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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 10

Cincinnati, Ohio
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a 10 THE ENQUIRER, CINCINNATI, SATURDAY. AUGUST 16, 1884-TWELVE PAGES. Moral Authority of the Parents Over Their Children--Family MatchMaker -Ante-Nuptial-Proceedings-The -The Ceremony of Betrothal and Wedding. Correspondence of Brooklyn The Russian inerchant, the citizen of Odessa, retains to this day some of the ancient customs of his forefathers. The primitive character of Russian nationality has to battle bard against the induence of European civilization.

Family influence, and especially that of the home circle, however, still exists in full force. Father and mother have complete moral authority over their children of both sexes, no matter how old the latter may be. This authority shows itself principally in the words and actions of the father: he conducts his household as he pleases, and among the trading class it is very rare, indeed, to hear of a son or daughter acting in opposition to a father's will. In general the father is feared and respected, the mother respected and loved. Nowhere is home life -the intimate family life- fully developed as in Russia, and that more particularly in the class which is here called merchant citizen.

The father, therefore, decides the mar-. riage of his children, and what he requires before all else is that the future wife or husband should belong to the orthodox Greek church and have a good reputation. Young men may marry Whether at eighteen, young girls at sixteen. the future pair know each other or not there is always a match-maker engaged to make the overtures and to carry on the negotiation on this delicate subject. "Popping the question" is a art profession intelli- that requires a great deal of and gence in the person who exercises it.

In the first place a match-maker must be a widow, not younger than thirty-five and not older than fifty. She must be lively, good-looking and full of fun and wit. It is quite indispensable that she should have the "gift of gab," that as the Russian proverb has it, she need not feel for her words in her pocket. A match-maker ought to know every thing, without showing it. Very often the matchmaker is the widow of a priest.

After the death of her husband, when she sets up in her profession she is sure to have a large number of customers, both rich and influential, to help her on in any difficulties, particularly if her husband during his lifetime had acquired the love and respect of his parishioners in the exercise of his ministry. St. Petersburg or any other large Russian city seldom either hates or despises the priest. The "white" or secular clergy are, generally speaking, well instructed and well read, and lead a sober and laborious life, devoting their whole time to the duties imposed upon them by the church. Constantly under the eyes of the Holy Synod of the Emperor himself, and of the whole of Europe, even if they do not possess all the qualities necessary to constitute them good ministers, they take care to be outwardly all that they should be.

THE MATCH-MAKER. The match-maker is the intimate friend of all parents who have children to marry and of young lovers of both sexes. She is always on the outlook, and knows how to guess the inclination of her customers and best time to commence operations. The custom is that neither the parents nor the young people should show that the latter desire to contract a marriage; in fact, they pretend entire ignorance on the subject. "Well, Ivan Ivanitch," says the match-maker to the father, "you have the goods and I have the buyer; do you not think it is time to find a place for Machinka? Come St.

Alexander's Day (the holy man) she will have attained her tenth year with six added to her: What say you?" "Why, I don't say no, if my daughter says yes. Speak to "her; it is her business, not mine. Iam an old man now, and have forgotten all about these sorts of things." Now the match-maker knows very well that Machinka is in love with the young Andevrimkoff, her uncle's clerk. "Come, Ivan Ivanitch, the thing is very well as it is; Machinka won't say no, you'll see." "Very well," says the old man, "tell me who is the predestined engaged one? Who is he? the brave fellow! and where is he?" "Guess," says she. The old man names all the young men he knows without ever mentioning the right one, although he is perfectly aware all the time who he is; but such is the usage.

At last the match-maker names him, and adds: are made in heaven, you know." When all this is settled they send for the mother, and the same scene is reported, with this difference, that she bursts into tears when she gives her consent. And now takes place the third scene of the first act. The young lady is sent for, the match-maker begins by making a long speech, in which she describes the happiness of the marriage state, particularly the quiet happiness of the young lady's own parents; speaks of the blessings of God that had evidently been bestowed upon them in the gift of children. She then continues to tell of the pleasures. of becoming a mother, of parental love, and of the way in which the young lady's parents had brought up their daughter, and concludes by a serious exhortation to respect and obey her parents.

All this time Machinka is standing before the tribunal, listening, with downcast eyes and blushing cheeks. The foregoing scenes are. then acted over again, and Machinka does not succeed any more than her parents in finding out the young gentleman's name. At last the match-maker declares it. If he is accepted by the young lady she throws herself at her parents' feet and declares that she never wishes to leave them, but that, if it is her destiny, she is willing and desires their blessing.

The father then sends for every member of his household, even to the janitor of the building; all sit down and remain perfectly still for a moment; they then rise, say mentally, making the sign of the cross, and the father declares to all present that his daughter is asked in marriage, that she has accepted the offer, because she believes it to be her destiny and the will of God; finally, he gives her his blessing. All then congratulate the parents of the young lady. Every body sheds tears at the thought of the separation, and, bowing, leaves the room. THE DOWRIES. The family now remain alone with the matchmaker to treat of the marriage outft; the parents ask what the young man has, although they know 'very well; it is the custom.

Then the matchmaker begins: "Well, Ivan Ivanitch, you give the principal bundle of goods; but what do you give into the bargain?" "Hum!" says the old man, "the goods I furnish are so good that I consider any thing else useless. Let as first know what the future husband has." The matchmaker then mentions, one after the other, every thing the gentleman is to bring toward housekeeping. The father listens and enumerates all he is to give his daughter, and begins thus: "A large double bed complete." The matchmaker says: "It is the custom;" the young lady blushes, the mother sighs. The father continues: "Two marten sable cloaks, one of fox fur, fifteen Lyons silk and satin dresses, ten real Paris bonnets, twelve pairs of shoes, three chemises, one night-gown and one petticoat," After many observations on both sides, every thing is concluded; the day is appointed for the young people to be presented to each other; they then separate. The next day the bride's family go to church to give thanks for the marriage in prospect, which they must now make known to their friends and relations.

