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Buffalo Courier from Buffalo, New York • 3

Buffalo Courieri
Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 VBarAJkCawrtav. Jojf larft aamber cf ladle and geat'emea at tbeir Outfit' mf -a la tb Kentucky Circiu.tCwcrt, iia.r rJ VaS aaTfVAa. OB TiiB Baft AUO. aaU est Taeaday evening last, la a aty wholly relieved of th upredtta44. After pnfolo gniip (toritr.

THt KSDAT xoixLSO JULY 4. iU I ataAl fc raweia at 1 paaap'- rr, tb ar'acaaet va tr rtro.iy aad Li ti Liatu. aad IU road, forretnaalto trp5rt ro4 MT9 th Cart xccts to ra4r devtioa batardsv or riy xt weak. Tady tit Tj rewL' rectors of tb road, sawraoasd by ttrrt''l tt" ef Ja Gnthria. wtsrct'j tb road It 8w crt- i irtllni Tlaa TW LATEH AND FROM CAUN'ORNU OREGON.

Aorrs mo-at. MA KT Torr Omca Konra. Tie iot, Offlca wUI open to-U from until 13 aad rtoed UfbaUara of tb day. M. ClaJT, rotaaaatrr.

tiT Avorraa Socirnr to iUcm. Tba Liberty Orora, aa aaaodatlun of DrolJ, of tbtU city, bar aaavaaced their lataciUio to march wkb lh proceaaloa. Tbry WlU tai j.Uca ilrtcUy after Odd FeUowa. (y Dvraarioa oa tub JUiloai. Taeoday aJUrsoos, aaya IM RKliur Mfwrrnt, oh of th ahaAa of locoaaotlr attacbad to trihi traia boaad aaatward frota Buffalo, broka near Bara-aa, wblca cauaad tha detaaUon of foar (rwljfbt traiaa, aod tba paaaecger traia do If, ti A.

At -lta-ntlaP Aurtion 1 -r luaT, I tvVdt -is A ftaJLfw, Halttt: A-araca eiaaam, aVateteg Aaartet t-tyr a'lt CI By CKaf-T It- S.Je i A 1L, wn -J-l r-v oaaw, a ft4 btabege. a al w-sM e.5r-. fclJWi i r-a, Cv-yt CarptBXattlat, try 6o4a, Ate, Tr fi 4rw. ffMhtna -W far MAM tHtN A Largo Deposit of Georgia Odd tew i I 1 Ar i T. kna, HWfK STV.Jr....M Imam TO BE HELD TILL GEORGIA BITCTtNi TO SEE JXLEUIANCE eia rttx tet W.S CM.

fv a A VAUuiiAirb, w.f rM AJKX Tb troebl wag raoaatilcd. kuwerer. In Uau for tba 7 JO traia to get la, aad allow, Ui lliruugb aaatward to diatiit cart ad lbresa, aad aaa. aa avaan uta sarny, MsXa bt anal sum lag aalbiwi Twee; aaaatTjaleaSasaawl TmsimtorWTJwammitl tMaaw Vara apaa tb sky; aabrlt7'aaaanabaw. 01 aaa feat tag eilitm 1 1 ttariawaliiaiaa baaVage TiSwatagBTaaparaseara Tbea that sag aad para, Aa VIS the ot war aad strKo, IsbMMl (...

Tto tty mm 9my im Oa wd aad Aa this aaB-s araaJt Cpa Uoast Teraoa's ai. grara? to tats tb way btdrl astT A vale cm Craa the oaera V- la tbtt th teeaf pre aad fr. My aaaaiiy.l baaataaitatbwar" Vang taat Wanair gtaamtng Aad It war, war boi aad tra Cpoa tba iaa Bald ml war, ahall ao trail bt klojd and gtaH rretjg araM, brave baarta, I guard It WaU, Aau the battbr afamg tw.D BOO, still wttt attpes aararled, Th bota aad prld of all the warM. rpartKUiy a poaatuln, and eutUooa oaward. i tba, Ba i- ay.

at mtiu.U'naiwm it" ft rt. 1 1 a rial g. fall MNf HfiKiautiMX nt, A Cat, Basv. MAM tfm4 kuH eM rwt Is. B.

A 0 AMrM UUtM J.fsrtU CtkBllsi etc Btrow awl'BBwaWawawaM Bj 3 Qtty tr-t. Tb tarraat ACCTtCH BOOSA I WVara How T. ar' yii-ig A amit, mia) hw awaj. aa Sailrat ia rai paru bariKg PamBara aad eta baasy gate )re SatXA 3t TtTttbAT, ABO SATTTAbAT, at 'ttsak A. M.

IWtalaUasAaty 0 fe freiKbb.aaUl th deciaio tb Coort 1 rer4 8tirp teteajr-d sanding oa o-aarr, tbiAtvrt. tbrwate -T TmnggiiT rf'-w Baayb 10 tb roadu i Tbaarw a wrwa fx3 wOOipantM itt Tvxlaiaak la camrt. "-r of the ul 11 ward, bar in raatj-ar-l, bat WT the I ailed wartic aalr Cvt Ivous- Cok Tllgbtaaa, of lb tat r-jard, ka raai--d aod ron wt(b a cotiMJoraUia portion of tit rraliuaul Jola tb Tenaoaae Uoop. luewatlyMtoea Into tb political opinion of tb teacbere ta '5-l slbob ar going Marty ar reported a aoctwaiouist. Tb Jonraal ba a leuer froca a otarabar of Blame Daacaav rrr'oH-at, gtvtng a dtatrwaaiag account of adalr la ViiBta.

It ay tb men ar half fad, bav a ciwtb tcp what tby left LottlstiUe with, aad are treated ilk docs; and If the tnea could xrci tbeir will, Jbey would return to Kcctocky. Tb Democrat baa a statement ta th aaa effect, from a daiMtrUf, wbo rvachwd har Inwa. tb aaui rvtmaat. A lo of gun sent to Colaraba troat Unloa Oi.o Utaly, were relumed by tb etuieo of iMaiubus. A npsny of tarn passed through, here today rVora Lexington, daallaed for tb aoathera Ttvulr azponaea were paid by Gov.

Harrr. Another cotstpany tor tb earn aeallaa tloa Hjorattag at Part, boorbon county, St. Louis, July' 1 Th Cairo rtrtondent of tb rtniBg la aaagiUBceBt style, a4er the saxpsawt. eto of Captain Drew, aeverai patriotic eons war ren4red 1 ta stylt, aad, at ttv eoocla-aioa, a load call waa nuoi from lb giUery to tb foOowing effaet, Tak panoers for a qaadrille, aad th soreaaud ladies aad genO-taea fatrA panaert for a qaadrill. Tb daaca was ajtraeibia to all coaceraad, and ererybody west bora wi'b th tapreaalo that tb eUlsaaa corpa waa wot to oauaoare la ealeirrla.

Co arte At, by any ordinary military ryaxIxaUou la tb EnapL-e Statav i t3T Flao PaxsnvATtox. A Urge crowd of peraoo asaeatbled yaaterday aiUrvnoa, su tb resideac of J. W. Baata, tuner of Perry and Hay ward atreeta, 1 wupeaa tbaprsaeau'loa of stand of colors th Sackett i The flag Is of tha army Ss of rwd, wblt and Ma alik, Ia th be seen th thirty for atara aarroaading aa American agl aad shield, with th bboUo of th State la th center of It cwatala tb orlgioal ihlnewa atara; the lu-acrlptloa la la deep gilt letter, "Sackett Zotures, organised May liKb, 1361," and on the reverse; tb aaa of tb eompaay, aad MPreasintd by Mrs. J.

W. Banta. Tb company was draw ap on Perry street, with li right resting on 11 sy ward, where thirteea yiung ladies, accompanied by Prof Degeabard appeared upon tb verandah and aacg most aweeUy a new patriotic song, written by th Professor, enUtied, Flag but lb old Flag." The song concluded. Ml Josephln Hani (having been eeleetad by Mre. Banta to make th pre aentaUoo) appeared bearing the She pr tented It la a very a eat manner la the following words.

4 1 -1 i Omenta akd Soldibbb ov ram Sacxxtt ZoOAvaa. Tbe oceaaiufe which haa brought you toKeiuer a a company It on of no ordinary ia- WIra asB BS a 14 t. laaiaaa as sjaaxaaa aarea. Mil IMm bap stall MM artStf ki. VAfORSW, at C.

