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The Daily Plainsman from Huron, South Dakota • Page 4

Huron, South Dakota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-j-IT'S A GO i It's a success. It's' a sure 'tiling--our plan of busiifess, Honest, high, grade quality, at the lowest prices. Cour riion- worth every time. That is fair. That is correct.

That is true business methods. jOur customers will say we serve Athena well and proper--jwhy shouldn't we? They have, due confidence in our goods. They have tried them and inow they are not wanting. We have plenty of gooids-- well bought and at the Hght time. We want to make the acquaintance of all people hav- ing never dealt with us.

We can do them good. Our cus- tom ers will speak a good word foi us. Once given a trial our goods "will speak for them- seives. Our, house was the first to adopt low prices in Huron-- it has kept it up--it will al- ways remain in the lead. Make a note of that.

Considering the quality we handle and the low prices we make, it's no wonder we sell the most goods. That's what we are iiere for-- that's what we are going to re- main for. Watch and isee'if we are not right. have the best line of cloaks, the best the most stylish and! the best make. We can supply the la- dies, the misses and, the chil- dren.

Bave sold more cloaks than any other house in the city. Will continue doing so, as long as ours-last. ISvery one who has examined differ- ent lines, knows why. We have the kind that pleases. 'Gome and examine our goods --dry goods, notions and cloaks Wei to shoivv oiir goods.

We will treat you well and be glad you called wheth- er-yon buy or not. WILSON M. CASH, 345 Dak. Ate. THE WAJTTEli.

A LITTLE family of only three wiint a tar- nished honBe, or house-keeping rooms, for the winter. Call at Hunoitrre dflltf TTTASTED-- Music Bcfiolarg; vscal or instru- VV mental. For particulars enqaire of ilBS. A. I.

CAKPSHTER, 462 3d street, Baron. 36dtf rpo THE MUSICAL. George Vahdersteen, A Huron, teacher of Piano, Organ, Vio- lin, ViolinceUo and Tocal Music. iOrders by mail promptly attended to. d33tf SCIENTIST-- Mrs.

B. i. Hogers, ithe Ckristian. Scientist and Mental Healer, is stopping witc Mrs. Teeters at the ciiurt house.

d(i2t3 FOB. OOMS Third street orer Sew Drag Store, four doors west of opera house. fl58tf OB. unfurnished rooms. En- quire at this office.

d53tt rpp KENT--A house. Enaiiire 'of A. W. Wil- marth. OOM EXT--Good sized, well famish- ed, front.

closet, at GluE. 8d ytrset. HAVE several new houses to rent cljesp. C. over Huron National Uank.

musical treat, is in store for the people of Huron. On Tuesday evening of iiszt week, in the Congregational eh arch, a concert. i rare excfllance given. Prepa- rations are now being made and a program prepared that can -not fail to please. Besides several of our more prominent singers and musi- cians there bo present some from abroad, is safe to predict that.

the concert, -will bf of a high order of eiscelSenco. Syrup of Figs Is Nature's owir true It is the most easily taken, and the most effective remedy kiiown to Cieaiise or Costive; to dispel Headaches, Golds, and Fe- to Cure Habitual Constipation, lBdigestio0, Piles, etc. Manufactured Only bj? the CaiiforBiaFigSjrup San Francisco, California. For sale by D.K. Bryant Co.

C. Baldwin died at his home in Belle Prairie towiiship, at seven o'clock Thesdsy morning. Mr. Basidwin had been sick several weeks of "malarial fever; was known to many of our citizens as an industrious man and" good citizens. He was buried on Wednesday.

Go to Store for any kinds of Bfepcls Trpe seeds and bird seeds asperiaiiy. AL. Bystrom wears a handkerchief aboat'hh neck. "Not because of a boil, bat because Dr. Alford removod fatty tumor from the back of AI's neck about tbe a walnut.

