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Buffalo Courier from Buffalo, New York • 1

Buffalo Courieri
Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 'l i i j- i i -t- i guffala-Coimcr "varricn axd rRorntrrow. rfaTtuxQwWitt)itTw, I htM I 1 1 iwr 1 1 Mm 1 1 --wm. 1 1 U. I WWW. Ttmr ixttwa yr M' 178 Washington trt.

'I' Xiu It i i l.V COCIUKTl TUc Dollar pel i', pr UMM. ay apriAMt ite, trill crf4 aat MM MMk vV4 i I I I Willi i ID fffif: I i -wt. www if irvAi a. w. iWKnwsn a nnwrva.

wwjw i I 1 Dnffala pnili) Courier. aAS FIXTURES. X. JEV IODtoins, Inland and Fire Issnrante T1IOS. PKIIIILNS, Intjnranco 'lygoncy CITT INS.

CtX, Ot NEW OATEN, CONN, UAinpDEar ins, or epRiNonixp.MAsa, AsasM, w. JO.ftja ITI ETOOPOLITAN INS. OF NEW YORK. Capita! asoa. CIIARTKR OAK OF HATTObMX Capital RELIEF INS.

OT Krfr.TORK. FIUE.T1E FUND INS. CO, OF NEW TORE. Capital. PoUda Issued aad Less Paid at this agsncy.flrat laoe Xlif Cnrrrnry iiemIoi Its Chi rngo.

At mcetinif of Chicago Merchants held Fri. day evening, Frederick Tattle presiding, the following preamUu and resolutions were adoted Whereas, In order to protect our own inter-cKts as a bLsic, her financial economy should be imcli as to place her on a par "with others and, whereas. In our opinion the present monetary crUis la our Blate is lb direct result of a banking system which discriminate agalpst tholuter-ctiia of hor citizens, in lis practical working, by civlm to a few Irresponsible banker i tin mot cnM the Interest npon fifteen million dollars of rtoekn, while the peopla are com-jH lied to pay for Ihetn, and euhraltto the conversion oi every dollar of their surplus products Into bank bills, with no other basis but those stocks, till from 11 ve.million dollars In 1857 they have increased to twelve million dollars three millions of the Increase being from the present year's surpln crop; and, whereas, from the nature of tbo evil, the commercial interests Extra SeMloti or the JLonllam The extra session of the Louisiana Legislature, commenced at Baton on Monday, 10th Inst The Governor Un hit message exhort calm-nesa and deliberation He say that the electloa of Mr. Lincoln howi that the Northern mind is poisoned against the'outh that the. wise counsels of our father orv forgotten, and the fraternal remonstrance of the South are disregarded.

Ho recommends a Convention, and says Louisiana ought not to refus to meet her sister ahv breeding States la council to demand of the North the rcieal of her obnoxious legislation, and guarantee against future similar measures, lie says these questions should be met before the Inauguration of Mr. Lincoln, becaase tha self-respect and honor of the State docs not comport with her remaining- under a Black Republican President1 i --r A resolution recommends the erection of a military board, and ajsks an appropriation of half a million for the purpose of purchasing arms for volnnteercompanies. The members are not disposed to act hastily, but are in favor of preparing for any emergency. 1 Cahinet The Washington correspondent of the N. Ti Timet says "Secretary Cobb has at last resigned, but bis successor has not been nomlnatedl although rumor says differently.

One report Is that Mr. Guthrie has been named, another that Mr. Holt takes the Treasury, and Hon. L. O.

B. Branch take the Post Office Department. Still another rumor say that Mr. Schell goes into the Cabinet." The Washington correspondent of the Herald says "Mr. Buchanan has tendered the office of Secretary of the Treasury to Mr.

Guthrie, ex-Secretary of tho Treasury under President Pierce, and he has accepted by telegraph. My authority is of so high a character that I cannot doubt tho report." The Washlngtou correspondent of the World says ''It seems welt credited that Postmaster General ITdlt will be transferred to the Treasury, and Mr. King, now first assistant, will be made P. M. General.

Erastus Corning Is also named as the successor to Mr. 1 ar A EN UOMX INSURANCa COMPANY, sVail, -Ofltea No. US aad Broadway, SCw Tark. tala4 Snrvtua LAMAR FIRK IXSURANCK COMPANY, OfflowaQ KewTvr. Cash Capital and RIPUBUC INSURANCE COMPANT, hUami OSeaUWaaStrosa, KswTora.

Cash CapHat aadarplus Dtvtda SK por ent of profits to pottry bl.l PHKNIXIN3URANCK Ct)MPANT, ad JlJt, Cwrp SMt Mit, 1 Offio 6S Waa Btr Tart. Caatt Capital: Poaa iasi abor ehoW OotrvpaAjl fair rotoa; straight tasas promptly adjastod aa4 paM by iht 4rn oa h' Tor. -OfRe Na 4 Thompaoa Block, Prtros Baffaio, N. T. Partieolar attootioa pall JWp DATID P.

DOB4UNW, Noiawy aiaita. THE MUTUAL INWR. ANC1 COM PANT OF BrPFlLO. CAPn AX, (actually paid kO This Ooeapany, anranlsed by a spadal Charter fro lit Btets of Naw York. conUnues to losurs btuldtnaa acid p-orty of Tory aVMertpttoa agaleo lea or daauNa by kr.