THE FIRST KISS. When the bridegroom is presented the whole house is in confusion; all the relations, friends and neighbors, on both sides, are invited to the house of the bride. When all the expected company are assembled the matchmaker comes in, leading the bridegroom by the hand, and, going straight to the head of the house, presents him. The father first, then the mother kisses him. The bride's father then leads the young man to a table cov.

ered with white cloth; on the table is a silver salver with a loaf of bread on it, and on the bread a salt cellar with salt. Two rings, one of gold, the other of silver, are placed on a small silver tray before a golden image of the Virgin Mary holding the Child Jesus in her arms. With this image they bless the future couple. All the compauy stand, the mother holding the bride, completely dressed in white, by, the band, surrounded by all her dearest friends and companions. All bow before the image.

The father takes the image, the mother the bread and salt; the young couple then kneel under the image and are first blessed by the father; the latter then takes the bread and salt from the hands of the mother and gives her the image, and the same ceremony is repeated. After this the father and mother of the bridegroom do the like. Then comes the giving of the rings; the bride's father gives the golden ring to the bridegroom, the silver one to the bride; they are now affianced to each other and give each other the Arst kiss. When the ceremony de over the company enjoy themselves; they chat, laugh, eat and drink, and separate after having fixed the day for the marriage. During the interval between the ceremony and the marriage MARRIAGE IN RUSSIA.

the bridegroom spends all his evenings with his bride, often tete-a-tete. THE CEREMONY, Then follows the marriage ceremony. It is also called coronation, because, during the ceremony a crown is placed on the heads of the affianced. Then the priest offers them a cup of wine, of which they both drink, as a sign of the anion they have contracted. A solemn procession is led by the officiating priest, the bride and bridegroom following him round the desk placed in the center of the church, upon which is laid the Bible.

This is meant to represent the jovs which await them, the ties which they contract, and the eternity of these ties. During the public celebration of the marriage the rings worn by the young people are exchanged, the husband now wearing the silver one, the bride the golden. From the church the company is invited to the house of the bridegroom's father. A week after they return to church, when the priest lifts the crown from their heads. This is the final consecration of marriage.

All the clergy that assisted at the blessing in the church expect to partake of the marriage feast. When rich merchants marry their children they spare nothing to make the ceremony splendid. Generally the carriage that takes them to church is gilt, and drawn by four, sometimes six, horses dappled grays. The marriage over, the bride taken home to her new family. coachman and the postilions are oftef richly dressed in azure velvet, with gold or gilt buttons; their belt and the ribbons streaming from their hats are all gold galloons.

The reins of the horses, as well as their manes, are dotted with bunches of pink and blue ribbons; two huge men servants, with round hats, livery coats and knee-breeches, dazzling with blue and gold, and perched behind the carriage. This equipage, hired for the occasion, costs not less than $200; but custom will have it so. THE FEAST. The banquet is ordered at some fashionable confectioner's. Nothing is wanting-silver, crystal, flowers and lusters laden with candles of the purest wax.

The most perfect order reigns at these repasts. 'The finest wines flow in abundance, and music plays from time to time during the whole repast. The young married pair occupy seats about the middle of the table, the parents supporting them on both sides, the rest of the company take seats according to the degree of relationship or rank. If they' want a very grand dinner they order a "General's" dinner, which costs $30 more than an ordinary one. At this dinner.

so ordered, the master of ceremonies invites a real old pensioned off General, who is received with all the reverence due to his rank, and seated in the place of honor. He is the first to drink to the health of the young couple, and is always helped before any one else. He never speaks unless it is absolutely necessary. He is there only for show, and he does his best, in return for the $20 paid him for his presence, to eat and drink as much as he can. He is accosted.

when helped to any thing, arack or wine, as Your Excellency. He never refuses a single dish of all the thirty or more served on such occasions. These dinners are always served after the French fashion. As the last roast disappers from the table the champagne corks fly, the glasses are filled to the brim, the music strikes up, and huzzas resound from all parts. But here comes the bride's father with glass in hand, going up to her bowing and making a most woeful face, saying that bis wine was so bitter that he could not drink it till she had sweetened it.

After a great deal of pressing she rises and gives her husband a kiss; her father still pretends that his wine is bitter, and it remains so till she has given her husband three kisses; each kiss not only sweetens his wine, but is accompanied with roars of laughter and bursts of applause. After the dinner comes the ball and "the general's walk." They lead him through all the rooms once every half hour; everybody salutes him as he passes along, and he graciously replies by an inclination of the head. At last, at three o'clock in the morning, all the young girls and those who dressed the bride take her away to undress her and put her to rest; the men do the same by the husband. The next morning the house of the newly married couple is again filled with the crowds of the evening before. The young wife is seated in a drawingroom on a sofa with a splendid tea service before her.

One after the other approaches, salutes her and asks, "Have you slept well, madame? Do you feel rested after the fatigues of the last night?" She then offers tea, coffee or chocolate, according to the taste of the visitor. She is throned for the first time in all splendor as the mistress of the house. The most intimate friends remain to spend the day with the young pair. A week after the marriage the wife's family gives a series of dinner parties, evening parties and balls. These fetes sometimes last for a fortnight, or even three weeks, or a month, and so the young people gradually subside into their ordinary every day Social Beauties, professional is to regard with fa- I beauty.

An old-fashioned man apt most vor that female loveliness which woos retirement. What is perhaps more likely to touch the society beauty, marrying men of late have shown something of a similar revulsion of feeling. They are not found seeking a bride in the glare of a ball-room, and admiring her whom many tongues commend. What the poets term the woodland violet "retired as morning dew" is now more to their taste. Doubtless the fair sex is quite prepared to meet this new tactic of the men.

In the mean time the beauty of society, amid such revolutionary ideas, is scarcely in her place in photographic shop windows. In all ages, however, people have indulged a certain amount of curiosity respecling the chief. beauties who have for the time being fascinated the lords of creation. One of the most pathetic passages of the Iliad dwells upon the feelings of the old men of Troy as they saw Helen, resplendent in her beauty, seek the walls. She was the cause of unnumbered woes to the city, but still her grace won their hearts.

Doubtless Cleopatra was the admiration of all the galley slaves in her fleet. To come nearer our OWD times, Lely, with pencil, and a crowd of authors with their pens, have celebrated the frail beauties of Restoration. There, is, therefore, some justification for the longing of our society beauties that their charms should be duly appraised. Outside the circles brightened by their presence, they would graciously permit some rays of light to warm the fancy of a thousand unknown admirers. So beauty has ever led the multitude captive at its chariot wheels.

