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Lincoln Nebraska State Journal from Lincoln, Nebraska • 4

Lincoln, Nebraska
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SUNDAT STATE JOUKXAL, SUXDAT, SEPTEMBEE 13, 1918. 4 A that have been enforced under his direction since the rovemmnr tmk avcth. IKEWS OF THE RAILROADS to that many think the results not neat)y so satisfactory and creditable as believes they are. Let us, however, be optimistic and hope to find on further inquiry that Mr. McAdoo has not overstated the good results KQ MORE 'EXTENDED TRIPS ruOTBILL HIST IE MADE SORT OF SPORT.

apart a-rrt. Gnrrslk'n was irht anil ihe aai iVa Way. fuHowri hum. by Mar Harrison, I Wius ItUware, and tkw'i.

in th order nnil Tn Hunt re abare of IJie iz a ltd. Jniiatli4'iT titer the race the Brirtttm stable chiirtg-i the wtnbcr to a mt ft ree wirta at th same and distance, and It likely that the two n-a nuxrt at tti auwtucl Irara in a ap-ciai slant bait Saturday. the beating the Germans had been given says the correspondent of La Liberia. A captured German officer when Interrogated, declared the Americana were "terrible adversaries." The correspondent say The wounded men tn talking of tha engagement described the fighting as of the severest sort, especially In the series of dense woods scattered about the salient and also along the railroad line. Scarcely two hours after the attack was launched the Germans started a counter attack with three divisions, which however, were finable to stop the American advance.

"The American troops." adds the correspondent, "shows magnificient bravery and disregard of danger." of government management. Csaea tl Jlat Ofnee Opts. The union ticket offlce of al the railroads at Cincinnati was opened during the week, and Is the latest added to the list. William G. Brown, formerly assistant general passenger agent of the Baltimore at Ohio, is In charge of the offices, and the personnel Includes sll of the ticket sellers in the former city ticket offices at Cincinnati.

UmJi LISEEGAED OF DMGEE Vaakee Soldier Calleet Terrible Ad- veraarlee ky Geraaaa. PARIS. Friday. Sept. 13.

The first group of wounded wno arrived at an evacuation hospital behind the battle front today from the St. Jiiheii aector for got their suffering In their Joy over time he kaks every railroad report to him daily ln aumiMr of cars, both for- 'gn and system, loaded with coal, aand, and gravel. "So poaaibie excuse wlil avail for failure of the railroads to perform their duty to the utmoat in the trans porta uon of this most essential cooimorHy," says Mr. Alshton. "Our responsibility wiU not be fulfilled tmtil there are more car available every day for coal loading than the miners caa load.

Each road should have auch local super-vision aa may be necessary to prevent effectually any condition or practice that reduce the. full efficiency that should be obtained from coal car equipment, t-uch daily reports as may be neceaeary. depending on local conditions, should be recured." Taking Issue with Director-General McAdoo'a declaration that coal car recently had been furnished to the mine more rapidly than the mine have been able to load them, the national coal aa-aoclatlon in a. formal statement charges that the car supply to the bituminous mints as a whole Is still Inadequate and cites the official figures of the geological survey. '-stiortag of car at the bituminous coal mines of the country," says the operators' "haa curtailed production of not less than tons since January and atands aa the dominating factor of 11 eausea of cultailment.

Car shortage cut bltumlnou coal production LsM.uoO ton during tha week ended August 17. l.5,000 tona during the week ended August 10 and lona during the week ending August I. In replying- to the association' tte-ment the railroad administration said the geological eurvey'a figurea were not accurate In that they did not take Into account the gurplua of car supplied at sorpe mine which did produce as rapidly as cars were furnished. It also was contended that when a mine that had been closed for a week or longer was opened suddenly and no cars were on hand the administration waa charged with car shortage when It had not been asked for cars. THAT M'ADOO REPORT.

Rather Roseate Jfatwltmataaeilaar Hear Criticisms Made. Director-General McAdoo haa made a rather roseate report to the president on the results of seven month of government operation of the country's railroada. sayg the Chicago News. He tells of "a dally Increase In efficiency and He mentions divers measures of economy BIG STOHE OK (OIL BE1AG PIT IP I'M NEBRASKA. Wsrklsg Agatast Ike Day Traasaortatloa Mar a Dlf- ftcalt Prepoaltlaa.

Nebraska fuel consumers have ben preparing for the winter tune In a manner that pleaes transportation men. Storage by Individual consumers has been greater this season thin it has ever been befortv-tltho railroad men hope this fact will not deter others from ordering their winter's supply now If they have not already done so. It is said the railroads have more coal stored on their lines west of the Missouri river than they have had In many year, and that the east of thenv er' I also very heavy In Lincoln the L'urling-ton has a small mountain of coal in Its local yards. It Is more o-f an object to store coal at the farthest points from the mints first, iiliho it is s.iid the Iowa and Illinois reserve supply lias been made rather heavy. In Iowa a campaign was waged to get farmers and others who can burn wood to depend on that for fuel, and this will make It possible for that stale to get along with a less amount of coal.

