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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 5

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FROM EAR TO jSAJ. Horrible nletti on Broadway. Out Of IHHm Red Hr of tbo rietenlns Wd which tlwtyi rrifr the comraunity 7 otwtt ctenUy at 488 Broadway It wu teTmcre fact of theaulckk whteh make It to I when asuicldo simply of lteelt bMOMM iirual tbey occur too of ten. mis 01 on aecouiil ol horrible manner of g.n'.makeiom reportoriel flesh Ttie unforttiBAte self destroyer waa Mr. Her sunn Kcnwer, whose husband drive a wafon tor the Clndunati Mineral water rectory, i.h him no her three sons at a Broadway.

Dorine the last four or Ave years she has been sickly tad desponded of rrer regaining bar former health. Yesterday all mo lamuy uu it Parker's Ororc. She complained i badly and remained at home. After the kmlly had gone aha talked cheerfully lo some of the neighbors and no one thought sbe eoatemplatad suicide. The but seen alive, was between one and two o'clock In Ihi oon, when aha said she was going to lie down.

iut cluht o'clock her husband and sons re ad (ailed to And her any where about A bloody nmr lying on the floor excited their suspicions and touting into a back room wu locked. One of the som climbed over the transom and found the dead tndv of hit mother lying stark and stiff on ti art with a gaping wound in the neck which almost trr. red the head from cue trunk. What was pecul fcr nhout tbo aeeu was tne tact tnat a bucket stan near the corpse contained about a half gallon Ok woman's lite blood. The finding ol the tor in one room and the body and bucket tt blood' In another room, with toot lictween locked, goes to show that sbe committed the deed In the kitchen, held the aw let before the spirting wound, caught the life abb in it, and walked meantime Into the other asom, where, after locking the door, she fell down aad died.

The Coroner was notified, and will hold the Inquest to day. Deceased was forty nine yei aid. Her three tons are young, being aged fro alglu years to wventeen years. ST. MARTIN'S BODY GUARD.

Aa interview il ttn the Great Cesilei aial Tramp. Testerday about noon or little after, many of the aakt and peaceable citizens ol Hamilton on their way home from the counting houses, the store and Ok work shop were startled by the sound ol Hal music, and by the tight of a squad of tome fkuiy live bluo ooata, urea, dusty aud foot tor arching through the streets with muskets at rjftH shoulder shift. Who arc they? Where a they going were the questions asked. In a lltt while the newt spread that it wu the Cin etamstl Light Guards on their Centennial aarch to Philadelphia. They patted through the town and struck tent in the campus, on the Fair Brotinds, wnere an ERquitu man visited them.

Taey hare something like the old soldier look about tholr camp Hie, which ha a tendency I king back to memory old scenes sow made sacre by Ihc flight of time. Stepping up to a medlun bed, chunky fellow with sun burnt complexloi dark mustache and goatee, we asked where the Cbimnandcr in Chief could be found. At the time te was laying hit face in some nice, cool, canal water, and, stopping for a lecood, he mid, "1 sup ante I am that fellow." Reporter (without making himself known) How many men have youT Cbmmander SUtyQTC. Reporter I understood you only bad tome lorty, ad that some had given out and had gone back seme, but were lo Join you at Dayton. Commander Ob, no.

A tew bare not started, and some of them will Join us hero and others at leporter How far hare you marched today Commander From Olcndalc. We (tarted at a. m. I think the distance is about fifteen miles. nil deuced fool march, loo.

