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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 2

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 i 1 2 SPORTING. The Spring Meeting at Latonla to Open To-Day. Excellent Sport la Stort for tteloren of fait Hone. 'X List of Banners Sboirlnr labile Performances This Seasoa JL Aoourate Una by Wic to Select tha Warav Cbarisy Kemplacd, Utestrl-i, Watson and Coiaaie Wianei. at Brightoa Beaeh.

JL Disraoefol and Brutal Affair Broken Up bj the Police at Toronto. Trotting Meetings, Horse Show News, Pugilism, the Oar and Other Items. THK -TBI. Opulnf of Ha Latowt Mprtag HMllit To-day Wtaere an4 Th spring meeting of tbo Itoaia Asseelsv ttoa eoramonce tbi af ternoen, and tb pro pects are that tbs day's sport will be Ant' clasa. There are bow mora horse here than can be accommodated at th coarse, and many ara quartered in atablea tn Covington and suburbs, A visit to th track yesterday afternoon revealed tha tact that tha track In excellent condition, and rood time may be -expected.

For the purpose of fdrnlshtng tta reader, vltb a line to so by tn batting, th 4-ibxb preaenta below a lint that give the public performances of tbe running borsea title season ap to laat night. Tbe list will ba of Inestlm-- able benefit to those wbo have not kept tne ran of tbe horses, and will serve aa an excellent memorandum to th, veterans mem-elveat A'alt Q-. Albion 11: ot Stn.nhojx.-. ljj 1 4' 'late Foei. mi WM.ny 0 (Manitoba 1 tl i ixi.l-ntl..

Arellao admiral Alleooek A hiii Alec Ament April Fel ij BorLsm 6i II 0 KJou ljjaUiBy. fti 0 Mima Imui agnail 1 '14 Dalr Hcs 1 Mioole wluiaa-a. Xtraar Bonnie Auu'. troi SBSWK-B iq 4 Mima tmrbr B'm-aop. Blue Eyed Belie ll MWIkolT Attaetta.

i (MUlaa 1 1' ManeUlaa JlobMilM liyaterr in V.iU at taeliica-i Ij.J-lM Ida. II Mu Tnaiaie-J iNKipiirte iMimbiaoot ii. -J Si 1,1 0-KMII Oi cfeaiiovk 2j OliOrltiotlo Of BJ'UDW xtn. lOaiea Briehl i llFlllefar. mace 4l ll p.

I.1B Inllljr eiUnore Si AlPoleaia. 1 i elifearl Jeualna- ii 3j 1 avPal Deaais iuriiiuw. itackAn Bart Oak. ll 0, 1 1 I 10 0 jl at 1 2i I 5 i 11 oi Cart-r Uarrtaon. NnetatIna-.

pkuui 1 pal KiPanay CUnH Krftfinoa Cmtnainlat ilvier L. i I1'! i yi. 1 0 Phil tTmlnm i PuwacbeeA l'lPowfii 1 eJ ItlUUU CardrkcClaakey: Cartew el CalU. 2, tAltiOr 7 Oft' 'Queen Bozbary.i efe aieaie. 4 i MKex ,11 il i 1 Cbarler CarUala Colonel HepfeoraJ MSfr.

Il 1 Cvatemue. 4- Koaa. Sill nil 3l 2. 0 IUaBoa4- Xoiiie iHck 0 oH ft Oi Oi: Ru ke 1 I il II 4i 1 If el 1 i at at 1 Jv. A el Ot Hoaarr JBtaf li Kolnt trgot.

0 P.trbard I. Xirattaai rr i ei fuxiMeaua- Arwa Zawla Or Boer Mrewaieri -oaeral. 31 First Bluewia tn i irjrivi vai is; le si a lit ll fair iw ni. 1 iHuiitaire. rreeiaai XI I Sam Walton Force.

It X'arandula. sor i. -iadtjaiarsaaaiar-r Si Oi 1 3, il J-hariBan. 0 a H.7ie 2' Pat Ml Si ii ii a Olaabar.oeetack 4 ana lAiek KeUerJ Ooideo 'eauire ii Otir-oeiny et. KBa Una Matbevi 6) 5i li si Oauat 0 o-iHpnnetr Oalutr- a'Tutn i ii? a.

Oleailiia Si 01 aiiaw I J( Oi Ci Oleaea 11 I Ota ante a. 4 II e'll'om Harlow. P2! l'iTraakr- Si 7 01 0 Tangier IS at Zi OttTaalika ll Troba.teur. 21 Oi o'iTroaMau si li Heory Jirewn 1 2 narpoou. Klgbfllfbt- Si i Tenl-Uow 11 li 0 2eae.

arrr dUmo'ra 1 2 r1 ii i Strike. mprompto TiaMiuaa larrr Blac I-Si 1: STasnedano JonaaoUleaa. 'M( l'IDlllnatua. 21 ii 4i.2( sf i'iriiia i' se. I at tariuia John Henry.

-JasteCartac. japonica- Jae oJVenlore it VsWItAt odea Burn-u I 71 i yea s' Kanaaa iMraeee- Want X) Mica, limeoBr t' 0 Iwarrenlun ll el til kiu Turn. 3 Oj iWKHlD'jTba M) a TtlWfclaa 1A. L. U-aaala-eu i a.

1 1 1 a. 4 Utile Satterena .111 I JUB .11 lAdy el tbe Lake.1 ei i iwiat Kaerti STatab i 1 u-- i- oi lworin ai S. li II Luna-way. Cldy Lo'ue' ml 4i 11 H2 irlra Race Puree KO, of wblob. SI SO to tbe aacana, Uaidena aUevea, If tnxea yeara eld, Jbe.

It foar. or pward, IS iba. One mite. 0. srnae, en.

a (s Jaiea Mantaa IH-Ka- S. J. R. TanniMAii lAlvt. IMi VTI I aleevea.

wkita aa Wee eaa. Cbiilioetae aiieoia tw! B. relaaiL ck. ft) Klnf Trrmblee aiaa Ban Heataay. tb klark aaab and can.

Boa Wooliey-Wanrla. Bryant, cku f. (4) Km ma Jfaoly OJanea and ilAk fwlpea. St. Mrin-CtcelT Joaaou.

I. Btnm.kti41aaCulwiIoiLuuui Baa. Tea Bieeek IJialeHUetie. Fleetwood btablen, cb. f.

iS) Wlrlapertoe eberrr wH I white alew aap. per Metal l. o. cookVa. a.

(4 and aaerry eat watte rrf Kyle nin. acartet and arvra BinBea. Jienai A Aana HcKlo e. tiMi, bine luk. aad M.WkJMen.

aiaea, wita 11 meter. tenaia UT). B. utaai-- u. Ml J.

t. (Dawraeaaran draow red Vatteae crin-aaJ drab and iwi can. (-rlaa-A-- Jvale J. W. Lee.ek.t.

(I lady Uwl reT). ti SeeOBd TcaftaCH Matter BtaVea. far m. wear-aid filUea, roaia af USB. ot aaata, taalf twfeit, or only tltt If declared on or before 7 oj ay, wivo jo aaaeq, of Wblcb (169 to aeooaa, and tbe third to eave her etake.

la.aajrry lull be. CI need with (aaaarlptioae. woeclaraU. furk((a. I.

kiu-a- Wblla U. BUe.OraDire Cap-Mbw Derby. 3. Chareklll. b.t.

Arwtte-flil fm V'blta, ficd aiara-Ekila. 9. Q. bpelb. cb.

t. ainuinr-iwaiut awist. p. Brown aad Blue suieea. Said Haraa Vanwe.

(t. A. CtlmAa, ca. t. Wanderer- 44.

Cherry. bite altwrea. tt and W. OtpWaana. TlevtwoiKt itlablea.

b. Will.i u'xini teUowlu urnit 1. Uraa viwwh iBnBu.juia n. uiaraa. av i ana Heuane.

iota a. Clarke, ch, t. Mea- arvblat Kef ara. fc ft b-VklliaiB, Jf. Medlbbea A Lellla cad.

ThU4 Race ta)i. "sres or 7J each. a. wltn SraAt auidrd trie wwbmh. oi waien can) ta tbe eeaoaa ana tua third at tha etocluf of tb' Uke allowed with i lba, additional if maiden at atanlDC.

Ooaed witn as oaoaenptieua. Valaa- atAka, H.t vat inMvatHi eftaiHW 14, Oreea. white a FreeUad, X4 Carrlaaa. b. 11K, Barfeilor Bell Kuiitit la.

Pfl IDA. iwi Hna-(irianr, W. aLSteai nriice a. a.j. wiaa jaaeuaiia.

Si. Orange. au 8d Cr-Bt-Poiaarel, JouisUpa Ai. 6, 114, t'Cialr Mipatf Ka. arela.

Wbl te Ci Xellowolay. Merrla A w. i.iiiw-r.uu. H. Ub Vx.iaitiatvMaiHl tan Kill ail furT- et va afa 4 lTar- b.

lAita auk. Wad and avaita Pa .1 SS; lS 1 vam ly! AHU :3: Hotx IB s.l ii ilL it Mart too VlKk Jack 1 1 1 Jiealia I liiUet Ooa iuBatn UOOtOB Heanr Haxrr Uua llaafe Baea 11 lottery Jim I lluukll I il of 1 a. ill m. Si 4 4: 9, II I 1 1 VI ij i ii 5 a ina iiTiaal alee Mimn 1 I a I fcyeaa I I moaiKt. Ra.

Owlsf. b. chared, lit. Bttckaen atoooiuauta. 41.

cherry and I.enioo firrfpee Bi-hard 1. J. w. at R. It.

ruaii. l-ryer Otilliiia. ourio ltac tare -v, oi wiik-d io iheeeeondi three-veaf-olda to carry SS fonr-yenx-oldii. lid ibv: HTc-yenr-old and up- Wkrtl. aex Allowance.

One mile and a nair. Orange and red ooeTtneyer. r. Harper, b. 4 IV Iae.

blue aloerea. wine and bine rBanaaa. J. II. TUomi4ii.k 5i 111, Chllilcone Siren.

s. Ulue. orNp, aleavoa ana cap ixxuo. k. a.

