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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 8

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SCOTT IIARHKON. etIl of TLuni j'f Horror. taja-tic tbe obi ot the college. A art-W I both a roch end a print dtixeaa. -Toe Impres a-v Entombed at 8prinjT GrorS.

I dasscratton a that practiced In thia lnstanc. VMaaafJity T-at ta B.aiaj Preaieeat lUrriaea WU1 Se staved flprlay Grey. Arreat ni at Bxt at I.eO a. m. Cli at XlUmickt.

Jetasi Scott Harris n. i Harrison horror was th general theme of ajsaversatlon yesterday on tbe streets, on 'Change, fs) feoslDess eirclss, in the privacy of home life, aTar-wbere. The details were carefully canvawed Vj every one; the search in the Medical CoUeges the son and the crandson for the body of a Mand. supposing the remains of their father, who had died but a few days before, to be safely resting a their burial tdactb Undine: of a body t. ua daad shaft of tha Medical College, and th startling aVaarWai a tragedy in itself the ali-Mivarv bv the son that the body was tbat ol his dead father.

The College was the center of pub- Be curiosity, and all day long crowds of people ware gathered at the "chnte" opening onto the Hey in tbe rear of the College, and investigated and sDeenlated. and went awsy horror-stricken ead wondering silently whether any of the bodies a thrnir. aaar ones had ever been thrust tm through the dark "chute" or drawn award by rope and windlass through the black abaft or laid upen the diasectlng-table! The sons, Benjamin, John and Carter, continued incessantly Vela- search for the man or men who had violated ah crave of their father. Detective Snelbeker was pat to work with all possible diligence, and la anmadent of being able to "turn something up' within the next few days or hours. He and his as aastaats are leaving no stone unturned.

otniAiKS DETOSTriD ill araiKa caova cimi- Ttmr. It was originally Intended by the sons to return at tiler's remains to tbe tomb whence they I mkan. but on mature reflection this decision i reconsidered, end thsy decided to accept the I offer made by tbe heirs of Jacob Strader, Mr. B. I.

Strader and Colonel C. W. Woolley and and to deposit th remains temporarily in aha Strader family In Boring arove. Thia -aWa4 apoo, th body waa replaced in th casket. which had arrived and been repaired, and in tbe law linn by th three eona and tber raJaUYsa, wes taken to Spring Urove.

rnivscur. Which situated at th highest point upon the km hi the cemetery, ia of beautiful brown stone aaa of the finest In tbe eemetery. Ita catacombs SB situated below the floor of the vault. aoad already contain the remains of nine members eg she Strader family, the body of Mr. Harrison wanking the tenth.

Into thee silent catacombs, as She slanting rays of th sun fell apon thia most stlf ul of tb homes for the deed yesterday after- the body was lowered silently, gently, with ay tears tears ol love ana of Diiier engnuw ssd pain and again a last parting look waa be Sewed upon th loved features, which th eare given them arter the discovery the remains on Thursday had restored to carry their original appearance. Then the doors were dosed, the vault made again secure, and tbe teas of the mourners were dried as they reflected the. at least the form of the loved one was free boat the desecrating hand which bad once been aaMstrelohed against It and against the love and instincts of all who held dear either country kindred. It la not improbable that the events of the pest two days will cause the tubaOVAL or ihs asHsa or paEsiDtirr saaisoi to sraino oaovc. Tor many years there waa kept open a gag offer by th officials of th Spriug Cemetery to the members ot the of a lot In the Cemetery got the remains of the dead President and of bla faaaily.

The idea of the removal of tbe remains was, however, somewhat distasteful to his widow, Wb desired not only that the ashes of -tbe PreeT cat should remain at tbe family cemetery at Vorth Bend, but also that her own should be laid las then. The sons and grandsons have, bow-trw, for rears favored the Idea of removal, and It Is now probable that, with the painful Impressions which this sad vest have Created and the memories which must SoOow they will decide to remove all of the Har- yjaosi family buried in the family cemetery to Bpttog Grove. Tbe offer of a lot for this purpose, la rumored, will be renewed by the Cemetery Company, and there are generous and wealthy ejHsene, whose thoughts ot the olden times and lev for th memory of the dead President, will tsrge them to contribute of their abun- the erection of a shaft over kins, such es the memory of the illustrious JUrrison demands, and which will as well be en honor to the city and State and to the givers. The 4w I. 1 A 11 i a wa jaw aa will la below, asking this honor, and tbe honor of erecting a shaft to hi memory; but that the remain of Ohio's first President should be removed ft- in 1.

(yin wa iwiii mv avawia WU 1 ft treea Ohio no one will consent. HI tuics Tm the perpetrators of the crime Is unremitting. iad. Mr. Hairtson, save, will be continued con-etantly and 'persistently.

The authorities of the SatUeal College express themselves aa greatly lived that the occurrence should have atJtea place, and say again, as on yesterday, that ft would aot have been countenanced by them had tbe name or rank of the subject been known. The ear ah bee so far resulted la the finding of some Terr important clues, which It is believed will lead tetheaeUcUon of the parties. rug tons at the Grand accompanied by members tkf their families. Thsy are earnest and persistent jb iacir aenuaeiauons 01 tne medical authorities Jho they say are exhibiting jo feeling in thecaaa, respsct or honorable course. General Benjamin ELarrlaon Is especially bitter in his denunciation of the Cbtlege-offlcials, who.

he says, he Is sure knew erf the existence ot the body in the College. The miaeeie which covers the carotid artery, says, had been carefully pushed away, artery cut, the blood removed and the praaorv-BS, laid injeeted preparatory to a perfect and com-bUm diaseetion. Thia, aays. "most have been do by th officials pt the College macnselYea, and Sot by a janitor or aubordinate, as they intimate. Our family can accept no apologies or explanations tmi aay mem tier el that Faculty, who has any amsrwledge or eeapicion ol who is responsible for fatle ntragous act.

WewQl accept nothing from Maa bat clear statement 6f tb case. We do not vent any hypocritical sympathy. We want In- orntatioB as to who ar the g-uUty Bala FOB AESItALX, Tb Janitor, was yesterday given by Dr. J. T.

aTblltakav ana r9 tfia Af 1 ad well known throughout the city. The sum i fixed at 18.000, and the trial act for Thursday ax iwctbairr Of Mr. Harrison, as showing hie extreme Ivespltallry, wa related yeuerdsy by a teaCemaa ot this city. He and throe four ethers were visiting the Miami ptnlo epos the sli-abeortlng topta. arged teal th sappositloa that IM Paeolty war cognisant of or con ntlnc to th action tu entirely nn- sion given oat," amid, la that direct thia on j-'fhrtm to OreruikS the Ferpetrftton I or that on to procure snch a bod, ut that ander 0f tbe I vnwn an laaKBiaow anair was call mil trai.

1 i asawiw yon toa saca waa not tn eaaa. Ana had wa known whoae body It wss that Dtrmlard CB.IB tl( suspended on that rope, wa would hav returned Buna ITat 1 SaMMirnL mi (mi wiu wa wuuiii iwaMii hubw IWV IUU UT VUUie UU, UU ft Jft ft oolitic to ran such risks, and wa ara not in favor of wa imiHKBi Mn ava aw riHl in. th rhnta arwl I innn nasi that hal not anefi a atir OslalOHS Of FrOZainent Physician. I beo mad wa would bar been called upon for I 1. mJII ft 4 a I fmBBvntf a it tu nuu vm hvi wa uax av so, and wa may oarer know who resurrected it.

Dr. Cltadtaln, Of tha Faculty of Miami Medical College, aays that thatr College dosed on tba 19th ot tha praaent month. "Wo bar no na for bodies at present. amid tba Doctor, "and if wa had wa should not tolerate the robbing of rural grave-yards or prints ecmetcriei to obtain them. Wa never hare been in favor of thia.

and would sooner closa tha Col lage than be a party to snch transaction. We hare no wish to Tiolate the feel inga of any that mourn for their dead. In Franc. Germany and Italy there Is no inch thing as robbing grave-yards. The Govern ment provides what bodies shall be dissected and pro rldea the same.

Here, a man may murder and be hung for It. and his body is held just as sacred as that of the moat respectable and eminent ciU- Tbose that die in the Penitentiary are also held sacred. Thia should be remedied in this State. Doctors can not be educated without them. and though all the physicians of the country be locked up, the work of body-snatching will still be practiced." Dr.

Joseph ataasabetT Remarked that the law in this 8tate hi such that no one can consider themselves sale from the dissectors after death. Medical men must have subjects to work upon, and if they do not get them and attempt to practice the law punishes them for their ignorance: while if they steal a body for this- purpose they are also held amenable to the law. The Government should provide what bodies shall be used by students and then protect them in the use of the same. Our College has a larger number of students than any other, and, of course, needs more subjects for dis section. Whenever we are notified that a body is and the same Is Identified In our College, we invariably return the same.

Last winter we had two such eases, and the bodies were returned and buried. In one in stance we kept a body, with the consent of the friends, for two rnontha, and returned and buried the bones. There is a market for bodies, as those engaged, are aware, and when they are Drought here we take them and pay for them. And that is all our part in the transaction. If the bodies are claimed we give them up, and the man that fur nishes the eame loses the amount paid.

Dr. Roberts Brtblw. BIKOlCaX COUISI or Oslo ASH TBTUBATi The' Faculty of the Medical Collars of Ohio, tn common with the rest of tbe community, heard with deep in at tne era or in lion. j. orott Mar rleon had bea violated, and tbat th body of this eminent and respect eitisen had been found la th Medical Cnlleee bulldin-.

