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The Courier-Journal du lieu suivant : Louisville, Kentucky • Page 21

Louisville, Kentucky
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1 ft Si If 1 tv a .11 1 jj A tT. I f- iff i y-i i SECTION 2 ITIE COOTlTEH-TOURXAL. SUNDAY JIOr.NTS'G. NOVEJmER 25, lCOd urn niiur riDLUO i' III FOLK LORE. tT3 STORY HI THE KXW AND THE 14 OLD "WOULD.

EXTENT LORE RECALLED. 1 tlXsntucky, English History, Arabia, iti' China, Hashish, llama and Lot Spells. IRAKIS ALL3'3 2J0VE1. )imrt Uni Alien's story of tn Kentucky btmp fields. "Th Reign of Law." characterised by tb wflter In th Philadelphia Public Ledger as a lasting Aha erica contribution to the folklore and story of hemp from th Old World.

Jjaonn of which elk lore follows: 1 English History. Th couplet given as heading must I'tts yielded first place, because of Its peculiar prophecy and fulflHrnent ac a Also because or tn assured inte.iectuai statu of Its recorder Francis, Is- ount Bacon. Lord High Chancellor. philosopher, statesman, easaylat. and.

according to Donnelly of modern days. the "better half of Shakespeare. JIow- ever. Bacon's own words art of deeper Interest than any Interpretation there- ef: i tlm Kn Tkart It WMand'a Kinar Queens and prosperity when good Queen Beset was 'ln the flower of her age." aaya. after the Princes had reigned which had the principal letters that word Hempefwhlch were Henry.

Edward. Vary. Philip and Elisabeth). England should come to utter confu- alon, which Is verified In tb cbang of the nam; fur that the, King's style Is no mors of England, but of Britain." I After which record of Jloyal Fates. It seems exceedingly trivial after Bacon nd Allen'a notices of nmp to descend to the frivolous but non tb less verily human maiden and her belief fa fateful hemp.

So that the descent herefrom may seem less steep, less defecatory, better for us to go further afield and thus break the wide digression. see I Hashish and Horn. The Lotos eaters of Egypt and who that baa read can ever forget tb Impression of that drowsy land of dreams." conjured up for us by the late Laureate bare rivals tn those who prepared from the hemp aa Intoxicating uoatance known aa Hashish, When road Into bails, the sis of a chestnut, ''and swallowed, ecststl visions sway brain and thereby body. Tb Arabian also concocted a preparation which not -only intoxicates, out hallucinates so that who swallows Imagines himself the airy swallow, or. per contra, ha fas rbsutged Into a statue, 'sometimes with a bead, sometimes without; bis limbs contract or expand to Illimitable be la blind or can see through ston 'Walla and round corners in spite of Sam Welter's assertions to the contrary.

All Jtns seem but common place Eastern expression but at last we touch true Oriental brauty and symbolism In the saylns. "He can see the color of th thoughts of others and the words of his neighbors." What depth of expression 'Ilea In this? Why do commonplace 'commercial men and women of tb Oc-'cident tall so far short tn th beauty, (the poetry of expression? We prate so much about the wonderful power of pop-jUlar, eren compulsory, education nowadays, that It Is good for us now and jtben to pull up and realise that popu-j lar education per se. Is not the all (and end all In life, too perfection of human aim or of Ideal beauty. Hemp, to our commercial eyesight. Is th substance from which rope and cord- I mart and Zealand Qualities are finest and control prices In the mar- ket.

Hemp, to th botanist, belongs to tb nettle family. Hempen tow to the historian la asso- Ir- iv a U.ii-.i,y.S a ay CUBA'S SUBBEXDEtt TBEE. elate! with the puWia executioner; and he -who. though culpable ai criminal. to be scrlmlnated even on If scaffold from the vtlletn and the serf, was handed by a silken cord, last of alt tributes to bis position aa a gentleman.

