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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 16

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IN IX- Isea ow a asts; O-dajJ boas rds al day iad Irs oa fel mmc i tba: Fori 11 to 'bildi Jhlld iboeal hi so. LL 3 6 am SB ri Fu X. red ica uni ed ey r. ud! lit tin lor, ID. it I s.

i 1G SEVEN -DAY ADYEXTISTS. Annual Caap-Eeetlag it Cmla-i A Veteran of 1812 tie- rounder of tie Society. Etm Xookinar Cor the Day of Jnt-- snent to Ccrm e. How lied "WAde Bade "FaraweU to This Wlcke- World." Cia-TXLajrn, On to, August 1 I it week pretty girls canvassed tba city distributing neatly prlstad tinted programmes of tn ex-ereiaea of tba an nasi camp-meeting of tba Baeaatb-Day Adventlsts of tba State of Ohio, commencing oa the 12lh and continuing nn-l Ul tha moraine of the 2Sd- Wherever edmis- a ion was gained tba girls cordially Invited tha Drassnea of tba house bold. Tba snaeUnc la being bald oa United Etatea Sena tor Fayna's tan-avera pastors field.

1b tha baart of tba city, scareely a mile aaat of tba rwu qoaro. Tha International Mlaslaaary Society, tha Health and Temperance Society and tba State Babbath-Scbool hold their aaalTeraary cohTentions la eoa Eeollon with tba oamp-maeUng. Elder Uriah Smith, editor of tba Beriew and Ber- ala, tba church organ, aad E. W. Farnsworth, of UostoBi Frof.

W. W. Fraseott. of Battle Oreek. Dr.

J. XL Kellogg aad other eminent ministers of that faith ara present. Boob gnblaou as -Signs of tha Times, "Our Connlry: Its Past, Present and future la the aJgbt of the Bible," "The Coming of Christ," bare been discussed. There are pitched nearly one hundred teats tent la reality as well as oame new canyas tents, seemingly taade specially for the oocaslon, la else sbeat 13 by It feel, cumbered and let- tared with tba residence of the oeoapaata, ar- ranged. Tillage-like.

In streets and squares. Three two-center-pole tents two for English and one for German preaching similar to those of a circus, with seating capacity for at least three thousand people a restaurant tent, a stationery teat aad a grocery tent. wherein la kept for sale the kitchen supplies I tha camp, constitute the dwelling and badness places of the strange sect besieging aareland. Of the oeoapaata of this Tillage of tents in the heart of a city of houses more than a majority are middle-aged or past tba aaerldlaa of life. Their dress, la plainness.

although not la pattern nor texture, closely bordaia oa that of. the Quaksrs. The young ladle ara STJXOX AITS OOaTBXT, And la tbelr well-fitting, plalaly-made, light-- colored calico frocks, to borrow a phrase of the sex (not eaot), "look too sweet for any thine." Banca aad bustles seem la their I I eyea to be among tbe abomination, and or tiamenu, whether of drees or person, things to be aTOiaeo. a in ineir ureae uujiuoihj aecms to enter largely in their faith. -The Beyeoth-Dsy Adventistsare aa offshoot Of the Second.

AdTeaUsta, or "MUieritee," a religious sect of which William Millar, a Massachusetts man, born in 1781, wss tbe loundar. As a Deooty bberifr. a Ueotenant In the milt Ua and a Captain In the War of 1813, be gained somewhat of a reputation amiinr him fellows. Until his thirty-fourth year he waa a Deist, then believer in the Baptist faith, then a tseoono Aavepust. earn-marlced his Ttews were: That Jeans Christ would again appear ia tbe clouds; that ba would raise tbe righteous dead aad Judge to em together, with the righteous living, wbo would be caugnt up into toe air to meet mm that ha would nnrifv tha earth bv Are.

coo lgaing the wicked to helit 'that the Just would ralen on the new earth a thousand years; that then Satan would bs set loose and the wioked dead ba raised tbls being tba second reeurreotlon ana, being uaged. would make war Dton tba aainta. be defeated and east Into hell forever, tba foundation for which faith was claimed by blm to be tbe aeventfa ohapter of DanleL Miller fixed tbe year 1843 as toe time of toe second coming, out, reducing the year to Jewish cbronology. MarebSl, 144, was given by blm as tbe exact date. Ia 1831 ba begaa promulgaUng bla views in tne srmunt -xsiegrapn.

the organ of bla sect, aad a year later ha oegaa vo lecture in ODeai- ehee to wbat he claimed was a direct com. raand from heaven, la the succeeding ten veara ha delivered mora than three, thousand lectures, and numbered bis followers by tana ef thousands. Others beside Miller preached, and tbe tente of the Second Adventlsts were Ditched in many Dlaees In the Li nlted Stataa. although ehiefiy in tbe Kew England Stales aad Northern New York. The old Quaker poet, Whlttier, thus de-scribes a MUlerite meeting wfalca heattended yeara ago in new uaanpsnire: THX SPOT WAS WtU CH08S2T.

A tall growth of pine and hemlock threw its melancholy shadow over the multitude, who were arranged on rough seats of boards and logs, ekeveral hundred perhaoa a thousandpeople were present, and more were rapidly coming. Drawn about in a circle, forming a background ot snowy whiteness to tbe dark masses of men and foliage, were tbe tents, ana suspended from the front of lbs rude poiblt were two broad sheets of caavaa, upon one of whloh waa the figure of a man tba bead of gold, tha breast and arms of ell- ver. the belly of brass, tbe legs of iron and the feet of clay tha dream of Nebnobadnes sari Oa tha other were depleted the wondera of the apoealyptlo vision -the beasts, the dragons, the scarlet woman seen by tne Beer of Fatmoe, Oriental ty pea ana figures, and tnysUo symbols translated Into staring Yankee realities, and exhibited like tbe beasu of a traveling menagerie. One horrible Image, with It hideous heads and scaly caudal appendage, reminded me of the trmen dous line of Milton, who, in speaking of the same evu dragon, aeacrioae Dim as twinging tbe scsly horrors of bla folded taiL' To an Imaginative mind the soene was fall of novel Interest." As the day approached preparations were made for Ita coming. Farmers refused dur- lag tbe preceding summer end sa harveet their crops, saying that it wi tutuma to i was teract- ini rroviaeuoe to store op grain lor a season whioh would never come.

Horses and cattle were sold and tba proceeds used to balld a tabernaole, near Boston, in which to pray Incessantly for six weeks Immediately preced lng the aaeenaion. On the morning of the day tboasanda were. seen standing on houee- tops, on Dili-tops ana in greve-yaras, etaa ta white robes, awaiting his oomlng. Wban tbe of tha year had passed Miller wrote: "I confess my error and acknowledge my disappointment; yet 1 still believe that the day of the Lord is near, even at tbe door." In 18o0 tbey ware represented by eas eburebea, 601 to evarS memrire or ona preacner to every 137 members. THU SKTSJtTH-DAT ADVSXTISTS Btlll retain much of the doctrine taught by William Miller, but long alnee oisearded woat waa lunatics! and aupentltiouat They Still teaoh Christ's second coming, but do not Pretend to fix tbe date, other than belief that It nay Wl in eased by tbe present geoeratloa.

In tbe language of the prominent la the camp, they have entlrelydlseardedtbe vneeoKu rooa nonsense." vi nay still nold teaaolooaly to tbe ballet that Batarday ia tbe real and only true Sabbath, and aa each that Bay la sacredly kept. At tuetr annual Coeter-lace In 1877 it was declared that a Mrs. White bad tbe power ot prophecy, sad to it they as-le-ibe tbe unity of doctrine and practiee Wbioa prevail among tbem. Their mlniaten am nrithlKllMl rv fnlinvln. avocation, la ShO tbey numbered 6u8 hers, or one minister to every 107 members.

Then the Second Advenusu had a meeting piece in this city. tbe Seventb-Day Adventlsts have a rerularlv oreaalxed ehnreb. Tha meatlna-plaee waa an odd-abaoea ttrneu or, aomatblag ilka a eyclorama ballcllng wlthaaiga cupola, and looked at a distance a jur. is aeriaioB it was called Tba Demljobu." At tne mouth of "The Demi- focn" the most ardent of Cleveland' Miller-itea, arrayed in tbelr ascension robes, awaited the summons. Tae advent of the Seventh.

Day Advantists' camp-meeting baa reaar- reetea many old stories la tbe minds of tbe old. settlers. An old retired attorney relate tbat Ned Wade, a brother ot old Ben's, and Who afterward represented this district la Congress, and my informant ware rooming together at Cbardon, Oeauga County, on the Bitfhtot tne day tbat tbe Millerliea were to aacend. About midnight he waa awakened by a terrible racket. Knowing tbat INed waa aa ardent believer, he hurriedly lighted a eaadte and looked for him.

He found aim Oatsldo of tbo window-sill In only ona abbreviated garment. His bands were folded in prayer, bis teeth were chattering from tbe exottement and tbe cold, bla eyea were rolling toward tbe sky, and in his re-lieious exaltation he was aaarmurtng. 1-Vrewetl. Oh, wicked A newly married couple were eerenaded la the old etyle, and tbe noise proceeded from a "horse-fiddle." After that, my informaat aaid, wbetber before a Jury or on a stump, be could always down Wade by simply whispering oh wicked world." Tbe aarae tmormant Is autnortty for another anecdote. Among tbe belie ven in this city waa aa old codger mncb given to tha bowing bowl.

