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The World from New York, New York • Page 6

The Worldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

RUSSELL REPLY, THE MASSILLON MANUFACTURERS DENY DISCRIMINATION. YET THEYBEDTJOED THE WAGES OF OHLY DEMOORATTO WORKMEN, fhoy Say Sn ilrrntti tltat Tliey TYo Not Know the FolltiM of Their men, but In Another They Orclnrn tlmt They Have Over Tvro Hundred Dnmocratft on Their Pny-UolI. fsPHCtAl. TO THE WOHLD. 1 Nov.

zeal which Certain manufacturers in this ConKvcB- district exhibited dnrine Oio recent campaign to induce their workmen to vote lor McKinley was only equaled by the promptness with which operatives who voted for Warwick wore thrown out of employment after the election. It was known to the Democratic Committee that men had been brought into tho district to vote tlio Bepnbliean ticket, that they wero colonized in the mannfactnrinor centres of Canton, Alliance and Massillon in time to acqnire legal residence, and larao numbers wore put upon the pay-rollB of ox- tcnuivo concerns, tlio manacere of which are active liopnbiicans. yomo now works had been started olao, and (hoy, as well us factories already men. ostensibly ne mechanics, but really, as tho result'shows, to swell the Republican vote in the hope of returning to Coneress tho Men priest of high tariff. By such methods the normal Democratic majority in (Mark County, McKinley's homo, was obliterated, although in bis seven previous campaigns he bad carried it only once.

The 200 employees of the Dtieber- Hampdon Watch Worltfl at Canton were organized as far as possible into a liepnb- lican club, uniformed and, according to Bomo of ihe men since discharged, wore promised pay if they would vote for McKm- loy. John 0. Duobor, the head of tbo enterprise, and one of the principal owners of tho JSventngltepoiltorvot that place. McKinley's personal organ, was conspicuously earnest In electioneering throughout the canvass. Soon after the election the process of weed- inc ont Democratic employees there beean.

A. vuper was sent around for the men to sigji. declaring that no coercive measures had been used to influence their political action. Those who refused to sign were dismissed, and those who were dismissed were Democrite. Two days after the election Enssell of llascilon, who have about six hundred hands in their service, sent cards to some of their workmen, informing them that from that date their wages were reduced one- tbird.

The community was not slow to notice the Kuecfestivo' coincidence that every mm whose pay was thus cut down is a Democrat. The secretary of the Company being asked for an explanation cnrtlv answered: "Hereafter In onr shops free traders will receive free trade wages." Public indignation was intense. Officers of tho Company then insisted that tho reduction was not made because the men are Democrats, but because of their energetic partisanship, the superintendent complaining that it interfered with work. A committee of citizens, headed by Senator Howells, waited upon the President FIRE IN ST. AUGUSTINE NO OPPOSITION TO HILL The Enut Florliln Land niul Proclnce Cornpnfiy'fl Flnnt fSPKCIAI.

TO TJIK WOni.IX 1 ST. AcausTixE, Nov. place is afrain visited with a destructive conflagration. It beirau at 7.IJO o'clock this evening in tho 1'nrnncc-room of tho main of tho Ennt Florida Land and Produce Company end spread rapidly among tho shavings which were automat- cally fod to tho furnace. Tho watchman wan unable'to check the flames with a water jucket, which was all ho had at hand.

Tlio entire animalo and office furni- ure, is destroyed. The Firo Department is poworloHB, owing to the distance of hydrants from tlio lire, anil lumber, estimated at 1,000,800 feet, is vanishing with railroad npoed. Nothing but change of wind to tho wont will prevent the dcHtrnc- tion of the homes of the 'JOO employees. Joseph Walton, reuroscntins tlm London owners, is in New York. Kemp Welch, one of tho English is on the ground, bnt is unable to give any definite txtirniito of the loss.

There in no insurance in American companion. It is supposed that London companies carry policies. T'je plant wan ALL THE SIGNS POINT TO HIS ELEC TION AS SENATOR. FEOBPECTTVE SPEAKES 8HEEHAN SAT HE WILL BE VERY PAIB, pl he estimated to be worth (IHO.000, tlie maun factured lumber at nliont saflo.noo. Tho Company, owning many of acres of land along the east count of Florida, bus its own railway to trrtont is recognized as tho richont and mont orolit- ablo corporation.of tho kind in Floridn.

Its Hhinmeuta to Eastern markets and En- rope amount to 10,000,000 feet of him her yearly. It can Bafoly bo said that several acres of InmbL-r and other property is burning, with not 4 per cent, of the. inevitnblu covered by insurance. The. iiro in despite the dfforts of tlio lircinon and citizens, who may, however, be able toconline the flames to tho neighborhood of the lumber yards.

Several hundred employees aro thrown ont of work slid the lorn to this city is front. Jsew York and Ohio, besidea London parties, concerned in the. loss. MOST DID NOT SPEAK. Policemen liny In Wait for Him, Hut He Avoided Them.

tfiyEciAi, TO TUE CINCINNATI. Nov. Moat did not speak in Washington Park Hall to-night. Circumstances which ho could not control prevented bin appearance, and the crowd which gathered to hear him wan entertained only by a concert. This morning Mayor Mosby cent for Ecliemyer, one of the proprietors of Wash- iiiEton Paris Hall, and informed him that if Most was allowed to another address there the hall license would be in danger of revocation.

Eckemyer instantly decided that Most should not apeak in house, and the Anarchist BO notified. Cbief of Police Deitsch was Bnmowhat exercised over tho incendiary utterances of Most last night, and announced his determination to arrosi him if he could obtain the smallest ground for so The Chief had inflammatory circulars in hia possession. Evidently Mom thought it best to lay quiet, as ho met fow of followers. Ho spent this afternoon with a friend, the proprietor of a shoe storo on West Sixth street, hut left there and was not afterwards seen. Several policemen were detailed at Washington Park Hall to-night, but everything was quiet and there wan no attempt at speech-making.