We could have at least ten mile by not zolu tb Hamilton, but the Hamilton Light Infantry had been sending Committee after Committee to ua mting us lo come through the town, and that they would give us a grand reception, recoil us through Ike street, Ac 80 we decided to com through ana not a muow 01 the Infantry did wo see err the noonday' bunting sun wo tramped through sat city, it's a line why to treat Iho boys, aiiybo' after making such a blow. keportcr Uow do the boys stand the march? Oimmander l'rctty well; tliey are troubled 111 with their loot, having had new brogan I esetl to them Just before starting, and being accti touted to (Oft calfskin boots and shoe these it nc's hurt and blister their IceL Wc then took a troll through the csrap, ai site ten ml mites' absence again walked op In awn of the Commander's quarters, where wad him sealed on the carpet In hi tent having Ws boots polished by Sambo. When the military met had arisen wo walked up and prescntc am, thinking may be he would open hi heart and taore inio detail of his experience of tbo life "'Idler. After he had looked at tho card he tald "Weekly Ktiquwrar' To which we replied: "No, Daily." Bald the Cnmmaudor: "Well, air; I St Martin; I suppose you have heard of mc mo atarai OraaT Well. It' ell over no ly trouble Is that the people of Cincinnati want 1 big time without paying ReportcT now far do yon call it to Philadelphia me route you are taking? M.

Martin (for bv this name we dull now 1 airo) A boot 6i0 miles. Reporter How long do you expect It will li ion to make the marcht St Martin About six weeks. Reporter How long will you remain bcreT St Martln Until Saturday, wheu we will si Dayton, making thai point In two nurchc. Reporter Yon will hardly get into Philadelphia ta lime for the Fourth of Julyt St Martin Well, no; lidon't make ranch dlfrer no noys so as to get there. Reportcr Who pays tho cxiH nao of this Irlpt BL Martln I do.

The fact Is, 1 am Just taking vacation. I am Inclined to be dyspeptic, and ai taking this trip for rccrestlon and to see the mu, try, and am Just taking Oils small company with Thl about closed the conversation, tnd, blading Mm good day. wc left 81. Martin hi. ..11...

"oytjuaru to tno kind inerty of tbo canal The nnfel Fmpih The Cllltcm' Committee on rh. Centennial Fourth of July met again yesterday at the Board of Trade rooms. The Committee to addicts circular Invitations lo tho various societies associations ol Iho city to Join in the pro WWOn reported that thev had nrenared Mr. which would ha asm v. dred associations In Covlnglon and tbisdty.

They KeWpOtt but thev wished Ihom in lcy were cordially Invited. Among other societies Ue Committee had addressed Invitations to all the lev dramatic associations whose address thov could obtain, In the hope that they would under to repreaentation of different historical vnes by tableaux upon wagons. sr. rarker reported that the Committee appointed to urge the necessity of making the required chances in tho Fifth street Markateoace to How Mr. Slnton the opportunity of eoremesjcfng work on the proposed forum, had an informal oon 'erence with the Board of Public Work.

The chief difficulty appeared to be a lack of fund in City Treasury that could be used for that pur It wu hoped, however, that thl difficulty would soon be obviated, but the Committee could yet, report deflnltelr Mr. Amor Smith reported that he had waited Pon the Ocrman Societies that had already com Wned to celebrate the Fourth, and that tlwy were Jtly to Join in general 1, They woulu probsbiy number eight hun na. They'ww willing to Join In the general champion of Prance, will have a friendly 00 THE CINCINNATI DAILY EyQUlKEK, FK1DAY FORKING, MAY 26, 1876. iwS3 Julius Rci. and taTto report 01 mlt tSJ TrSSSuA i lfie trorion.

which mo 'tSSST tlJdtvS'JLle PWoUladieeof Ex Deteetlve Jim Porter ArmiMl auown acre as a Si United was arrested last night uiua Lionrer. wife ol Soman Lohrer, who waa arrested for connterfelUng. She charges Porter with obtaining 125 ol her on the Iou 01 sy, iso, on the false pretense that he would help her husband to get ball. Porter sap that there Is not the least ground for the arrest that but that he took no money from her. Porter 77 cnarge ovppmcamp among others aieirwara sqot it by South Harris at the Atlantic Garden.

He says he has been in St Louis in 'At Attempted Snlelde. dark haired, dark mmuiehod MntM.n dently a foreigner, entered the barber shop of the ouse yesterday anemoon in a hur intos chair demanded lo be shaved. Before the young and somewhat nervons tonsorlal artist lutrl Dmpleled hU work his IrapaUcnt customei the razor and drew It across his throat Blood quietly flowed, and the alarm of a suicide spread. Parties arriving on the wound a few 1 utet later found the desperate(?) stranger calmly tying his white cravat before a mirror, and found that the whole thing wu a trick of Herrmann, the A Taut; Floater round. We have received Information that D.