Disappointed at the non-aeoeoeioa during tbe Say be aoorbt too much ooaaoiatlou daring tbe Bight. Toward moraing a oou pie ot bis waggiau friends laid blm la the i-rie Cemetery, and: secreting themselves be hind a tombstone, awaited bis apcroaoh to con-eciouaneea. A little after daylight be awoke, rubbed his eyes, looked arvuud blm and re-mar Bed. Wall, if I ain't the first that a ris I'm damnably balalad." reaching Big The Madisonviiia Fiahing Club returned a few days since from Law ran oe Statioa oa the Little Miami River, and astonished their aelgbbors by bringing with tbem almost a whaia. It waa a and weighed fortv-eix pounds and four ounces.

Itie mounter xneasurea three feet and inches from to tits sod nine lncties across the back. bead nine pounds, Nk'hen It was Oiscovered a vry large fsh had been eauuQt ttie 1-oerrnen cut one end of tae trot hut ot tuey vomo have loet tlieir game. a i i Cemmanioatioa Hetumed. Vtm Crreeable necessity ot walking 1 snares wheu'eoicg. to the Zoo over SaiO l.X SXlaUk THE ENQUIBEB; CINCINNATI, SAT URD AY Tha ne amity was ctuied by th building of the cable road as vim street, and which, it UeontUenUraaaerted.

will soon 10 Bloc order. Over a portion of tbe tracks of the cable road tbe Mount Aubura ears sr KXrairtlS': the Lim-liM( incline pest iiOQH ara aiao earryiac vis i ton vo Schools will aooa reopen and tne nays win iiurun an that bow la the time to Um tbe is. -7 Mt dav tbara in tha animals and riding OB the ponies wtil make thorn nnlta ready to beciB their work at acbool one mora. Give the little holiday at the Zoo. rcrrrs bad box.

Ba Gat HIa Father and a Ktlfbkw lata a SrUa Fight. John B. Do fry, a solicitor, lives at 45 Rittea- booae street, walls asxt door reside Gas Merer, a bricklayer. Duffy baa a boy eleven years old. and, from all accounts, ha is a bo at as touch as it la reasonable lor as.

omnia or tha as to ba. Tba other day Meyers caught tbe boy la some mischief, and twlatea bis ear. was arrcaxea xor anoiaanr eon duct, bat yesterday la tba Police Court tba 1 an, mm. mm aBAB evldecce was so strongly In his favor that ba waa dismissed. lat evening jaeyers ana Daffy bad a quarrel, and Anally ca to hiawa.

Tha former" (aft aye was eloeed with a blow from Duffy's fist, and bis cheek badly lacerated. Tba polloa wen called, and caught tba two saea while tbey were fighting, tkjin were taken to Central fetation and locked Jip TOO MANY WIVES. John Stafford Loaraa Els Lawful Cpooso and Wads Tonsg- and Pretty Bride. Deputy Clerk Hermann, la the Police Court Clark's office, was approached yesterday morning by two women, one ot advanced years aad the other, young sad very pretty. Both "wanted to swear oat a warrant against a man for bigamy, whom each called husband.

Tbey differed about his name, one saying be was John Stafford, while the other Insisted his name was John Kramer. Stafford and Kramer, however, were Identically the same Individual. After listening to their stories Deputy Hermann filled out a warrant charging Stafford with eigamy, and bad Mrs. Staf ford amx oar name aa proaeeauug witneea. It appear thot Joba Stafford waa married to tha eider woman.

Annie. November 18, ltfTS. at Su Francis' Catholic Church, corner of Liberty and Vine. Tbey lived fairly happy lor some yeara, ana then fetaaora leit ner. Mrs.

Stafford, however, kept a watch apes his movements, and a day or two aco discov ered that August 10th, after knowing her only four din. Stafford bad. under tba name of Kramer, led pretty Sophia Fiertag to tbe al Mi bl rami uirmtB rroieeian vuurcu. corner of MoMicken avenue and Main street. Mrs.

Stafford aonaht out tha bride a few days Imparted tbe unpleasant informa tion mat toe gay Dnaegroom waa aireaay bo heavily inortcasred matrimonially that it waa impossible for blm to aasume aay additional nuptial obligations. It is doubtful If Stafford will be arrested, as there wss a alts a lively soene and sensation over tbe discovery of hi dual relations, and he wisely soagnt asiety in nignt, ana so Tar haa evaded the officers, eiadord. aliaa Kra mer, baa been living at ioi Oliver street, opposite the Station-bouse. A similar warrant waa lssned for tbe arrest of Ben F. Boggers, whom hi wife charges with having mar ilea a woman to ner ua known.

FIGHTING FOR A HOUSE. Flrw Commissioners Doaorty aad Fnrst Have a Xdttlo Tilt Other Mat- tera of The Fire Commissioners held a special meeting yesterday afternoon to open bids for the construction of the Nine' new engine-bouse, on West Fourth. A number of bids for stone and brick work, carpentering, plaster ing, painting, glaring and iron work were examined and laid over until to-day for computation and award. Wants of tbe Fire Marshal, amounting to 1278, and supply bills aggregating glKS 48, ware aDnrovaa ana oraerea osio. Commissioner Farst and Marshal Wlsbey were anDolnted to select a site in tha vicinity of Oast and Evans streets for the erection of anew engiae-nousev xne plana ana speoinestions zor tne new briek bouse on Mount Auburn, submitted by reman una, u.

rox. oi.tne xnirteena, breucht about a rather animated discussion between Mr. Font and President Dohertr. The latter reruaed to vote for tne approval of tbe plana because be thought a frame build ing sufficient to meet the demands of the location. Mia idea is to economise on building ana put tne ouix oi tneir appropriation into macoinery ana men lor tne department, sar.

Font Insisted that the building of frame en gine-bouses is a mere waste of money that tbe two already erected prove a is assertion. Sod there is no reason to economise since tbere was plenty of money oa band. Heaald ibattbe department was not using all of tbe MiO.OOOayear appropriated to It. and tbat ha waa In favor of potting up a building at a thousand dollars or two more than the coat of a frame house, and one tbat will be a credit to tne eity. sot.

aiegrue siuea witn sir. FarsW but tbe metier was dropped before It eouio. oa setuea eitner way. FACTS AND FANCIES. 'Wbax day la th fancies, aad generally bearish tone.

Dxaxiwds were confined generally to ICew England and Reading. Bota show a loss at theeioae. Bkcattbb it looks so Plata tbat the market is a sale. It torobably ia a nurehasa on weak snow for a tarn. Missotrai PACinc shows the hand' that makes tba abbe and flows of prices, and it was fgtdly done up.

cottqw una stagger at the decline lower than they have beon aa if there was a eon- event stream of long stook. This Is a George Gould market. Is back from his forced absence he opens a new account fur tbe youngster on tbe bear side. BlooBoooo says he was a bear when prices were twenty points higher, and everyone laughed. Now he la a bear, and It causes smile in moat quarters.

and 1.. aa old time favorite, by Its quick decline, show bow few friends It has. Once it proudly looked down oa Canada Boutbarn 63 to without a break. Bio For; a dividend of lb Is ebortly due. having been declared eome time back.

It la Bam ma. nu said tbat tbe road will aare and earn per eent, for the year. -Evidently there ia an iort to get oajca at mm tow a ngure aa poasi Die. Chicago stock feede th market. i rots auoraTToara rme at.

atrar a oo. 9 i sTOcxa. C. C. and I SI ItflS an uaou, suatnua (It tSM MA S4HI unu racu Dalmb 7 Coo.

uaa. 74, v. aad tt. Deiawan aad Huosoa. iwlawan and Lack icnt 101 HI 101 Ml IUH lUvj 40 eoco S7m 131 VMM alj S4 Jtrla pref 71 siv aaaa and 1300 r.e xuo ix.ot.Ti lie ana xan.

S3 Si iAk Mlchigsa tentrai Xliao. aad St. L. pref MtMoari Paeiac I St I JUS IS I esHi SS-4 97 Ji. Y.

too EMU KM J00 a so ie N. Caua sU.X New Knvlanl New Jarsar CDtrai ana u. Korfolc Mortnera Pacinc. 44! ll-i 471, toruiera acuta arcf 6S rortti-aeetra. Umaha.

OaiaAa rnferred H. and W-Orevoa Tm 48 Si 1111 IM ST st 4W 1 3H i. ana r. i Pacific tuuu XMUS Kie SaO wo 7 sad I nr. 6 Mi "Sii "StT "s5t ts 74 i lei; "si7 Si.

1 and T. trsf klebmond and W. i exaa iaci TbIoo Parma W. t). Telecnnb.

73y. Wabash Pari bp. Wabab Pad lie nraf I i sis i Total sail iiasoos Be Got the Traak. Harry JJ. Rodsnfels yesterday swore ont a warrant before Squire Nevln against C.

A. White, oa the charge of unlawfully detaining his trunk. Constable Johnson, with a search- warrant, visited White' bouse, ou Fifth street, and succeeded la finding Rodenfels' trans; under White's bed. White and the trunk were taken imfniw SAiiir via. denfels rs tbe yoonc fellow taken from a roam which be waa occupying with a -fourteen-year-old girt.