Also, Marin tteUVeaasis, Cargooa aad FrolghM a tao current rates of pramluma. Tho ssftofo 4 pros' of this Company ara dMdsd aaaa-aOy ameagst tb partta effecting laswaee vtth tt, thstw by savtc fto the tnaarsd, as tu sipsriene fur Ux astaU-teeo years WlH show, ever tMrfy pr ent. Tha aconmalated capital bslanaa to th Company, aad la securely Invested at par eont Intertst, sufficient pay th annual lotoreot on tt oatatanding scrtp, and to tl. to arride ail tt proAta asaoagat Uw parUa wba loaoiw ma iv ip ADM or mttomr of tk Ompamr is p-ooUy UabUft 94 cow aad ab99Ut premium pad fry TRUSTEES. Jamoa a Bvaa.

S. B. Jewett, Doaa Rlrhmood, A. A. Euataphiav.

J. O. Doahler, BUas sV. Flab, Beptlmaa Lathrop, S. W.

HowcU, a N. TutUo, Gibson T. WUttaai, MUos Jonea, Cyrus dark, Jaaoa Parker, Myron P. Bush, Geo. 8.

Uaaard, gamut! F. Praft, Kdaey Rhepard, VG. apouidmg, a Hiwln. II. M.

BUona. E. Fslawr," 8. K. Worthiiigtoa, Osias Ntm.

Bchaylor Coy. JAlaES C. EVANS. Proatdena. O.

FISn, V. PrasUoat, A. A. EmrramavB, Bocratary. omes, No.

11 1 MarobaaU' Exoharf. Joar BsmavMABj, Marina Inspector. mnU.U American, Knropean, Californlnn and AuBlrulInn STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD Ml laaisaua and. Freight Office, No. 65 EXCHANGE BUFFALO.

Tho subscriber has made arransccment with all the first class companies la New Tork, lioaton aad Philadelphia, to forward Passengers to most parts of England, Ireland, Scotland, France and Germany, by Steam or Sailing Packet Boats, WITHOUT DELAY. At Greatly Reduced Ilatcsj. Those wishing to send for their friends, can do so on very reasonable terms; also, Tickets sold at this office for Railroads aad Steamboat to A IF ORNIA, (via the only reliable U.S. Mail Route,) Tlie and tail part of tlie United rstsatew. vis Albany.

New Tork, Boston, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Cairo, Memphis, New Orleans, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Galena, Rock Island. Dnnlelth, Madison, St. Paul, St. Louis, Green Bay and Lse superior. The same has also established a HOUSE AND LAND AGENCY, aad has several good Houses and Farms for aal or to rent also, Life and Property Insured In the best compa- nies.

Iff Particular, attention paid to Shipping and Insur ing Freight to California by Steamer or Clipper Packet. w. a. niaus, agent, sel4-ly No. 65 Eichang Buffalo.

N. T. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. a vbom aaw took to uvaarooL. Chief Cabin Passage $180 Second Cabin Passage 75 raoai aoevo to ururooi.

Chief Cabin Second Cabin Passare 60 The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. Tha from, Boston aH at llallfas and Cork Har- or. PERSIA, Oapt, Judklns, ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, ASIA, Oapt B.

O. Lott, AUSTRALASIAN, I Capt. B. M. Hockley.

AFRICA, Capt. Shannon, CANADA, AMERICA, Capt. Moodle, NIAGARA, Cap, Anderson, BUKUfA, uaptaia J. irtcn, green on starboard bow, red on pert bow. PERSIA, Jadklna, leaves N.

Tork, Wednesday, Nov'r 31 CANADA, Anderson, Bostoa, Wednesday, Nov. 26 AFRICA, Shannon, N.York, Wednesday, Dee. ARABIA, Stone, Boston, Wednesday, Dec, 12 ASIA, Lott, leaves N.York, Wednesday, Deo. 1 EURO PA, Moodla, Wednesday, Dec, -C PERSIA, Judklns, N.Tork, Wednesday, Jan'y 2 CAN ADA, Anderson, Boston, Wednesday, Jan'y 9 AUSTRALASIAN, Hockley, N.Torlc, Wednesday, Jn'y 10 ARABIA, Stone, Boston, Wednesday, Jaa'y Brtas no serd naitl paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board.

The usmii of these snip will not be accountable for Gold, SilTer, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stone or Metals, unless bills of lading ar aigBed therefor aad the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to bol7 E. CUNARD. 4 Bowling Green, N. T.

AIKHANKH' HOALKH. LILLIE8 FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES. COWING de HA YENS, 64 Mala SU, Agent. S. STE YENS, 44 Mala General Agent, LtlSas safe I a oomhlnatioB of wroegbt aad east lraa, and can neither be unlocked with false keys, out, drilled, broken with atedgea, crushed by tailing walls aad timber, or burnt up.

Call and see them. Fairbanks' Scale ar too well known to need a deeerip-tton, a every business man knows what they are. We would say that all scale ar warranted superior to any In the market. A full stock a hand at the Ageney. Sold also at regular prices by PRATT Terrace, SIDNEY SHXPARD A 84 Mala street.

