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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 2

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

it it it 1 DRIFT. Caught Floating Upon the News Current, And SreerexJ Into the Enquirer OBBce It Orknrt Arniy of Corre ipttndrnif at All Point of lire til pa. XapolMii, Ohio. rrLofciM ro roiovtci. Nafot.ko.

November 13. sheriff Daum tv day removed front this place lo th Ohio rVuiteaiiary Grosuen. Troae end Frederick Varkl. Wiipiikaaf la. Ohio.

KK-KKD BY A XULK. Wapakoxpta, November 15. Wm. Romsbe in horribly kicked In the face by a. mule lo-t ev.

He wa work 'rig behind a plow Bpon Mo' tuatrec luipruvrmebu. LtilnxloD, 4bfo Ill ICC 1. Ik D. Axsriri-D. November 13.

The olotnlo-' store of Maxwell A liuck; of Lexington. Tilings six milMMiulli of Mansfield, was lur-(t lj.i iilil. aid gooua taken to Uie kiuuaol ot S7A No ci. Plain 'ti. Ohio.

ABREfcTM rojt wheat tmxpt. PlAiit iTr. November 13. A colored man named Henry Poindexter was arrested to-day In Concord Township, chanted with breaking Into and aleulinz wueat Irani a neighbor's Lam a tuouib Sjile. Oh I a.

snoTimuiiHorLDrr. NlLES. Noveiuher 15. During a row In e-loou mat night at man named Horner Knot Inn Ntehols In the shoulder. The ball baa ram yel been extmried.

nor can the locale it by probing. I aejmanr, Indiinaa. VYSTKRiOl'SLY tulQ. BtTnars. November 15.

Thursday night Mima Rebecca Harucil mysteriously disap-t enred from her home In this eity. Nothing J. as been heard from her. iier father la a Widely-known Lasluess laua. Cantata, Ohlnv.

GKAKB LAKCUIT. Caxtox, November 15. Albert Jangerly, awaiting trial here for the larceny of about. ibu, wu to-day brought Into Court at bia own r-uuo-al. and pleaded guilty of grand larceny.

He la from Wilmol, Stark County. Meant Vernaau Obi. UOKSI BTOLKM. MorsT Vxj.oic, November lir Burleigh Downs, of Morris Township, cams to town to-day and reported to officials the loan of a vsl-uahl horse thifl wxt atoieii from kii (labia last night. No clew to the perpetrator.

Reebesfer. Obi. lEU)l'Uli'TiTAI AV1T. New ruiUAbKiHtA, November 1ft. John Rocheater, Ohio, perslbted in visiting tila lady love at the residence of Dr.

Jolly I while tnere km small-rtox in the family, and yesterday be died of the same disease. Hew Callfarnla. Oblo. TOISOSBV BT TOAMTtiuLI. New CAUfuKMA, November 15.

Richard Hammond and bia wife and one child were poisoned to-day by eating a fungus plant supposed to be moahroom. The child la l.kely to die from the effects of the poison. Flndlay, Obis. AV-X1LL ACCIDENT. Fijidlat, November IS.

Dickenson Thank, wbile engaged la rolling logs at Marvin mills I his afternoon, bad the misfortune ti have bia le broken by oue of the 104s roll Dt upon hi in. lie also received other severe Injuries. JilMtrte, Indiana. MCCTIOX BOi KILLtll. liAroBTB, November 15.

Fied Feslow, a aee-tlon foreman on the Lake Snore Railroad, attempting to umD upon a movlnn f'elurht train to-uay. mlased bis lutin and fell. Ills lieud was completely masued, Uaalb being lnatan-taneojna. Kalian, Uhls, TBBOl'CH A HATCH WAT. Qaliov, November 15.

Willie Roescb, son of Adolph Koescb, sixteen years of age, fell tbroogli the floor of the second story of tbe Kmpire Orvm Comi'anT'M Huildlng lal eren-lnic. aud sostained internal luj uriaa tbat are feared la be fatal. BayarcL. Ob la. DEATH FKOM SXaLL-POX.

Batabd; November 15 -John Hiner. of this place, died with sro all-pox in ita worst form mi Balarday nlvbt. lie bad been to Rochester, about two Ilea fro no here, and a abort time after returning be waa taken sick aud died, as above aiaied. Psrl t'linloa. Ohla.

I'OOT-rAl BAXFANT. Post CX.IXTON, Novemter 15. As William aarriage manufactorerof thla place, waa returning from Ottawa City, where be ad been collecting, be waa set upon by bleb-vaTmeD and roljbe'l. This is tli kecond reo-bery of the kind within tbe past tan days. Cambridge.

Ohla. Tll DOCKET. CAaTBRinaK, November 15. The November term of the Common Pleas Court began to-Cay. Tbe criminal docket is larger than t.sual, with good prospeci for an lurrease of laborers at the O.

t'. There are one hundred witnesses to appear before the Uraod Jury. Bawlisg tirws, Ohla. xnr rAPaa habeas coarcm. IIovuns Umiix, November 15.

The Agitator is the name of a new five-column paper to be Issued here to-morrow Ureenbaek-Labor. (in ive W. Davla. trittwd of kidnaping h'a own euild, waa la-day releaaad an. babeaa

Lfhanaa, Obla. IMDlCTga. Lriiirov, November 15. Tile caae of the ffxata vs. Bailey Wataon.

who waa Indletad for akontlng at John Olrard with Intent to kill, co Joly Ith last, waa before the Court to-day. The ury was out tu minute, returning wild a vemict sustaining tbe first charge of Uie in-die tm cut. Carryavflle. lasllaaaw niutD it rmCAiu. Bi.criTO.', November 15 A yonng man named Frank Uutr.

aged twaniy-fonr. a laborer aa a aravel train of the Toledo. Dalpho and Barllngton Railroad, waa thrown from the tuDUff ui the engine at Carrysville, s.x miles east of here, and instantly ml The traia swam detached, aud the parts ran vlo- Asutiy logataer. AtbeoH. Obla.

ATHars, November 15. Two bills of Indlet- went were reported to-day by a special Grand Jary. one against Mark Dew, of Nelson villa thla eountr, for permitting a came of ehanee: on aa prenttsrs. ana a aetia dim against a. Uaytia for barxhiry.

rouoist.og of breaking a seal ui a cur tit the and vluciauaU naiirosn in the nigut-tim. Plaialleld. ladlaaa. IDCTt'lED. PuaiJcrrxLlk, November IS.

Elijah Bakes, arrested to-day by the Deputy Sheriff of Marion County on a charge of forgery, at the lu- siaueewi inr i rtiiarai oi ine rnirai lng Company of Jndiaut.poiia, a-, the euiliy puny. sni jailed In Marion anty Jail. No informanou aa to the amount or Uie party oa wuvm. the ebeck was lorgecu Maaafllaaw Obla. Ktrauaaors tram re.

Massillox, November 15. Tbrea tram pa lata last night, aisvtui ted and robbed of J3 a colored mad John H. Walker, ia tb waiting-room at the Fort Wayne depot. The ai-ark was maile while he ua aaieep. aad everal ugiy santiea were, made on hla head w.i a poker.

At a hearing this afternoon, two of taeta vera bound over to Court and ana Ciaclutrgsu. IWani, Obla. oct oa Bail. FsiHatoyiT. November 15.

The preliminary examination of Ed. Kbeehy, tor ahoutlng at Kate Del and with Intent to kill, waa held before the Mayor thla a'ternoon. Rheehy hae been op to time at liberty unaern.wV hail, and examination was deferred aniil lo-uuy, aauitiug definite renulisof ia dastardlx snnr. 1( i now thought titat ine gin it r-f vrr. tie waa noana over, bail being fixed at aS Uuu.

Uicii he secured. 1 DifOAXaa CRAXTto. BAi-rw, November IS. Jos. R.

Williams was grai.ted a divorce yeawrday by aUge Collins because ado I 6: bis wile. JJ also gran ted Martha Shields a divorce from br hi.sban'd. Archibald Shields. Emma Davis was divorced rmm Harry Xavis beeauaeof abandonweut by the latter al tha former. Mary K.

Denton from Joxeph Dentoa eaci of th adultery of the int er. t-ij-wiin F. Pattim. front Fa rah E. Pautoa lieaaass of the adultery of the laUer.

v. Bvrra. Mrafnrky. BAiarS BT.AST. 4 BKhitTa.

November 15. LI tile Daisy, daugh-ter of L. ouyd, of th.s place, met with an aoc.deiA yesterday afternoou thai In all pro ha. blllt will cause her JJy some means biie goi u. ia of euiue powder, iok it out la art.

wwr a ut the grouiid, put the powder ia aad tUaa put a eoal el fir aa Ut oi to powder, and the reenit waa that she was moat trigbtruiiy bornod aiooi the faea. She Is new La a vary precarious condition. Carlisle, Obla. turn rtKT icaaut. (icivAXTOVK, November 16.

Lrfist Bight tbe safes of J. K. Balnea, lumber dealer, and that of William E. Green, grain dealer and freight agent at Carlisle Station, on tb Cincinnati. Hamilton and Dayton Railroad, foar mile east of here, were, blown open by burglar.

They secured bat about HO. as boih flrma keep their money deposited In bank. The thieves also stole a very fine bona from llr. Curat Hiough. and a bugfjr and harness from Charles Long.

Yaaacsiewa. Obta. CHAKSES WITH BLACK-KAIL. YonHGsrowjf. November lay Joaepb Agn.

of Boardman, was arrestee; to-nigbt aa charge of black-mall. Be mad boy a anted Uereer believe ha was an officer, aad extorted money from htm by threatening to have bioa HeclHimed to have evldenoatbat lite buy bud been cohabiting with ills own s.sier. In th wav he got bnsh money. The nor Anally iett the country, and now his fni her (jnuxca Ague's arresu The affair causes much excitement, as the parlies are well KoowB. t- 45 reea field, Indiana.

VHOVEUAOf TBI4CIIIU' ORFEsriELi, November 1. his morning the oflicersof this city searched the boose of Win. Iluflin. who was arrested last night and lodged in Jail on a charge of connterfeitlng, and found a die to make five-dollar gold pieces and a sledze. BaHinwas taken to In uianapolis to-day to answer the charge of touutcrteiling.

(Teal's boue was Svarolied, idu a battery, inelal and several other arti-cit- round. 1 ofUecra are after several other parties who are supposed to be connected Willi the Teal gang. I.iia a. Obla. SCICrng BT RAVOIXO ACCIPKirTAlXT SHOT.

Lima, November IS. Washington Burden, a farmer, aged about fifty-five, living near Westminster, this county, committed suicide Ihhi night by hanging bimaelf in bis garret. it sop posed that bis mind had become diseased oy pnixy, as tie had been aClieted wilh ttjaldtseas for aotae time. Emiuett Mumaugh. the young man who driven the oelivery wagon for the Kx press Coiupany here, accidentally shot hlmaelf ah.Je hunting this afternoou.