The smaller amount the railroads hie compelled to haul in the bitter winter weather the greater atten tion they can pay to other business. railroad men look for a' congestion of business during. the winter because of the great amount of business they will be compelled to handlts to keep war forces moving. Ilallroad men expect the cast to be hardest hit by (but shortage during the winter, and If that is true It may be necc-ssury to draw on western sources of supply lo keep war Industries going In the eaat. If that comes to pass it will be difficult for thoae short of coal In the west to get It.

It. H. Aishlng. regional director of rail roads for the northwest haa issued a special warning to the railways within his Jurisdiction on the pressing need of Increasing the movement of coal. He says that every employe must be kept alive to the situation and that the matter cannot be overstated.

At the same THE UNIVERSAL CAR i "DICKY" IX WAR bAE, eraser Llarolst Maaager Will Track Atbletlra at tka Freal. J. William Holmte. known thruout thia section of the country aa "iucay," will leave for where be will euler ibe Y. VI.

A. training camp for athletic dtrectora. lie will remain there for a few weelcs, acqulrii.s: a44o-latton meihiMa vf training, after which he eiperia tu go to France. Basket ball and wrwatiiog are the sports expe-tet to be specialised in at this tone, but tbe spring baseball will be the real tin eg. WOHLLTS TIRF RECORD.

Chicago lllah ackoel Lad Takes tke ateasare af Joey May. IiETKOlT. Mich Sept. 14 A new world record of was esrs-bluihed toly when Thomaa Canipbt-il. ur.iWmlty lush school, Chicago, defeated J.m-, Hay, cr tttatanca man of the Illinois Athletic club, in the half mile run of the central amateur athletic union meet whicb was held oh a special turf roume.

tireat naval training station atliletea won the meet. MOD 4 PROVE K.4HV, l.aata Only ftevealy Heroada 111 Boat Wllk Drmpaer. LE.VO. faept. 14.

-Jack lmr. smarting under the snuouncement that he had bven outpointed at hit) rancisco Frl-dayi tiiKllt by Willi Meetian. niude qui" woik of Jack Murnn In hat aa to have been a ten round bout at MoSna Hpi-Una to-ni lit. Mo ran lasted seventy second but could have been put away sooner bad Liviup-sey chosen. Hare Driver Kaarraded.

NKW YOKk. Kept. 14. Four prumlnent automobile race drivers were suapended for varying periods, at a recent meeting of the automobile Heaoctaliun for com peting In unsanctioned rnce uieeia. i ne com, -at hoard of the uarfociatlon dtsoualibed and permanently suspended Harney uldrield lor conipeuiig in an uneancuoneo.

irac a meat-at Murlugneld," III. Early Cooper was disqualified and temporarily suspended for a similar ofTeime. Al Cotton and '1 om Allen were also dlaqunllfled and lodennlteiy us-psnded on like chat yea. GLOOM OUTLOOK FOR GERMANS Prospects for Improvement la Food Supply Are Not Bright. AM8TKRDAM, Sept.

14. Herr von Walduw, president of the Uerrnan regula tion board, speaking at a reception to the leader of the German trades unions, aald he regretted the lateness pf the har vest, and that there were no sharper means than were at present Used to get more foodntuffa. The corn crop. Von "W'al- dow said, waa only 15 per cent better than that of last year and the potato crop probably wua worse. The provisioning of Industries, he added, would Improve from October 1.

A full bread ration certainly would be re stored, but he declared he could not hold out any prospect for an Increase In the potnto ration a unfavorable weather had damaged the crop. Meatless weeka must be continued, the speaker Bald, In order to endanger the milk and fat supply. Unfortunately ho waa unable to hold out any prospect of an Improvement in tha food supply. but he was positive that It would not get worse. A member of the Reichstag, who was one pf the deputation, replying to Her von Wlldow.

aald that In view of tho hopeless Information he gave regarding the fod supply the workers could not continue to work the number of hour they now are working. STAR SPANGLED BANNER. NEW YORK, Bept. 14. While vendors of newspaper extras cried out tidings of the American advance In Lorraine, 20,000 people sung the "Star HpanKled Banner' In city hull park thia afternoon.

