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Lincoln Nebraska State Journal from Lincoln, Nebraska • 15

Lincoln, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tnXDATT STATE OURXAJL, SUNDAY MORXIG, DEC1E3CBEII' 20. 1903. 15 THE LIVE STOCK MARKETS $4 40; $4 3Cr4 3S; butchers. $4 55. Sheep ReeerpTs.

nose; mark mimical; muttons. i 75; lambs, S4 GOtti atocker. S2 eosj. T5. fiflEAT MARKET IS 1CT1YE i i 1 ErroHTs or shorts to cotter ADD" TO STRENGTH.

Vr ANTED Business opening by man of jtixrwnr and wt.l acquinta nee. tfl t-ireucM. Can tavtit. Addm Jouriul. WONET to loan.

We want good farm and city loans. are prepured to mak cnntce loans and we caa get you lowest rates obtainable. John 3. Heed, 122 No. 11th street, 3IO.NET! MONET! MONEY! Loan 'on furniture, rrtaxioa, uiijjjics, norsea.

etc No advanra. cliargea. Lowest races, arnctiy private. Origin Lou a Corojany, at. TOUR WIFE'S STOCKING reject- iiTgSle; red.

S25SJHC, No. 3, Tl'-Hslc Corn Decern Her. My. Sc'i'tirT-c; cash. No.

a. mixed, oiu. 3H No. 2. wiuta old.

SS-c: No. 3. whii. new. 37c.

Tars-'No. 2, white. No. 3, mixed Butres Crearaery, yxl; dairy, faacy, Be. Fgg Fresh, r1 Receipts.

K7 cars. Laals. ST. LOC13, Dec. 19.

Wheat Rgher; No. 1 red cash elevator, nominal; track (fHw-frXle; December. 9oe; May. sfclVSCSc; Jaiy, No. 2.

hard, 74Vrj.7Scv Com Higher; No. Z. cash, track. 44c; Dectmber, 44HC; May, 42So; July, at 42i-4e, Oata Higher: No. 1 cash.

7c: track, 37Hc; Dwomber, 36-c; May, 3gc: No. 2. white. Sli-ffilSc. i Lead Firm, at $4.

17. Snelter Firm, at Poultry Lower; chickens. 7c: springs. turkeys. 12c; ducks.

lc; geese, 3c. Butter Steady; creamery, l'(j2tic; dairy 154 2uc. Eggs Slow. I7c. ease count.

was sold yesterday to a syndicate headed by L9ter If. Crawford, proprietor of the Crawford theatre and trneral manager of tha Crawford theatre yndicati. owner and lisea of a number of ptuyhoases In Missouri. Kansas and Nebraska cities. Th purchasers will aaautna control at the DulldJn; Atuy after wfcucb th Odeoo will be conTerted Into a theatre.

A worM' fair attraction will hold boards during the aumtner and fail months. Flrstf-claaa price will role. For th? reguiar eaon of L904-5 Mr. Crawford e.i ya will present bifrh-rl iea attractions Associated with Mr. Crawford in the new syndicate) arw the following; members 1 of the present Oruwford ynditte: P.

C. Zehrtmtr of Lincoln. C. C. Philley of St.

Jo-aeph. and O. T. Crawford of Louis. There are other mem.

bera. whoae name have not been announced. The new company will be known as the Odeon amassment syndicate and will incorporattl. Pareaaae Prlew Waa The purchase price named was This figure doe not include the) ground occupied by the building, which was trolJ Iiist February to the Mac-iliiUrt estate for lloil.tX"!. The buildin was cot bounght outright by the new company, but the axranjrement consists ut a lease for a term of years with an option to purchase.

The deal was cloned and the initial payment maile yesterday afternoon by lir. 'Crawford to Isaao A. Hedges. prV dent of the Orand avenue Masonic temple and Oieon buildinj? company, owners of the building-- This company holds a ninety-nine-year lease on tho Krounit which will be transferred to the new syndicate, who will ass im all leases on the building after May 1. The most Important of these is hM by the Masonic bodies, which nave th.e third, fourth and fifth floor, under lease, which has alxter.

yexrs to run. The leases of the Apoilo oltib find Choral-Symphony society on the Odeon auditorium expire before May 1, leaving; no outstanding contracts to interfere with Its conve.Mion Into a theatr It is the plan of Mr. Crawford to install a larue ind restaurant in what is cow Recital hull. This leav the small leciur hall untouched by the present arratigemf iits. State la Very Lar-e.

Mr. Crawford said yesterlay; "I have been negotiating tor uoni time for the bull. Unit, as 1 believe it to be, in inmy respects, the best arranged i.nd oett locatei amiitorium in tne city. There Is no other stage hre ao well adapted for large productions, it being ijxiM ffiet, with a henrht of over icv'L lt will ni longer conducted a a music and lecture hall, but will be run aa a rtmt cLutH thtnf r. 1 ain not ne- CORN RECEIPTS ARE LARGE Prwapceta af Ked aetiaa of ftapsly lfrul Paw Keeps Pricea 1 11 aa -Oata 1 CHICAGO, Dee.

13. Trndirg la wheat was on a very targe acsue and the maraet sue wea ncuvtijt tnam for a long amie. Locai tuers ppura to tuu tn ULmun cciuuaeuce ui tue aituauon. Vithouaa urn maraiet advanced to tne top prae tu Lie present, little uictinauoii was la iiiiLLaleii tuna prutita. Tua extremely lioerai export bueiuesa lur tne: past two uaya auu conuuoed small receipts caaseo a good aemaaa at tne start.

Tee oveuin st. icea wer jiroi. aiay ueing suaue iu Hr-e higuer. at n-c to --o. aoons were west buyers during tae cpemng hour, aitnouga tneire waa some buyiug for uvuutia.

Odierings wvre very meagre and pricea ailvaucm: wita the aestiloci. RejHrta of war between Japan and Husaia were rife amoug trader aad toward tne end of the nrst noiir the demand had become general. Shorts became alarmed at tne attitude of the pit crowd ami In renewing eitorta to cover auaed greatly to uie strength in the market. mie thera was some llquiuauon oa tne advance tne etxect was augnt aad tne closing were about the best of tna day. Aner selling at Suc Id isei May closed at HV to a gain lc.