HAD LET HCETED, 119 Main street, JE. CORNING A eoraev Seneca and i and Peart street. feoiu, Thl Company Is aot orwaBlaoa oa tpnap or Jstwaj-ao It basin tar caab, aaaaa a Stock Companies, aad aaaoaily bwae It orts for aba promts, aa bv aaiaii davits in Us CKarr. me trip Wr bbbsbbbbhI BALL, BLACK 6 SOS A GC7 XIItOADWAV, Corner of Irince wt New York, In addition to their large" atock of rich goods, offer for sale' a large aaaortaaontof CHANDELIERS aad OAS FIXTURES of every descripUoa, and of th aswest style, both ToreUrn and Domestic manofactnrs. anltf A.

JSl A. II DRY GOODS, COMMISSrON, BNERAL BBOEBBi New York CHaad Conn try approved Basins Paper aegotiated. i Office, No. 8-OeIar street, aear Broadway, JTst LITTLKFIELD'N Railway Goal Burner, ATTTV Littlofield's PARLOR FURNACE. The Only Perpetual Burner erer Perfected I Aad universally acknowledged, by all who have gives them a trial, to be THE STOYE N.

B. Nooo genuine unless bearing th name of ERASTUS CORNING 4c Nos. 80 and 83 Pearl strtet. We refer yoti to the following persons, who have ons or more of them In use Manchester Rich, Baffato Trust R. P.

U. 8. Express Main and Seneca st. cor. Mala and Swan sta.

Delaware and Mohawk. cor. Seneca and Peart Judge Hall. K. K.

Jewett. Chas. O. Irish, Jesse Ketchum, 120 Eagle street, North street. 67 East Eagle street.

54 East Seneca street. 55 Delaware street. Mala and Huron sta. 68 West Mohawk street. 83 Carroll street.

843 Washington street. IT Oak street. 293 Washington street. 165 Pearl street. 803 Main street ..102 East gwn street.

287 8outh Division street. 160 Peart street. oclTtf A. U-. V.

Cochrane.i. Judge Conkllng. Rooen John Newman, John J. Sidway, v. Li.

Tipnaine, George Richardson, T. 8. Perkins, Le Grand Marvin, D. O. Godwin, R.

P. Hayes, Geo. P. Stevenson, Jos. K.

Tyler, AQen w. Uorton. J. P. ShoecraTt, Stoves Stoves Stoves! THE CONQUEST COOK STOVE.

AN ENTIRE NEW PATTERN OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. WARRANTED I Equal to any In the Market. COMBINING ALL THEi BEST ALSO, A Oreat Variety rstoves Tor all Uses AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER At Noa. 95 ITIain and I 2 QnatT Sta, BUFFALO. oe8 1 1, i CEO.

BnULL CO.l HAVE YOU? SEEN EM 0 New Family Sewing Machines, ONLT Fifty I II. D. BALDWIN, Agent. 5B jtsixfSalo Office sis wtreec Oom3 Riid See Theiti. 1 maplF ADD, WEBSTER d(c Sewing-0 Victorious la the great Sewing Machine trial at Baltimore.

Acknowledged by all to be the best mad Machine EVER OFFERED TO TIIE PUBLIC! Decidedly the best Family Machine for' all work. Th best manufacturing Machine for Cloth, however delicat the texture, and th best for Leather, C. N. PIERCE Has the ajreney for Buffalo and the surrounding country Office at the Pearl Sewing Machino Company's Boom, 300 ITIaln. Street, Ilaillalv, NT.

where may also be found the Mayflower, the Pearl, and a variety of th best low price Machine. apSO KEMOVAL, WATCBCES JAMES APPIaETON, (Successor to Fred. C. Clark, of 210 Main Street,) Has removed the balance of his RICH' and VALUABLE STOCK of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and SILVER WARE to NUMBER 106 MAIN STREET, A few Doors below Us old stand, where he woald be hsppy to supply his old friends and customers At Greatly Reduced Prices On1 all Articles in his Line. Mr.

E. P. PIERCE, for many years at the old stand, will preside at the new. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE American Watches, Manufactnred by the American Watch Company, ingjost received an assortment of these FINE TIME-KEEPERS, We will sell them at Wholesale at tnsmifactnren and at retail at the west price possible. Hav- price jaay JAB, APPLXTON.


LOUIS. tS7 A Scholarship is good oar eight Colleges. The eonrse pwsued In thssW Colleges Is so arranged a to oombtnw Thery mm lhavettoe ia aaeh a mmaam as to secure a perfect knowledge ot Accounts. Boons open day and evening. The good old Spenoerlan Is ear standard of Penmaa-ahlp.

f3T" For aS Information, please can at the rooms, send for CataJogMS, or address BKYANT A 8TRATTON, at ither of tat above clUea. ocSdacly 304. 304. 304 304. 304s Open Fires; DODGE'S PATENT GRATES.

OPEttSr FIRES ofvpu ut a na I Old Grates Re-set with Kvan vviAAua. DODGE'S IMPROYEMENT. OPBUSr FIRKS 3BYEN DOLLARS, lXlDGFIMRVEMEXT. OPEN asmrvnoTTitta I Pries of Open Pirea with uavKH aajllakh, nQDopg IMPROYEMENT, OPEN FIRES miNnniliM I Are Pltasant and Healthy. BKVEI4 DOUiaKS.

