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The World from New York, New York • Page 10

The Worldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A RECOUNTOFNKW YORK. WOKLD: WEDNESDAY, WSCKMBKK 3, 1890. CONGRESS IS TO GIVE A FORMAL HEARING NEXT FRIDAY. PH00F OF THE ERBOBS IK THE CEB8US AEB THEH TO BE PRESENTED, So flinch Orantml Yeslerrtnv by thf HoniM. Committee on Oennnn Brooklyn Will Try for Recount, Prclimlnnry nt Ion Alrendy Introdured In tlir House.

TO THE WOULD. WASHINGTON, champions of New York's demand for ro-fiimnieration of her inhabitants have scored a decisive victory. They havo secured tho adoption of a resolution in the Honse Committee on thn (jive a hearing on Friday next to repreflentativcs of tho metropolis. Tho Members of tho Now York City delegation turned ont in force thin morning. At 10.45 thor moved on the Committee on tho Census.

Tho Committee's rooms are located in a private bnilmntr. No. 2SB Now Jersey avenue, and at 11 o'clonk tho members wero called tu ordor by Chairman Dnnnnll, of Minnesota. Seven members of the Committee were present and ainonfir them one New Representative Khorrnan. who, though a Republican, has been very wotl disposed towards the metropolis in her light for justice.

Jnclfro llolman, of Indiana, sat near tho ond of the IOUK table. Ho has been called the "Great Objector." but it in hollered he is a friend on whom Now York can safely rely in this emergency, Representative of Cieorcia, iw openly in favor of a recount in Now York and does not hesitata to say BO. Ke is an influential member of the Committee, as is also Hepre- pentafivo Nathan Frank, of Missouri, who sat next to him. Representative Hill, of Illinois, sat at the left of the Chairman and talked in a very friendly way about tho chances of a recount. Beoroaentative WashinEton, of Tennessee, sin favor of taking tho Federal Census over again.

Ho does not seo why New York's representation in Congress and in tho Electoral Colletre should suffer throush the carelessness of ignorant enumerators, who were selected for thoir tanks solely because they were known to be partisans. The members of Now York's delegation who into the Committee room two by two wero Flower and Cuinmings, Campbell and Clancy. Spinola and Macner, end Tracy and Dnnphy. Secretary Spier was there aud was an attentive ob- of the proeeedingx. On tho table before Chairman Dunnell lay the resolution Introduced yesterday by Mr.

Flower and promptly referred to tho committee. When the session had been formally opened, the Chairman announced that the New Yorkers present desired to say something nnon tho unbjeet of the resolution. Representative Flower as spokesman arose and addressed the Committee, Hie speech was hrtof and diplomatic. In substance he MB. CHAIRMAN: authorities of the city and connty of New York requested mo to introduce the resolution in Congress GOSS'P DOING ROUND.

A croup of veteran merchants on Broadway discnsned yesterday the departed glory nf the Broadway Srinnd. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon tfie lower part of Now York's big thoroughfare was alive with (ire engines, tracks, relief wagons and water- towers. But. they moved at a snail's pace. In many instances the horses wore brought INKLD'S WUTlSil FUIKNDS, THEY CABLE THEIR CONGRATULATIONS ON HIS GOLDEN WEDDING, to a full stop and engines wero delayed while the firemen endeavored to make a way in tho tnngle of vehicles ahead.

For tho most part tlio police wore inactive and pomnntont. In tho days of the old Broadway Squad it was the boast of tlio police that a fire-engine could Bwrrvo into Broadway nt any point, froeiy. i whirl and that tho pollen would mako a clear nm'i for it from ono end of tho bit; thorough law nml tho DnUf of Arcrrlfi Until tlio Jtona lAnt of thn Cnpltnllflf'" KnglNh The- C-creniniiy nt tlm mercy Park Kim I (Inner Otlicr KvoiitH of Sonlnl Jntcrpwr, Mr. nnd fyrus W. Fiold vnfltonlay lfibiRted the iiftieUi mrtiivorsary of Dicir wliioh took plnco at duildford.

It wan tlioir wirth lllti to tl)Q other. At that timo tiio oflicorn of that tho occnriioit Hhould ho obnorvcd iti a -ay. chloliy with their children hoTBoa tlu-mfiolvoH and if nocosHary n11 fltranoclnldrcn and thoir brotlicrs ann Ench ro- thoir families. Tlic.v wore (obi i (rod to limit tho invitations outRiclc or tluiir family circle to old friends, but OVOM UIOHO numborod four or five hundred, who f.lirontfod tho well-known IIOUHO on (irnnioroy Park and offered tho ivarmoflt rnricrratiiiations. Tho follotviDK mnssacn from Rnnland, hondod by tho namofl of tho Pnko of Artrylo and Mr.

Gladstone nnd inoludiiiK ovov sixty minion of mon fliKtinirnishod in ovory Inlaiid: Itobort Abraham Van Wyck, Hip Van Hivin, uov. (Jov. JUwor Walcott tlio Manor of Hton. John I'hlllji UvliiKKtim. Matthow (IHswolil.

Hiul (Inv. HoKpr Jjiullnw. Onn itnuht HIIUIJIIMC that tho Involution would ho invited fin inaHKo to this ilancn, lint though nomo of tbom Imvo boon anueil the majority Jiiivo not. Among tlio many applicants for invitn- tions to this series of daiicosiiroladioH whoso hushanilH hnlong to milTlclnnlly old to mitlUnil to tlio prlrllngc, but tliix is of noiifl'oet with the stnny-hoiirtod "Colonial Jinnies," who do not rcconnixo a pedigree conferred hy mnrrinuu. A REAPPORTIONMENT BILL liccman made an alloy through the vehicles Irom his own rtation to that of the Hticceoil- IIIB boat, and the rosult was that tho engines went at a hard gallop in a oloarlnno through a maze of vehicles.

Yesterday they madoiio progress at all. Even tne street-cars boat them. Chamborlin, of Washington, was asked his opinion last night at Dclmonico'rt about the relative value of canvas-back anil rod-hcad ducks. It is a question which ban boon discussed at an endless length by every gourmet in Now York for a groat many years. There was a long discussion after tho qnestion had boon put to Mr.

Chamborlin, and ho finally summed up his views by saying: "There are canvas-baoks and canvas-backs. No two breeds aro exactly alikn. though a big and plump canvasback duck is about tho nearest approach to BaBtronoraic heaven that wo have thus far boon able tn discover in thn nineteenth century. The canvas-hacks of the flrstwalcr aro horn and killed down in our flection. You cnn buy them, according to tlio bill of fai-p.

in every ouster saloon in New York. All Souls' Church. Fourth avotiuo and Iwnntlfitii Ktrijot, wtm hrllliantly lighted and (Hind with tho friends of Minn Nannie H. Hudson nnd Hamucl 1'. Mourn last at K.

o'clock, on tho orotiHlon marriage, liuv. Tliondoro C. Williams, tho pastor of tho ohurali.l iho wore rich frown of white bi'ncndtid satin, trlmmod with point lacd ctttight with clustered oranjfu hloimoms, au wan also hot- tiillo Tiiiiru wero no brfdoHmnidn. six nshei'H wero Samuel Ordway, Wnltur Orlttondon. Frank Howlund, William (K Howell.I.awronco Hoxton and Kdwnrd Woloh.

Tlio supper, which followed tho clinroh ooromony, was at the hnmo of tho bride's parontH. Mr. and Mm. Edward Wotiiioro, No. 343 Lexington It In I'rolmbln the nirmbcrihlp of HniiiK! Will Bo Knlnrueil.