It la merely luatlce to the Vacuity to state tbatthey rer entirely of what had transpired in tbe Colleae bolldlne on the nfa-bt In ouestion. It is hard ly neceeeary to aay tbat it tbey had been aware tne rrnn or toe resurrectionist, to punilc would bav en soared tb dreadful datalla of Tealertlar OocurreDces of thle kind brine snch odlnm oa tbe dtasectton of human bodies as to render it more and more dliDcolt to procure subiecls. and (really en- nance me pne pi anatomical material, it ia in Interest or In haclly, therefor, to render tb Brsctlc of dlasectioe aa little repolslv as posalbl. Cnlust lecislation la. In part, respoosibi for the occurrences of snch oatraa-e aa tbat ot yesterday.

Him 1 I II MA. I rI I Ana In. I an.ta.-l. 1 la required of all who practice medicine and eurserjr. Suit malpraotlc ar oonstanily before tbe Courts, aad physicians and aurseonsare east Into damaaee fur a lack nf that anatomical knowledge which tne laws oeny loera opportunity to oo- tain.

i is irueoar ieaisiaiure a lew rears i an act perrolttln tbe ue for dissection of budiaa nf urnntan and panpera. provided no friends or rela tive Interposed an otrlectlon. Tbis restriction dered tiie law practically Inoperative. Tbe horror of yewerday should new awaken a proper public aentt- aient on tbe auniect or oiaaection or numan boaiaa, and those who di in poblle Insmutlons and ar bunvd at public axpeuae ahould dvotd to tb study of anatitray. una- (iiiuni circomsianees.

ooaies necessary ror tue insiruciio oi roeoicai atuaenis must pe sioien Unfortunately, the snea ngaged In ao disreputable and basardoaa oocupatio are rather nnacrupuioua aa to lb means resorted to and aa to tb ceraeierir lueaded. At th Medical Col lose of Oblo. wlib attendance of mure than three hundred students, II Is obvious that a large number of "aubjecta" must be provided Ui Insur adeoual InstrucUoa In tne Itu aortant anbiect of anatomy tb vary arrouodwork of a Kiedieal educatkin. A verr area! misconception seems to exist as re- garde lb part taken by tba Faculty and tbeir assistants la dtoc urine tba Material for dlaaectloo. '1'he men enaraaed In trie busiuesa of orucnrlnaT aubjecta are.

ot course, on Known to tb racuuv: iney Dnna tb material to tb Colleee. receive the stipulated an disappear aa mysteriously as thsy came. Ih tbe eats or tne body or tne lion. J. scntl Hirrtaon, ItaBcma to have been brought by tb rearrectlonit ow reaoonsioiiiiv.

ana ton poor laniior. whom la aousbt to punish, had no part ia. of Knowl edge of, the transaction. Ia tbeeaarcb for motives which determined tne ataallne of Mr. Harrison -a bodv.

It Is altered that tb dor-iov had a wish to ascertain lb cauee of death. because it naa oeea sunoeo. it is scrceiy necessary lo say that the explanation already si ven la tbe true one tbat a resurrectionist, unknown to us, who waa prooaoiy anort oi run am, tooa tnia means to repiaman oi xcnqur. nniEin nuTnoLow. ai.

Profsssor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine and of ci la leal Median. iea or tn acuity. Dr. tmwmtm T. Wblttakcr, One of the Faculty, was called upon by a reporter yesterday at his residence on West Eighth street.

lie said tbat ao one could regret more than be the fact that any thing should have occurred to thus shock th feelings of a family so universally honored end beloved. The work required of the pro- faesIOn. both by law and public opinion. now of sncb a nature that to neglect the study nf anatomy would be would be fatal both to the profession and lo mankind large, who demanded the utmost skill of ti (irofexslon and at tne moot important aud erilic. -atuea.

He did not believe that graves ahonld be iiidUcrimlnalely robbed, or the lender- Baa of grief-burden en hearts Increased by th seis- nra ana mutilation oi me ooaies oi lovea nni when against the will of the friends- Tbe medical profession requXred these things, but even in the lac of th roauire mailt would not wlllinclv in jur tn leeutura oi any oy action cm wis sunn, now-ever nrvent. nut. lioctor. inqnirea tne renoner. -isn tne experience already gained enough to enable the creation ot models and th writing of woiks of Instruction, ao that dissection can be now dispensed with!" Bv no means." said the Doctor.

"It would be Impossible to create models showing the delicate organ. sauon ot tne numan iorm, particularly me microscopio portions, uie aiuuy oi wuku uas. within th oast lew years, added more to the knowledge of the human form and of anatomy Itself than any other cause. Then. too.

the thought of the festering corruptinn of ibe body in the grave la more terrible than that nf the dissecting room ot anv thins that ran imamneo now ions nas tne siuuy ot tn system cr wis means been in uf7" That subiect has a cunoni nixtory." said th Doctor, leaning back in his chair as if for a long tatlt in tha Medical School or Alexandria. roaeded by Ptolemy I. Z20 M. human anatomy eeema lohave round lis nrst asyium. ieisoe tails as in reaction was so great that Eraslstraiu even opened the bodies of livln men condemned to death, tbat be mlcbt more accurately study tbe Inner workiBs of lb system.

Tbia la. perbapa. about aa as tb reixtara that Tlerophlla waa able lo reecajnlse In lb poise or the Kings son bis iov lor niastepmotner. No opportonlllea were offered In th rest of tb wariii iien waa compelled to travel from Per- ramus to Alexandria to see a perfect skeleton. Ills nlshly probable that he aerer opened a human body.

aa bis description of orsana ar only thoee ef the ape Tbe age In wblcn be lived, aays tba bisio- Slrer. sear Mr. Earrlton's house, eon 1 taubt in ail he a.lvVr ravrs tine. I apoolnteu by ibe Hepubllo of awntini, and, being belated, were 2 J'. rr-T T.

7 I satbualasm bee to reach any place ot public eniertalnment Za this eondition they called on Mr. Garrison, who. Ciouch an erMir stranger to them, not only pro-t '-1 Ikem with temporary shelter and food, Jut I opoii being considered as their boat during cpUfe tisy upon the batiks ef the Miami. Jr. Beelx.

Ese'-kryol the College, war called apon. yester-C '7, a. rpvrUr, to obtain exyrejioa and doe. ri.n nfrrad vearlv thousands of buman lives to tbe caprice of tb Komaa people, and tbelr cruel Em peror cast them even aa prey to me wuu oeawa or in Coliseum, but woo id not grant one single uraa ooaj lo tbe study of science. 81111 aa late as tbe seventh century tb examina tion of th dead waa mad a penal onVoae.

According to a paaaage tn Cassivodoroue, a BodicUn Monk and pbyilcian of tbat lime, guarda were laced In tbe different cemeteries to prevent tbe stcratlon of grave and all secret exhemaiions, and th Pallsen law forbad any Inlercoorae with any on who bad eve participated mooing a tomb. With Mundlous (ISW). Professor st Boiocaa. aaalomy celebrated Ita second birth. He ventured tons Ins human body, and dissected two female hefur his claaa.

Thee ha waa oomielled to until every org and member aaa properly dis-plared. To do ibis adopted tha same expedient a hleb ia atill reanriad to when material ia aoarre be exhibited th Inleatloes and Interns! organs, brain, muscles, booes, la the order la which they nrst decay. VUit thia hmnnv Inana-nral to theaclancof seats. -toy was destintl to meet with asudden exUnollon. tn id a rear ijuv jxin laoa 111.

puuuauvu Mia. cvia-b rated Papal boll which proavouaced aentencaof ex-eommuolcatio apoa any on who dared Wdlaeect a human being and boil asunder bia bones. Tba ocenpaUow of Ui BeBedictia asooka with tbe ai-teac of medic' ne and Its eOect upon tbeir religious proclivities, as Injurious to prolotued fasti ng, prayer, saami lo bare ba the orraima ot Uftia rhaaoaa oocument. Tb Bret dlsBsctioa la Vienna was held la by Oaleaius of Padua, It wa pertormad la public, aad lasted elchtdaj-s. Female bud tea were not admitted uuilliro. may be mentioned tbat the body of a thief, bane nnon ih rallows, waa de- Pli vera over to tbe doctors and waa by them restored tn lira, la MBS this reammalto waa repeated la another case, when tbe law was pasa-e tbat bodies should B-raafier be toilowed by tbe omeer of Jusuo lose that thee atleaapta ware aot repeated. Sylvius aooa alter erected a amphitheater at Pans, that Bladen Is m'gbt obtain a heller view. la Andreas Veaalius tlolli anaiomy received lot grealeet reformer. Uie eaemle. lb Catholic, called blm lbs Luiber of Anatomy.

Kuoh waa his seal fr his study, that be waa tbe eutdect ol most violent perse caiioa. According lo cue owa con I salon, be d-d not beeitai to Invad tbe aancclty of toe srmve-yard. and be habltoarly stole tb bodies of cnmineJa secuted oa tbe sallows or at lb wheel. Ktneiiyhe was oumpalled to Bee from hi native cooolrv (BW-giuia aad betake bimaelf to farta. Hiaaocurat ao-sualntanos with evea ibe ana a) leal boaee of th wrist and aokle (h-ould dletlnguish them by touch with blinded eyeeigav him a corrvepuadina' repuiaUoa), and.

aa always occurs la at tea a and bIsii Blvrrltlea.and taaBv cm-- ioleeaor of the nnprecedeoied age of never eesaed. and It 1 Busily awakened for him aucb Intaase batrvd at Home tbat be wsa ordered to make a pilgiimas to JeruUklem In eapiatlun of atlejrrd enma. Having reeJsoed ble poeiiioo and burned all bis papers uoder UI aatne crual oroer, be set out apoa bia Journey. Oa the return he wee ablpwrcked oa the coast of tne 1 .1 aud of Zaule, wnare bla budv was afterward giund aad recoicoized by a ruldsnniLb. and piaowd la tne hspel ef me Holy Virxin.