Ji.bmion A Cu h. c. 3. S5. Muuarchial XOly Bab ble 4.

roroie and anue-zaciora. aomi rvwo. blC. SO. hatAD-ZoO Zoo.

t. rllack and art It mpea, wniie.rmp abi, v. Mj-Weiit. b. Llrtien Fieorau.

e. Km, white polka uow-aeea. u. Dutch fckater Knpauta.

7. Blsrli. plue aen; aniTer car-auiiona, w. jr. Krtiii.

ch. 1U, IU-kei! UlaabetU. Fifth Race-Selling Fame 9W, of filch $101 to the aevond, borae to eold for fi.OA If enured id be eold for SMUU, aiiowea 5 If for tlftW. nJlowaJ 10 II for 'jOO, allowed 17 and if lor aiiowea zi the winner to eold at auction immeaiateiy alter the race, and any exceas orer aelllng srtoe to be divided equally between wtietoDii borae and the association. One mile and a l.

Joalab Allen. er.r.tll Klrlo 1114). bin: euoi Klnr Allonw-tieneva. 2. W.

B. Feland. ch. v. (S) Ballancer 1Kb), wlae.old roldsMh: Wl War Danee-Baiiet.

p. at. West, b. Lord Knward 403 Mack and white trlya. wolt cap; Jl.00.

Alarm Faoiuy Xtatilnelt-- 4. joun Manntran, CO. w. ij urap' tei i aca, aua nh.allTer cap: V'liA Aii1erer Thalia. a.

L. (irahara. b. t. (4) paroaella (luo, areea, told Pools were sold last even tog at the ien- taeky Tarf xcbange on to-day' raoea at La tonla aa follow First Rao.

One Mile Fere- Kyle, S75; Emma Manly, tiO: Pat field. Sla. Second Raee. Mile TUpeetU take: Wanda, Tabltba, -'l ValUala, UT, Impromptu, SUt: Retinue, 112; Clark. S1-; Wanton.

tlmatam. Eileen. 57; field, Third Race, One and Ono-elrhth Milee Mer-ebaata' StaAea: Freeland, IOui 'eitowplay, Foateral, ST: Billy Oil- more, lllCDara tn; oprincr, aa; jocriiua. Fourth Kaee. one ana wnenan nw- LofUn.ajS-.Obertoerer.

17: Levant, 88; Famora. Sa; field, S3. fifth Race. One and One-onarter Milew fII-rlo. uo; Lord Edward, Boron alias S3: Bonninf Races at Brtctiton.

PkcfAL tiaatrH to tee xropraca. 2fw May Ml There were onr races at Brighton to-day. Tbe Bmt race wa for a clob parse of 30, VO lo second horse, for all Sites, flre-elchtba ot it mile. Four started. Plnnreraold tor $50; Charley Kempiand, S3S; the field, S30.

Charley Kenopland won by two length In liDli. Ulng Fan second. Pioneer third. French Matoafs paid 322 80. In the second event, puma of for all axes, selling; allowance, one and one-elghtn miles, there were six starter.

Centennial old for 9J73; Ohoitt. S70; Rkrlark, S4C; the field, liuteatrlog won in SWi, Ceatenninl second. Bonanetta third. Mutual paid 73 10. The third was tbe race for 2-tO.

to the second, for all aea, to carry 103 nod da, three ponaoa allowance tor mnres ana on mile aad a euarter.1 At the algnal Colonel Watson led from' the start and won In rcan rnorn second, lumniea mira. Mntnalspaldr.7 Tba fonrtb and last race, parse 9X0, handi cap hurdle race, one mile and a quarter, over 11 uiil uou ir, "iiinD for SUA. Cevrlrie Sax Kate tJronln S4.V wud llo- cbeater 440. Colnaue won tn a canter la Sd, 1 4 .1 1 V. Mitaals paid 911 ao.

Michigan Trotting CirenlU' exciAt. dwhc ro tub EiconiBta-TkBB Haotc, May The third day of the opening meeting of the Michigan Curetilt proved a great snceeaa. A large crowd was present and fine sport- was af forded, isix norses started in the free-lor-au poce, wbioh resulted aa follows; Chestnut Star 4 4 111 flora Bell 122 aurerteil -7 3 Buck Dit-kerson 4 7 4 dl. WasUBOtit 1 atstaacea. Tltre-lia.

SiSB1. The 2:40 trot resulted aa follows: MisfurtDBSw. litlrl otrl Kobert 1 Frank Unr- mi Kara Untteaden a Time 2 -XT :33, 2 The running race, one and one-half miles dash, reaalted: Joe 1 Joe Star air Con at Jim BeJ Time Meadville, Trottlag Races, spssrtaa MevaToit ro xwutuatia. May 28. Tha races to-day re-ealyed a chili in the cold wave, and the attendance was llifbt.

The contests wura, however, close and exciting. 1 I Xlajor 'x-t 2 Kittle Cooper 1 CM. 4 Drawn, Running Race Half mile and repeat: Major Klllott 1 1 Oaar Wild A 2 e-OiHX, aelaast Fred 1 1 Jack Kaald- Trotting and Sunning at ondon, Ohio, apceta- maPATCB to tbi Loxnox, May 29. Tbe races at the London Drlring Park to-day were more largely attended than those of yetcrdy. and the race IT any thing more exciting.

The nnflnished pacing raoe In the 2-J50 class for a parse of $100 was the first called, and was won by O. Whig-ton's Opal of Xenla, on the seventh heat. F. C. OUletfa Springfield Belle, of BpringflelJ, Ohio, won the trot for a parse of 75, O.

bis ton's Mollle Allen tahving second money tlmei-HEKa, 'Ilia i-JA pace, was won by Opal in three straizht heats, J. Wilcox's tdoliie Rock, of Plain City, Ohio, taking xeo-ond money. Tbe running race, tbe moat exciting aveut of the whole day. was won in three Mtraight tniie heals by Maggie li, the property of Pat Flannlgan, oi London, Ohio. Arranging Trot tin; Parses.

srsoiA- Mararca to tcs aaactaaa Eocueo teb, Ji. May 2k The Stewards of tha Grand Central Trotting Association held a adjourned session here to-day to rearrange pursea and dates for summer races at several places 1st the social! on. Tha amended programme la as follows: First day, SL, trotting, purse, ti, 220, pacing, parse, 0, trotting, purse, HJiOu. (second day, 2:19, trotting, pure, 2:28, trotting, Third day 3:17, trotting, parte, SJ.IAVl tree to ail trottere, puraa, z7. UWW 1 fMWi auc uuigauv iwko- eater stewards agreed to trot the Sin race on tbo new plan of having every horse retire aa aeon aa ba wiaa a beat, audi dividing the money aocordin to time made.

Trtta; Races. Wtnirstoi, D. C-, May 2S. Notwithstanding fair weather and a good trlok, the attenrLaaoa at tbo Ivy City trotting races today was slim. In tb first race, pars Mars aros) In three straigat Tim- a3, uecona rce rnne sow: von In three straight.

Vouog Smuggler 84.. ifcHa, sj4 bird Mac Pacer, nurse Eddie won the flmt beat in leie Uie sec- in and frits the last three ana ta Xlxue 4ii, 2, 29J J. Tb Hors Show. ntlZ AWAatBl i TXStxBAT AT TtCM OSUtAT XX-IBITIOW AT 5IV TOSUE. eraciAi.

maeaven to tba ajrotrtaxa. Nxvr Yob May To-day's programme at tha hone show was of more than usnal Interest. Colonels Kip and Parsons and Mr. David Bonner, Indgea of roadsters, required a rang time to decide which were the better steppers In single harness. Hector and Troy, ehestnot sons of Kentucky Prince, moved aa en horse." They appeared to know that they war catalogued at 110,000 each.

They carried an" first prise. Tb eveat of tb afteran waa the exhibition foar-ln-handa. Tbe Jodiree were Colonel William Jajr and Mara. J. R.

Koa-well ana Frederick. Bronson. Tbe turn-outs were Mr. P. G.

stargia' three roaa and eheat-not, M. K. U. Morgan bays, roan and ehast-ast; Mr. F.

A. cbtmerhora'a eheatnuta, brown and gray: Mr. T. A. Uavtaieyer'i four bays, Mr.

Hugo FTlUcn's bays and hen! nuts, and F. aad Kv W. aUvea browns ad grays. Meaera. Rives, aivliarmarhorn aad FritKcb handled the lines over their own teams.

Tbe procession was cheered. Mr. -iavemeyerw four won first bouei. i ba rl Brig for tbs best end best trained polio horses, ridden by odu-er, waa won by OJftcer NeiaoQs bay horse, Dick. Roundsman Nmlth's bay horse.

Foiupey. was awarded eaooQd priaav Mr. J. o. Heels scher special prUe also, went to Roundsmau 'Biultb'e The awards tuada daring tbe day and evening war; f.

Roadsters, mar or gelding, four yarg old and over. First prise to R. B. Conklin'a g. in.

Coaklln Maid, by Volnnteer second to W. Ogden'a kv g. Ambassador, by Messenger Duroe. latched patrol road marcs or gelol oca fonr. yeam old or over First prise to J.

B. Houston's eh. g. Rector aad ch. g.

Trov. botrt by Kentucky Prluoa; second FoaUrw fb. zu. Katlnka and ch. n.

jkatrlna, boUt by Harold Mambrtno. itt saddle uorae thj flrat prla for stalliona, four year old aad over, waa won by Mr. H. P. Case's iutV; acon4 Wj bohUnan Celeu-e.

Mare aad re Id 1b as not exeeedlar fifteen hands, four year old or over alt. H. T. aiiuane'a ch. tn.

Jale; second, D. JaUag'a b. g. Cock Robin. are and gelding not wader fifteen band aad nee exceeding fto bands tea tnobea, four year old and over First, co.

g. Home Made; second, John O. Hsckseberv cb. a. Truxlodo.

