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The Central New Jersey Home News du lieu suivant : New Brunswick, New Jersey • 5

New Brunswick, New Jersey
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TIlfltSDAV, JULY 20, 1005. NEW BRUNSWICK HOME LEWS. THl'IJSDAV, JULY 1905. CAMPERS FOOLED WOMEN SWIM INTHE RIVER Hungarian Colony Turns Out in Force Nightly at the Landing. JIMMY SEIDEL COULD ENTICE BEES AWAY Church street was relieved somewhat of the Iwe nuisance this morning when men with carts got busy on the rubbish of the New York ConfiTlirmery store lire KNOX FLY KNOCKER For keeping off flies and destroying fleas, vermin and other pests on cattle, horses and other live stock.

By its use cows are enabled to feed and rest In peace and consequently yield more milk. It saves horses from torment and worry, enabling them to do better work. I'sed on the legs, it prevents stamping, thus saving its cost in shoos alone. It may 6e applied with sponge or brush, but best and mora savingly with a sprayer. PRICES I i i Quart can 25 cents I 1 Half-gallon can 50 cents Gallon can 75 cents Five gallon can $3-00 i 1 Sprayers 50 cents each Customers say thai Knox Fly Knocker is the best article for the purpose they ever used.

i ii I 1 WM. RUST SONS. Sole Manufacturers Commerce Square, George and Paterson St. MALSEY M. BARRETT IS NEW RECEIVER Succeeds the Late Edward S.

Campbell as Receiver for Middlesex County Bank. On application of Eherrerd Pcpue, of I.iiidabury, Depue Faulks. counsel for Ihe Middlesex County Bank, of Penh Amboy, Vice Chancellor Garriaon Tuesday, in Jersey City, appointed Halsoy M. Barrett substitute receiver for that Institution to take the place of tho late Kdwnrd S. Campbell, president of the National Newark Bunking Company, who died early this month at Liike Georrje.

Receiver Barrett Is to ouallfy In bonds of early next week when he re-lurns from his vacation. Tfe will have charge of the final distribution of the assets of the Middlesex County Bank, which was wrecked In Wl by the defalcation of Its cashier, George M. Valentine, which resulted In tho financial ruin of his father Valentine, and most of the directors of the defunct bank. Mr. Campbell was appointed receiver of the Middlesex County Bank in the summer of 1J0J, and his administration of lis affairs was of great benefit to the creditors.

At the time of his death a decree in the matter of the suit brought by him to foreclose on the mortgage held on the old Ramsay shipyards was pending, and two days after his death the court decided the mortgage to lie valid. This gives the new receiver about $19.0110 to distribute. In addition to other assets remaining in charge of the former receiver as part of the estate of Ihe defunct B- ftrrnj-iTinn i HEAR US GET NOISY We Have Just Started In fact when we let up, there will be many wiser people wearing STEIN-BLOCH Suits than heretofore. They always fit and therefore make friends. As we have often said, "Prices Talk," and some of ours have a deep low tone, come in and hear them.

i STRAW HATS Principally for men with small heads, $1.50 Hats for 65c On Dress Suit Cases you may be interested. made for that purpose- CARRY THE NEWS TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Ijocal soda water dealers are surprised at the Jump in the price of lemons, due to the intense heat and consequent in-oreasd demand for lemons. Tho price, which local dealers paid yesterday and for several days when they sent their or ders In to Now York was and per box, folly per box more than was ever paid. This price should make lemon growers of Southern California wealthy, if thev secure half that amount, fjomons are often sold at 50 cents a box there. REAL CRAB ON R.

R- TRACK. Have you been crabbing on the railroad track yet? Well, if you have not, you are missing half your life. Right on the cinders of the track in front of the east- bound platform of the Pennsy depot lies full sized crab. How it got there no one seems to know, though there' has been much speculation about its origin. Near the crab lies three iron rods of small dimensions, but what connection these have with the crab, fs a matter of dispute.