TRY DODGE'S IMPROVEMENT. oricisr FIRES $14, 918, 922 Three Shea of Open Stove. DODGE'S IMPROYEMENT. OPEN FIRES $10,20. $25 OPEN FIRES Two Sty es of Open Stoves.

DODGE'S IMPROYEMENT. H. C. BROWN, 304 Main street. Agent fr Western New York.


p. BROWN. 304 street. aoitf DAVIDSONS SATES! IDavidso5a5s Safes. IF YOU WISH TO BUY A SAFE, CALL AT 304 JVIain street.

If you wish to Sell your Sale, Send it to 304t Alain street. OLD SAFES taken in EXCHANGE tor NEW, AT 304 Main street. IT. C. BROTtfTNT.

nolOU FALL AND WINTER GOODS HAVING- JUST COM-pleted my Fall and Winter stock, I am prepared to offer to my customers an Unusually Large Variety everything desirable In the wsy of GENTLEMEN'S Foil Winter "Wear, aad, under the direction of J. Dish EXAN, am able to fur FASHIONABLE WORK, that will compare favorably with that of any of the A ti antic dtlea. BUSINESS SUITS. BuS' the httt assortment ever of- Furnishing Groods. A large assortment of SCARFS, TIES.

COLLARS, 81XIRTS. DRAWERS. Marine, 8Sk and Oaaton Flannel Shirt and Drawer. woolen ana uowon iiau-uose. Shawls, Wrappers, Jtcc.

J. B. DUBOIS, oc4 149 Main street. Beautiful Chamber Sets, JUBT RECIIYED BT TAUNT Sl BRISTOL, FT. 333 IHaln street, MAXTTACTTBEHS AND DEALERS TS JP xi rni ture.

MATTRES3ES AND SPRING BEDS, PAINTED CHAMBER 8ETS, MAHOGANY CHAMBER 8ETS, ROSEWOOD CHAMBER SETS, WALNUT CHAMBER SETS. Besides a great variety of PARLOR, LIBRARY ic DINING-ROOM FURNITURE. Tncker's Pateat Spring Beds. no5toc8 Seasoned, Dressed Floorin Siding, Ceilink JEemlock Shingles, MAO, KILN-DRIED DOORS. Olaxed ssik, Blla4u Also, MOLDING and CIRCULAR WOxK, made by on DART'S PLANING MILL.

Jytf OmoBaato. Llghte Bradbury's Piano Fortes. AVE HECURKU the sole sale of these celebrated Pianos, and are now recciTjng a Splendid -t. which the public oc6tf Uoodll TJOTEt I 1 th eentrs (tbroaadal041 arsnntss wckurt. TSrWUl be sole Ta reason that ft proprietor not beis Term Half dow jaaronania- Hcnaaga, rnoi ivrwi, jiunnt w.

i. aeta-iy THOa O. PKRKINa, Aro. Rounds Hall, INSURANCEAGENOV. orriOBS, I' SPA UU3 IN '8 EXCUANGK WUARF, hujtjpjlaO.

a. w. aoosM. atb'l sutx. Llfe, Itre, Marine and Inlands NEW YORK CITT COMPANIES.

CON TIN ENTAL. i Capital aad Surplus RESOLUTE. Capital aad Surplus MARKET, Capital and LOUILLARD, Capital aad gurplu ....1300,000 NEW AMSTERDAM. Capital aad Sarplot. NIAGARA, Capital and Sorplu 1S04.000 COMMERCIAL.

Capital aad Surplus .1979,000 COMMON WEALTH, Capital and Surplus 1800,000 MERCANTILE. Capital aad Surplus tSSO.OOO ATLANTIC, OP BROOKLTN, Capital and Surplus $263,000 Hew England Companies. SPRINGFIELD, Capital and Surplus 1450,000 BIABSASOIT, SPRINGFIELD, Capital and Surplus $208,000 WESTERN MASSACIIL'SKTTS, Capital and Surplus $306,000 NORWICH. Capital and Surplus $230,000 ATLANTIC. PROVIDENCE.



Assets $176,968 81 Policies Issued and renewed la th above first el Companies, and Losses promptly paid, by Asrenta. Je29U No. 46 Main street, (up stair.) Fire Lake Marine Canal and River insurance: IHSUBMCE COJIPMY, HARTFORD, CONN. Incorporated in 1S19 Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL, PAID CP IN 00 CASH SURPLUS 604.140 03 ASSETS 3,194,100 93 X.

O. RIPLEY, President. T. A. Albxabzib, Vice Prest.

T. K. Bales, Secy. A8SET8, JANUARY 1, 1860. Par value.

Cash, on hand, in bank and In agents' hands TJaihea Stales Treasury Notes, with accurate Interest 00 United States Stock, sml-annnal InUH-eat 00 State New Tork, Gbia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mlasorl, Michigan and 344,810 00 City Stocks, Bartord, Rochester, Jersey CHy, and ...118,600 00 Bank Stocks, New Tork, Hut. ford, Boston, St Louis, 889,400 00 Railroad Stocks, Hartford and New Haven. Boston, Worces tor, Conn. River. 90,700 00 Mortgage 96,828 85 Real Kstate, unincumbered Miscellaneous Item.