His recoTery la oo aside red doubtful. IMMlan. Obla. A EL4BEBATCICJDB. LoiiDoy, November 16.

a'rack Mai via, a son of Josiah Melvln, an old resident, residing oa the lower Olade, this eonnty, sale Id sd to-day by throwing bimaelf la front of the eleven o'clock paaaenger train on tb 1 Bv and W. Ilailroad. The young uau met big horrible fate about three mllea distant from town. His remains were brought to this eity, and the oroner' inquest waa held this alter-noon, which resulted iu a verdict In accord ance with tie above fuots. lie waa a sober man.

probably twenty-aeveu yearaof age, aad waa unmarried. Fairfield, Urstnrky. OM! SHOT, T'OBUCn, BOTH TATA1.I.T. Pamicl'i Depot. November 15.

A negro named Charles Seaaions, living here, went to Fairfield, thla county, yexteraay, on a trip of pleasure, and while there got Into a difficulty wltn John and Tom Nelson, also colorednout a woman. A fracas ensuetl. Willi both Olson on Kessions, when he drew a ra-zoo with bis lelt and a pistol with his right, aud a ball Into John, ha soon managed to'elean up Tom with I be raaor. From Uie beat Information received here to-day. both Nelautia are fatally injured, and Seaaiona so far baa wade his ape.

Vrbana, Ohio. SERIOCg ACClllKST. TJkbaxa, November 15 John Rogers, living west of this city, while on hi way to this place, driving a young bone attached to a buggy, met with rather a serious accident. The young home became frightened and uu- munaaeublu, upeet the buggy, precipitating Mr. Kogers ooiu-ain it.

resulting la uutioca ting one shoultler and bruising him severely '1 he buggy was dragged over his body, the hone trampled on him. and a gen eral mnuD between man. Dorse ana ouggT occcrred for a few minutes, and the wonder Is that Mr. Kogers waa not Killed. Mew Albany.

ladlaaa. BTTSTEBICCBLT Naf Aleaxt, November 15. Charles M. Sboul, a well-known cltlsen, has disappeared from bis home in this city soder etrounx stances that eauae bia family to suspect fool piay. Ktioul iiad been at work in Louisville anu drew hla week'a wajes November 5th sine wbicb tima ne baa not been seen heard of by his family.

Tbe polio bar aad at Louisville are aeeaing Tor mm. Colonel Hurry Rose, wbo bus been proprietor of the Carpenter House, left to-day for i airo to tHke charge of tna Agency joi the Stwsrk. Obla. ATX ROBDED BOT KltUD. Nkwabk, November 15.

The safe la tbe grocery store of J. C. UaTbraaib was robbed this afternoon of 30 In money by an an- known person while tbe proprietor and clerks were hi work in Uie cellar. So clew to the robliera. Three boys from Cadiz, Ohio, were stealing tiicir notne on tram near iianover.

in this eonnty, when one fell under the ears and had bum legs cut otf above the knees. He waa brought to tins city, and died ihlseven ing. Is name was Will or Frank Hamilton. axed aix'een years. The other boys ara la the stauoa-iioua nere.

Ilagerslown. Indlaaa. suit roB.srbucrioN. Haoirstow.n, November 15. Geo.

W. Cory, of this place, has brought suit In the Wayne Circuit Court again Joseph TI. Thompson, alleging as the ground of his action these- uucnou of bis wife bv tbe latter. Tbe parties are ail reiati-u. ir.

I nomtmon is nigniy soeited. wealthy and influential. He claims that he Is innocent, and tbat the whole thing Is a blacK-mailing scheme. Tbe damages cia meu by ory are ivuuu. An immenKe concourse of people were sem bled here to-night to wttneas the dedica tion ot the new O.O.

F. HaIL Hob. Hunnyier las was present ana aeiiverea in aeai calory address. Ineennea, ladlaaa. TATALITT AlOiia CATTLE fAIAB raKTEirBX.

Vimckkkeb. November 15. Hiram CbUdars, Lawrence County farmer, ha lost tea head of fine beef eattie with sickness, and baa tinny mere badly affected. Ihe disease Is fepreatllu in that vicinity. Henry FeldniRn, a well-knowi yonng man of Kvensvlilo, had a preliminary examination tuia afternoon on a ehargev of obtai a ing money unuer false pretetiaea from ld land-ner.

proprietor of ibe Central Mouse, last June. Lindner claims that he paid Feldman tts on a an It of clot nea. and that when he Inquired of the tailor in Kvanaville why they war not delivered he wa informed that Feldman bud no connection with that house. The accused gave bail, and will go Into the CI real Court baturdajr with th eua. Eaten.

Obla. XtOsTKKTIO 1NVKLICITT OH TH BOOH. Eatu. November It Tbe following are the grists on hand In the Court of Common Pleas to fbe ran through the era ut mill, and are awaiting to be pulverised from doable cuMBodneas Into Stogie bllea. as the merits ef llieircuaaa amy warrant: R.

C. R. Pot linger vs. A. i'ottlngi-r.

Mary K. Overholta vs. Jatnea overholta, llarhara A. Koaa vs. ICdgar Koaa, John P.

Parker vs. Annie R. Parker, tlixaoetb Craig vs. John Crate. Mary Poicev v.

Kugene C. polcev. Rellie Rosa va. William Rons, Frances B. Hatmaker v.

Mar- 1 tin Hatmaker, Nancy Fleming va. ctenla-inin N. Fleming, Hauls Walters vs. Frank E. Halteis.

Tlie above shows a superabundant quauiiiy oi oomesiie mieneiiy nanging around oa tb ragged edges of aoeiety la. taia aouaty. Wabaab. tmllatML FACKIWO rOBK VAtsg BETEirska. Wabash, November 15.

The winter pork-packing season began In this city thla morn ing. Hogs are quite scarce, boa It la supposed that from eight to tea thousand an 1 mala wall be aiaugi.terd. Joun jjurpliy. a citizen of Rochester, over a year ago secured the name of David Corbtn as au inuoraer on a note lor S5MU. aoate day ago tne note fell due, and as Murphy waa not lia- bic loroin uau inenoie to pay.

now outirne tust Vlur, Ity secured bis signature by maaiug lan-a preteosea, ana tmmea lately l' paylog the note aore oat a warrant for Varpuy's arrest oa the charge of abtaialaa mon ay under falae Marphy has wct-u Bfei in MivuiiRa i or aoin una, out on returning to Kocheater he was at onee gobbled by Ihe ofllcera and releaaad oa baiL Tha outcome ef the troubi la awaited with later- est. Teaint SI er I lag, Kealaeky. XOBI BCBOLABlKa ABBESTKB OaT SUSPtCZajf AKD KZLkASKD. Mom Steelixo, November At Mrs. Cloud's boarding-boos tbe alseplng-rooa of Dr.

R. Q. Drake waa entered early last Bight and from a trunk, which bad probably been left unlocked, several articles, mostly Jewelry, were takea. among them a geld breast-pin. ouutaiuiBK me miniature oa Air.

ATaae Wile, wiiotsdead. An attempt was madV to enter the reside iros iauaey, aas ine ear King afadoaT arouaed Cliarie B. Ltbdaey, wnoaeared the teiiow on oy nriog a pistol at mm. C. t.

lu mot, who wae robbed of a watch and aeme money laas Therseay night, aaa-uecied one William Jonas aa tbe gmlty parly, and swore out a warrant on wbicb Joaee was arrvHeu pnu oruugni oerore tnecity Jadga, but waa released without a trial. Jcaaea as young farmer living live mile ia the couo- lf7i ana nasa gTKMi repaiatioa. has sued Will mot for fufcxM. The yonng lady living at Will mot's ie Joaee sweetheart. Tracks in tne yard correspond wit ti tne aise ef Jones' feet.

Horse tracks wer found front Widmofa to Jonas' the next morning after tbe robbery. 1 be aaaaaia tbe young lady objected to Joaee visiting their daughter, and at their requcat Mrs. Homo I bad told Jcnee not to come to her house see the girl, not wlihataadiBg Wbicb he someumee visited aer, aad ad beea seadlag her letiera, lu oue of which he proposed marriage, and stated that be Intended to go to OnioalMMfl lbs 15th last, and waated berievo eieaees whlea led to bi arrest. lb i THE ENQUrREK, CIXCINNATL; -WEDNESDAT, NOVEilBER 1 1881. COLUMBUS." Eiuniltoa Count Sued by SUte, Kgndamos to: Compel th.Pjmet Ditpated Aeeouats-: Issoal Beport it theTrtntee tf the State Taatli iobx ia tb Nlcholg.

Moxdr Trial ernciAt. nrsrATCw to twb xoiatria Colubibcs, Ohio, November 15. At the time of tb amt-aanoal aeulenaeat between the Treasurer of Hamilton County aad the Auditor of Bute fall statement of th points in dispute aa to tb amoant dae the Stat was given in these dispatch. Th total net col- lections of Jon taxes la Hamilton County wer RSLeM lit Out of Ibia th. eonnty waa allowed to retain $73J83 60 for Its share of th State Common Bebool Fnnd.

leaving a bal ance due the Htate, a claimed by th And! tor. of 1218.514 69. Th Hamilton County officials claimed a rebate of SUJM 60 on account of tbe State's share for attorneys' fees in defending the county duplicate, expenses of collecting taxea and other matterax tend Ing back for twelve yeare or mora. Tb Auditor of Stat was willing to aonoede that a part of this claim waa just, bat contended that be had no power to grant a red nation of the amount from the sum then due from Hamilton County and advised tb officials to seek relief from tbe Legislator. After nuvUars had gone thus far Treasurer Malay paid In CKMJJTv retaining the sura of HJJit4 00 la dispute.

This was accepted, and on tbe 23 lb -of. October the Treasurer of Bute, through B. 8. Babbitt, Cashier of bis office, drew upon Hamilton County for the balance. It waa not paid, nor bad payment been exported at the time tbe draft was made, bolt was instituted la tbe Supreme Court by tb State Treasurer, who, through tb Attorney-General, petitioned for a writ of man damns to com pel payment, Tbe matter will therefore be settled la course of time according to law.

Th Supreme Court to-day refused to grant a writ of mandamus against tb Trustees of the Soldiers' and Bailors' Orphans' Borne, as prayed for In the suit of the Trustees of the nmKaMt ill remembered that the Montgomery County people sought to oompel the State to pay for the keeping ot a large number of soldiers' and sailors' orphan for whom there waa room in the State institution, and who were. lu eonaeauence. provided for by tbe county. In the case of M'clveason, guardian against M. Ranyan, administrator, error to the Dis trict Court of Marlon County, Judgment was in part affirmed aud In part reversed.

The following decisions were also announced: Jacob Tuvlor va. Joshua Bueford and ILobert Cobb, error to the Court of Common Pleas of Mahoning County? judgment reversed. Cincinnati. Banduaky and. Cleveland Railroad oinpuny vs.

F.lna Cook, error Irom the District Court of Logaa Coauty judgment affirmed. The Pennsylvania Company vs. John Went. Krrortothe District Court of Crawford Connty. Judgment affirmed.

Comfort A. Adams and others vs. Miles N. Gardiuer. fc.rror to tne LHslrlci Court ot Ashtabula County.