White was tbe one who Informed tbe police. After KodeofelV arrest Vh lie took possession of his trunk for a debt of ti. 7" Two Mlwl.g Hsa. William Jones, fifty years old. a laborer living oa Evans street near Eighth, has been missing from home since last Wednesday morning.

Be haa been in poor heafth tor the past year. Willllam Wahlfiel. thirty-seven year old. married man with thn. tiirin.n nin 2m Pleasant street, aad employed at the buckeye brewery, haa been missing since Aucust i.

A. ia- li otT from vora at tbe brewery. IvattUng'a Sentenca. Josepa KeaUng.

wbo knocked down Jamas Kelly, ot So. 253 West Fifth street, several dsvs ero, and robbed fclra cf a i r'n. wss foel i ani eos' Tekrsr.iav.' Ha INYESTIGATION. Tie VTcrk-IIosB Draxs ti lxitlilt rialFriza, Appalling- AeeBmaLttioB of Ensles That Confronted tbe Council. The Solons Put Themselyas oa Beoord as in Favor of the Central Aweavo Condsm- naUoa for City Sail A calendar as long as your arm confronted the Board of GoaneUmen when they sat down ia regular session yesterday afternoon.

Noth ing dannted, however, they boldly grappled wita toe accumulation ox oniinses, ana i eeeded ta making eeriooa inroads oa They were still reeling off legislation by the web when the evening chimes amote npoa their ears, ana called them borne to sapper. Something of a stir was created by Morgan offering tbe following resolution: Whereas, pi has corns to be a matter of public notoriety that BXHioca raaurrxAarrxxa-r Have existed la the management of the City Work-boose for eome tun pest; and. Whereas. It haa been charged that the baa interests of th city have not been consulted la tbe matter of payment for prison labor, as also in tha letting of contracts; and, Whereas, It baa been charged that Henry Mablbaaeer, Ex-Director of the City Work boose, used his official position to forward and sustain bla interest as a stockholder la the Frllpse Sewing-machine Company to tbe detriment of the city's Interest, aad also other serious charges against other members of th worx-nouse ttoara; mere tore, oa it Kesoived, mat a committee or nve ee appointed by Council to thoroughly Investigate eucn cnaxges immeaiatejy ana am it isrutr Kesolved, That said committee is empow erea to strsLaon btcoi wrxsasgxa As msy be necessary and employ such assist. ance as may oe requisite -to enact a speedy and thoroua-h lnvestia-ation." The resolution was adopted by a vota of 9 toe.

The Chair appointed ae tba special committee of nve, under tbe resolution. Messrs. Morgan, Heynolds, Moonert, ashman and, Hart. Chsrlle Doran. from tbe Committee oa New City Hall, banded in this resolution: Whereas, The City Hail Commission pointed by -the Governor, to supervise tbe construction of a Have taken the lnlUatcry steps toward th erection oi said straeture: ana -Wbereae.

it is tne wish or almoat every tax paysr, business man andcltisenof Cincinnati tbat tbe entire block bounded by Einbth. Ninth, Plum and Central avenue should be used as a site and a City Hall erected which will not only answerpresent but future needs. and be 'an ornament to the city; therefore oe it Resolved. Tbat It Is tbe sense of tbe Com mon Council of the City of Cincinnati that condemned aad tbe entire block used for the erection of a City Hall edmmensurete with the progress of the eity and Its Institutions. Beeelved, That tbe City Clerk be directed to transmit a oopy ot these resolutions to the city Hau commission.

5 XX) RAN BACKXD VT XXS RESOLUTION By a speech." In which he stated that nfne- tenths of the tax-payer of th eity are in fa vor ot tne condemnation oi the central avenue property, bird laughed at the Idea, and chirped a lit tle onirp in contradiction. Jimmy Glenn, wbo la a member of the new City Hall Commission, also spoke la opposition to tbe resolution. He said tbat as many tax-payers have opposed the condemnation of tbe Central avanue Drooertv bv tba Cltv Hall Commission as have favored it before that body. Tbe building whloh tbe Commission proposed to erect, be said, will be larger than the Court-bouse, will amply accommo date every department of the City Govern meet, with a margin of BOOK TO STASX, And will be large -enough for all. tha needs and purposes of a city of a million lahablt- ants.

Monaban favored condemnation. So did Gits Loewensteln. Qui scored the Commission severely, while Jimmy Olson. wbo sat next to bint, squirmed like an angleworm. Jimmy attempted to reply, but was choked off by the previous Question.

Conn eil has not a very warm spot In ita heart for tne uxty nan commission. ine resolution was adopted by a vote of 23 to 14. AH XX XKXOBIAX KBSOLUTIOir, Introduced by Mr. Doran. In respect to tbe memory of tbe late John Bruckman.

who Tor.many yeara represented toe i wenty-nrtn Ward in the Council, waa adopted by a rising vote. The consolidated Street Hallway Comcanv was directed -byTesoIutloa to yank up it switch on Third street, at tbe Intersection of John street. The switch, aoeording to the resolution, waa laid without any authority, exoept that given by "our only Engineer." xne ordinance regulating street railroad traffic came back from the Committee on Street Railroads without a recommendation. Tbe committee frankly acknowledged tbat It could come to no agreement. An effort Waa made to suspend tbe rules and take tbe ordinance up, out tne motion TU ONI TOTS SHOBT.

So th oral nan oe takes its plao oa th calendar. Tha ordinance appropriating S12.0U0 from tbe contingent fund for new boiler for tne Cincinnati Moapitai passed. Heaolntions ware adootad to eontraeA with Lt. uenket ot boo ror improvement or McMil lan street xrom unio avenue to Clifton ave nue, and with Hiraoh dt Keionert for clank sidewalks in Eastern. -District.

Charlie McLaia's Aidermaoie resolution declaring for tbe annexation ot Avondale went tnrougn aa eucx aa a wniatie. -Ueut Reynolds finally succeeded la worm lng through bis ordinance granting E. e. erlat permission to erect a wagon scales at rront ana beoona, streets, neynoias is one oi tne MOST TXITACIOTS HlkBIM la the Council. He bangs right to aay meas ure mat ne te in levor oi until tne last dog la nung.

Aiumin oitvsn, jrneeter, MOlain, Bate and Donnelly loomed up In the lobby. After the ordinance to chance tbe boundaries of tbs Ftnt. Second. Tmrd, Twelfth, Twenty-first and fwenty-fourth Wards of tha eltv. and to create five new wards, to be known as the Twenty-sixth.

Twenty-seventh. Twenty. eighth. Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth Wards, naa oeen rata tne nnt time, miKe Muuca immediately moved ita indefinite noatDonSment. Tbe motion was burled beneath a vote of 26 toe, Monaban arose to a Question of nrlvi- lece to call attention to the fact that In tha appointment of the Work-house investigating Committee the Labor members bad been Icnored.

Bird immediately moved that tba committee oe tnereasea xrom nve to eeven. ana that the two additional members be from TH LAJJOB PASTT. No sooner said than done, aad the Chair announced that Messrs. Monaban aad Mrtn would be tne two additional members of tha committee. Lngrossment was given tbe ordinances to improve Loth street, from Mulberry street to its northern terminus: Jedersou avenue.

from corry street to bt. ciatr street; Kobe street, from Warner street to McMillan street; Eden avenue, from Molltor street to Oak atreet; Noble court. from Clark etreet to Ita aoBtoern terminus. A protest againat tbe passage of the ordinance to condemn property for the widening of Bates avenue waa received and read. Fro-test and ordinance were referred to a Special Committee of five.

The Chair announced as the committee Messrs. Buchanan, Bird, Reynolds. Maegly and Forbla. A resolution by Bradley to remove tH pumpiag-eiauon to Aiarsuey xarm aonerea defeat. one or the Labor members, offered a resolution making eight hours a let si day's work for all employes ot tba Board of Publlo Attain.

it waa adopted. That wound up the long and busy meeting BURIAL PEOITS ISSUED IESTEUDAT. Fidelia C. Smith, flfty-ala years, 23o. 3 Mason street; disease of the liver.

Elisabeth W. Hayes, forty-eeyea years. Woodbara avenue; heart failure. Mary Zlnke, twenty-four boors. City Work-house; premature birth.

Robert A. Hlldebrana, nve weeks. No. lit Locust street; cholera infantum. Laura E.

Casey, twenty-three yeara, Cincinnati Hua- pitai: pnttuais paimonaiia. tiomm a. air-whistle, forty-alx years, Ludlow, Kentucky; pbtnisis patmonalls. Mary Law ace, forty years, Bette-atreet Hospital; typhoid fever. Francis Anselm, four mouths, Queen City avenue; entero colitis.

Charles Luck worth Lnlneen, six mouths. No. 58 West Ninth street; Ellen Lavlna Kroger, one year. Na 7s Observatory street; spasms. Theodore Herman, frfteen montba, o.

Commerce atreet; acute bronrbllia. James Fialey, forty-nve years, Cincinnati Hospital; Moilie F. Atebley, twenty-two yeara, corner Gilbert and Hewitt avenues; exhaustion. August Heinneh Hildebrandt, two year. JMo.