I.CaiAt, AadUaMI, i n. a bast bwan stuuct. is bat tHw ai4 rwa by ,4, r.l 7 Bw We. Toxt KXABxtT, July 3. Tbe Pony Eipr, frora San Francisco STvh, hasarrivwd.

rf Tb Brttis war steamer Tartar sailed oa the Si. 1, carrying IU.500 In treaanr fvr Engiaad. Th steamer for Panama, took iX p-tecger 14 ll.Btt.tkXi for New fork, tJUa for England, and for Panama. Among her engere were Mrs Fremont aad family, Col CatUn, Capt. Haudley and Lt.

Randall ol tb army, also a company of SOU. aappers aod miner aud live Union flags, sent la hr to reglmeuU la tb east. Trad totit. i plenty. Tb lif notto State Convealloa nominated, for Governor, Lellaod eUanlurd for Lieut, Joba N.

Cbtlle Member of Congra, P. ti. Phelps, A. A. SargvMt Joc'g of tb Supreme Coan, D.

W. D.Norton. I fc Gcu. Johoaou Is atm Los Aneelo. It rn-mrd that he will ahorOy tear for Texas, with lni ifculiuntiaM, bo aek eorvlc nsdwr Jeff Davia.

lie bad received neUcw of the aecrplaoca bis reaisfoatloa in tb federal army. Nearly ail tho public ball of ban Francisco are nightly occupied 1 military drilling, An anonymous circular bag been posted throughout tu city, warning Senator Gainn to leave the Btate. Neither po- sons ot property ar safe la ArUri-aa from -h Tb military at Fort Bachaa ar afforded no protection. i Tb UuUed State posts at Tejoo aad Hohave, Caliloruta, wilt be aouuduneo aud the bat-quarter eatabiUbed at tro Augeloav It la r-ported that there Is a general stampede ol i run tirv ami vicnirv. Ofllcll rreimmat i ita fa-wrlm Jut 4Jlelratlam.

Tb lanreat and enoat Oairably located Aar-ttoa Maaaa ta she aetv. liu uaa Uat, WanxastuT Sattb t. Spaelal Baara oa rjar4, Parti Meg ap boa55, laaniitai wee ta My. aad mmmutr-t at imr mi at wwkr rarMU. are 11 iad a aaa ia aa iia li bawraaba ay r-' IA" raraJcBrw aad Maerbea bse etatad aa teeant ba kaiatit a eadi 1 aa aU Bt Aaettai.

AaUa sua at Vlsrebattt, X.MKUasx, V. K. PllMPTON, WtBgr a irraBaal an ulna ta tba eel at teal Ba, tata, AK-cka, faiara bireaaaa aad Bcaaahald yara. ara. Parti tiraalug a hekt-lcg, eaa av kht The Aarerat II raws Rhaw, Tha praaaure of other dutle has prereated tb givlag of mora than a paragrapa to th Dora Show which look place at Aar ore loot week.

The detail of tb abow waa very merit Lx other ex. blMUoas of the kind, dasoatraUDg on fhet, however, naroelf that there art as Seahorse la Erie County as la any eoaaty la the State, aad as cnaay of them. The Improvement ia the breed of boraee, wlthla the past few years, Is oa of tb otv worthy evidence of Improving good seas to pan of farm Tbey bar at lvt aia covered that It coat ao mora to raia or keep a good bora tba a poor pave, aod tbay bestta to show a eommendabl pride 1 rivaling each other la their team aad equipage. The farmers who are not yet possessed of equine of the requUii style aad speed do tLeir but to avtke pour anlmaU pcrturm tb part of guud ouea. Tue day of Ui ahow waa a aorry oa fur aocwud rate bvaata.

Tb drwvir bttckcl-d Bp tb cbeck-raia a bol or two, aWvotwd aa exira laa mlatc to carry -co rcb practice, aad mad frequetit airpllcatlod of tb whip. For oa day, el least, tb loug neglected burs waa bound "to, com to regardtea of tb auSoticg which tb extraordinary effort to appear what be waa not might oceaalwo. Another fwalur of tb show, and to as a quit attractive one, was the unprecedented tarn-out of faraier1 boys atvd their Mgtrls.w It brought freshly to mind the olden times whea the editorial was acemtemod to go fr-im the tana to the Coaniy Fair. It seemed but yesterday alac were engaged la th work of removing the accumulated mad of months from the family vehicle, cleaning th harness, stimulating the borse with increased rations of oata, etealthuy obtained, all the while thinking of the "young woman" who had accepted a bashful Invitation to share tha aforesaid vehicle oa tha forthcoming solemn occasion. It waa not altogether agreeaba to lie awake half the night, ao as to mak a sare thing of being awake at a sufficiently early hour la the morning; butall this was soon forgotten In the ride to the Fair.

What need a feL low trouble himself about, with a good-looking Miss at hit side, a good bors ia sympathy with him, four shlllimraw pay for admls.ion to the Fslr, fonr tor esstronomlcal purposea, and a Hula looae change for gingerbread and confectionary Under auch circumstances, there Is music In the rattle of the wheels, In the crack of the whip, as well In the sott, sweet voice e)r the partner aforesaid. The cardinal principle ot a young man on fair day, is sot to allow "any other man" to pass him on the road. To be run by, trotted by, or got by any way. Is to be insulted and disgraced. And, somehow, the most sober-minded horses, connected with exemplary and staid families, aeem to' entor into the spirit of the occasion, and show their heels In a manner which clergymen and deacons formerly regarded as very improper.

1 Boys, girls and horses have not changed their disposition materially in the last fifteen or twenty years, and the Fair at Aurora waa very like those once held the villages' among ihe Green learnt from tcouu Just from tbe eoatbera border Gf Nw Kbadt. The Gardener's Monthly for July 10 cents; Dr. Coalller Equatorial Africa, $3 A Daya Bide, by Chart es Leaver, 50 cenU; No. 83 of Chambera Encyclopedia; Phoney Phellow for Augnst; No. 80 of Beadle's Dimr Novels; No.

89S of LltUll's Living Age; th N. T. Weeklv, N. T. Illastratad Nwa, Co on try QoBtleauta, for thla week.

Hawks bMtbero, CoamacTios. In a notice la onr evening edition, of Tuesday, anooauclng the arrest of a of Hlasottri, that there ara troopa at ici-ville, Arkansas, tolerably fretl armed, aad bating tan iiier-e ol firLnir ortiiltv r. TliUforccooslta r.f 1,000 Teaaeaae iJvi fraa Axkaoaaa, SuO Llkaaie4'iaas etade aaraa at ai 1 aa Ira taruaa to jub. Ion were bora aaa anrtared under tb beat Th following proa-rauim ba beeni adopted by lb Ctrrantllta of ArrengrnoL for tb elw-breiloo of lb Eight; Bftk AnoWaraery of our Jiailonal Iadtpeadeec, to lab plae BaCilo, on Taruay, tb Fourth dy of July, 1831, under the dlreetlaa of Major Gerel Naleo Baa. dalll, Orand Marshal; and Coloaela Lansing, Rurueey, Caff and Rich Major Howard aad Harvy; Captain Carlln, U.

8. Major nth laa iHwtor X. Btorck Chief SagVaaar Taylor, fire Manthal Kliaork, and Soperlateadcut II ant, AmUuoA Marshal. Marnhag ealwt at eaari, aoeampaaled by ta rlagtag af all th IM1 of th city, aad national aalmta ai autiOlaa. Irwin tiuf at wnM, Bvlxr Um furaattM tH praoenlaa, a tag vtU War tata to L'olna CouUmotaia, a aaanalMaa af Ia41aa at Dr.

Ur4'i Cbunh, at kaU raM aifM a. M. orobk or rRocaaaiow. Fr4 VMttom. I 0raa4 Wanaai' aad Aartctaata 1 Miiunicd unoi aat oa daijr MlUar'f NimJ 4 (Ma lUftmol ftw Tark Rtaia WHUa, coav aunM4 bf Unl, Kratnar.

CoUa OoaUiHintaU C(. fUltaer C'inwt Hand r7 EboaTTA. At prtxUely clock, F. th ralr-tiarJ club Uatm will atait Croea aar tba loot of tba breakwater, lual Jo, aud, orvcaadlnir op to lu baad, will round tb aua lbac lhay will procrad dowa tb rtrr to lb r4 ba jy, aad laruluj roaod tba aama, tha will ratara, wrcr tb mum root, to lb placa frora banc th atarvtd. Tb vlulorlou boat wlU praaauUrd with a baaatlinl card baaket.