Judgment reversed and case remnnded for trial. The Governor this afternoon pardoned John Murphy, sentenced to the Penitentiary for one year, at the May Term. In Adama County, foe. seduction. The petition waa giantea on the recommendation of the Judge and jurors wbo convicted tbe prisoner.

The eleventh annual report of the Trustees of the Ktate University waa bled wltn tbe Governor to-day. The number of applicants for admission to the clauses of the University at the opening of the present year was larger than at the opening of any previous year. The foil wing table givee a summery of aU tenaanoe io to 1001 In Nov- 18711 27 student from 10 counties from Tt eeuaties from 38 counties from 4i counties from AO counties from Ut counties from counties from nl counties li Not, 1K.4 fie students Nov, 175 students Nov, li7 LW students Nov, 1K77 211 students Nov, 147S lt students Nov, lHVi lias student Nov, Ia0 835 students Nov- 1881 as) students In In In In Ia In In from be counties The report state that the Institution la In flourishing condition, and that lis depart- tueota have been strengihenea ana enlarged by additions to It professional corps, and by facilities for Instruction. The hearing of videne ia tbe Nichols murder trial began to-day. The lury selected Is aa follows: Moses Latham, J.

T. Bialn. Cbaa. Mot by, A. Weirel, Nelson Grant.

nana ask H. H. Wbims. Geo. Bowman.

Geo. Avraiuaa M. Fladt. John Houlilerand tier our Dlidine. Dr.

Pooley. the Urat witness, testified ax to Ihe post-morurm on me tawy oi nuaseii Bcnocm-over, the victim of tbe tragedy, and said that death waaeaused by gnu-shot woanda, eighty, seven perforations being counted on tbe corpse. Dr. Hamilton testified to tbe seme eiteru Catharine Schoooover. tbe mother of the deceased, was the next witnea.

-lie testified to the trouble between KU' and her son-in-law, Fred Jostle, tb nigbt of the murder, the trip of to Nichols house. and the homicide, the particulars of which w. re given at tne time. Her testimony bore strongly against tbe prisoner. w.

H. Furay resigned aa Chief Clerk la tb Auditor of State's Oince to-day. and la sue eeeded by Captain John P. Matthews, tbe former book-keeper. The vaeaacy made by tha Dnuooiiou waa filled by the avueintineut or Cbaa.

H. uslraiuler. formerly wun oiouel Barnes, while tne latter waa secretary oi btate. Tbe Slate Board of Public work has pointed W. E.

Merserole. of Cincinnati, Col lector of Toils on th Miami aud Erie Canal in Dlace of bia father. W. H. Meeerole.

da ceased. The members of tbe State Board leave for Zanesvill to-night, and start from there to-morrow oa a trip of inspection over the Muskingum iiupro-vemeax. N. C. West, superintendent of the Western Reserve and Maumee Dike, waa In lite cltv to day, settling with the Auditor of Slate for the bacal year.

O. Von Mobl. Conanl at Cloclaaatl for tb German Avmpire, write Seeretary Cbamber- lain to-day, stating that there ia an active demand ia Karoo for th cIms of snforiaatloa gathered in tb Ohio crop report, and asks that th Consulate be placed on tb list for trie regular ouiieuns. The conditions Don which th Stat Board of Agriculture oroDoese to permaaently lo cal the Btate Fan- liere IS tnatthe cltlsens contribute lO.OuO toward erecting perjanriit ouiiaingsai tne ratr uroaaoa. i neiotrowiug circular la regard to a a in was sent to tne leaaing Duainees men aua capiiaiuus oi the eny to-day.

To secure toe permsnent locatloa ef tb Ohio State Fair la oox city it is neeeaaary that I mined lata aoiion be taken. The benefits the eity may derive from such permanent location, anoer tne DroDosiuoa raaoe ov tn Oh.o Board of Agneoiinre, are rertalaly sum eient to deserve the earnest attention of every cltlsen Interested In the city's prosperity. We therefore eaereat that a general conference meeting be at tbe Board of Trade Rooma on Friday, November 18, at 7:20 p. m. It ia to our mutual interest mat mis meeting oe wail repreeeateu.

ana yoe are eapeetaiiy ia. Tiled and earnestly reoueated to be nreeeat. signeo d.v m. aioaypeny, vuaa. vv ai- eutl.

F. Heasmns. W. B. Hawkes.

O. W. Will- son. J. A.

baroer sad otnera. Tb Cincinnati. Sbawaae end Wheeliae nauroau company was incorporaiea lo-aay, with a nominal capital, on paper, of tUtOtJWti. coaiiag joss ag lor ning. iae roaaistorua from Bellalre to Cincinnati, through tbe Counties of Belmont, Monroe, Noble, Wash ington, Morgan, rerry, Athena.

Hocking. EUaav. Highland. Browa. Clermont and Ham ilton, ine principal office ia to be la Logan.

Tne incorporators are icvi Burgees, Will-lam Malioim and J. M. McCnne, of Ohm, and D. li. Sickle aad T.

M. Lawsoa.ef New Tork. Colonel Alexander Caaaell, of lloant Vernon, has wit horawn from the field a candl date for Sergeant-t-Arms of ths Ohio House of nearesentativea. Geor Hkaddoo, a brakemsa on th Spring- 1.4 .1 am 1 I hcu iu. wu wt 1.111 VHBPI to-day aad brought her oa a charge of taking improper iioeruee witn a young girt named EllaPurcell In a passenger coach on Sunday night.

Skaddon says that there Is nothing more senoua in tbe charge save that both he and I ha airl vara arnnie. aa tfi aha. wm rerrectiy willing to accompany hum to the oar on ine evening aamea. 1 be Treatre of tb Ohio Bdldleia aad Ball, org' Orphans' Heme be id their an anal meeting at the House to-day. Present, Messrs.

Grcevenor. ef Athena: Rogers, of sprtngaeia, and Biaea be ra, of Cos boo ton, Trnatees, and Msjor nbaw, Sapertnteadent. There will be a deficiency of about fiJtOO tor Ui past year, arising. It la claimed, from to Ineraaasd coat ef Uviag, aad the partial fail-are of crops which It was expected to raise oa the ground attached to the Home. Tbe esti mates for the co an Ita a vear will varr bat van little from tbe expendiwre of Uie year peat.

Theananal report will be filed oa Tharadsy. Ex-Con gr seaman John L. Vance of Galll- polta, and Major Jeha Cincinnati, tbe tall seed eoalraotor, are In tbe ATLANTA'S EXPOSITION. eeteraa laay nfteeo Taeav at reeale aat. tad tireaaata.

ATXAirra, Oa, November Th Expcal- Uoa waa to-day funded by fifteen tbonaaad aeopla, moat of whom wer to Atlanta. It was Mexican Veterana Day-, aad quite a number of eld soldiers met on th ground. Tb oration waa all vend by Oaa-eat Henry ef Savannah, who- was fteqaaatly applauded daring his eloquent ad Last Bight General Sbermaa eunt with hi Stan aa a Mexieaa Veteran, aad ha etved athttslastia ealla from Xh tbaa- asndsef people prssent, Coentlderlng th feet that Atlanta was fus seven tee year ago laid ashes by sacral SBermaa, hie eoth-nai-aaUe rreepiioa la th eity aad the iraaada aeroKan tMompieiigapTemacyoi tn aew spirit tn at faast ea eity ef the TSoutn. Be spoke briefly and wIL BeaHodad ra teraoa moat com pli mehtary to tha wonderful growth and proaoerity of AUaata aad ef the aoalb ox a Ui generally, and whea beam downther waa a very general eheerinx. Ansong BoblaJ eenUaieni uttered by Oeaerai ahenaan was this: rl God tbat am an American am to-day prood toelalm th Boatta aa part ef my- onmpilaientary banquet was tendered totb General to-night, bat be declined it, a tat preferred to meet tb people socially, and not la any formal way.

"The Exposition la considered to be now oa tbe full tide ef success, Crowds poared In tonight front various parts of Georgia, and the attendance to morrow will be a great a it was to-dav. To management, ears that the show is now on a paying basis. All railroads in lb rout a nave reuuevu on cent, per tail, and there ie a prorata ef still lower rates tram the North aad WeeU Every tneb oT apaee in tbe great buildings ia taken, and very exhibit la In place, showing a complete industrial ex position of the progress of America. Already exhibitors are paUtioalna; the managers to continue the xpoaitloa to Ut of February, and it la probable that It will epea to that OWNING UP. Ibterrlew TTltk a Mden Jaek Shcppkrd, OiTia-r tb Career of a Noted Criminal Kaw oa tb Threshold of Ut Oblo Penitentiary.

araufax, anaraTcat ranc aotrmaa. FxEHOiTT, Ohio, November liV At tb present time, la the Sandusky Coaaty Jail In this eity, ia lodged a young man whose record of burglaries, larcenies, safe-blowing aad jell-breakings entitles him to tbe pseudonym of modern Jack Sneppeid. Mia career forth next four year and nine months will be circumscribed by Ui walls ef tbe Ohio Peniten tiary, antes be is lertttnet enough, as on other occasions. To mdk hi escape before the expiration of bia term of this sentence for house-breaking and grand larceny. Wbetber be does escape, serves out bia ttme, or Is pardoned (a thing which he is not vary confident of), whea be regain hi liberty be stoutly asserts that it is bis intention to lead aa honest life.

For th last eight or nine years has bee; well known, aad ha had a number of warm associate among a certain class of people I Ibis eity. Since his confinement these former associates have, as a matter ot coarse, failed to recognise him when brought la to identify him in the jalL Feeling bitter toward them on this account, he resolved some few days Since to tell all be knew a boat various depre dations which have been committed here during three years past. For tula purpose be requested th Sheriff-elect to bring dp a cews paper man for an interview, and thhi morning an EaqciaKK representative called at tb JalL i Seven prisoners ara now confined there, four of whom are to "go over tb road' this week. The reporter was locked in behind Ibe troa-barred, padlocked door- for two boars with foar thieve, all of them yonng men. and doriflg that time learned enough from th criminal wbo bad seat for him to form tb foundation of a yellow-covered dim novel.

This criminal awears tbat his name la Jama Wolf. There Is no reason to doubt bis. word, aa far a that is concerned, or th history of hie life, whlcb follows, ay be told every thing In a manner tbat would have carried conviction to a bench of seven Judge. Hla aliases bar been Bait Sbearj James MeOnlre, William Shea and Jamas Donnelly. -My as, smoking a cigar which tb reporter had given him.

be flxod hla eyee on the Hurrying pencil, -ia tweuty-eignu a waa born at 8) racuac. New Tork, and when bin years old went to Chicago, where I it leaded aebool for three veara. until an oanor- tunity odered itaell for uie to assist In burglar-Ising a tobaeoo eatabliahinent of meerschaum pipe to the amount of for which I waa arreeted, tried, found gaiety and sent to spend the remainder of my youthful days at the House of Kefuge. tne walls coolant no. a tne.

