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Press-Courier from Oxnard, California • Page 1

Oxnard, California
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THE OXNARD DAILY COURIER A lMftl7C AND THE OXNARD DAILY NEWS VEMTURA COUKTY. CALIFORNIA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1920. 165 (Special to The Courier) Dec. guns -mounted ont an, airplane and manned by, members pf the Canadian police riddled an airplane There has been an effort lately among -the local fans to organize a baseball team.

Last Saturday a game was pfayed -with, "a triam-from Santa Barbara, the visiting' team winning i point, the ecore being 9 to 10. After the members of the" Santa Barbara team were invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Band, where a buffet supper served. Miss Annie Bagust has dn orange tree in her yard which has been very prolific this season.

She has picked driven by Joseph H. Gadbury, alleged oranges from the tree an it still AmWican confidence man, forcing looks to be full of him to land near Winnipeg end Mrg Ke ey! has been suited in his capture. Gadbury is conflned to her home or the past a bad toot, caused by step- a rusty nail, is now able to S. D. Thacher chairman of the county exeMJrtJtm board 'during the war, in a tetter to Tfce Courier, says: "The officer's of the 'locaV "board have recently received notice from the adjutant General of the state that the government is--making arrange meats to publish a list of from the army and'' navy and marine corps of the TInjted States.

It is intention of We government to prosecute such "deserters. WITH ONE HAND He looked 'no more than a three-year-old, but he was pull- a big Christmas tree through the Plaza park 'this morning. A VENT JRft CO. GAS TO passerby a where he was SUPPLY CHANNEL flljf i I-P--- Santa Barbara hopes for cheaper going. "Going to ifr'at our superintendent Ctaua home he re lied to P.

H. Bivens, for the Southern'- de- "This is for said the stranger. of a supply of natural gas It's about 'as big as you are in Ventura county above Ventura county's consumption. There is a prospect for the devel- I TY Sehrelber-Daily Wedding The spacious country home of Mr. anf C.

J. Daily of Camarillo was the'scene a most beautiful wedding yesterday, when their daughter, Martha, was' united in marriage to Max'Morloclt Schreiber of feanta Ani. More ttiari witnessed the impressive ceremony which was read by Rev. William Mia in outlining of wanted in Britt, Iowa, on charge wee forgery and obtaining money under The members of'the local boards ERY BUSY AT SANTA throughout the country are requested BARBARA to co-operate with the government Attorney Charles F. Blackstock making sure that the name of DO Ventura county.

dema. Preceding? the ceremony, Mrs. George Fitzgerald 1 of Camarillo, her usual charming manner, sang The Lohengrin wed then beautifully drilled near Montalvo which sanded i a by Miss Kathleen Donlon, anc Promise ding march was up after giving an initial output of 5,000,000 cubic feet of gas a day. Another we 1 is drilling in the same vi- beeiT very busy fpr the past week 1 cinity and geologists have predicted false pretenses. The suspect be out former aviator and' saw service in the world war.

an( Sunday. library be sed Saturday At Britt, Iowa, Le induced farmers i official board of the woman's to subscribe about $18,000 for an air- Improvement i ub; as concluded not hold a meeting on Thuisday neve ig thoug Ilot many members was forced to land for repairs in Mm -j would be to attend on account plane factory. After passing nearly $2000 in checks he fled. He UI-IUUB -is published in this list who was not twith a ma i prac tice case at Santa large supply of natural gas from it, in fact a deserter. Men entered the Barbara--Dorman vs.

Pierce. This is he said. service in so many different ways a case similar to that tried in this with a production of between two that there is considerable risk that cmmty aga i st a local physician, Mrs. and three million cubic feet above the record mav in ome instances be Bffle Dorma suing Dr. Wallace the present supply, the Southern A i TM nn ta Ira to its strain, the bridal party de scended the stairs.

