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The Indiana Weekly Messenger from Indiana, Pennsylvania • 5

Indiana, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LOCAL CORRESPONDENCE MM 0 0 0 Vw IV AA -F 0 0L 1 I t' im PHILADHLPHIA AND TIVTM STS Baeveinea The Bolivar High School held their epmmMwement exerolsee Thoradar and Friday nighti of lael-wsek nym Are ginorid The i Methodist ehmoh overflowed Db Tinker of the church made tl iuvooatfam and Hon Bobbins gave the addraae of the evening Friday evening ex-JndgeHarrv White gave the addreei to the following graduates: Agnes Roberta MeiyBiohard-Edna West -Pearl Rom Com Adania Earl Hixon Oharbw Hendricks Hammond William Welsh Theodora Barker George Septer and Austin Dynn Mtss Boberta was the val-dioloriaiii WUliani Wdih ttMidml of the olMj Anstin LyiT tSito and Earl Nixon prophet The Bolivar sobool board wss prbnd of toe nooses of the pupils too remit largely of the work of the faithful teach engaged hy them hut-fall The bmprd to oompoeed of Messrs Berks Ji 3 Dell Hammond Hammond I RoMneou aiul William Wynn -r Nothing like putting more power when goods are already moving a buying mood these brisk May Mys We are making special efforts to haye this business surpass last month's Read the trade puQlng specials we are offering this week to keq the Price Cash a busy place Buying: for cash and selling for cash are the reasons we can quote these low a trial order makes a -v --Special No 1 r- TUT A T1 Mi A Trvrti i-'-t-i Bebnwl for Forwlgnora -For the pant year or more the ladles ot tha 0 haws wanted to do some work nmoug the foreigners who are at Indiana nod who arc soon to become eitixens sad bare xrnxoh to do with helping to make or mar the laws that govern our good old state Then was always such a lack of mean to rent a hell in which to hold school that little could be done Through the kindness of Tiffany who reulixes probably that then are different ways' in which home mb-ion work oen be done the ladies hevd seonred the rooms above Dr Jamee HemmenVoffloe adjoining tha fi eiraroh at such a rental aa enablae them to hold a night school for foreigners There were three preeent the last eren-ing and others ean be indnoed to some Even these three will be well worth teaching for they ean start aoirole of ln-flasnoes infinite in its possibilities Friends who are interested in tha condition of these people ednoattonaUy spiritually or otherwise will eonfer a fn-or by speaking of too school to these bettor acquainted with our language and our laws and tone help on the good oanat We are not urging this because it is a branch of work but beoanao of too needs of these people who have oome to our shores The school is under the ears of Annie Given and Ella Thompson- who me willing to give their time and sr-iixfh free of charge Anyone dorirlrjg ja help with money for literature or books can give to either of these iadbM-V I a -Ura' Mnrray Gatbrin of 8chboi street has iwen at Atbiulio Oity tat SBveral wetke ior -thB-benafll ot her alth'f U' -J TOM AT OE Solid packed3 pound can Regular price-12 1 -2c: This week 10o K-r'-i15 Large Wid soili fhe kind that sells ior25cHW TJilsweek per dozen 20c '-Special No 4- TFT rW 0 -r -J Vari Brand 3 pound cians Reg-yi ular price 10c a cani This week 3 cans 25c '-t i i 'C v- i Special AVY BEANS ew ork handpicked Extra qual- sS--v'- ltyiRegular price 5c i pound This week 7 lbs 25o i' Special and I Another nice Invoice of stands tables! and pedes-! talsyylll arrive Wednesday pair 'Thursday' Jheprlcei seems low to us' Mt as it' is bur third shipment from one house all withiri six weeks we got an inducement which will pass along to you at 3 Buttermilk and Glycerine Soap-3 cakes in a box No- 5 No 6 This week 3 cakes 10o Ses mr oonntora brim foil of houxehold srtiols that yon ara needing drily Carpet brooms beat in the market at 25o 80o and SSp Dost pang the kind