mother shortening she had rendered herself at home, so I did n't'have a chance to know'aboul Crisco," 'she says "II was after I was married, three years ago, thai I read about Cnsca's digestibility I'd never been able to digest greasy foods so eimjthing I read about Crisco appealed tow-especially that il was a pure digestible fat. I tried Hand liked il a. lot. I noticed 'that foods mnrfc viith Crisco tasted better.

Eten'whcn my baby was coming, I ate Crisco pastry, because it didn't give vie My doctor said it was okay as long as I felt all right. So I know Crisco is digestible. And that's why I got mother to use Crisco-sh'e likes, it' 'ivnu as much as I do." MRS. CARSON'S OWN STORY IN PICTURES MRS. CARSON READS -CRISCO STORY' 5 MRS.XARSON TEL15 MOTHER WHY MRS.

CARSON CHANGED TO CRISCO Mofher, wny don't you change to CRISCO? (fit a fluffy, digeitibJc Perhaps I augM to try CRISCO recipai sound 10 Qdod. And I'm going to Iry CRISCO, vc Keard il i pure and wholesome. fried potatoes, mother. But look 10 greaiy! I tn glad hear yoy so, becouio I'm doing my frying now iffi CRfSCO. ANGEL FRITTERvS a iligcsliljla in tlitjnlilAi Criscv 1 cup flour CVisco 1 teaspoon powdered sugar 3 eggs salt 1 cup hoiling ivalcr Yi teaspoon vanilla' I'ulCris.

in 5.iu( Crisco for deep mt, tiuick-dtgcattugfat) atulvatcr. to boiling point. Sift in flour lo Vi ou'sly. When mixture forms a ball funl does not lo the side of llic (about two ininules) turn into'' 1 a howl. coo! two or llircc minutes; bcatiii vvliolc fgBS.

oncnl lime, healing lliormiRlily; add Urop by dessert spoonfuls inlo Craea (Hie truly gablilalnl) heated lo Sfl5 0 F. A piece of bread will nromi in (JO seconds at this tcmperntiire. Let tlietn'- stay in lltcliolCnscoliirningoeca-stoiisIb' nl 'i i' puff up and nrcltghlly bnin-ned. not try to cook' more llisn Icur or live of tlic frillcrs nl llic same lime. Hcrvc tlli Ihin litmey.

Or split anil fiil with swrclrncil cream combined ivilh chopped- C'riscoaniJuscrbrfoiDgagaia and again. Crisco keeps tlijulibk. COOK BOOK I digests quickly j. PROCTER GAMBLE, Dcpt. A P.

O. Boi 837, Clnclnnafl, Ohio. I tncloK 2o cenU aod the Ir7! Send "The Art of Coolticc aal Name Slrccl Address Irsm i Wb. cjo inj" by WHOLE WHEAT DOUGHNUTS la gil lhe oat ofllitsc.fry I'n Critat, thedigat'Mefall 2H cuns ivuilo fiour Ji cup Crisco tcaspooua biking eggs powiiir lii! cups milk I Icaspoon Mil cups n-twil Icaspooi) cinnamon flour teaspoon nultneg Ofoui Criico willi naif Uic siigart'Deal eggs will. lialf.

Combine tlictnx) mislures. Silt the biking powder, s.illand spices ivith the while flour mix with tlic whole wlicat Jour. Stir, in altcrnalefy Hie niijk. If not stiff enough mnrc while flour. Hoi) iwrljon on a well-floured Irard, sliape nillta doughnut cutler.

Fill an ordinary deep, JJ-full wjjh malted Crisco, llie'BuSy'yvirf'-rffcwIwif fat. Heal (lowly unlil Crisco is or uutil il tiromis" cube of inCO seconds. Drain on paper. Bugar whcn'cooKKolicctliatCriKV-frietltlougliuulsareu't jrcisy and inJigcsliblc, Klrain Ctisco ami put for other fr.viap. 11 iecps dijatiUt..

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