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Buffalo Courier from Buffalo, New York • 3

Buffalo Courieri
Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NEW YORK ADVT'S. AUCTION SALES. NEW YORK ADVT'S. iHclcgrapI). GOTHIC HAItlra Boston Clothes Warehouse.

CLOTHING FOR THE MILLION! The Emporium of Fashion. SPUING ANDSUMMER i. uinnum, Kaicw of NllD A Tobbascs, Invites bis ttxmrr patrons snd many acquaintances, lo eiAnr ata Murk, fmliftt it now romp-.) of CUJTHA. rCRNIUHI.HliS RKAOY MADE bis Nw I tore. No.

in I. lor stret. at I InirrsaKtloa with Mala kwi, wbrre i rrcrivln and will keep constantly on band, a frrmt nrwv floUw. Caaaimrte. V-aun(.

ae. (., wbtck In ottrs 10 Uta public cheap, and la IM lairat styles Tina establishment la om of lb moat perfect K.TIK.tlKIV PI RNIHHI.O WBB. L. K. PUmtto Auctioneer.

Peremptoay Sale of Dry Good. ST L. K. PLIMPTO.S-y.. 3 Maim iirtet I Monday.

May 41, at it A.M. ill be sold a stock of Dry Co ids, cccMtirii of puper rrencn ami t.11 1111 u.aen CJoth. blue, brown. uuvcauiu uiucu fwwii, uicrl ami lancy rettea Doeskins black and fancy Caimerea, silk and wonted serge. tr! per bl satin vesting, fancy silk am? eaahmer ek-cia.

brown and bleached drills, mariiHwa string Kbleached col'd cambrics, blaek and fancy silk cravaia, casnmeres, oeiainea, roonair lustre, taney abawt and lidkfa, jaconets, tares and edgings, bro and mixed Cot-Ma socks, suspenders, buttons, tapes, A.C. ate. Also 1 case heavy Sheed'a Greys. Terms Cash, current funds. L.

K. Pn pto Auctioneer. Auction Sale of Furniiure, BY PLIMPTON Maim street. Mm. 1IH at 16 o'clock, A.

M. Will be sold a quantity of Furniture, consisting ol Sofus. mahogany centre and card lablea, mahogany aud black walnut bureaus, quartette tables, cherry wardrobe, cherry dining table, maple and common chairs, Boston rockers, bedsteads, hair maiuassea, leather beds, carpets, astral tnd eolar lamps, clocks, large mirrors, crockery nnd jriasswaro, stoves, kitchen furniiure. fce. Also 10 New Feather Beds.

12 do Hair Maltratses. Also 1 Iron Safe. Terms Cash, current Funds. L. K.

PLiMirow Auctioneer. Auction Sale of Rich Carpeting. BY L. K. PLIMPTOXXo.

51) Main street. Saturday, May 10, nt 10 o'clock A. M. Will be sold an invoice of Super Brussells, Tapestry and extra fine Ingrain Carpeting. L.

II. Flkrsukim, Auctioneer. Great Sale of Broadclothes, Catsimeres, Vestings, Cravats, Fantaloous, to close several lota. Will be sold, at auction, THIS EVENING, at the 8tore No. 92 Main street, one door north of Canal Bridge, a great variety of Foreign and Domestic Dry and Fancy Goods, consisting in part of Broadclaihs, Casaiineres, Pants, Ves-tings.

Linens, Suspenders, Slc. Sic. Always on band, at private sales, the largest and beat selected stock of Yankee otions in the market. Shawls and Lace Goods, Gold and Gilt Jewelry, Ac cordeons, Cutlery, Suspenders, aVe. Gold and Silver Watches and Brass Clocks, which are offered to wholesale customers, at prices that cannot fail to suit.

Remember the number 92 Main street, one door north of the Canal Bridge. niyl4if FORD AUCTIONEER. FURNITURE NOTICE. Tbe subscriber will give attention to the sale of Furniture of families changing their residence, or giving up house keeping, during the ensuing season, either at their own residences or at the Auction Room, 25 Commercial street. WM.

G. FORD. N. B. Furniture bought if preferred; Cast advances on goods to be cold at Auction.

WKLLS 6c BXFUtMM. Thb Subscribers will, during the season of navigatio ship from New York daily, and from Albany at 7 A. M. and 2 P. M.

daily, by Railroad, in charge of special messengers by passenger (rains to Buffalo, and forward from thence to Ohio, Michigan, Missouri, fcc. with dispatch, at the following rates per 100 in low of oe lbs. and over Per 100 lbs. Per 100 lbs. N.

Y. to Utica. 88cts. Albany to Utica. cts.

Byracuse, ,13 Syracuse, 94 Rochester, 1,63 Rochester, 1,44 Buffalo 2,00 Buffalo, l.PI Oswego, 1,50" "Oswego, 1,31 Light and bulky articles and valuables by special contract only. Glass, crockery, at owners' risk. Goods destined for Canada, we will pass through the New York Custom House, and forward via Oswego, Rochester, or Buffalo. New York, March 27, 1849. WELLS St.

10 Wall street. New York. 10 and 12, Exchange, Albany. ap3tjun3 159 Main st. Buffalo.

LIVINGSTON KXPHKSI. 1849- SUiUITIER ARRANGEMENTS. Having obtained increased facilities from the Sandusky and Cincinnati, and Michigan Central Railroad Companies, we are prepared to transport Express' Matter to and from the following places, with great dispatch and at low rates. We have separate Cars attached to the Passenger Trains, provided with Iron Safes, and in charge of trusty Messengers, affording every facility for the sale anil speedy transportation of Specie, Bank Notes, Jewelry, and valuable Goods. Also, for the Collection of Notes, Bills and Accounts.

We have Agents at all the intermediate Towns on the routes, who will give their personal attention to business intrusted to our care. During the Beaton of Navigation, our Messengers will leave as follows, (Sundays excepted:) Ruffalo St Cleveland daily. Cincinnati Sc. Columbus, Buffalo Sc. Detroit daily.

tri-weekly. Buffalo Sandusky daily. Sandusky Sc Detroii, do Sanduskvfe Cincin'ti daily. Detroit 6c, New Buffalo, daily. Cincinnati at St.

Louis, Deiroit it Chicago fc Mil-semi-weekly. waukee, tri-weekly. Merchandize forwarded from Cincinnati to St. Louis and other points on tb-Rivers daily. Confident of our ability fully to carry out these extended arrangements, and offerings reduction of pricesand an increase of dispatch and facilities hitherto unexampled, we would respectfully solicit the continued patronage of the business public.

LIVINGSTON st FARGO, 159 Main st. Buffalo, April 5, 149. apBijun. NtWiPBIiS LIOE. VOKR1AI.IIANI ANM KUFFALO Merchants and the Public are iuloriiied that we nave es tablished a Daily Express to and from New York, Albany and Buffalo, Sankusky, Cincinnati, Louisville and M.

Imuih. Our goods will leave New York by the evenina Packets to Albany under chare of special Messenger, and bv the Passenger train 10 Buffalo, and delivered im mediately on their arrival. 1 nose intendeit jor places west of this will be for warded at once. GREENE St No. 7 Wall New York.