M. Skinner. the Coroner of Dearborn County (Lawrenoeburg), has held an inquest on the body of a lad de scribed os follows: 'About sixteen yars old; had on his body blue ms psnts, white cotton niider shlrt, and was barc ited. He had dark hair, cum short His thumb the left hand had been cut and tied up. He wu This probably the body of Daniel Fleck, rents reside at TO Vine street who wu drowned hut Saturday, and whose parents offered a reward 01 siu iot tne recovery 01 tne body.

The Wrest Irra. We hope to see Pike Opera house crowded to night on the occtiioa of Andre Christol's benefit ine exercise are of a character that the moa fined lady can witness with pleasure, and we a large attendance of the fair sex. a lampion of the world, and Cbristol. tor supremacy and two ol the best known athlete the Young Men' Gymnasium will also Greco Roman style. There will also be athletic exercise of a high order of merit AI Wlelert's ToMlgrfet.

The programme of the grand concert to be at Wlelert's saloon thl evening, Michael Brand, conductor, Is aa follows: arch. "Gnt Hail." Hum: Bolero. "Soni Grenade," Mores; Walt, "Die Panaekten," WCt; Selections, "Crespino 1 Connare," Ricei; crtore, "Zauipa," Herold; Abeudstern, "Tann tiona 'Huguenot," Meyerbeer: Overture, ''Kenlg von Yvltol," Adam; Selection, "La Fill da Mme. 8traus, Finale, "Immcr Herrmann. The Th eiite re.

Herrmann, the prince ol prestidigitators, will give an entirely new programme at Wood' Theater thl ig and to morrow afternoon and evening. His audience have increased nightly, and have Invari ably been delighted. nartx, the Instructor ol wizards, will give three ore of hi flue performances tonight and to mor afternoon and ulght aud will be succeeded by The Troubadours. J. M.

Hunt, of Clermont County, Just returned om a visit to Ban Francisco, wu bored all da yesterday by a stranger who dogged him aroun After dark lut night, while he wu taking meal at Harding's, the stranger succeeded In er and in getting him on to take a drink. WhU In the ml oon Hunt took out a $100 bill, which the stranger snatched and ran away with so successfully that the police at a late hour hi in from the country yesterday morning re ported to the Chief of Police that ho had been taken Clark's saloon, comer 01 num ami wngwonn its, made drunk and then robbed of If money. The colored man Gibson, a waiter ind the polloo officers were instructed lo tal Clark in on a charge of grand larceny. La Ighl Clark had not been found. Tn Board of Public Work will have to learn the sc of red taiw.

Red tapo hu It value wnen emergency 1 not pressing. In transmitting ordinance to Council authorising the appointment Kmjinecr the Board should statc lf It Is 1 too troubleome wht sort of an Engineer, civil otherwise, 1 meant The rumor Is once more prcvslcnt and this time baar the ear marks of authenticity, tnat A. u. nui lock will retire from the Presidency of the Consoli dated Street Railroad Company with the outgoing of the present month. His intended absence iro tbo city Is alleged to be the cause of his retiring.

JinunAH MufXAHY, a tramp, laid down tosnoosc last night with his head pillowed on a rail 01 mi Littlo Miami Railroad, at the Kilgour crossing. Ar Tnrm is no truth In the rumor lhat Van Coon rod, the toll Sycamore of the Dayton 8bort Line, will pitch for the Red Slocking, or any mner siucsiuas. during the rest of the season. Van says he Is not a pitcher; he's a tumbler. JulxCaut of th Gibson House, slipped and ill so heavily, a few day age, that he Is now eon hi.

with 1 had snrained sect. He will not be able to "back" any of the hones at in races to day. Sticxnxv's Callsthenic Exhibition will open hnrt season only on to morrow evening, conn of Get and Freeman tt. "There will be gran should oar Dayton netahbort go to th Cen tennlal for a Utile fun? That I the question. Probably.

