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The Daily Plainsman from Huron, South Dakota • Page 4

Huron, South Dakota
Issue Date:
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Koute. Ket North fiiet Sonth Arrive. 7-03 a. m. a.

m. 11-25 ti. m. 4-3) p. m.

Clote. 4-10 p. m. 4-15 p. m.

T-(X) m. 19-10 a. m. Depart. 4---0 p.m 4- .5 p.m T-ia a.

10-10 a. Mall arrives from the east over the 0. Jt N. W. By.

at a. except Mondays. Mali leaves for the East over C. N. W.

By. 3:30 p. dally eicept Sunday. Mall arrives over tne Great Northern Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 11:30 p.m. Mall leaves on the Great Northern Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satnrdays at 7:30 m.

BT1OE nOCTBS. jlall leaves for Lakeside. Lawrence, Wlnthrop, Ladelto, Irvine and Frankfort on Mondays, Wed- nesday sand Fridays. Arrives from same points on Tuesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays. Mall arrives from and leaves for Ooodell.

Mede. Cornell and Wooneocket, on Mondays and JOHX LoNosTArr, P. M. I'AKTICL'LAU SOTICE. All notices of church fairs, suppers, sociables, meetings of civil cards of thanks, obituary notices, will be charged for at the rate of five cents oei line.

11UUON ITEMS. Mrs. A. Pickler is in the city for a few days. Mrs.

E. C. Elson arrived in the city today, Tuesday, from the east. Register Bailey of the Pierre land office was in Huron over trains Tues- day. State superintendent of schools, Cortez P.

Salmon was in Huron Tuesday. Col. J. Dove was in Huron Tuesday from his country home in the northeast part of Beadle. Mrs.

C. H. Cranmer of Aberdeen was in the city Monday, taking part in the W. C. T.

U. meeting at tho Methodist church Monday evening. Clark Osborn is just putting the nnishiug touches on his much im- proved and beautiful home on the corner of Fifth and Ohio streets, by a handsome coat of paint. D. Whitcomb, one of the promi- nent farmers of south Hand connty passed through Huron Tuesday morning enroute for Waterloo, Iowa, called thpre upon a telegram from his sister, stating her husband was dangerously ill- Eight distinct reportn of a bhot gun iu the neighborhood of tho Schuyler farm 2i miles northwest of Huron, about o'clock Tuesday morning looks as though everybody would wait until the 1st of September to shoot prairie chickens.

Major A. V. Liebeu of Pierro, who has just been appointed Indian post trader at Forest City, passed through the city Monday returning home from Washington. Mnj Lieben dur- ing his stay in Huron employed Wm. A.

Lynch as his attorney to adjust some legal business in Pierre prepar atory to his removal to Forest City. J. J. Junnson on Pay's place has 10 acres of rye and 10 of barley in shock Saturday night. Rye good.

Barley a little short. The following oflicers were elected for the ensuing year at a meeting held in the Methodist church Mon- day evening by the W. 0. T. U.

em- bracing the city of Huron: Mrs. George Nutter, president; Mrs. H. L. Loucks, corresponding secretary, Mrs.

W. E. VanAmbnrg, assistant corresponding secretary. -Daily reports of an encouraging nature continue from the hospital authorities at Ceder relative to the condition of Joseph H.Alexan- der. The report this morning stated his condition to be so favorable that he was taken out into the fresh air to enjoy good breathing spell.

W. H. Hou-De-Bourke accidently fell from the top of the stairs on the outside of the old St. Elmo restaurant building on Dakota avenue Monday night hurting himself so seriously that he had to be conveyed to his home 1A miles east of Huron on a stretcher. The injury to Mr.

Hon- De Bourke is not dangerous, but bad enough to confine him to his home for a few weeks. Charles Hall, State agent of the German-American Insurance compa- ny for Minnesota and South and North Dakota, was in the city Tues- day adjusting a loss of $700 on the building formerly occupied by George Longstfifl'and destroyed in the late fire. Mr. Hall did but little investigating, and went right to work with Mr. Harris the owner cf the building and affected a settlement, paying the face value of the policy.

