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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 8

Cincinnati, Ohio
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8 CANAL Work Is To Be Pushed. State ird Pnblle Works Before B. P. S. Report as To Title To AbnttiDg Lands Submitted. RilliTia Likely Get the Contract Fer fke First Imprere-nrot W.rk. The oorrtrart for the lmprorement of the renal ha made by the Bute Board of Public Work! wUI not be let Oil neit Thuraday. hut tsas Indications are that Henkel ui-llran. of thJa city, will get It.

They are the lowest bidders, and the only thing that prevented the letting of 'be contract to thern yesterday waa a question WTiloh arose aa to rrae quality of te atone Whlrh they agreed to furnish. Aa eoon aa It aeoertalned thsu the atone all right. If It la all Henkel Tu.ilvan will land the plum. There are 12 other blddera for the entire Job. and a score or more of blddera for different parta of the work, audi aa tJve maaonry, the gredlng.

the revetment. Ac The work cannot proceed, however, until at.u firaard and the B. P. carry to mm definite aerreenient aa to the title to the land ebuttlne; the eanaJ. The Bate voelneer and the member of the Canal Corrrmi salon have been wrestling with thla problem for weeka.

and yesterday a report waa aubnatted to the P. 8 wr.lch will to en to the (Corporation Counsel and be at u1 tod by him and reported bark to the board before there can be any aennne conclusion. All the member, of the state board, together wit Secretary W. T. McLean aits -a Perkins, were before the B.

P. 8. yesterday to atibmlt the report mad to the w. relative to the ownerehlp of the what Thla report la formulated by the Canal nd commented on by En gineer Perklna. who aaya that the "findings of the fanal rommlaalonera.

briefly stale, are that the stste'a rlghte In fee almple from Plum atreet to the ranal Elevator Hill In queetlon are confined to Ita canal proper, aa hounded by Ita watera. Ita towing path of 1.VC8 feet and Ita berme bank of 12. 12 fret of width respectively, together with ao much of the land In the atreeta aa the state hm acaulred by deed, which they have care fully'rated by notea and bounda on their man rf erred to. The etatemem or tne rommUalon ralaea a question whether the have acquired title to portlo is of aitld atreeta by adverae legal possession. would most respectfully Invite a careful consideration of the statement aa submitted, aa ben ring your legal rights to comply with the terms of a resolution passed by the Hoard of Public Service of the City of Cincinnati on September 2.

1000. or ao murh' thereof aa applies to 'the dedication by the atate of the lands adjacent to the canal for stieet having special reference to thoae portions of the atreeta that have been acquired by deeda which have been found by the Canal Comralaalon-era to belong; to the state In fee almple. "As I understand the situation the Board of Public Service muat acquire a legal right, at lease In an eaeement, to the premlaea sought for In order to enable the city to asaeaa the benefits of the proposed Improvement on the abutting property owners and upon the general duplicate of the city aa In others regular atreet Improvement caaea. "That the queatlona affecting the atate'a and clty'a Interest In these premlaea may be determined at aa early a date aa possible, I would most respectfully recommend that the 'Board of Public Service be furnished a copy of thla report for the use of Ita Corporation Counsel, and that a copy of aame Be submitted to the Attorney-General, with a requeat for hla legal opinion aa to your legal rights. In dealing with theaa queatlona I would auggest that proper care be exerctaed In securing to the ue of the canal ample wharf privileges In the premlaea.

VV that tne Queatlona of title "V0 tne 'nd Immediately Ln tn Tln JPn Company a building, and to Chapslde basin, are Inlltl-gatlon. and until such boundaries and title are -properly determined by the Oourta nothing (can be done ln their Improvement." lono and JIwHJrAllmHion''. Port- which rjn Th wa" read to the npard and the whole matter referred to the wherVan effort will made to atralghten out the tangle of Propoeed Improvement over which the members of the state board are congratulating themeelvee la that the enow tnet there will be enoiirn money to Inrprove the canal as far as Mimic Hall with the first installment of the Mate ftinda. about It waa thought before that the Improvement rrom to the elbow at Plum street. Later, of course, the improvement is to be extended oioe to the wiiwiwuvii "i iw, oi rne luiwa are not on band for that now.

Thev in however, and there la every reaeon to believe, say the member of the board, that aa soon aa the work la started It may be continued right on through without rnuoh The board also want a to rebuild the Carthage aqueduct. PAROLED la Sherwood Cunning, Defaulting Assistant Cashier of the First National The Board of Pardons of the OMo Peni tentiary last evening granted a parole to Sherwood Cunning, who waa sent up from thla city a few year ago to serve a term of five years for embexxllng S24.0OO from the First National Bank, of which he was As- slstsnt Cashier. During the days of his peculations Cunning was a "high roller' about town, and with his family ha Uvad In style at Wyoming. Ha has been an applicant for parole for several months, but the Directors of the bank from which he took the money refused to recommend that the parols be granted, and the board refused to taks action. Within the last month, however, the band directors assented to his parole, and numerous letters from Cincinnati business men were also filed with the board to the same effect.

As It la understood by toe Board of Managers that Cunning has practically made full restitution, the parole waa granted. Hla term, allowing "good time would have expired July SO next. "HAPPY JACK" Probably Fatally Injnred and Mystery Barroande the) Affair. The authorities of Lockland are Investigating a rather mysterious affair. Late yesterday afternoon two colored men brought to the office of Dr.

Hunter tn that village Martin Jacobs, known aa "Happy Jack." Jacobs was suffering from a cut in the bead ewer three Inches la length, Aa soon aa the men saw Dr. Hunter they left, saying: "Take cars of him." When aaked aa to now he received hla Injuries he could not taiL They may prove, MAY BATE EJ8 KUIX An attempt win be mad to sa ra the) right band of Fireman John Hurley, of the Sixteen' Engine Company, which, waa crushed Into an almost unrecognisable mass Thurs- oay between a moving street oar and the toreros) of ths engine.1 Dr. R. L. Thomas, assisted by a well-known surgeon, operated stpun iiw iwnu yeeierrwy.

ine inrgW BSUeeJe controlling the thumb has been torn away. and Hurley will lose the use of that mera-- ber, The flesh on the palm and back of i the band thag remained wag sawn tn piaoa It developed yesterday that It raa not aax ana sunon Hens who Ognred tn the light on a Gilbert avenue ear with Ben Sachs, of Ingleslds place. Walnut Hills, but their brothers, David and Joseph Hsese, who were on their way to visit Max. at his home on nalutarts avenue. Walnut Hills.

tTt iTiT were ins com aod asperated thesy PECULIAE AFFLICTION Of PMteftt Who Cm' RraMNHbm Nmn ot Alcla, Om of Um most rntereetlng (UN of its character wu iifeacated before tea cltnte of the Cky Hospital yesterday In tne par-ton of mm Da For en. workhouse prte-onerr. who for aarverai ereka ha been a patient In Um neurological ward. De Forest was arrested some time ago for robbing lot sneehlnes. Tb name Foraat la evidently assumed.