DlraaUy aitar tb rvtara of tb abora, iher will a mrua roc, tor a cap. Tb cootoaiaata for IbU prlaa will cuudnad to tb flat-bottom aad aculi boau, Baaibanna: aocn Ofiy or tuor, kvaauad by boy from tb age of 10 to II jroar. Tby atari from oppoalt tb and of Urn eaat plar, aad bow goat laald tb breakwatar, to aoar tb ad of lb aarue, arroond a (uokea rea-al, aad rotara to tb pUc of atarUog-. 1 This eoataat will well worth looking aC i. tJT AaOTaUB CXTBAOBDtaaaT FBATtTBjB BOB tbb PAocBiOJt.

ar Informed of another ztraordluary faatwa to latrodaced la th Proceaaloa of tba Fourth. Tb Weatern Xlera-Ung Compooy bar prepared a glfrttotio wagon oa which la to a a miakature elarator, of a aew model, which will be opeMloa eleratina; grata while tb car la being wheeled through the street with tba proceaaloa. Th operator will propelled by a a tea at aoglao la the wagon, Tbia aoral aSair will be followed by 400 ahove-lara, la aniform, a. with aborela. A.

place haa been aaaigned the eleratlog car and ratlaoa the th laft of tb Fifth DWUlon. lhey will aaaa ruble la th mornlag oa Pearl street the right rooting at Dr. Lord' Church. 1 Paoortotm or FrawoaK. The following la the ordar la wbloU tb fireworks will exhibit oa th erenlng of the 4th.

TKraa luiiooaa, followed by a aalul of agnaj hp, aach. i t. awnaal UgMa, Bad, Wblt and Blue. A Naat of Patrahaada. 4.

Ctma of Rocaata, 100 at oaa tlma. B. Tha K'-mg aun In all ha morning glory, la th malt brllUaulji uni, Bra and oolorad. A Mad, Whlta and Uiua Mataora. T.

tuti.i uf, lb, aaeh, with fancy baadloga. A gutn of aui aruuada, and Ailoe of aarpauu Snd Btara 5. Illumlnatad 4ral and Water fount, i la ahU In Bad, rVluia aad bloa, which wlU rapraacnl aa atpla traa In full biuaaaat, Jaaaamlne, Bluokalla. li. CaaatolMaky Booaata, la Mud, Whit aad Blaa Btara.

i 1. Perwtlaa Oroaa. with tw Tarttcal who la. hishlr form of government that yonder setting ana eYr Shout) Spoil. b.ut ur kutaa, and SrOOO i liaaonrtan.

1 amy leMMtacrwa 4hm ftrc toes 4,000 froat Gov. daekstm's troops, and la, rtJerorcementa ar promtaed from the sonthiTn confederacy, and la on month iUry expect to bar aa sctlv army i from 15,000 to I Peydo and Veat, raoinbai of tb Missouri LegUlatare, are said be aettwly arglog thsm on. MTssotirUma arrived At Cairo, report that all able-bodied men la Sontbern Missouri ar being iirbty-ttve years aro thU verv month that as minora in consequence, nvw meaiouave region. The Steamer Cortes arrived at San Francisco with two Companies of tbtt 4 ih rvglment U. S.

lufantry. aad one of th Oth from Oregoa. IIistTia Ccniinj nANCFACTCRESA) Tt- IJSIH)nTKlaV lUre a stock A fuH saworubaat Cl TtB IKON, fee CairWg aaa. AW gr emary anaa. i aniaae neat oott lUjrrlMeadnAAfTm.

PioawaT Mit-kuD. oaaiiao aa nojunoA IAON. 1 1 cred document, the Declaration of Independence, waa signed by John Hancock and bis compatriots, bequeathing to yon that rich heritage aei vant for steatlng a small sum of money from Mathew Gerrifc-ao, we staled that be kept a small grocery on tbe tow-path. His establishment Is the corner of Sixth and Pennsylvania streets, and ts note tow-path establishment, bnta respectable one. i I IdfT Dr.

Hxacoox aim th Nobtk CKuaca. A meeting Of tbe Presbytery of tb which was purcbasea by the blood of your foro-fatbers. Those veterans of 1778 pledged to each ether nopreased into tb stata servw and aarcb4 oil to the Arkansas Border. 400 secession troops left Grave Eestncky, Fridsy lstoJoiatlveAaidrM at a- for the support of that declaration. tbeir lives.

Uapt. vv ailing, a ooauiemer nu trne cm flag, command tb remainder of the 4th and leave soon lor San Francisco. Two Union Volunteer Companies nave been raised at Portland, Oregon, and two are organising at Solent. The corps in Oregon are very 1 t-i The offlcers and crew of the' United Ststes Steamer Massachusetts, at Pujets Sound, have taken the oath of allegUnce, Boverai infused their fortunes, and their sacred honor." tint aiaa i wnat ao tnetr cnuaren mow Do-hold An attempt to destroy this government, aud trample the eternal principles embodied ia that declaration la ine oust. Street Church was held yesterday afternoon, and heard tbe committee frora the North Chnrch on the call for Dr peacock toasaume the pastorate of that church.

The Presbytery unanimously adopted a resolution recommending tbe North Church to desist from the call, which will leave Dr. Hescock with his old congregation. While Th North, the Kalian I North, with her three tuigoa w4ji.Ainc naiMt. A A Aba, afl ktadt af wCeLrriago.1': Goodst AND IUBDWARX SENERALLT. Oak TiEEf (J Lesther Celtiog-.

apati 10 4k lrt at vr. "Window Shades. TbTTlEW AN HEAUTIFI Li Mttevaa aad VgT CHEAP JatrMirdJ 7 Ttth K(4uut N. T. UUUU, iwaiBhj br Col A.

tot I I Tlx CliiMna' Carpa, aad Car Ba 0U U1 pa- hundred thousand brave eons, baa take the field, resolved to Stan a by those prlncipiee and July 8. that declaration or to fall with them. ion vity, tenuessee. Dr. Bellows, cf Sat Tork, President of tha Sanitary CommlUee, recently appointed by President Llneota to visit tb camps, arsenal, barracks, hospital, cfcc-j tbmaghuat tb eountry, boa been tier alac Tuesday In th discharge ol hi dalle.

1 Ho exprea satUfact'oB waa th condition of th arsenal and barracks hero, but finds much fault with the niarto hospital. To-nay be vitlted the Illinois troops encamped at Caseyville, and waa well pleased wtih tb gaq, ral conditioa of th Df. Bellows kres for New Tork to-morrow, 1 1 1 11 11 1 1. "mt.b JalF 1 1 aU altb tlia 14U Pi)pfattr'( Hana 1 DuiUaTln-m, pt, raA Inat The spirit of 1770 is the spirit of tbe present Jhn Urn honr, and we aee the youth of our laud, tbe liberty loving lads, entering the School of the i auM Uuw4 11 oatl Zouavaa D. JCiaamao Before the United State District Court, now in session In this city, the case of the United 8tate v.

C. W. ttay, charged with conspiracy- to cast away the brig Aaron, B. Moore of Cbarlcstown in February last has been on trial several day. Tbe case closed last evening and tbe verdict of acqnltal rendered.

There is another indictment against Capt. Bay on a charge of casting a way the vessel, but lt will not probably be tried at Soldier," there to grow up and be taught the art of war. 111 TlK oc)U MWU ruitHerUt i ike Paper oUngiags vfsribsasa, II Mala araa. Tour aoldlerl aoDearance tells us that von are attentive dudIIs in that miliiarv In It 'i Inttruatlaoal BraM Pacd. retail mm a crx Slnnpwtail Cturr ncy ATUS TtUYINt ttNtaf 'ail Lilac aad Wa-rwaata Baaka.

at taa klelraat you should learn the lessons of virtue and obe Th rir Dapartmvnt, ikr trwtlan af WUUaa Taylor, 0 fat- dience, ooeaience to yonr superior oincers, out, above all, obedience to your God. Takes be aktalaa la th oHy. Biana by tne uonsutution ana do always reasy The persons la tba bosrltai bar ta addition to the list before sent, ar W. A. Mathews, Co.

Q. Wisconsin regiment F. W. Bowman do John D. Haas, Co.

Qui John Green, Co. 1 James Morgan, Co. all of tha Pennsylvania regiment. One maa from the 11th waa brought la allgbtly we condole with tbe North we congratulate the Lafayette street organization upon th retention of their noble pastor tbe embodiment of stalwart Christianity, Such men as DrvHea-cock are rare even among tbe worker In ihe field of Christianity, and no man eonld have so large a hold upon the popular neart unless he was like the self-sacrifiotng noble pastor that Dr. Heacock has proved himself.

I. tW Upward Pbogbbss of an Hobest Bot. The Mineral Journal, speaking of two graduates at West Point belonging to, Potts vine, says Frank TJ. Farquhar, of this borough, grad nated with honor, and ranked No. 9 in bis class at West Point, last week: The No.