Bowman, deputy com- o.issioner of school and public lands was here Tuesday on his way to the Sisseton Indian reservation. He re- ports that Iowa parties and others are herding several thousand head of cattle upon school lands in that lo- cality. These lands have not been leased and the commissioner pro- poses to make intruders pay for the hay or vacate the lands. Referring to the trouble in which many coun- ties are involved regarding the loan- ing of school money contrary to law, Mr. Bowman said: "In some in- stances there has been total disregard for and the instructions of the commissioner.

For instance, one man borrowed over on prop- erty assessed at only S900. Other almost as bad have come to light and a thorough investigation will be made. The state will lose nothing an bondtmen for the ofliceis in counties where securities are insufficient will be held re- sponsible for all deficiencae. The law is very plain and dedans that loans shall be made only upon fifty per cent of the assessed valua- tion, and in no case shall loans ex- ceed 5500 to any ono individual. It may require some months to get the mutter sirnightened out, but it will be done us rapidly HS possible, and no mure loans i be made i the present troubles ure satisfactorily a First National STATEMENT L'lciuc at St Lawrence.

The Presbyterian and Congrega tional Sunday Schools of Huron will hold their annual picnic at St Lawrence, Thursday, July 27th. A special train will leave Huron at 7:30 a. m. A reasonable number of those not bslonging to thesa Sunday Fchools, desiring to attend the picnic can be bccjrnrnodated at rates mentioned-- but cannot promise us to auy detonate number us the ascomoJations are limited. Tickets for round trip one dollar on sale at Risdous, and Bliss' Stores and of the who hlso have that mat i charge.

A SWEET potato weighing twjnty-srjven pound- 1 raised at tnd a lobster weighing twenty pounds, raised out of deep water oft' Atlantic- ville, L. are the latest cnampion heavy weight odiblea. PARIS lias a landlord who docs not object to children; in fact, the more the merrier, ho thinks. His apartment house is on tho Rue Griset, and only married folks, with children, are re- ceived as tenants. When a birth occurs in tho house the mother receives from him ton francs, a fowl, and a supply oj coal for the winter.

El'OUT OK THE I I of The Firm National Unnk, ut Huron, in the State of South Dakota, at the clote of an the 1-Jth day of July, Baking Powder: 832.07 UKSOUKCES. Loane ind Discounts Overdrafts S. Hondr to secure circulation 4 per cent 20,000 00 U. S. Honds to kccure deposits, at 4 per cent 00 Securities, etc 11 Due from approved reeerre agents Due from other Nat'l Due from State and private bankr-asd bankers Ifil 7S Banking' House 00 Furniture and 1'ixtiires The only Pure Cream of Tartar Ammonia; No Alum.

Used in Millions of Homes--40 Years the Standard A POLICEMAN in Russia is authorized arrest a man whom he tbiuks if thinking of going off somew to join a band of conspirators and plot against the life of the Czar. He can think this of an old man of 80 or a boy of 4-- rich man or peasant--of man 01 woman, and this is one of the reasons why the average Russian tries to look as if he did not know enough to think. A CI.AUSK of the 'age contract between the lato Dr. Hcliliemnnu and the Greek girl whom ho mndo his second wifo was to tho olio that she should improve her knowledge oi Homer by learning and reciting fifty lines of tho Iliad nightly. Schliemann, when telling the storv hia friends, always Raid that neither tears nor en- treaties ever induced him to let her ofl a single line.

TIIK Southern Lumberman says: It is estimated that 7,705,000 poles are reqxiired to carry the telegraph lines in the United States. Thin figure does not include the poles tued for tele- phone, electric light, lire alarm, and district messenger linos, etc. The poles used are chiefly cedar and the growing demand for poles of this kind ought to be explanation enough of the constantly appreciating value of all cedar lands. A DIAMOND recMace formed of a single row of euo nous solitaires sus- pended from er gold chain set with little dium each a marvel of purity and brilliancy as -well as adorns the show-room of a Paris jewelry store. This splendid ornament was to have formed the Chistmas gift of ono of tho partners in the banking-house of Baring Bros, tc his wife, but when misfortune befell the firm the necklace was left on the hands.