Just when his sentence was about to ex-plre he eu stricken with paralysis of the left aide, and what te known aa sensory aphasia followed. This pecellar charartr-tatle wu demonstrated before the class of atudenta yesterday, when the patient, who is perfectly rational, became the subject of the lecture. De Forest's perreptlvs facul-fles are Intact ami he und-rwtanus all that la said to him. Commanded to oprn hla mouth, hut hla eyes or any other simple request put to him be complies readily ill ut to him be compiles readily Out when the demonstrator he Id an ordinary table knife up to him and aeked ror-t to name the article he promptly replied that It waa a apoon An apple waa next produced The patient waa allowed to look at It. feel aad aniell It and then aaked to call it by name.

Aa promptly he aald that the object waa a pear. He called a glaaa a cup, a epmge a towel, and mixed up the article generally that were shown him. The peculiar point brought out In the examination waa that while be mlanamed the articles he knew their rharai-tera. aa for In-atance celling an apple pear and a knife a fork, and nevnr in any Instance mistaking their character or use. LOVES SPOTTY, And Fatba Told Film Bo Before Start.

For the '-Pea." A most extraordinary scene was witnessed yesterday In the County Jail when Fatha Otlllam was started for Columbua to serve a sentence of four years for poisoning the Wtnoid family. She was one of the five prisoners taken to the "pen," the othera being men sentenced on charges of felony While Karha waa betnar taken a way from the Jail she broke from the line of prisoner and ran to the cell of "Spotty" Wing, and remained with him for five minutes. Wing la the man with whom Paths is said to have become Infatoatetl after i.ukens mas taken to the reformatory. "Spotty' has teen In a great deal of trovm'e with the police. During the Ave minutes' talk with Wing she told him.

it waa aaM, that she lovea him and will marry htm when her term expire. Wing was greatly pleaeed at thla. and raved her a ood-by as she disappeared WltX) the Hal HIT Her sinter Cora was true to her to the Innt. and when Paths ut In the car on her way to the pentltenrlary she had beside her a hueket of fruit whlrfi her stater had sent. Kstha wore a dark blue aklrt and black Jacket, and a black hat with plumes.

Deputy Sheriff 'Vrmany had her ln charge, and she waa compelled to ride In the smoking car with the other prisoners. COUNTESS Charges Her Dead Mother With s-appropriating Moneys Amounting To $18,000. Cotsntesa Von Overbeck Is a plaintiff ln the United States Court, accusing; her mother of having appropriated her moneys. The matter came up In the rehearing of the case of Sarah Madeline Goddurd et al. vs.

George Goddard. yesterday. The case In volves some of the most prominent families ln Ohio. Samuel Vinton, who waa one of the wealthiest lawyers In the stste. died May 10, 1882.

His daughter Madeline was married twice, her eecond husband being Admiral Pahlgren. She was made a trustee under her father's will. Countess Romalne Von Overbeck. former ly Goddard. daughter of Madeline V.

Dahl- gren by her first husband. In her petition atatea that there Is due her interest on over 118.000. CTtls amount is a balance of money on hand, which Madeline V. Dahl- gren ln her reports stated was uninvested and therefore yielded no Income. She alleges that the supposed balances had been invested ln ber mother's name and had earned Interests and profits which have never been accounted for.

The Countess states that she had unlimited confidence ln her mother and trusted her and therefore never sought to Inform herself concerning the management of the estate. She further states that after the death of her mother she discovered that the sums of uninvested cash aa reported had no existence ln fact, but that all of the sums had. In fact, been expended by her mother In her own enter prise. IN THIS CITY Tnistees Will Be Chosen To-Morrow For National Jewish Hospital For Consumptives at'Denver. An Important meeting of prominent Hebrews will be held at the Grand Hotel tn this city to-morrow morning, when a pcr-msnent Board of Trustees will be selected for the National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives at Denver.

Colo. The preeeut board Is only a provisional one. The hospital building tn Denver cost 130.000, and has OS patients. It Is the purpose of the board to enlarge the hospital for the accommodation of 2ti0 people. The only requisites for admission to the hospital are that the applicant has consumption (but not an Incurable case), and no means.

It is altogether a charitable Institution, and non-sectarian, fostered and conducted under the auspices of the Jewish Order of B'nei B'rlth. with contributions from the order and the public. Many of the patients now In the Institution are other than Jewish people. Mrs. Sol Levi, of this city.

Is Vice President of the Board of Trustees, and Mr. Joseph May. also of this city. Is a Trustee, Mr. Samuel Grabfelter.

of Loulsvtlle. and Mr. Alfred HuOer, of Denver. President and Secretary of the hospital, arrived at Lhg Grand yesterday to attend the meeting. LAWYERS Were Appealed Tn By Striking; University kUndente Yesterday.

The "strike" of the students ln the civil engineering department of the university will very likely be short rived. Tbe whole thing waa duo to a misapprehension on the students' part, they thinking; that the fee of 1S was fof the nee af draughting desks only, while ln fact it was a regular laboratory fee for a year's course tn shop work. Tbe students ln the' department held a meeting yeeterday and decided to stay away from recitations until they had a full Investigation of ths matter. Two well-known lawyers were consulted and resolved to help the students out and bring it before the Board of Trusteea. President Kuhn stated that the calms advanced by the boys sre silly.

He said that President Ayers was the only authority ln the case, and that his decision was final. FELL OFF Owl Car. aad Hte attend Jnmped Off After Bins. A mystery waa solved by Officer Crowley, of the Seventh District, early yesterday morning. Shortly after midnight two men.

Charles Ftey and George Wilson. found at Rockdale and Main avenues, Avutx- dale, drenched with blood and bleeding from numerous cuts In their heads. They were in a stupor, but were recognised by Officers Sandman and Crowley as two gar deners employed by Mr. Julius rrelborx Both were sent to the City Hospital. Early yesterday anonung it waa ascertained that I that Ftey had fallen off tbe Avondale night owl at tbe above mentioned corner about mid n'ght on Thursday, and that his friend Wilson had jumped oft head first after him.

while the car waa going at full speed, thus receiving their injunea. EIAMTJI50 BYE'S A000UIT3. Manatee Befga, of tbe local branch of the Armour Packing; Company, la examin ing runner into tne accounos ox ueorge ttye, the mlasrng eo nectar for the concern. Bye left the office last Tuesday and never i turned. Mr.