Kven when we turn to the "Heathen Chinee." much In our thoughts these days, what do we find aa to hemp? A perfectly romantic aeoc'aMon In enra. Pr1n.n with our own. In the Llso Chal Ch tt Ye about date 0-7f) of our Ctirls-tlan era It Is recorded that two friend well beloved of rash other wandered oo the mountain gathering herbs for medicine and sample. They emm to a fairy bridge, ar.d found sitting thereon two lovely maUlcra as guardians. Invited to cross this "a tore bridge," they da so, they are resalad (fe-i.

or entertained, or ate seem supremely commonplace In comparison with that word rrald) with Ilnma, which Is the CY.Ine equivalent of and the rerutt In plain even to stupid, wilfully blind Western eye. They fell in lov with ttveir bostersrs. and in the Jssper City spend wltt thfm a few blissful dsys. Humanity asserts Itself at lot In homesickness and satiety, so they return homo to find that seven gfnerv tlors have passed and they have fulfilled In themselves that most dreadf'it of Chines eurses: TMay you survlv your relatives and friend." Besides this story Hip Van Winkle falls Into mere Infancy of record and Incident. Love Spells.

Fasclntins maidens naturally lead to the story of lov In tb abstract, and of tbls Hemp has its full, very full, quota. On St. ValetiUna's ere the maidens of Derbyshire used to visit church yards at mldrlght. where, walking round the church, scattering meanahll th hemivseed. they rapidly repeated, without taking breath: "I sow hemp-seed: hevp-eed I sow.

that loves b. Com after at and mow. Th rhyme Is still beard: th faith tn Rs results J. however, deeply shwken. In Cornwall and th South tert th same- faltTi.

ch sam rhyme, belong to midsummer eve: whilst In Norfolk and the eastern counties. St. Martin's night: and In Scotland Hallowe'en, are tb dates specially chcsn. A modern Interpretation, more Ingeniously commercial than sentimental in its exponent's mind. Is that wblcb explains cord and ropes mads from hemp, therefor tb lover Is attacked and bound by th sowing of hemp scd.

XUlLaa Belief. la Sicily and Italy we find tb sam tale, but with added solemnity of sacred rite and solemn festival. On Good Friday, in remembrance ef oar Lord's Passion, maidens do take a hempen thread and rwenfy-flv needlefuls of colored silk, and at midnight plait the sam. say in: Chlsta cassava Chlstu. Servl pi attaccart a Ch-aia." Three knots are tied in tb plait, in each a little of the balr of the loved on, and then th vll spirits art Invoked to enttc th kv of th desired on.

It Is thus ever th evil rather than tb good nhlcn guides) tb supernatural. Harvest Torscast. la Piedmont, a bonflr ta lit, and aa Its fames mount upward the prospect of th coming hemp harvest la read good If th flames pass wpward; bad If It shoot to either side. la Franc, th hen that cats betnp-scd stop laying eggs, and tb sight of hemp enrages tnos mlsfortunate who hav been bittca by mad But there is more beauty, more sentiment la the belief that the finest stalk or hemp should be left uncut, so that th bird St. Martin may sit and rest Ihet son.

Then la classic days we, readme that Herodotus speaks of btmp aa a novelty. Introduced Into Tbrac from Bcythia. and so we thus) find rh record of th hemp Is as old as the hills, as fresh and ever new as tn sunlight which gives to it strength, fibre, fruition. Nothing seems too mean, nothing Is really too trivial In Nature, for senti ment In abundance, sweet association and full tradition to wove around It. The "magic seed" It was to our grand- tr others and their forbears, who, esca one.

wbether actual or professed believer In its power and spells, none the lea committed her faith to the test and rare ly failed to go abroad at duly appointed season Just as we stkil do at Hallowe'en thrice repeating: "Th seed I sow Mr true love's scythe the crop shall mow. Ami next, ah seeks th yew tree's shad. Where a who died for love Is laid." Love unconquerable and ever hopeful as well as death and the darkened grave seem to have woven themselves In association around the hemp tn tiroes past, so that In the Reign of Law we bare after all but the destiny of tb plant revealed for anew. a i 'V. VVT? Of' i TufiATiv-si with v.