Ls U' saddle horaa, war er gliding, locr years old and oyer First, br, g. Warwick; second, U. Baker's cb, g. Au- rswr. Cavalry horses, tb Vest annua tad aad equipped onjeer aptalpi rank, H.

prmaa aud LIx k-rsy cldlog Iron Duke. Ike beat taaaaud and eo-lassd staff orn. er list Dlviu Xorit eirst. aptatn W. B.

Roosevelt and his br m. iawn; seoond, Major R. V. McKlm and hU b. g.

Pcaeock. Four-ln-band tenm in liarnesa, mares or gwldiucrs. foair years old and over First jprize to T. A. Havmyer b.

ga.t'ockof-theWnla:. Nobleman, t-lr latton and Royalist; second to D. Morgan's chestnut, roaa and two bays, Pool Mar or gelding ovar 13 and not ex eeedine 14 bands 1 Inch-First, H. L. Merbertl br, g.

Vox; second, J. Wallace's gr.g. Sna. Slare or gelding not excepfllng 13 bands Flrat, T. I'ooWt Wki g.

Tommy Tit; ond, Richnrd Stevens' c. bbetland mare or selding not exeeedlng eleven-hands TRo. Furlong's piebald mare Molly second, A. M. Dodf's br.

fa. VlinnLis Hpeclal prise for the best fonr-iu-haod team OI inares or aeiuins-, uuuurroiiy oi cvior not to be considered Awarded to F. K. and R. W.

Rives' brown ana gray guiina. Pnecial piia for tbe neat Ovntletnan's Park team, the mmt perfect style and action, closest matched in color and test matcned and trained Awarded te Bel meat's rhe sneclal orfzeof S10O In plate, by J. T. Hyde, for the best heavy draught stallion, waa woo by Mr. H.

(1. Whit' Imported dapple grey Xorman horse Jiarquia. A Coward! Ursttal 'VTorh. srtuab tMSPan-w to vse awurlaaa, Tobokto, Osnv, May 23. Duncan C.

Itoti Combination gave an exhibition in Albert Hall here to-night, Charie Cleveland, offered tz3 for any enan he eonldn't knock onU A local sparrer named Moriarity accepted aad mounted tbe stage. eonld not knock Moriarity oat In the first or neeond ronnd. In the-thlrd Lang msbed at Moriarity, chocked him and threw him en the stag. Rmwn orrVred Conner, the referee, to ton the fight, but he called-tiro for the fourth round. Again he rushed at Moriarity, throwing blm, cutting his breast and sloshing hU face.

The polle raided the atag and collared ijtngn ana unooDrii, inn hirvuK nias. anu (lis seoond. Inst as thev were escsDlnr mm the halL Moriarity was carried ont by hi friends, Lang and O'iMnaeil were taken to fiolic head-tiuarters and locked up, b.U be- ngrefaised. The police will arrest Jack (la)-lngher. Paul Patuflo, tVopr, tlie referee, and Moriarity, as soon at, found.

The oRalrereatod mat exctteiaent ta the hall, and tlwre waa tiesrly a riot. It Is likely that tbe principal wut severely aenit witn, as tne autnonues here are very strict In suon matter. A Scrap Tylth Bard Glovea Settled By is Font. SWAStox. May 23.

A prlxe fight for 8100 a side took place this fort-noon over the Canada line between Thomas Mellon, of Winoekl, and Lawrence Kilcy.of Burlington. Ten rounds were fought with hard gloves. KUey had the best of It, bnt anniion was awarded the stakes -on a foul blow. Both were badly punished. TflE OAK.

The Coolly-Teemer Raee Kxpeerted to Tak riae To-Uay. Chicago, May 29. If the water is smooth tomorrow tbe Cooiry-Tfremer race will eome off at Pullman on the Calumet River. The eon- teat is not looked forward to with mueb Interest, and sporting men make no secret of their belief tliat, barring accident, the winner is already named. Although Coolly is not considered the better man he la tbe favorite in the pools.

Courtney and Ross Ready to Row. aracisb oispatv 'to thb ksuuisxa. New Yokk, May Courtney and Ross each claim to be in fine oondition for the rac to-morrow. Roes weighs 181 pounds be says; Courtney about 100. The latter has beguu to And fault with tbe course, but says he will row for all he is worth, and if beaten it will be because cant row fast enough.

WKESTL1MO. Pat Crowley Defeat James Mqrpby la a Hotly. Contested Collar -and -Elbow Match. SPKCTAI. HITTCW TO Til New Yobk, May 29.

Pat Crowley and James Murpby wrestled front a quarter to eleven to-night until after two o'clock this morning, collar-end-elbow, in a S-00 match. Crowley la 5 feet Inches tall, and weighs 192; Murphy la a quarter of an inch taller, and weighs 178 pound. Crowley won the first fall in forty-six mlnntea. They tore their Jackets to pieces twice, and later in the match, the rereree being afraid they would hurt themselves ou tbo platrorm, ordered tbem to wrestle In the center oi the hall. They then wrenched each other ail over the hall, and at last Crowley won the second and decisive fall.

changed bands on the resnlt. TRAP AND TRIGGER. Third Day of the International Pigeon Tonrney at Chicago. srsujA- niara-rcu so thb BKouiaxu. Chicago, li.i, May third day of the eley-plgeon tournament at Grand Crossing was pleasant and tbe attendance Increased.

The international championship match for a diamond badge, valued at 3250, and a purse of SToO was the principal event. M. Stark, of the Exeter Club, made the bet Individual score, securing sixteen out of a possible twenty pigeons, and received the diamond bad ire. Th Exeter team won the pur. securing sixty-eight out of one hundred.

There were fourteen teams engaged In the contest. LACROSaE. Tbe American Team Score Anatber Tie. tery. Ixi x.

Mav 29. At Nottingham to-day the American Lacrosse Team acored another vlctorv, defeating the horn team by six goals to nothing. Sporting Notes. Eva P. Is ailing still.

Bob Catbcakt here in power. Mobb stables are needed at Tub foreign race reporters arrived yesterday. It Is thought that Ferg Kyle eant lose today. Thb city Is full ot race people and horsemen. Thb Club-house at ate ia la far from com-Dlution.

A littlb rain would Improve the track at Latonla. There will be a regiment of book-makers at Latonla. Tkb weather bid fair to be anltabl for th racea lo-Uay- Ma, Bruce, of Kentucky, loomed up In town yesterday. Tub the races Is Intense, and a great crowd will be ont to-day. It is not probable thnt any of Pnryear A Wooding' horse will -tart at atonlav They are all coughing.

JltJ.F. Cai.dwel.Xi arrived here yesterday from New York to act as.starter at I Ionia. BcrHASAs, with his goggles and a straight flush, is at Latonla getting ready for the fray. Tic xt 129 won the doable-oared boat raffled off by the Licking Valley iiowiaavAsso-ciation last nigbu LOUISVILLE. A Salt Interesting te Keataeky KalgMs of Honor Fatally Seavlded Selaeel Festival, sraciai.

nssaavttt to vuk BMriaaa. Lociryit-lJC, May 29. An lnjnnction salt styled G. W. McOeady and wife vs.

Th fu-prem Lodge of th Knights of HonOr waa filed to-day. Th petit loners asked an Injunction preventing defendant's removal from Kentucky to Missouri, In compliance with defendant's vote at Chicago recently to do so. Plaintiff allege that they are Insured on a policy of defendant's insurance and object to th Supreme records being removed as detrimental to the eontraot existing between eonteataata. It la believed that the projectors of th Knight of Honor Temple in this olty are pushing this aaae to test the validity of the removal of tbeftuprem head-qnartera. Before tbe matter ends some very interesting revelations will made.

Tbe ceremonies of dedicating th Cary fi. Blaekbare ivngiue, Ka. la, and her beautiful new atatio -on Rudd avenue, Portland, this afternoon, were very Interesting. Councilman Piaokburn, fee whom tbe tittle beauty ia named, made a peach, fceveral aneeehes were made besides, and a banquet was given tbe boy at large. At a tst to-day the new steamer made steam In lour minute from old water.

bamuai Ureyf elder, an employ of a slaughtering establishment in German lown, waa fatally scalded to-day by the accidental vr-turnins of a caldron of boiling water, which enveloped blm. Ha Is sluale and recent Importation from Germany. Tbaebildreaof the publle acbools will their annual May lesiival and plmilc at tea nr.lai Park to-morrow, and on Friday the colored schools will have theirs, 7 Terrible Accident la at Trranel. LlOONtER, May 29. Knapp Tonnel, en tha Bouth Pennsylvania P-sHrond waa tbe aeeae ef terrible accident IhU morning.

A large fore of men were lu excavating tbe tunnel aboutone hundred feet from the snain entranee wtieu a heavy scaffolding gave way with aueh tore aa to eral the Leavj timbera and precipitate a large ma of earth on th unfortunate men below. All available force were pat to work atoneedig- fing ut tb crushed remain of th victims, be seen ia desert bed as heartrending, as one after another tbe mangled bodlis were brought out and laid en tb hanlc. were killed on-right and tw bav sine died. Five other are seriously lu-iurvd. The men killed are all foreigners, with one exccUon.

Their name could net learned. Tne BtpJian Ba-Tr-ona, Mavsa In the Eplseoeal Con- vaailas to.dav Ika aalarvt tb BIbOI waa fixed at S4.0VJ per aanum. Jiomlnailvn for the tilshoprl? were tnen in orner. Aat imlsm Ware eat la aornins- Uon, including Rv. B.

Hydgea. Hishop W- llOtt, jeXUK, mi'Wtaui'r. Icds. I'n uadlnnrnmcat nine ballots bad beea taken, the last lloojee, iu; tlllolt, IL, theraet scattering; th total vol being 140, at uecessary to a Dolce. Much douot la expressed af to tb ability ot the oeuvsaUoe.

to electa SmkvP syaa TIIE -GIGnTlL The Cincin-ati Unions Score Another Victory, And Are -tew Seeond ia the Champion ship Usee. Tha Cln oinn ati Amerloana Draw a 'Brjrvr of Qooao-Ugsa. Leri Buo-toni' Crew Selauted by the To-; lode Club, Oala Day at the Union Athletld Parle This Afternoon Xotee and THB AG TBia ATTEBSTOOy. 1 This afternoen the Cincinnati Culons endj tbe National, of Wasblngloa, will meet In tbe third game of their aeries for the championship of the Union Association. The two clubs played a brilliant game Wednesday, and the contest this afternoon wiU doubtless be a close and Interesting one, as tbe strongest teams will be In the field.