Bean yesterday atatsd thai It was Ms belief that the total amount of tne shortage would go considerably beyond S600. He aald that be was last seen In a restaurant en 'Vine street, between flUth ana ateventn, Tuesday ugnv 'r't This en every box ef Ike gaauiae Lixtiire BrcoQuicine the reaaedx that eaurnaa awldJav. REMARKS Made By Capt. Holloway Net Relished By Other Members ef Waterworks Beard. Question of More Expense on the Big Reservoirs.

Kilbj MinifartiringCcnpaij Is Still Prdding the EiieM Meet-iag tf Cen missies. Captain Holloway. member of the Water works Commissioners, took an awful "fall' out of that board at yesterday's session Yesterday Contractor Qulgley. who la building the big reservoirs at California, under the Henkel contract, asked permlaslon to uae Portland cement for the Hnlng of the basins. Thla la not.

It appears, provided for in the specifications, and he wanted permission to use It and get extra pay for It. The engineers thought It would be a good Idea, and Mr. Bouscaren Indicated that he would be very much pleased to have the Portland cement used Captain Holloway aaked If It would cost much more, and received an affirmative reply Then Captain Holloway broke loose. He said that he had observed often that It waa the tendency of the Waterworks Board to increase expenses lnstea4 of to economise, and that the engineers should have recommended the ce-mesit ln the first place If It was the proper thing. There waa a hush ln the board after this outburst, and the matter was referred to the engineers without record.

There will probably be a report next week. rsOCIID WITH ORAniNO. August J. Henkel was given permission to proceed with the grading of that portion of the reconatructed New Richmond turnpike, which will require the taking off of the old pike bed. He was also allowed to uae screenings for the temporary top of the pike until the crushed stose provided for ln the contract ran be secured.

There Is to be no extra cost to the city. The Bracket Bridge Company was given permission to assign to the Western German Bank all the moneys to be paid on the contract for the bridge at California to connect the Intake pier with the Kentucky ahore. Thla is contingent on the of the sureties on the bridge company'! bond. The Commissioners sre not out of the trouble which the Engineers got them lnu, when they reported that the pumps offered by the Kllby Company "would not pump water." It will be remembered that the Kliby people came back this statement with a fierceness that caused the engineers to stop and consider. Then they made another report.

In which the first report Is half apologised for and the admission made that the Kllby pumps will pump water. It Is Intimated, however, that the Kllby Company made a change ln their plans and drawings after the first plans were submitted. But the Kllby Company Is not satisfied with this half-hearted vindication. They demand a full one. They say that while the recent report of the engineers ln a meaaure corrects the report of October 1H, "and we believe places our proposition In such light as to command your most careful consideration, we must still, on account of the damaging assertions In the former report, take exception to the present report In so far as It conveys the impression of a correction In our design." WAS NO CBANOt.

They go on to say -that there had been absolutely no change, and that only a few additional detail drawings were subtracted after the first general plan. The letter which the board received from thla tlrm yesterday concludes: "As we have sustained very msterlaj damage through your fisjltuers' report, we mus; insist upon vindication by them, regard lens of whether the contract Is awarded to us or not. We believe, however, that when we have been so vindicated your board will grant our proposals most-careful and fair consideration. The board referred the letter to the Committee of the Whole, and then held a long secret session over it. The final emlmate In favor of F.

H. Klrrh-ner at Co. for the work on the sixteen-foot arch culvert, amounting to l.YftMl K7. waa approved'. The total cost of the culvert is Ill.SSd J1.

The estimate made by the en gineers was Hl.ilW. Contractor Klrrhner broke all records bv finishing the work a month sooner than he was reauired to un- dT the contract. Another letter from Theo. Chile explain ing; his filtration system was read and ordered filed. 1'hllg Is a Clm lnnatlan who has a new process, which he claims Is sn Improvement over all filtration systems.

GOOD CHARACTER Proved For Myrtle Tee tors By the Peet- Mortem. Coroner Schwab expects to-day to have the report of Chemist Wetteratroem. who made an analysis) of the stomach of Myrtle Teetors, of Lockland. (He has finished taking testimony, and waits only the chemist's report before closing the case. The testimony disclosed nothing to show that the girl had been given poison, but that cannot be definitely determined until the chemist is heard from.

On the other hand, the post-mortem did show something that caused great consternation to the busy-bodies who have been trying; to blacken the girl character. It showed that ws a good girl, and that there was absolutely no foundation for the stories that had been circulated In an effort to fasten a crime on Leonard Blanks. With the motive lacking, as It now is, chances for prov ing mat tfianks gave tne girl any harmlul stun; are not pngnt. STORAGE CHARGES Amount To More Than I Are Worth, and P. 8.

Will Bell 'Km. Member Johnson, of the B. P. presented a resolution, which was adopted by the board yesterday, directing the Chief Engi neer to Investigate and report tne condition of certain lanterns and poles, and also tbe quantity of ths same, belonging to the city and stored at S21 Plum street. The city is paying storage at the rate of S15 per month on these lanterns, and the members of the board are Informed that the storage charges for one year are twice as much as the lamps are worth.

The object of the resolution Is to devise ways and means for getting rid of the lamps and tbe storage charges. The report was circulated that these were the missing lamps about which so much fuss has been raised, but Captain Johnson denied this. He says that they are old-fashioned gas lamps and poles which have been displaced, and which have bees stored by the gas company for the city. TAX RATE Fixed at SS.98 For Next Tear, and Work on Duplicate kegnn. County Auditor Lewis yeeterday announced ths tax rate for 1901.

It will be 23.98 mills. Mr. Lewis explains that this Is really mora of a reduction than appears on the surface. The following additional items winch are mandatory "have been placed on the Mat and swell the rate accordingly: State purposes, Public Library. university.

road tax, decennial bonds, deficiency bonds, .042: or ijongview nospiuupurpoaae tnsre la en Increase of .80 mills. The levy is Increased .24 miUs over, last year by reason of all these extras, and bad It not been for these the rate would have been about 23.34. Mr. Lewis aaya, as all the other funds ars reduced this year. The items of the levy are: State.

2.90 mills; county, 4.50; sobooi. city, 14.03. Total. 33. Ho.

Work on the duplicate tor 1901 waa begun yeeterday. OUTAGE REPORT. City Electrician Wetaleder submitted to the B. P. 8.

yesterday a recapitulation of the electric light outages for October. The report shows that lights were out S73 hours aad 10 minutes during the month. This is according to the police report. The report of the Edison Company was only for hours. The Edison Company, however, accepted the police report, and that amount was deducted from ita October bill.