1 graduate was a poor Irish boy, named Peter O'Ronrke, this port. i 1 There are no signs of tbe steamer off Father Point. 1 1 Tbe Golden Fleece brought the 49th regiment ---about 900 strong. She rpoke the Jura off Cape fiotleta. to defend It.

i Mountains, and wo candidly believe the young Soldiers and Officers! Ton bsve been Invited I BHtTPl.lWr.ITH Craang and Baoklag OtAea, BsilUtat BuliAlaa. BUYING TO.DAY. hither to-day, for the purpose of receiving from your friend, a trne patriot's gift your country's Fig It shall go with yon wherever yoa go. people derive more pleasure from them than the city-bred can extract from a whole lesson of hollow-hearted gaiety. And more than this, they are a not-to-be-deepised meant Of edu Obto, Baak Btat af ladlaaa, aad Wchlrta ia.

woanaeo not, known, axomer, aio from th Uih, was too badly hurt to move, and will probably die. Levi Soap, captnred rebel, ia dangerously wo ended a ball striking bis torebad Just ebov When called upon to tak part in defence of the Constitution and Union, as you soon will be, when called upon as soldiers to defend that They bring the farmers and their sens rnnTiTni par to hiri4 aod 14 ta -yaiT A.XEItXlisEMKJw'r, BRIGGS HOUSE, aad daughters together, and" the dullest among; Ppeclsi to lha Post. Wabbingtox, July 9. There are many evidences of a speedy advance on Fairfax Court House. Immense quantities of army, provisions, been seut over tbe Putomeo, and there nnusual activity) military preparations.

-i fc -i A Georgia Bank has A large deposit of bullion at tho Philadelphia Mint. 1 jv Vi Secretary Chase has Instructed the Director of the Mint not to pay it till Georgia returns nag aa yoa soon may oe lis starry eyes snou watch over you with a Joyous pride. Its stripes shall stream above you and its folds encircle every officer and soldier aa with a mother's love. Take them returns home with some new Idea, aome fresh ambition to weave into the warp and woof tberientey. There ar some doubts whether more than one or more of the federals wss killed.

We are waiting for further particulars. At the hospital are th following Wa. S. Ehler, Co. 1st Wisconsin regirnent, kicked by a horse, and David Orstle, Co.

lUh Pena- who at the ago of sixteen, did not know his letters. iThls1 lad had saved the Dree of several persons on Lake Erie, we believe, who, ont of grati of very-day life. The slovenly farmer with his heavy boots decorated with the clods of last spring's plowing, his slouched and faded hat Cu.r KuartuMT, aaa l. aiocn, rir jiannai, taa i Tajr'' llMa Company W. 1.

kaca Uook A lil Ur Co. No. 1 Un Unglna Kfl tluaa t. Tmni Bnt rilcoor En(1o Co. Ka.

A. Hum 4. Mlafara Knaiaa I I fraiia't Bank. Ityilirmallo tnftnt Ca o. 1 Nrniun HM 1 6, pana Knftna 1.

oluaMi IhIm II. Jrimi auirlna It. Chaaintnn 11" atirni rlr Cnflna 0. J. WelU.

Maara. tUnacafallt. Ctiy af ufflo. Third DhUUm. Whln(ta Braai Band.

t. rvltndly ffona af Bt. ralrick. t. ayina ol Kitn.

I. I Tnprmnea BncUty. 4. VtibaUa o4 Outn UxifM of Odd Vallaa. a.

0ta Taung Mp' AmcIiiImi. 9wiKrtttad, T. HuI.M LiUrilL 1 vtuhi Tll aModatlon. I. Tiro Veila Yorwarw.

La Roy Bud. Us CanMatan aad Caalkaia1 UaUa, then thla Flag To yon, in the name of its kind donor I present it, in perfect taita that yoa will protect and keep it from all harm. Guard. It as yoa would guard yonr parent's grave 1 Through sylvaala regiment, shot in the leg. to her allegiance.

Clxicntm-o, 111; V- The nndertigntd respectfully anoonae to tKalr faaada, pttroos, sad th WaTaUst pahilt gaaeraly, that, owing Mia trlaaaey at laa Oat, tbay hart r. doetd tb arte of Board to s. i TWO DOLLAns PEB I and his ragged coat, learns that another farmer, all abecks of adversity, may it and you pass un otorad. 18. Thraa Shall la ihowora of rain, tailed mataora.

i 14. Plaoa a Bull Bun, oh an King to an ootabadron, fan In brilliant nra aad ookrd contraa aad maraaaad. 15. Itaagal Ugtat, Kad, Wait and Blue. i 11 fUgUt ai kachate of aaa lb.

IT. Baaih-aball, la all color knowpj la tha art pyro-taehnica. 14. Itbonibobedron. Tlila ploa will eomnwnea with ilx Tanloal wtaaala, all In fancy oolora, followed by a car Ire Baaoa wheal, aaooraWd with tied, Wblt and Mue Ore, which will oomniuiilcal to tha Hhoaabohearon of Lhlneeo Jaroea reportod.

i lit. Cbaatof at on thne, In wblt tare. SO. Hi ahellaof thclargeat callbra, In all colon. Bwl, SanrlaafiBa, fanfatauadea, Aa To ooncluiie with tha Bombardment of Fort Sumter, which will eomneno by a ahrU thrown from a battery at a dlataaca, and baoaadlataly fbUnwed by th nun from twa otaer batlattea, which will anew.

the Port In lane work, and oa the wail will be eaaa thirty-lour tara, one for each atata, and cvr fort Sumter will In btara and Strip, Uurlng Ih bombardment will bo aaen Mr. JUart Balling the Bag to tba etumt of th flag atall, and bnuaath hi ft wUI lha worda, In whit fir. "It ahall ware erar Bamler." At thai Oaa the buratlog of ahalla, aprlng-Ing of ulaaa, aad alaablng of arm will give a rary good laa af tha dagger af thoaa few brar aud nobic meu who wr traa to tba Oorarnatcrtt. tTPKOOaAMMa or thb Flao Fbbsbntatiqn. Th following la the procramm of exercises to take place at the Central Preibytrrlan Church (Dr.

Lord',) this morning, waer the la st. JcepH, S. Tho Pony Express arrived here today, bring with no better land than his, and who labors per- Mom tubal, July 3. Much snxtelv is felt about Mr. Kelly, tb first harmed, and and in its broad tolas, in an unbroken column, may yoa march oa, winning every battle In life's great straggle in the name of yonr country, la the name of liberty and in the name of God.

haps less untiringly, has pleasures, and ambitions, and comforts to which he Is a stranger. officer of the wracked steamer Canadian and bis boats cr wv after landing: their pusseuirera they He feels quite ashamed of himself, as be looks on ing the following Item from Fort Churchill, about 400 miles east of Sao Francisco Tort.Chtbchiii, JunoS4f The flnt telegrsph pole wss planted at this nlaca on tha 21st of June at 6 P. M. The Aruet- tiavakmt for tb natrenat to liberally traetewed raapaotfuriy ask Aw a eanUoaaao af tb set ont for tbe north abore of th btralta of I his thin and care worn wife who baa elaved with Belllsle in order to intercept one of the other To which Capt, Emerson replied as follows: Parages aho Fbixow Citizens All here tude, offered him a considerable sum of money, which he declined on condition that they would secure him an education. They compiled with his request, aent him to school, and afterwards secured bim a situation at West Point where he has just graduated witit the highest honors, This rough Irish boy bears himself as perfect gentleman, and we feel confident that be will make bis mark.

It is out of such that the great men of this country are madtv KT Hxaxth PhtsiciaK'b Rbpobt. The fol-lowing tables show th aamber of deaths in the city of Bnffalo for the month of one, 1861 CAossa or sbatb. 1 him, and his lean horso and old wagon, which steamers 01 tne ana not since neon. lean flag was naied to the pole, and three cheers beard from. present and especially our much estemed friend Mrs.

Banta, who has presented us with this beau have cost him as much as the best rig on the fsir aatTAring their ptsrtns that th B1IQGA win Wa coa daetsd th tasat Bbsral pita that ass bar, afar ehr- strUd ostabQiKBient. sYltl. F. TTJCSJEIt CO. i OlJeaen, Jon 1st, Jslstf ground.

Another year that man will come to tiful stand of colors I accept, dear Madam, thu Hig in the name of the Sackett Zouaves, and return yon our warmest thanks. j. the farmer's Jed, more cleanly tn appearance, hit wife looking five years' younger, and bis horse lor tne teiegrspn ana inreo tor tn vnion were given. i i- Tbe party Intends to tasks from five to seven miles per day la constructing this line to Salt LakeCity. i ii a i alixandbia, July S.