Ibe reoort tual bis puelrhmeat warderd becaua be bad oiend ma body ol a lady el tbe Court at ktatirid wtine ine heart was stlil beatiBg Is bat ef lb cabals of his snemie. it ia, hoyr, true tual tu graal arora a cnTcnn.7ATi gatuuda noiiirarG. jijne 1. 1878. A Balnea was awbJct6rto enimu.p of thelaeaiw-tioa av tba anter or CkwM ao4 tba a uaatioa wbatbar it waa mini ta opaa Sean boawa wa aaSad urine tils Urn' of IM tbaoioiaal farauv at tvluuao.

TbaajoaaUoa waedne wiia aner rvaooa br tbaa taro4 -aoUro Uuva tbat at tb oteaev or baatiam la tba womb er anaana ivnan at tba aropaaa uwouia am htnih ia ita. fur It was aaawrrre tbat Ina JilbJ 4i aot pra- vaat eiaaactlana. I M- porttatt veaaiiaa bow bun oa tba walls inotiiworM-iaaavaal oMIe-Uona ot th PttU Palaev at Florence, and la It fa baa beaa vrluaa bv borrrrawa ill raatlfas, aaaioaa spirit waa labriMl bf bla papil. allot, wb va nnllH blm la tb corrccweas bka drmwlort of aaaUMBleal aabjveu. Ml aaiiopia staiaaa Bia rra-LaUoa br aiprlmaUa II crtmlaals wilM iOar- ani alaoa at poiaoo.

nrjonie aao aopersunoa sun met mrotnw tn following boaire rears, rocaoiaoa txeia waa aMtsaS 1 rrooaoo tb VrotaitaBl rail (KM. KoJflnc of Jtni ueitcd aucb a fr aoaong We popl tbat many a pour criminal brcaao of bla Jwuee tbat mix a i not koiudcho anrr aim ocaia. AlBTMbl af Uaulona. Ma waa otMlac bsdli ia a dark ewiar to luili aaa Soor. waa Aaailr eanlad vn brad nd vtur by tba popl of tb tow.

Evary-wbvr bpporuiBlUea war oaoxe. How straasa It aww aaaons to read tb boaat af Paaw, Uiat waa abl to bold two or tor etaaectloa evry yar. Oa account of this lack of malarial, was pre- parauooa wr uuf id great quanuir aaa at taor a pnea. uucm eoiiaeuaa auu xit at jti Vl-oaa; an mwa bow tbera I a tIAi Frao wbara acariv tftrr iBbabtiaBt flaat aooDart In Ibalr prpparailoa. Woman and glrla ar llkawla ncaced in numbers, and manv spevifDaaa ar woa- aeriui eaoaaia a oeaair ana aeearacy.

Iirieraot orsana and parta of lb boar were alao preserved, la aicoboi. Peter tb tlraat baaiebt tba collsctioa of Ruyacb for SU.OUO saldaoa, bat gitr part or it waa oesirorea oa tn vorase to Bt. retra-bars, as tb sailors drank an tba Uuuor ia wbleb tber wre cunialnrd. Quite racanur a aim liar accident dfatroynd a fla eollaetioa a roat for Knaala. and sine ibis occasion tb precaution Is always ium to add a 1 1 111 corrosive sublimate to lb preservin fluid, which vea In Bcthiaa stomach will prooa- blT respect.

Tb first dlaatrtlna In a meHra waa anada In IVaw thyar 17UL Very likely tb Brat public dissection In tindDnail waa held la tbe amphitheater of the Medical College of Uhio, ever nliy years au. atrekesa rroaniao. It will be remembered that the Zmqi'isu its aJ yesterday In its ecoouutf th Harrison affair that Dr. Seely was present when Mr. John Harrison and the detective discovered the body in the Col lege, and that the Doctor-had spoken in alight manner in regard to the awful affair, eaylng, 'It will be all the same on EcArrection In direct opposition to this sentiment th rest of the Faculty, notably Dr.

M. B. Wright. Dr. Whit- taker and Dr.

Bartholow, have not hesitated in the least to denounce the desecration tn unmeasured terma. Tb former gentleman especially, according to the statement of General Ben Harrison, made to a number of gentlemen yesterday at th Grand Hotel, has spoken out in a manly and not uncetf tain tone. The statement made by the General was in reference to a rather spirited Interview be tween Do Seelv. Dr. Wrisrhi and himself.

The substance ol it Is as follows: gome time yesterday morning Dr. Wright called upon Dr. Seely. who. -the way.

is the ueculive officer of tbe College, and to whom all matters out 01 the usual order are first referred, and, during uie course of a bnet conversation on the sad anair, told Dr. 8eely tbat it waa his duty, to give all the in formation ne poeaeasea to vie Harrisons in reg rd to the men who perpetrated the crime. Mot only tbis, but to give the public to understand that wui. auia, out vo kit wio puuuc tu nnuenauu wet thus stem the tide of adverse 'criticism which had set in against it. he made baste lo find General Harrison and make known tbe result of his interview with Dr.

Seely. Tb Genersl was easily louna, and together the party called at seely office, but fouud thst be was at the College. Tbey called there, were joined by beeiy, and the three gentlemen at once repaired to Seely's office to talk the matter over. General Harrison seemed to be somewhat agitated, but kept outwardly calm. and addreasina himself to Dr.

Seelev said: Doctor, i nave understood that you are willing to relate to me certain suspicions which you hold against one or more peril e-, with the view oi aid ing me in mv aearcn tor ine onenaersr' Dr. beeiy. aurlng this little sentence, seemed til at ease, and aat a if ia deep thought. 1 hen th General again spoke, saying, in substance, that he wished not only to get his clutches on the nflers of his father's grave, but also on any one with whom tne robbers were in collusion, mis aia not lessen tbe agitation under which the Doctor was ap parently laboring, end, noticing this, the General sal a But. mind, if the recital of your suspicions or clue will in eny way criminate yourself, I would prefer that you remain sitenL" A long pause eusuea aiier wis remarz.

at tne sua oi wnicn Dr. beeiy remaraea, ia aomewnat am una tic manner; i navecnangea my mina: a wiu not teu you any thing." During tne above colloquy, wngnt naa re mained a ailent but deeply interested auditor; but this sudden chanee of mind upon the part of his inena orougni mm to nis icet in an instant, ana. witn tne keenest surpjise ana alarm man lie lea in his bearing and tone, exclaimed: 'lots will not do. Dr. Heely: yon place mem veryembarraailng position by your singular, conduct, and I wish you to change your attitude in re lation lo this matter." cut ne uia not ens nee nis attitude in tbe least, and dee pi la the arguments and entreaties of Dr.

Wright adhered to nis sudden resolution to ssy not a worn, it was impress uuoa him that giave auspicaona would be eet afloat that ne taeeiy) was a party to tne enma by tnia reriiaai to ao nil auiv as ne Dt-omisea. but it was of no avail. He did not tell, as might be supposed. General Harrison wss highly indignant at toe result oi tne to nimi memoraoie interview. end in bowing himself irom the presence of seely, ne gave that gentleman to unoerstana trial ne naa not don with him.

His anger and distrust of the Doctor naa not suDsiaea iy tne time ne reeccea th Grand Hotel, and to a number ol gentlemen friends there, whom he met in the rotunda, he did not hesitate to speak his miiid. and la a most de cided manner. Crowds of men were gathered all day yesterday discussing the terrible affair. Roundtree was still kept tn custody, though ao evidence was found against him, save his remark already published. that be could mak more money aa body- snatcher than as a coal-heaver." Three more characters, whose chief employment for months at North Bend has been that of loafers, are no- under suspicion.

Their names ar "Doc" Moor, John liozimgo and Hank Garrison. Tber disclaim anv knowledge of tbe aSair, but their reputation for being "hangers on." and their familiarity with the violated spot, connects them unpleasantly with a ghoulish suspicion. Linn, the watchman who was nlrea to guara tne crave, oners no explana tion. He simply says ne was aot out of sight ef the grave-yard during the night, and adds thst he ugnt no giimpe oi tn roooers very iiaaty story- atr. xunn snouia inyitea to noia up nis nana.

Th removal of the remains of President William Henry Harrison is again being agitated a fact. which, at this juncture, will have a tendency at least to quicken the impulse to do some kind of bonor to the hitherto neglected remains. A Committee from Lawreneebuigv lediana, headed by CapL J.Vaughn, visited North Bend yesterday, with instructions to pieago tne am i total oi tnat oiiy in erection a handsome monument over the Presi dent's grave, provided the grave could be removed from North Bend to the cemetery at Lawrence burg. It had been the wivn ot the lata Scott Harrison never to have bis father's remains disturbed, but at the same time he bad often ex pressed himself as deal roue of having them taken to Law re uce burg if necessity should ever require their removal. The Aiirvtvine sr lends ar ooooeea to having any thing in the way of a removal done.