The Prussian Military Band has been engaged and will give an open-air concert before tbe game. Th score of tb Cincinnati-Washington game will be received by inning and posted on th blackboard in lull Tie w'of the spectators. TH OA-E TESTSBUAT. Tb Cincinnati Union pegged up" their eighth 'successive victory yesterday at theex -pens of tb Nationals, of Washington, and now hold a clear title to the second position in the championship rac3 of tbe Union Association. Tbe Clnclnnatls had no trouble at all yesterday with their opponent-, whose poor playing was In strong contrast to tbeir fine exhibition of tba day previous.

The home team excelled both in tba field and at tbe bat, while the visitors went to pieces In several Innings and allowed the Porkopoll-tans to pile up runs. A number of brilliant as well as poor plays marked tha field work of the delegation from the National Capital. Drew made about tbe sorriest exhibition at short Held seen here this Kinon, and after masting three very bad plays in this position be moved ont to center Held, and at once celebrated his change of base by muKiug an easy fly. He succeeded in running up four out of theeteveu errors made by his side Bradley and Kelly we're the battery presented by the tiouie team and Voe tools Wise's place tn th box for the visitors, being retained tn the catcher's position. Bradiey's delivery proved nsmuch an enigma as did Rums' 04 the day previous.

He wasonlyKized np for seven single kits, but bunching three of these the visitors managed to cam tbeir only run. Kelly gave blm very good support. oaa pitched a fairly good game and a number ot tho bits were scored off him after chances bad been made lor retiring the side. Moora mad a brilliant double piny in th seventh tnnlne. After a bard run he captured a fly right on the grouud and by a long and accural throw put oat Bradley at the home-plate, who had tried to score on tbe bit.

Burns and Sylvester carried off the batting honors for th home team, the pair dividing between them seven of th eleven bits made by their side. The home team scored their first ran In the Opening Inning on singles by Barns and Sylvester and a fumble by Drew. In tbe seoond inning Drew juggled two more grounders and La rkin made a noor stop at third base. Tbeir three errors allowed Kelly to cross the plate. They were retired in one.

two, three order in the next two innings. A three baser by Burns, single by Jones and (Sylvester and a wild pitch netted two more runs lu the fifth. In the sixth a muffed tly by Drew, safe hits by Burns, Powell and Kelly and Mc-Kenna's wild throw netted four more runs. BingU-s by and Kelly, a wild throw by Wise and a wild pitch by Voss gave tbero their last tbree runs. The visitors earned their only run tn the fourth on singles by Wise.

Moore and Lark in. Tbe following is tbe core ClSOJXNaTl tSION. A. a. IB.

P.O. A. X. Burns, c. 3 It 1 0 Powll.

lb 8 0 MltO Q'lary. 5 0 0 2 0 0 Jotiee. 5 110 4 2 Sylvester, r. 5 1 4 1 0 tt Crane. 1 0 3 2 1 Bradley, 4 1 0 2 0 Kelly, 4 2 7 1 1 Barker, 4b 4 10 0 3 0 -42 11 It Z7 12 xiTioxtla.

Baker, lb Wise. r. aad a A.B. B. IB.

P.O. 4 3 1 0 0 1 4 4 Mr n. Jloore. 1. 1 4 i.urkiu.:ib 4 4 4 lrvr.

a. a aad c. Teanr, r. Vess. 3 2, c.

1 7 24 1 4 6 7 Cincinnati Unions-Nationals i 0 0 2 2 4 0 11 6 i Baas Karned Natlcaals. 1. Tbrse. Base Mil Burns, loial Bsues on Cisaa Hits Cincinnati. 13: Nationals, 7.

Double Plyv- ajnnre and McKencs.BrsOley and C'rsn. First Bsneon Errors tinuiunaliii, ialkilials, 2. Lett on ises C'icii-in-nsds. Kstlnnals. Btrnrk Oat-1ncJnnatli.

8: pu rubied Orou nders one 2, Lark in 2. br A Wild TiiruA MuKenua 1. Kelly 1, Von. Bsker. Piles MoBenua.

brew. Xrotred Thrown Ball P-nssd Balls McKenna 1, Kelly I. Wild Itiuhes VossS. Tjnieof tiame On hoar and fifty minutes, t'pirs Deviney. SfACCLLAK TBEATS WILLIS TO A SCBPBISX.

rcciAL prsrsTca to th tKuciaka. Baltivobe, May W. The third gam between th Cincinnati and Baltimore Clubs resulted in a well-earned victory for the latter by tbe score of a to 0. In tb fifth Inning tne Baltimore scored one run on an error or Mansell. In tb eighth Inning tha other run was scored after two bands war out.

Macul-lur struck ball over right field fence and made a bom run. Tbe game waa a fine exhibition of ball-playinx. it was a contest between th pltohers White add Emsii. Th Clnclnnatls only made two safe bits, while White was batted for six, including a home ruu and two two-baggers at critical points in tbe game. TrafBey and Peepie both did well behind tb bat.

Ia tha outileld and Uardner did good work for tbe Baltimore, and Jones for the visitors. Rellleydld tb most notlv work in tba Infield. Attendance B-LTIMOBtS. la. 1 a 0 1 1 P.O.

3 3 Sotniuer, 1 uaruaer. r. I. Clintou.o. f.

York. 1. f. la 3 1 Trott. e.

2 malls, -lacullar, a. a- a Totals- 1 I 3 II Cl NCI XATIS. Mat-tell, 1. 1 A.B. E.

la. P.O. B. 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 .400 Joaea. e.

f. I 12 3 4 1 Carpni-t, tb. and J. I- Cnrkhiii.r. f.

and 3a, Fu I mer. s. a. Wa te. Peoples, 0- 1 Totals Innrna SO 37 13 2 ,1 S4S 7 8 Baltixnores.

00001 00 i Ciuiionatis- Buns Earned Cinclnnatts, a Two-base Bits Emslie and linrtluer. Home Ban Msv cnliar. Base oa Balls Br Fissile, White, t. First Base ea Krrnrs Baltimore. I 4.

Left oa Bases Baltimore, Clnelnnatis, 2. Pasned Balls TratUey, 1 Peoplca, 1. Wild Flfco he so lie. 2:. White, Time oi f'arae Oa bear aad forty a aalaa.

Cmplr anleia. ,1 A LA BOB BCOB apBciat, eispATCN To a aa uviasn, St. Lotus, Mo May 29. Tb 8L' Louis Unions defeated the Keystone here to-day tn tha presence of about 2.000 people, hut they realized tbe fact that the victory wasntone to be very proud of. The home club put Sullivan lu the pitcher's box, and tbe visitors hit blm very hard, but luck seemed to be with fr-t- Louis.

Tb day was not a pleasant one, and the croud was not enthusi astlc The score tell the rest. sr. Lu tria. glister, I.lcserson.

If. Olea son. sb. Howe, ef Brenaan. C- Aifi.OlA! ikirarosas.

B.O LIB ill Xl 4l 01 21 2 21 Si 1 Cleanse, rt I 01 Oi Honm. II I fil el 4 Oj o) ii at riot Peak. XO 5 S)2 fciiiaa. 10 11 l.loi Hi WbltftbeadAsl oi Ii 1 PuilU-aa, rf.p 1 91 Tim, aa Hakvlv. 3 ea.

Taylor, -Totals- I i laaina a 4 4 0 1 1 3 ft. Lu I a s- e- a i Keysvoues Haas Earned at. 1. 00 is. St Fhlladelahlas.

Two-Bin Hits eihafer, Bioaersoa. haws, Ciuina, White-bead, kieasie, McCornwekaod liilisu. 'ibree Base Hit KleiiKle. Total Base oa Clean iit-e Louis, Phi rkU, l. Double Pla lesson.

Inn-bp aud Uulna. Left on Bases nuts, 4: Pblis-rteiphiss, street Ont-Dy Bakelre, brsl)l-van, by Taylor. Base oa Called Balls Passed Ball uiliea. 3 Brea-an, 1. it 114 Pltcaes Baktlev.

1: Huillvaa, Pitcher's Balk nuUivaa. 3. Time of Game-Two la aua, Uau-rv il-ple rsu WOJT BY one srejr. 8rwci4ti mpvcK to ButTOK, May S-Tht-eds gaT th Phila-dalphiaa every opportunity to win to-day try fielding badly-, but th visitors could sot bat. although they fielded brllliaatly.

Whitney riltehed a very strong game, and In but two the fourth and eighth, wer any runs mad. Tbe winning run waa bom run by Manning, ot th Bostons, over th right field fenoe. -v. 2uMU.4. Hwrnaar.

If trettea. i- vi 1 ot mrmi, 11. 3i 1 1 1 -Mt-CiensOA 1 oj it lMannlag.rt I t) toi Curdk- ifrrtlL lb. I WbUiMty, a ct-Hackett. 1 et Oi II Manalaa Oi Otoi Xl.Mulvsy 11 ll 7: ol Farrar, lb 7: Farrar, lb 41 01 S'iCekenaa, 1 rt.

iiiu, o. -j 4 3 jie.Siioit Touia I a Bias 1 Miji tltl- B.lomt 1 raed Baas i Besten. Fbtladelpht. Hone -aorisg, is. i.

of Bostoas. I sa-ti lits rve-baa i- BtiW ffin 11 1 'J A It 1 0 ei oi oi 0 ffi 3 2j 0 ii 2 1 a i mm tj ViTllllS etv'ti Wild Fitch lev. int BaM ea min-sr4 1 PhlladelDhia. t. etrnck tit liv Whitney.

by Coleman, i. -KHible l'lay Muivey.A 4t Farrar. I'm B-fna. st. Xotrii rx babo j-ccs.

srartA- aiars-rra ve tbs Bsociaa EsOoBtYS, 34. My J-f he PL Louis Clan arrived hrre to-day, sod met the Brook lyn uh at Washington Park4 -Cm account of the' cool, weather bat a few witnessed the game, and tbose who were 'on the grounds had heavy top coats on ad, walked about to keep warm. The contest was close and exciting througboat, hut especially at the finish. Xct a run Was acored on either side until tbs sixth in rims, when base 'tilts by tenners. Farrow, Warner and Cassley beongM lit two clean earned rane foe the bom team, la tha seventh Inning the visitor scored their only ran on base iisSUU-d by error of tbe home In tbe eighth Inning the visitor did some fine hlttlujy bat it did not pan out.