Clearance of wheat and flour werei eiuai to ouaheis; primary receipts were tt79.ikA bushels against 71.i)0il a yeitr ago. Minneapolis ana Dulutb and Chicago re-p-irteii receipts of 473 cars against ttll for last week, hiie receipts were larger today tha3 they have been for several weens the proanecis were bright for a big reduction in tne movement ou account uf the poor roads. Commission houses were the best buyers and the selling was scattered although provision prouueera had considerable corn for sale. After a naie to nigher at ivVa-ii7c, May sold betweea 4e-c and WBc dosing at the latter figure. war Jim cars, with threa of contract grade.

Oats were strong along with other grain. There was a fair general demand and ome evidence of further accumulation by the prominent long interest. Tha demand from this source in conjunon with the buving by local traders arted shorts to cover and with small offerings pricea showed giod advances. Receipts continued smai! and a good snapping demand was reported. May nnejied a snad to Hiqf lic higher, at 37iij7h-, and ranged between oTn and STic 37c Re celpts were Mil car.i I provisions were firm with considerable; outaide buying still In evidence.

The bullish sentiment was encouraged by tha action of grains. The- advance men Wita some eliing by EngUh houses and also by local packers, but prices held up wed. The close was strong with May pork uo at m.J5rfll.s7H: May lard wai j7Hc higher, at IK.iLvVaa.tB, and ribs were THo better, at SK.36. Estimated receltps. Wheat.

SO cars; corn. S); oats, lUU: hogs, head. Cash quotations were as Flour 'juiet but steady; whiter patents. 14 ikKtit Si; straights, 7a4 1'); spring patents, Hwf4 Jtt; straight. J3 Ssii To: bakers', 3o.

i WheatNo. i spring. S2S3c; 77 No. 2, red. siVi nc.

Com No. 2, 42Hc: No. 2. yellow. 45c Oats No.

3. SSVffStic; No. 3, whit, 3t 'H i fy aJWc. i Barley Good fading. 34f 36c; malting, fair to choice.

4'u-oJc. Flax Seed No. S3c; No. -north" western.

I i Timothy Seed Prime, J3.t3. Mess pork per barrel ill. CH511.7S. Lard, per lt lbs Vi.Vin Short ribs sides. 6.lu1.H.

Short clear sides, (boxedi M.J5iii.37. Whisky 11.27. i Clover lll.i. Reeipts. Shipments Flour, barrels 9.lni i 2T.ToJ Wheat, bushels 3Xfi Corn, bushels Sn.lW Oats, bushels iW.iHiil Rve, bushels Barley, bushels CoW-i 1 Oa the produce exchange today the butter market was weak; creameries, lavjJhc; dairies.

i i Ets Weaker, al 2.7 rheese Steady, at The leading futures ranged as fol'ows: HOW JEHtE PLATED HER PART. Tka -Ft Caaaldate Prapt-ly Fwt Warkt la tha Cellar. Miss Jennie McCormick, who lives on the South- Side, haa a friend who belongs to on of tha Greek letter fraternities at Lie university of Chicago, Ue la a senior, graduating; next June. Last Monday evening the tcephon la the home of Miss McCormick's father rang loudly and she went to answer. The voice of, hr friend sounded over the wire.

"Good, evening." It said. "This Is Mr. Dalkins talking. Tomorrow we are going to initiate four candidates into our fraternity. One of them will call oa you at 3 o'clock sharp.

He will ring the beil and will salute you in military fashion, saying. 1 hava come to report for He will do. without objection. whatever a order him to do. Please make him work hard for a couple of hours." At the dinner table Mias McCormick told of the strange message she had received.

Her father, who is nothing If not practical, smiled. Jennie he said. "I'll tell yon how you can combine pleasure with dut. When that younsr chap comes around tomorrow afternoon I wish you would set him ta work carrying the ashes out of the furnace cellar. I haven't cleaned them out for nearly two weeks, and there is a big pile down Promptly; at 3 o'clock the next after noon the bell rang and Miss McCor mick herself opened the door.

Befoe her astonished eye stood a young man she had never seen before. He was attired tn a pair of white canvas trousers, a bright red sweater, trimed with hve about the neck and sle-ves. a pair of old cowhide boots, and a woman's straw bonnet, decorated with a. couple of big red rowes and a badly mussed feather. "Miss McCormick." he said, touching his bonnet with the thumb of bis risht hand.

"I have come to report 1'or duty." 1 "Come In." she said, concealing her smiles. "I await your ord-s." continued the young man. as he stepped into the hall. "The ashes in the furnace cellar ne-l cleaning out." said the young woman. "Aye.

aye. sir," answ-ered the youth, touching his cap again. That evening at dinner Mr. McCormick asked for a report from his daughter. She took him down into the cellar nd showed him that every trace of the big pile of ashes and cinders had disappeared.

"That's all right." answered the old man. "Now if you can make arrangements to have some of your friends at the university send a candidate for secret society honors over to the house about every two weeks during the rest of the winter I shall fcejrin to take some stock In the value of college education at least ho far as I am concerned." Chicago Tribune. A BOOKWOHMI BALLADE TO HIS I FR1K.DS. To those dear ones who love me wall now with gifts would hlesa, I'd say. since naught will curb nor quell iour giving great excess, Send me ilor Christmas Yes' And spare me injured looks: Some sign, of friendliness.

But let ma chocse my books! Your taste no other tastes excel In some things I confess; My admiration you compel In all affairs of dress. Send me that sorceress-A pipe! Rod. line and hooks, A collie to caress. But let me; choose my hooks! I badly need a new timbrel (This form is O-b-s, But as my old one that to tell The trutht 'twill do. I guess).

And oh! a game of chess. With carven pawns and rooks, I've long wished to possess. But let me! choos my books! 1 Friends, your good -will express E'en in cigars, gadzooksl Give me or more or less. But let mei choose, my books! Edward W. Bornard, in Life.