Miss Mayre Daily, the twin sister of the bride, as maid of honor, was lovely in a frock of cream lace and orchid taffeta, carrying a bouquet of sweet peas to match, elect's close political advisers. (Special to The Courier? MARION, Dec. 23--Farm finance, practical, political and cabinet capabilities occupied the field of discussion between Senator Harding and his visitors today. Those visitors eluded among 'others Myron T. rick of Cleveland, banker and foraer ambassador to France; Fred W.

Upham, treasurer of the Republican national committee, and Harry Daugherty, one of the presiaent- Miss Edna Daily and Miss Elsie Schreiber, the latter, the groom's sister, as bridesmaids, were charm- at fault ItTs requested therefore, 7or $55,000 damages on Mr. Bivens said, 'would takej gowned; Miss Daily rearing that all'the newspapers of the county cmint al ged negligence in treat- immediate steps to pipe natural gas (electrlo Dme net, while Miss Schrei- give this matter as much publicity as ment Mr. Blackstock represents the, to the Santa Barbara district. and that any one having defenda nt. The case went to the nesota Detectives learned of the ac- Qf bemg bugy wiOl cident and started out to effect his preparatlons Meeting him in his machine Mr and Mrs Qnas the i Christmas Whitted moa battle in the air was enacted.

The propeller of the-fugitive machine was damaged, his tank punctured and itted parents, Mr. and Mrs. wings were riddled before he was tored to Santa Paula Saturday night stajed until Sunday night with i possible knowledge of any deserter ill report ury last ight. to Judge Clay Knox, Ventuia, or 10 SLTH C. Teague, F.

A Snyder, L. Lehmann. POWDER MILL. forced to tlie ground and captured. A band of gy ps i ss stopped here on Friday but were i which they did told to move on (Special to Dec.

23. -should report B9rree states: 'It seem? mpossible the debris the Dupont powder mill im to ibake certain ex-service men real- which he the -gent need of having their men were i blew up at Musk. Two ANOTHER BIG WELL SEEN BY MSHIRE The latest interesting oil for his ushers, ber's gown was of yellow taffeta. Katherme Daily, the small duaughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Tom Daily was an adorable flower girl. She- wore a dainty little frock of white georgette and carried a basket ot sweet peas which she scattered in the pathway of the bride. Mr. Schreiber selected Milton Daily for his best man and Edinond Franz and Capt Vought, who has been sailing publishing of their names John Gamble's boat, the the irrpmrable damage''." record cleared at this time, as theothers hurt will Jo in nearby the force South Ray Borchard. Tbe bride descended on tbe arm of BEE ALSO "Alert" the past season, went to San Pedro last jweek and returned with his own boat, jthe which he will use as a fishing boat, and Mr Gamble will sail his These men have been making two trips a eek to the is' lands bringing back fish and lobsters, for which they find ready market 'in Hueneme and Oxnard.

i Capt. another man left here Sunday morning to go to Ana them, irreparable damage''. exp 1 osion. (Special to The Courier) FT. WORTH, capa island, but owing to the strong wind could only get half ay there.

YOUNG BOY TELLS ROTARIANS ABOUT BOY SCOUT MOVEMENT port was in 'penetrated it. Frederick Zltfenvski, although. and body to do Ins duty; to his teens, tolfl the Osnard Rotarians paredM.n^ min dby about the boj scout their meeting movement Tuesdav noon, when he having I They started back to Hueneme but read he following interesting paper, dent or situation that may occur Dec. 23 --The' coll i not make this port. A huge president and Gentlemen: The 5 tiou received today from the i Mountain district, opposite Santa is that the Wilshire company her father and was a beautiful pic- i is about to have a new producer add- ture in her full bridal robes of heavy led to its already large list of wells, white Duchess satin and silver lace IThis well went into the sand at a Her bridal veil fell the length of her 'depth of 2554 feet and at the last re- court train and her bouquet was of 24 feet without having brides roses with a shower of lilies of It is believed that an-'the valley- other oil sand will be found 200 feet! The drawing room, which was ex- lower down a-nd the drill will con- decorated by Miss Ruti tinue to this second sand.