In this respect, therefore, we are duly grateful for the boom. These images of female. liveliness, opposite which a crowd of idle gazers obstruct the pathway, are another evidence of the philanthrophic feelings of the upper classes. It is thus that a wandering Peri may peep through the gates of Paradise. A story is told of a fashionable curate who, when told that the ladies looked at him, exclaimed: "Let them look and die!" With more kindly hearts the fashionable beauties of the day expose their photographs in the shop windows to the gaze of all beholders, that the latter may pass by enraptured.

To a plain man the motives which induce the spoiled beauty to, permit her photographs to be exhibited in shop windows and stared at by shop-boys and idle apprentices are inscrutable. However charitably he is inclined to judge her, he needs must attribute it to some form of vanity. This, however, is a question for herself, her parents, or, most often, her husband. It they do not object, we can but be thankful for the reflection of her beautiful countenance among the hurrying crowds of the Strand and the elegant idlers of Bond street. The amorous clerk may fill an album with specimens of female beauty, and dwell in raptures over the pictured "lips which are for others." The philosophic student has the opportunity of dispassionately balancing different styles of beauty.

And yet the social beauty comes perilously close to the Lyons?" "Possibly," said the janitor, "but what have I to do with It this is all you came for get about your business." "Pardon me. I want to relieve my conscience." And then he proceeded to explain that he had been condemned, in default of appearance, to eight months' imprisonment, but, dreading above every thing the cholera, he wished to undergo his sentence in a town supposed to be exempt from its ravages, and hence came to Lyons, His papers were all in order and ONE day last month a man in working- i man's attire knocked at the gate of a prison in Lyons, and said to the janitor: "I am a Marseilles man; just tell me, is it true that the cholera never comes to he was accommodated. MR. GLADSTONE has been Prime Minister altogether nine years and a half, longer service than any other since Liverpool and' Pitt, who served eighteen and Fourteen years. BEWITCHED.

The Strange Story of a Michigan FamilyA Case That Finds a Parallel in Salem One Hundred Years Ago- Silver as Guard Against Evil Spirits. house right through a pane of glass in the window. SHOOTING SILVER. The experiment seemed to work well, as the noises would cease for a short time and the disagreeable stench depart. The firing was kept up until early Sunday morning with frequent intermissions.

As a result of this proceeding nearly every pane of glass in the windows was demolished. On Sunday pieces of were pasted over the broken glass, but in the evening while the family were at supper the paper was torn off by some mysterious agency. Sunday night strange sounds and an oderiferous air prevailed, and the experiment of fring off guns loaded with silver WAS repeated with gratifying results. Monday night was simply a repetition of the proceedings of the previous night. Clark and Whitney had been up every night since Saturday fighting the stench, which threatened to suffocate the whole lot of them if it came upon them unawares.

On Sunday night Clark walked around the house three times to see what he could discover with relation to the smell and noises. While on the third round he was seized with a choking sensation and cramps and had to go into the house for help. BELIEVED TO BE INSANE. Such is the story strange told by these men. They tell it without any attempt at coloring or exaggeration.

Their strange conduct made a deep whom impression believed upon the neighbors, many of that it was true. Finally the men became so outrageous in their conduct as to warrant the belief to Constables Wisner and Long that the men were insane and not safe to be at large. So Wisner and Long determined to take them into custody. They went to the bewitched house the next morning to see what all the trouble was about, as people living in the vicinity were beginning to get alarmed. The two men, Clark and Whitney, came out into the yard with guns in their hands and threatened to shoot the officers if they attempted to get over the fence.

INDUCED TO GIVE UP THEIR WEAPONS. After much persuasion, the men, who might then have been taken for veritable lunatics, were induced to surrender their weapons and accompany the officers to Flint. While the parley was in progress an old woman ran out of the house and called upon the men to kill the oth. cers, and demonstrated her willingness to assist in the job by reaching for a stone. Constable Long pulled a revolver upon the crazy female and quickly made her seek the shelter of her den.

The Constables then brought their men to Flint as stated. All attempts to effect an entrance into the house at this time proved futile. After hearing the version of the affair as above reported, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Johnson determined to visit the scene of the disturbance in person, and, accompanied by the Telegram representative, started on the trip. Clark and Whitney, in charge of the officers, had gone on before. The house which is gaining such a reputation is situated four miles west and one-half mile north of Mt.

Morris. As Mr. Johnson and the Talegram representative drove up to the place a buggy stood at the front gate, and in the vehicle was seated Dr. Fuller, well-known physician of Clio. Dr.

Fuller pulled aside his vest and disclosed the I York One of those strange cases of hallucination finding a parallel only in those of the Puritans of one hundred and more years ago has just been developed in the town of Flint, near Mount Morris, Genesee County, Michigan. Strange to say, an entire family are possessed of the idea that they are bewitched, and what adds to the mystery is that members of the family have been stricken with a strange and deadly disease. The case has attracted widespread attention in the North and West, and in its details has been told and retold. Like the superstitious negroes of the South, who imagine themselves under the dreaded influence of the voodoo, this entire family in Michigan have yielded to some secret power which has made some of them lunatics. AN UNACCOUNTABLE MYSTERY.

They can not account for the mystery, and physicians and citizens as well are as much in the dark concerning it as they are. The strange story they tell has, to a certain extent, been verified, and the culiar tactics adopted by the alleged bewitched ones to rid themselves of their plague rival the tales of the dark days when incantations and other strange devices were resorted to to drive evil spirits away. The Michigan case first came to public notice through the arrest, a few days ago, of two members of the family whose actions denoted insanity. The two prisoners are middle-aged men. They were clothed in rags and were squalid in appearance.

Both had haunted-looking and were exceedingly nervous. Beyond their belief that they were the victims of a witch called it, they were seemingly sane. Their names are W. A. Clark, a peddler, and James Whitney, a farmer.

STRANGE SICKNESS. The house in which the family live is situated four miles west of Mount Morris, and is in a beautiful part of the country. Far back is a forest, and immediately surrounding it farm and meadow land. But the house, though picturesquely situated, is a tumble-down, rickety place, and, like its occupants, squalid and filthy. It is of frame work, and divided into two apartments by a board partition.