Market value. $894,746 26 76,900 00 186,750 80 4 SO 116,000 00 987,993 00 98,414,00 76H00 94,888 31 $8,194,100 03 E. P. DORR. Agent for the above well known Comnanv.

would re spectfully ask from It patron and th public generally, their attention to the above statement of It finances) and prosperity, showing a doc th best guarantee of in- aenuuty in ease oiios ex any Fire insurance t-ompany la the world, and from It prampt liberal settlement and payment of toase apon equitable principle, deserviag of special preference. I woald solicit front the dtisens of Buffalo andf th Lakes, a oonUaaaaoo of their oonfidence and patnmag. $J7 Policies Issued, Risks takes by Lake. Rivera, aad Canals aad Railroad, to and from any place in the United State aad Canada, and loese promptly adjusted and paid at this office, by K. P.

DORR, General Agent. $3F Office, Thompson Block, (1st Custom Bouse,) up italrs, corner Prune and Lloyd street. WM. A KINO, Surveyor. 3Etrxa IixsTxraric Of Hartford, Conuu, Inoerporated 1819.

Caan Capttml Sc Surplus) $9,194100. 18. RTPLCT, President, T. A. ALEXANDER, Vice-President.

T. K. BRACK, Secretary. E. P.

DORR, General Agent, Jan. 1st, 1860. Buffalo, N. T. i.

North Ameriean Fire Insurance r-Z- OF HARTFORD, CONN. 1 Cath Capital Sc Sarplua $351,084. JAMES G. BOLLES, President, JOHN A. WALLACE.

Secretary. i E. P. DORS, Agent, OSUROCE OF ALBANY, N. T.

Cath Capital and Burplut a B. HAMILTON President, G. H. VAN ALLEN, Secretary. $21L2Sa MOKNINiJ, nt Uhf cmt volume lit oaueu lin nrne are f.J!.;wiue title: Cul ury, Ii laTior, Worship I i i iii i lllui-i6n.

iU. Kiucmon may havo 'i the nature jnuiuiM, 1H 1x)oU Irom Lit ell snot the uoiico of the na" IVrl.jij. tin jirofuuhdvkt miI most ii ii thWikt r. an- dcholftrly, mi ml can re a it hi look rltti profit and 'r wlih tin Ir itutlior It) uianjr things at the i.nt Mr Kmi-ron not a Tolurpjnous i rilihouiih, kt the auie from his pow-: hU facility of Illustration, of LU prMenUtion of truth, i-, irhsp-i, given more, which will pernu-1 Viii; lb literature than uny cither Hi.tir Whoever eoul.l reail hi preTlotas an wlmt thoughtful helng could notf T.vA si femt In Btoro In the Conduct of ioliowing are a row etaip irom r.nicrson'B liter try turoatc atc. i i.

i- htc Mini liti lie nioi'ul or with lue tiiiul hl.m utrlno brothers with thh dlrer-u iMlntif ne I snpjxe, with hlch Mr. rinnriliolrr or Dr. Carpenter lulcht iiic in In tho caihryoHt the fourth tl.le In wiiiir, uii'i thul lit a free soilur. I liN "i riifiiri ht Men Incarnates ltelf in luajorl- Htnl ions, In ihe healthiest and BtronerAt. il.i: (lection tfoea hy avolrdupoli! iyht, if you could wel(fh lodlly the tun-l nn huntlrcd ol the wliii; and the 'inly iu a town, on the Dcardoru hulunce, lin Tne(l the hay (ealun, you could predict iM i itulnty which party jrould tarry 1l Ou wliolc, It wml I bo rather the mpeedlest war Linn; the vote, to put th neleetmen, or and Idounco, at the hsygcnlea.

1 1 oi in me oook oi tuic. one i' leaf after leaf never i mii'i One leaf she lays down, a floor i.ii.-; tlicn tlioiiMaud aes, and a bed ol i i njci, and a measure of coal ii iinl Htm, nnd a layer of mail and mud; i ii I ruiH iippcnr her flrt mlpshapen anl-v ii'ot IntiOtrilottliitn, (lfh then, annrinns 'i' ii Iii hli nlie Ims o. )y blocked ber-J uiiv, eotit'enlliiff under 'Uicso unwieldy the flue tpe of her rotulnff klc. i In' nt'. the coola and drier, tho rare i i.

in: i horn. Hut. when a race 1 term, it eomen no more niraln. I ir' city, the mor-t eaMual thtntci and In lie beauty Me in their, casualty, are I punrtti ally and to order a the ba- iiiU'ln for break Punch makes exactly i ll lokc ii Meek and the Jotirnah con- "ini-li ne iod piece of news everj it.

ii loom for a nmn of force, and miiWi'H motn'for many. Society a troop of u. a .1 the heiifls ttiiiont; them take A frclile man enii nee the farms a lire loin-el nd tilled, the houses that arc I ir ll cl Hilt'. "'Kyi TN. ii: ol mind to nature.

i i ir rich eonslt not in Indus-m hiivinir. but in a better rdr. In in iiitc the rlirht iipot. One man in or bmcr letf another seen "'leiiiu- (iijj irrowth of markets I ill be wauled, make a clearing to i iv to rlccp, and wnkci tip rich. 1 m.

Mrontrcr tiow than it tv: a hundred i' i I' ll. put to tietier use. A clever wus auiuaiiitvd with the expantilvo force mi he -ii tnw the wealthi of wheat and in jMlehlran. Then lie cunningly on the fctcuiu pipe to the wheat crop. I'ufl' i -u vni' Htentn pnlT and evpands but hU time it 'h druirinjr all Michigan to hungry New" York and hungry if i lit Uliin th avtiil Lltlleclf of all fucultiea.