It is valued at 000. Tin: now novel on which Thomas A. Edison and George Parsons Lathrop have been working conjointly will prob- ably be ready for tho press January. Mr. Edison has taken tho keenest inter- est in the work, and in drawing on his imagination has hit upon a number oi clever electrical devices which ho has considered it worth while to patent.

Other Ketate hnd morl- owned Current Expenses and Taxes paid Premiums on Bomla for Cir- culation Check: 1 and othercai-li Kill? ot other lank; Specie, Coin Silver Friic. silver coin Lcj, al tender Redemption with U. S. Treasurer, (not mere 5 on lli.Oiu Co 10,000 110.10 wo.oo 11,115 b6 SCO 00 Total I I A I I I Capital (tock paid in 73,000 00 Surplus Fund 15.000 00 Undivided Circulating notes received from Coeip- troller Is.OOO.lA) I i i a deposits subject to check 62.00:. IS Demand Certificates of de- posit Certified Checks United States deposits Deposits of S.

olllcers Dun to other National Hanks. Due to state and private banks ind bunkers Total deposits. Interimtioiiiil L'mlrsiiig A coursinjj meeting open to the vvorkl, will be held on October 1SIKJ, and fol- lowing days at Huron, South Dakota. The stake will lie for sixty-four grey- houniU or less, with a proportionate de- duction in the winnings if the stake does not till. The running will take place on the prairies near Huron.

Huron is situ- ated on the Chicago and Northwestern H. twenty hours from Chicago. The fare from Chicago to Huron is It is expected that arrangements will be made with the railroad company for a rate of one fare for the round trip. Ex- cellent hotel accommodations can be had at Huron, at 82.00 per day. Greyhounds from abroad will be entered at the port of New York, free of duty, through arrange- ments made by the committee with the customs authorities, and may remain In the United States for six mouths.

The meeting will be run under Nation- al Greyhound Club rules, which are sub- stantially the same as the rules of the Na- tional Coursing Club. Judge, Mu. Hoiv- OEH D. WILLIAMS, of Lexington, Ken- tucky; Slipper, JOHN BKETT. The Columbus Cup, for sixty-four or less, all aged greyhound? at SoO.OO each, to which will be added SrJ.OuO.OO: winner.

00: second. third and fourth, each: four dogs. SSO.U) sight dogs. each. The Columbus Purse, for thirty-two dogs beaten in the first round of the cup; winner.

second. third and fourth, -SCO. 00 each: four dogs, each. The Columbus Plate, for sixteen dogs beaten in the first ties of the Cup: inner, second. two ilosrs at 840.00 each.

The entry fee is 10 per cent will be deducted from the winnings in the Cup and Purse, nnd 5 per cent from the winnings in the Plate, for expenses. Nominations may be taken upon payment of 825.00 each, at any time prior to Sep tember 1st, 1SU3, on which date the bal- ance of entrance money will be payable. Nominations may be sent to J. HEUHKHT WATSON, Chairman. 2(5 Court Street, Brooklyn, New York.

J. HERBERT WATSON, lyn, New York. U. PRICE. Topeko, lias.

A. J. CATTANACH, Denver, Col. J. R.

DICKSON, Snn Francisco, California. HORATIO, NELSON, New York City. Total 3atS.706.S4 .1. Mackenzie, Casbler of "The First Nntiunal Huron," do solemnly swear thut tho above statement is true, ta the best of mj knowledge and belief. J.


1 U. K. TiiL'MiiowHii, s- JNO. II. State of South Dakota, County of Sworn and eubt-cribed to before i 17th of July, IE'J'1.

ED. J. MILLER, (DUAL) Notary Public. Seeking List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Huron, South Dakota, postof- fica for the week ending July 16, lined A. Ulckson Lillian Dletrick John Farrell Larry Harris John MairresMra.

S. .1. Plocker Mlis A. V. Blnijham L.

D. Duly John Mrs. Everett E. S. Given E.

E. a i Wxon Th- B. Wlleon Dr. Parties calling for the above will please say "advertised in the HUKOSJ- ITE," and give date of publication, and pay one cent at the stamp window. JOHN LOXGSTAFF, P.