Lewis led orT with a bit, and Comlskey followed with a hard hit to Warner, which Ue eoald net hB-rtle ia time, Latham also sent a bot one to Warner, which was fnmblcd, putting itare men on bates and leaving a pretty dark outlook for th lionr (ejai. Jolby tnn bit the hall to Terry, who got it home in time to cut Lewis off. truest totircd on a fiy, and a ntEn tout rry uoian Fdt tne siao ouu sir. Clro 'lwrf. rt-- 11 O.A;K,KB.iiv.ll1BiUjA 0 4 0 I I- 0 0 O1 1 1 1 et (ii I vi a i.ircei'.n'u,2b 2 lb ll 11' A Trr I I linatn.

at -1' waiifsci-. It a a a 1 1 Brook ly as. 0 2 0 0 2 Ran F.sred-Brir;r, 3. ofl F.r- rsrs e4. Louis, 1.

eanickOatBu Louis, Base Hlt Parrow and Ix.iBn. lltle Plays Htmsehoeiaer. Passed Bans Parrew 2. T' one tutut aad Uilrty-ene BSiaBies. Joha Kelly.

i rooa THncGS. SPECIAL DISPATCH tO-THS KXiL'IXt. iIttronollUn and Indianapolis Cluua met oh the Polo Grounds to-day. and from the start the borne team saw they bad a picnic, but their experience with the St. Louis Club taught them a lesson ohd notwltr-tanding they had an easy tUlnt 11 eairt hi of It, they played balhiln their Held, piay eacn man oi tue uome team nanaieo tue nan as though it was made of glans, and When he threw it be wes sure that the man to whom it was thrown was going to get It.

It can bo seen with what Coolness tbe home team played by a glance at the score. anerrorofany kind was made by the plnyers or battery, which docs not happen every day. This fine piay of the homo Unm was backed up by fine work at the-bat. Their hits were placed so well that thev counted for more Chan they Bvnerally do. The visitors batted well, but iliey fulled to ptaoe their balls, and their loose fielding was In great contrast with that of Tuesday in Brooklyn: A It Mrs lv.

rt 1 I 0 II rf I' Si 2i 0 llbaa. T. 1 i 2- 2 0' fr'Tlietnpauo. ufl Ol Ot 2 Kuterbrook Roneman. ct, II I 1) I) II 31 t) Orr, lb Tmy.

0 10 lb-o- il li o.lKeeiisn, nl i i I 'i i Oi Reipscbrer.c Zj 0' lrrlll.2b I 11 Olil'elts. lf -i "i 1 deililSI? Iveor.eily.lJ 1 JUKeon. p. "IsM T-TjliM Hit' .1 I I 14 Innings a 5 a o- Pssaed Ba lis "iTapkett, s-rt Bae est Qneat. 2hi 1- a) 1 daa.e..

0 a- If i tj 1. 2, 0, Jl Xrsvls, p. 6i if oil? arrow, e.jj m. 1 ..1 1 01 iii a VBW 1 I mm m-. i I -I tlrff.

a 114 a a a First 1 Hani Kamed-Matrfipolltans, Indianapolis, i an mmi. oi a.u First Bane on Errors-Metropolitans. 3: Inaianapo- violaUou of the National agreement, but also lis. e. First Base on Baiis-Metropoli'ans, ft: In-1 to the fuct which furnishes tbe stroriget rea-dianapolis, 0.

struck out Jro.oUiaii. 3: In-: son fur suoh a prohibition being included I a nianaoolls. a Home Burs Brsy. I. I bree-Boae Hits Pelts I.

rwo-Ba se Hits txjfvsn, etMn arm Kern Lonble-Plava Phillius. llerrlll and Kerns Wild Pitches if rKaun.i,- Psssod Balls Keenan, 2. Vmplre Mr. Brennan. Time Two hour and twenty minutes.

1ITI StTRPRIAPO. rscisi. nnirATCH to tsi isaciics, PHH.AtsuraiA, May 29. Th Toledo Club played a remarkably good game to-day. Hll-sey pitched for the home club, and was batted hard; hut he can hardly be said to bare lost the game for his nine when it is considered that be made one-third of the runs scored by the Athletics, and more than one-third of the total base hit.

Mullane' pitching wo effective, and Walker gave him good support. A winning lead was obtained lu the fourth Inn-lag, when four single bits and errors by Mulligan, Knight and Houck brought In four runs. There was a fair attendance of spectators. TOLKDOS. 111,11 ATBirtlol.

Barkley.3b. 0 0 4, o' BIskiston.ct. Miller, Si 31: lb Day. vi 4, 0. Knight, rf Wallr.r.

I 1 i Xi Houck. ss It bQ A i rii; ei ii ii oi o. 01 li 2 41 I ii i 1 0 0 4l ll' 0 ii 1 4 ij 2 3 01 4' Mullan. i II Sf 1. Curvy.

30... Welch, Ci Brown, Sb Tillv. 1. I hlodaU4b Totals Oi o' UUIaD.c it ui of it. 2i 2' ll 0 Strieker.

2b. fL2iq, SIM 271 3 Ue p. I 1-1- -l- I siio; jiii-i lantngs i 1 4 5 Tolsdos iv 0 12 4 0 AlbUtlc 1 0 1 1 0 o- 1 1 1- 0 Earned Rans-'tnledo. Athleli. 4.

TwoB4 Tin. MiiiiaHS. Walsh, llllev Stover and Hel-r Fitst Baseun Balls alkir. First Base cm Errors Toledo. Athletics, i.

struck Oiit-O Dsy, Mot-lane. Brvwa Blakiston. Mtovey and Hihrf-y. lJoublel'lavs Corey. Strieker and Stovey; Uuuv, Corey and Strieker.

Passed Bails- Walker 1, Alllli. go 1. Wild Pitcb-Mu saaz, UUsey I. Vaipire sieward. 1 ALLEOSKirr AQADf satTt OUT.

rsciA- nrsPATCB toi utai'taea. PlTraBCRO, 29. The Columbus sluggers found no difficulty in again shutting ont the Allegheny to-day, as the latter were oat played at every ipotnt, Tbe visitors played an errorless Melding game, but only got live hits off Ncagle, who pitched for tb home team. Turonrb errors of their opponents, however, hitting at tbe right time, and several grossly unfair! decisions oy tbe umpire, they secured live runs, two of them earned. The Allegheny were demoralised, and could do absolutely nothing with Morris' pitching.

About fifteen hundred spectators were present, notwithstanding the weather was entirely too cool for joomfort. Aumuii-ir B.O A i Co-cxat-s. If wi re 0Brawn. rt 0: U.ll a iinltli.S.' 0' li 'Kiel. Is, lb i 0 0 I i 1 oi 0, llii n.c o.

0 2 0 (Carroll, 01 tV ii li 1'Knehn. Sb. I 01-1 i lilMorris. I p.1 a is. 0110 11: lj 3i 2 1.12; 0- 0 ll 1 0 1 0 li 1 0 1 1 a 0 ai 1.

il 0 0i li 2, lil, wart wood, rf Persuson. lb. Slil'i-r. If bite, si. Taylor.

ef. Bstlin.Sb Creamer. Sb Nea le. Totals tr 6j 1 Onodon. If 1 Of t'r Total.

SI 5S7 si 0 Inaior 1234SSTS a 0 SO 1 FUrned Ran Coin tnbns. 2. Two-Base Hit Weh-mnud. Threw-Basei Jait-aiortia. Base ou Balls limn, struck Out Neagle.

2: by Morris. 7. Leit on Bases A llegbenys, Columbus, Time of cianie tine hour a twenty misatea. Cmpire Yale-tine. TOE AiTOOSAS SHUT OUT.

arKCtAL BIS PATCHl TO.TBa SXaliBk, Altoona. Mav 9. Tb Altoonns were shnt ont to-day by tbeVsltlmore The vle-; Itors showed up well at the bat and save their 1 pitcher good support in the field. There were I about seven bu.nured people in attendance, i The following la the score I AtTOOXAA Murphy, Stalin, ss I Brown, cl. BlO.AlEi 0, a -TlMOKC HBO i.lhl..h I 4 2

Ui 2 1 Seery, 0 S' S' I Levis, lb 0, JrJ. aweeny.e. 01 I 2: li RoblQii in.ita. 0 11 ol oi Sweeney, Si li SI 21 2 iPblaa.2b (0j Ijjj JijOsorbecli, r. Moore, Harris, tb.

tika'er. it Uaugberty, rt twrr? to 01 4 4 Wj j' Totals Innrnra 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Alteon 1 Urn ores-. 1 SS.t .13 First Base en Baltimore a. Attaonas.X. Left en Bases Baltimore.

Altounaa, A Pa-aea Bella Moore, A Wild Pitches Brown, Aforpby, 1. Rons Earned Balttmorae, 2. Bases on Bails BaUlmorea, 4. Time of Utma One Avar aad SUty oiiaut Cmpire --Holland. TBB WSXL PLAYKD.

racTAi, 2tspatc to ran oia. iCAOo.May i28Tbe Boston Unions and Chicago Unions jlayed close and exciting game to-day. Bond pitched for the visitors and Dally was Ja tbe box tor tbe home Bin. Both folly sustained their reputations. Three single and a dpuble in tbe sixth Inning gave tbe home nine two runs, and Dally ad a another In the eighth on a couple of errors.