STEAMSHIP THE ATLANTIC IN -t Sasj I- kaWaasWf jT ProbabUlties of tb realisation of th dream of a "four day liner" tb Atlantic highway are discussed by th Scientific American Its latest Issue, After a comparison of prevailing types of steamships, the conclusion la reached that the Atlantic will raised in four days by tb liner of the near future, but that such a vessel will have to be built, for reasons of economy, upon lines essentially different from those employed la the construction of the fast Cusard-ers. or of tb fleet runner cf the North German Lloyd Company, th Deutich-land. Economic considers tlona. according' to tb authority quot-d, hav determined th lines upon which th stsamsbips of recent years hav been built. Th result has been th vointlon cf two distinct typesjllustratedbythe-lnvernia, of th Cunard Line, and th Deutsch-land.

of the North German Lloyd. Cost of construction and of operation Increases at a far great sr ratio than mere speed, and thai consideration chiefly, has delayed the advent of th four-day liner. The DeuUchUnd. for instance, could aot be driven, by increasing her engine power. to so high a JESSE JADES' WIDOW VS CCXSTAUT DUT.AP OT TRAVELED THE COUMTRY TJadsr Aa Asaumd Varna Tor Tears.

sad so prnrar attest hose. Kansas City Iccter to th Chicago Cbronld. Urs. Zerelda James, widow of Jess James, th noted outlaw whos nam and exploits were oa every tongue a few years ago'dled at her horn la this city Wednesday after aa llllneas lasting sine January of th present year." Her ailment baffled the skill of physicians, being due to aa attack of grip from which ah suffered last Liter. Sh was buried with little ostentation, although a large concours of morbid curlosKy seekers followed her remain to the grave.

Mrs. Jess James would never talk to anyone of th days when her husband was aa outlaw with a price? on his head, hunted up and down th land. Thos days must have been full of terror and dread for th patient worn n. for sh was always a patient faithful wife and a good moth-sr. Not long ago a reporter was at her horn hi this city to Interview Mrs.

4 Samuels, who was ttser on a visit. Th talk drifted back to those days between tb ending of th war and th death of Jess James. 11 rs. Samuels, mother of th outhrw talked freely, but Mrs. James, the widow, sat la her chair, with her band behind her ear.

for sh wws a littl deef, and listened, sometime smiling and sometimes shaking her head sadly at thought of the troublous times. But sh did not talk. It is said by those who knew her Intimately her horn lif during her widowhood that ah dl scours red any attempt on th part of her children or other to talk about the expeiiencea of her dead husband as an outlaw. Sbe knew that there was tittle in that period of his lif to bo proud of ami ah realised that It was her duty to 'train ber cblldren to liv down th heritage of notoriety left them by their father. JXad 2To Permanent Horn.

ror years after sh married sh was kept moving around th country, always under an assumed name, her true Bam being hidden even from her children, and living In constant dread and anxiety whll her husband was away on marauding expeditions. On of ih dreadful experiences she went through in thos day is told aa follows by her son, Jesse James. la bis book about the life of his father: "I reoail with vivid distinctness sa Incident that happened In Nashvf.l when 1 was about Ave year old. At that time my father was away from borne. Lick LUJell was staylnr st cur home during the abeence of father.

It was tbe night of t-t. VaKntUe's day. Whll mother ar.d myself and ater and Iick Llddell wer at hem ibe was a tound as If some cite was throwing rocks against the door, tick start, ed to open th door, but mother suspected thst It was some one who bad discovered who we were snd were trying to entire out to capture cr ki.l bin. She would r.ot allow him to open the door. Dick then gut my father's shotgun from a ciuaet.