The ex erclse commemorated the 104th annlver sitry of the writing of the national an them. Rlcsaraae Caaaty Registers 2.o2t. FALLS CITT. Eept 14. The new registrants for the.

draft In Richardson county reported up to Saturday morning were f.OlS. The county board of regis tration believe that the number may reach 2.050. Ford cars are important servants everywhere. They help the family enjoy life, bring the pleasures and advantages of the ytown within reach of the farmer and give practical service- every day in country and town. They require a minimum of attention; any one can run the Ford and care for it, but it is better to have repairs and replacements taken care of by those who are familiar with the work and have the tools, the genuine materials, and skilled men to do the work promptly.

We pledge Ford owners the reliable Ford service with real Ford parts and standard Ford prices. F. R. HUSSONG Authorized SALES and SERVICE 12th and Lincoln Itauiilil 0cr at lalirrallr BriBsible for Cat-oralaatlag; DrlU ui Atklctica. WASHINGTON.

Sept. 14 Athletic porta a formerly pursued. Involving extended trips 'and specialized training, will tot be permitted colleges and other Institutions having army students training coi-ps. Colonel E. Rees, chairman of the war department committee on education and special ha advised president of auch Institution! In a letter made public here today.

It will be the policy of th committee, however, to strungly encourage athletic porta wltbtn each Institution and with "ceif hoofing- Institutions. foiond ftwa raid, in eaaea la which the diatancea are to short as to necessitate no Interruption of the weekly achedule of academic and military training. 'Athletic aporta a formerly pursued. Involving extended trip and specialist-d training, are Inconsistent with the soldiers' program of drill and study" said lue letteer. Athletic directors and professors of physical education who are al-leady In the employ of the students' army training camp institutions can be used In connection with lnter-mural sports, and for the assistance of the officers In charge of military physical training.

"The commanding officer at each In-Mitution will be In charge of the physical condition and training of men under his command, and will be responsible for coordinating the military training, routine and discipline with athletic sports. After receipt of this letter the presidents of several colleges wrote to senators protesting that the plan would prevent intercollegiate football this reason and until the end of the war, with a consequent financial loaa to the schools, which already had arrarrffd schedules of game and made contracts for playing them. CLEVELAND, Ohio, Sept. 1. Western Reserve university has abandoned Inter-collegiate football for the duration of the war or for such time aa the university maintained a student army corps.

Julian Tyler, president of the athletic board, made the announcement tonight. Al APPLItvD TO HISKEHS. Kafarresaeat ef Order Woala Block West Virginia Game. If tbs war department enforces the shove order relating to extended trips, it would probably mean cancellation of the la-ama between Nebraska and West Virginia scheduled for Morsantown Ortober 2 and nf the Byrarus tame here Thanksgiving. It also might prevent the claali with Northwestern and tha one with Notre i'une.

both booked for Lincoln on November 21 and October is respectively. There would still remain on the Nebraska schedule boms gamee with Iowa. Funslon and Kansas and the Missouri game at Columbia, A statement was made Friday to the effect that tbs war department had nt authorised an announcement pertaining to abandomnet of schedules. It had been pre sumed mat iniormatton to tme eiievt neu been aent out without authority. There may atlll be a queitlon an to limitation of authority possessed by Colonel JRees.

On tha face ef the above, however, It would seem I bat the schedules may yet be mutilated. DUN 10 V.N WISS CLASSIC. Haas Trae Form in g.tO.OOO Fo- tarlty far Twa-year-old. NEW TORK, Bept, 14. Running slralght and true from the rise of the barrier to tha finish.

P. A. Clark's chestnut cult. Oun- boyne, won the 130.009 futurity elaantc for two year olds over th six furlong straightaway course at Belmont park toUay from a field of fifteen starters. Hir Barton, owned by Commodore J.

K. 1.. Rosa nf ('aliarta. was secona ana ins mignton ataoies rurcnaae, a well backed second choice, ftjilsaed third The winner's time was 1:11 4-r. Dun boy no, a well supported favorite in the betting- ran away twice before Jrckiy Krhuttlnger got him under control for the start.

Althe carrying the heaver Impost of 1S7 pounds Dunboyne bad plenty of reaerve speed once tbs barrier was sprung and he dominated the running thruout, coining; away easily in the final eighth Id win by two lengths. The Trump, Sir Barton and Tlgeon Wing were chasing the leader In the early part of th race, while Thunderstorm rtin for- wardly all th way but Pigeon Wing stopped badly in to last furlong. The sensation of th rue was tha wonder ful performance of Purchase, who might have been returned the winner had he run straight, when the barrier flew up Pur chase propped and then started at ai obllqu angl toward th Inner rail from wher be shot to th outside fence. He Co re Jockey Lylt could straighten him, Purchus was fully sight lengths behind tha Held In the Drat quarter and then be becan to run so faat that hs proved he was by far the speediest home In the race. He was running over th other horaes In the fliml eighth and was beaten only a half length for second money ny me outsider, rjir itarrofl.