C. Ramiders, of 23 Morris street, wife of Night Watchman Saunders, had a birthday party in her honor last evening at her home, where she bad a large number of friends. The evening was pleasantly spent in games and a social time, after which refreshments were served. Seiffert Bros-Have in stock a fine assortment Water man Fnunafin Pens, Taul K. Wirt Foun tain Pens.

Brunswick Fountain Pen. I.W aod Gem SnMy Razor. -rthVect Thermometers. Artists' Materials, flat opening Blank Books, letter Files. Yankee Hollar Watches.

Hind's tine Boxes Writing Paper. Dennis street. HAGAfVIAN CRATER New Brunswick. and took it away. The la-em haled to leave the scene ol their operations for the last week, but nevertheless thought it was the best policy to follow the flng, or nil.lier in this caie, the deceased candy.

They Hew right Bfter the load as it went up the street and still there seemed as many as usual making things lively for the salvage corps in Ihe store. These bees ill go down in local history as hummers. Jimpiy Seidcl. the local man. well posted on humming ideas, wiid this morning that he thought he had a way of getting the bees away from Church street-''You said he.

"if I got Hie contract I would just kind of hum gradually as I passed by and soon they would all conic and seek others pasture. Good idea don't you think so." said he. "Yes, 1 guess so." said a pavst-rliy. Jimmy thinks that he could get them as far away from Church street as the City Park anyway, where they ould do no harm. SALOONKEEPER SHOT DOG SUPPOSED TO BE MAD A dog entered the saloon of Thomas Manley, of Neilson street, last evening and acted so viciously that Mr.

Manley shot the animal, supposed to le mad. It belonged to A. Fuehs. who keeps a store near the Manley saloon. POCAHONTAS COUNCIL TO GO TO SOUTH AMBOY Pocahontas Council, of will attend the district meetinK of Pocahontas, at flout Amboy, next Thursday night.

Several past. officers from this city will take tlie last degree at that time. Binder twine, 10 l-2c, at Welgel's hardware store. 2. 4 and 8 Peace street.

You can get old newspapers for putting under the carpels at the Home News for ten cents per hundred. tf The Home News will be for- warded to you on your vacation vithout extra charge if yon will send your address to the business office. Chance of address will be made as often as desired. A Fvorv Ec in or piece of K-welry you buy of us is liiiaranteed. We stand buck ot every sale.

Jusl now we have an unusually fme assortment of rings tnumuiwi, solitaire, clusters, gypsy, etc. A. F. W. MUELLER eweler.

Corner George and Ba.yardSfs Brunswick 240. I 1 S9 miim- wflT Sale THE SKEETERS Went So Par Up the Hill They Tired the Pests Out Great Times at Camp. if The mi'mlwrs of tlie Middlesex Cnmplng Club, wlm went to Atlantic HiulilHiids, last wrck having a great time, ao cut'dint; to it lit tor of Clifton G. Motl, to the Home News. In 'the'jmrty besides Mr.

Mott, lire Cli.irlcs Mnnuehaii, GeurKe Orpen mid CJcorgo Van IX-rveer. Mr. Mutt's letter la hs follows: Camp Middlesex, Atlantic Highlands: To the Kditor of The Home News: Sir: A week has rolled around since we left old New Brunswick and It wcnis only a Tew hours, time goes so faiit. We have had line weather, so cool and no mos-piHoes. We have not used our nettlnR slnee we have tieen here.

The cam of that is, we are over 1300 feet up in the air and the mosquitoes get tired before they fly up to the top of the hill, and have to drop back. Of course, we are not sorry. Fishing Is good. You'enn cat eh all you want for five cents apiece. We never saw soft elams so thick, and they are fine, Our boys are all gaining in weight.