Most will leave to-night for St. 1 Louis, where he has an engagement to speak. of the Company. J. W.

HoClywoods, Nov. 10. and, after a protracted interview, itwas agreed that tbe Company should inquire into individual cases, and. if any injustice had been done, the men who bad beon wroneed should bo reinstated. The Committee received to-day the following letter: "MA8STI.I.OS, NOV.

17, 18BO. "To Hon. Houelll, Chairman fJemotratte Committee "DEAR Sra: In relation to the men affected by the reduction in wages we have to say that possibly one-half of the number have been reinstated. In onr investigations we have strained ft point In the cases of several, and given them tho benefit ot the doubt where one existed. In recognizing your Committee to the extent we have we have been actuated by a desire to treat you, as wo do all, with duo consideration and courtesy, ana I have no doubt you will appreciate this, in view of tbe fact that our action in this matter was one entirely aside from political discrimination and one into which the question of politics did not enter, aud therefore one with dne respect to your Committee, came solely within the province the officers of this Company as a matter of shop discipline.

We now have on our pay-roll over two hundred Democrats. We pay our Democratic employees the same rate of wages that we pay our Republican employees. A man is paid according to his work. The only distinction wo make in this respect iu as to whether the man is a good or a poor mechanic. Kussell A Co.

have never extended to a Bepublican a privilege that they would not extond (q Democrat. We do not know the politics of owr men any more than we know their religion. The extreraely partisan papers of yoni party have falsified our position in ithis matter, and are aiming to make what capital they can out of it. They are welcome to it, but we expect that thone who are acquainted with the facts will simply do us the justice to report UK correctly. The truth will harm no one.

Yours truly, ltnfisKi.L ifc Co. "By.T. W. President. Senator Howells aay.ii the Committee will now pursue an investigation on own account and will then report.

Pending tho completion of the inquiry a non-committal attitude will bo preserved. President McClyrnonds writes that the firm's "action in this matter wan one entirely aside from political discrimination, and one into which the question of politics did not enter." Yet the Committee forcibly irnprowed with the obdurate fact that the liepnblican employees of Kufsell Co. were quite as energetic in electioneering as the Democratic employees -even more and the Committee cannot believing that if partisan activity was to bo punished Hepublicans as well as Democrats should have been dismissed. Another circumstance strikes the Committee. President McCIymonds declares in one sentence: We do not know the poji- tuw of our men any more than we know their relleiOD.

while in another sentence asserts: "We now have on onr nay roll ever 200 The Committee has difficulty in reconciling those two Ktate- nents. HAS HE GOT ATCHISON? A Report Umt Jay Gonlil Tina Baualit a Controlling Interest. KASBIS Nov. is reported here that JayGonld has sedureda controlling interest in the Atchison. Topeka and Santa PeBailroad.

It was announced last that one of the Gould boys was admitted to the director? of the Atchison. It is known that last May Gould secured at least one-fourth of the Bantu Fe mock, and since that time he has been gathering in ail that was offered at low enough lU'nree. Earing the bankers who arc' now in a bad have been largely interested in Biuta Fe holdings, and it is be- jieved by many persons that that stock haa Dten one of the millstones that has draggod them down. To Have a New TBo EonnWican Club met last night and decided to increase its Building Committee by the addition of the following names: Elliott F. Shepard, Edward T.

Bartlott. Henry Hall, George N. Curtis, Samuel Thomas, Charles O. Perry, Wm. ii.

Strong, Frank H. Hullard, Arthur L. Jlerriam and John 8. Smith. The Committee was authorized to select a site for a new clubhouse, sell second mortgage ponds and proceed with the erection of tbe acw building an rapidly as possible.

Four new members were elected. They H. 0. Armour and Edward A. Newell.

of New York! Henry L. Brewster, of Jtoch- eiiter. and Johnson L. De Pnjrster, of Mado- ERIE MEN IN CONFERENCE. ilTnny C'onfcstn IMkoly to be Brou01it Be fore tlio Nrxt Demo cratn IV III Atlnpt a Now VIan ol' Fro rrdnrc to Prepare Tliolr Evidence JJeTaro the TO Tiir I AUUXY, Nov.

Is an impression here, wider as tho days tro by, that U. Hill will be the next United States Senator. It is impossible to give a reason for thin. None of those who may fairly be presumed to have tho confidence oi tho Governor will speak at all upon tho Biibjc'Ct; none of those who may he clasuod an belonging to th other wing of the party will Bay that there i.s anv opposition to him. Tho im- prehnion is prevalent, though: it ifi in the atmosphere, intangible, invisible, but undoubtedly GXiHienf, Indeed, the vory absence of nny combination or a candidate in oppoaition to him tiiUen as rneamns that tho honor must come to him.

Mention any other oerson and a f-core of objections is immediately heard. Mention him and there no objection; even his enemies, who crow fierce at tbe connection of his name with the Presidency, consent to his takinc the lesser honor and admit that he would do the party and the State njiuh honor in the Senate. He is arbiter of his own destiny and Feems now to stand at a Rubicon. Nobody knows whether he will cross and carry his content up to the Capitol itself and rc-crnit his armies in his own State. THE NEXT fJl'EAKEH.

Even as close a friend, as able a lieutenant as "Will Sheehan, the next Speaker of the Assembly, will say notnmg. Perhaps he cannot. He paired through here to-day with his handsomo wife on his way to New- York, happy at the result, ambitions to make a record in the chair. For years he led the Democratic party in the deport, but, unlike Moses, he has staked off his claim with the others in iho promised land. "What do I think of the next he flaid tc-duy.

"That it will be roost in- tercHtine. most important. All that I can do to make it clean, honest and honorable I will do. I doubt if I would hare oome back bad we not won. For six years I have served the at the sacrilJce of rar own I had almost thought I had done enone-b.