In one of these divisions lived Clark, his wife and three little children. The other compartment was occupied by a man named Delbert Sumner, wife and child. Mrs. Sumner and Mrs. Clark are sisters, Both families were on the best of terms until about two months ago, when a daughter of Mrs.

Clark, about two years of age, was taken sick with a mysterious illness. The little girl died on the 1st of July, and was buried on the 3d. WHAT A WATCH DID. On the night previous to the child's death the watchers by her bedside wished to count the beats of her pulse, and for that purpose some one went into the next compartment to arouse Sumner and get his watch. Sumner was found to be suffering from spasms and a sickness similar to that which had laid hold of the little girl.

The watch was taken from beneath his pillow and placed upon the forebead of the child, who immediately became better. The departure of the time-piece appeared to affect Sumner just the reverse, and he acted like a raving maniac until the watch was replaced under his pillow. With the withdrawal of the watch from the child's forehead she grew worse and passed away in the morning. After the burial of the little girl strange noises were heard about the house at night. They were almost indistinct at first, but gradually grew louder as the nights came.

In all the rooms would be heard noises resembling the buzzing of a swarm of bees, sounds as though some one was trying to vomit, and finally distinct cries of would break the stillness of the midnight air. SINGULAR NOISES. A few weeks since Mrs. Sumner and another child in Clark's family were seized with an illness identical with that which caused the death of the first child. After bearing with the unnatural visitations until alarmed for their very lives, Clark removed his family to the residence of his wife's mother, Mrs.

Whitney, in Mt. Morris Township. They were accompanied by Mrs. Sumner, who was still quite ill. The removal took place last Thursday.

Mr. Sumner remained at the house in Vienna, for the very good reason that he was not invited to participate in the removal on account of his having had a disagreement in some matter with James Whitney, a son of Mrs. Whitney, and one of the relators of this story. At Mrs. Whitney's house on Friday night strange and unaccountable sounds were heard, resembling the singing of a mocking bird, the whinny of a horse and the bleating of a sheep.

Mrs. Sumner was considerably worse that night. Her husband came to see her before sundown, but went away after staying a short time. He made another call Saturday evening, but on neither occasion was he allowed to remain long. The same singular sounds which disturbed the inmates of the house Friday night were heard again Saturday night, and were accompanied by a peculiar stench, which came pouring in through the doors and windows, almost suffocating those inside.

THE WHOLE FAMILY BEWITCHED. The smell resembled the odor of burning flesh, and was of a most intensely offensive nature. Saturday night Mrs. Clark's two little children were taken down with the mysterious disease. That night Clark and James Whitney, believing that the whole family were bewitched, got two old muskets which were in the house and proceeded to utilize them in driving the witches away.

They loaded the guns with powder and small dimes pieces of silver, the silver being merely cut in two for convenience. This charge they fired from the inside of the house right through a pane of glass in the I window. bosom of his shirt spotted with blood. He said: "A crazy lunatio ran out of the house and stabbed me." STABBED BY A WOMAN. It was afterward learned that, on investigation of the authorities from Clio, the doctor had gone to the house with the intention of determining, if possible, the nature of the illness with which some of its inmates were afflicted.

He was met at the door by Mrs. Livingston, a daughter of Mrs. Whitney, a wild-looking female, who denied him admission and made lunge at him with a knife which she had in her hand. The blade fortunately came in contact with a bone in the doctor's right breast, inflicting only a slight flesh wound, which, however, bled profusely for a time. As soon as she had stabbed the doctor, the woman, followed other inmates of the house, a brother and sister, rushed out into the road and sped northward as though they were crazy, Reaching the residence of Mrs.

William J. Black, about a quarter of a mile distant, the crazy trio invaded the place, scaring from its precincts the only domestic at home, and locked themselves in. A CASE OF SUPERSTITION. This was the state of affairs when Mr. Johnson arrived upon the scene.

The house was surrounded, the rear door broken open, and the lunatics were brought forth and taken to Clio to be dealt with according to law and circumstances. The structure in which the bewitched family reside is about fifteen rods from the road, and in the neighborhood of sixteen by twenty-two feet in dimensions. There are but four small rooms in the house for living purposes. The supreme scene of squalor which presents itself to the visitor can not be imagined much less described. Filthiness and poverty is observable on all sides.

In one of the small rooms lies Mrs. Sumner with no garment whatever upon bedspread. her, and covered only by a thin Besides this poor woman, who is vividly impressed with the hallucination that she is bewitched, there has lived in the house the past week Mr. Whitney, Mr. and Mrs.

Clark and three children, Mrs. Livingston and two children, Miss Artie Whitney, Edward Whitney, Zora Whitney, Sylvester Whitney and an infant child belonging to Mrs. Sumner. How so many persons could manage to live together in such limited quarters is a matter which furnishes food for reflection. The glass in the windows is there in small quantities only and in a shattered condition, and the doors are badly out of repair.

Little children of all sorts and sizes, clothed in the garments of poverty, infest the house, and are so numerous that they had to be driven all into one corner to count them. After the parties had been captured Dr. Fuller left for home in company with William H. Smith. The doctor was in great pain from the wound, which finally became so great that Dr.

Russell was sent for. He probed the wound, which was diagonal and about an inch long and the same depth, the knife striking the breast-bone and glancing. No serious trouble is apprebended from the cut. In conversation with Dr. Fuller, he pronounced the trouble referred to above a clear case of superstitious delusion.

SENT TO A LUNATIC ASYLUM. Later on the women were taken into custody, and one of them has been committed to the lunatic asylum, as, she is a maniac. Dr. Fuller is now almost fully recovered, and will out in the course of a couple of days. The men and other members of the family are in custody, and will be so held untila definite understanding is arrived at.

are docile and child-like, but still adhere to the statement that they are bewitched. Bewitched or not, case is certainly one of the most peculiar ever heard of, and has awakened liveliest interest on the part of all classes, but particularly the medical profession, who are constant in their attendance on the unfortunate family in an endeavor to get at the bottom of the story and fathom, if possible, this surpassingly strange story. The Humming-Bird, (Forest and Cosily sitting in the very tiniest little nest, so soft and elastic that even her delicate plumage is unruffled by contact with.its moss -covered sides, we wind our humming-bird. High on the gnarled and twisted branch of dogwood she has built this fairy home, and therein, with the overhanging leaves for a canopy, the littie sylph is brooding. How shall I scribe the cunning little structure? few weeks ago the building of it was commenced, but on such a small scale that the foundation was laid ere the site was discovered by us.

