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The Lincoln Star from Lincoln, Nebraska • 12

The Lincoln Stari
Lincoln, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TWELVE THE LINCOLN STAR-WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1941 STAR RADIO PROGRAMS Legion Junior Ltagutrs C. QooIiko Once I Priesthood Student I PLANT QUITS i IN WAKE OF 41 I TY MEETS BAM IN LINKS DUEL Cobb and Ruth Square Off KFOa Mutual ana Cohtatbte 1240 gUocrclM Colombia end Mutual 1210 KOecyclM TTJ)HIIADELPHIA( PaV Jun 25 APA younj man who, JLL four or flvt years aflo, was deep In study for th priesthood, today Is the best relief pitcher in the American WEDNESDAY EVENING iia IMMWM STAND SIX FOOT THREE. ft tt. STRIKE RIOTS Owner Says He Can't Deal With Men Who Beat People Up PHILADELPHIA, June 25- (AP) The Progress Manufsctur ing Co, which normally employs duo in the manufacture of electri cal fixtures, ia quitting business in the wake of strike rioting at its lour-siory plant oecause fresi dent Frank Rosen says he can't deal with "men who beat people "I've been In business more than 30 declared Rosen today. "But I am going to Haul date now, sell the building, stock and machinery at auction or to the government if it wants them and forget the whole thing.

The AFL metal polishers, buf fers and platers struck at the plant last March, demanding wage increases among other things. A truce brought the strikers back only temporarily. Many clashes outside the factory climaxed this week wtih a fight in which bricks were thrown, five men being ln jured and at least IS arrested. "We had .500 employes before this strike started, and less than 100 of them were members of the union," Rosen said. The union wanted a closed shop and I don't think they should be allowed to run my business." The company's wage scale ranged from 39 to SO cents, said the president, adding the union asked total annual wage increases of $350,000 was offered

Union Council M. Herbert Syme asserted the workers offered to 'submit the dispute to U. S. District i court for arbitration but claimed the management refused. "Most of the men employed I there averaged $11.70 a week and sought a 94 increase," he stated, The company best offer was $13.20.

The closed shop was not i the issue." ii ii i i i Of CONGRESS (By tbs Associated Pret.) Wedeeedsy. ssnats; In recess. Agriculture tubeommltte rtiumei on propoMl to Include Cumberland silver in TV prof ram. HOTJ8I: i Contldert kill 10 tnereass tending Pow-" of Commodity Credit Corp. Rivera end harbori oommltte eonUnnti on at.

Lawrence eaway. i Taeaday. Senate ia now. Hohm refuted to tola null la creating JSM.OOO.toe fund lor insurance ol farm Oaortgagea. Rhf jimmle Allen Newi Aluarofn' Kttrt 1:11 1 Jimmy AUea Newa A Sport Oordon New ot World I Shatter Parker Dinner Melodlea Meet Mr, afeok Newi 1:44 Harmony Hall Dinner Meted! M4 Mr.

Meek Hwa Big Town Big Town Tony Martin Sport Barlew Big Town Big Town How Did Ton Matt I Ml Lone Ranfir. Dr. Chriatlaa Dr. Chrietlaa Plantation Party Ranger Dr. Cnrltla Dr.

ChrHtlaa PlanUtloo party 1:60 1 Band Bog Roru Frad Allen Fred Allta Tim to BmUo Boi Rrro prtd AUea Frd Allen Tim to Smll la Rby. Frad Allen Fred Allen DUtrlet Attorney In Rhy. Frad Allen Fred AUea DUtrlet Attorney be arm. oiena Miller Olenn Miller Kay Kyar Kolleaw 4:141 Marrln Dal Dane atolodio Fubll AMalra Kay Kyaer Kolleg I Bummer Rem Meet Mr. Meek Prog, from WBM Kay Kyaer Kolleg 0:44 1 Summer Reruo Meet Mr.

Meek Frog, from WBM. Kay Kyaer Kol'et 00 1 Newi Fleturea A mot Andy Amo Andy SophTatleatod Rby. Orch. Lanny Roto Unny Rot Oood Tun Party Raymond Swing ic cream College Prog. Irom WBBU Fred Waring Charle Ftok Dane orcheetra.