CHCIJJATIAjr DEAD. David Hlggma, a former Clnomnattan, is dead in Detroit and an undertaker of that city wishes aome iaformatioa as te the whereabout of relatives of the dsneastd. Hlggms was la the Tenth Onto Regiment during the Rebellion. Str'itv cine That yea -want one or more packs of the new aeries of Anheuser-Busch Army and ai in eaasKA Full else. Navy Marin earn a.

isat issued. nignest quality, U. B. and ouality. gilt edges, leatherette case.

8. Amy and Navy heroes appear on all face cards. Wa mall thecn nrenaid card a. we mall them prepaid on re eetpt of 23 cents money or stamps. Mauri trine Dene Anheuser-Busca.

Brewing Aaa'sw St. Loula. v. THE ENQUIRER, CINCINNATI, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 1900.

ARGUMENTS In astral Cases) War ICnde) la FesSaral Apfjellnt ComrU The Unite States Circuit Court of Appeal cesTtse yeeterday ssoratnc srfcth Circuit Judges Lvrton and Sev arena and District Judge Clark on the bench. Judge Evans, of Kentucky, who nag been here all week, waa disqualified ln 4(Sa case and bad to give way to another Judge. Senator For-aker concluded the arguments In the case of James D. Corwina et al. vs.

Um Thompson National Bank of Putnam. and It was submitted for a decision. Arguments In the case of Edmund Zacher. receiver and assignee of the Newport News and Mississippi Valley Company vs. the fidelity Trust and Safety Vault Company, assignee, were concluded and submitted.

Arguments were begun in the case of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company ra. Joseph P. Camp. In order to give counsel as) opportunity to finish the Court will sit again this morning, contrary to usual practice. This Is the third time that the case has been in the Appellate Court.

The first suit waa filed back in 1M8L and It ban been in the Cirt ever since. Besides Senator Foraker there were in Court Judge Alex Humphrey, of Ioulrllle, Ky Judge H. Collins, ef Columbus, Ohio: Judge 8 Hunter. Newark. Ohio.

Judge W. O. Harris. Louisville. aad Mr John Doolan.

of Louisville. Messrs. William Littleford. Frooene Morris and Kdward Ballard, comprising the lo al law firm of Llttleford. Morris at Balls rd.

were admitted to practice in the United 8 la. tee Court of Appeals yesterday. FACE TO FACE Kennedy, tbe Gay Drmsnsner, Meets His Wrosgea Wife. F. T.

Kennedy, the Indianapolis travel Ir-g man. under arrest on the charge of embezzlement, and who deserted hla wife and two children and fled with Mrs. Btadlar. a widow, of Rochester, N. to Ashland.

where he was apprehended, was confronted by his wronged wife at Central Ststlon yesterday morning. It was a commonplace Interview, and nothing sensational developed. Kennedv waa arraigned tn Police Court on the emoesxlement. charge ana nsi case was continued unci Piovem-ber 13. INNING For the Edison Company.

Twenty-Fifth Ward Property Owners Protest Against Gas and Petitien For Electric Lighting. There was good deal of suppressed ex dtement about the rooms of the Board of Public Service yesterday over the lighting petitions from the Twenty-fifth Ward, It win be remembered that some time since a petition was presented to the board asking that Instead of electric lamps the board should order Incandescent gas lamps It was reported at the time that there Were between MX) and 900 names on the petition, thouga, ln fact, there were less than 600. The other side Is now having its inning. Representatives of the Edison Company say that by actual count there were lees than 600 names. Including many women and children, signed to the gas petition, and that 115 of these, of whom all are taxpayers and voters, have withdrawn, as shown by a petition which was handed ln yeeterday There waa also a petition presented to the B.

P. S. yesterday signed by 1.10 bona-Qde residents of the ward calling for the reten tion of electricity, and practically for the abandonment of gas for public lighting in that part of the city. It Is understood that no trouble was ex- perianced ln securing signatures to the elec tric light petitions presented, and that con sldrable feeling exists in the Twenty-fifth Ward over what Is declared to be an 111 advised attempt to make It appear that citizens of. that part of the city are wiHlrar to accept Ihrht Inferior to that which la en Joyed by the rest of Cincinnati.

The fact that a fifth of those who signed the orglnai petition for gas have demanded the withdrawal of their names rem ft Is pointed to as strong evidence that there was a deliberate effort made to misrepresent the sentiment of the ward on the lighting question. W. MoCombs. a well-known resident of the ward. Is tbe one who sent ln the letter and petitions veeterday.

In his letter he recite all the things referred to above, says that the gas petition waa misrepresented, a petition for the 1 in wtthdraweJa. and also the petition containing the 1.180 riimei- who protest againet gas lighting and demand the retention of e.ectricity. The letter from MoCombs. together with the two petitions, was referred to the Committee of tbe Whole. FORGED Were Letters That Secured Parole of Forger Ford From the Penitentiary, Says an Attache.

arSCIAJ, DIITATCB TO TSB BXQCISBB. Columbus. Ohio, November 9. An attache of the penitentiary said to-night that the letter purporting to be signed by prominent business men of Cincinnati by which D. F.

Ford gained a release several months ago. was forged. There has always been some mystery about Ford's parble. Ford was a pal of tbe notorious "Jim" Woodward, and floated a number of forged checks in Cincinnati several years ago. Both were caught.

Ford being brought back from Europe to stand trial. He was under Indictment ln a dosen cities, and claims had been filed for him with the penitentiary officials. A few weeks before the end of his term he was secretly paroled, and released by the Board of Man- crwm nf lha Mnlt-ntlBrr In explanation of this act they declared that dosens of letters written by Cincinnati business men had been received asking that Ford be released. However, they refused to show these letters or give out the names of the writers. It is now stated on good authority that these letters were forged, and.

through ths trick Ford dodged Justice. At the time this Board of Managers used every precaution to keep the news of their action from leaking out. TERRIBLE FALL Of Mrs. Reed Down an Elevator Shaft From the Fosnh Floor. Mrs.

Delta Reed fell down the elevator shaft at the Ecksrt building. Woodburn and Forest avenues, last evening, and was terribly matigtod. She was working on ths fourth floor, and mi siskins; the elevator door for a closet door, opened it and stepped blindly Into ths abaft and fell to the basement. That she was not instant: killed la a miracle. Patrol 7 took her to the City Hospital, where ber tnjuriea were attenoea to.

Mrs. Reed Is a washerwoman and lives at ISM Glhtn avenue. Walnut Hilla She la SO years old. MURRAY SEAS0NGO0D, Cincinnati Boy, Again Honored at Harvard University. CaJCBKinon, sxasa, Kovembar 0.