Monaghan can't get his hat on his head, it has grown so. Van IVrveer'B feet have grown so large ho had to put an extension to Ills shoos. Orpen ran wear a collar for the fat on his neck and I had to cut a big in my pants. Our friends will not know us when we return. Saturday we had a pleasant visit from the popular foreman of KiiKine Company, Rugcne Mount.

He stayed until Sunday and we went past the First M. E. Church. Tuesday we were favored with a visit from five jolly good fellows namely, the popular young lawyer of Elizabeth. Samuel Sclilelnier, Otto fictrtiek, Curd.

Watson, Isaac Kilhourn and, last, but not least, Nick Thill, the painter the Sixth Ward. We were glad to tjee these friends and were proud of them. As soon as they arrived Nick grabbed the hatchet and like George Washington, he cut down every tree in siEht, and then he and Cant. Watson went in bathing. They flopped around so that all the fish went scampering around Sandy Hook to sea.

and there hasn't a blamed one come back yet. The salt water, you know, feels good to a fresh water lobster, or an inland crab, and so it was with Kick. He wanted to take home some of the water, and so he wore his soaked shirt, underclothing and socks home, expecting to wring them out when he reached the great Sixth Ward. We were sorry they picked out such a hot day. The temperature was 27S when they landed here.

Now, you know. Otto couldn't stand much of that before his pulse would jump clean out of his mouth. We had a good time in spite of the heat, anil we hope they did. It was the hottest day we bad. William Orpen, lias been with us for three or four days, and is feeling fine for a man" of his age.

Well, I have been up since 5 o'clock, and I am getting hungijjBlfctyyijit raore on an empty stomah, so I will close. With best wlsties to all "our friends, I remain yours, CLIFTON G. MOTT. STRONG HARDWARE COMPANY'S NEW WAGON ON STREET Tlie Strong Hardware Company willi their tisnal nroi-essiveness, have pot tmsy again. They have within i he last few days placed a handsome new delivery a son on the street.

The vehicle was built by Conrad IJosner and Sons, of this city, and is a model of this class of work. 'The wagon is painted in a dark red -enamel with red ihiuiui gear, and has the words ''Strong. Hardware Company" on it instead of William S. Strong, like the old wagons. The new and the old wagons are kept hustling about the city and vicinity daily, as business with the folk do(j not I'aek ii'i perfeptibly in the summer, but the rush is greater than ever The Strong Hardware Company try to keep everything that people want and sell at both wholesale and retail.

Hoods are forwarded by them to customers in the Amboys and Metuchen daily. HER HUBBY DID THE DISAPPEARING ACT In search of a husband who' could not be found, a Hungarian woman, carrying a child and leading another small youngster, came here yesterday and wandered about town. She had a piece of rW on which was written "42 Codwise avenue. Policeman Wilcox, who noticed the wonian wandering about and who learned of her search, took her to that address, but her husband was not there HOSPITAL FULL AT PRESENT. Hospital facilities are overtaxed at presijnt, Tuid the local institution of healing is jammed full.

The numlier which the institution usually accommodate is twenty, and the largest numlier or those are in the men's ward. With the extra cases from heat and a few areident cases that have, come this way the number has been filled to the limit, so that everyone about town had better stay swell. TO SPEND $15,000 ON METUCHEN HOUSE Albert Case, who has purchased the McCoy property at Metuehen. will make improvements to the extent of $1.1.000 to his property- The grounds surround-iiij; the house contain seventeen acres. FITMANITES" GOING TO SOUTH RIVER The Pit man Epworth Tongue last evening accepted an invitation to go to South Tiiver on July 29 to enjoy an arruhRCd by "the League of that place.

SWITCHES. We rarrv In stock a large assortment of switches, pomjwdour. and invisibles. Can match any shade and texture of hair, We do ladles' hair dressing, shampooing, sbiKeing, s- alp treating and manicuring. We carry In stock a fi.ll line, of hair brushes, combs and hnlT ornaments.