Both of Its barrel were loaded heavily with tucfchot. Defers my mother eour Interfere to prevent It aimed at the dior and fUeJ. the charge of bucfcs.i' tearing a hole the d-r panel srd ffl it. tuck ruah.d to the and tbrew it pj-en and ran out on the torch. In te u.i:kr.?- raw a man runner away.

H-i the second barrel straight at him bsrely Biisa NVe never knew who that mysterious person was." TJnder Assumed irarass. was lursj.J as a a DESIGNED TO CROSS Deutscb- 4-day Invernia, ituid. Lior. Displacement, In ton 21. Horse-power 7.wtt llu.o 1S.SS W.iW Coal burned per day.

toes ia C2 1.719 Tanker capacity, tons i.K Cargo capacity, tons 11,00 Pasaenirer nrst-claiis 19 Swond-claas iit Jt Third-clam 5fl 1 Crw 23 KA First cost t2.300.j. JM.0Oi Estimated maxi mum S50.00A Coat of on pas-sac 130.000 nts.oo 230.UM Su.0M Receipts for full ship, on pasna-, x-cluaiv of malls. Actual value of passea-gvr fares on a recent westward trip. sped as would necesssry for th four-day boat, and it la estimated that If all the available apace were given over to driving machinery her shell eould not accommodate mors thaa o. half of tb powr required to transform her from a twenty-three knot to a thirty knot ship, i Comparison of Typsa.

By tb courtesy of th steamship lines, the Scientific American publishes tb fol SKI DO CASTLE lowing balance sheet showing th original cost of construction, bors power, speed and cost of passags of the two-ship taken to Ulustrat the types chosen for comparison, and baa contrasted with this th estimated cost of a four day liner. Tb limit of economical speed. It is concluded, has nearly been reached with the present form of null and motive power. To drive the Deutschland thirty knots instead of twenty-three would require gS.OOO-bors two and a quarter times aa mucn aa ah now has. flagrante show that tbe sboll of th Deutschland could not accommodate mors thajs one-twlf of th marnlncry necessary to produc that power by means) of Scotch boilers and slovs revolving engine.

A very piuch larger boat would be required tor the machinery and coal, while it is evident that a larger boat would require more power to Oilve it. Inrreas In power needed, however, would not be directly proportional to tb Increase in displacement, tb longer ship being, ton for ton. easier to drive. It tb four-day liner were built upon present lines, sh would be a vessel tUO feet long of 87 feet beam and 30 feet draueht. disptacln; about 40.000 tons.

Ena-lnes of llU.uoo-borae power would required, and even if triple screws were used, th necessity of developing 17.000-horae power on each shaft would stag FOUR DAYS. HIGHLAND RESIDENCE OF ANDREW CARNEQIE. ger th best entrln builders. Forty-four double Scotch hollars would be needed, snd during each day's run 1,710 tons of costing would hav to be fed Into the furnaces, ft would requlrs 7,330 tons of coal to carry the rend to Plymouth, and 8.SD0 tons to Hamburjr. the cost of fuel alone being tJS.UvO.

The ah would need tons of coal In b-r bunkers for a single trip across the Atlantic lucre as h1 longitudinal strength would be required to counteract "reverse bending strains." This would involve running a longitudinal stiffened' bulknrsd from keH to promenade deck, and probably carrying steel plating up to th promenade deck. It is thoucbt that such a Vusc! will never be built, but that th problem will be solved not by multiplying engine snd boiler weights, but by multiplying pressures and speed and by utilising every refinmient of economizers, superheaters and leedwster beaters. The prediction is made that tb four-day boat will be driven by a combination of wster-turw boilers using hot forced draught with fast running reciprocating eiifrine ulng superheated steam, or with turblnea of th Parsons type. Reduction of weights snd saving of space to such an extent will be achieved by this change, it la contended, that it will possible to produce, on diapWrement not 'much greater than that of tb Deutschland. a thirty-knot steamer with equal accommodations for passengers.