THE WOULD: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1890. election rJiaputoa p.honld bo nettvi tlio of THK WonMT in ri inombor that in it he said that elocnons are apparently decided by not by right. There in no deuce in the judgment of the tcln which determine thorn." Legislative bodies in their judicial 6j ae ity are a Jaw trnto themselves. governed by no emnblwhed rules of vi influenced mainly by partisan conn ovations and arc controlled larzoly by result of party caucus or conference. Tht, collection ol testimony through committct is often virtually ex iuvrte in it nature, its discussion is violently partisan and the decisions are not reviewable hy any higher tribunal.

therefore suggest the p.assaac of a concurrent resolution, submitting to the people an amendment to our jtate Constitution which will take 'rom each house the power of ng its own elections and confer iurifidiction upon the courts. I would go even further and recommend such action on the part of the Legislature ns is ikcly to bring the subject to the attention of OongreHH. with a view to securing ultimately a similar amendment to the Federal Perhaps the liepnblicans wish they hnd 'aid some attention to this last year. In 'oiiif; to the Comity Judces to hear the tos- imonyin these canes the Democrats will avoid what the Governor cays of lesrislativ CONSUMPTIVES WAITING. PROF.

KOCH'S REMEDY WILL HAVE A TRIAL HERE SOON. Egbprt Guernsey the German Kclenifat ID on the lUelit Trnch Trenrment for However, In Too Crude a State to Kc Ifclicd On at Present. fltrcam of npplicaticns for treatment hfts A VTfJTTT OF "RFVTVATS fsrovn into a perfect nvalancbe," A 1UU ai The writer, in conclusion, pays that the municipal authorities oncht imnie.1 lately to erect temporary hospitals for the treatment of patients with tuberculosis. "THE PULPIT IN POLITICS." An Affer-Dtnner of tlic Coo- ffreentioanl ClitU. The Congregational Club Clark's in Twentv-ttiird street, last evenins and afterwards discussed "The Pulpit in The speakers were tbe Hev.

Thomau cfltimony arte lie- the that "their" is often itM Rtntnte the collection virtually In f.ilh COlltGBtCO of ivon every opportunity, the sarne an the onteBtant and the Judcn is not afiectt-d one -ay or the other by the Jie Pirnpb' a fair trial: the decision rests with jury, the Assembly of the Ktate of Xew orh. DEATH OF DANIEL RUNKLE, ir Jrrsey'n HUctch nf HU Career. PLAI.XFIELD, ciAi. TO TEE -woi Nov. Daniel unkle, one of Xew Jersey's weal thieat men, ied tit Plainfieid yesterday of heart disease.

Kunkle left New York, where ho bad een nndtr treatment for Uriuhv's dis- over two weeks ago and went the Plainficld honse of his Harry MR, AND MRS. KENDAL IN THE COMEDY OF "A SCRAP OF PAPER." nroancm tlowrtrtl's nrnmn ni OIP (Jrntut Opera House FJaU In Spc.ciulties*—The in Bills In Other Plnres of Amnsrment. York tbc so far as Bc(; fit to the New Dr. GuernHev, ita ed- pflpcrs Ireep ns informed of niul conclusions of Koch. ticaj machine.

Asa, matter of fact I do not I invariably do. an overflowing how. made know how an CBS in laid; I eonJd cot per. tip to a trrost extent of well-known people. form tbe feat for aav consideration, bn: I It wenld be difflonli to imagine nmoropor- aci a better jiidce of an than any heu representation of this work than them i.

cure for tubercnlosii claimed. Las been found The liifi remedy, i and can for use. At pn-scnt action of the is limited, being only elective in ii.i i ent iMjtbisis. and every physician knov at tuberculosis ia ireli grounded mt aical advice in sonsrht and its real i)3U dipcovered. Dr.

Koch that ever lived! I believe in tbe tacrfKliicss of tbe cecular. There ehouM be holy orders physicians, teachers, luer- given Bcen louml cliants aiui holy orders of politicians," Berlin restly Ju-iee (iooilricli. in the conrse of hi re- with Mr. ana Mrc. Keiuial in tho parts of Col.

Blnke and Susan hartley. The performances they give of both those have been fnlly described iu columns before, mm it is sufficient 10 any that nil thai has been in tlie past in their may be as Hk fni'y indorsed now. J. E. his the thirics that zre CJVFET ami nnto characterization ol Dr.

Penguin, acaiu em- tioii the tbiUKx that are Uods. Ins! tbe estimate placed on his refusal to meddle in political questions. abiiiiy as an actor of character He also quoted the well-hnown vronld of The Sir John I gram of referred ihe reverend eentleuian to liend Woifey: "It 1 hsd served I have served n)y Ood tho Kluix He I-B that what ki "is not the tu- would iiot have eivea me over in my hour of t)jc tnbercnhr tissn ot)Iy i5 nce livinj; jerculsr bacillus, nnd, therefore, ca. tubercular tiflsuo an already hilleuby the remedy." The difficulty of expeilir, the dead tissue, which may Kill cnnt; jiving fubercu- Rnnkle, Rnnkle About forced days 1o tahe i have said Dr. Cfr.

hie bed, and since that time his death has een hourly expected. After he hod par- aken of his breakfast yesterday morning r. KnnUle endeavored to raise hiiaeelf iu ed. The effort resulted in instaut death om heart failure. Banlel KunUle was born in Asbnry Feb.

From bis iaiher ho inherited veral large County iarmg, and nil! he WSH thirtr years old followed tbe ccupaticn of a farmer. At thirty he was flfered full control of the Vi'arren Foundry nd Machine Company, which was on tbe rsre of Mr. Hankie enc- eded where others had faik-d, and his snc- I grate io neighboring faeahby ti'pv-e'andco" opened tip career in the tinne bis. ruvaces.

This "being the caM industrial it is in order to effect a cure. Jc If.r bacilli, may be a troubff. Within maitpr of of we phall nndonbtc-'lly be i remedy and be able to Dial: merits, i eiptri- of tht i T.DJS eaid Dr. Parthuwt, is 'arceiy a laattur of ethics. Ethics treat? of the relation of to man.