THIS' This splendid Hair, with Its Btara and Stripes, rrjuvenated. And this is only one of tho hundred its eagle and shield, are so many paitea in the his -5. -iiJ-'WASHINOTON, July 3. It is uncertain whether tbe PresldeutV Message will be transmitted to Congress to morrow or Friday probably on Friday. It may; bowev er, be positively stated, that, the document will be telegraphed to tbe press, at no copies, will be sent on to advance.) Vi oi.

The report of tb Secretaries of War, Navy, Oattaraaani ladlaa useful lessons which are (aught by thee half-so OaraaiaUra aad J.4ara' Caloa. tory or ttuuker mil, Bennington, orxtown anc v- Saratoga. As lovers of tbe whole Union, the past cial, half-business gatherings. A Dropsy 4 i i snail uot oe oy oa lorgotten tnat nuiory oi int lab. IMnirailiant1 i a.t.

4ar Wallm' Cukoa MaualiiUi1 a4 MUokaatkka To be sure, selfish men attend fairs to adver Olwa of 1819 or to praaent to the Uulan ConUn eulal a magnlflceat Tba tsxercUes be- ajlaat halft f- I' An order was Issued to day forming two brigades out Of the foorrejritnents now here, one under command of OoL Franklin, consisting of and Pennsylvania 4 in. and tbe other paderCoL Wilcox, oi tb Michigan 1st, eooaiating of that regiment the, -Eire ata knlaaaa and aria th prlaea- In Sowing Ilachines! 1 Jockey go to exhibit their loaferism and their Favor 1 fercr Puerperal 8 Scarlet. 8 Typhoid Hemorrhage fat Lungs 1 Inflammation, of 1 savage and the wilderness, ot the struggles ana tbe bardsbtp of 1T79. 'Tis trne wo are but young soldiers, bat when I think ot tbeyoumr surveyor, who entered the army at tbe age of IH, and afterwards became tbe idol of tha American people tbe immortal profound lxiioranc of every thing except whU I. tnlantary oa tha organby Mr.

Bykea. i i A. Prayer t.y Juba u. Jkord, O. i S.

NatluuU aath -by th Olae Club. i Praulalloa br a O. t. aaaai. Bnaanh hv O.

W. Abscess 4 Accident 4 4 Albamlnuria 1 1 Analo Ap araln, nompresslon of 1 aoeerefBtomaeh 1 hlera Infantuia 1 4 Oroap 5 Zonaves. and Treasury are now complete," but they are as unattainable as the message itself. The Will not much exceed tho President's Inaugural, and will be devoted exclusively to questions growing out of the war. It will be decided and emphatic in favor of the imaintooanc of the anity and indivisibility ot tbe Republic at all I j.

j. Notwitbstandlntt former reports and rumors key and a race track; fast young men frtqaeui them only to set oil the superior mainline ol Baaosk, D. D. Great Redaction la Price-! The Minnesota and, uoi. uorman, arrived nera to-day, and are encamped on the right; of tba MasracbuseUa'reifiment, J- the bonest farmer who has earned the privilege Washington I am euoouruged to on tt duty.

When those under my com nana shall bare arrived at tbe proper age when onr couutrj sbal need our nelo when that time comes, and we a. aaoat.ilaa.-by can rtllaior. A MaUunai aaUbaa by tb trie Oub. t. ateaatUetlua.

Th douor of th flag and the families of the of a holiday by his Industry; silly misses wbt ape the follies of city flirt cboee tbese occasions to about ij. Gen. Fremont's command, It was not of Maningra 4 af Larynx 8 i of Lunga. 8 Inf of Peritoneum A Old 4 Premature Birth bheuuiallsaa Small A boot dag A Unknown. 8 CotUneotala are rcaaeated to be prompt at the ehall be called upon 19 bear aloft thia emblem ol i I KY Ours are the best Manulacturlng aad aaJly Macblast la taa world.

INSTBTJCnONS FREE OF CHA ROE. make themselves ridiculous and lead one to turn with still higher admiration to the unsophlscaied maidens whose rosy cheeks are blushing with limanjenuocod in the above programme. They will flud tarred aau la front of th pnlplt. I nti anl rMr naBfaa Ualaa MMMvaian' OuUa Taitnra' Unl. lrtMia' i Aa4 Mix Cnl)' ,1,.

A Faat a Boda. ButolMMa' aaasoUUaa Drajraaaaoa Usnaoaak. vs i DmlMn. 1M1 Botiaola, od taa alrectloa af faaard B. Baat, BaiHKlatoaaant, aa4 ala AMUtanta.

Tna aiayM -Ul4 hit, Onutr, Ohapiala, aad Baadar, ka a karoaoaa.lraaa ttorM, Ttlrt l.onf rfirMcu (ka Thirty 1am ttataa, aad ha (Holaa af UlMrty aadar tka Atraaila ml a. Yinlntv dratra by tlx borara, ftwa tba amariaaa Kx rrwa OoBaay, drtraa by taa Ttru Bbamaa. BaSata OMa Club adr tba dlrwtUa af J. tL Btedfat, I Qaraataftha BvratatWa and tba aaraf 1111 Otblllty lirlum Wrrhcea a Ihseas of the Brsln i- 1 "i Luntra 4 i Spin a All ia quiet at the and- there are no more eases of pickets being fired upon. Rockete were Irequently sent op by the secession pickets during last night.

There are no present Indications of an advance. Habttobo, July S. The Connecticut Legislature, after a session of nine weeks, adjourned sine die at 10 n'clock tonight. Er Governor Seymour offered re lutlons in the House upholding tb South ISr TaB t-aacoA The arrlTal In town of uu wonted excitement. There is Just enough of uulll to-oay that the eouciunou was reached by the Government.

He bus impatiently awaited hi orders, while carefully refraining from ex pressing preference for any particular field. He had a long Interview with the President last night, and will at once, leave Washington, to take command of the great western move- mectuii i I i Mr. Halderman, United i States Minister to folding RogewrlRl4Uroa(1 0ircu4 the bud to be seen to afford a striking contrast reut to be hailed wlia -aight by amnsement to the good which predominate. A Fair lean epltom of country life, refreshing to one who ACBS. Between 4 and 80 years.

11 eaaera, oia ana younif. i ht.moriliDg mounted band beloogloK to th iron paraded throdgb tb atreeto, Tbeir rpleodld maalc Mlhe stalely boa not outgrown bis love for the simple plea Bead for a eopy ear easette. I SI. ML1GEB li (,. Slain Btroet mylSdaclttf XlttHaUo, V.

In their rebellion. He could get only eighteen aures wblch form the episodes in the otherwise) Between CO and 60 years. 4 Between 60 and 70 years. 8 Between TO and SO years. Over 80..

Unknown 8 onr natlou glory, rest assured that strong arms aod bravo bearta shall march "to tb mo etc 1 ot tbe under lta ample folds, ana bear lion to victory. Soldiers, I propone three eheers for Mrs. Banta andxhe flag. -t At the conclusion of Capt. Emerson's reply, tbe young ladies sang: Unfurl the Glorious Banner," ahd although we have bad the pleasure of listening to tho soul-stirring words of that sweet song befoie, we think it waa never rendered In better taste.

The exercise over, the Zouavea paraded the atreets, bearing alolt the most splendid company flag in the city. 1 1 he occasion was one of much interest to the Inhabitant of the First Ward. appearance of th cavalcade spoke sovtoies of 1 year and under 83 Between 1 and 8 yean. IS Between 8 and 6 years. Between and 10 years.15 Between 10 and years.

Between 80 and 80 years. 18 Between AM and 40 years. 9 S3 monotonous llfd of the tiller of the soil. We advertisement for the circus. The tents 01 hu wonder that the residents of other towns do not vast establishment are pitched at the corner ot emulate the example of Aurora, and organise Sweden, has reached Tbe Government there, aa in other European couu tries, expresses its sincerest sympathy with tbe cause ia which tbe United State is now engaged, I The candidates for speakers are reduced to two Messrs.

Grow and Blair. In order to lessen tbe number and prevent delay in organizing, which a triangular content atn nirs th Republicans might occasion, Mr. Colfax annonnced to both tbe other eandidatea to-duy thus be bad been brought ont as a candidate contrary to his withe, aud should, at the opening of the sesalun, to HOWABi), W11ITC0MB CO, mem mrt to sustain him. His rebuke was em- pblla Boston, Jury 8. The 4th will bs celebrated throughout New England with more than usual enthusiasm.

