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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 8

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'AGE EIGHT THURSDAY, APRILJJ, 1031J plans (9 lake IOIIK (rip. It he a salcsnian and runs the cnr ti fo distances id hiuli a heavier lub- Is reconiini'iuli'd. BY WM. McKKNXKV clubs are Ills strong suit In our past artless we have bid two. I icribcd the forcing bid While advocates of this sys-1 sn1 ore-club bid.

The tcin will bid mio dill) 'r writer will devote the next lew ai-'ond wilh one trick t)1 nfl to describing a variation of.than a minimum, it dw nn 1 Oil- thins oul ably under hut Us lubnraCnc quality friiin llu' cylinder head, used In that way main and other bearings. In the latter ease, however. II Is Important that llio puini) well down In ihi' oil pump so Uial It ca Corn Eorsr Prooi Corn Is Sought im the oil even It, WOOSTER, sur- wcM milled and thickened by dls- cat method of fighting the corn use or cold. borer Is to develop a varety of corn the screen at the oil Inlet' to its attacks and ex-; l)e of ratter large proiwr- Pertinents along this lino are be-; llor.s in nidcr to the oil conducird at Wooslcr cx- Illicit net thoiiBh easily. If Ihe wri-en is the advocates of it I Katinftlly firs', qur.itloi) that ivlli he found Mluhlly heavier thai a one bid in contract a'llh as in Hie minds of llvre the original oil If it Is found to linum a holdiui; as lliev would in tuls -lysljni i be thinner, II has liron dihited with one bid in auction.

In other worsts, i what do you do when you hold a uiibnriiic! fuel. thcv do not domnnd two one- snri your lies', suit halt tricks first or siconl hand clubs? These hanils nuiil In tld opcnlns bid, but would I as un? 1'lie pirtner will ns- Ilie requirements to two trickv They jsiuno that it Is the fm-hi 1 hid Ucrlain types of lubricating (fins demand specific grades sitin eniplcv all suit bid', ol ft respond with diamond If i "I 1 splash sys- drniiind bids vcrv power- jl'ik' than two tricks, or will ulvr ful (he ortehinl "one of (he poi.itlve re.sponrcs If his thin oil der feels he can co came ui'h inn or no from pnrtnrr. system was dcviFcd to 1 tfrmcdiate Is the that are better Hiin ininlinmi ncr slrong enough to own with (wo forcing bid. When yon have a lund canl.iinln-z as much as one (rick more llinn u-ould be Teo.uired to opon the bl'l- dinii, hut not'l hand contains or more rpilck trlrks. Tin- tf will then re- his club suit to show that his sccl l( th In order that It be atomized easily when picked up anil thrown out by the connecting rod.

A tllnhlly heavier oil If pressure on the gauge thov, niuch Iji-low ncrnml, examine the uiuniiut of oil In the crank- If that Is high, there is wroui; with the nauue, or with the line leading to It. A service mechanic should test 1'Kl liOHN MANSFIKUJ. A pit! that tindoiiblritly have may belated a scmalion had it reached the system Is of splash-clrciiliillng tyire, uiul original wa' mini-, mum chili bid. Of If lli-i tifn 1 Ill3 owning bidder's original club bid' Vll(l1 syslcm, where a cass.

three nostrils and two puinp Is used In fores the oil to the 1 It was Ixjrji here ccntly. II was; owned l)y. Clyde Phillips had eight feet, three tails. had tlic strength to make a forcing club bid and at (lie same lime his strong suit was clubs, hr Ihi'n the partner's pcrment. station here.

No corn borer-proof corn has yet! been developed, C. G. Williams, di-i rcclor of the station admilied but, he said much progress had been i made in tluu direction. Thatcher said breeding pxjierl-j ments. in wlilcli certain hpreil strains were used, seemed to show actual resistance to the Renew Yoiir Health' By Purification Any physician win tell you that "Perfect 1'uriticalion of the Sya-l Icni is Nature's Foundation I Perfect llenltli." Why not rid' yourself of chronic ailments that lire undermining your vitality? I Purify your cniirc system by tak- inj; a thorough course of Cafotabs, or twice a week for several sec how Nature rc- wurils you with health.