14 Exch. place, Albany. It Exch. enee 9 Third sttreet, Cincinnati 4R2 Main Ixjuisville. 21 Wabh.

Aveuiie, St. Louis. F.ail-Kord DciioT, ap4ioc4 Baltiiiirre. ACM Ii MSB, 1849. GRhlt.NE A.

having; ostablisltrd ihe above named Freighting line from New Yoik to iulfalo, are i-rr i'iircd so forward any quantity Gf with d's by tli is Line are sent'from New York, by ihe People's Line of Steamboat, leavinn daily at 0 P. by A bv. ny aud Buflalo Hailroad Freight Train, leaving 'Aliativ dailv at i- o'clock, and delivered nt once on arrival. TS Price for Drv SI 55 per lull. Office No.

7 Wall street. New York, Office No. 11 Exchmtie street. Butl'iM. REK.H 1849.

ON ANJ Ai-TER MONO Y. the 11th our Express Car will run with tbe Great Mail Train, leaving Albany at A. M-, and arrive in tiiiscity at 3 A. M. Our Express; Car going L'ast will leave at 7 P.


I'S'IIE undersigned having at considerable expense e-li. rected a large and commodious building for Laundry purposes, are prepared to do washing for 8team Boats, Hotel, private families, Stc The business is mainly done ty machinery and without friction entirely, and at praces bat will give satisfaction. Clothes will be taken from customers and delivered witliout charge printed slips Being provided to avoid mistakes. A note addressed to us through the Post Office will receive uttention. J- H.

BANCKOr 1 ar. w. BONNETS! BONNET New styles received dailv at Woodward's Bonnet Rooms, Our stock of Goods is now be found in pew xor auu "if 1 are ItMted to caU and examine before purchasing in eastern citiea. CTBonneucleaned fc ROCKWOOD. I to at a I The Krlttstk 1 and Sortls Anierieau Koyal I i Flail ateatn Khlns.

MCTWICXJt HO i TO.S A.V I irMLRPOOL AND BETWEEN Zm XEW TOKST JSn I rnaMr tailing at UaUiax 10 Und and receive Mails and Passengers. 1 HAN A DA, Captain C. II. E. Judkins.

EUROPA. Captain E. G. Loo. CAMBRIA.

Niel Shannon. BRITANNIA. Captain W. J. cVlLan NIAGARA, Captain A.

Ryrie. AMERICA, Captain VV. Harrison. UIBERNt Captain J. Stone.

CALEDONIA. Captain J. Leitch. ACADIA, Captain Waller Douglas. The vessels carry a clear white light at the masthead, rreen on starboard bow, and te Jon port bow.

EUROPA, Capt. Lott, from NEW YORK, Wednesdav. May CAMBRIA, Capt. Shannon, tioni BOSTON, Wednesday, 8th May. AM ERICA, Capt.

Harrison, from NEW YORK, Wednesday. May 16th. HIBERNIA.Capt. Stone, from BOSTON, Wednesday, Td of May. CANADA, Capt.

Judkins, from NEW YORK, Wednes day, may uutn. An experienced Surreon on board. Freight will be charged on specie beyond an amount for personal expenses. XT All letters and newspapers must pass through the PostOiIice. Passage from New York or Boston to Liverpool-First Cabin gi'jo Second 70 For freight or passag apply to apia E.

CUN ARD. 33 Broadway Ocean steam Navigation Company. U. H. MAIL LINE TO SOUTH AMP- fl.iu ne steamers CliIR-t 01 onipany will sail regularly once srafvi2f a month, as follows: FROM NEW YORK.

The HERMANN. Capt. Crabtree. on the 20th Artril. Tbe WASHINGTON, Capt.

G. W. Floyd, on 20ih May. FROM BREMEN. The HERMANN.

Capt. Crabtree, on the I5th March. Tbe WASHINGTON. Capt. G.

W. Floyd, on 13th April. The HERMANN, Capt. Crabtree, on the 15th May. FROM SOUTHAMPTON TO NtW YORK.

The HERMANN, Capt. Crabtree, on the 20th March. The WASHINGTON, Capt.G. VV. Floyd, on 20th April.

The HERMANN, Capt. CrabUee, on the 20th May. vVhen the 20th of tbe month falls on Sunday, the day of sailing from New Yerk will be the 21st. Passage from New York to Southampton or Bremen, first cabin, ft 120 second cabin 88u. Passage from Bremen or Southampton to New York, first cabin, S150; second cabin, 80.

An experienced aurgeon on board. For freight or passage, apply at the office of the Ocean Steam Navigation Company, 60 Broadway, New York, or to J. R. CROSKEY, Agent at Southampton, WILLIAM ISELIN, Agent at Havre. C.

A. HE1NEKEN, Agent at Bremen. jLorin Ii rooks, 4 iO BR OADWAY, OPPOSITE THE PARK, i New Yorlt, MK8PECTFULLY invites the attention of Purchasers to his PATENT ELASTIC METALLIC SHANK BOOTS, GENTLEMEN'S GAITERS, SHOES and SLIPPERS of every description. LADIES'. MISSES', and CHILDREN'S SHOES and SLIPPERS.

LADIES' GAITERS, with broad soles, affording comfort and ease to the wearer, preventing the joints of the foot from deforming the shape of tbe gaiter, and from bursting out at tbe sides, whilst it appears as narrow on the foot as a narrow sole. The STEEL SHANK inserted in the BOOTS, consists of a thin curved plate of steel, and fitted between the soles, in the hollow of the J3oot. The advantages are to prevent enlarging the size of the Boot, through the instep, thereby preventing the toot from pressing forward thus avoiding the cause of putting the boot out of shape, and the more serious difficulty of preventing corns. All who desire to relieve their ftet Irom the effects of illy constructed Boots, Gaiters, will consult their in terest by atrial of his establishment, where every article of the best description, for pedal use or covering for the feet can be had, manufactured in a workmanlike manner, and from the very bent materials. He attributes in a great degree the success which he has met with during the many years which have elapsed since tbe commencement of his business, to the fact that it has been his constant aim to secure comfort to the feet of his customers.

His stock large and varied, comprising Ores Boot; of French, and Riuria Caf Skin, and Freneh and German Patent Leather manufactured with the Patent Elaitie Metallic thank. Ladies' and Gaiter Boots, Boys' and Youths' Boots and Shoes, and Children's Shoes of every description. As he manufactures no article of inferior quality, he cannot say that his goods are of the cheapest kind, but he is prepared to risk a comparison with any other establishment in tbe United States for both quality and cheapness of price. Dealers supplied on reasonable terms for cash. Cr No.

240 Broadway opposite the Park. X3 April 19, 1849. apl9tnol8 The JEagle Life and Health INSURANCE COMPANY, NO. 40 Manhattan Bank Buildino, N. Y.

Capital 8100,000, beside a Surplus of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars. The charter makes the Directors person'ly responsible if the capital is impaired, by returning any portion of it in dividends. The insured incur no responsibility beyond the payment of the premium; nor any liability to have the gum insured reduced, or to make farmer contributions in case of mortality beyond the estimate. Losses are payable sixty days after proof of death, or immediately, on allowing the discount. No risk is taken on anr life for a greater amount than five thousand dollars, and no insurances are made on fire or mariHe risks.