Frice atreat; coavulslona. Kate Mc4iivero, seventeen years, Letle-street Hospital; pneumonia. Edward Sbeppersou. nineteen year. Cincinnati Hoepital; tubercular peritonitis.

George Tnoworth, one year, 2o. 3u Browne street: pneumonia. Salt Against ths Marlae Dry Dack Cona. paay. Ths Sew Orleans and Atchafaiaya Packet Company brought auit la th United States Court yesterday to recover ti6.7S 87 from the Marine Eailwsy and Dry Dock Company of this city.

Tbe parcel company, it aeems, percbaaed a steamboat from toe dry docs company, but the bot.en la the same were not what tbey contracted for. Hence, tbey bring suit to recover for tne time lost in pla cing new boilera In tbe neat and other ex penses incurred wane making tne Trash-Air Fu ad. This society still appeals, not only for En social aid. but fox every help from tha people In reaching the proper persons as beneficiaries of tbe fund. It.endeavors to do all It can.

but there necessarily matt be many case not coming to its kaowleds. It does not require one Iot4 subscriber, however, to rresent a ca. 1 lie i.ome i no r. at) tJ am truat, auiA J- thy, as one pert of tbe work not ao eo- -niea-ousiuerto st the lresh-ur work or country oaung. Vtuta a anmber of oosvations have est received in thia department, none ao lane or so pecuiiarZy baauUiul ia lUaoure as tbat from a lawn fete given by some e'eht charitabta.

warm-hearted lit- g-ris ou Vai naimuiS opnia, unstail oaima, Cora and Emma listbta, ritelta Monhaime' and Ernie Krohav the proceede cf wbien auw "for the Convalescent Hoan Si 0 of wbieb waa immediately granted a poor, lame woman for a ruouer appendage (one of the freaa-eir applieante gratuitously treated by a talented young physician of our city I. Avondale children, ealeof flower Fresb-lr fund Catharine Thalhaimer, TO si-be imer. Beatrice Eurkhardt. Alvs IllLsms, Esther and Violet Wiiliasaa, ti. Ood bless tha children.

Here's another Marv Knient Cul-bertaoB. 1 fid. Henry Marcus. Mrs. Sam-nel Aub, Oakland, ML.

Jo; Chapel of Redeemer. a friend. East port, a friend. S3; Mount Auburn Baptist Sunday-acbool. tiO; Victor Abraham, to; total.

Jm iti-HHtacrlDUoni marked for ths-onvaiesaeat Home" or -Freanir Fund." left at Koeart Clarae A Co. promptly aad pubUciy ao-kaowledged. BOBBED TUB 1UILB0AD. Tas tjSystesa aria Thfcaeosy i SaaaU Beys. Ia the past few weeks over a car-load ot corn aad oats hss been stolen from th H.

aad D. freight depot. Xetecti vea Hudson and Moaee yesterday arrested six boys, ranging la years from seven to eleven, aad all living oa Budd street. They gave their name ss Geo. Weasman.

Geo. Fathmann. Louis Herbers. James Mee. Joba Strasburger and Louie or ris, xney samitiea tney nea been steeling systematically irom tne ears, and slated tbey bad sold the stntt to Mrs.

Mary Vols, at Ninth and Harriet streets, fahe would buy a few cents worth at a time, and once boogbt a quantity of corn for seventy-three cents. Her husband bad a faoraa, and tbe stolen oats and corn were used aa feed. She was locked np at Central Station on the charge of receiving stolen goods. The boy were released oa their owa recognisance. CHURCH CHAT.

Religious Matters of Interest. Actirftw ia Catbolio Circle ttte X. M. A. aad at x.

c- a. Ma OTaaoall, oa of th active workers at th Kinthtrswt Baptist Church, will con duct the young men gospel praise serVio at th A Bsofilatlon hsU Saturday svsnln'g. Thar 1 a manifest growth la la tercet la this meet ing. H. Thane Miller, Esq, will bond oct ths service at th Work-house Sunday morning.

Mrs. Morally will sing, and th boys will havs another very enjoyable eervlee. Last Sunday af ternoon, at four o'clock. there was a large attendance men's meeting, conducted by General Secretary Howard. Tbe theme waa The Association's library is bow nnderco- lng recoustruotlon preparatory to making it circulating to members early la the fail.

The library aow numbers nearly two thousand Volumes. There are la the United States, seeordlng to the latest statistics. LIT Yoong Men's Cbrla- tala Assooiationa. There are la tbe world 8.54L Tbe Association la only a Utile over forty years old, and tbe leader in tbe first organisation ia the present President of tbe London, England. Association, and a prominent bosiness man.

Chicago. York and Boston Associa tion have each a membership of over five tnonsana. Preparations are being made for a Y. M. A.

Dlstrlot Conference at Covington ia tbe tny laiL, The "mock Legislature," conducted by tbe roemoereoi tne junior Department oa Tues day evening last, was rich and highly enjoyed brail la attendance. Tbe Juniors are bard- workers, snd recently several have graduated into tne eeoiot iamrary ana ue Dating society, which meets on Thursday evenings in tne Association parlors. The dally noon meeting I held from twelve to 13:45 daily, exoept Sundays. The audiences crowd the Association Hall Sunday evening. Mrs.

Colonel Xeetor will sing next Sunday evening again. Catbolio Motee. Rer. Robert F. Doyle, the esteemed pastor ot St.

Edward's Church oa Clark street, after a four months' trip through Ireland, returned bom Thursday, and was warmly welcomed by bis devoted flock. He looks exceedingly welt. His health I completely restored. He will ceiobrate tbe tea o'clock mass to-morrow at St. Edward's.

To-morrow tbs eoraer-etone of the new Sr. Leo Church In Falrmount will be laid by Rev. Father Stable, pastor of St. Joseoh's vnurcn, isum ana una. a.u tne ceremonies of the Church will be brought into requisi tion, end the service, no doubt, will be very Interesting.

Tbe proposed church is a long- leu want oy tne uainoiicaor airmount, and wbea completed will be a great Improvement to tnat locality. -Rev. Jobn Vaa KreraL U. will anceeed Rev. Father Kelly.

8. In charge of the parochial schools of St. Jtavler's Fsrlsh. Misses Rose Braay and Grace Lelbold. both Of Columbus, daring tbe past week Joined as novice the bisters oi tne Good Shepherd, this city.

Wm. A. Melon ey. of this city, was invested with tbe religious habit ot tbe Congregation of tbe Holy Cross at Notre Dame, last Monday. The Forty Hours' Devotion will be held In St.

Clement's Church, St. Bernard, next week. To-morrow a candy feast will be given to all tbe girls under fourteen of the Cathedral Parian oy tne new pastor, Key. John Macaey. Laat Sunday 2EM bora attended a similar an.

Joymeat, and no doubt to-morrow th girl wilt outaumoer tne sterner sex. St. Xavler'a Col leas will open the fall Urm Monday, September 6th. Tbe following are tne new omcere oi tne institution: president, Henry A. schappman; Vice-President end Prefect of Studies.

Rev. Geo. A. Hostler: Treasurer, Rev. Jobn E.

Kennedy, lathe coiiegiate course tne rroiessor are: rver. Henry A. Calmer. Rev. Martin McGlnnis, Rev.

Michael O'MeU. Francis B. Caasllv. Jaa. J.

Currin. bobool hours are ohanged from last year, aa toere win only De a single i sion, 8 a. m. to 3:30 p. m.

A deaf-muta school is announced to open on eepiemoer iztn, unoer tne enarge ox a graduate from tne deaf and dumb aceoot at Washington. D. CL. in the new building re eectiy erected Just Booth of tbe Catbedral, through tbe munificence of the late K. K.

Springer. Archbishop Elder and Father Mackey. tbe new pastor of tha Cathedral, are heart and soul In the movement. JSon-Cath. olios, aa well as Catholics, are to be admitted.

and children ana adults will also be. aligt- eie. Th Bscred Heart Home for Worklng-trirls will shortly be opened at No. 113 Broadway. Bar.

A. W. Maitk will hold a service for deaf mates at Sb Paul's Church on Buaday, August gist, at O'CiocK p. m. TBI annual feast and fair at tha TTnlnn M.

E. Church, on Seventh atreet. between Plum and Central avenue, la now 1b progress. It oegan last Wednesday, and will continue until September 2d. It la in charge of the members snd friends ot th Chureh, and Is lor Its benefit.

A DAT FOB Tare Dead Bodies Beeevered Yesterday From the River. Th body of a oolored msn, supposed to be one of those drowned August 17tn opposite Main atreet, was foand at a. m. yesterday at tbe foot of Mill street and removed to the Morgue. Tbe body of rocky Fete, wbo wai drowned with tbe same party, was foand floating at tha foot of Elm atreet at 13 Ju yesterday afternoon.

The body was taken to th. Moraua. About 1:30 tv m. yesterday tba remains of a white man wer. found In the river at tne foot of Evana atreet and taken to tbe Morgue.

He was areased la a Cheviot abirUJeaaa pant and brognu shoes. He wore a mustache. Tbe other two bodies were Identified ss thoaeof Ed Fariia and Thomas Riley. Tbe remains were recognised by Joba Veaemea. wno owned the skiff In which toe fatal ride waa taken, aad at whose house.