Cnlof purify the blcod by nc- livMliiisr the liver, kidneys, stmimch bowels. In 10 ets. and flu cts. 1'uckagc'S. All dealers.

(Adv.) tricks (o bid two. ynu bid nnc club, jniond; r. cue club from South. This club bid is made vil'cout North icsnonds with one gard to the ciub suit If he hold a minimum ciuli hind may may not contain club bid wmiM Wd two c.lntis, while If it does tell jwrtnr-! he held the required ant 1 that HID hand contains frrjm lite rral suit was also clubs, he to three and one-half, hiih card would Jump to three clubs. Thl.

tricks. If partner resnoiids wit': "me prncedure would be true if cnc diamond, he denies holding twn partner qavc a positive vesoons'. 1 quick tricks. If (he partner two or more nuick tricks, he must mnke a positive of one In posl (Copyright. 1931, NKA Service, Inc.l TOMOKIIOWS Vrop- Fomc other suit than diamonds or 't liy IMrlnor lu tlin one no trump, and IF diamonds or' land Iliil.

BY ISKAKI, Kl.KIX good crude nnfl Is refined properly. Science Kililor, XT.v Scn'lre slnre we ns everyday inotorlsls. Lubrication of nn anloinobilc en-' nrc nnt ncqimlntrxl wllli such fun- finc Is net piitllni; oil into the safesl bet for us Is the- crankcase and forgetting about. mlr only from highly it (inlil the service station nllcnd- 'sspoirlble and well established checks up the supply. Liibrlca- 'Icalcrs.

lirn. In fact, rcrguircs conslrnil at- tc-ntion and kiioivledec of tlv? pre-1 Evc tlint. however, (here is vailing conditions as to the' nccessily for a choice of oil for the particular engine In use, (he type nnrllcular engine In your cur and! of work to which II Is put and the i tll(! pordcular services lo which season of the year. (o put It. ns important to maintain i Tilc manufacturer usually per lubricallon, also.

Is the iwed Ihe grade of oil lo be used constant watch on the oil; inr llls engine, and Iliis should be pauge. followed In most cases. However. By keeping Ihcs; In mind and ell- "im Clla nB llc be c'rtain he is doln" rbht for the lllstnncc ln "'c south where l5 her Style Is An Important Part of Value In These SUITS Finer Quality Than Ever At Lower Prices Yon can raise your dress Klaiulardi: a very much higher plane a I less of an investment Itinn has been possible in sevcrnl years in Ihivie fine groups of Snils which we are now.emphasizing as our vulue achievement nf season. Not since pre-war (iitys has your money Ixuighl snrh line weaves, expert tailoring and smart slyle as you'll recognize here.

These Groups Include Models and Sizes For All Men at of oil typ? of er.glne. its the weather and the amount of service to tlie motor is put- Tne first fundamental, of Ls stipulation that Ihe oil be'of high quality, that It conies from a iged. It Is advisable to have 'slightly heavier prade of oil in the ihnn can be recommended lor the northern, more temper- RITZ Friday and Saturday ate, states a motor- HOME THEATRE Friday and Saturday BOB STEELE in Viennese stagp s. a and screendom's latest "find." Saxon blonde in coloring ivilh blue eyes. Apjir.nrirg in Gripping gunplay, breezing bullets, daring deeds, 1 rushing romance, action, thrills "Headin 1 North," liobSteclc's new- esl Western packed with the fire of the wild and woolly! The Suits arc in new (weeds, cheviots, cassimeres, worsteds, serges ami many novelty weaves.

There are new single and double-In eastcd styles, dress and snort models, in the new Glen plaids, stripes and solid colors in till regular find extra sizes. Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps 51.95 Vnines Just the kind of F.islrr ciip you will want Tlic new patterns and the new Eight piece top. Leather swratband all around. Itulbcr visor, medium shapes. Each Men's and Roy's Caps Mens and boys adjustable New Iwced nil shadts of Tan, Brown and Grey.