Frog, from WBDM Paid Whlteman Cogat Dane Melodla Prog, from WBBM New Cugat Alvlno Ray Frog, from WBBM Sport Farads 14:10 1 Dane Intarlado Newt Ramon Ramo Rum Morgan Jan Oarbar Bportt Bpeciala Ramon Ramo But Morgan Freddy Martlo Tiny BUI Tiny HiU Abo Ljrmaa 11:14 Orlf WUllama Mutt Ton Want Baron Bllot Aba Lyman 11:10 Oen Autlo Mutla Toa Want Jo Maraala Bddlo LaBaroa 11:44 CMao Auttla MuiU Tott Want Jo Maraala Iddlo LeBaron 11:00 glpi Off Blgn off Blgn Off Dane Rhythm thWsdayowq "ailent New Farm Bervtco New 0:11 Silent Mutlcal Clock Farm Berrlc Time a Tune Newa Mutlcal Clock Farm Berrlc Market Mutlcal Clock Eye-Opt nr Farm Berflc Lyl Bddl Mutlcal Clock New Nw New 1:14 Mutlcal Clock Mutlcal Oordon Betty Morning star 1:30 Mutlcal Clock New Tom Mary Newi 1:44 1 Mutlcal Clock Yawn Patrol Ootptl Singer Laundry Man S.00 Newi By Kathleen Norrta Other Woman Beta Johnaon ll Tim to Shin Myrt Marge Myrt Margo BUen Randolph Blnglng Btrlng Btepmother Stepmother Bachelor Children Birthday Club Homemaken Woman of Courag Road ot Uf 00 1 Money Melodlo Mary Lee Taylor Julia Blake Mary Marlln Club Martha Webeter Martha WebeUr Pepper Young Loft Newa Big Sitter Lone Journey Buckeye Four Polly tho Shopper Aunt Jenny Dayld Harnm 1 John Hughe Kat Smith Bpeake Kat Smith Bpeakt Other Woman 10:11 1 Eeko Manner When Olrl Marrle Jan Tucker Beautiful LU Melodlea Helen Trent Helm Trent Judy Jan 10:41 Edith Adama Our Oal Sunday Our Oal Sunday Mornln; Mtlodle Newt Walt Tim Texts Mary A Twig ia Bent 11:11 1 Sugar 0, Whla Woman ia Whit Woman in Whit Mutlcal Program 11:3 I Front Pg. Parr 11 Right to Hepplnete Pint Dinner Call Orchaatra Orchettra fHUHSDAYlirTERNON 11 1 11:00 I Pop Flux XU New New Aunt Jenny 11:10 Doe Hull Joyo Jordan Thli Will Happen Market 11:30 Varletlea Noonday Melodlea Lait Call Dinner New 11:40 Varletle Noonday Melodlea Lut Call Dinner Man oa Street 1:00 Serenade Pope Plug XII Pop Plug Against tho Storm 1:10 Jerry Bear Golden song Oolden Bong Ma Parklna 1:30 Fop FluxZUX Pop Hut XTO Joyce Jordan Ouldlng Light 1:40 Ad. In Bclenc Modern Mooda' Buntat Trail Vlo and Bad' 1:00 1 Concert KOIL Offer New Backttaga WUo 8:10 1 Concert KOIL Offer Ma Parkin Stella Dallat ISO John ton FamUy Beta Johnaon Beta Johntoa Lorenao Jon' Congros Mama's Matlnao Kat Ropklna Wldder Browa 1:00 News New Smokey Bashful Horn of Brave 1:15 Treat ure Cheat Mama'a Ma tine Sunehln Trio Portia Faces Life 1:10 Diamond Btakea Tha CNetlla Don White Mutlcal program the Band Blnglng String Scattorgood Balnea Light of World 4:00 Caesar PetrUlo Caetay PetrUlo Right to Happlnett Myttery Man 4:10 Bob Bdg KOIL Salute Tho Ooldtxrg Valiant Lady 4:10 Dar Bacat Top Tunet Marching Along Orlmm' Daughter 4:40 Traffte Forum i World Today World Today Aktarbaa Racee 0:00 Four Jtmml Allen New Aktarbta Raeea Jimmy Allen Newi and Sports Oordon Bottp News of World 0 30 Shaiter Parker Vox Fo Vox Pop News 0:45 Harmony Hall Vog Pop Vox Pop Newa Boy IHURSDAT KOWH tiM tSO gJoe. CiiShomcat -w GREATLY fear that Sports Ed A ltor Louis Harris (Corporal Harris, if you please) of the Lowry Field newspaper, Denver, has played one cheesy trick on Bob Burruss, I Cornhusker football center of the past three annums and member of Nebraska Ross Bowl team. The corporal.

It seems, proclaims that he sought out 1 ant oisuaauss Burruss (Al Corps) and solicited the latter to outline his opinions on the subject of college football. In the course of the published article, the form er Husker, was quoted as saying: "One of football's greatest tils is the mental letdown that star gridders suffer when, on Sunday mornings after their playing days are over, they have to be content with reading the funnies when they fail to find their names in the newspaper." Con Is possibly be fan Bob Bur russ dished oul chcrtto ef (hoi tort? Ii on xpoctod' to break dowa and cry boctrase aa s-oridder's attack of MU-lmpod pity tnducoa sole reading el tbe funnl? Of was at Instance lit which ex-Huikor Bob was Indulging In a lost al a guUlble scribe's oxponsoT e. PROCEEDING with the alleged interview, the Lowry Field writer' quoted Burruss again:" "A couple years back, the Nebraska team had lost two games on successive Saturdays. As a re sult, the school lost approximately 50 thousand dollars in attendance on the third Saturday, and bingo the pressure was on. The athletic director Jumped the coach, the coach jumped the boys and then the boys had their turn at jumping." Important If true, yes but, as a matter of fact, grossly inaccurate, And for numerous reasons.

As for Instance: The school (Nebraska) didn't and couldn't lose a penny, Neither was the department of athletics seriously out of pocket as a result of the loss of the two games. Public tntorost In any team naturally dump following dofoals, but' bt (he case ef Nebraska the attendance (hat third Saturday (of any Saturday of dial 1131 Mason) was llttla below normal, due to (he potidv fact thai moro (ban ball of the Busker tad! urn was sold to oaon-book buyers months ta advance ef (he first firing of (he grid-iron 7V EQUALLY preposterous is the game of tag by the various actors in the "jumping" scene. Imagi nary, I say, because the athletic director, and the head coach at Nebraska are one and the same person, Major Biff Jones. Just Imagine the Biffer and his 230 or more pounds jumping on hirnselfl Space limitations, together with this column's refusal to delve into the additional bunk presented in the published interview, plus this writer's high regard for Lieut Burruss, make it compulsory to ring down the curtain on the Denver writer's folly. Meantime, must be admitted thai (his Burruas business has tt confusing aspoct.