Ne. Gil-more Landing, th three boarded. Barat Woede CaoerC The Cincinnati Orchestra will reader tbe following programme at the eoa cert to be given ia Eurnet Woods Park thla afternoon, 1th Michael Brand as conductor: arrh Coronation" Overture "1 annbauser" tTent Wsgner aits Wiener Hiut" Seleccloaa Oyenu rs m. Tell" Ireuuesti ou ai risa-h mi lcncv isoiaeaaAieeea Tod ta 'Sqalr SchwaVs Ceart, J. H.

Whittea waa tried before Boaire Schwab yesterday oa the charge ot obtaining (3 ia commissions from W. A. Wbarley by falsely pretending be bad secured an order for t.i So worth ot trees. He was bound over In titsX wbicn be gave. 'Squire Schwab yesterday Baited In mar-xiage James Haying snd Minnie Hoi than.

Tbe Elli Tragedy. Coroner Rendigs yesterday began the Inquest in tbe case of John' Ellis, fatally shot July 23d by Dan Cox, who la still su large. The evidence showed tbst they Quarreled la front of West fin a street about a revolver Eias bad pawued. Eilis called Cox a wneai tne latter struck him aad followed up the blow by firing a bu list into his abdomen. Foet-Oface A paint meats.

Cbarle Menninger was appointed Special Delivery Messenger, and Dennis R. Redden Stamper ia the iUillnr Ieoerlmect of the by jfosuuasicr Luey. I Cnly Fifteen Dollars Bimi Ts Eaboocks reiponied p. rx a r. i a 'vs a v.

i fit --II a i. AFlTIt THE SLEEPERS. Tires Dtottj LJi tls Fclics One Is tbe Other Two Are HeaTily Fined Other posin. AH the members of ths Potto Board were at yesterday seastoa of that body. Tha meeting was long drawn eat.

but aaTatful Th bond of August Epritxaxy was approved, while that of A. H. Wolf waa reject -u BUI agxregaxtag S49 at were appro .4. Oa renom ends tlrta of Chief Dsltach th charg ot reckless shooUng twfarrd against Officer Geo. Jt- KeatUng for sJtootlag aa wounding aa escaping prisoner named John Wbalen.

one night eoapl of week ago. waa withdrawav In view of th fact that the Coart officers were forced te expend considerable et their small salary of too par month la the per formance ot their duty. Mr. Dodds made motion to Increase the salary of eea S3 month. Th motion did ao prevail.

aow Teg, Mr. Topp POTjrTgrI.T gTATTJI To his eolieagaes that auoh aetloa weald be inasmuch aa it wss a well-know fact that the asost of the work la the Courtroom was done by two or three saea. wail the aereral others were nothing more thaa bras ornaments, ana not deserving of additional salary. Officer S. Watson and Smlthurst and Detective Jobn behaacks were allowed fall pay for tbe time of their respective recent disabilities, the resalt Of injuries sustained in tne line oldaty.

A bill of IIS 36 for expenses Incurred by Detective Schnucks la bringing Jama Moraa to uiis cty from St, Louis, oa tae enarge ot murder oa November lth laat. waa aa-aln before th Board for approval. Th matter waa BIfxgSIB TO TBn XATOa. Oa motion of Mr. Top p.

aad at tbe sogre-tion of to Mayor and Chief of Polloa, Hi nuuur waa autBonseei to increase sac mounted tore from twelve to twenty -roar, Patrolman Frank R. Chase, of theOUvetw Street District, was before the Board chanted with anbeoomlnsr eondnct bv Geom Fillet. of West Liberty atreet. 'The charge was not IUIW1DTC. Pat Maiey.

of Corrvvllle DirtrleC waa aarala arraigned before the Board. Tbe charge was sleeping on duty while at Highland avenue and Molltor atreet- several nights aco. motion to dismiss and an amendment to Im pose a nne ex twenty days' pay waa lost. subsequent motion to impose a fine of twsnty-nve days prevailed. Officer William Farrell.

of Third-Street Sta tioa, we before the Board charged with unlawfully arresting Timothy Jeffries, of Water and Walnut street! on the moraine- of Au gust Tito, xne euarg was got STjsrAurgn. Bob" Watson, of Central Station, be wbo dallied with the soft side of a bench In tne City Building Park wblieoa duty a few mornings, waa next arraigned. The chare of sleeping oa duty was sustained. Robert will walk nis oeat xor tne next twenty nights lor tne oeaeutoi me Aeiiat -vasociauon. Dereliction or duty was ths charge oa which Patrolman Eo.

J. Boelmer, of the Tbird-etreet District, waa next arralrned. Boelmer could not be found oa bla beat early ounoay morning, ana aieo oa at ona ay morning. The evidence developed aa outrageous state of affairs. The charge waa unanimously sustaiaeo, ana tne aeienaant qiamiisoa.

THE B. P. A. QUINTET. Wbat tbe Board Vooad to Keep It Busy Teeterdar Th Board of Publi Affair at aooa yester day opened bids for ths Improvement of Bye- amor, Baltimore and Doraey streets.

Tbe bids were referred, as usaal, te aomput them and report back th lowest bidders. Accord ing to ths Engineer's ooreputaUorot ths bid received for Bewaring the Mount Adam Dis trict, j. nanegan'S bid ox ssy.ow xt waa tne low sat and the contract was awarded accord ingly. For tae Frio Hill District. Henry Frank secured the contract, hi bid ot (28 33 being the loweet received.

Th En gineer gave It as bis optnlop that ths objec tion raiaea oy vouacu to tne oramanca to bowlder sixth street between Lock and Baam that tbe grade was so steep that bowlders would be washed out of their viae could be removed by sewering tbe street aad laying Cat cutters. The ordinance, accompanied by this Infor mation, waa oraerea reoommenaea to tne Council. Oa tne recommendation ot the Engineer it waa voted to extend theeewer la Budd B. Kilerman- of JNo. 117 Poplar street, who inclosed the information tbat he is about to embark la his first busi ness venture and open a bakery, presented a petition asking to be allowed to lay a crossing in front of his place of business at bla own expense.

The block being a long one tbe petition hinted that by thla sobeme he ootua increase easiness materially. Flight Instead eg galcida. July 1st last Joba Gerwtag. a German stone- en iter, twenty-eight years old. suddsnly left hi wif and family without th slightest warning at thsir home, oo Tafel street.

Ger- wlng bad mortgaged hi furniture for 925. and was nnable to meet tbe not. It waa supposed tbat walla despondent he bad committed eulclde by drowning, and tbls opinion waa confirmed a fe days afterward by tbe recovery of a body which partially an swered hie description. Yesterday a letter ender date of August loth was received from Gerwlng. wbo is at Sooth Elgin, 111 whre ne says ae expects to get worn.

Karri ed trader Mr. and Mrs. G. Kinney, of Netamska, are at the Pise, spending their honey. moon.

Tbey- were married ta Covington Friday aight at th Latonia Hotel by Bar. Dr. Wis, of tbat city. It had been Intended that tbe wedding take place at Lelpelo, Ohio, wnere sirs. Disney tnee ssias v.

uanri tass been visiting her slater. Mrs, M. E. De Vitt, but owing to the fact tbat ebe waa pot a resident of Ohio, ao license could be secured. abd rather thaa postpone tbe marriage a PU grimag waa maae into sventuoxy.

Back Frees a Flshiag Trip. party of fishermen have Just returned from a three-week fishing axe onion oa th Sthrgeea River, ta North-was tern Michigan. Ths oartv consisted of W. H. Windier.

L. P. Snider aad M. niokman, of Cincinnati; Wnv. netaat.

Aaactisonvme, vsuio; tasriss rorr, ot Frankfort, Er. ana Jane Todd. Dan Stone snd Joe MoClelsn. of Decatar, liL, some of whom were old fishermen, aad who report toe seat ot mca. ADTKRTISED jLETTEES.

list Ko. gt Aaguit SO, lest. Aeaerses. Clara, Apneyer, Miss P. Anoersnn, Miss Ola, Avey, Mia.

Si. D. Baler. Vise Mauia, Carrie. Brown, fan Me, terger, iUlna.

rt. Oeergla bsrcsJev, Msggla, lirvwn. Manila, BedeiUMaxy. Mm, Mrs. L.

broosa. 1 Boacr. Fos. Arltnctoa. Uelea.

Aylward. Maria, Brady, Mrs. Barkaaru ius, Boss. Mrs. H.

Bulns, bias Frankia, bisok. bra. rank. Beit le. Katie.

Bruyme. MrrUa. Boot. Netttsu BrSard. miw M.

Bo rns. atlas lalaa. Backer. Lid a. bredxell.

Mrs. Jt. L. linvoaard, Mies Wiaaay. BcU.Mjs.

Wm, C. CHf. Carrie. Carngan. Mrs, A.

B. Clara. Miss. Canon, tarvr. Mollis.

Csrsoa, baraa. tilia. Mary. Crail. Mr.

Lseie. Ciaytee, Mrs. AesO, z. Duacaa, Alia. Davis.

AUc B. DaDtarty, Sell. -lis. mon. Moina.

CaratleeM. Cummin-. Mr. Crovt, A BDta. Cuba, Mr.

Meary. Call. Mary. Conaer. Mary.

Cbapune, eiailm. Craig. Jaollis. Cola. Sit L.