that lasts Eo lOo Rolling pins two different styles lOo and SOo Vj' S'' Potato Mashers four different styles at Sc and 10c i V- ''i-Vis 2 pp: t-f 1 1 tpf rf pT i T1 it 1 Carpefs'iistlll selling at the lowiigures 55c a yard ior all 1 3 pair arid others dowri jo 25c a Large spoerna granite tin and wooden I Mflll IA i' and 10 Eo Mrs sad irons 8 in et yard You Will miss a bargain 11 oii get one or more -v Regalar jprice 5c cake A JOHN i EVERYTHING GOODS Manager K'l -hxr-v A- i ft Galvanised or tin' milk buckets 10 quart eixe yonr ohoioe 25c Floor mops two different stylee each 'v! -Sfie Granite dish pans idling rapidly at each 25o So add 10 counters bright with bargains 1 v' ril tly toe tone Give ns a call andxee CUNNINGHAM i-i Hi- Dm he crmrti Haf Mra High eekool on Tharedej mlcM wm ten edneational often XNrtjfimpNiMivminMtHtik Im Intarertlnt thronihoafc The Aral raanel social xndheaoaet at the alumni of Iht Hih school wm held latte opera boom Friday nih every oao catered a evening tartmamdill Mm Maude Aadsnoa being the oatirar FDavie wm tar and a namber of good toeota were given MaCeaeV erchmlira famished oteo ThanfceUdlngef tte Peon railroad la dollars Thla work will greatly laomaeebate-aeesharoMttta will ba haadquartara at tha oonlnetan and tha baM at wppUee lt to probaMa wo wOl hare larira railroad mope ewe in the near fntere aadthtomay be tha and of tha ran from Conway to Altouoa Prof Killer tha aaalalant prlntepal of oar public aehool left for othar parta TaaadJ Tha la a royal good fallow and arlll greater aiatad by mora than theyoong aao LereUteeGarmral will open Thnraday bar-ln boan poatponad from bfaoutaof ihaibowa aoi Jfn la Telle gave a ahow hara laat fallaadwa ara aaaarad St praMat ata fa partly aoparior to tha former oaa Naxt mat tha exhibit in Ponxeatawnay Bavaral thooaand Jaborart will mow ba at work on tha rariaian of tha West Penn BrrBhertif of tha Baatlil weeks' aao turned a ftnr taredapoa Ur wc popular gentleman aodallr Tha Union Boom aiodalad aad aaarly tarnished and adinafewdaya Thla hotel wiL modarn lmproramapta -and ia without doubt tha baet equipped hoaae in theeoeaty M- s-f 'ft- aaiAaatrao r-AWaot hat brahontaa aamad'1 Taraar of mot with an aoeidaathaio Friday raaultod in the kna of Ua righting haa been ttaronghly ra-torntahedand tollDoaptefc rhia hotal will ban all tha Freeport mot night which rai below tha kaea Id lory to tha left i nan hoapital in 1 Irrin ioaoreing mo grand Juror in tha Ui diatiiel aourt at Pit thia George Erick of BlainrriUa area rMting hie daughters Bra Jamison and Mia Balia Deer laat weak Wllliord of Apollo wm traaaaeting here toot Friday MiMBdaa Doughty wm home from Blair-tille few dayeloat week -1 Mia Harriet BleMe haa rotumadfnpB aria-It aarang Indiana reiatiroa and Manda TohaTlrrin of Itirport OUawm a gueat at tha home of hia aiatt bSTwT weharde laat wash mc sjw One of tha foroignara drownad bore aatne time ago waa found floating near Bdritaat Thoraday aad wm brought bare and buried la ihaCatholio aamatery -v- BdPreatof MoDooald rWted hia arothar hare laat Huaday John Dunean of Oneatburg aad William of Apollo rial tad thair mother near town Huaday J- Oreen hM aold hia atora and newupaper touta to Waddell of lirermore Or JA Barkor wm tranMOtlng buiaaM la Pltlaborg laat weak Jonaihaa Whltaaatl of Montreal -Canada' wm a reonnt rial tor among friends here Unde Puadoaberg of Plttaborg ihhtd her rulstire llr Uairdreoenllr Mania MoOotfaeU of IIarrlaourg re-turned laat weak and will oocupjrkie old homa-rtMd on lha farm tblo aummer The family of 8 Paareo who hare kpent tha winter la Barriaburg bare ratursed to tludr Baltriwrg -ft Bobert Htewiirt of Philadelphia who aoine earn ago wm a roHdent of Baltabure wm bora uabotia1 Xlfti VrrKa JUilWIlB' DtUKUBa wlUCJI Dll mm ar will to oeeupMiooa Dj Jt IL Mo Philimy JUBioMaaggra Mrafi- 0 fiarritof Alleghany taroending a few weeks with bar aiottaar Mrs