The following is full score: Cuicaeo Vs. Ei lick, rf I BUG AK: BosTOKA Ii ll 0 0 KB A 0- 1 0' 0 1: rf 0 ui li 2, i 1 I 2f ij i i 7t Of Beboeneck.lui i pis- ei eiO'Brien. rlcgs, i alrltf. II 1. jrwta, 31 of IilJi.Sl lllcrane.e.

01 1 li 1' O.IUoud. Koran, 11 bop. Suck, ct. -ally. P- et Oj 1 Browa; lb wi 1: Uackett, flattery 1 5 5 ti 0.14, OjjJ I Sj-'i-ix) -'-f- -Tl Totals.

4,1 Totals. Inaing. Ch league .1 a It 7 BUS 0 a i i rnna Warned '-Tbteaare. Tl liaaa Hits Krlea. Double Plays Shuts ry and O'Brieu: Bond.

O'Brieu and Brown. Left Ob Basse Ch Icako, Ata-toa. Htruck Out By Daily, Ui by Bead, A Base Oa Called alia Chicago, 1. First Ka aes On Etrors Passed Balls Krleg, J. Wild pitches Boed, 1.

Tim of Came Oa hear aad forty minute. Vmplraj David Ivan. BTTPA OS OOOSE-IOOA. Cvs axil, May 29. The Buffalo totaUy ailed to hit MeCprmiek with affect to-day, and, aa -he was accorded nearly perfect support, they were ghat eat.

Cleveland hit Gai-vln freely ail through the gam. Attendance six iU'b CEvain; Glasscock AS-I Phillips, lb ilurphy. Betal ing, ct-Evans. n. Vuldooo.

2b BiB BctraltM. ,1 r.u,-i.lru ih Al 1 2 1 I I 0 I at st 4 Of 1 Oj Ja ffi ai 1 Jll Sa White, sa 0 iMyan. 21 3' rcoi iickj IOI eiColllns. "3 i Aruner, so. Briody.e Totals 1 1 Force-, lOalvlB, I mm 13 Ai 1 ITota ta Xonlag.

i 2 2 2 Karaed Sane Oe sla-de, a. Two-Baa H1 Jlyera. RoaaUar. Ituiaooa. Kirst Basa ou Balis Clevelanus, t.

iirs Kai oa Frrar H-dslee, Btraek Oaa cieveiaada, ti Ballaio la. Donble Plays Collins and O'ourke. Faaaed bail Bow. Cmplre Vaacourt. 1" srsxa At.

ms tc to tkb irwnsn Fbottdbwcb. May ta it la a long time aino th PrvldBe played aaeh io ldlafl game as they ud te-dr. The aaem Allrlinva 11 If Columnus 0 2 0 0 0 S' 1 2 ll 3. li 0 0 0' 2 IJ! 0 2, ti, 71 0 2j I I 1 1 2 o'lut 0 ll J-I1li 3 1 Sb 1 shewed tWe elTeels ot bight's travel, and played without their usual spirit. Sweeney was not at all (Tfectiv.

and th Tories took kindly to delivery, especially In the sixth lrrnlng. when they two-red fonralng'et and a double, which were productive of three earned rnna. In the ninth Welch drove tbe boil over tne left-field fence Jofn hm? run. Weioh Waa aie pun shed by tBS Oray, but the irreraf 1 h2 Pe i were le txjstJj, abd tuey wero-thbi aWS te win toe game. Attendanee nine hundred.

arlBC e. i i 1 1 V. IM, CI Coiinur. 1 1 ni I 2 Start, lb tliiiepie. ll li 1' i nwiu.

41 i I Won', McSiiinoa II tl 9 i ft. 9 tr Ii 1 li 1 Oi 1 a tsas1! 12 We.CJi.. (e1dl aa- 1 ij li 4, 6. 6 3. 31 i xtava.

e. ei i B-afora. rl.i i'li'ST 14' IU innlas- .1 4 a a i-m Jtew Ybrka lie 0 0 4 0 l- -7 a raskii CUl IVT TU 11 1 1 1 1 LI milUI JII1V. MlUru Yorka4: providence. 2.

Heine Ha- v-li Tbree-r se liines. pnny. two-Base Hits Mfclunon. Welch. Wrack Out Oiinor.

Kin ir Krrwes rteW YefB. 7 First ea Bails VVarL Connor, MeKirtuon, Caskins. rsrnl CarrvlL. -Kmhie Play Cask Ins. Vennor aad sirKinaea.

li -in. Star Pss.pC B-Ut Kwlna. Xa S. Wild Plirbes Sweeney. Time Two boon- ev pire rlea a Kiim rtrtcni- 1 Chicago, May 21 Two thousand persona i witnessed the opening game of the season bo- 1 sn.

f'titMii rutlrnit, A r.1,1 1 1 DOnu tiuu cuiitv iuo Jvrs, aou uvnuuc dragged. tave for the home runs made, the play was ordinary. The full score ia as follows: I ('niriaa illtt l. til' MRO'A'C Dairy rt 6.K. Wuod.UJ li 1 1 a -(I.

tl I. tt' 1' Oi 0 t. 0 iHauIon.rl Kelly, 0- 2i 01 I 5 2' 0' i ii 1 ii oi 4 01 01 9 2 fl' 41 II Si 7 a Ansun, lb. ss. 1' I SI V.

0 ti 4i 0 fiX'tt. li lj e'Welrtman. p. W'BiKrti, 3b Iteinvr. a.

s. ii 41 SI f. 'Sbsw. rl. rorvuraa, 2 "1 I TotslA- 1: a ooa, i-i-i-i-i- .1 i ifccr.ii lunipga.

Ctiicsns. XJetroits 0 0 0 S-li Karaed Fun Ietroits.e4. Ttorae Ru-Dalrvnipl. Flint. O.

Wlx X. lilmw. Meinke. KM. Pa Ml Halls Pilot.

I P. Woei, A Pint se oa Balls Chk-aarua, lr- iMili I Vlis, t. Hi ftn 2: e- troiu 1 struck '-Cif' J' Plavs-hiktle and A llliamsou Ullaaison. PUBar aaJ fmp-e-Oecker. BARKIS' SOTS OP WARXIX0.

4rCCtA IMal-ATva TO TUB KKVW'IB- Baltiuobe, Mt S3. For some time past a report ha a been circulated to tb effect that Manager Borate, ot the BalUmor Club, baa approached several prominent players In the National Leaga for th purpose of aiding them in securing their release and then sign with the Baltimore The report anread toother cities, and several prominent papers have hinted tbat Bar offered Weld-man, of tbe Detroit team, to play In Baltimora. This item caught the eye of President A. G. Mill, of the National League aad also Chairman of the Arbitration Committee, and this morning th following letter was received by Bamie: tw Yobk.

My 27. 15 W. Babxie, Epq. IeirSirt The Is one of several newsnaoer statements which i have seen, to the etteet that, you have been Decollating with one or more of tbe Detroit I players. While I do not personally believe that yod nave, done this, yet 1 wish to call i your especial attention not oniv to tbe tact th National agreement, that suen ap proaches made to players or a club team likely to disband are calculated to exert a stronger inliuence than any thing els to precipitate such adisbandment.

and thus Insure tb downfall of clubs which otherwise might poll through successfully. As a matter of fact, the Detroit Club will not disband, and If any managers have been approaching the players such action wilt merely serve to make such plsyers discontented. You meet more managers of bail clubs than 1 do, and should you see any thing of this kind going on I trust yr.u will use your influence to suppress IL Yours truly, A.J. Mill- Barnle to-nizht stated that he never up-proaChed any player either In the lx-agoe or American Association, In reference to signing with the Bultituores, knowing at the Umo that such would be In direct violation ot the rales: and as to tbe report circulated about the Detroit's Club's pitcher he never offered or would not offer any pitcher 2)00 for hi servloea. AFTEB THB ATHLETICS.

sPCciAtv msrATCH to thb cxociaca. Philabiu -Puia, May 29. A bill in equity was filed to-day by counsel representing the old Athletic Bail Club, which was incorporated In January, 1S7C, agnlnst William Sharcig, Charles Mason and Lewis Slmnioua, and the other members and players ot the organization at present known aa tb "Athletic Base-ball Club," asking tbe Court to enjoin tb defendants from continuing the unlawful use of this title. It is averred that no authority for its use bss ever been granted, and that its unwarranted assumption by the defendants has hampered tbe old dub, prevented it from putting a nine in the field or joining the American Association, and deprived it of great profits. The old elub bas hot bad a team in tbe hsKl sine the season of lsTa.

but was at one time quite an energetic organization, with about one hundred stockholders. TS X0RCT GORDONS DBF SP-ClAt, DtSPATCat TO TUB IKftftlH. Spmsopi-LD, Ohio. May 29. Tha colored Gordon Base-ball Club, of Chicago, and tbe Springfield played here this afternoon to a fstr The score stood 15 to 7 in favor of the Springfield.

ah rjtriRX hit with a bowlder. Fobt Waykb, May SI Umpire Charles Cnshraan. whan leaving tbe grounds after tbe game, waa struck en the forehead with a stone by a vicious youth of fourteen years, whom Cos bmsa had ordered to ejected from tb grounds for making uncomplimentary remarks regarding bis decisions daring the game. Cnbman fell to the ground badly wounded. The youth fled, but was captured by th attaches of the founds, wbo attempted to take him to the city to turn over to tbe authorities, when be was rescued by a mob ot sympathisers and allowed to escape.

East Sao maw, May 29. Vagina ws, 11 Minneapolis, Grakd Rapids, May 29. Milwaukee. Grand 1 0. Fobt Way b.

May 29. St Pauls. Fort Waynes, Bay City, Mich- May 29. Peoria. 4: BUy City, 8.

3C0TES. This will be a gala day at the Union Athletic Park. The Cincinnati Unions have now won eight straight game Thb Nationals will have out their strongest team tbi afternoon. Evkns will occupy the box for th horn team this afternoon. Thb Clnelnnatis (American) hav wen elx games and lost five oa this trip.

