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Press-Courier from Oxnard, California • Page 1

Oxnard, California
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4 THE OXNARD DAILY NEWS COURIER AND THE OXNARD DAILY NUMBER 217 VOLCANO ON JAVA ISLAND KILLS OVER 15,000 PEOPLE (Special to The LONDON, May -Fifteen thousand pe- sons were killed and 20 villages we. completely wiped out by eruption of the volcano Klotc on an the island of Java, in the Dutch Indies, said a Central News dispatch from Amsterdam today Seventeen other villages were partially destroyed. The island of Java has frequently been visited by disastrous eruptions there being numerous active and extinct volcanoes in the chain of mountains. The casualties in this eruption probably were largely among the native inbabiting mountain villages Dispatches indicated that the loss of 6,000 SHIP WORKERS ON STRIKE XII LOS ANGELES. May thousand men went on strike at the plant of the Los Angeles Shipyards and Dry Dock company at San Pedro at 10 o'clock this morning.

The walkout followed failure of the eleventh' hour efforts to compromise. The strikers left the yards without disorder of any kind. Th- men quit their work promptly at the hour named. Work was at standstill one minute later. There was no indication that the company may try to replace the strikers with non-union help.

15,600 MORE YANKS LEFT FOR THE U.S.A. (Specie. to The Courier) WASHINGTON, May transports. bringing home 15,600 Yanks. sailed from French ports on May 23, the War Departinent announced this afternoon.

CAN'T NAME BOAT COUNTY OF VENTURA Charles Donlon. county chairman of the Victory Liberty Loan committee. received a telegram todo: from San Francisco. stating that the name chosen for the bout to be named in honor of Ventura county having gone over the top in the Fourth Liberty loan by the greatest percentage. is unavailable.

because there is already boat named "County of Ventura." a Dir. Donion has been requested to 1 ward another name. That the name may he thorol; satisfactory and reprosent the county is 3ir. Donion's idca. For this reason he would like to hare suggestions of the most appropiate name that might he used.

He thot of using the name "County of San Buena but one may possibly think of a some better name than this. If you have one let Mr. Donion hare it at once. as it has to be sent in as quickly as possible. The Courier suggests "Camarillo" would be a good name.

WASHINGTON. May mil-. lion overdue allotment check- will Bro sent 0131 by the bureau of war risks insurance iminodiately. Secretary G134S announced today following P'resident Wilson's assurance by ca-' ble that he would sign the defer 111 Congress Jact neck. THE WEATHER Highest ....79 Lowest .....52 FORECAST Fair tonight and Tuesday.

sal 03 OXNARD, VENTURA LIMAS GOING SO FAST THEY WILL SOON BE. VERY SCARCE ARTICLE the price of limas has been Since reduced they have been going so fast that, unless the price is raised considerably, the market promises to be cleaned up long before the utterly harvested. Last Frinew beans are there were 125 car loads under day control of the Lima Bean Selling This means about 100,000 agency. sacks. If the agency had, as 'claimed and it must have because it could control the market, nearly all of the beans under its control.

then this represented considerably less than a normal supply on hand for this time of the year. But in addition to this fact comes now the announcement that one-fifth of this total crop, or 25 car loads, were sold by Saturday afternoon, practically in one day, leaving less than 80,000 sacks for selling during the rest of this month, June and July. The way these beans were sold is a fine illustration of several things, mainly what confidence will accomplish While the beans were started at a comparatively low price, it was the market price. no more and no less But where before the beans could not be sold readily, once the pool was formed, the demand absorbed a great quantity in a few chort weeks Within less than a month the price was raised a few cents. then raised again the second and again the third Now the supply is so limited that the price can again be raised to a point somewhere near where it would have been.

except for the craz; cut-throat competition permitted by independent growers, who panicky, dumped their beans on the market regardless of price NO ARMED RESISTANCE BY GERMANS (Speciai to The Courier! BERLIN, Mav resistlance to the allies over the peace terms would be a senseless sacrifice of human lives. Some foolhardy Germans may doubtless take up arms, but the government will not support them." This declaration made by Gustave Noske. minister of finance and known as the strong man of the German cabinet. "Germany has 110 army in the said Noske. have only a police force, baving already disbanded our military forces." Conejo Mrs.