Tber choose to retain the sacred body of their -il lustrious ancestor in the spot hallowed by their tears and famous as a part of tne old nomesteaa of United States Chief Msgistrate. Lawrence bunt will probably never have the opportunity of raising a monument In their handsome cemetery over the bodv of President Harrison. Indiana and Ohio. nay. the nation, ought to give thia matter immedi ate attention.

A. at iBBBtrtauag Ars-awt, At a late hour a man named John Crown, oiua Crowney, a brother-in-law of Marshal, the Janitor arrested and taken to Third-street Station-houre. Be was visited tber by Wappe ostein and Pinkertoa; the Chicago de tective, and either gave satisfactory proofs of his innocence of the charge, or else gave mora reliable information as to who the resurrectionists were, he wes shortly after midnight released by order of Weppensteln. John Godar, who was looked looked lor the same time as Crowny," will. it is now thought, be declared innocent lo the same way, as he was looked upon as "Crowny's" iommiaasoner iioeran naa iniormeuon, at two o'clock this morning, that the officers were at last oa tbe right track, and appearancee would indicate that "Crowny" gave qjud pro ow lor hi release, if he did not establish a clear case of CI tf leresiaia.

Fbo reason Maesohi returned to the dry last night, from Rockford, 111, and will be "on hand" for bus! ocas to-day. Gotuxob Bishof eame down from Columbus last evening, and will remain in town until Sunday nignL unci Dica is in tn Den oi spirits. Colo ex. T. Tbtox, an old Chicago and St.

Louis theatrical manager, together with his family. are In town, and trill hereafter make the Paris of America their permanent residence. SasMlayaelil Call. The Hamilton county Sabbath -school Association has Issued the following: The annual meeting of the above named Associarf.a will be held on Sat urday, Jane 1, 1878. at 3 p.

m. sharp, at the Hall of tbe Y. M. A. As matters of treat importance to our Sabbath-school cause win come up, it is very much desired that all members and Sabbath-echool worker will be present.

Come and meet with oa Very reepccUully, Joseph BiirdsaU, President. Louis Mauss, Recording Secretary. In our mention of the military that participated ia the obeerranc of Decoration Day we omitted the Washington Dragoons, who paraded in nom-Nn almost onaI tn those of most of the lufantrv eompanlea, which fact, considering the extra ex- pta? zsi a very aatis- lactorr result of Captaia Dempster's efforts. Be side tbeir splendid appearance in the street parade, their services in keeping tb grounds. FUtt Evens' Park, clear for th movements of the First Regiment war appreciated.

Ma. A. H. Tatiob, formerly of Cook. Cobura A Taylor, of this City, in tb be war per' advertising agency business, more recently of A.

Cook A of haa eonne'- himv-'f wl'h the H'Drt of K. N. Frrifthmm i bisc.J breads and customers iJ be wc.ucuic i. nmtmm Akaal laz. Cat arc ,) wl chweh Iele.

Tn Bar. c. W. Wendt writes a graceful card. Oxmooa religions naeeUngs ar becoming pop Kaitsai enday-achools report 100,000 chAdrea attending.

Tn Lowland Camp Meeting will lest from July 19 JUt SL. A wbolv per la Tlllnoie prints hi each chapter erf the Bible. Tmi Normal Cleat will be taoght by tb Sev. W. uue at lour o'clock.

'Tim ar swearlv root) arholaxa In tha Hatha BUKiay-eenooi ol mis city. MnmoRAKV otemrisecontiBBB in fellow la th pmui ot Jar. Stanley aiacovenea. TBTB next International ftnnrlav-arlwvl rVinvan. uon wiu Bia at Toronto Tn Methodist minishna In th Diatrfei of rViInm.

ma protest against expensive funerals. Ma. F. R. Loovm.

of Madlna. Ohio, la tha fiasr. tary of tne unto Bahtoath-echool Unkm. TBS Kev. Earl Cranatnn.

nf Trinlre rrhnnt ie now residing on West Seventh atreev IT is said that Baltimore contains mora ehnrehaa tnan any otner dry la the United State. Tim are 118 Cona-rea-ationaJ snlnlatera In fVxv. oacucut wno are without pastoral charge. A xcxbs-b of our best people will spend th anm- auT at tne iiovBiaaa cmp-meeung urotinda. Tbb Mariners' Church of tbe New York Port Society is doing a good work among the sailors.

A Catholic Congress will be held at some point aai uuiiuk urn pwxra oi tn Axposiuon. The ladies of tha finlvenaliet Chunfth nf tnfa HI. cleared U0 at their recent strawberry festival. Ha. Bonos WnxiAat Cr arris is tbe Chairman of the Unitarian Festival now being held ia Boston.

New Jkbszy baa l.ftie annrfav-ahwiT hawinv officers. 20,673 teachers, and 177,286 scholars. TBB intellectual divines of Rnrintrflelri nnt taking "a rest" on the subject of bunday ROBEBT T. BotfSAU. will teach tha eabhath.

school lesson to-day at twelve o'clock at the Y. M. A. A NEW jEaSET clenrvman Ttrear-hed a samnn tha other 8unday against dancing. He died in a fit tbe next day.

Trb Loveland Camo-meetina? Oronnds ar belna- pnt in excellent order, preparatory to the summer encampment" CARDINAL Vihrtvh In anawav tn an anitntas from bis clerarv. fliUan th lata Plnx IT. and vm- pumenta leo juil, EH of tb Rail mm1 linmnnlM a Tndlsnannlis nare eacn nieased ill) monthly toward a Kallroaa taniuu Asaociauon. THB Preaiden.t has annnintxl tha Kn of Pougbaeepaie, one of the Board ui laiuirs at west roini. REV.

Robekt Coil-tub has hamrna fhanlaln nf tbe First Illinois Resriment in tha dIam of Professor swing, wno has resigned. TUB Rev. H. B. RidnwaT naxtnr nf fit E.

Church, end wife spent yesterday with friends in a wtci suuuro, uienaaie. Thb Rev. H. B. Ridsawav.

of 8L Paul U. E. 1 rn, r- be in nowise coiintenanced such nnholv Droceed- Lawrenwburg, last night ln iK. I a. I on nDtl oOSll tne tilrlS DO act.

ly received the friendly counsel of his old col league In good parr, and was so much inn a ented, apparently, by the manner in which it was put thst he said to Dr. Wright that be would acquaint General Harrison with the suspicions which he entertained that a certain party or parties were guilty of the resurrection. At least he would Impart to bim a clue that might lead to an arrest of one or more of the criminals. This, under the circumstances, was very gratifying, and really more tnan tne gooa m. vrngnt expected, ho in very cheerful frame of mind, occasioned by the prospect of being able to place his College on tbe right side of the question and rtEBBTTiRiia Dllllaraa.

lawn fates and straw. berry festivsls are the exciting pleasures of church peopie at una sea ton ot tne year. To-mcHT the Rev. W. T.

Moor will address young men and their friends at the T. M. C. A. nail.

commencinK at eight o'clock. THE Boston Tonne Men's Christian TTninn Intend giving the poor children of that city a week of euuutry uoaru uunng me summer. ABB Hundev-nmht nraiss-meetine will mn. ducted by young men at the Christian Association nan, corner oi six in and streets. THB architect.

Mr. faaan A. Smith has nmmlHl the Hartwell Methodist Church with a drawing of tueir ouuoing, tne work ot nis own nan as. THB Rev. Mr.

Tooth, th famnns Pneliah Ttltnal. 1st, has recently become the father of twin harms reopie call these Infants "the little Teeth." THB ladles of the York Btnaat rVintrrmrattnnal Church of Newport gave pleasant Social at the residence oi atra, jauit inei city last evening. IT is a good thins: to ao to tha Dorcas Rncietv and mend clothe for tbe heathen: but be sure you ubt cji iw wings mat want menaing at noma. A clebgtmax has taken a large contract. In an nonncing that be will in a sermon tell his neoDle bdoui -Angeis, wno utey are.

ana wnat tney aa. www lfnB.iv tlin.v .1 KI. 1 the Occasional Sermon before th 8 tale Connntlnu of Universal is ts now in session at Belleville, Ohio, The corner-stone of a new Roman Catholic Con vent, el. Dominic, was laid at Jersey City. Mav 12th.

The building is to be 100 by 60, and will cost (25,000. EvAHOELnrrs are Inclined to ba imtirovirient and "trust th Lord" relisioualv for their dailv bread. Tbey ar usually suffered to do this without mo- lesiallon. THB Strswberrv Festival aiven'ln th Methodist Church at Hartwell. on last Tuesday evening, besides being a very pleasant social anair, netted the vnurcn aooui sou.

AT Wayland Seminary, ia Washlnston. D. where young colored persons are trained for tbe oaptiat ministry, no stuaeni is euowea to use eitner whisky or A Or AgEJtEss singing a Moody and Banker hvmn In a Friends Meeting-bouse in London is ail inno vation mat nas made a sensation amons the lol- lowers-oi ucorg ox. Tbb Rev. Dr.

J. H. Vincent has gone for a two months' visit to Eurooe. One of his oblects is to estaMixn a bunday-school Congress in Rome, the nrst ever neia in Kurope. Rev.

Jacob Doll, a noted preacher of the South era Presbyterian Church, who has just passed away, waa born in Martinsbura. W. Va. in 1810. alio, was sixty-eignt years oio.

Rev. 8. O. McFablakd. for eighteen rears a Pres- OTienau Misuooary in eiam.

nas oeen tendered a position under the Siamese Government to organize system oi popular education. Thb Rav. Davis W. dark. TNUrtor of the Colnmhla Aieiooaiat unnrcn.

will to-morrow exchane pal pits with tbe Rev. O. Travis, nastor of tha Ueth- oaisi uiurcn in ml wasnington. The Sundav-echool Primary Clam Teachers' Ment. (ng, which is held in the Y.