Soft puffs from the blossoms of oak and chestnut, bits of the softest brown fungus and scraps of gray mosses that grow in secret places known only to these little fairies, were worked into the walls, and gradually the little cup-like house approached completion. Little flakes of lichen and bark, veritable diminutive clapboards, were next added, and the task was finished. There it rests, its mossy covering harmonizing so well with the tree-bark as conceal it from all but the closest observer, and often, though knowing its cation so well, I have missed it for an stant, so cunningly is it placed. A dead twig projects from the branch a few inches one side, and here the little wood sprites frequently perch. There the male now, his ruby throat all ablaze as a sunbeam covers him for an instant with gold.

See him edge up to his little darling! And now, as he snuggles close beside her, he is evidently telling her where her breakfast waiting in the trumpet flower he tapped for her last night, and which is half filled with nectar this morning, accumulated drop drop during the cool hours of darkness. Like a flash she is off, and he takes her place, to keep the chill from the tiny eggs. These frail little creatures have gradually become accustomed to my presence. first they were nervous, and would cease work, while one or the other would dart down to within five or six feet of me, and there, poised on its whirring wings, closely inspect the intruder, uttering the while sundry peeps and curious little cries. Now that they are convinced that no harm is intended, they do not even leave the nest at my approach.

What dream-life is theirs! Gliding in zigzag lines over the flower-beds, now suspended almost motionless over a lily bloom, now racing with the bumble-bees for a honeyed prize, or dashing. at the sparrows and robins and speedily putting them flight with the fury of their onset. What they do or where they go when it storms I do not know; but at the first returning gleam of sunshine they are back again, with the rapidity of thought, sipping raindrops from the flowers. And when bedtime comes what wonderful stories the sunlight the little things must tell each other, as cuddling close up there the dark they listen to the croon! croon! croon! croon! of the insects, and watch the fireflies guiding the moths among trees by the light of their torches! A Little Copper-Colored Canova. There is a little Shoshone papoose here only four years of age and not much larger than a pickle jar who evinces wonderful aptitude for molding images out of mud and clay.

His mother was engaged at a wash-tub outside of a house the other day, and from the mud caused by the sloppings the little savage molded a deer and a horse which were almost perfect in contour and form. THE London correspondent of the Liverpool Mercury says: "There is a serious quarrel in the narrow ranks of the Theosophists, and Mr. C. C. Massey has resigned his fellowship in the London lodge.

It is all about a miracle. Koot Houmi, one of the Masters of Thibet, who have power to send their astral bodies careering through space, and of telegraphing without wires to their disciples from one end of the earth to the other, recently sent a message, which WAS a grand philosophical disquisition, quoting Plato and using many high-sounding words. Here was a wonder. The age of miracles had returned. Faithful souls read and believed.

But it came out afterward that Koot Houmi's telegraphed oration, which cost nothing for dispatch or delivery, was a mutilated edition of a speech which had been made by a Mr. Kiddle, no Theosophist, in New York. Koot Houmi had taken the trouble to send all the way from Thibet what was already to be had in the American papers. When explanations were asked, the replies made were shadowy and unreal." SINCE the death of Lord Beaconsfield Queen Victoria has insisted on always keeping one Garter vacant, so that the late Duke of Buccleuch's stall has not yet been filled up. He was senior knight of the order, having been appointed by Sir Robert Peel in 1834, perhaps in return for the subscription of £20,000 which he gave to the Carlton election fund before the dissolution of the Reform Parliament.

It is said that during the six years that Lord Beaconsfield was in power only two Garters became vacant, and he took one for himself and gave the other to Lord Salisbury. Free to the annual election and picnic of the Lime-kiln Club began to Delegates arrive Friday morning, and were received by local members stationed at different points. Nearly all delegates from the West came in on the dirt roads, having their shoes in one hand and a satchel in the other. The Virginia, Georgia and Alabama delegates, thirty-two roof of in a all, freight arrived in a body on the displaying a banner on which The was car, emblazoned, Should Stutter!" Ohio and Indiana delegates, numbering twenty-eight, made the best show of any. They arrived on a cattle train, each one colored a red stockings, cap, and a badge on which wearing a bine shirt, orangewas printed: "We shall git thar if you gin us time." Canada sent three delegates, Halifax two, California one, and nearly every State and Territory was represented.

The actual number was 521, and quite 8 number brought their wives along. AT THE HALL. All delegates reported at Paradise Hall aS soon as possible, and there met Brother Gardner, and were given a slice of watermelon and assigned lodgings. Every local member had from two to five in his cabin, and all were handsomely accommodated. On Friday even Paradise Hall was thrown open, twenty-two lamps lighted, and all delegates gathered there for a general good time.

The following pertinent inquiries were propounded and discussed. "Can not American genius thin down the rind of the watermelon and thicken up the core?" "Why can't we have persimmons the year round the same as sore throats?" "Does progress on the part of the colored race demand that we throw the 'possum overboard?" SATURDAY MORNING The members were again the hall, Gardner, and, after a short address by Brother in which he advised every body to work up a feeling of perfect tranquility and pay no attention to cholera reports, the statesmen formed in procession and marched to the foot of Russell street, where a and a tug were in waiting to convey them down the river to Fighting Island. Among the banners in the procession may be named: will takes the sunburn off." gals kin read an' de boys kin cipher." heel am growin' shorter." am on de climb." got our rights an' de white man has lost none of his." along an' gin us room to spell out de big words." has bin a dry time, but de co'n am comin' up." The procession was headed by a string band composed of local members, and many compliments were received for the manner in which it rendered spirited music along the route. THE GAMES. The island was reached about 10:30 a.

and from that time until 8 p. In. the crowd was busy with the programme of games and sports laid out for the occasion. The following is a list of the principal prizes and the names of the winners: Standing Jump a white plug hat; won by the Hon. Erastus Snowball, of South Carolina, who covered nine feet and seven inches, and sprained his back for life.