Daily, was transformed into a mmia- The rapidity with which and! ture California garden with its real- big producers are "being brought istic lily pond. The brida parti on this field has brought greater en- stood beneath a white pergola, from bv thusiasm to the directors of hung a huge wedding bell of South "lope company than it has lolplumosis electrically illuminated the stockholders the Oak RMge 1 After the ceremony, tbe joung con properties, since the South Slope di-lple were showered with congratula Indications by the highest authorities that'the new secretaries of state, and treasury might be announced and. begin to function in an investigatory and advisory manner before March 4, has increased speculation as to the selection for these posts. It hasbeenv stated beyond question that Charles- Evans Hughes and Philander Knox. are under serious consideration 'for; the post of secretary of state GERMANY TO identity of 25 armed and masked washed over the boat partly -arhite men who last night entered the fi in ng tfie hold, and killed the engine.

Terrence county jail, seized and small boat was also carried hanged Thomas" W. Vickpry, slayer a way. They then raised a sail and of a policeman, remained a mystery ma de for Point Magu, but being Tin- today. The hanging occurred at mM- i to land without the smaSl boat night last night, the body being found. were obliged to stay on the launch swinging from a tree In a grove near the edge of the city.

Vickery surrendered to officers on until Tuesday morning when the heavy seas subsiding, they sailed back to Hueneme and were mignry boys' welfare committee to prepare a do tt, and then lectors see an excellent chance for.tions. paper on what Boy Scouts -ace, and do it. oil, it is said. WILSON WfL'L PARTrCIPATE. CSpecial to The Courier) Miss Grace Gnibb of Van and Jack TWil 1 'er- sang "A Perfect As the bride tossed her bouquet, it above WASHINGTON, Dec.

23. Ttresi- was -caught by Miss Veda Petit. (Special to 1 Conner' WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. The- state department ias been approached informally regarding- the- possibiHty of the floating of a loan of one billion dollars for Germany in.

the United States. Wm. Walter Brauer, American. of New York, it is understood, is conducting negotiations for a group of German -bankers with the-sancMon tbe Gei-man government to determine if it is possible to obtain such credit in this country. momus--dimuuau.

VI Tt far better to prevent an acci- re- ru Scouts, I wiD do what I can lo help 6 3 get a trooj started an Oxnara. in the In the dining room, which was Monday night following the shooting i a a to step on dry land once more. to death of Patrolman Couch, while Mr. and Mrs. R.

T. Robinson of on his The latter had been are expected to arrive Friday to called to a garage by a disturbance spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. said to have been caused by a drunken man. Later C.

Vickery appeared and fired seven shots into the body, it is said. Al Drawson of Niles City, a suburb, was arrested in connection with the shooting and is now free on bond Robinson. U1DESHIS DEPOSIT BIG are also itaught to make Wilson will participate an a -will Tide heautlfully decorated, delicious buffet venue with TTes-' refreshments were served, Miss Ber- it was announced, nice Daily and Miss Jessie Petit pour- (Special to The Courier) SAN DIEGO. Dec. "United i States destroyer Mackleish was damaged in a collision with the U.

S. Birmingham in the harbor here to- Iday. The Mackleish was badly datn- i aged and had a 10 degrees list when towed along the cruiser Melville. No one was injured in the crash. A board i of inquiry was named to probe the accident.

troop were join, if possible, and I know there are enough other boys -who wouffl advantage of the chance, to Tnake it; worth while te organize. The aim of the Boy Scouts, as laid down in the Boy Scout Handbook, is to supplement the -various -existing educational agencies, and to promote the ability in boys to do things for themselves and others. Tbe method is summed up in the term Scoutcraft, and is a combination of observation, deduction, and handinesses. or ability to do things. Scoutcraft eludes instruction in safety methods, first aid, life saving, track- jag, signalling, cycling, nature study, seamanship, campcraft, woodcraft, chivalry, patriotism, and Qther subjects.

This is accomplished in games and team play, and in pleasure, not work, for the boy. All that Is needed is the otit-of-doors. a group oJ 'at the White Hoose todaji itv by saving lives. Accidents occur eiery day. Someone falls and breaks a bone, or someone cuts himself.