W. R. Livingston. 5-26-6-3c Ventura. Mrs.

Frank Connelly and family and Miss motored to Oxnard Monday. Earl Martin. who is working on the Whiteside ranch. spent Saturday evening and Sunday with his folks in Conejo. Miss Venus Espinosa visived in New bury Park Sunday and The tennis court was well attended Sunday and a pleasant time vaS spent.

Henry Mundell of Yerin Ba is now working 011 Ed Berchard's ranch. 1 Mrs. M. Arendell visited Mirs. Wm.

Goodyear of Las Posas Sunday. Joe Enstrum Visited Ornard day. .1 party was given by Mrs. Ed Borcahrd in honor of Borchard and son Robert. Sunday.

it being their birthday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Porchard and family of Camarillo, Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Borchard of Hollywood. Mr. and Mrs Punch. Mrs.

S. Kelley. the Misses Rose. Dorothy and Josephino Mics Mary Borcherd. Casper gor chard Sr.

and Mr. and Mrs. Woods 'and family of Los Angeles. Mr. and I Mrs.

Ed Rorchard and family. A 200d time was ed ly all. Herbert of Mrorpark woe 2 visitor in Concio one das lost aerk Ethol Maich ard S. 3'. 1121 motored 10 O.nard Monday.

1-ank Connelly Dado a insinoce trip to Ventura Tuesday. Mrs. Florence Hays visited with Mrs. Martin Tuesday. Miss Ethel Haigh and S.

P. Hays were united in marriage Monday at Ventura. COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, U.S. NEED NOT GIVE UP GERMAN SHIPPING. (Special to The Courier) PARIS, May big four has decided that, the United States shall not give military aid to Adam Kolchak's anti-Bolshevik army in Siberia.

but that the Allies will recognize the Omsk government, providing the troops supporting it capture Moscow, it was learned today. This decision is a victory for President Wilson and Premier Lloyd George. President Wilson is planning a trip for Brussels before leaving for home. VICTORY LOAN IS OVERSUBSCRIBED BY $750,000,000 MAY 26, 1919. WASHINGTON, May Victory loan was oversubscribed nearly $750,000,000, the subscriptions totaling $5,249,908,300, Secretary of the Treasury Glass announced this afternoon.

K. OF LADIES' NIGHT TUESDAY The Knights of Columbus will have their regular ladies' night, in the K. of C. hall, tomorrow night. Just received some very popular ivory articles.

It is what you will want to give that girl graduate. mann 5-26-27 KINGLY RECEPTION 1 AWAITS RETURNED LONDON AVIATORS LONDON, May reception like that accorded visiting monarchs awaits Harry G. Hawker and his naygator, Mackenzie Grieves, when they reach London tomorrow night, after their dramatic rescue from mid-ocean. The two airmen touched land this morning for the first time since they started from St. Johns on the evening of May 18.

(Special to The Courier VIENNA CARES NOT ABOUT PEACE TERMS (Special to The Courier' VIENNA, May 26 (via While the fate of Austria is being decided at Paris. Vienna is the scene of the wildest orgies of drinking, gambling and dancing. The wealthy class is showing the utmost apathy over the outcome of the peace negotiations. The restaurants are crowd-! They came ashore at the Scotch seaport of Thurso, after spending the night aboard the British warship Rerenge, and after receiving the homage of the entire town, they boarded a train for London. It seems good "to stand on something solid Hawker was quoted as saying.

"For just a few minutes after we were forced down on the water I wondered whether we should be on land again." ed at night with fashionably dressed women. After drinking and dancing the crowds go to the gambling halls, spending the rest of the night playing games of chance. PARIS, May representatives of Poland. Rumania, CzechoSlovakia and Jugo-Slavia the big four today discussed at length the reparation clause to be Inserted in the Austrian treaty. Arrangements for the presentation of the treaty are nected to be completed before Wednesday.

World's Most Powerful Fighting Ship as She Looked Approaching Brooklyn Bridge 14 IDANO This photograph of the most powerful fighting ship, the dreadnought Idahc, was taken per she passed under trie Brooklyn bridge BOARD OF TRADE BARBECUE CHANGED TO SUNDAY, JUNE Courier) lives may rival the eruption of Mount Pelee, which destroyed St. Pierre, Martinique, with a death list of 30,000 on May 8, 1912, and the volcanic earthquake which -practically wiped I out Messina, Dec. 28, 1908. Glotc is one of the smaller volca noes in the western end of the of Java. In May, 1910, it broke forth into eruption after an inactivity lasting 19 years, enveloping towns 200 miles distant, killing 200 persons and destroying the sugar crop of the entire island.