Counterfeit $100 bill on the Blue Hill Bank, Dorcheeter, very well executed, are In circulation. Cwraooi Council and City 'and County aaeara la aania- r. sOtJetiee like here. Every town baa lis grove And advent grounds, and a Uttt well directed enterprise -would secures dozen Horse Shows Male Ji'lr Of Um V. B.

aad SUM Court, aad aBloart af White. tb Anay and Mary, alM la carrtaaaa. larttad (ueaU la earrlacM. and Fairs every season, i coLoa. 1 Colored aATivima.

..80 Bom In England. 8 PmLAPEXPnix, July 8. IdT IaOBPBNDBMOa DatJWo confess that, Tba flrat WiiiloB will form en tba North aid of Niagara CoL Baker's reelment troke camp to-day and it BeetiBod 1 morrow, oecune otuuc votea tor. The contest of tbe clerkship Is more exciting than, that for speJtershJp. Born in the TJ.

8 I our duty to a patriot city permitted, we Amongst the principal tea atraat, it rlfhl raatlnf on Faarl atraat. proceeded td the Naw Tard. and embarked for Thataaaad Dhrtatoa vtUrona Dtlawar atroot, toatb af Portree Monroe. Tbe orders were countermand should prefer a quiet day out town to a noisy 8 ed and they will proceed directly to Washington. one within the purlieus ol the city.

But duty New Yobk, July before pleasure ia a popular maxim, ry mock The United State transport Tnornaa Swain. SOT AfaiT. street, AGENTS FOB THE SALE OF Lewiston A and nanover 8eamles gujtn 3 as. sayietf 1 10,000 BoUs NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES PAPER HANGINGS Jast received At tbe Paper BAngtcgt Warehous I 1Y4. Moin treet.

Paytf BIBGB etc CO IVXoartg-tiges "Wanted. PC1 Anri WORTH of very 3rt HjtJ', VJ VJU euvss taOOte In vogue, and not to be despised, priucipaHy o). I Total 1 BT WHOM C71TOD. By Praetiilonert By Undertakers By Coroner 8 i Total I from Fort Pickens 23rd, via Key West S8ih June, ha arrived. i I rt'n cause it Is In fashion.

We might venture Tbe United states tntg Mississippi, from4 Bos- world of sage advice as to the proper method of frt 1 8 i ton, arrived from Fort Pickens June 23rd. celebrating the nation's' natal day," bat we re The ship Charmer sailed from bxy VYest for tores of the day is one which matt not be neg lected or overlooked. Thousands of friends and strangers will doubtless throng our city daring the day to witness lu peculiar aod patriotic fe. tlvltiet, and when evening comes, what can be aore desirable than a pleasant, comfortable place to down and enjoy a brilliant performance. To do taig, to enjoy a treat that will be remembered all tbe days of one's life to behold eights, which most let, a lasting Impression or delight, go to the Metropolitan Theatre this evening.

Not an Individual among men, women, and children should past by this opportunity before leaving the We confidently guarantee that frain, at we have lest confidence in advice than Niagara aad Pearl streets, and all preparations are mode for the admission of the populace at the boars stated in the advertisement In another column. Tha programme for the Fourth la a moat brllllantooa. Besides the host of performances of all aorta, ha man and equestrian, some new eater appropriate to the patriotic occaalon ar to be Introduced. Mr. Lee Powell 1 to deliver hi great Union spoech and sing his Union songs, and each entertainment will comments with a "erand allegorical enlroe," entitled the "Bone of of Freedom and Daughter of Liberty on furling the Star Spangled Banner." 01 course the eirens will be patronised.

-t 1 tW PLBASCKB BlOtJKSIOW ON Lakvb All who desire to escape from a portloa of the dost and bustle of the Fourth in the city, have a splendid chance. The steamer City of Buffitlo, Jnstly known as one of Lake Erie's floating palaces, will start this afternoon at 1 o'clock, from the dock near the foot of Commercial street. Szcnrslonlste will thus able to see all the pageantry of the forenoon, and the steamer will return In ample time to allow Its passengers to witness the fireworks In the evening. A pleas-aater episode for the dsy eonld not be Imagined. The heat of the afternoon will be evaded, and those on board may fancy themselves for a few City at large Foundling Bisters Charity Erie Co.

Almshouse General 6 New xork nne tamo. NUfara iiaara, Tb Third PlrWon vtU form oa Oan ttraat, Bovu, atdfarTlaiciuaiqaara, Hi right reitlnf oa tha aqaara. Tbtraurta Olrlaloa U1 tormon DeUaar atraat, North or Nlafaira aqaara. i Tb fifth Dlrlirtna will fonaoa Oanea rtratt, North rid Nlacara aqoara, IU rlbt raatiof an tb aquara, Tbl Xrlalaa aaa aaa Pearl atraat, wbar It eroaaaa Oanaaaa, Tha BUU.WrWon forat oa rranUln itraat, (oath of Mrra Tb Aartaiilhllf har been aaalgntd to duty aa ltTj'to Hirnj aad fir Marahal 4 The steamer Snwane taUed from Key West Of S5 -All' OOHltj GtitiOIl the we have la common sense. Don't consider that remark personal, mine ancient bummer," for the latter clause don't refer to yon Total Altbongh (he times" are hardand money is Tbe Captain of tbe Bwaln sayt the troop At Fort Pickens are all well.

The average number of deaths during the 1 i We Insist that wo are patriotic, bat we have month-Of June, for the last five years, is 124, showing a trifle above the mortaUty of the pre read the dispatches to that extent that we. not only doubt the fact of electricity but also tho propriety of a patriotic creed upon th occasion. ceding month. I i The cases of small-pox which have occurred ear, mtw, hu i a im sTsUenefaeals, Vhere to Cay then the Chespest fi w.rys Iv sv-t. arid not one will be tound, who follows enr advice, Dr.

a. anorak and OoL Kioh.t Hha TXrMon. There la such aq abundance; of patriotism that Oa. Oaray and Mator fitnlaa, weo, eaa im awawisien a meuerate enseouv as ho. Klagsrattraet.

JelAj 1 TJQBAkP WHAOir. Steamer Zimmennan. TO XOXXO.TO. QTEAMEIt 2IMMKRMAN, Capt. a ktlLLOr, Is aowaaklDf ker RaularTrlp ia eosneodon with th Haw Tork Oantral Bsllmad.

rsssengere taking tba 8 A. M. Train, Brt stmt DrfMt, wul arrive Toronto ul e'elock, aad reaneot ebb Grand that will ever regret being Influenced by H. The present attraction at this theatre is one Of an The Thomas swain DriDgB a mail nrota. ort Flckena- i The offlcers of tha House are hardly thought excepting by tbe numerous candidate themselves and those who expect to obtain places under then.

Tbe following are the parties to whom the building of a gunboat each baa been awarded by the Navy Department Baltimore, John J. Abraham; Wilmington, W. Thatcher; Philadelphia, John Lynn, Jacob Blrely, and Uillman Btraker; New York, Jacob, Westervelt, John English, Thos. Buckler. Biruoosoc.

Oenberalioa Webb. amp ana aamaay. some of it, withont a sufficiently large vent-hole, 1.1 i.l a i inritwa this year bave all been. Imported and sporadic cases, and bav been transported Immediately to the Small-pox Hospital, which it tbe Only locality fa tbe city where tbe disease exists. i i 4 J.

WHTTAKEK, Heaittllarsiclani extraordinary nature, occurring perhaps one will have a severe headache twenty-four hours Moral-r-PatribkUm without, a is dangerous. tllu'ii t- I IT YOU BUY FOR CASH, daring ones natural existence. It is called the "Naiad Queen." This stupendous pieceof mag ra, DtThdoa. Th Aaatrtant Mar will tak eharg. D.

"Mob Mi.y ar rwpactfully lumad. aadaL J3b takaiblapnparflaotUtbapracaaaloa. At IV e'olock, prcclMly, tha firat WtUIob wlU ora down Paarl aim, and aa Ua laft aaoarar tb rigttt oTtl, aaeoad Mrkdaa, that DWWoa win AU1 In and aa aith Bui Celebrate! you. have a spare picayune nificence and splendor, stands unparalleled as a Tnuk aad Bonaam Hauway. raeaanien eeavegad put it into the Barings Bank' to, pay the taxes.

epectacniar production in this city, and we very "tsjt; t- itt Tw twls" I 11 JT 1 Goodaufor Toiir Money, fra of charge, from ears to laeaier at Lew Ufa. Brew year ticket bf this Brat etas rout, at tb 11 T. a AR, BckaA OAtoe, Xri etreet Depot. hoars kings and qneeas, listening to tho. music much question its having ever been presented in Foppenberg's band, and lounging in the mag- and Bell; EastHaddam, O.