Lincoln. B. JL M. H. R.

7th 4c Sfs. Arriyea. Lincoln. Lepot. 5 Chicago Flyer via Omaha iC'hieago Flyer, via Louis-1 ville 6.57am 1 hicago Llmltd.

via Oma ha and Council Bliiffs 'Icc'lCam- 10 30am 10 11.30am1 Passenger tj 4J0pm Chiago Express, Omaha Chicago Mail Schuyler Ashland ft Omaha Fast Passenger, via' t'19 Pi.tttsmouLh. via. Louis-i ti villa McCoik ft Hastings Pas-i senger Hastings Passenger. Denver Hastings Flyer; Denver ft Hastings Flyer! Kearney ft Hastings Ex.t! 1 Fairbury 55pm Beatrice A Wymore Paj-I senger Beatrice Ji Wymore Pas-f s-ii-r Coumbus via 11J-1 1 ford and Seward Nebraska City and East.t 1 Alliance Island Passenger. Seattle ft Dead- Express1 1 Jopm ft.

Louis ft Kansaa Oty' iSpecial St. Joseph 4 Kansas Cityl Express i Table Rock ft Tecumsehl PassengT Table Rock ft Tecumsehf Passenger 7.07am i-airfield ft Ainu ri j.ipm Dally, Daily, except Sundays. Leaves. art weatera Liae. Arrive.

Lincoln. Depot, 9th 3 Sts. Lincoln. 7.00am Fremont. Norfclk.

Long: Omaha, (Union Sta- tioni, Boneateel, Local Points In Iowa and Illinois, Daily, except Sun-j day ILSwm Chicasro Limited 'UJam St. Paul, ijioux City Lim-4 ited llCam Albion Line, Except Sun-i day 1.46pm Black Hills ft Wyoming Express, Omaha (Union) iStation), Chicago, Cedar' Rapids and Sioux C. St. I. P.

R. B. itriTM. Lincoln. Depot, 30th ft St.

Lincoln. Omaha ft Ccnmcil Bluffs' Chicago Express Utah Coast Potntsl 9. 03am Denver. Colorado Springs) Daylight Train 1 Kansas. ft Texaal ISpecaai ilV40am 14am Ctuaufd Daylight Special, Leaves.

Lincoln. I aion Paelae. Depot ft 5th Sts. Arrive. Lincoln.

Maohattaa aad Kansas! iCity Except Sunday S.SSamiChicago and Western Connection. Except Sunday Beatrice Express. Except! ISunday SJoam Stromsburg Branch Ex-I press. Except Sunday 1055am learn. Lincoln.

Uf imsrl r.rlie Depot, 9tb ft 3 Sts. Arrtvea Lincoln. ti BEES" CATTLE TAKE BI DROP FOR WEEK. "ji i (aaaeravj jLwas la Hga Aaaawta ta IS ta 30 Ctala-Ctalea Sheep Bin I j- Bee a Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, liva stock were: Dec.

Receipts of Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 4,44 9.U28 Official Tuesday Official Wednesday 12,122 S.2S3 11.5;i9 4.3H1 S.tR3 1.7.a 8.333 s.fta a.D42 5st Official Thursday I.7;i4 Official Friday l.3 Offkuai isaturday 341 Total thi week la.010 57.TOI 2S.9.15 Week ending Dec 13. .18.40 51,753 4.iei2 Week ending Dee.

46.315 Week endiv.g Nov. 2i. J9.d 37.3K8 3U.l Week ending Nov. a. .20 329 43.11S S1.54 Same week last year.

.17.247 54.S3 44.313 Average price paid for hogs for the past several dys, with comparisons: 1 1 tyra i3T2 111 im vm issr Dec. 5.98 Dee. 44Ti Dee. 09 Dec. Dec.

17. .4. 24 22 Dec. Dec ti.91 8.21 4-1 8.21 4.SS 4.S4 6.34 4.83 8.24. 4.73 6.12 4.77 3 i 3 .38 S.20 3.23 3.24 3.2 3.31 5 3 33 3.9S a.

3., 10 J.2 3.9 3,92 3.2S Indicatea Sunday. Cattle. The same as ustal on a Saturday tha pens were practically empty, and no I test ef the market was made. For the week receipts have been about the same as for last week, but a little heavier thaa for the corresponding week of last year. The demand for killers has been very limited and trading has been slow with the tendency of prices decidediy downward.

A liberal proportion of the receipts this week consisted of corn, fed beeves. The demand for beef the same as is generally the; case just before the holidays was very limited and as receipts of fat cattle were liberal at all points the market could not help but suffer a sharp decline. This waa true at all points and the Omaha market suffered no worse than othero. Big. heavy cattle and short fed and warmed up grades suffered the worse and could be quoted all of lower.

The choice handy weights are around 15 lower for the week. Warmed up cattle may be. quoted from S3 00 to S3 7i fair toi good grades from jj to 4 25. and good to ehoice from S4 23 to 34 35. with something extra fancy at SR.

00. or possibly a -trltie more. As compared wtrh a year ago, choice heavy cattle are around Sl.flO per luO pounds lower, while lightweights and warmed up kinds are not much dif-f-erant. Lust year, however, immediately after Christmas the market began to Improve and in a short time had advanced materially. The cow market has also been In had shape this week.

The meiilum grades have suffered the worst decline and may be quoted 25'u3oc lower. Canners are not soi muc-h different and the choice grades are around 15i 2.V: lower. Canners are selling from Si 73 to S2 15, fair to good grades from J2 15 to S3 SO, and good to choice from S2 5t) to S3 25. As eomoared with a year ago the better grades of cows are all of lower, while canners and the medium grades are not much different Bulls are a big quarter lower than a week ago, and siow sale at the decline. Fair to- good hull are selling from S2 OU toi S2 5).

and good to choice from 32 Se to Hi 2a. These prices are about 30c lower than a year ago Veal ralve have not shown much hang. best grades selling to S3 01'. or about 5oc lower than a year ago. Stockers and feeders have been in light suoply all this week and with a fair demand, prices on desirable grades have held fully steady, and, in fact, some sales are a little higher.