Tits Prussian Military Band will give a concert at the Union Atble.Ua Park tbi afternoon. Will vhttb pitched another good game yesterday. He waa not hit very often, but When was hit It was rather hard. Thb four eld Cincinnati players -with the Baltimore Club made the only four errors scored by their side bt yesterday's game. PHif.

Baker will catch for the Nationals this afternoon. Wise, who wes so anetfwsafnl in Wednesday's game, will do the twirling for She visitors. Philadelphia has been shut out five times this season. Detroit four, Buffalo three, Ch lea go and Cleveland two, York and Providence onoe. aud Boston not at alt, StLTfstxb is batting with good effect now.

Out of five times at the bat yesterday be bit safely four times. Little Dick Burns got three bits, one oi them for tra-begger. A PBobia paper, is authority for tba state-meat that not a single eeot of salary ha yet been payed the players, and in consequence there is great dissatisfaction among the men. Thb Clnclnnatls (American) will play ox-ley' -weaklings" at Washington to-day, and if they are not anoceaafui with this fourth-rot crowd of ball-players they bad better p- luroiw aaiuac- Thr4 Akron Colt, one of th Pm schedule victims, refased to go to kit. LabIs this week, and tha games hav bean declared ft, They are preparing to loin tbe late lamented Cleveland Colls and Milwaukee serves.

I most Have -been heart-breaker for unf ans 1 vi awe ksui wueu 1 1 1 lie Macoilar pasted the ball clear over the fence for a home ran. Little Mack most have been taking revenge for hts shabby treatment here last season. Thb game between th Cincinnati Unions and of -Washington, this afternoon will no doubt be close and interesting, and as it is aiegHl holiday there wilt doubtless large crowd ont te the Union Athletic Park to witness it. Thb gam between th Colombo and Allegheny Cinbs yesterday waa a most remarkable one. Tho Allegheny were only at the bat twenty-seven times, and were retired tn order in every inning without a single man reaching first base.

The Allegbenys old not make a hit nor the Columbas aa error. PrcstDiwt TTtowrno-, of tb Detroit Club, was recently th recipient of a congratulatory document on the result of hi club's campaign op to MJ It bore th following inscription 'The admirer of th National gam In Troy. N. Y-e4 greetitrg, and congratulate W. ti.

Thoinpsou no th success of tots skillfully manured In tbe center was a design In ball and bats, surmea ated by tbe following: B. B. aad flanked thus: -Record to May 22, 1M: Games won, 1 lost, it" Mr. T. bas not yet acknowledged It receipt.

Post-IMs patch. OS a by eue th reserve teams are disappearing. Tbe Cleveland Reaervea, or Akron team, ar the last to go under. From th first they hav De-en a white elephant on tb hand or th dab, aad were easily transferred to Akra la hope el snaking them pay x- pan-, iney nav ooen no mors proaiaoi there, however, and th management bav notified Mr. Vender Ah tbat they will not play tbeir return game with tb PL Louis Pe-arvea.

Tb g-inrs scheduled ber for Thursday. Friday aud Saturday of tbla weB ar aeoord. 1 gly Leuia eaaa. 1 I i rvw ai KERNELS Of Kern Fbttsd ia t8 Opeced Nats Gathered by Iodnsfrlons Collectors la Selghbofln Totr3. reielee ef Deln and BLM.wmXxi9 -Wnleh Take Place Dally la the Semerset, OhJe WATCH STOtSf.

Soxsb-et, May 29. Thomas O. Holleran's residence waa entered fey burglars Sunday and a valnabl watch stoian. rindlay, Ohio. BASTARDY CASE.

PisntAT. May i. Miss Ella Bncklngham, aged seventeen, had John Swltxer arrested Inst night, charging hint with being the father of her unborn child. He gave bonds. Liberty, Indiana.

KlfUiURT. Liberty. May Burglars this morning entered the dry goods store of Sam Bollinger by a tack window, and carried off JloO worth ot kid glovea. and clothing and ailk handkerchiefs to the vala of S0 more. Waverty.

Ohio. sTABBIltO Wltn iJCTt-TT tO wrrrxn. W.vvERtr. May 5. Frank Yardbouw, Waverly salopn-keeper, was convicted to-dsy of stabbing with Intent to wound, and sen- tenoed to two year, tn the penitentiary.

ternos, Indian, CBAX Yerxox. May i. WillLaia llirtin was to-day Sentenced to the peniteaUary for one year and fined S140 for grand ley. found a pocket-book containing ST0, and used the money, and denied th flndlac-of the alone' UrbanaL, Obi. Atumiu -Ubbawa, May 2St The prisoner Indicted by th a last Grand Jury ware arraigned to-day before Judge Waraock.

Dennis Harris, for burglary, trial aet for Jane 9th; Job a Smith, shooting with Intent to wound, trial set far June lutn. ALLEGED EBBCXXLEBXT, Lib May 9. J. Freeman, of Pember- ville, Shelby County, was arrestd this even- Ing one charge ot en iboxilomcnu has been selling books for K. Gatley Cow.

of Cleveland, and is said to be counts about SJuS. short la bis ao- vTarsaw, ladlana. BROWKED. Warsaw, May Zumbrum was rowned In Center Lake here to-day while at-rldlng with Charles Klrtly. Tbe boat dro boat turned over; Klrtly was rescued by a party in another boat, but Zambrum could not reach-.

He was eighteen years ef age. be Fort Wayne, Indiana. SCICIDX. Fobt Waybk, May 21 Nellie lie, an in- mat of Nellie Hlnes house, on tbe North Hide, committed suicide to-day by taking morphine because ber lover had married another girl. She was a hand-orue brunette, aged seventeen.

Her parents live ia Toledo. Napoleoa, Ohio. POCKET PIC-CD. APOLEoy, May 28. During the press to see the remains of Wesley Johnson, who 'was hanged here to-day, several persons were relieved of their pocket-books by pickpockets.

James Barnes bad a pocket-book containing $15u taken out of his pocket. Two menwere arrested. Tonngstown, Ohio. A PBE.MATCE blast. May 23.

Wm. Russell and an Italian, while quarrying limestone at Carbon to-ciay, were fatally injured by a premature blast. Russell was terribly burned, and hi companion mutilated almost beyond recognition. Both men leave large families la destitute circumstAuces. Fontanet, Indiana.

CtT TO PICCK Tkrex HiCTi, May 29. A coal-miner named Patrick McGratb was run over by an Indianapolis and St. Louis train at Fontanet thia morning, and cut to pieces. He was drunk, and lay down on tbe tr-ck. He came recently from Ireland, where he bos a wife aud eight children.

Middlefield, Ohio. TRIED TO SHOOT KIK. Chardojt, 3fay Mrs. James Bolton was arrested to-night for attempting to kill Henry Moora, at a dance in Middlefield, by shooting him last evening. She was Jealous, thinking that he paid too much attention to ht-r daughter, and too little to herself.

Moore 1 a respected young man-Delaware, Ohio. QtKCCA- BOSECBAXS. Delaware, May 2D. General W. 8.

Rose-era 8, who participates In the exercises tomorrow, was received at the railway station this afternoon bp tbe College Cadets. Com pany K. Fourteenth' Regiment, and tbe urana Army or tne itepuonc. lie ceia a levee at the Uoanell Chambers, and to-night was formally received by citizens at th city HalL Tellow Springs. Ohio.

SANGEBOCS WOPXB. Yellow Bphi-sos, May 29. Two colored men, named Henry Redmond and Henry Brandill, living four miles south of here, became Involved In a quarrel yesterday afternoon over the oa-nershlp of a turkey. Redmond aiiot Brandill, the ball entering bis neck near tb jugular vein, it-is reporu-J litre at tbis writing that Brandill bas died from tbe result of the wound. Coshocton, Ohio.

BASTABDY ASSAVLT. CosHOCTOjr, Ohio. May 23. toward Jones was arrested yesterday en a complaint in bastardy filed by Bcrtba J. Webb.

After a trial before the Magistrate tbe case -waa settled between the parties, and Joues was discharged. Vincent liaverick, a prominent farmer, was arrested yesterday and brought here, charged with aa assault on Mra, Jane Kiebison, wile of tbe Kuperintendeut of the County iufirm-ary, and gave ball. Fio.aa Ohio. A soLDix-a' xoyt'MkxT. Piqca, May 29.

A splendid monument erected to th memory of Ploua eo Idlers will unveiled at Forest Hill Cemetery to-morrow. It is cut from Indiana 11 me ton and standi twenty-seven ret above the foundation. It Is ihonght to one of the finest soldiers monuments in th mate. The Flqua High Hchool commencement es-ercii--s took place to-nigbt at Con over's Opersv-house. Aclaae of twenty-one graduated.

There was a light frost here laxl night but no da mAg of eouaequenc ensued. Eichmand, ladlaaa. acspxjfsio vo tss by thb psxjr baxk. Ricuhoxd, May 29. Th suspension of J.

W. Moore, coal dealer, ia announced to-day Hi liaoitiasar large. A number of cattl cUalers of thia vicinity lost neavllv bv th Fenn Bank failure in Pittsburg- They bad Just shipped several ear- ioaas oi cam ana reeeivea a return in drafts oa that bank. Tb parrSipw uta in tbe six daya tramp ar sun moanrnc a way. en a score at eicnt o'cioek rtht evening being: Aahlnger.

miles: riu is, rper, im; urua, a Dal, Indiana. IT WAS HEARD AIL OVPB TOWW. BooxviLLt Ixd, May 24 At Dal, a small town a boat twenty mile above this place. on th Louisville, Evansvlll and 8L Louis Jlroad, the sate In the store of J. J.

Turn ham waa blown open yesterday morning between two and three o'clock, and robbed of V0 a od two eonaty eroers, one oa Warrick County for i and the other on bpeocer County for $17L A stranger got off the train at that place the night before, and, as be was out and gone the follow! a morning, it Is soppoeed he waa the party who went through the safe. Tb report was tUstincU beard a over th town- Port Wayne Indiana. COCLD BOX WAIT FOB DEATH'S HIT0BCX. Fobt Watsk. May 23 Hon.