TO TUX WORLD. I U'AnriNfrroN, tho mem- borflliip of the Houfie is by tho forthcoming Keftpportionmont hill, rnem- boi'H from tho States will lecislato themselves out of office hy voting for it. Tho ohanco.i, tboroforo, aro that the membership nf the liouso will be enlarged, Tho number of members in tiie present House is VnlcHH tiio number is increased to at leant the occupation of one of tho ovoning I Mnino mon will bo gone, and who can gnai 1 pt tlifilr finteo whether in tlio utrugglo t.he man to be ilrtiimod fihttll be Millikcn. or Jfood -Vcw Vork cannot maintain her present NiemltcvKhip o'' miU-as is in- to nnd Virginia, In maintain her in'pvcnt status, will require a House of mmnhoi'i'. The ton doletrationa THE REAL ESTATE WORLD.

At Kxehaniro A. A soid four-story ralk Cr 1). 1'. Incraham Co. eolil fl'ff brief house, with lot No.

UUH t( tho plaintiff for 300. K. V. Harnett tlireo-story frinii flats, witli lenso of lot 11. No.

fl tl! Wt IMd to WlllUm Sutherland on loot to ground rent of $iyo vcnr. tn.Ti alHo withdrew tho siirilsr 5 to aSJ. West 153d st. aUo lots Mtusts 11 Farms. 24th Warii.

furSlUpto S'UO oic niljourncd the calf) of premises 140 Itlu West st. to 080. Kennedy Bnulier adjourned the sfl of tlm premises No. U'J Matibattan and on nnii cornors of Amstordoi avo, and Lavfronce to-Ilec. U.

Tho sales of am sorry to say that Biiilo and decep- ay clt Jill Jiutl tion (ixlBt horo OB elsowiiore "i'u tho' world. In WaHhiuifton and lioltimore I urefor the canvan-baclc. In New York, picopt in a small number of famous roHtanrantn which I could-nsrac. I connidor tho rod-head tho better of the two ducliB to buy. Mr.

Villnrd does not look in tho least worried, It is no secret to tho world now that tho enormous power whinh ho built up for tho second time lose than two yours linn again been wrested from him. and that somo of bis most cherished Hchemofl havo been practically knocked to pieces. This second and most severe failure of his life haa not affocted in tho slightest dosrroo the suavity, amiability and uonorally honlthful look of one of tho most remarkable of New York's band of Woll street necromancers. Jay Gonld has aged perceptibly within the pant two years. lAddison Cammack's hair hau whitened.

S. V. White looks ten years older than ho did in 1880, and llimsoll bage, who always looked old, of late become patriarchn.1. Cyrnn SV. Fiol.l walk of life, was rocoivcd: tho undersigned, who have known you for many years, find somo of whom havo beon long and intimately associated with you.

desire to express to you and to your amiable and devoted wifo our earnest and heartfelt congratulations on your goldon wodding-day, tho of December, 1800. We earnestly wish you bo'h many yoars of nl HOoillK health and happiness, enjoying and well-spent every side live.s tho and wide sproad development of tho submarine tolotri'aph enterprise in you, Mr. Field, hnvo labored KO lontf. no zpalously nnd so HIICIIOSB- fnll.v. Thiti frroat work, pursued by yon with untlftfrtriitH nnd perseverance for many years.

throiiKli the groatost difli- cnltics and hindrancoH, has now become a tlrnt necoHBtty for national aud oomuioroial life, anil you havo tho profound satisfaction of knowing that its objects and ronult" nro and over have been peaceable aud beneficent charn.ctor. VVe ask you toaecoptthis mnssatro of our ffood will and ffood wishes which will bo sent to you both over and under the sea. Tho following are the slcners ot the inen- Duke of Arcryll. William IT. E.

CVladstono. Marquis of Twood- dale. Lord Monck, Frodorlnk Farrar. Douclaa Oalton. A.

Cunnrd. Henry Woavcr, Su'Sumiiol CiuiniiiL', Baron Jnliua Renter, Sir Gooriro Drove, J'. A. Bcvan. Cloorcu Hhaw-Lofovre.

Sir Anclornnii. Sir tor, am nnrticiilarly interested in innreasing the nifiiiliorship nf the House, and the number which oarh demands J'or its own imrpones. are as follown: Lilian, tho oldest dauglitor of A. Abrnliam, of tho firm of Woxalilcr A Abraham, of Drooklyn, was married last night to Himon V. Hothschild.

of this city, in tho parlorn of Dclmonico's, at Twenty-sixth Htroct. Tho coromony wan performed by tho Itov, Loon Harrison, of the Orpono Avenuo ln of Brooklyn, hor father. who was two years the Dorsoniflcalion which has been referred to j-our Committee, asking that the Secretary of tho Interior be directed to make a reconnt of the inhabitants of Now York. This grea; city, representing nearly one-thirtletb of tho inhabitants of the whole Union, has at hor expense and with the aid of her non-partisan police, taken an enumeration of hnr people. Our agents find that at least one in every fifteen of our inhabitants have been omit tod by tho Federal enurneratorB.

The authorities of our city ask that your Com- inittee give them a hearing on Friday next, between tho hours of 10 and that their plain beforo thin cori The citizens of interest this rnat- nnst that justico will ho clone her Representatives in Congress, wo are euro that tho intelligence of this Committee and its sense of justice may be taken as a guarantee that this request will be granted." Mr. Flower Bat down and Chairman gra The Jjnnnell inquired whether the members of the Committee desired to Hay anything on tho subject. There was a short pause and then Representative Blonnt broke the silence by offering a resolution granting the request of the New York delegation and appointing Friday at 10 o'clock for the cearing. which was unanimously adopted. The Mew Yorkers quietly shook hands with each other, and tho Committee was about to adjourn, when Representative Felix Campbell rose and addressed a few words to tho Chairman.

Felii was guarding the iiiiereats of Brooklyn and he said: "I am Klad that a bearing is to given to ROW York, tAke it as evidence that tbeCommittee intend todojnstice wherever a wrong has been done. The city of Brook. lynhiis the same plea to make that New York has offered. The Federal census of onr city was made in June last, and wo have every reaion to believe that at least 50,000 of our were overlooked. We have had a new census taken by our Police Department and the evidence gathered is incontrovertible.

I Bhall be in noaiemion of affidavits and other documents in a days and Khali then expect to lay tliem before the Committee. CJl irm nn "ell crew very uneasy as Mr. Campbell aud finally infc-r- TurUid to aas' that Committee reallv couldn't expccti-d tn give everybody a liCBi'ine who might come along and ask it ond that Ivonld takeit for granted that a hearing would be given to BrooKlyn's representatives jnut because New York bad been recognised. "NuwYerks ease." said Mr. Punnell.

comes before tlie Committee in tno form of a resolution regularly introduced in the House and rnrqrred. The Committee really caii not entertain your reqncnl. mittee. of a sharp, decisive and alert business man, isnow slow and deliberate in lua and mino ont of the world of active fumncc. Villnrd, who had had nus and downs enough to whiten hiu hair and seam his face with wrinkles, not a tmueof tho si-eat conflicts through which he has passed dur- ine fifteen years.

Tho Duke of iUrlborouuli is back at tho Brevoort House, with a oltrnrctto between his tinners and a ponderous Kifw distinctly visible in the pocket of his eacli coat as ho wanders about talking amiably with the people whom he knows in the house. He is the least pretentious Duke in Christendom and it is doubtful if a visitor to this country ban evinced a more intelligent nnd earnest desire to cot at tho real facts concerning the commercial and mechanical advancement ol the nation than ho htt He is continually in communication ra "ot making a reonent of tne Com- mutoe. replied Mr. Campbell with considerable asperity, "I am nimply giving the Committee a littlo information that costs nothing. I nay airtiDly thnt Brooklyn will make request similar to that of New York and the Committee can rest assured the formal (lernand will come through, the pioper chau- Mr.