8. W. Good speed Mystic, Maxon, Fish ACo. Gilderslleve ttSonj BostonPaul Curtis, A. fo Sampson, and Curtis Tlldon Newbttry-port, G.

W. Jackson, Jr. Thomas tan, G. W. a more complete and brilliant form In any of tb fABJA let Olasa 00 AdCUas 1 nl-ent saloons of the floating palace.

Cant. Honor the Fourth of July and keep it wholly' Is an Injunction' not recognized In common law, but common custom, and therefore, as good Iawfas lies this side of tho bench of Judge Lynch. l4y Z-' V' metropolitan cities, where It has been marked Perkii a gentleman and a sailor in the best Oapt, D. KHX0T. apr-t XW Tlataew' Tenetlaxt Liquid Hair Dye.

Thia celebrated Dye was Brt prepared la 1845; atnea that time ha been vrxo ur THOraiKrw, and In BO Instanea has it failed to glr rsarscr BATawAomw THB VBNXTIAN D1S the jpest In the world. It price fat oaxv nrrr cairr, and eaeb bottle coa tain notrsxa tub QBASTnr or dts contained in taos oiually sold for esa noixAB. I tr THB VENETIAN DTS is the safest eomposfflon: Of Bs claas. It bt wAaaAJmD sot to nutroa the hair, or tb aealnTfat the eliirhMe degree. f' THAI VXNKTIlN DYB works with aiKDITT Aa CBSV taibtt.

It can a aottoyaneaor tooobte to those who aaa It. with a successful ran of weeks and months. Ton BenTale, April IM, 191. sense of Voth these terms, command the vessel W. Dyer- Bath, Larabee Allen Kennebuuk, look at the scenery, aad fancy yourself in Fairy and that Is aguaranty for the comfort and jollity Land.

Tod hear tbe manic, and fancy the very ot tnae on board. 834 street. Than My where else la the city. t. Cell and ananas thair eoeds and Mae, aad a toon bt oonvmaed.

(Oa stock u-0-f air breathing richest melody. Ton behold the X3T Obfbax Fbstivai The OrDhans at 1 liciiTAijarAit's ') i VJBariTAXAD ManrifitctuTed ta Albany, la nrdvcraally rsiiBimandd as tbe beet tad htalttuest Tabi Barerag mas. gorgeous and costiv costumes, and find them su in ur DlrUlona In their nanartcal ordar, tb alxth bringing O) Ui Mar. Tb praeaaaloa, paarfrif dora Pr1 atraat, 1U craaa th Tarrac ta Mkla itraat, up Mala atraat to Virginia atraat, ooaatar awohU, dowt) uim Kt to Sri atraat, Vnra Irla ra to tha Tarraca, aWrif aloof th lomr alda Tarraat to rUnd, wber It wlUhaJV Th ftrart tMrUba wUI than apaa naka, a nan tba orator of tb day, Mayottnaata, and tbn ba oetrapM ear. riaga la tbiUUiYUd0n, baring reached tha Tarraca by way of Ftarl atiyt, wlU paa tbroagh Ui filataf told Ur to thttr piaew ov th atand tht band af th Int Dtrlaton amntlm plying "UnU Columbia," jn Dlrlaton wt obot Ih Utt of th nUltary, lha rlMHM unin, porfUoo to th ordar ctZll'' "m'1' ro- tlm.

th. rarlon, A duty was laid on us, "Be patriotic! In consideration ot that Injunction, we propose) three cheers for the Flag, three more for Gen. Scott, and: a third trio for '4 the day wc celebrate 1 I tW EXCOJWION TO BCBPALO OX TTHB "tTH. i the Buffalo Orphan Asylum have a Festival on Saturday, the th InsU CltUens who feel inter perior to all the oriental Actions ever described. ft, i xnompsop.

The list of parties to whom tbe building of tbe steam machinery for tbe gun been awarded, la as follows i Baltimore, Charles Reeder, one; Philadelphia, Merrick one, Norrls cfc two; N. Novelty Works, three; Newbury Highland Iron Works, one; Hartford, Harrison Loring, two; Atlantic Works, one. i i WwTotf.nia R.I While tbe tranformatlons and tricks startle and Mtea in the matter, are tviueatcd in contribnta wontnoui.ions should be handed In at the As. bewilder every sense. Tba combination of beauties, with which the play abounds, would occupy page after page In narration every sens la fed, The steamer Portsmouth, Captain Sol.

Bond, syinm aa early as Friday leaves Dunkirk on the morning of the 46b, at 0 aTKljIvfBgB 3 BT.U0tarlWarf, apt BaU sgwiU lor as to this city. 'Millinery Goods; f-r AT REDUCED IJrX10ESI THB VENKTIAN DTE produces any shade that may A desired one that will aat fade, crook, aerwaah out oa that It as permanent as the hair itself. -I i THB VENETIAN DYE does not. In any manner, Interfere with the mattsix aosraaaS or thb hxib it neither scorches nor dries it, THB VENETIAN DTB Is the best, cheapest, safest, most esnvenient, most successful, and moat permanent Dye ever used. i i THB VEMBTIAW DYB having galnsd ao extended reputation, the public are 0 ACTION ED against purchasing any prepared in th same style, under th saaia or different name, aa they are mere Imitations, aad liable to 4 vt.i-.s -'-X lay- JTOHObb Abrbstbd.

On Monv OOlcor i. COFFEES, s-iv: a ft TEASi ii FRUITS- for Buffalo, arriving in time for the ex bf th. Leg If Ut ore. organised Tolea arrested. In Jefferson.

Ohio, a man named while node, even the most fastidious, feels itself abased, In word, action, or gesture. The entire Both Houses vesterdav. Feter Vandecker, who this spring sold a draft, of which he forged the indorsement, to the Wads- mm fiiaanaaau anatr ra cursionists to take part, la th grand celebration which come off here. They will alto have an rtpDortunlty to witness the splendid displsy of Fir Works in the eveningor go to the theatre ta Fff Ont Cheaper thsn At Any Other worth House, In this city. The draft, we beHsTe ton aod spirit of the play contains a beantifnl poetic moral, which all may see and enjoy without the slightest hesitation.

The principal character of the piece is represented by Mrs. Effle Lieut. Governor Paiscly took the Chair in the Senate and Daniel Frost of Jackson, was elected Speaker of the House. Governor Plerripont's lleasagc was sent to both bodies last with a document from Washington offlolelly reoognlsmg tbe Government. "The Message was a very able document, was for something like 11600, and waa draws by ror saie ay au iirugrista.

rreparaa eniy ey f. IlrJUgO ttiAiO. E. WEEITI3STG, shces, 1 PURE WINES, I LIQUORSi MATHS WS, Dragglat, Buffalo. myS-ly a.

A. Ml tj.rt tickets for which, will be sold on the boat Tha The 63th Regimental Bind will tie on board, and enliven the Occasum with thnir l.t mnnta. i cot, rtaia mm ITortlt rivtsloa a tract none A dry gooda men of New Tork, on an Ohio merchant, named Miller. Vandecker had been an agent of the New Tork honae, which has, since the forgery, rlgorouely prosecuted the Ellsler, who seems ao well adapted for the Queen of the Naiads, that ahe baa already made herself aa object of admiration with every one, particu Yi and snv nnnsnal ontlsraetlon. i O.

73, Xam.Tf ctxtA "WU Slotd." tdJ Aw Outbaob. Tor many' months the do Will open large stock of Mininery Good, st Br- Inaon, Chaplala af ka gVj-BUr Bpangtag Ml aaa etxjir Of TkPBg Baadlng Of 'vlaraUoa mt t.a. la. lnSnoanr by 0. 0.

Bo kba 0I Club. Ora Wa by bar. Jjr. Lord. Ban ay tba Toung Ladjaa.

Booadlaataa. la b. foi0oM JVrtrortaoa tha a-aat and of la larraaa. A ptaaa 1 th maU oa aa nr4 It 1 a succinct review of secession In Virginia, and of tbe causes leading to the of the present Government, and tb ene gelic oo opor-atioa with the Federal Government h-- larly the ladles. And as for Mr.