Persons insured with this Company may participate in the profits, in which case sixry per cent is carried to the credit of the insured, and added to the policy, and becomes payable in addition to the sum insured, at death. Without participation, a very material reduction in tbe rates. The insured may dispose of their policies to the Company on fair and equitable terms, or loans will be made upon them according lo their value. Taiiles are framed for insurances in different forms, so as to meet the circumstances of all persons, whether a policy is desired to provide for their families, or as security for monies borrowed. The rates for insurance in any form are as low as those of any resjionsible company in ttmcountry or iu England, and as low undoubtedly as is consistent with safety to the insured and the stability of the company.

In point of security, liberality in terms and'eonditions, lownessf rates and equity of principles upon which the business is conducted, this institution will compare favorably with any in existence. To the confidence inspired by the prudence which has governed it, management, hitherto, and to the public advantage femd in the practice of Life Insurances, the Directors look lor a continuance of that patronage which has so far been liberally extended. directors. Hon. William Wright, Edward Co es, John Joseph W.

Savage," John Rutherford, C. S. Bogardus, James Wheeler, William G. King, John B. Hitching, Hon.

W. W.Campbell, C. S. Van Wagoner, Noah Woodruff, Jas. M.

Chapman, VV. Rutherford. William A. Wheeler, Archibald Rnssell. GEORGE W.

SAVAGE. President. Richard H. Rmx, Secretary and Actuary. John M'CLivLANn, M.

Fourth-ave. Med. Examiner. A uivictnaor ten cent, on tne capital stock was declared on the 13th of March, TSJil. Norton A.

tiull ert, Aaeiit, lad Main Street, Buffalo. Austin Flint, M. Examiner, Persons of good health and const iturion going to CAMFOKIVIA, fn approved vessi'is or hy other safe routes, wi'l be insur ed on the most favorable terms. Diet z. Brother LAMP SIAPillFAqiUKERS, Washing-ton Stores," 13 William street, NKW YORK.

ITTATUVG a larce and well organized Manufactory, av aro now prepared ta nil orders tor their mnnutac turcs, at short notice, which will be warranted of the est quality, and sold as low as any in the market. In their stock will be found Gilt and. Bronzed Chandeliers, from 'two to eight Lichts, with and without prisms, for burning Oil or Camphene. TnMe Iininpn, Gilt nnd Brsnzed, for Oil or CanafHicne of more than one hundred dillercnt patterns. Frcacis lecltHnical or Caret-1 Lsiuipa, a fine assortment, nnd Globes, Wicks and Chimneyito fit.

Also A creat variely of Sufoendiiic Lamps, Bracket Lamps, Siiie Lamps, Study Lumps, Candelabra, Giran doles. Hall Lanterns, China Vases, Mantel Ornaments, Porcelain (shades and Globes. Also A full assortment of Paper Shades, Class Shades. Globes, Wieke, Chimnies, and other articles appertaining to tneir uuMiiess; pure aperm on, lard oil, campnene, and Spirit GaB. They are also now mariufacmring Drummond's Patent Candle Maker, an article of great utility ibr the Southern and Western Suites, being a Candlestick which forms the Candle, wicked vid ready for use.

N. Orders by mail promptly filled. Addrexs DE1TZ, BROTHER CO. np'6dfcw3m ft No. 139 William N.

Y. Oil and Candles. 00.000 Gallons Bleached Winter Sperm Oils. 20,000 do Unbleached do do do do Bleached Fall do do 20,000 do Unbleached do do do do Bleached Winter Whale Oil. 15,000 do do Fall do do 500 Boxes Sperm Candles, 4s, 5s, St 6s.

Uf0 Cases do do in Fancy Boxes, 4s fls, 500 Cases English Refined Borax, 100 lbs. each. oo Lases, 14 and lb oz. oopper. 5000 Boxes and Cases Patent Candles, assorted Sizes and Colors, for sale by JOSIAH MACY St SONS, 189 Front street, or at their Manufactory, 266 South street, New York.

mrtl-ly J8. nOHKIS, PYROTECHNIST For tbe last 25 years has been chosen by municipal governments of the larsest cities in Enrope, aa well as A-merica, for Displays of Fire Works, is prepaied to execute any orders from Committees, Proprietors of Gardens, Colleges, Academies, Private Families and Merchants, on the most Liberal Terms. J.S.MORRIS, apietjy4 Main st. near Topper. NiON MAGAZINE FOB MAY Priee 25 cents.

Graham's Magazine for May 25 eta. London Art Journal for March and April 75c each. For sale at the Literary Depot, Postoffiee. ap-27 HAWKS. CxcltisiTe hliawl Warehouse CO iVO.

14 SZW YORK. (Orr-ostTS jra Wasraaa Hoteu! eAVK opened at their New Saawt. Viaooa, a fresh and complete assortment of SPRING and BUMMER to which they Invite the special attention of the Caafa arid Short Time Western -Merchants, from every section of tbe country. Consisting in paut of 4500 PLAIN. DAMASK and Embroidered CANTON CRAPE SHAWLS, received per recent arrivals from Canton.


STRirKDiand PLAID GREG A DINE, new styles. I CASHMERE, and BROCADE, Satin Striped and Plaid BAREGE, very rich. Plain and EuArotdered THIBET, MOUS. DE LAINE and 8TRADILLA, of all qualities, with every description 01 FiLLET. LACjE, and SUMMER SHAWLS, fcc.

ate. to be found in the market. Most of the above pooua have been purchased for CASH, aod at the recent Auction So lea, and purchasers will find our assortment superior to any in the city, 1 many style not to be found and at the very lowest market prices. 1 Ittantillas. 100 Lace Muslin and Silk Mantillas, Vixetts, Ac.

tc, of our own manufacture, of every quality and price, from the latest; Pansj etyle, with the moat fnnhionahle Trimming, whicb they are oiTeiing at prices which defy competition. i .7000 Parasols and Umbrellas. Sc. Co. hae devoted one loft' Sjcliisivklt to Parasols and Umbrellas, where purchasers will always find a splendid stock of Fancy Silk, Satin Turk, Gingham and Cotton Parasols.

of all qualities and prices. Also an extensive stock of Umbrellas, constantly on band, of a su-perioi manufacture, ('warranted.) aplbdatwtnol7 Blank Hooks Ac Stationery. FRANCIS LOVTKEL, MtNUriCTURIKO Statiomxrs. No. Maiden Lane, TIIK MUUNCKIBEKM invite the attention of Dealers, and thosewho require BLANK BOOKS, PAPER AND I9TATIONERV, to their establishment, where they will find the largest and best assortment of articles usually), kept i by Stationers.

Our facilities for manufacturing, enable! us to warrant the best articles at the most reasonable prices. Books suitable for Banks, Ins. Go's, Public offices. Court and County Clerks, constantly on band, or Ruled and Bound to any pattern desired. Our stock consists of every kind of Blank Books, suitable for business and country trade.

Copy Memorandum and Pass books, Cap, Letter, Fine Note Papers. i Wrapping Paper, Bonnet Boards, Perforated Board. Bristol Board, Drawing Paper. Superior Diamond Point Gold Pens. Daily Mem.

Books, Time and Work Books. Crotbn ink. Manifold letter Writers, by whicb the letter is written and copied at same time. Copying and Notarial Presses. Steel Pens, Q.

lille. Wax, Wa'ers, Cards. Motto Backgammon Boards, Slates Pencils, Envelojes, Inilellible Ink. Notes, Drafts, Receipts, and all other articles usually sold by Stationers. COUNTRY MERCHANTS are invited to examine our stock, which we will sell in quantities to suit at the I west prices.