There are 14 active volcanoes in this area of 14 by 25 miles They have destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives. ENGINE BLOWS UP THREE ARE KILLED (Special to Tue Courler) May men were killed here today when the engine of a freight train which was side-tracked blew up in a terrific explosion. The men killed were the fireman and conductor of the gineer. freight train. NEW BONDS SHOWN AT LEVY BANK The new Victory Liberty bonds.

bearing per cent interest have been received by the Bank of A. Levy Inc. and are on exhibition, ready for the subscribers who have paid for them in full. Those received are in sums of $50, $100, and $1000. Ralph Felden.

factory representative of the Apex electric vacuum cleaner, is making his headquarters at R. P. Farrell's electric shop for three days to demonstrate the ciaimed superiority of his machine over others. which he is putting out on trial and on easy terms, according to his announcement in another part oi this paper. W.

J. Bitout is exclusive distributor for this section of the Lydon Sneedler. by means of which Mr. Bitout is willing to assert and tee any motorist can get from four to six miles more per gallon on his automobile. If it can really do that much it is worth while investigating.

He gives further particulars in his advertisement. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Coultas left Saturday for 'San Rafael with their baby son to place him in the care of a cialist. They expect to be gone, three montbs and will make their home while away with their Miss Irene.

and Mrs. Mary Manny. sister of Mrs. Coultas. Two drunken Saticor drove their Ford car on Saturday midnight on the sidewalk in front of! Hummel's jewelry breaking down the clock sign and doins some other slight damage.

in addition to the breaking of their windshield and other damages to the car. They afterwards tried 10 ride the sidewalk near the office of the People's bor company. near Fourth street. A. F.

Silra of Ventura has arrived in Oxnard 10 make his home here for a Liane assisting C. S. Brown, of Rrown's Studio. the new owner of the photograph studio formerly owned by J. E.

Harding. 1 new shipment of boys' army shoes. The shoe that gives a boy maximum service. Lehmann Bros -adv. 5-26 27.

I Frei-1 prices all trimmed Wednesday and Thursday SAUNDERS HAT SHOP. This is the last work of rozular school work. nett week being graduation wook. WANTED -Help for cooking and kitchen work. 420 8 Mrs.

W. R. Livingston. 5-26-6-3c Mayor Sailer, general chairman of the board of trade barbecue, which was to have been given this week Friday at Foster Park, announces thru The Courier today that the barbecue has been postponed until Sunday, June 1. The reason for the postponement is the desire of the state military ficers and other's to keep the day sacred, as originally intended, rather than making it a day of jollification and rejoicing.

Mayor Sailer made the change of dates after the following order, known as General Orders No 5. by Adjutant General T. J. Boree, came to his attention: 1. Under the provisions of Section 2003, Political Code of California, the military organizations of this state will.

on Memorial Day. May 30. 1919. parade in their respective localities. and, wherever possible, co-operate with organizations of veterans of all American wars, or other kindred patriotic societies in order that the state may, thru ite military department, honor the memories of those who gallantly gave their all in the Nation's cause.

They have well filled their duties as true citizens: Tocieti, Silver Wedding Anniversary On the occasion of their twentyifth, or silver wedding anniversary and Mrs. N. G. Carnes were the Mr. recipients of a very enjoyable surprise party at their home Friday evening.

A very pleasant evening was at music and cards, and at its spent delicious refreshments which close had been brot by the guests, were served. Many handsome silver gifts received by Mr. and Mrs. were Carnes on whom the surprise WAS The guests were: Mr. and complete.

Mrs. Carlos Elwell and daughter lores, of Camarillo; Mr. and Mrs. Pinto Rodriguez of Ventura: Miss Ora Carnes, Mr. and Mrs.

Lawrence Rundle, Miss Belle Elwell. Adam and Joseph Rodriguez. Jack Neville, Jack Milligans Gerald Houston, and Law. rence Carnes. On Sunday Mr.

and Mrs. Carnes hosts to the same party and several others at a big barbecue at Foster park. The affair was most enjoyable, a delicions Spanish dinner being served. Harold Beck Entertains The Rudolph Beck home on street was the scene of a pretty dancing party Saturday evening when Harold Beck entertained the younger set. The large rooms were cleared for dancing and the porch was converted into a sitting room.