Choice yearlings and cattle of good quality weighing from S5D to 9011 pounds sell to tha beat advantage. Cattle of that description in some, cases how an advance for the week of lOnjilSc. The less desirable grades are only about steady for the week and rather slow saie. Common cattle from S3 AO down. Fair to good grades go from S3 00 to S3 25.

and good to choice largely- from S3 25 to S3 50. As' high as S3 was paid this week for a choice bunch of yeanings. As compared with a yeaV ago, stock cattle average 73c lower. Hogs. There was a fairly liberal run of hogs reported this marntnir but a large proportion of the offerings was consigned direct to local packers, so that the actual number on sale was rather small.

Packets all seemed to be anxious for supplies, a-nd the market opened about J'-ic higher, hilt soon impro 'ed arfi waa higher, bin. irostly 5 nlgner. Tradlnn was quite actue. so that an early clearance was made. The bulk of the hogs sold from to S4 35.

with some early sales and lightweishw at S4 27S. highly mixed loads, or-thoso that fun all the way from heavy hogs to pigs, were very slow sale, and in several cases had to sell down from $4 13 to S4 25. For the week receipts of hogs have been fairly liberal and while prices have fluctuated back and forth to quite an extent the gneil tendency has been dcwnwird. The net loss for the amounts to IS 20c. Skep.

There a few cars of in the yjairds this morning, but they were sold tbi arrlvi; at steady pricea. For the week receipts have been very light, both as compared with lat week and with the corresponding weeK of last year. The table of comparative receipts above will the exact figures. The market for good" to choice, handy Weight shep and lambs is stead--- to strong for the week, with trading active. Heavy sheep, however, as well as common and part fat stuff has dragged all 'Jho w-ek and prices have eased off lfisi 25; cents.

decline, however, is not as radical as the break In prices at other points so 'hat quotations here are well 1:1 line. Packers have apparently been anxious all the week for good stuff, but have not cared for the inferior grades. Receipts of feeders have been limit-d and with the: demand fairly good for this season of the yeat tlie market on all desirable grades has iheld steady, with trading fairly active. Common kinds, though, have been rather neglected the same as usual. 1 Quotations for Corn Fed Stock: Choice western Iambs.

S3 fiuy'S 25: fair to good Iambs, S4 oij-ftS good to choice yearlings, $3 75J4 fair' to good yearlings, $3 Sutf 3 73; ehoice wethers, S3 33 33 fair to good wethers. SB 2Mi3l j5: good lo choice ewes, 3 20: fair to good ewes, ss-fj 3 00; choice feeder lambs. S3 611 4 10; fair to good feeder lambs, S3 ii0; baoy lambs. 'Wa-8 flo: feeder yearlings, tl 1 50; feeder wethers. S3 35; feeder wes, S2 "'J2 30; culls.

SI A0'a2 00. C-leaga. 1 CHICAGO. Dec. Cattle Receipts, 300 heed: nominal; good to prime Steers.

75: poor to medium. 2 fi4 50; st.ock-rs and feeders. $1 5033 90; cows, SI 25-3 heifers, SI 7y4 50; calves 2 tyi5 73. i Hogs Receipts; 21.000 head. Sal? dracged badly at somewhat lower pricea most of the day.

but the close was about Steady at' yesterday's prices. Mixed and fcntehers. S4 50: good to choice heavy S4i 50; rough heavy. S4 J04i4 40; light. $4 lo 45.

i Sheep Receipts, l.nofl head. Both sheep tnd lambs held steady but slight change in prices. Good to choice wethers, S3 00': fair to choice mixed, TvA 5: western sheep, t2 75a3 SO; native lambs. Si 75; western lambs, 34 5Mx $60. Kaaaaa City.

KANSAS CITT. Dec. 19. Cattle Receipts. 300 head; market unchanged; export and dressed beef steers.

S4 ijSf5 fair to choice, S3 Sn-oS 9fi; western steert, fc 91; stockers feeders, $2 U'nA ti; cows. SI 5014 00; calves. $2 73; heifersi 12 5n Of'. Hogs 4.0CO head. The market wtis steady to weak: heavy.

S4 packers. 34 304 35; pigs and lights. J4 05. 4 25. Sheep Receipts.

3.000 head: steady, with lambs at S4 JijSib 50; ewes. S2 75itf3 50; year-Imga. S3 5o4 stocker and feeiiers. 2 0u3 53. I Jtw Tsrk Paalrry Market.

InEW TORK, Dec. 19. Poultry A live, DominaX Dressed Quiet: western chickens, 12c: fowls, 11-512C; turkeys. St. Law la.

ST. LOUIS. Dec. Cattle Receipts. head: market quiet and steady; native Steers.

S4 W5 50; dressed and butchers, $4 WkSa 25; stackers and feeders, S3 003 75-cows nd heifers, S2 50; calves, S3 matf 75. Hoga Receipts, 4.100 head; market strong aariy closing weak; pigs and lights JEWELRY. THERE la no -watch, clock, or article of Jeweiry chat we a iint repair. Prompt servtc. C.

Tucker. The np-lo-me-Mlnuta Jwier. 1U 8C IjOE3 your watch clock ne-d repairing? Take it to he at. first ruui workmen. Phone iLS t'rauk iLica- ard.

THIS PARTT Who found the thrw-Mt ouul ring on tne lavatory at tne city library Friday, tl, plea-! si. Journal umca and receive re- ward. 1 LOST Between Miller A- Paine and Herpolsheimer's. or at Herpolsneimar's. goid bow clasae.

Fleaaa leave at journal offle. LOST Saturday afternoon between B. M. and Northwestern depot or be-lwwn Northwestern depot and South Street, via two llo Liberal reward IX ratunuil to llth and M.

a pair of gold-rimmad apeeiaeiaa- In ease. Reward for rift urn 123 Ho. 12tn. IK LADT who loat sum of money will rail at tnr 27th ft Huldrsg. again.