I escaped twice and wae en pi urea bat on the third attempt made a sure thing of niv liberty, and went to St. Lou ia subsisting while there by petty thefts. wnen sixteen year oia went to New Orleans. Daylua my way down. Was in tbe old Parlvb Priaon for three days for petit larceny, ana, nnuing mat tne neia tor steal log Waa rather cram ned.

I eame op to Mem pbla. In the latter eity I joined a gag of tblrty-nve thieves, who caiieu mem selves LU -Memphis Mackerels." our reauextous was limnii. tbe Irish ahaatles In Smoky Hollow. We earned a respectable living by picking pocKeis on aoaro me pacaeu running up auu down the Mlsslisilppl. I was leader of the gang onlll I made a pall from a paaeeog er on one or tne boats or siau, anu men went to fei.

Lou is. from where I left soon after for Chicago. I waa arreeted there for robbing a stationery aiore of over Sl.tAXI worth -ot gold Dens. i laid eight months lav 1 waa innocent of the crime, and. on trial, was acquitted.

-After this lnihvrl look an Eastern tonrand speatseveral moaslie- la Xew'TOrlc. While mere 1 waa only arreateu once and frned tOc. In IKT2, la Cleveland, waearreatea lor break Ine in VanTansel'a hard ware store, and. oleaa Ing guilty of the charge. 1 was sent, under the name of James Maguire, to lb Penltenlinrt for one year, and served out tof Ihne.

I came out in February, IbJa, and looaied ia Toledo, wnere a aopporteu mvseu oy my traae (steal. Invt. -On a second Eastern trip I waa arreeted In Schenectady for asaauulng au ofiirer, who wae attempting to arrest me for being a suspicious ehnracer. and waa sent to the Albany Pem- leatiary ior six moat na. emun alter my liberation the daws of the law a.

a In en me, and on Ihe usual amait matter of burglary na larceny, was trieo in ion nocneaier cxiort. and ei eared, but as 1 waa leaving the Courtroom I was arrested on a second charge of lar-ceuy, found guilty, and sentenced, under the aauie oi imam euea, 10 serve atx nioaiu in tbe Hoc Li rater Penitentiary, i served tor two, nuu iiku a-avapw wrwuw uayAigui, by climbing over the shoe-shop wall while I was on my way from the sboD to the bath. I next lodged In the lvirrta Jala for ninety days on a cuarge oi nignway roooery, or wmcn erlra I waa Innocent, and on trial was ac quitted. -Cleveland waa my next stamping ground. Where I remained at larg until Judge Abbey found me a sorpicloua character and gave me iniro nays ia tue wora-uooae aaa a nut or j0.

It would bave taken me a year la aav worked out tbt50. but thirty day after niv term eimmeneed I mad my escape by hiding ander my bed whea the other prisoners want so cuarrn aerviee, ana ey prying epea a winuow aroppea out tout ine open air i had my striued clothes on and felt any thin bat easy, until after nark. I ellmbad on the too OI a oaaaenaer ear and rude tiironah to Toledo, wheresome friends furnished me wilh a citizen's suit of ciouiea. -Alter aevarai other suite i was taken op In Toledo, In 1877, for burglary and grand lar ceny, aud sent to Columbus- for two years. My nam on this, my-secoiid.

visit was Jamra Donelly. I conducted myself properly and wae maa a aiglit waleliman. jriii months beiotwmy time bad xn.rd I eeeaned-atae dark night by sendlug the two night guards on fools' etTHBds, splicing two ladders together and eilmbtag over the bleb atoae wall with a guard' stolen suit. 1 suppose I will bave ta serve out tbe rest of that old trm. I nave traveled as a hniir-oo with several el reuses since, living retnstaally by my trade.

I blew upaaafein IndlanaDoiia. and at several other Pisces left some Auger-marks. At one ums-i naa hwoi hit own tj in my possession. I have beea la Jail la nearly every town along the Lake Shore and Michigan Soathern Railroad. I escaped from the aU) a Jail and from this one by taking out a stone ia th wail end orawliag through." By tb Urn Wolf had flnlahad thla start.

Hug record of crime, he had concluded not to reveal any thing Implicating others, and re-! need to say any Ihiag aa tbat aoor. At the laat term of the Court, la bones ol receiving light sentence for tbe Indletmeat which he was under, and with tne intention oi retormiac. be turned Stated In tbe ease af Ti Booth a all tar. conieaacd that was oa of th party tnat oa several occasions broke into and stole gooo from the L. ti.

and M. 8. freight but tor tii eonieasloa It dooouul If these crimes would bav ever been ferreted oat. Wolfe's ettotovrapn fat la arveral roaoes' SUerlea. and be ia generally known to the tec Uvea from St.

Leule to New York and He la ahert ia belebt.anaaaiv hnlit. baa an Intelligent aaa. with rearular faainraa aad pleasant expremion. For tbe community at large his reform or death Is aeeeesary be- ora sua sswisaa aim is amiaaniai plrss. Sbai Inrt.

Lokboir. Koeember lev Th seer Canard tamr, rtervia. aadar ateam all day yesterday, with UdM tons dead weight on board, au lamed a speed of twenty aad oae-balf Bailee an aoar. Tbe aew white Star Ldaa staamsr fvinrln baa arrived la tb Mersey. Her aagla worKeu perrecuy.

arnveas i Tbe Queen. New Tork. IdTaareoL. Novemb la. Arrived nii- aoia, Ptalladelabla.

Lobhob. Ifoeeashar lJLFrlalaa aad tadaw. ew era, iiiinois. t-niiaaeipnia, arrived. Kxpwrta ar rraylataaa.

WASItlHOTOX. November IS Total wains ex porta at domaaU provlaiooa, tailaw aad airy proa aet earing tna tea aaoaiba ended October SUC 11U.7AI same ten months la lWtt. l5jail: total value of exports ef pro-vlslguasS lallsw let twit loocithn ended October SI, 19sl, ware glleMTaAta; twelve anon ins in siiXB-ius: total valaesof x- porta of dairy prodaela for six moelu ended OetoberCL isal, ware a3Vj; same period PatLAbaxraiA, Nevamaer li Tabolated retonisef tb Peansylvaaia Board of Agriculture for the qnartar eadiag Nevember 15th sImbw tbe foLew lag eat I mat 1 tea eroa ef reaaayivaaia tor AasAt vora.HMUAi uaaa-j waaat, a.47Uluuo eaua, HJM.iM nuan sHieawneai, ijmsrjmM paiatosa. WtrBwaSJi XmJmJWm aaTanTat RocaasTka, K. T- Korember IS.

Tbe arbooner Maronle. With eoal, from Falrbavea for loreato. to ashore off Hamlin. Capiat a WlawjBwaiaeeensea and wwasaa aaeit aa aoacd have siga ailed far help. BoLokoa did wot, as many believe, discover formula of Dr.

BW Cough eyrup. of A. of tb bia the all ia the a put tbe feil It day tbe tioa a.n 9. Jos son, DE AT HH ATTLE, Not of the Throat, But-la Insurance. Alarming Idcreasa or tbe Rascally Business Iq.

itheBooeier IUrxible Siaclosarrt at th Heealt of a Batehetf TrijJ. XMMae-ad Bog-s ss ss Article of rood Tb Battle afarderTrial Kegtof Broken Up IsUaor srcetAX. BBBPATCat re na awurrnsn, 1ki, November laV Froen leuers received by the Auditor of Slate, it ta evident the "grave-yard Insaraoe' buslneaa is being extensively eoadaeted la tbis Com-xaoaweaitb. Tbe law af lb Htat are striet concerning Insurance Compnls, and take many precautions to vara and protect th people against swindling oaeeraa.

au torn panics desiring to do insurance buslneaa la this State are required to prod nee satisfactory evidence of sufficient capital stock, aaseia, liabilities aad other exhibit as to their fiaaaoial aonditioa. They mast ma to all th vary strict manta of tha Insurance Law before they can legally operate in Indiana. Now it appear that in spiteof this a aamaerof wild' eat or daatb-rattl Insurance Comaaale bav sneaked into tbis Stale, and ara dot ha amount of la famous business thai to startling, aad rapidly getting to universally preva lent all over th Common weal in. To-day parties from Sullivan Coaaty la quired of tb Stat Auditor about th Agaew Matoal Idle Association, of Pennsylvania, and tb Southern Ohio Relief Aaaocia- tion, of Xeula, Ohio. Other person from about Brazil want to know as to tbe true statu of tb Standard Life Association of Mansfield.

Beside these. Sea a lor Grabbe, of Morgan County, recently atked by letter eon earning tbe Mabaaoy Mutual Life Associa tion, of Pennsylvania, and waa told tbat It was nulla bona. The Auditor ot Btate has told all these anxious inqairer that ban of the Companies mentioned above have piled with tbe Insurance law of Indiana, nor can any or tnem comply, lor the plain bat forcible reason that they bave not the Beceaaary oapltaL He says all busi ness Deing aou In this State by these and other similar' Com pan Ira la unlawful, and th Auditor glvas warning both to tha public and the od'ending com panies to desist from offense against tbe law. under penalty of proaeeotion. There are, no dooot.

many of theae fraudulent conoerna doing buslneaa in difiereni parts of tha state. oesiaes mose mentioned aoo e. i nere are In teat Ions In abundance hat the raacallv in surance is being carried oa heavily in certain ouuatiea of Uie Slate', aud it 1 hoped a striet enforcement of the Insurance law may prove effective in suppressing ana anviug mem away, vnnerwise. between aeath-raltle Insurance Companies and Mar-riuge Benefit Societies, the pt-ople of Indiana arefia a fair way lo be very effectually robbed, oesiuea neing taiaeu tn aeam. The Major baa been engaged to-day la trying Charles' T.

Schmidt, a butcher, charged wilh the serioas ofTenie of selling nnwnoie-some meat from bis stall in tbe Ksi Market-kjpuse. It appears tbtit the ouwiund meat wua pork obtained by Schmidt from Watts' pens, hi (lie foot of Wear street. on Pnsrue's run, near nuii aoapiaciory. aeumiat oougnt eleven no there last riuay, paying three and three and a half cents per pound. Tbe leatunony is to lue effect that the hex Were In a dvina eoaaitiou ar tne time or the purchase.

They d.ed at the rate of seven or eight a day. All these diseased animals were dressed, cat op aad sold to tbe people oi in la devoted city for food! Tbeevideuca taken to-day waa a inulr shocking to hear, and still more horrible to contemplate by those persons of tbis city who biw ua ine uaon eaiing pora meat, well may tbey have visions of triehinuti aad cholera as the result of their revolting re pasts, it is nopea that tne present proaeea iioo may nave toe eneci ot protecting the denizens Aaaianapoiia irwua, any more such food as it is a leged has beea dealt out la tne ease nnaer conaiaeration. The trial of KlishaT. SatUe. charged with murdering George H.

risolier. waa continued to-day in th Criminal Court. A number of witnesses were examined by the ftroaaeatlnn to prove the shooting. Ihe caase ana m.nnur of death, tb parUcipnats and surtvuA.dinga. light, a id little Interest seems to be mani fested by the gem-rai nubile.