A J. White Co. sells choice gro- at Sowvflf prices. d59H5 HURONITE THURSDAY, 10, 1887. AT the special election for alder- man in the 3d ward on Thursday, to fill vacancy occasioned by the resig- nation of F.

V. Bartlett, which oc- curred two weeks Leslie Dur- ley received 84 votes, and John H. Miller 71 rotes. HUROHITEMS. Jubilate tomorrow night.

G. W. Meyero of Sioux City is in town. Gen. Pease has gone home to Waiertown.

C. J. Beach of Montrose, is at tha Dakota house. Corn social in the Presbyterian church tonight. Seymore Fisher of Brookings was here on Wednesday.

Mrs. Hull has gone to Chicago to remain several weeks. Lew Johnson's colored Minstrels in the opera bouse Nov. 16. Goart Clerk Lynch of Sully county is in the city for a few days.

W. D. Lee of Wheeling, West Vir- ginia is registered at Wright's. Miss Anna Wood has gone to Faulkton to remain a few days. L.H.

Hole of the Dakota Farm Mortgage went north today. W. C. Braly of the general land of- fice came in from the wast today. H.

J. Ackerman -and L. H. Paige were Wednesday visitors from Min- neapolis. O.

Zimmerman, C. F. Gianc and W. J. Leavitt of were at BLent'n today.

Capt. N. K. Van Husen of Brook- ings is in the city at the Ferry house for a few days. Eli Johnson of High more got his Thursday dinner in Huron, then went south to Hawarden.

All the delicacies to be served at the social in the Presbyterian church tonight will be prepared from corn. An assistant landlady arrived at the Dakota house this morning. Mr, and Mrs. Dinneen are her grand- parents. Ed.

J. Miller and wife will celt- brate their first wedding anniversary this evening, by giving a party to feir friends. you are reminded that yoa are wanted in Grand Army hall to- morrow night. Regular meeting oi Kilpatrick Pest. J.

K. Allen has returned from Chi 'cago and- reports having had very good success with the Falgetter fire escape for which he is agent. Smith is changing his residence from Wessington to Huron He has purchased W. F. Ingham's property, corner of Utah and 5th streets, and is moving into it with his family.

George Miller received word on Wednesday, of the death of his fath- er which occurred in Lyons, New York, that-morning. Mr. Miller de- parted for Lyons on Thursday to attond the funeral. Mrs. Robert Lowry and her daugh- ter Bessie departed 'for Davenport, Iowa, on Wednesday, to remain till after'thfi holidays.

were ac- companied by'Mis3 Carrie Suits, who will also remain soveral weeks. If you are suffering with weak 1 or in 1 flamed eyes, or granulated eyelids, you can be quickly cured by using Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthening Eje Salve.

25 cents a box. Sold by Si. Blount. tf MAKING of i i patrlck Post- No. 4, are making ar- rangements for their fair to bs give a the week preceding Christmas.

A committee to have general superv sion of the fair has been appointed by the Post, and also one by the Re- lief Corps. The first is composed of E. T. Langley, Dr. Walton, E.

Thomas, J. E. Huffman and Asher I 1 Pay. Tne committee from the B.O- liftf Corps is Mrs. E.

C. Ferry, Mrs! J. E. Huffman, Mrs. E.

T. Langley, Mrs. E. M. Thomas, Mrs.

L. P. Teet- ers and Mrs. Morrison. These committees will moet Friday evening to talk over plans and ap- point sub-committees and prepare for work.

Brace Tip. are feeling your appetite is poor, you are bothered With headache, you are. lidgetty, nervous, and generally out of sorts, and want to brace up. Brace up but not with stim ulants spring medecines or bitters which have for their basis very cheap, whisky; and which stimulate you for an 'hour, and then leave you-'in worse con- dition than before. What you want is alterative that will purify' your blood, start healthy action of liver' and i kidneys, restore your vitality, and.

give health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at C. y. Diirand's drug store. 'A THE WONDER OF HEAUNG! dflo for thU Cold in coutiinB tha cnmtiva properties of the jEExtnct; our IVMnl Hrringo imnhjablo Jfortwe in catarr- bal affections, fi simple Inexpensive Bhenmatism, Neuralgia.

tton has cnredoo if these distress- Ing complaints Hemorrhages. Koae, or from any cauee, tfspeeOSlj controlled stopped. proniptly. Itla-a sars cure. May IB dangerous.