Orders by Mail will receive prompt attention. FRANCIS LOUTREL, Importers and Manufacturers of Stationery and Blank 77 Maiden Lane, N. Y. LEWIS FRANCIS, 'CYRUS H. LOUTREL.

Fancy Goods Comb Warehouse. win II. (JAKV CO. MAVE removed to their NEW STORE, No. 245 Pearl street, between Fulton and John streets.

New York, where they otter for sale on the best terms, a large and fresh stock of Goods, to which they invite the attention of the city and distant trade. Their increased facilities for obtaining their supplies of Goods, both FOREIGN and DOMESTIC, from tba first sources in the beat enable them to Execmte Orders to any extent at tne Low-eat Prices. It is their intention to keep a full assortment and stock of Goods the entire year even more complete than formerly, nnd they believe that Mercnanta and Dealers will find it for their interest to pay them a visit. Goods adapted for the Western and Southern markets of Domestic and Foreign manufacture constantly receiving- W. H.

C. Co. wilt continue to give attention as heretofore, to putting up orders for the South A 1 erican, Mexican, African and other trade. Customers are furnished with Printed Catalogues, in French, Spanish, German and English languages. Their stock of FANCY GOODS, at this time is very complete such as French, English, German, Bohemian, Austrian and Italian Manufactures.

Tortoise, Shell, Ivory, and oiher COMBS, Buttons, Brushes, Cutlery, Indian Beads, Steel Goods, Jewelry. Violins, Threads, Needles, Pins, Perfumeryi Pocket Percussion Cap, Stc. No. 245 Pearl street, near John street, New York. DEALERS IM IVORY, TORTOISE.SIIELL, PEARL SHELL.

TIPS, HORNS, Stc. Szc. W. H. Cary, Sam'l E.

Howard, Josiah Oakes, i Henry Sanger. aplS i dly Type Foundry. WILLIAM HAfeABt Type Founder, No. 33 Gold-st, between Fulton Sz John, N. AH constantly on hand and will furniah at short notice, every description of PRINTING MATERIALS, Including TYPE, PRESSES, FURNITURE, INK, CASES, GALLEYS, in bfrort, everything that may be requisite for the complete establishment of Newspapers, Jb Offices, of any size or amount desired.

The Type manufactured at this establishment is believed not to be surrassed by any similar establishment in the country. The svibcriber being a prat'ycal Type Founder, the Manufacturing Department is under his own immediate supervision, and it has ever been bis aim to suticr no typf? to his establishment except such as is thoroughly perfect and correct in every particular; and in proof of this fact, he has the honor of referring to a number of the moat prominent Offices in the United States, who have used hia Type, and can testify to their accuracy and durability. The subscribe, thankful to the Printers of the United States for their support during ihe pant few years, hopes by increased attentionjto business, and being able to offer as liberal terms as cart lie offered by any other Foundry in the country, still to jretain that patronage which he has enjoyed during Hint time. Ij- All ordersi with which he may be entrusted will be attended to with punctuality and despatch. A liberal discount for Cash.

New York, April 1S49. apISu Ifiats. GEIVlLEMEN'S HATS SPRING STYLES, 1849. WM. II.

BEEBE Sc. Hatters, lod Broadway, N. and 13S Philadelphia, would respectfully invite the attention of the public' and tie trade to the fact that they are now selling their Spring Styles of Gentlemen's Hats to customers from every section of country, and the extraordinary celebrity which their il.itahavo obtained, they think war-ranis them in ssiying. that they are positively uurquatled for superiority oil s'yle, excellence of materials, workmanship and durability, by any other on the continent or perhaps in the wor.d. 'The fact thai we are constantly supplying the most Fashionable Hatters throughout the United States, with hats of our manufacture, and the universal encomiums bestowed uon them by the public press wherever tliey arc kuowti.

would seem to justify us in placing their merits in a conspicuous manner before the public throughout the length arid breadth of the land. Our maniilaoiuring facilities are now so extensive and complete, that we are enabled to Bupply orders to an unlimited extent, and we fully believe that the trade would find tlieir ailvarftagein purchasing of us exclusively their Fine llats, as they would thereby secure a uniformity in their quality and appearance which could not fail to increase their sales very considerably. The various quali- ties of Moleskin Hats at Wholesale, range in price from 30 to S'ii anil our Beaver and Nutria Hats bear about the same price. An extensive assortment of Gent's, Youths and Children's Caps of cloth anil velvet, with Children's Meaner and Castor, Chappaux and Casquettes, of our manufacture and of the latest importations from Paris, assist in completing the variety of our stoc k. Also, Summer Hats, of Panama, Straw and f-eghorn, for Gents and Youth, with Infants' an! Children's Straw Goods in the greatest variety, Orders for goods of any description in our line will be put up with the utmost at moderate, prices and on accommodating terms WM, II.

BEEBE Hatters, 15C Brcjadway, N. Y. and 13- Cliestmt Phil. N. B.j Gentlemen fesiding at a distance, and wishing lor a nne nat 01 our retail quality, are lesipectiuiiy iniorm ed that by remitting us the price, jj5, by mail, accompanied by a measure of the length aud width of their hats, taken in inches and fractions, on tbe inside of the crown aud nearest the brim, (which will give both the size and shape of their they can have one forwarded to addiess, warranted to fit.

WM. H. B. Co. April IT, I A.

Boot A Boot, WHERE CAN UK IIAI A HOOT We arrawer at GOVER NOR YOUNG'S, corner of Fulton and Nassau streets. New York. All other Boot makers 'in the city succumb before the Governor, who sells French imported Calf Sewed Boots for 84 50, usually sold in other store for 0 or fine Calf Boots S3 50, usually 4 50 to 5 in othet stores. Also, the largest assortment of BOOTS, SHOES and A ITERS in the country, for sale wholeealeand retail. All of our friends should get their Boots of YOUNG, corner of Fulton and Nassau streets.

New York, i aplStnolf Willmer Rogers. European Times OHce 42 ahd 44 New York NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS 8t BOOKS Published in England, Ireland, Scotland, or on the Continent of Europe, supplied with regularity and despatch tto every part of tne United States and Can-atlas, i WILLMER St. (3MITH'S EUROPEAN TIMES, Published on tite day of sailing of each Steamer for America. Subscription Ten Dollars per annum. Illustrated London News 80 per annum.

London Punch 85 per annum. XT Lists of prices of English, Freneh and German Newspapers sent on application, or may be seen at the of fice or this paper, apieiy Reported for the Buffalo Courier. Nmw: Yoit, May; 187 P. M. hare receired uo htntr later from the steamer Empire.

Persons ha gooa down to her to see any bodies can be fouod, aod we are informed by tbe Newburgh operator, it is probable tbey will not return before I dark. Tbe Tribune has con-Versed with persons who were at the scene of tbe disaster last niVht, who statj they have no doubt some 100 or more perished. This can hardly be as our latest despatches mention that there are probably not more1 than 20 or 30 lost. The Board of health reported that there is no Cholera at present in the city. i VVashihotov, May 18.