Major BJckham could give us th points the subject pre and con. Gkoroi AitDxao, who I no bigger than a two gallon Jug. wu tent to the nous of Refuge yesterday, by Judge Undeman to Anion hi education. It I Jama Adam who It to walk against the Unknown," and not James Brown, ha been in correctly reported. Costa Into the garden, Maude," 1 TH WWBI.1I wp lb rnjkwM May UJB.

TnhOttttsmetal ld, utiHtKuttm.uaAue, mpid progru. fcver at the Baler But the year which raltbsasu pw years we hare been startled by the may we not at this crbi, put lnrKluV to prevail, and a righteous ehotoTtebelLadal. '7 neir respeeave par 'innati and St. UiuLs, June Hth and 27th. Talk About the PreeMesicr In Illinois.

MAtwutt, May 1874. the Editor of the Shoafrer; Not haviug seeu any thing in your valuable papi write von here. The Democracy of this county, and, In fact u. mis portion or the State, It heartily in sympathy with the financial views advocated by your naner. It will h.

ik. v. during the approaching campaign. Our people are highly pleased with your bold advocacy tie It there is no doubt but that he would get the living in this county who knew Allen personally lu wu hi mm ineyare red not lor him above any other man In the Union la putting It as mildly fH I those two men are Judge 1 flW jhsiwatTw Court, and William Allen, oTOUe, These are the only two men who are seriously Presidency. Within the put two week the two men have been lnakinu successful strides popular favor.

Oar Convention win. in Hwvto does not' loom up prominently In the enr! trie of the D. We the State with Davis, beyond a question, and with the entire lndeK iidi nt element to leg for ua wecsn do the same with "Uncle William" our (ttmdtrd bearer. Either om of tin Kepuhlh an candidates 27 ruur 01 tne oldest settler stand on and. ve ua Davls or Allen and there Is hope, tat with Ttlden or Bayard the battle would be ton from the The Hirsute Philosopher at the Cent, tewalal.

L. PHttADsxnrii, May 23, 187. 9 the Editor 0 the Enquirer; forPltttburg; had a pleasant three days pass! sytvanla Central Rnsd. in ten bnnn Urs by purchulng round trip Ucket back to Pithv bunt lor fourteen dollars, good for fifteen days. I fith the Quaker Cltr for sit nually.

There are more well dressed people and 01 mne nunareo tnouma. I have 1, menae. It would take the whole summer and fall to Inspect its objects of interest One mile of new hotel in front of the Centennial buildings were built tw the lut year ln short, a new city ha been built around the Centennial sawsnssst within two years, where before wu all country. The Dlrectors and preacher are forexcludfog people 011 Sundays, but tie masses want admittance on that day. It tZZZZZ are A men lik Forney, praying for the people to be admitted on Sunday.

It I estimated that lno.isn pe plo would enter the wren tau every fsarsdur if they were open to th pnbUc, 80 tar the big show hu not been financial success. Board and room are from per day down to ft per week. The market are well supplied wflh Irults and vexetables. R. Bissell.

The Wool horn Ms. I.oais. Darling A of the Glltey and Metropollun decorated and le fnrnithed, and kept first class in No ruptured person who once sec the cor ble Elastic Truss, 63 Broadway, New York, will se metal springs, finger pads or Iron omlnent physicians use no other thsn the Elastic Trust. Trusses sent by mall. Send for cir Branch office.

44 West Fourth street Dilution. Rebuilt. In the use of a wholesome lnvigorant lie the only hope of rebuilding a shattered constitution. Hosteller's Stomach Bitter are not only an eminently wholesome tonic, but they rectify with most satisfactory promptitude derangements of the stomach, liver and bowels which ore lncomt health and strength. When the system I enfeebled by disease, by the wear and tear of business life, by continuous mental anxiety, by the exhaustion consequent upon late hours and fast living, by over work and by sedentary habits, the Bitten are the most reliable medicinal agent for imparting permanent vigor to the debilitated The new stock of vitality which they In fuse Into broken down physique, and the orderly which they establish among the organs ts best safeguard against malarial disease.

brtdt'a jemer, iann r. riss, covingion. a.y.. May 2, 1KT6. by Rev.