Dunuell cooled off a trifle at this, and stated that any request coming through the proper channel would nndoubtedly be entertained by the Committee. An adjournment wan then taken, and the Ixew walked arm in arm to tho Capitol, where Felix Campbell drafted and Knb- ceqnently introduced the following resolution: H-lmreas. Thei Superintendent of the Census bas Minounraa that the population of tho city ol Brooklyn, us roturued by the enumerators under the provisions of the act of Congress passed March 1, for has been made by the to its population and: His notthodniyof theiutaWtnnts or officials of that to take gr return i "ensus? the expense, labor imd responslbUity of whicli fi 1 Zt volT ou the GoverameBt of the to a Utl uron any Iuuuit body fit If Haalctd, That Heerotarv of the Intonor be, ana ho is hereby, directed to cause ce niado at ns early date as uracticultje a new eniiiiieraiion nf the ijjlm! itnntu ot the city of Brooklyn aud report (ho renii't to L'mirross. All oniLMiu iturt onirarcd hi fmrti omimer.itl-jn sjinli receive lljo sumo fees and owominents nrovidoa Ijy exldUne laws for lltcit KrviivB, nnrt the at doliKra, mwh t.iereol at may ho nocer.sary to ilofrav said expenses, is Jiernby appropriillod oat of any iiJonej in the Treasury not otberwiae with oloetrieal and mochaniottl experts and there no notable mechanical feature of the city's present life with which he is unfamiliar. Ho does not wear a single eyouluBS and his conversation is so much like that of an.American gentleman thathomight easily bo mistaken for a cultivated citizen from any one ot America's larger cities.

There is not a trace of the "English accent" which our imported actors invariably an- The insanity experts are beginning to watch Succi. They give him three outcomes to his now really in teresting experiment, success, sudden death aud insanity. A curious illustration of the difference in points of view is the story that Succi invests his profits in annul ties instead of insuring his life or buying bonds or real estate. To the man who expects to die suddenly and leave uo one dependent on him, an annuity offers a very attractive investment. Yon gat the money while you can use it.

and when yon are dead and find no pocket in your shroud tho tact that there would be nothing to put in it, even if the pocket existed, doesn't bother you in tho least. The idea of exports watching to see a faster drop dead is however even a little more revolting than the spec'- taclo of the wealthy gentleman following the lion-tamer over Europe to see one of his pets bite his head off. Tho thrift of the table d'hiito proprietor has made an iutereating discovery in the dietetic life of New Yorkors. Give them. Hays an expert, tho very finest soup you can get made, with plenty of chicken and marrow bones and tid-bits aud flavoring in it.

The hungry table d'hotor will rarely resist a second plate of such potage and that fatal stop once taken, with its accompanying bread and butter and pickles and so forth, the appetite'B death knell has been Bounded. What matters it that the rofcet is small or the entree meagre. They will aumce, and tho magnificent soup will carry its victim throush a poor dinner. One of the oddest figures in life about town is that of Clark Bell, of the Saturday Night and other eccentric dining organizations, who is helping to prosecute Cant. Killilea before the Board of Police Commissioners.

Mr. Bell Is a man of curves and his figure isut unlike that of his sonorous namesake. Ho delights in dinners, past, present and prospective, and if some of his gastronomic coteries like tho Palette haven't held together very long it was not because he didn't exercise a good deal of ingenuity in getting people to come to their spreads. Dr. Depow, for example, once induced to accept, by hook or by crook, or ovou to con- Bider acceptance, the rest would be easy, and Stanley, for example, would be invited to meet Dopew and Ingersoll to meet Stanley and JJopew, and Gen.

Bherman to meet Dopow, Htanley and Ingersoll. Alter wuich. of course, there would be nothing left lor Depew bnt to come. H. 1'nleston.

William Ford. W.Blra William Andrews, C. W. Earle, G. Chauvin.

Riohard C. Mayno, H. A. Kami, dors, Jane Cobdon, Sir H. Q.

Goooh. llusfloll Boynolds. W. Camp- boll, Catherine Gladstone, Sir Goorgo Flliot, Honry Clifford, J. H.

Trittoo, Georgo Cox iiompiiH. J. H. Carson, W. S.

Cnnard. William Barber, ThonuiH B. Totter, Sir William Thomson, Sir John Fendor, II. M. Stanley, of Aldorloy; Jamea Storn, Georgo Honry Richards.

Honrv C. W. H. Ti'ouce, J. 8.

Forben. Clmrlon Bnrt, Frank H. Hill. II. Bischoffsheim, C.

Parkinson. Caroline Roberts Van Wart, Latimer Clark, llobort C. Halnin, Honrv Devor, Floerahcini. Richard Collott. io W.

Smalloy, U. T. Brown. Edward Hattorthwailo. Lowis T.

Wells, W. J.onthani liiisht. Gerald Harper. William I'lvytou. John Clrillithn.

TWO DEBUTANTES, I'oininjr-Oiit Rncxpttnnn tn Whicli Npw York lu InlereMteiT. Mrit. Alexander It. Chisolm, who haa recently come from hor country seat at Morristown, N. to No.

108 Madison avenue, gave a coming-out reception yesterday afternoon for her daughter, Miss Julia Irving Graham. Tho rooms wero filled with palms and cut flowers. Mrs. Chisolm ro- coivcd in block laco, trimmed with violets. Miss Julia I.

Graham was attired in white silk, with gauze draperies. Miss Helen M. Graham wore pink Bongaline, trimmed with white lace. Others who asflistod wero: Richard Hohief- iclm Chisolm, Miss Annie Ford, of Morristown; Miss Sallio Colo and Miss Hazio Coggesall. Somo eight hundred guests called during tho afternoon, including Mr.

and Mm. J. Hooker Hamorsley, Mr. and Mrs. H.

JVIoKay Twombly, den. and Mrs. Fitziohn Fqrter, tho MinBos Porter, Justice and Mrs. Kilbreth, Mr. and Mrs.

George 11. Sohieftehn, Mrs. Isaac Dolaplaino. Mr. and Mrn.

J. Bruco Ismay, Miss Martmret Schiof- feliu. H. O. Trevor, Mr.

and Mrs. Francis Tho brido WIIH givon away by Tho ushorH woro Mowsrs. Philip Abraham, unclo of tho brido: Louis UothB- oinltl, Anton Adlor, F. Bloom, Albert liiuds- koff. J.

Werthoiinor, Max Adlor. Loo Kobns, Jessie BtraupH, Morris Btraues, Isadora Btrauss and Hlmon BornHleln. A dinner was given in tho parlors after tho coromony to tho BBo bride's dross was of corded silk of a dolicato cromn shade, with V-nhapod ctir- flago odgod with point laoo and embroidered with crystal beads. Anionu the present woro: Mr. and Mrs.J.

DoWittTal- mage, Mr. and Mrn. B.Crouor. Mr. and Mrs.

J. Hothnohild, Mr. and Mrn. floodntcin.Mr. and Mrs.

MoNnlty, Mr. and Mrs. J. Htoven- son, Mr. and Mrs.

T. Preston Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. C. Gold, Mr.

'J'. i 1 Davidson, 5fr. J. Long, Mr. and Mm.

J. fimsboimor. Mr. and Mrs. J.

Rothschild, Mi. and Mrs. G. Morno. Mr.

and Mrs. J. M. White, Mr. r.

Roflonhorg, Iilr. Gwcar Strauss, ex-Miu- to Turlioy; Ixador Htrnusn and Misn Htraims, Mr. L. Kohiiu Mr. and Mrn.

Nat Mayor. Mr. and Mrn. Leo Unmborgor and Mrs. David Colman and tho liov.

Dr. Gott- hoil, of the Toinplo Emanuol, of this city. A Hcuton WlMltlinir. fBPEClAI, TO THR WOHMI.l BOSTON, Dec. Taylor, oldest son of Col.

Charles Taylor, ivnd Bliss Marguerite Falck. ditnditor of Mrs. Mary Miinn Falck, wero married at tho Unitarian Church in Woburn this evening, the Bov. Henry Parker officiating. Numbers of friends woro in attendance, a special train convoying a large party from Boston.