The President after mature deliberation has determined to despatch two nat.onal vessels for the purpose of seeking out and succoring the expedition of Sir John Franklin, or failing to find them, to ascertain their fate. Measures" will speedily be taken purpose. for the accomplishment of this Tremendous: Conflagration at St. Louis. Mat 1810 A M.

i Our city was visited with a most destructive fire this morning, which Vontiumed nearly one half of the business portion of the city before it could be arretted. Included in the buildings destroyed, were five Banking house and every Insurance office in tbe place. 27 steamboats lying at their wharves, caught fire and shared in the general conflagration. 1 The Telegraph office, which was subsequently removed to the other side of the river, was also consumed, Tbe loss which is very heavy, cannot in the present confused stale of things be coarectly given. Bostoh.

May 183 P. M. A letter received from a highly respectable source, dated San Francisco, March 12th, gives the following interesting items There are at present 2d sail of vessels in port, among which is the barque Tasso from Valparaiso, the only American vessel the rest foreign. The emigration, to the mines has commenced and the number there from Valparaiso is not far short of 3500 and from Talcahuana 500. It is thought the steamer California which has now been lying deserted some time, will be able to get away by the 20th of April, manned by amateur sailors, consisting of such as wish lo get back home with their gold.

The agent of the steamer has offered $00 per month for regular sailors in vain. New Yokk. May 183 P. M. The steamer Empire, of Troy, was run into last evening about 10 o'clock, opposite Newburgh, and sunk.

The reporter gives particulars already received, and adds the following Twelve bodies have already been found. Among them Mrs. Noble, of Troy, a sister of Gen. Ross, Isabella Carson, aged 17, and George Burkland, aged 20. A despatch dated half-past 1 states that the steamer is siilloubmirged to the promenade deck, aud it is supposed that many dead bodies are in the cabins.

The Empire is not insured. Ooe day later despatches from Liverpool quote a limited business in corn. Consols had slightly declined. Washington, May 17. Isaac R.

Harrington has been appointed Post Master at Buffalo, and Mr. Sherman, at Utica. New Orleans, May 12. The crevasse has not yet been checked, and it is feared will not bs. The water is rushing thro' the streets of our city, and hundreds are leaving their houses for fear of an overflow.

The greatest excitement prevails, and business remains at a stand, and damage has been sustained. I St. Louis, May 17. We have intelligence from Santa Fe to the 3pth of April. We learn that a dangerous combination has been formed against the whites by the Apache and Eutaw Indian, and some murders have been already committed.

Two of the pasfty that went out with Col. Fremont were killed by the Eutaws iu March last while on an expedition in search of the philosphical instruments and other property lost by Col. F. during his unfortunate journey. Mr.

Aubery and three others are also reported to have been killed by the Indians near El Passo two persons lately near Taos. A band of Mexican robbers has been making depredations upon settlers and travellers in the neighborhood of El l'asso and Santa Fe. Eleven of them were recenily captured and taken to Sauts Fe. The Santa Fe Republican complains bitterly of the neglect of Congress lo provide. properly for the government of New Mexico.

The weather was very cold at Santa Fe in the latter part of April, but the country was generally healthy. There were many persons at the Colorado gold mines which are said to be very rich. The Matamoras Flag has a letter from Camar-go dated April 20th, which slat, that Mr. Audubon and party of California Immigrants loft the day before. They numbered 50 men, and are enjoying good health.

Another from Camarga states that Gen. Paredes had placed himself at the head of ihe Mexican jndians, in the Department of San Louis Potosi, aod had commenced an extermination war upou the whiles, nfier the example of the Indians of Yucatan. Niuetoen whites, Spanish, French, Dutch, and Americans, it is staled, had been put lo death by order of Gen. Paredes. The Cholera on the Rio Grande had almost dssappeared.

Judges Hotchkiss and Woodbury were among the victims of the' cholera at Rio Grande City. STEAMBOAT FOUSALE. The Steamboat New England of tons burthen, is ofiered for sale on reasonable terms. Inquire of the subscriber. JOSE I II F.

HILL, ap4tf SpauldtrujK's Exchange. AAItON II. BEAN, IMPORTER AND commission merchant: WINES. liRANDIES AND TEAS. ,8 Water Street and 8 Coenties Slip, apl7tf NEW YORK.

CANADA JIOSF.V. Gov't Debentures Sight Drafts on New York, Eastern and Western Money, Bills on London, Exchange on Canada, bought and sold upon favorable terms. (Collections made in all the different towns in Canada West and Eaat-i R. A. GOODENOUUH, Money and Produce Broker, and General Agent, No.

6 Exchange opposite the Mansion House. ap'iiif BOARDING. Several gentlemen can be accommodate with Boarding and Lodging at the Brick House next below Messrs. Wil-keson Co's Foundry. For particulars enquiry may be made at this Office.

Apra -U 1 baton. Generel Dealers in Lumber, Erie street, between the Ship i and Errc Canals, nr. case co. Dealers in Leatheri Oil. tc.

No. 14 Exchange street LAND For sale at Office Ne. t-y mi27 i WARRANTS. 146 Main over, Whites Bank, WILLIAM LOVERING. ABELL) tNOW STORAGE, FORWARDING, It COMMISSION MER CHANTS Jfo.

2 Cobum Square WM. H. ABELL, i WM. M. SNOW.

apr2 i FRANK LEE. COAL. Tha an hacri tiers have on hand for sale, a laree supply ot the choicest Coal, from tbe Brook field and Fell mines, af their yard en Norton street and Ship Canal. Purchasers nvited to call and examine the stock. ocOXtf JOY fc WEBSTER I I The Proprietor rp leave to inform the Patron.

Ot Gothic II aU and ail other wrw wit 10 the aot Ufa, that having niaue EXTENSIVE AR-RANUC3IEJkrrs Cr tbe ppoin of ih Spnstt Trad he ta now prrpaml to ctVr ons of th Lmr and Pmt Assart 4 Stotks tn Iks Stat, Cyri -1 i i oe 10O0tV RF.A.UYMAOB G.RMNTS: Tne Propretrw bavin rt llu juiihe.1 ttt Custom bul net aud devoting ins whcls) time to th f21 Ready-Mode Work, is prepr4 to ott to tha rVtKwih frtat aurs of the nasfrf, to tat SitmMtti aasavfsMaf of CLO THING IN TIIK STATE. I (V. Every aucuuoa bavin; illl--t-)1sTilI3 lure, the pare baser may SUUl 1 iv upon bavioi Carmertui btutr rt, batur Vr made and at a priro tttatieaa be had ataaf otksr horns im (Am Cry. uTtic Rig Gnu Um bre'u I'lrl," announcing to the woata, M.Newr.ratoUeCli thine RualnMM. nt WIIOLEIULE CISTOaUW AND DEALERS IN READY-MADE CLOTHING, will bear in mind that this is the Only Kaitabllahiucut Wert oftw York, entirely devoted 10 th manufacture of Ready -Mad Clothing, and they-will 6mf it frtailu to ttir advantat sxamuns mm stock, before purchasing elaewner bbv sorttment being- immense, and particular attention be in); paid to the selection of staves.