Doaaelliaa. a las, Iara. Agne. Diiioa, Dink, iiios-es. Ltme.

Iiruusoa. Tniy. Levaaaey. Mrs. W.

Ixjnoslly, alatta. Dura. 1J JCaad F. Forelmsa. Bertha, Uana, Msraia.

Eooery. tMtraa. Fox. Annie. Fi.ids.

Jennie. urtaa, IItbo, Ham. Flmere, Aaale. Mr, ueo, Krers.

Lixzitt. Ki.ia, asmB. Feaaea. Miss Delia. fltxctrald.

sue. Plura. Maria. flaais. Mrs, Mi sieio.

Oail. ltara GaiicA. or.aea Uetger. 1 uu. Msn.

Sfi-s. liKWsr l. Jur. Chss. iioward.

ABB, him liUja. tftarhMUe, jfeioj-Miy. an, H. iioiluisaa. a-xnella.

li utcnioa an. A. uiceu. Mrs. ll hMrtfruiaD, Mra.2.

liuston. Jeum. liartue, Xiiatue. iiuoer ary. KuiiolT, iitut xuaogas.

ii F. Jeoea. Mn. Joriiiii.iaiinfa JiMeS, Pauuia. fT-ber.

Fmna. kui9ton. is- IX Mr. h. en f-' --v 1- Ostes.

Aasfe. Orlito, ttata. biaagww, sua. K. I' seek.

A He. lianss. Ao-, la. Li-poieg. jr-anie, Bfincl, r.

lii'ppiuc, i.urt, HaraMi, oaiaw I.iaor aariey, liaxrieS. luctenisn, Kituaw ii uoer, una. Aiamiiioa, idsry B. iiarulancz. art.

1 oiieraa. i soli. Kacni j.mcu M-as Si. F. a.

JoossvEtta. i.L attle A. Jwues, tut Fine. Ftnnia. Joeepa.

a. i- u. iuajT. I I.nnn. Mrs.

M. i ti aarss. XX. Jevee, Clara, act, Bessie X. art.

ASBIS, Cisa, r'. Beetl. O. AsaeSV a a itiaa. A s.

srmo iota. s. i A. ioerx Loot. i i ac tri He.

Mswati. Vary la, Mono. Wiiuia i rer. liosaw His-ur, I ts. -Mcc'uy.

Macce. Si arty all nda. steers. atuaw L.iers, Mrs. U.

L. r. JuhBB. 2 warn, all toor. iatti.

Xisca. Murh. i urpny, Lary A. 4eyer. Ira, ktunr, Mr.

K. aare. rs. aTata, iiCalnali. Molita.

Muuluoe. Hatua Morri.tlsaa. MudnJ. Uraoa, Saeysr, IS or. Mariaar.

Mr. ITeHaea. SaxHa. ftorgaajr. Jassk wtemme.

afn. 7. Ch Uram, T. Fcvtsr, ABB. farUMM.

Malta CL Peciac. Mrs. M.A. Mary A. Peatsv.

Mr. TaaeaB. SH. II B. Robeita, Mrs, Itoss.

atra. A. ItaranoaMi- Alia. ParKw. PeHla, Park.

aaaav pror, arr. erry. Parts, f-ixtie F. Won. Mr.

kouisr. HayaiaM. fc-ra. KoiAsciaeil. Mrs.

tae. fcnaasil. Mualae. IvooMf, klT: Biwiibb. ana Sf.

St. Seeera, Mr. Joseph. fcadwl. barah.

rau Jers. Mrs. H. huriBctaaa, Mrs, A. Ja fenoeta.

Mrs. eacan, A ant, e-iamsa, Onauea Scogn, Carria. bBlUlt, SBSA btreet. Dr. Mary W.

Miar, Mary. StMdara. actie -achrodsr, aiaria. -eaeriaad. Miaaia.

MtetMerJfn. Joaepal, Mlrioa, SB SB. feitKA, Mrs. Mictias, Mrs, (Stewart. Mrs.

A. F. r-oeiy. asiw irau, Anns, bus-ail. lASBaa Siaiaw.

Moilie. rinepoard. Lucy. Spear. Mn.

M. A. tsarmuei. Mae noaaiia. a mil a.

aqubs. Satlut. Mts. M. A.

aad V. Tvrtey. ABoa. -Twnd. Aaxa Tarpisv, Mary.

Tbesapeoa, Mrs- Kdwar. L. -rreat, at is it am. bom psoa. Mats Leo.

VaiAac wetaca. uriia. Van Flaetabalu. aad Z. Wrlrbt.

Asaa. alien x. Mlas Waaiey. Clarra. Ward, Urtoges, Alia.

Wast. Hatua. Weiteknipee. Mima. Wblte, Mary.

VVaun, Mary. Whiteing. Llssle. -Waikina, Lhli. tVstaoa, Uiiim.

Wtoiar.Mra.MUl, Wlliia, Mn gaiwar, Llssle. siier, Senas. ait sr. svra. A.

A. Ward, Mrs. i. W. we-av, ti sttlsw Wooos.

ktus sshi too. Jail. Wis. Mary. Weber.

Mia tent, astweod, ary. Wblttaker. Maui F. WUo. Macaia.

wsgaer.aoiiai. roan, list. Andrew, a Sam. A da ma, Cbaa. It, Alaay, Oeo.

P. Analedw, Joa, Aaas, Wlii-as. Aatheayjtbaar. Apr. Moastees.

Aadnw. Acsaaa, Aao raw. J. X. Aiiaop.Jeba.

AppeM.a.T. Adams. 1 Ae. J. AMissti W.

XL Butler. Cbaa. Bseeber. F. Hharakarf Chss.

Sara. BUly. Bedmaa. B.T. oallnar.a.llMarK.KaTariain.

a UroolLS. Mr. areaaiap, iea. Airow I. nas.

w. jtearo, irauns. Brewa. ssvant suooa. uaa.

uettasr. eraaa. Bnauer. Fred. Beca, Usurge.

Brooka, M. B. ti) nmjT. usa jiatcneioer. sBL.

jb war, sa, at. Bnwer. Joba. fabcocc, J. B.

Beuls. J. T. Kultoa. Joseph.

Babeork. In a. Brock. Joba. Butler.

Jamva. BoniiBd.r. Joe. J. W.

Harks, Joba. AecseBBeyec, A. MatingoaagB.tA ilruwa. M. J.

wvwa, at Its Jiaswits, ja. nockw, at ica. Hmrrr. aAaiaeL Berk, Klcberd. BritteBUtae, Barx.

B. PS Kay 11 a. T. Butcher. Wm.

Berkley, W. U. Bowers, Wm. Beaaett, W. F.

Jiloom, w. A. Brewa, Will a BrucAmeyer, W. A V. ft.

VHM. W. lapraan. tars, r. tute, s-rea.

Ciittaa. Oideoa. Caiboen. John. Cogaa.Joaa.

Cortls. Job. F. Crsslord, J. T.

CurUn. J. Clark. Jaa. M.

X)Clarae, Joba M. Uoapl J. B. Curry. Jaa Cbaa.

Lewi. Coulter. M. at Crana. Marti a.

CUmxi Parry- CAmoball. Ibaa Collie, T. B. Uatea. Wm.

UMUir, w. at. a. Detelaa. OL Toonally.

Cbaa. Seaaall. Dsvoto. David E.DaJlnissn. U.

A-beea. Joba. Iiaolstrom, Joha-Doaeharty, J. M-Danlap, Jobs. Dualan.

M. f. Daareoa. ISaab. De Von.

M. Domes. Rod v. Davaaar. Pat.

Lavta. R.C. Doma. liioa. Deniaoa.

r. a. Dm. W. Wade.

Deeiiert, Waa. Uariaoa, sVev. W. M. Earn eat, Cbaa.

FJllott, F. P. Jtlltek. T.M. Jb.

11 atun.d ward. kxiifl. Hard t. Jaa. Ltnait.

J. Boerie, Maarlce. Knice, P. Adgsxtos, W.B. Averett, W.

W. r. Freeman, A. Foote, Aatker. Pinter.

C. Fields, Charles. Fluk. P. Psminaad.

i'aubal. Oaam. i'la. iisurr. Fneley.J.

FabooB, J. oe Jr arrsll. James J. Fnoce, J. H.

O. Flttpetriek. Jee, Fiscbr, Jnpa. Frvy, J- a Feder. u.

Fnocb. Ollle. rowiec. Loals M.Folkerib, P. Fox.

eimoa, Flemiag, Wm. srttch, W. Ferrni, Willtsat, llaldlag, WavsT. Oarer, sf. Oeiaer, Usury.

Oncer. W. Oladdea. Oa. W.Qorder.

George. Olliard. J. uneobera. Jus Joba.

Ooldncb. Jamst Uodar. Jobn. Oaliagner, Joaa. uaentaer, j.

at Gla. Uliver W. uma, uiaa. lawamca 1 hunias eatuslay, BU Heorr. Mr.

Harry. Mr. Maaas. A. O.

Bagb. Clareaca, Hsnrtenon, AL Hsmlla. Ciiaa Bunt, rtut, mmt mu, HoDasaa. H. Hrlvv.JsA Hopper.

3. B. Molleng, Joha. Hopkins. Juas P.

nuerkamp. job. r.naii. jo. Bill.

kanoiL Boat. B. M. Hark Beam, a. Hamplua, W.