The brido wan given awny by A. A. lowle. llorbort W. Mnnii man and Miss Bessie Ttiylor was maid of honor.

The unborn woro: Robert f'. Hurrick. Georgo A. ijtewai't. l'mil-W.

Lane, William 0. Taylor, Hnrbert M. llowos. A. Gardner Morse, Charles Wright.

John I. Taylnr. A reception was held immediately aftoi- tho ceremony at tlio homo of the brido'ti mother. Plonsant Ktrcct, Mr. and Mrn.

Taylor will talin three weeks' bridal trip, and will ho at homo Wednesdays, after Jan. 7, at l. iS Nowbury street, Boston, Atnnteui'B nt I.Ponx LVCIMIIII. The amateur company, which incliulos in its momborn tho MisnoH Alice aud Itita Law- ronoo, R. L.

Cnttins. liober Loo Mor- roll and Rudolph De Cordova, drew the list Secretary Spier loft for Now York on the Conerfsmon.ii limited this afternopn and will return on I riday. At- that time a committee will be here from New York with amaavitd iroin every man left off the erai ceiyaw lists in the Second Ward of Jiew York, which IB the only enumeration district for which the returns have ween furnished by the Snnorratenrleiit of the Census the Jfeiv York municipal au- tlioritisB. These affidavits will be signed by 4aO heads of families, who make oatli that thw were present in the city in June last wiien tne federal enumeration was taken, nd that no enumerator called upon them. he New ork euthoritiss have culled upou Meeting of the Reform Club.

The annual election of thu Heform Clnb was hold last night at the club-house, corner of Twenty-seventh street and Fifth avenue, and tho following directors were chosen' Everett P. Wheeler, John Do Witt Warner. Henry Do Forest Baldwin, Robert Oriur Monroe and Calvin weru elected 'irc-ctorij to servo three years, and 3. Hamp" rvo one year in Deinine. Chairman of tho Ballot lieform Cumrtiittee.

reported expenditures of SO. 000. and referred to the Ballot Reform law with pride as one of tho results of the Club's work. Office for the- rotnrnB from four enumeration on have paid the money ov trausoribina the names, bnt not yet been timiiviied with the lists reqneeted. Him Francisco Jtllninc Ntoclt.

BAH FBANCIBOO, Deo. offlolal oloom i lor mining stocks to-day wore as to. l.QQ (Mono .65 Mount Diablo 2.00 SJn North Bulwer. Bout S. 30 Boljr, 75 ft Onrry, xican .75 i Belle 1.00 3.7o i Ophir Potoul x.v Sierra S.I Union 2.1 Yellow 2.3 Mijos Chisolm, of Baltimore; Mr and Mrs.

James Hude Bookman, Mrs. II. A. McCurdy. Mrs.

Whitney aud fJ 1S WhUl "iv': of Morristown; Mrs. John II. Billings. Miss May Bird, Mrs, Charles C. DodRO, Mrs.

Alfred Clmpin, of Brooklyn' Miss Hattio Fellowos, Joniah M. Fisk, ild Miss Minnie Hacbott, JSdwnrd II. Coster Rev. C. T.

Hoffman, lira. Hoffman. Mr and Mrs, Luthor Kountue, Mrs. Willium MoClure, Mrs. James O'Connor, Mr.

and Mrs. Howland Pell, liov. nnd Mrs Peters, Mr. Mrs. linen Cole.

Mr. and Goodridge, Jlra. Hamuol B. Schieffolin, Mrs. Eugene Schleffelln.

Miss Ethel Dodge, Edgar Bchieffelin, Fredor- jok F. Chisolm, Mrs. Russell Stebbins. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Stuveea, JudBe and Mrs. J. li. Brady, Ma-, and Mrs. lidwurd Lyman Short, Miss Emily Pet tit Mrs.

Lawrence Wells, Miss Wolls, Major anfl Mrs. J. H. Kcroven, Mr. and Mra.

Problo Tucker, Rosalie Waldo, Miss Livingston. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas, Ool.and Mrs. WTO.

T. Trenholm. the Misses Trenholm, Mrs. Henry Tileston, MissTurnbuIl. Mrs.

Valentino G. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Robl S.

rt I m8en Misnea liomsen. Mr. and Mrs. Hillhonne, Mr. and Mrs.

McKim, Ward MoA.lliBter.ilr. and Mrn. A. Newbold Morris, Miss Eva Morris, Mrs. Alfred Youngs, Miss Gertrude Youngs and many others.

Mrs. J. C. Wentarvelt. of No.

7 West 1 17 tiotli street, gave a coming-out reception yesterday afternoon for her daughter, Miss Florence Weatervelt. It was followed by a dunce for the young people in the evening, Mrs. Westtin'olt received in empire green brocade, with deep point-lnco collar and diamond ornaments. Miss Wostervelt wore beautifully docorated with flowers. Tho mug ladios who assisted in receiving were tss Churchill, Miss Bruce Price.

Miss Daisy Pierson, MissLontilhon, Miss Harris Miss Thompson, Mrs. Boll and Mrs. P. Maiiioe, The Huugurian Band nlayod during the afternoon. Bergor served.

Among the callers were Mr. and Mrs James K. Graoie, and Mrs. Weimie, Mr. and'Mrs.

William Perry, Mr. and Mm Georgo Post. Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt, Mr and Mrs.

Lentilbon, Mm. Samuel Col- Kate. Dr. and Mrs. Fordyoo Barker, Mrs.

Paran Stevens. Miss- Leary, W. Goodwin Heywood McAllister and many others. THE COLONtAL DAMES. Invitations ta Tbolr First Unnce Now in Great Demand.

Every one in society deems to have been suddenly imbued with the wish to atteud the first dance of the "Society of Colonial Dames." It will undoubtedly bo the event of the season. It will take place at Mrs. J. Lyon Gardiner's, No. 074 Madison avenue, on Saturday evening, Mrs.

Gardiner is herself the Vice-Pros! dent, bnt the first dance is given at her born6 rather than at that of Mrn- A. Graoie King, the President, bo- cause the latter is out of towu. All the invitations that have been pent have been eagerly accepted. Their number IH nniur- rally restricted. It is not yet decided whore tho other dances will be, given.

Many of the women will appear in coiffures poudre, although is not necessary. There is to he no cotillon, but the old time dances, snob as tho minuet, are to be revived. Dame" will wear a badge and it is said' that many of them are so ohiirmed with these now decorations that thiy will also appear in thorn at the Patriarchs' ball next Monday evening. The bn.dgc« arc all of violet ribbon an inch and ttbalf in width, with a gold pin on the top and suspending a gold medal with tho ugure embossed on it of a colonial cUme encircled with the legend in Latin: "Glory to the Between the medal and the pin are a series'of gold bauds, upon oocU of which will DO inscribed the name, HO that the number of these ipll show tho antiquity of the ancestral line of the wearer. Miss Gardiner, the daughter of Mrs.

Lyon Gardiner, IB particularly fortunate, as on her bars are inscribed the namen of Lyon Gardiner, who. in 163o, wan Lord of the tea to-morrow Salhe Cole. usual crowd to the Berkeley Lyceum I evening. The two new plays, After the Ball and Tho Spark," wore decided the first Robert Loo Morroll was very amasina, getting himself into any number of in following to a masked ball tho maid, who .11 ho mistakes' for her mistress, with madly in lovp. In The Electric Spnri "iRi L.

Cutting, develops a fatal facility for falling in love, and whon ho is refused by bewitching widow transfers bin attention'! at once to her ward, This pinuos the widow, who becomes violently jealous, and reconciliation and marriago are tho Chappy reunite. Tiir.irinntn in Kni'tnty. The Marquise do Talleyraud-Porigord ne'e Curtis, who is the recipient of much attention at present, is visiting hor friends, Mr. and Mrs, William Perry, at No. 2fi West Ihirty-fourth street, Mrs.