(Chicago Times-Herald. "'-V i y. THIS COCNTRT. that she tried trf Fersuade ber husband to abandon his roving snd his robbing and go away with' bis family to soms remote part of the country or to a for-' in and live a new life under a new nam. This th bandit had determined to do as scon as.

he coull niite one more "big stake." This big w.nning he to make In the robbery of th bank at arkville, which he was planning to rai when ha was killed. That very nlsrt he anl the ord boys were fiiiifr to I'arkviiie to rob the back the next day. Th Outlaw's Assssiaatlin. A few months before be was kill-'d Jesse ir.oel his family la a cov rt a 2 4 will I THE ONLT nun' tKS OT XT WHICH HAS APPEARED IN rrm th Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph reproduce this elctnrs of Bklbo Castle, th Highland bom of Andrew Cur. Itegi.

said to be th Hrrt ever published In this eoautry. Sklho Castis Is one of tbe most palatial rea.dencea In Scotland. The original structure datva from th Fifteenth cntury, but th building has been renovated entirely by the present owner. One of Mr. Carnegie's pet ideas is the unity of the rac.

and th flag that floats abova Bid bo Cast la is a dual one, the Stars and Stripes and lbs Union Jack sewn together. outlaw be and bis wife and" children lived undor assumed names In East Ninth street, between Michigan and Euclid; on Troot avenue, between Ttnth and Eleventh, and In Woodiawn avenue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. In those days James was known by a new name In every new town in which and his Mved. At one time while he was In Kansas City he grew that were cire after him. lie mas sup" twaiis? a r.e ir relative nmed McDatil'-ls hsd visited Ms family.

The 0 trctives knew te of Jam- ard kne-, t' i 1, I IV -i 1 i i FARM THANKSGIVING CHEER. Tb children they are coming Worn the East and from ths West, to enjoy the charm npoa tb fans Their hearts account th best. There's John, be la a broker In a chy far away. But hs always leaves his dollars For the old homestead that day. There's Haggle and th babies And tbs boys grown up so tall, Tbey will flock to us Ilk chiokena When they bear th dinner eaO.

Our old heart wfU be delighted When them gathered hem, When we see them seated round about Our farm Thanksgiving cheer. H. 8. KCLXR. I As soon ss Jesse James learned of this he moved to the Dogg-tt home in Sixth street, tear Walnut, nut the ve'y next I day after Ms family was Installed there young Js2se James, known then ss Tim I Wooil'i wa playing In the stret snd saw ilci'anleis rl.Jc past on horseback and ertouted to hlrn: "Hi uncle." When Jfst-e Jam's came borne that nlsht and learned cf this he moved BKain, and e-i ha snd hu family kTt always on the move.

The days w-is surly full of are trUl for th wife, but Mrs. Samuels eh nevtr It is well known thjt Jt ii a tlrr.f arfectlon for his vi'e an 1 hlMren. ai. I fe ha 1 a ni' vrt I'c who wn ij tijjs e-iy Saved As CY MARTHA M'CULLOCM WILLIAMS, Author "A Laggard In Love," "A Sett'ment." tc. Copyrtght, 1000; The Authors Byrdlcat.

'Pears ter me folks oughter had better sense'n ter die des time ter hab de bury In', sukkus day," Aunt Dinah said, with a frowning sigh. 'But yoa see how 'tis. Miss Louley I kin lib ter see 'nother sukkus, but po' ole Sis Ana Bellamy, she calnt nebber ter 'nother funoruL I'm deet boun' ter see de last er po' Sis Ann I lay. dough, mo'n half dem other no 'count Chriachens, her brudders tn' slstern In the ch'ch, gwlne take desefs off ter see dam Hera an' tlgons, stldder gwlne whar de ougbter, ter sing an' shout." Louisa smiled. The light of aa October sunrise showed her tired and faintly haggard.