A. Hay ward, wm.T.KaU, GoL WUL lead at. Irving. Jaa. A.

Jrobnsos.kqoler. Jeaaar, Cbaa, I. jonaauB, A.a Ja. eweu, joaa K. steeres, Chaa.

A. Xallrnsysr. F. O.Koeppel F. K.

Kayior. K. F. Beck. Oeo.

a-atv. O. W. A.oael. Geo.

Kates. H. H. Ksiuts, Jobn. A earn, T.

K. Kase, Tbo. A. a-iunll. Tosa, Aeauia.

W.S, XAwreaee. Fred, Lameler. H. Letter, uee. M.

Lorans. J. f. Lewis. Jaa.

Aladea, JoAa. Xy YuttChlae) M. Leach. Archie, Luce. Levi.

Isaac Ladwlg.M. Mllford. Mf. Ml ml. Mr.

Markne, Mr. Myers, Cbaa, U. Miller. Charley. Meyer.

Chaa Miller, ChaA Maelier, H. L. jueyen. anna. Morse.

Dr. H. I Madden, rrisx, Millwood. IJl Meyer, B. B.

Mnller. deary. Majion, J. Jay. Mania, J.F.

Mrer. Dr. O. Mltcbel, J. Metcalf.

J. TT. Murpby.l. CL -Maysr. ftobert.

Maiaea.M. P. Mesder, Was. Mef hereon, McLaunlin, (A McConoeli, J. Msckienborg, J.

Miller. J. Myers, Prof. J. Meyer.

Jos. Millar. Mlcbael. Varu. M.

Mes-rae, Robert. Mills, Htepbea. JssiDsa. npicer- jsoon. i noa, MoCoraiic.

W. MacDoaald. W. ft. WAli Mcftaoea, Job'a.

MeHngb.i Mclianlel. L. M. ckeazl.

Ham. AcAsowa. T. IX w.jr. aad O.

Ketghbor. A. INooa. Frank. Keltbart, Was.

Olot, Jaeob. Fewer. Bin. Pbllllpa, tu CL Paxoid, Jl.ory. Pollock, H--A PrsasoU, J.

B. Powell, J. a PhlllDS. PBInea worthrnp. OL A Heeoe, Fnos P.

ImLusimaa. H. iMckiias. Dr. S.

Cideo. J.U, Paa. O. ran, tit. gar.

Ffelfer, ti. A. Pfeiflvr, Beary. Pot too. oa.

Fetter. Phelps. D. A. Faupbrsy.

H. Pease, Horaee g. Para, Joba Polaskv. Moaea.

Marion rs Piper. W. H. B. Paiaorsua.

W. D. Parker, Wilt. PB 11 1 IBS, w. Bedtnaa, T.

Hsyooldit. Ad U. Ruo.1. Ben nr. Boas.

B. ft (D Bobbins, M. P.lcHardato,aXL ktmlar, Henry, lieynoius, Kus.BBelm. Le. KotHnson.

L. Kookw.U, Jaa. F. KoacB. Job O.

Askin, J. B. BsBdsl, Jaa. B. Kief Joba H.

Kaiuey. J. M. Bants. Jaa, bat, J.

a. Kanaom. J. rtooert, a. jiooerts, a.

a. Baicber. Ssmael. Muckex. Wm jteytMUaa, w.

M. "teveneoe, Mr. bawins, A. H. Spencer.

C. K. Small wood, A. t. gtlaarWin, A.

Sampson. Chaa. (Schilling. F. SwlssiL Charlie.

BcbnleOt-r. CL Hory. C.W. feb4.C bo sy. Chss.

fK-hamaa, B. Slmoa, a. M. few-fitcale, Frits. Stevenaoa.

B. BcljoaHnaker. T. Krotlh. BV, W.

tclr.ntla, M. bnoamer. Joe. SielaaraL I Han, no. a.

Scharao, Jacob. 6 -mr. aa. H. epier.

J. at. (1 baeaoey. F. torus.

Haul. bntto, 8am. Smith. Tbes. racer.

T. BAoataker, Wat, Taraer. C. U. Taylor, X.

3. T.vltf. HutvClavnUBil ML lx-0 n.ltivr, Uee. Stllltuaa. Jtae.

HI oil. Jacob, scballer. Joe. inaid. A- bmuB, tSsmX aatlth, W.l.

Tolaaer, Baa. I apley. 11 awHaaATusa To4d. Jaa. Traaul.

Jaa. Tbosnaeon. P. B. Tarlur.

Milton- ijr T. A- Tsyior.Thes, Vaal. Kara A- Vast Miliar. Tiaceat, BL C. Vaskcba.

M. L. avae X. wnaoa. Mr.

"Witt. Clint D. Clem. walker, tnat A wiiiiamsua. A.

Waant, a w. wMMt a- at x. rweote, ka. Wright, Lewis. K.

S. wusoa.tJ. Kdgar. we-t. iisrry. Wasbbaru. Q. P. WliiiHte.

Barry. Wtisoa. (aeo. A. Whipple, i.

W. Wnitaey. Joa. wtlllan. J.

Wiuna loka W. W.M (lIM. Walter. Beb A. Waua.

ProCT.B. Wittier. Tneo. was-aer. w.

a. Taaaary, A. Tsuf, Baxy. xatea.jaaaA. Btatlons.

Statical A Mm. Jsasl aaaaerv. Mrs. ST rials Xavter BelD. Klchard Haaulite.

ArtAar aav loro. H. W. Strang. fccaiioB O-Miss Uaneab Brenner.

Mrs. Aana lte. eraft. Mary Utbson, rs. Jerum THlow.

H. D. Bail. siyroa iwaiia. Alex, noiliday, vsney Urol ken.

Btauoa r.nta lxacamp, j. L. Uofly, joe a lark. Laoy Oieaso. Oeocg K.

Kinney. Cbsrie cLaba. Kuban Manhail. 11 la ai p.tea U'liiia Kobvrta, Mrs. emtta.

bm-i btaxk, Louisa Taler. J. M. Bompaoa. i aoma tilietns.

1 Mn alio, HliLAnalia 1-inkanfoa. lu. Bis taiiier. tisrtt 1-wsosm. hlstion A Mm.

Mime tachlotamaa. Italiaaa, snto Talarlce, Bon Vsportl, Laedalo Olovse-lao. Fraaoaaea Clot lav. Anumia kaua. Bai-ai.

LlgUettt, sracaavgee. ytsegsr. Jeba F. Hail, L. Bslmela.

Firm. Atvta a Aadereon. EaebsBsn A Lonrwerth, O. H. SuoioeA fcbtr.

Vrntttw, Cr.bus, Bell-msn tx W. Iimw A isue Itna, J. ba- uu BrtiL. Ameraoo. uadeyili A Co A- Att- us-er at oreva at nwoon-o, c.

W.Oii'q 1 alia ner. if sanedy A Jolin a. Boward At Cu Hsctie A Myde A Oaken. K. a.

not at M. 11. iaeody A Jeaains A ft D. Kiiaarm A A. Ksui BOB A A.

Marks. A. A rank Lonnrl.rbai j. feoasali A Jaanes A- Moon A la a or i an at Maul. Mead (ix.

Olopa A Canon, Ootenneim-r I K.r.i... Broa. A Co Hoop A rtuoert NjoamA In i. A.

(inaflw A tetieppard at Hart. Kouil. banner at fviinru. Lrtvs A Ketioertleld A r.Ktnmi, a A Hast A TtiuiQ.

i. AToena. MlseeUaaeeas. Balletla Cmpsny.BotOBOtry Cmtrm twnpinr, LUaaaili Ibu.ifaDr. Cinclanatt rioiufi.a teei-r.

Teacetit Art aofacturics Cvo.uany. 1., Aaaocia; on. kuor, Av. earnajL, 1 ae Lxaminar. rayorftv rwint com pany, rii'i-man now Pritiiicr Cotr.rti.i.

lr. a laanuf :jr.i, omoanr, Eir oei- PAny, him iirrwar Con'' ao-, kaca Lon I auan injlloi. tor omnaav. N.MftM tr Coail-atv. It Ctueea i.i- -r Woeen cttv r'- u-I.

I u-tel aeo ltl-l leit'jinf, i.I,-u Ho. 1 serial aixv. -n v. v. i iwoi two-ija-j, Vt of.

a Maa. Artit-Ies Fucad Laos la th Ualla, rM Ti-nc-f-br emfjrt: n'ebt wnpper and 1 i-o l. i a.f I I 1 Jr. rt lyonta. Laera.

Urmoa. ra. tf. XV HAUCK AST) IJNDE11AN. Eoti Esrtescsl th Peitftefltlaij.

Ome Gets IailetsrBiIagtg Seateae gil tbe Otier Tear. Tk Esgnltg of rrtndtilisiit EIIU jdefed to tie Iairrr.kry Iirsctori, Aa jVffeetlagr Scene la Judge Buchwai-r tor's Cwurt-Boom 4jther Xaegal AAAtters. Yssterday was the time set for paasiag aa lae'anoUona toe aew trials ta ths Michael Hauck aad Fard. LlndaAa eases. Since thsir conviction oa th charge of readerUf the City Iafiraaaiy tbsy have beea eat oa boa a.