At ths final trial this evening to select sneakers for the snnnsl debate with Tate. Murray Basso ngood. of the Harvard Law School. again to represent bis ahna Last year BeasoosTood was a mem ber of tbe team that defeated old Eli on ber own grounds. The question for debate this year is "Resolved That the United States Retain the Permanent Possession of tbe Philippine Islands." The debate will take place here at Harvard on December 7.

Bessongood's colleagues are Mr. Bruce and Mr. Chandler. POISOBED HIS FADE. Patrolman William ear sr.

of St. Ber nard, la confined te his home with a poi soned face. A few days ago he was eattina; down some poisonous weeds? when he ruoora nia canes ever his faoa Yeeterday rooming his face had swollen so badly that he eould not see. I to pate raacTEa stsextt. The Board of Pnbac Service yesterday 4V rscted tne Clara te advertise for sealed pro- poseja ror the- Improvement, ef trees, from McCanougn street to aveames by pavtaa wit brick.

a CMd ia tbeHeadi SQUANDERED Her Money and Beat Her. Mrs. Tader Waits Hubaid'sDi- Tirte Set Aside. Similar Charges Hide Against Leonard Banks By Wife, Tfcsnu Daries Graittd a Decree Be- eaise His Speue Pese4 as Wi4-tw Deaeslie Treibles. Tbe expected action by Jessie B.

Tudor to have tbe decree of divorce granted Harry B. Tudor set aside was taken yeeterday. She filed aa aA davit giving reasons why shs should be granted a hearing. She asserts that aba has not had a reasonable day tor hearing In the rase, and that gross Injustice hss been done ber tn the granting of a de cree. She says shs was married to Tudor ln Cleveland.

Ohio, on tbe 30th of aeptember. 18S3. aad that she has been without fault In her married life. She say a she had S2.000 when she married Tudor, and that be squan dered It. Shs also says shs hsd owned real estate, and he Induced her to sell it, aad squandered the proceeds.

Soon after doing these things, she alleges, he drank to ex cess and had delirium tremens, and, whils that condition, he failed to provide tor ber in any way. She says his father. O. H. Tudor, had him placed' ln the hospital last November, after he had been drinking heav ily and had beaten her ln a vicious manner, blacking her eyes and breaking her nose.

She further alleges that ha was placed in the strong ward of the hospital, and, after being there two weeks, was sent to Long view Asylum from the Probate Court. He remained there until last May. Since being sent to tbe hospital be baa not contributed to her support ln any manner, she says. and she has been compelled to rely upon her own resources. sats sag has raoor.

She asserts she can prove all these things. She says she can show that he pawned her sealskin cloak, took her rings from ber fin gers forcibly and pawned them, and also pawned her dresses and squandered the money he got. Hla father got the articles out of pawn, but, she saya, has not re turned them, agreeing to do so, however, if abe would not prosecute her husband for hli acta She says all the articles ber hus band took from ber and pawned were worth about $1. 000. It is asserted that Mr.

Tudor says the articles are held by Hiram Camp as a broker, and he has refused to deliver them to her. She wants a rehear ing of the case so thst she can show that the charges attain at ber are false. Shay Cogan, attorneys. Sarah A. Banks has sued Leonard Banks for divorce and alimony.

They were married In-106. and have three children. She Inherited 16.0UO ln looS, and since then, she says, he has by threats and violence compelled her to indorse notes for h.m and to sign deeds transferring real estate which she had inherited to various persons ln exchange for worthless or heavily mortgaged property, and for doing which he received "boot" money, which he used in traveling to and from the crty. taking his meals ln the crty and leaving hla family at home In want for the necesaaries of life. SATS HC BEAT HXR.

During the psst six years, she says, he has failed to provide, and answered her com plaint a by blows and rough language, so that she was compelled to go Into the fields snd pick beri lee for neighbors to eke out a living while he was squandering her estate ln ail sorts of disastrous trades and ln experimenting with what he believed was the solution of perpetual mottoo. When she would not sign notes on which he wanted to gel money with which to build hla perpetual motion machines, she says, he beau ner. Lsst February she left blm because she eould not endure his sbuse any longer, and he theu took their furniture, and also their children, and went to Kentucky. Since then ahe has Worked for her living, snd her children have voluntarily returned to live with her. She owns property ln Kentucky and Ten and la this county, the lscter being ln foreclosure proceedings because of his squandering money for which It waa mortgaged.

She says he has possession of furniture and a valuable library which is her personal property, ami which he Is trying to sell. She asked that he be enjoined from disposing of anything he holds. Eugene C. Pocley. attorney.

Banks practiced law for a time, failed at that, then went to prearning ana rat lea at tnat, ana since tnen has been doing nothing but living off the proceeds of money he wife's nrODerty. It is he could ret from his ed by her st- torney tnat ne squandered ss.isju or money. He Is now living ln Newport. Ky. wire fosbd as widow.

Thomas Da vies asked Judge Hoillster to grant him a divorce from Isabella Davlea. They were married ln 1U79. She left him seven or eight years ago. He had been paying ber $40 per month s.nce 1M3 He showed that she was In Detroit, and her name was In the Directory of that city as a widow. The Judge was satisfied of tbe neglect of duty of the wife, and granted a divorce.

Elisabeth Wardlow wanted a divorce from John P. Wardlow, because he deserted her and Is now in the United States army In the Philippines. She said he gave her but 110 from the time of their marriage ln 1894. The Judge wanted more testimony. Carrie Sloan told the Court that her husband.

Edward, had failed to provide for her, and had been absent for a number of years. She could not give any reason for his action, except that he got tired of her. They were married In 1877. More testimony will have to be presented. The matter of a receiver for the store of Abraham Cohen, whose wife sued for divorce, was again before Judge Hoillster yesterday.

He appointed Lotta Ringgold aa receiver to conduct the business. that the store will not be closed, and the wife could be paid alimony. Mary Brockman testified that Cohen chased her with a knife and wanted to give her three months' rent If she would not testify In favor of hla wife. He denied the assertions of the woman. In the divorce suit of Ellse J.

Fleischer against Emll Flelacher the defendant has Hied an answer denying generally all the charges of his wife's petition. J. W. Wolfe, attorney. FOTJHD HUBBY After Three Years' Search, Bnt He Was Plveroed.

A dramatic scene was enacted ln the office of Chief of Detectives Hasen yesterday morning, when Mrs. Ell Leldner, of New Tork City, was brought face to face with her former husband, for whom she had been searching for three years. She says they acre married in New Tork City in 1893, and ft ur years later the young husband left. He said he Intended to go to the Klondike. As tbe months and years passed shs heard nothing from blm snd she mourned him as dead.