Ig Bob blatantly ropudl-ttng the patUm to which be voluntarily gar (hroe years el enthusiastic acqutesewneof Or has be boon made (bo unwilling wfcum el a callow calumniator of a yellow ehewl al tewry Field? Horseshoe Leaguers, Evans walloped South Side, 779 to 494, and Brooms downed Cooks 440 to 189, in Capital City horseshoe league matches Tuesday night at the Mirny courts. The doubles play resumes- competition Thursday night, Tuesday's individual scores: EFAB Columbia WOV KBC BED Network MO KUocycloe 710 KUoctcIm EVENINO SpoUlght Coffaa Tim Coffeo Tim Aldrlcn. Family Aldrlch Family City Deik City Dttk Major Bowe Major Bowe Major Bo wee Major Bowe Mutt Hall Mutto Hall Muti Hall Mutl Hall Olenn Miller Prof. Qui Prof. Quia Rudy Valleo Rudy Valle Charll Ruggle Charll Ruggle Prog, from WBBM Amo And Lanny Rot Fred Waring Rao Return Musical Interlud Prog, from WBBM Prog, from WBBM Rbumba Reru Prog, from WBBM New Frog, from WBBM Sport Farad Abe Lyman Aba Lyman Ramon Ramo Ramon Ramo.

Ed Whit Oul Nelson Otil Nelson Nell Bondshu Nell Bondthu Danes Rhythm Ken Ward Art Kattel Art Kattel Sign Off Lee lnfcmt Dies conna Jean Lee, two-weeks- old daughter of Mr, and Mrs, S. B. 2808 North Fifty-sixth street, died at a local hospital weanesday morning. Other survivors Include the grandparents, jht. ana Mrs.

I Meek, Lin- wm; ana s. Jtee, Brownlee, SPOTLIGHT FEATURES WBDNISDAT. OH KFOB p.m.-The Lon Sanger, drama I rlea. 7nwi uram swing com- mnu oa to war new. -O! EOIL p.m.

Oltno Miller' oreheatrai with Paul Kelly as tololtt. t.n p.m-Ueet Mr. Meek, corned drama Urrln rnDk wwk. OM KFAB p.m. Big Town, newtpapor drama (tarring Edward O.

Hobintod and On a Munton. mDr. Chrlttisn, drama atarrlng Jean Henholt aa th eountrr doctor: play tailed, "Uaguer Number SJ." p.m.i-rd Allen, with PortUnd Hot- fa, Kenny Bake and Wra Murray In aeaton' ftnnl show: Howard Diets, morio publicity director, guett. OM WOW p.m.-Tony Martin, aonga. (final ahow of the eeaaon.i p.m.

Tim to Smile, with Eddie Cantor and Dinah Shore final tbow of tha season; Tie. tor Mature, ttag a tar, guett. THIJBSDAI, OK KFOB Addrwa by pop Plug peaking from- Roma to tho Ninth National Xucharlatla eon great at Minneapolis. 1:41 pjn. Adrantures to Science, with weather bureau experts dls-Cutting thunderttorm.

their eauaea and eharaeterlttle. p.m.-.Description of th Diamond Stat Btakea at Delaware park xaea track. Philadelphia Orchestra Robin Dell onerte, with Hane W. Steinberg directing; program features Rtmiky-Btoraakoff'a "Bcrtfheratade." p.m. The Great Ounn.

drama aa- rial starring Barbara Luddy. ON KOIL p.m.-Boortlight, talent parade eon- ducted by (d But Dask, aewspaper drama eerie. OH KFAB Pop. with Parks Johntoa and Wally ButUrworth parmg a visit to th Pestinl of Rotes at Newark, T. J.

Major Bowe Amateur Hour, preterit lng special variety a ia lh7 ta abwnc. p.m. Prof. Quit guettion and an swer Off WOW Musi Hall, with Cewnl Bos. weU and Bob Burnt: Don Amecbo Uket over while Bin Crosby la away for th wwk; gaett include Charles Mojtt, Jerry Letter and Joeephma Tunilnl.

90 pRudy vniee Show, ttarring John Barrymore; Miach Auer. Sunt itar. 1 Lawlors, aided by the wildness of Turner and Rushing, took a 7-5 victory over Golds in the American division of the American Legion Junior baseball league Tuesday afternoon at the S. field. score: UwUrt.

QM. ABMOAI ABHOA Carr, 3b I I 1 Tejeka, 14 4 Bcnneld r. 1 Mitt, lb Sll Klein, lb i I Oana, lb 114 4 ueriacn, 1 4 1 Rushing, at- Stuobs, ss 14 4 Turner, p-vb o-ab nil 0 I itenacn er, i Bee ton. Jb-rf 14 4 4 Relchen'h. 1 4 4 0, Wegley, If less wuton, a I Ol Bwiit, of soiua, ci Clement, 1 4 4 4i Wurm.

rf 1 1 1 if Iblanieldt, Willi Howard, a 4 0 ToUl Lawlora Ulllli ToUl IIIUI 1 111 41 w.S.I I 1 1 4-4 Oold Runs Schneider, Klein, Oerltth, ReliaehMtder, Clemen ta, Howard, T.J kt I. Oana. Huahtn. Ihlanleldt. Erroxe Carr.

Klein, Ocrlach, Howard, Tejcka 0ns. Double plajr a Clement Klein. Left OJ bate Lawlora Ooldt Bat oa bal Off Howard off Turner a. oil Rushing 4. Struck out By Howard 4, by Ruthlng 13.