Airanna widow of tha lata Wm Htansrt of Bast Mahoning lira Btewari in in poor health Mrs M- Wynooop of aaer tawa i erlll-mUt Ul 1 'VhabaHar'aUdfMtirul bald hy tha ladUa of tha Preabytarlanehurch netted the aooletyUO Bar A Ball tif Sallaharg will preach in Presbyterian ohureh at this ptsoa nan iBabbath tha lath 'f flan itarnmorof at if anient to tha BK going to boa eap ba saouredaon- McCormick ia moarning tha Iom of a loginnid Kdltor Qrlfflth a hog for fear of tabiaa The dogi had baan on a tear a few alghta pro- acted in -a queer manner "An ouaos of pro-rontian Is worth a pound of and as a precautionary matter tha aoi seemingly afflietad with rabtaa were kmad a Bo-yard ordarad all dogs shut up or tied for days to await furthar daralopmanta Doga found nanlng at largo will bathoh' Thari tho way to dobntlnam and Marion Oedtorpeo-idealwayido things tha rigbtway-jV Bit hoi Bakar of Mills It rogudlac affw days with her mother htr i MnuMoaN Oraanrilla ia yiriUag bar daughter Mrs Bd Boehaaan Mrs of Barriaburg hM ieturned homaafter aoouplaot waakr rialt -with bar BsSsMalnSSISd apant Batourdaywlth her riater Kra Walter lUeoim of naar la- -H'a-' 1 noaadlthal Maduof Clyde made a short trip to tha Valley laat Priday Bd Buchanan haa begun work on hia bow Mra Adame and family ut Wahrnm' war thenMte of daughter Mra Ber JT VTrl-tink hi broilhar-fn-iaw tWpball of near Indiana this weak Nana Hood wm tha gueet of har grand Mra Uaria Hood of Homer owBatorday -Themapy frionda of Mim May bxnrtor marly of this plaoe lata of Homer woroapny to hear of har death Mr and Mrs lower hara the sympathy of tho people in tUa riotalty Wiw 'c' A Hugh of Booth Pork hM baan employ 3d by the Garfield Plre Clay Co Mra Joaach visitor SoaoAj Wm Button of BoUnaon wm a raosnt caller inMru njainln Cable Jr: aad Mra Hiiny BlnlnriUaburi- "DimMlHte-SaS Mra Baaroal Haptoaria-ited Mr BapiBe'a parenta of near Centarrills of South Pork hero where they will make their John Bui aored to future homo don Istant "Q-lbBBloSSnof Ills apantSatui day aad Sunday with hM itwr Jronof KjSyjShteHbraor anddhterLMayuwbo MMral weeks ago mnrad to Bprlnfflald Ohio are now loentedln Johnatown Kkmdyha antertainod a wry aoatal gfriharing of yoong people Saturday mdiig 'raffj wm Bay IilnVl-f-1- afaydeeU itor an Saturday JDUTIUJ jtUl out one tall jnat whan thay Thenrinen of thla place strike aad it la luted to I will resume work Bor NieholaonhM morad to hia nsw rad-denoa nn Bodkey Bill Satty andittla grandaon and Mary a Barr of Indiana rial tad mother Saturday and Sundiy Mr aad Mra Georgs Cola morad here from BigUr hare who rsoantly itba flqMtram- NaghHaaala tho happiest man taMiQriBu Ha has a Ug boy that wlU aoon ba ablo to oall Wo! am bM flauhadaa addition to tho boarding bouse of Mrs MeDarmost Oran wkldowaoa riaitad at tba boaia of Da-rid Dick on Sabbath dOOBOIf Squire Waters of Bheneburgririted hia auatTMiu WllUama orar 8abbath Oaorgo Lutmaa Jr ia ooaflnad to hia room with an attack of ty phojd pneuaionia Tho Lnthoraaa are mahlag preparation for i fjxa ipv By rirtua of oartaia write of PL fa Vend Bx aad tor Pa teaaad out of tha Court of Common PlaM of Indiana county and to directed tharewill bo azpoeed to publier due or outery at thoQourt Hoitm Indiana PauaaylTaiia(m 'Vi''-: A-' tty" Vr SiOO O'CLOCK Mm tho following rihad 1 atetatowit il'' All tho right title iatar-t and of tho BUB0BKI of ia and to tkat tela pieea or bum! of ground baing io Blekard'a Date Baalm town- Britt b' faht 1 fwaat iImip (wkL through landaoTmilp Bandar jthanoa tha aad feat to Una IhanM 110 feat to plaoo of baginalng haring non oraotedanramo house of aad stable BaoepUngand warring all tho atone aoal and other minerala underneath aald da-aoribedli artteor-wife to Htaaraa Ufcd fadran la exeeution at suit of Qaorge Kronok PLpa-No Jane TanajitW- i All tha rltfLtNUa interact aad elalm of thadafaadanta BMXLWOOD and HAST Of in aad to