However, he had embarked in the cloak manufacturing business with his brother ln this city. Ell had resided here 'M months when he instituted proceedings for alleging willful absence. The decree was granted on February 2. 1900. Three months ago his wlfs became ac-qujuntf with his whereabouts in a pe culiar manner.

Leidner wrote to a firm in New Tork City for some material. Ths senior partner of tbe firm knew Mrs. Leid ner and informed her that her husband was ln Cincinnati. She came to this city Thursday night and yesterday morning called at police headquarters. Detective Jackson found Leldner at hla place of bualneaa and escorted him to headquarters.

Mra Leldner broke into tsars and said she wanted blm punished for his seeming deeertlon. Leldner replied that the woman bad no claim on hba as he was divorced He was ordered to get the papers, which he did. He flashed the documentary evidence, and hla funnel wife, after be ra tins; him sound ly, became reconciled to the situation and left. Hne savs sne will nave tne ease ra. onened and endeavor to have the decree set aside, as she claims sne was not notified that he had Died a suit lor drvorce.

MYOBCED win; Waata nner Hnabaad Ai aw ua Far Sot Paylnc AHanaeiy. Detective Geofre Ryan, ef tne eonrtaonse. te Troy. Ohio, yesterday eventaar to arrest Edward Thompson. Tb order of arrest was hsrued at the'- Instance of Thompson's divorced wife Ha trie.

They were divorced years tro, aad as was ordered to pay alimony. He has not paid any since 1887, ahe ellene, and the amount due now Is said to be ei.060. Tbe wife charred him wtueontscnot of Court tn failins; to ratTofflee at Troy. Judas tne matter UUs lamina IT TTiiiibiibiib la at. TWO BIBS BSOXEI.

Blabtowar, aa enoploya- e( tbs Bis Four Baliroad, was at work om tbe one! elevator at Ivorydale -reateroaw when one ef the aartre, aeavryeroa Ties ants atrack hint ow the nnt aide. Two of hie rtbs were broken -ami fee- received interna injuries. Dr.4iardlaav-aC Ueweed Ft. atysnaea bhaw.T -rT TXT TPnssVsiatAtjia nn a a wvu mam botvb waaa in ine mot Usavaa snouta sweet aaa pure aa tUr. ALMS as AJMrtawats.

Winter Dress Goods, bu Winter Millinery, Winter Underwear, For Everybody Stylish Suits, Elegant Wraps, Fashionable Jackets. Choice Silk and Sateen Blankets and Comfortables, Shoes for Women and Children. Carpets and Upholstery, Patterna OUR SUPERIOR ASSORTMENTS AND LOWEST PRICES i aspect, on solicited. Are the great attractions. Zbc Blms 2oepke Co.

J. H. KOHMESCHIR CO. We have also Coachmen's Coals (white and blacki. Coachmen's Hat Cover.

Rubber Coats for men and boys. Robber Oloves for men and women, Rubber Boots and Rubber Shoea for everybody. cBlotccrwicltceo. I ELM T. II jSc NCr-a-.

5xV 1 1 jfisj I II tr jjy II I vF (l 1 Jk xy Ji In fact if you want anything mad Tbe 120 Eat Robber 1 a mr Store. THE ORGANIZED Have Property Owners To Compel and N. To Inclose Its Tracks In a Stone Arch. A anecial meeting of all the signers of the peUtlon which will shortly be presented to the Board of Public service easing romoel the C. L.

and N. Railroad lo incioae iva the Oak-street tunnel to Wehrman avenue. West Walnut Hills, was held at the residence of Dr. Felix O. Cross, at No.

3019 Stanton avenue, last evening for the pur-nose of hearing senator Carl I Nlppert explain the legal rights of the petitioners. Dr. Cross was selected as unairrnan: a. w. Wooster.

as Secretary, and Plerson R-Mltchell. Treasurer. A report was read to the effect that the cost of the said Incloaure of tracks to the company would be 125. 000. Company officials, on the other hand, have esUmated the cost and stats that tbe one half mile of tunnel, up grade, could scarcely be built at a less cost than tl.OUO.000.

Senator Nlppert and Attorney Ryan are the legal advisers of ths petitioners, but It was stated by Mr. Nlppert yestsrday that he was not as yet cotrveraant with the railroad franchises, and eeotd not give aa opinion until he had examined them closely. The C. and N. Railroad tn 1881 obtained a franchise to cross certain streets within the city limits, the franchise to expire In 25 years, or ln 1906.

Ths railroad tracks are built ln a cut and tbe company, la its franchise, agreed. In the event of any streets being built through Its right of way. to build overhead arches under said streets. This was done when McMillan street was extended some years ago. Fern street is carried over the railroad by an overhead bridge, as is Wehrman avenue.

There is a great diversity of opinion as to whether the petitioners can compel the railroad to arch tne tracks, but they stoutly claim they will be able to carry their point. The officials of the Pennsylvania Company, which controls tbe L. and N. Company, bavs taken no steps in ths matter, merely claim-Ins- that there is no clause, ln their franchise which can In any way be T-ona trued Into an agreement to Inclose their tracks tn a tunnel under any combination of circumstances that might arise. If the legal advisers of the petitioners have found any flaw in the franchise they are keeping it quiet until the matter Is brought before the Board of Public Service in a week or 10 days.

Not only win the and N. Road be brougnt Into the fight, but also numerous coal and lumber companies, which will of necessity be forced to go out of bustnses or move If the tracks are Inclosed. The C. P. and V.

and the Cincinnati Northern Railroads, which uae the C. U. and N. tracks, will also be forced to come Into the city through the tunnel, if the petitioners ars successful, or seek new terminals. The following Executive Committee was appointed last night by the petitioners, aad will appear before tbe Board of Public Service when the matter is officially brought to the attention of that body: A.

W. Woos-ter. T. Puncheon. James F.

Taylor. A sfcHugh. B. D. Best.

Simon TJIlmann, P. R. autcnell. Jt- uoraon. jr.

o. ivlrcn-ener. Malcolm G. Davlea, Meyer OetUna-er, i. Goodman.

William Hicaey. W. W. Crotaers aad Joseph Behalf. CUT Toe petition of A- Goodman, true tee of the Job J.