LT KSMSMBSR, 23 PtB CSITT. CAN BS BiVtD, ST- fVB- CHAS1NO AT 1 Gothic Hall CloUilus; Warehonae. Call and examine lor yourselfc mrWtetf WM. OAKLAND. NIAGARA 3 ALL AND Clothing Establishment! NIAGARA BLOCK, 157 On the' Cash Principle Has lust opened for the BFRlNGf CAMPAIGN, wlta Facilties Unsurpassed BY ANY HOUSE IN THIS C'HY.

The Public may rest assured tbattney can purcfease ev" ery variety of garment a this establishment, cheaper than any other House in this city the siock of READY HADE CLOTHING Being one of the largest (a this Stmts. The Custom Department will be under the supervision of PROFESSOR SEAMAN, Gentleman well known to the I'aahionable World, aad the Proprietor of NIAGARA HALL IS DETERMINED TO SELL CHEAP! CHEAP FOR Cash! Be having adopted the CASnPRINCIPLE, Which must be obvious to sll men to be the BEST for while it protects the Merchant against tha losses consequent upon the credit system, st also protects ths purchaser against paying for the clothing of that class who dress so veil," aud who are to be found in all communities. I fe'23 T. HEALEY. 157 Main st-, Niagara Block.

Old Established Remedy Is now put np in the LARGEST SIZED BOTTLES And is acknowledged to be the Ii BEST SARSAPARILliA! made, as is certified by tbe WONDERFUL CURES It has performed. Tbe original copies of which ant in the possession of tbe proprietor. 1 1 REMEMBER! That Bristol's is the only TRUE ORIGINAL ARTICIJG And is now brought before the public in a i LARGER BOTTLE! Than ever offered by any vender. The proprietor is determined that the high aaroTATion It has acquired for the last 15 years shall be maintained, no matter at what sacrifice. Purchasers must be careful, if they wib the PC RE EXTRACT of Sarsaparilla, to call for "Bristol's Original Sarsaparilla," in lite largest betLUs ever offered, at One Dollar per bottle.

New York General Depot, 34 Oortlandt-St. Buffalo Depot, 225 Main Street. ET Orders addressed W. Brjaota, New-York, Or C. BaisroL, Buffalo, will meet with prompt attention.

Yrt)OI)WAUM BOXSET ROOJI- Reti.oe to No. 1.Y7 Main su. Up The Subscribers liaving leased tin; gracious rooms under Con cert Hall, are now receiving a large and Fashionable St-M-k Qt BONNETS. FLO WE tIS. RIBBONS.

AND MILLINERY GOODS, of every description, which will be sold, Wholesale and Retail, at tiie lowest New prices. We have now on band more than 90 THOUSAND BONNETS, of all Styles aud Prices, with Idl'iiery Goods in proportion. Erf 1 1 1 nA. r.4 ilavine secured Uie "i .1 ii' first nis in New York, aa 4 from our connection with Imiiortingand Manufaeiuring Houses Sa New York and Bo-ton. we shall enabled at ail times to sup-Hlvour cu5.toir.ers with the Best and Late Btyles.

VY II Woonvt-ABD. an experienced Bonnet Bleacher from Boston, will take charge of the Presmng. Old Poiinets Altered. Cleaned and Pressed, aad war-wanted to tfive satisfaction. 1 N.

B. Milliners and Merchant are requested toeall a diamine our stock of Goods before purchasing in N. York. "r.Kklatwtf WHITING ROCKWOOD. RRAAB FOUNDRY.

COLL1GON 4k BROTHERS, Manufactures of BEER aod CIDER PUMP8, BRASS COCKS, Turning Lathes, Lamp Brasses, ate. ate. Also, Brass and Aroa Finishing. trjr AU kinds of Repairing done on short notice. jrr Shop, LtoyrJ sU, betweea Canal and Dock.

ap94-ly NCIIOBi AND CHAINS We have on hand a large assortment of American and English. Iron and wood stocked Anchors. Also, proved Chain Ca-hles. of all sixes, adapted to SaU Vessels and Steamboats, to which ws respectfully invite tne attention ot vessel Defg. THOMSON BROTHERS, 0WD Websie Baildtnc.

this 1ft COM PAItHOU i INVITED, Combluatlon IleJecteL, Competition Pritei Adopted. H. O. HOilD, Maia stbckt, is now selling all 4t rat RICH GuLU JEWELRY, WATCAEfl. IIL-V r.R WARE.

fcc. al retail, mi WkalrwU t'rxctt He will tell Jewelry of all descriptions. Fine Watrhe. clKBjer Uiau ilie aanie quality can be pure baaed in xny oiher aecnun of ttie counuy. The combinalioa keep upold prices for Jewelry and other goods he amurea the he has Dothinit to do with, mid most resiiectful- ly invites the caiicjia to call and make an examination of his stock.

He would also lie happy to have them make comparison between his good and price and those of other es-t ma. He believes the contrast would astonish iboee who have been in thababitof purchaaingelsewhere. He therefore earnestly invites all to call and examine bia riock and prices. jnnl7lf GEOItOF. WHITE 1 CO.

Itulletln No. 3. Having adofded the tyaieni of iaauing from time to time Bulletins, to ndviae our cuaiomert and the reat publir in uenerat, and the Ladies in particular, of our MX-rimaiVK aiiiiivai, We beg 10 call the attention of all ciiizcna and strancers, high or law, amall or great, rich or poor, to our recent arrival of SO.OOO DOI.I.ARN WORTH Of the Richest, Benl and Cheaest lot of 1 1 ltV UOOOtt, ever received by us, or any other House in this city, consisting of article of the niopt varied deacriptiou. ill. UN VOIt TIIK MILLION, Brocade, Brocha, Camelion arid Greciu Blacks, of the heat make; Black an Colored Lavantmes, India, Foulard and Hummer Hilks, of all kinds, and offered at PBICEH Ibal cannot fail to suit the closest buyer.

Mil A V.H. Cashmere. Brochn. and a beautiful nrticle ef Travelling Hliawl, togetlM-r with a spleudid assortment ol the real India Crape, Hewino Hnk and Plain Mourning Hbawla. Also, a large lot of the Real I'AKINIAN VINETTM, of the most approved ftyles, and sold at tiaoet astonishing low rates.

ItlOLUNIIXJ OOODH. Bombazines, Plain anil Figured Pe Lainea, Alpacas, Mourning rilks, Uingbams. English and French Prints, Jr.c. Particular attention paid to ibis branch of the business. DE A I NEK, Of all sorts, kinds and dene jptiona Plain, Fig'd, Striped and Plaid, and af every price.

iiouuK'Kkkimnc. noonn. Linen and Cotton Sheetings, Linen Dnmasks and Napkins. IkJyleys, Uuilts, the genuine improved Marsaills, together with a large niwjriioent of Manchester Counter paiu. Curtain Muslins, Curtain of the richest Embroi dery.

Lmbossed Table and Piano Cover. In this branch of biiinee we surpass all ealabliihments out of New York city, iikcih ui of stock and lownesa of prices, and we particularly call the att'-ntion of all wanting any thing in this line, money can le aavel bv purchasirig of us. I.Hdles will please call early. These preiniw i open at 7 o'clock in ilie inoCiirig, anJ close atO at nigl)t. GEO.

WHITE myltU Man street, Kremlin Block. K. J. HIIEKNAN, 314 BIVIN kVHOLESALE i. RET'L ONE PRICE CASH riTORE Has received the lamest stock ot choice FAMILY DRY GOODS that bin ever been offered for inspection West of New York, fresh from the importer and manufacturer.