Hlta and rune Off Turner, I and 1 In oir Rutbing, ana in a. By Howard (Ihiinfeldt). Turner. Time 1:14. Hit by pitcher pibcaer Sanderson Award To Doane College Man CRETE, June 25 The Sanderson athletic prize of S25 awarded annually to senior athlete of Doane college was given this year to Don Lidolph of Adams, who lettered four years in Lidolph will coach at Clearwater this year and also teach social sciences.

S. A. San derson of Lincoln established the prize in 1931 to promote physical education among the men of Doane. still bunting and that's what they pay off on when you get to the greens. They tell me you're not so hot with your putter." "Oh yeah," the Babe replied.

"You always did try to 'needle' me when we were in baseball. Don't forget I always hit base balls better than you and I can do the same with a golf ball. 4 A Corcoran Scheme. This links battle between those famous southpaws was first sug gested years ago by Freddy Corcoran, the P. O.

A. tournament bureau manager. Finally arranged for the benefit of the Golden Rule Farm, the New England version of Boystown at Franklin, N. it promises to draw a record gallery, Including many baseball fans who nave little or no Interest In golf. a tropny, donated bv Newtnn.

Kr, 4 11 Mil ar" rVT WUJ presented to tne victor. American League. AT HEW TOBZ St Loan ab al Lueadeilo lb I 0 1 I McQulna lb 4 0 13 II Judnich ef 4 0 10 Ww Torlt ab a a Sturm lb 1 1 Rolf lb 2 10 4 Henrleb rf 3 3 3 0 DIMaggio of 4 110 CllftSb Laabs rf 1 I 1 Berardlno 4 1 1 41 ferrell a 4 1 4 II Munerief 1 Kramer 0 0 0 01 veiieru I ISO Dickey 4 14 0 Oordon lb 4 113 Rltsuto at '4141 Qom.p ,411 lietalella 0 0 0 0 Total 11 1 24 121 Total St II IT 10 EtUltlia for Kramer ta ninth Bt Louis New York 000 000 0011 201 1O0 05i a Runs: Cllft, Sturm Rolf 1, Hen rich. Wssuto. Borne run: Rolfe, Henrich, Oor to Sturm McQuinn Berardlno jo McQuinn, Left on base; New Munerief 4.

Struck out: By Munerief Gomes 4. HIU: Off Munerief 10 f- Kramer 0 In 3-3, ng pitcher: Muncriet Inn 2:05. AL. 1,081. AT BOSTON Cleveland ab a al Boston ab 0 a Boudreau at 0 1 I 0 Keltner Sb 1 4 Walker rf 1110 Heath rf 4 110 Weatherly tt 1 1 0 0 DIMaggio ef I I 0 Finney rf Wllliama If Cronln at Foxzlb Tabor 3b Dorr3b Pytlak a Newtome 10 0 10 10 Illl 11 111 114 4 I I I 4 14 1 Sll enmt lk nil Mack 2tr 4 14 2 4 111 Illl 10 0 1 10 10 Hemiley 0 Harder Browa Campbell Junglee Rosenthal oooo 10 0 0 Total 3410 34141 Total 17 II 17 14 Campbell batted for Browa in alxta.

Rosenthal batted for Jungle la ninth. Cleveland 010 000 010 I Boatoa 300 011 Ms IS Heath. Weatherly. DIMaggio Jlney I Wllliami Cronln 2, Foxx, Tabor, JDoerr, Pytlak 2. Error: Harder, Mack, Keltner, Cronln.

Two base hit: Bemaley. Three base bit: Cronln. Home run: DIMaggio, Tsbor, Dosrr. Stolen base: Walker. Sacrifice: Walker, Cronln.

Double play: Grimes to Boudreau to runes, Keltner to Msck to Crimea. Lift on base: Boston 10. Base on balls: Off Harder 4, Brown 1, Jungles Nswsoms Struck out: By Browa 1. Jungle 1, New-aom 4. Hlta: Off Harder in 1 1-3 Innings, Brown 4 ta 1 1-3, Jungle I In 3.

Hit by pitcher; By Blown (DIMaggio). Losing pltchef: Harder. Tim Attendance (eetlmated) 4,000, AT WASHTNGTOir Chicago ab al Wthngtoo ab a Xn'ekbkr lb 4 11 1 Archie 3b 4 111 4 0 10 1110 Kreevlcb ef Kennedy lb Wright rf Xuhel lb Chapman If Wbb as Turner a Leep Hckey 4 11 0 Cramer ef 4 4 141 Lewie rf 4 I 0 0 Travlt as 411111 Vernon lb 4 0 4 01 Caae if 4 11 OIBI'dwrthlb 4 14 11 Early 111 II Leonard 1 0 0 01 4 111 4 1 10 0 till 4 111 4 14 0 111 Total 14114 141 Total 23 10 IT I Sicker batted foe Lee ia ninth. poo im ooo Washington 100 000 11a un: Kreevlch, Wright, Kunei, Lewis, Travis, Vernon, Caae, Blood worth. Early.

Error: Leonard, Archie. Webb 2, Kuhel, Knickerbocker. Two base bit: Knickerbocker, Wright, Travlt. Caee, Early. Three bate hit: Levis, Kuhel, Blood worth.

Sacrifice: Leonard. Cass, Double play: Blood-Worth to Vernon, Left oa bate: Chicago 4. Washington 0. Bass oa balls: Off Lee ut! Lee 3. Leonard 4.