Wash aetata for leave to eotntsTomiae tax claims against tne estate held by tbe city ef Lsafayetta, last, and the) County ef Tipper a no a tn. the sum tabs, waa dlsralsaid yesterday by Judge Ferris the Prabate Cean-t- Itwaaargoed fully Vy attorneys frees i-i-, ud this the Coiart coo id net and any to supvort tbe claim that the tmet cooad energed wltn soca aa expense. whK would really be for tne benefit of tee nary lesrateee aae eeilsaaa He trustee sncasx pi usee ate tne IKb Uana aa beat be cooid and at petsse an teossabst aad render aw (f aTH AND Jj 8UCCE88 II often hinges upon the adop- if Hon of up-to-date methods. 11 The up-to-date office Is sub- stituting card ledgers for book II we'll explain, or send for 71 booklet 36 describing the II 61obe Card Ledger System tissue lass Cesas. CaS lasts.

Desks. resK- StSOfS IB is Utile sa- scosan- i ..1 OOCPKC Orcat aUrxsJasv coiored. Skirts, Tho' It Pours Be Stylish Comfortable. Our Mackintoshes are fashionable garments, cut in latest styles, in fit and finish, of newest ltbrics and colors, plain or They are guaranteed absolutely waterproof, and will always keep their shape. We have them for Men and Women, Boys and Girls.

rnvca tu nun ctcij rwaiwua LADY 1TTEIDHTTI HIT II LADIES. of rubber, can or aaarees Fourth Street. Tb Tb. Rubber Store. a I Rubber CO.

BURDQE'S SERENADE. Small Bora Made His Life Miserable Far Two Mrbta The small boys of Home City and Delhi enjoyed themselvea hugely at the expense of William Burdse last night and the nls-ht before. Burdae took unto himself a wife on Thursday. It waa Wlfs No. 5.

All of the previous four had died, the death of the last ha vine ocmrrwl flv months un nirh, the small bova cone-rented rn front of Burig, house snd serenaded Mm wun mi pan music, mirage ia aa oral aa i a iiiuunu K.JI me nricnonn wt-ia puiun their Deul out ineir wj heads out of their windows. In anite of the fact that the gentleman for whom th music was intended could not hear, he came out and bribed the youngsters tn go away, giving them a quarter apiece. That was on Thursday night. The news of Burdge'a munificence apread like wild Are among the rising generation of the two vUlaarea. and they descended upon him like a swarm of wasps laat night.

Every old thing that would make a noise, from a tin horn to a battered wash basin, was brought into ac tion, ma tun was isr noisier thin a Wa nertan opera Instead of trying to atop the concert with a Judicious use of money aa ne nan aone tne rugnt oerore. surdge came out. and, as one of the boys aald. "rocked them to sleep." They dispersed under the re they received, but later returned, and only threats on Burdge'a part to shoot sent wfrm bo ineir nomas BURGLAR SCARE8 Folle-w la Rapid aeoceseion om Walnat Bills aad Patrol 7 Hamas Itself. Patrol Wagon No.

beat the record last night about ft o'clock, making two runs In less than 10 minutes and disposing of two burglar scares. A telephone mrssaare that burglars were ln the cellar of the residence of Louts Kunkel on Nassau, near Grand 'reet. called the wagon there on the Jump The burgrar. a venerable black cat, was dislodged from the cellar, when a telephone was received at tbe Kunkel residence from the police station that there waa trouble at a residence on Park avenue, near tbe Kemper lane bridge. Down Naossu street ana up Kemper lane the wagon new.

and an excited woman met Officer Manley at the gate of the Park avenue residence, and point ln; to wagon near by stated that some men had left the vehicle there half an hour before, and she wss sure they were ln her cellar preparing to carry everything sway. Investigation proved that no one was ln tne cellar and the wagon belonged to two men who were moving furniture The patrol wsgon men drew long, deep breaths and drove away. MUST EETTJES 11TEEE3T. Judge Spiegel yesterday modified the en try ln the Hyde Park bond case by requiring the pore base ra to pay back to the village the Internet on tbe bends when they had bad the use of the $72,000 of bonds that had accrued up to November snd the accrued interest on tne S10O.0OO of bond to tne date of the purchase June 13. as the money paid for them bad Been tied up by a ceruned check.

The appeal bond wss reduced te SSu.000. The case wUI be appealed. SCOTT'S EMULSION. Girlsfrom fourteen to twenty are apt to lose color and vigor and spring they are growing, and want more food than they get from their usual fare. Let them have some Scott's emulsion of cod-liver oiL and their cheeks will show it.

WsniaaeeyesaaMbSsayHyeenamv SCCTT aTevTsrte THE M. as THE H. S. POQUE CO. UNIEKWEAIR For Men, Women and Children.

In Cotton, Merino, Wool and 5llk. Hich-i 4 at Low and Popular Prices. Ladies' Imported Swiss Ribbed Merino i a a r0.i Vests, in White, Natural and Black, at i.VU CdCQ Ladies' Merino Combination Suits, i a in White, Natural and Black, at l.JU CaiQ Ladies' Black Fine Australian Wool or closed, ankle or knee lengths, 2 00 EtlCll Boys' Natural Wool Ribbed Shirts or 7 Zr Pi Drawers, sizes 24 to 'M, at 3 CtiCIl Children's Natural or White Merino a a r0 Union Suits, at CdClJ Men's Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers, Brown or Camel's Hair, QQ Men's Natural Wool or Camel's Hair; also, heavy Ribbed Cotton Shirts or Drawers 1 PA ru (full fashioned) lOU CdlQ NOTE We are 'Agents for the following hrands: Ypsilantl. Dr. Jaeger's.

Dermophile shrinkable and Dr. Deimel Genuine Linen Underwear. The H. S. Pogue 20 to 28 West Fourth Street.

MICA AXLE GREASE. akes short roads. that runs on wheels, sVsId Everywhere. a. wy miDiaD on.

or. WANTED. WANTED, 2,500 Feet of IRON FENCING! Municipalities. Park Boards, County Associations or anybody having on hand 2,500 feet, more or less, of Iron Fencing, From 6 to 10 Feet High. Which they desire to dispose of at a reasonable price, would do well to communicate with BUYER, Care Enquirer Office.

FOUNTAIN PENS. aanaeera twSrwT wat BfWrwna CUT1CURA. SAVEYDUP HAIR wrra shampoos or ed Oast dreaarnpof Crncrsi, psrset ef sasot-hastakiacarea Taia steps tmUxnt kair. restora sise aad daeSraff. easthas srrtuiea.

ttchaag surfs nss. srlasalaua taw haw felnVias. eeppoee Ue raoas wtth eearfy aad sasiiasaisai. sad awksa the bair grew ims a avast, wbeJs-mai, saaansy aeals wees all rlaa (alia. sia ninrw rw waris.

rw. So.r. Oir r' -j --r i Ti i a Ssaa aw ae a Ws a taaT FINANCIAL (UTIOXll LAFiTETTE Ml Nos. 1 II aad 120 E. Taird CINCINNATI.