We dry tin, hair Willi tlm electric dryer after shampooing. If. B. Zimmerman. 44 Church street, the maker or human hair and toilet preparations.

Phono tf AMUSEMENTS TO COME. Vaudeville everr afternoon anfl evenlntf at Kiverslde Park. Vaudeville every night at Tlvoll Music Hall. Dancing every Saturdar night at BIs-eett'a Pavilion, South River. The wmx-ri of the Hungarian district huve Itt-en flocking to the river.

n. landing, and have been having plenty of inese wiiim nights bathing in the stream. Their bathing suits have not always been us modest ui those to be seen at the seashore resorts, but tiny have answered the purpose. It is said that fully one Inndrrd women have oeen enjoying the bathing there nightly. i.mniHK oeen very is.pular along me river aim canal during the hot spell and hundreds of men aud boys have en joyed the plungs, 12 TO BE NAMED THIS YEAR The next regular meeting of the Slate Hoard of Education will take place October 3 and ihe first business that will oe- eupy its attention will be to name twelve comity school superintendents to till as many vacancies, caused by the expiration of tlie three-year terms.

The superintendents whose terms will expire are: A. W- I (art well, of Atlantic county, S. I). Hoffman; Burlington, Herman A. Sices; Camden.

C. S. Al-bertson; Cape Mav, Aaron W. Hand; l.loueester, William Kldridge; Middlesex. H.

Brewster Willis; Ocean, 1'eler TilUm; Somerset, H. Kiebs: Passaic. II. A Wilcox; Sussex, Ralph Decker; Warren. Franklin T.

Atwood. The vacancies will be filled by the hoard afler examining each applicant Each applicant list lie the holder of a State teacher's certificate. Y. M. C.

A. BOYS READY FOR CAMP AT AVON All arrangements have la-en made for tlie reception of 21 boys at the V. C. A. camp at Avon on August 1- The boys ill go down in charge of (iencial Secretary Bitckalew and Ralph t'orsline.

They will spend two months at the camp and then the seniors will go down for two weeks. The following will make up the first camping party: Leroy Treunipv. Fred Poller, Albert Carman, Clark Biitterworth. Walter Van Deurseii, Alfred Bloodgood, Alexander Smith. Clarence Fulton, William Gordon, William McCnllen, Ralph Solomon, Kahnnann, A.

1. Watson. i. Watson, Charles Stokes, Walter Reynolds, L. Van Xuis, Kdward Jlomthan, George West, Raymond Smith and Fred Van Heripe.

FRED W. PARKER SEEKS LARGE FIELD A New York trade paper has the following almut. a well known citizen: On July 1 Frederick W. Parker, resigned as manager of the Lake Pigment Duiiellen, X. 3., although he continues as a stockholder and director, in or der to take full charge of the selling end of the company's business.

Mr- Parker has taken a 3ew i ork olhce in the Met ropolitan Life Building. Madison avenue. and Twenty-third where he has room 406.1. Having boon manager of the company since their organization and having put the institution on the present footing. Mr.

Parker feels that the time has come to devote all of his energies to the distribution of the product. GRASS FIRE THREATENS HIGHLAND PARK PROPERTY Set on fire it'is presumed by cigar butt thrown into the grass in the held along Raritan avenue, owned by Hugh McKcag and bounded by Fourth and Fifth avenues and Benner street, Highland Park, a fierce grass fire raged yes- tcrdrtv llmrilincr The house of fruit n' i dealer Robinson was in danger ljecanse of Haines, and he and Mr. MeNoag's son hurried over the river to check their mead. The men managed at last to burn the tlaiues from the buildings, (hough the flames passed over five acres before being checked. PERTH AMBOY PAYS PREMIUM ON LIFE INSURANCE Patrick Carr.

an inmate of the Perth Amlmv almshouse, is insured in the Pru dential Insurance Company for He was unable to keep up the payments on tlie principal and so the city aldermen have slopped in and have paid the arrear- os on the policy and will be respon sible for the future payment so that the city will become the beneficiary under Die policy. The policy will mature in a year and a half. The city has paid $40.20 on the policy already- APPOINT COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL A committee was appointed last even ing at the meeting of the Knights of Columbus to- make arrangements for holding some sort of social event during the slimmer. In a few days after the committee have got their heads togetner. the kind of allair will be decided on and an noiinecd A field day at Riverside Turk was held last year.