Wild Itch: Leonard. Time 1:41. Attendance (eetlmated) 1,001. AT PHILADELPHIA Detroit abhoal Phll'pbls Crnuchert 4 1 SlBrancatota McCosky ef 4 110 9 Chapman Mullla If 4 1 2 01 Moaea rf Tork lb 1 1 10 31 McCoy 2b Campbell rf 4 110' Johnson If HirtinsSb 4 4 J' Hubert lb Gehrtng'rSb 4 1 I Collins cf Tebbetls Sll II Have aba a OS Qoralsa 111 I Sudor Miles McCrabbB Deaa Chapman Total Sllin 141 Total 23 4 IT 11 Mile batted for Sader ninth; Deaa batted for MeCrabb in ninth; a. Chapman batted for Branca to ra Bin lb; W.

Chapoua ran for Deaa at a In Lb. tvtrolt 001 000 0011 fbiladelpbia 900 OuO 0101 Rune: Tork, Ghringer, Moses. Error: CmKher, Moaes. Two base hit: Gehnnger. Three baa bit: Johnaon.

Bar Hire: McCoy. Double piay: Braseato McCov to Sie-bert 2. Brancate to Blebert 2, Ulrrlne ta Oehnnter to York, Oehnncer to Crowher so Tors, Crancber to Cehnnree to Tors. Left on beae: Detroit 4, Philadelphia I. tue oa baut: Off Ooreiea 4.

McCraob t. track oat: By MeCrabb 2. Timet 1:43. AUandanee; 21. TU, I Newt Spotlight 0:14 Sport Review City Dnk 0:44 1 Del Courtney City Peek 1:00 BandBoxRevu Major Bowes 1:10 Prilled.

Orch. Major Bowu 1:30 Fhllad. Orch. Major Bow 1:41 Fhllad. Orch.

Major Bowaa OS New Olenn Miller 0:14 Freddy Martin Prof. Qui Great Ounn Prof. Quia 0:44 Great Ounna Answer Man 0:00 Art Jarrett Amos 'n' Andy 0:14 1 Charles Fltk Unny Ross 0:10 1 Wythe WUllama Ic Cream 0:40 Hew Michael Lorlng 10:00 1 Dick Oatparra Wythe WUUamt 10:10) Dicg Oasparr Joey Kearna 10:30 1 Jiraml Joy News 10:40 I Jimmy Joy Sports Bpeciala Noble Parade of 11:11 jLelghton Not4 Farad of 11:30 1 Don Bettor Art Kauel Bettor Art Katwl 11:00 1 Blgn Off Sign Oft With Golf Clubs In Benefit Tilt, By BnTiaNG. NEWTON, June 25 (APM3abe Ruth and Ty Cobb, who have retained their famous batting habits for golf, are expected to employ them today when, after all. their years of friendly bickering, they Come together on the Commonwealth dub course for the first round of their "grudge" match for charity.

Slugger VbC Banter. Durini their sensational ca reers, which earned them honored places in baseball's hall or lame, the Babe was the game's most powerful left-handed slugger and Ty, the American league's batting leader for 12 of his 24 years, the most scientific hitter. Nowadays, Cobb, at 94, and Ruth, seven years younger, play golf abqut the same way they hit baseballs and they do it almost equally well, Judging by their practice rounds on Commonwealth's lengthy par-72 course. Ty turned in a 78 and Babe had rounds of 70-80. Experts, who studied their games, rated them evenly matched.

Bets On Results. While they were putting them together, Cobb's shots offathe tees and on the fairways were straight but only of average length. But he was deadly accurate on the greens. Ruth clouted his wooden shots as far as he did when he was compiling his 60-homer record, but he lacked his rival Immortal's skill with the putter. Since both have accepted wagers with others on the outcome of to day's 18-hole match, which will be repeated In New York on Friday, they appeared eager to arrange a friendly bet before going to the first tee at 1:30 n.

(E. S. Ty Still the Needier. "I hear vou're tm Vimina homers, Cobb Jested when they mot in th. Vt." a ui National eague at ST.

toun Boston ab a al BL Louis ab 1 a Blitl 3b 111 OlCretpl 2b 4144 lianno 111 0IT Moore ef 4110 Cooney et SOS OlCrabtrea of 1 1 0 Waner rf 0 0 0 OIHopp If 4 3 10 Battett lk 4 1 10 UMlao lb till West If 3 1 41 Slaughter rf 4 110 Miller i 0 3 31 Padgett a .,4141 Ortmn 2b 1 0 3 01 Meaner 3b 4 1 4 EMo're rf-cf 4 0 1 01 Marions 4 14 3 W'lmn 2b- S01 4 Wanwk a i I 0 0 Berree 10 12 Montg'ery 1010 Xr'ckaon a 0 0 1 BalTO 0 0 0 0 Total 4 34 111 ToUl 14 2T 11 Boston ....010 000 000 1 at. Loul ....101 044 30Z 11 Run: West, Creep! 3, T. Moor. Crab-tree 2. Hopp 3, Mlt 1.

BUughter, Padgett Error: BiU 2. Two baa hit: Mist, Cretpl. Padgett Three bate hit: Sittl, Hopp, Slaughter. Home run: Weet, Hopp. Sacrifice: Hopp, Double play; Meaner to Cretpl to Mice 2.

Left on bat: Boston 5, Bt. Louis 11. Bat oa balli; (Iff Krrickma 5, Balvo 4, Warntkt 4. Struck oub: By Zr-nekton SalT 3, Warnek 4. Hits: Off Errtekson In I htnlngs, Balro la 3.