Charles Al. McClelland wantav a divona from era dis wife, aud brought salt to. day to effect that roach-desired object. He alleges tbat tbey were married early in th year is.s. uui uis ncKie sponse abandoaed u) iu aner eigne moutna or weuitau Hie.

James Waaoner. Ml-haal aaar-, and Jauae Wilaoa. arrested by the oollee lost trtgbt on the charge of burglafutiug Harper's wiomiire aunaay nigut, were air.ilgnca be. fore Mayor Grubb Ihi morning, lu defanlt Ot 91 M) bail Id each ease the trio were com. miiiouiojaii to await Grand Jury itciiou.

These men ar thought to be a gang from tne Kast, who eame here with a view to wurkinr the city thoroughly. In their, rooms when arrested were found a kit of burglars' tools and all necessary articles for safe-blowing. thorns Sullivan, charged with bdrvlarla. Ing Charles Bogesley's boaac. was by tbe Mavor this murulnir boand over tn tna ilMmi Jury In the sum of Sl.Ouv.

lu the ease of James Roosevelt against th Clevelnud. Cincinnati and Inrfl. anapolia Railroad Company, T. Plabbnek, Maater in cnancery. Hied his report to-day, showing tejcg received, and Sa.7itf as naid out.

Tne United States OourtJnry this morn tie acquit led James E. Wiley, of Crawfordavllle. en the charge of couatenelting. The trial of George W. Bookwaller for tbe same oflenae wss in pragrvss this afternoon.

IICamlineHarter eemmebeed suit to-day for divorce from ucorsv M. Hurler, alleuiug cruelty. The parties were married last March. FRANKFORT. The Court ar Appeals Reverses fbe Can (be Marshal or laaeaaiar far lalU- a Baai tat a t-lrcaa A nsalalasj M.U Braaed.

i-IAt, OISTATCai TO TII X0dt7IBKB. FbABKroBT. Er November 15, Tbe Court Appeals to-day reversed the decision of tbe Garrard Circuit Court tn tbe case of William Arnold, wbo was convicted of- tbe murder Robert av. Boyle and senteaeed to tbe peal- entlary for two years. Arnold was ibe Mar shal of the Town of Lancaster, and killed Boyle la a circus, during tbe performance of Indian scene.

Tbe proof showed tbat Boyle waa a rsclUeas, fearless and dangerous maa, aad at Ibe time be was shot he was considerably under tbe influence of liquor. and was iu the habit of carryiag concealed eedly weapon. Beth Arnold and Boyle at tended tbe eireua at night. Boy is was very disorderly in the eireua, and th Marshal pat bin) out of tbe tent and ground. Be returned abort ly, after trying lo procure a pistol, and a few minutes before he was shot be waa banded revolver loaded in; every and Arnold was la formed of this fact.

Boyle walked around tbe circus ring, dur ag performance of the -Indian soeBe'' he fired pistol through tb roof of the canvas la preaeao of tbe Marshal and a large audience of men, women and children. Tne MartbaL wilb three or four aolicenien. started at tbe same lime toward him. aad one of the policemen, getting to him a little aovanceor tneoiner omcers. iook noia or blm by arm and started to tbe mouth of tent, which brought them face to face ito Arnold, who.

seeing Boi with a nlstol bis right baud, commanded him to droo or it down. Tbe fatal auov Was then fired. and there was a conflict -in th testimony aether Boyle had bi Dlstol la hla hand Ihea or had put it In is breast coat-pocket. Arnold proved by several witnesses that at tbe time he fired Boyle had bis pistol pointed in dire 11 on or toward tb Marshal, and atx or eight witnesses swore that aa Boyle after being shot, he had hia piatol ia bis band, and that It went off at or about the time be bit tbe ground, aadtne pistol snowed two loaac oat of It when picked up from or near Boyle's hand Immediately after he feil. was also proved thai Boyle had said oa th he waa killed that If tbe Marshal au tempted to arrest him ha would kill tna.

u.u anal. The decision or th Daviess circuit Court wwsafarmed la tbe ease ar Phil Bell, who was convicted of grand larceny, and sentenced to Penitentiary for two years, PKoTtmog. Blg-b-TartBr )BTaUea at Cbtcaaa. CaiCAOo, November 15. Tbe Tariff Coaven- aOeoted a permanent organiaation this ariernnon oy tb election of tne following ofBssrst President.

Hon. Was. McICtaley. Ohio; Vlee-Prsaideata, U. P.

Burt. East aWg-taaw, Joseph H.Brown. Youogxtewn, Oblo: Dr. A. Z.

Fuller. Bath, Maine; A. hartsnora. Troy.N. O.

W. Potter, Chicago: Ho. Wlllard Warner. Tecs mash, James cegiey, A-iitsourg; Joan Adams, WOmington, Delaware; D. A.

Miller, Baltimore; Senator Jones, Nevada; J. J. Hagermaa, Milwaukee, W. D. Keiley, Philadelnhla- W.

w. ri. W. Nlckersoa, Boston. G.

Guilford Saaitb, ateaake, Jl. aveta Leow. New York City; Homer LaughJIa. East Liverpool. Ohio; Lin H.

Morrill. Vermont: Edward Harri Bt. Louis: Joseph R. Hswley, Hartford. waa.) s.

au Griaaeu, uriaueit, lowa: J.wsr-ran Ltppett, Providence, R-L: Senator San-dura, Nebraska' H. K. Slay ton. Manchester. N.

xxorsee A. emtta, bbbis xxsaury winaoa, muadapRia: Jan. raj-a, wo.1 w. nnwuunni nmiiff. apotis, J.

H. Bradley, Chicago; u. w. O.lver, Geddea, N. Y.

J. aL Rnra- General J. Wilder. Chatte- BOOto. alloiial Tiurrva.

Naalivilla. 1 anu. I Cuaa. A. Whitney, New Orieana: M.

McAden. i Charlotte. B. tXt Edsraad f. W.hbar.

uranai I Lake, ai. tereutrei D. fcaalow. I John H. iscasUa and W.

Jerome. Chicago. in taking- the chair Mr. MoElaley said. I snrangaiBrr igiaft, llau waa IB tavor section fur the sake of nrotectiAa.

A txwn. aatuaa ou Kaaoinuoua waa aaaviated, AirJ I a. A. I iA.n rtaaalaml. efbiied aaertea ef reao- 1 at ions tn favor of ballding bp oar merchant marine oa the policy tbat bad been used with success oy fcaziaaa ana wor uru em merits.

Mr. Hinmn nf 4 llwankee. wanted the Com mittee on. Resolutions to eommr morale tb Bar vices of the lata Prealdeat Uaraald ia tne eauae of protection. Mr.

Dare, or Chicago, demaaded that all ia-ternal revenue taxes, except those ba spirits, tohaeeoaad fermented liquors, should be reduced, and tbe circulation of the National Banks aboald ba abelUhaa. Mr. Stebbena, of Detroit, offered resolutions reaffirming tha platform adopted by the National Labor Congrats bald al Philadelphia in IMV Ex congressman OrlnnelT, of Iowa, offered Inquiry as to whether I nere was a com-biaatioa la the Braeetatr pdteat te aareeeona-bly enhance tne price ot rails and burden tb agxleultural interests of the oomm unity. --LAMAT1SK By tha Ctmsti, Seltlag Apeirt a Day far Thaakagiviaa; and Prayer. CoXCatBCa, Ohio, November 15.

The following has beea issued by Governor Foster: THAKKaOITtXd PBOCL tb ATIOK. Tag Htatb or onto. Executive Departxest. In recognition, of a time-honored and cherished cusiotn. and in conformity with the recoinmendatiou of the Pi aident.

I appoiat Tliuieday, theSltn day ot November! lo be ebaerved as a day of pnblie thanksgiving a devotion, and I request the people of the State ot wonlli pand ofjer Sinks to Almi ghty God to asaemuie on mat uuy in ineir nauai places i tor the eouutieas oiessinga enjoy, ana tu- vokeaeontinnaneeer uivtne tavor. uunng the year the State bsa suoVred a great bereavement in the loss of her most illuairtocs son. the Chief Magistrate of the nation; but the tie which bind together the people of the whole country have been strengthened. "Our Government ot the people, by the people and for tha people" is unimpaired, and more loved than ever before. The lawu of tbe Republic have been faithfully enforced and obeyed; our religious and educational institutions have prospered; our industries bave nourished, and the people were nevermore hsppv.

In Ih ewe blessing we have abundant cause for devout tbankaglvlng. and while enjoying the bountlea bestowed upon us as a people let tut not forget the leatons of charity; and whije we give thanaa tor tbe meralea vouchsafed na during the year that la drawing to a close, let a remember a we Invoke tbe favor of God for the coining year that -righteous ness exalteth a nation." Given under my hand afidthe great seal of the Slate of Ohio, at Columbus, the 15th day of Novemlier, In the year of Oar Lord one thousand eight hundred and elgbiy-one. aud the one huudred and aixth year of the inde pendence Of th United states or Atnerira. uiAsini rusTsa. By the Governor! Chabi.b TowaaaeiAX aeo retary ox aiate.

neper mt tbe beamrtsneas Aarrv ealtare. WAsSijroTOV, November 16. OoTTejr Indicated yield peraer la considerably leas than last' year. Tb reported decrease la 8 Loalalaoa, per rent, la Texas, aud nearly ew nereent. in Arkansas.

North Carolina makes a return of 80 per cent, lees yield than In l(Si. South Carolina. Georgia and Mississippi report better condition, and brwsnecta are lor a croo net much below last year In those State. Florida reports a de- rrraaeof 15 Alabama. Inerease.

li Tennessee, decrease, 4J. Virginia tat not included as a eolton State. product being m- siguiucant. wheat The average yield per eere in isvi la ten and one-half bueucla against thirteen and one-ten lb lu 180. indicating adecreaae of about Al per or one hundred million buihels, Irom last year' product.

In tbe Interior and Western states -there baa been a great falling otf, caused by a severs, winter, late, cold spring, drought, and in severx! Stales Insect ravages. But while the quantity of crop is reduced tb quality is generally re ported very giaxi. Cork November return show an average yield of twenty a a half bushels per nere. Indicating a falling OfT of aboot xo per cent, from tbe crop ol lrfSo. caused cU efly by the general aud protracted drought during the growing sen sou.

and by exeeasivs rains since ths crop waa harvested. Tbe quality of tbe crop 1 somewhat below tbe average. Hews frens the Xalieaaf Capital. Washivotox. -November 15.

The National Board of Health baa expended since iu or ganization, April 1. 1S79, to on 30, a totai of UiOXM. At ths close of business to-day th amount of Called State hoods received for redemp tion uuuer the one buivired ana niui ca.i aggregated f9.yy0.96O. From May 19th to JanetOtb last, there were ftMAaXWW worth af five per cent, bonds received lor redemption and coutinuanee at 3 percent. This is tbe largest amount of bonus ever bandied In such a brief period by tbe United Stares Go vera meat.

fc-x Secretary of State Kvarts mad an argu ment to-day before Commissioner Raum in advocacy of refunding by th Government f-iuXwO, tbe amount of. what 1 known as tha 100 per eem. penally tax. reoently teweased acalnst New tork agent of the B-tnk Montreal, i legal queatiea involved is aow pending oeior tne supreme tur ot uie Lnited States, and docketed for hearing Jan- naryauth. Cora miaaioucr Ream will not de cide beq oration before-him a til a parallel ease before tbe Supreme Court- baa beea dis posed oi.