It will ba to her advantage. MILLINERY. feUT your Xmaa millinery, fur, jewelry and bair good at Mr. Luke's; get green trading atampa. I3 So.

1-th. In ma i-kis. 2 NIGHT SCHOOL. NF.W TERM opens Monday Jan. Tu-i lon any cottr tlO rhrea montha.

Call l.lit) St, Phone 74.. Modern Commercial SchOoL PASTURAGE. HORSES to winter; 34 Cheney Neb. fur term wrlta box WANTED Hon aa for wintering at Gra.aiand arm. 3 miles- eouto of prison.

I'nnk 11. Aultrwa. P1ioq S2X. PERSONAL. MORPHINE, opium.

laudannm, cocata habit, myself cured; will Inform you 'of iiarnues. prmannt home cu--. Mrs. naidwtu Boa U1.X Chicago- lTTKACrrVE LADT-Vary' wealthy, wtnli goo. ahle hoanend.

Addreaa MAsa Hanson, ail Clinton Cmc-ago. III. 1 LADlEfc Chicheewr' English Peanyroy-h1 pule era th b-t. tatV. rriliabla I' nk no oin-r.

drnd atatupa tor par-fU'ular. Laili's. In ltir bv r(ura mail. Aak jour lrnKlr. i FhllaUi'lvtua, l'a.

LADIES In troubU writing to poat box si, umiiha. will nut rrat It. VcM'R futura fo-at)ld by tha rellab." airvoyant; and, mw tw ataiop. fxti. CarL 4a N.

tark SL. In daapalr. 8pady raUaf. Abnormal auppreoti any caiuw. Wrlt-j fir rmly.

dnfv. aura. Or. Martha. Wal-kt-r WJ atto.

Chluao. I SKKK. buaband for l'1y. ael 1. wortn tMOl widow, XL widow and etovk farm lady 22, and beautiful farm.

Adilreaa Jwala. la Bnutdway, St. Loula, Ha. Biir'TH AFRICAN oM euro. Tha jreat-ac cold eura nn earth.

Only mks a to pi a Matlical Cincinnati. O. ilARRlAfiW DIREtrrORT frea to fay wba yoa act married. nw pl.ia. nd no ninnj.

For partluularv ad-ir-ea H. A. Morton, dpt. Takunaba. illcll.

ATTRACTIVE! XKDX Vary wealthy. WA.ita good, able husband. Adtirvs, Mtaa HunaaQ. 21)1 Cllntoa (L, Cbiuatfo. 111.

I MAN In prima of Ufn. worrn Ha.i, wanxa poor bat honwet wU'. Addram ilr. Hala, Harrlaon Cbtt'uC't. 1 it'K LiFH RKADIN'i Many type- writtent paxa concerning buwinsa.

lova. h-altft, frw. fend ttata of birth. sx. Artdreaa Aatropathwtlo Iiiatitute, Auditorium Raaaua Vour recomniendarlori wamad.

NER-VOIXE-ThOM ufTer1n; from wakneMt that will ut (ilMfflnii of ehotiid takw Ner-vo-infi. Ona box will work wnndara. H.t mora fjuven-jtina; and yitallalmr power than any inwlntn In the world. Bent by mail, tl par box; i for Rir American amenta, Lincoln. NVb.

LADlrHS Ara you awara that tn Frinca Kkoman uaa a monthly Peculator more than tha women of all o'her nation (combined? Ir. La Rue French regulator la uaed everywhere: tnorounnly rullartle; ahaolutaW Prion, 3 for I.Ju. KitfX' Pharmacy lean Mnti, LJn-oiu, Nab. 1 FRIVATE HOME ilirr1n conflnemenf, habile adopted Tha Oood 11 ava. Council Bluff, a.

PROFESSIONAL. Wa aell tha remedy that cured Mr iiemorold, 5c. (Juaranteed by UtgK. 2 STORACE. THE LtNOOIJ 8TORAOB P.

tit. tinmla atored. packed and ahiprwd. Cbeapeat tnauranca. Talepaoa No.

KS. STO RAG We store, pock anl reahlp alt klnda of Na mica. No bugi. Humphrey Hard War th and O. STRAYED.

JERSKT hetfer. wild, long rope. Pleaae notity 8CH do. 11th dt. TRANSFER.

LINCOLN Lex-al Exrrea. Quick delivery; cararut handling. li St. Phone TST. UPHOLSTER! NO.

WE will ao yarnlahing nd polishing during Jan. and Fehr. W. N. Parka.

1J) No. lnh. Phona Am MISCELLANEOUS. CHntrn-p on tn rt aacond hand baaa-hurners. Lahr.

l'3 at. BAROA INS Bargain tn Oak stoyea Lahr. luSl St. soon ir niMT." Ia ih Jamme.1 and Jouncing streetcar I was banring to a strap. Trying hard keep front anting in soma rotar atrangw lao; Evary time, wa toried.

aoma other rrajnMel hurrleiilv aboard. While in lone that thrilled wuh earnest- nea the blu clad man implored. there plenty room up front ther If you move along and hunt-Step a llttte, lively, peopl. for ther' Room Front. If head 1at lesson as we strog- gl day by dav.

Tolling on and moiling" onward In a dull. halt hearted way. If we make a reaol-jtlon that wa d. do our work so well That unteea the other hustled we ba certain ese. TTe would feel a lot leea erowdad a wa do our dally atunt If wa -teo a Uttla Urely" thara 4 ba -Roenn rg Front Baltlmor American.

THE OOEOI. Tr Haas la Waleli lr. Ifirant la Iateraated. Thai St. lui Glob Democrat says af tha St.