P. B. Wiles. 01 th Church, Mr. a Speert and Mrs.

8. Clam Keliiug, GERRITY HKNEHAN On Tuesday evening, st the OathostMl, by the Most law. Wm. Gerrlty nd Miss Mry Ann Henehan. We i prosperous Journey land, 0., by the Rev.

Mr. Rosslter, Mr. (ieo. H. Cole, of St Louis, Ma, to Miss Martha J.

Hanna. o'clock, at residence ol Funeral Friday, May 2Mh, at P. froi hurcli of Atonement Friends of family Invited. (Indianapolis paper please copy. QSfTTI.F On tho 24th Inst, at a Quarter to 10.

Little Mary, infant daughter of Wilfiam U. and Mary W. Settle, aged 9 months and 16 dsys. Remain tekwitol LonlswtHe, far interment Mai Mil, ill May 25th, at iNTMYER Thiittday evening, John W. Santmycr, aprd 19 years and Services the residence, 3Bi Barr st, this(Kriday) Itornnnn.

at 4 o'clock. Remains to be taken to Fremont Ohio, for burial. Hit voung friend and friend ol the family are Invited. Baltimore Sun Kuncral this day (Friday), at 2 P. M.

wife of Jas. P. McKarnara. formerly residents I Covington, Ky to which place th remains will Due notice of the funeral will be given. Eliabeth O'Oara, aged' 75 year.

Funeral bom the residence other ton, cor. Third ud Elm, ou Saturday, at 9 o'clock A.M. 313 I consumption, Rebecca Benjamin, formerly of aneavtU. beloved wue oi James nenjamn Funerarsanday morning at lOtfclock, from tt hmd iriends are respecUnliy Invited li be present hnya at Walker s. 61 E.

Third, tf Lwtteh with ike and Dexter avenue. MABV VN. aiwaJSn" is of the Fourteenth Ward at the Bank street house. SATfRHAY iVKMS.i. at 7: JO.

In, at July. JUsKil HPEriAI. 1 H.1,, 1 IK, In.urunc. Company, ,1 Now a man exnerteneed In Ufelnsurance. who capa bto of taktag the General Agency at aoclnnatt.

said who cea work up a good bustmes. Th Pres 100 1 pAfD A QK 1,700. I ll. r' llroadn iv. my 9mM.

UEO. E. ftTEVKMfl O. pocket books, phutosrraidi raswuartuuts. blank books, school supplies, globe, map, children's oooxs, wttsw, Ubrary and music books, env ends, albums, illuminatod mottoes and chn atc.

uoods not tn stock will be nroi Letters of Inquiry promptly answered. Orders aw WUT vOI'hTI STREET. atB iHaod uW PAT WHEN I RED. ImDotrnov. Spermatorrhea, Syphilis.

Pot a speedy and the OHI.T possur cure ot aiawaw attatug from is bis cnxnoK or msroartma, call at the OLD WESTERN MEDICAL INSTITUTE 117 Sycamore at. CtnohV natLO. Call and be convinced lhat III tb only its. Sena stasap for con nstm a I dvkb ou jtwdkHM for TssiTKaxr to responsible person JAqi'KM, diploma at office will show, eontlnuw lo treat of private diseases. gVDhilia.

Oonorrhaa. Gleet, am treated with unparalleled suc Impotency. as the remit of self abuse, and which lor two stomps. Medicine supplied from the fs own lsboratory. Charges moderate and terms of payment as favorable ts could be desired.

Hours, 9 A.M. to P. M. Sundays, 12 to I P. office, No.

ISO West Sixth street, between Race and Dav Cta iimati.O. aui ly SOCIETY NOTICES. 0. 0. REGULAR MEETING OP MAHEE A SONIC.


MANN Commaiirtery, THIS (Friday) vlled. It TUEO. FERBKLL. Recordw. EW BUILDING ASSOCIATION ON THE Drawing.