SHUFFLEBOARD TOURNAMENT PROGRESSING A shullleboiu'd tournament is on at, the V. M. C. A. rooms.

Borden and Sedam are in the lead with a record of twelve games out of twenty- Reynolds and Eden are second with ten out of twenty, and Hastedo and Coyne are last with six out of twenty. FARMERS SUFFER FROM DROUGHT Farmers are beginning to suffer from the effects of the drought. Many of the wells alailit the country are going dry anil some farmers are compelled to cart water to their places from distant streams- AMBOY POLICE SHOT 30 UNLICENSED DOGS The police of Perth Amlsiy shol thirty unlicensed dogs on Tuesday night. This is Perth Amlioys' way of enforcing its dog ordinance and preventing ownerless dogs from running about and becoming mail. Four-Inch numbers for auto and motor cycles at Weigel'g hardware store, 2, I and 6 Tcace street Try tae new flavors at Blssett's oda o-i hotter.

BIs- iouniam. iut sett's Pharmacy. 431 Georjce atreet tf CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bdugtif Bears the Great Alteration So 96 Church Street, RARiTAN COAL CO. Tel.

56 R. 'A I Hard, Brijiht, Well Screened and Guar anteed not to Clinker, but will Burn to Fme Ash. All coal delivered the same day as It iafpuichased. Office: Square. NOTE AH coal weighed on city scales when requested by purchasers.

SPECIAL! Water Mt'loua Peac hen 25r, 1 2c quart 10 and 12c Pineapples New York Cash Grocery, Cor Neilson and Hiram Sts. rlepbon 227 W. For the Best Meat at the Lowest Price Go to VAL. SCHMIDT, 310 George St. 31 Easton Ave.

Tel. 4V ri. ecia PAUL M. BEHAL, Mgr. July 17 Week ALICE LEWIS, The Little Dutchess.

Beautiful Hlusf rated Songs. Kineto-seope wifh entire change of pictures. MATINEE DAILY Amateur nicht, every Friday evening. Names may be left at box office any time before Friday. DACIG Monday Wednesday and Saturday Evenings.

Adtnisiou remains the same, 10 cents. Sunday afternoon and evening con cert- Prize Waltz, Monday night. Shirt Waist, Wednesday. ifl-0 For a. Day's OUTING Finest Bathing on the Coast New Pier Every Attraction Music Daily and Evening ALL TROLLEYS SEA BREEZE Mow Open for the Season Dancing free on all days except holidays and baturday evenings.

FIXE VAUDEVILLE SHOW. Boat leaves youth and Perth Am boy every hour. Dancing Every Saturday Evening Admission 10c Special inducements for lodges and societies. For dates and arrangements call or address. F.

C. HtSSETT, South Hi-Ver New York and New Brunswick Transportation Co. Old Steamboat Dock Telephone, 25 New Brunswick fast Freight to New York and way landings on Karitan River and Nhmd Simnil. viz: Savrcville- South Amboy. Perth Amboy, TolU-nville.

Leave New Brunswick 6.30 a. m. Leave Pier 3, E. R-, Xew 3 p. m.

Arrive New Brunswick S.30 p- hi" All classes of freight carried, including live stock, wagons aud automobiles. MARKS" BROS. VIEHMANN'S BEE HIVE For Summer Trade We Show a Large Stock of Embroideries, Laces. Atl-jover Lacea and Kmbrqjderies; the latest Novelties in NerKwear, Ribbons, Belts, Muslin Underwear, Satin Skirts, Most complete stock of Hosiery, Underwear and Gloves. VIEHMANN'S BEE HIVE.