Heeretarv Blaine Drlnetnal Srttnaaa for the Government ta arove tbe ahontiae of Preai- dent Gardeld by alias la Betiaed ta appear in Court to-morrow. Tbat Wicked Xf eaaarbaaetta Reatmeal. Boston. November 15. The Com mis sion appointed to investigate the published charges against The Ninth Regiment' on the recent trip to Yorktowa reports much of the ootid ucl was sport but often boiateroua ana curried to excess, some or it was from tenorance'of good breeding, end some clearly awn! in vr-iHU Hiae.Nm in nnnatna The acta were eemmitled by a squad wander ing about Richmond under permiaalo given them because no Droriaion bad been 'made lor rsiresbmenut dsnna tb- nexpttcted delay between the arrival and departure of the train for Vork.

own. Tlir Com mlsMOtf recommend that the Colonel of the regimeutbe reonlred to make an Investi gation, viui a view oi nxing tue guilt upon and discharging tbe men reaponaiiTlu for the la honors bi coca act. Governor Long has Issued a special order to Colonel Mi radian to azcerudn and report within thirty days the Bgmesoi iiiecuiprua. ai iney are not forth coming the entire regiment win le held re. poiis i me.

and be liaoie to such action, as tbe Governor snail tnarsupoa direct. rhe Refuge ef Perse a led lew. tW YOKK. Novetnber 15. The steamer Tin.

hernia, arrived to-dav. brought la iwi th. first that IcMBd asylum ta Snaiu from nanaa. euiiuna in nuasia anu usrxaaoy toe past sum mer, a ney were aastsu-a to in is country by thv AlHnaee Israel Univeraetie. The Steam ship Company agreed to provide Mieae passen gers iu iooa acooraing to uie Hebrew tutua rKosber).

becluning at the start frotn tne Russian frontier aalii arrival at New Vork. aud tbe ageais ef the line extpsrale with the Alliance in providing for their comfort to thuir destination. The Immigrants are principally agriculturists, and strong, hardy men. Their oi active volnls are Louisiana and Texas, Tue steatuei Silesia, ue Wed neaday next, will bring ISO idore. It is aaid 5 MAI will emigrate tbia winter.

j- Btak Rebbery at St. Ideals. St. Locis, November IS. The detective np to noon to-car bad not captured eit her of the three men who yesterday afternoon entered the Btddie Market Savings Bank and robbed ihe safe of to.oou in currency, nor does tt seem they have an yi race of them.

The affair the old dodgeof one man engaging thd toiler k-, ww m. to negotiate a aale of bonds with Cashier, while the third slipped lu and abstracted a package of auonev from tbe safe. Ihe Plague mt avanalf-Pex. -Nirw Taxi, November 15. There are forty-one araall-pox patienta lu Riverside Hospital.

Daring the past two' months the Emigrant Hospital ba received forty small-pox patients from tor bia tea Island Tomato Canning establishment, where Germanemlgrams were so badly treated. The small-pox hoapi-tal at Snake Hill, New Jersey, 'ie so ovr-orowded thai tbe authorities are using teals for he overflow, and ae case ar arriving dally. Generaaa Basjaeai, Aarroko. Conb -November la-Bv the will of Charles U. Northern Trinity College receives naniora noKpttaJ, )MJv cartMi xopiaaopai cnarea.

liouuot tm givea to erect a chapel at Cedar Hill cmv-tery. The remainder of th estate, about 0U0, hi distributed among heirs. Faads fbr treiania. Boeroa, Mas November Tbe Irish National Land League sent to Ireland last uai llorniasenl an additional amUB, PaJIsra afa Shew Mast. Bost-ok, Mass, November 11k a.

Clsfln, shoe manaCacturer of Hopklnton. Masa, amisv. Aaa mi i ties irom wxijouo to Keadarky twair Aspaala. fstxxion, Mareaxbar is. tan.

CArsas DxCTBBn. DoUiuijur. c. vs. Salmoas, nlsapaoa I sBHsaasV AraoAe- vs.

ornaiea-weallb. uarrard: ravaraed. rata vs. Sasia. Ala viea amrassd.

rem mos weal fk vs. Moasell. Hot a. mmmm i 1. 1.1 auwui reverses Sell vs.

OuBiBiuawealtb, Caviea: atMraMd. Ceav aioawealth va aooarah. Boyle: alarmed. vs. ttsosaun.

Leatovtli v.TOiji irrwr.inn vs. atereweatber. Bbelby; petitions sverrsled. sfarrneer-s adminis trator vs. aaaaaus nmumi.

pautioa evsrroied. JeOersoa'a a aaislsuator vs. tViison. da. Robertaoa; soutlBttsae aH aarlde; sabntlttad. vs. auaaiei. Beeenseet ssstise te 5. ot u.niTO.Hi ui.

airmra appeal. Horace Kabran aad A. M. J. Oasbrsa admliied as erae-uciagsctsvseys.

Lvsahvs. Miwimm, caatpealit appsilant atovad te Hie; addiuoaal swwvr; motion overrnled. Alrvwa A Bead Vs. Fura-uvon. Ac, Vaaa T- berry.

Aew is eeetl aaea. loyd. Ac. va. iiarvln.

Ac. ret Bust Krrse vs. ftmilil Irvlasd. Pngb, Lewis: Meal eh en vs. Mcslabea.blcaaiasi atilirt.

Mead. Marl; subatlitvd. aroer. Ac vs. oliuls.

Aewla: sntdsvtt a l1: submit tee Buileek. Ac, i. ald-weii, Bliebi list- tin snais auad-? ersas graatedi deal hot Jeba Hoi rows soggesteS cua-tlaoed. Feveacks admialau-aisr va BrsBker, bichaias; death of appeuwa nrusker segaaated: revived ia tbe Bame of his adsnsuirator, Jsmes BRect, Meek vs. sfctwAi.

mset Ida erser siriklag tram record tun ar saaepusaa: overruled. Griitiih vs. Cox, Ac, Jaaaes srgued by as. Hicaaraa revasasiiant aad sussiitwd Pvr- XlStltS WUU efpeliaat sad tonasiuad. 1 afa.

lxAA.OPowXLt-tbe owner of the Wal. nwI uvwry nuns, AnuaBtcr. rann. Writaai I oaed JR. Jacobs Oil Sa a horse that waa' badlr ginedf It removed Tha aorenaaa hsaiA MAa MnMltf ta.a I tsra impldiy than any prepara- tloa I vr amw, I ha en th ef a.

1 tt. ill "i a i 1E.O.T. at Krle Over ths FlrhC CogSletlir Bepsrts RerardlBf fae awetew BstUei- Othsr Sportiha; Nsws From Diffsrsn --w' Points 1 Tat tUsJCa A SO PaxMCTBaK arsctati aatraeeat re raa amoiaaa. aia. Pax October 15--ThU Ilttla eity all gog with exelleBTebt over the Whit-II olden fight, which takes plans to-morrow, for tbe faataer-wclgns championship of tbe world aad KAutt.

White arrived Here oa Hood ay aad took quarter at the Quail Hotel, a Slat avebae. He is ia prime eondiiioa, feel coufldeut, and wilt atrip al on hundred and eighteen or twenty pounds. Holden reached here at four -this afternoon, having beea delayed 'bail a day by an accident the Erie Railroad, He was aceompeuied by his backer, James Johnson, and other New York sports. White. ioo haaa larg following, and backer of both men ar freely pui tiug up their money at "bout even terms, though Holden has a alight call, ow-ug to ud-vantagea In experience ami weight.

He Will eater ihe asyeilo etrcle we-gh ing one hundred aad thirty. He is in spieouid form, and sad to the reporter: White' a bit slow, and 1 tbinkleaa du blm Tn yacht Lena Knoblack and steamer Masmssaugua have been chartered, ta convey the party to the Canada ahore. and tbe same grouuu where Heeaaa aad Morrissey ana wwyer enu anion fought their famous bat ilea. Tue programme la to start at three o'clock in the rning. Every indication certainly polnrs to a fight.

No intererence is feared from the Pennsylvania auiuoritiee, tbough it ie impo-oiioie to asceruua what tue uotehip.tla, Wo lie's colors are wtiile allk handkerchief wliu red. white and blue border. Holdall's are the famous old traditional Birmingham blue a.rda-eye. Hurry bdwarda will attend While; Dooney Harris aad George Fulljames will second Holden. A BOMS, racial.

atsPATca to tub Etaettta. Eatk. Pes November lu. Tbe fight for tbe Tealher-weight ahamplonablp betwee Boldda and White wlU probably tab place on American soil. At a meetlag of the fancy to-nigbl It waa agreed to make a feint w- Ljirtiiiif for Lunula, mid double back and dis embark on the beaeti of Preeqae Isle, about tbree bun from nere.

tn Heuta-WHiti am-L, Exix. Pkxb, NoA-amber 15. Th Whlte- Holden prtxe-Oght may aot com off aflar all While arrived yestardari but Hold en la not her rat, aad White's friends offer to bet ljaa) be will not evms. Two Caaadlaa de tsuuvea are reported to be hare wateblug events. 1 he Draaiduig udge ot totajuuicia District remarked irom the Sen eh reaterday that tn fall penalties of.

tb law would be Visited ttpoa ail parties orvugut iniurs mm lor vio.aung tue rcguiaiioiia asaiuni pua. fighting. 1 hi baa aarved to render th man agent unUHiiiiliy cautious, and it Is rxcssu lUily difficult to obtain reliable inforoiut.o ihe vreoeut mivntion aeeuit to be to ieav here lor Cauada at 1 or a. in. morrow, em settle the adair i mined.

atefy na rand lug, re turn lag to trHf ta the alter noon, lie si ran Pumrl. uX ilutTaio. is Mutulrd to take lii crowd acruMS tne lake. Some ihlnk tue fliih will occur on tbe Pvniaaia lust across lir Bay. It tntauugk to Ihe General Geverument.

nd tbe prominent oi ine nun are isci.neu i tue ueliet uiatiMaie taws can not reacn tueu okttimo Sixcox. OsTAKla. Noveuiaor 15. The Sberi is advised tbat the fauey are pouring int 12ne," and hosts are chartered td leave lo Long Point at three o'clock te-moTrow morn Ing. Tbe -Sheriff has hnrterd the Anait raig.

and she is lying at fort iever wuar witn aiuam up. A wo companies oi voiun tears ar furnished with ammunition, au ihe Sheriff 1 faraisbed wilb Any pairs of iiand-ouila. ttoaa it. Ekje, Pesw, November 15. Both principal In th eomlug prise-Oght ar now here, Uol dea having arrived lai this afternoou.

ia a solid, substaatjal-iooking fellow, anu looks as it he might get aawy witn Whit, wilh comparative ease. While al dinner lo day the Sheriff warned White and uaaoeuttr that there must ba oo fighting lb Peiiuaylva. nla territory. AU this evening and up to In ueer a strong fore af -police and eonatabl. nas beea posted near tbe -hotels at whicu to pugiliais aud tr.aads are siopplug.