The Phoenix Building Association meets try FRIDAY EVENING, bc'tween 8 and 9 o' Ooh's ball, comer Everett and Baymlllcr cenu per share of ta each. ThU Association will urn, Mil KDAT 17. 187(1, at 8 0 A(StKU. at Hen7 Fox's Hall, corner Mohawk ami Rnvlin sts. Thl Aatodatlon Is based on the permnnen ly.

aii persons wi tlon are Invited to attend, as tho B. STANDACH, Jec'y pro tem. PAPER HAKOIW pg. PAPER HANGINGS TAELIOOITRTS FRENCH PAPERS AT REDUCED Glllou A Son's French IWrs A I KMUt.KD FKICES. Plain Shading and Hollands CAMARGO MAN'F'G 57 Wett Fourth Street.

n. H. BBENEMAIV, Proprietor. mAMnm. FOR LIVERPOOL and QUEEN STOWN sailing from New York every SATURDAY.

Apply to JOrllTtfMUtMroadway 0. If. ni'SHINO 4 cor, miro and walnut streets. tag NO MISTAKE Can be made In buying B. T.

Babbitts Best Soap. ONE QUALITY. fel lyowi MISCELLANEOUS. Michigan Lake Ice I.00OTON WELL BUILT ICEHOUSES, O.V No 65 W. Third Clricliiiiatl, 0.

Green'g American Driven Well. 'agents. All parties having wells which have bW) put down without such authority an requested to WM. D. AKBbEWS A my 3to8u Water street.

New York. 880LUTION OF PAHTNER8HIP. THE aad alsoeajorattrly wrried on at East Fifth tt, George Miller awumlng all debts and to alone collect oil outstanding accounta JNO. BROWN. 1 1 I north east comer Third Third 17.

GEO. MILLER, dav of June, 1S7, st o'clock tne 1 niverslty of Cincinnati. and Mala Omm. mmh! and tocciacatioris to be tat ai the office uf Ilanna ford Procter, architects, a w. comer Walnut and as sBjany, EXECUTORS' SALE.

cojmjruATioif of thjj mt SALE OF REAL ESTATE, Belonging to the Estate or J. H. Luhn, Deceaaed, CONSISTINO or 2 Story Brick House, 6 Story Brick House, and Two 3 Story Brick Houses, FBOKTIKO OH SIXTH, SLOO AND FRONT STREETS, 5LT AUCTION. THIS MORJXmG, No. (4, iv.

KB by TS feet. Appraised AT 10 O'CLOCK, II trrlct st, good 2 story btiek noose, rooms and (tt uood itory brick bulhlln, ra rear moms uaw if above, and fronting on Sloo it, containing 1 of above, aad frontln on Sloo at. oontainlna S) Good 3 story brick house, on thl south stdaof Sloo oppoil Id entrance lot 25 by 65 feet, mom or lew Appraised at No. 749 Woat Print st, wast of Harriet st. good tory brick lot 25 by (5 feet, more or leas.

Appnlted at w.aOO. All of the above pmp rty is well loaned In a thickly tattled portion of th dty. nhr property Very low appraisements. All the property is lniee. Notwithstanding the extremely low appraise merits, if the two thirds is bid the property must oe soia.

Title guaranteed tn all the property. Termi of aleOne third cadi, balance In 1 and yean, with Interest, secured by mortgage on th JonnAM A WuxtAWt Altorn.yc J' A. C. HORTON, 68 Went Third Street, HOEFFER It BAUMANN, 683 Raoe Street, Auotloneen. AUCITIOW wALM.

By Exeklel A Auctioneert. THIS (Friday) MORNING. May 2. al 9 o'clock. In Salesrooms Sua PJ and 21 W.

P. arl street, Launge Anctlnn Hair of Dry Ueeda, met nlablnK lot Is I UK, IlitU, (siu HI Main street A Wood 3 atory Frame Henae, with Let, no.nov Estatern Avenat, lrat Ward, at Ion. on FRIDAY AFT 176, a oVlH th in KuMern nvenuu, First Ward, a 2 The lot has a front of 2'. f. et and running lack 90 rtils pnowrtv li on the north Me of the avenue, te Ht.