M. A. Hall every Saturday at o'clock p. will adjourn to-day to met tn nrst aaturaay in septemoar. Thb Rev.

Dr. West has returned from Pittsbnrsr. and will teach tha Y. U. A.

Bible Class to-mor row at four o'clock. Subiect: "The Imnriannment sun atiracuious ueiiversno ot reier. Thb excursion of the Presbyterian Church folks st Locaiano nas been Dostnonea until next Satnr- day. June 8th. It was to have taken place to-day.

They go to the Soldiers' Horn at Dayton. Thb Sabbath-echool Convention of this Stat will be held in Korwalk. Ohio, oa tbe 4th. 6th and bth of June. It will be the largest and most interesting convention oi tne una ever neia tne bis is ol Ohio.

Db. Alkxakdxs Clakk. editor of the Plttmhnnr necoraer is one oi tne raiernai Mesaengera from the Methodist Protestant Church to the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Ovbb one-third of the Snndav-echool scholars In the United State ar found In three States, aa fol lows: new i ork stanas nrsv. witn 90B.399: Penn sylvania is next, with and Ohio third, with a-ll Wl Cabdimal McClobBBT was'formallr reeeirad In Mew York City on Wednesday last, the occasion Miner In honor of bis safe return from Rome.

delivered an Interesting address, giving a personal account or tne rupc. RefoBTS of tbe churches thronenont th Bnnth how a more than usually encouraging state of thine, nougn not in many instances marked bv remarkable revivals, there has been In most a hone- iui ana vigorous grow in. Thb Rev. P. B.

Moreen has not been "aonelchart" oy tu oDintroiii xanix- uiu nave Deenx nurlea agsinst him. He acts, talks and preaches like an honest, conscientious man. With tbe hone-4 conviction in bis own mind that he is right, he will not ne casuy an mniiaicu. These are eleven Bishops in the Methodist enpal Church of tb United 6 la tea. Tbey are rusnops Anarawa.

Ames, rjowman, roster. Haven, Harris. atmiL ucqxt, eimpson. Peck end Wllev They convened their semi-annual xneetine at Wil mington, DeL. last week.

Their jurisdiction ex tends mrougnout in wontx. Mb. Spvbgbox. after sarlrir that tha Scotch In. neril onsineas tact oy inr-nncr, ssvs ne has heard of two Yankee wbose shrewdness was such that.

wbea abut up ia a room together, tber each cleared naif a crown oy exchanging; wajiaooals. Bishop Wilxt will preach at the Fairmonnt If. rhnnth nft fennnav nwiraln. iv4 v. -a.

ui, occaaioa being the reopening of the aacred edifice, which, under th rigorous management of the Rer. beo. W. Kelly, has been entirely refitted and re modeled. Thb Rer.

Thoa, A Malcom. who ts good authori ty, say that there are in this country 600,000 Bap-lists of A fricau descent He wants a great manv of the Baptists to go to Liberia, with a view of radi ating from there in venous directions, to perform missionary service in Central AJrica. Rev. Robebt Patterao. D.

of San Francisco. who has been pronounced Boanerges of the Padfie Coast, is in our city, on bis return home from the late General Assembly at Pittsburg. He will oreacn in we central Presbyterian Chnreh. comer of Mound and Baxr streets, to-morrow morn ing ena evening. Dbacok Kimball tried week or two aao to beln a new tnnrca in iuftcasTj to raise lis aebt of But, unfortunately, when the people aaw him take his olac on the platform, there waa a aenaral stampede.

The pastor. Dr. Kittredge, vainly kept as manv as ne coma prevail to stay, ana labored with them until alter dinner time, succeeded in raising only a small amount ol pledges. Thb Interest of Rev. Mr.

Gilbert's illustrated lec ture at Richmond-street Christian Church will helgbtenea oy in tact tbat Mr. llarrv Errett, whoae work on lions at tbe Exhibtion last rear attracted much attention, draws the diagram this week in illustration of tne scripture narrative of Daniel In the lion's den. The poetisl tbama of the lecture will be "Two Wars of Entering a Lion's Dan." Thee lectures are largely attended. Onmi Thob. 8.

DAknr. of Brooklyn, whose death occurred suddenly on the Hlb, was best known publicly in connection with the American rune a earn, oi wnicn ne was one of the nneat shots." But he bad other Qualities which made him many fast friends. In personal armearance be was tall and commanding. The address at bis funeral was delivered by an old schoolmate of the deceased. Rev.

Dr. Seymour, of the Eoxscorjal Gen eral Seminary. Thb York Independent, a relislona naner. has this to say of our Festival: -Cincinnati's great Fesural opened brilliantly on tbe 14th. The orcbestraxonsUtx of lheodor Thomas' Band and members ot the New York Philharmonic Society.

Tbe singers, belonging principally to Cincinnati, number 700. A striking fee Hire of tbe ball is its color. It is entirely lined with tbe wood of the tulip tree, which is oiled, not varnished, and its color is very effective. The organ ia described as one of the grandest in America." Rev. Kakl Cbahston.

tbe young end talented pastor ol Ttinlty M. E. Church, on Ninth street, will preach at that Church to-day. both in the morning and evening. His topics ar.

TAoeietT and tn cnurcn" en explanation of anm lnconsirtencies among Christian. AUwbo claim lo be ke out o( cu nrrties ly iauUs of mem- i-i iav i. 1 lie SUvl i l.i. a' All! a Vi -I CaiteLa tie- brands, arrows and death, so ts the man thatdecetr-th his neighbor, aad eaiih, am not I ia sport ProT. xxxi, IS-la.

Thb Bar. Dr. John Renry Kewmaa baa beam spoken of la Ennland aa likelr to be made a Car dinal. Tber i probably ao eecleaiaaUe ia Great Britain who ha received more compliments from eminent statesmen than Dr. Newman.

Karl Rns-aeil one took occasion to pronounce tn Parliament a TMnesrvrie oa tbe distinguished divine. Lord Beaconsneid, la th rvfiersi preface to his bo vela, declare that "tb secession of Dr. Newman dealt a blow to the Church of Euerland ander which It atill reds;" and Mr. Gladatoa ha singled him out ail admired aa be is to HluMrat the maxim that tbe world does not know ita greatest men. Thb Christian at Work tars: "Rer.

P. B. Morgan. rector of Su John's Protestant Kpiscop-tl Church. Cincinnati, and whose high standing tn the West is nnqnestionsd, in his statement read to his congregation girinsT his reason for chaiinrur bis ecoleeiasiieal relations to the Reformed Episcopal Church.

declared 'I do solemnly affirm that tb doctrine and practice peculiar to the Roman Catholic Church are, one and all, save the supremacy and infallibility of the Pope. held, tauxbt and practiced, without let or hindrance, in the so-called Protestant Epis copal The Immediate cause of Mr. Morgan's action was the failure of the General Conven tion to put down Ritualism." Ovbb three hundred arietta in fall robe were in attendance at the reception of Cardinal McCloskey in rw iora on Wednesday last: alao seven bisnop In full EDiaoonal robea. A Te Deum" was sung bv a chorus of 150 voieea. Speaking of the Pope and his reception by him, tbe Cardinal said "On Sunday morning at an early honr I was presented to the new Porte, He received me standing, with his arms outstretched, and then gave me a double em- race, lie ia me to a eeat ana enoveraea ilh meat great length, and then expressed the eepeat regret tbat the only American Cardinal id not been nresent at the election.

He tald he hed frequently inquired if had arrived, and constantly hnpad tbat I would be present Many times he inquired about me. He expressed the greatest kindness for me and all the Catholics In this coun try. I knelt and asked his blessina. he mid, t'l will blete yon end the clergy, and the communities, and the people of your from tbe full net of my heart' ne then gave the Papal bleating. Boon alter eame the day of coronation, when tbe tiara was placed on his bead.

It was not a public ceremony, tut took place in a private chapel of the Vatican. Although private. It was ail the more solemn. Then came the first Consistory, for which be invited me to wsit. in order to receive from him the Cardinal's hat, which I had not the opportunity to receive from bis predecessor.

Be strain blessed me, and asked me to convey tbat blessing to his people in America. That blessing I will give you in a more solemn manner at the feast of Pentecost." THUTKICAL HOTEHESTf. WllereabaaU mt Stars aaitt Cmbi-atlona. The following shows the whereabouta of theatrical stars and combinations daring tbe coming week. A similar list will be published every Saturday, and managers are invited to send their routes to tbe Ejcquibxr: DRAMATIC BTARS.

John Dillon, Grand Rapids, Michigan; Eliza Weathersby, Providence, B. I. W. Vance, Lebanon, Ohio; W. H.

Power, Cincinnati; J. T. lijude. Louisville, Kentucky; Charlotte Thompson, Bah gor, Maine: Charlotte Stanley, Oswego, New York Geo. 8.

Knight. Boston. Mass. Lotta, Boston. Mss.

Geo. Clark, Philadelphia; Geo. F. Rowe, St. Johns, N.

Joe Jenerson, San Francisco, Cel. Eleanor Carey. Melbourne, Australia; Charles Thornton. Philadelphia; Isabella Granger, Philadelphia; Lawrence Barrett, San Frrxncisco; Barton Hill, San Francisco; McKee Rankin, San Francisco J. Williamson.