For this reason the scout mast know aid to the injured." Hundreds of Boy Scoote saved lives. There are on the in- (Special to Tne Courier) WASHINGTON. Dec. Rus-j sian soviet government has just posited $200,000.000 in gold witn banks in Copenhagen for the purpose of establishing trade credit with United States and other nations, cording to information received day by the slate department.from ils agents abroad. the ac- lo- FEAR COAL STRIKE.

(Special to Courier? NOGAL.BS. Sonora. Dec. companies of Sonora troops were rushed into Cananea today to keep down possible trouble -in connection with the proposed strike of miners. have record ing.

"The wedding cake on a side table -was cut by the bride. Mrs. Schreiber lovely in her going away costume, which was a suit of navy blue French velour with a collar of Hudson seal and her hat was -ol silver. The bride is one of the most popular girls in the county and has bean showered with courtesies since the announcement of her engagement. Mr.

Schreiber is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schreiber of Hollywood, tourniquet for stopping the the population to leave, an of- and is we ti known in Oxnard and Ca- ITALY 10 BITTER END (Special to The Courier) many cases of Bojr Scouts saving people from drowning or when, for in-j stance, a 'perfeon cuts a the Jamzio piet ari gor, has proclaimed scout, if he knoas first aid. makes a a gtate war Fiume has for blood. Another, and the great aim of ficial announcement from Home stat-, mar illo.

A nas read taken place ng flie After a two weeks Honeymoon trip. jajLlcl tt Boy Scouts, is to make 1)etrweeJ1 h1is wers and Italian the destination having been kept a whelming vpteju Scout a better citizen. It teaches him chivalry- and unselfishness, charity, thrift and loyalty; that no TWFtL (Special to The Ccurierl WASHINGTON. Dec. Wilson will veto the omnibus tariff bill levying duties en agricultural products, passed by an over- matter what should happen, in the i strongBgt mea sures to make tight the business or social or national life, ne agsanst Florae.

A31 roads may always be a true gentleman, guarded and trai8c hfcs been seeking to give sympathy, help, en-' 'couragement and cheer to those ultimatum -o secre Mr. and Mrs. Schreiber will I make their home in Santa Ana, Italian government is taking where Qie grO om is head chemist at the Santa Ana sugar beet factory- and a competent leader. To be a good scout one about iim. shculS During the war tbe Boy Scouts Chf-istmas Exercises The Sonday school of St.

Paul's know something about the wowds ar.S. the animaVthat inhabit thew, and: how to care for oneself when camping. The habits of animals can be studied by stalking them and watering them in their native homes. A scout should never kill an animal or other living creature needlessly. Woodcraft is one of the activities The expected strike will affect 25.009 Qf the Boy Scou ts and means becom- families.

CLARA SMITH HAMON WANTS EARLY TRIAL (Special to The Coairier) Eij PASO, Dec. Hamon, 5n the cafttody of Sheriff Garrit of Carter county, Oklahoma, left showed what good -citizens they could, and 3iow they could help ia many I During the several bond drives all the Boy Scouts sold liberty bonds and the total sales of Ijj 6 a single scout sometimes amounted into the thousands during a single drive. The Boy Scouts also sold war saving stamps and made war gsr- rir ANTIC REVOLUTIONARY PLOT blethodist "Episcopal church held their House waVs and means committee in Courler Schristmas entertainment last eve- order to ascertain the Presidents at- the House last night, if it is also passed by toe Senate and sent to him. according to Information conveyed to certain Democratic leaders today. While none of the leaders would be quoted it was learned they had been in close touch with the White House since the bill had been reported out favorably by Amerlcan 'ine Courier) 23 A iSigan- ning.