She had slept badly ever since tbe quarrel with Jack Asbton, and last night, not ct all. On top of that she had got up at 4 o'clock to feed and dress four, clamorous small lads. Sine her mother died, three years back, ah -had mothered the flock of little brothers, not to mention keeping the household In running trim. Every soul oa the place, block and white, had planned to be In towa tn time to the parade. A circus and a burying.

Indeed, wer th only two things that ever tempted Aunt Dinah from the post of She bad ben cook at the Hope farm sine Louisa was- The big six-horse wagon stood ready outside the gate, Th lads wer going In It, along with the field handa and their famillca, Squire Hope and bis big boy, Archy, stood beside eaddled horses ready to mount They looked back half apprehensively, half Impatiently, st Louisa or) the piazza steps. Why wouldn't she come along as they had expected. Instead of turning her hors over to Mllly Buxton, the whit crop-per'a girl? They did not half like the thought of leaving her alone, though they knew sbe bad no fear, and eould shoot nearly as well as either of themselves. Not a word hsd been apoktn. but they all felt that the love qunrrtl waa at the bottom of her staying be-hind Jack Ashton had never In bis life missed a circus, and was almost certain to be at thla one with Rosa Wills, bis new flame, flaunting beside him.

"Daughter, you'd better come. Too. may ride behind me!" Squire Hope called, trying to smile Jocularly. Louisa smiled wanly, but shook her head and waved them good-bye. Th wagoa clattered away; th horsemen and women ambled after It Aunt Dinah waddled off across the fields Louisa waa alons with the morning.

But aha had made her mind up resolutely not to be lonely. All through th forenoon shs kept herself so busy she did not mors than snatch glanoes at th stream of folk racing along the big road which ran Just outside the gate. There was a heap that needed doing in the dairy, and the garden, not to mention the clamorous fowls, brav In their new winter coats. When she fed them at 12 o'clock ahe talked gayly to them, and was answered with a crooning chorus of chirps snd cackles. Then abe went indoors and tried to occupy herself with sewing, but in a minute or two laid down her needle as? thought it burned ber.

ssying. half aloud: "I must do something oome-thing thst will keep me whirling all the time. If I try to sit still I shall scream. Now, what shall it be?" For 'a minute sh thought deeply. Her face brightened as shs murmured: "Spinning! Th very thing." -Then sh shut th hous doors, locking them carefully, and ran out to th log kitchen, twenty yards from the beck door.

The big wheel always sst there. Louisa had her arms full of wool rolls. Just bom from th carding machine every body' a winter socks and stockings were homespun and homeknlt. Loulita liked to spin; to trip back and forth, keeping tlm to th burring wheel, lightly bending, llthely swsylng, as sh set the big rim bumming and ran the twisted thread upon the spindle. Beside, tt kept her from thinking of anything.

Sh sang aa ah spun. Her voice was thin snd reedy, but the sound of It In "Th Eraes of Balquidder" was better than ths sleepy purr of the cat, or tbs crackle of a dying fir. There was a smother of yellow leaves on the ground outside tbe door. Westering sunshine Streamed long and blight athwart the floor. The kitchen was big snd square, with a chimney half across tb end, and broad board-ehuttered windows in tbe two sides.

Ths board shutters were down, still light and air came In plentifully. Not a yard of the log wall but was full of crack and crannies. Dinah stuck all manner of things In them ber toothbrush, ber shawl-pin, ber darning needle, her blueing rag, not to nam a whole assortment of skewers and kitchen knives. A benevolent sutocrat, she Inclined to order- disorder. There waa nothing In all the place she could not lay her hand on In the dark, though to the casual eye It was a nightmare confusion of pots, kettles, ovens, skillets, bakers and A big splint-bottomed chair sat In one Jamb.

The other was piled with hickory logs cut to fir length. There was a litter of clean chips all about tbe kigs. snd a bed of smoldering coals and smoking brands In the wide stone fireplace. Tbe crsne was empty. Commonly a big pot or two hung ther bubbling and hissing from dawn till dark Louisa felt tempted to mend th fir and set one pot boiling row the sound and th slrh-t of it would be com-psny.