San Francisco; Maggie Moore, Han Francisco; Frank Lewtnn, San Francisco; Den Thompson. Sacramento: Lester Wallack. New York John Brougham, Mew York; Clara Morris, New York; Mrs. Barney Williams, New York; Barne; Williams. New York: Barry Sullivan.

Liverpool England; Lydia Thompson. London, England Baker ex rarren. Melbourne. Australia: re Soinem, London, England: Fannie Davenport, London, England; May Davenport, London, England; J. H.

Montague. London, England; Annie ward lirrany, x-niiaaeipnia, COMBIKATIOSS. John T. Raymond, Scran ton. John A.

Stevens, Toronto, Canada; Tompkins and Bill, Buffalo; Celebrated Case, closed; ColllerCnion Square, closed; Llngmrd, Brooklyn; Texas Jack, Portland, Me. George Rtgnold, Denver, Colorado; J. H. Wallack. Grand Rapids, Daly's Fifth Avenue, closed; Gotlhold's Uncle Tom, eloaed; N.

C. Goodwin. Providence, R. Msggie Mitchell. Woonsocket.

B. Golden Company, urinnell, Iowa: Murray and Ober. Lebanon. Sheridan's Company, North AtUeboro. K.

A. VIcDoW- eu "joinpany, naiiisx, n. b. oeorge tj. ooniiao.

Portland. Lorain Rogers. Bangor, Maine; Cliflord't Company. Neelsvlile, Wis. Effle Ellsler, ivewarx, u.

uweu rswcett, Detroit, xiarrv Si naley. Oswego. N. Y. Frauk Mayo.

Elmira, K. Thompson. Schenectady. N. Y.

E. T. Stetson, closed; Hess Opera, New York; Carlton's opera, Boston; Boston rnunarmonic, xtocnester, N. Mendelsaobn's Quintet, Wilmington, DeL; Chicago Madrigal, Aurora, 11L; Hyer Bisters, Schenectady, N. Y.

Whitney Family, Brownsville, Hamsun and Hart. San Francisco: Touy Pastor. Syracuse. N. Y.

Williams Novelty Com pany, Wheeling, W. Col villa Folly, Boston W. Davidge, Adrian. Mich. Janaiuchek.

closed. MINSTRELS. Duprea fc Benedict, Topeka, Kas. Bryant, Troy, Kew York; Haverly'a, San Francisco; New Orleans, Chariton, Iowa; Callander's, Rondout, N. Br- low ana tvitnon, rniiaae.pnia; itentx, new xors; Madame Felrda's.

Mansfield. O. San Francisco. oloaed; Harry Ko hi sou's, Norwich, Conn. CIBCCSES.

Barnum'a, Biddeford, Maine; Howe's, Warren, Penn. Stone's. Bloomington. 111. Cole's, Winona, Forepangh's, St.

Joe, Mo. Sells Bros'. Dayton. O. Campbell's, Decatur.

UL; Van Amberg. Council Bluff, Iowa; Coup's Elmira, John H. Murray, fbenlx. K. 1.: Orriu Havana.

Cuba; Diefenbacir, ciosed; John H. Murray, Balti more, Md. Ciaelanatla Isidiaaapli Ta-Day AataS Csiaaiev Car at Xtaatti ti 8c) at aauaaa. The last chance from bow until July 2d to see a proreaslonal game of baa -ball In Cincinnati will be afforded thia afternoon. Th Clnclnnatla will play th Indianapolis Clbb the third championship game of the season.

Thus far each Club haa won a gam from th other, end to-day's contest may be called Ibe rubber. It will a atraggl wll worth eeetog. and indications poiat to a eloee and exciting struggle. Tbe Indianapolis Club have more than one Incentive to nrge them to their bast to wi to-dy a gam. A victory to-day may place ibem second In tb race.

A defeat will certain! drop them to third place. Tber will Brobablr he a Chan ire made In the Indianapolis nine to-day. Nelson will be laid of aid arner, who used I play with lb Lndiow. lake his Dlac. croft so lo left field, and Johnny Clapp lakes poasaaaaon of first naa.

in viaiiurs expect oy usia conns; auwnsio-en their team, both In batting and holding. Tb Clnclnnatla will piay In the usual order. While the Iodianapolia dub war emg th city yesterday. Lbs Cincinnati Club ware patting in Uie tlmprac-licina- on their aroanda. Thev mean to win the championship It It can be won by bard work.

Tbelr lead of eleven game won to three lea give them good ahow for th pennant. Th weather, at tht hour of wrtiinc promisea to be fair, and thaattand- aac ia xpetd to be very large. voTsa. Kkhstbbt, catcher ef the Rochester, Is making a fine record. Cabb should be taken to-day that a "mush" ball la not brought to tb for.

Tvi Prorldeno Club will play th Syracuse Stars on tha Oapttolln Oronnds. Brooklyn, Monday week. Bdixivas, th man that Boas Barnes mad tb Bocbeaterian believe waa a pitcher, was batted for siiteen base bits at HornallsvlII on th 18th, The phenomenal pitcher fad rapidly. It rained again la Boston and Providence yester day, aad th postponed 1 go game there were agaia postponed. To-day tba Chicago play at Boa-Ion and th Milwaukee at Providence.

Reports from both games will be received by telegraph on tb Cincinnati grounds and bulls lined 1 sight of th spectators. Pocxs oa to-day "a games sold last Bight as follows. at the Artie Pool Room: Cincinnati, (30; Iodianap olia, 114. Bostoa.20; Chicago, tlx. Milwaukee.

S3. Stars. Manchester, tit. In tb com bin allou a. th Cincinnati, Bostons aad Stars sold mvontaa.

At Blckey: Clnclnnatla. sm; Jn-dianapolle, sit: Arovraaoa. pO; Milwaukee, fXf, Chicago. tH: Boston, fax I a the combinations, Uia Cincinnati, Boston aad Mllwaoke sold favorite. Habchxstbb, May U.

Maacbssters TJtlcaa f. Bocbxstix, May SI. Tecumsebs Rochester 1. F.sia. Msy 11.

tries 4, Blue StockingsL of Qeueva. nothing. PrrraBUao. Pan May M. Alleghany.

1: Forest Cttys. ef Cleveland, tea lauinga. HCatrUT-ratESCH. Amatsier Cttarsa Acalnst th Fraar. W.

J. Murphy, tee yoeng scoundrel wbe enticed Miss Clara French, ef Moaongabel City, to thu plac. Birder pretense of em pi or log bee as a business assistant, and then seduced her, waa take. In eom- to eignt-oxiuca irain the Pan-Handle Railroad laat nlsht. and started for nttsburg la coarse orumcer tiemmei or tbat city.

rj.mmrl.eha Is aa ot Poiicaof tbe Rmnk, Cltr. state tbat Murphy Is wanted tber to answer a ebarx ot larceay. preferred by Ueneral w. K. Neg- ley.

wooccuse uim wnn jLaptaiB era volunteer militia company, rbrnied for Tb aupnreasion of tb July riota. of staaUing a let revolvers with wblch bra men were armed. Deoamel also says tbat Mayor Liddell.of Piltsbarg, bas taken a great deal of inter est In tb dans Freucb cae. and Tarnished tbe money oat ar nis own poeaet defray the exprane of her rvlurn to ber relative, wb ar poor. Marpby Just previous to bis removal, weak-ffd considerably, and sarBjd blseatlre wllllne- aeaa to marry Ml as French a ao atouemeut for tb wroBs bad don.

When ibis was comma nice ted tb girl ah arreted It wltb tndiaereB, if not IB diaapprooatioe), earing eh did aot think noagh of blm to marry blm. Uer greatest daaire waa to agaia ber bom. Orsrsua Caatcerta. The Fifth Organ Concert will be given at Mosie Hall tola aAarnooo. Tb programm la aa Sallows: Ovsrtar, in major (wrtitaa a military band atenaeiasoaa Aadaat.

froen th First SrxaDbnr Beeibuvea Fugue, la rulaor J. 8. Bach Movement (Allegro), from aa organ sonata in A minor ...0. E. Wbltlng aaa Best Overuir to Balf CoroaaUon xtarch W.

Srtxil, Ui celebrated loag-distaaee pedes triaa of CnlcBgo. who aaa challenged th great I winner of th belt and first prise la th late tourBameat la England to a six-days walk for said lt and a pars of 11.000 a side. bas arrived In thle eny, and will give aa exhibition or physical cull aa lllastrated by bim la bla walks shortly. ve aa exhibilloa of phrsical cultur aias shortly. Mr.

su- am Is the only pedeetrlaa living who he had Bonor of being started a bis walk by tb Diet ILxeca- ut. or a iaia. i oia aonor wuroowrwi nau nix a Moaart Mail, Indiaaapolis, April 24, leTS. Tag Ohio and Mississippi Railway corurr ree the mZ of rousd-trlp tickets to St. LcuU i-aces to- day.

FaralT CO. June 9th. quorum of "stat-ameB." Tickets good to return oata Cvabxb Git-BwaT. a moairla. wb live at I KU kia aa Bavmlller street, aU fra a cares' the Eighth Btieet Ltno at yesterday afternoon aa broke his ieA arm.

11 waa aenl lo the Hospital. Mabx Gukbzbt iarelgled Joseph Held, ef Rich mond, lad- Into a gambling-house, said to be oa Vine, abev Mix lb street, wber Raid lost pO, arte waicB be caaeed unmnani atrial. Lawns H. William was under arrest mead Station bast sight nndar th charge ef i slemeat ot ft given him by O. L.