Htiijriou treats ot tue rtlatious between man ami iTod. say.the text-bcoiiN But tnift i vilstiiiciion is merely a r.nd not one "Driven in ihe iutereits of truth. may convert men to reiiirion, bnt we convert the of men to each otfcer to a religious basis, and iu domi; so we must ionch upon the qre'tion of labor aud capual and H. Barnes good eftort, H. Archie Hamilton was also a com- mendsbl? bit of acting, florenco Honnett Mrs.

Penguin, Nelho Caw.ubflt Lucy Franklin and Uolet Var.hmpii HS Lady In- err.m played fairly well. "A Scrap nf Paper sseuis to have lost none of its popularity. 3Inrlp WMnwrlifht's Nrxc Proiliidton. The secret of Marie Wainwricht's bis production for nest season, which has heen to well preserved, has at last been revealed. Miss "Wainwright and her mauaffcr, Julian have for the last niontlis been came i makinc elaborate preparations for the pve: liebcr Newton.

It sentstiou of "Amy Eobsart," which n-as KESSLER THE all was well. A committee of i weeks' run at Pulmer's Tiieatrobeginuinir formed, and liere the lirst i Sept. 7, 1801. Her rente been almost i entirely booked for next season and Ions eiig-asemen's will be plareil in thelarser cities. Kichard tvill paint the r.iost important scenes at Kenilvrortis find in Uueen F.lizaht-t);'s Court.

The cast will be a loi'K one ana include several metropolitan favorites. The beauty and completeness of Wainwright's presentation of Night" is a tfna.ra.utcp uuu "Amy Hobsart will be one ot the inifor- tant presentations of next season. years Sir. Ecnfcle was I'resi-jent of this corporation. At the time of deasli he was Prwt'letit of ths foliowics corpontioni: P.tmkie, Smith contractors for water worka; the expel fEFrCIAL TO THS TTOBLP.

Xov. 17. eorge La the Blanche, the middleweisnt cbam- aud the livins btciUi with it. One pion of the world, was snipped by George a local iu ttimen round, living diBensed lissce and the living baoilli The "Marine was ovar-oonfident IO a been eT6rl stopped in the second tbe discovery of but sraall present; roa 'l Le chansed his tactics. From that to consumptives." Adnb Ricbmotid in Chow-Cbow." That tried and true tmrlesquer, Adah Richmond, reappeared at the Eighth Street Theatre last Disht in a fearfully and won- dericlly made musical extravaganza enti- -tled The identity of the author, ia company witb the plot of the in Herret The Grievance (Jo ml toe HeBsfon u.t BufTulo, BUFFALO.

Nov. The conductors, trainmen. engineers and firemen of the Erie Eailroad arc dissatisfied and some weeks ago sought an adjustment of their ifriovance? by presenting to the Company aereement containing thirty-three articles, which President King rufuued to The Grievance Committee consists of A. P. PenfieLd, of the Brotherhood of Locomotive EnEineera; Joseph Ilubbard, of the Brotherhood of Conductors; Casper Keller; of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, and E.

G. Wclla, of the Trainmen, A secret conference of thirty or more delegates from the various dlvihions on the Jirie nystcm with the members ot the Gnevanco Committee began ycHterUay at Engineers' Hall in this nitv. The only man authorized to npeah for the delegates is H. B. Yonngsnh, of HeadviUe, Chairman ot the Conference.

Air. all nonaenao without the shadow piece, remained a dart secret to tho bitter ajso Directoj in the foljo Mf coropjinr in rrv JJoaarch" that ibey braved ihe ti anc! ca ve the gay TonT Groat Kbon. Plain, ordinary vaudeville stars will no was the Cr5t to introduce New Vorl: in the dentil in first them a thought as yet." "Prom the anpearance of resch of Moran. pott arid karnilift. suddenly in fiis apartments Hcie: Clinton Ssaiij.

(ruth. I never said anything of the kind. Wo seek a peaceable settlement of whatever differences there may be. but this in our business and not the public'e." MAY HAVE BEEN MURDERED, An Old Btnn'n Drnth Nenr Wmnlnelonvlllr. John Williams, a cray-hoired mau, Bixty.

three years old, was found dead ou the highway near WashiiiKtonvillo, a small hamlet between Mount Vcrnori and Woorl- lawu. on the Harlora Uailroad. at 4 o'clock yeaterdny morning. His skull was fractured and his body bore marks of violence. Williams was playinc cards in a saloon at with some They had over the number of Knmes.

and when Williams left the place it was the last Been of him until found (lend. One of the theorie-i UB to hin death in that he wan naiHlbasgod in tho hope of fmdms mono)-. Another theory is that he, was followed by tho men witn whom hfi Quarrelled and clubbed to death. Coroner Matthews thinko this to be the most probable theors-. Williams always carried considerable money nnn leaves a widow nnd two children at Mount vernoji, where he lived.

LYNCHING TWO NEGROES, A Tenneflnee iUou (Supplements n. Jury's Alribnnia fllmtcry. TO TKE WOJtr.n.l ConiHTH, Nov. Stevens, tho necro who killed Jack Fraley at Savannah, last Summer, was taUou from the Bavunntth Jail to-day by a mob, strung up and riddled with bullets. The cause of tho mob'a action was tho jury failing to agroo upon the question of bin Built.

BniMiNGiiASi, Nov. passing Chin's Trestle this morning tho conductor of the Birmingham mineral train saw the dead body of Henry Bniith, the negro who assaulted Mrs. Cnlhoun last week, suspended from a iroo. whore it wan ntill linnem? at last nccoantfl. It is not known who lynched him.

Tlio W. C. T. IJ. EIBRCH Omcrm.

ATLANTA. Nov. W. C. T.

TJ. to-day rc-eloctcd nil the old officers, as foltows: Frances E. President; Caroline F. Bncll. Corrosiiond- ine Secretary; Mrs.