Horn p.ckpockets were arreted about ulue o'clock and aa al tempt at rau Waa anttcipaied, lu the crowd dida't seeeo disposed to tackle th police. The steamer Pearl, from ieveiam, is lying outside at tbe entrance vf the harbor She is aaid to have brought down about on hundred psrsotis front wtrt aad Soitttiert cities, 'ihe appexrance en the aireei of ti Sheriff's pome, luge i her with a strong polic force, waned tbe kuraov that tbe principal and Bankers wer to be arrested, but thu I' no attempt bag been made to iuisrfers wit their freedom. All are quiet and' well bt haved, aad asem anxious to avoid maklt ihemselve eouspieaoua. it ia believed tb Parly will ambark for Canada about ta. o'clock.

Tha lake, which baa beea eery rough a. day, is growing saisasr. TbaTsrC Pools sold last bight aa follow at tha Kar tuoky Tnrf Kxchauget Vuthtngtm Xaeet. -First race, on and one-Balf miles Vloh flu; Maggie. flVl Startle, 10: Goveraor Haiup ton.

flq; rraufclin. 17 1 bald, W. Second race. ooe mile Leitina. SID: Frank, 13; Belle oi lb North, i uird race, am Dona si as iioag.

li Wildmeor. US: Jack ol Hearts, tiu: 'aln. raiso.s; Wakefield. Si. rourib race, steepia-cbase Basouk, fir Kitty cisrk.

15: Inaomar.fca: Judge Marrai WAgUIXOTUa SAOXS. Wasbikotuit. Kovembgr LS-Ivy Clt Coarse, on mile. Ik Booham first, Basle. second, Ingomar third.

Time, 1 :47. Washington stakes, mile aad a half fo three-year-olds. Compeasarion first, Sparl Koond, Valparaiso third. Tim, 88. iiing race, ma ai oue-aigntb.

Llttl ButtercuD flrat. nweat Home sacond. fitu.r-1 third, ime. ISS'4. In tb two ta lie.

heat raee Bramhnllatt, Keuny and Mary Anderson staried. and I thla order two fieai were, ran and the ra- won. Tim. aUill TIONAVX ACCEPTS tCHAtrtl1! CHALZ-XSOI -rriAi. btstatcb to tstb aueaPiaga.

New Toxk. Tfovem bar 15. A telegram cam to-day from Vignaux, th great Frene billiard-player, to Sohaefer, th great Amer can billlsrd-Dlarer. In which the Frene tin. a say that be accepts Sehaefers eballenge, an will play him two games of billiards ia ot them to be cushion carrom.

TUXTooaxar. New York, November 15. In tbcuthln- earrom billiard champion ship tourhev to-da Morris defeated Helaer. 300 lo lb5. In innings.

Highest runs tiorrta, Itf and I ailace defeated Gal agher in Inulm JJ Ht 147. Highest ran aliases 17. 13; Gallagher, It, IS and II. In the evrnlna Manrlen Dafv Jiapb Dion tn 58 lanlng 900 to 1M highe roust Dary, xl, Dion; 13. 14.

George 1ono defeated Eugene Carter 200 to 158 lo SS ninzs blKhest runs: Sloaaon. 10. 14: Carter 2,10. -V rTb Trtg-grr. There will be a bog raffling amt shooting match at Turkey Bottom to-morrow af ternooi for Thanksgiving turkeys.

A larg number i bscioos oiras nave been secured, and aom rare sport may be looked for. PUMSgaaV PWwHT. Imaertaal Deeislaa by Jadre Hlgley Th maebMJlscusae nest Ion among basi aem wen a to whether ageats gelling good by sample wer alfowed to pnrsne their avo cation without blamtng a eity Horns, wbicb had lately come Into prominence by newtrpaper dtacumioa. wag tried yetterda morning. In the test ease of W.

Karnes, in the Police Court, Jadae Uigley reedsred th following decision: This act uo la bmurhl under Wectios of sa er' dinaaoa for th. psau-ti fna-nl mt arti-demeanor. Ae "a-aed Meptemaer. s. laat, pan Ea Merrtu.

wbtal arclarea: -It shall be Bant art a I te sell reads tf ssmeh spedmea, I hawk er Beddla by wuolessie. ie ae id orders for good, without first having oH-sln-d 11-cense securding te theordinaaeee of tee oily." I ba ordinances renrrring the grant Iur of It ceaeto traoeipeoole arei I An ordinssce to Mt-enae feswker snd peddisr-wlthlB the illy of ttacinnaji, aod Itar-ORing penal-ilea far selling wttheut license. I'awC liar 7. ltd airnill. page SMi.

Maclleri Be it erdained. l'hat it shall be unlawful for any peraoa niT fer aalu at retail In anvatreet. ane, ain-y, pnb f-laadlsga. sasrket aatac er eeenmna of the illy itncinasii. sron bnard of any boat, raftor Bxmm the TiaaaWor I ana! srfth the the Ohio Hirer wit bis the twuadarlaaef thla city, say good, wares or mercbasriise, alt boot Brat via a stained license frest tbe tliy Conacrt Tbe general baaaiag of ibis ordinance ia ''Hivt an and tt erldentlv does not eon-lessnfate that a llcesse shall er rnsr be required sf iling goods by sample er specimes as la tha case before sa eero X.

ai ordinance teeega the Beweis and eetlea tb Mayer of lbs Utir CissinnaU. Ac. pa aad,. provide. In section sa fsl -Tbe barer may.

la bis di-ereHo, grant liceaass for tbe purposes sad at the rale, earned below for the period of ens rear uaiea otb-erwlae expressed. Htwkers sod peddiera asm a by card, aaaaai eg dtwawlptiss. tSHhaA per 't berth day at JVeveftber. tnaa rstaaaev Was asnsedi Tareaslrs kuin b.T. aaropte. procure licenae snd Oilniih. rate sac license. (Ordinance Mt. IB I Kretion Breviers, esooag of her int ii censefbeald be $xx per annas and aeeilua re- seae 'To repeal ss oraisancs'to reauir bawaora "'lag by umplr. Ac.

tu procure a heeaao.AcassBBd Xowambers. tea.w It anniaii. ta.ii. i (v. i nni baa-gers aad Deddlera a3n.

ar nt a in 1 1,. ordAaaae of July B. lbM. was manU aaraaWr aad ths rate at ii(na ma ar nom. snt trrai jbla erdlbsnee wsa repealed tpnt tats.

TbtnlvikM.m Providing for the UcrtiTaoge pedill-ra lagoyear. saresio or othertban tvf Slav 7. It .1 v. n. -1 aot ba eaaalrned M.nhram persuB a he caavaa uia cnucioai icaidaacsa ol tae a in i is Uf Th ety tasteg with them a saasnla mr -t u.

M.11.M. ia Ta whe aeU h.r saaipls. Prutm 'kers ia ihui Is tt aroiaanea -aay uiaers ibaa uaara rl uvr tT i ii. caiani isr efrnant ol ineeunMiuilluBA.Iiy ut a lv.ZT7 -sample." bo slnoe ihe bafor, suae ar the xroaaa Uini at Is force requiriag a uces fw th. BOARD Or FCBXIC WSKKs, Aat Impart natframnsantestlna fraalkj.

Ctarlnwatl btreet Wallrsa saZiL A resoluUoa I refill Bg Ths Er.giotw J7' pare plana aad etimat for ssweriag w.i Hills was adopted. recommeadatloa front the Zt.tBttT th a doubl floor be laid oa ibe bulw 1 bridge over Ulllcreek. at a coat not $500, was approved. Permission was granted the Clones. t-dlauapolia.

at. Lull- and Cbioage kaun-Lf eros cmitb street a ouustructioaV north ot railroad bridge. lrk A commuau-alion fioi om Maddux. U. asking bermiaaiou to to reniuva i stone in front of their premixaon in the bottom oi Ibe gullet, asd Oaggrtbg.

was referred to to the Estinew "tmw. A lie louowing cominuuicaiion to tbe Committee ou streets: rnirtvaivi Tth ttonntiiK MOABSI 'I'rsiiewaiTi. eut.emeu: uur Ceoiuany In Ibe hi year ut, wbicb. uy ibe contract, shoo. have baeo apyiira tii.

tfe andc-rsuiiigof lima la watua uc." of thU large sum there baa uul bars far si can see. a sing dollar T'' lug of tb atrveu wliereis the track lire anra having beeu trasalerred lu lai JJ" Clc lo in ulil Buard of city Cumaiiaalontn iJllT. ler oi ins money pnm sjr a la. -paeial Fund tu tbe Hrn lasmng nasi 1 1 a iur i.iiui isal ibe -beta eaa tue rails should Be tm tm aaa guod raiiair. welt-knewn fact thai begilgvnee ol the mi.rlur.

nut aVi iracas vf our tmaipaey strt iieeu aamag-Ki ut exieni ut cum iiij H.oaa.ar5 lbs 1 allara. ana fear mart, truaa ut ilia taw and the clrcuaiaiancet lie. Bvs- ear eoitlracia. mar not ao pa-t, you bav ll lo your power noa.uudvr ihm ear contracU, tu giaritagalast aucb lail.r... T.I partof tbeetl.

In lb tut ir -aou1, I'nieas, therefore, wo raa bave sum pod uraue-irom your uoara inst lbs purtiua -i ttreui sdjoiulng our railxand bFiaavn put in guod repair beiora aiular lad lu Durchsav material and um 'aa las funw uf aiea and proceed repair tbe dueling Ihe cost liem tsinre isrmeat 4u. uiiiiiV Keeping he aCCnant for eseb di.irlct auu uj. any lurtnor lraB.i.r. Ktreet-rar Licouae uud. unlaat llic auuau aaiwaT.

and adlolomg our tracks have beaa sal la pair. Very reapectful.y, ll. a. scriar afy ardor el tae Ktwuiivo Commitwa Thomas MeKeown was awanlad ths eon. tract for repairs in the Eighteenth b'sirict Ibe year, he being the lowest A claim of gliaJ, from Johu P.

eculiy fur daruaea to hla horse by the bad oouau.Jn cf the Milloreek Bridge, was referred to thtiooi-ui it tu oo Claims. Tu eoairaut for Improvement of Korth Vine alreel, from Mad road loliiidu( ihe present Imprevement, was awarded ta Henry MeKrlaae at his bid ot Adjourned. Iteal F.tlme It ansrsrs. John aad eroa. Mauler ('oBSHsaoner, io aavrab K.

Muffatt, lot No. II. sabdlvnlua of ul acre traat soiosanng te ettat ef Oeorg Msibora, Wai But 111 is: t. Juha B. UaaBCkaaip and wife lo Jobs lAuter, Stf-lOu aoroa oo ouutb side of baphl Kwa pike! yiag aext west oi seal Una ef sociioB it, Dalai uwnsbip: Si.340 4u.