Romi Church, and of eay aocew to th city Termi tin third cash, balance in 1 and Ith per cent Interest, secured by mnrtiouM on lepremtae. HEMMEUJARN TUESDAY AFTERNOON, Mty SOth, I feel dean to an allav. nuu purieci, ana sale positive tn highest bid Terms One third cash, and balance fn one and 1 with i nt. intercet, secured by J. (I.

OLDEN. Agent No. W. Third It 3t my26, 2K.29 KM KLG A R.N' A Auct'ra. I Common Plea of Hamiltoii county, (ihk, and .1 suare No.

17 In Hefts' division tun i lint hm mm Hi" a.t III I I nr. tlv lr tun tin f.K.t alley, and being the same width In rear as In front. premise tre appraised at no. Sal 11,1 lk.Mu.1 ut one. two hi, I thr nislrotn the date of with lnu from the day of sale at lx pir ra nt, per aiiniiin, sold deferred payments tube secured li.l To old In ism wherein Catharine Klayer Is plnlnUH and AuiusU L.

Klayer el al ar defend aula, Case No. ti.lM Common Pleas Court MAPLEWOOD! Line RallrtHuls. mlnutra' ride Thislslheoiil uri. lUiuilp.n c.ui.t) hjvi.v "I lao relit nd. nd three pot, U)li and within on of mile of ti pr tad tats st with ftatMaaaSn yean' growth pro.rty underlaid with nd and gravel.

NoMlghhorlmod lu llanulb'u can ow aa many dwellings in fk aatj taa iritinii om pun mile as In this lo ailon. mutation about ciual to street ear fare. Lgta W) feet (n.nt and I 'ai feet dw p. Terms In pay ta of It cah per fool balance In rpiarterly pay I at the mteof VlernP. llon't fall two sls rooio umBEm ilnte r.a.f.

and BftWl provcmnits; would WU upon liberal paymri provcmmU; would sell upon liberal paymrni Free traii'portstlon to partii desirous of purchi to J. F. A C. 1.. MILLS; W.

P. FAKI. Ilvor r. J. E.

COKMANV, Ninth and myl2 aot OITY SALE OF Burnet ork house lotj: it a' ii i ti ert known the IIihim Work Iwn rtU Into sUtv ctahl (68) bulldUsgTott. five feet front by one'hjndreil and e'igMu reef eet deep to Oemrd street; Appvataed at from twenty to one hundred doltan to 111.1.., rth In three The deterred Plata ef the subdivision rssh.tua.ul.. n. V2s fi a boneera. gay'litt Dlnliiiot Hnd Mmrate linen of detalrttble klntto 1 All, rrom theUraewtli Mas, etu filled, direef of the mawaflfMAwrers, la aiwatltles eaaal to ihwl afaay Ihree eonipelllont, the bnrvalnM we offer can not be equaled! WILSON nXAXOIAX.

COMMERCIAL BANK OF OINOINIVAXI. Stockholders Individually Liable. A LEGITIMATE BANK. ment llonds, (iold and DoM Cb Letters of Credit iasued, avaital Europe. DIRECTOR line of II.

I Uoveni. on New York. in all porta of Pendleton, Tho. Sherlock. ELLIOTT H.

PENDLETON, apl HL'till tXJf.VtI.LE, Cashier. Ohio, In Csiiw No. J.3WI, wherein I ind William TwI LqS. 1.0.0. aTand others, are defendants, I will offer for abaftuS appraisers In the above esse, Ih Iok lot fronting 25 fret on the south side of the Madison road, andex tendlnn Puck width lot) feet, and basnsj the north end of the wm half of lot No.

on iTorrJ MilHlivl.lon ol the O'Bnan Farm, a recorded la li 1 llsuillton County Record. Appraln at J0 Also, lot No. on mid plat of subdlvtaloa. being ad. and asttndlisv'hawsr'C! about to feet boundej on the nter of said road; on the west by said lot on Morrif subdivision in, mid hue extended; on the north by said lot MM th rouh tho center of said tot to the center I ald Torrence road.