48 and 50 ChufcK 5 Sirecl. JfOJVE BETTE'R THE OH.1GI1A.L. -Black Diamond and Iron Mountain Red Paints for roofs, barns, and all kinds of iron work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Manufactured by "BECK.EH.

Highland Park. New Brunswick, N. J. Estimates cheerfully Riven. Keferencea furnished.

M. L. COHEN, Importing Ladies' Tailor, 115 BAYARD ST. NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J.

Morton's Ice Cream The best in the city. Brick cream in all flavors. French and American Cream. Also a fine line of cigars. (-' MISS PATTERSON, 299 George Street Rock Sprirvg The ideal of at dHijrhtful beer rich in all those propr rites thnt go to make up the linest product of a brewery.

Purity, hen It Ii fulness and rb-liemiisiicss are tlie I lu ce ftraces of Koek Sprint; Beer. Order by 'phone for immediate delivery. Rock Spring Brewery. Highland Park The Little wwwwvwvw Pocket vwvwvwv Urn Barber Shop iSrWWWWWWVWV K0 GENTLEMAN'S VACATION EQUIPMENT IS COMPLETE WITHOUT ONE. Skiftmaii Van Pell Wholesale amd Retail Druggists Cor.

Churck arid Peace Streets The Greatest Reductions in prices ot seasonable merchanidse that has ever taken place in the city this season is that we need the room, these goods to be sold regardlt-s of cost. ,1 case of yard wide bleached muslin, real value not more than 20 yards to a customer, at Sc- a yard. 1,000 yards' Lawns, Organdies and Dimities that were 20c and 25c. a yard, at 10c yard. 100 Men's Negligee Shirts, that were 89c.

and 50c. now 21c. each. Hoys' Waists in Madias or rercalc, all sizes, were now 23c. each- 2,000 yards Anioskeag pron Ginghams, special 5 l-2c.

a yard. 500 Hemstitched, Full sized, bleached Pillow Cases, were special lie- each. 100 Bleached Sheet. 81x90, special at 50c. 50 dozen Linen Hnek Towels, value special 10c.

10 Turkish Hath Towels, special 10o each. 100 pairs Ladies' White Corsets, special at 39c. 50 dozen Fast Black, full regular made Hose at 12 l-2c, real value 20c. 100 Ladies' Light or Dark Wrappers that were 15 and 1.50, special at 89c. Our Two-piece Wash (suits at half their former prices, to be closed out.

100 Ladies' White Lawn Shirt Waists that were 1.69, special at S9c. A.T 5cS tit 71 MirnZ JLffl Dear Sin lit. J7, the Bltehteut doubt tn inst inland eacuiyiutf quality ferial Gillette Safety Razor will ontirely dicpel it. Any man enn 4 snnvn wttri it as ivaaiiT an tnouKn ne had chived bimot-lf. The til IF lette i.Kty itazor i nasors is One It bl.nit itm rlim as paper, tfmjred and hiirtiem-d by our process to that it tiikos dust to grind 1 them.

Each blade girea ten to thirty perfect Bhavrs. sad tlp.d6 packed and ienlf direct tt showins them 1 1 vuj ifrj jo Uj new. Always reaciy fur ute "i ia cunnot cut youwlf or full -hi Rive yourself a smooth. dfiiKhtful BhuTe. Afilliettc iimt fvt year.

fiec yon have '-d onch of tha edea until dull, rfturn to as and we will KiTd roo six nw padd la riPhiitige at no cost to you. aJdltional biitdn etnenv In.ilcoHt. and iaminn thj Giitetta. It trill cost you aothmir to aa it A3 tn 11 to 15 PEACE Phone. tiuuctai-o of ScVVi I.

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