I am now prepared to sell goods at about half the usual market rate. In II ESS COi IDS I am selling M. tie Lainea, usually sold for 2s, for the. low price of is. One shilling Ciiliroos for Bd.

5000 yds. Linen Gingham'. Isavnrd arid up. Two Binding Sooich Ginghams lor Is. yds brown and Bleached Shirting and Sheetings from 4 ct up.

Alpacas, from Is the yard Up. 5000 Jamask and Double Damask Table Cloths, of all sizes. -0 dozen Towels and Napkins. Birdseye, llukkabuck, Hcoichand Russia Diaper. 11,000 yds Linen Hheetin and Shirting, from sis the yard up, warranted pUre Linen.

20,000 pair Gloves and Slocking, fld up. 13.000 yard high lustred Black Silks, comprising all the widths and qualities of the finest texture manufactured now selling at the very low price of 2. ttd the yard and up. 10.000 yards splendid all boiled high luatercd plain Ca melion Silks, in every variety of change very cheap 0000 yards donble raced camelion, Brocade, striped and Plaid Silks the most fashionable goods in market. MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS Will And at this store every variety of goods adapted lo their trade, which will be sold to them at New York city prices.

1 ne second story or tnia establishment is occupied at a SHAWL WAREROOM. Where may lie found every style and description of Shawl Goods. Wool Shawls, from the lowest price to the moat elegant plain changeable middle, high colored bor der; Ixing and Square Cashmere Shawl, nil qualities. White Craiie Shawl, from the lowest price to the most plendidly Embroidered India ever offered for sale in this market. Black Silk Visiles, Mantilla and French Sack, a great variety of pattern, together with every other style of choice Dry Good, which 1 urn now selling at retail at lest (trices than Merchant usually get their supplies.


DEALERS IN Groceries, Teas, VVinea and Liquors. No. 29 NEik THE TRUCK, bllr AIjO. (LTL Liberal Advances runde on Consigninenis. JZi OS HARMON, EZEKIEL F.


1840. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. And Agent for the Hudson River Lik Tow Boats," and Ihe" Merchants Trahsportatiow Company." apllf 9 CCE.VTIES fDIP, NEW YORK ItECTIFIED W1IIWICKV. A. F.

Barber' Rectified Whiskey for sale by upitettf TAYLOR at HAIGHT, 70 Main st. Washington, North Carolina. Mr. Fowle, Jj Dear Sir: "Mr. Harvey Hill, whose certificate is giv en below, it one of our moat respectable and honest Tat tiers, anil his wife now enjoy good health.

Very respectfully yourr, jj" WM. A. D' Beaufort County. North Carolina, Chocowitiity, near Washington, liitt The undersigned, feeling teratuful for ihe relief afforded by Uie use of Dr. Wistnr's of Wild Cherry-rdeetnt that it Is hut nn act of jumpe to say, thai but for the use of thai valuable remedy, hi wife, long afflicted with what she and all others considered Consumption, Would have probably been, ere this, in iier grave.

But nil the danger-ousand unpleasant have been removed hy the use of a few iiottle, nnd slke now attends 10 her daily avocation as Usual. i If IIERVEY HILL. XT Priee 9 1 iier bottle. Or 6 bottles for 83. IT None genuine unlesf signed I.

Bctts on the wrap per. TT For sale, wholesnla and retiil, by A. Reynolds, IK Main street, also by L. Rmynoliw, lii and 120 Main stret i. Buffalo; nlo by druggists generally throughout, the United elates.

myl-tw 5Iirln nnl Kfrei Inanraacr.M'he un- deiab; Agent of tne PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford.JConn., oilers to insure Steamboats, Pruiellers, Schoonrrs and other Lake craft and their cargoes generally, ntiAin.M the perils of Inland Navigation. Also, to insure buildings and property in store against lOka und damage by fire, on terms ns liberal at hoe adopted by other responsible ortlcca, am! all claims or luMwill le promptly adjjisted af Buffalo. Office No. 6 Spuulding's Exchange. I fe7 A.M.

C. SMITH, Agent. Wlilte'n C'elebratoU Hydraulic Cement. FROM TM KOHENDALK IL'ARRT, DLSTKK COD STY, N. Y.

Superior to any thin? ofj Ihe kind in this country. The ubsrriber. Aaeiit for th 4 Newark nnl Rdnetulale Lime and Cement will have a supply of the above nrticle lor sale on the opening of, tbe Cnnal. Architects, Build ers, Contractors, cunt obtain printed descriptions of iv diameter, ana directions lor iu use ny caning ai tne cmce loot or 1.0yd street. apl3tl I LEWIS JOY.

--4- II. Krtd, HLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER AN1 UOOK BINDER, No. 161 Main-st. An assortment ol HI tk Hooka, comprising. Rai kivino Books, I Jin 1 Books, Kkcoru Books, Pajvi Books, MeuosaniiN.

Day Books, Cash Hooka, Ihvoics Books, Deeds, Mortgage Books tc. constantly on hand. Blank Books of ail descriptions ruled and bound to any pattern that may be desired. i rrr Periodicals. MusicJ Newspapers, Old Books.

Sec. Ac, carefully arranged and bound in every variety of style, and to match volumes previously oouuu. ueciiu rr-r Wlaalaw Islam. A full assortment of EnelUh Window Glaas, embracing single and double thickness Platk. ana otaihhu wibm, uhhuiuui 'or sale by 9 Webster Buildincs.

I or.7toc6-'4 Buffalo, Oct- ICrCIiy Order. City Orders bought and sold, or negociated on commission, oj WM. LOVERING a14 OrBceover White's Block; On the 12th by tn Re. AfAHEL DAVIS, thfe Bev. John C.

Lord, D. the and Miss nuicuik tabu mam, an or uiisctir. I tCT FARMERS' JOINT STOCK BANKING and other Canada Money wanted by TOWNSEND aVCO. Exchange Brokers, No 3 Exchange st. apftjunS Mansion House Btoek In UV.irtn Nrw York, and where all articles of Diras if.

rt made of tbe IWa marrriaU, and according ihr nni approved fashions. Ihrwrv eo of the atot auceessful and experienced t'L'T r-HH have been secured. KliAKY-MADE CLOTIII.1U, if hii nwri innnufwuire. In geat variety, constantly oa hand, end fur sale at puces lo anil. Aiiraff af Aaaerlcaa smal Barapr Jaal Received.

IT Grateful for pal patronage, the subscriber solicit rotiiniuanrr.pledtfriiis; biourlf be prompt and to untns l'st rrtutu 10 please bis customers. myltf L. L. HIBBARD. C.

If. HI.OHIEK, At Weill At Co's I Mam rraVar. Will krrn eoiitnnir on hand, durinj VHjry season OYTRRr -Opened. .11 cms and kcrs, to suit the market, Aij-PICKLKU OYHTKMH, in and kw. AIo FR Lrtil IKII Fwtri ihe depiha of oldocean.

YROflCAL IHL'IT Ol al kinds. Alw Tliumil Kennetl4i 1 u' Hermetically SEALED in can. PR K.xil ITER and fine LOBSTERS received dully. attention will le given to supply all deliea-eira lor Kvenlng Parties, ami 110 effort spurd 10 render IIKMI rrlWt al l.tac lion lu all customers. All orderi from abroad promptly attended 10.