Mary A. Woodbridge, Becordinc Kecrotury; Miss Push Trewnror. Misn Willard is conHned to her hotel by illness, and prayers for hor recovery were delivered to-day. An interesting feature was tho address of Maud Bul- iiiEton Booth, fraternal dclecato from the Balvatiou Army. i Cefct bie een, auf ber leijten Seite erfdjeinen.

Hotel Arrlvnln. ConereRsraan 11. I'. Loo, of Vlr- BlnU. and Commander J.

J. Road, Hnltod Statcn Nary. Fifth Andrew G.Cortln, of I'rnnsjlvania, Ei-Oonstreusman Alberts. Willis, of Kentucky, nnd Commander U. T.

Wood- rd, United William 1'. Wiry. Shdeho.n, BuHal. eo.n, uHal. Oonnt A.

Dillon, of Pariu, and ConirrosB- jnan M. of Peunajlvaola jlmrmv IIUl- or 1 "ulkelcF. of Connecticut, and Judee Hort II. Wbnelcr, of. Vermont, Ov.

Benjamin T. BlitM, of Bolaware. Kielorfa- Allau McLane, of Uailrnnd Co linden Fork Hac.o*. trains leave stations foot of Cort- Unat and Deabrossos stK. every race-tlav at ia noon, 12.20.

12.30. I and 1.30 $J7. rcturniuff after the raoeo. cloine furuiflhes no reopon for irnitating them. In the past three ABuemblieH, ai- thonsh their majorities werejiot large, they have aiwaya taken to themselves a two-thirds majority on all the important committee-.

Where a committee consisted of eleven raem- bera. they have taken eight and eiven three. We wore entitled to more than that, hut we never xot justice. Turn about is riot fair play in this case. I think the Democratic will insist that the Itopnb- licana in the minority ehall have what vii in the minority asked fair representation on tbo committees, Jf uhoiiid be honored with tbft Spe-akorship I nhonld that the committeen ahouM stand seven Democrats and four liopnbiicans.

I don't minuose tliey will thank ua. They're never thankful to "And the Committee on Privileges and ElectioTiB. it will have HO much work before it and contostu will have to be decided HO wooij, 1 RtipDoBe it will be appointed early in the neanion." The for early decifu'ons to be apparent, but I can hardly discuss that poiut now." KETTLE COKTE3TB EARLY. The next Speaker may not wish to discuss this, but it will be tho first and moat important duty to nin hand. According to act of Cousreas thu Leuiiilatiire muet proceed to elect a United Hiates Senator ou the Vioflntsday alter the Hfscond Tueaday after orKHuiziiicr.

In this Btato that will be the third Wednesday in January. It is important that all election diHputcs he settled by that time. HO that none but thoso duly elected t-honld tako nart in that election. It would be well for that Committee, therefore, to be appointed on the day of meeting, BO that it may take teatimony durinjr the rf- cefip uenally taken by tho Legislature almost immediately after In fiome contests, in one, at least, that from Montgomory Countv, there will be no necenBlty for tukine toBtimony. The ulert Democrats UP tuere are to follow, as far poHdible, a rocommendution of the Govemor'ti made to the Leirinlature last year and lauahed to scorn by the JiepublicanB.

They arc Koing to have the tOHtimony of liepnblican crookedness taken by the courts. Thin they will submit to the on ltn meeting nnd aak for an immediate judgment. Tnere is a Btatute, title section of the lieviscd Btatutea, vol. 3, which reads this way: "When any portion shall intend to content the election of auy member of the Honatn or Assembly, or to support any election so intended to bo contested and shall be of ob- tion, lirst niuR testimony respecting any mich elec- any he may make application to the judge of a county or to any of a county court of tho degree or counsellor-nt-law or to the Mayor or Jte- corder ot any city for process to procure the attendance of tho witnesses whoso testimony he may be desirous to obtain." Now the further iliftciB the issuance of these summonses and tho brinciiiir of the witnesses before tho Judue. who must sot a day for the hearinc.

Notice be given to the other side before the hearing may proceed. The Judge nhall then reduce the testimony to writing and send the same under seal to the Aisemblr which may adopt it as the testimony in tho cane and proceed immediately to a decision. The llontEornery Democrats have decided ou thin course, and it In not unlikely that when the simclicity of tho method be- conjflfl apparent that their oxf.mple will be followed in other counties where contests are ponding. 1 TLENTV OF WOHIt AHEAD. Democrats now claim that they have been unjustly deprived of i.eato iu Clinton, oraery, Saratoga, OBWOEO.

Oneidn.TJNew ork, DutcboEa and Columbia Counties Contests mnv also be made in and Kings Comities, where both parties are waiting to hoar the oliiciul nuures. If the Dem- ocraw iihould follow the plun outlined above in all these conutics, it would precipitate the liveliest kind of a limp almoit at the very oponinc of the BCHHion. Of course tho Assembly need not adopt the testimony thus submitted. It lias an option. They can reject it and send its own committee to matte an independent investigation.

That the method here proponed will be better in mont cases will be readily It is direotlr in tho line of that message sent to the Legislature lust May by the Governor, when he reeomnjoaOed that all He waa thirty-fonr years well known in new.ipsper circit-s. James E. Wright, an old member of the Colnrobus Ear. torday. aged fciny years.

Heiraja of Princeton ColTftge and, i the finest priv JATT tt Ufcic. Newton BartJeit, of aa aged and much respected citizen, died yesterday from the effect? carbolic taken by znUtake for In lier 3Ir. Bart'ett one of sras cntial of the town. i ASH2TII.I.E, K. Scr, 17.

Kore stay. taught school at and Van Kicit, in isng ami tLroat noniincton in Ucturu of Micoaodonb. FIXIAL TO TEE woELD.i There has beeu an improvement in tho In Boston. Borrow, Nov. Atrnea HaotmsrtoLdid castor tihenaudoah since that comedy- 'f 0 7 1 CT2G tbat not ehoTT any ill effecia from 1D drama wa a first presented in this city.