Panel. Thb call for a session ef the Common Ceuacll for tw o'clock yesterday afivrnooa failed get Mm LortsB Baowar dtatingnlahad herself at th Jannnna coooert. Jajcxiotta a ooaeert was a tony a flair. Hew Hadel Walthaaa Watcltew. Tb ahexucah Watch Cohpakt of Waltham, who, for many year, bar stood at tbe bead of the market 'for American Watches, have made still farther improvement In the popular grades of full-plate movements, and announce the "new model" watches es the perfection of mechanism, at as low prices sx good workmanship can be produced.

These new watches can be had of dealers ia all places. ScixitcE. th most powerful "aid to nature, has discovered in I ratal txa eMtl (Paedo-trophine) a most perfect subtluite for mother's milk. A single trial will convince every mother tbat it is the beat food for their infanta. Bold by dxTigKista, "Qubbt: Why will men smoke common tobacco when they can buy Marburg Sxax or Kobth Cabouka' at the tame price?" aiatlUT DlUCTOBI.

ZOOLOOICAt, OABSEN. Complete Animal Expo- I uod. WOMEN'S ART MCBETJM Exhlblnon Choic Pottery, rorcelaln. Gams. Biaiuary, ate.

upen rrom 10 a. m. lo 10 p. m. GRAND OPEBA-HOUUB- Vllichell.

Bpeclalty Troupe. Matinee and evening. BkDCK NEW OPKRA-HOTJBK. Cool Burgess. Tb drama of "Miriam Crime." Matin aud and venlng.

KKNTCCKY RIVXR BRIDGE Excursion en Ban- day next. CHESTER PARK-Qaeen aty Jockey Club Races. BELLEVCE HOUSE-Con. -ens this afternoon and 'evening by tbe Uarts Mountain Mlnera'Band and fee nor Salcedo. CINCI SNATI MT8 1 a HALL Organ MaUn Con cert txjia aiirnoon.

ROBINSON'S OPKRA-HOCSE Wednesday evening next. Lecture by John O'Connor. "From the Hat rnsoo to tn ijaptiou" BALL PARK Indianapolis vs. ClndnaaU, thU afternoon. RACXS.

Queen City Jockey Clnb. (XL 1 SpriDgRMiiinsRacBS THREE RACES TO-DAY. 1-1 1-4 Mile Dash, with 8 Entries. Ladies' Stake, with Entries. Two-Mile Heats, with 6 Entries.

iMirunn IVotlainse its ibe world dies that can com pare COLLINS 201 after the race. Ad ma-ion Public EUnd. FIFTY CENTS. Grand 8 land snd Quarter Stretch. One Dollar.

Association Pools sold atth Burnet House every Morning and Evening. and on th track. Races commence promptly at 2 o'clock. It TURTLES. Green SeaTurtles Am regularly receiving large and mall Sea Turtles, and selling at low prices.



A srwrsrlt'a TeaSlBsvaaiy. Gentlemen I beg leave to aa that I have Bold several dosen of emroxD i Radical Ccbb during tne lest year and know of many case tbat bav been relieved by it, also three cases in which cures have been effected. From the above named facta I am convinced that it is the best remedy for this disagreeable complaint that has yet been offered Co tnapuDiic. ucspecuuuy. FRANK T.

MATfTARD. Main street, Petaluma, CaL, February 17, 1878. COMPLETE SATISFACTION A Drwarglst'e Te-sti xnawy. Gentlemen We nave been selling 8a roan's Radical Curs for th last year. On the start our Bales vera small; tb people wer Incredulous, it being to moat of them a new preparation, and tbey could boy so many ebeaper remedies for 2 cents and 50 cents.

Now the price is no object. We sell more of the Radical Cc ax than all other catarrh remedies nnt tarelher. and I have vet lancar of a ease that ft ba not given the most complete satisfaction. Very truly. B.

W. G1FFOKD. 19 High street. Oskaloosa, la. More Satisfaction.

If Emits. Wreks PoTTia Dear Sirs: Your 8ak-roRO's Radical Ccaa sells better and gives more satisfaction than any similar preparation we hare ever handled. Respectfully. C. WAKEFIELD A Prop'i Wakefield's Family Medicine.

-Bloomington, I1L, February 18, 1878. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE ia a Local and Constitutional Remedy. It Is Jukaled, thus acting directly upon the nasal cavilies. It is taken fnter-aaUy, thus neutralising and purifying the acidUUd Hood. A new and wonderful remedy, destroying the germ of the disease.

Price, with Improved Inhaler and Treatise, tl. Bold by all drusaists and by WEEKS A POTTER, holaai Druggiata, rjosron. or remc with VOLTAIC PLASTER. Ubhsks. Wrrxs A Pottek: Gentlemen One year ago I was seised with a severe attack of Rheumatism in my right to which I was subject.

I tried the various liniments and rheumatic cures, but without the least benefit, when my son. a druggist, suggested one of your Collius Voltaic Plastex. The effect was almost magical, for. to my grateful surprise, I was almost immediately well sgaiu. and was able to work npon my farm as usual, whereas, before tbe application of the Plas ter.

I could do nothing, and every step gave me palu. A few weeks sine, one year from tbe first attack, lb seas returned, but I am happy to say tbe second Piaster proved as efficacious as tbe first, and I am now welL My wiie wishes me to add that one Plaster has cured her of a very lame back. We think there is nothing in tbe world of remedies that can compare with the Collins Voltaic Plasters for Rheumatism and Lame Back, and cheerfully recommend them to the surrerinr. Yours Tery, ROBERT COTTON. Orland, June.

1876. PBICE S5 CESTS. Be careful to ootain Collins Voltaic Plastkx, a combination of Blecrrie or Voltaic Plates, witli a highly Medics ted Plaster, as seen in th above cut. Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists through out uie t'nitea Male ana ijanaass Ana oy A POTTER, Proprietors. Boston.

Mass, HOTELS, tftC. IlEID'a HOTSI, ON THE EUROPEAN PXa-A-lV. IT WILL BK TO TAB INTEREST OP TBS Traveling Community to call and eee our spiea-O-id rooms be ore going elssabar. Rooms 60c. 'ae.

aad H. Meals at ail hours. a. 173.177 aad'l SI IT. Fart2 Etraet.

lliii.u.rurhui DINING OK TBS lJSZ FOB LADIES Vina St, fcst OPEN DAT noTa. aitd pirriTTCr-noorra. STRAW HAT Exhibition To-Day I Tb Finest and Largest Display Tet Mad. OT SHAPED, A Feature of the Reason, A. E.

Burklmrdt US WEST rOCBTH. STJIrlBlXR RESORT. JLTf VKJDSOR HOTEL, Saratoga Springs, N. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. This Mew and Solenoid Hotel, with the Twc Large Brick Residences and Extensive Grounds sd- loining, overlooking congress opring rars, will oe Opened for (iocs ts Jam; 1, 187S.

Parlors. Bedrooms or Rooms en'snlte. Elegantly Furnished, will be rented without Board at Mod erate Rates. The Adjacent Residences hare been furnished and arranged in Flat for the Special Accoiainixla- tion oi amines. THE HOTEL RESTAURANT Will be under tbe control of Cooks of the Highest Grade, and Meals will be served in tbe most elegant style.

Rooms msy be engaged on application at the Metropolitan Hotel, hew York. If. SHELLKT, Haxtaxrer. jI-lmobMTh SEASON 1878! I Ho! For the Fishing Bank! ISLA1ID, HXAD-QUARTER3 FOR THE SPRIG FISH! The Pnt-in-Bay Honac. Bweny.

West 4 Shepherd, is now open for the eccommodation of guests during tbe early Spring Fishing Reason. This bouse has been entirely refurnished, end we may safely assert that it waa never tn better condl-linu. Address a postal to undersigned, and a Book giving full description ol the Inland and Put-in-Bay Hotel will be sent free. The Hotel will be opened for tbe full season on the 20th of May. Band for Book containing ail particulars.

myl9-tf WARM SPRINGS, Bath. County, Vixgiiiii, ARE NOV OPEN, Aad will remans epea asiil OCTOBER 13th, The finest bathing facilities in the world. Warm salplawrWater, Ifttdeg. temperature. Delightful climate.

Warm clotbing very necessary. A specific for Rheumatism. Gout, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Disorders of tbe Urinary Organs, and Disease Peculiar to Kern a lea. Tbey are Ateen miles from Millboro Depot, Stages from every train. More comfortable conveyauoe provided if application is made to me or to the proprietor of hotel at Millboro Depot, Mead far pan phi eta.

The American Public Health Association, of which Dr. Ames, of Boston, ie President, will hold their Sixtn Annual Meeting at the Warm Springs In July. It is composed of the moat distingtiiabed sanitarians and scientists In tbe United Stales. aaallee la previa arewe rally. JOHV L.

EUBANK. May 17, 1878. (mylS-lSteod Proprietor. TABLE SAUCE. GRMTREDUCTIOiJ DISH.

cr price or LEA PERRIIMS' CELEBRATED PRONOUNCED BT CONNOISSEURS TO BE TBS "ONLY GOOD SAUCE," And applicable to STIXT TABIXTT OF jrrrjtl 1 ri EXTRACT of a LETTER froxa MEDICALGENTLB MAN at Madras to bis brother at WORCK8TEB, May, loU. "Tell LEA A PER. RIN8 tnat thelraauce is highly esteemed ia India, and is, in my ooinion. th moat palatable as well as ao xnoat uuiceuin Bauce tnat is mso. TTorcesterslilre Sauce THCB OITfaJO THE CO JISV TIER SOT VJLITIIE BENT BUT TIIE HOST XvCOAOJAICAl.