Losing pitcher: Irrlckton. Tunc: 3:14., AUtendanco (paid) 1,319. AT PITTSBUBGR Brooklyn ab a al PitUb'gh Rees SOI 1 1 Out In 2b Herman 2B 4 I II Martin 3b Reieer ef 0 1 1 01 Vaughan a Lavagetto lb 4 1 0 31 Elliott rf Medwick If 14 10! Fletcher lb ab 0 al till 4 111 4 0 I I 4 0 10 1 1 131 Camllli lb Walker it Franka Davi 3 14 0 4 0 10 4 13 0 oarma If DIMaggio ef Baker Lannlngf Wllk Sullivan 4 0 3 0 1110 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 Sill 10 0 1 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 001 Stewart Delta Total 271137181 Total II 1 27 14 SUwart batted for SuHlraa ia eighth. lvn S10 020 200-0 Plttaburgb 000 000 0000 Rne: Reese, Herman. Relasr 3, Lava-Sett 2, Medwick 2.

Error: Lavagetto, iJ ilU: 2), franka, Medwick. Three base bit; Caralllt Stolen Garms, Rcitr, Lavagetto. Sac-rillet: Davis. Double playa: Herman to Reese to Camllli, Lavagetto to Htrman to Camiill, Outline to Vaughan to Fletcher. Left oa bate: Brooklyn Pittsburgh 4.

Bat on ll; Off Unninc 1. Davla a Davii Hits: Off Uniting I la 2-1 Inning, Wllkl 0 la 2, DelU 1 1. Balk: Wlllkle. Losing pitcher: Us In nlng. AtUndanc 20.U7.

xun AT CHICAGO ab a al Chicago K. Tork Bartell 3b Rucker cf Dannlng Ott rf Drmaree rf Young lb Arnovlch If Moore It Hale 2b Jurgea Melton tk a 4 0 4 Hack 3b "4102 Sturgeon a 3 0 0 0 Hudson as 10 0 0 Dsl'sndr if 1110 Nlcholsoa rf 1 a a 4 0 10 4 110 1 0 1 01 i i 1 10 uioer cr 2 12 0 4 10 0 Cavarrctta ef 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Dahlgrcn lb 4 1 10 0 4 13 3 McCullouxh 2 0 0 1 3 117 Stringer 2b 4 0 3 1 5 0 0 2 French till uieen 001 I George 100 0 Totals S3 37 111 Total 22 1 IT Oaorg batted for Olaea In ninth. New York 000 loo 110 Chicago 000 001 0001 Runs: Dannlng, Young, Jurats, sturgeon. Error: McCnllough. Two bat hit: Anwvtcn, Young, Dalleasudra, Nicholson.

Sacrifice: Rucktr, Maltoa, Demaree, Me-Cu touch. Left oa base: New York 10. Chicago S. Bass oa ball: Off Mtltoa 2, French 2. Struck out: By Mtlton 4, French 4.

Olaea 1. Hits: Off French 10 la T2-3 mnlnas, Oltea 1 ta 11-3. Hit by pitcher: By Melton Lelbr). Lotlng Um 1:40. Attendance tastual) 4,474.

AT CINCDiNATt Mlka. ab a al Clndmati ab a Beniamia rf 4 12 0 Werber lb 4 0 0 1 1110 110 0 4114 0 4 110 4 10 0 114 0 4 1 1 4 10 1 uniii aa iJtwnilw If Ettea lb Marty ef Warren 1 1 3 II 10 4 0 4 110 1000 1010 10 0 0 S1I0 110 1 100 1 100 0 0 0 0 0 Frey 2b Oleeenn rf F.MeCmk lb Lombardl a M.MeCmklf Craft ef Jooet Waiters uv'gitn way so warnl Pc iftta Hoerst 24134 41 Total 83 14 17 14 Rlxas batted for Beck Philadelphia. Cincinnati i atghtb. OflO 0IO 0011 OuO 2U1 02a Runs: Benjamin, aienon, M. McCor-mks.

Craft, Joott, F. MeConnlck. Error: Marty. Werber. Jooet.

Two bet bit: Benjamin, U. McCormlrk. Cralt, Walters. Sacrifice: Bratan. Double play: Frey to Jooet to F.

McCermlek, Wrrber ts Frey I F. MeCormlck, Jooet to Frey F. Me- lormica x. lrt oa base: Philadelphia 4, Cincinnati 0. Base balls: Off Bn-k 2.

Waiire 2. truc out: By Bk 2, Waltere 4. Hiis: Off Bcg I ta famines, Heeret a. i ua pit en: wallers. loemg pnener ins, ai ktUndane 2,14, 14,114 Big League Totals! He's Tom Ferrick and you can't blame his Philadelphia Athletic'! teammates for thinking he's tops.

Big Tom, all 200 pounds, six eet, three inches of him, is one of the big reasons for the almost unbelievable showing of Connie Mack's miracle boys this aeason. Ferrick's won-lost record is 3-3, but he's had a -major part In the winning of several games credited to starting hurlers. Ton didn't Intend to be a ballplayer. His mother wanted him te study for the priesthood and after graduation from a New York: high school be entered Glenclyffe Seminary across the Hndsoa from West Point OUT WITH BAD ARM. 'He'd been there four years when his step-father died and Tom became his family's sole support He left the seminary.

ft ton Braver, worked In a shipyard and pitched a little semi-pro ball on the side. The Giants got a look at him and sent him to Richmond. Next year, 1938, he went up to the Jer sey City Giants. But he hurt his arm late in May and was out for the rest of the year. Back to Jersey City he went In 1939 but the arm just wouldn't do tricks.