Mormon, after a grand race finished fourth with the Trump fifth and the Wilson pair. Thunder Htorin and llaunlbal, a head Duck Season Is Now Open Are You Ready? Firsts get the righ gun Winchester or Remington NEXT get the right shells Winchester shoot right Oil your (Tun with 3 In 1 oil. Hunting Coats, Cap in fact everything from duck calls lo a hunting license. AWL OIl'S Real 8po'rt Store 1423 "Oh" grtat transportation lines and untied control and management. He expresses tha confident hope that the railroads soon will be in a condition to meet any demands that may be made upon them by the national government or by the country Industries.

it la worthy of soecial not that cording to Mr. McAdoo, coal production na nut been limited by any shortage of ear and that 1.000,000 more tons of coal had been moved ud to Aunit than in the same period last year. In the press and In railroad inH neas circles very different opinions have been expressed tauerhr in rrearit tn nu. standing results of the national experi ment in government operation of the railroads. It Is admitted that In certain directions CDeratinr perceptibly increased.

The shortening of ruuies, neavier loading of cars, consolidation of terminals, elimination of unncceasaxT naaaenrr like sups undoubtedly have had consider- eueci not oniy on operating efficiency, but on revenue. Yet for the first six months of tha vear th faces a railroad deficit of I324.000.Ovo and me iuu year is expected to fall far short of wiping out this deficit, even tho August Shows a arratlfvlnar rain in nt in. come and further gains are anticipated. wages nave been raised and the cost of coal and materials has remained high or even continued tn mount fin th other hand, however, freife-ht and passen ger rates nave been Increased considerablya 23 per cent advance in freight rates having been decreed since th anv ernment took control. It is PerhaDS too earlv 1a a definite Judgment on the results achieved by the government In operating the railroads, but It Is merely recording a fact No! Not a Tramp Just a business man In a neglected suit It will pay you to sprue) up! CaU B1338 Economy Cleaners and Pressers 1414 0 Street Rocksprings Coal Phone B-S375 Pauley Lumber National Automobile Insurance Co.

Pbona B-4266 Hupmobile THE COMFORT CAR axmax avto cx UJ3 St. ro Tai-bl-M. Piles. Fistula Cured Dr. B.

K. Tarry ear piles, fistula aaa ether rectal disease without surgical operation. Our guaranteed and a money pa14 aatll eared. Writ tor feoak as raetai dis-eaaea wild testimonial. DR.

K. it. TARRY Ba Baudtag. Omasa 2BB00MS 1 IN Directions on Label Wears Shorter Last Laager ASK YOUR DEALER SAYS Everything about the Franklin Sedan Is aimed to enlarge its owner's sphere of usefulness, by eliminating; waste all along the line in time, physical en. ergy, natural resources.

Ia other words, the Sedan conforms strictly to the need of the times. It is the ideal year-around car for the American Woman, because it expresses the highest ideal of American Womanhood Itself Beauty and Service. MORSERVICE STATION 109-113 No. 9th St. Phone fifty fifty Two passenger and Four Passenger Liberty Sixes for immediate delivery Order now any Liberty model you want and delivery will be made in turn aa orders i are received.

LIBERTY SALES COMPANY Lincoln, Nebraska XO Every day tn the year War or peace No matter what the price A Battery-or THE Battery You can buy a battery anywhere. You buy the battery in only one place from the Willard Service Station. The Still Better Willard is fiie battery because it is the only battery in which you can get Threaded Rubber Insulation the most important battery improvement in years. Youll know the Still Better Willard by the Willard Mark which is branded in the box. The booklet "A Mark with a Meaning for You" tells all about the Mark and tho Battery.

WESTERN STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY Fairbury Lincoln York If you are going to pay less for a Fall Suit than $25 better watch your step. Remember past seasons you and your neighbor have worn Monroe Clothes and you know they are right. I It's a poor time to take a chance. If you pay less you are gambling with quality. If you pay more you are out of step with the spirit of the times to economize.

MOMROE UITS and OVERCOATS Value Buying, Concentration on One Quality and One Price Save You $10 Low Rent. No Deliveries, No High Salaries, Enables us to Save You $10 Special Sunday Dinner 50 Cents Fried Spring Chicken, country style, with all tho "trimminV Served it to 3 and 5 to 8 p. m. Roberts Sanitary Dairy Lunch 1238 Bt. STORAGE BATTERY TROUBLES If the battery in your car is not working right bring (t to us and we will give it reliable attention at reasonable cost.

ZIEGLER BATTERY SERVICE 1521 New Fall Suits For Men of All Sizes and Ages. Ljr7yf rS w-ynry lami-swMaaiaMJ ---ft- liT- 1 Mo Clothes Shop Cor. 10th and St. 2nd Floor Terminal BIdg. irnFi in i.

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