The music was furnished by Hara'd Simes at the piano. Late in the evening. light re- therefore, let us who enjoy the fruits of their labor and sacrifice pay homage to their memories. for to their valor and sacrifice 1S due the splendid united country we bave the privilege to live in. To them, also.

is due the credit of making Old Glory the emblem to which all the people of the earth may look, representing liberty, equality, and justice. As we of fer our thanks to the Creator 1or the privilege that is ours of paying respect to the memories of the heroic dead, we can, in a small degree, show those who so cheerfully gave these men to their country that we are not an ungrateful people. 2, Athletic sports, or exercises inappropriate to the day, will not be held or participated in, by any of the state forces, as such. on Memorial Day. 3 The national flag will be displayed at half staff on all armories I thruout the state on Memorial Day until 12 o'clock noon, at which time it will be hoisted to the top of the staff, there to remain until sunset.

i 4. Parade reports will be forwardto this office by company commanders not later than June 10, 1919. OLD GUARD CARRY OFF ALL HONORS (Special tu The Courier? WASHINGTON, May caucus of the Republican senators today adopted the entire slate of committees arranged by the Republican committee on committees. The slate was adopted as drawn by the old guard and the efforts of the progressives to block Senator Peurose of Pennsylvania from the office of chairman of the senate committee on finance were lost. U.S.

NEED NOT GIVE RUSSIA AID 4. when -he arrived recently in York. The Idaho is 624 feet in and displaces 32.000 tons. su-1 twelve 1-inch guns hurl a of more than 12 tons weight. 4 8 freshments were served.

Mrs. Beck (Specia: 10 The Courier) was assisted in entertaining by Mrs. Hobart. Mrz. A.

Markwell WASHINGTON. May GerGeorge Mrs Homer P. Markwoll. Those man shipping nOW in the possession and Mr. and Mrs.

Edwin; of the United States is LO be re present included Mr. and 3rs. Arnold Poppir l'inquished. Toilowing reports that a L. Carty.

the Misses Maud Lathrop. Louise large portion of the vessels taken McFarland. Jocejo Gill. Marzaret Die- lover by allotted to America probFunston. Vera ably wouid go to Great Britain and fenlach.

Dorothy 'Grubbe, Corelia Dorotny other countries. President Wi-on. it 1 Defenbach. Marv Daily. Martha! was learned today.

has 2-surf WashDailv. Remice Daily. Gradys Dai-lington officialthat "no one need Fannie Edmondeon. and the have a fear that this would be the 1v. kwoll of Chicago.

and. case." Cavanak of tentura: Miessre. I 1 g11 en Sunday under the mas-j4 cuts Walter Higheo, Alhart Vobel. lof Doheny's Tapo ranch. 3r and Gicior.

Adolph Gislor. Ray Connelly. Walter Younz. George Millinger. Ma-1 Mrs.

Hare cracionly acting in the roles of host and homir4s added muck rion Rorshard. Ver Schriober. Cav. the congenialits of the aten which lord and Howard Chaf-110 was pronounced by ail to he Ter, foo and Carol Lind of outing. Those n1o 0,4 1010 Mr.

and Mr- Yoal 14 Sr. Mr. Eastons Entertain land Mre Nesbit Tr. 2114 Mi- 3r and Mrs. 11.

Ka-ton ontor. of Mr. 14 19 Tandlinined a number of the -r friend. at a of Moorpark. Mr.

ard 31: bAr1 1130 Sundar 91 11 homo on 103 'the Joht. I. Roller -inch. Those Drill, Mr and Mire Tabors Tr: 13 Mat Mire Tom Sumter and Mr DT4 cont 1010 Mr Singer. Thors and famir.

Vr. and Mrs. M. Mr 1714 and Mrs 31rs Chas. 1.

Mathor Tu'nek ei Dr Onard; and McKorry and family. Mre Crawford Mrg Mrs .1. Hare ad. 4 Miss Ur and family. Are 11.

01 3 A. C. Estos anl Mir Mc11. M. Ch.

man. 1r And Mrs. Compel of Santa S1-ana: 3r. and Erbos, MI- Ruth. Jirs Reedy.

Audrey Weidler. Helen Roodr. Mrs B. Brigham. and Wr.

and M- Pugh Peed and children of Sin.i 1: Carl I.Clare and Perry Vaughn. MIS W. W. Bernardi of Ventura. and Wm.

F. Jamison of Santa RarBarbecue at Tapo Ranch .1 most delightfal barbecue was bara. wal 03.

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