all that tract of land rituate la tha ihlp ot Grseo oouaty of Indiana and of Panaay Irania bounded on tho aonHt 3y lands of jiT Blwood on the won by Alexander Learn and John 8impaou oa tho north lands of Hoary and on tha aaat by lands of MargareS Hamlltoo and Abraham Crawford containing Uf aerea moaa or lean togetharwith buildings tbaroon oroetad being asms te sonrayad to Bilwood by John Bllwood by agrsemsnt dated February 18U1 and reoondad ra Deed Book rol 87 page 181 also by agnamant dated Maroa 1'ltOxand raoordedln Daed Book A roL TA page Ml Hnring thereon areata frame bank bam two frame dwelling and a wagon shad sd soma fruit thereon growing jv-Taken In execution at salt of DMidBhir PUPs No Jobs Term HOB AtHGeAU tho right titW interact and elalm of tho dofaudant -r i 4 of in and to all that oartaia traet of land ritn-ata in township of Ora an oounty of Indiana aad State at rsnnaylraaia bounded and do-aerlbed fblknra: Beginning at a poet cor ner of Qaorge Wanganum John Learn thanoeby lands of John sad William Laarn and otha rs math M7 8-10 to a post by lands of William Laarn south waat HO tn a stone thence by me south Tporabas to a post theses by same south 86X degrww east 1818 to a poet thanoa hy land of John Bnrnhalinar want ail 1U hastoa post: tbaoeaby asms sooth tt feat oa poeti thanoeay -lands of John Dick waat S5-IU perohaato post- thanoe by lands of ohn Diek Joseph Plemlng aad Bamaei Mo Combs north s) land of Samuel 88-t a port thaooa by land of ohn Dick Joasph rUmlng aad Haaiaai Ms Ooraba north 808 to a aalrthooibr MoComba wte 84 10 iwrohea John Unoaplicr 47 parohea to a pant by mu north 84 aaat 84 to a peat thaaoa (v iand of Qeorga Waugaman aaat mf-tuparehaa to a poat tiaa place at beginning containing 1U aeraa enacted a frame houea and frame atabla axoeptng and racarriag all that certain of land (being part of ton above daaoribod traot) oonrayed by Hart and ji dead) smiwiiifl in tha mnnrtftr't aocw5 ilk pageBLeoil aining 01 aerea aad' UL warehae adJotniBg la of Jacob UBeapker-and otharaalo ox- in cxaeutioB at oult of David Blair SlTf Fa No 24 June Term 1808 i i RfiAfE AHU MljAlE Abo aold ob Ft to No Juno Term 1808 ButlM ABU BbAIB All the right title and claim the defend aa to WILLIAM BHIBLDS and HABAH a bHSBLDB' bb -wif rf at ia aad to all that oartaia plaoe or parori rf bad riMate aad lying in Banka towaahiu Iadi -ana eoonty and Biato of Poooerlraala bound-ad and draoribori foUoara qgtaiilng at a poat thanM by Holland tnet STfl aaat 180 toaebaotnntoafc thaaoa by lot No 6 at HoUaBd traet NojU aonth 141 panao te a ohaatnnt oak (aloM) thanoe by lot No I at aaato traot waat HO perciMo to aboeoh thooro Waat aortk 141 perokm to AEZfe first bad bad traet Ntt bain tha oomo tract of irayed to noaus Painter hy William and Painter mra dal laving tbaragp Takaa ia axeentioa at anit Dr Mte Oolteugn Lar Fa No 87 Jtu- Tarn f- A JACK Abo at aolt of AMeCliue bm pfThotiltl- National Baakcf Big Boa VL Fa No 81 Jbbb Tana 1806 aOuMumymAx AFiauax Abo at ault of A MoCSbuwFL Fh No 82 JnoaTarta 1808 OnaxiraaAM A Fixaxm Abo at ault of PimxaatawBay Natioeal Bank (a awparaUanLFL Jh NaMJut Ani lNt Jacob LFimhmb Nonoa--Any paraoa punduulng at tha bora oale will plaaaa tal 118080 (if the bid boro mi ISOOOBM tb tor ia which Braliaa hia wife by thair iadro rare dated tha 14th day of Amu A 1808 of "the flmtwaek by tho CoSrt for tho eo- JoorL the Mine kaowbdgii lag of dooda i JACOB WETTLIRG Sheriff Shat-UTo Offloe Indiana May U08 tea Itaka 17 WOlism Maney fireman on too RueiilT railroad waa taken ton Harrisburg hospital but week guttering from IS separate and diatinot Jnjnriae all ae-verereoetved In a oollhrionHera la the liat ofMib injoriee Fracture of the right log fraoture of left leg fracture of third fourth and fifth rib fraoture of toe collar bone free tore three bones in right band dlxlooation of right write laoera-tfamaof scalp laoerattona of