Hugh L. Cole, of No. 147 East Thirty-mxth street, will give a coming-out her dllU6Ut( ri Mrs. F. L.

Ogdon. of No. 331 Loxiupton avenue, gave a tea yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.

Ballantine, of No. 37 Washington street, Newark, N. will givo an informal dance this evonimj, which will be attended by many Now YorJc- oi's. It will ho in honor of ilios Campbell Bhoarer. Judge and Mrs.

Rnfus 13. Cowing, of No. 188 Iiast Seventy-eighth street, will giro reception for their daughter on Doc. a. Mm.

R. T. Wilson, of No. fill Fifth avn- nue, will give a dinner to-morrow evening Among those at table will bo Mien Gracv Wilson, H. T.

Wilson, Mr. 'and Mrs Herbert; Mr. anJ Mrs. William Bloano, Sir. and Mrs.

lidmuud Baylies, Mr. aud Wotniore, Miss Amy Bond, Miss Taller Tboman Hitchcock, Creigbton Webb, van Hoffman ann Brockholot Mrs. Wilson will give another dinner on Saturday. Mias Mai-caret B. Veddor and Frank van lionHohoten will be married this iit'tor- noon at tlie homo of tho bride's parents, No 000 Madison avenue, hy Bov.

Dr. I'lutt. oi Annandale, N. who married Dr. airl Mrs.

Yedder. Cards aro out for the wedding of Duncan Pell and Mias Pendloton. which will' take lace at the homo of tho bride'u pat'outs on taten Island Dec. 10. Pretty Misu Estovez, who was ono of the bridesmaids at the Vanderbilt-Crawford- Talcott wedding, will to-day bo married herself, Mr.

'lorry being the bridegroom. Mre. JohnT. Hall's dancing class held its first meeting last evening at Sherry's. Among the dancers were tho Misses Hall winthrop, Delafield, Sands.

Parsons, Jre- laud, ClarkBon, Stiiyvcsant, Kor- nochan, Hurry, Goodbridge, Beeliinau.Har. viman and Cutting, and tho MOHBI'S. ,1 Ogden, J. Apploton, Jack Aslor van Itensselaor. ThouiaB King, Amoi'v 8 Carhart.

NorrieSmldt and Crosby. Borne of the figures danced in the cotillon were quite new, Mrs. Hall having recently seen them in Paris. There were no favors. Frnnklln and ninraball Win.

The Franklin and Marshall College football eleven journeyed from Lancaster, to battle witb. the St. John's College tea in at Fordham, yesterday, After a hard 'fought game the visitors won by a score of 18 to 0 The day was cold and raw and tlio snow- eovered ground was not aa soft beds. Only a small crowd was present. The HUmniary: Lett ond Harold Silrko LottBuard BirniVuiihani Onutr 0 MoAlocuiiu' rlord 11 Kfiitiiiiky asa II Maim, 4 Now Vorli All tlitfl of conrfto JH on basis PorttT'i ceiianr.

and of a system of oalcul tioiiH which he has had prepared for tl iltfo oi tiio House Cniumitto.e ou whomi Chairmr.n in IJunnell, of Mil neauta. In view of the great haute which now hoing Hliown to pats a rcapportion niontact. it may be propoi- to remark tha never flim-f tho fouiHtiition of the Govern niont bus thy Kc-appoitionrnent act bee muwDfl until tho Hncono year after the connfiil yi-iir in which tho census wan taken There it plenty (if timo yet to verity cortai COHHIIB work, and hurry fnr thn roapportirHimont. hi tiiii tn-day Mr. Frank, of Mis BOlli'i.

inti'dducod for rofurence a bill mak ing a.n thoRopreKOntative in Congress unriar the eleventh 1 lirovidi's that after thu of March. tho JIoiliiu of HiuireRfiiitatives shall he ciom poucd of members, to be apoortione among tho several Htittea aa follows: Alali.iiii». (i; Oalifornia, 7: Col. rado, 'J; I-lMawaio, 1: Honda, sla, 11: Idaho. lllinoin.

Iowa. Kentucky. 11 Lonlu; In Alamo. Maryland, fl; Maosnclinfotts, 1.1 Mlohiisnil. lllurie-tita.

7: MiaBiesinpi 7 10; Monlail'i, Nolmihlia, w-jvarta 1 New llmniiHliirf, -J: Nuiv York JMi Di Kr Jn Wy Its further provisions aro as follows: 1'1'at whenever a new State Is ad muted to tlio Union tlio Itepresentative or Iter reaontnllTios to it ahull ue in aildltlon tuu nunibor But 1 'I Ijiu in each State entitled to mem eranip umljr tills aprorlir.mncnt tkenuwlre to wliicli sui'h hlota may lie entitled In the third rind ouch Hubsotninnt shall elected l.iy (ifEtrietn of territory con HfriMiXui ivnd coTOpact. so that the dis from this rentriil point of tiio district tho Kovonil honnilarlos or the district shall I a nciarlyeijunlas rractiualile. The poniilatlon ao insirict Bh.ij! bo irrnaier nor lehs than th iivcrtKro of tho aevornl dlstrinte of th btittn hy more thr.n 8, (10O. Tho nual He in nimibor tu the HelitMeutatives i whicli Mirli KtnJe njiiy ho entitled in no olec-linpr muro thun ono Henroaentii Hve. CSsic.

4. Thnt in any I-pinto whore no T.e^lslr tnro or whore no Lcaifihttur'fi 1 iiiii'sccnent to this an prior to tlie eioction of lieltrepentfttivcH in Con frrc.sri nnclor iliui urjporiionment, in cafo of an in exonoein llio of whu-f jnny he to any Stuto tnis npporiion immr ny such ivdtLttioiial Urpret'onta live or irnty be elected by tb nt nnd tho ntlier IfenreflentiitivcM nnd iimn tlio districts MTiseriWl hylnwuntf tnti Letrisisiturc ot' mich Klvle. eloeted fine' nvt rtiniiHrt-, 'J rjir Joi-coy, New York 14 Nurrh "arollnn, ij North Dftkota, Ohio. I'oniiHylvaiilii, Inland outli Uiirolina, 7: South Itakoni, TeunfHBUt '1'itAiiH. Vormont, Virginia, JO: Wast Kton, Wo.Ht Virfjinia, -1; WibOonBin, 10 yoming, 1.

ANOTHER LONE ROBBER. Csinacnfrcrs lip" In Texns i Ono of Tlicm Vntnllr Shot. Deo. S. train robbory occurred between and 10 o'clock last nigh on tho Cotton Belt Road between Big Sandy nnd Wiuona.

The train wan a mixed pas ueuRcr and freight and was bound south. A.t man bought a ticket forJBig '-'andy. There he got off aud bougut ticket for Tyler. When the train started from tlio water tank between Big Sundy auc tho coupling between the passengoi coach and' the forward cars either broke or waa purposely removed and tha train pullet out leaving tho coach behind. There wero Beveral aboard.

A Rlnze In tlitt Gaiicm District The factory and dwelling at No. 78 j'ohn- son avenue was damaged yesterday by lire to the extent of 91.000. Mr. Siiverblock and Mrs. Bines, tenants, each lost on furniture, Charles Druckenhoimer, who cc Pi nn Sn flV? 1 a corl1 factory, lost $100.

The building is owned hy fl jq No Vr 05 Jc hn Bon "venue, whoso loss $500, Neither OP.IISO of tho flre nor the insurances are known. An Amerlcnn Knfirlit. B. W. Flood, a marine underwriter, of No.

84 Wnitehall street, bus been decorated With the order ot the by the Dan- 1 hi6 All of them except Oboar Sohmit, of Mil- wniikeu. J. Gerhart aud the man who committed, the robbery went out ou the platform to investigate the trouble. The robber then pulled out a big pmtol. ilred a -shot into tho top ol' the car and uhoutet Wands up, gentlemen!" Mr- him what silver lie ii.boufc or 0.