Isaac J. Miller and wife to Wm.8chlaetsr.Sbv i set on Berth iddoof kilts atr-i. si Irat ea-i .4 li. sd street i IU. i-amuvi P.

Bowles, by Manter t'otnailsaloafr to Aary J. Vox. ISM luv acres la eecUoa Si, Uarrlaaa atpar nuer and wife to Hanry band, i iuu loot oa eati aide of oil mora stmt, i rrt uuth ol tenter airort. amp Waabiugioo; tiTi. laara Wiggins el al.

tu Catherine h. Anuvrwm tart oa norta side ef if lb Kreet, xm leal t.n krvtsaty: flr.kl Oaa lai Kamm aud wife to Charles gstaa, Ms i tool oa surta side ef Ureal air vat, baiwusa k.ra a a anal strvou: Vo. Joan W. aawsoii and wife to Raman a. tgttt lovt on auuih side ef Flndisy sirsat, IU it -est of Freeman nlrout; fl.iUA Henry Hardlnghaus et ai.

lo Barbara Boyar, 3 iy Idtffool oa Sou i aio ut Algbth tlreet, last atestoi Avvsus airvui: tliTi. 'I Bomas T. Potter te Kdrar K. Clrmmrr. aj by ,1 44-ivw feel on aast sloe uf llamlli jo atraei, td S-luo loet Burtb-amst ol Filth strsal, Caiikaxv: liAILU.

luiaar K. Cleanser Ie A. aalss Potter, aat Iremiaea; fl.DUU. llilam M. Moo later et a to ternelu Monlr, togrsntor'a iu la ra in It by lh ivaisa rtb-vaat ooi err of Wbitiakai aud frooltneaia: i.

Uow. W. Moulator to same, uuitcialm togrsstori itrroat In una promi.oa; fl. ilsrv Jane Aleulli and husband looteph d'abtr n-lwwiM la aurita wmi oo. u-r of iilmB Bvllt in aecilon 7, lol.

rslu Toa iuOily: rtoo. John and William alatiiora. per Hxut tirnmiv oaer. to Jeba M. atcuouor, lot Mo.

Mbdivwas a Iwuirt tract IteioHgli.g tu Ibsealatssi taeurg ainera, a not Hills: 7Xi St. to oan. lots ti. I. at, ti, a aad same tuooi vlaiuo B7JA6 vl.

Juan B. Sampaon, Truaiee, to Bell M. Jobnano. oy lav fool, on the weal aids of Ooosmn mt.tmt, at 'Ot north of H-igs sireel, and by IJS leal an tut ost aid of same street. toot north vf asfny.

u4tae Hi. i iuu. Dickey te Fredoriek O. Gerwlr. lot oa lot, IS6, IV7, .11 and of Oolaa oivUIob of amp vi aablngmn kZ.jBu, ituuert A AW it and wire totamcxtby motrei.oa he north-east corner of Third STBBBBSU4 JSBIM irsst, lama Wasbiugtoa HAMILTON.

A. Lneaa has besa appotstad gnsidlaa ef -tla May liehr. Ana Wbat will appear te-alght at ih Globe pera-huuae Is "Katt i.y i.eavrve msU) ara jtm an sale at O. A. Myers drug slur.

ocbvt CLtttiurrirt-tttv Ra, nflot. V. a. iigelaby va J. H.

UVantb: money Mo. It uue. A. nock chaaabera vs. Wliaos S.

Cobim -i ai.1 messy. in lajanetlos salt sgslnst the cit tin ue ismiltoa Water-Works umuairV turalttd Ihs aIs sum pretty warm dlm-usnlont oa laturrtf. la piaovswf psBiie geibrribgs- Bgw uavbks, wbo was lajurse bit bans ma-lag away near HI ley, aeverai day sgo. In lying at bum la a uniwii eonsiUoa. lr brjn ah t.esdlDg he eaa not hrs but a nuie.

Ma. Joaa tt. Deneeow, of Eatea A LtnrUl. of In tbia city Basklsg a caavsw tar tl Bit's History of Biiglsiid, a Inch poasvne Ibf jrral Ivsnisgs of being the ely eoopltu blator, tt nglsnd ever arutea. Mas.

JoaaraiMa S. U'KiLXaa. an astlmtbirladf Hamilton, ao.l of eonid-rbi aots a. is l.s oolat Bad soiielar. lesvea tlv for rd aaiitba' aojowiu al Matayrisgs; li.

e'ausailliM cosiea oy a uetnoer or wa.ui iriroas manrour. ng short visit last winter. The Best eiabeasf wiai irittot imiww ur. KaiL Karifi TBAWsrKss Onsokei aaa ife iu km ma Blrk. lot fa.

Mlddletoara BA Chariea Uuncxal sad wlta is atusas Uaorft. mti vf lot v72. Mtddiatooa iuv. ma veorgB aaa wits ta a. 0.

I Oeor, atgH): Charles W. Cook and wife lo L. O. Seek, narw laf rta M4 aod MS, Third Ward. Hamilton r- Oa- Taesdar evening, tbe SHh Ixin aur alge.

No SB. At. uf sill give a eomplltaaaurr I Ua. II 1 1 a I amber of frlesdsof tbe Order bare bean IbtIwo. Com miner ol A rnaasemesls are ktsasra, w.

iiepberd, Ueurge T. Hrian. L. I. Broo, J.

A. tt aa. 1 1 orgs H. PbllUps, sAerlisg, U. K.

IUix as La Tabor BT PaocgDTMoa-lD tbe ease of Dsrld odd va Jo ba Mile; the ttrainltKt order bereto-re xrasled set aside and dissolved, and Milium Hlalnllff gave Boiiveof appeal te the telnet court, aa the oort axes th band at sti la ine oaa uf the Oxford Ltai aad Atuildi: a-elatloB va bar lea P. rut at al. ibe oort nno. hesaioaat due plalatlff la ba as AX. aad lama rat lien on sid pr mines, so sals, tha pa- aaid anna Itbtn ooe dar from I hla saUl, at said prsmrae be sols to psv the claim In Ibe cats of Aiaarria ilriaeal r.

Omnlal Driarol, acre of dlvoree granted plaintiff. aUo tb ch Il ea. Ainu eacrvee taa ptrmim-u. batag a a. ddletown.

an deieadant is asiolaed Irani mier-ringr ni-tarbtag Dial all la lbs postaasiea ol aid premiBss, coPMcit, PaocBBBiaoa. Ths Oty Coo sell at tat nigbt. A communication- waa received frwux r. J. K.

Brewa complaining ef the bad condition of b-tcaie-nit aad platlurm at uae eurser of Mai ront sirseia, irt waro, tne sow of water uttsr. eausiag saal te hty ta tae ait. producing, a ry offenalv saie 1. Tb Ctsi a naa iaatntcted i aiify the owner or tne premises i at onoa teaeisance A cuamaatcailoa waa resai-n Cbief of tbe Fire learUBeit I alarming asm tbat be bad annul mad Piilltp ivu'' Ihe Threes is vlseeef Asgust rua. Isigaed.

Tba appolouneal waa ci.aalrmad. me i it. I of tne rire liepartment saoaniiea nrw" bat ha had enatesead David Lor lar for twvBty- wo dars. wbtrh waa appravsd 1 Mr. Cois anbmltted enmnjonlesUoB reqoettlftg be -1ty Solicitor to aotwar the fullewixig asar- 'ifV what fees la the aTan.hal eo titled ev IhwT At tne makes It tae euty el the Marshal tj ibmitsmoathiy report te CoOBCli, what aaeui nea ernori eoatalaf i.

whatdiHMHH is shall be BMke of sse testa ae is nut estl tied to euacii then adleurard AaToss tbe attendants at the last rehear-al of ibe UeraaaBia hlBBBeretior was a seetlrBaajrliB lowiaig, white beard tbat laaauwy ws-s raaebas asi ly to bis waist- la apuearsac ha waa aiieaat ssveaty years old. He was gives la eoP Is aauai Ut vaUtora oa Iba basercbo Bar- als. ine mualra. aeores uf the soagt rmt.u?a' i.i vaolna in prepaiaiioa lor tee uniies aaa body noied the earoeaioeat wits the eld geBUetaaa toll owed the rill piroctar asxert gae hla ptP'JJ!" ere pleased at bis laterest ta their yrofrw-i bar aatoniabos. however, wboo of ihe singing ioaaoa ho esave torws aadasi.g eversl solos that la com volnm aad ex aciitam have B0r beea osaalied la aasd tso.

ano tbev wondered who le old genUeaiaa euis as that badsowounerfulty prerved the raauosseo. doxibiiity aadfresaaoaswf yoetafs. voiee. ll Profeasor John Humbaer. wbo bad corns Ton sa a oapeiso.

sad bo virlunleered to aa the ooacort alter he had een latroSuovd membera of Ihe Mnnnercbor. It ia v.w aa do IB tav maitar, far he graall sajeysd Lbsgesaral i BWUk a. ar I III mnaimT aav arfDnraw i. i i and olbcra ngainst IbsOtyad ton and lb Mamilioa Waier-Workat ompaBy ciuaed yetterday a Utile after three o'coc'-'l rosts witn Court, wse a id take it shser sdviai" for a weeg or aoor. 1 be prlBcipai polauj" the plain: Iff.

wees thai it was Ih direct rrahoa Bat is snows as too name uv, whioa w. i. hlcB Brnvvneafor the psyssent mt wuv' tbe TTeutory aot otherwise ho aaa. a blob waa nut dona I thai in clause wberata the eity Interval oa Issued by tbe Works assay to tba Bcosor or mail, lull I mmm ill 1L. alfw airvady earned end -duo th sais narvv-i vimaiaoa na ine uuniiiuuna ana Zah Brobitrit corporstlo fxoan lendiag auy private eurpuratioB.

Ae, ll waa lbmeissaleesd Ibe taha aad sawdai at course tais was Sealed, by lbs ants, and au argued. There TL-S points raised, but lasia to aav principally to Ihe-e tao. It z.wat claimed ins tbe set under wbieh the grsaieo waa soiy aoppiemoniary to nw. rvsulrvd tbe t-'ounell lo aubailA iheuau "La ousltBed votero ol th elly aa to whether er a Bed voters ol th elly as to dboeaiorod taia Bf V'uiJd itloraeyt in the ease ur botb lu i of evsddvrable length, referring stiea.awoa atlora vm-ia ov avaavrravw aonrin. 1 and aiao Ao namataoa aaaiaiaaa Harlar bbob ouaattoaa fiiiilnilia Ainfldrat wtoaiis tbeeaao, aa ibere to ad dnabt bal ia a-a-r wiue apixwlo la SuBrsinu Court lot heal so tu picn a avinaa aa io.

aet fori la aiaiem.Dt of faeuu It wuaM be aate staertneqaestnM sf awwni.iw,M7r!" the Ii ll be iiiei-f liita ab-a tsrute mplalnee at ahi7al bv tae eralaauea Ihe ca- is nimmiJ.

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