OHIO. U. S. BONDS. CINCINNATI BONDS Aad lasvs CoemeTjimal aad Traveira Ovetta la Steritne tarongh BROWK.

SHIPLXT A CO LONDON. Available tn say sen ai taw werttL THE INTERSTATE. Do You Want to Save a Dollar Or more a month and have them earn If ao, investigate oar plan. rXTsTRBTATB SAVTJfOat IIT'm alE.1T Ot S4. SOS.

SOI, SOT. SIS Naeve BauiaBas. WIELERT8. WIELERTS CAFE. 140S aaal 141 TTae Hiait DINNER 11:30 A.

M. TO 2 P. M. STEAMSHIPS. ta la Fanw Mad a a -a repeat aaT Caiea.

hor SS; Dmrm, Jtov. n.mTmZZ fiSTTS krti fT- "'SwseMara. UL mmTMmUCmmLZr'm7oSmimSmm I.1!1 'aastaa WSa. ec Ct H. 4 D.

hy. I i ajastaaaaaa-saassaei jay all IUUDQ.DCtbqTt- aasS eeSgMeagaMBwaaasai au ms Say as? Pais kl.tL CL stnd light loads. (TjrKEASl satssVood for everythinf ss lassiaa UtOstBT rOOUf CO. Large and Complete Stock. Seasonable Weight.

AUCTION SALES IKUolttu AUCTION SALE IN HANKIU'PTCY I Nine and One-Half Acres (477 Feet Front) on MITCHELL AVE, Near Tower Ave With House and Large Dairy Barn, Opposite Dickson Ave. KALE The H'a'e of Hamilton bounty, ae --Puruanf command of an vr4er for fr 1 f'ourt of Common Pleas to us will offer at public auction, upon 'h Ises, on WEDNESDAY. November jl at 11 o'clock a the following I real estate, situated in Haraiiuir and Btate of Ohio. bng Iot nurr'- (St. aa known ajra 1elenled t.

ef partition aa anale by tba Cocniai In Partition In Case Ne. a. Hi: r. County Common Plesai. referen-e beginning at the northeast comer No.

4. thenoe south two (2 1 twenty-nine 2b minutes west lr- dre1 and alsty-ftve and alaty-two dredtha i4 4i feet to the middle ell avenue, tnence south etgh -t degrees and twenty-seven t77 n. n. east four hundred and seventy twenty-five one hundredths along the middle of aaid avoi, north two desreee and minute eavat eight hundred an1 snd sisty-two una hundredths the north line of said tract. th arta-h -meven MT AmMTtomm twenv-iv- minutes west four hundred an! seven and twenty-five 477 25 feet to the beginning -nine and four hundred and eiich' thousandths 44 1I acre same premlaea conveyed to Herman K.

by deed recorded In I wed Book 40. of tha records of Hami.ton being located on the north side senue. In HT BernsM. beT mr-T k- -t road on the eset arid Tower avenu west, and opposite the north terr Dl'kson avcr.ue, liciuae No J2 av -n ue AppraJ-ed at 115 T1 00 To be solrj iri tne case wherairt K1wir' Hi.r,t,l:t. I'haj-les 'rtvsji ui4 Johr ('osTelto, Trustees In Bankrupt' of th tale of Herman Knirt a ban up' plaintiffs, and Herman Kartir.g et a.

lef enrtant No lia 707 Terms of sale i "ah on day of sa.e KIjWAKI" BAhblT" 417 Pike Bull HAKLKfl li kHAS 31 Carlisle JOHN fOSTtLly 41S Pike BullS.r.i Trusteea In Bankruptcy, instate I i--ta Bar.krupt riM Incis r'aas Pike BiMidtr.g. iisna A Wilson Building. Attorneys WALIJI'T Auctioneer. Cham ber of SEALED PROPOSALS. C'BALED PRDPOHA1.B wt.l he -A try the undersigned at the ofhoe liam tO mm 506 Johraatxr Ft.

tr.g, f.lnclnnati. until 12 ot itOSliAY. Icemtr 3 1Sj purchase of bonds of trie VL.age wood. Ohio, for sum of S3 S54 to pay for the Improvement cf nue. frum Wtliiauns to Huoerin bearing date October J4.

lilOO. i.V In aqua! Instailmenta ln 1. 2. 4 1 and 10 ye.r rrapectlveiy (tha Vie liinjla Vie rA ti A I r. a.

aeaament In anticipation of whlc laaued la paid In cmmhi. with on at the rate of six per cent per Baid bonda will be aotd to the hir der for not keee than tneir par right being reserved to re a bida Aa a guarantee of good h-'. required to tnciose with their pr certified check for five per cent of i'm amount of the bonda payable to of the Village Cierk Bids must be seaUed aad InVrae for gpeocer Avenue Bonds arxl a' to E. WICHGaP. Norw -rA tJEALED PROPOSAL will "i by the undersigned at the eff -lam Collma.

Room Vit. i ing. Cincinnati. Ohio, until 12 of MONDAY. December a.

purchase of bonds of tne wood. Ohio, for tbe sum of fl i44 to pay for the Improvement of -J from Norwood aver. ue to nee, bearing date October 31. V' abis tn equaJ natal i men ts In 1. 7.

a 9 and 10 years respertlv-aiy of the bonds may be redured 'J saaaeaament In anticipation tf sre Issued la paid In cavah tbereon at tbe rate at sU per j-i- P'' num. 8aid bonda win be soid to in- dsr for not leas than their par rlarht being reeerved to rec- 4-1 As a ruarantew cf good fal'h rajqulred tnciose w.K ejsrtifled check for live per "ti- amount of the bonds payavble of tne Village CVerk TmAm mi Ke sauilawl mil for Oak Street Bonda." airi adV W. E. SEALED PROPOSALS w. by the andersigned at liasn Cot Una.

Room SOS Johru Cincinnati. Ohio. unUl 12 of MONDAY. December 3. 1' pvrchaae ef bonds or tne n.

wood, Ohio, for the asm of VI a te pay for tbe construction Montgomsry pike. Northaid 3m. and 7enesy svenuea beanng catc hmr 14. 1SU0. and payable in meets X.

2 4. 6. 7. ar-JJ reapertivaaiy (the amount of the be reduced tf part of the sseam it "aid the ene Ma lau than their par rtirht beaog rssas-esd to reject al a siarantw. of good faith derara rsquireal to Inciose with pc-, t- eartined check for five per cent of ths amount of the bonds payabts tu toe S.

tndd addr-edto -e---i -Sa vr-.

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