The man then turned to Gerhart anil asked him fur hismoiioy, noint- iiiff tho pislol uc liifi breast as he did so. C-lerhnrn unid, i. have no "1 know bottfr; Hholl out," said tho robber, ijcrhart raided his hand to turn aside the niF.tol, whoji tho robber tired, the ball entering Garhai't'sioft sido iuwt bolow fcho heart, iiurlmrt grappled with tho thief, tryine to posaeiiHion of the pistol, aud fought him ID the door of tho car. puriug the scuffle tho man tirod livo times. Then; hia pistol bning empty, ho turned and ran.

The trainmen trnj' that as tho engine leaving the passenger coach behind, thvoe men signalled them, butmistruutinK that something was wrong they refused to Htop. After the robbery they backed up and the conch was taken ou again. Mr. OerhartwaB brought to this city. Ho.can- not recover.

Ho represents a sewing machine company, and travelled from Marshall, Tex. family remde atFario, Tex. The robber woro a gray suit with white Btripos down tho Bides of tho trousers, and resembled a Mr. Schmit says he could eanily identify Jtiim. as he wore no mask.

It is supposed ho had confederates, but they failed to come to his asaiHtance. LOCKED-OUT SHOEMAKERS. RocheMtor'ATnnufactiirerH AttitelE Th Uniiin. EocnESTEii, N. Dec.

2. lock out of the Shoe Manufacturers' Association against tho members of the Boot and Shoe Maltora' International Association practically went 1 into operation to-day. About three thousand men ara affected. Tho lockout is expressly limited to employees who continue their membership in the Boot and SUpG.Makei'B' International Union, in oaso that order refuses to declare the Cox strike off. They havo voted in favor of continuing membership in the Union.

Meetings were held to-day by tho Union employees of A. J. Johnson. Hough ord, E. Holland John Kelly and E.

P. Heed Ou. All voted in favor of tho Union and the' strike, The lock out mostly affects the team, rooms, which include tho largest number of employees. The cuttei'H nro iioc members of tho International Union and are not thoroughly ortranized in any union, it said. The fitters are nirls, and they are not so thoroughly organized as the team rooaiH.

The State Board ineois in New York tomorrow to mt in a case ol arbitration. There iu uo doubt (hat upon the conclusion of tho caeo it wili'como here and make an investigation of the caaae of the lockout. nnu ftlany FrlcnffH. The livelihood of Mrs. Howe, a noor woman who keeps a nowB-staud ou East Fourteenth Btreo't.

near Second avenue, is threatened-by the action, of diaries E. HoaW. whoso wife keeps the boarding-house No. 3013, near which tho ntand is. Mr.

Heald eaya oho structure in unsightly and ho will BeeK the aid of tho courtu if Mrs. Howe does not remove the Htand. Tho iielghhors are interested'in tho affair and sympathize with the woman. John lieilly has secured a license for her and the Tiummuiy- itoa of the fourteenth Amiombly l)intflot, whose headquarters are in the corner build- ins, have esTioiieea licr ciinori. It oven proposed to enlist the of Honator WUlwm M.

Evarw on tho nawn-venderti side. reBidoiiee belijK 4iSBOUBl)y oppo- the nitti of sine dip. I ho tlve-atory stollP-frOIlt GOU3P, Witb lot 100, No. been mid by I Krmpner Son for anil aoTun acras land, with factory br.iidii'UH, (jelooKinR to ti "r-inx and I.eathor FarniH. have sold to tho of Bron dale, for 3110,000.

TO-DAT'S AUCTION BALI'S, I na ealos iinnounced tor to-day at ton E.Tcban fimljraOB tho four atorr brii-'k tenements fio. 5i WortiSthst. the brick tenements .140 hast 46th st. the aaveo-story brick tlats the northeast corner of fltlt avo. and 7'-M tl frame house No.

27H Water st. the three-sto: brick bouse No. H24 M'est Ht. the ti nrn-Btory brick stores aod Slats at souEhea corner of Columhoa and 106th the si story brick Hats No. 107 Went t)4tb St.

two lo en the south side at WO feet of I ave. tui Hvc-storj brick tenements So H4.0 Rn. 4l.tb6t. tho Btone-Irunt house No. 10 West 1281 st two frame stores un Broidway.

Long Brand a. and farm Soraervilie, N. J. TRANBFEBS OV BEAI. ESTATE.

ohe-iff st, ot'btanton st. LTis 100; Louis I.RS8 et al to Leopold Brand Sou 205 to JJlfi Georee f. -Ifiunaon wile to Henry Walltropn-- 102,00 ss, 183ft of 8th ave. lOi 100. Smith 4 wife to Edward nompBon 135th st.

4 fil: IsiJor Hc-r. wife to Kmanoel Heilner St ano WilliamsbridKe road, 50 It of Mad- Uonave.l3»iSnli irreB; Elizabeth De Leyer to Isaac Hebbcrd Dolanceyst, No A wifi, to Sarah Lese uonbint ave. 'J50 ft of Lexington st, a.lslOO; JlaryHaffen to Maria 38,00 8,00 nnd st, KOH 111 and 118 John wile to Mary Rny VJrEinlaat It (, of Sandloid st, rannie VelbiK Montaz ITlh st. 100 It of Uth ave. Tf.xOS: Alhnrt Thompson to Robert IJettv, jr Woodruff ave, cor Oro've Bt.

Mary I'' Monawhan to Solomon Berliner 4Nlh st, 3, Tfi ttw ot IBx 100. Jefferson Levy to Peter A Oasjidj Mil No 4-S F.lizaDetb to.lamfiH Purdy, ir 110. 3 ft nl Avo 23:101 A Mllerkuieni to Joseph Forester Montgomery, nw cor Madison fit, John Kehoe et al to Alfred Conk- i-'t', f't e'of'a'd ave, 25il(l'o'- Eliza to 2,60 22,50 8.2B 13,00 65,00 8,23 04,3 ft of P.ivinK'ton St. Willlom Mnller wife to Itoeen ano 16,35 tVilloUst, No 132; Wm Eo ersotnl Henry Acker 6.50 bame prop; Robert I' 1 Hibson et alto same 50 iifnh st, 113 ft of 8th ave, 18i 08.0; Jacob Thomas wife to Elizabeth Schaab 13,63 TOIhst. ns, 100ft wof West End ave, SUOilOO.

6: Cornelia Khoides to A li 45 1 IT, 001 45, 000 65.00' 81.00' 16.300 7.751 25,001 18.501 10.001 Ala rtfaretta Card ntorvale ave. s. 185 ft of IfJTth st, WM'iz irrosr; Richard NOotter i wife to Micnaol A Gibbons Interior lot. 150 ft of 111 avo A 1 OS. 3 ft of 84tb 25.1x35.8* Irreg; Eleanor (ioce to Fred'lt Forstor 126th st, 227 Simon Baruch to Alei- ander Haft Ohe-rv st, Nos 23S to 238; Alexander lUt't wifo to Simon Baruoh ladiaon avo.w p.