Louis deal in which Frank C. Zehrung of tha Oli-r haa a considerable mtareat: Tha Oledon and iiaso tempi bmld-Ltf. on Grand, near Finney artnue won't hold a mirror bat it would please her to receiTe one for Christmas- VTe haTe all shapes and styles tl mirrors. K0STKA 1211 0 STREET. Phon CMICACO MINHUfOLIf wards, wood Mala Offlc Maaaattaa sMdf.

st- pall, Caalara in Sio.ks, Grab, Pramlsns aad aokl for eask at aa twBat Margto rubers Excaarta, Privats Wires, Writ far ear dally tarn) lattar jrtaatt touagraak etpoar isaiiad Ship Your Grain to Us East faeiiitiaa Liba Prompt rtaraa Branch Ofilow 209 South I Ith Street, Phone t4l. UnoaJn, Nkv OULUTH WtHMIPta BETTER Your Condition BY rNVESTTNG TN OUR PR1VILEG TRADING DEPT. Our Customers HAVE ALWAYS Received 5 PER WEEK With EXTRA DIVIDEND Twice a Year. BooKet free. Bank, Financial and Customer MACK COMMISSION CO.

Mack Block. Milwaukee. Wis. LOCAL REFERENCES FURNISHED U. S.

STEEL PFD. I Do you want to share in the profit of the hiegst financial deal worked In Wall street In years? If so. don't fail tn get our special letter on 8. Steel and Wabash PTd. We jj will execute buying orders in these stocks on a maririn of Three Dol- lars per share.

ton't delay, act quicklv. The ortportnntty of a life- 2 time "awaits yrm. Daily Market a Forecast mailed free. V. 8.

Steel Security Inc. 217 3d Ave. St. 320 tth At Pittsburg, Pa. A SAFE INVESTMENT BLACK.

HILLS MINIftiC STOCKS Buy Hidden Treasure, Hidden Fortuna. Rex. Reliance. Waueooda, Spearflsh. Potsdam.

I can deliver genuine transferable stock put in your name. Let ma have your orders. R. O'SULLIVAN, lavestmeat Sccaritles. 11 BROADWAY, KEW V0BJL NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT.

Estate No. 15M of Pony Wilson, tn county court of La ncaater county, Nebraska. The- state of Nebraska. To all persona Interested in aaid estate, take notice, that the executor has filed a final account and report of his administration, and a petition for final settlement and discharge aa such, which have been set for hearing before said court on January 11th, 19H. at o'clock a.

when you may appear and contest the aame. Dated December 143i. 1908. FRANK R. WATERS.

County Judge (Seal.) By WALTER A. LEESK. Clerk, Katie ef rtltlam. Estate No, 1S30 ot Mark Lowney, deceased, in county court cf Lancaster county, Nebraska. The state- of Nebraska, To all person Interested in aaid estate, taka notice, that a petition has been tiled for the appointment of Hannah Lowney a administratrix of said estate-, which has been set for hearing herein, oa January 7th.

1304, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated. December 3. 1303, tSeal) FRANK R.

"WATERS. County Judge. By WALTER A. ESS. Clerk.

5arle. The regular annual meet lr of tha stockholder of the First, National bank of Lincoln. will ba held at It blinking rooms in Lincoln. Nebraska, on the second Tuesday. 12th.

of January, 19u. at the hour of p. of satd aa for the purpose of electing directors, voting on a resv olutlon to incsae the capital stock of said bank from JCOOOv onto SaoOirtO.OO, and transacting such other bustneaa aa may come be'ore the meeting. H. S.

FREEMAN. Cashier. NEW KENTUCKY, $8.50. WHITBREAST CO. Eiel-csive Agents.

a IS j- 12 1 Capital Surplus Undivided Profits S2CO.000.00 100,300.00 4OJX10J3O Tha Firs! ftaiicna Sank cf Lins3li, 3. H. BURN HAM, President. A. J.

SAWYER, Vic President. H. S. FREEMAN. Cashier.

H. B. EVANS, AaaL Cashier. FRANK PARKS, Asst. Cash.

COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. 1895 Deposits l3 Deposits ls7 Deposits lsiii Deposits las Deposits 1300 -Deposit 623,393.00 79u.932.00 832.439.00 L170.S92.0O 1.301.09. 00 2.36,570.00 1901 Deposits 1902 DepMits Arrangements have been made whereby we are now prepared to issue money orders good anywhere in the United States and at a much lower rate than express oriera. IT A CIA L. NEW, TORK.

Dec. 19 Close Money 03 nominal, no ans; time loans, steady at 6 per cent: and 9t days, aix months. iyi'; prime mercantile paper, 6 per cent; sierung exchange easy, with aotuni buMness in bankers bills, at S4.st7oef4.tlu for demand and at J4M2ig 4JS tor- days; peaied rates,'4.w; commercial bills, 4.sii. Biiver Bars, oic; Mexican dollars, 4214. Bonds Gov el ument, steady; railroad, kteatty.

A few stocks supplied all the Interest In today's stoca maraet. There was a continuation of the rtcent active speculation in Amalgamated Copper ana United States bteel, preferreu. showed a linn tooe ou the better feeling regarding the trade outlook. Opinions ou the outlook in these two metau say they are inclined to react upon memseives. There was renewal yesterday attack on Hock Island and of tne rumors of a coming equipment bond bisue to which that attack was due.

The coalers were notably strong, pecially the high priced stocks ia tha group. The foreign markets showed in 1 ratiier pronouueeu torm a recrudescence of the fears of war- between Russia and Japan. A rumor found circulation that Russia was seeking a war loan in lLrU and that New York bankers had been approached to participate in the loan. A continuance for any length of time of the recent course of our foreign trade would offer a probability of some American investment in fureigu government securities but the Question of the. volume of demands for railroad borrowings waiting to be satisfied by our fflnnow market is for prior decision.

The bunk statement showed an evet greater accumulation of cash reserves than forecasrs had indicated and the prenaraiion for meetTng the annual dividend and interest disuurseroent ia plainly in progress. The loan ismtrac-tion of over also serves to benefit the -surplus by deacreasing. the deposit total, the surpls thus being expanded to over comparing favorably with the corresponding period in recent years. The hand market has failed to rert-ct any investment demand in the operation of January disbursements of funds aad has been dull and Irregular. V.