IT Having made arranyrinatifs with Haii-msn St Cow-ell, of Albany, nnd Gurnrtt HsKrinan, of New York, I'. II. 11. will be able lo wipply any article in bia line not 011 bind. fr Orders transmitted 10 New York by telegraph, If de-alred, and articles received by ftrat F.xpreas.

TKIIHAI'IN LUNCH. Cobnkb Mai it. at. T.a- aarie. ORDINARY Doily, from Ji to 'Jo'cl'k.

bill or fakk. Ronal Reef, per plate, la Beef Soup, per plate, la. Veal Hie la. Rork It Beans l. Porr-lursiilps Is.

HeefHwak ld 1I0 l.niub la do Veal I'alvea llend Corned Heef la la do I'ork la Pies. I'uddlnj ttd. 1 Oysters In the Key or Knell, EnglHi nlpe, Lamb'a Frits, Hweel Bread, and every drliniry ot the aenaon. myitf GEO. L.

FOWLER. 11 an 14 mange. I nut KIFirUT in 1. 1., No. 127 Main atreet.

J2 J. W. MASON, would respectfully inform the public that lie hna oicnrd the above establishment in a tyla of eicellence not surpassed in Western New York. Hi larder 11 supplied with the choicest delicacies of the season, aim their bar with the purest liquors, all of which will lie served up on the shortest nnlire, and in the most rtpproved style. The field, fot est and flood, will I taied 10 iinawer the wimts and grutily the appetites of the guesta uf the Uink Kl Htini.

mrlltt sC: 0rJ 1 i X.t.OYD STREET. Lki. t'ndtr ltbbarii'i i'lvlhing Emporium. The Hubscriher having mule aevrral alterations in the nhove named plnre. would lie happy to have ashaieof the paironnge of hi friends.

The ra oon ia flued up in the neatest atyle, and will tw) conaunlly supplied with the di lii ac.ea the se.iaun. Including (iaine. Kiah, Dtaiera, The hnr Is filled with the best of Wines ami I.ifju an I he by a constant intention to the wanta 01 frieiiils to merit a eo Hiiianee of the palronage literally eiu-iided t) him heretolore. myM JOHN M'CARTY. KIMVK Ac '0.

Al N. 115 Maintlntt, Buffalo, WILL CONTINUE TO RECEIVE, through I Ihe ensuing seaton, Fresh and Pickled Ol TF.RS. I.OHH1 KRS. CLAMS, trc, from their CW6rfd Btdi in Arts Hmvtn Harbor, They will be put up in kegs. Cant ami Jars, of ail, and will be sold low for Cash.

R. 4k. CO. fcelasaured that, as they raise their own Oyster, they are prepared to sell full as low. If not lower than any other Concern; besides, it I a well known fact that Oyaters planltd in fiew Hmvtn Harbor tut excel all other In fine lira of flavor.

We defy Yorkers, or dealers ironi any other place, to furniah aa large, fine Oysters aa can be found at Rowe at Co'. XT Ijirge quantities of Oranges. Lemons, Pickles of 11 kinds, brandy Fruits, Ac. -c. always on hand.

iny7 CaKIMKIKK II0UMK, CORNER MAIN AND GENESEE STREETS, Uy 1. J. Mcnilleu This House Is situated in (central part of the city on main street is krpt in good style, and furnishe i4 Accommodations on as good terms as any house in the city. Travellers arriving in Bonis or Cara, will find 4 re and attention such as will make it an object for them to pnironite this House. iuyluijy9 O.

II 1. WII.LIAn, AND RETAIL DEAL til lit fl- BOOTS AND SHOE8. HtJT LEATHER AND FINDINGS. lias removed from J. 379 Main Street, to No.

VI I.loyd nu fsicar Iflalu) Ituffulo. A general assortment of Uenllemena, Ladies, Misses and hilihens Hoots and tthocs, from ihe Eastern Markets, and 01 his own mnniifaclure, constantly on hand, JT Hoots and i-Mtoes of every deacriphon mide to order in Ihe best mnnner, and warrnnted. Also, a general aa- ortment of Hlioemi kera Tools of every description. UBT THE All young person should have a standard DICTIONARY, at tlieir elbows. And while you are nboul it, get the beat 1 thm Dictionary i NOAH WEBSTER'S, the great work unabridged.

If you are too poor, aave the amount from oil' your back, to put it Into your head. PbrenolOg. Journal. 1 Or. Webster' great work i the bet Dictionary of the Engli illah (London Morning Chronicle.

l'hn volume must find ii way Into all our public and good privaie for It provides the English student with a muss of the moat valuable information, whicb he would in vain aeek for I London Literary Gazeiie. The very large and Increasing demand for tbia work, af fords Hie beat poajshle evidence to the publisher that it it 1 highly "acceptable the great body of the American peo pie." Containing three time the amount of matter of any other Engitah Dictionarv compiled in this country, or any Abridgement of till work. Publiahed hy G. A-C. Merrlam.

Springfield, and for sale by T. 4t M. BUTLER, 150 Main it. ap'iU-OmwlJi'fl Buffalo. WAItMKN IIKYANT, IMPORTER OF TOYS FANCY GOODS.

(Lmtt IT. a O. Bryant,) 145 Mala I reel, Badnl. Hdiiust reee-ve. ot hi own imparl alum, tor the Fall Trade, a full assortment of French and Get man Toys and Fancy Good.

My late. partner having visited Franre and Germany, i -ewly to make arrangement for importing our good-lei 1 now oiTer a comph le stock, compriaing many new at lea 01 rajda, on as favorable terms as can be (ad in any market. September 1848. mrin I'LAHK VI I.I.I AMK4, taTE n. WILLI HI, RECTIFYING DISTILLERS.

Manufactures of and wholesale di alert in Double Unified Pure Spirits, Alcohol of the highest proof and best Rectified Whiakey, No. a Ouio street, BUFFALO. N. Y. Orders from town and counl-y promptly filled.

Dealer in tne alwve article are invited to rail and examine our stock hetiire purchasing elsewhere. ButTUlo. Apr. 27, tuomas cum, (apOT.fml Mae wilhm. JOHN MIIKIAII Ac MdNVFACTVRERS Of STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS.


WATKot a. STEAM ENGINES AND bOlLERS REPAIRED. cirtmua or bvkmv Dcacaimoii mads tuobds. ajlJif ARItlVAI. OP MEW tJOODs, AT Itfl MAIN STREET.

A choir selection of ELROANT 3. Of this pMiis' Importation, in good condition. Jiwt ieceivd. Uenilemrn can be accommodated with IHrby' celetira-ted and admired style of by calling at mylldtn J.


Steam Cheat, Valves, and a splendid Heat-r taken from theHteatner Empire. The above ara nearly aa good as new, and will be sold en reasonable terms. Apply to H. RANDALL, aptf. on board steamer Empire.

scuoorrFK von rale. The Schooner HARRIET CALVIN, will be sold upon svorabls terms. Apply to A. O. C.

COCHRAN, or H. PURPT. IIA1NEY, FLOUR INSPECTOR. Ware House on Central Wharf. (Ellas Weed at Co.) dtf.

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