Luat nit'ht at the Grand Opera-Houee for the first time in seven mouths Bneuandoah" was presented in tjiia Jty and was received with old-time fervor in Francis le plays the nart of (Jol. Kevchivai and owcph Adelmau pernortaten Capt. Tho.jjtoii. Tho remainder of the cast, with one o- two exceptions, is tho same that wan seen it it when it was presented in this city before! Benefit Entercnfninentn. The two Lcnefit perlormaocea authorized by MesHre.

Tjillon and O'Brien, thu Irish jnvoys, will tike place at' Cliickering Hall Thursday ('-Thanhsgivin? nieht 1 Nov. conniating of a concert, with all tho New York favorjtea, aloo a Hpc-cial EA-T for is to Vi pronce t. bos- fcr of Trith tor the inoculations O-L 'o city, and arranT-meiits it Las jnst her expectation, lor tbeHoliis Street Thta- bad' re where ehe appeareVl to-night, was crowded, though it was raining hard. Miss Hunting ton lias changed bnt little since her i here two years aeo. She is tbe paipe charming woman and! actress.

Hhequite captivated a critical audience in her rOle I and found rapturous applaufcfc for Poroe of the more effective of the There in ",7 TTili te congiaiitiy on i every iik.eJib.ood that society will tender to her dnring her stay in the city a tribute to her charming personality- and well-won euccesB on the stage. Her appearance in Boston is hailed with BRtiitfaction and she will act before crowded houses during her r-i-d for the medical pro- To fetodr one of his pupils was Horatio Charles H. Hnrlhut. of Washington, travelUng agent for the Detroit Press, WSH found dead in bed Hnnday morning. htrt to-day for Berlin to Eiuil dfc- Tolesmpli TldzK.

Y. Kov. Corry HoUPe, owned E. SlilUlien, was badly damaffed by TUc loss is covered by insurance. -jtriKViLLE, Nov.

and LuchebB lung and ol Marlbqroiig-Ji vlBited Woodburn Htock i'ttrra Xliey sr.ent yenterday tha i'noTrn in: his special work li the Baptist Church at Woousocket. li. died suddenly fiunday, sixty-three years. had held pastorates at Va.

Dayton, O. PratninKham. and East Boston; Albany, X.I.: Muldec.MauH., and Boston, where he was paetor of the Harvard Street Church. Louis O. Hofmann.

editor and owner of tho Central Democrat, of Syracuse, died Sunday uiebt, aged forty years, lie bad been iu ill-health for a year. His has been the most influential German paper ever published in Central New York. Mr. Uofmann was a prominent Democrat ana one of the ardent workers in his party. Uen.

George C. McKee, lieceiver of Pub- lie Money of the United States Government. died yesterday at his residence in Jackson. Bliss. after an illness of Bevcral weeks Gen.

McKee was practising law in Central Illinois pievious to the late civil war, but entered the Federal service at tho opening of tho fight, and TOKO to the position of general. He enjoyed the fullest confidence of Gens. Grftnt and Sherman. Bnbvenucni to the war Gen. McKee removed to Mississippi.

entered politics, represented Grant's AJmlnifiiratiou and has since held fieve-ral Federal oflices of prominence. George A. Heusler, S. J. Bon of Joseph F.

flonsler, a prominent lawyer of Baltimore. died of pneumonia Sunday at Holy Cross College, Worcester, Mass. He was twenty-seven years old, and had just started his career as Professor at Hojy Cross. Rev. Father S.

P. Dompiori died yesterday at Boston College, after a long illness. He was born In Italy, Nov. 3. 1815.

The early part of his life was spont in France. He was for a long time representative of the German BinhopH at Home. On Nov. 12, 1881, Father Dompieri entered tho Society of Jemis and came to the United States. Since his arrival in tnis country he labored in Boston, at St.

Mary's Church and at Boston College. For many chaplain to the students of the college, being vary popular. In 1883 he was stricken with paralysis nd lias been deprived of the IIKO of his lelt Hide since. The cause of las death was old age. The deceased was an excellent theologian and linguist.

The re- jnuiuTiUt be Interred in the cemetery of tbo Order at Holy (Jrom College. Worcester. Consumptive Patient! VV'nitinK Their Tarn Jp Dr. Coraei'tt Tmboratorr, EEiitrs, Kov. Bergmdnn delivered lecture last night at the lierlis Clinical Hospital on thirty-nine cases treated by birn according to the Koch method.

The patients were suffering from various tubercular affections of the joints, bonefl. BkinB. glands, throat and month. One of them was suffering from a tnmor on the larynx, and it was doubtful whether tho affection was a tubercular or cancerous one. Ho was treated in the manner laid down by Prof.

Koch, and, as there was no constitutional reaction. Prof. Bergmatin was led to express the opinion that the tumor was of cancerous formation. Prof. illustrated the value of tho Koch method as an aid In diagnosis.

Prof. Koch's indisposition was the reault of an Injection oi' the curative lymph. It was only very slight and has now passed off. A visitor to the conoiilting roomn of Dr. Cornet writes to the Vcsisisctte Zeiluita aa follows: "Imagine a dfirk corridor scarcely four and a half feet wide thronged by a motley assemblage of men and women, and, in a small adjacent ante-room, thirty persons coughing in a close atmosphere, anxiously awaiting their turn for examination and and treatment.

One patient who appeared stage of to tho be in disease an had advanced to be carried into tho consulting-room. In this room there were three assistants at work by a little table, one patient seated in a chair undressed and undergoing examination, and three other patients partially undressed aud awaiting their turn. Dr. Cornet in tho mean time made his way through the throng, calming thfl impatient and seeins that every one took his or lier proper place, A work- ingnian. who seemed to be suffering greatly pleaded that he was the father of four children and asked tlmt hie case might bo taken without delay.

He was told that ha. would bo admitted as soon UH a vacancy occurred. Similar answers were given to others who woro importunate. Tho upon whose cotton thoy were levying to satisfy a cloim. Kov.