Ellsler old eearch for the criminal. Officer Tolea has bean WHOXSSALB ASO i EI Alls from that data, aad will aaU go pr eent. cheaper kaaa any atbes boas ta tb ofay, ladies la waat of at various times at Toronto and Hamilton In logs of a fair and frail daughter of Eve, residing in Irving, Chautauqua County, have greatly scandalised the virtuous dame of that vlclnltv. -S'' tin k. taiuw- r-e--' 4 (f -4 -jaSAtf PIATHat PTB TAETXAN quest of him, aad Anally bearing of him la Jef The American Express Company Cnntmue to run a DAILY EXPRESS from PALO TO JAMESTOWN anej Intermedial plae, la abame of asaaotai maaaangar.

E0H1TETS, EIBBOS, IXOWEES, -Twenty seven thousand eoitars in specie, belonging to the State, was el ted and brought here last nitrbt by order of the Governor, from tbe Exchange Bank of Weston. It is supposed that Governor Wis was beading for Weston to get ferson, he obtained a reqosltlon from Gov. Mor-Bn on Governor DsnrtlsoD, snd proceeding there eSO I win do well ta gl vt as taa before pirrehtjtng tlseebsr. Last Thursday night some tea or eleven of them paid her a visit, and finding two men In her dom Idle, they cleared them out, diverted the woman ana eary aot ai.nuouaa ma pngraaBai.lvaa Tim Moa Ntng gj ra th Maratal. ammnr toe piaoa, this money.

of her Integnmenta and replocwd them vrltb round his ma. Mir. Tolee mentions that he fweelved ranch MiUtance an many courtesies from the Ohio oflWrs, for which he renders Tb aoaiBtanda af Batkaauti aad Indtpandan aapa. Ltartcg ia tb morning ws. reach JatxeMobra tb same We are prtparadM forward 4 Coin, Bank Notes," Jewelry, GSoocia nd Packazos.

tn 3 --(! 5 I I I ST8 MAIN BTT1XISKT. apBtl s- 1 A at WgTTTya. Ice! IOE! Ice I iJ I 1 oly 8, bran new euit of tar, aad feathera. Tba women laa, aad aaa barlag eharva of tb dlSaraa aoawttaa, aa kt Dbatr raapoaUra aoausanda, ar fnmpVj la -TL-T0- Vandecker Is now in Jail here. The steamer Hueh Jenkins left bera etveral i who did that ahonld, every ona of them, feel for thereat of their natnral liver the sting of scorpion at bis bart, and, when, dead deaerv th hotest days tine with three companies of federal troops Tibbwobka! The Brothers 5ral national fame for the 1 THE QUEEN OXTTV ICK COMPABr are ptpared ts farlab laajfilas.

Bo- on aoara, on a secret expedition to as ton, ta-bot for the onroote of receiving: Certain a piaoa aatad Iham, at o'clock. Niuoa Binuu. CMaf MarajaL A. ataaaaaa, Jayr, At. Kania ml a tba OoaUoCL Ca.

I ratraat, AX2 1 i place la prdlUon. armsaaid to bav been sent from here by Mar. he! Can to a military organisation In that sec atmiieM. nwpauera, Mantis. Ha in oaa, aa all ethers ka waa af lea, at kw prtoa.

bav oard a acaeb mrger guaaUty thaa last year, ta ft f'JLITY. sar Is sold at tb IcaHeasa. at lam ar email e-aaa- CQLLXOr yOTSS, DRAFTS ft AaCOVSTTA and ezeeata sU OoouiUsteos aoansated with Hi or as basin 1 gSAT Betes a lew a by aaty ether reap aee Ho Bi tai Ceetpan. leAvtf aa WW. B.

PB'C It. WASHINGTON OT tar Fnt B. -Abo oft o'clock yesterday after John as he Is called if he don't make yoa laugh as Schnapps, why, we pity yon, that's ail. Once more, take our advice and, don't lsave as withont seeing the Naiad Queen." i 137 A votuaTBX NxwspArxa. Wo bsva besn shown a copy of the UnUiSUiU Volumtetr, a smart little sheet published by th Volunteers at Boon vllle, Mo.

It was tent to Mr. Cornweii, of this elty, whoa eons, Edward and Mansfield, are with tbe Fsdoral array la Camp Cameron. A letter irom th Messrs. Com welt I tales that tbe troop bad taken a considerable quantity of rebel plunder, which bad bean dltribntd among tb bnya. Tbayhav already been la tbre eklrnv ishe or battle with th secessionists.

A rifle taken from rebel Is now, Its way to Mil Cornwall from bis 17 Nbtton Hosb's Fla. Nsptnne Hot Company, having just; removed flroa Perry street to their new bouse on Washington, naat Seneca street, will this morning at tlx o'clock raise a roagnlfleent flag over their new quarters. The prtt corp. of this splendid company 1 ommendbli Neptan Hot Cextvj will do Itself ereattt th aaJaa-ttfati tf Ko. tl i sHVat h.r.

wber th most as noon a lira was dlscfvred in 1th attle of Mrs. Chss. 0. Gold's resfldenoe, ansa bar did Mala St. nts tion of the State.

The omrers in cnaraa oi in i expedition waited on Cob Tillgman, and Carroll i Burn, another officer, botb of whom refused to m-mm an iiafriirk In MHTArd ta Lh arfflS. x- bme. Homater Biaek. Minie: Rillei3tj! Olt'a, Allen'i, Sharp's and Smith dt Wasson's Bavelver, of all kinds 1 tb aw Ckurtridg Bavoltara, lav prwvd rwtot KlSa aad abet 6 aaa. Double and magte; Bowl (ntveo, Dirk, Pooka CnU-y, FWMag Tackle, and aa klada of Sporting goods; Powder, 8aot Aad Caps a VTinln! end KwaU.

i- AO ivh Work dea, aww Oeita add, Warrejita. myVii-Sm P. BuITtt, 15T Kain tkreet. tiaakaa It i Jam mm aaajta, aotaaa AjiaagaaaaataV fcaT Tb fLarutoi Zuuaroa" JaranU orpit or lha lottrnBtlot of Opt. X.

Uraw, rrUlJoia proatloa oo Iwway dowo Mala traet. sar in rjb thb dat. c. a phi, But Ineonaiderttblf damsg was done by the Ar. alto, at lee-Hoose.

feet i Kris stnet. H. IT Proprle otr, Thev war told that they must find, themfor though considerable dira iir resnlted from the WATTS mhlt-Sm BwfUo, sfarob 14, Wl doing of wAler posred Into tb building. There "7 their own lni terasta bst thU insuac by puWn hom, nanaraetnre. Again and again neighboring eran distant altla bsva sent la their ora, for themselves, and both gentlemen were very onen sir to their deportnif nt.

One drew a pistol oa the federal officer. Under these clrcnrcstapcs both warn arrtattad rand brought to tvtt MC- i waa reason to com plain of the recklestnesa of WAR TIMED I a IPrices GBeduceol! kM accepted thlnnuUatorrd Ih Do-f the effort of aome excitable persons In attempt XTo. XS Coxfluxtaroial attrrMt. Adjotnlra, Ot my8-eat ft. A rrocisiat ila Jr atade and Taxes Paid In Albaajr, by aabeexib- Momt' ronrw or uiy Bftiei.

opine rr. ing to preserve some slight articles of furnlturo MA5CTA0TCKt enterprising sad Ingenious Arm will have won Several house were searched, but only a few ridaa war fOOSd. 1 "7 pitemiDs; them out of the windows. We nn, THE LAIIGn ATO "TTICU acaaa atchaa, Jawairy aaa 1: er. Apply at Se.

8 Niagara strea. The bjlg Solferino, gent as a priite to N. Is i i l0M by darnsge ts covered br i.rrWAW an iaoapandaoca from Lb aland, la ttt order of ireUg for ta FoortX mbT Tha FoarUj oJaly CoatmUt Wcaujong oay Bt Bralaal tbani, m' ea at 10 a. Vf. Friday.

falb owned by Messrs. eaniuel ii. 'irsvme uauM. and tha rtarsra bv W. H.

T. haw laurels wbsa this eslsb ration Is over, rT BaXLA The Unloa Bereeaders give ball at tha rornliallaoa KUleott Street to-night. Tkr sis be a sail tn Xotk't tTslI. I 100 aoiai 6ren aad Aiaec. of uitr rd tB'tia Ba, a- r.a, yoa by asxictcincla, zz.

Ja. td 88 t. tsr iHrriajuB jiy "ASAjrT ntarprIalBg jAm ejttaur an lata iw Wricht, ofthlsclty. Ordtrt had been sent her .1,1. Lit tv rseWsaasatvesktt' s-, jl.

js eta soya ar ta ettlaaas ooxpa AtitU4. to Ixsw Ytrk tattead witrlsttou. asm, 'r gaaraski ii 1.

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