'S. bonds were unchanged on call for the week. tTloalag; Haotmdont. Atchison fi Mo Kan Tex pref 924 a A 73' Weils Fargo 17 lt 21 pref VTs-i pref Canadian P.ic ..119 Natl of Mex Central of pref Chesa Cenrral Chic ik. Alton SB's Norfolk prf pref Chic Gt 1534 Ontario 27 -It'J 57i S3 mi 43t4 -HH i'l -'4-s nl i 42 "21 iS- 211, 7' iilv, 7S irt4 17 pref 2.

i'nn Chic ft Northw. Pitts CCA St Chic R-Tdinar 17a 1st pref 7'i 2nd prf U1 Rook Island S3 pref 23 St ft Saa tsr. pre.f 2t' 2nd pref pref St Colo Southern pref pref Del Hud Del' Dny Rio Southw 72i pref d4St Paul pref Southern Pac pref Erie 1st pref pref Gt Norh pre. southern Rwy Hock Valley "2ti prf pref Texas A pac Illinois Central St ft Iowa Central pref pref SS Union Pac Southern 1W pref prtf 341-tWahash ft nref Msnbsttan Wheel ft Met jjt Rwy Wis Central Minn i St pref 'EXPRESS COMPANTE3. Mo Pac 9fft4Amal Copper Adams 220 American MISCELLANEOUS.

1S8 Am Car Fdry Lead pref 67 North Amn Am Lin3eedlOil 9'i Pacific Mail pref .29 People's Gas Am Locomotive Steel Car pref ..77 pref Ara Smlt ft Rfng 4.i Pullman pref 921 Republic Steel Am Sugar Rfng.12!!', pref At.aconda 73 Rubber Goods Brook' vn 50 pref Colo ft rliTnn ft I Col Hoc Coal I '-V Leather Consldt fta pref General Elee Ruber Intern! Paper 1' pref pref 8 Steer lot 7314 24 97H, 27ii 17 ..21 4f.i IS 71H 24 r-i 7114 10 2t4 10 3 iT4 lateral rump pref TT pref West Cnlon Natl Biscuit 3G BONDS. Ref 2s Reg 105H coupon 1.2314 coatxin i'o Old 4 Reg loi I 3 uer coupon n-) cotipon 3 is Reg Wi New 4a Reg 123 coupon .1014 Exchange. CHICAGO. Dec. 19.

New change. 15c. Tork DIVIDEND STOCK FOR SALE. A prosperous western Manufacturing Company of high commercial Standing will seil a limited amount ef stock at par ta take car of steadily increasing business. Stock pay regular 7 per cent annual dividends- Expcted to pay 8 to 10 pee ent ih coming year.

Shares $2S Highest refrences. Address far foH particulars "Dividends' oar State Journal. H'cckly Buk Suttmtit. NEW YORK. Dec.

13 The statement of averages of the clearing house banks of this city for the week shows: Loans. decrease, S2 Deposits. .21 Increase. S5.47s.3iT. Ciraulation, S4o.n28.10fl; decrease, sxi.2'.

Legal tenders, t5.2-9.); increase. S1.73L-Specie. C.T7,iS7.000: increase, S5.553.4d9. Raserre. 1228.096.

500; i-crease. S7J04W. R-eerve retroired. S2I2.71.0TO; rrx-rease. 11.367.

-075. Sarptus, S14.K5v50O; Increase, 35.947,323. I Open I High I Low I Ctoss Wheat- I I i 1 1 li fee, :74 May 'l S.vVg4 July i 7-4, Corn Pec 42 '4? -43 42S May 44S i 44S July '43H Oars 1 I 1 Dec j3R 1355, May TT's ,37 July U4 M-x M'a M-S Pork .1 li in n.7t,'tt.i fl.47H Mjy U.85 '12. 11.30 Lard- i Jan I t.VH Mas- I 1 S.56 tl I Jan 1 6. May 6.

JO .5 ij.i". 1 i Sparel to aay Just hj.t our ul fair production will be, but aeveral bis producer are axt-r it. will proceed without delay to took the higrest class attractions foe and St. Louis will havt? a rirst cltij end theatre. The Odeon seats 2.HA), and this- can be increased The making of a piay.iojie out of the nutrks the paitiitj ot wh it ben endearingly caii-'d 'th ol music and opera tn St.

Louis." This waa the conception of the owners when the house waa opened in November, I.VKJ. It was designed that it should replace the old music hail in the exposition building, and become the perm-nent abode of opera and concerts. At tne end of the first season tha Odeon had gained a national reputation musically. It was predicted that its beauty and perfect aeousuc propert'ea would make It a source of pride to t-L Louis as a hall of music for years to come. Nordica, Kubelik, i'aderewskl.

Shumann-H-ink and othj artlstsartlsts of equal fame have stated that it win the most pcttect hil la which they have eve- appeared. casm every first class ound and orchestra touring tne country was heard there. Including Seiim, Strauss, Innes, Theodore Thoma. Kllery, Creators arid Weil. Sat Farias Propositlua.

It is said the management found the auditorium could not be made to pay aa a strictly musical enterprise. The number ot F.igh class concerts gradually fell oit and the hall wui given over largely to otht-r aiTairs, su.u as eiUertainrdeiiU, lectures and conven-tnms. The spirit the company which built the ha.ll wis W. Alrt sweexey, the architect. spring Mr.

tiweexey sold his i itcreat mid the company was reorganised with Isaac A. H-iges as prediuent. The company is incorporated for The other officers are Ueorge D. Markham. vice president, and Jiary J- Walker, secretary and treasurer.

The directors are the above oincars anil Alfred Clifford. William II. uiiin, O. H. Peckham and John A.

Laird. The copt of the Is pkveed at tiCOXM. It ia construction. Lester M. Craf rj.

of the new ia a newcomer among at. Ijiuis theatrical Managers. At thd old or Fourteenth street, old tiero-fcnia. or Fourteenth srraet, theatre, changed Its r.air.e to the Crawford, opened it in August at pipuki" and has it a pasin proposition, contrary to expectations.

His syndicate was organised five years ago. It has houses in St. Joseph, Springfield and Jop in. To-pka. Wichita and Pittsburg, Lincoln, and orhr places sixteen tneatrea in alL Mr.