Peter Kiaar to-day made application lor divorce, altar having lived with bis wit forty-two years. Charges are mad et cruelty end neglect on the pert of th wife. Mr. Klser has not lived at home for ten year. He is seventy-eight years of age, aad Is well Jtooww throughout uie iai, aavtng aarvea several rt Lelslaturo.

The Grand Jurv of Adams County to-day found an indictment for the mnrder of Asnor BocAeeio agaaaat Fred Klcarda and Kleard Wrst i fc Danville, Ben tacky. re puasurr or anDisus Da wvillb. May 2 An nnsn ful attempt waa made by offieera laat night te arrest Hen rv mner, Henry Wad and Nathan Thorpe, who have been lurking near the real-denee of Wilson Hamner, Henry Hiasert tatbap, who live two mltaa back of June UoB City, in the Knob. These young men ar charced With robbina and morderlBg Loftoa AA aw I i i Irishman, who lived by himself Ibm skirts of the little town of Hancock Conoty. In attempting to mVt arrest Tborpe was wounded bv toe omila' the hip.

and Hainrter sightly a ait tir it ruiiJ. their tborongh knowiedm of tn Mile other th was in ui, hhui yui-n vent Trt on the night referred to. ana came eat. wben thr-rlJ1 and dubbed nlin onUl he was deV v- man making piteons appeals for blsliiT? v. -11 M.mrirn paia an, Ji? i-hor, who Ugd 7, to desist, Chnevsar further that lis was the head devil ot the party, sad of the beating and tbuutin- a sine yoonguian who killed a bunon tiivens near Junction Kir year ago, but was acquitted on a plea trf defence.

Tby were working oa a rslirL. Hancock County at the time of the miu a eavlti. Ohle. AS OCTCAOE. ZA5X9ViLLK.May Tbs keeper of aaaa of ill-fame In this city.

Lily Moore by ttair last week went te Tayiortrlli, t-is eooa and renresentlnc herself aa a a I'm maid nan, engaged respeetable yoa tiri i of all work, and brought her to ch in this city, did not su.pett tf racterof the ple-e nntiMast ti waa assigned to a Visibn- who lteoti trace her. Shescrrjed and fled tow rn artti li -Ucl i 1 i 1 raiicn in city. iie ojU not su.pctt character of the ple-e nntiMast -s she waa assigned to a Visitor who to out ratre Ikt. Sh escr fjed and fled Police Lieutenant Fineral beard ot Ihet? and going to the place ra her and it ii in. iirriuswumin riecution uolaui follow.

COOKED HIS GOOSE. 1 1 gj-A 0tm. nmYcA JrZ," Tt car-l. Wlfi Pnrmour Upon CoaSdlag ta4. i i i irtctAL pispatch to thx xs-vwt NewsaK, Oa-Iday oecf a shooting affair which occurred here a so hojl created a devlded seatio, Ont la tne country there ll-ed two farmers rBj Noah Zeller aud David CooJl Zcllew Wife Whose graces attracted the atteotioS of Cook, and boob tb con pi found plr-an-p ecret meeting-, wbtvb was but the of happiness if Sellers would only pet oatd the way.

Vigilant friends soon notified lera tbat there was a serpent In bis, which tbe bnsband was slow to belleva. T-( wife pleaded ber Innocence, Which tUe bj. band readily believed. The meetings Uixk a the couple continued, however, and trust fulne-s found relapse, for he resek-i home one day JusVto see Cook taking a hair flight through th field iji the rear hii house. On the 17th, while on his way to tV Zellers met bis rival, when the matter talked over.

Cook, becoming irate at tbtper-sistcnoe of Zellers, at last blurted out: "Yst she's your wifa, but 1 Sm the man iii Jrre' Zcllen puXl0d ont pUUi, Wncn tooSns thehuttond flrln rBpijiy.f,. hlln, hlnl ben Coo)t iatlM tin, Lordyl" eliers. believing that li i slain bl adversary, told the fact to k4 friends and fiinl, Sluce which time he hiai i been heard of. Phrtlcs wont out tn starvn ol the body of Cook. The woods were rn4 in every direction In vain.

No trace couM found of th dead in an. For several ds.TiUtii was kept up, aud the sensation ef bis pearanee greater than tbe reported tBC der. Daring all thl time Mrs. Zelior mT rrratned at home, wrapped ap, seemtntty. it gricT over the tragedy which bar io-isat-tio us bad caused, Yesterday th house was found empty, vtti no clew to the missing voman except furnished bye femal friend, which vat i the effect that on th day ef the sbooltt Cook had reached the bouse before ZelU-n.

and was bid under the bed by Mrs. Zellen while she tearfully bid ber husband good-by preparatory to his flight- Cook bad lets wounded slightly iu the arm Dd li-g. mistress kept him srereted, and nursed Mm until be was ready to travel, when hy moon, light the couple drove away from Cowct County to find the fruition of tbeir love eise-where. i Two years njrt, when Zellers th'j Voung woman at Powell' Blatlou, they earn ioNewnanon rt bruin I trip. Hm the rtiurn trip tbe ctn Junior had ot-ensioa to kick lb groom off tbe trr.ln.

For thi InnoittohU feelings Kellers l.rousht a dautace anil, and two weeks ago rained averdlct or iu, kleh has been paid him, and tut sirred, hiia la good season for his sudden tlifli- INDIANAPOLIS. Tb Fseeutlve Council, National Beard ef Trader Jewelry Firm Falls Ketes. r-t niAPATcn to Tax rm-uibsb. iKDIAKAPOLia, Moyga i bE2cUT Council of the National Board of Trad an tbi morning to prepare proposition for aw. eusaion at th annual mo-ting, bot tfet principal busine transacted was with ref-je enc to tho "Issue of fraudulent bill of lading byagonta of transportation companies, tabled referred with a bill by the New York Board of Trade and Tranaportatioa.

A. Craft A Co jewelers, successor to Harry Craft, le aasa ignmeni lo-day AasaU are quoted at titlft Tbe heaviest single claim is held by Ksmut! Eicbberg, New York, and nearly all tb la-drbtedness lies East. Hon. Stanton t. Peefle returned hor.i thli even luk, and wa given a noisy welcome by hi frleuds.

Charlos Fisher, Grand Treasurer of Grand Lolge, whoso has ia-t bees elected, ha4 served as uetisnrAr irta-eniT-11 years past, aud now retiree Ucuumj ui blind as to be totally lucanacitated (or TheRtate Health Board Fer -tsry hss received returns showing K-. regular Allopathic physicians lu the State, lul ldo Homeopaths, 144 Indian doctors, i Clairvoyants. 1 splritu-llat and 4 class nure ported: total t.Gbt- ipcJuded lata tod are 2-U ucaourhera. tflU Not Dave tb New Irea Scale. SPSXIAI.

IPtM-atOS TO TBS KX-UIBKA. YouwG6Toa-j. Omo, May SS. A meetin of the iron manufacturers, representing all t- rolling-mills In his vicinity, was hold her to-day, to discuss the signing of tbe -scale for tb coming year. At the close of tbe sloa th following 'telegram was sent out to tb Chairman of tne Conference Commutes: YoCKuaTOWX, May 29L A.

F. KxaiISO, Pittsburg The manufacturer of Mahoning and tsbenango Valievs liuve pasaed following resolution "That er willing to sign last years scale but will cot sign nee seal with proposed addition. 'i Valley Iron Co, I Cariwrigbt. MuCurdy Co. Andrew Bros.

A Youngstown Rolling Mill CO- stooo Iron and Nail Co Tra iu bull Iron Co. Sharon Irtin P. UKImberly W. WesUak A Co. DevHlabmeee Dewa Bee, ewut Bur-Tcu to ms aaiaa.

CXATTAStoooA, TU--, May 2 A eollU-a occurred on the Alabama and Great Bouturs Railroad, at Balvge Lake, last freight train Was standing on a aWetr jk.ssd Just before lb passenger train came ty oa miscreaul bruk the switch-lock andskiMM theawileh. aad tb train daah'ed lam tW frelgbu Both euglne were ruined. crV eral box cars and eoaehe were neraolWea Aa ankaown tramp wbo wa on the was killed, add a passenger and the firs as UUuretL i Aaa Wsassaa Bfasi Got Away. Jopli. May 4 Meager t'my ia received of a terrible sltootiug an ray occurred last night sixteen Granbv.

in Newton county, la which JX" KoouUte. formerly Postmaater. Tattor. a merchant of Grauby. wre killed oy George Utadson, who was himself I wounded.

UsdMi rearded dpr and is us peeled of eouneeUun with ap" horse-thieve- Tb shooting ea tae res of an old grudge. 1 1 Nw IS StrU te a TeUera. Pmv idrssck. Way 2. Wadneaday wioral" Frank li.

CusUruau. aged twenty-eixbt. of the Merchanu' NaUonal Bank, did uoiP-pear at his desk. First Teller M. check lor a paid, whea to Baa -sva.

hvd beeu paid. Qman has tied. Ocean Toyager. 1 -New ToRK May 2S- Arrived Be'geBUa-Antwerp; -tat of Nevada, Glasgow. Philadelphia, Pa May bp Dcrnian.

Glasgow. Lokdo. May k--Arrlved: WyoaiDgao Fnlda. New Bute uaventt Uutu and Brink barn. New Or lean-.

Send for Bdmaaea and a-. CaiCAOtx May 24. There was a IT lgbl la th Tremont Hue whea of tire waa give from the building The hotel ia crowded with vlsliom to vent lott and- aeveral pee-on r.iat.of LvaatnaT from the windows before 3eirtmnt located the fir and Uugaia rtb bias. Be Hit Ua Mark. Frrrsatrae, May ta, Tbi evening -Robert a-oae was standing to the door of home on tne SouLO hlUa, he was shot tantly killed by Joseph Dickenbaugb.

latterelalmed he wa hooting at a ao a kuu waa turned Ui al morning axier a aud in looking over the cash acoouat deficit of 4 in gold and S4.7W in curreny..

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