50c Something New in Thrills! and 30c. and 35c. Monday Jack Oakie in "JUNE IMIII.MI'S-.IONKS New Sliirts New Low Prices Thillips Jones pro- shrunk, fast color, perfect collar point shirts in White. Blue and Tan Style Tark hats for the discriminating man. S5.W nnil S6.00 hats that arc the utmost in style and quality.

Easier special 3.95 Fur-fell hats ULII arc Ilic lalcsl in snari colors In the shapes. Kaslcr wear special S2.95 Shirts and Shorts f.Sc 1 Shirts and Shf.rls. Sliorf-i of liroaaclolh or rayon, printed or solid colcrs. Shirts of rayon or heavy knit colton. Exceptional values at each DIRECTED BY JOHN FORD with GEORGE O'BRIEN Comedy Cartoon $1 and $1.50 'Indians Arc No.

G. Comedy. Matinee 25c. Last Time Today 'Dracula' PHONE 49c Last Time Today Greta Garbo in 'Inspiration' Comedy and Cartoon and 30c. and 40c.

Men's Sox Men's pure thread silk sox In solid fancy silk and rayon sov or an excellent lisle sox. All sizes and colon fair 17c Comedy Cartoon "Matinee ami Night 10 and 25c, Longing Your Best Easier Day Costs So Little Ij You Trade Here Special Purchase and Sale of DRESSES Your Choice of entire slock of All New Dresses You never saw anylhiiiK as good looking, as utterly smart as the dresses in this low priced group. I)right prints in Ihe gayest colors plain colors and contrasts. Made with the care and details you would expect only in much higher priced QC models vl 2 for $15 Beautiful new styling in newest that you could not ordinarily expect at anywhere near this price. Materials of printed crepe, solid colors, shantung, printed linen and mesh.

Chicken dresses Also new styles for matrons. Sixes 14 to 40 2 for COATS for EASTER In Dress or Sport Style Amazing values In 'the newest coat fashions of fine lightweight woolens, chongclla, duo tweeds and crepey woolens for dress and sports wear. Every new style feature found In much higher priced coats is stressed in these models! Large ofl-the- facc collars, scarf collars, shawl collars and collarless models! Butcher cuffs, envelope cuffs, button trimmed cuffs and flared cufls! Sash belts, budded belts and leather belts! This sets a low mark record for authentic new coat styles, as you will realize when you see them. coats with smart stitching or The much talked of all-fabric throw scarfs of fabric or the coat trimmed with flat furs new cowl neckline. Made of the spongy woolens, fleeced polo cloth, rough tweeds, kongo cloth and other Spring woolens In Mack and tlw newer colors.

$1075 13 NEW EASTER SUITS At a Special Low Price A suit is indispensable for town or country wear. These new models are the smartest of the new versions and come in 'dark or light shades. EASTER HATS Stunning new hats of felt, felt and straw, and straw bodies of baXu or panama- lac! Every color that Is smart lor 1831 is now being shown here. $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 Cotys Face Powder SI Box Powder Lip. Stick.

Both for A Outstanding Valueln SILK HOSE Pure Silk Full Fashioned Pieol Top Chiffon or Service Weight All the New Shades of Spring. SI.49 to S1.95 values. Many new patterns. You'll enjoy a dress of these Flat and Printed Crepes. Prin's and solid colors.

Per Yard Sheets 81x90 Seamless Sheets Good Quality. Exceptional Value NEW SPRING SILKS Printed flat crepes and also solid color crepes. Choose for your Enstcr selection. $1.30 to $2 values, per Yard $1.19 Pillow Cases 25c value pillow cases. Sizes 36 42.

Each 98c Rayon Several hundred yards. Also printed pongcs and cambric. Yard Lovely House Frocks Children's Wash Frocks Answer the to the In the garden or will be smart enough nnd attractive for anybody's eyes In these crisp little frocks. $179 1 Batistes, Broadcloths in a heavitiful array of styles and colors. Sixes 2 to 14..


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