Wlh a littl sigh she told herself It would not be worth while the clrcus-gcer would not bsck until good dark, even if they came then: fur. ther. they would not care for a boiled supper vrtien ther had looked forward to hot biscuit and fried ham. She spun steadily, stngtng her old ballad over and over, metlmes me-chsnlcsny. sometimes with such Inversions of word snd rythm showed her mind grestly disturbed.

She was not really conscious of what sh was alng-Ing; Instesd. she wss rolng over the day a month back, when she had sent Jack bis ring and bis presents without a word. Dully she wondered If shs had done quite rlghtT Maybe he might ered wagon from Kansas City to Ft Joseph, and ther lived under th name of Howard. His house was a frame thst crowned the summit of a bill and overlooked the town and all approaches. Horses were kept si (3 died at all times In the stable, and there waa a perfect arsenal of loaded weapons In ths bouse.

At last in the spring of leU rme to Sirs. James the day snd the tragedy that she must long bav expected and dreaded. At the death of her husband ihe waa absolutely pennies. She hsd to sell st public auction hrr household furniture and the horses and most of the guns snd revolves that were the property of her bus-band, snd even bis pet dog. Shortly atter the death of James she moved to Kansas City.

She had no money, but hod a well-secured note for and this was all she had in property. Hut sh had pluck, perseverance, energy, good health snd a determination to earn hr own living and bring up her two ch'Mren In th tths of rrUtu.le snd i.iiy. And this determination she ntv.T waverM from In all tne years of her wi-J hooii. Srn In snd CM o'i 1 bs for friend r.f hor fam-i y. and i tl orrled an I live.

I. but she knew e.l what hull sai l-jvcrty tvre iu tl.oee LJji. By Fire. have explained but what save faith-lessnofs could explain bis open dvo tlon to that strsnger girl. Iiosa Wills.

She had sent back two letters unopened she had run away from dim at her mare's best pace, the day they met in the road. It shamed and made ber angry that she could not put him out of her heart as easily as she hsd put him out of ber life-All at ore Trip, the black far lying in the yellow leaves outside, tat up, cocked bis ears and barked a sharp, angry bark. Louisa stopped the bussing wheel, amazed. No deeper, angrier note answered Trip. It must be the big dogs even Watch, the hous guard were oil huntlrg on their own account.

She ftepped to the door, shaded her eyes with her band, and looked sharply about. No soul was visible; no sound cams either from th front yard or the road beyond. Wltn a quieting word to Trip she went bacls to her wheel. For a half minute tn dog lay silent, but kept bis ears paicked. Suddenly he leaped forward, stood upon bis hind Ws and bristled, harking th while In sharp, menacing notes.

Louisa ran toward tbe door. Just Irs tlm to see a heavily ihod foot kit ic Trip out of Its path. Next breath sh found-hereolf facing a lar.k giant wit huge, hairy hands and Inck-lurter eyes. Her heart stood still aa aha recognized him Lazarus taly, th half-witted or 'of a poor neighbor, who had been sent away for safe-keeping after bad developed mania for setting thing a-fire. He had claimed her ss his sweetheart when she was a child, and bad shown a disposition to make her trouble after shs was grown.

Her father bad signed profound relief when poor La whs sent awayr Why bad be come back? She tried to speak, but vainly aot a word would pass her lips. "You you didn't lock for me back -but. I'm Tm here." Las said, step-, ping close to her. She sprang back a yard, shuddering violently. He, too, -fell back a pace.

"I think ye might gimme a bite ter eat." he said, dully: "I never bad no breakfus an I've runt all the way from that place." "How did you get away?" Lou! a asked faintly. Las laughed, a deep soundless laugh, and rubbed bis bands. "You tetter ak the feller that put out my lire," he said. "It was such a pretty fire. I built it Jest outside the wash-house an he com rune in' an' kicked it all down." Louisa did not sneak.