M. A Valuable Remedy. Brandreth's Pills purity the blocd, stimulate the Liver, strengthen the Kidneys, regulate the Bowele. They were introduced in the United States in 1835. Since that time over sixty millions of boxes of Brandreth's Pills have been used.

This, together with thousands of convincing testimonials from all parts of the world, is positive evidence of their value. Brandreth's Pillis are purely vege- table, absolutely harmless, and safe to take at any time. SECRET SOCIETIES. 1. 0.

0. F. James River Lodge, No. every Monday night; in I. O.

O. K. Hall. S. M.

WEST, Sec'y. Star Encampment, No. 10. I. O.

O. F. meats on the and third Fridays of each month; in I. O. O.

F. Hall. U. .1. HICK, Scribe.

Huron Canton, meets on the second and fourth Fridays of each month; hi I. 0. 0. F. Hall." Col fax Lodge, D.

of R. No. meets filrst and third Tuesdays of each month; in 1. O. O.

F. Hull. WUOD3IEX. Eucalyptus Camp, No. 4C5, meets first and third Thursdays of each month; in I.

O. O. F. Hall. F.


WII.OE Clerk. K. F. Syracuse Lodge, No. K.

1'. meets Tuesday night; in Castle Hall. S. NicKKi.r, A. ROUIXSON, C.

C. K. of U. S. A.

O. Huron Home Loilire, No. 17, A. O. meets second anil fourth Thursdays of each mouth; in I.

O. O. F. Hall. S.

31. C. II. DAVIS. W.

M. Sec'v. A. P. A.

Huron Council, No. 1, A. P. A. meets 1st Sunday and Thursday of each month; in K.

P. Hall. A. SecV. A battle occurs between troops and Mohammedans in Buriuab, caus- ed by a British magistrate forbid- ding the sacrifice of an ox men are killed.

Many Com Wlien Traveling Whether on pleasure bent, or busi- ness, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figp, as it acts most pleas- antly and effectually on the kidneyp, liver and bowles, preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sick- ness. For sale in 50c. and bot- tles by all leading druggists. Man- ufactured by the California Fig Syr- up Co. only.

The Canadian government is rob- bed of hundreds of thousands of dc- lars by bridge contractors. In cases where dandruff, s.calp dis- eases, falling and grayness of the hair appear, do not neglect them, but apply a proper remedy and tonic like Hall'e Hair Renewer. Whether Pasteur and Koch's pecu- liar modes of treatment will ultimate- ly prevail or not, their theory of blood-contamination is the correct one, though not original. It was on this theory that Dr. J.

U. Ayer, of Lowell, nearly fifty yoars ago, formulated Ayer's Sareparilla. Sis men were killed and seven others terribly burned by an explos- ion in an iron works at Magisburg. Saxony. For Over Fifty Years Mrs.

Winslow's Soothing Syrup has used for children teething. It snotli'-- the child, softens the jiums allays all pain. cures wind colic, and is the be-t reiiK-h for Diarrha'a. Twenty-live cents a bottl--. SolU by all throughout tb world.

A resolution to boycott the World's Fair was rejected by the National Union of Christian Endeavor socie- ties, in convention at Tiffin. Ohio. FOR RENT, Furnished Rooms. Store Room on Dakota Avenue with Counters and Shelving. Offices and Suits of Rooms in Hotel Building, With Steam Germany has broken off the ne- gotiations with Russia for a commer- cial treaty.

"Wouldn'tbe without it for worlds!" was the emphatic declaration of a lady in reference to Ayer's Hair Vigor. A union of French-Canadians and other Catholics in the urged by ex-Premier Quebec. Dominion is Mercier, of The people quickly recognize merit, and thia is the reason the sales of Hood's Sarsaparllla are continually increasing. Try it. ron Heat.

Also Dwellings. Respectfully, 0. E. BRTANT. Salary or Commission To agents to handle the Patent Chemical Ink Erasing Pencil.

The most useful and novel invention of the age. Erase ink thoroughly in two seconds. Works like magic. 200 to 500 per cent profit. Agents making per week.

We also want a general agent to take charge of ter- ritory, and appoint sub agents. A rare chance to to make money, Write for terms and sample of eras- ing. Monroe Eraser Mfg. boi 415, La Cross, WU.

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