17. The court to-day iur-, v. i A Lie lu-uuj refused a new trial iu the broach of promise KuH by Auaio Husabol the Hov. 1-cier itonerta. The Jury awarued the woman ey.t'OOdamatrea.

BOPTOJT, Kov. Warren line eteamer Kansas, failed from Liverpool for lioston on Nov. 3, hfie not beon fifg-btod, and is feared Btso met with BOIUO mishap, tshe carried IJiO Bteeraffc passengers. 111.. Nov.

tho freiirht-lian- sivltcliincn, and. firemen ol the und Jekln tJnioii Itallroad. ntimberiu? MHO men, struck to-day. They want their pay on Huturday instead of Mondays. HII-T-BOOHO.

111., Nov. JennleHuff- hines has been indicted tor -murder, aho IB mttrder of tfanmir and laid on accused of Pattenson. wiio was tlie Vi'ftbush. Kailioad track on Oct, in the bcaton to sath ai 70. 18BO.

ben Nov. 17 Constable Rou- McDonald, ol CoaJmout, In attempting to clituery and i350 tons of hay, N. B. houee and several smaller bnildi: Incendiarism is suspected and two arrest Harrison Speoiraan, on Saturday, nttflunltecl bill and recolvod Injuries tlmt resulted iu his donth to-mstit. Speoluian Una GBcnpod.

ODIH. Kov. yesterday destroyed ft'oodward lame bora, with mo- Loss in BiiBuecteO. an" arrests linyo betn made. OTTAWA, Nov.

view of tho prospective Increase In tue Canadian trade the fleet Indies the Postmaster General has opened negotiations witli Jamaica, tne Leonard iBiondB ami liarbudoes for a diroot parcel post aud an Interchange of money ordorn. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. and Manufacturers' Five Insurance Company aim tho Mutual S'lve Assocmlton, orR-anlzed flvo years wore to-day placed in tho hands ol A. Hmltli us receiver. Tno affairs tu-o in (food shape and tlie ococlitoie aio eat'o.

Nov. 17 Deputy Sliorlff Q. H. Sitnrnl) attempted to break up a Rrauio of craps iu vrhioh a dozen negrcos were cnKBKOd at OlftEB Grossinjr HutimUy A riot entitled, in wblch Kiroroll was sorlouKly shot iu the side. timitU BiimmerB, a ncirro.

was fatuJly shot, uiid one or two others wounded. ARE THERE HAPPY WIVES? (( The World'" offers Clirlatmua 1'rlxo of Hundred Dnllnrs (8IOO) lo thn wlfo vtfin write ilio moMt nrrunlilo antl plcttireittiuo tlenoripilon ul Iior linn. bnnd'H devotion to hor. It HIHHC truthful nco'oniimnfed by ronl net for tfninpoient Jitdurn will bn clioxen. Tlio niiuwom will npyoar In the Muuiluy liitltlan of Tlin World." Arirtroim EDITOR VlUllKT- BIAS PRIZI3.

third month last niirht at tho Garden Theatre bcfovo tlio visual larRo aud lashionablo audience. LaiiKhter and sentiment lively pace with each other until 11 Tho number of urumltient phymomns present, to witness Bill's funny treatment larger than ou any previous eroning. S. IS, 1'actiril has secured tor Boholurs seats for Fridny night's performance of aud Women" at Froctort Twenty, tliird Street Ihcatre. Ho writes to Charles Frohtnant witiiessins vho performance civcn hy your comnanj- of Itoa and Women 'I felt no impressed with thu moral worth of the iilav and tho lusson which it tauuhtto yonug men that 1 ask you to re- f-erve for mo '-'uO eeuts for next Friday cvuninir.

1 nm constantly pnvinsf out larco sunn for professors, lonturers and others talk to tho boys and in my but I have not in lonu ttinoseen i play BO rich in snwgestion for young people. 1 think evon results will ue attained it 1 my people an opportunity or seemc and realizing the lossou taught by your play." roi.vononipim Vnitiif; omiin. fel-KflAI, TO TIJK VVOr.LD. I Tr.nnA IlAVTE. Nov.

Towne, alias Ella White, the forger, was to a office to-day, waived a ariiiu till next Thursday and was returned to in default of bail. Interesting developments are promitierl. The eirl proves Ix 1 a dangeroiiH adventuress with numerous aliases. She was Known as Glen Gnu- ni.ion. Klaine Minster aud Minn F.

lioKora it Cliicago: Lilyliodserxou at Omaha, Kansas City, Denver and Lincoln, nnd by other names at other places. She scoured $700 "rom John 0. Mix. a rich loKKiim contractor at (Irceu Bay, WIB. by introduciiiR itrself as Elaine Minster, a neivnpaper correspondent, who had beon sont there to write sketches of promiuout citizens.

English Opera at the National Cnpita). ISI'ECIAI, TO THE 1 ASHINGIOX, Kov. Emma Jttoh Grand JCnslish Opera Company very BUC- icssfnlly inaiitnirated their tiricf seaaoii at he National Theatre this evoninB. "The iugueuots was tho opera produced, with Miss Juch as Valentine, Jiich's iniper- individual triumph tho performance. The prima donna haa joyed luuny llnttoring- lyric successes in his city, buc none has been more ccmiino, incere cordial than that which was cored before tho nplemlid audience which greeted her this ovonincr.

Hednioudt and i'eita -were received with special favor, aud ,11 tho artists in the cast shared in tho honora vhich were enthusiastically offered by the The orchr.Rtva aud chorus, under Conductor Neueuilorfl', were also warmly pplautled. Miaa next appearance durini: the wi-ek will he ns Elsain "Lohengrin. Scnta in the "Flyintr ucl Arline in the "Bohemian Girl." The jccnniary success of the enaacrement is aa- urerl by the lai-go advance? sale, which, it 5 said, amounts to nearly wmtinee ut Proctor's Tventy-tuird titveet 'Iheatre. Tneaday. Dec.

with a Ptrouff cast Of well-known metropolitan artists. Amusement Kotpc. The Union Square Theltro will have a special matinee to-morrow of Country Fair." which Neil BurBeBB gives in response to retjneHta. Tho fiftieth performanco of "Bluo Jeans at the Fourteenth Street Theatre last uieht drewalarpo house. Jenny Yea- resumed hov old part and wim warmly erf etecl and was the recipient of some pretty Soral offerings.