After a minute Las ran on: "He won't kick out no more fires fer nobody you ougbter heard bis besd crack when my rclc took htm 'side er It but say! Your cold your fac is. All white IH mik a fire to wyn you, right atralght "Not No! No!" Louisa cried. La awooped forward, caught her in a strangling grip, and aald, persuasive-ly: But I must! Hold stiii! Ef you don't I'll have to tie ye. Se here I I've got a nice soft string it won't rut not a bit There, now! You'll be good an still, while sweetheart makes a housewarmln' worth while." Deftly. swiftly, with irreslstibl Strength, ha bound her hands behind ber with a long, soft bandage, stolen no doubt from tbs asylum hospital.

Then be led her into the farthest kltrti-en corner, where som stout Iron staple had been driven Into th wall, ran th and of the bandage through a stapi and then knotted them "Walt till my fir starts; thea III throw over my shoulder snd run swsy to marry ye." he said. Ua-htly touching be -cheek, throwing off bis coat a he spoke. In' a minute he waa drarrlng flrewocd Into the middle of the Moor, piling It there four-square Into a sort of pen snd chinking ths cracks between witft chip and dry bark. When the pen was a little more than knee high be looked doubtfully over at Louie. Something wa working in hi mind.

"Sweetheatt mustn't let ycu gtt cold." hs said. "You you'll look pretty right In there, with the little red devils dancln' all up round ye. Walt till they're dancln' lively-then you shall go In." Louisa set her teetn. She knew sr reaming could do no good. Silently sh turned toward th wall.

Th length of ber tether made It difficult, but by a strain she got her besd around. Sh almost shrieked when sh saw in a con' venient crack the very sharpest and keenest of Dinah knives, the edged nearer, caught the handle In ber teethi and drew it out. unperceived by th madman Dueled over his fir. Now th problem waa to get th knlf into ber fettered bands, tjulck as thought sh knelt, turned half about and thrust th knife point lro a lower crack, then rose and groped for It Her heart leaped sa ber numb right band closed upon th haft, liecklessly eh reversed the point, thrust it beneath the bandage and began tb saw it as strongly as she could. Life and death depended on getting frr already Las was firing th pyre, setting brands at th corners and piling llvs coals scientifically among the chips.

Still It would be ten minutes before th stout green hickory waa dangTouuly aflame. More than one ah felt th knife cut her flesh, but sh kert feebly thrusting, her heart strengthening a lit- -tie as she felt her bonds grow loosely. Then ber eye, closed Involuntarily sh almost swooned. Las had run to ber, loosed the bandage from th stspl and was drawing her away toward th Sh felt th flams and smoke of It In ber face two second mor snd sh would likewise feel th scorch shs gsv a last despairing thrust her arms fell free at ber side. Just as she wss lifted ar.d swung back and forth with mifhty beavea.

Las crylne; out the while: "Pretty Are! Pretty girll Las love you best together." Again he swung ber bard ano clutched the knife and aimed for ba throat. Before sh cowld strlks sh felt herself snatched strongly away Jacle Ashton had dashed through th door Just In time. "Run awayr be pant'd, strwrllng to drag tbe madman to the door. "Never mind me help ia coming. A hundred of us started, as soon as ws knew Las bad escaped It it happened that I out- rode th rest" Oo 'wsyf Both of yr Las bowled, flinging Ashton from him with manlao strength).

Thrn bs summed and bsrred th kitchen door. Thst wss th last of htm. Before help came bis pretty Are hsd made an end of him. But another fir burned brighter than ever th flame of lov and trust In two near ly sundered hesrts. r-it IT 07 OBDJrAJJTCE.

CK.V. A. R. ELTFIN'ITOV. YihOH controversy wl'h On.

1 IS. sarretl up tu War.

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