Running Jump-A two-story rope-ladder fire-escape; won by Judge X. B. Greene, of Arkansas, who covered twelve feet, and blew his ears back tight to his head. High Prize, hand-painted sawbuck, built after Grecian style; won by Waydown Beebe, who sailed over stick held five feet high, and came down on bis head with such vigor as to jar the whole island. Foot Race -Prize, a pair of twenty cent suspenders, warranted not to contract a thunder-storm; won by Pickles Smith, who brought up in the water and won't dry out for a week.

Lifting--Prize, a bottle of sure cure for corns; won by Judge Cadaver, who raised 320 pounds off the ground, but broke both suspenders and lengthened his legs three inches apiece. Knocking Out Prize, a music-box week; won by Giveadam Jones, who capable of playing one tune ny a whole knocked three champions so far into the middle of next week that they missed the picnic dinner. THE DINNER Was a very complete affair, and reflected great credit on the committee in charge. The menu consisted of Buttermilk. Water.

Lemonade. Onions. Lettuce. Greens. Turnips.

Soup. More Onions. Mustard. Onions. Vinegar.

Crackers. Greens. Vinegar. Buttermilk. Water.

Mustard on ice. Ice on mustard, Vinegar on greens, Buttermilk on onions, Greens on vinegar. THE LIME-KILN CLUB. Soup a la Langtry. Onions de Napoleon.

DESSERT: About the same, but a little weaker. TOASTS. The following toasts were given and responded to: Watermellyon-May he Grow as big as a House." Response by General Spikeroot Smith, of North Carolina, who said he admired the faith that sent the Pilgrim Fathers to these shores. "Our Country--May It Never Be Divided." Response by Rev. Tuckabout Jones, of Virginia, who described the pyramids of Egypt in a very entertaining way.

"Our mottoResponse by Trustee Pullback, who thought every colored family should carry onions in their pockets to keep off the cholera. IN THE EVENING. At eight o'clock sharp Paradise Hall was thrown open to the crowd and the meeting called to order. Brother Gardner announced the following solemn facts: The Lime-Kiln Club has 4,000 members, It has over 8300 cash on hand. Its library has 1,800 almanacs and other valuable works on the shelves.

Its museum has over 1,000 valuable relics and specimens, ranging from Napoleon's family icebox down to the written confession of Ben Butler. It affiliates with Congress and every State Legislature. It is on good terms with 600 literary and scientific societies, and has thirty-two branch clubs which are doing all possible to aid in the moral elevation of the colored race. THE ELECTION. The old man sat down amidst a storm of applause, and the Hon.

Augustus Walkback, of New York, moved that Brother Gardner be retained as President for the ensuing year by acclamation. The Rev. Penstock opposed this, and moved for an informal ballot to bring out candidates, but some one hit him in the head with a harvest apple and the previous motion prevailed. A ballot was then taken for the several other officers, with the following result: Vice-President-Prof. Ginger Lemington, of Massachusetts.

Grand Secretary-Hon. Thomas Biggs, of Nova Scotia. Grand -General Standown Greene, of Georgia. Grand Janitor-Rev. Rapwell Hopkins, of Nebraska.

Brother Gardner returned his thanks in a speech which brought tears to a hundred eyes and three policemen to the alley door, and announced that the local offices and committees would be announced at the next meeting. At about midnight, after one of the most successful gatherings ever held on earth, the meeting adjourned, and the various orary members began making preparations to start for home. Piazza Talk at the Seashore. Commercial "Oh, Mamie! I'm awful glad you have come down, we are going to have a german-trot inside 2:40, sir, and road ten miles an hour, best hoss I ever owned, he's engaged to that young Soper, and they do say he's dreadful fast, no daughter of mine should betaken by the head and dipped into a dish of melted butter, then they taste like--flannel trimmed with braid and a tennis hat of black crimson, then Ithink, Jennie, I shall bethe best catch on the field, sir, took it right off the bat. Jim Boggs he was playing behind and he ran back andwiped Stitch and Smorlware completely out, sir, all their assets are -the loveliest box of French candy you ever saw, Nellie, and when he came he down I asked as him if he sent it, and said -jess soon as he stuck his fork into 'em, them's mother's pickles, sez John, I can tell mother's pickles, they allus taste like -a regular old maid, my dear, been down here for the last ten years; codfish she is has trying to catch- -the biggest that been taken off this shore this year; when Jack pulled him up the fish was down at the roller-skating rink having an awful good time.

It is embarrassing, though, to fall into- -the meanest I clique that ever was planned- and just to put down--a hot whisky punch. I wish we might, old boy, but the Law and Order League has taken -a dreadful chill; catch me in the water again withoutmanaging private theatricals, I'd like to have you try it. Girls say can't take a part that has lovemaking, and then kick like a steer if you give them a part that hasn't-horrid mean thing. I do wish people would mind their own affairs. Why, we danced the german Saturday, and Sunday we went to the rocks together, and now they say I am--a perfect bar-room, all kind of liquors in his room, and -mother and I go to Saratoga because stocks, sir, blue that silk have dress, risen if over cent.

you ever heard such a thing and then--held eleven trumps and took- -Five dollars, father, to pay subscriptions to the Pitcher ice- to ninety-five and call me-a jackass, sir, to do business with no more capital than her head-dress which makes her look like-a thousand shares in the Union Pacific seems exactly like a heavy rain," JOC-0-SOT. The Story of a Distinguished Indian Chief Who Died in Cleveland in 1844. Frequenters of the Erie Cemetery, says Cleveland Herald, may, perhaps, remember a tombstone of rather modest appearance for this age of beautiful marble monuments, but one which undoubtedly attracted a great deal of at tention at the time of its erection just forty years ago this month. On entering the cemetery from Erie street, on the corner of one of the principal walks, on the right-hand side, facing the entrance, stood the monument to which reference is made. It was oblong in shape, and constructed of sandstone.

On its back it bears a neatly chiseled, fanciful design of an Indian, a bow and an arrow which had spent its force, and its. face contains the following inscription: JOC-0-SOT. The Walking Bear, A distinguished SAUK CHIEF. Died August, 1844. Erected by the citizens of Cleveland and friend of Cincinnati.