Ifoistthti richest man who uj Low to draw a benefit from the labors of number of nun, of men in distant utries, and in pant times. i Cri.TVUE. in IloMon, Hie of life is names ot i-'ti or ten men. llarcyoubcen Mr. AUa-Docf or C'lannlng, Adams.

Mr, Webster, -enough llavo you heard Everett, Garrl- Kai her Taylor, Theodore l'arker Have you with Messieurs Turbiucwheel, bumtnitlo- ind icofrupeesV Then you may as well die. oi the (piestion-ls of some other eight i twenty. Have you seen a few lawyers, is.N, nnd brokers? two or Uireo scnotars, i.r three enpitalista, two or three editors of per-. New York Is a sucked orange 'Tver'stion Is nt an end, when we have ourselves oi a dozen personalities, do-" or imported, which mnKf tap onr Amcn--. fence.

Nor do we expect to bo 't'l'in a fx'tnt coiy of these heroes. It cltlea could tench their best lesson Of iniiiHcr. It the fol'de especially of Ame- v(niihpr-tcnlon. The mark of the man i lie world i alienee of pretension, llo does make speech; he takes a low liusiness tone, its a br-g, 1 nobody, dresses plainly, promis-ii'it at nil, rfrins muci, speaks in monoeyl-' huijs his fuct. He calls hU employment is lowe-t name, iind so takes from evil rix'ues their sharpest weapon.

Ills conversation to the weatherand the news, yet he allows surprised into thought, and the Peking of LI learning aud philosophy. iHow i iniaina' Ion Is piqued by anecdotes of some uiuu I'Hualug incouuno, a king in gray li'-oor Xapolcon uffectlng a plain suit at his ring levee ofBtims, or Scott, Wellington, or Ooet he, or any container 'r in ii dent power, passing tor nobody; of iTiiiiondas, "who never says anything, but i 'ei eternally of Goethe, i who preferred j-ct aud common expressions In In- ie with strangers, worse rather than ocl- lolh i'--, and to appear a little more capricious was. are advantages in tho old box-coat. and i alo ty breed, Butler A CoJ i Conduct I.tfe I'T r.slph Waldo Ettersun. Bos- I It Nolullon oT lite Itnic-(il(y.

Wiishlpgton correspondent of the New (mtmree says "I believe that I on ly solution of the difllculty is to be found i UUratu consultation upon tho subject of by a Congress nf the Rntbrn Rlnt will Muto what tho South consider as their neeg, aud they win state tho terras upon -ieva ich they will either continue lri the Union, or te rnis upon. Which Ihev WilUeoarnte from th I States nfist havn a Convention consider the pro Ivositions of the Sonth, I lllllll. V. A young lady by tho name of of on a rlait to Turser tho Bay bide, Talbot county, nd, on Tuesday morning last, drowned rn.l 'In tho rlvcrfJut attUt'foot of tho gar- lUcheJ to the premises. Tho Easfon (iax- To- vtri-um-tauce as Mvm havfl heard them.

iy iu ino momloir the aenraut girl car- 7r In the chamber of ffieronn? lad v. as ll. Vrl.A. lying in oca. nen, nreaK- tsdy she was sent for.

bat eould tot Wn the laet was commnnlcated to the a Kenei-al search, alout Ilia'! prcmiac -a flodltr-4 UJ'V repaired to-the r'r HrJ rtMM 1" corpse. She sed hi er clothes, and It iup-" 1 a cm of toinnambulinm. of the state uro compelled to bear the burden of its depreciated currency; and, whereas, the protection of commercial Interests Is the foundation of all progress, which depends mainly npon the system of lis banking policy, aud seeing in thu preieut deranged state of our monetary affairs the evidence of a loosely drawn and badly executed system, though good npon its face and commendable in spirit; and, whereas, it is subject to the abnses aforesaid, nnd our Supreme Oonrt having decided that the Legislature has tho power to amend it In any way for the better carrying out of Its evident Intent and spirit, and bellevlug that legislation can be obtained that will meet the views of both hankers and people, and prevent an further abuse of tho law iJ JlmotvJ, That wo deem it tho first land most imperative duty of the Legislature, at Us coming selon, to pass such amendatory acta to our banking law as will eventually make oar currency creditabla to us as a State said amendatory laws to take effect on or before July let, ISCt. 7Wwf(, Thnt In our opinion such enactment should make Chicago orSprlugtield the point of redemption for. all the nan ks in the State, at a rate or discount not exceeding one per cent for gold, and that legislation should be had, discriminating against banks evidently located for tho purpose of evading the conditions of the law.

Jtcaulved, That a law also be passed requiring tho bank commissioners to proceed at onco to- put any hank Into liquidation which lulls to redeem their bills as required in tho foregoing resolution. emld. That all banks hereafter organized be rojpulred to deposlte, as security for the circulation of their bills, tho stocks of the State of Illinois or the United States. a TitWiicJ, That tho legislature pass a law giving power to any Notary Public in the Slate to protect any bill or bills Issued by banks of Illinois at any point In said State. tnohxd, That a committee of seven be appointed to carry out the objects of the foregoing resolutions, and to report at au adjourned meeting one week from this evening at7 o'clock.