The grade of variety perf ormanoo In the Boston Howard AthoniEum Comoany proved a pleasant attraction at fche Colimv bus laat nieht and drew fnll house in spite of tho unuropiiioun weather. The elovoi Bpecialtiea ot tho performers ivere well ro- c'oived. The German Liliputiane preeejited thoh novel and hoautit'ul in Magio" ai Hatnmerntoin's Harlem Opoi'o-HoiiBO night. A larco andieuoe voted tho show the prettiest thing of the Bore ever seen iu tho upper oart of tho city. tiolnia Goer- nor, tiny Frana Ebort, and their coHoaKUon, bier aud little, were heartily applauded.

Thu microscopic ooniodiaiiB will remain in Htit lem for two weokH. Tho benefit to bo tendered to Urn. Annos Bobci tsou Boucioault, which will taho place Tuesday ovoninK, Hov. tho I'ii'tli Avc nuo Theatre, promises to Do a notable Hut; cess. There is quite a demand for scats al roadj'.

The beneftt will bo under tho iniui ancment of Horuco XVall. AHIOTIB who havo already volunteered to appear are Mr aud Mrs. Kondal, II. Sotlioru, Ijllliai IlUBBell, Arthur Daore, Amy Hoaollo inn lioyt's Hteoi' 1 company. Acini llobortson Boueicault will hurnoll' apnon with Mr.

atoddart in asooiio Irom ALouv Strike." Tho highly HuocaBsi'ul molodrauia Hauit AcroBS tho tho house ut tbi 1'oople'H Theatre last night, Tlie ndmirabh Htago pioturoH which the play contairiHaiii tho excellent niannor in wliiuli IB aelot combined to win the intoroHt and applniiH of tho overflowlnn ISilnu Clares' (ieomo Nivah and Oiinrlow trnt'kRon prttiHoworthv work in the loitdmg rolos. Olmfl. Krlu Veruoi' In tlio familiar Irlnl dralua O'JJrion," proved to bo potont attraotion at Jaoobs's TJiefttre Ian night. Mr. "Voruor wae nupportod by a com potent oomnany and the perforniftnco as waa a ftvoni! one.

Special ienlnns wore Biiupllod by tho faniuun Jrinli ICernttan, nud the clou dancer, Wllllni Ullio Ahoi'oti'om, Inherplnr of tlio tho bill at tli 1 Tboalroiaat JJofch play am piar lift-to boon aecu Jiflfo before uud boll liavo iron jaotrnnolltnii nopninritr. SliB Aliurotruin WIIH aud clwver in tho tit) rAld and iras Hupportod by a capable oaut The houHO wiva ft good one. JJIU find "Sutieefc" began thel Baking Powder absolutely the best. Llebig Company's For improved and econ ery USB it for SaucH ftn( DiiiliCS. Tn fjavor-(ftcoin- parafilf, and dissolves perfucti in water, llakos delicious Tea in all for any long of time, 1 Ib.

equal to 40 lbn. of Ida hcof. Only sort guaranteed genuha Justus von Lietjig, and label boars jia, icnature ID fac-nimiloin blue, For Table Use NICHOLSON'S LIQUID BREAD excels all other beverages, DelicU'us and invigorating, yet -or the sick it is an invaluable foodand lealth restorer. Physicians recomriend t. Users are delighted with it.

V'our grocer and drupgist probably keep it; not, they will get it for you. EnffllflU Diamond Braifl. Original nnd Only lffajH reliable. LADICB Itrantl In lU)d Gold boxes, rcniod wltli Wue 'nkftitootlicr. Itofltae aangermu bMifufliHW awl At Drn seurt4o.iniHftiiirinforpariIonlnra,tcjt!no.

ils -tud for in teter, return Moll. TestimoiuJj, Ohlohcotcr ciiomlcal Madison field by nllLooaJ Dru C6 l6lB. pffHa. ISMMS. "Tim Emms llomedy Yill roociye Jatlios In to the Comploxon nutlltoiaovaloE Hair nt 33 Woat J3d Now York Oitv.

NOT. IQ nnd 20, hours M. to5P. M. "T'lnrvoKmo" (tradoinark) ie Oftmo implies truly ninrvulous in romovinu all ilomtbbcs.

Prion fiO contu, The Kin ma nnltir will lound a but sura cure for tto ro- nmvftl of "Sxipot'fluuua Jtiiir," "How Shes Ilo. oanio HBautiUli, 11 a boon on tlio tollat byMri.5-. H. Emms, prcujmtod toovery Udy. TOTIN iimtoloffy and Ail slcin and lulnotumK anil their went soaled io HM.V mi drops on receipt of lOc.

John H. TVoodlmry. UornnioloRtat, 12o Wp-at ab Tfltiw York City. Coiimiltation Ireo nt ortico or bj loiter, l-'ncirtl Sony tit or by mail. PUUUSUISD THIS ZlAY.

A BOY'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, from its Discovery to July, 1890. 1 vol. 50c. Tho nutllpr prosouts hi iilmrt ohnptorB lifo-like tetohos of our Uroat nml Women, our Ex- nrnl ril nm Fathers. Pot-- trulls of nil our PruailluHts.

WorthlngtpflCo. SOCIETY" IJoA uirtaiivij, NI'-ttVOUB B1B1UBKS IN MEN, By 15. Manluu, M. England A new Work ou inodliiitlnn nnd its uses In thn trentinunt ut iteming ilwimlom. ronoration wVllmt Vi! 1 1 JiliSSf.

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