Cv.iwtord has been in the theatrical business tor years, starting in Topeka. He was born- in Ohio -tsjht year- i'l. went to Katsas i. lsja when a loy and learned the a. inter's trade.

Carlatmas la Bcthlaheai of Jadea. Fethlehem, th home of Christmas, la that haDPv ftopla of which everv American child dreams it baa more than one Christmas. In fct. It has thre fciif ones, end strangely enough, tne one filling on Iecemter iSth of our own calendar Is not the greatest o' the three. It is.

at least, the first. Twt-lve days after the Latin has burned his Christmas Incense In the sacred shrine, the Unk church's patriarch, observing that It is Christmastime by hi slower catendar. catches uo the gloria, and hows in the Grotto of the Nativity for the devout to Greece, the Balkan states aij all the Russias. After a period of another twelve days the areat Armenian church of the east takes ug the anthem of pence and good-will, and Its patriarch, vlMiis the shrink. All three of Christmas observances have some f-w things In common, at lest on.

the red te-capoed Mohammedan oidterv of tha 3ultan that stand bayonet aa the background tct brilliant pictures, in this most sacre.1 uf all Christian shrines, and especially on the day according to the different calendars of him who tAL gnt tha brotherhood of mu. at Latin, aa (m chants the song of good-will, must be protected from fanatiesi Oreek ami Armenian: the Greek, as he sings his gloria, must be protected from fervid Armenia anil Latin: and the Armenians, aa he takes no the aria! refrain, must be protected from Oreek and Latin. All must be protected from Copt and other Christ-Ian churchmen, who, In their turn must also be protected from the sealots of the three big churches. This duty falls oil the. followers of Mohammed.

The presence of the armed Turkish soldier has rrevented riots at the Christmas and Kaater festivals In recent rears. The last great clash, thirty years gn. resulted front a dlscusmon over some curtains. The result of that bloodshed in the- holy of holies, and the constant threatening attitude of the different protectors of the holy shrine was that tha Sultan stationed a rarrison of tmoaa Bthlhm. and conn-cred the town wtth Jerusalem by a felecrarh-wir.

Now. at every hour of the day and night, two Moham-tnedah with fxed bayonets stand sentry over the blnhpiace of tha Nax-arene December Woman's Home Companion. A Hailaa at lavtatan. Foreign Viator "To what do yotx ascribe the remarkable Inventive ingenuity of Americans?" Host pi.ritan I do not nnderstand dot- a uu urn una oi a mcicer oas got to eultlvate his inventive faculties If is going to have any fun. New Tork Weekly.

Thirty-ae-en per cent of tha Am eric aa oeeple now Uv in eitiaa of mora tHa-i In-ahitaAta, Cash qaotstloai. No. 2 red wheat No. 3 wlient No. 2 aprir.g wheat No.

2 hard wheat No. 3 hard what No. 2 cash corn No. 3 cash corn No, 2 yellow corn No. 3 yellow corn No.

2 crsh oats No. 2 white oats No. 3 whita ais Rye December rijs 77 7 -a; fti7 (8U- jii-iy4 3 39 ilrtWJTti T. J. KELLY A CO.

Damtcrs tn I STOCKS A Ml South Uti. IJr-oao. Naa. 'Pbon TLX. Prompt AttatiUun Qtwwm aiaJJ Ordaara.

1 ew Yark. NEW TORK. Dec. 13. Wheat P.e-eeipts.

bushels: sooL firm; No. 2. re.1. 31Tc. eievauir and o.

afloat; No. 1, northern Iulutli, sac, f. alioat. i Options were firm especially December. cloair.g HKSc net higher: May closed at sti1-.

July at December at MSc-I Corn Receipts, J.i0 buahels; export. steady. JMl; spot, firm; No. 2. il'ic eleva-1 tor.

and 53c. f. o. afloat: No. 2, Jrellow 55c: No.

2. white. 3-Tc. Options were firm. closing ho net higher.

May closed at ti IMHc; December at 32c. I Outs Receipts. 43, fcush-1s; exports. W.720; spot, flrra: No. 2.

42c; staadaril white, 42,0: No. 2. white, 4C-sca track white. 41 it -vCc. Lard Firmer; western steamad.

5-1. so rerined. firm: continent, XI. Oa; 3. 7.o.

Ccmnound. Cti.iH'ic Pork Steady; family. T.5 25 15 50t short clear. J13.itnila.5fl: mesa, Butter Unsettled; extra creamery. 22c; common to choice, creamery, Kkr2c; imitation creamerv.

TMi3a; renovated, IVij LS'-cr factory. I3xJxl5c. Cheae Quiet: state pill cream to fancy small colored, 12c; lat-i made, 10c; small whit, ljc; late made. 10c. i Coffee foot Rio.

tirm; No. 7, invoice, 7c: mi id. firm: Cordova. Sirl3c. Eggs Strong: western firsts.

36c: western seconds to firsts, 3u34e; refrigerated. iH'aaic. Sugar Raw. steadv: fair refining, 3e; centnfuiral. test, 3c; molasses sugar.

reflned. steady: No. 4, No, 7. $4 No. Sc ti 5: No.

J3 No, 10, J3 No. J3 S3 7S; 1.1, $3 7f- No. 14, SS; confectioners' Jft; could A and cubes. (4 70: ait Joaf. 13 PS; crushed powdered, li io; granulated 46.

Caicaa Plaa Se. CHICAGO, Tc. 13. Flax seed w-ts steady and lifeless. May was Mr asked ami December 93c bid; No.

1. northwest, V. .1 n. li. vi, aim tail.

rteceiTS Mni Wmrwu.ill. 2a rw, "apo" au 2, at i Kaaaaa Clm. I KANSAS CTTT. Xee. KWleat De.

cemher. SSi-jc: May. Tor; cash. No, 2. h-ird.

a-4nrc; No. ST-jfTOc; No. 4. S0Sc: S. 35am Limited to Kansas! (City and St.

Louis 55pm Kansas Oty. St, Lauls ft1. South and East.

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