That we hereby urge tho hearty co1-operation of every legislal ve dfstrlct in the State to effect through their representatives tho objects herein Indicated. Necession Iost pone! Tlie 4reat 1'olnt -nIned. Despatch to the N. T. Commercial Advertiser.

Washington, Dec. 10. The faith so otten expressed In yonr columns, and almost In yonr colums alone, that "there would be no Immediate secession of any Southern states, not even of South Carolina, seems upon the eve of being justified. i Events have transpired which point to an indefinite postponement of the secession of South '-araUnaand other cotton states. AanoxTn ivtj.

ro iLoh have kindled confident hopes that the states which have professed to desire secession are yielded to the Influence of reason, common sense and patriotism, and will abandon theiravowed purpose of severing their relations with tho federal gov crnment. They now propose instead of going incontinently ont of ihe Union to appoint Commissioners who shall endeavor. to persuade Congress to consent to an amicable severenceof the Lnlon with a division of the federal assets and liabilities. i Meanwhllo, and until these Commissioners have effected the object of their mission, the disaffected states, inflaenccdclther by patriotism or prudence, will continue to pay revenues to the United State government, and enjoy the benellts of tho general postoflico and Its operations. The reason assigned for this cotirse Is two-fold; First, their anxiety to avoid a collision with the general government, which the reflecting men see to bo inevitable If secession Is consummnUjd, nnd for which confessedly no Southern State is at present praparcd.

Secondly, that such postponement will give tho border states an opportunity to reconcile tho difficulties between themselves and tho cotton states, which they propose to do and must uo bcror Uioy can form a Southern Confederacy. v. The latter is the ostensible tnotiT, for the proposed delay. Not a few here, however, regard this further and indefinite postponement as a virtual admission that 'whether the cotton states ercr seriously meant secession or not. retuminir reason tells them that it is alike impolitic ond impracticable.

Vice president Breckinridge hns himself attended the caucus of Southern Senators, and strongly advocated an adjustment of all difficulties within the Union nnd without a resort to secession. Upon the whole thojecling In'fkvor of concila-tion has made rapid strides since Saturday, and at least the danger of Immediate secession may be considered as past. Whether this state of things has any connection with the tact I am unable to say, but it is significant of the weakness ot tho secessien movement here, that Mr. Secretary Cobb has as length formally tendered his resignation to the President, and It has been accepted. From the South ITest Cxpedltiou.

OKX. UABXET ATJKOKT (Special Dispatches to the Missouri Democrat. Camp Atkinsok, (Near 1'aplnavllle, near the little Osage,) Dee. 4, via Syracuse, Dec, 7. Gen.

Harney has taken Fort Scott without resistance, but secured five prisoners belonging to Montgomery's band, who had rol cased a prisoner in jail, and were marching armed about town. Gen. Harney Incarcerated them in the same Erlson. Montgomery wo suspected to have een on his farm, working, since Judge Williams left the Territory. Gen.

Frost is on tho border We march to-day to Ball's Mills. C. SECOND DISPATCH. 1 Cams Atxiksoh, (near Paplnsvllle,) I 2 Dec 6, via Syracuse, Dee. 7.

Gen. Frost sent dispatches to Col. Knapp, that Montgomeay was entrenched at Monnd City, his home, and with three hundred men would show fight to Gen. Harney. GcU.

Harney desires to be supported Dy uen. rosi enure commanc, as bo nas over one nunarea ana sixty uragoons with infantry advancing. Instead of marching this morning toward rort scow, "nan go directly west, and meet Gen. Frost at Woodford's farm, on Walnnt creek. Gen.

Harncr calculat ed to have an engagement with Montgomery last night. C. Noutbern Items. Reverdy Johnfou, who has just returned from California, declares himself for Union at all hazards and against all apposition. Tho Washington Times correspondent says Mr.

Prcscott, bearer of the President's message to South Carollnia, was also charged with the duty of consulting the State authorities as to their purposes after tho ordinance of secession was passed. He returned Sunday evening, and reports everything quiet, and no danger of a collision with the federal government. To-day the arrangement is perfected, and thing retnaln in ttatu mto until after the Commissioner shall have failed to arrange for a peaceful separation. A messenger from South Carolina arrived at Washington on Monday, bringing the voe of that state for President for the ensuing four years. He delivered the vote, and drew the pav for his services.

The Cwsis and Mator Wood. The Mayor has sent ttn lnrltation to Wm, B. Astor, August BcLmoDt and-tlicr-'prominent cltken to call at his oliiow'tVI-afternoon-to have a conlerence Jb relation to the present crisis. The movement Is vsccret arrtv but if js supposed to be-the initial rt -i r-iA i -v MANUFACT0B 1 Brick iOven Triumphnt Kntire New Coolc Stove! The JEWETT ROOT'S COMBINATION," with the PATENT FIIjk-BBICK OVEN! Paterle'dMaj, 1359. Tho fcii-lclc Oren, With the exception of tfi doors, composed entirely of Fiaa-BRioa, three-quarter of an Inch in thickness, ftrmlj secured between two cast-iron frames, malting it twutt Tinas mobb DUBABLB-than ordinary stove ever made.