So Tort hied himself back to the shipyards and rest ed the ailing flipper. In 1940 he caught on with the semi-pro Brooklyn Bushwicks and found that his arm was as strong ss ever-. A friend of Connie Mack's tipped the A's leader off on Fer rick and when the PhUadelphlans went sooth last winter Tom went along. Some performers around the circuit would be Just as hap py if he hadn't WINS OPPONENTS' RESPECT. Joe Cronin of the Red Sox has this to say of Tom: "He shut us out for 10 Innings of a 16-inning game and I never saw a pitcher I wanted to hit against more.

It looked like he wasn't even a good batting practice pitcher. But I learned. The whole ball club learned. The less see of him now the better I like if Hal Trosky of Develand ootav ments: 'That Ferrick has more stuff on the bail than anybody I've He's not fast but every pitch does something. It dips, sails, hops, sinks or something.

It's never where you're swing- Which all adds op to Connie's find being a- bit of all rirht aa a hnrler. After all, if it isn't where they're swinging, they don't get many runs. BREWERS GET HELP FROM CHICAGO CUBS MILAUKEE. June 25 (AP) The Chicago Cubs sent Catcher Al Todd to the Milwaukee Brew ers today. He was the third play er acquired by Milwaukee in a rebuilding program designed to strengthen the last place Ameri can association club.

William Veeck, new Brewer president, said the Cubs had recalled the veteran catcher from Montreal of the International league and assigned him to Milwaukee, Todd is expected to report to Charley Grimm, new Brewer manager, tomorrow. Lou Novikoff and Billy Myers previously were sent by Chicago to the Brewers. AMERICAN La-AOCE. Batting William. Boston.

.401: Htath. Cleveland, 31l. Buna DIMaggio. New Tork, II; WU-liSTt, Boston, and DIMaggio. Boston, H.

Buna batted. In Seller, Mew Tork, and Tork, Detroit, 19. Hits Heath. Cleveland. 09: Distant.

Hew Tork, Doublet DIMaggio, Boston, tt; Boa-drtau, Cleveland, 21. Triples Keltner, Cleveland. Trsvts. Waahington, g. Horn runs DUIagglo, Hew Tork, sad Tork.

Detroit, It. stolen beats caicaov ana cos. Waahington, I. Pitening reiter, cievsisna, woa ia, inee Benton. Detroit, and Bib.

Boston, wan lost NATIONAL UAOITB. Batting Relnser, Brooklyn, Btairh. tsr, St. Lou It, J4I. Runs Hack.

Chicago, ana Moor, at. Louie, II. Runs batted In NtchoUon, Chicago, IT; Slaughter, St. Louis, and Canilil, Brook- lyn. tt.

Hite-SUughter, at. Louis, Hi ntoor, St. Louis. II. Doubks Dslleuandro, CbKtg, II; Slaughter and Mite, St.

Lout, and P. Mo-Oormiclr, Bt. Loult, II. Triples aiaugbter, St. Louis, Moore, ton, S.

Home runs Ott. New Tork, IT Cam 11, Brook lya, II. Stolen eases Prey, Cincinnati, Hop, Louis, nd Reete, Brooklyn, T. Pitching Riddle, Cincinnati, won I. lost Kriat and Mohan, St.

Louis, woa AKSAR-BEN RESULTS. OMAHA, Neb, June 25Val-lant Boy won the feature six furlong race at Ak-Sar-Ben track here Tuesday afternoon in four-horse photo finish which found the winner 1 coming from fourth in th stretch to wm by a nose over His Girl, which in turn finished a head in front of O. K. Mullen, with Little Abner only a nose behind. The mutuels; first raca-Donnanett.

1109, 11.3a. I Mr. Skid, 1.40. 1.40; Prairie King. 4.00.

Sseond race Oold Prtncaa. 1.04, 4.34, I 40: Baawood, 4.20, 1 44 CltCO Ulaa. 4.40. Dally Ooubl Poaaaatto and Oold FTinoeas, 1M.O0. Third raeolfopaloaa Rod, IT M.

1 44, 1.40; Drlverln, 1.40; Betaabar. 4.33. Fourth raoe Oemallel, ot, 3.40. Csndeeeent.

T04, 1 44; Matchless. 4 34. FUUt race Merry Preda, 1.40. 4 JO, 1.41; epl. 1.00, 1.00; Chlefjean, 1 40.

BUtta raea-Vallant Boy, 33 44, 14.00. 1.00; Big Olrl, I SO, I 30; O. K. Mullen, I Seventh raoa DtUrlbuts, 14 00. 1 40.

1.40; Rembrandt 4.40, 1 40; Valorou air, t.l. Eighth race Dona Hutter. 14 00. 1.30, 4.40; Indian Saluto, 40, 4.30; Ravenna, 34 4. Bad Boy Pitcher In Bad With Loop Head NASHVILLE, Term- June 25 (AP Cletus Elwood (Boots) Poffenberger.

the bad boy from Brooklyn, is on the spot again. Umpire Ed (Dutch) Hoffman reported to Southern Association President Trammell Scott that the chunky pitcher threw a baseball at him during last night's game which Boots' Nashville club lost to New Orleans, 9 to 2. The arbiter said Poffenberger baited him about ball and strike decisions until "finally, I ordered him from the game when his lan' guage became abusive. Then, he wound up and let one go that bit me in my chest Larry Gilbert. Nashville man' ager who helped Poffenberger back into baseball after his sus pension by the Brooklyn Dodgers, wouldn't comment Boots' wife said she and Poffenberger would leave today for Washington, their home.