At'tf. Sirnattire on every bottle. JOIIJI DUICAS. itOlf SJ. 9 Collego n.

suf 1 rialen qwtmro, A'et Xorh, inoa-i-aaaa CARRIAGES, AC. RP.n M.I.FR liMtUl.iAMbl.i. I SPRING STYLES FINE CARRIAGES -AND BUGGIES! UROH A ER8 WILL FIND IT TO THEIR A. TERE8T to examine our lanre and varied stock of fin work, as we are now oflenng sain at 11 1 im 1 1 Th following ar now oa exhibition at our warerooma. Nos.

19 and West Seventh Street: Glass Landaus, best mode: Leather-top Landaus, Lanaauieis, tiemi Lanasus (glass), patent baOa; Four and Six-seat Rockawava and Barouches sev eral kinds; Victorias, Cabriolets, Waxoneta, Phaetons, Baggies, Skeleton Wagona and Sulkies. The above-named Larriag work ia unsurpassed In quality, and th low prices at which it is now onered can not fail to be aauslactory. myll-4tsa roRxiair kthaxebs. GERMAN LLOYD KW YOKE, LOSDOITPABIS. STEAMERS BAIL EVERY SATURDAY FROM New York for Southampton and Bremen.

Passengers booked for London and Paris at lowest raiea. Mat rav; from New York to South-em peso. London, Harr and Bremen: First caoln, Hon: second cabin. 60. gold; steerage.

(SOL cur. raucy. Return tickets st reduced rate. OELRICHS A Bowling Oreea. T.

I. ADAE. A rent for Cincinnati. r1 ENEKAL 1RANUAXLANT1C OT between Kew York and COMPANY Pier 42. PL- foot Morton' Ville de Paris, CapC Eantelii.

aneaay. June A. M. bain I Laurent, CapC Lachesnez. Wedneadsy.

June 12, P. si. Labrador. Capt. Sanglier.

Wednesday. Jm.e 19, 9:00 A.M. pnee ol Passat: in gold (including win) To Havre: First Cabin. 1100: (second Cabin. $06; Third Cabin.

$(5; Steerage. tS. Includinc wine, bedding and BU-naia. team era "parier," -VU1 Pans" and 'ct. Laurent" do not carry stearair anenteral, LO'.

"it t-a PV I AN, Atrnl. 66 broad way, and J. W. LLLAiv iv, AKftit lur Cmeuinati. imili-ajsiiiaj lTpo-nlar Sinner, with AW1 atk Aww-ejaa aw MjTiCf-k 4 fffVaAB.

ea 3 to 1 aaBBaJL 1 1 -55 HATS. R003IS, A CEJni Fourth tm -aAJf V. lVfaV )T 11 iA Nine Tickets fop $3. One kind of Meat, with Soup, two kinn. iTirl anf Tf -aot

fiAim t.j t1 0 bles, Bread and Butter, and one piece of Pie or Pudding. 2a Tickets for 2 25. "a CHTNA-WARE, AimiUCO CHIXlp 1SS Pieces. JNos. 4:0 ana 4 fountain Kquare.

HATS. SUMMERtiATS jn oreat viRirrr, Combining Elegance in Style, Llghto ta with Durability and Cueatina. i. rnrt, ALbO FOB HA MOCKS WlIOLElJALE AND EETAIL 92 W. roiiclh opposite PoT-orr MUSICAL VISITOR.

cilUIaCIl'H rira MUSICAL VISITOR.1 aiio Aruauin aiournai orHusie, Rest Retdlnxl Best Ifutlrt Txbmb: Yearly subacrtptinu price, in artraoa r.Terr suoacnuer is entitled to one ol a. and realir valuabl nreniinnia vi-iT? SPKClALTICv ar arraiiged lo tult all laiua w. popular songs to clastic comiouiiout ol tu maalara. SW Jf. 1.

Rsag Preaslans. Na. S. Plaaa I rem tana. Ho.

S. 'laaie rem I una. N. 4. Vteaall Prraila Na.

Tha latter Aala-aiaalc Alaaxi Oat a copy of the May number plete Information ol the f'eailral. Mar fatal ftJ.M.ft, Hslta tm 1 1 mui. Vr, lOlVUa CIILTItCII Ai. CO, LI r0 Went Fourth Hitttt (mjr20eodli STEAM HEATERS. roT fATlvHs.

Low pacasiaa r-xjJ MorrcoatpunBaija t. aoiATOs net fit 1 riSHIWO-TACKLE, ODHf. Aft FISHING TACKLE. nk fc nilaaaa Heele. Call mm Caa addiBg; for gens from 10c per kes aha thick concave bag wads.

Pistols-7-shooters. full niikfl pUtri. lga t3 bore, e-sbot, from 13.50. Coll "htm Lai Poay. SU long csL.

pl.t). Ladies Colt, SJ loe.l Pet Colt, SB long, Big Colt, 41 lnfi( Ivory elephant leak, extra. 1 Sjufjt Pearl Stocks from ti-M to MietU, sa sIbc with a mere alloy of airsel sa es eerooer work, real nickel plate, 75c. Colt 7-th. kit Colt Doable Action Self and Thumb tocttal NH ri icu ininin, rcmiftunan tknugk full leoA sound All Colt Pistsl hsve the new 4ouM lelalsl band or pswl.

Tbe U. S. Ordnasce Burl ri -Tho wesrin swsv of the cvlisder ralrftrti waat tha action of ail other makes of pittnit "Taj Board regarda every departure from the CeM aaw as a Bositiv SI St la Vest Pietole. BOc Shtrp't bOfLlu of excelieat quality, fj Hi. a Travel Pistols, Rirlcs and Cnnatakrn.tnieal paid far old fir arms.

Doable bast Irosi ft n-TTTsTS! A rents Breath I.aadlnr PeutiK Gas agents Webley A boo, bcott A Son Psrfcer, hickaSl Ifevre. Francotte. The Cln. Club Oaea. $36M to Scott A Sons gvrno up to tkeu witn ail ins extras at Sju w.

I glaaxl Laadlaa; Double Ones, real Wxt bar lot ks, with suhatsnusl copper laaka, akai and wad ctrtters, 115,00. Single Iruna, fl. As HJM and Henry g5.M Double Cum fro Bieoiiahcd real Laaiinaled Steel IoublrCMltS Mif lea Sharp's Creedmeor freai mgton from vYiockcstcr from Ut. It rel Rifles from pi 00.

Daatbl Muxxie and Breech Leading end-naad sod blemished, at second haoii prKav eor Bks-The Amateur banc sad Ms Scor Books free ttpplicalioa, a BIlag CilaiTe, per eet of four, frea with ventilatora, wrist rnards and llagrr praucas Irawersa or reliable qusiitr Ir Cktalaa from 25c. 11. no. Km and Collars Ire Sj Couples aad Calls from Moocr htlu wt-Bl aatatra' Rifle. Galvsvtom, Tscas.

Frbrsary II.B. Osmtlbmsm sll hauler sn rate and afrnn safety sad strength of ronatrnrtioa, the RTfl I th favorite. Wa are DOW trflif -i ih fcaant th favorite. VV ar oow trylif Rlfl It haa fori a been a-knoird(l sportsmen of Ttxss. thst swing shooting, ease of oianipvlava, aad ad tha ta-aciaia aad liml.

feet It eurprUing, lues S. Mooja, J.SdReg. N.C. Gif.eatos R.SrC-k FISHING TACKLE. Shot.

CHILLED IHOTi Tstsasl Standard, snd Soft Shot. sawtiaa; Coats aad carina rs "a Class Halle. Borardus.rouih, whit aad feather filled. Traps, both ststaeac and suiveraal, Si.00 aad td 00. Rifles.

Vtusxle Loaders from SIOO. shot cywibiaed runs from g'JO 00 alal saow vaiifriiuin, ow it, ftBRuxi. i haivet from lOc.J genuine Joseph Rogeit a siaae, fi.uu. Caeea far shape, cvras geauiae ruaaet leather, 16 K). xsxar tor sccsrtuoa aa a RIFLE TEAMS wifhlrg i ester Prites, to coiap of matchrt, aidrssia" call to Bisks in Poxes for Tesrtatruj eompcutioa free ar eow oa" Tram wisblag compete can make Hit lea.

RemiBg'o. Wlnchaatrr. Flebert snd Sharp's, tunc 1N, ine i-. meat sold all their Breech.Losd.rf Sharp's. Gce'l Steele aais of "Thst ia my comrasnd, during "Jal Sharp's Rifles.

I aever had Is scad ee aruamitb for VIIOLEIA LF AU att-sa CATALOGUES FKEB AT 1GO 3Xnin Street, last Kerth ot Faurta. B. KlTTB.KVOS, ABSTRACT COMPAQ' ABSTRACTS OFlTTLEj TUS CWCnrWATl ABcTRACT oom plete examinstiorn 'Casra and moderate rates as lo ail tne a- I Hamilton County- Abstracts of Title Inmltbed to soy fka county. uarvsts) ai (ri.i sa as ww-. lAeaa.

Jadgaiants and Pending iubv, Walesa Ie. Jf. w. jriata lailiiii AirDICAL. KEilVOUiJ" DEBILITY.

Wr.K El. etc sad i-w or 't'ri t.m I 2ervou ojaieiu. apeediiy aad i xrzvizm's specific t-raaTreaWS ft ll. aevurrlT aeaiafi. WUB I all ail a- rejr4 ouiy Ly arewciiiiSTEB eV ck 3S J.kl la.aUaL aaa.

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