The pPrick Oven Is not liable to crack and grt oat of order, ss the case In ordinary stoves. i f' i 1 Tlie 3 riclc Oven Throws off a uniform at, from ordinary cast-iron stove ovens. lso retains the heat long after the flre has g-one out, invaring Great Economy In FueU The Bjrlolc Oven. Is BBTncRSAixY a very "Peculiar Bake. The brick absorbs all the gases arising from whatever is baking or roasUng, insurjig ibsdek cbcst, akd Swket iiimff mnn The 33riolc Oven -Has been provel, In ev case, a perfect success.

1 From over One Hundred Faq ijes. where this stove is In use, recommendations of thi hiheat order are dally being received. The perfect on, ration of the Brick Oven is guaranteed, i The lil- "I Jl 39 zn. oiiiaxion BRICK OVtN COOK STOVE Is destined to work a revolution in the use of Cook Btoves generally. This Inevitable.

The perfection of mann-factare attained the thickness and weight of castings the style of stove the Broiling, Baastlng and general Cooking facilities combined with the recent Horn Ihves-vtos, THE BRICK OVEN are features of such distinct, vital and desirable importance, as to recommend Its use universally. 0 come And see it Old stoves taken In- exchange, at their fall value. ON-Ej; won 13 To those preferring the) style of Stewart's Stove. SEX i JEWETT A ROOT'S "IMPROVEMENT," Which possesses additional, with all the desirable features of the "Stewart Stove." Asa further recommendation to i Xlie.v jIiiipipTpmoiit, It has been put up la oyer twenty different families in this city, iu place of Stewart's Stove, and is givinfs unexceptionable satisfaction. PRIOEsTlOW! IJuy At the Retail department Jewets BMt'i Stove Works, 'NO.

cJ JEWETPS HoDickcepers) Emporlom, ''j --'-tlT Main street. au3 Bemoyal! T- FAOTOKY, aND Gentlemen FarnLshing Goods, 314 ITIaln American Block. E. H. MILLINGTON Has removed his Umbrella Factory to No.

814 Main nsxt door to ths American Hotel, where he will open with a new stock of goods, on -Wednesday, Nov. 21st, consisting in part of UMBRELLAS, GOLD AND SILVER HEADED CANES, ZEPHYR WORSTEDS, UNDER-SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, SUSPENDERS, SHIRT COLLARS, GLOVES, SOCKS, POCKET LiANDKERCHIEFS, TRAVELING SHIRTS, SCARFS AND NECK TIES, i LADIES' UNDER CLOTHING, i LADIES' GAUNTLETS, noI7tf lit ERIE COUPY TAX OF 1860. ERIE COUNTY TRJCASUEEB'S OFFICE, I BcrfALO, November 21,1360. "VTOTICE I6s HBKEBY GIVEN, 1X1 that tha County Tax I960, with U- Assessment Rolls and Warrani for the several ward of THE OTV fOF BUFFALO, have been received by jc, and all Persons and Corporations named therein areTeqnlred to Pay tlicir Taxes, AT THlt 'OFFICE OF TffE TUEASUBEIt OF EBIE COUNTY, ON OB BEFORE THE Fiftecxtth Iay i of llarch, 180. Upon" all taxes paid BEFORE THE FIRST, iAY Of JANUARY next, no addition wiU be made.

An addition of ONE; PER CENT. SEMI-MONTHLY thereafter will be made upon all takes from Urns to time remaining unpaid, until flvi per cent, shall have been added. The addition will be made on the second and six-nth daTi of each nwntt. All unpaid taxes will draw INTEREST, at the rate of TWKLVS PES CENT. PER ANNUM, froSa the first day of March next; and on the Sixteen tn ox saia juarcn, we County Treasurer will Usus warrant te constables, and ENFORCE THE COIXECTIjON of all such anpaid taxes.

LYMAN B. SMITH, -1. Treasurer of Me Ooootr. r-ff Office over old" Posi-Offieef corner of Washington and Seneca street. noii-w NTABLE JOIIS IVBVBason aassaaenuie commodious Stsi les adjoining the Genesee Hoasa, corner of Mala --and -Genesee streets, Buffalo, where ha' wUt aotftlaB tbs Easiness of baying and selling HORSES oa CcmmissionJ nd will also take Hone howl th.

dav. wa as saanta. at saoderate pnee. jt Htts nUl. docked and wraks ttrhanieM or -saddle.

Gentlemen wishing to parch aw boTSe wBl find to their- advantaga to gtva tila a can. atso, nose aavmg nore to.dlspoM or aaa have then at ted for Sals or exchange hy xporienosd groom. Particular attenUon given to th 1 Se i 4 i i i i V- 1" i- to fitting and glumbing; AW AT OAS! A Ri! GASH aTolxri X. Smith Co, KO. 163 MAIN STREET, BUFFALO.

PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FIFE FITTERS, WATER CLOSETS, HOT AND COLD SHOWER Bath Tabs, CU1PEB BOILEBJJ I 1 and aliartjelet to the trade, AT THE LOWJSST POSSIBLE PRICES. AU good sold by na, and all work don wlH be ed perfect In every respect, and to give saliilactloc t3T Country work promptly attended We -also keen on band ana GAS. ILXixw ll-p IUVTKIU lUIUd UJCVI IlIfcT. at. vfmntTCwi Advertiser, Monday.

s86tf parobass and sal ot borss. apia.

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