Poffenberger won 28 games for Nashville last year, leading the iratfue. and has won seven this year. Tiger Athlete Gets Tryout With Connie CHICAGO. June 25 (INS) Paul Christman. University of Missouri All-American half' back, was en route to Philadelphia today for a tryout with the Athletics his third trial with a major league Previously, he had visited the Detroit Tigers and the Chicago Cubs, but when the management of, those clubs suggested minor league berths, Christman lost in terest If he cannot sell mmsell to Connie Mack, veteran man ager of the Athletics, Christman expects to wait until fall before making a debut in professional sports.

Christman was drafted by the Chicago Cardinals' pro football team and if he does not earn a baseball berth, he expects to play with the Cardinals. Hank Leiber Felled By Mellon Bean Ball CHICAGO, June 25-(INS) Dr. John F. Davis, Chicago Cubs team physician, expressed the belief todav that Outfielder Hank Lelbers, "beaned accidentally by Pitcher Gift Melton of the New York Giants yesterday, had es caped serious injury. Leiber, who was struck in the back of the head by a pitched ball, has been in considerable pain, Dr.

Davis said, but he, did not believe Leiber had suffered a skull fracture. X-rays were to be taken today at Illinois Masonic hospital, the physician added, and he could not definitely determine the extent of Leiber's injury until the results had been Bah On Race Trickery In Illinois Statute SPRINGFIELD. 111.. June 25 (INS) A bill requiring that all horses entered for races at Illi nois tracks must undergo thorough physical examinations before they race was passed unani mously today by the lower house of the state assembly. Representative A.

L. Auth, Chicago democrat and author of the measure, which now goes to the senate, explained the proposed law was designed to "protect bettors and jockeys" and prohibit owners from entering unfit horses for races. Under the bill, horses would be sent to a "receiving barn" the morning of the day they are scheduled to race, and there be carefully examined by licensed veterinarians. Scoreboard TtTESDAT BlSrLTS. American league Detroit, Philadel phia, 1 inigbW.

Boston, 13: Cleveland, 3. hew Tork, Bt. Louis, Washington. Chicago, 3. rational league Brooklyn.

Pittsburgh, inlshti. Bt. Louis. 13; Bonton, 1. Hew York, Chicago, 1.

Cincinnati, Philadelphia, WEDNESDAY CAJKES. Amariraa leartia Cleveland st Boston: St. Ixiula st New Tork; Chlctg at Washington; Detroit Bt Philadelphia. et.Mnnal lrauABoeton at flt. Louis: Brooklyn st Tork at Col- Bo St.

WIDNCSDAT. 1:09 flouth Omaha Bandwagon, 1 19 Drama Behind tho New. 1:30 Drama Behind tht New. 1:41 Blue Barron'f orchoatra. :00 Meet lb Band.

Hw. Dlnnsr Mutlc Jp oo Hemltpher Revu. IIO News Her and Abroad. Tad Btaela and orchaatra. on.

THURSDAY. 1:00 The Farmhand. 1:10 Tht Farmhand. 1:00 The Breakfast auk. 1:10 Newa.

Ths Breakfaat Club. 100 Hollywood Bound Btag. MiMleal Clock. is-Buck private and hla 1:39 Clark Dennis, song. MS Th Wlf Barer, 00 The Vlennea Bneemblo.

I JO The Traveling Cook. Andrlnl Conllnentsles. 10 00 Newa. 10:15 Betty Randall, tongs. Whla.

Mutlcala. Tho Farmhand. in Changing; World. jeno Bartal'a Ineemble, 1J 00 Down tho Highway. FuoUO Fulao.

11:10 Newa. 11:46 Midatream. 1:00 Chrietlaa Soleneo Program. Touring tho Town. 1:41 Matin Melodies, I 00 News.

League Baseball. 4:00 Newa. Treaiura Cheat 4:10 Akaaroan Races. 100 South Omaha Bandwagon, 1:10 Intermssso. Meet the Bind, I SO Dinner Mutlc.

:4 Diana Courtney, aonga. 1:00 Tommy Doreey'a orchaatra. 1:10 Newa. 1:41 Ted ateelo and orchaatra. I 00 Sign OK.

ef I 1 1 MLUf 1 r' rujf 1 1 1 You'll be surprised A how easy wo can I follow yon Just I tell us wlicro ycu'ro 1 wo Bicyclists And Truck Collide But Nobody Is Injured Two youthful cyclists escaped Injury when their bicycles col lided with a city truck at Tenth and streets about 9:43 o'clock Tuesday night Officers said the boys, Andrew Tautfest, 13, 3169 street, and Warren Rader, 14, 3231 street, were riding north on Tenth street The truck, driven by William Ziegenhaln, 1222 South Fourteenth street had been fiolna south on lenm and was turning cast onto street The truck was almost stopped at the time of the Impact 4jJL 1 o'' l-TTE Dcn't forget tha LINCOLN STAR'S swell vacation service. ED REED'S funny OFF THE RECORD with all your favorito features in THE LINCOLN STAR will bo cn hand to greet you wherever you go thi3 year. Its easy Juet phono 2-1234 cr writD tho LINCOLN STAR befcro you R. Lute Barnett A. Uitie Tustcc Scncil Harren Ott Hmia Oloe Hti-nen Lav to a Hooter Pta Op f.

200 iai jm 20 71 1M 31 .171 iso 74 ji; 144 134 .44 10 1 14 lit .471 141 14) J71 43 1 44 .421 12T 165 J14 41 10 J4 II ISO JIS4 110 300 .400 HI Trarie 14 Philadelphia at vmcumau iaj..

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