Yesterday they were ta tbe Courtroom early to bear the Court's decision aad receive their sentenoee it th aouos for Bw trial waa overruled. They were each ae-eampanld by their wive. Tbas faithful women sat beside their bos bands, talking to them, consoling them, sad eaoottragtng them to meet their fate bravely. Mr. Lin man, had aa expression ot countenance that was traag wbea th sentence was proaoanced oa ner husband.

8h tared straight ahead in a vacant way. Her eyea ware at and tnai express loa wee oee ot attar deepatx. xm. xaccx gtn CoBtlBBoealy. Her heart eeemed lobe brer.a.

Tbe prtaoners stood the ordeal braviy. There waa a large crowd la the Cocrvroein. From many of toe pectatora were beard x-preseioosof sympathy for the prisoners aod their Borrowing wlvea. Jndge Bur waiter, la passing en the motion for a new trial, ai that the City Infirmary Dlrectora were as-couctlng oOlcanol tbe city, a he eonau-usd the law in relereae to tbem and tbe making out of false bills. Ae to tbe Juror, L.

Cuod- the Llndeman case, be said Ibatwbite tbe Juror bad read the 'testimony of tte former trial had faith la bla Judgment, As to tbe Juror. W. B. Mellah. who bad bee straok Xrom the list, and afterward brougal la as a straek uror.

it was not error to ALLOW XXIX TO SXT Under tboee eircamstaneee. On que, tioc of law be aaid he saw bo reaaou to cbange his former ruling. Tbe nrotiont for aew trials were, therefore, overruled acd the prisoners stood Bp to reoelve tbeir sentences. Atauaa.paie.ous yimoui uipor vtiusbc ox bla nervoua ooodition, atood before tbe court and. amid almoat Dalufol silence, the crowd leaning forward to catch the Court words.

received a sentence to the penitentiary for aa Indefinite term. In passing tbe sentence jBdge Boch waiter saia: i believe you an Sullty. out aiao believe yon w.r tbe dope ot eeigalng men. 1 do not thlbk you conceived tne acnetue to roo toe iraaaury, pat you wen oed aa the tool to aoconipiisb tbe purpossv This will be a leasoa to you not to be so led acaln. I will give you an Indefinite sentence.

ana after a tuu j. wiu give my views to is Board of MA AO BBS OF TBI rkWITgilTXAST Of your case, and If you do as you should, tell wbat you know of the other bills you an eh anted with pre all-tig, you. may be re leased." Tbe prisoner sat down and bis wirs sobbed aloud. Llndeman then atood up to receive bis sentence. He wa also pale with nervous ex- eltetu.nt.

The Coart said-: "There are many thing tbat can loreiiict senleno la your vase. Ths Idea aid not occur to your nrm to corrupt tne noera. i ner were after commissions, and yon were a victim to their designs. You were a good boainen man. You knew right from wroug, but you yielded to tbe wrong.

Two Direoton confessed their ullt by their flight. Another, when Justice ailed, walk the street more despised ttisn you. 1 ou can build yourself en. Tbe tempi alion was- great, and you yielded. 1 he jury recommended Hauck to the tuerey of lue Coart.

but not ao aa to you. You should A1IKIT WHAT YOU HOW In order to get peace of mind. I sentence von to the benltenuary at hard labor lor (e year aad pay tbe costs of th prosecution." During tbe sentencing Mrs. lindeniaa seamed about to faint, but waa eupborted by Bailiffs Moaee and Zumsleia end revKeu. Both prisoners were granted a stay of execution for thirty days, and during that time effort will be made to have tbem released on ball pending the bearing of tbe case bv tne Supreme Court.

Tbey hade their wives an si. fectionate farewell and were taken to JalL. MUeellaaeens Court Matters. Chss Gag tier's asset ars ap praised at Sofll IS and his liabilities ars sa.740 IKL Th assignee of J. b.

uu ratal A cot report receipts of g3u.l7 and a balance oa hand of U.a 13. james itsmorrts naa Dean appointed aa-mtnlstrator of Andrew Harris. Estate. tooO -in personally, 1200 in realty. Tne will of Henry awarker ba been probated, and Moiil Marker appointed executrix.

Job hi. Froth ha been appointed adminis trator of Joseph Fruth. Estate, la per-sonalty. bated, and Wm. Wortinan appointed ezecu- tor.

Kstata, tout) la personalty. Sl.Uutl In realty. Millie Levy baa sued W.l. Houite to recover possession of a truaa containing wearing apparel and Jewelry. Tha MauAl Adams and fieri Park Railroad Company aued Tuomes J.

Peters and others to enjoin them from blasting In front of tu cable road engine-house. Judge Tail allowed a temporary restraining order. Judge Buchwalter ha drawn a Jury to try Henry Menmao for murder, returnable th IS in of bepts tuber. Coaaty Clerk' Ome Maw gaits. COMMOSt FX.KAS COURT.

78.838. Margaret Fisher vs. John J. lSlcbolL Louis' Msy vs. Clneinnstl Rail road Omnibus Com pan J.

Appeal. uiga bonustsx va. A-. rreia el si, Ap peal dismissed. 7S.64L Anna Danoan vs.

usorcs Hsasbsw. AppenL Kdwara A. Ferguson va Chart i voto. Appeal. Edward A.

Ferguson va Charles De- VOto. Appeal. 7B.W44. Morlts Balltxar ta Mrs. Veronlsa Kofi us.

Appeal. 7b. (Ho. Joseph. A.

Brigel Co. vs. B. Ciarw al. Appeal.

78.WO. MiUi Levy vs. W. Saulr, lie- pi in. cocbt.

2.737. JoaaDh Trotman vs. Marv Miles et si. Restore record. 42.7-.aa.

Mount Adam and Eden Fs'k to- olined Railway VATbomaJ.Ptrsls4 la- lunotioa aad relief. Fellee Cssrt Deeket. AoUng Judge Coppook yesUrdsy ttuposed of ths following esses: Drunkenness Mary Russell. ISO and thirty days Hsbs Helna. ousts: Kelly.

and thirty days; Jenote Wlilleon. A3 sal costs: Mary lUeford. 00 and thirty dsv.i Julia Gleaaon, 0 and thirty dayi 1. B. Bat-ton.

Mary Lynch, dismissed. Disorderly Conduct Jam a Cowan. tlA sea eosu: John Kearney, Anguetauta: Una Bcf-en, dlsmlassd; B. Asterfcamp, coetA ixutarin a- u.

sow ana are: Annie Anatln. Ala) and thirty d-y: Cbaa. Elebiler, dlsmlassd; c. M. CHppiacr, dismissed Grow- Lie niter, dismissed; Daaiai airennan, am ana costs.

Petit Larceny Thorns Conner. 13 costs: M.reditn Htaniey, August id. paaaitng witnoat A loense w. a. Mt.

1 Promotlna st Bahama of Chanee Jais Starr. August iStb. Assault ana nailery liexi joudsoo. peace bond: John Biebl, Jua Auxast nenry wtisoa. Auscst snelmr.

Aocust 2Ho: H. A- Theelnc. iik sua oeta; Jobn A- Keating. Sib and eoeia. VW.iln.

Mlilnl-hl 1. -ji-nnr. kaDA AS gnat 24lh; George Walters. August itna; H- bummerdicir. August 31th.

Fomung lrearmaGeorcs waiters. Am" SUb. A urtlat Driving Jam Lllberlaou, oia- mlaaed. i Boardlne Rallrosul Train While la Motion Georce Alien, to and costs; George BoUnaon, lminmm Keeping Disorderly Hoase Michsel I'll-lern, Heurleita Btntib. August SSd.

ailing to Obey Order of B. P. A. Tbosas Gaussen. Jobaana Doraey.

September Jd. Abuaiug Family John H. Hilton, beptsaw-beratitn. Assault to Kill Oo Giseke, John Eppls. A Rndbab.

tanlamhar tl. Giving Concert Without Ucet. ConrtJ Seamer. August 25th. Altering Luiaing Without Pertull i-Sohataitx, left open.

A Colored Girl's Kb! a. Last April Abni Scott, a foartees-ysar-oi colored girl, was released, from tbe Bef tt and sloe be beea working for a family Cummiasvlllc. Yesterday ah appeared tw-for Judge Coppoek aad stated tbat ebe la sa interesting condltioa. la eipiaastws she said that a short Urns sgo bs was eatletd by aa unknowa colored man into his rooj" on Sixth street, between plom and Centw Tseeaae was put into tbe hands of tbe pouca Bued For She Bills. F.

A. Belgard, a shoe dealer at IT Bro" way. yesterday brought suit before -Vawln lr PaUaBU SSd At DeteeUvs Crunln; from Deputy of tbe Revenue service, snd 13 74 aeb fr Powhatan Beatty. th weU-XBOWB 0010 and Charles Renter.

Tbey all PJ rn.Ki auoea from Bcigard but forgot te lor Ui same. Tbrwagh a tfersw. Jame Crellman. a laborer, forty-fir 7 of sza living st lu Buckeys street, waa eaijy-ing railroad at tbe Little Miami Depot. While crostlDg th plaltorm It s-ii te fell to tbe ground, cutting a gaM nf ats bead.

ah ai at bit cuest. but BtsriooAr. I a.

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