For Blind, Jtlefttimg 1 tho greatest kuowa remedy. For Sores or Open WounU itsaotlonupoullioBajamostrcjiiarJubblo. EXTRACT The genuine has the vxrds "POND'S EXTRACT" blown in the and mar pictmt tradmar'fc on surrounding frujT wrafpcr. A'ont ctJitria genuine. Always iwttot on hatmg POSD'S EXTRACT.

fTaJxnoother preparation. ASO TOrtET ARTICTLZS. $1.00, $1.75. Catarrh Cure- 75 Plaster 25 Nasal Syringe 25 Medicated 25 Family Syringe, SI.OO/ LATOT3, read pages IS, 18,21 and 28 of onr New bottle. POND'S Toilet Cream 4....1.00 Dentifrice 50 Salvo Toilet Soap(3 50 Ointment 5 0 NS SKSI OK JLFPLICAUGS xa "POND'S 'EXTRACT 14 "West 14-tE St.

Te-w Tork. POND'S A I It's remarkable specific action upon the affected parts gives it supreme control over Piles, however severe. Also for Burns, Scalds, JEruptions, Salt Eheum c. Testimonials from all classes prove its efficacy. Price 50c.

Sold by aUDruggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. Put up only by KHD'S EmACT 76 5th K. T. The Vote In This County. VOTE OP BEADLE COUNTY, NOT.

8, '110 111 112 113 60-109 110 111 112 113 61-103 110 111 112J 113J 62-10fi! 110; 111; 112: G3-10II 110 111 113 Gi-109 110 111 112 133 C5-10U 110 27 30 11 33 25 43 29 20 13! I in; 18 49i 42i 15! 17; 12 53 s.a rm met 2d Dist 27 so; t'O 80' -11 47! 1M 23 IT 0 1'J '3 iy 31 Com Com. in; so. i 4 0 S3 eCi 13: 11 ii; i3: iC WRIGHT -BLOCK, THIRD STREET. COMMENCING- ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10th 9 1887, We will enclose in EVERY parcel of goods bought of us. ONE CERTIFICATE of PURCHASE issr, They are to be returned endorsed by the purchaser.

To the one-having, the largest number we will giveFIVE DOLLARS WORTH of any goods in stock, To the one having the next largest number THREE DOLLARS WORTH of any goods in stock. And to the one having the third largest number TWO DOLLARS WORTH of any goods in stock. Certificates explain themselves. Rev. S.

MOle, the new pastor of tbe Congregational church, will ar- rive-here with his family on the 22d. Members of Co.C are beginning to wonder why they do not receive pay for their time at the late encamp- ment. BORN. In Huron, on Thurs- day morning, Nov. 10, 18fi7, to Mr.

and (Mrs. Maurice Dinneen. a daugh- ter. A TOCKG man at Waterloo a fine psurran, bookkeeper and clerk, hon- efit and industrious is desirous of securing a situation in Huron. Ad- dress Cii G.

this office. M. C.i'Thimmesch makes a fine dis- play of in one of the windows his confectionery store, 61tf LIGHT and heavy harness, blankets, robes, buggy mats, at Bryant Brothers, south of post-office. 50tf Large supply of school books re- to-day at Blount's. finest line of pure Preserves, Jellies, Apple Butter and Mince meat in Huron at A.