Only a comparatively short time ago the monument stood erect and firm, and would have doubtless continued in that position until the present day had not an unfortunate circumstance broken it into three pieces. The predecessor of Superintendent Bishop was cutting off some dead branches from a neighboring oak, when a heavy limb fell on the stone and broke it. The pieces were riveted to-. gether, and the monument was again placed upright, but it only remained in that position for a brief space of time, and now its pieces are lying upon the ground, almost completely covering the grave. Recently several Cleveland gentlemen, who have paid some attention to the sad history of poor Joc-0-sot, have been discussing the advisability of replacing the old stone with a new marble statue, most likely a figure of the departed chief, and have requested Superintendent Finney, of the Erie-street Cemetery, to draw up a petition for circulation among Cleveland's old citizens, giving them an of subscribing any sum of money they see fit toward the erection of the monument.

The history of Walking Bear is an exceedingly sad and touching one. Along in the 40s, as chief of his tribe, the representative of the Sauks, he wandered from his western reservation to Washington in the interest of his people on a mission to the "Great Father," the President of the United States. Having accomplished his parpose at Washington he started on his homeward journey to the West. happy in the anticipation of bringing good news to his people, but being away from his home in the wild West such a long time he was taken seriously ill, and, desirous to end his days among the Sauks, he sought the then quickest mode of travel, the steamship. On board of the steamer he grew rapidly worse, and when the ship reached Cleveland he was advised to stop there and seek medical advice.

When the boat landed he was put off on the east pier, near the place wher the beach joined the docks forty years The little coal office of Mr. J. G. Stockly- the pioneer in the Cleveland coal trade, the man who handled the first ton of coal ever sold in -was then located near the landing-place. Mr.

Stockly, now dead twenty-two years, but still remembered by a great many old citizens here as one of the most kind-hearted men in the world, saw the poor, sick, and miserable Indian, who was only able to speak a few words of English, and, learning his condition, he led him up to the little office, placed him on a bed which was usually occupied by one of Mr. Stockly's clerks, who slept there over night, called medical aid, and did all in his power to relieve him of his terrible sufferings; but poor Joc-0-sot never grew any better, be lingered in that condition for some time, looking at the blue waters of old Erie from the little window near his bad, until he finally went to the happy hunting-grounds, a victim of quick consumption. He was buried in Erie Street tery. Mr. Stockly headed the subscriplist for his monument, and a number of citizens and a Cincinnati gentleman followed his example.

"I have seen a great many Indians in my day," said Colonel Charles Whittlesy yesterday, "and I have always considered it one of the most difficult things in the world to tell their ages. I have seen Joeo-sot on two or three different occasions, and I should judge that he was a man of about forty." Mrs. Mary S. Cary, daughter of Mr. Stockly, residing No.

655 Euclid avenue, in speaking on the same subject yesterday, said: was a little girl of ten, and I only have an indistinct recollection of all these circumstances connected with Joc-0-sot. I remember father coming home one day and telling us all about it. A few days afterward he took us down to his office on the docks, and I can so still remember the poor fellow -how we looked at him and regarded him as a great curiosity." A Too Penitent Thief. City A stray several horse which had been for months within a short tance of Weiser County, Idaho, was claimed and sold by a named C. A stranger, who had just arrived in the locality, hearing the circumstances, procured a description of the animal, called on Mr.

C. and asked him if he had sold such a horse. "I did," Mr. C. replied.

"By what authority?" was the next query. claimed him," said C. "Well," said the stranger, "there is no use disputing about the matter. You claimed him and I claim him. We'll just let a jury decide who he belongs to." "Stop, stop." exclaimed "there is no use of that: if Imade a mistake I am very sorry, and am perfectly willing to make amends." "Now, Mr.

the stranger replied, "don't aggravate the offense by denying it. You would stand far higher in my estimation if you acknowledged that you stole the horse." "Well," said "we won't quarrel. Say what you value the animal at I'll pay you." "Fifty dollars," was the answer. Five minutes after the stranger departed with that amount in his pocket, having received payn.ent for a horse he never saw. A DINNER took place a few days ago in a Paris restaurant, given by the ladies of the French press.

It was self-styled le diner des bas The President of this blue-stocking banquet was Jeanne Thilde, the fair editress of the Gil Blas. whose caustic pen makes her admired and feared. At her sides were seen Mad. Paul de Charry, of the Pays; Carnee, of the Patrie; Camille Delaville, of the Presse and Opinion Nationale; Georges de Payrebrune, of the Telegraphe; Olympe Andouard, the editress of the Pavilion, and many more less known to fame. The statutes provide that only good-looking women may become members of this society, and most of the above-named ladies, if not actually beantiful, have all that subtle Parisian charm.

M. Barbey d'Aurevilly, who has so often overwhelmed all blue-stockings with his satire, received from the lady President an invitation to attend the banquet. He decltued in a most gracefully sarcastic letter. "Madame," he wrote, "it is very difficult to be a St. Anthony, but one can always be a Ulysses." A DR.

CARRICK has brought some Tartar mares to London with the purpose of introducing real koumiss to Western Europe. The koumiss ordinarily sold at the dairies, cow's it is declared, is simply fermented milk: koumiss proper is fermented mares' milk. Koumiss is used largely in cases of consumption and wasting diseases, while mares milk, unfermented, is used as a substitute for mothers' milk. I THEIR LIGHTS PUT OUT. Public Men Who Have Met Tragie Deaths, Cor.

Post-Dispatch. The dozen Congressmen or to in gressmen this who correspondence have suicided, a as referred Ex-Con. ago, does by any means All couple of days list of Congressmen those who have met tragic other are and the human history the same deaths. as lives and people, deaths and of their same make an interesting selections from the of student Nathaniel of human nature. Take chapter to the was an officer of Peabody, for He the case having been the first man to resign War, the Revolutionary royal adopted commission country.

He for the cause of his in the Continental Revolutionary Congress and prominent was a member by he the War, last and honored life in all, the yet debtor's spent the years of his limits of jail, hav. ing einbarrassment never recovered which from followed pecuniary war, and finally his long above stated. died as Another case in which a member of Congress died in utter want was that son Thomas of Humphrey Alexander Marshall Marshall. of Kentucky, was and a man of great brilliancy. "He member of the Twenty-second Congress, came," Record, SO says confirmed Poore's drunkard, Congressional "a AND OFTEN SUFFERED FOR FOOD, Being during the last years of his life en.

nance." depended upon charity for suste tirely He died suddenly in Louisville Going to the other extreme, the records show that as many have died from from want. Assassination has gout 88 the cause of the death of several Congress. men. It is not necessary to mention Lin. coln and of Garfield, Congress, both of whom were members and both of whom died these by the assassin's hand.