00 ft of 120th st.20l Hn; James wife to James 1 i 100.11; Eliza Proscott tn Catharine Ntinhn Part let 147. man villneu Munnumn, C.O.nxlOOjt irreg Arthur Potts wife to Annie Wilkens '4th MI, 4G2 ft of llth nve, 20x 10'2. John KCoarto John Brosnun, Broadway, No 17fl: Patrick Corvin vvifo to Ouuroh of Ht Vnrickst, No 220; William Cook'A nno to A A Knevals No4MO IS; Jonas Wiol et al to Joseph Pan her Ave es. 23 ft of 18th st, 23x75; Joseph Lauber wife to Jonas Weil and ano 10th avn, 84.11 ftuofuad st, SO xHl.Ox irrefi; Hoary Drogn to Fsdhinrton Bt, 48.8 ft of Bank st, 41.4x91 irreg; Wm BrlgRS ano to 13 Pallock OLMsl.sB, 22fl ft of 3d avo.SOxlOO. Ueo Ilatnlll wife to Margaret (iroiran Oth avo, iv 25.11 ft of 8Sth Bt, 25x 75; Philip Fisher A wife to Adam BUB- 00th of "West" Kad'ava, 6 SO 110x100.8; Chaa Barney et al to Theodore A Sqnier 48,400 Ferny th st, fi, 150 tt of Houston at, 25x100 Bavmed Friond wife to liebecca Weisol 30.000 60th st, 400 ft of 10th avo, 25l 100.u: Dlodrii'h Tonges wifg to Saran Sclilansky Nathalie ave, Iota 10, 11 12 (24tu Arthur Ulaillu 4 wife to Amanda Bussing 10.BOC 07th st, 115 ft of 3d avo, 19(1.

Ox- 100.11; Henry Walltropp to Hugo Fuuko 192,000 iot'i si, ii, 200 ft of 8th ave, 50x- 100. An uKt Kuhula to Wm Fiske. VIonroe st. wo 175; John Hargrove A wife to Nathan Cohou ano 15,500 llOtli at, s. ass ft ol llth avo, 25x HO.

11; Fred Arnold i wife to Mich Hoffman 18,500 3ourtlnndt ave. nw cor 140th st, 2ox 100; Bdw Steltor A wife to Goo Honpo 3d avo. os, 20.1 ft not' 50th 40.2x 100x00.3 lo u9tli st x20x20.1x80; Herman to Jos Guluea' hoimer 33d st, s. 100 ft of Madison 103.2 Walker wife to liugHne RothHohild 44th ut, No 467 Wj Jno Cnlhoun wifo to Cornelius McCarthy Slst st, 408 ft of Avo 25x 102.2; PinouB Lowonfold A wiio to August Jaoijor 4, ano BtU st, 40.3 it of 4tb avo, 111. 10 x25.

Mary Walsh auo to John Ii llenshaw Columbia st. No 83; Adolpliine Pacgelow to Max fj Meyer 5th st, 200 ft of ave. 60x 103.3; Century Aflsoo lo tho Lager Heor Board of Trade of and vicinity 25tu.tit us, )ot 07, mup by Thomas Ludhun. 25XH8.0; Philip Samuel i wifo to Ueoree MoEutyre 4th 78 ft of 2d ave. 22x102.2 Win Bellman wife to John Harketnt, No 23, aud No 82 Henry Jas Khea it wito to ftliohael JTay th ave, 25.5 ft of 47tU st, 20x80; Harriot Berdoll to Harriet Barnard Istst, 360 ft of Oth ave, 25x 123.10: Wm Drought et al to Mortimer Livingston Recorded Morlgafies.

arueb, Simon, to Alex Haft, No 232to Cherry st. 5 yrs larnes, Chaa, to tbe North Kiver Lumber Co, 106th st, of Oth avo, 1 yr itisHinp, Amanda, to Arthur ti. Claflin. Iota id, 11 4 I'J. map 10, villa sites, 80 lots.24th Ward.

3 yrB, 2 mtgs Leopold, to Louis Tjese aoo, vnt Sheriff Bt, of Stanton nruett, Beuj, wifo to Christian Hubonor, SOlBroomeBt. 3yrs uruoh. onnon, to Alox Halt, 323. 384 238 Onoi-ry at, 1 yr ard, Margarettii, to Cornelia Uhoadeu, 70th of West lUnd are, 2 yrs nd are, 2 za. MoNlis ser, ampbell, Janios to Kh OB 123d wot 3d aye, yrs ohon, Nathan.

ano to Win Bookman et al, axro, 175 Monroe at, 5 Bayor, et al, exrs Ao, 11 79ta Bt, of 4th 2 yra yra oilman, Joseph wife, to Gep Seeman. No f)H Monroe Bt. 5yrs ronly. John to Goo Dowley, lG7ih ftt. ol Amsterdam ave ohon, Nathan, 4 ano to John Hargrove, 176 Monroe st, I yr uker, Henry, to Herman Kudlicb, adm, to.

NolSa Willettut, 3 yrs nvia, Mario to ThereBa Boou, Bristoff st, lit, orator, Frederick to uleanor Sage, centre line, 83d A 81th btu. 1 511 It of West Budnve, 2yrH nve, roellcb, David, et al to the Jinnurant Say Bank, 6 3d nve, a ol 43d luck, iBnatz, "Henri' boturirof. No 188 Btanton et. 5 yrs Joneph, to Auolph mnth, 3d ave, of 50th Bt, 1 ild. John, et iu to the Franklin Sav Bank, Bt.

of 8th ave, 1 yr ehberd, Ikaao to Elizabeth Do Williamebridge road, of Aladiaon ave, 2yrs, nn'uian, ChuricH to Harriet Hoffman, w'Othave, lyr. illyer, Jno to Gdn of Gso 48,500 15,000 17,750 10 10,500 60,000 15,300 I 1 46.000 16,000 7,114 0,300 3,000 8,000 858 40,000 000 11,000 5.000 GOO 1,000 2,000 5,000 350 7,000 16,000 2,850 7,600 18,000 4,000 12,000 illfUr, dno to Udn or Uso ri Hlllyor, BOtU Bt, of otb ave, 1 yr. 18,000 auser, Gottreid to Abraham Steers, 52d st, of llth aye, 1 8,601 novnls, Antoinette to BVayLBav lust, Mo220Varloltet, I 5,000 Chas to A Bltouavo, wofloadet, lyr 1,600 evy. Morris Loulae Starring, Market Bt, sof Henry Bt. 5 yrs 11,000 ame to Annio Dexter, 26 Market Bt, 11,000 owcry, John, wile to Gerinania Life Ins Co, 12l6t at.

of Lenox ave, 3 yre 10.000 sk, Sarah A. toLillie Sawyer, Mortis ave, of High Bridge 3,000 oKntyre. Geo B. to Pbilln Samuel, lot07, lyr. one to Goals Hyatt, same prop oUaxthy, Oorneiins 3.

to Title Guarantee Trust Co, a 44th st, of 10th urn, 3yra 8,000 otme Francis to Oamillfl Ixipez, SB ISth Bt, aw of tireonwloh ave, 3 yrs. 8.900 A. to Matilda Oulver, 84 Uf vru et, oi Stebbin, tflMlllUU UUIT01, i nsave 8,600 I Mi rft.7 I'ahfier, If n-nuaii oi uiiihn, 'Jyr-. Mi'llyr. Mof'4 I'm Illyn wil.i IIjMlt.

1 VI' to' i)th Saiii'l Ki'illpiifi. Kl MnlUi'j-ry Hniith,, i i. i h'lnli si. i.f Kll.lnvr Mai-U S. in llrone, a of H'-Mat.

ly; Stratton. A V.IIM to Ni'v i lirhntiy.'n- thifj avf, of rrs SiiUior, Theodore mid v.iu, r.nil demanil Tailbot, to Jonas Weil nno, Adlii'i, A AUiiVa nur. Wt M.Tik's av.i. ui 1st avo, yrs Walltiop.

Htitirv, tulivu us OTtr: et, 13! avy. yr 1 Saruf, to 3 IIVIH HVH, 1 vr, 'J IUU'UK Weinnl. J- Ilyuian, til Rannti'l a ct. of Uousuin st, IDNtttl Weill. i to A Wnin- I'tirj; 14th ft, of Avo "Williams." tiV'jVs' i- Madison ave, of llMtfo 51, yni Wilkiiis, Annio.

Arthur Pottt, tiw .4 Boston roftu. lot 147 imp Morrisania, 3 yrs Wriebt, Helen i Tbeo A. to tn.s for Sarah Ahuet Reed. Spring "WaitDer, Marffirflt, to ll'eanur wood. coi Courtlandt Lyr tsanc.

to Thoi C'oyle. 42U 40tb st. oyra; per yr Epatsin. David to Myer Goldbcrs. No.