J. White Co's. That is what WE give yom in For toilet goods and druggist's sundries go to Blonnt's. C. M.

Harrison loans money on Eluron city property. Office over Huron National Bank. tf Tpu can't miss it if you choose any of the brands of cigars, Sultana, Bcs- cobel, New Traveler, Bouquet or WhiBtler, at Blount's. A Very Valuable Work. Earth, Sea and Sky; or Marvels of the Universe.

Being a Full and Graphic Description of all that is Marvelous and Wonderful in every Continent of the Globe, the World of Waters and the Starry Heavens. This magnificent work, which com- prises three books contains 329 line engravings, is a vast treasury of the Marvels of the Uni- verse. In the first part the reader is car- ried back to the antediluvian world, and is shown those races of animals, DOW extinct, whose enormous sizes and uncouth forms render'them more remarkable than luiy existing species of animal life. The action of fire lts, agd Gents' Furnishings, UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, Men and Boys! For every Dollar you spend with us at the 1 Goods sold at WHEAT PRICES SHOES AT. COST! Proprietors of the oldest Clothing House water in the birth of oar globe is ful- ly set forth, together With terrible destrnction ea.n.~;.!d by earlbquskos a ad startliijg' pheuomona of vulcauoes, The is as ally as the Beautiful engravings of every variety of

shells, c6i-al gruwrhs and all the wonderful products of the ocean, are 'found in profusion. Tbe huge cuttle fish, sen serpei shark, angt'l tish, as well as rare crea- tures of great beauty, whicl. the au- thor calls theButterniffi of the Ocean, togftLer trith oiean disai-ters, ail. to tlu? Is kead quarters fcr Do yovi suffer with catarrh? You can bo cured if yon Hood's Sar- flaprtrilla, the great blood pnriiier. Sold by all druggists.

THESE real estate transfers have been made by P. B. Lyon within the past few days: Kfisiderice projwrty of W. F. Inxharn on Utah street, to Dr.

Wm. H. Smith of Wessingtoti; resi- dence property of G- C. Culver, on Utah street, to Johnson of Hu- ron; tho Steven Biacktnpr farm of 160 acrsfl eight miles southwest from Huron, to Jacob of Johnson county, Iowa. An Elegant Substitute For Oils, and all kinrls of bitter, nnnsttons livpr medicines and cathartics is the very agreeable fruit rempcly, Syrup of Figs.

Its advnn- aro evitlpnt--it is more pasily i.aken, morw accptahle to.the stomach. pleasantly- effective and truly bei.i'eficial to the systotn 'than any other remedy. by leading physicians. For sale by D. K.

Bryant Co. 2' Very brilliant and eoterhinnE tSie description of the sky. tli comets, placets, ituminerabk- hosts of arsatui other bright objecis which aopear iu the iinuament. We cordially oomuiend this book to onr readers ISio one can obtain the information, it contains spending ten times its and much and labor. Hei-e it is given in a single volume, which is issued at a low price.

This is the only complote of the kind in print, and should be read by every intelligent person. It is published by tbo Pub- 1-shing Co', of Philadelphia, Chicago and St. Louis. The work is printed on iine paper, and contains 864 large octavo pages. It is embellished with 329 superb en- gravings by the best artist, and the price is only per volume.

Hundreds of books have teen con- densed in this superb volume of th.rill- iag adventures, startling discoveries and miraculous aehievenipcis. The golden grain has beon cnliod n.nd garnered, and the chaff rfjecteb. itie result is a.briliianv, array of all that is marvelous and wonderful in pvt'ry land, in the mysterious depths of ihe a a in the illuminated heavens. This valujihle work is sold by sub- scription only, and Mr. 0.

F. Smith, vho is the authorized agent for this sjeHon, is now canvassiBg for it. Blank Books, Hne and Plain Sta- tionery, Tablets, Inks, etc. Sole agent for the celebrated London Iiican descent Pens, by far the best steel pen on the market. ro addition to pzi.pei oxo- finest in.

Oent-r-al Dalcot tt..

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