In addition to was the case of Jas. L. White, of Indiana, who was in the Twenty-seventh Congress, and was shot by a drunken man while walking upon the street of his own town in Indiana. John Simpson, who was elected to the Thirteenth Congress from Kentucky, was massacred at River Raisin in the war of 1813, for which service he raised a company of volunteers for the expedition under General Winchester. John Huyler, of New Jerser, who WAS 8 member of the Thirty-fifil Congress, was killed by a drunken man near his home in New Jersey in 1870, Thos.

C. Hindman, who was in the Thin ty-sixth Congress from one of the Southern States, and was re-elected as a Seces. sionist to the Thirty-seventh Congress, was called from his house and assassin. ated at Helena, after the war. Retben Davis, who was in the Thirty-fifth Congress.

was shot in a Court-room bys Prosecuting Attorney while engaged in defending a prisoner, at Columbus, Miss. Quite a number of Congressman have MET THEIR DEATH IN DUELS Or as the result of duels. George A. Waggaman, Senator from Indiana in 1832 to 1835, died from wounds received in a duel in 1843. Felix K.

Zollikoffer, who was in the Thirty-third, Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth Congresses, and afterward a Brigadier-General in the Confederate Army, died from wounds received in personal encounter with General Fry, of Kentucky, in 1862. Jonathan Ciller, of Maine, who was in Congress thirtv-ire years ago, was killed in a duel by William Grave, of Kentucky, also a member of Congress in 1838. Thomas Harris, of the Thirteenth Congress, died from wounds received in 8 "renconter with Colonel Simpson on April 18, 1816." Armisteal Thomson Mason, Senator from Virginis in 1816 and 1817, challenged his brother in-law, John M. McCarthy, and was killed at first fire. The duel took place near Washington.

Spencer Bates, who was in the Twenty-first Congress, was killed ins duel with Major Biddle, at St. Louis, in 1831. Robert Potter. of North Carolina, who was a member of the Twenty-first Congress from that State, "committed a brutal maim," says Poole's record, two relatives of his wife, of whom he was jealous, on August 28, 1831." He was fined $1,000 and sent to prison for six months. He afterward removed to Texas and was there killed in A DISREPUTABLE PRIVATE QUARREL.

E. M. Ripley, of New Hampshire, who was an officer in the war of 1812, and who was at that time wounded, was a member of the Twenty-fourth Congress. His only son was murdered in the Fanning massacre, and from the effects of this and the opening of one of the wounds, Mr. Ripley died.

John Rutledge, who was a member of 'the Provincial Congress in 1765, and of the Continental Congress, was appointed Associate Justice of the Supreme Court by Washington, but was not confirmed. He soon lost his reason, became sick, and died in the vear 1800. William Picnkney, of Maryland, who was at one time Senator from that State, died from over-exertion in arguing a case in the Supreme Court. J. J.

Stevens, who. was a delegate from Washington Territory to the Thirty-fifth and Third-sixth Congresses, was killed in battle at Bull Run while carrying the flag of his command. His is only one of many cases in which Ex-Congressmen were killed I or received mortal wounds during the war. Abraham R. Venable, who was in the Second, Third and Fourth Congresses as a member of the House, and afterward 8 Senator from Virginia, was burned to death in a Richmond theater in 1811.

The tragic death of Wm. M. Tweed, who was a member of the Thirty-third Congress, and afterward was prominent in New politics, and his dying in jail, is familiar to all. "Dutch-a-Mans Who Spik Not Inglis." Energetic of esteemed but somewhat contentious contemporary, to the Roman citizen who keeps the fruitstand in the shadow of the Post-office: "Who gave you anthority to run stand here on the sidewalk?" Italian, just over, smiling Tree f' five cent--a." say who told you you could keeps stand here?" "Ah," intelligently, "pananabs. Nick -nice." The reporter seemed to be angry about something now, and spoke in 8 loud voice as though his whole heart was in his tongue: your Wis gave you a permit to sell here?" Italian, fairly cackling with under standing: y-a-a-a-s, aixcusa me.

Yas dem And he seized the tin measure, with three fingers in the inside, after the thrifty fashion of his tribe, and made dash at the goobers. But when he turned to offer them to his customer the inquistor had gone on toward the Mayor's office, murmuring to himself in large capitals. Cesar Fruiticus walked out to the curbstone and gazed wistfully after him until he turned the corner, and then st down on his stool muttering his disgust as "Dutch-a-mans who spik not He Was "Consined." (Detroit Free They walked a half-drunken, seedy. looking chap into the Central Station the other night, and among the personal property found in his pockets was greasy old note-book, in which was write ten under the current date: "I can't stand this misery enny longer, and have decided to consine my body cosid to the deps of the river. Goud-by, world." according to "Why didn't you 'consine' written agreement?" queried the Captain.

"Just goin' to when 'rested." "Humph! You'd better live until you learn how to spell." echoed the prisoner, as be "Spell!" I was stepped Town back Clerk and for seven years! Speil! raised his hands. Why, I was the first man in Wisconsin 10 drop the 'h' out of sugar and leave hail dozen syllables out of sope! Consine me to a sell if you will, but don't abuse me!" CORRESPONDENCE with Queen Minister's Victoria by letter is one of the Prime regalar and almost daily duties. When there has been an important division or debate in Parliament, and members are alone hastening can take home no rest to until he has writ tired, bed, the Premier ten to the Queen his official report of the proceedings. These letters are couched in the third person: "Mr. Gladstone pre sents his duty to Your Majesty," and Her Majesty's replies, usually dictated 19 a Though secretary, never also discursive, in the they are not run third person acknowledgments, but mere formal often enter The succinctly Queen into devotes several the question hoursevery morning to the study no of longer State business, and her time during is the first wasted now as it was twenty-five years of her reign by having to sign In all commissions act relieved for the her of this army navy.

tedius task. 1862 She an was in that year still the commissions of engaged in signing the year of 1858. In Alabama is a China tree ten feet in circumference. Its top was the torn trunk away two by a storm; but six feet up high more as trees the old have tree taken is. root Half and way up grown: the trunk stands of out, the and is original now filled with fruit tree peach-tre.

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