Liidlow at. yrs; por yr Stiller. Edward, to Hudolph Kaaabore. No 540 Courtiantit ave, 5 yrs per y. Vorhaeren, Goo, to Howes, No 213Bthave, 7Viyrsi perjr of Barker.

trus, to Henry Blake A ano, trus. Uroniy, to Ueo Dowley Friedman, Sismud, toSicmund rime, Myer. to AnuieB llexter Frost. Wm M. to the East Sav Bunk Gluk.

lenau. to Henri Noah, to Tobias Silverstone, Hoffman, Harriet Martin, Reune. exi, to John Boyd, esr. Same to dame Marshall. Oilbert jr.

to Gilbert Maraball Powell. Sarah to Elizabeth "White' ThuntoD, Wm K. to Joseph Wharton et al. exr. Title Guarantee Trust Co to'lloberV'W Teller, trns.

4c Same to tbo Nowburc Savings Bank ItHAI, BSTATK SAIdS PROTECTED BY OtCISICIti OF SUPREME COURT, NOV. 13lh. 1680. e.oco M.SOO 1,000 420 480 100 l.flOO 1.300 l.f.20 SO, OilO 2.S50 7,000 4.043 10 9,000 4,500 s.noo 0,500 KEAI. ESTATE.

MONEY TO LOAN ON BOND AND MOETGAGE. Lowest interest. Smallest expenses, No commissions, No disbursements Over $8,000,000 loaned since Jan. 1, 1800. ON GROWING PROPERTY, SATISFY YOURS1JI.F AS TO THE tatOWTII OF THESIS NEKJH- IIOftHOOON! miles romNeir York Electric KB.

from St. Ferry, finished by neit Jiine, will run Unousli the property, tare 5 cents. iiveimes. pretty homes, stores, uchools, churches. Home owners building all the time.

PAUK, Just beyond Brooklyn. Two transit roads now. The Atlantic Road to be built. A community of homes now and new buildiugBcolng op. oideivalkb, schools, stores, churches, FEJKJUSON FARM, 8 niilosJ.rDm^New York- Bet.

Coney Island and Brooklyn. roall nnd the maeniiicont Ocean Parkway. Opn. Howe's Rnadhouse. Health, beauty and big ALL 30 11IINUTJ5S FJIOM NEW YORK.

ALT, TITI.KS GUARANTEED. Mas be purchased for cash with liberal discount, or on e.isy monthly payments of $10 upward. Sauim.r descriptive ti. exiuiiinc tltf.ife nfitthhorluiods. Johnson, jr.

Liberty N.Y., 303 Fulton Brooklyn. OK SALE, FLUsfilKO, L. opportunity to secure complete home; first-class in every rcspeci: 14 rooran; KS ojty lots. barn, ont- buiMniBs; all modern improvements; beautiful lawua. llaczed walks, Ac.

adopted for winter or summer; BO trains daily up to midnight B. 8. PECK, 132'NassauBt. 5S LIBERTY NEW YORK. 26 COtTRT BROOKLVN 1APITAL ASD SURPLUS, $2,395,000 W.

AIUllKAY, Pcesideat. 1U5AX, ESTATE AT AUCTION B.1MYTH, ADCtioDeer, -rill soil at toe Real Estate Bichanee, SO Libert' St. at 12 o'clock noon, WEDNESDAY. DEO. I) EXECUTORS' BAllE.

N. E. COR. 72D AND 9TH AYE. rovsn-etory and cellar brick ApartmSnt BuildinV four stores, iiize 50x08x102.2 feet WestKSth tt.

Kay leasehold, 30 years and THUE3DAY, DEC. 11. 1S90. 11. 1S90.

Jaoksor. botjroen Uherry and Water stii Jwo three-story brick Tenements, Iota5i75 leet. Mapa at Aactioneer'a'office. 69 Liberty'st. AUUTIONBERS.

will soil at auction WKDNKSDAY. Dec. 3 at 13 o'clock noon, at tha Iteal Estate EichanKO and Auction Koom oO to fl.T Llhertv A iT MJ ij ls Maps at Auctioneers', 71 and 73 Liberty st Seal Estate Exchange, 66-fJS EXF.OUTOJt'S BALE, jy order of Johnjlassott, oxr. of Ryan.doc'd, noar 2d fi-story nnd cellar brick WM! H'REG AN''ijs'S' 1 8i Mape, at anollnneers' ofHcc, 70 Liberty st! i YTH RYAN will soil auction TUESDAY, Duo. 0, at 12 o'clock, at Eeol Estate Thomas J.

Jj. McManiis, Attorney, pfn Iroadwoy. "Maps, at Auctioneer's offlco, 70 Liberty at. I'OIl r-'AJ. 'or MaDnfactorers, Builders 4 InYeitorl EAST ItlVER WATER Js'KONTM.

ylng between 132d and 138th on deep water orfoctorios, lumber nnd stono yards, 4c Ilorsn ara runnlnc to toot pi East 138th st. Buinohos of New Haven and Harlem Baifvoids run ronerty, affordinii all-rail connection (without roaklnir bulk) to all pirtg of tho country. lmlnoot AIM. oboico lots and plots, for iuvostmont or 1m- ledlatoi mprovement. onandadfacont to ourlierii Boiilryurd and wt.

Anti'H Avu oar Ht. Mary's Park, on strnets alretdi Bovferea nrbEd, Jlagncd and guttornd, and on line ofTri osodnorse-carrond. For maps anply to WM. ItEYNOLua BBOWM. 60LIUEETYST.

I LOT on WeBtoboBter nvo "fix -A 1101 ready for building; owner has nilding goina on. W. Bloodgood, 7 W. iuBtliet ri lvltB botnonn SStli 1 on tljD 15. CASH, Lniintrtcm 000 OABH-StJiiiTr nniv'n" Owner, 1618 J-oxinftou soSi URAL JEST ATE FOR SAT.Ii BROOKIiYM 50 CTS.

WEEKLY; Eleeant Building Lots on Lone Island, near fren, S10 up. HSHBOURNE BELL, 83 Chambers New York. audU7i B'ltlyn. Ij. 8 tlio most desirable nlaoe near New York to build ihoiuo; commutation lets cheap and terms FISHBOURNE'iBELL, 23 Brooklyn.

NUMBER of acres for sale at reasonable figures on a leading avenue near Prospect Park H. S. MORRIS, 21!) Moutasue'st "firobklyn. 12 rooms, store, fnTl lot. Navy r.oar Myrtle terma lasy; cheapest house in Brooklyn.

MASON, 21 Park row. OR SALE-Houses. baicainsi few more lofti lust finished: all improvements; good location; U) from 3 terries, 22 minutes from bridge elevated road; SflCIO down, balance same terms as yon pay rent: 1233 Mallison between Ham- bure nnd Knickerbocker aves 3 blocks from Wyckolf live, elevated Btatinu 3 blocks from Gates ave. liurse open on Simdave. rfflUE 2GTHTvAKD TiTd Improvument Jt.

prepared to sed 300 choice huildins lots in the 20th Ward. Brooklyn, from S160toS300 Moil terms of $10 monthly; title Knarao- eed by Title Guarantee Oo. free of lor information and maps apply office, 371 Fulton al. Agoots. 2158 Fulton at.

ill KEN'f stories, basement and sub-collar, all improvements, for two fam lies, c.m bo bought for smali amount oi cash and quarterly base. muiiri and stoops stone, fronts birck, trimmed in recTatod 0 Ca 8 'V' 85 mu be al on to be station, or 570 Madisou ove'uings. TDl -0 line of the A K. LAHDIS, Vineland, H. A LOVELY SOUTHERN odnef W1UJAMI.AKE.

Lone Branch. 11ISAI, B.STATE A A oi i ooillnration mt ab.

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