Alilw No'fon said plat of subdivision, being lot fronting a ao 100 feet, more or less, on tire cm of the Torreme road, and eitendlug back bounded on thr east line of said lot on MomV tubdlvtakm ruJuM Abo, lot No. on mid plat of subdivision, being s. ontneTmv of the lorrenoe rrd, and of irregular shape, bounded on the th ol said road on the eswt hy the caM line of lot 10, on mid Morris', extended on the north hi and on the west bv the west line ol sud laCMk Appraised at ITS. Ttrms Of Salo pne half cash, balance tn si month from day of sale, with tnlrreaj treat day sale: deferred iyments to bo secured bye mor ue prenuam sold. B.

H. HOKDKKR, OTICE. H. 8CHMACKER8, IN THR STATE DuewyHr the City of CinclnnaU, Ham Ohio' llton Steam aid. on toe lvth day of April, meionrioi i ommon rTeea, Ofcto Ko., apinst arid ft Schmackers, "ne.garnianee.oe of fa with seven per cent interest from De oWsswuiht she obtained a writ of attach dd IL RchrnatkerTl. notisWd thSltieqiuS I appear and aiuww tnudpetitton on Dtbt7tae Datijarii rev an a dollr, pmtP Attorneys for Maria Duewe HECOffD ANNUAL riCKlC, Cincinnati Yaeger Company, 0. N. G. at inwood KntanUy any 17, IstTd.

Tlekeda, xVcta, Ccenmittoe Chs. Erdclmeycr. r. Oawpwr, Butch. Chat Eschenbreunc, Chat Lota, wj CBESTB SPRING BUH1 AT CUfJUllATI, Wednesday, May 1 AMD TO COS TI WUE FOUR FTR9T RACK Pnrw, ffgsV For all bora to have aa Thiee aiwflwtaf at T.

J. MeGlbbea, Eaglet, eh. L.tfUmtm A areen Ulsy. Orenobie, hit, Ctaa Beachy. Jat I A7.

A. Grlnateas? BOn RACK Burnet iroldi; ffi eotrance, p. 1 H0; second home tn 1 i THrrk rim clnnatl Railroad, Iron 3 TO, am and 2:30 o'clock P. H. with thirty nc mm 11 W.

a Withers. Billy (tandem, jW Dtek.dambynllrer. 1 dam Uttiaf V1' f4 wl. D. Uwlgert, Bombay, b.

R.v JJbwelt, Chariey RoweH, a Jam A. prlnstaad. Coupon, eh. Plaiietfdanit a 9s Temleo, eh. ft am Lart" IUte ftamnel J.

gal era. Minnie T. THIRD RACE Purse fOW. For all hone to hv 190. Dash of two wr.

b. 4 PIRRT RACE Purse 1400. Par A horse to hare RV). Mltahaatattsi SECOND RACE The CinclnnaU Cap, lit. eaTkalki ImVlrdsl.001' r' Fm, Jaok Kw PrebabIa ttartat.

00: ft rand Stand and Qwtjgt ifssssxesa'sKuVi tmberf Itatres, odmlttfmro the Burnet Ho.wi and on th. orrwoand rtirzssrjt ev nlng before snd rAorniaa of E. HOLLA Responriol.rill0" POOLS aold at morning and erening, Ti Races. P. W.

CUVHIHQg CO. Every er Hatinee. One hun brhtly. Admistaa WOOD'S THEATER. GRAND OPERA HOUSE.

eflt and tart nlchtbutootof the ON ing ol Pnrramme. Last HARTZ Matinee a 5 cent to all parte of tit Monday nexlBALSBC are I MUSICAL FEST1TJ Ticket Office at Onrek I NTICKNEY'g Caliarthenio rOR A SHORT SEASON 0 mnaeaMtlBw fsWtwrdtvy Rigctal CORKER ORBT AMD FREEMAN 8TR STAR 6R0UNOS vrniuut Htllw vsj. Pint Game, 4 to In mvorol.

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