faoe general oontnaiona over entire body iImnc Fiwm Bla WaaderiBga Frank FenUing of New Flommr who myiterionly disappeared three montba ago haa retnrnea home He olaimh not tobavaoome to bimeelf nntil one night instheatraat Boston listening to a play he bad seen and heard one time with hia wife at Pittaborg Hia mind cleared and be at onoe faced homeward stopping at Philadelphia to aao Bar Pershing who jmoompaniad him home ED i V'ni'rw-? Hamainlng uncalled -for tu the Indiana offloe May fi 1B08 1' Hurbert Adame Miss Jennie Byers Mrs Belle Oonlter OlJVed A Delmont Mra Marin Grove har lea Jamison Mira Iua Kline Mery Fred Piokri Sarah Peddioord Mrs Oelie 8 Howe Mn Millie Bay Mrs Emma fimithr Mn Eva Myrtle Shaffer Steele Trosse Mrs Vernia Thompson George Stott Frank Aliposioi Laura Lenar Josip Fnrince Vs! When Inquiring far latter to this list state that they -wen advertised giving dateJir-Vw-' -i y- JAMKi GMoGrxoorP -rY -tl STEVIWC 31 Sixth Street Indiana Pal' IN WASH IS LBADINO PUNHRAL DIRECTOR v-v4 '1 Alue1V 4 -rn- 4' 2 The Wallace? Dry Goods Cos line of White Goods never was so good and prices are very reasonable Our line of Persian and French Lawns 45 inones wide at 22 and £5o up to no snch values to be had as we are selling 7 'm: win AND SILKS than the James 1 With toe three beet Funeral Can in two black and one beet and Casket Wagons all new beet hones and harnaM in Indiana oounty and tha beet and largaat stock of Caskets Bobes and funeral paraphernalia au new we lwve ooubtodad to make some radical seduotion in prioes We will foruUh Black Crepe Cloth Caskets trimmed with satin lining six handlM and plate for the $4000 Caxkata -v a White Plnsh or Black Brosdoloth Oaskstfrimmed with six handles eatin lining and pillow and plate for the EOOO Casket The $6000 Casket trimmed as above for $4000 The 86600 Casket trimmed aa above for $48 B0( Tbe 7600 Osaket trimmed as above for $4760 White or blaok doth drop side Oasketa with rsised lid lined with ratin and pillow and plate long bar- extension the $88 Casket $60 $100 Couch Caskets white or black $60 $125 Oonoh Oaskets an yoolor $7B The price of Caskets far ohildran disooanted sboat 60 per bent' Grave vaults from $25 np to $75 The above pricy an for the beat line of goods on the market Fnnersl from train to cemetery $6 Funeral from train to bones and than to cemetery $10 V-vV-V: Theabovoprioeeinolnde embalming of body! use of door erepe rags gloves fonerri oars ohxlrs services at funerals etc Above prices are for Indiana and adjoining townships scksonville Medraa-iosburg Clymer OhambersviUs Ernpst and Orsekside and are sohjeot to a dis-opnnt of 10 per oant or eaab In (W days Your to oommand t- i BRESS GOODS It is wonderful the amount of Dress Goods that canbe sold if you have them! at the right price No better fCi'r Dress Goods made HEWRY leading ndertaker 10 VvAv town We have them Ourlihe of 30 "si lj 7 1 inch Silks in all colors at $1 per yard No better values tie he had than we are selling i Y' A-i 4 enjs utfitti 1 Store Proprietors 824 Philadelphia St lndiana Pa- We sell arid Boys' Furnishings only' and give all our time to securing the best grades of these goods Suit Shirt Neckwear or Hosiery From our stock means the best to style and quality that can be bought We outfit little boys the young men and older men with goods that" will give service and sat- isfaction at prices within the reach of alL See Our Spring and Summer L'f SHAFFER KELLER For Can earn as much money as men and easier work For further information write Box Indiana Pa Jd bTnd over Sabbath Alliooo Buterbauglt and wife iwero gwele of friMids ud Dcauiihdiocsi WMdDj lut wet YouafU a buy John Stephens wm a bnrinop visitor at bd MarMntawn waa at MWMtotoneBtbb bg whita at work late week hip booming Fetor Smith working at Sprooo thb MwhSL Ct' wind rain and baUatorm we nnq.

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