A-very enjoyable and interest-; titude. plot program given. The primary Villa promi-1 department rendered three songs, -voaied today which was followed by parts of Hea- federal agents, folio, ing indict-j Van Dyke's "The Story of the Dr. Francisco Gomez, former 1 Other Wise Man" read very by vice-presidential candidate.ITM** Grace Sears. During the read- by federal)in the story was illustrated by ste- T--fi and J.

was "Every scout feeds a In this way thousands of soldiers rest of mine. S. "s- ORDERED TO TRAMPLE U. FLAG, (Special to The Courier) Bcc. 2-V jlyTtle Mohan of Corona, land, today tested before the Amer- jhcre for Ardmore.

where she Scan comraissaon InvestigalSm: conda- trill stand trial for the mrardcr lions in Inland that soldiers Jake Hamon. have been ordered lo tear According to statements made by Ardmore officipls and by Mrs. Hamon's attorneys, arrangements have been completed for her to give bond of $10,000. Attorney Win, who came here from Ft Worth to act as counsel for Mts. HaiaoB, announced he would'seek immediate trial for his client.

getting acquainted with them. It also means lo be aWe to and raised mu persons incline; Jamines. 5ng acquainted wiUi things vc what the American miners are asUJnc higher doors it includes the tracking of Wou1d have Ihe companies declare if they animaJs an Dealing out the them they will have to shut down Uic-1 animJ Js nol to harm them. Iwt for the sake of studying Iheir haliits and on" charge of violai-jreopticon pictures and eight or teaj tableaux were given by the young 1 I declare the ar are forerunners Ti, At the Christmas irse eiercises of the church. There fee3d ta the Metncdist church, a collection was taken for the coodies for tbe poor children were r- rt JJ This Claus and packages of all cs for tbe poor children to the church for flfetiibu-i rel of tfce cbiloren rope to the amount of i least one good turn everj- day.

Soane-, times he will wear his scout. A. Wimberley and NOTHING IN IT. to the Courser? this church are attempts? to raise, the fishes, and also to know the 5np--help old ladv and the differences in tarkj the street: remove from struts or, leaves of the trees and many roa ,3 Broken dangerous to or bicycle lares children flag and tramp on 31, she had hung that emblem in front, of her home. Two men in lead the soldiers and one of them attempted to mount the post upon which the flag was Unsuccessful ta their attempts the soldiers smashed all the windows in her house.

She declared she had protested to tbe er things Camprraft means to 33ve canvas, away from the cities. It means to eat plain, substantial foniJ and to live as to natwre as possible. In caraP 1W to water to thirsty horse or deeds. lo tary of state his o'wn mattress out of fir tips: to oooli has meals; catch his own ifish, and many other things. In this way he learns to rely himself and take care of himself, The motto of the Boy Scouts, "Be means that the scout is always in a state readiness in mind BefoTte he becomes a scout the IKJV take the foltouins oatli: "On my honor I will do ny best-1.

To do duty to God and my coxsnti-y atid to obey the scout law, 2. To help other people at times; 3. To keep strong, straight." Floreria. Wntwra induced by Seiv Miss Mae Kccder. the daughter or secre-.

Mr. and Mrs. William Keener, was i married 5'esterday to Tbe JOTOS to Ventura by a few thf Arcade offers the ac Wooming Primrose plams: baskets gift boxes of relatives and married by Rev. A. Hoase ferns, Staloy at the Christian parsonage Oclan.ea, heathor and Mr.

Moore baa a position at the Christmas American Beet Sncar factory, so the and 'young people expect to make their FOUR WOSKMHN CRUSHED. (Special to Ta Courier! SEATTLE. Hec. of a four -aorkmen were criished t-eneath of earth JP the Black Diatnond mine cf tte Pacific Ccust Cnal company were brought to surface today. The caie-in octwrred telow the- surfao 0 of the holly, home in this city, To keep mysc.

Christmas Doming with a com-; mentally awake, and morajiy 1 5 olete line of flowers, including on 4) including roses, carnations, violets and sweet u--adv. 12-2Sc FORECAST Tonight and FYiday fair. BIG TURKEY SHOOT Christmas forenoon and a12 day Sunday. December 26, on Cooper road, Oxnard, by Sogar City Club: there wfll be Blue Rock shoot; trap loads on Ni-M'SPAPFRl.

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